Overview MWI-2014 Software Instruction Manual MWI-2014 Software Overview • Installing software • Starting software and basic operations • Detailed software capabilities Starting software Installing: MWI-2014 Software • After downloading the mwi2014.exe file, save it on the hard drive of the computer that will be using the software – Do not install on a network system – If not able to download the *.exe file, there is an option to download the same file that is in a zip format • Double click on the "mwi2014.exe" • The computer that runs the software must: • • use English (U.S.) as the language for the operating system have an operating system with the dot-net framework, which most do since 2004 1 MWI-2014 Software MWI 2010 • Software Operations, Material List Dielectric Constant "Design Dk" Thermal Coefficient of Dk Dissipation Factor Thermal conductivity of the substrate When floating the mouse over the material name, additional information will be shown. 2 MWI 2010 • Software Operations, Material Thickness MWI-2014 Software Only standard thicknesses of the selected material are shown. This can be overridden. 3 MWI 2010 MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Copper definition When copper is selected only standard thicknesses and copper types of the selected material are shown. This can be overridden. The associated copper roughness is used within the program as shown. This can be overridden. Conductor conductivity can be entered; however it will affect all conductor layers of the circuit 4 MWI 2010, features MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Changing Materials When changing from one material to another, the nearest standard thickness of new material selected will be chosen. The optimum copper type will be automatically selected, for the newly selected material. Both of these can be overridden. 5 MWI 2010, features MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Changing Materials Design Dk is built into this software For simple impedance calculations the default z-axis Bulk Dk can be used More accurate results can be achieved by using the Digital Dk Values 6 MWI-2014 Software MWI 2010, features • Software Operations, Changing Materials Design Dk is built into this software For RF applications at a specific frequency or narrow frequency range, then the RF Design Dk values can be used. For more information on Design Dk please refer to literature on the Rogers Technology Support Hub at: http://www.rogerscorp.com/acm/technology/index.aspx 7 MWI-2014 Software MWI 2010, features • Software Operations, Analytical and Synthesis Units can be changed between English and Metric User can select to generate a table or file of information for a range of frequencies. For some circuit geometries and/or designs, the synthesis may be unstable. Using the Analytical option is safer and gives much more information. User can do a simple Synthesis, then click to Analytical and it will hold the same data and give much more information when the calculate button is pressed. Synthesis will generate the conductor width or spacing, given an impedance target. Analytical will solve for impedance and other electrical properties given circuit geometry. 8 MWI 2010, features MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Comparing Different Models After the calculate button is pressed, the results can be put into a database to compare multiple circuit models and this is done by pressing the Add button To add another model, change the parameters, click Calculate and then click Add The only Design Types available for comparison are Conventional Microstrip and Stripline 9 MWI 2010, features MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Comparing Different Models Models in the Compare database can be edited To edit a model, select the model from the dropdown box, make the changes to the circuit parameters and click on the Update button 10 MWI 2010, features MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Comparing Different Models Once the models are defined in the Compare database, then click the Compare button and a comparison table will appear 5 models can be compared at one time This comparison was at a discrete frequency of 2 GHz 11 MWI 2010, features MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Comparing Different Models Graphs of insertion loss can be compared as well The models must be defined as Generating a Table of Loss vs. Frequency After the models are added to the Compare database, click compare to view the graph 12 MWI-2014 Software MWI 2010, features • Software Operations, Comparing Different Models The scales can be changed and chart updated by clicking the Update button The curves can be turned on-off by clicking on the curve of interest Titles of the axes or the chart can be entered 13 MWI 2010, features MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Summary window If this is checked, the text window will clear each time the calculate button is pressed. If not checked, all of the models ran will accumulate in the text window; with no known limit. With additional information, the window will default to the top, so the user will need to scroll down to see the most recent information. 14 MWI 2010, Cut, paste MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Cut & Paste to other software After pressing the Calculate button, the information can be highlighted and copied into other Windows® software such as a word processor. 15 MWI 2010, Cut, paste into Word MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Cut & Paste to other software Example: copy from MWI-2014 and paste into Windows® Word 16 MWI 2010, Generate file MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Generating Graphs in an Excel® spreadsheet A comma delimited file can be generated with a table of information. A file will be saved in the same directory as the MWI-2014 software and named "mwi2014.txt". The user can open this file with Excel and follow the prompts for importing the file as a comma delimited file. This will allow the user to manipulate the data and generate graphs. 17 Open Excel® spreadsheet, change file type to "All Files" and open "mwi2014.txt". MWI 2010, Excel MWI-2014 Software Click on delimited, click on Next, click on comma delimited, click Next and Finish. • Software Operations, Generating Graphs in Excel With the table of information, you can easily generate a graph. To avoid complications, the user should rename this new Excel file immediately, to something other than "mwi2014.txt" and with the ".xls" extension. 30mil RO4350B LoPro, Microstrip, Insertion Loss 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 Loss (dB/in) -0.2 Dielectric Loss Conductor Loss -0.25 Total Loss -0.3 -0.35 -0.4 -0.45 -0.5 Frequency (GHz) 18 MWI 2010, Coplanar MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Multiple Transmission Line Models Several improvements were made to the Conductor Backed Coplanar model for impedance and losses Typically this model has issues with thinner constructions and copper thickness variance. Since this model cannot determine the effects of grounding via’s on impedance and loss, some differences may occur between an actual circuit and this model 19 MWI 2010, Microstrip MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Multiple Transmission Line Models, Microstrip Microstrip models 20 MWI 2010, Stripline MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Multiple Transmission Line Models, Stripline There are multiple methods to build stripline circuits and additional models have been added to consider the most common constructions. 21 MWI 2010, Stripline MWI-2014 Software • Software Operations, Multiple Transmission Line Models, Stripline For a composite or offset composite stripline circuit, the conductor roughness number is taken from the bottom substrate properties. In this example the RO4000® family of materials are used. However any of Rogers' laminates can be chosen. 22 MWI-2014 Software MWI 2010, References • Software Operations, Model References Given User can get the references for whichever transmission line is selected. Example to the left: after microstrip design is selected, click on Information and click on References. The technical references used for the calculations are shown. 23 MWI-2014 Software Windows and Excel are licensed trademarks of Microsoft® The world runs better with Rogers., the Rogers' logo, RT/duroid, TMM, ULTRALAM, RO3000, RO3003, RO3006, RO3010, RO3035, RO4003, RO4450B, RO4000, XT/duroid are licensed trademarks of Rogers Corporation The information in this presentation is intended to assist you in working with Rogers' High-Frequency Materials. It is not intended to and does not create any warranties, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or that any results show in this presentation will be achieved by a user for a particular purpose. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of Rogers' High Frequency Materials for each application. This presentation may not be reproduced, copied, published, broadcast, transmitted or otherwise distributed without the written approval of Rogers Corporation. ©2009 Rogers Corporation. All rights reserved 24
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