SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING COURSE INFORMATION MANUAL THERMAL POWER MSc / PGCert / PGDip 2013/2014 Course Director: Professor Pericles Pilidis Deputy Course Directors: Dr David MacManus Dr Theoklis Nikolaidis Mr Anthony Haslam This document should be read in conjunction with the information which is available through the University Intranet MSc COURSE INFORMATION MANUAL October 2013 Dear Course Member, Welcome to the Department of Power and Propulsion within the School of Engineering (SoE). This document contains information about the Thermal Power MSc course and those available to help you. Please look at it carefully and keep it for future reference. If you have problems please contact the appropriate member of staff or the Course Administrator. We will see quite a lot of each other in the forthcoming year and we all look forward to working with you and to several enjoyable social occasions. The staff at Cranfield hope you will have a successful and pleasant year with us and we welcome this opportunity to make a contribution to your career development. Academic & Support Staff Head of School of Engineering Professor Phil John Secretary: Ms Lisa Rice Ext: 4769 Head of Department of Power and Propulsion MSc in Thermal Power Course Director Professor Pericles Pilidis Ext: 4646 Email: Secretary to Professor Pilidis & Department Administrator Mrs Gill Hargreaves Ext: 4765 Email: Building 83 Whittle Building/Room 142 Whittle Building/Room 140 Deputy Course Directors: Head of Gas Turbine Technology Group MSc in Thermal Power Deputy Course Director Dr. David MacManus Ext: 4735 Email: Whittle Building/Room312 MSc Thermal Power Deputy Course Director: Dr Theoklis Nikolaidis Ext: 4640 Email: MSc Thermal Power Deputy Course Director (Part-time) Mechanical Integrity Specialist: Mr Anthony Haslam Ext: 4641 Email: Whittle Building/Room 330 MSc Course Administration: Programme Manager - Gas Turbine Education Mrs Claire Bellis Ext: 4764 Email: Whittle Building/Room 324 MSc Course Administrator Mrs Xani Thorman Ext: 5339 Email: Whittle Building/Room 316 MSc Course Administrator Mrs Mandy Hong Ext: 4747 Email: Whittle Building/Room 316 MSc Course Administrator Turbomachinery & Icing Group Administrator Mrs Heather Hill Ext: 5282 Email: Whittle Building/Room 316 Academic Staff: Dr Abdulmajid Addali Research Fellow Ext: 4602 Email: Whittle Building /Room 321 Dr Joao Amaral Teixeira Lecturer Ext: 4679 Email: Whittle Building /Room 135 Dr Giuseppina Di Lorenzo Research Fellow Ext : 5281 Email: Whittle Building /Room 318 Dr David Hammond Senior Lecturer Ext: 4651 Email: Whittle Building /Room 136 Dr Uyioghosa Igie Research Fellow Ext: 8382 Email: Whittle Building /Room 321 Dr Anthony JB Jackson (Part-time) Ext: 4641 Email: Whittle Building /Room 330 Dr Panagiotis Laskaridis Lecturer Ext: 4643 Email: Whittle Building/Room 333 Dr Craig Lawson Lecturer Ext: 4686 Email: Dr Yiguang Li Lecturer Ext 4723 email: Dr Devaiah Nalianda Karumbaiah Research Fellow Ext: 4742 Email: Building 83 Whittle Building/Room 317 Whittle Building /Room Dr Vassilios Pachidis Senior Lecturer Deputy Director of UTC Ext: 4663 Email: Whittle Building/Room 334 Dr Ken Ramsden Consultant GT Technology Programmes Ext. 4712 Email: Whittle Building/Room 313 Professor Mark Savill Head of Power Propulsions and Sciences Group Ext: 4752 Email: Dr Vishal Sethi Lecturer Ext: 8270 Email: Professor Riti Singh Head of Gas Turbine Engineering and Research Group Assistant: Mrs Sheila Holroyd Ext: 4661 Email: Dr Pavlos Zachos Lecturer Ext: 4633 Email: Whittle Building /Room 324 Whittle Building/Room 221 Whittle Building/Room 138 Support Staff: Mrs Nicola Datt PhD Administrator Ext: 4653 Email. Ext: 4653 Whittle Building/Room 140 Mrs Maria Negus UTC Administrator Ext: 4740 Email. Mrs Karen Swan CPD Administrator Ext: 4683 Email: External Academic Contributors: Dr Ossama Badr Professor John Fielding Mr Konstantinos Kyprianidis Mr Ken Langley Professor John Nicholls Dr Philip Rubini Mr Noel Seyb Mr Darrell Williams Mr Ron Midgley Mr Stuart Floyd Mr Robert Pitt Whittle Building/Room 340 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................11 1.1 AIMS OF CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY........................................................................11 1.2 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING MISSION STATEMENT.............................................11 1.3 COURSE AIMS.........................................................................................................11 1.4 THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER AND PROPULSION – AN OVERVIEW................11 1.4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................11 1.4.2 Sponsored Research .....................................................................................12 1.4.3 Continuing Professional Development ...........................................................12 2 THERMAL POWER MSC...................................................................................................14 2.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................14 2.2 COURSE AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES .....................................14 2.3 PROGRAMME SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................15 2.3.1 Institutions delivering the course....................................................................15 2.3.2 Accreditation..................................................................................................15 2.3.3 Intended Learning Outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstrated..........................................................................................15 Postgraduate Certificate...................................................................15 Postgraduate Diploma......................................................................16 Master of Science (MSc): .................................................................17 2.4 THERMAL POWER COURSE OPTION REQUIREMENTS ......................................18 2.4.1 Summary of qualification requirements ..........................................................18 2.4.2 Summary of Pass Criteria ..............................................................................18 2.5 MSC THERMAL POWER – COURSE DESCRIPTION .............................................19 2.5.1 MSC Thermal Power Course Options............................................................19 2.5.2 Course Structure ...........................................................................................20 2.5.3 Credit Structure .............................................................................................20 2.5.4 CREDIT MAPPING FOR MSc COURSES .....................................................21 Gas Turbine Technology..................................................................21 Rotating Machinery Engineering & Management .............................22 Aerospace Propulsion ......................................................................23 Power, Propulsion and the Environment ..........................................24 2.5.5 Choosing Your Course Options .....................................................................25 2.6 THERMAL POWER COURSES – PGCERT AND PGDIPLOMA CREDIT MAPPING .................................................................................................................26 2.6.1 Postgraduate Certificate ................................................................................26 PGCert - Gas Turbine Technology ...................................................26 2.6.2 Postgraduate Diploma ...................................................................................27 PGDipl - Gas Turbine Technology....................................................27 PGDipl – Aerospace Propulsion .......................................................28 PGDipl – Power, Propulsion and the Environment ...........................29 PGDipl – Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management...........30 3 OTHER ELEMENTS OF THE COURSE, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES............31 3.1 PRESENTATIONS AND SEMINARS........................................................................31 3.2 ATTENDANCE AT LECTURES AND ASSESSMENTS ............................................31 3.3 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES ...............................................................................31 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.3.1 Assessment of Individual MSc Theses...........................................................31 MINIMUM MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS.............................................................32 QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTORS FOR NON-NUMERICAL COURSEWORK AND PROJECT WORK .....................................................................................................32 EXAMINATION RESIT POLICY................................................................................34 PLAGIARISM AND COLLABORATION.....................................................................34 THESIS/RESARCH PROJECT .................................................................................35 4 ACADEMIC YEAR ACTIVITIES .........................................................................................36 4.1 INTRODUCTORY TRAINING SESSIONS ................................................................36 4.1.1 Kings Norton Library ......................................................................................36 4.1.2 Introduction to IT Services .............................................................................36 FORTRAN .......................................................................................37 4.1.3 Careers Service Presentation ........................................................................37 4.2 PRESENTATIONS....................................................................................................37 4.2.1 Seminar Presentations from Guest Speakers ................................................37 4.2.2 Project Progress Presentations .....................................................................37 4.3 MANAGEMENT FOR TECHNOLOGY COURSE ......................................................37 4.4 COMPRESSOR BLADING LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS ...................................37 4.5 ORIGIN OF LOADS AND TURBINE BLADE DESIGN ..............................................37 4.6 ENGINE OVERALL STRUCTURE ............................................................................37 4.7 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMINATIONS...................................................38 4.7.1 ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES AND SUBMISSION PROCEDURE...................38 4.7.2 EXAMINATIONS ...........................................................................................38 5 THESIS, ORALS AND RESEARCH POSTERS .................................................................39 5.1 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PROJECT AND THESIS .................................................39 5.2 MSC THESIS SUBMISSION DATE ..........................................................................39 5.3 THESIS HAND-IN PROCEDURE..............................................................................39 5.4 Oral Examinations & Poster Presentation .................................................................39 5.5 Results & Corrections ...............................................................................................39 6 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION...................................................................................39 6.1 COURSE MEMBERS’ REPRESENTATIVE ..............................................................39 6.2 MODULE QUESTIONNAIRES..................................................................................40 6.3 ABSENCE.................................................................................................................40 6.4 ILLNESS ...................................................................................................................40 6.5 STUDENT COUNSELLING SERVICE ......................................................................40 7 8 9 APPENDIX A .....................................................................................................................41 APPENDIX B .....................................................................................................................47 APPENDIX C .....................................................................................................................63 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 AIMS OF CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY The general aims of the University are: to advance, disseminate and apply learning and knowledge in science, technology and management; to promote and encourage the application of that knowledge and learning. 1.2 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING MISSION STATEMENT The Aim of the School of Engineering is to continue to be an International Centre of Relevance and Leadership in postgraduate education, research, design development and management in selected areas of engineering and applied science, working in partnership with industry and government. In its teaching provision, the School’s aim is to deliver a postgraduate education which is of a high academic standard leading to the acquisition of employable skills at an advanced professional level in areas of practical economic relevance. The aim of the School in its research programme is to provide an advanced engineering and engineering science base, in collaboration and with the support of industry and Government, and to use this base to further the academic and business development of the School 1.3 COURSE AIMS Britain is a world leader and a major exporter in the international fields of propulsion and power. This industrial prowess requires a strong multidisciplinary academic base. The aim of the Thermal Power course (M.Sc./ PGCert/ PGDip) is to provide the skills required for a challenging career in this field. 