POLICY MANUAL REVIEWED AND UPDATED: 19 APRIL 2011 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 COUNCIL 5 COUNCILLORS’ REQUESTS 5 USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS 5 PETITIONS 5 POLICY MANUAL 5 COUNCIL ELECTIONS - INFORMATION TO CANDIDATES 6 NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS 6 ANONYMOUS COMPLAINTS 7 PUBLIC RELATIONS/PRESS RELEASES 7 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 7 RETIRING COUNCILLORS 8 CODE OF CONDUCT 8 LOGO 14 WELL WISHES FROM COUNCIL 15 ATTENDANCE AT COMMUNITY/PROGRESS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS 16 INSURANCE – PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY – USE OF DISCLAIMERS 16 MEETINGS OF COUNCIL – GUEST SPEAKERS/DEPUTATIONS 17 ELECTIONS – PROMOTION 16 TOURISM POLICY 16 GUIDELINES ON INTERNAL PROCEDURES – PUBLIC INTEREST DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS 19 RECEIVING DEPUTATIONS FROM POLITICAL PARTIES 19 FOCUS GROUP PROTOCOLS 20 LAPTOP COMPUTERS, PRINTERS & ELECTRONIC ORGANISERS – COUNCILLORS 21 SHIRE OF GINGIN RECORD KEEPING PLAN 21 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY 21 HANDLING OF VEXATIOUS AND FRIVOLOUS COMPLAINTS 23 COUNCIL FORUM PROTOCOLS 23 DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS - LOCAL GOVERNMENT (RULES OF CONDUCT) REGULATIONS 2007 24 AWARD OF THE TITLE "HONORARY FREEMAN OF THE SHIRE OF GINGIN" 44 COUNCILLORS' ENTITLEMENTS 46 ADMINISTRATION 51 SENIOR EMPLOYEES 51 STAFF - NEW AND CASUAL POSITIONS 51 GIFTS TO STAFF MEMBERS LEAVING THE EMPLOY OF COUNCIL 51 FUNCTIONS FOR STAFF LEAVING THE SHIRE'S EMPLOYMENT 52 SUPERANNUATION CONTRIBUTIONS 52 ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 53 STAFF TELEPHONES 53 USE OF SHIRE VEHICLES 53 MOTOR DRIVERS AND OTHER WORK REQUIRED LICENCES 54 LICENSING OF SHIRE VEHICLES/PLANT 54 STAFF UNIFORMS 54 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 54 CONFERENCES - STUDY TOURS 55 1 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 2.14 STUDY LEAVE 56 2.15 STATUTORY ADVERTISING 56 2.16 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTORY 57 2.17 DISTRIBUTION OF POLITICAL MATERIAL 57 2.18 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACT 57 2.19 SMOKING, ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS 59 2.20 CORPORATE CREDIT CARDS 61 2.21 SEVERANCE PAY 62 2.22 REDUNDANCY 64 2.23 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH POLICY 68 2.24 STAFF HOUSING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY 69 2.25 PART PAY OUT OF ACCRUED SICK LEAVE IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES 70 2.26 LOSS OF DRIVER'S LICENCE (SHIRE OF GINGIN EMPLOYEES 70 3.0 MATTERS RELATING TO FINANCE 73 3.1 CHEQUE/ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFERS SIGNING LIMITS 73 3.2 INVESTMENTS 74 3.3 DONATIONS 77 3.4 DEBT COLLECTION 77 3.5 ASSETS – ACCOUNTING 78 3.6 LOANS – SELF SUPPORTING 79 3.7 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS TO COMMUNITY AND SPORTING BODIES THROUGH THE COMMUNITY SPORTING AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUND 79 3.8 ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDING POLICY–ENVIRONMENTAL ALLOCATION FUND 81 3.9 PURCHASING AND ORDERING OF GOODS 83 3.10 PURCHASING POLICY 85 3.11 REVALUATION OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS 94 3.12 TOURISM ALLOCATION FUNDING POLICY 94 3.13 RATES WRITE-OFF FORMULA ON PROPERTIES WHERE A BUILDING HAS BEEN DEMOLISHED AND REBUILT - DELETED 16/8/2011 96 3.14 LAND UNDER ROADS 96 3.15 PLAYGROUND POLICY - CONSOLIDATION OF COUNCIL'S EXISTING AND FUTURE PLAYGROUNDS 97 3.16 RATES CONCESSION FOR SPLIT USE DIFFERENTIAL - UV GENERAL PROPERTIES 99 3.17 ASSET MANAGEMENT 99 3.18 DISPOSITION OF ASSETS 102 4.0 LAW, ORDER & PUBLIC SAFETY 104 4.1 REWARDS - THEFT/VANDALISM 104 4.2 BUSH FIRE CONTROL 104 4.3 CONTRIBUTION TO LEGAL FEES - VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS 119 4.4 TRADING ACTIVITIES WITHIN LANCELIN FORESHORE RESERVES 119 4.5 HANDOVER POLICY FOR NON SPORTING USE OF FOOTBALL/CRICKET RECREATION OVAL 123 5.0 HEALTH 124 5.1 RUBBISH SERVICES TO CLUB PREMISES 124 6.0 TOWN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 125 6.1 ACCEPTANCE OF MANAGEMENT ORDERS BY THE SHIRE OVER FORESHORE RESERVES 125 6.2 LAND CLEARING – MANNER FOR DEALING WITH APPLICATIONS TO CLEAR 125 7.0 ENGINEERING 127 7.1 CROSSOVER SUBSIDY 127 7.2 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 127 2 SHIRE OF GINGIN 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 REMOVAL OF FLORA, FIREWOOD ETC. ROAD VERGE DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA – URBAN AREAS EXPLORATION DRILLING ON SHIRE ROADS AND RESERVES ROAD TRANSPORT HEAVY VEHICLE COMBINATIONS HIRING OF SMALL PLANT BY SHIRE EMPLOYEES GUIDELINES FOR ROADWORKS, DRAINAGE AND SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION OF GAZETTED, UNMADE RURAL ROADS TO A MAXIMUM VALUE OF $20,000.00 7.10 CONSTRUCTION OF GAZETTED, UNMADE RURAL ROADS WITH A VALUE EXCEEDING $20,000.00 8.0 BUILDING 8.1 BUILDING CONTROL DISCLAIMER 8.2 BUILDING LICENCE FEES - REFUND OF 8.3 BUILDING LICENCE - DEPOSIT FOR FOOTPATHS/CYCLEWAY 8.4 SIGN APPLICATIONS 8.5 AMALGAMATION OF LOTS FOR BUILDING SITES 8.6 ROOF DRAINAGE 8.7 ROOF GUTTERING ON OUTBUILDINGS 8.8 TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION 8.9 RETAINING WALLS 8.10 RETAINING WALLS - CUT AND FILL OF LOTS 8.11 OVERSIZED OUTBUILDINGS POLICY MANUAL 128 128 129 130 131 133 224 224 225 225 225 225 226 226 226 226 227 228 228 229 3 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL POLICY MANUAL 1.0 COUNCIL 1.1 COUNCILLORS’ REQUESTS All Councillor enquiries of a technical and/or non-administrative nature shall be directed through the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Manager Corporate Services, or Executive Officers. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 17 AUGUST 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.2 USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS The Shire of Gingin Council Chambers and Committee Room shall only be used for Council functions and meetings. The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to approve the use of the Council Chambers for other functions and meetings when special circumstances exist, however, it is Council Policy that Community Groups and Organisations should not use the Council Chambers, but should be directed to other Shire owned public buildings. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.3 PETITIONS A compliant petition that is handed to a Councillor by a Shire resident shall be presented to the next Meeting of Council. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.4 POLICY MANUAL The Shire of Gingin will maintain a Manual which records the various policies of the Council. Policies are to relate to issues of an on-going nature; policy decisions on single issues are not to be recorded in the Manual. The objectives of the Shire‘s Policy Manual are: to provide Council with a formal written record of all policy decisions; to provide the staff with precise guidelines in which to act in accordance with Council's wishes; 4 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL to enable the staff to act promptly in accordance with Council's requirements, but without continual reference to Council; to enable Councillors to adequately handle enquiries from electors without undue reference to the staff or the Council; to enable Council to maintain a continual review of Council policy decisions and to ensure they are in keeping with community expectations, current trends and circumstances; to enable ratepayers to obtain immediate advice on matters of Council Policy. The Policy Manual will be maintained in a loose-leaf binder and updated as and when a policy is varied by the Council. The Policy Manual is to be reviewed biennially. A copy of the Policy Manual, together with details of variations as they occur, shall be distributed to all Councillors and appropriate staff. Changes to Council Policies shall be made only on: (a) (b) Notice of motion, or an agenda item clearly setting out details of the amended policy. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.5 COUNCIL ELECTIONS - INFORMATION TO CANDIDATES That a ―Guide to Candidates for Local Government Elections‖ be handed to candidates upon receipt of nominations, with the guide to include reference to sections of the Local Government Act, 1995 applicable to election procedures. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.6 NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS Newly elected members of Council will receive a copy of the Local Government Act, 1995 plus amendments, a copy of the Policy Manual and copies of other documentation deemed appropriate. Newly elected members of Council will be encouraged to attend appropriate ―Councillor‖ courses conducted through Municipal Training Services. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 5 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1.7 POLICY MANUAL ANONYMOUS COMPLAINTS That no action be taken with regard to anonymous complaints either verbal or written. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.8 PUBLIC RELATIONS/PRESS RELEASES The Local Government Act, 1995 provides that the role of the Shire President is to speak on behalf of the Local Government and, accordingly, the Shire President is the official spokesperson for the Shire of Gingin. If approached by the media for formal comment on any issue, Councillors and staff are, in the first instance, to suggest that the media make direct contact with the Shire President as the Shire‘s official spokesperson. When the media does not make direct contact with the Shire President and a member of staff is asked to respond/comment to the media, the staff member will direct the enquiry to the Chief Executive Officer who will liaise with the Shire President to determine who will respond/comment and the nature of the response/comment. If the Shire President is unable to be contacted, the Chief Executive Officer will determine who is to respond and the nature of the response. Without express authority from the Shire President, staff and Councillors are not to offer a Council view, attitude, stance, etc on any issue, this clearly being the function of the Shire President. A Councillor‘s right to express a personal opinion on any issue of public interest is recognised. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 19 JUNE 1997 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.9 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (a) A copy of the minutes of all Council Meetings, stamped with the wording "Members of the Public are advised that decisions arising from this Council Meeting can be subject to alteration. Applicants and other interested parties should refrain from taking any action until such time as written advice is received confirming Council‘s decision with respect to any particular issue.", are to be made available for perusal by members of the public at the Shire Office and Shire Library as soon as possible following each meeting but within the time limits prescribed by Local Government (Administration) Regulation No 13. (b) Any person may be provided with a photocopy of any page or pages of any Council Meeting Minutes, on payment of the current photocopying charges that apply. Such copies issued that have not been confirmed are to be stamped with the wording - "Members of the Public are advised that decisions arising from this Council Meeting can be subject to alteration. Applicants and other interested parties should refrain from taking any action until such time as written advice is received confirming Council‘s decision with respect to any particular issue." or, alternatively, with the word ―Draft‖. 6 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (c) A copy of the Minutes of all Council Meetings, stamped with the wording "Please Note - These Minutes have yet to be confirmed by Council as a true record of proceedings", are to be forwarded, on request and free of charge, to all media outlets within or servicing the district as soon as possible following each meeting. (d) A copy of the Minutes of all or any Council Meetings are to be posted to all Community and Progress Associations within the Shire free of charge and if unconfirmed, the Minutes are to be stamped with the wording - ―Please Note – These Minutes have yet to be confirmed by Council as a true record of proceedings‖. (e) Any individual or organisation not referenced in ―(d),‖ may, on payment of an annual subscription set by Council each year, have a copy of the Minutes of all Council Meetings, posted to them following each meeting. The minutes are to be stamped with the wording "Please Note - These Minutes have yet to be confirmed by Council as a true record of proceedings". These Minutes are to be posted to the subscribers as soon as possible following each meeting. (f) Upon request, a copy of the minutes of all or any Council Meeting may be posted to Local Members of State or Federal Parliament, free of charge and, if unconfirmed, the minutes are to be stamped with the wording - "Please Note - These minutes have yet to be confirmed by Council as a true record of proceedings‖. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 21 SEPTEMBER 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.10 RETIRING COUNCILLORS Repealed by resolution of Council 20 May 2014 – Item 11.1.1 See Policy 1.29 – Councillors’ Entitlements 1.11 CODE OF CONDUCT (AMENDED) The ―Code of Conduct‖ provides Councillors and Staff with consistent guidelines for an acceptable standard of professional conduct. The Code addresses, in a concise manner, the broader issue of ethical responsibility and encourages greater transparency and accountability. It is to be read in conjunction with the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations, 2007 which apply to Councillors. The Code is complementary to the principles adopted in the Local Government Act, 1995 and subsidiary Regulations which incorporate eight fundamental aims, namely the requirement to: (a) Act with reasonable care and diligence; (b) Act with honesty and integrity; (c) Act lawfully; 7 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (d) Avoid damage to the reputation of the Local Government; (e) Be open and accountable to the public; (f) Base decisions on relevant and factually correct information; (g) Treat others with respect and fairness; and (h) Not be impaired by mind affecting substances. The Code provides a guide and a basis of expectations for Councillors and Staff. It encourages a commitment to ethical and professional behaviour and outlines principles in which individual and collective Local Government responsibilities may be based. A Councillor‘s primary role is to represent the community, and the effective translation of the community‘s needs and aspirations into a direction and future for the Local Government will be the focus of the Councillor‘s public life. A Councillor represents the interests of Electors, Ratepayers and Residents of the district. In fulfilling the various roles, Councillors‘ activities will focus on: (a) Achieving a balance in the diversity of community views to develop an overall strategy for the future of the community; (b) Achieving sound financial management and accountability in relation to Shire‘s finances; (c) Ensuring that appropriate mechanisms are in place to deal with the prompt handling of residents‘ concerns; (d) Working with other spheres of government and organisations to achieve benefits for the community at both a local and regional level; (e) Having an awareness of the statutory obligations imposed on Councillors and on Local Governments; and (f) Compliance with the Local Government Act (Rules of Conduct) Regulations, 2007. Conflict and Disclosure of Interest (a) Conflict of Interest (i) Councillors and Staff will ensure that there is no actual (or perceived) conflict of interest between their personal interests and the impartial fulfilment of their professional duties. 8 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (ii) Staff will not engage in private work with or for any person or body with an interest in a proposed or current Contract with the Shire, without first making disclosure to the Chief Executive Officer. In this respect, it does not matter whether advantage is in fact obtained, as any appearance that private dealings could conflict with performance of duties must be scrupulously avoided. (iii) Councillors and Staff who exercise a recruitment or other discretionary function will make disclosure before dealing with relatives or close friends and will disqualify themselves from dealing with those persons. (iv) Staff will refrain from partisan political activities, which could cast doubt on their neutrality and impartiality in acting in their professional capacity. An individual‘s rights to maintain their own political convictions are not impinged upon by this clause. It is recognised that such convictions cannot be a basis for discrimination and this is supported by anti discriminatory legislation. (b) Interests Councillors and Staff will comply with the disclosure of Financial, Proximity and Impartiality Interests as contained within the Local Government Act, 1995 and Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996. Councillors and Staff will disclose any interest that they have in any matter to be discussed, or in any matter on which they have, or will be providing, advice at Council Meetings, Committee Meetings, Council Forums and Council Focus Group Meetings. (c) Disclosure of Interest (i) Councillors and appropriate Staff will disclose, in a written return or at the relevant meeting, the interests, which might be in conflict with their public or professional duties. (ii) Whenever disclosure is required, recommended in this Code, or otherwise seems appropriate, it will be made promptly, fully, and in writing within the register provided. Any disclosure of interest made by a Councillor or Employee in respect to any matter to be discussed either at a Council Meeting, Committee Meeting, Council Forum or Council Focus Group Meeting is to be made at the Meeting immediately before the matter is discussed or at the time advice is given, and is to be recorded in the Minutes or record of the relevant Meeting. (iii) Councillors and appropriate Staff will verbally disclose at Annual Meetings of Electors any interest or conflict which may arise on any matter in which they would ordinarily disclose an interest, if that same matter were to arise during the course of an Ordinary Council or Committee Meeting. 9 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL If such an interest arises during the course of an Annual Meeting of Electors, and that interest is declared, the interest shall be dealt with using the same procedure as that prescribed for dealing with Declarations of Interest during Public Question Time. (iv) Councillors and appropriate Staff will, at any Community/Progress Association or similar meeting, verbally declare any interest or conflict which may arise on any matter in which they would ordinarily disclose an interest if that same matter were to arise during the course of an Ordinary Council or Committee meeting. If such an interest arises during the course of a Community/Progress Association or similar meeting, and that interest is declared, the interest shall be dealt with using the same procedure as that prescribed for dealing with Declarations of Interest during Public Question Time. (v) Councillors, Staff, Consultants and other participants shall disclose their financial interests and other prescribed interests in matters to be discussed at Council Forums. Should a person disclose an interest, it will be at their discretion as to whether or not they participate in that part of the Forum relating to their interest. (vi) Councillors, Staff, Consultants and other participants shall disclose their financial interests and other prescribed interests in matters to be discussed at Council Focus Group Meetings. Should a person disclose an interest, it will be at their discretion as to whether or not they participate in that part of the Focus Group Meeting relating to their interest. Personal Benefit (a) Use of Confidential Information Councillors and Staff will not use confidential information to gain improper advantage for themselves or for any other person or body, in ways which are inconsistent with their obligation to act impartially, or to improperly cause harm or detriment to any person or organisation. (b) Intellectual Property The title to Intellectual Property in all duties relating to Contracts of Employment will be assigned to the Shire of Gingin upon its creation unless otherwise agreed by separate Contract. (c) Improper or Undue Influence Councillors and Staff will not take advantage of their position to improperly influence other Councillors or Staff in the performance of their duties or functions, in order to gain undue or improper (direct or indirect) advantage or gain for themselves or for any other person or body. 10 SHIRE OF GINGIN (d) POLICY MANUAL Gifts and Bribery (i) Councillors and Staff will not seek or accept (directly or indirectly) from any person or body, any immediate or future "prohibited" gift, reward or benefit (other than gifts of a token kind, or moderate acts of hospitality) for themselves or for any other person or body, relating to their status with the Shire or their performance of any duty or work which touches or concerns the Shire of Gingin. (ii) If any "notifiable" gift, reward or benefit is offered (other than gifts of a token kind, or moderate acts of hospitality), disclosure will be made in a prompt and full manner and in writing in the appropriate register. (iii) A gift is considered to be of a token kind and an act of hospitality is considered to be moderate where the value of the gift or act of hospitality does not exceed $50.00. (iv) A Councillor or an Employee cannot accept a gift, other than a token gift, from a person who is undertaking, or is likely to undertake, business - (v) That requires a person to obtain any authorisation from the Local Government; By way of contract between the person and the Local Government; and By way of providing any service to the Local Government. A Councillor or an Employee who accepts a token gift from a person referred to in Clause (iv) above is required to record The names of the persons who gave, and received, the token gift; The date of receipt of the token gift; and A description and the estimated value of the token gift. Conduct of Councillors and Staff (a) Personal Behaviour (i) Councillors and Staff will: Act, and be seen to act, properly and in accordance with the requirements of the law and the terms of this Code. Perform their duties impartially and in the best interests of the Shire uninfluenced by fear or favour. Act in good faith (i.e. honestly, for the proper purpose, and without exceeding their powers) in the interests of the Shire and the community. 11 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Make no allegations which are improper or derogatory (unless true and in public interest) and refrain from any form of conduct, in the performance of their official or professional duties, which may cause any reasonable person unwarranted offence or embarrassment. Always act in accordance with their obligation of fidelity to the Local Government. (ii) (b) (c) Councillors will represent and promote the interests of the Shire, while recognising their special duty to their own constituents. Performance of Duties (i) While on duty, Staff will give substantially their whole time and attention to the Shire‘s business and ensure that their work is carried out efficiently, economically and effectively, and that their standard of work reflects favourably both on them and on the Council. (ii) Councillors will, at all times, exercise reasonable care and diligence in the performance of their duties, being consistent in their decision making, but treating all matters on individual merits. Councillors will be as informed as possible about the functions of the Council, and treat all members of the community honestly and fairly. Compliance with Lawful Orders (i) Councillors and Staff will comply with any lawful order given by any person having authority to make or give such an order, with any doubts as to the propriety of any such order being taken up with the superior of the person who gave the order and, if resolution cannot be achieved, with the Chief Executive Officer. (ii) Councillors and Staff will give effect to the lawful policies of the Shire, whether or not they agree with, or approve of them. (d) Administrative and Management Practices Councillors and Staff will ensure compliance with proper and reasonable administrative practices and conduct, and professional and responsible management practices. (e) Corporate Obligations (i) Standard of Dress Staff is expected to comply with neat and responsible dress standards at all times. Management reserves the right to raise the issue of dress with individual Staff. 12 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (ii) (f) Communication and Public Relations (a) All aspects of communication by Staff (including verbal, written or personal), involving Shire activities should reflect the status and objectives of the Shire. Communications should be accurate, polite and professional. (b) As a representative of the community, Councillors need to be not only responsive to community views, but to adequately communicate the attitudes and decisions of the Council. In doing so Councillors should acknowledge that: As a member of the Council there will be respect for the decision making processes of the Council which are based on a decision of the majority of the Council; Information of a confidential nature will not be communicated until it is no longer treated as confidential; Information relating to decisions of the Council on approvals, permits and so on, only be communicated in an official capacity by a designated officer of the Shire; Information concerning adopted policies, procedures and decisions of the Council is conveyed accurately. Relationships between Councillors and Staff An effective Councillor will work as part of the Shire team with the Chief Executive Officer and other Executive staff. That teamwork will only occur if Councillors and Staff have a mutual respect and co-operate with each other to achieve the Shire‘s corporate goals and implement the Shire‘s strategies. To achieve that position Councillors need to: Accept that their role is a leadership, not a management or administrative one; Acknowledge that they have no capacity to individually direct members of staff to carry out particular functions; and Refrain from publicly criticising staff in a way that casts aspersions on their professional competence and credibility. (g) Appointments to External Committees As part of their representative role Councillors are often asked to represent the Shire on external organisations. It is important that Councillors: Clearly understand the basis of their appointment; and Provide regular reports on the activities of the organisation. 13 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Dealing with Shire Property (a) Use of Local Government Resources Councillors and Staff will: (i) Be scrupulously honest in their use of the Shire‘s resources and shall not misuse them or permit their misuse (or the appearance of misuse) by any other person or body. (ii) Use Shire resources entrusted to them effectively and economically in the course of their duties. (iii) Not use the Shire‘s resources (including the services of Shire staff) for private purposes (other than when supplied as part of a contract of employment), unless properly authorised to do so, and appropriate payments are made (as determined by the Chief Executive Officer). Note: Councillor laptop computers are exempt from this provision. (b) Travelling and Sustenance Expenses Councillors and Staff will only claim or accept travelling and sustenance expenses arising out of travel related matters which have a direct bearing on the services, policies or business of the Shire in accordance with Shire policy and the provision of the Local Government Act, 1995. (c) Access to Information (i) Staff will ensure that Councillors are given access to all information necessary for them to properly perform their functions and comply with their responsibilities as Councillors. (ii) Councillors will ensure that information provided will be used properly and to assist in the process of making reasonable and informed decisions on matters before the Council. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 16 JANUARY 2001 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.12 LOGO The Council records having adopted a design as its official logo which is to be shown on letterheads, envelopes and other Shire material and stationery, as and when considered appropriate. No action is to be taken to register the logo under the Designs Act. 14 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Any application for the use of reproduction of the logo is to be considered on its merits and such applications shall be determined by the Chief Executive Officer. As a policy, the Shire supports the use of the logo by local organisations seeking to identify geographically with the district. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 7 SEPTEMBER 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.13 WELL WISHES FROM COUNCIL It is the Council‘s Policy to send flowers, cards or small gifts and insert suitable notices in the local paper to recognise personal events in the lives of staff members, Councillors, past Councillors, close affiliates of the Shire or their families. In so doing, assistance with the procedure is to be encouraged from staff and Councillors, but due regard is to be had always to such things as length of service (staff or Councillors), community attitudes, input and involvement from others. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 7 SEPTEMBER 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.14 ATTENDANCE AT COMMUNITY/PROGRESS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Council will encourage local Community/Progress Associations to keep the Shire informed of their views and concerns. In its interaction with such Associations, the Shire will be mindful of the Association‘s stated areas of interest. 1.14.1 Following the conclusion of each Community/Progress Association Annual General Meeting, the Shire will accommodate a request from the Association Executive and committee to meet with the Shire President, Deputy Shire President, Ward and other interested Councillors and relevant staff, at the Shire‘s Administration Centre to discuss issues of relevance to that Association. 1.14.2 Shire of Gingin representation at Community/Progress Association meetings will be at the discretion of the Shire President in consultation with the Ward Councillors and Chief Executive Officer. 1.14.3 Any request from a Community/Progress Association for formal Shire representation at a meeting shall be accompanied by details of the issues to be discussed. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 3 OCTOBER 2000 AMENDED: COUNCIL 6 DECEMBER 2005 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 15 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1.15 POLICY MANUAL INSURANCE – PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY – USE OF DISCLAIMERS When providing advice or information to either the public or other statutory bodies, the use of appropriate disclaimers is authorised. The wording of such disclaimers is to be as recommended from time to time, in consultation with the Shire‘s Insurers. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 7 SEPTEMBER 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.16 MEETINGS OF COUNCIL – GUEST SPEAKERS/DEPUTATIONS Council supports the scheduling of guest speakers and/or Deputations at Council meetings where the subject matter is one of general information for all Councillors and not requiring any Council decision. Guest speakers will be limited to a time determined at the Shire President‘s discretion. This Policy is not to be construed so as to allow persons to make submissions for or against items on the Agenda, or canvas issues that may be addressed by Council in the near future. The Shire President is authorised to approve or disapprove requests to address Council meetings. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 7 SEPTEMBER 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.17 ELECTIONS – PROMOTION The Chief Executive Officer is authorised, at his discretion, to involve the Shire in any electoral promotional advertising campaign including campaigns organised by the Western Australian Municipal Association or the Department of Local Government and Regional Development. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 7 SEPTEMBER 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.18 TOURISM POLICY Policy Objectives 1. To recognise tourism as a social and economic force and as a major or potential major employer within the Shire of Gingin. 2. To create and foster a community awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism within the Shire of Gingin. 16 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 3. To ensure that the Shire of Gingin will guide and influence the development of tourism in the Shire through the development of pro-active town planning schemes and strategies for sustainable tourism. 4. To provide the basic facilities and appropriate support infrastructure to encourage development. 5. To ensure that facilities within the Shire of Gingin are adequate to cater for visitors and residents. 6. To ensure that the needs and lifestyles of existing residents are considered. Policy Guidelines 1. The Shire of Gingin will liaise with the Tourism Western Australian and all other relevant tourism bodies and key State agencies in all aspects of tourism development. 2. The Shire of Gingin will endeavour to provide a budget allocation for tourism expenditure. 3. The Shire of Gingin will endeavour to assist (financially and by other means) tourism organisations or events which have the potential to develop tourism in the Shire. 4. 5. The Shire of Gingin may seek representation on local tourism associations. The Shire of Gingin will have regard to the requirements of tourism development in the formulation of its planning regulations and strategies. 6. The Shire of Gingin, in its review of planning instruments (ie, strategic plans, town plans and long term development plans), will take into consideration policies on tourism and other leisure-related issues. 7. In the preparation of local laws and regulations, Council will have regard to their impact on tourism and the balanced development of the Shire of Gingin. 8. The Shire of Gingin will encourage tourism product development and investment throughout the Shire and will facilitate the development application process. 9. The Shire of Gingin will encourage a high standard of design and aesthetics in all forms of tourist development. 10. The Shire of Gingin will consider the welfare of the whole community when supporting tourism development and the provision of facilities. 11. The Shire of Gingin will consider the social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of proposals when considering tourism developments within the Shire of Gingin. 17 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 12. The Shire of Gingin will ensure that, where sensitive environmental, historic or cultural areas exist, these areas will be adequately protected with respect to development or usage. 13. The Shire of Gingin will endeavour to initiate the provision of facilities to adequately cater for destination and day trip visitors to appropriate areas within its boundaries. 14. The Shire of Gingin will seek financial involvement from other sources wherever possible in the provision of tourist facilities. 15. The Shire of Gingin will encourage the landscaping of residential and commercial centres within the Shire of Gingin. 16. The Shire of Gingin will, where practicable, support the establishment of national parks, enhancement of specific natural features, conservation of areas of outstanding beauty and recognition of items of heritage significance. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 2 NOVEMBER 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.19 GUIDELINES ON INTERNAL DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS PROCEDURES – PUBLIC INTEREST Council adopts as Policy, the Guidelines on Internal Procedures relating to the obligations of Public Authorities under the Public Interest Disclosure Act, 2003. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 5 OCTOBER 2004 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.20 RECEIVING DEPUTATIONS FROM POLITICAL PARTIES Purpose The purpose of this policy is to prescribe the parameters in which the Chief Executive Officer shall deal with requests from representatives of political parties seeking the opportunity to address Council. policy Provisions The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to approve all requests received from representatives of political parties seeking the opportunity to address Council in respect to matters affecting their party. The Chief Executive Officer shall notify all Councillors of any impending visit from either Federal or State political representatives by way of the next available Friday Flyer. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 7 DECEMBER 2004 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 18 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1.21 POLICY MANUAL FOCUS GROUP PROTOCOLS The following protocols shall apply to the conduct of all Council Focus Groups: 1. Focus Group Meetings are intended to provide all Councillors with the opportunity to have detailed discussion on ideas and concepts for the betterment of the District, so as to provide succinct direction to staff on how best to progress any particular Council initiative. 2. Where a particular Council idea or concept is considered worthy of detailed Council discussion and/or deliberation, a Focus Group may be established at the discretion of the Council. 3. The Shire President shall preside at all Focus Group Meetings. 4. In the Shire President's absence, the Deputy Shire President shall preside at all Focus Group Meetings. 5. In the absence of both the Shire President and the Deputy Shire President, Councillors in attendance at the Focus Group Meeting shall elect a Councillor to preside at the Meeting. 6. Shire staff will, if requested to do so, prepare a Discussion Paper which addresses all salient matters pertaining to the idea or concept to assist a Council Focus Group in its deliberations. 7. Where a Discussion Paper is produced for presentation at a Focus Group Meeting, a Consensus Focus Group Outcome shall be recorded in a Focus Group Outcomes Schedule. 8. Any Consensus Focus Group Outcome arising as a consequence of the presentation of a Discussion Paper to a Focus Group Meeting shall be tabled at the next available Council Meeting in the form of an Agenda Item, with the resultant staff recommendation reflecting the Consensus Focus Group Outcome. 9. Where, at a Focus Group Meeting, a Deputation from a community representative or group is accommodated, a summary of the outcomes arising from a Deputation shall be recorded in the resultant Focus Group Outcomes Schedule. 10. Focus Group Meetings will be generally open to the public, unless the Presiding Member determines otherwise. 11. No formal decisions will be made at Focus Group Meetings. All outcomes arising from Focus Group Meetings will be by consensus agreement amongst Councillors. 12. No discussion of any nature will be permitted at Focus Group Meetings on any matter listed for deliberation on the Agenda prepared for the immediately following Council Meeting. 19 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 13. Elected Members, employees, consultants and other participants shall disclose their financial interests and other prescribed interests in matters to be discussed at Council Focus Group Meetings. Should a person disclose an interest, it will be at their discretion as to whether or not they participate in that part of the Focus Group Meetings relating to their interest. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 1 NOVEMBER 2005 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.22 LAPTOP COMPUTERS, PRINTERS AND ELECTRONIC ORGANISERS – COUNCILLORS Repealed by resolution of Council 20 May 2014 – Item 11.1.1 See Policy 1.29 – Councillors’ Entitlements. 1.23 SHIRE OF GINGIN – RECORD KEEPING PLAN Council will maintain all internal records in accordance with the State Records Act 2000 and ‗Record Keeping Plan‘ as adopted on 15 May 2012. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 15 MAY 2012 REVIEWED: 1.24 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY Intent The intent of this Risk Management Policy is to clearly articulate Council‘s position and commitment to organisation-wide Risk Management principles. Definition of “Risk” AS/NZ 4360:2004 defines risk as the chance of something happening that will have an impact on what an organisation is attempting to achieve. Risk represents the potential for damage or loss and is measured in terms of likelihood and consequences. Definition of “Risk Management” AS4360:2004 defines Risk Management as the process of identifying, measuring, evaluating and controlling the risks inherent in the operation of any organisation. Provisions The Shire of Gingin Council considers Risk Management to be an essential management function in its operation as a progressive local government and Council is committed to the principles of managing risk as outlined in AS/NZ 4360:2004. 20 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Council shall manage risks continuously using a step-by-step process involving: Establish context – As part of this process, all Council strategies, goals and objectives are considered to provide a context for the process to work within. Identify risks – Identify what, why and how things can arise for use as the basis for further analysis. Analyse risks – Review the existing controls and analyse risk in terms of likelihood and consequence of occurrence to determine level of risk. Evaluate risks – Compare the level of risk against pre-established criteria to enable risks to be ranked, and therefore priorities established. Treat risks – Accept and monitor low risks and develop and implement specific management plans as necessary, including funding considerations. Monitor and review – Monitor and review the performance of the Risk Management system and changes that might affect it. Communication and consultation – Communicate and consult with stakeholders when appropriate, is also central to the process. Risk Management shall be applied to decision-making through all levels of Council and in relation to any function or activity. The role of Council is: to ensure that Council‘s legal obligations are met to provide the support and basis on which this Risk Management Policy can be implemented to carry out risk assessments when fulfilling Council duties to provide adequate budgetary provision for the maintenance of this policy Council shall apply the Risk Management process in its planning and when making significant decisions in: Expenditure of large amounts of money New strategies and procedures Managing projects Introducing significant change Managing sensitive issues Successful management of risks will attempt to ensure that: The health and safety of all employees at the workplace is not compromised Public safety within Council‘s jurisdiction is not compromised There will be limited loss or damage to property and other assets There will be limited interruption to business continuity There will be a positive public perception of Council After proper training, Shire Staff shall adopt the principles of Risk Management and comply with all policies, procedures and practices relating to Risk Management. It is necessary for each Staff member, particularly those who supervise other Staff and to the best of his or her ability, to ensure that sound judgments are made in: 21 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL the identification of risks the relative importance and priorities for treatment the design of the actual risk treatment strategy The role of Staff is: to familiarise themselves with Council‘s Risk Management Policy to employ Risk Management principles and practices in day-to-day duties and functions to report any hazard or incident as soon as possible that may have a potential risk exposure to Council, Staff, contractors or the public to assist positively with investigations related to incidents that have occurred as a result of a hazard or incident It is the responsibility of all Members of Council and all Shire Staff to conduct risk assessments in carrying out their duties. The level of sophistication of the risk assessment should be commensurate with the scope of the task and the associated level of risk identified. In each of these areas, risks should be anticipated and reasonable protective measures taken. The cooperation of all personnel is essential for Risk Management to be a success. It is the responsibility of every department to observe and implement this Policy in accordance with procedures, initiatives and training that are developed by management from time to time. The Shire of Gingin Council is fully committed to the concept of Risk Management. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MARCH 2008 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.25 HANDLING OF VEXATIOUS AND FRIVOLOUS COMPLAINTS The Chief Executive Officer, and in his absence the Executive Manager Corporate Services are authorised to exercise his/her discretion as to how best to deal with complaints deemed by him/her to be vexatious or frivolous in nature. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 4 APRIL 2000 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.26 COUNCIL FORUM PROTOCOLS 1. Council Forums are intended to provide all Councillors with the opportunity to raise ideas and concepts relating to the betterment of the District and to provide direction to Staff on how best to progress particular Council initiatives. 2. The Shire President shall preside at all Council Forums. 3. In the Shire President‘s absence, the Deputy Shire President shall preside at all Council Forums. 22 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4. In the absence of both the Shire President and the Deputy Shire President, Councillors in attendance at the Forum will elect a Councillor to preside at the Forum. 5. Where a particular idea or concept is raised at a Council Forum and is consensually agreed by Council to be worthy of further Council discussion and/or deliberation, Shire Staff will be requested to prepare a Discussion Paper which sets out salient points relevant to the idea or concept. 6. Where a Discussion Paper is produced for presentation at a Council Forum, a Consensus Forum Outcome shall be recorded in a Council Forum Outcomes Schedule. 7. Any Consensus Forum Outcome arising as a consequence of the presentation of a Discussion Paper to a Council Forum shall be tabled at the next available Council Meeting in the form of an Agenda Item, with the resulting Staff Recommendation reflecting the Consensus Forum Outcome arising from the Council Forum. 8. Council Forums are open to the public, unless the Presiding Member determines otherwise. 9. No formal decisions will be made at Council Forums. All outcomes arising from Council Forums will be by consensus agreement amongst those Councillors present. 10. No discussion of any nature will be permitted at Council Forums on any matter listed for deliberation on the Agenda prepared for the immediately following Council Meeting. 11. Elected Members, employees, consultants and other participants in Council Forums shall disclose their financial interests and other prescribed interest in matters to be discussed at Council Forums. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 15 JUNE 2010 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 1.27 DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS CONDUCT) REGULATIONS 2007 – LOCAL GOVERNMENT (RULES OF Purpose To support the application of the Local Government (Official Conduct) Amendment Act 2007, sections 5.104 to 5.126, to resolve complaints received from affected persons about the individual misconduct by local government council members where they do not comply with the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 Parts 1 and 2. The key matters in the Amendment Act are: 23 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (i) the establishment of a statewide standards panel to deal with complaints about minor breaches which are to be contraventions of a new code (rules) of conduct with penalties including public censure, public apology or an order to undertake training, and; (ii) for complaints about serious breaches to be made to the Department of Local Government and Regional Development for possible referral to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) for determination including similar penalties as above and stronger penalties of up to six month suspension or up to five years disqualification. Scope 1. This procedure applies to complaints about a Council Member of the Shire of Gingin arising from an alleged breach of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007. 2. This procedure applies to complaints against Council Members made by members of the public, other council members and employees. Definitions: (a) ―affected person‖ means the person that is being complained about. (Council Member). (b) ―complaints officer‖ means the person who is the complaints officer under section 5.120 of the Local Government (Official Conduct) Amendment Act 2007. The Executive Manager Corporate Services has been appointed as the Shire of Gingin‘s Complaints Officer. (c) "complainant" refers to the person making the complaint i.e. members of the public, other council members and employees. (d) ―complaint‖ – where an individual or group believes that a Council Member has breached the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007. (e) ―minor breach‖ is as stated in section 5.105(1) of the Local Government (Official Conduct) Amendment Act 2007: “A council member commits a minor breach if he or she contravenes – (f) (a) a rule of conduct under section 5.104(1); or (b) a local law under this Act, contravention of which the regulations specify to be a minor breach.” ―recurrent breach‖ is as stated in section 5.105(2): “A minor breach is a recurrent breach if it occurs after the council member has been found under this Division to have committed 2 or more other minor breaches.” Generally determined by the Standards Panel. 24 SHIRE OF GINGIN (g) POLICY MANUAL “serious breach” is as stated in section 5.105(3): ―A council member who commits any offence under a written law, other than a local law made under this Act, of which it is an element that the offender is a council member or is a person of a description that specifically includes a council member commits a serious breach.” Who can make a Complaint? Any person may make a formal complaint about a Council Member to the Complaints Officer for a minor breach of the Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007, to be assessed by the Complaints Officer and forwarded to the Standards Panel, or in the case of a serious breach, to be forwarded to the Director General of the Department of Local Government and Regional Development (DLGRD). Mediation/Conciliation:Where a local government becomes aware that a person may be considering making a formal complaint of a minor breach it is suggested that an offer be made for the complainant and Council Member to participate in a process for resolution of the matter. However if a formal complaint of a minor breach is received, then the Complaints Officer must process and forward the complaint to the standards panel. If an issue is to be mediated then the person to be appointed should have the relevant skills and experience to undertake the process. It would not be appropriate for the Complaints Officer, another employee or a Council Member of the local government to be a mediator. The key matters in the Official Conduct provisions are: the establishment of a statewide primary Standards Panel (―the Standards Panel‖) to deal with complaints about minor breaches which are to be contraventions of the new code (rules) of conduct with penalties including public censure, public apology or an order to undertake training; and for complaints about serious breaches to be sent to the Department of Local Government and Regional Development (―the Department‖) for possible referral to the State Administrative Tribunal (―SAT‖) for determination including similar penalties as above plus stronger penalties of up to six months suspension or up to five years disqualification as a council member of any local government. PROCEDURE Complaints are to be made in writing on the prescribed form (Appendix 1 & 2) and forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer who will redirect to the Shire‘s Complaints Officer (Executive Manager Corporate Services) for processing. It is an offence for a complainant to give false or misleading information (penalty $5,000). Complainants will also need to fill out Appendix 1A which provides greater detail of the complainant and witnesses (for internal use only – will not be forwarded to the Council Member). 