CMS Manual System Pub. 100-04 Medicare Claims Processing Transmittal 51 Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Date: DECEMBER 19, 2003 CHANGE REQUEST 3027 I. SUMMARY OF CHANGES: January Medicare Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) Specifications Version 19.1 For Bills From Hospitals That Are Not Paid Under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) NEW/REVISED MATERIAL - EFFECTIVE DATE: Various dates as described in the instruction *IMPLEMENTATION DATE: January 5, 2004 Disclaimer for manual changes only: The revision date and transmittal number apply only to red italicized material. Any other material was previously published and remains unchanged. II. CHANGES IN MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS: (N/A if manual not updated.) (R = REVISED, N = NEW, D = DELETED – (Only One Per Row.) R/N/D CHAPTER/SECTION/SUBSECTION/TITLE N/A *III. FUNDING: These instructions should be implemented within your current operating budget. IV. ATTACHMENTS: Business Requirements Manual Instruction Confidential Requirements One-Time Notification X Recurring Update Notification *Medicare contractors only Recurring Update Notification Pub. 100-04 Transmittal: 51 Date: December 19, 2003 Change Request 3027 SUBJECT: January Medicare Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) Specifications Version 19.1 For Bills From Hospitals That Are Not Paid Under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Background: This Change Request (CR) informs you that the OCE has been updated with new additions, changes, and deletions to Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System/Current Procedural Terminology, Fourth Edition (HCPCS/CPT-4) codes. CMS sent detailed information about these changes in separate communications. See Program Memorandum AB-03-140, dated September 12, 2003. This OCE is used to process bills from hospitals not paid under the OPPS. B. Policy: The following are changes made to version 19.1 of the non-OPPS OCE: • The new HCPCS/CPT codes as described in Appendix A have been added to the list of valid codes for the non-OPPS OCE. • The HCPCS/CPT codes listed in Appendices B and C have been deleted from the non- OPPS OCE. • The following ASC procedure codes have been added to the list of ASC procedures and payment groups, effective January 1, 2004: Code 1. 36555 2. 36556 3. 36557 4. 36558 5. 36560 6. 36561 7. 36563 8. 36565 9. 36566 10. 36568 11. 36569 12. 36570 13. 36571 Payment Group 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 14. 36575 15. 36576 16. 36578 17. 36580 18. 36581 19. 36582 20. 36583 21. 36584 22. 36585 23. 36589 24. 36590 • The following new procedure codes have been added to the list of procedures for Females Only, effective January 1, 2004: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. • 57425 59070 59072 59074 59076 59897 Laparoscopy, surg, colpopexy Transabdom amnioinfus w/ us Umbilical cord occlud w/ us Fetal fluid drainage w/ us Fetal shunt placement, w/ us Fetal invas px w/ us The following codes have been added to the list of Non-Covered procedures, effective January 1, 2004: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 A9280 J7303 V5362 V5363 V5364 The following codes have been removed from the list of Non-Covered procedures, effective January 1, 2001: 1. E0740 2. E0760 • The following code has been removed from the list of Non-Covered procedures, effective January 1, 2004: 1. G0282 • The codes as described in Appendix D have been added to the list of NonReportable procedures. 3 • The codes as described in Appendix E which are billable only to the DMERC have been added to the list of Non-Reportable procedures. • The following code has been removed from the list of Non-Reportable procedures, effective January 1, 2003: 1. G0257 C. Provider Education: Intermediaries shall inform affected providers by posting either a summary or relevant portions of this document on their Web site within two weeks of receiving this instruction. Also, intermediaries shall publish this same information in their next regularly scheduled bulletin. If they have a listserv that targets affected providers, they shall use it to notify subscribers that information about Non-OPPS OCE HCPCS Updates is available on their Web site. II. BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS “Shall" denotes a mandatory requirement "Should" denotes an optional requirement Requirement # 3027.1 3027.2 Requirements Shared Systems Maintainers (SSMs) shall install OCE version 19.1 into their systems. Fiscal Intermediaries (FIs) shall inform providers of the OCE changes for 2004 detailed in this recurring change notification. Responsibility SSMs FIs III. SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND POSSIBLE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A. Other Instructions: X-Ref Requirement # Instructions B. Design Considerations: X-Ref Requirement # Recommendation for Medicare System Requirements C. Interfaces: OCE D. Contractor Financial Reporting /Workload Impact: N/A 4 