1.4 THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER AND PROPULSION – AN OVERVIEW 1.4.1 Introduction The Thermal Power Course (M.Sc./PGCert/ PGDip) is one of the major activities of the Department of Power and Propulsion at Cranfield. The Department runs, arguably, the largest university based gas turbine activity of its kind. The Thermal Power Course is a major beneficiary of this activity. Other elements include the Gas Turbine Continuing Professional Development programme, Research and Consultancy. These elements each strengthen one another. Strong industrial links are a feature of the Cranfield gas turbine activity. These have enabled Cranfield to provide a very good service to industry by providing a continuous update of technical developments and contacts. The wholly post-graduate nature of Cranfield fosters a very responsive climate for industrial research and the rapid adaptation to changing research needs is an important factor in the successful development of the University as a whole. Active advanced course teaching, through the MSc. programmes and a wide range of specialist short courses, maintains the momentum of academic change The main activities of the Department are: 1.4.2 Sponsored Research and Consultancy Gas Turbine Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme Thermal Power Course (M.Sc./PGCert/ PGDip) Sponsored Research The research undertaken by the Department can be broadly characterised as either academic, in the sense of comparatively lengthy programme duration and course member involvement, or industrial, centred on the professional research staff. An extensive range of programmes are currently running which involve sponsorship or direct contract support through industrial companies and government bodies. The School of Engineering maintains an impressive range of specialist test facilities which, combined with the professional skills of the staff within the various groups, offers a high quality, comprehensive research facility in key energy and power related fields. High pressure and high mass flow rate air supplies, for example, permit the realistic simulation of gas turbine operation in relation to aerodynamic components, turbomachinery and combustion. The application of advanced laser diagnostic techniques and computational modelling of the flow and thermodynamic problems arising in these components is a particular interest in the Department. Especially active areas of study currently in the gas turbine field relate to the following: 1.4.3 Low emissions combustor design, in relation to both NOx and smoke. Computational fluid dynamics applied to internal flows, both isothermal and combusting High density and high intensity gas turbine combustion chamber performance Variable geometry compressor cascade performance Design and assessment of advanced industrial gas turbine cycles Heat transfer and erosion studies of nozzle guide vanes and turbine blades. Gas turbine performance and diagnostics Gas turbine simulation Gas turbine mechanical integrity and lifing studies Continuing Professional Development An important element of the Gas Turbine activity in SoE is the Continuing Professional Development Programme. The Department runs a large portfolio of advanced Gas Turbine Technology short courses, focusing on the design, performance and operation of the gas turbine engine, its components and its integration within the aircraft and power systems. These courses fall into three major categories: overall plant performance component design and performance gas turbine end user issues A large proportion of these short courses are run at Cranfield on a regular yearly basis. The remainder are special courses offered in the U.K. and abroad in response to demands from industrial and government organisations. These courses attract large numbers of professionals each year. Thermal Power MSc Course Members are welcome to take part in this activity provided they obtain the agreement of their supervisor and the Short Course Director. An application form for this purpose is attached in appendix C of this manual. Once permission has been received, please return the completed form to Mrs Karen Swan, no later than the end of the 7th week of the first term. After this date it will not be possible to secure places on the courses. Given the nature of the CPD programme, only a small number can be accepted on each course. Please note that whilst there is no charge for MSc Thermal Power Course Members attending a short course, there is a charge for lunches and dinners should a student wish to attend these For further information on CPD, please contact Mrs Karen Swan. 2 THERMAL POWER MSC 2.1 INTRODUCTION The rapid controlled release of large quantities of energy in a compact device, features characteristic of the turbulent burning of fossil fuels, remains a key element in most transportation, power generation and manufacturing processes. Pressures for improved fuel economy and performance, diversification of fuel sources and concerns regarding the exhaust emissions from such sources make Thermal Power a most challenging field, occupying a central position in industry. The fine control of this energy release and the extraction of useful mechanical work via rotating or reciprocating machinery involve the complex interplay of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and mechanical design. The aircraft gas turbine epitomises the advanced technology needed to achieve these goals and forms a significant part of the teaching and research within the Department. Increasingly the gas turbine finds application in non-aeronautical areas - for example, in marine propulsion, for industrial processing in combined heat and power systems, in off-shore pumping and power generation for the oil and gas industries. These developments are reflected in specialist course options within the Thermal Power programme. 2.2 COURSE AIMS AND INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES The major objective of the MSc Thermal Power course is to • Provide the skills required for a rewarding career in the field of propulsion and power. • Meet employer requirements for graduates within power and propulsion industries. • Provide a continuing focus for Cranfield’s teaching, continued professional development and research activities in the areas of gas turbine and associated engineering. These skills include: Technical Skills: - Detailed technical knowledge of the gas turbine - Understanding of the applications of gas turbine engines - Technical analysis and computational tools Generic Skills: - Introduction to management skills and project management - Ability to work independently and within an organisation - Presentation experience On successful completion of the course a graduate will be able to make better decisions in a very advanced technology field using the all-round knowledge imparted in the course and the skills acquired in the thesis project. These skills have made Thermal Power MSc graduates very attractive to organisations in the arena of power and propulsion. The intended learning outcomes are set out in the Programme Specifications which follow. DETAILED INFORMATION OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ARE CONTAINED IN APPENDIX A OF THIS MANUAL. 2.3 PROGRAMME SPECIFICATIONS Course title Awards and exit routes (options) MSc Thermal Power MSc and PgDip are offered as entry and exit routes in each of the following options: • • • • Aerospace Propulsion Gas Turbine Technology Power, Propulsion and the Environment Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management There is also a PgCert entry and exit option in Gas Turbine Technology. Mode of delivery Faculty School(s) Course Director Full time Engineering and Aerospace School of Engineering Professor P. Pilidis Awarding Body Teaching Institution Admissions body Entry requirements UK Qualifications Framework Level Benchmark Statement(s) Cranfield University Cranfield University Cranfield University Standard University entry requirements QAA FHEQ level 7 (Masters) 2.3.1 Institutions delivering the course This course is delivered by the Department of Power and Propulsion within the School of Engineering, where the research interests include gas turbine engineering and applications, turbomachinery and icing, computational aerodynamics and combustor design. Teaching and assessment is also provided in one module by the Cranfield School of Management, one module by the Process Systems Engineering of the School of Engineering as well as by some external guest lecturers. Cranfield University remains fully responsible for the quality of delivery of the course. 2.3.2 Accreditation This course is accredited formally by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMECHE) and the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) until 2016. 2.3.3 Intended Learning Outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstrated Postgraduate Certificate Intended learning outcomes (skills and knowledge) On completion of this course, a diligent student should be able to: Teaching methods Taught lectures Computer based workshops, where appropriate Experimental laboratory sessions, where appropriate 1. Demonstrate a working knowledge and critical awareness of gas turbine performance, analysis techniques, component design and associated technologies. 2. Undertake quantitative evaluations of gas turbine systems and components using computer based tools where appropriate. IT and library training courses Invited guest seminars and lectures Industrial visits, where appropriate Workshop sessions to address group and individual assignment arisings Group presentation sessions are used to aid the development of presentation and time-management skills. 3. Plan and undertake a balanced course of Types of assessment study, investigation and independent learning while under time pressures and constraints. Formal examinations and assignments are Identify, evaluate and plan their personal used to assess student performance development. where appropriate. 4. Apply self-direction and independent learning In general, the more academic subjects in a professional manner within a team are assessed by examination and environment. vocationally based subjects by assignment. 5. Make technical presentations in a professional manner and provide technical Assessment of a presentation is also work in an appropriate written format. undertaken in conjunction with a written assignment. 6. Undertake successful group work and project management. Postgraduate Diploma In addition to the intended learning outcomes outlined above, a diligent student would also be expected to achieve: Intended learning outcomes (skills and knowledge) 7. 8. 9. Teaching methods As for PgCert Explain, differentiate and critically discuss the underpinning concepts and theories for a wide range of areas of gas turbine engineering and associated applications. Types of assessment Be able to discern, select and apply As for PgCert appropriate analysis techniques in the An oral examination is also used in assessment of particular aspects of gas conjunction with a written assignment and turbine engineering. an individual presentation. A group management business game is Be able to make informed judgements in the used along with an open book written absence of complete data for gas turbine examination for one optional module. related topics. 10. Examine, summarise and present review material from a range of sources on aspects of gas turbine engineering. Master of Science (MSc): In addition to the intended learning outcomes outlined above, a diligent student would also be expected to achieve: Intended learning outcomes (skills and knowledge) Teaching methods As for PgDip Individual supervised programme of research 11. Critically evaluate and assess the underpinning concepts, theories and methods for a wide range of areas of gas turbine engineering and associated applications. Types of assessment 12. Discern and select appropriate techniques As for PgDip to apply to a given problem and be aware of Research project thesis the limitations of available research Oral presentation and poster session techniques and data. based on the individual research project. 13. Be able to identify, evaluate and synthesise critical current research and development in the field of gas turbine technologies. 14. Conduct independent research using appropriate methods, produce a high quality written thesis and draw defendable conclusions from the undertaken analyses. 2.4 THERMAL POWER COURSE OPTION REQUIREMENTS 2.4.1 Summary of qualification requirements Notwithstanding University Regulations and the authorities and powers exercised by examiners, students will normally need to demonstrate achievement in the elements of the course, as laid out in the course structure document. Courses are structured through the accumulation of credit, where 1 credit represents 10 notional learning hours. More detailed information for each of the course options is presented in Section 2.5 In brief, however, students will normally need to achieve the following in order to be awarded the qualifications: Postgraduate Certificate Student must accumulate 60 credits through the assessment of taught modules which must include two compulsory modules and at least four optional modules which can be chosen with the advice of the course director. Students must pass the course in accordance with the criteria in the Course Structure document to qualify for the award. Postgraduate Diploma Students must accumulate 120 credits through the assessment of the taught modules which must include at least four compulsory modules. Students must pass the course in accordance with the criteria in the Course Structure document to qualify for the award. MSc Students must accumulate 100 credits through the assessment of the taught modules and complete an individual research project (which also carries 100 credits) on a subject chosen by the student in a relevant field. Students must pass both elements of the course (taught and project elements) in accordance with the criteria in the Course Structure document to qualify for the award. If a student does not meet the required standards for the award, the examiners for the programme may decide to offer a lower award associated with the programme, providing that the student meets the requirements of that lower award. 2.4.2 Summary of Pass Criteria MSc In order to satisfy the requirements for the MSc, candidates must achieve a minimum mark of 50% in each of the principal components of the course. The mark for the taught component of the course will be based on a weighted average of the marks for each individual element. A candidate must not obtain an overall module mark of less than 40% in more than 30% of the taught modules, counted according to their credit ratings. Candidates must achieve a minimum average mark of 50% in the individual research project component as well as a minimum mark of 50% on the written thesis. A candidate should also achieve a weighted average mark of at least 50% overall. There are no resits except for exceptional cases. Average marks that are very close but below 50% are dealt with by the Board of Examiners. 