25 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Complaints shall include details of the complainant, details of the affected person, details of the complaint and any previous interaction with council officers in relation to the complaint. It is advisable to send photocopies (or PDFs or JPEGS if emailing information) of any witness statements or documents that would help the complaint to be dealt with, if available. The address for the written complaint (Official Conduct Form 1 or 2) is: Chief Executive Officer Shire of Gingin 7 Brockman Street GINGIN WA 6503 Or electronically to: ceo@gingin.wa.gov.au The complaints form is also available for download from the Shire‘s internet site: www.gingin.wa.gov.au Formal complaint of a minor breach. 1. The Complaints Officer will assess the complaint upon receipt. Process a) Complaint Form to be: date stamped on receipt and details entered into a register set up for this purpose. (Appendix 3) (Note: This register is used for monitoring the process of assessment and is not to be confused with the Register required by Legislation for the recording of findings of the Panel, not allegations.) checked as to whether it has been properly completed and is dated and signed. b) Acknowledgement of receipt sent to the complainant. (Appendix 5) c) A copy of the Complaint to be sent through to the Council Member being complained about. The Council Member to be advised that he or she may respond in writing to the Standards Panel to any adverse allegations in the complaint. (Appendix 7) d) The minor breach complaint to be sent to the Standards Panel, along with any relevant information the complaints officer has in relation to the complaint within 14 days of having received the complaint. e) If a serious breach complaint is received, then it is forwarded to the DirectorGeneral of DLGRD and all parties notified that this has occurred. The Department will supply copies to all affected parties. 26 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 3. Complaints referred to the Standards Panel are to be kept confidential by all parties. 4. The Official Conduct provisions provide for sanctions where the Standards Panel finds that a person has committed a breach. 5. Where the panel has ruled that a breach has occurred and sanctions applied, details to be recorded in the Complaints Register set up by the City for this purpose (Appendix 4). Details from this register of the number of entries and how complaints were dealt with to be shown in the Annual Report. 6. Allegations of repeated minor breaches (3 or more) may be treated as a serious breach and referred by the Standards Panel to the Director General (DLGRD). Details of Standards Panel:The Chair Standards Panel Department of Local Government and Regional Development GPO Box R1250 PERTH WA 6844 Formal complaint of a serious breach. A person who has reason to believe that a Council Member has committed a serious breach may complain to the Director General of the Department of Local Government and Regional Development. 1. If it appears to the Complaints Officer that a complaint a person seeks to make under section 5.107 of the Local Government Act 1995 discloses a serious breach, the complaints officer is required to provide an ―Official Conduct Form 2‖ to the complainant (Appendix 2). 2. It is advisable that the Complaints Officer ensure that the complainant has read or been made aware of the CAUTIONS set out in the complaints form on the possible offences that may be committed in relation to a formal complaint. 3. Form 2 to be forwarded to the Executive Manager Corporate Services for processing. a) Complaint Form to be: date stamped on receipt and details entered into a register set up for this purpose. (Appendix 3) (Note: This register is used for monitoring the process of assessment and is not to be confused with the Register required by Legislation for the recording of findings of the Panel, not allegations.) checked as to whether it has been properly completed and is dated and signed. b) Acknowledgement of receipt sent to the complainant (Appendix 6). 27 SHIRE OF GINGIN c) POLICY MANUAL The complaint to be sent to the Director General of the Department of Local Government and Regional Development. (Appendix 9) The Director General Department of Local Government and Regional Development GPO Box R1250 PERTH WA 6844 d) 4. The Council Member the subject of the complaint to be advised that a Complaint has been submitted to the Director General of the DLGRD. This is a notification only, it is up to the Director General to send a copy of the complaint to affected parties. (Appendix 8) Within 14 days after the Director General receives a serious breach complaint, the Director General is to give each party a notice in writing:a) Acknowledging that the complaint is in accordance with the Local Government Act; and b) Advising that the Director General has commenced the process of assessing the complaint to decide whether to make an allegation of a serious breach to SAT or if the allegation should be dealt with in a more appropriate way. 5. After this process is completed, the Director General will make a decision as to whether the matter will be referred to SAT or dealt with in another way. 6. If corruption is alleged, the complaint would be referred to the Corruption and Crime Commission. If a criminal offence under the Criminal Code, the complaint would be referred to the WA Police Service. Privacy and Confidentiality Confidentiality will be observed as far as practicable to the constraints of the various Acts that relate to Local Government. Complaints referred to the Standards Panel are kept confidential by all parties and the Standards Panel if the complaint is made during the campaign period prior to a local government election. Once a finding is made, this will be recorded in a public register (see below). It is important that staff are aware of relevant legislation covering issues of privacy and confidentiality particularly the Privacy Act, Freedom of Information Act, Local Government Act, and Council‘s Policies and Procedures. Register The Complaints Officer will ensure that any finding against a Council Member for minor breaches is recorded in a register (Appendix 4), available for public inspection. (This is a separate register to that used for monitoring the process of assessment (Appendix 3)). It is important to note that this register will record only findings of the Panel, not allegations. 28 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The Register will show: a) b) c) d) Name of Council Member Name of person making complaint Description of minor breach Action taken as required by Panel Details of the number of entries in the register and details of how the complaints were dealt with will be shown in the Annual Report (s. 5.53). Carrying out orders (s. 5.118) This section requires the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a local government to publicise any censure ordered by a standards panel or SAT for a minor or serious breach and report on any failure of a member to comply with an order. The section also requires the Director General to advise SAT of any failure of a member to comply with an order for a recurrent or serious breach. 29 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Review A review of the Dealing with Complaints – Local Government (Rules of Conduct) Regulations 2007 procedure will be conducted yearly at a minimum and occasionally where feedback warrants addressing specific issues that affect operations and customer service. Responsibility for Implementation The Complaints Officer (Executive Manager Corporate Services) as required by the Local Government (Official Conduct) Amendment Act 2007. Appendix 1 Appendix 1A Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 - Complaint of a Minor Breach Form Complainant Details Form Complaint of a Serious Breach Form Register - Monitoring Process of Assessment of Complaint Complaints Register (s5.121 (1)) Complaint Acknowledgement Letter (Minor Breach) Complaint Acknowledgement Letter (Serious Breach) Advice of Complaint of Minor Breach Advice of Complaint of Serious Breach Letter to Director General (Serious Breach) 30 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Complaint Handling Procedures Complaint Received by Chief Executive Officer Complaint Forwarded to Check Form is correctly Complaints Officer for completed and enter into assessment processing register Minor Breach Serious Breach Acknowledgement of receipt of Complaint sent to complainant Copy of Complaint to be sent to the affected person Minor Breach Complaint to be sent to the Standards Panel within 14 days of receipt of Complaint. Complaint to be sent to the Director General, Department of Local Government and Regional Development with all parties notified this has been done s5.115(2) Director General to give all parties a notice in writing within 14 days of receipt Director General investigates and will make a decision as to whether the matter will be referred to SAT or dealt with in another way Standards Panel/Director General to return finding on Breach to the Shire for recording into the Complaints Register for minor breaches (serious breaches are recorded separately and for office use only) s5.121 (1) Council Members will required to adhere to sanctions as determined be the Approved by the Chief Executive Officer – Shire of Gingin Signature: ___________________________ Date:______________ 31 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 1 32 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 33 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 1A COMPLAINANT DETAILS FORM NOTE TO PERSON MAKING THE COMPLAINT This form should be completed, dated and signed by the person making a complaint of a minor breach or a serious breach, and should be submitted with the complaint when it is given to the Complaints Officer of the local government concerned (if a minor breach is alleged) or the Director General of the Department of Local Government and Regional Development (if a serious breach is alleged), so that the Standards Panel or the Department, as the case requires, can contact the person making the complaint to follow up on and deal with the complaint. NOTE TO COMPLAINTS OFFICER: The Council member complained about is not entitled to, and must not be sent or provided with, a copy of this form (or any address or contact details in it) submitted by a person making a complaint. DETAILS OF PERSON WHO IS MAKING THE COMPLAINT: Given Name(s): Family Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone No.(s) Hm: (Wk) (mob) E-mail Address: NAME OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (CITY, TOWN, SHIRE) CONCERNED: NAME OF THE COUNCIL MEMBER/S ALLEGED TO HAVE COMMITTED BREACH: DATE OF INCIDENT: WITNESS DETAILS: If there is/are any person/s who witnessed the alleged breach, and who is/are willing to provide information, state the name and contact details of each such person. Given Name(s): Telephone No.(s) Family Name: Hm: (Wk) (mob) E-mail Address: Given Name(s): Telephone No.(s) Family Name: Hm: (Wk) (mob) E-mail Address: SIGNED Complainant / Complaints Officer (Delete as appropriate) 34 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 2 35 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 36 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 3 Monitoring Process of Assessment of Complaint Date Received Complainant’s Name and Address Name of Affected Council Member File Ref. Type of Breach Date Copy of Complaint sent to Council Member Description of Minor Serious Breach (Alleged) Date Forwarded to Standards Panel/ Director General (Minor Breaches Only) Outcome Of Minor and Serious Breaches (Minor to be shown on public register) Appendix 4 Complaints Register (s5.121 (1) Date Received Complainant’s Name and Address Name of Affected Council Member File Ref. Previous History, if Any (File Ref.) Description of Minor Breach (Proven – not Allegations) Action Taken Under S5.110(6) (b)(c) * S5.110 (6)(b) (c) – Ordering 2 of more of the sanctions described in paragraph (b). Paragraph (b) states: (i) (ii) the person against whom the complaint was made be publicly censured as specified in the order; the person against whom the complaint was made apologises publicly as specified in the order; or (iii) the person against whom the complaint was made undertake training as specified in the order. 37 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 5 (Date) (Name) (Address) Dear Complaint Acknowledgement – Minor Breach I acknowledge receipt of your complaint pertaining to a minor breach in accordance with Section 5.105 of the Local Government Act 1995 (Act) dated ……………… In accordance with Section 5.110 of the Act your complaint has been forwarded to the duly appointed member of the Standards Panel established under Section 5.122 of the Act. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on 9575 2211. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Yours sincerely, File Ref: Your Ref: Enquiries: 38 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 6 (Date) (Name) (Address) Dear (Name) Complaint Acknowledgement – Serious Breach I acknowledge receipt of your complaint pertaining to a serious breach in accordance with Section 5.115 of the Local Government Act 1995, (the Act) dated ………………………….. In accordance with Section 5.115 of the Act, this complaint has been forwarded to the Director General of the Department of Local Government and Regional Development. As required by legislation, the Director General will, within 14 days after having received a serious breach complaint, notify you in writing of the process of assessing the complaint. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on 9575 2211. Yours sincerely, File Ref: Your Ref: Enquiries: 39 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 7 (Date) (Name) (Address) Dear (Name) ADVICE OF COMPLAINT OF MINOR BREACH As required by the Shire‘s management procedure, I advise that a Complaint of Minor Breach with respect to yourself has been made in accordance with Section 5.105 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). In accordance with Section 5.110 of the Act, this complaint has been forwarded to the duly appointed member of the Standards Panel established under Section 5.122 of the Act. Please be advised that you have the right to respond, in writing, to the Standards Panel with respect to the allegations contained in the Complaint. Contact details for the Standards Panel are as follows: The Chair Standards Panel Department of Local Government and Regional Development GPO Box R1250 PERTH WA 6844 A copy of the Complaint is enclosed for your information. Yours faithfully File Ref: Your Ref: Enquiries: 40 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 8 (Date) (Name) (Address) Dear (Name) ADVICE OF COMPLAINT - SERIOUS BREACH As required by the Shire‘s management procedure, I advise that a Complaint of Serious Breach with respect to yourself has been made in accordance with Section 5.115 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). In accordance with Section 5.115 of the Act, this complaint has been forwarded to the Director General of the Department of Local Government and Regional Development. The Director General will, within 14 days after having received a serious breach complaint, acknowledge whether the complaint is in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 and may provide a copy of the complaint to you at this time. Yours faithfully File Ref: Your Ref: Enquiries: 41 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Appendix 9 (Date) The Director General Department of Local Government & Regional Development GPO Box 1250 PERTH WA 6844 Dear Sir/Madam COMPLAINT OF SERIOUS BREACH Please find enclosed a Serious Breach Complaint Form 2 which has been submitted to the Shire in accordance with Section 5.115 of the Local Government Act 1995. Your determination with respect to this matter, in due course, would be appreciated. Should you have any queries, or wish to discuss this matter in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned on 9575 2211. Yours faithfully File Ref: Your Ref: Enquiries: ADOPTED: COUNCIL 21 FEBRUARY 2012 42 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL POLICY 1.28 AWARD OF THE TITLE “HONORARY FREEMAN OF THE SHIRE OF GINGIN” OBJECTIVE To provide a policy on the awarding of the title ―Honorary Freeman of the Shire of Gingin‖, including how, why and whom it should be awarded. POLICY The Shire of Gingin has historically recognised that, from time to time, members of the community demonstrate an outstanding commitment and contribution to the Shire and that this contribution should be appropriately recognised. This recognition will take the form of the award of the title ―Honorary Freeman of the Shire of Gingin‖, provided that the relevant circumstances meet the criteria of this policy. This honour will only be awarded on rare and exceptional occasions. A maximum of four living persons will be entitled to bear the title of ―Honorary Freeman of the Shire of Gingin‖ at any one time. Selection Criteria Residency Eligibility Nominees should have lived within the Shire of Gingin for a significant number of years (significant would usually mean at least 20 years) and have had a long and close association and identification with the Shire. Service The nominee should have given extensive and distinguished service to the community that goes beyond local government service (ie, service to other community organisations and groups) in a largely voluntary capacity. The nominee must have made an outstanding contribution to the Shire of Gingin, such that their contribution can be seen to stand above the contributions made by most other people. Outcomes The nominee‘s community endeavour will have demonstrable benefits to both the community of the Shire of Gingin and the wider community of WA. Specific Achievements The nominee‘s specific achievement/s must be of a nature that would encourage the Shire to nominate that person for an honour under the Australian honours system. 43 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Nomination Procedure Nominations must be made in the strictest confidence, without the nominee‘s knowledge. Any resident or elector of the Shire of Gingin may initiate a nomination, but each nomination must be sponsored by an elected member. Nominations must be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The nomination will then be submitted by the CEO as a confidential report for consideration at an ordinary meeting of Council. Entitlements Any person declared an Honorary Freeman of the Shire may designate him/herself ―Honorary Freeman of the Shire of Gingin‖. The award shall be made at a small ceremony, which may take place at a Council meeting. The recipient shall be awarded a plaque and a lapel pin to commemorate the occasion and shall be included on the invitation list for all subsequent civic events and functions. Implementation The Office of the CEO will be responsible for undertaking the commissioning of commemorative plaques and lapel pins and for ensuring that Honorary Freemen are invited to civic events and functions. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance N/A N/A N/A POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Version 1. Bi-annual Office of the CEO Decision Reference 17/09/2013 – Item 11.1.2 Next Review 2015 Synopsis Policy adopted. 44 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL POLICY 1.29 COUNCILLORS’ ENTITLEMENTS OBJECTIVE To clearly outline the support and allowances available to Councillors within the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act), including cover for any ―out of pocket‖ expenses that are incurred in carrying out their function as an elected member. The policy also establishes guidelines with respect to the participation of Councillors in conferences and training. POLICY 1. Fees and Allowances 1.1 Presidential and Deputy Presidential Attendance Fees and ICT Allowances Allowances, Annual Meeting Meeting fees and allowances for Councillors are determined by the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal. All local governments in Western Australia fall into one of four ―bands‖, which then provides a range within which a Council can set fees and allowances for its Councillors. Presidential and Deputy Presidential Allowances, Annual Meeting Attendance Fees and ICT Allowances will be paid within the range set by the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal from time to time, with the specific amount to be determined by Council in its annual adopted Budget. 1.2 Stationery Allowance Local Government Act 1995 s.5.99A All Councillors, including the Shire President and Deputy Shire President, receive an annual stationery allowance to be determined by Council in its annual adopted Budget. 1.3 Payment of Meeting Fees and Allowances: All meeting fees and allowances are paid quarterly (at the end of the quarter). 2. Reimbursement of Expenses 2.1 Motor Vehicle Travel Expenses Local Government Act 1995 s.5.98(2) In accordance with Regulation 31 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, Councillors will be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred with respect to the actual cost of travelling from their place of residence to attend: a. An Ordinary or Special meeting of Council; 45 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL b. A meeting of a Committee of which they are a member (or a deputy member attending in place of a member); c. A Concept or Council Forum; d. An Annual or Special meeting of Electors; e. Any meeting of a body to which the Councillor has been appointed by Council, unless the Councillor is eligible to claim reimbursement of travel costs direct from that body; f. A Shire of Gingin civic function* to which Councillors have been invited; g. A meeting with the Chief Executive Officer or an Executive Manager at the officer‘s request; and h. Any other meeting, function or event which they have been asked to attend in their role as Councillor by Council, the Shire President or the Chief Executive Officer. The rate of reimbursement will be in accordance with that specified by the Local Government Industry Award 2010. Reimbursement will be undertaken quarterly, following the submission of one or more signed Members‘ Quarterly Travel and Out of Pocket Expenses reimbursement claim form. *For the purposes of this Policy, “Civic Function” means an official function arranged by the Shire of Gingin (ie Annual Australia Day Ceremony). 2.2 Parking Expenses Local Government Act 1995 s.5.98(2) Parking expenses associated with any of the attendances referenced in Clause 2.1 will be reimbursed on a quarterly basis, provided that relevant parking receipts are attached to the signed Members‘ Quarterly Travel and Out of Pocket Expenses reimbursement claim forms. 2.3 Child Care Expenses Local Government Act 1995 s.5.98(2) In accordance with Regulation 31 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, Councillors will be reimbursed for child care costs incurred as a result of any of the attendances referenced in clause 2.1. Child care costs will not be paid where the care is provided by a member of the immediate family or relative living in the same premises as the Councillor. The Shire of Gingin will reimburse child care costs either at the actual cost per hour or $20.00 per hour, whichever is the lesser amount. Formal receipts must be kept and attached to the claim for reimbursement. 46 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Reimbursement will be undertaken quarterly, following the submission of one or more signed Members‘ Quarterly Travel and Out of Pocket Expenses reimbursement claim form. 2.4 Other Expenses Other reasonable expenses (including accommodation, meals, refreshments and other appropriate out of pocket expenses) incurred by Councillors in connection with an attendance as specified in either clause 2.1, clause 4 or clause 5 may be reimbursed, provided that authorisation has been received from the Chief Executive Officer prior to the expenditure taking place. 3. Items to be provided by the Shire to Councillors 3.1 Laptop, Printer and Tablet Councillors will be issued with a laptop computer, multifunction printer and tablet at the commencement of each four year term. a. The maximum value of each item will be capped as follows: i. ii. iii. Laptop - $1,000 Printer - $500 Tablet – $1,000 b. The Shire will purchase and install antivirus software and the Microsoft Office suite of programs (including Outlook) to laptops. The cost of such purchase and installation will be charged back to the individual Councillor, to be met from their annual IT allowance. c. The Shire‘s IT Officer will provide reasonable support for Shire-supplied IT equipment. All requests for assistance are to be directed to the Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services in the first instance. d. Councillors are entitled to utilise their Shire-provided laptop computer, printer and tablet for both Shire and private purposes (including electoral campaigning). e. All laptops and tablets will be ―changed-over‖ four years after their date of purchase. Printers will be replaced when they become unserviceable. 3.2 Diary Councillors will be provided with one hard copy diary per annum, upon request. 3.3 Corporate Apparel Councillors will be issued with: a. one tie or scarf bearing the Shire of Gingin logo; and b. one name badge; 47 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL at the commencement of their first four year term, such items to be replaced as required at the Councillor‘s request. 3.4 Upon Retirement Local Government Act 1995 s.5.100A 4. a. Councillors who retire or are not returned to Council after serving at least one full four year term will be entitled to retain their laptop computer and/or printer and/or tablet, in recognition of their service to the community. The written down value of the equipment gifted to each Councillor shall not exceed $100 per year of service, to a maximum of $1,000. b. All Councillors who retire or are not returned to Council will receive a framed certificate in recognition of their service to the Shire of Gingin. Training and Development Provided that expenditure is within the constraints of the Shire‘s adopted annual Budget, the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to arrange, at the Shire‘s cost and at the request of a Councillor, the registration of that Councillor at any: 5. a. Training session conducted by WALGA; or b. Any other training considered by the Shire President to be directly relevant to the Shire‘s affairs. Conferences and Seminars 5.1 Where Accommodation and/or Airfares are not Required Provided that expenditure is within the constraints of the Shire‘s adopted annual Budget, the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to arrange, at the Shire‘s cost and at the request of a Councillor, registration at professional conferences which: a. are considered by the Shire President to be directly relevant to the Shire‘s affairs; or b. are convened by WALGA; and c. do not necessitate arrangements for accommodation or airfares. Registrations of this type will include registration for any applicable conference dinner, should the Councillor wish to attend same. 5.2 Where Accommodation and/or Airfares are Required Requests for registration at events requiring the provision of accommodation and/or airfares will be submitted to Council for consideration. 48 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 5.3 Booking Arrangements Relevant to Clauses 4 and 5 a. In the event that three or more requests are received to attend the same opportunity or conference, or the annual Budget allocation is exceeded, then the matter will be submitted to Council for consideration. b. Attendees will provide a report on their attendance at the next Council meeting following the training or conference. c. Any request for attendance at a training opportunity or conference that falls within the last three months of a Councillor‘s term of office will be referred to Council for approval. For the purposes of clarity, the date from which clause c takes effect will be the date on which the training opportunity or conference commences. d. The Shire will not pay for partners and spouses to accompany Councillors on Council business, other than for attendance at an official conference dinner. Partners and spouses may accompany Councillors at other times at their own expense. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, Reg 21(e) Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, Reg 31 Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, Reg 34AC Western Australian Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 – Determination of the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal on Local Government Elected Council Members June 2013 N/A Delegation 1.7 – Conferences, Seminars, Training Courses – Expenses of Councillors POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Version 1. Next Review Bi-annual Office of the Chief Executive Officer Decision Reference 20/05/2014 – Item 11.1.1 2016 Synopsis New policy adopted. 49 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 2.0 ADMINISTRATION MATTERS RELATING TO STAFF 2.1 SENIOR EMPLOYEES The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Manager Corporate Services are designated Senior Employees under Section 5.37 of the Local Government Act 1995. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.2 STAFF - NEW AND CASUAL POSITIONS No new positions are to be created without the express authorisation of Council. The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to employ casual and part-time staff, as and when required, provided the appropriate provision for the employment of such staff is made in the annual budget. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.3 GIFTS TO STAFF MEMBERS LEAVING THE EMPLOY OF COUNCIL Staff leaving after ten years service to receive an Eligible Termination Payment (ETP) through the payroll system to the value of $500.00 (net), plus $100.00 (net) for each year served after ten years. The payment is to be grossed up to include the tax payable. For staff leaving between five and ten years of service, an ETP payment through the payroll system shall be of a value less than $500.00 (net), calculated at $50.00 (net) for each year of service. The payment is to be grossed up to include the tax payable. For staff leaving before five years of service, an ETP payment through the payroll system shall be at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, but shall be of a value less than $250.00 (net), calculated at $50.00 (net) for each year of service. The payment is to be grossed up to include the tax payable. The above payments are not subject to GST. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 14 DECEMBER 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 50 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2.4 POLICY MANUAL FUNCTIONS FOR STAFF LEAVING THE SHIRE’S EMPLOYMENT It is Council‘s policy that a farewell function be provided for staff who have served ten years or more with the Shire of Gingin. Where an employee has been with the Shire for almost ten years and is forced to retire through ill health, the Chief Executive Officer shall place the matter of a farewell function for that employee before Council for consideration. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.5 SUPERANNUATION CONTRIBUTIONS Superannuation/Membership Classification Full Member It requires members to contribute a minimum of 5% of their gross salaries/wages to the Superannuation Plan and entitles them to avail additional contribution from their employer in addition to the Award Superannuation Contribution. Award Employers are required by law to contribute a certain percentage of their employees salaries/wages to the Superannuation plan, dependent on the organisation‘s total salary and wages per annum. Qualifying Period Employees are entitled to join the Superannuation plan, both Full Member and Award, after thirty days (30) of service with the Shire. Employer‘s Contribution 1. The Shire of Gingin contributes 9% of the employee‘s gross salary/wage to the Award Superannuation Plan after thirty days (30) of service. Initial contributions are to be backdated to the employee‘s commencement date. The percentage mentioned may be changed from time to time in line with legislative requirements. 2. Employees who contribute a minimum of 5% to Full Member Superannuation Plan avail the Shire of Gingin‘s contribution of 6%. 3. This Policy does not in any way limit the Shire‘s ability to negotiate alternative Superannuation arrangements with Contract Employees. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 51 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2.6 POLICY MANUAL ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Abolished by resolution of Council 21 January 2014 – Item 11.1.4 See Delegation 1.16 – Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer (for Periods of 35 Days or Less) 2.7 STAFF TELEPHONES Mobile telephones will be provided to the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Officers and senior staff, fully paid by Council. Mobile phone is for business use and limited private use. Where the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Officers and senior staff reside in a Council residence and there is a need for a telephone for Council business, Council will pay for the connection, standard home-line rental and all outgoing business calls, unless otherwise negotiated with Council. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: COUNCIL 19 APRIL 2011 2.8 USE OF SHIRE VEHICLES Staff who do not have negotiated private use of a motor vehicle as part of their Salary Package, when authorised by the Chief Executive Officer, may use Shire vehicles to travel between Shire offices and their place of residence and on official Shire business outside normal working hours. Use of such vehicle during periods of leave is not permitted. Vehicles are to remain at the Shire Depot during periods of leave, except in exceptional circumstances when the Chief Executive Officer has approved vehicle usage. Where approval has been granted by the Chief Executive Officer, staff will pay all fuel costs during the period of leave. Officers who have negotiated private use of a motor vehicle as part of their Salary Package are permitted private use in accordance with the terms and conditions of their Employment Contract. Any employee who has negotiated either commuting or private use of a Shire owned vehicle will maintain the vehicle in a clean, fair and presentable condition internally and externally. All Officers allocated Shire owned vehicles will ensure that the vehicle is not damaged, marked or inappropriately used, and will also be responsible for advising the Shire‘s Plant Mechanic of any scheduled servicing or mechanical repairs required as soon as practically possible. The Chief Executive Officer reserves the right to inspect all Shire owned vehicles issued to authorised officers for commuting or private use for any unfair wear and tear, markings, damage caused by unreasonable treatment, or unauthorised use. Excluding legitimate insurance claims, any breaches or neglectful damage noted by the Chief Executive Officer will be repaired by the Shire and all costs associated with detailing and returning the vehicle to its full and former condition will be borne by the relevant authorised officer. 52 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The Chief Executive Officer reserves the right, where there is sufficient evidence that a Shire owned vehicle is not being maintained in accordance with this Policy, to issue a written notice giving seven days to address any breaches. Where an authorised officer fails to comply with such notice, the Chief Executive Officer may review the commuting or private use provisions for that officer and suspend or remove such provisions as deemed necessary. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 AMENDED: 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 2.9 MOTOR DRIVERS AND OTHER WORK REQUIRED LICENCES Abolished by resolution of Council 18 February 2014 – Item 11.1.1 2.10 LICENSING OF SHIRE VEHICLES/PLANT All licensed shire vehicles and plant shall bear ―GG‖ registration plates. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.11 STAFF UNIFORMS a. The Shire of Gingin will contribute an amount, as specified in the Annual Budget, towards the purchase of staff uniforms and or executive dress to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer. b. Staff shall be eligible for initial uniform subsidy on satisfactory completion of three months‘ probationary period, or as agreed by the Chief Executive Officer. c. A Corporate name badge is provided for each staff member. d. In regard to the general deportment of all staff, the wearing of such items as jewellery, body piercing, tattoos, hairstyles etc are to be within generally accepted professional standards and in the event that there is any doubt as to whether or not this meets the standard, the Chief Executive Officer is to have absolute discretion to determine what is acceptable in regard to professional standards. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.12 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Protective clothing shall be provided to all staff members, the issue of such clothing being in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Occupation Safety and Health Legislation and/or Employee Awards. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 53 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 POLICY 2.13 CONFERENCES – STUDY TOURS OBJECTIVE To determine the nature and extent of the Council‘s representation by staff at conferences, study tours, seminars or conventions. POLICY 1. State and National Professional Conferences 1.1 The Chief Executive Officer and Senior Employees are encouraged to attend the annual State conference (if any) relating to their profession. 1.2 The Chief Executive Officer and Senior Employees are encouraged to attend, biennially, the national conference (if any) relating to their profession. Note: Where the Officer‘s professional organisation does not convene a State Conference, the Officer is encouraged to attend the corresponding national conference on an annual basis. 1.3 Funds for attendance at State and national professional conferences are to be provided in each annual budget under the provision for staff training. 1.4 The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to approve the attendance of staff at State and national conferences in accordance with the following guidelines: 2. a. Budget authority and funding arrangements are to be considered; b. The Chief Executive Officer is to ensure that attendance will be beneficial to the officer and to the Shire of Gingin; and c. The Officer is to provide a report on the issues, outcomes etc of the conference, with recommendations as appropriate, and the report is to be presented to Council. Other Conferences and Study Tours Provision is to be made in each year‘s Budget for an appropriate sum to cover staff attendance at other conferences and study tours. The Chief Executive Officer may approve or refuse staff attendance at other conferences or study tours. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance N/A N/A N/A 54 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Version 1. 2. 2.14 Next Review Bi-annual Office of the Chief Executive Officer Decision Reference 18/05/1995 20/05/2014 – Item ……….. 2016 Synopsis Policy adopted. Policy amended by deleting reference to conference attendance by elected members. Elected member conference attendance now addressed in Policy 1.29 – Councillors‘ Entitlements. STUDY LEAVE (a) Employees may be granted time off with pay and this time should not exceed four (4) hours per week for: (i) (ii) (b) attendance at subjects of approved courses, which are only available during normal working hours; to sit for the annual examinations of any approved course of study; subject to the conditions set out in this policy statement. Approval is conditional, in every case, on: (i) the course being undertaken on a part-time basis (ii) the employee completing the equivalent of the first full year of the course (iii) the course being relevant to the employee‘s career with the Shire, and likely to be of substantial value to Local Government (iv) the employee undertaking an acceptable formal study load in his or her own time which is to be a minimum formal study load of four hours per week (v) (c) the employee making good progress with his or her studies. Employees undertaking examinations arising from studies of subjects associated with the normal Local Government duties and which, therefore, are beneficial to the Shire of Gingin and the employee, shall be entitled to be paid time off for such examinations if during normal working hours. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.15 STATUTORY ADVERTISING Statutory advertisements shall be placed in ―The West Australian‖ newspaper, and/or Community Newspapers where considered appropriate by the Chief Executive Officer. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 55 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2.16 POLICY MANUAL COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTORY Administration shall support the compilation of an annual Community Services Directory giving details of the services offered by the Shire, ward boundaries and Councillors, and all the Recreational and other Community Groups registered within the Shire of Gingin. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 AMENDED: 20 JANUARY 2004 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.17 DISTRIBUTION OF POLITICAL MATERIAL No political material from any party may be handed out on Shire Premises, except where those buildings have been hired for the express purpose of a function by that candidate. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.18 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACT This Shire of Gingin recognises its legal obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act, 1984, and will actively promote equal employment opportunity based solely on merit, to ensure that discrimination does not occur on the grounds of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, disability, religious, or political convictions. All employment training with this Shire will be directed towards providing equal opportunity to all employees provided their relevant experience, skills and ability meet the minimum requirements for such training. All promotional policies and opportunities with this Shire will be directed towards providing equal opportunity to all employees, provided their relevant experience, skills and ability meet the minimum requirements for such promotion. All offers of employment within this Shire will be directed towards providing equal opportunity to prospective employees provided their relevant experience, skills and ability meet the minimum requirements for engagement. This Shire will not tolerate harassment within its workplace. Harassment is defined as any unwelcome, offensive action or remark concerning a person‘s race, colour, language, ethnicity, political or religious convictions, gender, marital status or disability. The equal employment opportunity goals of this Shire are designed to provide an enjoyable, challenging, involving, harmonious work environment for all employees where each has the opportunity to progress to the extent of their ability. A copy of this Policy 2.18 to be provided to all new employees. 56 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 2.18.1 Promotion of Women in Local Government Statement of Commitment, Goals and Objectives A. B. Statement of Commitment 1. We acknowledge that in Local Government women are under represented both as elected members and as senior members of administrations and that their increased participation in both of these arenas should be encouraged. 2. We agree to review our own policies and practices to ensure that no discrimination or impediment exists, and will take action to ensure that barriers to women‘s full participation in Local Government are removed. 3. We will work to create and support an environment in Local Government which is harassment-free and that encourages the expression of and respect for a wide range of views. Goals 1. C. To increase the number of and participation of women in Local Government so that Councils more clearly represent and/or reflect the communities they serve, by a) increasing the number of women as elected members and Mayors, and b) increasing the number of women as CEO/General Managers, second and third level managers. Objectives 1. To create a Shire and communities where women feel able to fully participate and share their skills, knowledge and experience. 2. To work towards an harassment-free, and participative Shire where opinions and differences are respected. 3. To develop a climate of understanding among Councillors, CEOs/General Managers and senior staff of the need for the initiatives in this Framework and to enlist their support. 4. Where women choose women-only training and networking, to gain acceptance and support of their participation in these activities. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 ITEM 2.18.1 ADDED BY RESOLUTION: 02.0097 7 MAY 2002 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 57 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2.19 POLICY MANUAL SMOKING: (a) Smoking is prohibited in the following areas or circumstances: Where there are clear safety considerations including but not limited to: Whilst using or handling flammable, volatile or toxic substances Within storage areas for flammable, combustible or volatile substances Within areas displaying signage Confined spaces such as pits or manholes. All Shire owned or leased buildings including but not limited to: Administration buildings, Civic Centre car park, council chambers, libraries, activity and leisure centres, workshops, pound, out station buildings, toilets, sheds, stores, heritage offices, halls and rooftops. Within 10 metres of an entrance or exit to a building, where people may need to pass through smoke or where the smoke could enter the building. Within 10 metres of any windows or air conditioning intakes. All Shire of Gingin owned, leased or rented motor vehicles, passenger vehicles, medium and heavy vehicles, plant and machinery. While attending clients, visitors, service users or serving the public. During paid work time (Employees and contractors may smoke in their designated lunch break). All employees and contractors/consultants that smoke during their designated lunch break are to consider other people. When out of doors and the smoke is affecting a person in the vicinity, the smoker is to move far enough away that the smoke will not come into contact with others. If a smoker is asked to extinguish a cigarette or move away from an area, they will comply with the request. Members of the public should be discouraged from smoking in prohibited areas by means such as ―No Smoking‖ signs, and if necessary be informed of the Shire‘s policy and request them not to smoke. 58 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (b) The Shire of Gingin support the introduction of appropriate education programmes to assist smokers in ceasing smoking and also disseminating information on the health affects of smoking. (c) All levels of staff will actively support this policy. (d) Suitable and sufficient signs will be provided throughout all buildings and other designated non-smoking areas. ALCOHOL OR OTHER DRUGS Employees must not consume or have in their possession any unauthorized alcohol or illicit drugs during working hours. If testing is indicated and required by the Chief Executive Officer, Manager or the staff supervising officer it will be performed by an approved Medical Practitioner and comply with the relevant Australian Standards. For Cause Testing Testing may be required to confirm or rule out the presence of alcohol or drugs in the following circumstances: Following accidents or incidents; Following a high potential near miss incident; Where an individual‘s erratic, unusual or dangerous behaviour raises concern that the employee may be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; Upon the request of any other person in the work place who has reasonable grounds to believe that an individual may be affected by non-authorised alcohol consumption or other drugs, and where the Manager/Supervisor also believes that this may be the case; If any evidence is found of possible alcohol or other drug use at work (e.g. drug paraphernalia, alcohol containers on work sites or in vehicles) and a Manager or Supervisor can identify with reasonable certainty those who may have been involved; and As a component of a Return to Work Plan where an employee has previously tested positive. The testing will be at the cost of the Shire of Gingin unless the result of the test is positive. The employee will be responsible for the cost of a positive test. In the event that the employee is found to be unfit to perform their duties, the employee will be required to use accrued entitlement to leave or unpaid leave for all related absences from work including the day of assessment. A positive alcohol test will be a blood alcohol content of 0.05g/100ml or more. 59 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL A test result which reveals a drug concentration higher than the cut-off levels referred to in the current version of AS4308 is deemed to be a positive result. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 POLICY 2.20 CORPORATE CREDIT CARDS OBJECTIVE To clearly specify which members of staff are authorised to hold and operate Shire of Gingin corporate credit cards, the limits applicable to each of those members of staff and the internal controls relating to the use of corporate credit cards. POLICY The Shire of Gingin operates a corporate credit card for use by Executive Officers for Shire business. The following credit limits are applicable: Chief Executive Officer Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services Executive Manager Operations Executive Manager Regulatory Services $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 The use of all corporate credit cards is subject to the following controls: 1. Corporate credit cards may not be used to obtain a cash advance. 2. The loss or misplacing of a corporate credit card must be reported to the Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services immediately. 3. All corporate credit cards must be returned to the Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services upon notification of termination of employment, or resignation from the employ of the Shire of Gingin. 4. Corporate credit cards are to be utilised for the purchase of goods and services on behalf of the Shire of Gingin only and may not be used for personal expenditure. 5. Card holders are required to retain all documentation, including tax invoices, for the purpose of reconciling to the bank statement. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance N/A N/A N/A POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Bi-annual Financial Services Next Review 2015 60 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Version 1. 2. 18/05/1995 21/05/2013 3. 18/02/2014 – Item 11.1.3 2.21 Decision Reference Synopsis Policy adopted Amended – CEO‘s limit increased to $10,000 and EMFS, EMPES and EMRS added. Previous policy title ―Mastercards‖ changed. Conditions of use 1-5 incorporated into policy. Position titles updated. SEVERANCE PAY SECTION 5.50 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT (a) The purpose of this Policy is to set down the maximum severance payable to terminating employees for the purpose of section 5.50 (1) of the Local Government Act (the ―Act‖). Note however these severance payments may be exceeded at the discretion of Council subject to any maximum amount prescribed or provided for by regulations in accordance with section 5.50 (3).