E. Dependencies: N/A F. Testing Considerations: N/A IV. SCHEDULE, CONTACTS, AND FUNDING Effective Date: Various dates as described in the instruction. Implementation Date: January 5, 2004 Pre-Implementation Contact(s): Nicole Atkins (410) 786-8278 Post-Implementation Contact(s): Regional Office ATTACHMENTS These instructions should be implemented within your current operating budget. Appendix A Code A4570 Description Splint Eff Date 20011001 S9150 Evaluation by ocularist 20020401 S9484 S9490 S9900 Crisis intervention per hour HIT corticosteroid/diem Christian Sci Pract visit 20020701 20020701 20020701 S0104 S0201 S0207 S0315 S0316 S0320 S1040 S2262 S2265 S2266 S2267 S3655 Zidovudine, oral, 100 mg Partial hospitalization serv Paramedicintercep nonhospals Disease management program Follow-up/reassessment RN telephone calls to DMP Cranial remolding orthosis Abortion maternal indic>=25w Abortion 25-28wks fetal indi Abortion 29-31wks fetal indi Abortion >=32wks fetal indic Antisperm antibodies test 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 A4580 S5100 S5101 S5102 S5105 S5110 S5111 S5115 S5116 S5120 S5121 S5125 S5126 S5130 S5131 S5135 S5136 S5140 S5141 S5145 S5146 S5150 S5151 S5160 S5161 S5162 S5165 S5170 S5175 S5180 Cast supplies (plaster) Adult daycare services 15min Adult day care per half day Adult day care per diem Centerbased day care perdiem Family homecare training 15m Family homecare train/sessio Nonfamily homecare train/15m Nonfamily HC train/session Chore services per 15 min Chore services per diem Attendant care service /15m Attendant care service /diem Homaker service nos per 15m Homemaker service nos /diem Adult companioncare per 15m Adult companioncare per diem Adult foster care per diem Adult foster care per month Child fostercare th per diem Ther fostercare child /month Unskilled respite care /15m Unskilled respitecare /diem Emer response sys instal&tst Emer rspns sys serv permonth Emer rspns system purchase Home modifications per serv Homedelivered prepared meal Laundry serv,ext,prof,/order HH respiratory thrpy in eval 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 1 12/22/2003 Appendix A S5181 S5185 S5190 S5199 S8004 HH respiratory thrpy nos/day Med reminder serv per month Wellness assessment by nonph Personal care item nos each Wholebody radiopharm trgcell 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 H2010 H2011 H2012 H2013 H2014 H2015 H2016 H2017 H2018 H2019 H2020 H2021 H2022 H2023 H2024 H2025 H2026 H2027 H2028 H2029 H2030 H2031 H2032 H2033 H2034 H2035 H2036 H2037 S0136 S0137 S0138 S0139 S0140 S0141 S2090 S2091 S3000 S3820 S3822 S3823 S3828 S3829 S3833 S3834 S5108 S5109 Comprehensive med svc 15 min Crisis interven svc, 15 min Behav hlth day treat, per hr Psych hlth fac svc, per diem Skills train and dev, 15 min Comp comm supp svc, 15 min Comp comm supp svc, per diem Psysoc rehab svc, per 15 min Psysoc rehab svc, per diem Ther behav svc, per 15 min Ther behav svc, per diem Com wrap-around sv, 15 min Com wrap-around sv, per diem Supported employ, per 15 min Supported employ, per diem Supp maint employ, 15 min Supp maint employ, per diem Psychoed svc, per 15 min Sex offend tx svc, 15 min Sex offend tx svc, per diem MH clubhouse svc, per 15 min MH clubhouse svc, per diem Activity therapy, per 15 min Multisys ther/juvenile 15min A/D halfway house, per diem A/D tx program, per hour A/D tx program, per diem Dev delay prev dp ch, 15 min Clozapine, 25 mg Didanosine, 25 mg Finasteride, 5 mg Minoxidil, 10 mg Saquinavir, 200 mg Zalcitabine, 0.375 mg Open cryosurg renal Perc cryosurg renal Bilat dil retinal exam Comp BRCA1/BRCA2 Sing mutation brst/ovar 3 mutation brst/ovar Comp MLH1 gene Comp MLH2 gene Comp APC sequence Sing mutation APC Homecare train pt 15 min Homecare train pt session 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 2 12/22/2003 Appendix A S8460 S8990 S9434 T2010 T2011 Camisole post-mast Pt or manip for maint Mod solid food suppl PASRR Level I PASRR Level II 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 S0317 S3625 S3840 S3841 S3842 S3843 S3844 S3845 S3846 S3847 S3848 S3849 S3850 S3851 S3852 S9335 Disease mgmt per diem Maternal triple screen test DNA analysis RET-oncogene Gene test retinoblastoma Gene test Hippel-Lindau DNA analysis factor v DNA analysis deafness Gene test alpha-thalassemia Gene test beta-thalassemia Gene test Tay-Sachs Gene test Gaucher Gene test Niemann-Pick Gene test sickle cell Gene test canavan DNA analysis APOE alzheimer HT hemodialysis diem 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 C9207 G0027 K0622 K0623 K0624 K0625 K0626 S2070 S2213 S2230 S2235 S5550 S5551 S5552 S5553 S5560 S5561 S5565 S5566 S5570 S5571 S8120 S8121 S9476 T2012 T2013 T2014 T2015 T2016 Injection, bortezomib Semen analysis 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 Cysto laser tx ureteral calc Implant gastric stim Implant semi-imp hear Implant auditory brain imp Insulin rapid 5 u Insulin most rapid 5 u Insulin intermed 5 u Insulin long acting 5 u Insulin reuse pen 1.5 ml Insulin reuse pen 3 ml