AVENGERUNDERCOUNTERDISHMACHINESERIES TECHNICALMANUAL INSTALLATION,OPERATION&TECHNICALMANUAL ELECTRICALLYHEATEDMODELS: February10,2014 P/N07610‐003‐34‐01(RevisionP) AvengerHT AvengerLT JacksonWWS,INC P.O.Box1060,Hwy25E Barbourville,KYUSA 1.606.523.9795 www.jacksonwws.com MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY ONE YEAR LIMITED PARTS & LABOR WARRANTY ALL NEW JACKSON DISHWASHERS ARE WARRANTED TO THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER TO BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP, UNDER NORMAL USE AND OPERATION FOR A PERIOD OF (1) ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF PURCHASE, BUT IN NO EVENT TO EXCEED (18) EIGHTEEN MONTHS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT FROM THE FACTORY. Jackson WWS agrees under this warranty to repair or replace, at its discretion, any original part which fails under normal use due to faulty material or workmanship during the warranty period, providing the equipment has been unaltered, and has been properly installed, maintained and operated in accordance with applicable factory instruction manual furnished with the machine and failure is reported to the authorized service agency within the warranty period. This includes the use of factory specified genuine replacement parts, purchased directly from a Jackson authorized parts distributor or service agency. Use of generic replacement parts may create a hazard and void warranty certification. The labor to repair or replace such failed part will be paid by Jackson WWS, within the continental United States, Hawaii and Canada, during the warranty period provided a Jackson WWS authorized service agency, or those having prior authorization from the factory, performs the service. Any repair work by persons other than Jackson WWS authorized service agency is the sole responsibility of the customer. Labor coverage is limited to regular hourly rates; overtime premiums and emergency service charges will not be paid by Jackson WWS. Accessory components not installed by the factory carry a (1) one year parts warranty only. Accessory components such as table limit switches, pressure regulators, pre-rinse units, etc. that are shipped with the unit and installed at the site are included. Labor to repair or replace these components is not covered by Jackson WWS. This warranty is void if failure is a direct result from shipping, handling, fire, water, accident, misuse, acts of God, attempted repair by authorized persons, improper installation, if serial number has been removed or altered, or if unit is used for purpose other than originally intended. TRAVEL LIMITATIONS Jackson WWS limits warranty travel time to (2) two hours and mileage to (100) one hundred miles. Jackson WWS will not pay for travel time and mileage that exceeds this, or any fees such as those for air or boat travel without prior authorization. WARRANTY REGISTRATION To register your product go to www.jacksonwws.com or call 1-888-800-5672. Failure to register your product will void the warranty. REPLACEMENT PARTS WARRANTY Jackson replacement parts are warranted for a period of 90 days from date of installation or 180 days from the date of shipment from the factory, whichever occurs first. PRODUCT CHANGES AND UPDATES Jackson WWS reserves the right to make changes in design and specification of any equipment as engineering or necessity requires. THIS IS THE ENTIRE AND ONLY WARRANTY OF JACKSON WWS. JACKSON’S LIABILITY ON ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS OR SERVICES COVERED HEREUNDER, SHALL IN NO CASE EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES OR PART THEREOF WHICH GIVES RISE TO THE CLAIM. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING FOR FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY, THAT ARE NOT SET FORTH HEREIN, OR THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DURATION HEREOF. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL JACKSON WWS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, OR FOR THE DAMAGES IN THE NATURE OF PENALTIES, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY OF ITS PRODUCTS. ITEMS NOT COVERED THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER CLEANING OR DELIMING OF THE UNIT OR ANY COMPONENT SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WASH ARMS, RINSE ARMS, RINSE ARMS OR STRAINERS AT ANYTIME. NOR DOES IT COVER ADJUSTMENTS SUCH AS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO TIMER CAMS, THERMOSTATS OR DOORS, BEYOND 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION. IN ADDITION, THE WARRANTY WILL ONLY COVER REPLACEMENT WEAR ITEMS SUCH AS CURTAINS, DRAIN BALLS, DOOR GUIDES OR GASKETS DURING THE FIRST 30 DAYS AFTER INSTALLATION. ALSO, NOT COVERED ARE CONDITIONS CAUSED BY THE USE OF INCORRECT (NON-COMMERICAL) GRADE DETERGENTS, INCORRECT WATER TEMPERATURE OR PRESSURE, OR HARD WATER CONDITIONS. Revision Letter Revision Date MadeBy ApplicableECNs Details A 05-02-07 MAW N/A Release to Production B 05-22-07 JDD 7920 Changed Schematics to new color scheme 29 08-06-07 MAW 7930 Updated Avenger HT Incoming plumbing supply C 10-07-07 MAW PROCESS Added Avenger LTH designation. Added 480 Volt Avenger HT 11-20-07 MAW PROCESS Corrected 480 Volt Avenger HT Components 47 & 48 1-31-08 MAW PROCESS Updated Installation instructions. Replaced LTH with LT designation. Added vacuum switch assembly D 9-18-09 ARL 090902-1157-CW 090902-1201-CW Updated Plumbing to show soldered pipe and new valve E 02-08-10 RLC 8151 Added fused universal timer as alternate in assemblies F 05-05-10 RLC 8157 Changed Squeeze tubes in HT peri-pump Assembly G 06-18-10 RLC QOF 385 H 04-13-11 TC/LN DEV 11-14 I 09-12-11 CW QOF-386 Adjusted timer programming chart J 02-09-12 RC 8215 Removed Bottom Panel from pg 50 K 04-18-12 RC QOF-386 Added Energy Star logo L 06-07-12 RC QOF-386 Added Rinse Gasket Assembly (pg 38) M 03-11-13 RC QOF NDB-219 N 05-17-13 RC QOF-386 Update wash/rinse tank capacities O 7-24-13 RC QOF-386 Updated amperage charts and corrected Table Heading P 02-10-14 MHH QOF-386 Updated manufacturer warranty. Removed “Stop” page. Corrected P/N on Ball Valve assy, pg. 40 Updated LTH schematic Converted to publisher format, made LT Heater an option.. to HT Plumbing Update Jackson logo, and company name. AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01) NOMENCLATUREFORTHEMODELSCOVEREDINTHISMANUAL AVENGERHT AVENGERLT AvengerHT=Hightemperature,hotwatersanitizing,withaboostertank. Detergent&rinseaidchemicalfeederpumps. AvengerLT=Lowtemperature,chemicalsanitizing,noboostertank. Detergent,rinseaid&sanitizerchemicalfeederpumps. Model:_________________________________________________ SerialNo.:_____________________________________________ Installationdate:____________________________________ ServiceRep.Name:_________________________________ Phonenumber:_____________________________________ JacksonWWS,INCprovidestechnicalsupport forallofthedishmachinesdetailedinthis manual.Westronglyrecommendthatyourefer tothismanualbeforemakingacalltoour technicalsupportstaff.Pleasehavethismanual withyouwhenyoucallsothatourstaffcanrefer youifnecessary,totheproperpage.Technical supportisavailablefrom8:00a.m.to5:00p.m. (EST)MondaythroughFriday.Technicalsupport isnotavailableonholidays.Contacttechnical supporttollfreeat1‐888‐800‐5672.Please rememberthattechnicalsupportisavailablefor servicepersonnelonly. TABLEOFCONTENTS Speci ications OperatingParameters Page8 NotesRegardingElectricalRequirements Page9 ElectricalRequirements AvengerHT<Dimensions Instructions Page10 Page11‐12 InstallationInstructions Page13‐20 OperatingInstructions Page21‐23 PreventativeMaintenance TroubleShooting Page24 Page25‐26 PartsSection ControlWeldmentAssemblies Page27 AvengerHT480VControlPanelAssembly Page28 ControlPanelAssembly/KickPanelWeldmentAvengerHT Page29 ControlPanelAssembly/KickPanelWeldmentAvengerLT Page30 TerminalBlockBoxAssembly Page31 AvengerHTChemicalFeederPumpAssembly Page32‐33 AvengerLTChemicalFeederPumpAssembly Page34‐36 ChemicalFeederPumpComponents Page37 AvengerHTPlumbingAssemblies Page38 AvengerLTPlumbingAssemblies Page39 RinseSolenoidValve&VacuumBreakerRepairPartsKit/WaterHammerArrestorKitOption Page40 WashMotor/DrainPlumbing/AvengerLTWashManifoldAssembly Page41‐42 Motor&PumpAssembly Page43 RinseArm&WashArmAssemblies Page44 AvengerHTThermostat&RinseTankAssembly Page45 