‖ (b) A terminating employee is entitled to severance pay and benefits in accordance with: (i) Any federal or state award or industrial agreement applicable to that employee (ii) Any applicable provisions within the employee‘s contract of employment (iii) Any applicable award or order made by a federal or state industrial tribunal arising from the circumstances of that employee being specifically brought before that tribunal, subject to any right of appeal (iv) Where Council so agrees, any recommendation made by a Federal or State Industrial Commissioner arising from the circumstances of that employee being specifically brought before that Commissioner. (c) Where a dismissed employee has taken, or is proposing to take, litigation for alleged unfair dismissal, Council may decide to settle to avoid expensive litigation. Matters to be taken into consideration by Council as to whether it will seek a settlement and, if so, the extent of any financial offers, may include: the strength of the respective cases in any litigation the cost of legal advocacy and support the cost of witnesses the cost of travel and accommodation in running the case the cost of having staff tied up in the preparation and hearing of the case the disruption to operations. 61 SHIRE OF GINGIN (d) POLICY MANUAL Redundancy Redundancy benefits shall be made pursuant to the Shire of Gingin‘s Redundancy Policy. This does not preclude the Shire from agreeing to a higher severance benefit where clauses (a) or (b) above apply. Redundancy benefits are: (i) A maximum period of notice possible but in any event no less than 4 weeks or payment in lieu of notice to a maximum of 4 weeks. (ii) (iii) Payment of 2 weeks pay. Plus 2 weeks pay for each completed year of service with the local government. (iv) The maximum payable under (ii) and (iii) shall be 26 weeks pay. (v) Where an employee has been employed with the Local Government for a minimum of 5 years, pro rata long service leave shall be provided if the employee is not otherwise entitled to pro rata long service leave under the Local Government Long Service Leave Regulations. (vi) All other pro rata entitlements payable under the appropriate award or agreement to a terminating employee. (vii) Where the employee was originally engaged from a distant location, reasonable relocation assistance may be provided to the place of engagement or another place (at a cost no more than relocation to original point of hire). Relocation assistance will be at Council‘s discretion and considered according to circumstances. (viii) Where the circumstances of a retrenched employee are such that it will be extremely difficult for that employee to find another job, Council may exercise its discretion to provide additional benefits to such employees. In this event details of the total redundancy package for such an employee shall be published in accordance with Section 5.50 (2) of the Act. Council may decide to settle in a situation where an employee, due to illness or impairment is unable to perform his/her job and there has been mutual agreement that employment must end. Matters to be taken into consideration by Council in determining the extent of any financial offers may include: the length of service the conscientiousness of the employee over the past employment the value of the employee‘s service having regard to position(s) held and the regard given by Council to the employee‘s contribution the length of time to retirement 62 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL the personal circumstances of the employee including family responsibility, future employment prospects and alternative sources of income possible exposure to litigation if the employee was dismissed having regard to obligations of the Shire under the State Equal Opportunity Act, the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act and the Commonwealth Workplace Relations Act. (e) The term ―weeks pay‖ means the normal weekly salary or wage payable to the employee including any penalty rates normally paid but excluding overtime or intermittent payments. The term also includes salary or wages specifically sacrificed for additional non-award benefits but does not include the value of any non-award benefit normally provided for the employee‘s position (such as a vehicle in the case of a senior position, the normal superannuation provided to all employees etc). (f) Nothing in this Policy prevents Council from determining that in special circumstances, terminating employees may be paid additional monies or provided additional benefits where justified. If Council so determines, details of the severance pay and benefits shall be published in accordance with section 5.50 (2) of the Act. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.22 REDUNDANCY (a) Background The need for a pro-forma redundancy policy arises because of changes and challenges faced by Local Government: (b) (i) ―Hilmer‖, the National Competition Policy, accountability for delivery, cost efficient services demanded by electors, competitive tendering and contracting-out. (ii) New trends in WA Local Government requiring a re-evaluation of existing structures and services, and ways and means of reacting to demands from the State Government and the electors. (iii) The possibility of future amalgamations of local governments, splits of existing large Local Governments and changes in boundaries. Commission TCR Standard The Commission‘s standard award minimum is the so-called ―TCR‖ standard arising from the Full Bench Termination, Change and Redundancy Decisions. Some organisations have recently chosen to apply higher benefits, which have been included in some enterprise agreements. Nevertheless the appropriate award provisions will continue to apply and this policy is to be read in conjunction with the provisions of the Local Government Industry Award 2010. . 63 SHIRE OF GINGIN (c) POLICY MANUAL Consultation The Local Government will consult employees likely to be affected by any proposed change as to the need for and/or reason for the change and no definite decision will be made until this process has been followed. Where an employer has made a definite decision that the employer no longer wishes the job the employee has been doing to be done by anyone, and this is not due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour and that decision may lead to the termination of employment, the employer shall hold discussions with the employees directly affected and with their union or unions. The discussions shall take place as soon as is practicable after the employer has made a definite to terminate the position, and cover, inter alia, any reasons for the proposed terminations, measures to avoid or minimise the terminations and measures to mitigate any adverse effects of any terminations on the employees concerned. For the purposes of the discussion the employer shall as soon as practicable provide in writing to the employees concerned and their Union(s), all relevant information about the proposed terminations including the reasons for the proposed terminations, the number and categories of employees likely to be affected and the number of workers normally employed and the period over which terminations are likely to be carried out. Provided that any employer shall not be required to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would be inimical to the employer‘s interest(s). (d) (e) Transfers within the Organisation (i) Wherever possible and practical, appropriate employees should be offered a transfer to other positions within the enterprise and also offered the necessary and reasonable training to effect a successful transition. (ii) Where an employee is transferred to other duties for the purpose of avoiding retrenchment and those duties attract lesser rate of pay than the incumbents previous position, the Local Government will make up the difference between the two rates of pay for a period of twelve months (or 2 years in the case of employees covered by clause 6 below). After this time, the lesser rate will apply. Service Benefits Where a position has been made redundant and a suitable transfer has not been possible, an employee may be retrenched on the following basis: (i) A maximum period of notice possible but in any event no less than 4 weeks or payment in lieu of notice to a maximum of 4 weeks; (ii) Payment of 2 weeks pay; 64 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (iii) Plus 2 weeks pay for each completed year of service with the Local Government; (iv) The maximum payable under (i) and (iii) shall be 26 weeks pay provided that the severance payments shall not exceed the amount which the employee would have earned if employment with the employer had proceeded to the employee‘s normal retirement date; (v) Where an employee has been employed with the Local Government for a minimum of 5 years, pro rata long service leave shall be provided if the employee is not otherwise entitled to pro rata long service leave under the Local Government Long Service Leave Regulations; (vi) All other pro rata entitlements payable under the appropriate award or agreement to a terminating employee will be paid; (vii) During the notice period the employee shall be allowed reasonable time off from the job without loss of pay to attend employment interviews or other similar activities to assist the employee find employment. (viii) Where the employee was originally engaged from a distant location, reasonable relocation assistance may be provided to the place of engagement or another place (at a cost no more than relocation to original point of hire). Relocation assistance will be at Council‘s discretion and considered according to circumstances; (ix) Where the circumstances of a retrenched employee are such that it will be extremely difficult for that employee to find another job, Council may exercise its discretion to provide additional benefits to such employees. In this event, details of the total redundancy package for such an employee shall be published in accordance with section 5.50 (2) of the Local Government Act, 1995. (x) (f) The term ―weeks pay‖ means the normal weekly salary or wage payable to the employee including any penalty rates normally paid but excluding overtime or intermittent payments. The term also includes salary or wages specifically sacrificed for additional non-award benefits but does not include the value of any non-award benefit normally provided for the employee‘s position (such as a vehicle in the case of a senior position, the normal superannuation contribution provided to all employees etc.) Local Government Boundary Changes, Amalgamations and Break-Ups (i) Where a restructuring of Local Government boundaries (such as a break up of a Local Government or an amalgamation of Local Governments) results in a surplus of employees, Schedule 2.1 clause 11 (4) of the Local Government Act, 1995 provides for two years guaranteed employment except where employer and employee are able to agree to a mutually acceptable severance package. 65 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (ii) Clauses (c) and (e) above will apply. If a transfer is arranged, the ―no reduction‖ provision in clause (e) (ii) will apply for two years. (iii) Where a transfer is not possible, retrenchment will be offered on the basis of clause (e) above. Additional benefits may be offered in accordance with clause (e) (ix) in an endeavour to reach a mutually acceptable severance package. (iv) If agreement on a severance package is not possible, the employee will be offered work for two years on conditions no less favourable than the existing contract of employment. (v) At any time during the two years additional employment the Local Government and employee may re-open negotiations in an endeavour to reach agreement on a mutually acceptable severance package. (vi) Where an employee remains in employment for two years pursuant to schedule 2.1 of the Local Government Act, 1995 and is then made redundant, there will be no entitlement to the redundancy benefits provided in Clause (e). Redundancy benefits in accordance with the appropriate award will still apply. (g) (h) Counselling (i) Counselling by a professional counselling service shall be available for any employee who has been or is to be retrenched. (ii) In appropriate circumstances an outplacement service may also be offered. In this event no payment in lieu of such service will be made. Termination During Notice An employee who has been given notice of retrenchment in accordance with clause (e) may terminate during the period of notice and shall be entitled to the same benefits and payments as if he/she had remained until the expiry of the notice. Provided that in such circumstances, the employee shall not be entitled to payments in lieu of notice. (i) Alternative Work (i) Should the Local Government have made suitable arrangements for alternative employment and the employee is not consequently unduly prejudiced, the additional benefits over and above the appropriate award arising from this Policy shall not apply. (ii) In addition the Local Government may make application to the Commission to have the award severance pay prescription varied in the case of such an employee according to the particular circumstances. 66 SHIRE OF GINGIN (j) POLICY MANUAL Exclusions (i) Benefits provided under this Policy which go beyond the appropriate award shall not apply where employment is terminated as a consequence of conduct that justifies instant dismissal, including malingering, inefficiency or neglect of duty. (ii) This Policy does not apply in the case of casual or temporary employees who were engaged for a specific time period or for a specific reason or specific task, project or program. (iii) This Policy also does not apply to an employee engaged on a fixed term contract where the term of the contract expires. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 OCTOBER 1997 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.23 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH POLICY The Shire of Gingin regards the promotion of sound and effective Occupational Safety and Health practices as a common objective for the CEO, Managers, Supervisors, Employees and Contractors. The Policy of the Shire of Gingin is to ensure that every employee works in an environment where direct efforts are made to prevent accidents, injury and disruption to employees‘ health from foreseeable work hazards. The Shire of Gingin acknowledges a duty to achieve their objectives by: Providing and maintaining a safe working environment. Providing adequate training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and effectively. Investigating all actual and potentially injurious occurrences in order to eliminate the cause, and reduce the level of risk. Conforming with current legislation, regulations, codes of practice, and appropriate national standards; and Continuously improve the standard of occupational safety and health for all employees. Employees have a duty of co-operation in the attainment of these objectives by: Working with care for their own safety and that of other employees, contractors and public who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Reporting conditions which appear to be unsafe to their supervisor. Co-operating in the fulfilment of the obligations placed on their employer. Assisting in the investigation and the reporting of any accidents with the objective of introducing measures to prevent re-occurrence. 67 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The Shire of Gingin will provide the time and resources necessary to implement this Policy and maintain regular reviews to ensure this Policy remains relevant to all stakeholders. The responsibility for implementing the policy rests with the Chief Executive Officer. The Principal Environmental Health Officer is assigned the authority to act as the Safety Co-ordinator and is responsible for initiating and driving all Safety and Health strategies on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 DECEMBER 1997 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 2.24 STAFF HOUSING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY Accommodation may be provided for staff, as determined by the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the Shire President. Such determination will be subject to the availability of suitable Shire owned housing. Staff who have been allocated a Shire owned house will be required to water the lawns and gardens. The front and rear yards are to be mowed as required so that they are neat and tidy and of a reasonable standard. The front and rear yards must be free of disused material and accumulated rubbish. The Shire will present a Shire house to any new occupant in a clean, fair and reasonable condition internally and externally. All occupiers allocated Shire owned housing will maintain the house I a clean, fair and reasonable state internally and externally, ensuring that the house is not damaged, marked, altered and inappropriately ventilated. Occupiers will also be responsible for the care and maintenance of all fixtures, fittings and chattels which accompany the house from the time they occupy to the time they vacate the house. The Shire reserves the right to review all Shire owned housing at least annually and more frequently as deemed necessary by the Chief Executive Officer. Any unfair wear and tear, damage, markings, unauthorised alterations and damage caused by inadequate ventilation (ie mould build-up, obnoxious odours etc) will be repaired by the Shire and all costs associated with returning the house to its full and former condition will be borne by the occupant (staff member). Where there is sufficient evidence that a Shire house is not being maintained in accordance with this Policy, Council reserves the right to review the ‗subsidised weekly rental‘ paid by the occupant (staff member), giving 14 days written notice of any increase as deemed necessary by the Chief Executive Officer. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 17 APRIL 1997 REVIEWED 19 APRIL 2011 AMENDED: 17 JULY 2012 68 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2.25 POLICY MANUAL PART PAY OUT OF ACCRUED SICK LEAVE IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES (a) An employee, with five or more years service with the Shire, whose position becomes redundant and who as a result, receives a bona fide redundancy payment/settlement from the Shire, shall be entitled to, in addition to the redundancy payment/settlement, a payment equal to the cash equivalent of one half (½) of the unused portion of sick leave accrued for that period of time he/she was an employee of the Shire of Gingin. (b) An employee, with five or more years service with the Shire, who has reached the age of fifty five (55) years and who retires from the Shire and such retirement is a bona fide retirement from working life, shall be entitled to a payment equal to the cash equivalent of one half (½) of the unused portion of sick leave accrued for that period of time he/she was an employee of the Shire of Gingin. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 APRIL 1998 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 POLICY 2.26 LOSS OF DRIVER’S LICENCE (SHIRE OF GINGIN EMPLOYEES) OBJECTIVE To outline the possible outcomes if an employee loses their driver‘s licence or if their driver‘s licence lapses (or is invalidated) and such licence is needed in order for the employee to satisfactorily perform their duties. “loss of licence” for the purpose of this policy shall include lapse, cancellation, failure to renew, non-issue of renewal, suspension and cancellation. POLICY It is essential that employees maintain certain skills and qualifications in order to satisfactorily undertake their duties. The need for a valid driver‘s licence is one such qualification that is needed in many positions. In the event that an employee loses their driver‘s licence, then their ability to perform their duties may be negatively impacted. The following will apply in all instances of loss of licence by an employee of the Shire of Gingin: 1. Employees are required to notify their supervisor/manager of their loss of licence at the earliest possible opportunity. 2. Any employee who does not hold a valid driver‘s licence must not operate any Shire of Gingin vehicle. Operation of a vehicle without a valid driver‘s licence is a violation of the law and has the potential to invalidate the Shire‘s vehicle insurance policy. Employees found to be operating Shire vehicles without a valid driver‘s licence will be subject to disciplinary action. 69 SHIRE OF GINGIN 3. POLICY MANUAL Where an employee‘s position requires that they hold a valid licence and that employee loses their licence, then the employee‘s immediate Supervisor and Divisional Manager, together with the Chief Executive Officer, shall formulate a strategy to deal with the situation based on the individual merits of the case. Factors that shall be taken into account include: The extent to which the employee is required to use the Shire‘s vehicles in performing the functions of their role; The reasons for loss of licence; Whether alternative duties/suitable vacancies are available; The employee‘s length of service, work performance and behaviour record; and The length of time before the employee will gain an extraordinary licence or regain their driver‘s licence. 4. The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for making the final decision as to whether employment shall continue. 5. The employee must be advised of their right to appeal any decision through the appropriate dispute resolution process. 6. In the event that an employee‘s services are terminated, then that person may reapply for employment, should a suitable vacancy be advertised, once they have regained their licence. 7. In the event that an employee is redeployed to an alternative position, then such redeployment shall be in effect only until the employee‘s licence is reinstated. However, the Shire may choose to have the employee remain in the alternative position if it is believed that the employee will re-offend during work hours and compromise the Shire‘s duty of care to the community. 8. Any employee redeployed to an alternative position following a loss of licence shall receive the relevant rate of pay under their Award for the alternative position for so long as they are incumbent therein. 9. In keeping with the Shire‘s duty of care to the community, employees who have previously lost their licence due to a drink/drug driving charge may be required, at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, to undergo a breath test before and after the use of a Shire vehicle. Alcoholism/Substance Abuse In instances where an employee loses their licence due to a drink or drug driving charge, attempts must be made to ascertain whether or not the employee has an underlying behavioural problem. It is recognised that alcoholism and drug abuse are illnesses which cause socio-economic problems for individuals and the community as a whole. People who suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction require treatment, support and counselling to overcome their addiction. 70 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Employees who believe that the loss of their licence is the result of a problem with alcohol or other substance abuse may be assisted by the Shire to access rehabilitation and counselling. The provision of any assistance of this type is at the complete and total discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. No employee will be forced to participate in a rehabilitation programme against their will. However, where a substance abuse problem exists, willingness to admit the problem and address the underlying issues may result in more favourable consideration by the Shire with respect to supporting the employee through the transitional period of recovery. APPLICATION OF POLICY This policy applies to all employees of the Shire of Gingin. All employees must read this policy and be familiar with its contents prior to operating any Shire of Gingin vehicle. VARIATION TO POLICY This policy may be varied from time to time at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance N/A N/A N/A POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Version 1. Next Review Bi-Annual 2015 Office of the Chief Executive Officer – Human Resources Decision Reference 16/07/2013 - Item 11.1.1 Synopsis New policy adopted. 71 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 3.0 MATTERS RELATING TO FINANCE POLICY 3.1 CHEQUE/ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFERS SIGNING LIMITS OBJECTIVE To clearly specify the signing protocols for Shire of Gingin cheques and electronic fund transfers. POLICY Cheques/electronic fund transfers up to the value of $200,000 are to be jointly signed by the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services. In the absence of either or both officers, any combination of the following shall be substituted: Chief Executive Officer; Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services; Executive Manager Regulatory Services; Executive Manager Operations. In the event that it is not possible to obtain the signatures of two of the above officers, then the signatures of a Councillor or Councillors shall be substituted to satisfy the normal collusionary signatory requirements. Cheques/electronic fund transfers in excess of $200,000 are to be signed by the Shire President or in his/her absence the Deputy Shire President or a Councillor and countersigned by the Chief Executive Officer. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 – Reg 11(1)(a) Nil Nil POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Bi-annual Financial Services Version 1. 2. 3. Decision Reference 18/02/2003 - Item 10.2.2 20/01/2004 – Item 10.2.2 20/01/2009 - Item 11.2.4 4. 5. 6. 7. 03/08/2010 – Item 11.1.1 19/04/2011 – Item 11.2.2 16/08/2011 - Item 11.2.2 16/04/2013 – Item 11.1.3 8. SM04/07/2013 – Item 7.1 Next Review 2015 Synopsis Senior Finance Officer authorised as signatory. New policy adopted. Policy Manual reviewed – 3.1 amended to authorise additional staff to sign cheques if required. Amended to authorise additional staff to sign if required. Policy Manual reviewed – no change to 3.1 Policy Manual reviewed – no change to 3.1 Policy amended to reflect new positions created as a result of organisational restructure. Policy amended to reflect change in position names occurring as a result of further organisation restructuring. 72 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL POLICY 3.2 INVESTMENTS OBJECTIVE The objective of the Investment Policy is to invest the Shire of Gingin‘s surplus funds with consideration of risk and at the most favourable rate of interest available to it at the time, for that investment type, and having regard for the local banks, while ensuring that its liquidity requirements are being met. POLICY Whilst exercising the power to invest, consideration is to be given to the preservation of capital, liquidity and the return on investment. Preservation of capital is the principal objective of the investment portfolio. Investments are to be performed in a manner that seeks to ensure security and safeguarding the investment portfolio. This includes management of credit and interest risk within identified thresholds and parameters. The investment portfolio will ensure there is sufficient liquidity to meet all reasonably anticipated cash-flow requirements, as and when they fall due, without incurring significant costs due to the unanticipated sale of an investment. The investment is expected to achieve a predetermined market average rate of return that takes into account the Shire‘s risk tolerance. Any additional return target set by Council will also consider the risk limitation and prudent investment principles. Legislative Requirements All investments are to comply with the following: Local Government Act, 1995 (as amended) – Section 6.14; Trustees Act, 1962 – Part III Investments; Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 – Regulation 19, Regulation 19C, Regulation 28 and Regulation 49; and Australian Accounting Standards. Delegation of Authority Authority for implementation of the Investment Policy is delegated by Council to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995. The CEO may, in turn, delegate the day-to-day management of the Shire‘s investments to senior staff, subject to regular reviews. Prudent Person Standard The investment will be managed with the care, diligence and skill that a prudent person would exercise. Officers are to manage the investment portfolio to safeguard the portfolio in accordance with the spirit of this Investment Policy and not for speculative purposes. 73 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers shall refrain from personal activities that would conflict with the proper execution and management of Shire‘s investment portfolio. This policy requires Officers to disclose any conflict of interest to the CEO. Approved Investments Without approval from Council, investments are limited to: State/Commonwealth Government Bonds with a term of maturity not exceeding three years; Fixed term deposits placed with an authorised institution* for a term not exceeding 12 months; and Interest-bearing deposits placed with an authorised institution; Prohibited Investments This Investment Policy prohibits any investment carried out for speculative purposes including: Derivative-based instruments; Principal-only investments or securities that provide potentially nil or negative cash flow; and Stand-alone securities issued that have underlying futures, options, forwards contracts and swaps of any kind. This policy also prohibits the use of leveraging (borrowing to invest) of an investment. In accordance with the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 Reg 19C, this policy also prohibits the following: Deposits with any institution other than an authorised institution*; Deposits for a fixed term of more than 12 months; Investment in bonds that are not guaranteed by the Commonwealth Government, or a State or Territory government; Investment in bonds with a term to maturity of more than three years; and Investment in a foreign currency. *Authorised institution as defined in the Banking Act 1959 (Commonwealth), section 5. Risk Management Guidelines Investments obtained are to comply with three key criteria relating to: a) b) c) Portfolio Credit Framework: limit overall credit exposure of the portfolio; Counterparty Credit Framework: limit exposure to counterparties/institutions; and Term to maturity Framework: limits based upon maturity of securities. individual 74 SHIRE OF GINGIN a) POLICY MANUAL Overall Portfolio Limits To control the credit quality on the entire portfolio, the following credit framework limits the percentage of the portfolio exposed to any particular credit rating category. S&P LongTerm Rating AAA b) S&P Short-term Rating Direct Investment Maximum % A-1+ 100% AA A-1 100% A A-2 100% Counterparty Credit Framework The Shire of Gingin will invest funds with authorised financial institutions that provide a service to the local community by establishing branches or agencies in the Shire of Gingin. Such institutions must maintain a minimum Standard and Poors rating of A for short term investments. c) Term to Maturity Framework The investment portfolio is to be invested within the following maturity constraints: Overall Portfolio Term to Maturity Limits Portfolio % < 1 year 100% Maximum, 40% Minimum Portfolio % 1-3 years 60% Performance Performance benchmarks will be as follows: Investment Performance Benchmark Cash Cash Rate Enhanced/Direct Investments UBSWA Bank Bill Diversified Funds CPI + appropriate margin over rolling 3 year periods (Depending on composition of fund) Report and Review A monthly report will be provided to Council in support of the monthly statement of activity. The report will detail the investment portfolio in terms of performance, percentage exposure of total portfolio, maturity date and changes in market value. This Investment Policy will be reviewed at least once a year or as required in the event of legislative changes. Documentary evidence must be held for each investment and details thereof maintained in an Investment Register. 75 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Certificates must be obtained from the financial institutions confirming the amounts of investments held on the Shire‘s behalf as at 30 June each year and reconciled to the Investment Register. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 Department of Local Government Guidelines No 19 – Investment Policy N/A POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Version 1. 2. 3.3 Annual Financial Services Next Review Decision Reference 1 April 2008 - Item 11.2.2 18 June 2013 – Item 11.2.2 2014 Synopsis Policy adopted. Policy amended to reflect amendments to Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. DONATIONS All donation requests are to be published in the Information Bulletin. Any Councillor(s) who consider that any further action should be taken, shall bring the matter to Council‘s attention by way of ―Elected Members‘ Motions of which previous notice has been given‖ or ―New business of an urgent nature introduced by decision of meeting‖. Further, an allocation shall be included in each year‘s budget to meet any request which is considered worthy by Council. Staff to bring matters of special consideration to Council‘s attention. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 3.4 DEBT COLLECTION Debt Collection procedures will be as follows: Rates: (a) First Notice – Due date for payment 35 days from date of service. (b) Second Notice – Issued after the due date for payment. Allows 14 days for payment and services notice that penalty interest will apply. (c) Refer to Debt Collection Agency for Final Warning – A letter to the landowner is issued requiring payment within seven (7) days from the date of postage. (d) If no response collection continues with Debt Collection Agency who investigate and pursue the most appropriate form of action. This may involve legal action or coming to an alternative arrangement with the Debtor. That any penalty interest accrued on an outstanding rates balance of less than five dollars ($5.00) be written off by the Shire, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.2 of the Local Government Act, 1995. 76 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL That for a rates assessment with an outstanding balance of between $0 and $200.00 that no legal action be taken against the owner. Further that the owner be advised of the outstanding amount and that they can either choose to pay the debt, or the amount will show on the next rates notice received, accruing penalty interest at the appropriate rate. That for a rates assessment with an outstanding balance of greater than $200.00, the matter be referred to the Shire‘s debt collecting agency. None of the above is designed to prevent the Shire from coming to an arrangement with the landowner to make alternative arrangements for payment. Sundry Debtors: (a) Issue of Invoice – Invoice is issued requiring payment within thirty (30) days. (b) Second Notice – Letter requiring payment within fourteen (14) days. (c) Final Warning – A letter to the landowner is issued requiring payment within seven (7) days from the date of postage. (d) Refer to Debt Collection Agency – The matter is then referred to the Agency who investigate and pursue the most appropriate form of action. This may involve legal action or coming to an alternative arrangement with the Debtor. None of the above is designed to prevent the Shire from coming to an arrangement with the landowner to make alternative arrangements for payment. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 21 MARCH 1996 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 3.5 ASSETS – ACCOUNTING Adopt the following Depreciation Rates for the balance of the 2006/07 financial year: Buildings Furniture and Equipment Computer Equipment Electrical Equipment Sundry Plant & (External) Equipment Light Vehicles Heavy Road Plant Trucks Other Sundry Plant Items Paved Roads and Streets Sealed Roads and Streets Footpaths Sewerage piping Water supply piping and drainage systems Per Annum 2.00% 15.00% 33.33% 20.00% 20.00% 25.00% 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% 2.00% 4.00% 2.00% 1.00% 1.33% Years 50 6.69 3 5 5 4 10 10 5 50 25 50 100 75 ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 AMENDED: COUNCIL 3 APRIL 2007 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 77 SHIRE OF GINGIN 3.6 POLICY MANUAL LOANS – SELF SUPPORTING The following policy applies in respect to self-supporting loans: (a) Guarantors, legally bound by contract, will be required for self-supporting loans for community groups, clubs or other organisations that are not incorporated, and for non-community groups, clubs or other organisations, whether incorporated or not. (b) All self-supporting loans will require an agreement to repay loans before the loan funds will be advanced. (c) The cost of preparation of all legal documentation will be borne by the borrowing organisations. (d) Clubs or other organisations requiring self-supporting loans will be required to provide financial statements and a Budget, which will demonstrate the Club‘s etc ability to repay the loan. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 3.7 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS TO COMMUNITY AND SPORTING BODIES THROUGH THE COMMUNITY SPORTING AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUND The following guidelines for distribution of funds to Community and Sporting Bodies are to apply. (a) Fund Objective Funds from Council may be made available for the following purpose. Establishment or improvement of playing areas or buildings necessary for the conduct of sport or for community use, to assist community groups in establishing a service or activity seen as a need for the betterment of and improvement to the enjoyment of life within the Community. (b) Application Procedure (i) Applications for funds over $2,000 close at the Shire Office at a date determined when the scheme is opened so that Council may consider and prioritise applications before the closing date prescribed by the Department for Sport and Recreation in respect of the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund. (ii) Applications for funds under $2,000 may be made at anytime. (iii) Applicants will need to discuss Local Laws, Town Planning Schemes and Development Policies with Shire Staff. 78 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (iv) Applications should only be made when the applicant group is confident that all the cash that the applicant proposes to contribute will be readily available if a grant is approved. (c) Land/Site The land on which the development is proposed should be a Crown Reserve or land owned or vested in the Shire of Gingin. (d) Limitations (i) Funds not to be used for equipment, trophies, prizes or expenses (including loan repayments) incurred in the conduct of the sport or in community activities. (ii) Community and Sporting Bodies must submit an application, where eligible, for Ministry for Sport and Recreation or other Government Grant Aid, for assessment by Council. (iii) Community and Sporting Bodies must submit an application on a form related to Ministry for Sport and Recreation practice, supported by a brief summary of financial position, own contribution and Program of Time over which planned expenditure will occur. (iv) Shire employees or equipment may be used in lieu of cash distribution and costed against the relevant Ledger Folio. (v) (e) All works are to be completed to the satisfaction of the Shire of Gingin. Voluntary Contributions The value of work undertaken by volunteers can be included in the local contribution but this value may not exceed one third of the completed value of the project. The voluntary work should be described and valued at the rate of $20.00 per hour for unskilled labour, $35.00 per hour for skilled labour and $50.00 per hour for professional labour. (f) General Guidelines (i) Generally, Shire contributions will be limited to a maximum of one third of the total project cost. (ii) Applications must be submitted not later than the closing date prescribed by the Department for Sport and Recreation in any calendar year for funds over $2,000 which may be required to assist in financing projects during the course of the following financial year. (iii) Applications will be acknowledged by the Shire of Gingin. 79 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (iv) The Shire of Gingin reserves the right to consider and allocate funds without the right of appeal. (v) The Shire of Gingin reserves the right to request further information. (vi) All monies allocated must be spent and claimed by the 30th June in the financial year for which it was allocated. (vii) No project requiring funding shall commence without the written consent of the Shire. (viii) Money granted must be spent on the project allocated. (ix) No money will be allocated for completed projects. (x) The Shire of Gingin reserves the right to inspect Reserves and Buildings without prior notification to the respective Committee. (xi) Council may consider joint funding of Capital works projects with the Department for Sport and Recreation. (xii) Council may consider applications from Community Groups other than Sporting Bodies. (xiii) The Shire of Gingin‘s contribution to the replacement of large machinery is generally limited to one third of the replacement cost. (xiv) Applications will be considered at Council‘s sole discretion. (xv) Council reserves the right to set aside all and/or any project for budget consideration. (xvi) An Asset Replacement Fund must be created for projects that include a DSR requirement for the provision of such funds. (xvii) Council may at its discretion contribute towards an Asset Replacement Fund. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1998 AMENDED: 6 MARCH 2007 AMENDED: 12 MAY 2010 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 3.8 ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDING POLICY – ENVIRONMENTAL ALLOCATION FUND The following guidelines for distribution of Environmental Allocation Funds to community based environmental organisations are to apply. 80 SHIRE OF GINGIN (a) POLICY MANUAL Fund Objective Funds from the Shire of Gingin may be made available for the following purpose; To assist community groups in establishing and implementing environmental betterment initiatives within the Shire. (b) Application Procedure (i) Applications for funding from the Shire‘s Environmental Allocation Fund close at the Shire Office on 31 March to be considered in the following financial year. (ii) Applicants are encouraged to discuss potential local laws, Town Planning Scheme and development policy implications with Shire staff. Applications should only be made when the applicant group is confident that any additional monies required to complete the project will be available if a Shire grant is approved. (iii) (c) Land/Site If the applicant body is seeking capital funding for an environmental improvement project the project shall relate to crown reserve or land owned or vested in the Shire of Gingin. (d) Limitations (e) (i) Applicant groups, in applying for an environmental Funding Allocation (administration or capital) should provide supporting information in the form of a brief summary of their own financial position, their own contribution and program of time over which planned expenditure will occur. (ii) Shire employees or equipment may be used in lieu of cash distribution and costs allocated against the relevant ledger folio. (iii) All capital works undertaken utilising funding from the Environmental Allocation Fund shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Shire of Gingin. General Guidelines (i) Generally, Shire of Gingin contributions will be limited to a maximum of 50% of the capital cost of any project. Shire contributions towards administration will be determined on merit. (ii) Applications must be submitted not later than 31 March for consideration in the following financial year. (iii) Applications will be acknowledged by the Shire of Gingin. 81 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (iv) Council reserves the right to consider and allocate funds without the right of appeal. (v) Council reserves the right to request further information. (vi) All monies allocated must be spent and claimed by the 30 June in the financial year for which it was allocated, unless otherwise approved by Council. (vii) No capital project requiring funding shall commence without the written consent of the Shire of Gingin. (viii) Money granted must be spent on the projects allocated. (ix) No money will be allocated for completed projects. (x) The Shire of Gingin reserves the right to inspect at any time, works in progress for which an environmental funding allocation has been granted. (xi) Applications will be considered at Council‘s sole discretion. Council reserves the right to set aside all and/or any project for budget consideration. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 4 SEPTEMBER 2001 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 POLICY 3.9 PURCHASING AND ORDERING OF GOODS OBJECTIVE To clearly specify which members of staff are authorised to issue purchase orders on behalf of the Shire of Gingin and up to what value such purchase orders can relate. POLICY That the officers referenced below be authorised to issue orders for the purchase of goods and services relating to the operation of Council as follows: Up to the value of $500 Chief Executive Officer‘s PA Executive Support Officer Governance Officer Executive Manager Regulatory Services‘ PA Organisational Planning and Development Officer PA to Planning Rangers‘ Administration Officer Swimming Pool Manager Maintenance Officers (Gingin, Upper Coastal and Lower Coastal) Up to the value of $3,000 Manager Guilderton Caravan Park 82 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Up to the value of $5,000 Shire Mechanic Up to the value of $10,000 Environmental Health/Technical Officer Manager Building Services Manager Operations Manager Ranger Services Manager Statutory Planning Manager Strategic Planning and Development Community Development and Customer Services Officer Up to the value of $50,000 Executive Manager Regulatory Services Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services Executive Manager Operations Up to the value of $250,000 Chief Executive Officer GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance N/A N/A N/A POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Bi-annual Financial Services Version 1. 2. 3. 4. Decision Reference 02/07/2002 – Item 10.6 16/11/2004 – Item 10.2.4 20/01/09 – Item 11.2.4 07/07/2009 – Item 11.2.5 5. 03/08/2010 – Item 11.1.2 6. 7. 16/08/2011 – Item 11.2.2 18/10/2011 – Item 11.2.2 8. 17/07/2012 – Item 11.2.5 9. 16/04/2013 – Item 11.1.4 10. 20/08/2013 – Item 11.1.3 11. 21/01/2014 – Item 11.1.1 Next Review 2015 Synopsis Policy adopted Assistant Works Supervisor and Swimming Pool Manager added Additional staff authorised to sign cheques Administrative Assistant to CEO, Health/Building/Planning Administration Officer, Coastal Building and Parks Maintenance Officer and Head Gardener (Playground Inspector) added Policy amended to reflect organisational restructure. Purchasing limits imposed. Executive Manager Engineering Services‘ purchasing limit amended. Executive Manager Health and Building Services‘ PA added, Parks and Gardens Supervisor deleted, Plant Mechanic purchasing limit amended Authorisation for Maintenance Officers clarified. Reference to CEO deleted from ―Up to Value of $50,000‖. Reference to Councillors deleted. Changes made to position titles to reflect organisational restructure. Purchasing authorisation to Shire President and Deputy Shire President for amounts greater than $50,000 deleted. Executive Manager Planning and Engineering Services replaced by Executive Manager Operations. Executive Manager Financial Services replaced by Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services. Executive Manager Planning and Engineering Services‘ PA replaced by PA to Planning. Works Manager deleted. Planning Officer deleted. Manager Statutory Planning and Manager Strategic Planning and Development included with limits of $10,000. Purchasing limit for Shire Mechanic increased to $5,000. Organisational Development and Planning Officer added authorised to issue purchase orders up to the value of $500. Environmental Health/Technical Officer and Manager Operations added and authorised to issue purchase orders up to the value of $10,000. CEO‘s purchasing limit capped at $250,000. 83 SHIRE OF GINGIN 3.10 POLICY MANUAL PURCHASING POLICY 1.1 OBJECTIVES To provide compliance with the Local Government Act, 1995 and the Local Government Act (Functions and General) Regulations, 1996 (as amended in March 2007). To deliver a best practice approach and procedures to internal purchasing for the Shire of Gingin. To ensure consistency for all purchasing activities that integrates within all the Shire of Gingin operational areas. 1.2 WHY DO WE NEED A PURCHASING POLICY? The Shire of Gingin is committed to setting up efficient, effective, economical and sustainable procedures in all purchasing activities. This policy: Provides the Shire of Gingin with a more effective way of purchasing goods and services. Ensures that purchasing transactions are carried out in a fair and equitable manner. Strengthens integrity and confidence in the purchasing system. Ensures that the Shire of Gingin receives value for money in its purchasing. Ensures that the Shire of Gingin considers the environmental impact of the procurement process across the life cycle of goods and services. Ensures the Shire of Gingin is compliant with all regulatory obligations. Promotes effective governance and definition of roles and responsibilities. 1.3 Upholds respect from the public and industry for the Shire of Gingin‘s purchasing practices that withstands probity. ETHICS & INTEGRITY All officers and employees of the Local Government shall observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in undertaking purchasing activity and act in an honest and professional manner that supports the standing of the Local Government. The following principles, standards and behaviours must be observed and enforced through all stages of the purchasing process to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all parties: full accountability shall be taken for all purchasing decisions and the efficient, effective and proper expenditure of public monies based on achieving value for money: 84 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL all purchasing practices shall comply with relevant legislation, regulations, and requirements consistent with the Local Government policies and code of conduct; purchasing is to be undertaken on a competitive basis in which all potential suppliers are treated impartially, honestly and consistently; all processes, evaluations and decisions shall be transparent, free from bias and fully documented in accordance with applicable policies and audit requirements; any actual or perceived conflicts of interest are to be identified, disclosed and appropriately managed; and any information provided to the Local Government by a supplier shall be treated as commercial-in-confidence and should not be released unless authorised by the supplier or relevant legislation. 1.4 VALUE FOR MONEY Value for money is an overarching principle governing purchasing that allows the best possible outcome to be achieved for the Shire of Gingin. It is important to note that compliance with the specification is more important than obtaining the lowest price, particularly taking into account user requirements, quality standards, sustainability, life cycle costing, and service benchmarks. An assessment of the best value for money outcome for any purchasing should consider: all relevant whole-of-life costs and benefits whole of life cycle costs (for goods) and whole of contract life costs (for services) including transaction costs associated with acquisition, delivery, distribution, as well as other costs such as but not limited to holding costs, consumables, deployment, maintenance and disposal. the technical merits of the goods or services being offered in terms of compliance with specifications, contractual terms and conditions and any relevant methods of assuring quality; financial viability and capacity to supply without risk of default. (Competency of the prospective suppliers in terms of managerial and technical capabilities and compliance history); a strong element of competition in the allocation of orders or the awarding of contracts. This is achieved by obtaining a sufficient number of competitive quotations wherever practicable. Where a higher priced conforming offer is recommended, there should be clear and demonstrable benefits over and above the lowest total priced, conforming offer. 