Insulin cartridge 150 u Insulin cartridge 300 u Insulin dispos pen 1.5 ml Insulin dispos pen 3 ml O2 contents gas cubic ft O2 contents liquid lb Vestibular rehab per diem Habil ed waiver, per diem Habil ed waiver per hour Habil prevoc waiver, per d Habil prevoc waiver per hr Habil res waiver per diem 3 12/22/2003 Appendix A T2017 T2018 T2019 T2020 T2021 T2022 T2023 T2024 T2025 T2026 T2027 T2028 T2029 T2030 T2031 T2032 T2033 T2034 T2035 T2036 T2037 T2038 T2039 T2040 T2041 T2042 T2043 T2044 T2045 T2046 T2048 Habil res waiver 15 min Habil sup empl waiver/diem Habil sup empl waiver 15min Day habil waiver per diem Day habil waiver per 15 min Case management, per month Targeted case mgmt per month Serv asmnt/care plan waiver Waiver service, nos Special childcare waiver/d Spec childcare waiver 15 min Special supply, nos waiver Special med equip, noswaiver Assist living waiver/month Assist living waiver/diem Res care, nos waiver/month Res, nos waiver per diem Crisis interven waiver/diem Utility services waiver Camp overnite waiver/session Camp day waiver/session Comm trans waiver/service Vehicle mod waiver/service Financial mgt waiver/15min Support broker waiver/15 min Hospice routine home care Hospice continuous home care Hospice respite care Hospice general care Hospice long term care, r&b Bh ltc res r&b, per diem 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 20031001 00529 01173 01958 20982 21685 22532 22533 22534 31632 31633 34805 35510 35512 35522 35525 35697 36555 36556 36557 36558 Anesth, chest partition view Anesth, fx repair, pelvis Anesth, antepartum manipul Ablate, bone tumor(s) perq Hyoid myotomy & suspension Lat thorax spine fusion Lat lumbar spine fusion Lat thor/lumb, addl seg Bronchoscopy/lung bx, addl Bronchoscopy/needle bx addl Endovasc abdo repair w/pros Artery bypass graft Artery bypass graft Artery bypass graft Artery bypass graft Reimplant artery each Insert non-tunnel cv cath Insert non-tunnel cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 4 12/22/2003 Appendix A 36560 36561 36563 36565 36566 36568 36569 36570 36571 36575 36576 36578 36580 36581 36582 36583 36584 36585 36589 36590 36595 36596 36597 36838 37765 37766 43237 43238 47140 47141 47142 53500 57425 59070 59072 59074 59076 59897 61537 61540 61566 61567 61863 61864 61867 61868 63101 63102 63103 64449 64517 64681 Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Insert tunneled cv cath Repair tunneled cv cath Repair tunneled cv cath Replace tunneled cv cath Replace tunneled cv cath Replace tunneled cv cath Replace tunneled cv cath Replace tunneled cv cath Replace tunneled cv cath Replace tunneled cv cath Removal tunneled cv cath Removal tunneled cv cath Mech remov tunneled cv cath Mech remov tunneled cv cath Reposition venous catheter Dist revas ligation, hemo Phleb veins - extrem - to 20 Phleb veins - extrem 20+ Endoscopic us exam, esoph Uppr gi endoscopy w/us fn bx Partial removal, donor liver Partial removal, donor liver Partial removal, donor liver Urethrlys, transvag w/ scope Laparoscopy, surg, colpopexy Transabdom amnioinfus w/ us Umbilical cord occlud w/ us Fetal fluid drainage w/ us Fetal shunt placement, w/ us Fetal invas px w/ us Removal of brain tissue Removal of brain tissue Removal of brain tissue Incision of brain tissue Implant neuroelectrode Implant neuroelectrde, addl Implant neuroelectrode Implant neuroelectrde, addl Removal of vertebral body Removal of vertebral body Remove vertebral body add-on N block inj, lumbar plexus N block inj, hypogas plxs Injection treatment of nerve 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 5 12/22/2003 Appendix A 65780 65781 65782 67912 68371 70557 70558 70559 75998 76082 76083 76514 76937 76940 78804 79403 84156 84157 85055 85396 87269 87329 87660 88112 88361 89220 89225 89230 89235 89240 89268 89272 89280 89281 89290 89291 89335 89342 89343 89344 89346 89352 89353 89354 89356 90655 90698 90715 90734 91110 95991 97755 Ocular reconst, transplant Ocular reconst, transplant Ocular reconst, transplant Correction eyelid w/ implant Harvest eye tissue, alograft Mri brain w/o dye Mri brain w/ dye Mri brain w/o & w/ dye Fluoroguide for vein device Computer mammogram add-on Computer mammogram add-on Echo exam of eye, thickness Us guide, vascular access Us guide, tissue ablation Tumor imaging, whole body Hematopoetic nuclear therapy Assay of protein, urine Assay of protein, other Reticulated platelet assay Clotting assay, whole blood Giardia ag, if Giardia ag, eia Trichomonas vagin, dir probe Cytopath, cell enhance tech Immunohistochemistry, tumor Sputum specimen collection Starch granules, feces Collect sweat for test Water load test Pathology lab procedure Insemination of oocytes Extended culture of oocytes Assist oocyte fertilization Assist oocyte fertilization Biopsy, oocyte polar body Biopsy, oocyte polar body Cryopreserve testicular tiss Storage/year; embryo(s) Storage/year; sperm/semen Storage/year; reprod tissue Storage/year; oocyte Thawing cryopresrved; embryo Thawing cryopresrved; sperm Thaw cryoprsvrd; reprod tiss