AvengerLTOptionalThermostat&HeaterComponents Page46 DoorAssembly Page47‐48 MiscellaneousDoorComponents Page49 Frame&PanelComponents Page50 MiscellaneousParts Page51 Stands&Components Page52 HTS‐11(ScalePrevention&CorrosionControlDevice) Page53 AvengerGoBoxKit Page54 TABLEOFCONTENTS(CONTINUED) PartsSection VacuumSwitchAssembly Page55 VacuumSwitchAssemblyInstallation Page56 ElectricalDiagramsandSchematics AvengerHT208‐230Volt60HertzSinglePhase Page57 AvengerHT480Volt60HertzThreePhase Page58 AvengerLT115Volt60HertzSinglePhase Page59 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01) OperatingParameters ModelDesignation:AVENGERHTAVENGERLT OperatingCapacity: RacksperHour 2424 DishesperHour 600600 GlassesperHour 864864 TankCapacity(gallons): WashTank 1.11.1 RinseTank 3.0 1.1 ElectricalLoads(asapplicable): WashMotorHP 0.750.75 RinseHeaterKW 8.2N/A NOTE: Always refer to the machine data plate for speci ic electrical and water requirements. The materialprovidedonthispageisforreferenceonlyandissubjecttochangewithoutnotice. HOTWATERSANITIZING WaterTemperatures(Fahrenheit): MinimumWashTemperature 150N/A MinimumRinseTemperature 180N/A IncomingWaterTemperature110 N/A CHEMICALSANITIZING WaterTemperatures(Fahrenheit): MinimumWashTemperature N/A120 MinimumRinseTemperature N/A120 IncomingWaterTemperatureN/A 120 OtherWaterRequirements: WaterFlowPressure(PSIG) 2020 FlowRateMinimum(GPM)0.440.48 WaterLineSize(NPT) 1/2”1/2” DrainLineSize(NPT) 1‐3/8”1‐3/8” MIN.CHLORINEREQUIRED(PPM) N/A 50 PageCreated:03‐23‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 7 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) NotesRegardingElectricalRequirements Allelectricalratingsprovidedinthismanualareforreferenceonly.Alwaysrefertothemachinedataplate togettheexactelectricalinformationforyourmachine.Allelectricalworkperformedonmachinesshould be done in accordance with applicable local, state, territorial and national codes. Work should only be performed by quali ied electricians and authorized service agents. A list of Jackson Authorized Service Agenciesislocatedinthebackofthismanual. Note that all electrical wiring used in the AVENGER series of machines must be rated, at a minimum, for 100C(212F).Furthermore,usecopperconductorsonly. Where applicable, heating element amperage draws have been adjusted for the assumed input voltage. Jacksonassumesincomingvoltageswillbeeither208,230or460volts.Someoftheheatingelementsused inourmachinesareactuallyratedforothervoltages,suchas240or480volts.Alwaysverifytheamperage drawofthemachineinoperationwhensizingcircuitprotection. If your machine is equipped with the optional rinse heater, note the rinse heater has its own electrical connectionandthereforerequiresaseparateservice.Amperageloadsformotorsandheatersarecalledout onthemachinedataplatefortheinstallation/servicetechnician. Theelectricalcon igurationsoftheAVENGERseriesofmachinesareasfollows: AvailableElectricalCharacteristics: 115volt,60Hz,singlephase 208volt,60Hz,singlephase 230volt,60Hz,singlephase 460volt,60Hz,threephase AvailableWashTankHeaters: 8.2KW(standardforAVENGERHT) PageCreated:03‐24‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 8 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) ElectricalRequirementsforAVENGERHT< AVENGERHT8.2kWWashHeater Volts Ph Freq Wash Motor Amps RinseHeater Amps FLA 208 1 60 6.6A 32.2A 38.8A 230 1 60 6.6A 35.7A 42.3A 460 3 60 1.3A 12.0A 13.3A AVENGERLT Volts Ph Freq 115 1 60 Wash Wash Heater MotorAmps Amps 13.2A N/A FLA 13.2A PageCreated:03‐24‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 9 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHTDIMENSIONS WALL A - Water Inlet - 1/2" Female Pipe Thread, 2 1/2" AFF (Connect to a true 1/2" ID water line) B TOP LEGEND: 9 [40mm] 116 1 [32mm] 14 A B - Electrical Connection 253 8 [644mm] 233 4 [604mm] C - Drain Connection - 10' coiled drain hose. Shipped inside machine. Must be installed no more than 24" AFF. All dimensions from floor can be increased 1" with adjustable feet supplied. 5 [423mm] 168 Door Open 3 [615mm] 2416 FRONT BACK 1421" [368mm] DISH CLEARANCE 5 [84mm] 316 B 5 [846mm] 3316 A 1 [292mm] 112 7 [22mm] 8 1 [105mm] 48 C *Alldimensionsareforreferenceonlyandaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 10 Wall Clearance 1 4 [6mm] AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERLTDIMENSIONS WALL TOP LEGEND: B 9 [40mm] 116 A - Water Inlet - 1/2" Female Pipe Thread, 2 1/2" AFF (Connect to a true 1/2" ID water line) 1 [32mm] 14 A B - Electrical Connection 253 8 [644mm] 233 4 [604mm] C - Drain Connection - 10' coiled drain hose. Shipped inside machine. Must be installed no more than 24" AFF. All dimensions from floor can be increased 1" with adjustable feet supplied. 5 [423mm] 168 Door Open 3 [615mm] 2416 BACK FRONT 1321" [343mm] DISH CLEARANCE 1 [89mm] 32 B 1 [292mm] 112 5 [846mm] 3316 A 5 [110mm] 416 C *Alldimensionsareforreferenceonlyandaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 11 Wall Clearance 1 4 [6mm] AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS VISUAL INSPECTION:Before installing the unit, check the container and the machine for damage. A damaged container may be an indication there is possible damage to the machine. If there is any type of damagetoboththecontainerandtheunit,DONOTTHROWAWAYTHECONTAINER.Thedish‐machinehas been previously inspected at the factory and is expected to arrive to you in new, undamaged condition. However,roughhandlingbycarriersorothersmayresultindamagetotheunitwhileitisintransit.Ifsuch a situationoccurs, DONOT RETURN THE UNIT TO JACKSON. Instead,contact the carrier andask them to send a representative to the site to inspect the damage. You should request that an inspection report be completed. You must contact the carrier within 48 hours of receiving the machine in order to report possible freight damage. You are also encouraged to contact the dealer through which you purchased the unit. UNPACKINGTHEMACHINE:Themachineshouldbeunboxedand/orremovedfromthepalletpriorto installing.Openthefrontdoorandremoveallofthematerialsfromtheinside.Onceunpacked,verifythere are no missing parts to the best of your ability. If you discover a part is missing, contact Jackson immediately. LEVELTHEDISHMACHINE:Thedish‐machineisdesignedtooperatewhilelevel.Thisisimportantto preventanydamagetothemachineduringoperationandtoensurethebestresultspossible.Theunitcomes equippedwithadjustablefeet,whichcanbeturnedusingapairofchannellocksorbyhand.Verifytheunit islevelfromfronttobackandsidetosidepriortomakinganyelectricalorplumbingconnections. PLUMBINGTHEMACHINE:Allplumbingconnectionsmustbemadetoadheretolocal,state,territorial andnationalcodes.Theinstallingplumberisresponsibleforensuringtheincomingwaterlinesare lushed of debris prior to connecting to the machine. Note that chips and materials from cutting processes can becomelodgedinthesolenoidvalvesandpreventthemfromopeningorclosing.Anyvalvesthatarefound tobefouledordefectivebecauseofforeignmatterleftinthewaterline,andanysubsequentwaterdamage, arenottheresponsibilityofthemanufacturer. A water hardness test must be performed to determine if the HTS‐11 (scale prevention & corrosion control) need to be installed. A hardness test kit is attached to the warning tag that is attached to the incomingplumbingconnectiononthebackofthemachine.Ifthehardnessishigherthan5GPGtheHTS‐11 willneedtobeinstalled.PleasecontactJacksonimmediatelytohavethisshippedtoyou. WATERSUPPLYCONNECTIONSFORMACHINEWITHWATERHARDNESSGREATERTHAN5GPG: Ensureyouhavereadstheabovesectionentitled“PLUMBINGTHEMACHINE”abovebeforeproceeding. InstalltheHTS‐11intothewaterline(1/2”IDpipesizeminimum)beforethedishmachinelineincoming waterconnectionpointusingcopperpipe.TheHTS‐11mustbeinstalledvertically.Amountingbracketis providedtofacilitatetheventuremeteringheadtothewall.Observeproperinlet/outletwaterdirections. Flow directions are molded into the top of the head. It is recommended that a water shut off valve be installed before the HTS‐11 to allow access for servicing. Plumb from the HTS‐11 outlet to the incoming water connection point using copper pipe (or order the 1/2” ID lexible hose kit offered by Jackson). The water supply is to be capable of 20 PSI (plus or minus 5 PSI) “ low” pressure at the recommended PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 12 