85 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1.5 POLICY MANUAL SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT Sustainable Procurement is defined as the procurement of goods and services that have less environmental and social impacts than competing products and services. Shire of Gingin is committed to sustainable procurement and where appropriate shall endeavour to design quotations and tenders to provide an advantage to goods, services and/or processes that minimise environmental and negative social impacts. Sustainable considerations must be balanced against value for money outcomes in accordance with the Shire of Gingin‘s sustainability objectives. Practically, sustainable procurement means the Shire of Gingin shall attempt to identify and procure products and services that: Have been determined as necessary; Demonstrate environmental best practice in energy efficiency and/or consumption which can be demonstrated through suitable rating systems and eco-labelling, if possible. Demonstrate environmental best practice in water efficiency, if possible. Are environmentally sound in manufacture, use, and disposal with a specific preference for products made using the minimum amount of raw materials from a sustainable resource, that are free of toxic or polluting materials and that consume minimal energy during the production stage; Products that can be refurbished, reused, recycled or reclaimed may be given priority, and those that are designed for ease of recycling, remanufacture or otherwise to minimise waste. For new buildings and refurbishments – where available use renewable energy and technologies. 1.6 PURCHASING THRESHOLDS Where the value of procurement (excluding GST) for the value of the contract over the full contract period (including options to extend) is, or is expected to be: 86 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Amount of Purchase Model Policy Up to $10,000 Direct purchase from suppliers. $10,001 - $30,000 Obtain at least two verbal or written quotations. $30,001 - $50,000 Obtain at least two written quotations. $50,001 - $99,999 Obtain at least three written quotations containing price and specification of goods and services (with procurement decision based on all value for money considerations). Quotations will be placed in tender box and opened on a specified date. $100,000 and above Conduct a public tender process. Where it is considered beneficial, tenders may be called in lieu of seeking quotations for purchases under the $100,000 threshold (excluding GST). If a decision is made to seek public tenders for Contracts of less than $100,000, a Request for Tender process that entails all the procedures for tendering outlined in this policy must be followed in full. 1.6.1 Up to $10,000 Where the value of procurement of goods or services does not exceed $10,000, purchase on the basis of using professional discretion and occasionally undertake market testing with a greater number or more formal forms of quotation to ensure best value is maintained. This purchasing method is suitable where the purchase is relatively small and low risk. Record keeping requirements must be maintained in accordance with record keeping policies. 1.6.2 $10,001 to $30,000 This category is for the procurement of goods or services where the value of such procurement ranges between $10,001 and $30,000. At least two verbal or written quotations (or a combination of both) are required. Where this is not practical, e.g. due to limited suppliers, it must be noted through records relating to the process. The general principles for obtaining verbal quotations are: Ensure that the requirement / specification is clearly understood by the Shire of Gingin employee seeking the verbal quotations. Ensure that the requirement is clearly, accurately and consistently communicated to each of the suppliers being invited to quote. 87 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Read back the details to the Supplier contact person to confirm their accuracy. Written notes detailing each verbal quotation must be recorded. Record keeping requirements must be maintained in accordance with record keeping policies. 1.6.3 $30,001 to $50,000 For the procurement of goods or services where the value exceeds $30,001 but is less than $50,000, it is required to obtain at least two written quotes (commonly a sufficient number of quotes would be sought according to the type and nature of purchase). The responsible officer is expected to demonstrate due diligence seeking quotes and to comply with any record keeping and audit requirements. Record keeping requirements must be maintained in accordance with record keeping policies. NOTES: The general principles relating to written quotations are: An appropriately detailed specification should communicate requirement(s) in a clear, concise and logical fashion. The request for written quotation should include as a minimum: Written Specification Selection Criteria to be applied Price Schedule Conditions of responding Validity period of offer Invitations to quote should be issued simultaneously to ensure that all parties receive an equal opportunity to respond. Offer to all prospective suppliers at the same time any new information that is likely to change the requirements. Responses should be assessed for compliance, then against the selection criteria, and then value for money and all evaluations documented. Respondents should be advised in writing as soon as possible after the final determination is made and approved. The Western Australian Local Government Purchasing and Tender Guide produced by the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) should be consulted for further details and guidance. 88 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1.6.4 POLICY MANUAL $50,001 to $99,999 For the procurement of goods or services where the value exceeds $50,001 but is less than $99,999, it is required to obtain at least three written quotations containing price and a sufficient amount of information relating to the specification of goods and services being purchased. Record keeping requirements must be maintained in accordance with record keeping policies. For this procurement range, the selection should not be based on price alone, and it is strongly recommended to consider some of the qualitative factors such as quality, stock availability, accreditation, time for completion or delivery, warranty conditions, technology, maintenance requirements, organisation‘s capability, previous relevant experience and any other relevant factors as part of the assessment of the quote. When quotations are requested, a due date will be given to the various companies by which time the quotations must be received. All quotations will be unopened and placed in a tender box. After the specified date, the tenders will be opened together and price negotiations are able to take place, if required. 1.7 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 1.7.1 Tender Exemption In the following instances public tenders or quotation procedures are not required (regardless of the value of expenditure): An emergency situation as defined by the Local Government Act 1995 or where deemed an emergency by the CEO; The purchase is under a contract of WALGA (Preferred Supplier Arrangements), Department of Treasury and Finance (permitted Common Use Arrangements), Regional Council, or another Local Government; The purchase is under auction which has been authorised by Council; The contract is for petrol, oil, or other liquid or gas used for internal combustion engines; Any of the other exclusions under Regulation 11 of the Functions and General Regulations apply. 1.7.2 Sole Source of Supply (Monopoly Suppliers) The procurement of goods and/or services available from only one private sector source of supply, (i.e. manufacturer, supplier or agency) is permitted without the need to call competitive quotations provided that there must genuinely be only one source of supply. Every endeavour to find alternative sources must be made. Written confirmation of this must be kept on file for later audit. 89 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Note: The application of provision "sole source of supply" should only occur in limited cases and procurement experience indicates that generally more than one supplier is able to provide the requirements. 1.7.3 Anti-Avoidance The Shire of Gingin shall not enter two or more contracts of a similar nature for the purpose of splitting the value of the contracts to take the value of consideration below the level of $100,000, thereby avoiding the need to publicly tender. 1.7.4 Tender Criteria The Shire of Gingin shall, before tenders are publicly invited, determine in writing the criteria for deciding which tender should be accepted. The Chief Executive Officer shall establish an evaluation panel prior to the advertising of a tender and include a mix of skills and experience relevant to the nature of the purchase. For Requests with a total estimated (Ex GST) price of $100,000 and above, the panel must contain a minimum of 3 members. 1.7.5 Advertising Tenders Tenders are to be advertised in a state-wide publication e.g. The West Australian newspaper, Shire Tenders section, preferably on a Wednesday or Saturday. The tender must remain open for at least 14 days after the date the tender is advertised. Care must be taken to ensure that 14 full days are provided as a minimum. The notice must include: a brief description of the goods or services required; information as to where and how tenders may be submitted; the date and time after which tenders cannot be submitted; particulars identifying a person from who more detailed information as to tendering may be obtained; detailed information shall include: such information as the Shire of Gingin decides should be disclosed to those interested in submitting a tender; detailed specifications of the goods or services required; 90 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL the criteria for deciding which tender should be accepted; whether or not the Shire of Gingin has decided to submit a tender; and whether or not tenders can be submitted by facsimile or other electronic means, and if so, how tenders may so be submitted. 1.7.6 Issuing Tender Documentation Tenders will not be made available (counter, mail, internet, referral, or other means) without a robust process to ensure the recording of details of all parties who acquire the documentation. This is essential as if clarifications, addendums or further communication is required prior to the close of tenders, all potential tenderers must have equal access to this information in order for the Shire of Gingin not to compromise its Duty to be Fair. 1.7.7 Tender Deadline A tender that is not received in full in the required format by the advertised Tender Deadline shall be rejected. 1.7.8 Opening of Tenders No tenders are to be removed from the tender box, or opened (read or evaluated) prior to the Tender Deadline. Tenders are to be opened in the presence of the Chief Executive Officer‘s delegated nominee and preferably at least one other Shire Officer. The details of all tenders received and opened shall be recorded in the Tenders Register. Tenders are to be opened in accordance with the advertised time and place. There is no obligation to disclose or record tendered prices at the tender opening, and price information should be regarded as commercial-in-confidence to the Shire of Gingin. Members of the public are entitled to be present. The Tenderer‘s Offer form, Price Schedule and other appropriate pages from each tender shall be date stamped and initialled by at least two Shire Officers present at the opening of tenders. 1.7.9 No Tenders Received Where the Shire of Gingin has invited tenders, however no compliant submissions have been received, direct purchases can be arranged on the basis of the following: a sufficient number of quotations are obtained; the process follows the guidelines for seeking quotations between $40,000 – $99,999 (listed above); 91 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL the specification for goods and/or services remains unchanged; purchasing is arranged within 6 months of the closing date of the lapsed tender. 1.7.10 Tender Evaluation The tender evaluation panel shall assess each tender that has not been rejected to determine which tender is most advantageous. 1.7.11 Addendum to Tender If, after the tender has been publicly advertised, any changes, variations or adjustments to the tender document and/or the conditions of tender are required, the Shire of Gingin may vary the initial information by taking reasonable steps to give each person who has sought copies of the tender documents notice of the variation. 1.7.12 Minor Variation If after the tender has been publicly advertised and a successful tenderer has been chosen but before the Shire of Gingin and tenderer have entered into a Contract, a minor variation may be made by the Shire of Gingin. A minor variation will not alter the nature of the goods and/or services procured, nor will it materially alter the specification or structure provided for by the initial tender. 1.7.13 Notification of Outcome Each tenderer shall be notified of the outcome of the tender following Council resolution. Notification shall include: The name of the successful tenderer The total value of consideration of the winning offer The details and total value of consideration for the winning offer must also be entered into the Tenders Register at the conclusion of the tender process. 1.7.14 Records Management All records associated with the tender process or a direct purchase process must be recorded and retained. For a tender process this includes: Tender documentation; Internal documentation; Evaluation documentation; Enquiry and response documentation; Notification and award documentation. 92 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL For a direct purchasing process this includes: Quotation documentation; Internal documentation; Order forms and requisitions. Record retention shall be in accordance with the minimum requirements of the State Records Act, and the Shire of Gingin‘s internal records management policy. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 6 MARCH 2007 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 3.11 REVALUATION OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS The Shire of Gingin reverts to the "cost" basis for measuring of all non-current property, plant, equipment and infrastructure asset‘s, that was carried at a revalued amount at the immediately preceding reporting date by deeming the carrying amount of the non-current assets comprising the class to be their cost. This action complies with the requirements on first application of Accounting Standard AASB 1041 ―Revaluation of Non-Current Assets. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 17 SEPTEMBER 2002 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 3.12 TOURISM ALLOCATION FUNDING POLICY The following guidelines for distribution of Tourism Allocation Funding to tourism or community based organisations are to apply: (a) Fund Objectives Funds from the Shire of Gingin may be made available for the following purpose; To assist Tourist or Community Groups in establishing and implementing tourism initiatives within the Shire. These initiatives can include, but are not necessarily limited to, promotional campaigns, development of tourist related infrastructure and assistance with the operation of Tourist Information Centres within the Shire. (b) Application Procedure (i) (ii) (iii) Applications for funding from the Shire‘s Tourism Allocation Fund close at the Shire Office on 31 March each year, and are to be considered in August the following financial year, after the adoption of the Municipal Budget. All applications are to be submitted on the Grant Application Form provided and include all information requested by the Shire. Applicants are encouraged to discuss potential local law, town planning scheme and development policy implications with Shire staff when preparing their Grant submission. 93 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (iv) Application‘s should only be made when the applicant group is confident and can demonstrate that any additional monies required to complete the project will be available if a Council grant is approved. (c) Land/Site If the applicant body is seeking capital funding for a Tourism initiative, the project shall relate to crown reserve or land owned or vested in the Shire of Gingin. (d) (e) Limitations (i) Applicant groups, in applying for Tourism Allocation Funding (administration or capital) should provide supporting information in the form of a brief summary of their own financial position, including most recent audited financial statement, a budget for the project including all funding sources and a program of time over which planned expenditure will occur. (ii) Shire employees or equipment may be used in lieu of cash distribution and costs allocated against the relevant Tourism Allocation Fund. (iii) All capital works undertaken utilising the Tourism Allocation Funding shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Shire of Gingin. General Guidelines (i) Generally, Shire contributions will be limited to a maximum of 50% of the capital cost of any project. (ii) Shire contributions towards administration will be determined on merit and as a general rule will not be considered. (iii) Applications must be submitted not later than 31 March for consideration in the following financial year. (iv) Application‘s will be acknowledged by the Shire of Gingin. (v) Council reserves the right to consider and allocate funds without the right of appeal. (vi) Council reserves the right to request further information. (vii) All monies allocated must be spent and claimed by the 30 June in the financial year for which it was allocated, unless otherwise approved by Council. (viii) No capital project requiring funding shall commence without the written consent of the Shire. (ix) Money granted must be spent on the projects to which it is allocated. 94 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (x) No money will be allocated retrospectively. (xi) The Shire of Gingin reserves the right to inspect at any time works in progress for which a Tourism Allocation Funding grant has been approved. (xii) Applications will be considered at Council‘s sole discretion. (xiii) Council reserves the right to set aside all and/or any project for budget consideration. (xiv) All applications are to be submitted on the relevant forms provided by the Shire and should include all information requested to be provided. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 3 DECEMBER 2002 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 3.13 RATES WRITE-OFF FORMULA ON PROPERTIES WHERE A BUILDING HAS BEEN DEMOLISHED AND REBUILT ADOPTED: COUNCIL 4 NOVEMBER 2008 AMENDED: COUNCIL 16 DECEMBER 2008 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 REPEALED: COUNCIL 16 AUGUST 2011 3.14 LAND UNDER ROADS In Western Australia, all land under roads is Crown Land, the responsibility for managing which is vested in the Local Government. Effective as at 1 July 2008, Council elected not to recognise any value for land under roads acquired on or before 30 June 2008. This accords with the treatment available in Australian Accounting Standard AASB1051 - Land Under Roads and the fact Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(a)(i) prohibits Local Governments from recognising such land as an asset. In respect of land under roads acquired on or after 1 July 2008, as detailed above, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(a)(i) prohibits Local Governments from recognising such land as an asset. Whilst such treatment is inconsistent with the requirements of AASB 1051, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 4(2) provides, in the event of such an inconsistency, the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations prevail. Consequently, any land under roads acquired on or after 1 July 2008 is not included as an asset of the Council. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 2 JUNE 2009 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 95 SHIRE OF GINGIN 3.15 POLICY MANUAL PLAYGROUND POLICY – CONSOLIDATION OF COUNCIL’S EXISTING AND FUTURE PLAYGROUNDS The following Guidelines are to apply: Objective: The playground policy has been developed by the Shire of Gingin to help manage playgrounds and provide for current and future community needs in an equitable and sustainable manner; The Shire is focused on providing high quality, well maintained equipment that complies with current Australian Standards; To address the importance of accessibility and walkability to playgrounds, particularly within a local context; To promote safe use and enjoyment of public open space and amenities through appropriate siting and design; To provide clear guidance on the standards of provision, future direction and management for playgrounds; To recognise and respond appropriately to constraints on the Shire‘s resources (environmental, social and economic); and To ensure that the community‘s needs are addressed through community engagement. Scope: This policy applies to playgrounds within the Shire of Gingin with play equipment specifically designed for use by children between 3 and 12 years (inclusive). Policy: 1. Safety and Compliance Playgrounds are highly used and valued amenities which are predominantly provided for children. An annual allocation will be provided for in the Shire‘s Budget in order to undertake a regular maintenance/replacement schedule to ensure safe and high quality playgrounds are provided. All playground inspections are completed by accredited Playground Inspectors; If there are playgrounds that have equipment which does not comply with the Playground Standards, replacement will be scheduled within the ―Playground Plan‖ and, until that occurs, regular maintenance on the equipment will be undertaken; 96 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2. POLICY MANUAL Council‘s Ten (10) Year Playgrounds Development Plan will be the guiding document and will be reviewed annually to ensure that playgrounds comply with Australian Standards and are provided in accordance with the Shire‘s Playground Policy; The Shire will install fencing around playgrounds where, in the Shire‘s opinion, they are considered to be in an unsafe location for example, adjacent to major roads; Where appropriate and budget permitting, a limestone wall will be provided at the rate of one playground per year until all playgrounds are completed. Playground Consolidation When considering playground consolidation, the Western Australian Planning Commission‘s Liveable Neighbourhood Policy has been taken into regard. Liveable Neighbourhoods Element 4 – Public Parkland – Policy requirements stipulates: Most dwellings be located within 400m of a park: Larger district and neighbourhood parks located on edge of neighbourhood; At least one neighbourhood park per neighbourhood; All parks (public open space) landscaped to a minimum standard; and Some ovals can be shared with schools. A ―best fit‖ approach in regard to the above policy is necessary when considering playgrounds in rural areas. (neighbourhood = town/rural residential area) It is the intention of Council to provide the following: Rural Residential One playground/play area adjacent to community facilities (ie halls etc) generally located on suitable community land. Townsites A playground be provided within an approximate 400m walkable distance from a residence within a townsite where suitable community land is available. Where possible preference will be given in order to consolidate multiple playground facilities into a main playground area. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 20 SEPTEMBER 2011 97 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL RATES CONCESSION FOR SPLIT USE DIFFERENTIAL – UV GENERAL PROPERTIES 3.16 Council has adopted a concession for split use differentially rated rural properties where there is a mixed use of non-intensive and intensive use on that property and where less than 75% of the property is classified as ―Intensive Use‖ (as determined by Council). Upon application, Council has resolved to grant a concession based on the area of land used for non-intensive rural purposes. The rates concession is calculated by determining the percentage of the property used for intensive use purposes, the balance being non-intensive. The percentages so calculated will be applied against the relevant adopted ―Rate in the Dollar‖ to determine the total rates payable. If the total rates payable are less than the adopted UV-Rural Minimum rate, then the Minimum rate will be charged. This Policy will apply for rates levied from 1 July 2011 onwards, until repealed or rewritten. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 21 FEBRUARY 2012 POLICY 3.17 ASSET MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE To: provide a framework for the sustainable management of the Shire‘s asset portfolio; ensure that an organisation-wide and inclusive approach is taken to asset management; and ensure that adequate provision is made for the maintenance and replacement of assets in accordance with the assessed levels of service. POLICY Scope This Policy is intended to provide clear direction on the Shire‘s expectations for the sustainable management of its assets and applies to elected members, employees and contractors/consultants engaged by the Shire. Definitions The following definitions are relevant to this Policy and are in accordance with the Department of Local Government‘s Asset Management Framework and Guidelines document. 98 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL “Asset” A physical component of a facility which has value, enables a service to be provided and has an economic life of greater than 12 months. “Asset Class” Groupings of assets of similar nature and use in a local government‘s operations. Local Government asset classes include land, buildings, infrastructure, plant and equipment, information technology and other assets. “Asset Management” The combination of management, financial, economic, engineering and other practices applied to physical assets with the objective of providing the required level of service in the most cost effective manner. “Asset Management Plan” A plan developed for one or more assets that combines technical and financial management processes to provide a specified level of service. “Asset Management Strategy” One or more documents that outlines how the local government‘s asset portfolio will meet the service delivery needs of its communities into the future, enabling the local government‘s asset management policies to be achieved and ensuring that asset management is established as part of the local government‘s Integrated Plan. “Level of Service” The defined service quality for a particular activity (ie road maintenance) or service area (ie street lighting) against which service performance can be measured. Service levels usually relate to quality, quantity, reliability, responsiveness, environmental considerations, acceptability and cost. “Lifecycle Cost” The total cost of an asset throughout its life including costs for planning, design, construction, acquisition, operations, maintenance, rehabilitation and disposal. Policy Statement The Shire will ensure assets supporting the delivery of services to the community are managed responsibly and cost effectively over their lifecycle and take into consideration community expectations for levels of service (time, quality and value for money). This policy encourages an organisation-wide approach and commitment to achieving these policy goals. The policy is supported by accurate and current financial details of assets being included within the Long Term Financial Plan. The Shire‘s assets are physical items within the boundaries of the local government and under its control. They include but are not limited to the following asset classes: 99 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Transport – road and path networks (including car parks, bridges and street furniture); Property – land and buildings; and General Assets – parks, ovals and reserves, plant, furniture, equipment and tools. Asset Management Plans will be prepared for each major asset class before 30 June 2013 and will be reviewed and updated annually, or more frequently if required. An Asset Management Strategy will describe how this Policy will be applied within the Shire and outline the details to be included within Asset Management Plans. In order to implement this Policy, the Shire commits to the following principles: Systematic and appropriate asset management practices will be implemented, including a continuous improvement approach to asset management; Impacts on the Strategic Community Plan‘s social, economic, environmental and civic leadership objectives will be considered in asset management and asset operational processes; Asset Management Plans will be informed by community consultation, financial planning and workforce planning; Asset renewals included in adopted asset management plans and long term financial plans will be considered in forming the annual budget estimates; Service levels will be identified for all major asset classes in consultation with the community; Asset renewal plans will be prioritised based on level of service and ability of the current assets to provide the desired level of service; An asset inspection program will be developed to ensure agreed service levels are maintained and to ensure assets are managed, valued and depreciated in accordance with appropriate asset management practices and applicable Australian Accounting Standards; Lifecycle costs will be considered in decisions relating to new services and assets as well as upgrading of existing services and assets; Major assets will be regularly reviewed to assess their ongoing relevance and contribution to community need; Asset management roles, responsibilities and reporting frameworks will be defined; Assets may be rationalised where the level of service requirement falls to a sufficiently low level; and Training in asset and financial management will be offered for elected members and relevant staff. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance N/A WA Department of Local Government: Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework and Guidelines (Oct 2010) WA Department of Local Government: Asset Management Framework and Guidelines (May 2011) Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA): Asset Management for Small, Rural or Remote Communities Practice Note (2011) Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA): International Infrastructure Management Manual (2011) Strategic Community Plan Corporate Business Plan Long Term Financial Plan Asset Management Strategy (NPB7399) Asset Management Plans 100 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Version 1. Next Review Annual Office of the CEO Decision Reference 21/05/2013 – Item 11.1.1 May 2014 Synopsis Policy adopted POLICY 3.18 DISPOSITION OF ASSETS OBJECTIVE To clearly identify the process by which the Shire of Gingin will dispose of assets (other than land) with a value of less than $50,000 to ensure that such disposal takes place in a fair, equitable and consistent manner. POLICY This policy supports Delegation 2.14 Disposition of Assets Other Than Land. Any proposal to dispose of an asset as outlined in 1. below must be undertaken in accordance with Procedure 3.1 – Disposition Of Assets (Other Than Land) With A Value Not Exceeding $20,000. 1. Disposal of Council-owned assets (other than land) shall be carried out in accordance with the following schedule: Current Market Value of Property $0-$5,000 (exempt from the provisions of s3.58) $5,001-$20,000 (exempt from the provisions of s3.58) $20,001-$50,000 Method of Disposal Call for offers of purchase; Holding of a surplus goods sale at the Shire Depot; Donation to a local community group where asset has no commercial value; Sale to the highest bidder through an internal bidding process for staff and Councillors, whereby bids are sealed; Sale to the highest bidder at public auction; or Destruction of the property (recycle where possible). To the highest bidder at public auction; To the most acceptable tender, whether or not it is the highest tender, through a public tender process; or To an external party at market value. In accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995. 101 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL >$50,000 2. The proposal to dispose of property with a value of more than $50,000 must be submitted to Council for approval. Any proposal to dispose of Council-owned land must be submitted to Council for consideration. GOVERNANCE REFERENCES Statutory Compliance Industry Compliance Organisational Compliance Local Government Act 1995, s3.58 Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, reg 30 N/A Delegation 2.14: Disposition Of Assets (Other Than Land) With A Value Not Exceeding $20,000. Procedure 3.1: Disposition of Assets With a Value Not Exceeding $20,000 POLICY ADMINISTRATION Review Cycle Department Version 1. Biennial Office of the CEO Decision Reference 20/08/2013 – Item 11.1.2 Next Review 2015 Synopsis New Policy adopted. 102 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.0 LAW, ORDER & PUBLIC SAFETY 4.1 REWARDS - THEFT/VANDALISM The Shire of Gingin may pay a reward to any person giving any information leading to the direct apprehension and Court conviction of offenders against municipal property. Such reward will only be paid at the Shire‘s discretion if it adopts a report and recommendation submitted by the Chief Executive Officer for approval. Payment of such reward will not be paid to members of Council, persons employed by this Shire, members of the State and Federal Police Forces or persons otherwise illegally involved in the commission of any act of offence against municipal property. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 4.2 BUSH FIRE CONTROL The Shire of Gingin has established and will maintain a Bush Fire Organisation in accordance with the Bush Fires Act, 1954 (The Act), in order to provide adequate fire protection of those areas of the municipality within the Bush Fire District and to carry out an ongoing program of hazard reduction having due regard at all times for the preservation of the natural environment. (a) Bush Fire Advisory Committee The Shire of Gingin will form a Bush Fire Advisory Committee to advise on Council‘s Policies, on matters relating to bush fire prevention, control and extinguishment, as provided for by Section 67 of the Bush Fires Act, 1954. (i) The Shire of Gingin will appoint the number of Bush Fire Control Officers that it deems appropriate to effectively manage the bush fire control operations of the Shire, having due regard for the strategic location of each appointee in terms of the nominated fire service areas, and their various respective skills and/or experience. (ii) One third of the Officers will retire on 31 May of each year. (iii) An Officer will be appointed for a period of three years. (iv) Nomination‘s for appointments will be received by the Executive Manager Corporate Services of the Shire of Gingin during the month of May each year. (v) Nominations will be accepted by the Shire of Gingin, either in the form of a personal application, or an application signed by two nominators upon advice from Committee or Executive Committee. 103 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (vi) During the month of June the Annual General Meeting of the Bush Fire Advisory Committee will be held where the remaining two thirds of the Bush Fire Control Officers will elect the required number of personnel from the applications received and where the Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer or Officers will also be elected. The position of Chief Bush Fire Control Officer is an appointment of the Gingin Shire Council and therefore an election is not necessary. (vii) Should a vacancy occur during the year, the Committee may appoint a person to fill that vacancy for the remaining portion of that year. (viii) The non-attendance of any Bush Fire Control Officer from three consecutive ordinary meetings will disqualify the officer from the position, unless leave of absence has been obtained from the Committee. (b) (ix) A quorum shall consist of 50% of members of the Committee. (x) Minutes of the Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting will be presented to Council as soon as practical after each meeting. (xi) An Executive Bush Fire Advisory Committee will consist of Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer/s, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Manager Corporate Services and the Senior Ranger and will meet as required, for the purpose of consolidating information and researching questions raised at Bush Fire Advisory Committee meetings. Duties of a Bush Fire Control Officer A Bush Fire Control Officer (BFCO) is a person who has been approved by the Shire of Gingin and appointed by the Bush Fire Advisory Committee. The BFCO‘s appointment must be notified to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority for publication in the Government Gazette and in a newspaper circulated in the Shire. A BFCO has wide powers and is not liable for any damage, loss or injury caused as a result of the exercise of these powers, provided such actions are carried out in good faith. A BFCO is a voluntary worker who gives his/her time in furthering the aims of fire prevention and control within the Shire. The only reward is the satisfaction gained in performing a service of the greatest importance to the individual and community. BFCO duties may range quite considerably from time to time, but the following is an outline of the duties he/she is expected to carry out. 104 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (i) Attend Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meetings and participate in the formulation of Fire Control Policies. (ii) In company with the Shire Rangers, supervise and inspect the firebreaks that have been constructed by the various landowners in his/her locality and impress on these owners the necessity to meet and maintain the required standard. (iii) Issue Bush Fire Permits to various persons for the burning of bush and impress on these people the necessity to abide by the terms as set out on the permit. (iv) Prevent bush fires and protect life and property in the case of an outbreak of a bush fire. (v) (c) Demand the name and address of any person committing an offence against the Act and to report to a Shire Ranger. Any person refusing to provide his/her name to a Bush Fire Control Officer may be arrested without warrant. Perth/North Region District Officers Advisory Committee (DOAC) The Shire of Gingin shall be a member of the Perth/North Region District Officers Advisory Committee (DOAC) pursuant to the powers confirmed under section 68 of the Bush Fires Act, 1954. The Shire of Gingin shall nominate one delegate and one deputy each year to represent it on the DOAC. (d) Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades will be established and maintained in the various fire areas providing proper and adequate fire protection. (i) The Shire of Gingin will encourage members of the Volunteer Brigades to participate in training programs offered by the Shire and the Fire and Emergency Services Authority. (Refer to the Shire of Gingin‘s Bush Fire Training Policy Appendix ―A‖.) (ii) The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to approve and record applications for enrolments as Fire Fighting members, without reference to the Bush Fire Advisory Committee. (iii) The Shire of Gingin shall ensure that Bush Fire volunteers are provided with safe working equipment and the safest work systems practical and to minimise the frequency of accidents and injury. (Refer to the Shire of Gingin‘s Policy on Safety and Health relating to Volunteer Bush Fire Fighters - Appendix ―B‖.) (iv) Profiles of a Fire Fighter, Brigade Officer, Bush Fire Control Officer, Chief Bush Fire Control Officer. (Refer to the Shire of Gingin‘s Profiles of a Fire Fighter - Appendix ―C‖.) 105 SHIRE OF GINGIN (e) POLICY MANUAL Hazard Reduction Operations (i) All hazard reduction operations undertaken by a Bush Fire Brigade shall be authorised by the Shire, in accordance with Council Policy. (ii) When a fuel-reduction burn is undertaken by a private land owner with an appropriately issued fire permit and the fire escapes from that land, the costs incurred in fighting and extinguishing the fire shall be deemed non-recoverable in the event that all permit conditions have been complied with. (iii) When a fuel-reduction burn is undertaken by a private land owner with an appropriately issued fire permit and the fire escapes from that land, the costs incurred in fighting and extinguishing the fire shall be deemed recoverable in the event that it can be proven that permit conditions have not been complied with. (iv) In the event that a fuel-reduction burn is undertaken by a private landowner outside of the restricted period and the fire escapes from the land, cost recovery shall be at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer on the recommendation of the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, having regard for the time, place and circumstances which gave rise to the escape of the fire. (f) Administration (i) The Shire of Gingin shall enforce the requirements of the Bush Fires Act, 1954. (ii) The Bush Fire Advisory Committee shall be responsible for administering the provisions of the Act and the Shire of Gingin Bush Fire Policy. (iii) The Council hereby authorises the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Manager Corporate Services, Chief and Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers, Rangers, Works Supervisor and Assistant Works Supervisor, upon request from the Incident Controller of a Bush Fire, to: Call out or authorise the use of Shire vehicles, plant or equipment other than that normally used exclusively for fire fighting or control. Hire, use or authorise the hire or use of privately owned vehicles, plant or equipment. (iv) Infringement Notices Only persons authorised to do so by the Shire of Gingin may issue Infringement Notices for Offences under the Bush Fires Act, 1954 and that authority once given, shall remain in force until such time as it is revoked by the Shire of Gingin. 106 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (v) Withdrawal of Infringement Notices In accordance with the provisions of Section 59A(5) of the Bush Fires Act, 1954, Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Bush Fire Control Officer to withdraw Bush Fire Infringement Notices. (g) Firebreak Infringement Notices The Shire of Gingin will give notice by no later than the 30 September each year, to all owners or occupiers of land within its district, that firebreaks must be installed on or before the first day of November of each year. The Shire of Gingin will thereafter give no further notice of its firebreak requirements. After the first day of November, an Infringement Notice carrying a penalty as per Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act, 1954 may be served on owners or occupiers of land who have not complied with the Shire‘s firebreak requirements and compulsory firebreaks may be installed at the owner‘s or occupier‘s expense. (h) Fire Occurrence Statistics/Reports The Bush Fire Control Officer will submit fire reports on the forms provided by the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA), to the Shire Ranger, within forty-eight (48) hours of the fire occurrence. As soon as Fire Reports that appear to require attention or action are received, the contents of same are to be referred to the Shire Ranger for possible investigation. (i) Roadside Burning The Committee or Executive will approve of applications to carry out controlled burning on roadways under the Shire‘s control. Signs indicating ―Roadside Burning Ahead‖ are to be erected at both ends of the controlled burn. All roadside burns are to be the direct responsibility of the Bush Fire Brigade or Bush Fire Control Officer in the area. Approval to burn on the Brand Highway or the Perth/Lancelin Road is to be given only after consultation with Main Roads Western Australia, Western Australian Police Service and the Shire. (j) Prohibited and Restricted Burning Times Restricted Burning Periods The restricted burning periods within the Shire of Gingin are: 1 October to 21 November 1 March to 31 May 107 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Prohibited Burning Periods The prohibited burning periods within the Shire of Gingin are: 22 November to 28 or 29 February Variations to either prohibited or restricted burning times or conditions may be varied by the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and the Chief Executive Officer for a period of up to fourteen days at a time. Such variations are to be reported to Council and Bush Fire Control Officers. (k) (l) Response to Hazardous Material Spills/Fires (i) Hazardous material spills/fires will be attended by Fire and Emergency Service Authority volunteers. (ii) Bush Fire Brigades will assist FESA extinguish bush fires that are associated with the incident if it is safe to do so. (iii) Local government will provide resources in the recovery phase. Prosecutions and Fire Reports Bush Fire Control Officers may recommend prosecution where considered desirable when submitting Fire Reports, with the knowledge they will be called upon to give evidence. (m) Firebreaks Shire Rangers shall be authorised to approve or reject applications from landowners for reasonable extensions of time in which firebreaks are to be provided and to approve, or reject requests for approval to provide firebreaks in alternative positions. Fire Control Officers are to be consulted in this process. (n) Burning Off Sunday Burning: The lighting of bush or fires is not permitted on a Sunday at any time during the Restricted Burning period. Public Holidays: The lighting of fires to burn bush on a public holiday is permitted with the exceptions of Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday, under Section 15 (b) of the Bush Fires Act, 1954. Garden Refuse: A permit to burn must be obtained for the burning of any garden refuse during the Restricted Burning Period. Garden refuse is not to be burnt in the Prohibited Burning Period. 108 SHIRE OF GINGIN (o) POLICY MANUAL Vehicles The Shire of Gingin shall provide and maintain fire fighting appliances and equipment pursuant to the powers conferred under Section 36 of the Bush Fires Act, 1954. All Shire fire fighting appliances will be painted in accordance with FESA Policy. Maintenance and repair of all Shire-owned appliances and equipment will be the responsibility of the Shire in conjunction with local brigades. All replacement parts or equipment will be purchased on an official Shire Order form. The Brigade Captain will submit reports of damage to Shire appliances or equipment to the Shire‘s mechanic as soon as practicable after the damage has occurred. The driver of a Shire fire fighting appliance shall be responsible for bringing to the attention of the Brigade Captain and the Shire‘s mechanic any defects in the tyres, brakes or other components of that appliance, which in his/her opinion render the appliance un-roadworthy. The Brigade Captain will be responsible for: (i) Ensuring that the Brigade appliances are serviced and checked on an annual basis by the Shire Mechanic. (ii) Ensuring that the battery, tyres, water, oil, fuel extinguishers and connected hoses of the Shires fire fighting appliances are checked on a regular basis. Fire fighting appliances allocated to Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades will be stationed at the Brigade Headquarters or other locations nominated in writing by the Brigade and agreed to by the Bush Fire Advisory Executive Committee. No fire fighting appliance shall be removed from the Brigade Headquarters or other nominated location by any person without the Brigade Captain or another Officer of the Brigade being advised either verbally or in writing of the intended location of the appliance. The Brigade Captain will at all time keep the Bush Fire Advisory Executive Committee informed of any changes of the day-to-day location and operational status of the brigade‘s appliances. The driver of any Shire fire fighting appliances will hold a current driver‘s licence of the class appropriate for the appliance being driven and be either: (i) A Shire of Gingin employee; (ii) A registered member of the Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade; or 109 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (iii) (p) Any person authorised by the Committee or Bush Fire Control Officer to do so. The driver of a Shire fire fighting appliance shall at all times observe the provisions of the Road Traffic Code, in particular those applying to emergency vehicles. Fire fighting appliances shall be used for approved official purposes only as detailed in this policy. Where vehicles are to be identified by painting numerals on the bonnet, roof or other body panel, the number to be used shall be the last two numerals of that vehicle‘s registration plate on the side panels and SELCALL numbers on top panels. Equipment and Tools Each fire unit shall be supplied with such equipment and tools as deemed necessary by the Bush Fire Advisory Executive Committee. (q) Safety Clothing and Footwear The Shire will require fire fighters to wear protective clothing as recommended in all relevant standards and operating procedures. (r) (s) Communications An efficient two-way radio network will be established for fire fighting communications. Each Brigade unit will be fitted with Low Band radios and such radios as necessary to maintain contact between other units, the Incident Controller and FESA/DEC appliances. Insurance The Shire of Gingin will obtain and keep current a Policy of insurance for fire fighters and equipment as provided pursuant to Section 37 of the Bush Fires Act, 1954, and such Policies shall be reviewed annually and will cover personnel, equipment and vehicles whilst engaged on emergency duties such as fire fighting or prevention, training exercises or other activities duly authorised by the Committee. (t) Subdivisions A recommendation for approval for all subdivisions within the Shire of Gingin will be that all subdividers will contribute either funds towards the provision of fire fighting equipment, fire fighting plant, an adequate water supply or a combination of each. Money obtained from this procedure will be placed in a trust fund and managed by Shire of Gingin administration. A copy of all Subdivision Fire Management Plans should be referred to the Bush Fire Advisory Committee for comment and approval. 110 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL APPENDIX A SHIRE OF GINGIN - BUSH FIRE TRAINING POLICY 1. Training and the Bush Fire Organisation The Shire of Gingin recognises that volunteer bush fire fighters must be properly trained to perform their tasks in a safe and efficient manner. Responsibilities differ at various levels in the fire organisation and accordingly, the level of skills required to perform related tasks varies also. The Shire of Gingin recognises that a basic level of skills is required for all members of the organisation. To ensure that bush fire volunteers are adequately skilled to fulfil these roles, the Shire of Gingin adopts a Training Policy and supports its Brigade Officers in the implementation of same. The Shire of Gingin accepts that Basic Training for fire fighters is the foundation for future training. Basic training ensures that fire fighters are trained to work in a safe and effective manner and as such, is a pre-requisite for later attendance at Fire and Emergency Services (FESA) Certificate Courses. 2. Training Fire Fighters It is the Shire of Gingin‘s Policy that: a. A training Officer or Officers be appointed to oversee the Shire of Gingin fire fighters; or That Bush Fire Brigades appoint an Officer or member of their Brigade as the Brigade Training Officer. It will be the responsibility of these Officers to ensure that all fire fighters are trained in basic fire fighting procedures and in the efficient and safe operation of the Brigade‘s equipment. b. The Shire of Gingin will encourage members of Brigades to participate in the training programs offered by FESA. c. Appointed Training Officers will undertake a Certificate IV in Training and Workplace Assessment course with FESA and will adopt and practise the procedures and standards recommended by FESA. d. All Training Officers appointed by the Shire of Gingin and/or Brigades will be required to present training to fire fighters throughout the Shire. e. Safety of Personnel - the person in charge of training shall at all times keep the safety of those personnel under his/her direction as a primary consideration. 