Nordisk symposium om banning Nordisk nettverk for banning ("SwiSca - Swearing in Scandinavia") arrangerer åpent symposium om banning og banningens funksjon i de nordiske språkene i Niels Treschows hus, 12. etasje. den 5. november kl. 9.45-15.30 Møtet er åpent for alle interesserte, men de som vil ha lunsj, må melde seg på til Rikke Elisabeth Hauge <>. NB Begrenset antall plasser! Foredragene er dels på engelsk, dels på skandinaviske språk! Det samme vil gjelde i diskusjonene. Presentasjonene varer ca. 30 minutter med 15 minutters diskusjon til slutt. 9.15-9.45 Kaffe og registrering 9.45-10.00- Velkommen og introduksjon 10.00-1045 Erik Falk, Uppsala universitet: Några svenska förolämpningar i språkhistorisk utveckling I ett historiskt perspektiv har svordomar sitt ursprung i den medeltida kyrkans eder och förbannelser. När dessa talhandlingar togs utanför det religiösa rummets väggar utvecklades de av språkbrukarna till svärande, till expressiva uttryck med en annan innebörd än kyrkans deklarationer (Claridge & Arnovick 2010). På ett liknande sätt, menar jag, har konfliktladdade förolämpningar sitt historiska ursprung i ett annat offentligt rum, nämligen i det medeltida tinget. När brottsanklagelser, bevisprövningar och domar togs utanför den juridiska institutionen av språkbrukarna utvecklades dessa språkhandlingar utan rättsligt stöd till förtal, förolämpningar och efterhand till expressiva uttryck med en helt annan pragmatisk funktion än domstolens deklarationer. I min avhandling om förolämpningar i universitetsstaden Uppsala på 1630-talet (Falk 2011) driver jag tesen, med stöd av de empiriska resultaten från domstolsprotokoll, att den ovan beskrivna semantisk-pragmatiska utvecklingen av förolämpningar och deras avinstitutionalisering hålls tillbaka av den muntliga kulturens outbildade talgemenskap och drivs framåt av den skriftliga kulturen inom universitetet med upplysning och utbildning. Den synkrona undersökningen i min avhandling kompletterar jag nu med en uppföljande studie av förolämp- ningar i samma universitetsstad på 1690-talet. Kan avhandlingens tes om förolämpningarnas utveckling bekräftas eller vederläggas i ett diakront perspektiv? 10.45-11.30 Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld, University of Oslo: The types and roles of qualifiers in cursing Cursing are routine formulas with fixed or nearly fixed vocabulary. Cursing formulas consist often of a noun with an adjective which qualifies the content of the noun: svarte faen (black devil). Also other words may act as the head word in a formula, such as nominalized adjectives: bare svarte (just the black), regular adjectives helt jævlig (totally devilish. Several cursing formulas consist of composita where the first part acts as a qualifier, and will also be included. These qualifiers function of course mostly as intensifiers, as in svarte faen, where a black devil obviously is scarier than devils of other colours. Other types of functions are also to be found, e.g. euphemization or modification in other ways. Which lexemes are used as determiners is to some extent restricted; especially frequent are certain colour names. Also words qualifying the results of actions that are supposed to find place in hell are quite frequent. The different kinds of qualifiers have been investigated in Norsk Aviskorpus (Norwegian Newspaper Corpus), which means that most examples are used in published language. Some of the qualifiers are also found in oral corpora (Big Brother, dialect corpora etc.). 11.30-12.15 Kristy Beers Fägersten, Södertörns högskola: What’s so funny about swearing? An analysis of English and Swedish swear words in Swedish comic strips In this article, I propose to investigate the non-native use of English swear words and native use of Swedish swear words in the comic strip context. This study builds on my previous research on swearing and the use of English swear words in Swedish (Beers Fägersten 2007, 2012a, 2012b, 2013). The article will extend my research to investigations of whether English swear word usage competes with or complements Swedish swear word usage. Significantly, I will investigate the role of swear word usage in the comic strip context, in order to determine the relationship between swearing and humor. 