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) temperatureindicatedonthedataplate.See“ShockAbsorber”section. WATERSUPPLYCONNECTIONFORMACHINESWITHAWATERHARDNESSOF5GPGORLESS: Ensureyouhavereadthesectionentitled“PLUMBINGTHEDISHMACHINE”beforeproceeding.Install the water supply line (1/2” ID pipe size minimum) to the dish machine incoming water connection point usingcopperpipe(ororderthe1/2”ID lexiblehosekitofferedbyJackson).Itisrecommendedthatawater shutoffvalvebeinstalledinthewaterlinebetweenthemain supplyandthemachinetoallowaccessfor service. The water supply line is to be capable of 20 PSI (plus or minus 5 PSI) “ low” pressure at the recommendedtemperatureindicatedonthedataplate. CHEMICAL CONNECTIONS: Upon irst installation, the chemical alarm will buzz until the chemical feeder pumps are primed. If the chemicals run out, the chemical alarm will buzz until the chemical is replacedandprimedifnecessary.Thebottomofthechemicalcontainercannotbelocatedanyhigherthan 8” from the loor. If the unit is shipped with a 6” or 18” table stand, then the highest position will be respectively14”or26”fromthe loor. PRESSURE REGULATOR: Jackson has provided a water pressure regulator due to areas where the waterpressure luctuatesorislowerthantherecommendedpressure.Insomecases,youmaynotneedthe regulatorandinthosecases,theregulatormayberemoved.DONOTconfuseSTATICpressurewithFLOW pressure. Static pressure is the line pressure in a “no low” condition (all valves and services are closed). Flowpressureisthepressureinthe illlinewhenthevalveisopenedduringthecycle. SHOCK ABSORBER: Also, it is suggested that a shock absorber (NOT SUPPLIED) be installed on the incoming water line. This prevents water hammer (hydraulic shock), induced by the solenoid valve as it operates,fromcausingdamagetotheequipment. CONNECTINGTHEDRAINLINE:Thedishmachinehasapumped(pressure)draincapableofpumping wastewatertoaheightof24”abovethe loortothekitchensdrainsystem.Eachdishmachineissupplied withatenfootlonghose.ThisshipsINSIDEtheunit.Wheninstalled,itwillextendfromtherearsideofthe machine. There also must be an air gap between the machine drain line and the loor sink or drain. If a greasetrapisrequiredbycode,itshouldhavea lowcapacityof12GPM(GallonsPerMinute). PLUMBINGCHECK:Slowlyturnonthewatersupplytothemachineaftertheincoming illlineandthe drainlinehavebeeninstalled.Checkforanyleaksandrepairasrequired.Allleaksmustberepairedpriorto placingthemachineintooperation. ELECTRICAL POWER CONNECTIONS: Electrical and grounding conductors must comply with the applicablepotionsoftheNationalElectricCodeANSI/NFPA70(latestedition)and/orotherelectricalcodes. Disconnectelectricalpowersupplyandplaceatagatthedisconnectswitchtoindicateyouareworking onthecircuit. The data plate is located toward the right front side of the dish machine. Refer to the data plate for PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 13 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) machineoperatingrequirements,machinevoltage,totalamperage&serialnumber. To install the incoming power lines, remove the back panel. This will require taking a Phillips head screwdriverandremovingthetwoscrewsatthebottomofthebackpanel;removethebackpanelandset aside.Install3/4”conduitintothepre‐punchedholesinthebackofthecontrolbox.Routepowerwiresand connecttopowerblockandgroundinglug.Installtheservicewires(L1andL2)totheappropriateterminals as they are marked on the terminal block. Install the grounding wire into the lug provided. It is recommendedthat“DE‐OX”oranothersimilaranti‐oxidationagentbeusedonallpowerconnections. VOLTAGECHECK:Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position and apply power to the dish machine.Checktheincomingpowerattheterminalblockandensureitcorrespondswiththevoltagelisted on the data plate. If not, contact a quali ied service agency to examine the problem. Do not run the dish machineifthevoltageistoohighortoolow.Shutofftheservicebreakerandmarkitasbeingforthedish machine.Adviseallproperpersonnelofanyproblemsandofthelocationoftheservicebreaker.Replacethe controlboxcoverandtightendownthescrews. DISHMACHINEVENTILATION:Thedish‐machineshouldbelocatedwithprovisionsforventingintoan adequate exhaust hood or ventilation system. This is essential to permit ef icient removal of the condensation exhaust. Ensure the exhaust system is acceptable in accordance with applicable codes and standards. Note:anydamagethatiscausedbysteamand/ormoistureduetoimproperventilationisNOT coveredunderthewarranty. SURROUNDINGAREA:This is a commercial dish machine and reaches temperatures that can exceed those generated by a residential machine. Therefore, any surrounding countertops, cabinets, looring material&sub loormaterialmustbedesignedand/orselectedwiththesehighertemperaturesinmind. Note: any damage to surrounding area that is caused by heat and or moisture to materials selectedthatareNOTrecommendedforhighertemperatureswillnotbecoveredunderwarrantyor byJacksonWWS,INC. THERMOSTATS:ThethermostatsonyourAVENGERunithavebeensetatthefactory.Theyshouldonly beadjustedbyanauthorizedserviceagent. CHEMICALFEEDEREQUIPMENT:WARNING!CHLORINEBASEDSANITIZERSCANBEDETRIMENTAL TOYOURMACHINEIFTHECHEMICALSOLUTIONISTOOSTRONG.SEEYOURCHEMICALPROFESSIONAL TOENSUREYOURDISPENSERISSETUPCORRECTLY. Thisequipmentisnotrecommendedforusewithdeionizedwaterorotheraggressive luids.Use of deionized water or other aggressive luids will result or corrosion and failure of materials and components.Useofdeionizedwaterorotheraggressive luidswillvoidthemanufacturerswarranty. NOTE:Thebottomofthechemicalcontainercannotbelocatedanyhigherthan8”fromthe loor.Ifthe unitisequippedwiththe6”or18”tablestand,thenthehighestpositionwillrespectivelybe14”or26”from PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 14 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) TOPREPARECHEMICALFEEDERPUMPSFOROPERATION: The AVENGER HT dish machine is supplied with integral detergent and rinse aid chemical feeder pumps. The AVENGER LT dish machine is supplied with integral detergent, rinse additive, and sanitizer chemicalfeederpumps.Locatetheopenendsofthechemicaltubeswiththetubestiffenersandplaceeach oneintheappropriatecontainer. A. RedTubing=Detergent B. BlueTubing=RinseAid C. WhiteTubing=Sanitizer PRIMINGCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPS: Chemical feeder pumps need priming when the machine is irst installed or if for some reason, the chemicallineshavebeenremovedandairisallowedtoenter. CAUTION!Watermustbeinthesumpandwashtankpriortothedispensingofchemicals.Sanitizerin concentrationiscausticandmaycausedamagewithoutdilution. 1. Verifythattheproperchemicaltubestiffenerinletisinthepropercontainer. 2. Usetheprimeswitcheslocatedonthecontrolpanelatthebottomoftheunittoprimeeachpump. Theswitchesareclearlymarkedastowhatchemicalfeederpumptheyareassignedto. 3. To prime the pumps, hold the switch in the momentary position until chemical can be observed enteringthepump. 4. Detergent is dispensed as required during the wash cycle by the timer. The amount of detergent mayneedtobeincreasedordecreaseddependinguponwaterqualityandtypeofdetergent. 5. Rinseadditiveisdispensedasrequiredintothe inalrinse.Theamountofrinseadditivemayneed tobeadjusteddependinguponwaterhardness&results. 6. Sanitizer(eitherchlorineoriodine)isdispensedintothe inalrinse.Theamountofsanitizermay needtobeadjusteddependingontheconcentrationandtypeofsanitizerused. 7. Please refer to the next page for instruction on adjusting the chemical feeder pumps on the universaltimer. WARNING:Someofthechemicalsusedindishwashingmaycausechemicalburnsiftheycomein contact with your skin. Wear protective gear when handling these chemicals. If you do come in contact with these chemicals, immediately follow the instructions provided with the chemicals for treatment. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 15 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) PROGRAMMINGINSTRUCTIONSFORCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPS(INSTALLATIONTECHNICIANONLY) Toaccesstheprogrammingmode,themachinemustbeONandidle(betweencycles). On the timer board, press and hold both the MOVE and ENTER buttons on the timer board simultaneouslyfortwoseconds. ThePROGRAM(PGM)lightandlightAwillilluminate. NOTE: Once in the programming mode, the MOVE button is used to scroll between the programming categoriesandtheENTERbuttonisusedtoselectthecategory. PresstheMOVEbuttontomovethesolidlighttothedesiredlocationofFILL,RINSEAID,DETERGENT, orSANITIZER.PleasenotethatoptionsA,B,CandDarenotadjustableoutputs. PresstheENTERbuttonforthechosencategory.Now,the(PGM)lightwillilluminatealongwithlights correspondingtothetimevaluesforthechosencategory.TheACCEPTlightwillblink. ThePROGRAMlightwillilluminate. Tochangethevalueofaparameter,usetheMOVEbuttontoilluminatethelightnexttothetimeoption (timeismeasuredinseconds).Inthetimecategories,eachsecondinusewilllightup.Todeselecttheoption, pressENTERandthelightwillgooff,pressENTERagainanditwillilluminate.Onceyouhavesetyourtime catergory, press the MOVE button until the ACCEPT light illuminates and press ENTER. This will save the changedparameters. Once you press the ENTER button when the ACCEPT light is blinking you will exit the programming mode.Tochangeanyothervalues,youwillhavetoreturntotheprogrammingmode.Torevertbacktoa previoussetting,youmustreturntothatoptionandchangetheparameterbacktotheprevioussetting. Once in the programming mode, if there have been no keypad inputs for approximately two minutes, thesystemwillautomaticallyexitoutoftheprogrammingmode.Anychangestoparameterswillbesaved whentheprogrammingmodeisautomaticallyexited. Thewashanddraincyclesarenotadjustable. Alltimeadjustmentsareinseconds.Refertothechartonthefollowingpageforadjustableoutputs. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 16 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) PROGRAMMINGINSTRUCTIONSFORCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPS(CONTINUED) PGM Avenger HT Avenger LT E Not adjustable Rinse Aid F Rinse Fill G Detergent Sanitizer H Rinse Aid Detergent TIMER PROGRAMMING BOARD PGM TIME IN SECONDS A 8 B 4 C 2 D 1 E 0.8 F 0.4 G 0.2 H 0.1 ACCEPT MOVE ENTER PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 17 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) DETERGENTCONTROL: Detergentusageandwaterhardnessaretwofactorsthatcontributegreatlytohowef icientlyyourdish machine will operate. Using detergent in the proper amount can become, in time, a source of substantial savings.Aquali iedwatertreatmentspecialistcantellyouwhatisneededformaximumef iciencyfromyour detergent,butyoushouldstillknowsomebasicssoyou’llunderstandwhattheyaretalkingabout. First,youmustunderstandthathardwatergreatlyeffectstheperformanceofthedishmachine.Water hardnessistheamountofdissolvedcalciumandmagnesiuminthewatersupply.Themoredissolvedsolids in the water, the greater the water hardness. Hard water works against detergent, thereby causing the amountofdetergentrequiredforwashingtoincrease.Asyouusemoredetergent,yourcostsforoperating thedishmachinewillincreaseandtheresultswilldecrease.Thesolidsinhardwateralsomaybuild‐upasa scaleonwashandrinseheaters,decreasingtheirabilitytoheatwater.Watertemperatureisimportantin removingsoilandsanitizingdishes.Ifthewatercannotgethotenough,yourresultsmaynotbesatisfactory. ThisiswhyJacksonrecommendsthatifyouhaveinstalledthemachineinanareawithhardwater,thatyou also install some type of water treatment equipment to help remove the dissolved solids from the water beforeitgetstothedishmachine. Second, hard water may have you adding drying agents to your operating cycle to prevent spotting, whentherealproblemisdepositedsolidsonyourware.Asthewaterevaporatesoffoftheware,thesolids willbeleftbehindtoformthespottingandnoamountofdryingagentwillpreventthis.Again,usingtreated waterwillundoubtedlyreducetheoccurrencesofthisproblem. Third,treatedwatermaynotbesuitableforuseinotherareasofyouroperation.Forinstance,coffee madewithsoftwatermayhaveanacidorbitter lavor.Itmayonlybefeasibletoinstallasmalltreatment unitforthewatergoingintothedishmachineitself.Discussthisoptionwithyourquali iedwatertreatment specialist. Even after the water hardness problems have been solved, there still must be proper training of dish machineoperatorsinhowmuchdetergentistobeusedpercycle.Talkwithyourwatertreatmentspecialist and detergent vendor and come up with a complete training program for operators. Using too much detergenthasasdetrimentaleffectsasusingtoolittle.Theproperamountofdetergentmustbeusedforjob. It is important to remember that certain menu items may require extra detergent by their nature and personnel need to be made aware of this. Experience in using the dish machine under a variety of conditions,alongwithgoodtrainingintheoperationofthemachine,cangoalongwayinensuringyour dishmachineoperatesasef icientlyaspossible. Certaindishmachinemodelsrequirethatchemicalsbeprovidedforproperoperationandsanitization. Somemodelsevenrequiretheinstallationofthird‐partychemicalfeederstointroducethosechemicalsto themachine.Jacksondoesnotrecommendorendorseanybrandnameofchemicalsorchemicaldispensing equipment.Contactyourlocalchemicaldistributorforquestionsconcerningthesesubjects. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 18 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) DETERGENTCONTROL(CONTINUED): Some dish machines come equipped with integral solid detergent dispensers. These dispensers are designed to accommodate detergents in a certain sized container. If you have such a unit, remember to explainthistoyourchemicaldistributorupon irstcontactingthem. As explained before, water temperature is an important factor in ensuring that your dish machine functionsproperly.Thedataplatelocatedoneachunitdetailswhattheminimumtemperaturesmustbefor either the incoming water supply, the wash tank and the rinse tank, depending on what model of dish machine you have installed. These temperatures may also be followed by temperatures that Jackson recommends to ensure the highest performance from you dish machine. However, if the minimum requirementsarenotmet,thechancesareyourdisheswillnotbecleanorsanitized.Remember,adishcan look clean, but it may not be sanitized. Instruct your dish machine operators to observe the required temperaturesandtoreportwhentheyfallbelowtheminimumallowed.Alossoftemperaturecanindicatea much larger problem such as a failed heater or it could also indicate that the hot water heater for your operationisnotuptocapacityandalargeronemayneedtobeinstalled. Thereareseveralfactorstoconsiderwheninstallingyourdishmachinetoensurethatyougetthebest possible results from itand that it operates at peak ef iciency for many years. Discuss your concerns with yourlocalchemicaldistributorandwatertreatmentspecialistbeforethereisaproblem. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 19 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) OPERATIONINSTRUCTIONS PREPARATION: Beforeproceedingwiththestart‐upoftheunit,verifythefollowing: 1.Thestrainerisinplaceandisclean. 2.Thatthewashandrinsearmsarescrewedsecurelyintoplaceandthattheirendcapsaretight. Thewashandrinsearmsshouldrotatefreely. 3.Verifyallchemicallevelsformachinechemicalfeederpumpsarecorrect. POWERUP: To energize the unit, turn on the power at the service breaker. The voltage should have beenpreviouslyveri iedasbeingcorrect.Ifnot,thevoltagewillhavetobeveri ied. FILLINGTHEWASHTUB:Fortheinitial ill,closethedoorandensurethattheMANUALswitchlightis noton.DepressandholdtheSTARTCYCLEswitchuntiltheautolightcomesonandthenreleasethebutton. Fortheinitial ill,runthemachinethrough3cyclesto illthetubsump.Themachinewillrunapartialcycle and illtothebottomofthepanstrainer.Openthedoorandverifythatthewaterleveliscorrect. NOTE: For the Avenger™HT: Ensure the orange/white wires at the heater contactor are connected properly. They have been purposely disconnected at the factory to avoid damage to the heater element whenthereisnowaterintheboosterheater. Hereafter,thewaterleveliscontrolledbythetimerthathasbeenpresetatthefactory.Verifythatthere are no other leaks on the unit before proceeding any further. The wash sump must be completely illed beforeoperatingthewashpumptopreventdamagetothecomponent.Oncethewashtubis illed,theunitis readyforoperation. Themachinerunsacompletecycletodrainand ill.Ifthemachineisnotallowedtodrain,thewaterwill buildupinsidethetub.Aftertheinitial ill,therinsewaterforthecurrentcyclewillbecomethewashwater forthenextcycle. WAREPREPARATION:Properpreparationofwarewillhelpensuregoodresultsandlessre‐washes.If notdoneproperly,waremaynotcomeoutcleanandtheef iciencyofthedishmachinewillbereduced.Itis importanttorememberthatadishmachineisnotagarbagedisposalandthatsimplythrowingunscraped dishes into the machine simply defeats the purpose altogether of washing the ware. Scraps should be removedfromwarepriortobeingloadedintoarack.Pre‐rinsingandpre‐soakingaregoodideas,especially forsilverwareandcasseroledishes.Placecupsandglassesupsidedowninrackssothattheydonothold waterduringthecycle.Thedishmachineismeantnotonlytoclean,buttosanitizeaswell,todestroyallof the bacteria that could be harmful to human beings. In order to do this, ware must be properly prepared priortobeingplacedinthemachine. DAILYMACHINEPREPARATION:Refertothesectionentitled“PREPARATION”atthetopofthispage andfollowtheinstructionsthere.Afterwards,checkthatallofthechemicallevelsarecorrectand/orthat thereisplentyofdetergentavailablefortheexpectedworkload. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 20 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) OPERATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) WARM‐UPCYCLES:Foratypicaldailystart‐up,itisrecommendedtorunthemachinethrough3cycles toensurethatallofthecoldwaterisoutofthesystemandtoverifythattheunitisoperatingcorrectly.To cyclethemachine,ensurethatthepowerisonandthatthetubhas illedtothecorrectlevel. PushtheSTARTCYCLEbuttonandholduntilthegreencyclelightisonandthenrelease,theunitwill start,runthroughthecycle,andshutoffautomatically.Repeatthistwomoretimes.Theunitshouldnowbe readytoproceedwiththewashingofware. WASHINGARACKOFWARE:Towasharack,openthedoorcompletelyandslidetherackintotheunit. Closethedoor,presstheSTARTCYCLEbuttonandholduntilthegreencyclelightisonandrelease,theunit willstart.Oncethecycleiscompleted,openthedoorandremovetherackofcleanware.Replacewitharack ofsoiledwareandclosethedoor.Theprocesswillthenrepeatitself. OPERATIONALINSPECTION:Based upon usage, the pan strainer may become clogged with soil and debrisastheworkdayprogresses.Operatorsshouldregularlyinspectthepanstrainertoensureithasnot becomeclogged.Ifthestrainerdoes,itwillreducethewashingcapabilityofthemachine.Instructoperators tocleanoutthepanstraineratregularintervalsorasrequiredbyworkload. SHUTDOWN AND CLEANING: At the end of the workday, close the door. Start a cycle. Wait approximately ivesecondsafterthegreencyclelightcomesonandthenpushthePOWEROFFswitch.This willputthemachineinshutdownmodewhichwillletthemachinedraincompletelypriortoshuttingoff. Oncethewashtubisdrainedandpowerlightisoff,removehepanstrainer.Removesoilanddebrisfrom the strainer and set to the side. Unscrew the wash and rinse arms from their manifolds. Remove the end capsand lushthearmswithwater.Useabrushtocleanouttheinsideofthearms.Ifthenozzlesappearto beclogged,useatoothpicktoremovetheobstruction.Wipetheinsideoftheunitout,removingallsoiland scraps.Reassemblethewashandrinsearmsandreplacethemintheunit.Thearmsonlyneedtobehand tight,donotusetoolstotightenthemdown.Reinstallthestrainerandclosethedoor. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 21 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) OPERATIONINSTRUCTIONS(CONTINUED) DELIMINGOPERATIONS:In order to maintain thedish machineat itsoptimumperformance level, it willberequiredtoremovelimeandcorrosiondepositsonafrequentbasis.Adelimingsolutionshouldbe availablefromyourdetergentsupplier.Readandfollowallinstructionsonthelabelofthedelimingsolution. NOTE: If this machine is equipped with a HTS‐11, scale prevention and corrosion control device, and limeisbecomingafrequentproblem,thecartridgeneedstobereplaced.Toorderareplacementcartridge, callJacksonimmediatelytohaveoneshippedtoyou. Toproceedwiththedelimingoperation, illthedishmachineandaddthecorrectamountofdeliming solution as recommended by the deliming solution manufacturer. The water capacity of the tank can be veri iedonthespeci icationsheet(s)ofthismanual. Performthefollowingoperationstodelimethedishmachine: 1.PushManualSwitchonthefrontofthecontrolpanel. 2.Closethedoor(afteraddingthedelimingsolution). 3.Runthemachinefortherecommendedperiodoftime. 4.PressthePowerSwitchtoturntheunitoffandopenthedoor. 5.Wait iveminutes,theninspecttheinsideofthemachine.Ifthemachineisnotdelimed, runanothertimecycleasperthedelimingsolution’sinstructions. 6.Whenclean,drainandre‐ illthemachine. 7.RuninMANUALfor10minutestoremoveresidualdelimingsolution. 8.Drainandre‐ illthemachine. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 22 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) PREVENTATIVEMAINTENANCE The dish machines covered in this manual are designed to operate with a minimum of interaction with the operator. However, this does not mean that some items will not wear out in time. Jackson highly recommends that any maintenance and repairs not specifically discussed in this manual should be performed by QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL ONLY. Performing maintenance on your dish machine may void your warranty if it is still in effect. There are many things that operators can do to prevent catastrophic damage to the dish machine. One of the major causes of component failure has to do with pre-scrapping procedures. A dish machine is not a garbage disposal; any large pieces of material that are put into the machine shall remain in the machine until they are either broken up (after spreading out on your ware!) or physically removed. Strainers are installed to help catch debris, but they do no good if they are clogged. Have operators regularly inspect the pan strainers to ensure (1) that they are free of soil and debris and (2) they are laying flat in the tub. When cleaning out strainers, do NOT beat them on waste cans. The strainers are made of metal and can be forgiving; but once severe damage is done, it is next to impossible for the strainer to work in the way it was designed to. Wipe out strainers with a rag and rinse under a faucet if necessary. For stubborn debris, a toothpick should be able to dislodge any obstructions from the perforations. Always ensure that strainers are placed back in the machine before operation and that they lay flat in the tub. You may wish to also refer to the page entitled “Detergent Control” in order to learn more about how your water hardness will effect the performance of your machine. Hard water makes dish machines work harder and decreases efficiency. Again, it is important to remind operators that trying to perform corrective maintenance on the dish machine could lead to larger problems or even cause harm to the operator. If a problem is discovered; secure the dish machine using proper shut down procedures as listed in this manual and contact a QUALIFIED SERVICE AGENCY. Some problems, however, may having nothing to do with the machine itself and no amount of preventative maintenance is going to help. A common problem has to do with temperatures being too low. Verify that the water temperatures coming to your dish machine match the requirements listed on the machine data plate. There can be a variety of reasons why your water temperature could be too low and you should discuss it with a QUALIFIED SERVICE AGENCY to determine what can be done. By following the operating and cleaning instructions in this manual, you should get the most efficient results from our machine. As a reminder, here are some steps to take to ensure that you are using the dish machine the way it was designed to work: 1. Ensure that the water temperatures match those listed on the machine data plate. 2. Ensure that all strainers are in place before operating the machine. 3. Ensure that all wash and/or rinse arms are secure in the machine before operating. 4. Ensure that drains are closed/sealed before operating. 5. Remove as much soil from dishes by hand as possible before loading into racks. 6. Do not overfill racks. 7. Ensure that glasses are placed upside down in the rack. 8. Ensure that all chemicals being injected to machine have been verified as being at the correct concentrations. 9. Clean out the machine at the end of every workday as per the instructions in the manual. 10. Always contact a QUALIFIED SERVICE AGENCY whenever a serious problem arises. 11. Follow all safety procedures, whether listed in this manual or put forth by local, state or national codes/ regulations. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 23 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) TROUBLESHOOTINGCOMMONPROBLEMS WARNING: Inspection, testing and repair of electrical equipment should be performed only by qualified service personnel. Certain procedures in this section require electrical tests or measurements while power is applied to the machine. Exercise extreme cau on at all mes. If test points are not easily accessible, disconnect power, attach test equipment and reapply power to test. When replacing electrical parts, disconnect power at source circuit breaker. Problem: Water overflow from bo om of door. 1. Clogged drain. Remove obstruction. 