111 SHIRE OF GINGIN f. 3. POLICY MANUAL Council will ensure that appropriate insurance policies/extensions are held to cover volunteers whilst training. New and Serving Brigade Members - Training Standards a. Trainees (New Members) (i) Persons joining a Brigade are classified as Trainee Members. (ii) A Trainee is a member of a volunteer Bush Fire Brigade who has not completed a probationary period (three months), or the Basic Training Course. (iii) Trainees should not be engaged in physical fire fighting duties at the fire face and wild fire situations until they have qualified as fire fighters. (iv) A qualified fire fighter is a volunteer Bush Fire Brigade member who has completed the requisite fire course, their probationary period, and is a minimum of fifteen years of age. b. Serving Members It is the Shire of Gingin‘s Policy that: (i) Serving Brigade members who have not already undertaken formal training courses must satisfy their Brigade Training Officer that they have a level of knowledge and skills at least equal to the Basic Training level. (ii) Brigade members/Officers likely to be promoted within a Brigade should be encouraged to attend accredited courses conducted by FESA. (iii) That promotion within the Brigade should be based on experience and accredited training. (iv) The Shire of Gingin will require its Fire Officers to be trained to a level consistent with rank and role within the bush fire organisation. c. Bush Fire Training Committee It is the Shire of Gingin‘s Policy that: (i) The Shire of Gingin establish a Bush Fire Training Committee consisting of the Brigade‘s Training Officer, together with the Brigade Captain and the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer or Deputy, to advise the Bush Fire Advisory Committee/Council on matters pertinent to the safety and training of volunteer bush fire fighters. 112 SHIRE OF GINGIN d. POLICY MANUAL FESA Training Courses FESA assists the Shire of Gingin by providing a variety of training courses with defined pre-requisites which address specific skills and knowledge required by the various levels of Brigade members. These courses offer an accredited level of training which recognises a career structure and development program for the volunteer fire fighter. It is the Shire of Gingin‘s Policy that: (i) This system of formal training is adopted for its bush fire organisation. (ii) The Shire of Gingin will require FESA Training Courses accreditation as a pre-requisite for the appointment of Fire Control Officer, Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and Chief Bush Fire Control Officer levels. APPENDIX B POLICY ON SAFETY AND HEALTH RELATING TO VOLUNTEER BUSH FIRE FIGHTERS The Shire of Gingin recognises the extremely valuable contribution to the community made by the Bush Fire Volunteers. It is the Policy of the Shire of Gingin to ensure that Bush Fire Volunteers are provided with safe working equipment and the safest work systems practical and to minimise the frequency of accidents and injury. The Shire of Gingin recognises that both the Shire and Bush Fire Volunteers have a responsibility for safety and health. 1. Shire of Gingin Responsibilities All practical efforts will be made to: a. Instruct Bush Fire Volunteers in the use of safe working equipment. b. Ensure provision of safe working equipment. c. Encourage the provision and utilisation of a high standard of protective clothing and equipment appropriate to the task. d. Ensure provision of adequate first aid facilities. e. Investigate any accidents and possible safety and health risks and take appropriate action. f. Provide a mechanism for joint Shire/FESA/Volunteer consultation. g. Review the effectiveness of Bush Fire Volunteer training, safety and health policies as required. 113 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2. POLICY MANUAL Volunteer Responsibilities a. To maintain a reasonable standard of fitness. b. To ask senior Officers about safe working procedures. c. To identify safety and health hazards and to report these to senior officers. d. To observe safe working practices and avoid unnecessary risk. e. To understand that each volunteer has a responsibility for their own safety and the need to follow safe working procedures. f. To ensure that the correct standard of dress is worn and to make proper use of personal protective equipment whenever necessary and when required to do so. The Shire of Gingin acknowledges that the occupational risks inherent in fire fighting and other emergency duties undertaken by Shire Fire Volunteers are significant and the probability of serious injury is high. Strict adherence to safety guidelines and procedures in these circumstances is not always possible. However, it is the intention of the Shire of Gingin to develop and implement safety and training policies to minimise the occurrence of injury to Bush Fire Volunteers, both on the fire ground and in the performance of all other duties. APPENDIX C PROFILE OF A FIRE FIGHTER 1. At all times, Brigade members engaged in training, fire suppression, hazard reduction or any authorised activity must be in accordance with the Brigade‘s constitution/objectives and Local Authority Policy. 2. Brigade members have a responsibility in the manner they present, conduct or represent themselves or their Local Authority, not only to themselves but to their fellow members, their families and members‘ families. 3. All Brigade members have a duty of care to their fellow members to ensure that they are in good health and physically fit to carry out the task allocated to them so that their actions will not jeopardise the safety of fellow members. 4. They will endeavour to promote the Brigade‘s objectives and to participate in fuel reduction and training programs to the desired level within the Brigade and in accordance with their role in the Brigade. 5. Brigade members should set an example to their community by their dedication to fire protection. Their home/land should be an example to the community and the fire station should be an extension of their home. 114 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 6. The Bush Fire Brigade member has a valuable contribution to make to the Brigade and community and thus has a commitment/responsibility to Local and District fire protection. 7. All Brigade members must acquaint themselves with the Shire of Gingin‘s Bush Fire By-Laws, Policy and Fire Protection Plans. PROFILE OF BUSH FIRE BRIGADE OFFICERS The Captain 1. Is in charge of all fire fighters and members of the Brigade. 2. Is responsible for the safety and well being of all personnel under the Captain‘s control at any time when involved in any activities whilst representing the Brigade and the Local Authority. 3. Has a responsibility to ensure the standard of equipment is maintained at a high level of proficiency and in a safe manner. 4. Is responsible for the coordination of Brigade resources in fire-related matters. 5. Shall be seen as a leader with demonstrated skills and with the capability to delegate tasks to ensure the proper running and maintenance of the Brigade and its objectives. 6. Is required to have an intimate knowledge of the Brigade‘s area of responsibility, including high risk areas, firebreaks, access, water supplies and major landowners and land vestings. 7. Is required to have a knowledge of the special abilities of Brigade members and to be able to coordinate these skills and abilities to the benefit of the Brigade and its members. 8. Shall have a demonstrated ability to liaise with adjoining Brigades and to operate the Brigade under the direction of a Fire Control Officer to ensure best use of the Brigade and its resources. 9. Is required to assume the duties and responsibilities of a Fire Control Officer in the absence of the Fire Control Officer. 10. Is responsible for adequate training of members as per Council‘s Training Policy. Lieutenants 1. Are responsible for the crew and fire equipment in their charge. 2. Will assume the duties and responsibilities of the Captain in order of seniority in the Captain‘s absence. 115 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 3. Are required to carry out any instruction given directly by the Captain, or in the Captain‘s absence, the Fire Control Officer. 4. Are required to ensure that the crew present themselves in a safe manner and act in a safe manner so as not to endanger members of the crew. PROFILE OF A BUSH FIRE CONTROL OFFICER Duties The main duties of a Bush Fire Control Officer relate to fire prevention. The Fire Control Officer is the Officer through whom Local Government works to control the use of fire appliances, certain machinery and operations at the times of the year when there is a high probability of bush fires. The Bush Fire Control Officer can impose limitations, conditions and restrictions on these activities by issuing permits, requisitions or through verbal communication. In all cases, the Fire Control Officer works in close contact with the public, frequently in an enforcement role. At other times, the Fire Control Officer imposes conditions on activities that may become more onerous to carry out. The Fire Control Officer also has an advisory function on general fire safety. In carrying out their duties, Fire Control Officers have the power of entry onto land or into buildings, an activity that may be construed by some as an invasion of privacy. In fire suppression, the duties of a Fire Control Officer involve the direction of volunteers and brigades. The Fire Control Officer is responsible for tactical decisions that would involve life and property and has wide powers when involved in fire fighting. In all duties, Officers are subject to Shire of Gingin direction, control and possible limitation of powers conferred by the Bush Fires Act, 1954. Experience and Temperament Bush Fire Control Officers must have experience in dealing with the public, as they are in charge of situations and issues which may become contentious. To maintain their position, they must have a good working knowledge of Bush Fire legislation and the fundamentals of bush fire prevention work and fire behaviour. Fire Control Officers must have an even temperament, as they may be called to deal with provocative situations. However, at the same time they must have sufficient strength of character to maintain their ground. In fire suppression, a working knowledge of legislation as it relates to powers of Bush Fire Control Officers is essential, as is a knowledge of fire suppression techniques, preferably gained by experience from the grassroots upwards. 116 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Officers must be trusted and respected by Brigade personnel if they are to be their leaders. They must command obedience and respect and must be capable of positive action. They must have a clear understanding of their role and their relationship to the Shire of Gingin, i.e., they are required to carry out fire protection work as the Shire of Gingin directs. In looking for a Fire Control Officer, you would look for: a. A person of integrity. b. A reasonable educational background. c. Steady and reliable character. d. A person willing to take as well as give orders. e. A high sense of responsibility. f. Relevant fire experience. Persons selected to be Fire Control Officers must be physically fit, particularly if there is to be an accent on fire suppression. PROFILE OF A CHIEF BUSH FIRE CONTROL OFFICER Duties The Chief Bush Fire Control Officer (CBFCO) is the most senior Fire Control Officer appointed by a Municipality. The CBFCO has all the powers and responsibilities conferred on Bush Fire Control Officers by the Bush Fires Act, 1954 and Regulations. The CBFCO is a source of appeal where the issue of a permit has been refused. As the most senior member of a Local Authority bush fire organisation, the CBFCO may take overall charge of fire fighting in the Municipality. The CBFCO is expected to assume the role of leader, guide and mentor to more inexperienced Bush Fire Control Officers and the bush fire organisation in his/her area. The CBFCO provides coordination between the various parts of the organisation, as well as between Municipalities and other fire suppression agencies. Experience and Skills The qualifications relevant to Bush Fire Control Officers apply equally to the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer. As the Senior Officer, leadership skills must be recognised and accepted by his/her peers, and their respect must be commanded. In effect, the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer is the Manager of the local bush fire organisation and, as such, must have considerable managerial skills and a wide knowledge of the fire organisation in the Municipality. 117 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Relationship with the Authority The Chief Bush Fire Control Officer must enjoy the confidence of his/her Local Authority and have adequate authority (or access to it) to use Shire resources and/or funds when fires may warrant such action. While the choice of Bush Fire Control Officers can be influenced to a large degree by Brigades and volunteers, the choice of Chief Fire Control Officer is an important decision which properly lies with Council. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2006 AMENDED: COUNCIL 19 JUNE 2007 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 4.3 CONTRIBUTION TO LEGAL FEES - VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS 4.3.1 That the Shire President and Chief Executive Officer be granted Delegated Authority to approve expenditure to a maximum of $2,500.00 per volunteer fire fighter, to assist all volunteers to engage legal representation, if required, during the conduct of any Police investigation into matters arising from fire fighting within the Shire of Gingin. 4.3.2 To limit the offer of financial support until any official findings are forthcoming from any Police investigation, and further financial support be subject to individual Council resolution, if necessary. 4.3.3 State, for the public record, the basis for this decision as being primarily support for the members of all Volunteer Fire Brigades whilst engaged in the fighting of fires. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MARCH 2003 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 4.4 TRADING ACTIVITIES WITHIN LANCELIN FORESHORE RESERVES 1.0 Policy Area This Policy applies to Lancelin Foreshore Reserves. 2.0 Policy Objectives This policy will: Maximise safety for beach users; Ensure only approved traders are permitted to operate from the Shire of Gingin‘s Lancelin foreshore reserves; Minimise disruption to beach users; Provide a guideline for the processing of trading applications; and Minimise conflict between different traders. 118 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 3.0 Policy Statement 3.1 General Standards 3.1.1 Licence conditions for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kite-surfing Trading Activities. Approval of the Trading Permit is to be reviewed on an annual basis. The operator is required to hold Public Liability Insurance coverage of a minimum of $10 million. A Certificate of Currency shall be deposited with the Shire at the time of payment of the annual fee. The Insurer must be registered with Australian Prudential Registration Authority (APRA), or as approved by the Shire of Gingin. Surfing Coaches must possess relevant Coaching Certificates as required by Surfing Australia or international equivalent. Windsurfing Coaches must possess relevant Coaching Certificates as required by the Australian Yachting Association or international equivalent. Kite-surfing Coaches must possess relevant Coaching Certificates as required by the Australian Kiting Association or international equivalent. A Permit holder must possess all necessary safety training as required by the governing body of the relevant activity. Where a trading business is not covered by a relevant governing body, the applicant must obtain a Senior First Aid Certificate inclusive of current CPR qualifications, which shall remain current throughout the operation of the venture, if so directed by the Local Government. The operation must not in any way obstruct either vehicular or pedestrian traffic along the Foreshore Reserve where public access is permitted. The vehicles, trailers and all associated equipment are to be removed from the Reserve daily and stored off site. The Trader shall comply with, but not be limited to, the provisions of the Shire‘s Local Laws relating to Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law (2004). At no point shall the business encroach into any sun-sheltered areas provided for the general public. The Shire of Gingin accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or otherwise, which may occur as a consequence of this approval. 119 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 3.1.2 Signage, if any, shall comply with the Shire of Gingin Local Law relating to signs. The Permit provides no exclusive rights to any area of the Foreshore Reserve. If, in the opinion of the Local Government, the Permit holder does not utilise, or substantially utilise, the Permit issued, the Local Government reserves the right to revoke the Permit at any time or to refuse renewal. Surfing Instructor to student ratio to be no more than 1:8 in the water. Kite-surfing Instructor to student ratio to be no more than 1:2 for Level One instructors and 1:4 for Level Two instructors in the water. Windsurfing Instructor to student ratio to be no more than 1:6 in the water. During the months of November to April, the total number of students allowed for each Coaching Permit is 32 for Surfing, 18 for Windsurfing and 12 for Kite-surfing. The Permit holder is to provide all necessary first aid and rescue equipment as required by the governing body of the relevant activity. Sub-letting of Trading Permit is not allowed. Transferring of Permits shall comply with Part 7.8 of the Shire of Gingin‘s Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law (2004). Operations are not to be conducted within 50m either side of the Lancelin Back Beach Pedestrian access. A Permit holder is to produce to an authorised person, his or her permit, immediately upon being required to do so by that authorised person. Fees and Charges. Fees and charges for Trading Permits shall be as approved in the Shire of Gingin Municipal Budget for each financial year. 3.1.3 Criteria All applicants for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kite-surfing Coaching operations shall be required to prepare a Management Plan addressing the following criteria: 120 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 3.1.4 Previous coaching experience; Safety of students; Safety of Public; Compliance with relevant Shire of Gingin Local Laws and Policies; and Sound customer service and public relations skills. Number and Type of Permits relating to Surfing, Windsurfing and Kite-surfing Permits for Surfing, Windsurfing and Kite-surfing Coaching and Hire operations may be approved by the Chief Executive Officer in consultation with Ward Councillors as follows: Precinct 1 Nil Precinct 2 2 x Kite-surfing Permits Precinct 3 Nil Precinct 4 Nil Precinct 5 Nil Precinct 6 2 x Windsurfing Permits Precinct 7 Nil Precinct 8 3 x Surfing Permits 3.1.5 Trading Permits for other beach related activities may be approved by the Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Ward Councillors. 3.1.6 In respect to permits issued under this Policy, an Advice Note shall be incorporated in the Permit confirming that there may be conditions imposed under other prevailing State Legislation for which the permit holder shall have proper regard. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 6 DECEMBER 2005 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 121 SHIRE OF GINGIN 4.5 POLICY MANUAL HANDOVER POLICY FOR NON SPORTING USE OF FOOTBALL/CRICKET RECREATION OVER That a handover be conducted at the conclusion of any event in which a Recreation Oval or Sporting Ground has been used for a non-sporting purpose, in order to determine the condition of the Grounds and as to whether, or not, the responsible party is to repair any damages. A Council, Gingin Recreation Group and responsible party representative must be present at any such handover. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 1 JUNE 2010 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 122 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 5.0 HEALTH 5.1 RUBBISH SERVICES TO CLUB PREMISES Local clubs which lease or are licensed to use and occupy premises on Shire land will be required to meet the cost of a rubbish removal service provided by the Shire or its contractors over and above one 240 litre mobile garbage bin, which will be initially supplied by the Shire and serviced. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 123 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 6.0 TOWN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 6.1 ACCEPTANCE OF MANAGEMENT FORESHORE RESERVES ORDERS BY THE SHIRE OVER Management responsibility for reserves created under S.152 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 as a consequence of subdivision will only be accepted by the Shire if the reserve: (a) Is accessible by an already constructed road that, in due course, will be linked into the existing local road network; or (b) As a consequence of subdivision is provided with a road by the developer that is linked into the existing local road network; or (c) Is located within the boundaries of a gazetted townsite; or (d) Will provide a beneficial extension to an area of land already owned or managed by the Shire of Gingin. Note: Notwithstanding any other Policy provision, where, in the public interest, the protection of the foreshore is deemed appropriate the Council may, at its discretion, accept a foreshore reservation. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 FEBRUARY 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 6.2 LAND CLEARING – MANNER FOR DEALING WITH APPLICATIONS TO CLEAR 1.0 Policy Area This Policy relates to all ―Rural‖ zoned land within the Shire of Gingin. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide definitive parameters to assist Shire staff in responding to the Department of Environment and Conservation in relation to Applications to Clear Native Vegetation, without the requirement for all such applications to be referred to Council. 3.0 Policy Provisions 1. In order to satisfy the purposes of this policy, the following general protocols shall prevail: (a) Where a referral is received from the Department of Environment and Conservation in respect to a land clearing proposal and such land clearing is to facilitate a land use which is ―as of right‖ under the provisions of Town Planning Scheme No. 8, the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to respond to such application raising no objection. 124 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (b) Where a referral is received from the Department of Environment and Conservation in respect to a land clearing proposal which is intended to accommodate a land use which can be approved under delegated authority, the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to respond to the clearing application, but only to the extent that the clearing application is necessary to accommodate a development the subject of an application for Planning Consent. (c) Where a referral is received from the Department of Environment and Conservation in respect to a land clearing proposal which is to accommodate a land use for which the Shire has retained the right to approve or refuse, such application for clearing shall be considered simultaneously with the application for Planning Consent with Council‘s position in respect to such clearing being determined by virtue of its support or otherwise for the proposed discretionary land use. 2. Where a referral is received from the Department of Environment and Conservation in respect to land clearing which relates to an unapproved land use, the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to advise that the application for land clearing is premature in the absence of such a land use approval. 3. In the event that an application for Planning Consent necessitates the clearing of land and the land in question has, in the opinion of staff, significant live standing vegetation which may be worthy of preservation, the Chief Executive Officer will, prior to exercising his authority, liaise with the Shire President and relevant Ward Councillor (s) to secure a political perspective in respect to the proposal. 4. In the event that the political perspective suggests that the vegetation in question is worthy of preservation, regardless of whether the proposed land use is otherwise permitted, the application for Planning Consent and/or the application for clearing shall be referred to Council for a formal decision. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 7 DECEMBER 2004 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 125 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 7.0 ENGINEERING 7.1 CROSSOVER SUBSIDY 7.1.1 Gross Rental Value (GRV) Rated Properties Half the cost of a standard three metre wide vehicle crossing, placed from road pavement to the front boundary alignment of a private property will be met by the Shire of Gingin up to a maximum of $250.00 on a dollar for dollar basis, provided that it is the first constructed on that lot and application is made within four years of the completion of a dwelling or commercial premises on a vacant lot. The remaining cost is payable by the landowner. This contribution is made on the condition that it is the first such crossover constructed to service any subdivided townsite lot, or group of contiguously rated townsite lots, and that the crossover is not related to a subdivision or planning development application, in which case the property owner/developer is responsible for all construction costs associated with the crossover. 7.1.2 Rural or Unimproved Value (UV) Rated Properties Half the cost of a standard three metre wide vehicle crossing, placed from road pavement to the front boundary alignment of a private property will be met by the Shire of Gingin up to a maximum of $250.00 on a dollar for dollar basis. This contribution is made on the condition that it is the first such crossover constructed to service any subdivided rural lot, or group of contiguously rated rural lots, and that the crossover is not related to a subdivision or planning development application, in which case the property owner/developer is responsible for all construction costs associated with the crossover. With respect to Policy 7.1.2, no payment shall be made retrospectively. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 1 OCTOBER 2002 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 7.2 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT All playground equipment purchased by the Shire of Gingin, donated or supplied on a joint venture basis and constructed on Shire owned or controlled land, shall be according to the Australian Standards Association Playground Equipment for Parks, Schools and Domestic Use. The Chief Executive Officer may order the immediate removal of any item of equipment that is non conforming and/or dangerous, and shall have the authority to remove any item of play equipment and have it placed in the Shire‘s Depot if the order for its removal is disregarded. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 126 SHIRE OF GINGIN 7.3 POLICY MANUAL REMOVAL OF FLORA, FIREWOOD ETC. The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for the approval or rejection of all requests received for the removal of mature flowers, cuttings, seeds, plants, firewood from dead trees or those that are programmed for removal on Shire owned or managed land. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 7.4 ROAD VERGE DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA – URBAN AREAS The Shire of Gingin‘s policy is to encourage and support the development of road verges in urban areas, either maintained grass style or dry garden style or a mixture of both. The preferred style is the fully grassed option with irrigation and up to two trees/20m of frontage. Any irrigation system is to be installed and operated to avoid nuisance to the public. All pipes are to be installed at a minimum depth of 400mm and pop-up type sprinkler equipment is preferred. The trees shall not be planted on the 3.5 m offset so as to avoid electrical power lines and all other services. No trees are to be planted within 15m of street corners or within 7m of crossovers. Subject to keeping the verge clear for the first 2.5m width from kerb or seal a dry garden style of small vegetation, shrubs and ground covers may be established, however, no large rocks or non frangible items can be placed on the road reserve. Weed control using plastic sheeting with aggregate, tan bark, pine chips, pea gravel overlay is acceptable. Any improvements placed or constructed on the verge is placed there at the risk of the property owner. The Shire will endeavour to preserve the layout, but no guarantee can be given. No assistance can be given by the Shire of Gingin for development, ongoing operation or maintenance costs. The levels of new verge areas shall be compatible with properties on either side and shall slope toward the kerb at a 1 in 40 grade approximately or the property line level should be 150mm above the top of the kerb. Where the Shire has designated one side of the road for a future footpath or dual use path levels are to be provided by Shire staff. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 127 SHIRE OF GINGIN 7.5 POLICY MANUAL EXPLORATION DRILLING ON SHIRE ROADS AND RESERVES It is Council‘s policy that the following conditions be imposed on all licenses to carry out exploration drilling on Shire roads and reserves. (a) The applicant is required to indemnify the Shire at all times against liability arising from the work. (b) The applicant shall provide the Shire with a plan showing the site number and location of proposed drill holes with the completed application form. (c) Application fees to be paid for a licence by applicants for exploration or investigation for minerals, water and other purposes in the road reserve shall be as follows, per drill hole or seismic hole. 1 to 5 holes (inclusive) 6 to 10 holes (inclusive) 10 to 30 holes (inclusive) 31 to 100 holes (inclusive) 101 holes and over License Fee of $200.00 License Fee of $300.00 License Fee of $600.00 License Fee of $1,100.00 License Fee of $1,500.00 (d) Where an applicant is a company actively mining or drilling in the district and holds a mineral lease which attracts Shire rates, a discount of 20% will apply to the license fee payable. (e) A refundable deposit, being the same amount as the license fee, is payable. No discount will apply to the deposit. The fee shall be payable for each discrete program applied for. The bonds shall be refunded, subject to an inspection and acceptance by the Shire of Gingin of the site conditions following the investigation. (f) The applicant is required to meet the cost of any damage to any Shire or private property. (g) All holes, trenches and other excavations are to be back-filled with dry soils and compacted in such a way as to prevent future subsidence. All excess spoil to be removed where requested. Capping an uncased hole is not permitted. (h) Excavation and bores are to be located a minimum distance of 2 metres from any bitumen road, drain, fence or driveway. (i) Where plant is working such that a traffic hazard exists, signs and lights are to be used in accordance with the Road Traffic Act. (j) The applicant is to be covered by a Public Risk policy (minimum $5 million) and appropriate Worker‘s Compensation and general policies, as the Shire will not be liable for any costs arising from the operation. (k) The applicant is responsible for ascertaining the position of all public services including underground services and avoiding damage to them. 128 SHIRE OF GINGIN (l) POLICY MANUAL Polluted discharges occurring from the work site are to be trapped and only clean waters will be accepted to the public drainage system. (m) Large volume discharges are to be dispersed slowly to avoid erosion and scours to land and drain surfaces. (n) The applicant is required to inform the Chief Executive Officer of significant materials encountered, e.g. Laterite Gravel, Limestone, Granite, Water etc. (o) Three (3) days notice is to be given prior to commencement and the applicant is to provide a timed schedule of works. (p) The drilling company shall provide suitable plan/map showing the location of the holes to be drilled prior to the issue of the letter of approval. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 7.6 ROAD TRANSPORT HEAVY VEHICLE COMBINATIONS The legislation covering movement of heavy vehicle combinations is quite complex. Permits are issued by the Commissioner for Main Roads, not by Local Authorities. These permits relate to vehicles that are larger than semi-trailers and truck/trailer combinations up to three axle truck/two axle trailer that are licensed and may use any public road ―as of right‖. Therefore, permits are necessary for larger vehicle combinations, such as three and four axle truck/three and four axle trailer, B Doubles, long vehicles and road trains, commonly known as ―Extra Mass Vehicles‖, conforming to Main Roads Western Australia specifications. Main Roads Western Australia issues permits relating to the Brand Highway and the Perth/Lancelin Road, and for the roads which make up the Shire‘s approved east/west routes, without reference to the Shire. In most cases it will not issue permits relating to other roads unless the applications are agreed to by the Shire. (a) Permit Applications Extra Mass Vehicles will only be permitted to operate on the Shire‘s designated heavy haulage routes, however: (i) These combinations can be used on all local roads to deliver to and collect from bona fide primary producers within the Shire of Gingin. (ii) Approval may be considered to use these combinations on local roads within the Shire for delivery to destinations outside of the Municipality. (iii) No permits will be issued for the operation of Extra Mass Vehicles on streets within the Lancelin townsite, with the exception of a Special Permit issued to Dala Transport for the use of Extra Mass Vehicles to cart lime sand from Mining Tenement Number M70/54 (Commercial Minerals Limited) through the Lancelin townsite, subject to the following conditions: 129 SHIRE OF GINGIN (b) POLICY MANUAL Extra Mass Vehicles are not to use Gingin Road, but are to be restricted to a route consisting of Bootoo Street, Cockram Street, Collins Way, Kendall Road and Walker Avenue. Vehicle movements through the townsite are to be restricted to between the hours of 0600 and 1800. The following conditions are to be applied to Extra Mass Vehicles operating on roads within the Shire of Gingin: (i) Through roads designated by the Shire of Gingin must be used as such by permit holders. Unofficial short cuts will not be condoned. All permit vehicles operating within the Shire of Gingin shall not exceed 80kph. (iii) Permit operators must maintain a close liaison with the Shire of Gingin, specifically in relation to prevailing weather conditions and adverse road conditions, which may occur. If operators fail to comply and damage a road, the Shire will seek restitution to repair the road. (iv) Any permit holder who fails to comply with these conditions may have their permit withdrawn, such withdrawal to affect all Local Government Authority permits. No reinstatement will be contemplated unless the complaining Local Government Authority is satisfied that the permit holder will adhere to the conditions. (c) Extra Mass Vehicles (Pocket road train configuration) with appropriate permits may not operate on school bus routes between the hours of 0700 and 0830 and 1500 and 1630. (d) Pocket Road Trains Where Pocket road train configurations are utilised on an infrequent basis to deliver to or collect from bona fide primary producers within the Shire of Gingin, the Chief Executive Officer can provide approval or otherwise upon receipt of a formal application for same. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 20 NOVEMBER 1997 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 7.7 HIRING OF SMALL PLANT BY COUNCIL EMPLOYEES Aim: To provide Shire of Gingin employees with the opportunity to hire small plant and equipment from the Shire for personal, domestic use. 130 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Objectives: To define guidelines for the hiring of small plant items from the Shire of Gingin by employees for personal, domestic use. Guidelines: Small plant and equipment shall be defined as ―any equipment or plant that is not required to be licensed under the provisions of the Vehicle Standards Regulations or the Road Traffic Act‖. (a) Any employee wishing to use small plant and equipment owned by the Shire of Gingin shall submit a request to the Principal Works Supervisor, requesting access to particular plant and equipment on specified dates and for specified times. (b) The Chief Executive Officer, Executive Manager Corporate Services and/or Principal Works Supervisor have the discretion to approve or refuse requests, depending on the need and availability of the small plant and equipment for Shire purposes. (c) Employees shall sign an indemnification form absolving the Shire of Gingin of any liability for injury sustained whilst utilising the plant and equipment for private purposes. Employees utilising the Shire‘s small plant and equipment for private purposes shall sign an acknowledgement that any damage occurring to the small plant and equipment whilst being utilised for private purposes shall be repaired at the user‘s expense. (d) (e) The Chief Executive Officer, Executive Manager Corporate Services and/or Principal Works Supervisor, in authorising the private use of small plant and equipment, shall specify the time by which the small plant and equipment shall be returned to the Gingin Shire Depot. Any breach of the return requirement will result in a review of this Policy. (f) Hire Charges All engine operated small plant and equipment shall be hired at a rate of $5.00 per day, per item of plant or equipment. All electrically operated plant and equipment shall be hired at a rate of $2.00 per day, per item of plant or equipment. All static plant and equipment shall be hired at a rate of $0.50 per day per item of plant or equipment. (g) Indemnification All Shire of Gingin employees hiring small plant and equipment from the Shire for personal use shall sign the ―Hiring of Small Plant and Equipment Indemnity‖ form, with such form being witnessed by the Principal Works Supervisor. (h) Only Trained Personnel to Hire Equipment 131 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL All employees hiring small plant and equipment from the Shire of Gingin shall be suitably trained and competent in the safe operation of the hired small plant and equipment, as determined by the Principal Works Supervisor or, in his absence, Acting Works Supervisor. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 SEPTEMBER 1997 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 7.8 GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT ROADWORKS, DRAINAGE AND SUBDIVISION SHIRE OF GINGIN 7 Brockman Street Gingin WA 6503 GUIDELINES FOR ROADWORKS, DRAINAGE AND SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS AND GUIDELINES 132 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SHIRE OF GINGIN GUIDELINES FOR ROADWORKS, DRAINAGE AND SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT Details of new or amended requirements Clause Details SECTION 1: GENERAL CRITERIA SECTION 2: DESIGN PRINCIPLES SECTION 3: REQUIREMENTS FOR DRAWINGS SECTION 4: CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION OF STORMWATER DRAINAGE SECTION 6: CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 133 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SHIRE OF GINGIN FOREWORD This document details Council‘s requirements for engineering works associated with the subdivision and development of land within the Shire. It is presented in the form of a guideline to Developers/Subdividers rather than a specification, and is performance or results-based, in which the end result is given rather than the means of achieving a desired outcome. These guidelines were prepared by the Shire‘s Engineering Section, and comments on any matter contained herein are welcome. Date of Original Issue: February 1999 Date of Amendment: March 2011 134 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS GUIDELINES FOR ROADWORKS, DRAINAGE AND SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT.99 SECTION 1 GENERAL 1.1 Development Requirements 1.2 Soil Conditions/Geotechnical Report 1.3 Submissions to the Shire 1.4 Stages of Construction 1.5 Supervision Requirements 1.6 Testing Requirements 1.7 Environmental Requirements 1.8 Notification of Works 1.9 Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare 1.10 Practical Completion of subdivisional Works 1.11 Survey Release 1.12 Bonding Outstanding Works 1.13 Maintenance SECTION 2 DESIGN PRINCIPLES 2.1 Earthworks 2.2 Contamination Report 2.3 Roads 2.4 Stormwater Drainage 2.5 Miscellaneous Facilities SECTION 3 REQUIREMENTS FOR DRAWINGS 3.1 General 3.2 Drainage Calculations 3.3 Pavement Calculations 3.4 Required Drawing Scales 3.5 Drawing Information SECTION 4 CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND ASSOCIATED WORKS 4.1 Soil Conditions/Geotechnical Report 4.2 General 4.3 Survey Set Out 4.4 Construction Tolerances 4.5 Clearing Works 4.6 Earthworks 4.7 Soil Stabilisation 4.8 Sub Grade 4.9 Sub Base Course 4.10 Base Course 4.11 Primer Sealing Of Pavement 4.12 Hot Sprayed Bitumen Surfacing 4.13 Concrete Kerbing 4.14 Asphalt Surfacing 4.15 Street Name Plates 4.16 Street Lighting 4.17 Footpaths and Dual Use Paths 4.18 Path and Island Paving 4.19 Lot Filling SECTION 5 CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGE WORKS 5.1 General 5.2 Survey Set Out 5.3 Construction Tolerances 5.4 Materials 5.5 Installation of Manholes and Road Gullies 5.6 Headwalls And Endwalls 5.7 Pipe Laying 5.8 Open Drains 139 141 143 144 144 145 145 146 146 146 146 148 149 151 151 151 161 164 170 170 170 170 171 175 176 177 177 178 178 179 180 180 181 182 183 185 187 188 188 189 189 190 193 197 198 198 201 202 202 204 135 SHIRE OF GINGIN SECTION 6 CONTROL & SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 6.1 General 6.2 Responsibility for Quality of Construction 6.3 Schedule of Inspections 6.4 Testing & As Constructed Surveys 6.5 Practical Completion Appendices SECTION 7 MAINTENANCE & RELEASE 7.1 Survey Release 7.2 Maintenance SECTION 8 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 8.1 Specification for Crushed Limestone 8.2 Specification for Road Base 8.3 Specification for Sealing Aggregate 8.4 Specification for Asphalt (Bituminous Concrete) POLICY MANUAL 207 207 207 209 210 211 216 216 219 220 221 222 136 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 1 – GENERAL CRITERIA 137 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1. POLICY MANUAL GENERAL 1.1 Development Requirements 1.1.1 Any road and/or drains required to be constructed under the above section of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act, shall be constructed to Council's specifications. It should be noted that this specification deals principally with materials and methods of construction and design and except with addition of legal and administrative clauses, should not be used as a basis for a contract for the construction work. It is not a complete specification but merely a guide to the standard of work and design required before a road will be certified to the Department of Planning (DoP) as having been made to the satisfaction of the Council. The decision of the Council's Engineer in this regard shall be finally binding and conclusive on all parties. 1.1.2 The word "Shire‘s Engineer" or "Engineer" means and refers to the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineer. The word ―Shire‖ means and refers to the Shire of Gingin. 1.1.3 Planning and Development Act 2005 – reads as follows: When approval of subdivision is deemed to be approval under planning scheme (Section 157) (1) (2) 1.1.4 Subject to subsection (2), when the Commission has approved a plan of subdivision of any land to which a planning scheme relates, that approval is to be taken to be approval by the responsible authority under the planning scheme of the carrying out of works necessary to enable the subdivision of the land that are — (a) shown on the plan of subdivision; or (b) required by the Commission to be carried out as a condition of approval of the plan of subdivision. When approving a plan of subdivision the Commission may determine that the approval is not to be taken under subsection (1) to be approval by the responsible authority under the planning scheme of the carrying out of works specified in the determination, and the determination has effect accordingly. Planning and Development Act 2005 – reads as follows: Expenses of road or waterway construction and road drainage (Section 58) (1) Where a person who is subdividing land is required under this Part to construct and drain roads or construct artificial waterways shown on the plan of subdivision that person may— (a) carry out or cause to be carried out the construction and drainage at his or her own expense; or (b) arrange for the local government to carry out the work on behalf, and at the cost and expense, of that person. 138 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (2) Where the person does not make the arrangement with the local government, that person is to pay to the local government, on demand, an amount (calculated under subsection (3)) to cover the reasonable costs of the local government in supervising the construction and drainage. (3) For the purposes of subsection (2) the amount is to be calculated as follows — (4) (a) where the person has not engaged a consulting engineer and clerk of works to design and supervise the construction and drainage, the amount is to be 3% of the cost of the construction and drainage as estimated by the local government; (b) where the person has engaged a consulting engineer and clerk of works to design and supervise the construction and drainage, the amount is to be 1½% of the cost of the construction and drainage as estimated by the local government. The local government may require the person to employ a consulting engineer and clerk of works to design and supervise the construction and drainage and that person, when required to do so by the local government, is to carry out the requirement. The design, preparation of drawings and specifications, and supervision of construction of subdivision works covered by these requirements shall be undertaken by the Consulting Engineer or his authorised representative. The Consulting Engineer shall carry out a site investigation to determine the geotechnical properties of the soils. Such information shall form the basis of the design of the roads, drainage system and site filling. A copy of this site investigation shall be lodged with the Council prior to or at the same time as drawings are lodged for approval. 1.1.5 Where a proposed subdivision abuts an existing road reserve containing a substandard road contained within the road reserve fronting the subdivision, this road shall be upgraded prior to the clearance of the subdivision to the required standard for that particular road as determined by the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 1.1.6 Every attempt shall be made to partially or wholly upgrade substandard roads fronting new subdivisions, but where it is impractical to physically construct the road or part thereof in accordance with this policy, the Subdivider shall lodge a nonrefundable cash contribution with Council prior to the clearance of the subdivision equal to the estimated cost of the proposed roadworks. The Subdivider shall be responsible for all damage to existing facilities, services and structures in both public and private ownership. Any damage shall be repaired to an acceptable standard without delay. 139 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Where the conditions of approval of the subdivision require works to be carried out in an existing road reserve or on other land under Council‘s control, a permit to construct works in a street shall be obtained from Council and a bond in the form of cash or guarantee from a financial institution acceptable to Council to cover the reinstatement works of value equal to the estimated cost of the works plus 25% with a minimum of $1,000, shall be lodged with Council prior to the approval of the drawings and the work commencing, the unused portion of the bond to be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the works. The approval of engineering drawings and specifications shall not constitute permission to carry out works in streets within the Shire. After clearance of survey diagrams by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure and the Office of Titles, any land delineated and shown as a new road on such diagrams shall come under the control of Council. 1.1.7 The supervision fee referred to in Clause 1.1.4 above shall be paid to Council before construction commences. The amount of the payment shall be based on the estimated cost of all of the works at the time of the commencement of the works. Upon certification of practical completion of the works, the Consultant shall provide the actual construction cost of the works and the amount of the supervision fee shall be adjusted accordingly, if necessary. 1.1.8 Drawings and specifications for the construction of roads and drains shall be prepared in accordance with Section 3 of these requirements and must be approved by the Shire‘s Engineering Department before any work will be allowed to commence. 1.1.9 Endorsement of engineering design and drawings by the Shire does not imply fulfilment of planning requirements in any manner and the Shire of Gingin excludes liability for any negligent act or omission in relation to the approval process carried out by the Shire involving the works the subject of the engineering design and drawings. 1.2 Soil Conditions/Geotechnical Report (Council Policy) The Shire of Gingin has varying soils and water table conditions. The Shire requires a Geotechnical report to certify that the land is suitable for the proposed development of the land, eg residential, industrial, etc. This report is to be submitted prior to approval of subdivisional design plans in order that any earthworks, including excavation, filling and compaction can be covered by the design plans and specifications. The Geotechnical report is to be prepared by a mutually appointed Consultant from this list; 140 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Company Coffey Geosciences Pty Ltd Douglas Partners Pty Ltd TME Brown Golder & Associates ATC Williams G.H.D Pty Ltd Structerre Consulting Chartered Engineers and is required to (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Identify the substrata and its classification; Recommend remedial measures to have the site reclassified as Class A or Class S in accordance with AS 2870 -1996 (Amended); Determine the water table level for the site; Recommend measures for the disposal of stormwater either onsite or via a comprehensive subsoil drainage network. Supervise the remedial work and certify that the works have been undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report, and the foundation material is capable of an allowable bearing pressure of 100kpa; 1.2.1 The requirements as laid down in the Shire's Specifications for the Design and Construction of Roads and Stormwater Drainage shall be complied with and the drawings and specifications approved by the Council, prior to the commencement of any work in the subdivision. It is recommended that consultation with the Shire's engineering department occurs in the early stages of subdivisional design so that work can progress towards achieving a safe and functional road, drainage and footpath layout that is to the satisfaction of the Shire Engineer. 1.2.2 Prior to site works commencing, the potential dust risk of the site is to be assessed in accordance with the "Land development sites and impacts on air quality – Department of Environmental Protection, November 1996". The assessment is to form part of the subdivision submission to the Council. 