Thawing cryopresrved; oocyte Flu vaccine, 6-35 mo, im Dtap-hib-ip vaccine, im Tdap vaccine >7 im Meningococcal vaccine, im Gi tract capsule endoscopy Spin/brain pump refil & main Assistive technology assess 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 6 12/22/2003 Appendix A 99601 99602 0001F 0002F 0003F 0004F 0005F 0006F 0007F 0008F 0009F 0010F 0011F 0045T 0046T 0047T 0048T 0049T 0050T 0051T 0052T 0053T 0054T 0055T 0056T 0057T 0058T 0059T 0060T 0061T A0800 A4216 A4217 A4248 A4366 A4416 A4417 A4418 A4419 A4420 A4423 A4424 A4425 A4426 A4427 A4428 A4429 A4430 A4431 A4432 A4433 A4434 Home infusion/visit, 2 hrs Home infusion, each addtl hr Blood pressure, measured Tobacco use, smoking, assess Tobacco use, non-smoking Tobacco use txmnt counseling Tobacco use txmnt, pharmacol Statin therapy, prescribed Beta-blocker thx prescribed Ace inhibitor thx prescribed Assess anginal symptom/level Assess anginal symptom/level Oral antiplat thx prescribed Whole body photography Cath lavage, mammary duct(s Cath lavage, mammary duct(s) Implant ventricular device External circulation assist Removal circulation assist Implant total heart system Replace component heart syst Replace component heart syst Bone surgery using computer Bone surgery using computer Bone surgery using computer Uppr gi scope w/ thrml txmnt Cryopreservation, ovary tiss Cryopreservation, oocyte Electrical impedance scan Destruction of tumor, breast Amb trans 7pm-7am Sterile water/saline, 10 ml Sterile water/saline, 500 ml Chlorhexidine antisept Ostomy vent Ost pch clsd w barrier/filtr Ost pch w bar/bltinconv/fltr Ost pch clsd w/o bar w filtr Ost pch for bar w flange/flt Ost pch clsd for bar w lk fl Ost pch for bar w lk fl/fltr Ost pch drain w bar & filter Ost pch drain for barrier fl Ost pch drain 2 piece system Ost pch drain/barr lk flng/f Urine ost pouch w faucet/tap Urine ost pouch w bltinconv Ost urine pch w b/bltin conv Ost pch urine w barrier/tapv Os pch urine w bar/fange/tap Urine ost pch bar w lock fln Ost pch urine w lock flng/ft 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 7 12/22/2003 Appendix A A4638 A4671 A4672 A4673 A4674 A4728 A6407 A6441 A6442 A6443 A6444 A6445 A6446 A6447 A6448 A6449 A6450 A6451 A6452 A6453 A6454 A6455 A6456 A6550 A6551 A7046 A7520 A7521 A7522 A7523 A7524 A7525 A7526 A9280 A9525 A9526 A9528 A9529 A9530 A9531 A9532 A9533 A9534 A9999 C1080 C1081 C1082 C1083 C1713 C1714 C1715 C1717 Repl batt pulse gen sys Disposable cycler set Drainage ext line, dialysis Ext line w easy lock connect Chem/antisept solution, 8oz Dialysate solution, non-dex Packing strips, non-impreg Pad band w>=3" <5"/yd Conform band n/s w<3"/yd Conform band n/s w>=3"<5"/yd Conform band n/s w>=5"/yd Conform band s w <3"/yd Conform band s w>=3" <5"/yd Conform band s w >=5"/yd Lt compres band <3"/yd Lt compres band >=3" <5"/yd Lt compres band >=5"/yd Mod compres band w>=3"<5"/yd High compres band w>=3"<5"yd Self-adher band w <3"/yd Self-adher band w>=3" <5"/yd Self-adher band >=5"/yd Zinc paste band w >=3"<5"/yd Neg pres wound ther drsg set Neg press wound ther canistr Repl water chamber, PAP dev Trach/laryn tube non-cuffed Trach/laryn tube cuffed Trach/laryn tube stainless Tracheostomy shower protect Tracheostoma stent/stud/bttn Tracheostomy mask Tracheostomy tube collar Alert device, noc Low/iso-osmolar contrast mat Ammonia N-13, per dose Dx I131 so iodide cap millic Dx I131 so iodide sol millic Th I131 so iodide sol millic Dx I131 so iodide microcurie I-125 serum albumin micro I-131 tositumomab diagnostic I-131 tositumomab therapeut DME supply or accessory, nos I-131 tositumomab, dx I-131 tositumomab, tx In-111 ibritumomab tiuxetan Yttrium 90 ibritumomab tiuxe 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 8 12/22/2003 Appendix A C1721 C1722 C1724 C1725 C1726 C1727 C1728 C1729 C1730 C1731 C1732 C1733 C1750 C1751 C1752 C1753 C1754 C1755 C1756 C1757 C1758 C1759 C1760 C1762 C1763 C1764 C1766 C1767 C1768 C1769 C1770 C1771 C1772 C1773 C1776 C1777 C1778 C1779 C1780 C1781 C1782 C1784 C1785 C1786 C1787 C1788 C1789 C1813 C1815 C1816 C1817 C1874 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 9 12/22/2003 Appendix A C1875 C1876 C1877 C1878 C1879 C1880 C1881 C1882 C1883 C1885 C1887 C1891 C1892 C1893 C1894 C1895 C1896 C1897 C1898 C1899 C2615 C2617 C2619 C2620 C2621 C2622 C2625 C2626 C2627 C2628 C2629 C2630 C2631 C9210 C9211 C9212 E0118 E0140 E0190 E0240 E0247 E0248 E0300 E0301 E0302 E0303 E0304 E0470 E0471 E0472 E0561 E0562 Injection, palonosetron HCL Inj, alefacept, IV Inj, alefacept, IM Crutch substitute Walker w trunk support Positioning cushion Bath/shower chair Trans bench w/wo comm open HDtrans bench w/wo comm open Enclosed ped crib hosp grade HD hosp bed, 350-600 lbs Ex hd hosp bed > 600 lbs Hosp bed hvy dty xtra wide Hosp bed xtra hvy dty x wide RAD w/o backup non-inv intfc RAD w/backup non inv intrfc RAD w backup invasive intrfc Humidifier nonheated w PAP Humidifier heated used w PAP 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 10 12/22/2003 Appendix A E0637 E0638 E0675 E0955 E0956 E0957 