2. Machine not level. Level machine, or increase height to the front. 3. Excessive inlet pressure. Install pressure reducing valve, or adjust if one is present. Ensure flow is 20 ±5 PSI. 4. Detergent foaming. Reduce detergent quantity. Problem: Wash motor doesn’t operate on manual wash. 1. Loose or broken wires. Reconnect or replace wires in motor. 2. Defective manual wash switch. Replace. 3. Defective motor starting relay. Replace. Problem: Motor operates on manual wash but not on automa c. 1. Defective circuit in manual wash switch. Replace switch. Problem: No water comes through the rinse arms when the “ON/FILL” switch is depressed. 1. Water not turned on. Turn water on. 2. Defective solenoid valve. Replace solenoid valve. Problem: Li le or no water coming through the rinse assemblies. 1. Limed up rinse heads or piping. Delime rinse heads. 2. Low water pressure. Increase pipe size to machine. Adjust pressure regulator. Problem: Rinse water runs con nuously with breaker turned off. 1. Defective plunger in solenoid valve. Replace. 2. Defective diaphragm in solenoid valve. Replace diaphragm. Problem: Wash temperature not at required reading on thermometer. 1. Check that orange/white wires are connected. See note on page 12. 2. Defective thermometer. Replace. 3. Defective thermostat. Adjust thermostat. Replace thermostat. 4. Rinse heater defective. Replace heater element. 5. Defective heater contactor R1. Replace. 1. Water turned off. Turn water on. 2. Pressure gauge defective. Replace pressure gauge. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 24 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) TROUBLESHOOTINGCOMMONPROBLEMS(CONTINUED) WARNING: Inspection, testing and repair of electrical equipment should be performed only by qualified service personnel. Certain procedures in this section require electrical tests or measurements while power is applied to the machine. Exercise extreme cau on at all mes. If test points are not easily accessible, disconnect power, attach test equipment and reapply power to test. When replacing electrical parts, disconnect power at source circuit breaker. Problem: Rinse water not at required temperature range. 1. Check that orange/white wires are connected. See note in installation instructions. 2. Thermometer is defective. Replace. 3. Thermostat is defective. Adjust the thermostat. Replace if necessary. 4. Incoming rinse water does not meet minimum criteria indicated on machine data plate. Adjust as required. Problem: Machine doesn’t drain when “OFF/DRAIN” switch is pressed. 1. Drain solenoid clogged. Remove obstruction. 2. Defective motor or motor start relay. Replace. 3. Defective drain valve. Replace. Problem: No indica on of pressure. 1. Water turned off. Turn water on. 2. Pressure gauge defective. Replace pressure gauge. PageCreated:03‐28‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 25 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) CONTROLPANELWELDMENTASSEMBLIES Avenger HT Complete Control Panel Assembly Bushing, Snap 05975-003-35-21 Complete Control Panel Weldment Assembly Avenger HT 05700-003-31-47 Relay, 240V 05945-111-89-75 Screw, 6-32 X 38" 05305-002-25-91 Screw, 10-32 X 1" (4 Per Ass'y) 05305-002-19-42 Control Panel Weldment 05700-003-31-48 Locknut, 10-24 w/Nylon Insert (1 Per Ass'y) 05310-373-01-00 P Clamp 14" 05975-002-61-42 Locknut, 6-32 w/Nylon Insert 05310-373-03-00 Screw, 10-32 X 38" 05305-173-12-00 Timer Mounting Bracket Avenger HT Only 05700-003-36-05 Universal Timer 05945-003-33-09 *Fused Universal Timer 05945-003-75-23 Contactor, 240V (2 Per Avenger HT Asm.) 05945-002-74-20 Avenger LT Complete Control Panel Assembly Complete Control Panel Weldment Assembly Avenger LT 05700-003-7523 Optional Heater Relay, 20A 05945-002-90-51 Unless specified here, other components are the same as above. Control Panel Weldment 05700-003-46-73 Universal Timer 05945-003-33-09 *Fused Universal Timer 05945-003-75-23 Pump Motor Contactor, 110V (1 per Avenger LT Asm.) 05945-109-05-69 PageCreated:03‐31‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 26 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHT480VCONTROLPANELASSEMBLY 12 4 3 11 7 1 2 9 8 14 10 Item QTY 13 5 Description PartNumber 1 1 ELECTRICALPANELWELDMENT 05700‐003‐37‐46 2 1 TIMER,BRACKETASSEMBLY 05700‐003‐36‐05 3 1 TIMER,UNIVERSAL 05945‐003‐33‐09 *1 1 1 1 FUSEDUNIVERSALTIMER(ALTERNATECONSTRUCTION) FUSE 9WIREHARNESS 10WIREHARNESS 05945‐003‐75‐23 05920‐003‐75‐24 05999‐003‐75‐81 5999‐003‐75‐82 4 1 RELAY 05945‐002‐47‐41 5 1 TERMINALBOARD 05940‐021‐94‐85 6 1 TRACK,TERMINALBLOCK 05700‐003‐37‐49 7 1 FUSEHOLDER 05920‐011‐72‐89 8 1 FUSE,1/4AMP 05920‐002‐75‐95 9 2 CONTACTOR 05945‐111‐60‐07 10 1 OVERLOAD 05945‐111‐60‐08 11 2 SCREW,6‐32X3/8”W/EXTERNALTWASHER 05305‐002‐25‐91 12 1 OPEN/CLOSEDBUSHING,7/8” 05975‐003‐35‐21 13 6 SCREW,10‐32X3/8”LONGPHILTRUSSHEAD 05305‐173‐12‐00 14 2 ENDCLAMP 05950‐111‐60‐30 15 1 TRANSFORMER(NOTSHOWN) 05950‐011‐50‐70 27 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) CONTROLPANELASSEMBLY/KICKPANELWELDMENT‐AVENGERHT 12 1 Item QTY 2 10 11 3 4 8 5 9 7 6 Description PartNumber 1 1 1 6 CONTROLPANEL DECAL,CONTROLPANEL LOCKNUT,1/4”‐20S/SHEXW/NYLONINSERT 09330‐003‐31‐66 09905‐003‐31‐65 05310‐374‐01‐00 2 1 THERMOMETER,48”RINSE 06685‐111‐68‐48 3 1 LIGHT,AMBER 05945‐111‐44‐44 4 1 THERMOMETER,96”WASH 06685‐111‐68‐49 5 1 LIGHT,RED 05945‐111‐44‐45 6 1 WINDOWPLUG 05975‐003‐31‐72 7 1 SWITCH,RINSEAID 05930‐011‐49‐54 8 1 SWITCH,DETERGENT 05930‐011‐49‐54 9 1 LIGHT,GREEN 05945‐111‐44‐43 10 1 SWITCH,ON‐OFF 05930‐301‐49‐00 11 1 1 1 GAUGE,0‐100PSIWITHGREENZONE BELLADAPTER,1/4NPTX1/8FNPT HOSE,PRESSUREGAUGE 06680‐011‐86‐42 04730‐003‐33‐02 04730‐003‐33‐02 12 1 SWITCH,AUTO‐MANUAL 05930‐011‐49‐55 ** 1 KICKPLATEWELDMENT(NOTSHOWN) 05700‐003‐32‐91 ** 1 COMPLETECONTROLPANELASSEMBLY 05700‐003‐31‐64 ** 1 WIREHARNESS 05999‐003‐34‐61 PageCreated:03‐31‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 28 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) CONTROLPANELASSEMBLY/KICKPANELWELDMENT‐AVENGERLT 11 9 10 8 7 5 6 D-Detergent S-Sanitizer R-Rinse Aid 1 Item QTY 2 3 12 4 Description PartNumber 1 1 1 6 CONTROLPANEL DECAL,CONTROLPANEL LOCKNUT,1/4”‐20S/SHEXW/NYLONINSERT 09330‐041‐73‐90 09905‐003‐31‐95 05310‐374‐01‐00 2 1 THERMOMETER,48”RINSE 06685‐111‐68‐48 3 1 1 1 PLATE,SWITCHMOUNTING DECAL,PRIMESWITCH LOCKNUT,6‐32HEXW/NYLONINSERT 05700‐011‐80‐40 09905‐011‐49‐52 05310‐373‐03‐00 4 1 LIGHT,RED 05945‐111‐44‐45 5 1 LIGHT,AMBER 05945‐111‐44‐44 6 1 LIGHT,GREEN 05945‐111‐44‐43 7 1 2 COUNTER,115V SCREW,4‐40X1/4”PHILLIPSPANHEAD 05990‐111‐35‐38 05305‐002‐32‐38 8 1 SWITCH,AUTO‐MANUAL 05930‐301‐49‐00 9 1 SWITCH,ON‐OFF 05930‐011‐49‐55 10 3 SWITCH,PERIPUMP 05930‐011‐49‐54 11 2 2 BUZZER,115V(NOTSHOWN) SCREW,6‐32X3/8PANPHILLIPSHEAD 05990‐003‐36‐12 05305‐171‐07‐00 12 1 LIGHT,RED 05945‐504‐07‐18 ** 1 KICKPLATEWELDMENT(NOTSHOWN) 05700‐003‐53‐14 ** 1 COMPLETECONTROLPANELASSEMBLY 05700‐003‐34‐23 ** 1 WIREHARNESS 05999‐003‐34‐62 PageCreated:03‐31‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 29 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) TERMINALBLOCKBOXASSEMBLY (LOCATEDATLOWERLEFTREARCORNEROFMACHINE) Terminal Block Track 05700-000-43-60 Decal, Power Connections 09905-011-47-35 Locknut, 10-24 S/S Hex with Nylon Insert 05310-373-01-00 Terminal block (2 Per) (3 Per 480V) 05940-500-02-19 Terminal Block Box 05700-003-27-69 Terminal Box Cover (Not Shown) 05700-003-27-70 Screw, 10-32 X 12" 05305-011-39-36 Decal, Copper Conductors 09905-011-62-72 Ground Lug 05940-200-76-00 Decal, Copper Conductors 09905-011-62-72 Screw, 10-32 X 12" 05305-011-39-36 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 30 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHTCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPASSEMBLY Complete Chemical Feeder Pump Assembly 05700-003-32-03 15 16 1 2 4 3 5 A A B D C B C D A B C D A B D 6 10 7 11 8 13 12 14 9 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 31 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHTCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPASSEMBLY(CONTINUED) Item