18 PgDip The pass mark for the course is an average of 50%. The mark for the course will be based on a weighted average of the marks for each individual element. A candidate must not obtain an overall module mark of less than 40% in more than 30% of the taught modules, counted according to their credit ratings. There are no resits except for exceptional cases. Average marks that are very close but below 50% are dealt with by the Board of Examiners. PgCert The pass mark for the course is an average of 50%. The mark for the course will be based on a weighted average of the marks for each individual element. A candidate must not obtain an overall module mark of less than 40% in more than 30% of the taught modules, counted according to their credit ratings. There are no resits except for exceptional cases. Average marks that are very close but below 50% are dealt with by the Board of Examiners. 2.5 MSC THERMAL POWER – COURSE DESCRIPTION 2.5.1 MSC Thermal Power Course Options Within the Thermal Power MSc. a range of lecture courses are presented, linked by the gas turbine theme, which permit differences in emphasis and application to be explored and courses selected to reflect particular course member interests and career goals. All these courses involve a blend of lecture programme and an extensive design or research thesis. Gas Turbine Technology: This option covers the complete range of engine design tasks, embracing turbomachinery, combustor and aerodynamic components. Aerospace Propulsion: This option permits the course member to study methods of propulsion with the main focus on air-breathing engines and the use of gas turbines for propulsion. Power, Propulsion and the Environment: This option covers all aspects of the gas turbine and other industrial prime movers. It also provides course members with knowledge of, and the ability to assess anthropogenic emissions. Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management: This option reflects the increasing interest in the gas turbine for industrial use. The procurement and operation of gas turbine based plant requires a different blend of lecture courses from those appropriate to the engine designer and these are also reflected in the range of specialist options offered. More information about the various options and subject selection follows in section 2.5.2 of this manual. 19 2.5.2 Course Structure Taught Part The taught elements of the course comprising lectures, assignments and other forms of coursework are delivered and concluded in the first half of the academic year, i.e., by OctoberMay. Lecture programmes are assessed by continuous assessment (project reports, assignments, etc.) and/or formal written examinations. The taught element accounts for 50% of the marks required for the MSc. All taught courses at Cranfield are quantified in terms of a credit tariff structure, which is explained in Section 2.5.4 below. Thesis/Research Project MSc. candidates have to undertake a project to complement the lecture programme. The choice of subject is left to each candidate and a list of topics is provided for guidance. Many of the project topics include interaction with externally sponsored research and the Department's professional research officers. This individual research project will form the written thesis and presentation which makes up the other 50% of the mark required for the MSc. 2.5.3 Credit Structure Credits are a measure of Course Member input into the course, defined in terms of notional learning hours. Please note that credits in themselves are not a measure of achievement and a Masters level degree at Cranfield is not awarded on the basis of credits accumulated for individual elements (modules, project/thesis, Group Design Project, etc) on the course. Instead, the number of credits attached to an individual element on the course reflects the total number of notional learning hours (i.e. class contact hours plus private study hours) associated with that element. The credit tariff for the MSc in Thermal Power is 200 credits in total, which equates to 2000 notional learning hours. The taught element of the course equates to 100 of the credits needed. The individual research project (thesis and presentation) accounts for the remaining 100 credits. The credit structure for MSc in Thermal Power is given in tabular form for each option on the following pages. 20 2.5.4 CREDIT MAPPING FOR MSc COURSES Gas Turbine Technology Option Gas Turbine Technology: Mandatory Modules [totalling 80 credits] Gas Turbine Technology: Optional Modules [Course Members select a minimum of 20 credits] Module Title Class Contact Hrs (a) Private Study Hrs (b) Total NLH (a) + (b) Method of Assessment Weighting w/in MSc (%) Credits Blade Cooling 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5 Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Engine Systems 40 150 190 Assignment 10 20 Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Simulation & Diagnostics 35 70 105 Assignment 5 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 7.5 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Environmental Management 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Fatigue and Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 5 10 Gas Turbine Applications 20 80 100 Exam 5 10 Jet Engine Control 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 5 10 Propulsion Systems Performance and Integration 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Rotating Equipment Selection 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 50 100 50 100 100 200 Taught Component: Individual Research Project: Totals: 21 CREDIT MAPPING FOR TAUGHT COURSES MSc in Thermal Power (contd.) Rotating Machinery Engineering & Management Option Class Contact Hrs (a) Module Title Blade Cooling Combustors Private Study Hrs (b) Total NLH (a) + (b) Method of Assessment Weighting w/in MSc (%) 2.5 5 10 5 10 20 Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management: Engine Systems 10 30 40 Fatigue & Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 5 10 Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Mandatory Modules [totalling 90 credits] Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 5 10 Rotating Equipment Selection 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 7.5 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Environmental Management 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Simulation and Diagnostics 35 70 105 Assignment 5 10 50 100 50 100 100 200 Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management: Optional Modules: [Course members select a minimum of 10 credits] Taught Component: Individual Research Project: Totals: 22 40 70 150 50 100 190 Exam Exam Assignment Credits CREDIT MAPPING FOR TAUGHT COURSES MSc in Thermal Power (contd.) Aerospace Propulsion Option Class Contact Hrs (a) Private Study Hrs (b) Combustors 10 30 40 70 50 100 Exam Exam 2.5 5 5 10 Engine Systems 40 150 190 Assignment 10 20 Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Propulsion System Performance & Integration 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Simulation & Diagnostics 35 70 105 Assignment 5 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 7.5 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Environmental Management 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Fatigue & Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 5 10 Gas Turbine Applications 20 80 100 Exam 5 10 Jet Engine Control 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 5 10 Rotating Equipment Selection 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 50 100 50 100 100 200 Module Title Blade Cooling Aerospace Propulsion: Mandatory Modules [totalling 90 credits] Aerospace Propulsion: Optional Modules [Course Members select a minimum of 10 credits] Taught Component: Individual Research Project: Totals: 23 Total NLH (a) + (b) Method of Assessment Weighting w/in MSc (%) Credits CREDIT MAPPING FOR TAUGHT COURSES MSc in Thermal Power (contd.) Power, Propulsion and the Environment Option Power, Propulsion and the Environment: Mandatory Modules [totalling 80 credits] Power, Propulsion and the Environment Optional Modules [Course members select a minimum of 20 credits] Class Contact Hrs (a) Module Title Total NLH (a) + (b) Method of Assessment Weighting w/in MSc (%) Credits Blade Cooling 10 40 50 Exam 2.5 5 Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Environmental Management 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Engine Systems 40 150 190 Assignment 10 20 Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Rotating Equipment Selection 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 7.5 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 5 10 Fatigue and Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 5 10 Jet Engine Control 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Simulation and Diagnostics 35 70 105 Assignment 5 10 Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 5 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Propulsion Systems Performance and Integration 30 70 100 Exam 5 10 Gas Turbine Applications 20 80 100 Exam 5 10 50 100 50 100 100 200 Taught Component: Individual Research Project: Totals: 24 Private Study Hrs (b) 2.5.5 Choosing Your Course Options Each MSc Course Member is required to fill in an Option Selection Form (Appendix C) specifying the subjects that they will be attending and on which they will be assessed. The assessment of these subjects is by means of written examination, assignment, continuous assessment or a combination of these methods. The University requires that course members take modules which total 100 credits towards their MSc degree. Please note that it does not matter if the total comes to slightly more than 100 credits (i.e. 105) due to the allocation of credits per subject. The Aerospace Propulsion, and Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management options have 90 mandatory credits with the minimum requirement of an additional 10 credits from the available optional modules. The Gas Turbine Technology, and Power, Propulsion and the Environment options have 80 mandatory credits with the minimum requirement of an additional 20 credits from the available optional modules. In addition, course members may select to attend and complete the assessment of modules which they do not wish to be credited towards their MSc, These will appear on the MSc transcript as additional subjects. It is also possible to attend lectures only i.e. attend the lectures to broaden knowledge and not to be assessed. The final subject selection form can be found in Appendix C and must be returned to the Course Administrator. Course members may consult their supervisors for advice about the subjects. Please note that after expiry of the deadline no further changes in the subject selection is possible. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF COURSE MODULES CAN BE FOUND IN APPENDIX B OF THE COURSE MANUAL. PLEASE CONSULT TOO, THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING SECTION IN APPENDIX A 25 2.6 THERMAL POWER COURSES – PGCERT AND PGDIPLOMA CREDIT MAPPING 2.6.1 Postgraduate Certificate PGCert - Gas Turbine Technology Modular exam weighting: 5 Credits = 8.3% Course Module Title Gas Turbine Technology: Gas Turbine Theory & Performance Mandatory Modules Turbomachinery Class Contact Hrs (a) Private Study Hrs (b) Total NLH (a) + (b) Method of Assessment Credits Exam 10 30 70 100 45 105 150 Assignment 15 Blade Cooling Combustors Computational Fluid Dynamics 10 30 30 40 70 70 50 100 100 Exam Exam Assignment 5 10 Fatigue and Fracture 25 60 85 Exam Gas Turbine Applications 20 80 100 Exam Jet Engine Control 30 70 100 Exam Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam Propulsion Systems Performance and Integration Rotating Equipment Selection Simulation & Diagnostics 30 70 100 Exam 30 70 100 Exam 10 30 70 100 Assignment 10 [totalling 25 credits] Gas Turbine Technology: Optional Modules [Course Members select a minimum of 35 credits] 26 10 10 2.6.2 Postgraduate Diploma PGDipl - Gas Turbine Technology Modular exam weighting: 5 Credits = 4.2% Blade Cooling 10 40 Total NLH (a) + (b) 50 Gas Turbine Technology: Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 10 Mandatory Modules Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 10 [totalling 50 credits] Simulation & Diagnostics 35 70 105 Exam 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 10 Engine Systems 40 150 190 Assignment 20 Fatigue & Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 10 Gas Turbine Applications Jet Engine Control 20 80 100 Exam 10 20 80 100 Exam 10 Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam Propulsion Systems Performance & Int. 30 70 100 Exam 10 Rotating Equipment Selection 30 70 100 Exam 10 Option Gas Turbine Technology: Optional Modules [Course Members select a minimum of 70 credits] 27 Module Title Class Contact Hrs (a) Private Study Hrs (b) Method of Assessment Credits Exam 5 PGDipl – Aerospace Propulsion Modular exam weighting: 5 Credits = 4.2% Blade Cooling 10 40 Total NLH (a) + (b) 50 Aerospace Propulsion: Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 10 Mandatory Modules Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 10 Simulation & Diagnostics 35 70 105 Exam 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 10 Engine Systems 40 150 190 Assignment 20 Fatigue & Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 10 Jet Engine Control 20 80 100 Exam 10 Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam Propulsion Systems Performance & Int. 30 70 100 Exam Option [totalling 50 credits] Aerospace Propulsion: Optional Modules [Course Members select a minimum of 70 credits] 28 Module Title Class Contact Hrs (a) Private Study Hrs (b) Method of Assessment Credits Exam 5 10 PGDipl – Power, Propulsion and the Environment Modular exam weighting: 5 Credits = 4.2% Method of Assessment Credits 40 Total NLH (a) + (b) 50 Exam 5 30 70 100 Exam 10 Environmental Management 30 70 100 Assignment 10 Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 10 Power, Propulsion and the Environment: Engine Systems 40 150 190 Assignment 20 Fatigue & Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 10 Optional Modules Gas Turbine Applications Jet Engine Control 20 80 100 Exam 10 20 80 100 Exam 10 Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam Propulsion Systems Performance & Int. 30 70 100 Exam 10 Simulation & Diagnostics 35 70 105 Exam 10 Rotating Equipment Selection 30 70 100 Exam 10 Option Power, Propulsion and the Environment: Mandatory Modules [totalling 50 credits] [Course Members select a minimum of 70 credits] 29 Module Title Class Contact Hrs (a) Private Study Hrs (b) Blade Cooling 10 Combustors PGDipl – Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management Modular exam weighting: 5 Credits = 4.2% Option Rotating Machinery, Engineering and Management: Mandatory Modules [totalling 50 credits] Rotating Machinery, Engineering and Management: Optional Modules [Course Members select a minimum of 70 credits] 30 Module Title Class Contact Hrs (a) Private Study Hrs (b) Method of Assessment Credits 40 Total NLH (a) + (b) 50 Blade Cooling 10 Exam 5 Combustors 30 70 100 Exam 10 Gas Turbine Theory and Performance 30 70 100 Exam 10 Rotating Equipment Selection 30 70 100 Exam 10 Turbomachinery 45 105 150 Assignment 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 70 100 Assignment 10 Engine Systems 40 150 190 Assignment 20 Environmental Management 30 70 100 Assignment 10 Fatigue & Fracture 25 60 85 Exam 10 Management for Technology 46 54 100 Exam 10 Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery 30 70 100 Exam Simulation & Diagnostics 35 70 105 Exam 10 3 OTHER ELEMENTS PROCEDURES OF THE COURSE, REGULATIONS AND 3.1 PRESENTATIONS AND SEMINARS The ability to present material lucidly is an increasingly important skill which must be acquired by professional engineers. Consequently, course members are given opportunities to improve their communication skills during the course. 