E0960 E0981 E0982 E0983 E0984 E0985 E0986 E1002 E1003 E1004 E1005 E1006 E1007 E1008 E1009 E1010 E1019 E1021 E1028 E1029 E1030 E1391 E1634 E2120 E2201 E2202 E2203 E2204 E2300 E2301 E2310 E2311 E2320 E2321 E2322 E2323 E2324 E2325 E2326 E2327 E2328 E2329 E2330 E2331 E2340 E2341 Sit-stand w seatlift Standing frame sys Pneumatic compression device Cushioned headrest W/c lateral trunk/hip suppor W/c medial thigh support W/c shoulder harness/straps Seat upholstery, replacement Back upholstery, replacement Add pwr joystick Add pwr tiller W/c seat lift mechanism Man w/c push-rim pow assist Pwr seat tilt Pwr seat recline Pwr seat recline mech Pwr seat recline pwr Pwr seat combo w/o shear Pwr seat combo w/shear Pwr seat combo pwr shear Add mech leg elevation Add pwr leg elevation HD feature power seat Ex hd feature power seat W/c manual swingaway W/c vent tray fixed W/c vent tray gimbaled Oxygen concentrator, dual Peritoneal dialysis clamp Pulse gen sys tx endolymp fl Man w/ch acc seat w>=20"<24" Seat width 24-27 in Frame depth less than 22 in Frame depth 22 to 25 in Pwr seat elevation sys Pwr standing Electro connect btw control Electro connect btw 2 sys Hand chin control Hand interface joystick Mult mech switches Special joystick handle Chin cup interface Sip and puff interface Breath tube kit Head control interface mech Head/extremity control inter Head control nonproportional Head control proximity switc Attendant control W/c wdth 20-23 in seat frame W/c wdth 24-27 in seat frame 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 11 12/22/2003 Appendix A E2342 E2343 E2350 E2351 E2360 E2361 E2362 E2363 E2364 E2365 E2366 E2367 E2399 E2402 E2500 E2502 E2504 E2506 E2508 E2510 E2511 E2512 E2599 G0302 G0303 G0304 G0305 G0306 G0307 G0308 G0309 G0310 G0311 G0312 G0313 G0314 G0315 G0316 G0317 G0318 G0319 G0320 G0321 G0322 G0323 G0324 G0325 G0326 G0327 G0328 W/c dpth 20-21 in seat frame W/c dpth 22-25 in seat frame W/c hd pt wt >250 lbs Electronic SGD interface 22nf nonsealed leadacid 22nf sealed leadacid battery Gr24 nonsealed leadacid Gr24 sealed leadacid battery U1nonsealed leadacid battery U1 sealed leadacid battery Battery charger, single mode Battery charger, dual mode Noc interface Neg press wound therapy pump SGD digitized pre-rec <=8min SGD prerec msg >8min <=20min SGD prerec msg>20min <=40min SGD prerec msg > 40 min SGD spelling phys contact SGD w multi methods msg/accs SGD sftwre prgrm for PC/PDA SGD accessory, mounting sys SGD accessory noc Pre-op service LVRS complete Pre-op service LVRS 10-15dos Pre-op service LVRS 1-9 dos Post op service LVRS min 6 CBC/diffwbc w/o platelet CBC without platelet G0338 Linear accelerator stero pln ESRD related svs home mo 20+ ESRD related svs home/dy/2y ESRD relate home/dy 2-11yr ESRD relate home/dy 12-19y ESRD relate home/dy 20+yrs 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040102 20040103 20040104 20040105 20040106 20040107 20040108 20040109 20040110 20040111 20040112 20040113 20040114 20040115 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 12 12/22/2003 Appendix A G0339 G0340 J0152 J0215 J0583 J0595 J1335 J1595 J2001 J2185 J2280 J2353 J2354 J2505 J2783 J3411 J3415 J3465 J3486 J7303 J7621 J9098 J9178 J9263 J9395 L0112 L0861 L1831 L1907 L1951 L1971 L3031 L3917 L5673 L5679 L5681 L5683 L8511 L8512 L8513 L8514 L8631 L8659 P9051 P9052 P9053 P9054 P9055 P9056 P9057 P9058 P9059 Robot lin-radsurg com, first Robot lin-radsurg fractx 2-5 Adenosine injection Alefacept Bivalirudin Butorphanol tartrate 1 mg Ertapenem injection Injection glatiramer acetate Lidocaine injection Meropenem Inj, moxifloxacin 100 mg Octreotide injection, depot Octreotide inj, non-depot Injection, pegfilgrastim 6mg Rasburicase Thiamine hcl 100 mg Pyridoxine hcl 100 mg Injection, voriconazole Ziprasidone mesylate Contraceptive vaginal ring (Levo)albuterol/Ipra-bromide Cytarabine liposome Inj, epirubicin hcl, 2 mg Oxaliplatin Injection, Fulvestrant Cranial cervical orthosis Halo repl liner/interface Knee orth pos locking joint AFO supramalleolar custom AFO spiral prefabricated AFO w/ankle joint, prefab Foot lamin/prepreg composite Prefab metacarpl fx orthosis Socket insert w lock mech Socket insert w/o lock mech Intl custm cong/latyp insert Initial custom socket insert Indwelling trach insert Gel cap for trach voice pros Trach pros cleaning device Repl trach puncture dilator MCP joint repl 2 pc or more Interphalangeal joint repl Blood, l/r, cmv-neg Platelets, hla-m, l/r, unit Plt, pher, l/r cmv-neg, irr Blood, l/r, froz/degly/wash Plt, aph/pher, l/r, cmv-neg Blood, l/r, irradiated RBC, frz/deg/wsh, l/r, irrad RBC, l/r, cmv-neg, irrad Plasma, frz between 8-24hour 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 13 12/22/2003 Appendix A P9060 Q0137 Q0182 Q4054 Q4055 S0107 S0115 S2085 S2095 S2113 S2135 S2225 S2362 S2363 S3853 S8075 S8948 T2101 T5001 T5999 V2121 V2221 V2321 V2745 V2756 V2761 V2762 V2782 V2783 V2784 V2786 V2797 Fr frz plasma donor retested Darbepoetin alfa, non-esrd Nonmetabolic act d/e tissue Darbepoetin alfa, esrd use Epoetin alfa, esrd