1.2.3 The construction work shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications, and will be subject to stage inspection and approval by the Engineer or his representative during the course of construction. Final approval shall only be given when the whole of the works shown on the plan of subdivision submitted for clearance have been executed to the true intent and meaning of the approved specification and to the satisfaction of the Shire Engineer. The Council shall notify the Department of Planning that the conditions of subdivision relating to road construction have been complied with and that the Diagram of Survey has been cleared. 141 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 1.2.4 From the date of registration of the Diagrams of Survey by the Department of Planning and the Office of Titles, any land delineated and shown as a new road on such diagrams shall be under the control of Council. 1.2.5 Public Road Intersections. Where a planned subdivision shows the joining of a subdivisional road with an existing public road, then the subdivisional road shall be so constructed as to connect the public roadway. 1.2.6 Where footpaths and/or paving of Public Access Ways is required as a condition of subdivision, a non refundable footpath bond may be paid to Council for construction by Council at a future date. 1.2.7 It should be noted that Council Policy is that any road, path or drainage works associated with a planned subdivision, within a gazetted road reserve shall be carried out by the Council at the developers cost, unless otherwise approved. This includes all reinstatements associated with Sewer Works. In such instances the developer is required to pay the Councils estimated cost of the works in advance and agree to pay the actual costs on completion of the works. Where sewer or water supply works are to be undertaken, within gazetted road reserves, formal application and approval for permission to work within the road reserve is required. 1.3 Submissions to the Shire (a) Submission of Design Calculations and Plans Drainage design calculations and two (2) copies of the plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Shire for approval. One copy of the plans and specifications will be returned to the developer with any comments and variations indicated thereon. Three (3) further copies of the amended plans and two (2) copies of the amended specifications shall then be submitted for approval. Once the Engineer has approved, stamped and signed these documents, one copy of each shall be returned. The documents shall be the ones used throughout the Contract and variations shall not be permitted without prior approval of the Shire Engineer. (b) Submission of Quantities and Rates The developer shall supply full details of quantities and rates used to determine the cost of construction. This information will assist the Shire in calculating the supervision fees as set out in Section 1.4. 142 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The supervision fee shall be paid to the Shire at least seven days prior to the works commencing. 1.4 Stages of Construction The following are the main stages of construction: 1.5 (a) Subgrade preparation including clearing, grubbing, leveling and any other preparatory earthworks. b) Placement and preparation of sub-base material including pegging of approved grading and cross sectional levels, widths etc. and the placement of service ducts. c) Placement and preparation of road base material. d) Drainage. e) Final grading, trimming and water-binding. f) Primer seal and kerbing. g) Placement and preparation of final surface treatment. h) Verge backfill behind kerb, construction of footpaths and final trimming of verges and batters. The installation of street signs, street lights, name plates and verge furniture including fencing and stabilization as required. i) Earthworks/Recontouring of blocks and spreading of topsoil. Supervision Requirements a) At the Engineer's request, a certificate endorsed by the Consultant shall be submitted to the Engineer certifying quantities of materials used in accordance with approved plans and specifications for any of the main stages of construction. b) Two working days (48 hours) notice is required so that an inspection can be made prior to the next or following stage of construction being commenced. c) The second or following stage of construction shall not proceed until the Engineer or his representative has approved the previous stage of construction. Notwithstanding this requirement it will be taken that the Consultant has inspected each stage of construction to ensure that workmanship and materials conform with approved specifications and drawings. d) The Engineer or his representative reserves the right to inspect and take samples of materials being used, and test or ascertain quantity and quality of materials being placed in the road construction work at any time. 143 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The Consultants will be informed by the Shire of any matters requiring remedial attention. Such requests shall be attended to immediately. e) When works are in progress, the Contractor shall, at all times, be personally present or have a competent foreman stationed and present on the works. A representative of the Consultants shall be available at the Engineer's request for the purpose of joint interim inspection where deemed necessary by the Engineer. 1.6 Testing Requirements Attention is drawn to the Shire's requirements for pavement testing as detailed in the Shire of Gingin - General Conditions and Specifications for Construction of Subdivisional Roads and Drainage. The Consultant shall make available to the Engineer, all test results related to the subdivisional works. Testing shall be carried out by a NATA approved testing laboratory to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Where testing of a first or preceding stage of construction is requested by the Engineer, then no second or following stage of work shall proceed until approval to proceed is granted by the Engineer. In addition to the normal inspection and testing requirements as detailed elsewhere in this Manual, the Engineer reserves the right to inspect and require samples of materials being used to be taken and tested to ascertain quantity and/or quality of materials being placed in the construction work. The Consulting Engineer will be informed of any matters requiring remedial action. In the event. Council‘s Engineer will direct all notices, requests, instructions and approvals to the Consulting Engineer, except in urgent circumstances when they may be given directly to other parties involved in the subdivision. 1.7 Environmental Requirements Council is conscious of the need to preserve natural vegetation wherever possible in rural subdivisions. To this end Council may impose special conditions on particular subdivisions to minimize the environmental impact of road and drainage construction, particularly in relation to preservation of established trees within road reserves and minimizing soil erosion. Subdividers should be conscious of these aims and should take them into consideration in the various stages of planning for a subdivision. 144 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1.8 POLICY MANUAL Notification of Works The Engineer must be advised two (2) working days before commencing work, and after a cessation of work, one day before recommencing work. 1.81 Hours of work – No work outside the hours of 7.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday shall be carried out without the written approval of the Engineer. 1.8.2 Indemnity Insurance – The Subdivider shall be responsible for arranging, taking out and keeping in operation all necessary insurance policies to totally indemnity and protect the Council against any and all claims of damages or other claims that may arise during the carrying out of the construction work. 1.9 Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare The Contractor's attention is drawn to the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1984, the amendment 1987 and the Regulations 1988. Attention is also drawn to the noise limitations as outlined in the Noise Abatement Act. 1.10 Practical Completion of Subdivisional Works 1.10.1 Upon the satisfactory completion of all subdivisional work including survey, lot pegging and soil stabilisation, the Consulting Engineer shall notify Council in writing that the works have been inspected and are in accordance with the approved drawings and/or specifications. 1.10.2 Upon receipt of this notification, the Engineer shall arrange a Practical Completion inspection of the completed works. Any such inspection shall require the presence of the Engineer and the Consulting Engineer. 1.10.3 At the time of the Practical Completion inspection or as soon as possible thereafter, the Engineer shall inform the Consulting Engineer of any item/s not in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Any such item/s so indicated shall be rectified without delay and a further inspection of these works shall be carried out upon completion of these remedial works. 1.10.4 If at any time after the granting of Practical Completion, the subdivisional work is found to be contrary to the approved drawings, then the Subdivider shall rectify the works at no expense to Council. 1.11 Survey Release The Consultant Engineer shall satisfy Council that the Developer has complied with all relevant conditions imposed by the State Planning Commission pertaining to survey release of all of a constructed subdivision. 145 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The following items refer to the Engineering Conditions that must be completed by the Developer prior to the Engineer's approval of Survey Release of subdivision. 1.11.1 Creation or location of all stormwater drainage easements or indication of such easements on the plans or diagrams of survey. 1.11.2 Creation of any other easements (temporary or permanent) which are relevant to the subdivision. 1.11.3 Creation of all Reserves (including drainage and recreation) pertaining to the subdivisional works. 1.11.4 Payment of all moneys required to the paid to the Shire in consideration of construction of footpaths, footways or any other unfinished works associated with the subdivision that is to be carried out by the Shire's workforce. 1.11.5 Stabilization of topsoil, sand or other material or matter subject to movement over or near the subdivision shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Where initial stabilization is carried out and subsequent works associated with the conditions of subdivisional approvals causes deterioration of effective stabilization of the area, then the area so affected shall be re-stabilized in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer. The Shire may at any time, call upon the Developer to effect a varying method of re-stabilization should initial stabilization be found to be unsuitable. 1.11.6 Completion of all roadworks, drainage works and other works associated with the subdivisional construction. Such works are to be in compliance with the requirements of the Engineer in relation to Department of Planning Conditions of Approval for the subdivision. 1.11.7 The submission of "As-Constructed" transparencies, and a digital copy in DXF file format, for the drainage subdivision works. The "As-Constructed" transparencies shall include the location of each manhole and entry pit. The length, size and invert level of each pipe entering or leaving the manhole/entry pit shall also be provided together with the level at the top of each manhole/entry pit. "As-Constructed" levels are also required for subgrade and top of base course prior to proceeding with next stage of work. Any deviation in the levels from the tolerances specified shall be suitably explained or rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All information supplied must be certified by a Licensed Surveyor, with the Surveyors name and company clearly stated. 146 SHIRE OF GINGIN 1.12. POLICY MANUAL Bonding Outstanding Works 1.12.1 At the discretion of the Engineer, the Council may accept payment from the Developer as and by way of a Bond in lieu of completion of all or part of the subdivisional works. This would normally only be accepted where works have reached a substantial degree of completion or where the Council is undertaking the works on behalf of the Developer. 1.12.2 Applications for bonding shall be in writing from the Consulting Engineer to Council and shall include the following information: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Concise reference to the extent, nature and location of the work to be bonded. A timetable for proposed future completion of the bonded work. An itemised estimate of the bonded work including contract price and name and address of the Contractors responsible for the bonded works. Reasons for requesting the bonding of the incomplete works. Any other relevant information, which will assist the Engineer to assess the request. Compliance with the above requirements does not necessarily imply Council acceptance of the bond and each request shall be subject to the Shire‘s Engineering Department approval. 1.12.3 In cases where bonding is approved, the Subdivider shall enter into a written bond agreement with the Council which clearly states the following information: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Name and address of the person or persons responsible for the payment or payments. The amount of the payment or payments. Name, staging number and location of the associated subdivision. The Department of Planning and Infrastructure reference number of the associated subdivision. A concise explanation of the purpose and conditions of payment referring to all items for which the bond payment is to be utilised. 1.12.4 The earliest stage that bonding will be considered is upon completion of all filling, drainage and roads to sub-base stage. In this event, the value of the bond shall be 50% of the total contract value for the roads, drainage and filling works. 1.12.5 Bonding will be considered at any stage later than that specified in the preceding clause in which case the value of the bond shall be twice the estimated cost of the uncompleted works or $2,000 whichever is the greater. 147 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 1.12.6 Upon completion of the works described in the Bond Agreement, the Subdivider shall request in writing the release of the bond, following which the works will be inspected and, subject to all outstanding works being completed, the bond monies will be refunded. 1.13 Maintenance 1.13.1 Maintenance Liability It shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider to maintain all roads and associated works for a period of twelve months from the date of Practical Completion hereinafter referred to as the Maintenance Period. Where defects requiring urgent attention become evident during the Maintenance Period, the Engineer may request these works to be rectified immediately. Failure to complete the rectification works within the time specified will cause Council to carry out the works using monies from the Maintenance Bond. At the expiry of the Maintenance Period the Consulting Engineer shall inform the Shire‘s Engineering Department of his intention to inspect the subdivision, and at a time mutually agreeable to all parties, such an inspection shall be made. The Consulting Engineer shall apply in writing to Council for Maintenance Release, which will be subject to the satisfactory repair of defective works, cleaning of the drainage system and the sweeping of the roads, and the Shire‘s Engineering Department acceptance of such works. Where a Subdivider chooses to delay seeking subdivisional clearance after the date of Practical Completion, the Council may redefine the date of commencement of the Maintenance Period as being the date of subdivisional clearance. 1.13.2 Maintenance Bond Prior to the release of the subdivision, the Subdivider shall pay to the Council a Maintenance Retention Bond equivalent to two and a half percent of the value of the road and drainage contract, with a minimum of $2,000. This payment can be either in the form of cash or unconditional guarantee from a financial institution acceptable to Council and may be used a the discretion of the Engineer during the Maintenance Period for minor or urgent maintenance items after having notified the Consulting Engineer in writing of the need for such works. Cash bonds will be placed in an interest bearing account and, upon the Shire‘s Engineering Department‘s acceptance of Maintenance Release all unspent bond monies will be refunded. 148 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 2 – DESIGN PRINCIPLES 149 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2. POLICY MANUAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES General Criteria provided here are minimum criteria only and are necessarily broad based to cover general subdivision situations. In particular situations amendments may be required and Council may impose special conditions not covered by the criteria. 2.1 Earthworks The Shire of Gingin requires a Geotechnical report to certify that the land is suitable for the proposed development of the land, eg residential, industrial etc. This report must be submitted prior to completion of subdivisional design plans in order that any earthworks, including excavation, filling and compaction can be covered by the design plans and specifications. The Geotechnical report is to be prepared by a mutually appointed Consultant and is required to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 Identify the substrata and its classification. Recommend remedial measures to have the site reclassified as Class A or Class S in accordance with AS 2870.1-1989. Determine the water table level for the site and recommend the finished lot levels. Recommend measures for the disposal of stormwater either onsite or via a comprehensive subsoil drainage network. Supervise the remedial work and certify that the works have been undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical report, and the foundation material is capable of an allowable bearing pressure of 100kpa. Contamination Report Provision of a contamination report is required if the site has been identified as a potential contaminated site, The requirement of a contamination report may be identified for a number of reasons: the site may be listed on the Shire of Gingin‘s contaminated sites register; possible contamination sources may be identified during the Geotechnical investigation; evidence of possible contamination may be observed during inspection of the site; or local knowledge and advice may be considered sufficient. The initial contamination assessment is usually referred to as a preliminary assessment and if the results fall within the acceptable levels then a full assessment is not required. 2.3 Roads 2.3.1 General Roads should generally be designed in accordance with relevant Austroads (NAASRA) and ARRB guidelines and publications, which include: (i) Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice 150 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (ii) Guide for the Design of Typical Urban Intersections. (iii) Guide Policy for Geometric Design of Major Urban Roads. (iv) Policy for Geometric Design of Rural Roads. (v) Policy for Installation by Public Utility Authorities within the Road Reserve. (vi) A Structural Design Guide for Flexible Residential Street Pavements. (vii) Pavement Design – A guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements. (viii) Australian Model Code for Residential Development. (ix) Bicycle Facilities Design Guidelines. (x) Where there is any conflict between the requirements of these guidelines and the above publications, the details specified in these guidelines. Generally all road pavement widths shall conform to the Shire of Gingin road hierarchy. For residential subdivisions, this has been based upon the Liveable Neighbourhoods Community Design Code which is the operational policy for the Western Australian Planning Commission. This road hierarchy enables the safe and orderly movement of vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians within and throughout the municipality. Consideration however must be given to the final aesthetic and functional aspects of the area, particularly in rural areas. Aspects to be considered include minimising the environmental impact (particularly regarding existing trees and vegetation), fitting road grades as close to existing contours as practicable and provision of lot access. 2.3.2 Pavement Design Pavements shall generally be designed for a 40 year design life in accordance with the publication ―Pavement Design‖ NAASRA 1987 (or its latest issue). In all cases pavement design shall be based on the in situ sub grade California Bearing Ratio (CBR), which shall be determined for each different sub grade type expected to be encountered in the works. Determination of sub grade CBR shall be by one of the methods nominated in the publication ―Pavement Design‖, i.e. by laboratory testing, or by field testing backed up by limited laboratory tests. The Consultant shall adopt whatever test procedures are necessary to provide an accurate assessment of sub grade CBR for design purposes. Council‘s Engineering Department may request further field or laboratory testing at their discretion. In any case the absolute minimum pavement profile shall be as follows: 151 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Alternative 1 Access Roads & Collector Roads Other Roads (except industrial) Industrial roads Alternative 2 125 ―B‖ grade subbasecourse 100 ―A‖ grade basecourse 25mm asphalt on urban roads Two coat sprayed seal on rural roads 150 ―B‖ grade subbasecourse 100 ―A‖ grade basecourse 25mm asphalt on urban roads Two coat sprayed seal on rural roads. 175 ―B‖ grade subbasecourse 100 ―A‖ grade basecourse 25mm asphalt 200 ―A‖ grade basecourse 25mm asphalt on Urban roads Two coat sprayed seal on rural roads 225 ―A‖ grade basecourse 25mm asphalt on urban roads Two coat sprayed seal on rural roads 250 ―A‖ grade basecourse 25mm asphalt Alternative pavement profiles giving equivalent load bearing capacities will be considered. Council may, at its discretion, allow sprayed seal surfacing in lieu of asphalt surfacing on urban roads. 2.3.3 Materials ―A‖ Grade Basecourse ―A‖ grade basecourse shall consist of graded crushed rock or laterite gravel. When tested in accordance with AS 1289 the material shall have the following properties: As Sieve Aperture (mm) 26.5 19.0 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.425 0.075 Percentage Passing 100 95-100 70-88 48-71 34-57 24-46 14-33 6-20 152 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Liquid Limit: Plasticity Index: Linear Shrinkage: Los Angeles Abrasion Value: Maximum Dry Comp. Strength: not to exceed 25% not to exceed 6% not to exceed 2% not to exceed 40% not less than 1700 kPa The material shall be free from organic matter and other deleterious substances. ―B‖ Grade Sub-Basecourse ―B‖ grade sub-basecourse shall consist of limestone or laterite type gravel. Limestone and laterite type gravel shall be in accordance with Council‘s Specification for such materials, which in summary includes: Limestone shall conform to the following requirements: - all materials shall contain a maximum of 70% calcium carbonate; all material shall pass through a 100mm square sieve; not more than 80% of the material shall pass through a 2.36 AS sieve; not more than 15% of the material shall pass through a 75 micron AS Sieve; all material shall be free from capstone, roots and other deleterious substances. Gravel shall be selected natural laterite gravel which exhibits an even grading curve throughout the full range. When tested to AS 1289 the material shall have the following properties: - Percentage passing 40mm sieve: Percentage passing 1.18mm sieve: Percentage passing 0.075mm sieve: Plasticity Index: Linear Shrinkage: Minimum CBR at the placed in situ moisture density condition: 100% 10% to 50% less than 20% 3% to 10% less than 8% 35 The material shall be free from organic matter and other deleterious substances. It is preferable for crushed gravel (Ferricrete or similar) to be used for the base course. 153 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Asphalt Asphalt shall be a nominal 10mm size asphaltic concrete mix in accordance with an AC10 mix designation to AS 2734. Sprayed seals Sprayed seals shall consist of a minimum two coat seal. The first or primer seal shall be a hot sprayed bitumen primer seal, unless, with the approval of the Engineer, a bitumen emulsion primer seal may be used. In rural residential areas, the cover aggregates shall be 10mm, followed by the second coat of 10mm diorite metal. In areas zoned other than rural residential where a spray seal is applicable, the cover aggregate shall be 5mm and 14mm diorite metal respectively. 2.3.4 Basecourse Widths On kerbed roads the width of basecourse shall equal the width of seal plus 900mm. On un-kerbed roads the width of basecourse shall equal the width of seal plus 1.3 metre shoulders. 2.3.5 Shoulders Shoulders shall be constructed with the same materials and to the same depth as the adjacent basecourse. 2.3.6 Road Reserve Width Non – Residential: Local roads shall have a minimum road reserve width of 20 metres, however, Council reserves the right to make a wider road reserve should the site or engineering requirements dictate. Residential: The width of all road reserves shall comply with Liveable Neighbourhoods Community Design Code. The designation of which road types shall apply to a particular subdivision (i.e. town centre residential, rural, rural living or mixed business) shall be in accordance with the Shire of Gingin‘s Zoning Scheme. The Subdivider shall comply with the requirements for those designations. 2.3.7 Town Centre and Residential Streets Road design guidelines are generally in accordance with Liveable Neighbourhoods Community Design Code. 154 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Local Distributors: 7.2 m wide, concrete kerbed with 25mm asphalt surface on a primer seal. There shall be a shared path on at least one side of the street and may be required on both sides of a street where the likelihood of pedestrian traffic is high. Access Road: 5.5m to 6.0m wide, depending on anticipated traffic volumes and functionality. The pavement shall be concrete kerbed with 25mm asphalt surface on a primer seal. The maximum longitudinal grade of a road shall be 10% (1 in 10) unless otherwise approved. The minimum longitudinal grade shall be 0.50% or 1 in 200 however, because of water shedding problems, this grade should only be used in extreme circumstances. All changes of grade of more that 1% shall be joined by a vertical curve. The length of all vertical curves shall be in accordance with the relevant Austroads publications, and shall take into account overtaking and stopping sight distances and comfort factors. The cross fall on the cross section of the road pavement shall be generally 3% each way from the crown but through horizontal curves, one way cross fall or superelevation shall be applied in accordance with the appropriate Austroads guidelines. In minor residential streets and cul-de-sacs the road pavement may have a one-way cross fall where the natural surface across the road reserve lends itself to this type of construction. This condition does not apply on horizontal curves where the normal requirement of superelevation to match design speeds and radii shall apply. Verges shall have sufficient width for the provision of public utility services, and shall be a minimum of 3.5m. Verges shall normally be graded at +2% from the top of the kerb to the property boundary. In areas of steep cross fall or where earthworks should desirably be reduced to minimise environmental impact, the verge grading may be increased as agreed with Council‘s Engineer. Culs-de-sac shall have a minimum head radius of 9m with 15m radius tapers. Kerb type shall be semi mountable to residential frontages and semi-barrier elsewhere. In Lancelin the standard kerb shall be flush mounted type. The Consulting Engineer shall prepare detailed designs of the pavement thicknesses in accordance with Australian Road Research Board (A.R.R.B.) and/or Austroads Design Guidelines as follows: ―Pavement Design – A Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements‖, Austroads, 1987. ―A Structural Design Guide for Flexible Residential Street Pavements‖, P.J. Mulholland, ARRB Special Report No 41. 155 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Notwithstanding the design thicknesses obtained, the sub-base course shall be a minimum compacted thickness of 150 mm, the base course shall be a minimum compacted thickness of 75 mm and the asphalt compacted thickness shall be a minimum of 25mm. The designer shall provide pavement drainage where necessary to maintain a moisture-free sub grade and base course as determined by the site conditions. The road base shall extend 500 mm beyond the face of kerb. 2.3.8 Rural Living Streets The minimum standard for rural living streets within a subdivision shall be as follows: Straight Pavements: 7.4 metre wide, two coat seal (1x10mm stone plus 1x5 mm stone) with 1.2 metre gravel shoulders. Intersections: (a) All intersections shall be provided with concrete kerbing to at least 10 metres beyond the tangent point of the sweep. This kerbing shall repeat on the opposite side of the intersection on the straight section of road. At the terminating end, the kerbing shall be flared towards the verge. (b) All intersections shall be provided with a 25mm asphalt surface on a primer seal, to the full extent of the concrete kerbing. Geometric design shall be according to ‗Rural Road Design‘, Austroads 1989. The maximum design speed for access roads shall be 60 km/hr, collector roads 70 km/hr and arterial roads 90 km/hr. These design speeds shall be verified by Main Roads Western Australia. The maximum longitudinal grade of a road shall be 12.5% unless otherwise approved. The minimum longitudinal grade shall be 0.5% unless table drains are graded independently of the road to provide satisfactory drainage. All changes of grade of more that 1% shall be joined by a vertical curve. The length of all vertical curves shall be in accordance with the relevant Austroads publications, and shall take into account overtaking and stopping sight distances and comfort factors. One-way cross fall to a maximum of 3% may be approved for access roads when excessive cross fall exists in the natural surface. Roads shall normally have two-way cross-falls of 3% except where geometric design requirements dictate that superelevation is required. Table drains shall be provided for all roads for a minimum width of 1.2m, flat bottomed, with side slopes of a minimum 1:3 grade (33%). 156 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Cut batters shall generally be no steeper than 1 in 3 (33%) except in hilly terrain, where depth of cut is considerable, or where ground conditions are such that it is not practical to comply with this requirement without excessive cost or environmental disturbance. Subject to the approval of the Shire‘s Engineering Department, cut batters may be increased to a maximum of 1 in 1 (100%). Fill batters shall generally be no steeper than 1 in 4 (25%) except in hilly terrain or where fill heights are considerable, in which case a maximum slope of 1 in 2 (50%) may be used subject to the approval of the Shire‘s Engineering Department. Verges shall have sufficient width to install public utility services. In particular, sufficient width must be provided to install overhead power lines with poles located at least 2.5m from the invert of the table drain. Roads shall be designed to enable access to lots at an absolute maximum grade of 16%. Cul-de-sac heads shall have a minimum head radius of 9m to edge of seal, with 15m radius tapers. 2.3.9 Rural Roads Rural roads shall comply with the standards prescribed in the Roads 2020 Strategy, and will be dependent on estimated AADT counts. Council has identified minimum road standards, given known and/or estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) counts. Type 1 Formed road constructed from surrounding local material: 1020 AADT – 6m seal with 1.3m shoulders. Type 2 Formed road paved with imported gravel material: 20-75 AADT – 6m seal with 1.3m shoulders. Type 3 Sealed road (6m seal width): 75-500 AADT. Type 4 Sealed road (7m seal width): 500-1000 AADT. Type 5 Sealed road (8-9m seal width): 1000-4000 AADT. Type 6 Sealed roads with overtaking lanes: 2000+ AADT but lower volumes may be considered depending on the percentage of heavy vehicles and terrain conditions. Type 7 Dual carriageway – divided rural road: 4500 +AADT. For the purposes of determining the impact a subdivision will have on AADT counts for any particular road, Council will utilise eight vehicle movements per lot per day. All Rural roads shall be sealed with a two coat seal (1x10mm stone, 1x5mm stone) with 1.3 metre gravel shoulders, except at intersections which shall be 157 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL kerbed with 25mm asphalt over a primer seal. The extent of the kerbing shall be as stipulated for ―Rural Living Streets‖. Where existing rural roads are considered by Council to warrant sealing, the width of such sealing shall be a minimum of 6.0 metres, the maximum width being determined on the basis of AADT counts. The maximum longitudinal grade of a road shall be 8% unless otherwise approved. The minimum longitudinal grade shall be 0.5%. All changes of grade of more that 1% shall be joined by a vertical curve. The length of all vertical curves shall be in accordance with the relevant Austroads publications, and shall take into account overtaking and stopping sight distances and comfort factors. Intersections of arterial roads shall be widened as follows: Terminating road (collector or access) shall be widened to at least 7.4 m seal width for a straight length of 10m from the tangent point of the turn-out radius, and then tapering to the normal seal width over an additional 10m length; Through road (arterial) shall be widened on the approach near side by a 2.5m deceleration lane, with a minimum 1.3m wide shoulder, for a distance of at least 30m from the tangent point of the turn out radius, and then tapered back to the normal seal width over an additional 10m length. On the departure near side, it shall be widened by at least 1m from the tangent point of the turn out radius for a length of at least 10m (which shall be kerbed). On the opposite side of the road, it shall be widened by a 2.5m passing lane for a distance of 45m either side of the centre line of the intersecting road, or then tapered back to the normal seal width over an additional 100m at each end. Verges shall have sufficient width for the provision of public utility services, and shall be a minimum of 3.5m. In areas of steep cross fall or where earthworks should desirably be reduced to minimise environmental impact, the verge grading may be increased as agreed with Council‘s Engineer. The maximum longitudinal grade of a road shall be 12.5% unless otherwise approved. The minimum longitudinal grade shall be 0.5% unless table drains are graded independently of the road to provide satisfactory drainage, where necessary. A vertical curve shall be provided when the grade change is 1% or greater. Geometric design shall be according to ‗Rural Road Design‘, Austroads 1989. The design speed for any rural road shall be determined by Main Roads Western Australia. One-way cross fall to a maximum of 3% may be approved for access roads when excessive cross fall exists in the natural surface. Roads shall normally have two-way cross-falls of 3% except where geometric design requirements dictate that superelevation is required. 158 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Table drains shall be provided for all roads for a minimum width of 1.2m, flat bottomed, with side slopes of a minimum 1:3 grade (33%). Cut batters shall generally be no steeper than 1 in 3 (33%) except in hilly terrain, or where depth of cut is considerable, or where ground conditions are such that it is not practical to comply with this requirement without excessive cost or environmental disturbance. Then, subject to the approval of Council‘s Engineer, cut batters may be increased to a maximum of 1 in 1 (100%). Fill batters shall generally be no steeper than 1 in 4 (25%) except in hilly terrain or where fill heights are considerable, in which case a maximum slope of 1 in 2 (50%) may be used subject to the approval of Council‘s Engineer. Traffic control devices, sign posts, guide posts, street nameplates, guide signs and warning signs shall be provided in accordance with AS1742 to the satisfaction of the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 2.3.10 Industrial Roads In light industrial areas, roads shall be kerbed and sealed (25mm asphalt) to a minimum width of 7.4 m. All other design criteria shall be in accordance with the requirements for Urban Residential Streets with the following exceptions: - Verge width to be a minimum 4.5m; Culs-de-sac shall be avoided wherever possible; Kerbs shall be semi-mountable; and All intersections are to be constructed to enable the application of extra mass vehicles to be permitted to enter the Industrial area. In heavy industrial areas, road construction requirements will be subject to specific engineering design. Where culs-de-sac cannot be avoided, they shall have a minimum head radius of 15m with 25m radius tapers. 2.3.11 Public Utility Conduits The Consultant shall ascertain the need for conduits under roads for all public utility services for both present and future services. If the public utility authority concerned will not install conduits at the time of construction of the roads, then the conduits shall be installed by the Subdivider (prior to surfacing of roads) whether or not the conduits are immediately required. Backfill trenches for conduits with compacted cement stabilised sand as detailed for storm water pipeline systems in Section 2.8.6. 159 SHIRE OF GINGIN 2.4 POLICY MANUAL Stormwater Drainage 2.4.1 General Stormwater drainage systems are required to provide for effective disposal of stormwater and all drainage designs shall comply with appropriate industry design standards such as: ―Australian Rainfall and Runoff‖ Institution of Engineers, Australia. ―Stormwater Drainage Design in Small Urban Catchments‖ J Argue, ARRB Special Report No 34. ―Subsurface Drainage of Road Structures‖ R J Gerke, ARRB Special Report No 35.All piped drainage lines shall be designed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer‘s recommendations and appropriate Australian Standards. 2.4.2 All drainage systems shall be piped in urban and residential areas. In areas of porous ground, every effort must be made to disperse water into the ground via sub-soil drainage or similar. In rural areas, open drains and swales may be utilised where the grade is fairly flat and erosion will not occur. Where erosion is likely to occur in steeper gradients, a piped drainage system will be required. The designer shall design the drainage network using a recurrence interval of 5 years except in the case of arterial drains and compensating basins where a recurrence interval of 10 years shall be used. Additionally, the designer shall provide for the adequate discharge of flood flows between the intervals mentioned above and a 100 year recurrence interval in order that the floor level of all buildings shall be 500 mm above the 100-year flood level. 2.4.3 It is possible that some existing drainage systems in the municipality may not be able to carry the design storms applicable to the recurrence intervals detailed in the preceding Clause. It is the responsibility of the Consulting Engineer to examine the complete downstream network to evaluate the maximum quantity of water, which may be discharged into the existing network. If, using the recurrence intervals mentioned above, the capacity of the existing drainage network is exceeded, the Shire‘s Engineering Department, may direct that the surplus water either be retained within the subdivision in an approved manner or the existing drainage system upgraded to accommodate the design run-off. 2.4.4 It shall be the responsibility of the Consulting Engineer to examine the total catchment area of which a particular subdivision may form a part, and to ensure that any arterial drainage that may pass through the particular subdivision is capable of carrying the ultimate design flow from the upstream catchment. Subdividers are responsible for arranging their own cost sharing arrangements, however, in some instanced Council may administer such arrangements at the Subdivider‘s request. 160 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 2.4.5 In cases where stormwater is discharged onto private land downstream of a subdivision or development, arrangements shall be made by the Subdivider with the owner of the downstream land to provide an easement in favour of Council over the route of the drain and to construct and/or improve the drainage outlet to the requirements of the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 2.4.6 The subdivisional drainage system shall be connected to an approved outlet in the district drainage system by a suitable outfall drain as approved. 2.4.7 Types Of Pipe Work The following pipe types shall be permitted: Residential areas: Reinforced concrete pipes (and boxes) in classes appropriate to loadings and cover heights; Aluminium Hel-Cor pipes with a minimum cover of 600mm; and PVC pipes in classes appropriate to loadings and cover heights. Rural Areas: Reinforced concrete pipes (and boxes) in classes appropriate to loadings and cover heights; and Steel and aluminium Hel-Cor pipes with a minimum cover of 600mm. Other types of pipes may be approved by the Shire‘s Engineering Department. The minimum pipe size in the verge or within private property shall be 225mm diameter and the minimum pipe size under roads shall be 300mm diameter. Pipelines shall be designed to ensure that hydraulic grade lines do not reach a level of less than 150mm from finished surface levels for the design recurrence interval. The velocity in pipes shall be limited to the range 1.0 m/sec - 6.0 m/sec. The possibility of scour at outfalls shall be considered and steps taken to eliminate it where it may occur. Manholes shall be provided at each change in direction and at a maximum spacing of 90 metres. 161 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Inlet pits shall be placed at low points and at the upstream side of intersections if warranted by flow considerations. Inlet pits shall also be placed at intervals to limit the width of gutter flow to 1.5m (or 2.0m in the case of one-way cross fall), in kerbed roads, and at intervals to prevent the top water level in the table drain from rising to within 200mm of the edge of the shoulder in the case of un-kerbed roads, or to limit the inflow to the entry pit to its inlet capacity, whichever is the least, for the design recurrence interval flows. On kerbed roads side entry pits shall be used wherever possible, although combined side entry/grated pits may also be used. On un-kerbed roads, any concrete catchpits situated in table drains shall have grated tops at least 150mm above entry lips to prevent access to the pit by the public. All outlets to pipe drainage systems (and inlets in the case of open ended culverts) shall have concrete headwalls with concrete aprons, and shall have anti-scour rock protection for a minimum distance of 2m beyond the edge of aprons. All trenches for pipes laid under road pavements shall be backfilled to the pavement sub grade surface with compacted cement stabilised sand or cement stabilised road base course material. Sand and cement shall be thoroughly mixed in the proportions of a 10 to 1 ratio. Sufficient water shall be added and mixed such that the moisture content is just sufficient to enable mixing and placement of the material. The material shall be placed in even layers not exceeding 225mm in thickness and each layer shall be compacted with a minimum of four (4) passes of a vibratory plate compactor having a minimum static mass of 50kg. Care shall be taken to ensure that the material fills all voids under the haunches and that no damage will occur to the pipe whilst compacting material next to and immediately over the pipe. The cement stabilised sand shall preferably be supplied from a central concrete mixing plant, or manually machine mixed on site at a rate of 8 to 1 ratio. 2.4.8 Open Drains Where drainage is by means of open drains, allowances must be made for access culverts to properties which must be provided at the development stage by the Subdivider. All culverts shall have adequate concrete headwalls and drain scour protection, where pre-cast headwalls are used, the finished level of the headwall shall not project more than 100mm above the adjacent pavement level. 162 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Table drains to un-kerbed roads shall be sized so that the top water level in a drain does not rise to within 200mm of the edge of the shoulder for the design recurrence interval flow. Installation of catchpits is at the discretion of the Shire‘s Engineering Department, Culverts may be utilised to contain flows in table drains within permissible limits where practicable. Where there is a risk of scouring in open drains (including table drains), the drains shall be piped to prevent erosion. In some instances it may be permissible for the open drain to be fully lined with rock, concrete or other method approved by the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 2.4.9 Sub-Soil Drains Where sub-soil water is present, or is likely to become present at any time, and is likely to interfere with the stability of any buildings, the road pavement (or footpath or access way, etc) a system of sub-soil drainage shall be designed and installed to the approval of the Shire‘s Engineering Department. Sub-soil drains shall be installed to cut off flows at least 600mm clear of any building or surface of the pavement and shall discharge to piped drainage systems or open drains downstream of the affected area, as appropriate for each situation. As stipulated in Clause 2.3.2, sub-soil drainage may also be used to recharge stormwater into the ground aquifer where the ground conditions permit. 2.4.10 Drainage Easements Where drains are laid within, or discharge stormwater onto private property the drain and stormwater discharge shall be protected by registered easements which shall show on all plans. The easement shall be centrally located over and about the drainage line and it shall have a width of at least twice the depth of the drain with an absolute minimum width of 3.0m. 2.5 Miscellaneous Facilities 2.5.1 Footpaths and Dual-Use Paths Footpaths and dual-use paths in road reserves shall be provided in urban residential subdivisions unless special circumstances prevail in which case they may be omitted at Council‘s discretion. If such paths are required they shall be constructed by the Subdivider at the time of Subdivision. Where paths are to be provided by the Subdivider they shall normally be 1.5m footpath and/or 2.0m dual-use x 100mm thick concrete paths with a 2% slope towards kerbs (or edge of roadways). Tooled lock-joint contraction joints shall be provided at 2m intervals and 12mm wide full depth expansion joints shall be provided at 6m intervals. The surfaces of concrete paths shall have a non-slip broomed finish. Other types of path e.g. brick may be accepted at Council‘s discretion. 163 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Paths shall generally be provided on one side of a road only however a path may be required on both sides of a street if so determined by the Liveable Neighbourhoods document. The paths shall normally be laid parallel to the kerb line (or edge of roadway). The longitudinal profile shall follow the longitudinal profile of the kerb line (or edge of roadway). 2.5.2 Signs and Guide Posts All direction or warning signs and guide posts shall be erected in accordance with AS 1742.5 - 1986. Requirements for such signs shall be clearly shown on the drawings. 2.5.3 Street Nameplates Street nameplates shall be erected at all newly created intersections and shall indicate the names of both streets. Nameplates shall generally be in accordance with AS 1742.5 - 1986 and shall incorporate any special feature which may be required by Council (e.g. Shire logo, colours of legend and background, etc). Depth of sign shall be 150mm with 100mm lettering except on major roads where a depth of 200mm with 150mm lettering shall be used. Signs shall be mounted at a height of three (3) metres above finished ground level. If two or more signs are to be erected on the same pole they shall be erected at differing levels. Nameplates shall be mounted on a 50mm nom. bore galvanised steel pole concreted a minimum of 600mm into the ground. The pole shall be erected where possible on the 2.7m alignment. 2.5.4 Battle-Axe Block Access Roads Access road pavement to battle-axe blocks shall not be less than three metres wide and centrally located for the full length of the access way. Special consideration shall be given to ―reciprocal rights‖ access ways which will require greater road pavement width. All battle-axes shall be constructed to an asphalt finish in residential areas and shall also be adequately drained to shed water to an appropriate drainage system. Where required the battle-axe may need to be kerbed. The design, shape, width and drainage of these access ways shall be to the approval of the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 2.5.5 Standard Crossovers Crossovers shall be constructed to all new lots created in a subdivision. The construction and location of such crossovers shall be to Council‘s satisfaction. 164 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Crossovers shall be constructed to a minimum width of 2.7m, with the pavement being 100mm concrete, a 150mm thickness of gravel, or 100mm of limestone and 50mm of gravel. The surface of the crossover shall be asphalt, bitumen chip seal, concrete or brick paved. Where required, culvert pipes beneath crossovers shall be a minimum 250mm diameter RCP and 4.8m in length. Headwalls to culverts shall be of concrete construction. 2.5.6 Street Lighting Western Power Standard Street Lighting Standard Western Power street lighting is used in most subdivisional works. The developer may arrange for a powder coating of the pole to present a more aesthetically pleasing finish. These poles are maintained by Western Power and replaced with the standard ―grey‖ pole if damaged Western Power Decorative Street Lighting Decorative Western Power street lighting is being used more and more in residential subdivisional works as the developer tries alternative treatments to dress up their particular subdivision. These poles are maintained by Western Power and replaced with another decorative pole if damaged. Non-Standard Street Lighting Before the advent of the decorative range of Western Power street lights many local authorities accepted the installation of ―non-standard‖ street lighting. The maintenance of these lights is carried out by the respective local authority and presents an ongoing maintenance issue that can be quite expensive. Table 1 Crossover Widths Low Vehicle Volume Developments are those that can be serviced by one driveway and generate weekday vehicle Movements of less than 10 vehicles per hour on a typical weekday and less than 20 vehicles per hour on a typical weekend day. Where a wide verge area exists the crossover width may be reduced once the vehicle turning movement has been accommodated. Refer to Figure 3. 165 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Figure 3 Crossover Width Sufficient storage length must be provided for a vehicle to stand clear of the carriageway when stopped. Where the entrance has a gate, the set back from the edge of the carriageway to the gate shall vary with the type of vehicle likely to use the driveway in accordance with Table 2. Also refer to Figure 5. Type of Vehicle Minimum Length Light vehicles 6m Single unit trucks 15m Semi-trailers and wide farm machinery 21m Long Vehicles & Road Trains Length of Vehicle + 3m Table 2 Storage Lengths 166 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Figure 4 167 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 3 – DRAWINGS 168 SHIRE OF GINGIN 3. POLICY MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DRAWINGS 3.1 General The Shire‘s Engineering Department requires submission of design calculations for stormwater drainage systems and two complete sets of ―A1‖ size sets of plans for consideration. One copy of the plans and specifications is returned to the developer or his representative, with any comments and variations indicated on them. Three copies of the amended plans and two copies of the amended specifications are re-submitted for further consideration and, all going well, approval to commence the subdivisional construction works. Once these documents have been approved, stamped and signed by the Shire of Gingin Engineering Department one copy of each is returned. These documents are the ones referred to throughout the Contract and variations are not permitted without prior approval, in writing, of the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineering Department. 