3.2 ATTENDANCE AT LECTURES AND ASSESSMENTS All students are expected to attend all components of the course for which they are registered unless excused, for good cause, under the University's procedures. Students are also required to complete all the assessments (assignments and exams) associated with the course. Failure to comply with the above could lead to the award being withheld. Students are also expected to remain at Cranfield in the period between thesis hand-in and their oral examination. It is not permitted to record or take photographs of lectures, presentations or tutorials without the express permission of the lecturer. 3.3 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Formal lecture courses are examined in accordance with School of Engineering practice. Prior to the examinations taking place all examination papers are seen and approved by the course external examiner. A penalty is applicable for late handing in of assignments and thesis which is equivalent to a 5% reduction per working day of delay. The penalty is subtracted from the final total mark. Each course member is required to make a formal presentation on his/her thesis progress at set times in the academic year. 3.3.1 Assessment of Individual MSc Theses The assessment of the individual thesis will be based on the following guidelines. The examiners reserve the right to vary the percentages given where the marking scheme does not produce a fair reflection of the thesis due to the nature of the work involved. The individual thesis tests the ability to: Define the project by reference to the scientific, technical and/or commercial literature, the critical appraisal of such literature and the justification of the research. Plan and manage the research programme, to define the work to be carried out and to report the results in a clear manner. Analyse the work, relate it to the work of others where appropriate and to be self-critical. Communicate the work, its results and analysis in a technical and well-presented document. Upon submission all Theses are reviewed by two internal examiners (one examiner being the course member’s supervisor), plus the external examiner. If the thesis mark awarded by the internal examiners varies significantly, then a third internal examiner is appointed. All course members are subject to a Presentation or Viva or Poster Examination in the presence of the External Examiner, the Head of Department and/or Course Director, as well as other members of Academic staff. The Board of Examiners reserve the right to vary an agreed thesis mark of any course member following the oral or poster examination. 31 The thesis is assessed as follows: Introduction, Background and/or Literature Survey Work carried out: effort, application and results Analysis, discussion and conclusions Style, presentation and reporting 15% 35% 40% 10% 100% The examiners reserve the right to vary the above percentages where the marking scheme does not produce a fair reflection of the thesis due to the nature of the work involved. 3.4 MINIMUM MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS In order to qualify for nomination for the award of a MSc. the Course Member must satisfy the following criteria set by the Board of the Faculty of Engineering, Science & Manufacturing: a minimum mark of 50% in each of the principal components of the course. The mark for the taught component of the course will be based on a weighted average of the marks for each individual element. a minimum average mark of 50% in the individual research project component as well as a minimum mark of 50% on the written thesis. must not obtain an overall module mark of less than 40% in more than 30% of the taught modules, counted according to their credit ratings core subjects: all marks count for final overall assessment. optional subjects: course members may elect to attend lectures and to sit examinations for more than the minimum 100 credits required for the MSc. However, they must nominate the minimum number of credits that they require to be assessed for their MSc. In certain circumstances, this may be as high as 105 credits due to the credit weighting of individual optional subjects. The choice of whether a subjects is to be assessed must be done on either:- For Assignments: on the 'Assignment Hand-in Sheet' in Appendix C This needs to be handed in with each assignment - For Examinations: Students will be requested to sign-up for the examinations and lists for this will be available prior to the examination period. achieve a weighted average mark of at least 50% overall.. 3.5 QUALITATIVE DESCRIPTORS FOR NON-NUMERICAL COURSEWORK AND PROJECT WORK The following descriptors of what might be typically expected of students within different mark ranges are adopted within the Faculty of Engineering, Science and Manufacturing. These descriptors are offered as a tool for moderation and calibration after assessment in line with approved marking schemes for non-numerical coursework assignments and reports, group projects and individual projects. The mark ranges indicated reflect the current policy of a 40% pass mark for individual elements of an MSc course. 32 Mark 80100% MSc Qualitative Descriptors Standard Excellent Demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields. High capacity for critical evaluation. Novel application of the subject matter to a specific context. 7079% Very Good Demonstrating an extensive knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields. Very good capacity for critical evaluation. Effective application of the subject matter to a specific context. 6069% Good Demonstrating a good knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields. Good capacity for critical evaluation. Competent application of the subject matter to a specific context. Satisfactory Demonstrating a satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields. Standard critique of the subject matter. Adequate application of the subject matter to a specific context. Poor Demonstrating an inadequate knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields. Lacking critique of the subject matter. Limited application of the subject matter to a specific context. Very Poor Demonstrating a lack of knowledge and understanding of the subject and subfields. Absence of critique of the subject matter. Lacking application of the subject matter to a specific context 5059% 4049% 0-39% 33 Process Requiring a student to have: Undertaken extensive further reading. Produced a well structured piece of work. Demonstrated excellent communication skills. Exercised a high level of original thought. Requiring a student to have: Undertaken substantial further reading. Produced a well structured piece of work. Demonstrated very good communication skills. Exercised a significant level of original thought. Requiring a student to have: Undertaken some further reading. Produced a well structured piece of work. Demonstrated good communication skills. Requiring a student to have: Undertaken adequate reading. Produced an adequately structured piece of work. Demonstrated basic but satisfactory communication skills. Requiring a student to have: Undertaken some relevant reading. Produced a piece of work with a simple structure. Demonstrated marginal communication skills. Requiring a student to have: Undertaken inadequate reading. Produced a poorly structured piece of work. 3. Demonstrated poor communication skills. 3.6 EXAMINATION RESIT POLICY The School of Engineering only allows resit under exceptional circumstances, for example through illness or personal problems. If due to an illness, a letter from a doctor, dated within one week of the illness is mandatory. Please note that doctors may charge for such a letter. 3.7 PLAGIARISM AND COLLABORATION Cranfield University defines plagiarism as follows:Plagiarism is the use, without acknowledgement, of the intellectual work of other people, and the act of representing the ideas or discoveries of others as one's own in any work submitted for assessment or presented for publication. To copy sentences, phrases or even striking expressions without acknowledgement of source (either by inadequate citation or failure to indicate verbatim quotations) is plagiarism; to paraphrase without acknowledgement is also plagiarism. The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism and regards it in the same way as it regards cheating in written examinations. While it is perfectly correct to reference other work in theses and assessments, it is unacceptable to "lift" or copy tracts of other work from literature on the internet. Furthermore, while it is acceptable to seek the advice of university staff and other course members on assignment work, it is generally unacceptable (unless otherwise advised by university staff) to submit identical work for assessment. If you are found to have collaborated in circumstances where it is not permitted or to have plagiarized someone else's work, the likely outcome is that you will be zero marked for that subject or in more serious cases, you could be excluded from the University. If the subject in question is one of your optional subjects, then the zero mark will be included in your final average, irrespective of any additional optional subjects that you may have selected. In any case, the process is very unpleasant and could have severe implications for your future career prospects. If you are in any doubt about either plagiarism or collaboration, you must seek the advice of your supervisor or the member of university staff who is responsible for teaching the course. The University introduced the anti-plagiarism software ‘Turnitin’ to check assignment work. The assignments in the MSc Thermal Power course that will be subject to checks using the ‘Turnitin’ software are: Computational Fluid Dynamics Engine systems Individual theses You will be able to access the ‘Turnitin’ software through the medium of ‘Blackboard’ so that you can check your own work (as many times as you wish) for plagiarism before finally submitting it. The University requires your work shows a similarity index of less than 20% when checked against the software. The final submitted work will need to be both electronic, through ‘Blackboard’ and a hard copy. 34 3.8 THESIS/RESARCH PROJECT The project should be defined by handing the Project Selection Form (see appendix C) to the Course Administrator. Responsibility of Supervisors and Students The supervisor will: give general guidance on the nature and standard of the thesis required agree with the student: - the aims and objectives of the thesis - the methodology, resource needs and safety risk assessment - the thesis structure and contents list agree with the student a regular programme of consultation. This timetable will depend on the nature of the project and where it is undertaken. This consultation may be made in person, by phone or email provide detailed feedback on one chapter of the thesis in the context of item 2 above provided that this is submitted within a timescale previously agreed between supervisor and student ensure that adequate training on relevant equipment is provided. The student will: 35 be responsible for the content of his/her own thesis be responsible for discussing with the supervisor the type of guidance and comment which is found most helpful and agreeing a schedule of meetings (see (iv) above) be responsible for taking the initiative in raising problems or difficulties (personal or technical) which may adversely affect his/her progress be responsible for maintaining the progress of the work in accordance with advice sought from supervisor, including the presentation of written material in sufficient time to allow for appropriate feedback behave in an appropriate manner in all dealings with external sponsors/bodies be responsible in his/her use of facilities and equipment both on campus and off. 4 ACADEMIC YEAR ACTIVITIES The MSc. Thermal Power is of twelve months duration. The Academic Year is outlined in the timetable provided. 4.1 INTRODUCTORY TRAINING SESSIONS In the first three weeks of the course a number of special lectures, seminars and training sessions are included. The aim of these activities is to provide course members with the required information and skills for the efficient use of computational resources, library facilities and the careers service. 4.1.1 Kings Norton Library There is a subject information specialist for Engineering, who is your main point of contact within the Library: Subject specialists provide individual and group training and support throughout your time on the course and are available to help you with your information enquiries during library opening times. The Library’s philosophy is to provide you with the material you need, regardless of your location, or whether or not the material is held in the Library. It provides access to a wide range of subject databases and electronic journal services, many of which can be accessed from off-campus. Thallow you to search for relevant articles, conference papers and reports, many of which are immediately available electronically in PDF format, or physically within the Library. Any items that you need which it does not have in stock can usually be obtained through its fast, efficient interlibrary loans document supply service.In addition to providing access to electronic information, the Cranfield University Kings Norton Library is well-stocked with technical literature, books, journals, reports and reference material available in traditional printed format. Special training sessions are timetabled to enable course members to take full advantage of the library facilities: Quick Start to the Library The aim of this session is to introduce you to your subject specialist and provide a general overview of the Library and the services it offers to you. You will learn how to locate material we have in stock using the Library Catalogue. Discovering quality information (for your assignments, projects and theses) This session shows you how to search the Library's electronic resources efficiently and effectively. You will learn how to create a search strategy, find out about the different types of resources that are available for your particular needs and when it is appropriate to use them, learn how to evaluate your search results and how to obtain documents. You will have plenty of opportunity for hands on experience through several practical exercises. After attending this session your Information Specialists are available for you to consult on an individual basis. Writing and referencing If you have not already had sessions on ‘Referencing and avoiding plagiarism’ and ‘RefWorks’ organised as part of your course timetable, the Library also provides a training timetable that runs these sessions regularly. You are welcome to book to attend these. Alternatively, they are happy to arrange group training sessions for your course. 