use Inj, omalizumab 25 mg Bortezomib 3.5 mg Laparoscop gastric bypass Transcath emboliz microspher Arthro chondrocyte implant Neurolysis interspace foot Myringotomy laser-assist Kyphoplasty, first vertebra Kyphoplasty, each addl Gene test myo musclr dyst CAD of digital mammogr Low-level laser trmt 15 min Breast milk proc/store/dist Special position seat/vehicl Supply, nos Lenticular lens, single Lenticular lens, bifocal Lenticular lens, trifocal Tint, any color/solid/grad Eye glass case Mirror coating Polarization, any lens Lens, 1.54-1.65 p/1.60-1.79g Lens, >= 1.66 p/>=1.80 g Lens polycarb or equal Occupational multifocal lens Vis item/svc in other code 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 14 12/22/2003 Appendix B Code A9527 Description A6020 Eff Date TermDate 20000801 20010101 S8945 S9524 T1008 T1011 PT phonophoresis 30 mins Nursing services related to Day Treatment for Individual Alcohol/Substance Abuse NOC 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 S9802 S9803 HT nursing visit HT nursing addl hr 20030701 20030630 20030701 20030630 S9546 Home inf blood prod nurs ser 20031001 20030930 76085 A9518 A9603 C9111 C9116 C9119 C9120 C9204 E1091 G0236 G0256 G0261 G0273 G0274 J0151 J2352 Q4053 Computer mammogram add-on I-131 sodium iodide solution 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 20040101 Inj, bivalirudin, 250mg vial Ertapenem sodium, per 1 gm Injection, fulvestrant Ziprasidone mesylate Wheelchair youth Digital film convert diag ma Prostate Brachy w palladium Prostate brachy w iodine see Pretx planning, non-Hodgkins Radiopharm tx, non-Hodgkins Adenosine injection Octreotide acetate injection Pegfilgrastim, 1 mg 1 20030331 20030331 20030331 20030331 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 12/22/2003 Appendix C Code 36488 36489 36490 36491 36493 36530 36531 36532 36533 36534 36535 36536 36537 47134 61862 76490 89252 89256 89350 89355 89360 89365 89399 90659 99025 99551 99552 99553 99554 99555 99556 99557 99558 99559 99560 99561 99562 99563 99564 99565 99566 99567 99568 99569 0002T 0025T 00544 A4214 A4319 A4323 A4621 Description Insertion of catheter, vein Insertion of catheter, vein Insertion of catheter, vein Insertion of catheter, vein Repositioning of cvc Insertion of infusion pump Revision of infusion pump Removal of infusion pump Insertion of access device Revision of access device Removal of access device Remove cva device obstruct Remove cva lumen obstruct Partial removal, donor liver Implant neurostimul, subcort Us for tissue ablation Assist oocyte fertilization Prepare cryopreserved embryo Sputum specimen collection Exam feces for starch Collect sweat for test Water load test Pathology lab procedure Flu vaccine, whole, im Initial surgical evaluation Home infus, pain mgmt, iv/sc Hm infus pain mgmt, epid/ith Home infuse, tocolytic tx Home infus, hormone/platelet Home infuse, chemotheraphy Home infus, antibio/fung/vir Home infuse, anticoagulant Home infuse, immunotherapy Home infus, periton dialysis Home infus, entero nutrition Home infuse, hydration tx Home infus, parent nutrition Home admin, pentamidine Hme infus, antihemophil agnt Home infus, proteinase inhib Home infuse, iv therapy Home infuse, sympath agent Home infus, misc drug, daily Home infuse, each addl tx endo repair abd aa aorto uni Ultrasonic pachymetry Anesth, chest lining removal 30 CC sterile water/saline Sterile H2O irrigation solut Saline irrigation solution Tracheotomy mask or collar Eff Date 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 1 TermDate 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 12/22/2003 Appendix C A4622 A4631 A4644 A4645 A4646 A4712 A6421 A6422 A6424 A6426 A6428 A6430 A6432 A6434 A6436 A6438 A6440 A7019 A7020 C1010 C1011 C1015 C1016 C1017 C1018 C1020 C1021 C1022 C1166 C1167 C1774 C9010 C9503 C9711 E0142 E0145 E0146 E0165 E0943 E0975 E0976 E0979 E0991 E0993 E1066 E1069 G0110 G0111 G0112 G0113 G0114 G0115 Tracheostomy or larngectomy Wheelchair battery Contrast 100-199 MGs iodine Contrast 200-299 MGs iodine Contrast 300-399 MGs iodine Sterile water inj per 10 ml Pad bandage >=3 <5in w /roll Conf bandage ns >=3<5"w/roll Conf bandage ns >=5"w /roll Conf bandage s >=3<5" w/roll Conf bandage s >=5" w /roll Lt compres bdg >=3<5"w /roll Lt compres bdg >=5"w /roll Mo compres bdg >=3<5"w /roll Hi compres bdg >=3<5"w /roll Self-adher bdg >=3<5"w /roll Zinc paste bdg >=3<5"w /roll Saline solution dispenser Sterile H2O or NSS w lgv neb Blood, L/R, CMV-NEG Platelets, HLA-m, L/R, unit Plt, pher,L/R,CMV, irrad BLOOD,L/R,FROZ/DEGLY/Washed Plt, APH/PHER,L/R,CMV-NEG Blood, L/R, IRRADIATED RBC, frz/deg/wsh, L/R, irrad RBC, L/R, CMV neg, irrad Plasma, frz within 24 hour CYTARABINE LIPOSOMAL, 10 mg EPIRUBICIN HCL, 2 mg Darbepoetin alfa, non-esrd Baclofen Refill Kit--4000mcg Fresh frozen plasma, ea unit Walker rigid wheeled with se Walker whled seat/crutch att Folding walker wheels w seat Commode chair stationry det Cervical pillow Wheelchair reinforced seat u Wheelchair reinforced back u Wheelchair belt with velcro Wheelchair