3.2 Drainage Calculations The Consultant shall submit drainage calculations for approval for every underground drain and all open drains (except table drains) including bridges, pipe drains, box culvert drains, etc. Calculations shall show catchment areas, run-off coefficients, recurrence intervals, rainfall intensities, and times of concentration and method of sizing of drains. Calculations shall be set out in a standard tabular format or approved format to facilitate checking. 3.3 Pavement Calculations Submit pavement calculations for approval. Calculations shall show the method adopted for calculation of sub grade CBR including test results, design pavement life, design traffic loadings, determination of basecourse thicknesses and need for sub grade stabilisation/improvement where necessary. Provide copies of all sub grade tests. 3.4 Required Drawing Scales Scales of plans where possible should conform to the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Overall Layout Plan 1/500 or 1/1000 Plan 1/500 Longitudinal Section 1/500 horizontally, 1/50 vertically Cross Sections 1/200 horizontally, 1/100 vertically Particular Details 1/200 or 1/250 (Intersections, cul- de-sac, turn circles, traffic devices) These scales are minimal and may be increased on jobs of small extent. 169 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The datum used shall be an established Landgate Bench Mark to Australian Height Datum. The location of such datum points shall be clearly indicated on the plan. 3.5 Drawing Information 3.5.1 Layout Plan Layout Plan shall show: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) All existing and new streets and roads with the allocated street names; All lots fronting such streets with each lot numbered and fully dimensioned; All existing and proposed street drainage, allotment drains with necessary easements and outfall drains; All survey and bench marks; All existing and proposed contours; The north point; and All proposed traffic management devices. 3.5.2 Road Plans Each street shall be drawn in plan and profile. The plan of the street shall show: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Width of all pavements, verges and medians; Design speed of the road; Distances on the centre line of the road (SKL); All horizontal curve data; All existing and proposed contours; All existing and proposed street drainage including manholes and gullies; All lots facing onto the street; All traffic management devices; All existing and proposed services in the road reserve; and North point. The longitudinal profile of the road shall show: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) A running distance along the centre line of the road (SKL); The natural surface levels along the centre line and both property lines; Design levels at the centre line and both channels. These levels shall be at 20 metre intervals on straight grades and alignments and at 10 metre intervals on vertical and horizontal curves; Lengths of grade lines with grades expressed as a percentage; Intersection and tangent points at change of grades; Length of vertical curves; Transition and superelevation details; and Finished surface levels along both property lines. 170 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Cross section details shall be provided in all cases to show the thicknesses and other relevant details. Intersections, cul-de-sac heads, roundabouts and any other traffic device or feature – details of these devices shall include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) All lot boundaries; Geometric details; Design levels at appropriate points; All services, including drainage; and North point. 3.5.3 Drainage Plans All drainage lines will be drawn in plan and profile on the same drawing at the scales as previously specified. The plan shall show: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) All existing and proposed drainage lines showing pipe sizes, grades, lengths, manholes, gullies, other drainage structures and whether the pipes are solid or slotted; Upstream and downstream levels on all existing drainage outfalls to which connections are being made; All existing and proposed sewer lines and any other services which may effect; All existing and proposed contours and spot levels; Where appropriate and especially on industrial subdivisions, the stormwater connection location and the designed discharge from each lot; The north point; All drainage easements including their description and width; and All streets with their allocated names and all lots facing onto such streets with the appropriate lot number. The longitudinal section shall show: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) A small plan (scale 1:2000) in the bottom right hand corner of the drawing, showing the location of the specific drains as detailed on the same drawing; All pipe sizes and grades, the class of pipe and whether the pipe is solid or slotted; The existing natural and finished surface levels; The invert levels of the pipes and the depth to invert from the finished surface level; The distances between gullies, manholes and other drainage structures; The location and levels of all other services, especially sewer line crossings; and Details of all manholes, gullies and other structures. 171 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Special Details Any Outlet Structure` Any connection to Department of Water main drain Cross Section of subsoil drainage Separate details shall be included on the drawings showing pipe laying and bedding details and other appropriate details as required. 3.5.4 Earthworks Plans In all subdivisions involving earthworks, plans showing existing and proposed contours and appropriate cross sections are required. 3.5.5 ―As Constructed‖ Drawings The Subdivider shall submit to Council prior to the release of the subdivision, a full set of engineering drawings for the subdivisional works in reproducible form and in digital format, and certified by a licensed surveyor or other nonbiased surveyors as approved as follows: (a) (b) Road Drawings – amended to show details of any alterations made during construction; and Drainage Drawings – amended to show actual lines, levels and grades against the design lines, levels and grades and stamped ―As Constructed‖. 172 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 4 – CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS 173 SHIRE OF GINGIN 4. POLICY MANUAL CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND ASSOCIATED WORKS 4.1 Soil Conditions/Geotechnical Report (Council Policy) The Shire of Gingin has varying soils and water table conditions. The Shire requires a Geotechnical report to certify that the land is suitable for road construction. This report is to be submitted prior to approval of road construction in order that any earthworks, including excavation, filling and compaction can be covered by the design plans and specifications. The Geotechnical report is to be prepared by a mutually appointed Consultant from this list; Company Coffey Geosciences Pty Ltd Douglas Partners Pty Ltd TME Brown Golder & Associates ATC Williams G.H.D Pty Ltd Structerre Consulting Chartered Engineers Phone 9347 0000 9204 3511 9368 2615 9213 7600 9355 8700 6222 8645 Contact David Fulsham Rob Shaplande Ken Brown Andrew Cray Zoran Kovacev David Elias 9205 4520 Santiago Abueva and is required to (i) (ii) Identify the substrata and its classification; Recommend remedial measures to have the site reclassified as Class A or Class S in accordance with AS 2870 -1996 (Amended); (iii) Determine the water table level for the site; (iv) Recommend measures for the disposal of stormwater either onsite or via a comprehensive subsoil drainage network. (v) Supervise the remedial work and certify that the works have been undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report, and the foundation material is capable of an allowable bearing pressure of 100kpa; 4.1.1 The requirements as laid down in the Shire's Specifications for the Design and Construction of Roads and Stormwater Drainage shall be complied with and the drawings and specifications approved by the Council, prior to the commencement of any work in the subdivision. It is recommended that consultation with the Shire's engineering department occurs in the early stages of subdivisional design so that work can progress towards achieving a safe and functional road, drainage and footpath layout that is to the satisfaction of the Shire Engineer. 4.1.2 Prior to site works commencing, the potential dust risk of the site is to be assessed in accordance with the "Land development sites and impacts on air quality – Department of Environmental Protection, November 1996". The assessment is to form part of the subdivision submission to the Council. 174 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.1.3 The construction work shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications, and will be subject to stage inspection and approval by the Engineer or his representative during the course of construction. Final approval shall only be given when the whole of the works shown on the plan of subdivision submitted for clearance have been executed to the true intent and meaning of the approved specification and to the satisfaction of the Shire Engineer. The Council shall notify the Department of Planning that the conditions of subdivision relating to road construction have been complied with and that the Diagram of Survey has been cleared. 4.1.4 From the date of registration of the Diagrams of Survey by the Department of Planning and the Office of Titles, any land delineated and shown as a new road on such diagrams shall be under the control of Council. 4.1.5 Public Road Intersections. Where a planned subdivision shows the joining of a subdivisional road with an existing public road, then the subdivisional road shall be so constructed as to connect the public roadway. 4.1.6 Where footpaths and / or paving of Public Access Ways is required as a condition of subdivision, a non refundable bond shall be paid to Council for construction by Council at a future date. 4.1.7 It should be noted that Council Policy is that any road, path or drainage works associated with a planned subdivision, within a gazetted road reserve shall be carried out by the Council at the developers cost, unless otherwise approved. This includes all reinstatements associated with Sewer Works. In such instances the developer is required to pay the Councils estimated cost of the works in advance and agree to pay the actual costs on completion of the works. Where sewer or water supply works are to be undertaken, within gazetted road reserves, formal application and approval for permission to work within the road reserve is required. 4.2 General 4.2.1 All works shall be carried out in accordance with the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act, 1984. 4.2.2 Temporary Road Closure Where it is necessary to close an existing road to carry out any part of the subdivisional works, approval for such closure shall be obtained from the Shire‘s Engineering Department, at least (28) days prior to the work commencing. The following conditions shall apply to such closures: 175 SHIRE OF GINGIN 4.3 POLICY MANUAL (a) A suitable detour shall be determined and clearly signposted with approved signs for the duration of the works and if no such detour is available, suitable and passable side tracks shall be provided. (b) In the case of arterial roads and on other roads where a suitable and convenient detour is unavailable, the road closure shall be advertised by double column display advertisements in local newspapers advising the reason, location and duration of the closure and the route of the proposed detour, such advertisements being placed 21 days prior to the date of the proposed closure. (c) In the case of arterial roads and on other roads where a suitable and convenient detour is unavailable, advisory signs shall be erected at appropriate locations on the site 21 days prior to the closure, such signs to comprise a minimum 100 mm letter height and to advise the reason, location and duration of the road closure. (d) The works and road closure shall be adequately lit at night and other appropriate precautions shall be taken to ensure public safety. (e) Emergency services, schools, other large institutions and large businesses that may be affected by the closure shall be advised in writing of the reason, location and duration of the road closure and the route of the proposed detour at least 21 days prior to the closure. (f) The works shall be carried out in an expeditious manner to minimise the impact of the road closure on the general public. (g) Where the road closure is required by a private contractor to carry out works in the road reserve then the contractor must obtain approval from the Shire‘s Engineering Department, prior to commencing the works. Survey Set Out 4.3.1 All works shall be set out and constructed in accordance with the alignments, levels, grades and cross sections as shown in the approved drawings. 4.3.2 Care shall be taken when working in the vicinity of survey pegs and bench marks to ensure the accuracy thereof. 4.3.3 The Subdivider shall be responsible for the accuracy of the setting out of works. 4.4 Construction Tolerances The tolerances to levels permitted for the various stages of road construction shall be as follows: Sub-grade Sub-base -50mm to + 0mm -25mm to +10 mm 176 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Base Bitumen primer Concrete kerbing Asphalt surfacing 4.5 -10mm to +10 mm +/- 0.5 litres/m2 Refer to Section 4 Clause 4.12 +/- 5mm Clearing Works 4.5.1 Clearing of all shrubs and trees shall be completed to an extent sufficient to facilitate the construction work. Natural vegetation should be retained where possible. 4.5.2 All tree roots, boulders and other deleterious material shall, where possible, be totally removed to a depth of 600 mm below the natural surface or finished surface levels of the street, whichever is the greater. Stumps shall be completely removed. 4.5.3 All holes and depressions resulting from clearing and grubbing shall be backfilled with approved material and compacted to at least the compaction of the surrounding in-situ material. 4.5.4 No material from the clearing shall be pushed beyond the limits of the site. 4.5.5 Material cleared shall be either removed from the site and disposed of at an approved waste disposal site or disposed of by burning. All burning off shall be strictly to the requirements of the Bush Fires Act and Environmental Protection Act. 4.6 Earthworks 4.6.1 Earthworks shall be completed to this specification and tolerances as set out herein and as detailed in the drawings. 4.6.2 The road shall be cut to the grades and batters indicated on the approved drawings. 4.6.3 All fill shall be clean free-draining medium to coarse sand and shall be compacted to the full depth of 95% of the modified maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS 1289 E2.1 – 1977 unless otherwise approved. 4.6.4 All cut through rock shall be excavated to a depth of 100mm below sub-grade level and 200mm below the finished level of verges. 4.6.5 Blasting Excavation in rock or hard soil may be carried out by blasting only if a blasting permit has been obtained from the Shire‘s Executive Officer in accordance with Explosives Regulations 1963 Regulation 115(6). All explosives shall be stored and handled in accordance with AS2187-1983-4 under the personal supervision of the holder 177 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL of a current Shotfirer Permit. The Shotfirer shall be held responsible for the repair, replacement, legal liability claims or anything that may arise from the blasting operations. All such screens, shields, matting and the like as is necessary to prevent rock, stones, earth, debris or other material from scattering or blowing from the immediate site of blasting shall be provided. All road verges shall be graded evenly and smoothly, free from rubble and other deleterious material, to meet the level of the road kerb. 4.7 Soil Stabilisation 4.7.1 The subdivider shall be responsible for the satisfactory control of dust and sand drift from the construction site. 4.7.2 Stabilisation of topsoil, sand or other material or matter subject to movement over or near the subdivision shall generally be carried out in accordance with the Environmental Protection Authority‘s Dust Control Guidelines and to the satisfaction of the Shire‘s Engineering Department, both during the construction stages and upon completion of the subdivisional works. 4.7.3 Where initial stabilisation is carried out and subsequent works associated with the subdivisional works causes deterioration of effective stabilisation of the area, the area so affected shall be restabilised in an appropriate manner. The Subdivider shall effect a varying method of re-stabilisation should initial stabilisations be found to be unsuitable. 4.7.4 Stabilisation disturbed by works other than the subdivisional works shall be the responsibility of the person responsible for the disturbance of the stabilised areas (for example, builders, private lot owners and Service Authorities). 4.7.5 A special performance bond in the form of either cash or unconditional guarantee from a financial institution acceptable to Council to the value of $0.50 per square metre of the cleared or disturbed lot area shall be lodged with the Council prior to the commencement of any works as a condition of approval of drawings for the subdivisional works. These monies will be used by Council to control sand drift if, in the opinion of the Shire‘s Engineering Department, the contractor is not taking adequate precautions to control the sand drift during the progress of construction work. The Consulting Engineer will be advised in writing on each occasion it becomes necessary for Council to use these monies for sand drift control. These monies will be refunded upon completion of the subdivisional works, including the stabilisation of the finished surface, less any amounts expended by Council on the control of sand drift during the construction period. 178 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.7.6 Council may reduce this bond to $0.25 per square metre for those developments assessed in accordance with the Environmental Protection Authority‘s Dust Control Guidelines and where the relevant contracts for subdivisional works incorporate the dust control strategies as indicated in the guidelines. 4.7.7 To avoid dust nuisance to adjacent owners the Shire‘s Engineering Department, may direct that no earthworks, including stripping, filling or placing of topsoil, be carried out when a wind is blowing towards surrounding properties which is likely to cause sand drift or dust to reach those properties. 4.8 Sub-Grade 4.8.1 The formation shall be excavated in conformity with the profiles, dimensions, cambers and depths as shown on approved drawings. 4.8.2 Unless otherwise specified the width of the formation ―boxed out‖ shall be at least 600mm greater on each side than the finished sealed width of the road pavement for urban roads. 4.8.3 Unless otherwise specified the width of the formation ―boxed out‖ shall be at least 1.0m greater on each side than the finished running surface for rural roads. 4.8.4 The sub-grade shall be compacted to not less than 95% of its modified maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS 1289 E2.1 – 1977 Methods of Testing Soil for Engineering Purposes. 4.8.5 This work shall be checked and approved prior to the placement of any foundation material. 4.9 Sub-Base Course 4.9.1 The sub-base shall be constructed of limestone complying with the requirements of Section 8.1 ―Specification for Limestone‖ unless otherwise approved. 4.9.2 The sub-base shall be placed so that the compacted sub-grade is not disturbed and broken up and that the even thickness specified is achieved. Sub-base material shall not be spread upon a waterlogged sub-grade. 4.9.3 The sub-base course must be installed full depth (i.e. no separate base course layers) to suit the overall pavement design. 4.9.4 The sub-base course shall be compacted to not less than 95% of its modified maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS 1289 E2.1 – 1977. 4.9.5 Where damage to adjoining properties may result, the use of vibrating rollers will not be permitted. 179 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.9.6 All irregularities in the longitudinal grade and cross section shall be corrected in an approved manner until the road sub-base is brought to a uniformly compacted smooth and even surface. 4.9.7 If, during the construction period, the surface of the sub-base shows any imperfections or failures, such shall be corrected in an approved manner. 4.9.8 Unsatisfactory sub-base material shall be removed from the site and replaced with material as specified. 4.9.9 The sub-base construction shall be approved commencement of the placing of the base material. prior to the 4.9.10 No work is to continue with the installation of the Base Course until all testing is done and original test results are supplied to Council and approved. 4.10 Base Course 4.10.1 The pavement base material shall consist of fine crushed rock (road base) complying with the requirements of Section 8.2 ―Specifications for Road Base‖ unless otherwise approved. 4.10.2 The base material shall be placed so that the limestone sub-base material is not disturbed or broken up during the placement of the base material and an even thickness as specified is obtained. 4.10.3 The base course must be installed full-depth (i.e. no separate subbase course layers) to suit the overall pavement design as approved. 4.10.4 Grading of loose material over a hard surface and/or compaction in a thin layer is not permitted. 4.10.5 The base course shall be compacted to not less than 98% of its modified dry density when tested in accordance with AS 1289-E2.1 1977. 4.10.6 The base shall be water bound by the surface being sprayed with water and rolled until a slurry finish has been obtained. When this has dried, any surplus slurry material shall be broomed off the surface and disposed of as directed. 4.10.7 The base construction shall be approved prior to priming. 4.10.8 Prior to surfacing all underground public utilities service crossings shall be installed. All road crossings shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with the requirements for sub-grade and sub-base construction. 180 SHIRE OF GINGIN 4.11 POLICY MANUAL Primer Sealing Of Pavement 4.11.1 The surface of the base course shall be primer sealed in accordance with Austroads publication ―Bituminous Surfacing Volume 1, Sprayed Work 1989‖ prior to the application of the wearing course. 4.11.2 Sweeping The surface of the base course shall be swept free from any loose material and dust in such a manner that will not damage the finished surface of the base course prior to the application of the binder. 4.11.3 Application of Binder In cases where a hot sprayed bitumen surface is specified, the primer seal shall be hot cut-back bitumen; for asphalt surfaces, either bitumen emulsion or hot cut-back bitumen as specified below may be used. Primer sealing shall not be carried out for a period of at least 24 hours after completion of the water binding of the base course. Bitumen Emulsion Bitumen emulsion in accordance with AS 1160-1988 shall be uniformly and evenly sprayed onto the existing surface at a rate determined by the design but shall not be less than 1.4 litres per square metre measured at 15 degrees Celsius. Hot Cut-Back Bitumen Hot cut-back bitumen in accordance with AS2157-1980 ‗Cutback Bitumen‖ shall be applied at the rate determined by the design but shall not be less than 1.2 litres per square metre measured at 15 degrees Celsius, with the temperature of the bitumen being between 70 and 120 degrees Celsius. The Binder Application The primer seal shall be applied by an approved mechanical sprayer. Where the direct use of a mechanical spray is impracticable, the binder may be sprayed using a hand lance fed from the mechanical sprayer. 4.11.4 Application for Aggregate The primer seal shall immediately after spraying be covered with approved 7mm nominal size aggregate as detailed in Section 6.3 ―Specification for Sealing Aggregate‖ so that all sprayed areas shall be completely covered within a period of 15 minutes. 181 SHIRE OF GINGIN 4.12 POLICY MANUAL The aggregate shall be dry and free from dust and other deleterious material, and be spread by means of an approved aggregate spreader capable of spreading a uniform layer of aggregate. Rate of application shall be determined by design but shall not exceed 150m2 per cubic metre of metal, controlled so that only sufficient is applied to give a uniform dense mat of one stone thickness. Within 5 minutes of the application of the aggregate, rolling shall commence using appropriate equipment and continue until the aggregate is well embedded in the binder an a uniform surface obtained. Hot Sprayed Bitumen Surfacing 4.12.1 The application of a single coat aggregate wearing course to a surface which has been primer sealed in accordance with Section 4.9 shall be designed and carried out in accordance with Austroads publication ―Bituminous Surfacing, Volume 1, Sprayed Work 1989‖. The wearing course shall be applied to those areas as shown on the approved drawings and shall consist of a hot bitumen binder with appropriate aggregate. The Subdivider shall submit his proposed application rates for binder and aggregate for approval. 4.12.2 Before the binder is applied, the surface shall be swept free of all loose stones, dust, dirt and foreign material. Any sections of pavement that are loose or damaged shall be repaired and finished to the correct level. 4.12.3 Materials The binder and medium curing cutting oil shall comply with AS 20081980 and AS2157-1980. The proportion of medium curing cutting oil to be added to the binder shall be determined by the design and shall not to exceed 8%. The aggregate shall consist of crushed stone as specified in Section 8.3 ―Specification for Sealing Aggregate‖ and shall be of 14 mm nominal size. 182 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.12.4 Application of Binder The Subdivider shall give the Engineer at least 48 hours notice of his intention to apply the binder and the approval shall be obtained before any spraying commences. The surface to be sealed shall be dry and no binder shall be applied whilst the pavement temperature is less than 25 degrees Celsius or during wet conditions, or when adverse weather conditions may prevail at any time during such work. The binder shall be applied by an approved mechanical sprayer. Where the direct use of the mechanical sprayer is impracticable, the binder may be applied by using a hand lance fed from the mechanical sprayer. The binder edge shall not deviate from the desired edge lines by more than 50 mm. The rate of deviation of the binder edge from the desired edge lines shall not exceed one in four hundred (1:400). All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent over spray of binder. Any damage or defacement shall be made good immediately the sealing in that section has been completed, with all cleaning work being carried out to an acceptable standard. 4.12.5 Application of Aggregate The aggregate shall be dry and free from dust and other deleterious material at the time of application and shall be uniformly spread over the sprayed area by means of an approved type of mechanical spreader. The time lag between spraying and spreading shall be kept to a minimum and all sprayed areas, with the exception of approved lapping strips, shall be covered with 14mm nominal size aggregate within ten (10) minutes of spraying the binder. If there are surplus loose particles on any portion of the sealed area such portion shall be swept lightly so as to move the loose particles but not disturb the aggregate embedded in the binder. Rate of application shall be determined by design but shall not exceed 150 m2 per cubic metre of metal, controlled so that only sufficient is applied to give a uniform dense mat of one stone thickness. 183 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Within 5 minutes of the application of the aggregate, rolling shall commence using appropriate equipment and continue until the aggregate is well embedded in the binder and a uniform surface obtained. Any loose cover material not incorporated in the seal after the completion of rolling shall be removed from the seal surface as directed and disposed of in an approved manner. 4.12.6 Two-Coat Surfacing The application of a consecutive two coat aggregate wearing course seal will be approved on submission of a fully detailed specification. 4.12.7 Measurement and Recording of Application Rates Binder All loads of bitumen shall be sampled in accordance with AS 11601988, AS 2008-1980 or AS2157 –1980 as appropriate. The following records shall be kept of all spray runs by a competent person and supplied to the Shire‘s Engineering Department: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Spray width Start chainage – finish chainage Side of road (left or right) Road temperature Bitumen temperature Volume of bitumen used Average bitumen application rate Aggregate Aggregate volume shall be measured in truck at the point of spreading. Each load shall be levelled to facilitate calculation of volumes with the volume of the aggregate being recorded for each truck. The actual application rate of cover aggregate shall be calculated from the measured volumes spread and the actual area measured on the site by the Consulting Engineer and supplied to the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 4.13 Concrete Kerbing 4.13.1 All concrete kerbing shall be cast in-situ Semi-Mountable type using an extrusion machine to a cross sectional profile as shown on the approved drawings. 184 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.13.2 Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that kerbing is securely held in position. The laying of kerbing on the primed base course the same thickness as main road base course, with asphalt placed against the front face and fill against the rear face is deemed to comply with this requirement. 4.13.3 All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with AS36001988. 4.13.4 All concrete used shall be supplied in a ready mixed state and shall comply with the requirements of AS1379-1973. All concrete used in the works shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 20 MPa at 28 days with a maximum slump of 90mm. 4.13.5 The surface of the road shall be thoroughly swept clean of all loose material prior to the kerb being cast to ensure the maximum bond between the kerb and the pavement material. 4.13.6 Tolerances The line, level and radius of all kerbing shall be in accordance with the following tolerances: (a) (b) (c) (d) The top surface of the kerb shall be parallel to the ruling grade of the pavement and shall be free from irregularities exceeding 5mm when measured with a 3m long straight edge. Level +/- 5mm Line +/- 10mm Cross section dimensions +/- 5 mm. 4.13.7 The finished kerb shall be true to the cross-section dimensions specified and shall have a smooth finish. 4.13.8 Contraction Joints Contraction joints shall be constructed every 2.5 metres run of kerbing. The contraction joints shall be 6mm wide and shall be cut through the kerb above the road surface level immediately after extrusion. Care must be taken to avoid any disturbance to the edges of the joint and any such disturbance shall be made good immediately. 4.13.9 Expansion Joints Not less than 24 hours after placement of the kerb, expansion joints shall be formed by cutting completely through the kerb at 5.0 metre intervals, at sides of drainage gullies and at tangent points of all small radius horizontal curves. The expansion joints shall be 13mm wide. Each expansion joint will be filled with a foam packer which shall be covered with an approved compound. 185 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.13.10 Curing All concrete shall be cured as specified in AS3600-1988. 4.13.11 Protection All kerbing shall be protected from damage and any damage repaired immediately so that no visible cracks remain. Kerbing with any cracking will not be approved and must be replaced prior to final inspection taking place. There will be no minimum amount of cracking allowable. 4.13.12 Backfilling The backfill material shall be free draining sand and/or topsoil, free from debris and deleterious matter and levelled and compacted to not less than 90% of the modified maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS1289 E2.1-1977. 4.13.13 All surplus materials including materials removed due to noncompliance with the specifications shall be removed from the site and the area left in a neat and tidy condition. 4.14 Asphalt Surfacing 4.14.1 General Asphalt used for the wearing course on any road pavement shall consist of a combination of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filler, uniformly coated and mixed with a bitumen binder in accordance with that detailed in Section 8.4 ―Specification for Asphalt‖. All work and material shall be in accordance with the requirements of AS 2734-1984 and shall provide a surface with level and roughness tolerances complying with the standard and having a compaction of at least 98% of the 50 blow, 35 blow or 25 blow Marshall density as approved. 4.14.2 Commencement of Works The Contractor shall give at least 24 hours notice to the Shire‘s Engineering Department, before commencing or recommencing any asphalt surfacing works. 4.14.3 Delivery Records A weighbridge ticket showing the empty and loaded masses of the vehicle shall be made available to the Shire‘s Engineering Department, at the point of delivery by the driver of the vehicle together with written confirmation of the following if requested: 186 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The date and time of loading; The name of the supplier and the plant location; The identification number of the vehicle; and The nominal size of the asphalt aggregate. 4.14.4 Testing of Asphalt Test results indicating the following shall be supplied on request: Marshall Stability Marshall Flow Bitumen content % air voids % compaction 4.15 Street Name Plates 4.15.1 The subdivider shall be responsible for the supply and erection of all street nameplates in accordance with AS1742.5 –1986 Part 5. Nameplates shall be of approved type, be fully reflective on extruded aluminium and shall be erected at all newly created intersections and shall indicate the names of both streets. Nameplates shall incorporate any special feature which may be required by Council (eg Shire logo, colours of legend and background, etc). 4.15.2 Depth of sign shall be 150mm with 100mm lettering except on major roads where a depth of 200mm with 150mm lettering shall be used. 4.15.3 Signs shall be mounted on 50mm diameter galvanised steel posts so that the bottom of the sign is 2.7 metres clear of the ground. Posts shall be concreted into the ground to a depth of at least 0.6 metres. The pole shall be erected on the 2.7 metre alignment. Temporary ―No Through Road‖ signs shall be erected on roads that have been temporarily terminated. 4.16 Street Lighting Western Power Standard Street Lighting Standard Western Power street lighting is used in most subdivisional works. The developer may arrange for a powder coating of the pole to present a more aesthetically pleasing finish. These poles are maintained by Western Power and replaced with the standard ―grey‖ pole if damaged Western Power Decorative Street Lighting Decorative Western Power street lighting is being used more and more in residential subdivisional works as the developer tries alternative treatments to dress up their particular subdivision. These poles are maintained by Western Power and replaced with another decorative pole if damaged. 187 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Non-Standard Street Lighting Before the advent of the decorative range of Western Power street lights many local authorities accepted the installation of ―non-standard‖ street lighting. The maintenance of these lights is carried out by the respective local authority and presents an ongoing maintenance issue that can be quite expensive. 4.17 Footpaths and Dual Use Paths Footpaths and dual-use paths in road reserves shall be provided in urban residential subdivisions unless special circumstances prevail in which case they may be omitted at Council‘s discretion. If such paths are required they shall be constructed by the Subdivider at the time of Subdivision. Where paths are to be provided by the Subdivider they shall normally be 1.5m footpath and/or 2.0m dual-use x 100mm thick concrete paths with a 2% slope towards kerbs (or edge of roadways). Tooled lock-joint contraction joints shall be provided at 2m intervals and 12mm wide full depth expansion joints shall be provided at 6m intervals. The surfaces of concrete paths shall have a non-slip broomed finish. Other types of path e.g. brick may be accepted at Council‘s discretion. Paths shall generally be provided on one side of a road only however a path may be required on both sides of a street if so determined by the Liveable Neighbourhoods document. The paths shall normally be laid parallel to the kerb line (or edge of roadway). The longitudinal profile shall follow the longitudinal profile of the kerb line (or edge of roadway). 4.18 Path and Island Paving 4.18.1 The paving material used in the construction of off-road paths and islands shall be 100mm thick cast ―in situ‖ concrete. The finished surface shall be smooth and free from defects with a ―broomed‖ nonskid finish. Contraction joints shall be provided every 2.0 metres. These shall be cut with an approved grooving tool and be 6mm wide. Expansion joints fitted with ―Lock-Joint‖ shall be provided every 6.0 metres. Every 48 metres, a non ―Lock-Joint‖ expansion joint shall be provided. These shall be 13mm wide and filled flush with an approved jointing material. Alternative equivalent paving materials may be used as approved. 4.17.2 All concrete work shall be carried out in accordance with AS36001988. 4.18.3 All concrete used shall be supplied in a ready mixed state and shall comply with the requirements of AS1379-1973. All concrete used in the works shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 20 MPa at 28 days with a maximum slump of 90 mm. 188 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.18.4 All paving to median islands shall be to the colour as specified by the Engineer. 4.18.5 The sub-grade under all paths shall be clean, well compacted sand fill. All concrete to median islands shall be placed on a compacted sand bed. 4.18.6 All public utility services shall be installed under paths and other paved areas prior to the paving work commencing. 4.18.7 The level of the finished concrete path shall suit the surrounding ground levels provided that the paved surface is free draining, with all path levels to be approved. Generally, all paths will have a 2% cross fall towards the road pavement. 4.18.8 The Subdivider shall give landowners whose verges will be affected by the path construction at least two (2) weeks notice of the commencement of the construction work. 4.18.9 All work shall be carried out in accordance with Council‘s requirements as appropriate and as detailed in its ―Path Construction Specification.‖ 4,18.10 Appropriate alterations to existing verge reticulation systems shall be carried out as part of the work at no extra cost. 4.19 Lot Filling 4.19.1 Where lot filling is required in accordance with these guidelines, the fill area shall be cleared and stripped of all organic material rubbish and any other deleterious material and the filling placed and compacted to the approved design levels. The tolerances on lot filling shall be +/- 50mm. 4.19.2 The fill material shall be clean, free draining, medium to coarse sand, free from foreign and organic matter. 4.19.3 Topsoil shall be stockpiled for later re-spreading on batters and other disturbed surfaces where appropriate. 4.19.4 Material from clearing shall be disposed of away from the site of the works in a place and manner approved by Council. No material from clearing shall be deposited within the road reserve or on property beyond the boundaries of the subdivision without the owner‘s permission. 4.19.5 Adequate precautions must be taken to ensure no damage occurs to trees, vegetation, fences, services and other improvements outside the designated areas of the works. Survey pegs or marks which are disturbed shall be reinstated by a licensed surveyor at the Subdivider‘s expense. 189 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 4.19.6 All fill shall be compacted to the full depth with a density of 95% over the building envelope and 90% over the remainder of the fill area, of the modified maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS 1289 E2.1-1977. 4.19.7 Where open drains across lots have been backfilled, the compaction of the backfill shall be in accordance with the preceding Clause and such areas shall be subject to special testing as determined by the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 4.19.8 The requirements for stabilisation, dust control and sand drift as detailed in Section 4.6 shall also apply to lot filling. 4.19.9 For urban subdivisions on a clay sub grade, the clay surface shall be sloped at a minimum grade of 1:100 towards a subsoil drainage line and covered with a minimum fill of 300mm of clean sand over the entire site. Clay being used as fill to achieve a uniform graded surface shall be compacted to 90% of the modified maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS1289 E2.1-1977. 190 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 5 – CONSTRUCTION OF STORMWATER DRAINAGE 191 SHIRE OF GINGIN 5. POLICY MANUAL CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGE WORKS 5.1 General Land owners subdividing land for urban, residential or industrial developments are required to provide a stormwater drainage system to the satisfaction of the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineering Department. 5.1.1 Stormwater Drainage – General All commercial, industrial and multi-residential (triplex or larger) developments are required to provide a stormwater disposal system to the satisfaction of the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineering Department. Further information on the means of disposal, whether it be ―on-site‖ or connection to an existing drainage scheme may be obtained from the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineering Department. 5.1.2. Stormwater Drainage – Design Criteria The stormwater drainage system is designed using methods in accordance with Australian Rainfall and Runoff – A Gide to Flood Estimation Vol. 1 1987 (AR & R – 1987) and Stormwater Drainage in Small Urban Catchments: ARRB Special Report No. 34. Attention is drawn to the major/minor concepts of drainage design as per Section 14.5.1 AR & R 1987. Drainage systems in residential areas are designed for a 1 in 5 year storm, and in industrial areas, for a 1 in 10 year storm. A six minute interval is used as the minimum time of concentration to the first gully. Storms with recurrence intervals above the 1 in 10 year are also considered and ―temporary‖ storage designed within the road reserve. The overland flow path required by a 1 in 100 year storm event must also be considered. Drainage systems are to be designed as a manhole to manhole system with contributing inflows from ―trapped‖ interceptors. The rainfall intensity for a calculated time of concentration and recurrence interval are determined from the Rainfall Intensity Diagram for the specific Local Authority. The total area contributing should be analysed and runoff coefficients assigned to each common sub-area. Runoff coefficients to be used are as follows: Industrial and Commercial Areas – 0.9 of total area unless otherwise advised by the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineer. Residential – 0.3 of total area (where connected to drainage system) Multi-residential – 0.7 of total area (where connected to a drainage system) 192 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Road Reserve – weighted coefficient based on 0.9 for road pavement and 0.5 for verge area. In areas where high groundwater conditions are encountered, subsoil drainage may be required as a condition of subdivision. Interceptors are generally ―side entry‖ type and positioned so that the width of gutter flow is limited to 1.5m in local, collector and arterial roads. Consideration should always be given to keeping intersections as free of runoff as possible. At low points double entry pits are required, each pit is to be individually connected to a common manhole. Interceptors must be ―trapped‖ and fitted with a fibreglass baffle prior to connection to a stormwater manhole. Pipes systems are designed to operate under pressure ―or surcharge‖ as per Section 14.5.7 of Australian Rainfall and Runoff. The Hydraulic Grade Line analysis shall take into account head losses through gully pits and manholes. The pipe system shall have the capacity to handle the design flow with the surcharge maximum water level in gullies 150mm below the surface and in manholes 300mm below the surface. In general, pipes should not decrease in size downstream irrespective of steeper grades. Special circumstances requiring the decrease of downstream pipe sizes must be approved by the Shire of Gingin Engineering Department. The velocity in pipes is limited to the range 0.7 m/s – 6.0 m/s. The possibility of scour at outfalls is considered and steps taken to eliminate it where it may occur. Where pipe selections are determined from flow charts, care should be taken to use the appropriate chart that will reflect conditions well into the service life of the pipe. Where flow charts are based on the Colesbrook-White equation, the ―K‖ value for concrete pipes is 0.30mm. A copy of all design calculations is submitted with the design plans for approval. Reference should be made to the flow chart used in determining pipe selection. In industrial and multi-residential subdivisions design flow and proposed connection points for each Lot is clearly indicated on the design plans. The Lot connection pit shall conform to the Shire of Gingin‘s requirements for manhole construction and be fitted with a baffle on the outlet pipe to the main line. Drainage lines are rubber ring jointed reinforced concrete pipes, although aluminium pipes and PVC pipes are also used when specific conditions must be met. PVC stormwater class pipes (up to a 193 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL maximum size 300mm) may be used for subsoil drainage if approved by the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineering Department. Slotted drainage lines are a minimum size of 150mm diameter and are laid to a level equal to the annual average maximum groundwater level. Historically, subsoil pipes were laid as deep as possible to have the maximum effect on lowering the water table. This is no longer considered as an appropriate solution to groundwater problems. The maximum size of slotted drainage lines is 300mm diameter; where drainage lines exceed 300mm and subsoil drainage is required a 150mm diameter slotted drain is run alongside the main line. Solid drainage lines are reinforced concrete pipes with a minimum size of 225mm diameter and at least Class 2, although the smallest RC pipe now produced by many pipe manufacturers is 300mm diameter. All road pavement crossings are 225mm diameter (minimum) solid pipe at a minimum grade of 1:200. In general, the minimum cover for a Class 2 pipe is 500mm. Manholes are included on drainage lines at all connection points, all changes of horizontal alignment and all changes of grades. The maximum distance between manholes is 100m and the maximum distance between a manhole and a gully are 20m. Where a drainage system is to discharge into a Department of Water (DoW) drainage system prior approval from DoW must be obtained. Where a drainage system cannot be connected to an outfall system, the method of discharge is approved by the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineer. Where a subdivision is to include a compensating basin, the basin is designed in accordance with Section 14.6.6 AR & R 1987 and the requirements of the DoW. Generally, stormwater drainage pipes are laid on the alignment as specified in the Public Utilities Information Manual unless approved by the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineering Department. The standard stormwater drainage alignment is 3.6m from the property boundary. Within easements the standard alignment is 1.5m from the boundary but may be larger depending on the pipe diameter. All subdividers with land in a common catchment area have a joint responsibility to ensure that the whole catchment area (including dedicated roads) will be served by an effective drainage system. When only a portion of a catchment is being developed at a particular time, the drainage strategy for the whole area should be determined. Subdividers are responsible for arranging their own cost sharing arrangements. 194 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Any drainage to be constructed within a dedicated road reserve is undertaken by the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineering Department at the subdivider‘s cost, unless otherwise approved. 5.1.3 Earthworks and Recontouring The maximum grade across blocks and developed areas is 1 in 8, property boundary to property boundary. Where overall recontouring is not required the maximum block grading from the design verge level at the property boundary is not greater than 1 in 6 extending 7.5 metres into the property. The Shire of Gingin‘s Engineer may approve a variation to this condition under special circumstances. Recontouring of land adjacent to Dedicated Roads shall match the boundary levels for that Dedicated Road specified by the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineer. Recontouring and earthworks on Public Open Space (POS) is to a maximum grade of 1 in 8. Under certain circumstances, the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineer may approve grades up to 1 in 6. Earthworks and Public Access Ways (PAW) and Battleaxe Entries (BE) shall have a level cross section boundary to boundary. The maximum longitudinal grade of PAWs and BEs is 1 in 6, unless otherwise approved the Shire of Gingin‘s Engineer. Roads, PAWs and BEs are cleared of rocks, trees, shrubs and vegetation and grubbed out to clear roots and stone. Clearing on POS and blocks is restricted to those areas that require recontouring. Topsoil is removed, stockpiled and respread on batters, embankments, POS and other earthworked areas to encourage vegetation regrowth. Cleared areas will also require soil stabilisation. Where recontouring in either residential or industrial areas requires fill, the fill material is to be clean sand. Fill is placed in horizontal layers which can be compacted to the specified densities with the Contractor‘s equipment and methods. The fill is compacted to not less than the following maximum dry density when tested in accordance with the appropriate test methods of AS1289: a) Fill within Road Reserve and other locations subject to traffic – 95% b) All other areas – 90% 5.1.4 All works shall be carried out in accordance with the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1984. 