4.1.2 Introduction to IT Services Cranfield University provides an extensive range of computational hardware and software which is available to Course Members. The distributed computer system includes PCs and UNIX workstations. Training sessions are scheduled that deal with the use of the NT network of PCs and the UNIX workstations to enable course members to use the available resources efficiently and effectively. 36 FORTRAN The course is primarily intended for students who do not have computer programming experience. The course covers the basic concepts of computer programming practices and the basic procedures needed to write a code in Fortran 90 If you wish to attend please complete the relevant section of the Subject Selection Form. 4.1.3 Careers Service Presentation The Cranfield University Careers Service provides specialist resources and services to assist course members in their search for jobs. The careers service organises a number of seminars aimed to assist in application form completion, CV preparation, interview technique, etc. Course members have always found these seminars to be a very valuable part of their planning and preparation for employment upon course completion. 4.2 4.2.1 PRESENTATIONS Seminar Presentations from Guest Speakers The subject of the visiting presenters will be varied. If Thermal Power MSc. Course Members wish to nominate and invite such speakers they are very welcome to do so. The details would need to be discussed and agreed with the Course Director. Such initiatives have proved very successful in the past. 4.2.2 Project Progress Presentations On two occasions during the year, the candidates have to make presentations highlighting the progress of their project. Each presentation will consist of a 10-minute talk followed by a 5-minute question period. Chairmen will give a verbal report at the end of the presentation. Chairmen will also produce a brief report summarising their views of the quality of their session. All Course Members will be required to attend ALL the project presentations taking place on the day of their own presentation. 4.3 MANAGEMENT FOR TECHNOLOGY COURSE This module is organised by the Cranfield School of Management in collaboration with the School of Engineering. The lecture courses are given over a period of two weeks and are immediately followed by a written examination. For the duration of the Management course, course members do not attend any other course of lectures. Please refer to your timetable for the dates of this course. 4.4 COMPRESSOR BLADING LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS This short series of lectures and workshop forms part of the Turbomachinery Module and offered by a visiting lecturer, Mr Noel Seyb. 4.5 ORIGIN OF LOADS AND TURBINE BLADE DESIGN These Origins of Loads lectures form part of the Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Module. The Turbine Blade Design lectures are part of the Turbomachinery course. Both sets of lectures are presented by a visiting lecturer, Mr Ken Langley. 4.6 ENGINE OVERALL STRUCTURE This is a three hour lecture programme to provide useful background knowledge for many of the other Thermal Power lectures. The first two hours will cover basic engine structure - mounts, casings, spoked structures, bearings, assembly, blade fixings and a few other small items. The third hour will concentrate on all the secondary air flows for cooling and sealing and how they should be represented in performance calculations. 37 4.7 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMINATIONS 4.7.1 ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES AND SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Assignment due dates are published in the Course Timetable for your reference. Hard copies of ssignments should be submitted to the Course Administrator or the Red Box (located on the wall of second floor landing) on or before the submission date with the assignment hand in sheet(Appendix C) attached to the front of the assignment. Electronic copies of assignments should be submitted via Blackboard on or before the submission date. The following assignments should also be submitted via Turnitin: Computational Fluid Dynamics Engine systems Individual theses A penalty is applicable for late handing in of assignments and thesis which is equivalent to a 5% reduction per working day of delay. The penalty is subtracted from the final total mark. 4.7.2 EXAMINATIONS In advance of the examinations candidate lists will be circulated by the course administrator. Course members are asked to check the candidate lists carefully and should inform the course administrator immediately of any changes required. For examination regulations, please refer to the Examination Guidance for Candidates document This and the examination timetable is available at: Marks can only be released after they have been approved by the Board of Examiners. Special meetings of the Board are conveyed for this purpose 6-8 weeks after each set of exams. 38 5 THESIS, ORALS AND RESEARCH POSTERS 5.1 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH PROJECT AND THESIS The project is a very important part of the M.Sc. and it enables Course Members to focus on a topic of their particular interest. Projects may be undertaken individually or in a group. The overall individual research project mark of 100% is based on the thesis (90%) and the oral/poster presentation (10%). The thesis is marked by the supervisor and the internal examiner, and is moderated by the external examiner. Candidates must achieve a minimum average mark of 50% in the individual research project component as well as a minimum mark of 50% on the written thesis A list of available thesis topics is published in the first week of the Academic Year. 5.2 MSC THESIS SUBMISSION DATE The thesis hand in date is published in the course timetable, This is a fixed date and extensions are granted only under exceptional circumstances. Before the end of registration course members must submit a final version of their thesis for retention by the Library. 5.3 THESIS HAND-IN PROCEDURE Detailed instructions regarding thesis submission will be forwarded to you by the Course Administrator well in advance of submission dates. 5.4 Oral Examinations & Poster Presentation All course members participate in the poster display. The posters will be displayed and marked by at least 2 examiners. In addition a number of students will be selected to undertake an Oral Examination. However All students should prepare a PowerPoint presentation in preparation for the Oral Examinations. Guidance on the format of this will be given by the Course Director. 5.5 Results & Corrections Confirmed thesis marks and corrections will be available as early as possible following the oral examinations and poster presentation. Possible outcomes are: 6 6.1 No Corrections Informal/Voluntary Corrections Corrections Revise and Represent MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION COURSE MEMBERS’ REPRESENTATIVE The students should elect a Students’ Representative from the student group. The Students’ Representative acts as a communication link between students and staff and represent the student group on committees of the School and the University. 39 6.2 MODULE QUESTIONNAIRES Feedback from course members is an important mechanism for enhancing the quality of the course and its delivery. Feedback is sought during the academic session. You will be asked to fill in a questionnaire for each individual Module. These forms provide feedback to the individual lecturers involved and will be subsequently discussed with the Course Director and the Course Management Team in order to make any necessary adjustments. The School of Management (SOM) also carries out a separate assessment of the 2 week module Management for Technology. . 6.3 ABSENCE Course Members should inform the Course Administrator if they will be absent for more than 2 days by completing the form in APPENDIX C. 6.4 ILLNESS It is important in the case of illness for Course Members to immediately complete the Absence Form in Appendix C and forward it to the Course Administrator. Please remember to keep a personal copy of completed forms. 6.5 STUDENT COUNSELLING SERVICE A professional and confidential counselling service is available to all students free of charge, offering help with social, personal, emotional and educational concerns. Contact the Student Counsellors, Barrie Hopwood, telephone 0780 8766067 or Theresa Townsend 0795 8303487. Although it may sometimes be necessary to leave a message on their answering machines, they will return your call as soon as possible to arrange a convenient appointment on campus. 40 7 APPENDIX A PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 41 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Personal Development planning is linked to higher level learning and concerned with learning in the holistic sense (academic and non-academic). It involved self-assessment, looking at your existing strengths and developing these further as well as considering areas in which you would like to be more competent, and from that, drafting a personal development plan to help you focus on the actions required. Personal Development planning will help: integrate your personal and academic development enhance your self-awareness about your strengths and weaknesses better prepare you for seeking employment introduce you to a framework used widely in the workplace better prepare you for continuing professional development (CPD) First you need to think about your current skills and prioritise which could be further developed. Consider the skills you will need both here at Cranfield for academic success and the skills that you will need in your future employment. The skills specifically addressed in your MSc course are identified in the matrix on the next page. When you encounter each skill on your courses, you should pay particular attention to areas where you feel you have an opportunity to improve. If necessary, you should request the help of appropriate members of staff. For each skill, there are a set of competencies. The competency model has been designed to help you consider how competent you are in each area. In addition a sheet has been provided for you to assess yourself at each skill at the beginning and at the end of your course. In summary, if you wish to use this scheme to enhance and develop your skills for the future, you should: a. Look at the skills matrix. Think about how the skills listed will help you through the course and your future employment. b. Look at the competencies. Assess how competent you are at these skills now and record this on the table provided. c. Actively consider skills through the course. Each time you encounter a skill in a module, think about how you can develop your competence in that area. d. Request help and feedback if required. Do not be frightened to ask staff for extra help and feedback, if you think that it would be beneficial to you. e. Record your improvement. Review the competencies at the end of the course and identify areas where you feel you have developed. 42 43 x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Computer Literacy Critical Evaluation Project Management x x X X x X X Numeracy x x x Time Management Teamwork Presentations (Oral) x Problem Solving Blade Cooling Combustors Engine Systems Gas Turbine Performance Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Propulsion Systems Performance and Integration Turbomachinery Computational Fluid Dynamics Rotating Equipment Selection Fatigue and Fracture Gas Turbine Applications Jet Engine Control Simulation and Diagnostics Environmental Management Management for Technology Communications- spoken Subject Communications - written PDP Skills Matrix for MSc Thermal Power x x x x x COMPETENCIES Communicating Effectively and Presentation Skills Definitions Listens to others and effectively gets the message across to a wide variety of people and groups, using the most relevant means and style; presents information in visual form to enhance communication Negative – Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0 Communicates Accurately Adapts written Presents written Uses written Communication written information communicat communication to communication communication to - written in a way that can es factual suit the purposes of and chooses positively be misinterpreted information the recipient language that influence the in a written builds and desired outcome format develops positive and create relationships enthusiasm Talks in a way Articulates Articulates Plans oral Uses language in Communication that causes simple information in a way communication for a way which - spoken confusion or an information which ensures the maximum impact, influences, inappropriate in a clear meaning is clear to including inspires and emotional way. the recipients. consideration of enthuses others. response Checks for factors such as understanding. timing & group size. Constantly seeks non-verbal and verbal feedback to check audience response. Fails to use visual Uses Adapts visual aids to Uses visual aids Uses visual aids Presentations (Oral) aids professionally suitable illustrate and clarify as an integral part to maximum or in a way that visual aids information in an of communication impact to create distracts from with neutral organised and to create a discussion and spoken impact on positive way. positive image of feedback. Role communication audience. own (and others) model for others. work. Management and Teamwork Skills Definition: Planning and engagement to achieve objectives for both self and others. Negative – Level 0 Works in isolation. Only thinks of own needs. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Solicits guidance when in doubt. Acknowledges the behaviour of others Works constructively with others, dealing with internal conflict. Seeks solutions for the benefit of the team. Actively initiates, builds, and maintains teams. Acts as a role model in relationship building. Time Management No forward planning or consideration of time required to complete tasks. Completes tasks on time as required Works and communicates effectively within and across teams, responding to the behaviour of others. Considers deadlines to set aside adequate time for completion of tasks. Project Management Embarks on projects with no clear aims or objectives mentally formulates aims, objectives and project plans without structure or dissemination Plans schedule to allow completion of tasks, with additional time for accommodating unexpected tasks or events. Designs, plans and articulates projects in an organised manner. Incorporates effective decision making and problem solving skills within a multifunctional team. Anticipates workload allowing capacity for multi-tasking and assistance of others. Actively assesses project process and outcomes. Evaluation of projects used to implement changes for the benefit of future projects. Teamwork 44 Follows basic rules of design and planning to deliver outcomes within time resource constraints. Critical Evaluation and Problem Solving Definitions: Questioning or inquiry to understand, evaluate or solve problems. Gathering and analysing information to develop appropriate solutions. Critical Evaluation Problem Solving Negative – Level 0 Critical without voicing substantiated opinion. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Accepts without question or evaluation. Questions to evaluate status Constantly questions and seeks a better way. Fails to recognise problems or contribute to the problem solving process Recognises problems and uses basic knowledge to solve problems where required. Recognises potential problems and gathers information to improve situation on own initiative. Encourages questioning and critical thinking and contributes towards improvement. Works with others to recognise potential problems and engages appropriately with others to solve them. Utilises information from a wide range of sources in problem solving. Actively encourages others to anticipate potential problems. promotes collective responsibility for problem solving. Communicates to encourage a logical approach to problem solving. Numeracy and Computer Literacy Definitions: Ability in mathematics and use of information technology. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Numeracy Negative – Level 0 Poor mental arithmetic or inability to use a calculator Articulates basic calculations accurately. Awareness of the need for statistical analysis. Shows evidence of the use of mathematics and statistics to analyse results and promote an argument. Actively considers mathematical and statistical problems at the experimental design stage. Computer Literacy No experience of computer use. Familiar with basic use such as sending and receiving e-mail, accessing the www and basic word-processing. Articulates more complex calculations with provision of appropriate formulae. Ability to indicate nature of statistical analysis required. Regular use of email as a mode of communication. Confident use of MS Office programmes. Routine use of databases and search engines for gaining information. Professional use of MS Office. Use of programmes for specialist tasks. Good knowledge of specialist websites. Use extends to programming to meet own needs. 45 Self Assessment Table for PDP Skills (0 = low, 4 = high) Skill Competency at Start Course (Rank at 0-4) of Competency at End of Course (Rank at 0-4) Communications (Written) Communications (Spoken) Presentation (Oral) Time Management Team Work Problem Solving Project Management Critical Evaluation Numeracy Computer Literacy Particular Skills for Improvement Skill 46 Date of next module where skill is introduced, practised or assessed 8 APPENDIX B MODULE DESCRIPTORS 47 Module Title Combustors Name of Module Convenor Dr. V Sethi (a) Class contact (b) Private study (c) Total notional Credit rating: 10 hours: 30 hours: 70 hours: 100 Assessment method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all Thermal Power options Prerequisites: None Aim: To make Course Members familiar with design, operation and performance criteria of gas turbine combustion and reheat systems and to explore issues related to gas turbine pollutant emissions. Syllabus/Curriculum: Introduction to gas turbine combustion systems: Role of the combustor within the gas turbine. Introductory comments on combustion The elements of a gas turbine combustor. Types of combustors used in gas turbines Life consideration. Design changes and drivers for design change. Fuel preparation and the ignition process for gas turbine combustion systems: Fuel preparation and atomisation using spray nozzles, airblast or vaporizing systems. Mixing and recirculation in combustors, relation to stability and outlet temperature profiles. The ignition process and ignition systems. Diffusers: The role of diffusers in the gas turbine engine. Flow characteristics and limitations. Performance parameters and the influence of inlet conditions. Correlation charts. Design methods. Sudden expansions and short diffusers. Test techniques. Operational criteria for gas turbine combustion systems: Pressure loss and combustion approaches to optimising combustor dimensions. Combustion efficiency considerations, implications of fuel type on fuel evaporation and efficiency. Gas turbine combustion generated pollutant emissions: Background, fuel utilisation, pollutant types and implications. Legislation, design implications and design options. Current technology status. Pollutant production processes. Combustor cooling and metal temperatures: Nature of the problem and possible design solutions. Basis of film cooling and design considerations. Heat transfer by internal and external convection. Internal and external radiative heat exchange. Determination of combustor wall metal temperatures. Combustor materials and coatings. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the course members should be able to: Discuss and evaluate the basic concepts and theories of gas turbine combustors and the influence of combustor design choices on overall engine performance. Recognise, differentiate and assess the aspects and influence of combustor structures, fuel preparation, ignition, diffuser performance calculation, operational criteria, pollutant emissions, cooling and material technology and reheat systems. 48 Module Title: Engine Systems Name of Module Convenor (a) Class Contact (b) Private Study Hours: 40 Hours: 150 Assessment Method: Assignment, Presentation, Oral examination Dr Y Li (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 20 Hours: 190 Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all options of the Thermal Power MSc. Prerequisites: None Aim: To familiarise course members with engine systems for stationary and aero gas turbines. Syllabus/Curriculum: Systems Symposium Topics Assessments of engine systems and auxiliaries for both aero and stationary gas turbines are addressed by means of a 'Systems Symposium', run by the MSc class. Topics covered by the systems symposium include: intake systems for aero engines and industrial gas turbines; anti-icing systems for aeroengines and industrial gas turbines; start systems for aeroengines and industrial gas turbines; start sequences for industrial gas turbines; compressor bleed and variable guide vanes; variable geometry nozzle guide vanes; gas path sealing of aero gas turbines; noise control of gas turbines; air filtration for industrial gas turbines; compressor and turbine cleaning systems; full authority and other electronic control systems; key gas turbine component design technologies, etc. The objective is to undertake an evaluation of a specified aspect of gas turbine engineering, to make a presentation and to provide a technical review paper on the particular subject. Another aspect of the module is that the presentations are made in a conference format which requires the MSc students to work together to plan, organise and execute the events. Outline syllabus for a few sample individual topics: Ignition system: Requirements and problems of altitude relight. Types of system booster coils, high frequency, high energy and their applications. Starting Systems: Electrical systems - low and high voltage, turbine systemscartridge, iso-propyl nitrate, fuel-air, gas turbine, low pressure air and hydraulic systems and their applications. Air systems: requirements, methods of cooling, pressure balancing of end loads, sealing, and applications. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the course member will be able to: Undertake an independent learning task to examine, evaluate and summarise, from a range of sources, the main technologies of a key aspect of gas turbine engineering Based on the evaluation of the specific topic, make an assessment of the current state of the art and to identify future requirements, applications or technologies. To present the outcomes of the review, evaluation and future expectation material in the form of a written conference style paper and presentation. 49 Module Title: Gas Turbine Performance Theory and Name of Module Convenor Professor P Pilidis (a) Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100 Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all options of the Thermal Power MSc. Prerequisites: None Aim: To familiarise course members with different types of gas turbine; their applications, design and transient performance. Also, to introduce simulation techniques. Syllabus/Curriculum: Gas Turbine Types and Applications Effect of design pressure ratio and turbine temperature on the basic gas turbine cycle. Modifications of the basic cycle, compounding, intercooling, reheating, heat exchange, bypass and fan cycles. Performance Design point performance of turbojet and turboshaft cycles, effect of bypass ratio. Off design performance, effect of ambient temperature, altitude, throttle setting and flight speed. Non-dimensional representation. Gas turbine simulation. Effects of bleeds and power offtakes. Compressor turbine matching. Gas Turbine Transient Performance Accelerations, decelerations, effects on surge margin. Transients of single shaft and multi-shaft engines. Transient performance simulation. Method of Continuity of Mass Flow (CMF) and method of Intercomponent Volumes (ICV). Effects of heat transfer on transient performance. Variable Geometry Surge alleviation, performance improvements, steady state and transient performance. Variable Cycle Aircraft Engines Requirement, effects on compressor operating lines, compressor variable geometry, turbine variable geometry. Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of the course the course members should be able to: Plan, apply and assess the results from quantitative evaluations of gas turbine off-design and transient behaviour. Through these quantitative evaluations, and with supporting discursive descriptions, demonstrate a working knowledge of how thermodynamic laws underpin a wide range of gas turbine engines. 50 Module Title: Gas Turbine Simulation and Diagnostics Name of Module Convenor Dr Y Li Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 35 Hours: 70 Hours: 105 Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for Aerospace Propulsion and Gas Turbine Technology Prerequisites: None Aim: To provide course members with the ability to undertake gas turbine component performance calculations, diagnostics and to perform evaluations of gas turbine performance and deterioration. Syllabus/Curriculum: The lecture content covers: Basic theory and calculations for components (intake, nozzle, duct, compressor, turbine, combustor, intercooler and recuperator). Design-point performance calculations. Off-design performance calculations and iteration techniques. Gas Turbine Performance Code: TURBOMATCH. Description of gas turbine performance degradation and faults. Description of most commonly used gas turbine condition monitoring techniques. Linear and on-linear GPA, and other performance analysis based diagnostic techniques. Gas path sensor fault and diagnostics Gas path measurement and uncertainty Gas turbine gas path diagnostics code. The practical content involves the use of the small gas turbine engine test facility and covers: Laboratory performance test. Simulation of the engine performance using TURBOMATCH. Simulation of the deteriorated performance of the engine. Fault diagnosis using linear Gas path Analysis (GPA) by hand calculation. Fault diagnosis by non-linear GPA using appropriate software. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the course members should be able to: Describe, calculate and evaluate gas turbine component performance at design and off-design points. Assess the influence of ambient conditions on gas turbine performance and the impact of different gas turbine degradation and faults. Compare and contrast different diagnostic techniques. Perform analyses to detect gas turbine faults with linear and non-linear GPA. 51 Module Title: Turbomachinery Name of Module Convenor Class Contact (b) Private Study Hours: 45 Hours: 105 Assessment Method: Assignment, Presentation Dr D MacManus (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 15 Hours: 150 Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for all options of the Thermal Power MSc Prerequisites: None Aim: To familiarise Course Members with compressor and turbine aerodynamic design and performance by instruction, investigation and example. Syllabus/Curriculum: Thermofluids: Introduction to aerodynamics, thermofluids, and compressible flows. Compressor design and performance: Comparison of axial and centrifugal compressors. Overall performance, achievable pressure ratio and efficiency. The effect of Reynolds number, Mach number, and incidence. Definition of isentropic and polytropic efficiency, effect of pressure ratio, performance at constant speed, surge and surge margin definitions, running line, choking effects. The axial compressor stage: Stage loading and flow parameters, limitation in design on pitch line basis. Definition and choice of reaction at design, effect on stage efficiency. The ideal and real stage characteristic, stall and choke. The free vortex solution, limitations due to hub/tip ratio. Off-design performance Choice of overall annulus geometry, axial spacing, aspect ratio, limitations of rear hub/tip ratio. Compressor Design Example: Multi-stage compressor design example. Turbine Design and Performance Overall performance: the expansion process and characteristics, annulus layout and design choices, choice of stage loading and flow coefficient, engine overall performance requirements, overall annulus geometry and layout; rising line, constant mean diameter and falling line. The axial turbine stage: Aerodynamic concepts and parameters, velocity triangles, reaction, stage loading, flow coefficients. The ideal and real characteristic. Design for maximum power: effect of choking and change of inlet temperature and pressure. Stage efficiency, overtip leakage, profile losses, correlations. Turbine blading: choice of base profile, blade numbers and aspect ratio. Zweiffel's and alternative lift coefficients. Turbine Design Example: A aerodynamic design is carried out for both a low and a high TET engine, to represent industrial and aeronautical applications respectively. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should be able to: Identify and analyse the preliminary design characteristics of turbomachinery components. Differentiate the design choices for axial compressors and turbines Construct an assessment of the aspects which affect the design and performance of axial turbomachines. Make a technical presentation and produce a high quality written report on the design of a turbomachinery component and the whole engine context. 52 Module Title: Mechanical Design Turbomachinery of Name of Module Convenor Class Contact (b) Private Study Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Assessment Method: Examination Dr Panos Laskaridis (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 100 Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for the Gas Turbine Technology option. Prerequisites: None Aim: To familiarise course members with the common problems associated with the mechanical design and the lifing of the major rotating components of the gas turbine engine Syllabus/Curriculum: Loads/forces/stresses in gas turbine engines: The origin of loads/forces/stresses in a gas turbine engine such as loads associated with: rotational inertia, flight, precession of shafts, pressure gradient, torsion, seizure, blade release, engine mountings within the airframe and bearings. Discussion of major loadings associated with the rotating components and those within the pressure casing including components subject to heating. Failure criteria: Monotonic failure criteria: proof, ultimate strength of materials. Theories of failure applied to bi-axial loads. Other failure mechanisms associated with gas turbine engines including creep and fatigue. Fatigue properties including SN and RM diagrams, the effect of stress concentration, mean stress etc. Cumulative fatigue, the double Goodman diagram technique to calculate the fatigue safety factor of gas turbine components. Methods of calculating the creep life of a component using the Larson-Miller Time-Temperature parameter. Applications: The design of discs and blades. Illustration of the magnitude of stresses in conventional axial flow blades by means of a simple desk-top method to include the effects of leaning the blade. The stressing of axial flow discs by means of a discretised hand calculation which illustrates the distribution and relative magnitude of the working stresses within a disc. The design of flanges and bolted structures. Leakage through a flanged joint and failure from fatigue. Blade vibration: Resonances. Desk top techniques for calculating the low order natural frequencies of turbomachine blades. Allowances for the effects of blade twist and centrifugal stiffening. Sources of blade excitation including stationary flow disturbance, rotating stall and flutter. Derivation of the Campbell diagram from which troublesome resonances may be identified. Allowances for temperature, pre-twist and centrifugal stiffening. Methods for dealing with resonances. Turbomachine rotordynamics: Estimation of the critical speeds of shafts using the Rayleigh-Ritz and Dunkerley’s methods and their relevance to gas turbine engines. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should be able to: Describe and distinguish the design requirements and loads encountered by gas turbine components during normal operation. Analyse, evaluate and assess loads, stresses and failure criteria on gas turbine components. 53 Module Title: Gas Turbine Applications Name of Module Convenor Dr. G Di Lorenzo (a) Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 20 Hours: 80 Hours: 100 Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Optional Prerequisites: None Aim: To familiarise Course Members with applications of gas turbines for both land based use and as propulsion systems and to consider criteria which influence design and selection. Syllabus/Curriculum: General considerations in selecting land and marine gas turbines Relationship of application to design. Specific power and efficiency considerations. Emergency standby, peaking and continuous duty operation. Design layouts, implications of single and multi-spool systems. Choices for power generation and compressor, pump or propeller drives. Engine ratings, types of usage and life implications. Introduction to availability and reliability issues. Emissions, fuel types and power systems layouts. Civil aero gas turbine design and strategy consideration. Historical background, nature of industry and market size. Technology drivers, core excess power, cycle temperatures, materials and cooling. Component efficiencies, cycle and propulsion efficiencies. Overall efficiency trends, design implications and unusual solutions. Growth, risk management and globalisation of industry. Availability, reliability, engine health monitoring and risk management. Availability and reliability concerns for single and multiple engine configurations. Engine health monitoring, linear and non-linear gas path analysis. Role of instrumentation, life usage and risk assessment. Reliability and availability of components and multi-engine installations. Use of heavy, blended, contaminated or crude fuels. Introduction, type and range of fuels considered, fuel specifications. Fuel properties and implications for fuel system and combustor design. Hot section corrosion considerations, additives, fouling, cleaning and rating considerations. Implications on choice of engine and economic operation. Coal and solid fuels. Relevance of coal as a fuel for gas turbine utilisation. Routes to coal utilisation, gasification, coal derived liquid fuels. Combustion of solid coal, atmospheric and pressurised fluid bed combustion Current developments, technology and commercial risks. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the course members should be able to: Discuss, differentiate and evaluate the different criteria and design and selection requirement for gas turbine applications. 54 Module Title: Management for Technology Name of Module Co-ordinator (a) Class Contact (b) Private Study Hours: 46 Hours: 54 Assessment Method: Examination and business game Cranfield School of Management (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 100 Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management Prerequisites: None Aim: To provide an overview of management, to develop a better understanding of how the commercial world operates, advance your career and to have fun! Syllabus/Curriculum: The engineer with a Master's degree has the expectancy of attaining a position of responsibility in a business organisation which requires attributes other than technical expertise. The objective of this course is to provide a knowledge of those aspects of management which will enable an engineer to fulfil his wider role more effectively. The subject matter has been selected to give a general awareness of the structure of a company, its business policy, financial matters and the working environment. It covers those topics which are common to both commerce and industry, but places emphasis on those functions which have greater application in a company engaged in the manufacture of a product or provision of a technical service. As the title of the course implies, technical management, with particular reference to management for design, research and development, is highlighted. Corporate Planning Finance and Accounting Legal Responsibilities Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour Office Automation Business Policy Industrial Marketing Management for Research and Development Management for Design Business Game Format Highly intensive and successful management course running over a 2 week period. There is a key emphasis on participation via case studies and group exercises. Assessment is by a three hour open book examination, plus the results of a group run “business game”. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members would develop management skills in financial issues, project management, marketing, negotiation and presentations. 55 Module Title Environmental Management Name of Module Convenor Dr Ossama Badr (a) Class contact (b) Private study (c) Total notional Credit rating: 10 hours: 30 hours: 70 hours: 100 Assessment method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for the Power, Propulsion and the Environment Option Prerequisites: None Aim: To provide the course member with a full appreciation of the human impact on the environment and updated knowledge of pollution control equipment and environmental management systems and tools. Syllabus/Curriculum: Environmental pollution − an introduction Atmospheric pollution Environmental impacts of atmospheric pollution Dispersal of atmospheric pollutants Control of atmospheric pollution Water pollution Water and wastewater treatment Overview of waste management Environmental legislation Environmental liabilities Introduction to environmental impact assessment Intended learning outcomes: On successful completion of the module the student will be able to: 56 Differentiate, recognise and categorise the environmental issues commonly facing industrial organisations With the above understanding, and through written assessments, demonstrate a knowledge of the sources of atmospheric and water pollution and their environmental impacts Module Title Computational Fluid Dynamics in Gas Turbines Name of Module Convenor Dr J Amaral Teixeira (a) Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100 Assessment Method: Assignment Compulsory/Optional: Optional Prerequisites: None Aim: To introduce course members to computationally-based flow modelling, applicable to engines, and to provide experience in the use of a widely available commercial CFD code through enhanced understanding of the complex viscous flow and heat transfer phenomena involved. Syllabus/Curriculum: Flow Modelling Strategies Introduction to computational fluid dynamics and the role of CFD in engine component evaluation and improved design. Review of current capabilities and future directions. Physical Modelling Governing Navier-Stokes equations. Approximate forms. Turbulence - turbulent averaging, mathematical closure and turbulence modelling. Scalar transport and chemical reaction. Reynolds averaging, Large Eddy Simulation, Direct Numerical Simulation. Finite Difference Equations Problem classification. Discretisation. Solution methods. Pressure correction. Boundary conditions. Mesh generation for practical flow geometries. Practical Demonstration Introduction to a commercially available general purpose CFD code (FLUENT) Case study tutorial and assessed assignment. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the module the course member should be able to : Be able to plan, conduct, analyse and evaluate an engineering fluid problem using a commercial CFD package ( FLUENT). Through the above analyses and evaluations demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts and theories of computational fluid dynamics 57 Module Title: Propulsion Systems Performance and Integration Name of Module Convenor Professor P Pilidis Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100 Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for Aerospace Propulsion. Prerequisites: None Aim:. To equip course Members with background knowledge of aircraft propulsion, component performance integration. Syllabus/Curriculum: The course is divided into two major components: Component Performance and System Performance and Integration Component Performance Three main topics are dealt with in this section: Aircraft Performance, Jet Engine Performance, Intakes and Exhaust Systems. Aircraft Performance: Deals with the major topics of flight and aerodynamics, such as lift, drag, range, performance and a section on the design of aircraft for different purposes. Jet Engine Performance: Focuses mainly on the off-design performance of jet engines. Engine behaviour at different altitudes, flight speeds, ambient conditions and throttle settings are described. This topic features a presentation on the design of engines for various types of aircraft. Intakes and Exhaust Systems: Outlines the major design features and operation of the components for subsonic and supersonic aircraft applications. System Performance and Integration: This portion of the course starts with the analysis of fundamental aerodynamics of unducted and ducted bodies. This is followed by the development, via the formal definitions of thrust and drag and the concept of stream-tube momentum force, of the relationship between the net propulsive force of the powerplant, engine thrust and nacelle forces. Alternative performance accounting relationships are developed for various choices of thrust interface using force, drag and the hybrid force/drag method. These are employed to illustrate the interplay between component forces. The treatment addresses the long and short-cowl podded nacelles, appropriate to civil engine installations, on- and off-wing; and the highly integrated installations encountered in military aircraft. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the course members should be able to: Analyse and assess aircraft performance Compare and differentiate engine installation characteristics Assess aspects of component performance and system performance and Integration. 58 Module Title: Fatigue and Fracture Name of Module Convenor Dr P Laskaridis (a) Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 25 Hours: 70 Hours: 95 Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for rotating machinery, engineering and management Prerequisites: None Aim: To enable course members to determine the life cycle of machines and machine components. Syllabus/Curriculum: In this module it is proposed to introduce students to the problem of lifting machines for repeated (cyclic) loads. Of course, there must also be an awareness of the damage arising from (so-called) steady loads (proof case), and from high temperature (creep case), but without doubt, the most damaging of all the failure modes is fatigue, which arises when a load is applied repeatedly, as when a gasturbine is operated many times, or when a component, within the gas turbine, vibrates. It is not intended to dwell on the metallurgic nature of fatigue but instead to introduce students to calculating techniques, some of them quite simple, with which they may be able to determine the probable life of a machine. Fatigue and fracture are simply two sides of the same coin since they both give us insight into the nature of cyclic fracture, and both allow the determination of the cyclic life of a component under certain operating conditions. Fatigue is essentially empirical in nature that is, based on experience going back to the age when wheels first fell off rolling stock. Fracture is much more analytical in nature, and based upon an analytical model of the small flaw (imperfection) which all failed components can be assumed to have held. The course is liberally sprinkled with worked examples. Emphasis is placed on the application of Fatigue and Fracture theory on aero and stationary gas turbines and their components including turbo-machinery shafts, blades and disks. Materials: Materials Selection Process, Gas Turbine Materials, Aluminium alloys, Titanium alloys, Nickel and Cobalt superalloys, Metal Matrix Composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Polymer Composites, Coatings Technology for gas turbines, Corrosion Resistant Coatings, Thermal Barrier Coatings, Future Gas Turbine Materials. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course, the course members should be able to: Discuss and evaluate the key aspects, concepts and theories of fatigue , fracture and materials within the context of gas turbine engines Adopt appropriate theories to perform calculations related to the life of gas turbine components Evaluate the results from these analyses 59 Module Title: Rotating Equipment Selection Name of Module Convenor Dr Joao Amaral Teixeira Class Contact (b) Private Study (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 30 Hours: 70 Hours: 100 Assessment Method: Examination Compulsory/Optional: Compulsory for Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management Prerequisites: None Aim: To familiarise the course member with selection, design and operation of prime movers and driven rotating equipment. Electric Motors And Generators - An overview of the important electrical features of power generation. This will provide an understanding of the design features of synchronous and asynchronous machines often driven by gas turbines. Pumps and Pumping Systems - Participants will be introduced to the basic principles of pumps including Euler equation, relation of pump geometry to design performance, cavitation, viscosity effects, part load behaviour, gas liquid pumping, etc. In particular, attention will be given to cavitation, gas-liquid and other multi-phase problems, and to the drive systems used, particularly gas turbine drives. Gas Turbines and Selection - An overview of their principles and modes of operation, and, selection criteria Gas Compressors - An insight will be given into the theory, selection, operating range and installation of the various types of compressor. Some common installation problems will be discussed and analysed. Basic Turbomachinery Concepts – Energy transfer in turbomachines, nondimensional parameters, flow in cascades and isolated airfoils, principles of turbomachinery design, three dimensional flows, definitions of efficiency, case studies. Plant Availability – distinguish the combined aspects of maintainability and reliability. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Member should be able to : 60 Distinguish and assess the design, operation and maintenance of different driven equipment and prime movers including: electric motors and generators, pumps, gas compressors, fans and power generation gas turbines. Module Title: Jet Engine Control Name of Module Convenor (a) Class (b) Private Study Contact Hours: 70 Hours: 30 Assessment Method: Examination Prerequisites: None Professor P Pilidis (c) Total Notional Credit Rating: 10 Hours: 100 Compulsory/Optional: Optional Aim: To explain the philosophy of jet engine control requirements and systems to gas turbine engineers. Syllabus/Curriculum: Description of jet engine components interactions, limitations and the need for control. Control mechanisms and their influences on jet engine performance. Compressor and Turbine Characteristics and matching. Variable Geometry in compressor, turbines and propelling nozzles. The use of bleed valves. Acceleration and deceleration fuel schedules. Explanation of fuel transfer from aircraft to engine. Hardware Design: Hydro-mechanical control systems. acceleration control. Electronic and digital control systems. Speed and Future issues and trends. Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course the Course Members should be able to: Perform an assessment of jet engine control systems in which they can recognise and distinguish the objectives of control philosophies and systems Categorise the means to influence aero gas turbine engine performance and the different mechanisms that allow the safe and efficient operation of a jet engine. 61 62 9 APPENDIX C FORMS 63 64 SHORT COURSE ATTENDANCE FORM Thermal Power MSc Course Members Application to attend Short Courses: Title of Course: Date of Course: Student Name Student Number Permission of Supervisor, Supervisor Signature: Permission of Course Director, Course Director Signature: Each attendance on any course cannot be guaranteed and confirmation of your place will be made 2 – 3 weeks before the Short Course start date. You will also be notified if, for any reason, the short course you have registered on is cancelled. Please note that in return Thermal Power Course Members will be asked to assist with tasks associated with the course they are attending. Participation on social events will be included as appropriate. Please note that whilst there is no charge for MSc Thermal Power Course Members attending a short course, there is a charge for lunches and dinners should a student wish to attend these Whilst attending a short course you [the course members] are ambassadors of Cranfield University. Please remember the following:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Punctuality is essential. Be in the room at least 5 minutes prior to the lecture commencing. If you are late for a session you may not enter the room but wait for the next break. You should attend for the whole of the lecture and may not leave early. If you cannot attend the whole session please do not attend. Please do not use laptops to surf the internet during lectures No talking during the lectures. Talking disrupts the class and may distract the presenter No eating or drinking of anything other than the water provided Please do not ask questions/Please keep any questions to a minimum. Question sessions are designed to give opportunities for external delegates who are only hear for five days to ask questions. You have other resources available to you to answer these questions outside of the presentation. You may not enter into any communication with the course contributors, by email or otherwise, without the express written agreement of the course director. Please return this form to Mrs Karen Swan, CPD Administrator, Room 340 Telephone Extension 4683. Email 65 66 M.Sc. in Thermal Power - Gas Turbine Technology Option Subject Selection Form Student Name: Student Number: Signature: Date: Mandatory Modules Module Title Module Leader Method of Assessment Blade Cooling Combustors Engine Systems Gas Turbine Theory & Performance Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Simulation & Diagnostics Turbomachinery Dr D. MacManus Dr V Sethi. Dr Y. Li Prof. P. Pilidis Exam Exam Assignment Exam 5 10 20 10 Dr P Laskaridis Exam 10 Dr V. Pachidis/Dr Y. Li Dr D. Macmanus Assignment 10 Assignment 15 Subtotal Credits 80 Optional Modules Tick to select Select ONE option only for each module Method of Assessment Credits Module Title Module Leader Computational Fluid Dynamics Environmental Management Fatigue & Fracture Gas Turbine Applications Jet Engine Control Management for Technology Propulsion Systems Performance & Integration Rotating Equipment Selection Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Dr O. Badr Assignment 10 Assignment 10 Dr P. Laskaridis Dr G. di Lorenzo Exam Exam 10 10 Prof. P. Pilidis Dr S. Carver Exam Exam 10 10 Dr D. MacManus Exam 10 Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Exam 10 Modules for MSc award Select Maximum 20 credits Total FORTRAN PROGRAMMING COURSE Please complete and return this form to the Thermal Power Course Administrator 67 Additional modules for assessment (these will appear on the transcript as additional subjects) Modules for lecture attendance only M.Sc. in Thermal Power – Aerospace Propulsion Option Subject Selection Form Student Name: Student Number: Signature: Date: Mandatory Modules Module Title Module Leader Method of Assessment Blade Cooling Combustors Engine Systems Gas Turbine Theory and Performance Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Propulsion System Performance & Integration Simulation & Diagnostics Turbomachinery Dr D. MacManus Dr V. Sethi Dr Y. Li Prof. P. Pilidis Exam Exam Assignment Exam 5 10 20 10 Dr P. Laskaridis Exam 10 Dr D. MacManus Exam 10 Dr V. Pachidis/Dr Y. Li /Dr D. Macmanus Assignment 10 Assignment 15 Subtotal Credits 90 Optional Modules Tick to select Select ONE option only for each module Method of Assessment Credits Module Title Module Leader Computational Fluid Dynamics Environmental Management Fatigue & Fracture Gas Turbine Applications Jet Engine Control Management for Technology Rotating Equipment Selection Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Dr O. Badr Assignment 10 Assignment 10 Dr P. Laskaridis Dr G. di Lorenzo Exam Exam 10 10 Prof. P Pilidis Dr S. Carver Assignment Exam 10 10 Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Exam 10 Modules for MSc award Select Maximum 10 credits Total FORTRAN PROGRAMMING COURSE Please complete and return this form to the Thermal Power Course Administrator 68 Additional modules for assessment (these will appear on the transcript as additional subjects) Modules for lecture attendance only M.Sc. in Thermal Power – Rotating Machinery Engineering and Management Subject Selection Form Student Name: Student Number: Signature: Date: Mandatory Modules Module Title Module Leader Method of Assessment Blade Cooling Combustors Engine Systems Fatigue & Fracture Gas Turbine Theory & Performance Management for Technology Rotating Equipment Selection Turbomachinery Dr D. MacManus Dr V. Sethi Dr Y. Li Dr P. Laskaridis Prof. P. Pilidis Exam Exam Assignment Exam Exam 5 10 20 10 10 Dr S. Carver Exam 10 Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Dr D. MacManus Exam 10 Assignment 15 Subtotal Credits 90 Optional Modules Tick to select Select ONE option only for each module Method of Assessment Credits Module Title Module Leader Computational Fluid Dynamics Environmental Management Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Simulation & Diagnostics Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Dr O. Badr Assignment 10 Assignment 10 Dr P. Laskaridis Exam 10 Dr V. Pachidis/Dr Y. Li Assignment 10 Modules for MSc award Select Maximum 10 credits Total FORTRAN PROGRAMMING COURSE Please complete and return this form to the Thermal Power Course Administrator 69 Additional modules for assessment (these will appear on the transcript as additional subjects) Modules for lecture attendance only M.Sc. in Thermal Power – Power, Propulsion & the Environment Subject Selection Form Student Name: Student Number: Signature: Date: Mandatory Modules Module Title Module Leader Method of Assessment Blade Cooling Dr D. Macmanus Exam 5 Combustors Environmental Management Engine Systems Gas Turbine Theory & Performance Rotating Equipment Selection Turbomachinery Dr V. Sethi Dr O. Badr Exam Assignment 10 10 Dr Y. Li Prof. P. Pilidis Assignment Exam 20 10 Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Dr D. Macmanus Exam 10 Assignment 15 Subtotal Credits 80 Optional Modules Tick to select Select ONE option only for each module Method of Assessment Credits Module Title Module Leader Computational Fluid Dynamics Fatigue & Fracture Dr J.A. Amaral Teixeira Dr P. Laskaridis Assignment 10 Exam 10 Gas Turbine Applications Jet Engine Control Dr G. di Lorenzo Exam 10 Prof. P Pilidis Assignment 10 Management for Technology Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Propulsion System Performance & Integration Simulation & Diagnostics Total Dr S. Carver Exam 10 Dr P. Laskaridis Exam 10 Dr D. MacManus Exam 10 Dr V. Pachidis/Dr Y. Li Assignment 10 Modules for MSc award Select Maximum 20 credits FORTRAN PROGRAMMING COURSE Please complete and return this form to the Thermal Power Course Administrator 70 Additional modules for assessment (these will appear on the transcript as additional subjects) Modules for lecture attendance only ABSENCE FORM Student Name: Student Number: Date of Absence: Reason: Student Signature: Date: Please return this form to the Course Administrator 71 72 ASSIGNMENT HAND-IN SHEET This form must be attached as a cover sheet to the front of every piece of assessed work including theses. Work submitted without this form as the cover sheet will not be marked. Student Name: Student Number: Subject Title: Assignment Title: Marking Tutor: Hand-in Date: Signature: Date: Cranfield University defines plagiarism as follows:- Plagiarism is the use, without acknowledgement, of the intellectual work of other people, and the act of representing the ideas or discoveries of others as one's own in any work submitted for assessment or presented for publication. To copy sentences, phrases or even striking expressions without acknowledgement of source (either by inadequate citation or failure to indicate verbatim quotations) is plagiarism; to paraphrase without acknowledgement is also plagiarism. I declare that the work handed in with this sheet is entirely my own effort. It is not in any way a collaborative effort with another course member nor has it been extracted (plagiarised) from someone else's work. I fully understand that if this is not the case, then I am likely to be reported to the University Authorities and my work will, at the very least, be zero marked. I am also aware that collaboration and plagiarism are considered in the same way as cheating by the University authorities and could have quite severe implications for my future career prospects. I require/do not require* this optional assignment to be assessed as part of the 100 credits needed for my MSc (*delete as appropriate). 73 74 PROJECT SELECTION FORM Project Title Student Name Student Signature Date Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date Notes Thesis hand in date is fixed and extensions are granted only under exceptional circumstances. This form has to be completed and handed in to the Course Administrator by the end of the fourth week of the first term. NOTIFICATION OF ANY CHANGES TO THESIS TITLE OR SUPERVISOR MUST BE SENT TO THE COURSE ADMINISTRATOR ================================================================== FOR EXPERIMENTAL PROJECTS ONLY: A meeting between the course member, the EOF/laboratory support staff and the supervisor is required to agree the following: Plan and timing of Cranfield resource demand, including the plant, manpower, design and experimental contents and requirements of the project (attach to this form). Anticipated cost: £______________________________________ Agreed with EOF/Laboratory Support Staff. Signed: 75 _______________________________________
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