upholstry seat Wheelchair back upholstery Wheelchair battery charger Wheelchair deep cycle batter Nett pulm-rehab educ; ind Nett pulm-rehab educ; group Nett;nutrition guid, initial Nett;nutrition guid,subseqnt Nett; psychosocial consult Nett; psychological testing 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 2 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 12/22/2003 Appendix C G0116 G0167 G0262 G0272 J1910 J2000 J7508 J9180 K0016 K0022 K0025 K0026 K0027 K0028 K0029 K0030 K0031 K0032 K0033 K0035 K0036 K0048 K0049 K0054 K0055 K0057 K0058 K0062 K0063 K0079 K0080 K0082 K0083 K0084 K0085 K0086 K0087 K0088 K0089 K0100 K0103 K0107 K0112 K0113 K0268 K0460 K0461 K0531 K0532 K0533 K0534 K0538 Nett; psychosocial counsel Hyperbaric oz tx;no md reqrd Sm intestinal image capsule Naso/oro gastric tube pl MD Kutapressin injection Lidocaine injection Tacrolimus oral per 5 MG Epirubicin HCl injection Detach adjust armrst cmplete Reinforced back upholstery Hook-on headrest extension Back upholst lgtwt whlchr Back upholst other whlchr Manual fully reclining back Reinforced seat upholstery Solid plnr seat sngl dnsfoam Safety belt/pelvic strap Seat uphols lgtwt whlchr Seat upholstery other whlchr Heel loop with ankle strap Toe loop each Elevate legrest complete Calf pad each Seat wdth 10-12/15/17/20 wc Seat dpth 15/17/18 ltwt wc Seat wdth 19/20 hvy dty wc Seat dpth 17/18 power wc Handrim 8-10 vert/obliq proj Hndrm 12-16 vert/obliq proj Wheel lock extension pair Anti-rollback device pair 22 nf nonsealed leadacid 22nf sealed leadacid battery Gr24 nonsealed leadacid Gr24 sealed leadacid battery U1nonsealed leadacid battery U1 sealed leadacid battery Battery charger, single mode Battery charger, dual mode Amputee adapter pair Transfer board < 25" Wheelchair tray Trunk vest supprt innr frame Trunk vest suprt w/o inr frm Humidifier nonheated w PAP WC power add-on joystick WC power add-on tiller cntrl Heated humidifier used w pap Noninvasive assist wo backup Noninvasive assist w backup Invasive assist w backup Neg pressure wnd thrpy pump 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 3 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 12/22/2003 Appendix C K0539 K0540 K0541 K0542 K0543 K0544 K0545 K0546 K0547 K0549 K0550 K0556 K0557 K0558 K0559 K0560 K0581 K0582 K0583 K0584 K0585 K0586 K0587 K0588 K0589 K0590 K0591 K0592 K0593 K0594 K0595 K0596 K0597 K0610 K0611 K0612 K0613 K0614 K0615 K0616 K0617 K0621 L1885 K0622 K0623 K0624 K0625 K0626 L2102 L2104 L2122 L2124 Neg pres wnd thrpy dsg set Neg pres wnd thrp canister SGD prerecorded msg <= 8 min SGD prerecorded msg > 8 min SGD msg formed by spelling SGD w multi methods msg/accs SGD sftwre prgrm for PC/PDA SGD accessory,mounting systm SGD accessory NOC Hosp bed hvy dty xtra wide Hosp bed xtra hvy dty x wide Socket insert w lock mech Socket insert w/o lock mech Intl custm cong/atyp insert Initial custom socket insert MCP joint 2-piece for implnt Ost pch clsd w barrier/filtr Ost pch w bar/bltinconv/fltr Ost pch clsd w/o bar w filtr Ost pch for bar w flange/flt Ost pch clsd for bar w lk fl Ost pch for bar w lk fl/fltr Ost pch drain w bar & filter Ost pch drain for barrier fl Ost pch drain 2 piece system Ost pch drain/barr lk flng/f Urine ost pouch w faucet/tap Urine ost pouch w bltinconv Ost urine pch w b/bltin conv Ost pch urine w barrier/tapv Os pch urine w bar/fange/tap Urine ost pch bar w lock fln Ost pch urine w lock flng/ft Peritoneal dialysis clamp Disposable cycler set Drainage ext line, dialysis Ext line w easy lock connect Chem/antisept solution, 8oz SGD prerec mes >8min <=20min SGD prerec mes>20min <=40min SGD prerec mes > 40min Gauze, non-impreg pack strip Knee upright w/resistance Afo tibial fx cast plstr mol Afo tib fx cast synthetic mo Kafo fem fx cast plaster mol Kafo fem fx cast synthet mol 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 4 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 12/22/2003 Appendix C Q0086 Q2010 Q4052 Q4078 Q9920 Q9921 Q9922 Q9923 Q9924 Q9925 Q9926 Q9927 Q9928 Q9929 Q9930 Q9931 Q9932 Q9933 Q9934 Q9935 Q9936 Q9937 Q9938 Q9939 Q9940 S0009 S0079 S0124 S0130 S8180 S8181 V2116 V2117 V2216 V2217 V2316 V2317 V2740 V2741 V2742 V2743 Physical therapy evaluation/ Glatiramer acetate, per dose Octreotide injection, depot Ammonia N-13, per dose Epoetin with hct <= 20 Epoetin with hct = 21 Epoetin with hct = 22 Epoetin with hct = 23 Epoetin with hct = 24 Epoetin with hct = 25 Epoetin with hct = 26 Epoetin with hct = 27 Epoetin with hct = 28 Epoetin with hct = 29 Epoetin with hct = 30 Epoetin with hct = 31 Epoetin with hct = 32 Epoetin with hct = 33 Epoetin with hct = 34 Epoetin with hct = 35 Epoetin with hct = 36 Epoetin with hct = 37 Epoetin with hct = 38 Epoetin with hct = 39 Epoetin with hct >= 40 Injection, butorphanol tartr Octreotide 100 mcg Inj urofollitropin 75 iu Inj c gonadotropin 5000 iu Trach shower protector Trach tube holder Nonaspheric lens bifocal Aspheric lens bifocal Lens lenticular nonaspheric Lens lenticular aspheric bif Lens lenticular nonaspheric Lens lenticular