QTY Description PartNumber 1 1 PeriPumpWeldment 05700‐003‐33‐48 2 1 DetergentFeederPump(RedRoller)36RPM,240V 05700‐002‐78‐74 2 1 Motor,36RPM115V(480VMachine) 04320‐111‐35‐14 3 1 RinseAidFeederPump(BlackRoller),14RPM240V 05700‐002‐72‐48 3 1 Motor,14RPM115V(480VMachine) 04320‐111‐35‐13 4 2 Nylon,LoopStrap 04320‐002‐71‐22 5 2 Locknut,6‐32withNylonInsert 05310‐373‐03‐00 6 1 RedTube1/4”X14‐1/2” 05700‐003‐33‐59 7 1 Tube,Tygoprene3/16”X8” 05700‐003‐22‐89 8 1 RedTube1/4”X72” 05700‐003‐33‐58 9 1 RedTube1/4”X120” 05700‐003‐33‐57 10 1 1/8”X120”ClearTube 05700‐003‐33‐61 11 1 1/8”X93”ClearTube 05700‐003‐33‐60 12 1 12”LongBlackSleeve 05700‐003‐33‐63 13 1 BlueTube,1/4”X22” 05700‐001‐86‐78 14 2 ChemicalTubeStiffener 05700‐002‐66‐49 15 1 StopBracket 05700‐003‐36‐24 16 2 Screw,10‐32X3/8” 05305‐173‐12‐00 B racket, Track M ou nting 0 5 7 0 0-0 03 -3 3-52 C om p le te A ve ng er H T Perip um p Track A ssem b ly 0 5 7 0 0-0 03 -3 3-46 S crew , 10 -32 X 5/8" Truss H ead (4 pe r A ssem bly) 0 53 0 5 -0 0 3 -0 2 -12 Track, Peripum p (2 p er A ssem bly) 0 57 0 0 -0 0 3 -3 3 -44 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 32 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERLTCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPASSEMBLY 1 7 10 17 13 18 12 14 15 5 2 19 4 3 16 11 6 8 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 33 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERLTCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPASSEMBLY(CONTINUED) Item QTY Description PartNumber 1 1 PeriPumpPlateChannel 05700‐003‐53‐25 2 2 Switch,Pressure 06685‐003‐36‐13 3 2 Bracket,PressureSwitch 05700‐003‐53‐03 4 2 Locknut,10‐24withNylonInsert 05310‐373‐01‐00 5 2 Motor,36RPM115V 04320‐111‐35‐14 6 1 Motor,14RPM115V 04320‐111‐35‐13 7 2 PeriPumpKit(BlackRoller) 04320‐002‐87‐63 8 3 ChemicalTubeStiffener 05700‐002‐66‐49 9 1 PeriPumpKit(WhiteRoller)NotShown 04320‐002‐83‐90 10 3 Tube,Tygoprene 05700‐003‐22‐89 11 1 Wye,1/4”BarbedPVDF 04730‐003‐36‐14 12 4 5/16IDClearTube 05700‐003‐53‐26 13 1 RedTube1/4”X100” 05700‐003‐03‐45 14 1 WhiteTiber1/4”X100” 05700‐003‐20‐67 15 1 BlueTube,1/4”X48” 05700‐002‐62‐11 16 1 BlueTube,1/4”X100” 05700‐003‐20‐68 17 1 RedTube,1/4”X48” 05700‐002‐62‐12 18 1 WhiteTube,1/4”X48” 05700‐002‐62‐13 19 ‐ TyeWrap 05945‐602‐01‐16 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 34 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERLTCHEMICALFEEDERPUMPASSEMBLY(CONTINUED) Complete Avenger LT Peripump Track Assembly 05700-003-33-31 Bracket, Track Mounting 05700-003-33-30 Track, Peripump (2 Per Assembly) 05700-003-33-29 Screw, 10-32 X 58" Truss Head (6 per Assembly) 05305-003-02-12 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 35 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) CHEMICALFEEDERPUMPCOMPONENTS Rear Housing 04320-111-37-09 Screw, 8-32 X 3/8" Phillips Pan Head (2 Per) 05305-011-37-07 Screw, 6-32 X 34" Phillips Pan Head (4 Per) 05305-011-37-05 Motor, 14 RPM 115V Rinse Aid Feeder Pump 04320-111-35-13 Screw, 8-32 X 12" Phillips Flat Head (2 Per) 05305-011-37-06 Motor, 14 RPM 240V Rinse Aid Feeder Pump 04320-111-47-46 Motor, 36 RPM 115V Detergent/Sanitizer Feeder Pump 04320-111-35-14 Tygoprene Tube 05700-03-22-89 Roller, Black 04320-111-65-27 Front Housing 04320-111-37-08 Roller, White 04320-002-82-28 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 36 Motor, 36 RPM 240V Detergent/Sanitizer Feeder Pump 04320-111-47-47 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHTPLUMBINGASSEMBLIES VacuumPlumbingAssembly 05700‐003‐32‐14 InjectorWeldment 05700‐031‐41‐83 Plug,1/4”Brass 2permachine 04730‐209‐01‐00 Fitting,OutletElbow 04820‐111‐51‐18 Clamp,Hose 2per 04730‐719‐06‐09 Nut,P/Pfor1/8” Tubing 04730‐011‐59‐45 Valve,Check 04820‐111‐51‐14 Vacuum Breaker 04820‐003‐06‐ Busing,1/4x1/8”S/S 04730‐003‐05‐61 Connectsto RinseInjector VacuumBreakerTubing Assembly 05700‐003‐32‐15 InjectorHose,3/4”X71/2” 05700‐003‐33‐49 InjectorHoseSpring 05340‐003‐33‐50 ConnectstoRinse Stiffener CompleteIncoming PlumbingAssembly 05700‐003‐36‐32 IncomingPlumbingAssembly 05700‐003‐32‐17 Clamp,Pipe 2perassembly 05700‐000‐35‐05 Valve,solenoid1/2”220volt 04810‐003‐71‐56 Valve,solenoid1/2”110volt 04810‐003‐71‐55 RinseStiffener (Nonreplaceable) Clamp,Pipe 05700‐011‐36‐62 LockNut1/4‐20S/S 05310‐374‐01‐00 InletBoosterValve Plumbing 05700‐003‐33‐98 InletBoosterPlumbing 05700‐003‐33‐97 Regulator 04820‐100‐04‐07 InletHook‐UpPlumbing 05700‐003‐33‐99 RinseGasket 05330‐111‐42‐81 PageCreated:04‐01‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 37 RinseHubWeldment 05700‐021‐38‐31 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERLTPLUMBINGASSEMBLIES PageCreated:04‐06‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 38 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) RINSESOLENOIDVALVE&VACUUMBREAKERREPAIRPARTSKIT/WATERHAMMERKITOPTION Screw Cap Screw Data Plate Coil & Housing Data Plate Valve Bonnet Cap Spring & Plunger Kit 06401-003-07-40 Spring position is moved for clarity. Goes below the plunger. Cap Retainer Diaphragm Retainer O-Ring & Diaphram 06401-003-07-41 O-Ring Components of Repair Kit 06401-003-06-23 Screen Retainer Plunger Body Mesh Screen Valve Body Complete VacuumBreaker Assembly, 1 /2" NPT 04820-003-06-13 Cap Retainer Complete 110 Volt Solenoid Valve Assembly, 1 /2" NPT 04810-100-12-18 Water Hammer Arrestor Assembly 05700-002-64-67 Coil & Housing Only 1 /2" 06401-003-07-43 Water Hammer Arrestor 1 /2" NPT Complete 220 Volt Solenoid Valve Assembly, 1 /2" NPT 06685-100-05-00 04810-100-09-18 Coil & Housing Only 1 /2" 06401-003-07-44 TEE 1 /2" X 1 /2" X 1 /2" 04730-211-27-00 PageCreated:04‐06‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 39 Close Nipple 1 /2" NPT 04730-207-15-00 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) WASHMOTOR/DRAINPLUMBING/AVENGERLTWASHMANIFOLDASSEMBLY Area within this box is an overview of the Avenger LT wash manifold assembly 18 1A 16 16 For the Avenger LT replace Item one below with this manifold 17 1 2 See Motor & Pump Assembly Page 3 4 5 4 14 4 6 Ball Valve Assembly 7 4 AVENGER LT 115V & AVENGER HT 480V: 04730-003-34-60 AVENGER 240V: AVENGERHT HT240V 04730-003-34-64 04730-003-33-64 9 10 11 9 9 12 13 15 PageCreated:04‐06‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 40 8 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) WASH MOTOR/DRAIN PLUMBING/AVENGER LT WASH MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY Item QTY Description PartNumber 1 1 HUB,DISCHARGEMACHINED(AVENGERHTSHOWN) 05700‐021‐37‐90 1A 1 LOWER,WASHMANIFOLD(AVENGERLT) 05700‐021‐52‐80 2 1 GASKET,MANIFOLD 05330‐200‐23‐00 3 1 NUT,JAM1‐1/2”‐12NPT 05700‐000‐86‐23 4 4 HOSECLAMP,1‐5/16”‐21/4”#28 04730‐719‐01‐37 5 1 HOSE,1‐1/4”X2‐1/4”REINFORCED 05700‐011‐44‐48 6 1 HOSE,BOTTOMMANIFOLDPUMP 05700‐001‐22‐92 7 1 GASKET,SUCTIONADAPTOR 05330‐003‐32‐82 8 1 2 2 CASTING,SUCTIONADAPTOR WASHER,S/S1/4”‐20I.D. LOCKNUT,1/4”‐20S/S 09515‐031‐39‐86 05311‐174‐01‐00 05310‐374‐01‐00 9 3 CLAMP,3/16”TO1‐1/2” 04730‐719‐06‐09 10 1 HOSE,8”STRAIGHTDRAIN 04720‐003‐27‐95 11 1 HOSEBARB,1”X3/4”NPTPOLYPROPYLENE 04730‐011‐65‐86 12 1 SPACER,DRAINVALVE 05700‐003‐31‐93 13 1 BRACKET,DRAINVALVESUPPORT 05700‐003‐31‐74 14 1 HOSE,1”I.D.XTENFEETLONG 05700‐011‐39‐72 15 1 HOSEBARB,90DEGREE1”X3/4”NPT 04730‐011‐65‐87 16 2 O‐RING,MANIFOLD 05330‐111‐35‐15 17 1 TUBE,WASHMANIFOLD 05700‐002‐13‐75 18 1 UPPERWASHMANIFOLD 05700‐031‐34‐82 19 1 1 BRACKET,MANIFOLDTUBEPOSITIONING LOCKNUT,1/4”‐20S/S 05700‐011‐34‐63 05310‐374‐01‐00 PageCreated:05‐04‐2010 Revised:02‐25‐2011 41 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) MOTOR&PUMPASSEMBLY Complete Pump & Motor Assembly, 60 HZ With Bracket 05700-003-31-57 Complete Pump & Motor Assembly, 480V 60 HZ With Bracket 05700-003-52-80 Complete Pump & Motor Assembly, 60 HZ No Bracket 06105-002-72-75 Complete Pump & Motor Assembly, 480V 60 HZ No Bracket 06105-003-52-78 Pump Only Assembly, 60 HZ (Area indicated within box, Casing is included) 05700-002-79-50 Motor Only, 208-230V, 60 HZ 06105-002-79-61 Motor Only, 460V, 60 HZ 06105-003-52-64 Shim Kit 05700-002-82-58 Hardware: Case Capscrew 05305-002-81-88 Other parts not shown: Bolt, 3 /8" (2 per) 05311-276-03-00 Drain Plug-04730-002-81-89 Lock washer, 3 /8" (2 per) 05311-276-01-00 Nut Hex, 3 /8"-16 (2 per) 05310-276-01-00 Case O-Ring, 60 HZ 05330-002-81-83 Seal Plate, 60 HZ 05700-002-81-87 Impeller Assembly, 60 HZ 05700-002-81-86 Mechanical Seal, 60 HZ 05330-002-34-22 Mounting Bracket 05700-003-31-58 Pump Casing S/S, 60 HZ 05700-002-85-00 PageCreated:04‐06‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 42 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) RINSEARM&WASHARMASSEMBLIES Plug, Rinse Arm 04730-609-04-00 Rinse Arm Assembly (AVENGER HT units ONLY) 2 per Assembly 05700-031-39-21 Rinse Arm 05700-031-38-30 Bearing. 