5.1.5 Temporary Road Closure Where it is necessary to close an existing road to carry out any part of the subdivisional works, approval for such closure shall be obtained 195 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL from the Shire‘s Engineering Department, at least (28) days prior to the work commencing. The following conditions shall apply to such closures: (a) A suitable detour shall be determined and clearly signposted with approved signs for the duration of the works and if no such detour is available, suitable and passable side tracks shall be provided. (b) In the case of arterial roads and on other roads where a suitable and convenient detour is unavailable, the road closure shall be advertised by double column display advertisements in local newspapers advising the reason, location and duration of the closure and the route of the proposed detour, such advertisements being placed 21 days prior to the date of the proposed closure. (c) In the case of arterial roads and on other roads where a suitable and convenient detour is unavailable, advisory signs shall be erected at appropriate locations on the site 21 days prior to the closure, such signs to comprise a minimum 100 mm letter height and to advise the reason, location and duration of the road closure. The works and road closure shall be adequately lit at night and other appropriate precautions shall be taken to ensure public safety. (d) 5.2 (e) Emergency services, schools, other large institutions and large businesses that may be affected by the closure shall be advised in writing of the reason, location and duration of the road closure and the route of the proposed detour at least 21 days prior to the closure. (f) The works shall be carried out in an expeditious manner to minimise the impact of the road closure on the general public. (g) Where the road closure is required by a private contractor to carry out works in the road reserve then the contractor must obtain approval from the Shire‘s Engineering Department prior to commencing the works. Survey Set Out 5.2.1 All drainage works shall be set out and constructed in accordance with the alignments, levels and grades as shown in the approved drawings. 5.2.2 Care shall be taken when working in the vicinity of survey pegs and bench marks to ensure the accuracy thereof. 5.2.3 The Subdivider shall be responsible for the accuracy of the setting out of works. 196 SHIRE OF GINGIN 5.3 POLICY MANUAL Construction Tolerances The tolerance for piped drainage lines shall generally be +/- 10mm for level and +/- 50 mm for line, but in all instances each section of drain shall be capable of carrying the design flow. 5.4 Materials 5.4.1 Pipes Drainage pipes may be reinforced concrete, fibre-reinforced cement, corrugated aluminium or plastic. Other types may be used on the approval of the Shire‘s Engineering Department. All pipes shall conform to the appropriate Australian Standard, such as the following: AS1342-1973 AS1712 – 1976 AS1761 – 1985 AS1762 – 1984 AS2566 - 1982 Precast Concrete Pipes Fibre Cement Pipes Helical Corrugated Steel Pipes Plastic Pipe-laying Design Subsoil drainage pipes shall conform to the above but, except in the case of reinforced concrete pipes, shall have 250 mm by 5 mm slots cut through the pipe on alternate sides at 100 degrees so that the total length of slots is approximately half that of the pipe. Reinforced concrete pipes shall be spigot and socket type unless otherwise approved. 5.4.2 Concrete Concrete used for in-situ work shall conform to AS3600-1988 and be provided by a pre-mix concrete supplier conforming to AS1379-1973 or mixed on site, using materials as specified and plant to the approval of the Engineer. Concrete for manholes, headwalls, end walls and keels shall have a minimum compressive strength of 20 MPA after 28 days. The slump shall not exceed 70 mm or be less than 30 mm. Maximum size of aggregate shall be 20mm. 5.4.3 Cement All cement used shall be Portland cement in accordance with AS1315-1982 and obtained from an approved manufacturer. 197 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL Cement shall be delivered to the site fresh and in sealed bags and there stored in a weatherproof shed until such time that tit is to be used. Any bag showing signs of deterioration or setting shall be rejected. 5.4.4 Concrete Aggregate Fine aggregate shall be well graded, clean, sharp and free from clay and organic impurities in accordance with AS2758.1-1985. Coarse aggregate shall be crushed granite or diorite clear and free from all impurities in accordance with AS2758.1-1985. 5.4.5 Water Water for use in concrete and mortar shall be of potable quality, free from any impurities harmful to concrete mortar or steel. 5.4.6 Sand Sand for mortar will be crushed stone or natural sand free from all deleterious substances and have a uniform grading. Sand for bedding or backfilling shall be clean sand free from roots, clay or any deleterious matter. 5.4.7 Steel Steel reinforcing fabric and steel reinforcing bars for concrete shall comply with the requirements of AS1302-1977, AS13031973 and AS1304-1973 and be free from loose rust or matter likely to impair the bond with concrete. Structural steel shall comply with the requirements of AS12051980. 5.4.8 Bricks Bricks shall be hard, well burnt, pressed or wire cut clay bricks in accordance with AS1225-1984 having a minimum ultimate strength of 30 MPA and absorbing when saturated, not more than 10% of their own weight in water. Bricks shall be of uniform shape and size, carefully conveyed and unloaded at the site. No chipped or broken bricks shall be used, and no pieces of brick to be used except where necessary as closures. 198 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 5.4.9 Calibrated Metal Calibrated metal (granite or diorite) shall conform to the following sieve grading: Sieve Size 19.0 13.2 9.5 6.7 2.4 0.6 %Passing 100 98-100 80-90 53-70 5-14 0-3 And be free from roots, clay and any deleterious material. 5.4.10 Manhole Liners Manhole liners shall be circular precast concrete liners from approved manufacturers capable of withstanding anticipated design loadings. 5.4.11 Manhole Covers Manhole covers located in the carriageway shall be equipped with purpose built reinforced concrete surrounds a minimum of 150mm thick and fitted with a ―Gatic‖ or similar type cast iron frame and lid. Manhole covers located elsewhere in the road reserve shall be equipped with a purpose built reinforced concrete surround 150mm thick. All manhole covers shall be equipped with 600mm square or circular access point with tapered inserts. Both cover and insert shall have suitable lifting points installed. Manhole covers located in easements on private allotments shall be of suitable thickness as determined by design loading but not less than 100mm. 5.4.12 Grated Covers Grated cover surrounds shall be 150mm thick reinforced concrete, 20 MPA at 28 days compressive strength concrete with sufficient reinforcement to withstand the design loading. The steel insert shall be contained within a steel surround firmly embedded in the concrete and hinged on one side to permit opening with the steel surround protruding above the concrete surround by 25mm. 199 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL All grated gully covers shall be of a heavy duty construction and shall be load tested to full Austroads Highway Loading Conditions (90kN Wheel Load applied as per AS1597 Part 1-1974). Grated covers shall have clear minimum internal dimension of 650mm x 490mm measured between and excluding the supporting angle frame. Where there is any likelihood of cycle traffic crossing the road at right angles to the centreline of the road in the vicinity of gullies, 25mm x 3mm mild steel straps shall be welded to the bars at 100mm centres across the full length of the grate or other method as approved. 5.4.13 Side Entry Kerb Side entry kerb sections shall be reinforced concrete to a design submitted and approved by the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 5.5 Installation of Manholes and Road Gullies 5.5.1 Manholes shall be constructed from either circular precast concrete sections or square/rectangular brickwork as determined by detailed design. Minimum thickness of brickwork shall be 230 mm. 5.5.2 The minimum internal size of all manholes shall be either 900 mm circular or square but in all cases the manhole shall be at least 600mm larger than the largest pipe connected to the manhole. The minimum manhole diameter in private property shall be 750mm. 5.5.3 All manhole covers shall overhang the liner or walls by 100mm minimum. The tops of all manholes shall be flush with either the pavement level or the finished ground level and set at appropriate cross falls where necessary. 5.5.4 Manholes shall be embedded on sand compacted not less than 95% of the maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS1289.E2.1-1977. 5.5.5 Steel step irons shall be installed in the walls of all manholes over 1.2 metres deep at approximately 400mm spacing or at every fifth course of brickwork. Step irons shall be of an approved design with a minimum diameter of 12mm. The surface of these steps is adequately protected against rust by galvanising or similar treatment. 5.5.6 Road gullies shall be a side entry pit design, a steel grate design or a combination of both. 5.5.7 All manholes located in the road reserve shall have bases of 150mm thick reinforced concrete, 20MPA at 28 days compressive strength concrete with sufficient reinforcement to withstand the design loading. 200 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 5.5.8 The grated cover shall be installed with the bars at right angles to the road centreline. 5.5.9 Side entry pits shall be created by installing a precast kerb section fitted with an opening into the kerb line. The minimum depth of the opening shall be 100mm. 5.5.10 The side entry kerb shall be located directly above the manhole wall such that the water flows directly from the water channel into the manhole. 5.5.11 The road pavement in the vicinity of the side entry pit shall be shaped to facilitate the ingress of water by forming an evenly graded depression, the maximum depth of which shall be 50mm at the face of kerb in the centre of the opening in the kerb section, constructed in such a manner that does not reduce the serviceability of the road pavement. 5.5.12 Manholes installed on the drainage lines 600 mm diameters and over shall not be fitted with side entry inlets. 5.5.13 The road-wearing surface shall extend over grated gully surrounds. Gully grates shall be installed 25mm proud of the primed road surface in order to be flush with wearing surface. 5.6 Headwalls and End walls 5.6.1 Where a piped drain interfaces with an open drain, a suitable end wall structure shall be provided to prevent the entry of loose material into the pipe and the erosion of surrounding ground. In the case of pipes exceeding 600mm diameter, suitable structures shall be fitted to the inlet to the pipe drainage system to prevent access. 5.6.2 All headwalls and end walls shall be constructed using either concrete with 20 MPA compressive strength, mortared stonework or brickwork. 5.6.3 For mortared stonework each stone shall weigh in excess of 10 kg and the greatest dimension of any stone shall not exceed 1.5 times its least dimension. 5.6.4 End walls located on outlet pipes exceeding 300mm diameter shall include suitable erosion protection in the form of aprons and edge beams. 5.7 Pipe Laying 5.7.1 Pipes shall not be laid on filled ground until such ground has been compacted to a minimum of 95% of its modified maximum dry density when tested in accordance with AS 1289.E2.1-1977. 201 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 5.7.2 Trenches shall be excavated to the dimensions shown on the approved drawings to the minimum consistent with bed width requirements. 5.7.3 In the case of rock occurring in the bottom of the trench, the trench shall be excavated to a depth of at least 200mm below the design levels, backfilled with clean sand fill and compacted as specified in Clause 5.7.1. 5.7.4 All blasting shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 4.5.6. 5.7.5 Free water in excavations shall be controlled to a level sufficiently low so as not to interfere with the construction work. 5.7.6 The trenches shall be cut to the line, depth and gradient required. If any pipe trench is excavated deeper than required, the extra depth shall be filled with sand and compacted to a density comparable to that of the natural surrounding material. 5.7.7 Any excavation which is carried out in public or private roads shall be arranged so that pedestrian and vehicle access is maintained at all times unless this is considered highly impractical, in which case work shall be arranged to cause the minimum disruption possible. 5.7.8 Pipes shall be laid true to the design lines and levels as shown on the approved drawings and shall be laid so that the pipes will be bearing uniformly on the foundation for their entire length. 5.7.9 All pipes shall be jointed in accordance with the manufacturer‘s recommendations unless specified otherwise. 5.7.10 No damaged pipe shall be used in the works. 5.7.11 All pipe laying and jointing shall be inspected and approval given before backfilling or metalling commences. Any work that is covered before being so approved shall be uncovered if so directed. 5.7.12 Slotted pipes shall be laid with the slots in the down position symmetrical about the vertical centre line. 5.7.13 Calibrated metal as previously specified shall be placed along the full length of all subsoil pipes and inspected prior to backfilling. 5.7.14 The trenches shall be backfilled using clean coarse sand filling free from clods or stones and effectively free draining. This backfilling material shall be compacted evenly around manholes and gullies and over and around pipes. Compaction shall be 95% under paved areas and within the building envelope, and 90% elsewhere of the modified dry density when tested in accordance with AS1289-1977 E2.1. 5.7.15 Any surplus excavated material shall be disposed of in an approved manner. 202 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 5.7.16 All pipes protruding into gullies and manholes shall be trimmed to be flush with the internal face of the structure and any irregularities and depressions filled with an approved grouting material. 5.7.17 Where a drain is to be laid on unsound ground, or if the drain crosses over a sewer line or other essential services, the pipe shall be laid on a suitable independent support structure. 5.7.18 All backfilling shall be placed with great care in such a way that no pipes or joints or other works are displaced or damaged. 5.7.19 During construction no sand or other material shall find its way into the drainage system. Unfinished manholes shall be covered to prevent this occurring. 5.7.20 The backfilling and interim restoration of the trenches in existing road pavements shall be completed immediately after acceptance of piping work. The material used for backfilling pipe trenches and the pits in roadways shall be a cement stabilised sand at a cement rate of 10 to 1 ratio, if supplied by a concrete batch plant. If mixed by machine the ratio is to be an 8 to 1 ratio. Clean granular material and shall be compacted to a density not less than 95% of the maximum dry density as tested in accordance with AS1289 E2.1 1977. The top 300mm of trench shall be filled with limestone to surface level and compacted as specified herein. The surface of the trenches shall be kept in safe and reasonable condition for traffic until permanent road reinstatement is carried out. All subsidence shall be made good with fresh approved material. Unless otherwise stated interim restoration and maintenance of private roads or right of ways shall be carried out in the same manner as if they were public roads. The remainder of the reinstatement shall be carried out by Council unless otherwise approved. 5.7.21 The surface of verges and all other similar land shall be restored to the condition in which it was found and shall be left with the surrounding ground level after all consolidation has been completed. The surface soil and sub-soils shall be stored separately and afterwards reinstated in their natural order. All areas disturbed by drainage works shall be stabilised in accordance with Section 4.6 of this guideline. 5.8 Open Drains 5.8.1 Open drains shall be installed to the lines and levels shown on the approved drawings. 5.8.2 Excavated material from open drains shall be disposed of in an approved manner. 203 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 5.8.3 Where over excavation occurs, this shall be corrected by filling with insitu material and compacting to a density comparable to that of the natural surrounding material. 5.8.4 A corridor 3.0 metres wide shall be provided for future maintenance access along one side of the drain. 204 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 6 – SUPERVISION 205 SHIRE OF GINGIN 6. POLICY MANUAL CONTROL & SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 6.1 General All subdivision works shall be designed and constructed in accordance with sound engineering principles and in compliance with the approved drawings and specifications. Final approval for the works shall only be given when the whole of the works shown on the drawings of subdivision have been executed to the true intent and meaning of the approved drawings and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Shire‘s Engineering Department. 6.2 Responsibility for Quality of Construction Irrespective of any approvals given by the Shire‘s Engineering Department, the Subdivider and his responsible agents (including where applicable the Consulting Engineer and/or the Contractor) shall remain fully responsible for the quality of the works. The inspections, checks and tests to be carried out by the Shire‘s Engineering Department are not intended to be comprehensive or detailed and do not take the place of comprehensive superintendence of the works by the Subdivider‘s Consulting Engineer. All subdivision works shall be subject to the provisions of AS 2990 ―Quality Systems for Engineering and Construction Projects‖ and AS 3900 to 3904 ―Quality Systems‖. The quality assurance category to be adopted should be Category C generally with only critical aspects to be subject to Category B requirements. The Consultant shall ensure that all contract work complies with these provisions. 6.3 Schedule of Inspections 6.3.1 Stages of Construction The following are the main stages of construction: a) Subgrade preparation including clearing, grubbing, leveling and any other preparatory earthworks. b) Placement and preparation of sub-base material including pegging of approved grading and cross sectional levels, widths etc. and the placement of service ducts. c) Placement and preparation of road base material. d) Drainage. e) Final grading, trimming and waterbinding. f) Primer seal and kerbing. g) Placement and preparation of final surface treatment. 206 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 6.3.2 h) Verge backfill behind kerb, construction of footpaths and final trimming of verges and batters. The installation of street signs, name plates and verge furniture including fencing and stabilization as required. i) Earthworks/Recontouring of blocks and spreading of topsoil. Supervision Requirements a) At the Engineer's request, a certificate endorsed by the Consultant shall be submitted to the Engineer certifying quantities of materials used in accordance with approved plans and specifications for any of the main stages of construction. b) One working day (24 hours) notice is required so that an inspection can be made prior to the next or following stage of construction being commenced. c) The second or following stage of construction shall not proceed until the Engineer or his representative has approved the previous stage of construction. Notwithstanding this requirement it will be taken that the Consultant has inspected each stage of construction to ensure that workmanship and materials conform with approved specifications and drawings. d) The Engineer or his representative reserves the right to inspect and take samples of materials being used, and test or ascertain quantity and quality of materials being placed in the road construction work at any time. The Consultants will be informed by the Shire of any matters requiring remedial attention. Such requests shall be attended to immediately. e) When works are in progress, the Contractor shall, at all times, be personally present or have a competent foreman stationed and present on the works. A representative of the Consultants shall be available at the Engineer's request for the purpose of joint interim inspection where deemed necessary by the Engineer. 6.3.3 Testing Requirements Attention is drawn to the Shire of Gingin‘s requirements for pavement testing as detailed in the Shire of Gingin - General Conditions and Specifications for Construction of Subdivisional Roads and Drainage. Consultant shall make available to the Engineer, all test results related to the subdivisional works. Testing shall be carried out by a NATA approved testing laboratory to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Where testing of a first or preceding stage of construction is requested by the Engineer, then no second or following stage of work shall proceed until approval to proceed is granted by the Engineer. 207 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 6.3.4 Notification of Works The Engineer must be advised two (2) working days before commencing work, and after a cessation of work, one day before recommencing work. 6.3.5 Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare The Contractor's attention is drawn to the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1984, the amendment 1987 and the Regulations 1988. Attention is also drawn to the noise limitations as outlined in the Noise Abatement Act. 6.4 Testing and As Constructed Surveys All test results and as constructed surveys taken during the works, whether required under this part or not, shall be made available to the Shire‘s Engineering Department. All materials and compaction tests shall be carried out by a NATA approved testing laboratory. All as constructed surveys shall be carried out by an independent licensed surveyor. Works which fail to meet specified criteria shall be corrected and re-tested or re-surveyed, as the case may be. The following minimum tests shall be required: (a) Grading and testing of properties of representative samples of sub-base and base course materials prior to commencement of supply of those materials; (b) In situ density testing Embankment filling: 4 tests per 1 000m3 Sub-base & base course: 4 tests per 500m3 Additional density tests of foundation and sub grade to road pavements shall be taken at the Subdivider‘s cost when requested by the Shire‘s Engineering Department. The following minimum as constructed surveys shall be required: (a) (b) After completion of sub grade preparation and prior to cartage of base courses, take levels at no greater than 20m intervals on the centreline and on both edges of pavement boxing. The as constructed information shall be presented in plan or tabular form showing the chainage, the design sub grade levels for each point, the as constructed levels and the difference between the two. After completion of sub-base course construction and base course construction, and prior to surfacing (sealing), take levels at no greater than 20m intervals on the centreline (at chainages to match sub grade levels) and on both edges of base course. The as constructed information shall be presented in plan or tabular form showing the chainage, the design base course levels for each point, the as constructed levels and the difference between the two. 208 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (c) Pipe drain systems and open drains (not including table drains). Details shall include location and size of pipes and drains, length between ends (or centreline distances to pits etc), lid or cover levels where appropriate, and invert levels at ends. For open drains bottom widths, invert levels at no greater than 20m intervals and side slopes shall additionally be required. 6.5 Practical Completion Any items of work found to require rectification at the time of the practical completion inspection, or at any time thereafter, shall be rectified before practical completion will be certified by the Shire‘s Engineering Department. When all subdivisional works are completed to the satisfaction of the Shire‘s Engineering Department, the Consultant shall be notified of the practical completion date. If at any time after the granting of practical completion the subdivisional work is found to be contrary to Council‘s requirements, or is found to have been constructed in error to the approved drawings, specifications and any instructions which may have been issued by the Shire‘s Engineering Department during the course of construction, then the works shall be rectified at no cost to the Council. Minor rectification items may be undertaken at the completion of the maintenance period. 209 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SHIRE OF GINGIN Form 001 APPENDIX A - PAVEMENT SUBGRADE (Pre-Inspection Checklist/Certification) Subdivision …………………………… Roads: ………………………………………… File No ………………………………………Stage……………………..…………………… Date Inspection: _____/____/_____ Inspected By ………………......................... Consultants Representative: …………… Consultant: ………………..…………………. Contractors Representative: …………… Contractor: ………………………..…………. WORK PASSED SUBGRADE INSPECTION 1.0 Yes No N/A REMARKS (include references to changes) Pavement excavation (a) Depth in accordance with approved design (b) Width in accordance with approved design (c) Crossfall in accordance with approved design (d) Surface acceptable with tree roots, wet or unsuitable subgrade etc removed 2.0 Testing for subgrade with CBR ≥ 3 (a) Load test carried out on base of excavation (b) Compaction tests carried out on base of excavation (copies of results attached) 3.0 Testing for subgrade with CBR ≤ 3 (a) Load test carried out after importation of subgrade replacement (CBR15) material at depth equivalent to box for subgrade with CBR =3 (b) Compaction tests carried out on subgrade replacement material (copies of results attached) 4.0 Additional comments/details of rectification works I……………………………………………. of ………………………………. Hereby certify that the subgrade detailed above has been prepared to my satisfaction, that it has been constructed in accordance with the specifications and is fit for its intended purpose. I issue this certification conscientiously believing the same to be true. Signature: ……………………………………………………………….. Reference number……………………………………………………… Date: _____/______/______ ** This checklist/certification is to be completed and handed to the Council Inspector along with relevant compaction certificates prior to the inspection .** 210 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SHIRE OF GINGIN Form 002 APPENDIX B - PAVEMENT SUBGRADE (Pre-Inspection Checklist/Certification) Subdivision ……………………………………… Roads: ………………………………… File No ………………………………………….. Stage………………………… Date Inspection: _____/____/_____ Inspected By .. …………………........ Consultants Representative: ………………….. Consultant: ………………………… Contractors Representative: …………………… Contractor: ………………………… WORK PASSED PRE-SEAL INSPECTION Yes No 1.0 N/A REMARKS (include references to changes) Pavement surface (a) Crossfall as per design 2.0 (b) Drag broomed and well prepared (tight, uniformly compacted with course aggregate slightly exposed) (c) Surface level as per design (to allow for specified thickness of surfacing) Kerbing (a) Cracks at other than expansion or construction joints. (b) Surface damage 3.0 Compaction tests results attached) (copies of 4.0 Load tests 4.0 Additional comments/details rectification works of I……………………………………………. of ………………………………. Hereby certify that the subgrade detailed above has been prepared to my satisfaction, that it has been constructed in accordance with the specifications and is fit for its intended purpose. I issue this certification conscientiously believing the same to be true. Signature: ………………………………………………………………. Reference number……………………………………………………… Date: _____/______/______ ** This checklist/certification is to be completed and handed to the Council Inspector along with relevant compaction certificates prior to the inspection .** 211 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SHIRE OF GINGIN Form 003 APPENDIX C- PAVEMENT SUBGRADE (Pre-Inspection Checklist/Certification) Subdivision ……………………………………… File No …………………………………………… Date Inspection: _____/____/_____ Consultants Representative: ………………….. Contractors Representative: ………………….. LAYING OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 1.0 Roads: ………………………….……… Stage…………………………………… Inspected By:……………………......... Consultant: ………………….………… Contractor: …………………………… WORK PASSED Yes No N/A REMARKS (include references to changes) Pavement surface (a) Power brooming completed (b) Satisfactorily prepared and suitable for laying of asphalt (c) Dry and free of surface water (d) Existing surface cut back as specified minimum of 150mm) (e) Temperature within specified limits 2.0 3.0 4.0 Laying of Asphalt (a) Asphalt was not placed in the rain or when rain was imminent (b)Temperature of asphalt prior to placing was specified limits (c) Rolling technique was in accordance with the specifications (d)Finished surface of asphalt has uniform appearance and is in accordance with the specifications Additional comments/details of rectification works I……………………………………………. of ………………………………. Hereby certify that the subgrade detailed above has been prepared to my satisfaction, that it has been constructed in accordance with the specifications and is fit for its intended purpose. I issue this certification conscientiously believing the same to be true. Signature: ………………………………………………………………… Reference number……………………………………………………….. Date: _____/______/______ ** This checklist/certification is to be completed and handed to the Council Inspector along with relevant compaction certificates prior to the inspection .** 212 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SHIRE OF GINGIN Form 004 APPENDIX D - PAVEMENT SUBGRADE (Pre-Inspection Checklist/Certification) Subdivision ……………………………………… File No ………………………………………... Date Inspection: _____/____/_____ Consultants Representative: …………………. Contractors Representative: ………………….. WORK PASSED BITUMINOUS SURFACING 1.0 Roads: ………………………………… Stage…………………………………… Inspected By:.. ………………….......... Consultant: …………………….……… Contractor: …………………….……… Yes No N/A REMARKS (include references to changes) Pavement surface (a) Power brooming completed (b) Satisfactorily prepared and suitable for bituminous surfacing (c) Dry and free of surface water (d) Existing surfacing cut back as specified (minimum of 150mm) (e) Temperature within specified limits 2.0 Construction of bituminous surfacing (a) Work was not carried out in the rain or when rain is imminent (b) Temperature of bitumen prior to was within specified limits 3.0 4.0 spraying (c) Materials used conformed to the specifications (cover material dry) (d) Spraying, spreading and rolling techniques were in accordance with the specifications Bituminous Materials Spraying record sheets completed and certified as being true and correct (copy attached) Additional comments/details of rectification works I……………………………………………. of ………………………………. Hereby certify that the subgrade detailed above has been prepared to my satisfaction, that it has been constructed in accordance with the specifications and is fit for its intended purpose. I issue this certification conscientiously believing the same to be true. Signature: ………………………………………………………………… Reference number………………………………………………………… Date: _____/______/______ ** This checklist/certification is to be completed and handed to the Council Inspector along with relevant compaction certificates prior to the inspection .** 213 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 7 – MAINTENANCE AND SURVEY RELEASE 214 SHIRE OF GINGIN 7. POLICY MANUAL MAINTENANCE & RELEASE 7.1 Survey Release The Consultant shall satisfy Council that the Subdivider has complied with all relevant conditions imposed by the Western Australian Planning Commission pertaining to survey release of all or part of a constructed subdivision. The conditions which the Subdivider must be comply with, prior to the Council‘s approval of survey release of a subdivision shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 7.2 Creation and location of all stormwater drainage easements; Creation of any other easements (temporary or permanent) which are relevant to the subdivision; Creation of all reserves (including drainage and recreation reserves) pertaining to the subdivisional works; Payment of all moneys required to be paid to the Council in consideration of construction of footpaths, footways or any other works associated with the subdivision and which are to be carried out by the Council; Payment of any maintenance retention money (or lodgement of bank guarantees) and payment of supervision fees required by the Council; Stabilisation of topsoil, sand or other material or matter subject to movement over or near the subdivision shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Shire‘s Engineering Department; Completion of all roadworks and other works associated with the subdivision construction to the stage of practical completion; and Such drawings shall be on a reproducible material, and show the location of all drains and services. Maintenance A twelve months defects liability period shall apply from the date of practical completion of the subdivisional works. During the period the Subdivider and/or his responsible agents shall be responsible for rectification of any defects, whether they are construction or design defects, which may become apparent. The Subdivider or his responsible agents shall carry out rectification work within the time requested by Council when notified of such defects. If defects are not rectified within the time required by Council then Council may have the defects rectified at the Subdivider‘s expense. In this case the cost of the work shall become a debt due to the Council and Council may draw on any retention money or bank guarantee being held, without reference to or approval from the Subdivider and without limiting its right to recover any balance of money due should the security be insufficient to cover the costs of the works. Before practical completion is granted the Subdivider shall lodge with the Council an amount of 5% of the cost of the works as security for ensuring the rectification of defect, which shall be retained by Council for the duration of the defects liability period. Alternatively, a bank guarantee of approved form may be lodged in lieu of retention money. 215 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL The bank guarantee shall contain clauses where the bank shall guarantee to pay to Council unconditionally on demand any amount up to the total amount of the guarantee at any time so requested, and that the guarantee shall not be withdrawn until notified by Council (i.e. it shall not have a termination date). Any bank guarantee lodged with the subdivider by a contractor in lieu of retention money shall be acceptable as part or full security (as the case may be provided it is in a form which is acceptable to Council). Any defects rectified during the defects liability period shall be subject to a further 12 months defects liability period. During this further period Council may, at its discretion, withhold the release of all or part of any security. Retention money or bank guarantee shall only be released at the expiration of the defects liability period (or any further period) after satisfactory rectification of all defects. 216 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SECTION 8 – MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 217 SHIRE OF GINGIN 8. POLICY MANUAL MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 8.1 SPECIFICATION FOR CRUSHED LIMESTONE 8.1.1 General Crushed limestone shall be limestone obtained from an approved source and be crushed to comply with the grading in this specification. The crushed limestone shall be free from: (a) (b) Roots and other organic matter; and Sand, capstone and other deleterious material. 8.1.2 Testing Methods of sampling and testing of crushed limestone shall in accordance with the following Australian Standards: AS1141-1974 AS1289-1977 8.1.3 Properties The crushed limestone shall have a resistance to abrasion, when determined in accordance with the Los Angeles Test to show a weight loss not exceeding sixty (60) percent by weight. The Calcium Carbonate content of the crushed limestone shall not be less than eighty (80) percent by weight. 8.1.4 Grading The crushed limestone for sub-base shall comply with the following grading requirements. Sieve Size (Square Openings As Sieve) 75 mm 19mm 2.36mm and less Percentage Passing By Weight 100% 50-75% 30-50% 218 SHIRE OF GINGIN 8.2 POLICY MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD BASE 8.2.1 General The road base material shall consist of a combination of soil binder, sand and gravel and shall conform to this specification. It shall be free of vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay and shall not contain objectionable quantities of pyrites or other deleterious substances. Coarse aggregate retained on a 2.36mm sieve shall consist of hard, durable particles or fragments of gravel; materials that break up when alternatively wetted and dried shall not be used. Coarse aggregate shall have a percentage wear by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test of not more than forty-five (45). Fine aggregate passing a 2.36mm sieve shall consist of natural or crushed sand and fine mineral particles passing the 0.075mm sieve. The ratio of the portion passing the 0.075mm sieve to the portion passing 0.425mm sieve shall fall within the range 40-60%. 8.2.2 Properties The portion of the sample which passes the 0.425mm sieve (Soil Mortar) shall conform to the following requirements when tested in accordance with AS1289-1977: Plastic limit shall not exceed Liquid limit shall not exceed Plasticity Index shall not exceed Linear Shrinkage shall not exceed Dry Compressive Strength shall not be less than Dust ratio shall not exceed 20 25 5 1% 1.75MPa 0.67 8.2.3 Grading When tested in accordance with AS1289-1977, the grading of the gravel shall conform to the following requirements: Sieve Size Percent by Weight Passing (Square Opening AS Sieve) 19mm 13mm 9.5mm 4.75mm 2.36mm 1.18mm 0.425mm 0.150mm 0.075mm 95 – 100% 75 – 85% 65 – 75% 40 – 60% 30 – 50% 20 – 40% 10 – 30% 5 – 15% 2 – 10% 219 SHIRE OF GINGIN 8.3 POLICY MANUAL SPECIFICATION FOR SEALING AGGREGATE 8.3.1 Aggregate The aggregate shall be crushed diorite or granite consisting of clean, washed, tough, durable fragments free from an excess of thin or elongated pieces, free from soft or disintegrated pieces, stone coated with dirt, dust or other deleterious matter. 8.3.2 Particle Shape The proportion of flat or elongated particles in any grading of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 20 percent. A flat particle is one having a ratio of width to thickness of greater than three and an elongated particle is one having a ration of length to width greater than three. There shall not be more than 2.5% of particles of greater length in any direction than twice the gauge, and there shall not be more than 20% of particles of greater dimensions in any direction than 25% in excess of the gauge. 8.3.3 Hardness Wear – the aggregate shall have a Los Angeles abrasion value not exceeding 20% of wear for diorite and not exceeding 40% for granite. 8.3.4 Specific Gravity The bulk specific gravity of the particles of diorite shall be not less than 2.90 (2.60 for granite). 8.3.5 Elongation Factor The elongation factor which shall be defined as the ratio of the average long dimension to the average least dimension shall not exceed 2.75 for the sample. 8.3.6 Method of Sampling and Testing The method of testing the road metal shall be in accordance with AS11411974. 8.3.7 Grading Requirements – (Percentage by Weight) Size No. NORMAL SIZE Passing A.S.mm Sieve 37.5 26.5 19 1 25mm 2 20mm 100 80 -100 0 – 20 100 3 14mm 4 10mm 5 5mm 6 3mm 220 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 16 13.2 9.5 6.7 4.75 2.36 1.18 600 micron 0–2 0 – 0.5 80 -100 0 – 20 0–2 0 – 0.5 100 80 -100 0 – 20 0–2 0 – 0.5 100 80 -100 0 – 25 0–2 0 – 0.5 100 80 -100 0 – 30 0 – 0.5 100 80 -100 0 – 30 0–5 8.3.8 Average Least Dimension Requirements SIZE NO. Average Least Dimension 8.4 1 2 3 4 5 15 – 25 10 – 18 9 – 13 6–8 4–6 SPECIFICATION FOR ASPHALT (BITUMINOUS CONCRETE) 8.4.1 General All asphalt used in paving works shall comply with AS2734-1984. 8.4.2 Binder The binder shall be Class 170 residual asphaltic bitumen complying with AS2008-1980. 8.4.3 Aggregate The aggregate shall be granite and be in accordance with Appendix ―K‖ of AS2150-1978. 8.4.4 Characteristics of the Paving Mixture The paving mixture for the surface course shall meet the following requirements by weight when determined by A.S. sieves. The residual binder, that is the residual asphaltic bitumen, shall be determined as a percentage by weight of the total mixture. 221 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL SIEVE SIZE 19.0 mm 13.2 mm 9.50 mm 6.70 mm 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 600 um 300 um 150 un 75 un General limits of bitumen content PERCENTAGE OF MINERAL AGGREGATE PASSING SIEVE (by weight) AC5 AC7 AC10 AC14 100 100 85 – 100 100 90 – 100 70 – 85 100 80 – 100 70 – 90 62 – 75 85 – 70 – 90 58 – 76 53 – 70 100 55 – 75 45 – 60 40 – 58 35 – 52 38 – 57 35 – 60 27 – 44 24 – 40 26 – 43 22 – 35 17 – 35 15 – 30 15 – 28 14 – 25 11 – 24 10 – 24 8 – 18 8 – 16 7 – 16 7 – 16 4 – 11 5–8 4–7 4–7 5.5 – 5.3 – 7.0 5.3 – 7.0 4.8 – 6.5 7.0 8.4.5 Marshall Properties PROPERTY Minimum Marshall Stability (50 blow) Marshall flow (50 blow) Voids Content Bitumen Content MIX AC5 5.0 kN AC7 5.5 kN AC10 6.5kN AC14 6.5kN 2–4 mm 3 – 5% 5.5 – 7.0% 2–4 mm 3 – 5% 5.3 – 7.0% 2–4 mm 3 – 5% 5.3 – 7.0% 2 – 4 mm 3 – 5% 4.8 – 6.5% 222 SHIRE OF GINGIN 7.9 POLICY MANUAL CONSTRUCTION OF GAZETTED, UNMADE RURAL ROADS TO A MAXIMUM VALUE OF $20,000.00 Following receipt of a request from the owners of rural land serviced by a gazetted but unmade road, Council‘s Principal Works Supervisor and Consulting Engineer shall be requested to formulate an estimate of construction costs. In the event that the total cost of construction is less than $20,000 and subject to the landowner/s agreeing to finance 50% of the total construction cost, Council finance the other 50% of the construction cost utilising Municipal funds from the discretionary expenditure account established for this purpose. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 19 NOVEMBER 1998 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 7.10 CONSTRUCTION OF GAZETTED, UNMADE RURAL ROADS WITH A VALUE EXCEEDING $20,000.00 If the total cost of construction exceeds $20,000.00, then the landowner/s are to be advised that Council may give consideration to the proposal during future Budget deliberations. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 FEBRUARY 1999 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 223 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL 8.0 BUILDING 8.1 BUILDING CONTROL DISCLAIMER This Disclaimer of legal ability or responsibility shall have and is intended to have effect as a condition of the Building Licence hereby issued. While the Shire has inspected the Drawings and Specifications to ascertain the extent of compliance of the proposal building/structure with all relevant provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960, Building regulations 1989, Building Code of Australia and Local Laws, (―the Statutory Provisions‖) and reserves the right to carry out site inspections, the Shire disclaims all legal liability and responsibility for: Actual compliance by the Drawings and Specifications with Statutory Provisions; or for Any defect (latent or patent) in design and/or construction of the subject building/structure; or/for Any defect in the site and its capacity to support the foundations or in the materials used in the construction of the building/structure. You as the Builder/Building Owner must take responsibility in relation to each and all foregoing matters and not rely upon the Shire in relation thereto. By acting upon this permit, you, as the Builder/Building Owner release and discharge the Shire from all liability in relation to such matters and indemnify the Shire from all claims for loss or damage sustained by you and any successor in title by reason of non-compliance by Drawings and Specifications and/or the building with the Statutory Provision and requirements of all other Statutory Authorities or by reason of any such defects. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.2 BUILDING LICENCE FEES - REFUND OF Fees shall not be refunded for processed building licence applications that are subsequently cancelled. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.3 BUILDING LICENCE - DEPOSIT FOR FOOTPATHS/CYCLEWAY All applicants for a Building Licence in townsites must sign an agreement to pay the entire cost of restoring the verge to the state it was prior to the commencement of any development. ADOPTED: 4 NOVEMBER 2008 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 224 SHIRE OF GINGIN 8.4 POLICY MANUAL SIGN APPLICATIONS (a) Road Reserves - Signs It shall be the duty of the Chief Executive Officer to administer the By-Laws relating to Signs, Hoardings and Bill Posting. The Chief Executive Officer is hereby authorised to take action in relation to signs placed on road reserves in contravention of the Local Laws. An instruction is to be served on the owner of an offending sign, requiring removal forthwith. If it is not removed within seven (7) days from service of the notice, arrangements are to be made for removal of the sign. Signs removed are to be placed in the Depot Yard and the owner notified of the action taken. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.5 AMALGAMATION OF LOTS FOR BUILDING SITES Where the site of a proposed building extends over more than one surveyed allotment, such lots shall be amalgamated into one allotment and the Chief Executive Officer will not issue a Building Licence until he is satisfied that an approved Diagram of Survey has been lodged at the Titles Office and an application for a Certificate of Title for the amalgamated allotments has been registered and accepted. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.6 ROOF DRAINAGE Where the ground is unsuitable for underground sumps to take rainwater from roofs, it be channelled into a suitable pipe to be laid under the footpath of the adjoining street and discharged into street drains, with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer. The owner of such a dwelling will bear the full cost of this work, but it is to be carried out under the supervision of a Shire employee. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.7 ROOF GUTTERING ON OUTBUILDINGS Outbuildings are exempt from having guttering, provided the run off water from the roof of such outbuilding does not cause:(a) Entry of water into buildings. (b) Instability of the building or any other building on the same site. 225 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL (c) Drainage problems to the adjoining properties. (d) Any unhealthy or dangerous condition on-site or to the adjoining site. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.8 TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION (Temporary Accommodation means a person or persons residing in a Caravan Only with approved basic health facilities included in or adjacent to the caravan.) No person/s is allowed to reside on their property in temporary accommodation (that is no person shall convert into or adapt or use as a dwelling any building not originally constructed or erected as a dwelling/house), unless they comply with the following conditions: (a) A written request shall be made for occupancy of temporary accommodation and permission received before such temporary accommodation is taken up. (b) Plans and Specifications for the erection of a dwelling/house shall be approved by the Chief Executive Officer and the sand pad, footings and slab (or stumps) must be completed before the Shire will grant approval to occupy temporary accommodation. A WC, shower and laundry, connected to an approved septic system and leach drains, shall be provided prior to occupying the temporary accommodation. An adequate supply of potable water fit for human consumption shall be available on the property. Water can be provided by means of a bore, well or other supply approved by the Shire. Duration of Approval Approval shall be in accordance with the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997, Regulation 11 (2) (a), (b) and (c) from the date of the installation and approval of an authorised septic system. Conditions The applicant must provide a written detailed works programme, showing the various stages of construction and the associated time frames, with the application. General Applicants are to be advised that the period of approval shall not be extended beyond eighteen (18) months, being the initial twelve (12) month period and one possible extension of six (6) months. 226 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL After the expiration date of this approval, the Shire will instigate legal proceedings under the Health Act against those persons who have not complied with the Shire‘s conditions of approval for residing in a building not approved as a dwelling. Applicants are also to be advised that the Shire will serve Notice under the Local Government Act for any buildings that have not been constructed to the required stage within the given period of approval. An administration fee established by the Shire from time to time, is required with each initial application for temporary accommodation. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.9 RETAINING WALLS Persons who excavate or fill land for any use shall be held responsible for adequate retaining walls to be constructed adjacent to lot boundaries. Materials proposed shall be of durable type and quality, and be constructed on or adjacent to boundaries. Other materials shall not be considered within one metre of any adjacent lot boundaries. Provided the proposed building or structure can be safely constructed before a retaining wall is built, construction of retaining walls shall be as follows:(a) Up to 300mm at the boundary, within twelve (12) months of completion of the development. (b) Up to 600mm at the boundary shall be completed when the development is at plate height. (c) Over 600mm shall be specified as a condition of a development approval, and the retaining wall shall be constructed with the sand pad prior to the placing of any concrete footings. (d) Neighbours with property abutting a proposed retaining wall shall be advised of the proposal by the applicant, giving them opportunity to comment on the proposal to the Shire. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.10 RETAINING WALLS - CUT AND FILL OF LOTS All filling, embankments and sides of excavations, must be stabilised and protected against erosion by wind and water where the structural safety of any building could be affected. They shall be capable of supporting any reasonable load that may be exerted on them from within the site, or from any required 227 SHIRE OF GINGIN POLICY MANUAL support to adjoining ground, and, wherever the soil conditions so require or the excavation or fill is permanent with a slope steeper than the angle of repose or natural slope of the soil, retaining walls or other approved methods of preventing movement of the soil shall be provided and constructed to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer. A letter of non-objection shall be obtained from the owners of the adjoining property before placing any fill exceeding one metre in depth within 2.4 metres of the common boundary, unless contained within the external wall of the building. Alternatively, the Shire may serve a notice of proposal, in writing, to the owners of the adjoining property, stating that if no objection is received within twenty one (21) days, it shall determine the application. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 18 MAY 1995 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 8.11 OVERSIZED OUTBUILDINGS i) The maximum size of outbuildings allowable in a residential zone shall be 90m2. However, where properties are in excess of 4,000m 2, outbuildings in excess of 90m2 may be permitted to a maximum of 140 m2. ii) Applications for outbuildings between 60m2 and 90m2 should be accompanied by a letter of non-objection from the owners and occupiers of the adjoining properties. Alternatively, Council may write to the owners and/or occupiers of adjoining properties giving them twenty-one (21) days in which to make comment. iii) Where no adverse submissions have been received from the adjoining owners and/or occupiers within the 21 day advertising period the Chief Executive Officer, following positive consultation with the relevant Ward Councillor(s), shall be granted delegated authority to approve the proposal with appropriate conditions. iv) Where an adverse submission(s) has been received the matter shall be referred to Council for determination. v) All approved applications are to be marked that approval is on the condition that the outbuilding is not to be for Commercial or Industrial purposes. ADOPTED: COUNCIL 15 JANUARY 2002 AMENDED: COUNCIL 6 DECEMBER 2005 REVIEWED: 19 APRIL 2011 228
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