12.15-13.00 Lunsj 13.00-13.45 Minna Hjort, University of Helsinki: “Two million viewers startled by ski jumper Ahonen’s swearing” – Notes on swearing and moral panic in Finnish tabloids Swearwords and other taboo expressions are relatively rare in news texts; when they appear it is mostly in reported speech, as swearing is potentially newsworthy. In my presentation, I want to give you a glimpse into how and why swearwords find their ways into the news and headlines in Finland. The material studied consists of a collection of news articles from the past eight years, most of which are from tabloids. They are stories where either someone’s use of coarse language is the news or where swearwords otherwise appear. I am particularly interested in the texts where the discussion on swearwords in valueladen in some way. I will also test the applicability of the theory of moral panic, as applied by McEnery (2006), to the material under scrutiny. I address the following questions: what kind of language and whose use of language gets attention in the media? Who gets to swear and who doesn’t? How is the discourse of disapproval constructed? What kind of typographical means are used in disguising (or accentuating) swearwords? The material contains many signs of moral panic discourse; swearing is clearly a topic that is subjected to it. However, there are great differences in how genuine such panic is in the end: on the one hand, there seems to be true worry for the language of the youth but on the other hand, discussion on the parlance of sportsmen and other well-known adults typically gets a humoristic undertone and debate dies out rather quickly after a strong first reaction. 13.45-14.30 Marianne Rathje, Syddansk Universitet: Types of swearing in the speech of three Danish generations: English and sexual vs. Danish and religious Young people are often accused of swearing all the time and thereby making the language bad. In my PhD thesis (Rathje 2010) I have investigated young people's use of swear words as compared with middle-aged and older people’s swearing in the speech of three generations of Danish girls and women: Do young girls swear more frequently than older generations, do the generations use different types of swear words, and do young girls use more English swear words than the older generations The study shows that the three generations use the same amount of swear words when speaking - but it is different types of swear word that they use (cf. also Rathje 2011, Rathje forthcoming). Young Danish girls use English swear words and expletives from the taboo area "lower bodily functions", whereas the middle-aged and older Danish women use Danish swear words, rephrased swear words and religious swearing. I also compared the use of swearing in intragenerational conversations with swearing in intergenerational conversations to find out whether the participants change the amount and type of expletives when the interlocutor's age changes. The comparison revealed that the generations use the same types of swear words no matter who they are talking to, that is regardless of their interlocutor’s age, but the three generations all swear mostly with young people. In my paper I will also touch on what my results may say about language change and age grading. 14.30- 15.15 Ulla Stroh-Wollin, Upsala universitet: Från ”Ta mig fan om jag tänker stanna här” till ”Jag tänker tammefan inte stanna här”. Grammatikalisering av svenska edsfraser I studier av svordomarna i 45 svenska dramer från 1700-, 1800- och 1900-talen har jag sett att användningen av en svordomstyp som jag kallar edsfraser genomgår en utveckling. Idag är det vanligast att edsfraserna uppträder som modala adverbial inne i en sats, se följande exempel. Han håller sig ta-mej-fan alltid framme. Ja, det ska min själ bli skönt. Men så har det inte alltid varit. Med edsfraser menar jag svordomar som – tagna bokstavligt – innebär att man är beredd att utlämna sig åt fan eller att man sätter sin själ i pant om man t.ex. inte talar sanning. Detta märks tydligt i de tidigare dramerna genom att edsfraserna ofta föregår om-bisatser, alltså ” Ta mig fan om …”; ”Min själ om …”. Utvecklingen från denna tidiga användning av edsfraser till den moderna, satsintegrerade går över flera steg och kan karakteriseras som en sorts grammatikalisering. Det är denna process som föredraget handlar om. 15.15-15.30 Oppsummering/avslutning Påmelding til symposium inkl. lunsj sendes til Rikke Hauge, seinest 2. november 2013.10.25 Symposiet er åpent for alle interesserte så langt plassen rekker!
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