03120-002-72-24 Bushing, Rinse Head 05700-021-33-84 Ring, Retaining 05340-112-01-11 Washer, Rinse Arm 05330-011-42-10 O-Ring (Not Shown) 05330-002-60-69 Wash Arm Assembly 2 Per AVENGER LT 1 Per AVENGER HT 05700-021-39-23 Wash Arm Weldment w/Plugs 05700-021-46-58 Bearing Assembly 05700-021-35-97 O-Ring (Not Shown) 05330-002-60-69 PageCreated:04‐06‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 43 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHTTHERMOSTAT&RINSETANKASSEMBLY Thermostat 05930-003-06-48 Complete Rinse Tank Assembly (AVENGER HT 208-230V) 05700-003-31-94 Rinse Tank Weldment 05700-003-31-95 Complete Rinse Tank Assembly (AVENGER HT 480V) 05700-003-37-78 Fitting, 1 /4" Imperial Brass 05310-924-02-05 Heater: 208-230 Volt 04540-111-43-21 480 Volt 04540-002-29-82 Locknut, 1 /4"-20 S/S Hex with Nylon Insert 05310-374-01-00 Lock Washer, 5 /16" Split 05311-275-01-00 Gasket, Heater 05330-011-47-79 Nut, 5 /16"-18 S/S Hex 05310-275-01-00 Dielectric Cover 05700-001-40-50 PageCreated:04‐06‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 44 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERLTOPTIONALTHERMOSTAT&HEATERCOMPONENTS Wash Thermostat 05930-003-13-65 Heater, Fire Bar 04540-003-46-27 Insulation Paper 1 /8" 04540-003-46-30 Heater Cover Plate 05700-003-46-37 High Limit Thermostat 06685-003-46-77 PageCreated:04‐06‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 45 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERDOORASSEMBLY 1 3 10 11 8 4 19 18 17 9 13 5 12 7 14 15 2 6 PageCreated:04‐07‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 46 16 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERDOORASSEMBLY(CONTINUED) Item QTY Description PartNumber 1 1 OUTERDOORWELDMENT 05700‐003‐33‐37 2 1 INNERDOOR 05700‐003‐33‐21 3 1 DOORHANDLE 05700‐003‐26‐62 4 2 BOLT,1/4”‐20X3/8”LONG 05305‐274‐20‐00 5 1 CHANNEL,RIGHTSEAL 05700‐003‐33‐19 6 1 CHANNEL,LEFTSEAL 05700‐003‐33‐20 7 1 CHANNEL,TOPSEAL 05700‐003‐33‐22 8 12 SCREW,10‐32X1/2”PANPHILLIPSHEAD 05305‐011‐44‐52 9 1 BAFFLE,DOOR 05700‐003‐33‐38 10 1 STARTSWITCHASSEMBLY 05700‐003‐34‐80 11 1 HINGE,RIGHTWELDMENT 05700‐003‐32‐72 12 1 HINGE,LEFTWELDMENT 05700‐003‐32‐71 13 6 SCREW,1/4”‐20X1/1/2”FLATPHILLIPSHEAD 05305‐011‐44‐50 14 2 HINGESPACER 05700‐003‐33‐42 15 2 STOP,DOORHINGE 05700‐003‐32‐55 16 2 SCREW,NUMBER10PANHEAD18‐8S/SX1/2” 05305‐173‐01‐00 17 2 RETAININGPLATEASSEMBLY 05700‐011‐44‐37 18 1 MAGNET,REEDSWITCH 05930‐002‐68‐53 19 2 LOCKNUT,6‐32S/SHEXWITHNYLONINSERT 05310‐373‐03‐00 Cycle Switch Arm 05700-003-52-14 Cycle Switch Weldment 05700-003-36-81 Screw, 6-32 X 5 /8" 05305-011-39-85 Switch Cover Plate 05700-003-52-10 Lock Nut 6-32 05310-373-03-00 PageCreated:04‐07‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 47 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) MISCELLANEOUSDOORCOMPONENTS Door Switch & Bracket Assembly 05700-003-32-21 Switch Mounting Plate Assembly 05700-003-33-54 Door Spring 05700-003-32-85 Hinge Stop Assembly Right (Shown): 05700-003-32-61 Left: 05700-003-32-60 Hinge Stop Weldment Right (Shown): 05700-003-32-63 Left: 05700-003-32-61 Door Switch Bracket 05700-003-31-43 Door Switch 05930-003-31-44 Hardware: Locknut, 6-32 S/S Hex with Nylon Insert 05310-373-03-00 Screw, 6-32 X 1 /4" Flat Head 05305-171-01-00 Latch Nut (2 Per Assembly) 05700-003-32-33 O-Ring (2 Per Assembly) 05330-003-32-34 Hinge Components secured with: Locknut, 1 /4"-20 S/S Hex with Nylon Insert 05310-374-01-00 Cover,Left Hinge Weldment 05700-002-18-41 Cover,Right Hinge Weldment 05700-002-18-42 PageCreated:04‐07‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 48 Latch Spring 05700-003-32-32 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) FRAMEANDPANELCOMPONENTS PageCreated:04‐07‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 49 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) MISCELLANEOUSPARTS Rail, Right Rack 05700-031-37-88 Rail, Left Rack 05700-031-37-89 Components secured with: Locknut, 1 /4"-20 S/S Hex with Nylon insert 05310-374-01-00 Splash Shield 05700-003-33-51 Strainer Spacer 05700-001-35-83 Strainer Weldment 05700-003-32-81 Attaches with: Nut, Nylon Wing, 1 /4"-20 05310-994-01-00 PageCreated:04‐07‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 50 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) STANDS&COMPONENTS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: To install the stand, first remove the adjustable feet from the machine. Place machine on table and use the square mounting holes to line up the machine. Re-insert the adjustable feet through bottom of table top and tighten to lock machine to table. 6" Stand Assembly 05700-003-34-24 Stand 05700-002-88-82 6" Leg 05700-021-61-10 Bullet Foot 05340-108-01-03 18" Stand Assembly 05700-003-34-25 Stand 05700-002-88-82 Cross Member Bracket 04730-003-25-89 Cross Brace 05700-003-25-90 18" Leg 05700-002-89-47 Bullet Foot 05340-108-01-03 PageCreated:04‐07‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 51 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) HTS‐11(SCALEPREVENTION&CORROSIONCONTROLDEVICE) Kleenware HTS-11 System 04730-003-28-03 Replacement Cartridge (Inspect at least every 6 months) 04730-003-28-04 Replacement Test Strip 06401-003-28-06 The HTS-11 Must be installed vertically. The provided bracket is to be secured to the wall. Observe proper inlet/outlet water directions. Flow directions are molded into the top of the head. Line pressure should be released prior to changing cartridges. De-liming of equipment prior to installation is recommended but not required. PageCreated:04‐08‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 52 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERGOBOXKIT AGOBoxisakitofthemostneededpartsforaparticularmodelormodelfamilytosuccessfully effectarepairinthe irstcall90%ormoreofthetime. Item QTY Description PartNumber 1 1 RINSETHERMOSTAT 05930‐003‐06‐48 2 1 CONTACTOR/HEATER 05945‐002‐74‐20 3 1 PUMPSEAT 05330‐002‐34‐22 4 1 PUMPGASKETO‐RING 05330‐002‐81‐83 5 1 DOORSWITCH(REED) 05930‐003‐31‐44 6 1 RELAY,220‐240VOLT 05945‐111‐89‐75 7 1 RELAY,115VOLT 05945‐002‐47‐41 8 2 SWITCH,DET/RINSEAIDPRIME 05930‐011‐49‐54 9 2 SWITCH,ON/OFF 05930‐301‐49‐00 10 2 SWITCH,AUTO/MANUAL 05930‐011‐49‐55 11 1 FILLSOLENOIDVALVE1/2” 004810‐100‐09‐18 12 1 VACUUMBREAKER 04820‐003‐06‐13 13 1 TIMER,UNIVERSAL 05945‐003‐33‐09 14 4 WASHERRINSEARM 05330‐011‐42‐10 15 2 RING,RETAINING 05340‐112‐01‐11 16 2 BEARINGASSEMBLY,WASHARM 05700‐021‐35‐97 17 2 SQUEEZETUBE,3/16”IDX3/8”OD 05700‐111‐35‐29 18 2 SQUEEZETUBE 05700‐011‐76‐41 19* 1 PUMP&MOTORASSEMBLY 06105‐002‐72‐75 *SpecialpricingwhenpurchasedwithaGoBOX.Callfordetails. PageCreated:04‐07‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 53 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) VACUUMSWITCHASSEMBLY Item QTY Description PartNumber COMPLETEASSEMBLY 05700‐003‐55‐98 1 1 BOX,VACUUMSWITCH 05700‐003‐55‐96 2 1 HARNESS,VACUUMSWITCH 05700‐003‐55‐97 3 1 FITTING,.231X.394LIQUIDTIGHT 05975‐011‐49‐03 4 2 SWITCH,PRESSURE 06685‐003‐36‐13 5 2 BRACKET,PRESSURESWITCH 05700‐003‐53‐03 6 2 LOCKNUT,10‐32S/SHEXWITHNYLONINSERT 05310‐373‐02‐00 7 2 SCREW,10‐32X3/8”LONG 05305‐173‐12‐00 8 2 WYE,1/4”BARBED 04730‐003‐36‐14 9 6 TUBING,TYGOPRENE1”LONG 05700‐003‐53‐26 10 2 TUBING,1/4”IDX100”LONG,RED 05700‐003‐03‐45 11 2 TUBING,1/4”IDX100”LONG,CLEAR 05700‐003‐20‐67 12 2 STIFFENER,CHEMICALTUBE 05700‐002‐66‐49 13 12 TIE,CABLE 05975‐60201‐16 PageCreated:04‐11‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 54 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) VACUUMSWITCHASSEMBLYINSTALLATION PageCreated:04‐11‐2011 Revised:07‐25‐2013 55 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHT208‐230VOLT‐60HERTZ‐SINGLEPHASE PageCreated:04‐12‐11 56 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERHT480VOLT‐60HERTZ‐THREEPHASE PageCreated:04‐12‐11 57 AVENGERTechnicalManual(07610‐003‐34‐01I) AVENGERLT115VOLT‐60HERTZ‐SINGLEPHASE PageCreated:04‐12‐11 58
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