aspheric tri Rose tint plastic Non-rose tint plastic Rose tint glass Non-rose tint glass 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 20040401 5 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 20031231 12/22/2003 Appendix D Code S9150 Description Evaluation by ocularist Eff Date 20020401 S9484 S9490 S9900 Crisis intervention per hour HIT corticosteroid/diem Christian Sci Pract visit 20020701 20020701 20020701 S0104 S0201 S0207 S0315 S0316 S0320 S1040 S2262 S2265 S2266 S2267 S3655 Zidovudine, oral, 100 mg Partial hospitalization serv Paramedicintercep nonhospals Disease management program Follow-up/reassessment RN telephone calls to DMP Cranial remolding orthosis Abortion maternal indic>=25w Abortion 25-28wks fetal indi Abortion 29-31wks fetal indi Abortion >=32wks fetal indic Antisperm antibodies test 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 20021001 S5100 S5101 S5102 S5105 S5110 S5111 S5115 S5116 S5120 S5121 S5125 S5126 S5130 S5131 S5135 S5136 S5140 S5141 S5145 S5146 S5150 S5151 S5160 S5161 S5162 S5165 S5170 S5175 S5180 S5181 S5185 S5190 Adult daycare services 15min Adult day care per half day Adult day care per diem Centerbased day care perdiem Family homecare training 15m Family homecare train/sessio Nonfamily homecare train/15m Nonfamily HC train/session Chore services per 15 min Chore services per diem Attendant care service /15m Attendant care service /diem Homaker service nos per 15m Homemaker service nos /diem Adult companioncare per 15m Adult companioncare per diem Adult foster care per diem Adult foster care per month Child fostercare th per diem Ther fostercare child /month Unskilled respite care /15m Unskilled respitecare /diem Emer response sys instal&tst Emer rspns sys serv permonth Emer rspns system purchase Home modifications per serv Homedelivered prepared meal Laundry serv,ext,prof,/order HH respiratory thrpy in eval HH respiratory thrpy nos/day Med reminder serv per month Wellness assessment by nonph 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 20030101 1 12/22/2003 Appendix D S5199 S8004 Personal care item nos each Wholebody radiopharm trgcell 20030101 20030101 H2010 H2011 H2012 H2013 H2014 H2015 H2016 H2017 H2018 H2019 H2020 H2021 H2022 H2023 H2024 H2025 H2026 H2027 H2028 H2029 H2030 H2031 H2032 H2033 H2034 H2035 H2036 H2037 S0136 S0137 S0138 S0139 S0140 S0141 S2090 S2091 S3000 S3820 S3822 S3823 S3828 S3829 S3833 S3834 S5108 S5109 S8460 S8990 S9434 Comprehensive med svc 15 min Crisis interven svc, 15 min Behav hlth day treat, per hr Psych hlth fac svc, per diem Skills train and dev, 15 min Comp comm supp svc, 15 min Comp comm supp svc, per diem Psysoc rehab svc, per 15 min Psysoc rehab svc, per diem Ther behav svc, per 15 min Ther behav svc, per diem Com wrap-around sv, 15 min Com wrap-around sv, per diem Supported employ, per 15 min Supported employ, per diem Supp maint employ, 15 min Supp maint employ, per diem Psychoed svc, per 15 min Sex offend tx svc, 15 min Sex offend tx svc, per diem MH clubhouse svc, per 15 min MH clubhouse svc, per diem Activity therapy, per 15 min Multisys ther/juvenile 15min A/D halfway house, per diem A/D tx program, per hour A/D tx program, per diem Dev delay prev dp ch, 15 min Clozapine, 25 mg Didanosine, 25 mg Finasteride, 5 mg Minoxidil, 10 mg Saquinavir, 200 mg Zalcitabine, 0.375 mg Open cryosurg renal Perc cryosurg renal Bilat dil retinal exam Comp BRCA1/BRCA2 Sing mutation brst/ovar 3 mutation brst/ovar Comp MLH1 gene Comp MLH2 gene Comp APC sequence Sing mutation APC Homecare train pt 15 min Homecare train pt session Camisole post-mast Pt or manip for maint Mod solid food suppl 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 20030401 2 12/22/2003 Appendix D T2010 T2011 PASRR Level I PASRR Level II 20030401 20030401 S0317 S3625 S3840 S3841 S3842 S3843 S3844 S3845 S3846 S3847 S3848 S3849 S3850 S3851 S3852 S9335 Disease mgmt per diem Maternal triple screen test DNA analysis RET-oncogene Gene test retinoblastoma Gene test Hippel-Lindau DNA analysis factor v DNA analysis deafness Gene test alpha-thalassemia Gene test beta-thalassemia Gene test Tay-Sachs Gene test Gaucher Gene test Niemann-Pick Gene test sickle cell Gene test canavan DNA analysis APOE alzheimer HT hemodialysis diem 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 20030701 C9207 S2070 S2213 S2230 S2235 S5550 S5551 S5552 S5553 S5560 S5561 S5565 S5566 S5570 S5571 S8120 S8121 S9476 T2012 T2013 T2014 T2015 T2016 T2017 T2018 T2019 T2020 T2021 T2022 T2023 T2024 T2025 Injection, bortezomib Cysto laser tx ureteral calc Implant gastric stim Implant semi-imp hear Implant auditory brain imp Insulin rapid 5 u Insulin most rapid 5 u Insulin intermed 5 u Insulin long acting 5 u Insulin reuse pen 1.5 ml Insulin reuse pen 3 ml Insulin cartridge 150 u Insulin cartridge 300 u Insulin dispos pen 1.5 ml Insulin dispos pen 3 ml O2 contents gas cubic ft O2 contents liquid lb Vestibular rehab per diem Habil ed waiver, per diem Habil ed waiver per hour Habil prevoc waiver, 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