KINGWOOD FFA Member/ Parent Manual 2014-2015 FFA Members and Parents of Agri-Science Students: The FFA advisors at Kingwood High School would like to welcome you and your family to a new school year. This manual is provided to you so that we can better inform the FFA member, and parents. Also, there are many questions that can be answered through this manual as well by asking any of the FFA advisors, or current FFA officers. We have a great group of young leaders this year! We strongly encourage your family to read the manual and mark your calendars with the upcoming events. Additional information will be available on our website as well and/or given out in class. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Feel free to contact any advisor at the phone numbers listed below. Please read it thoroughly as there have been some changes this year, which have been noted by an (*) asterisk. After reading the manual, please sign and date the following forms and return them to the Agriculture Science Teacher ASAP: *All items can be found on KHS FFA’s website under membership. - FFA Membership Form with payment - ONLINE Travel Release, Behavior Contract, Constitution, acknowledgment of rules and regulations form Equipment Use Agreement Form By-Laws and By signing and returning these forms, you have acknowledged reading and understanding the student/ parent manual. We are looking forward to a successful school year. If you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, Joe Lemmons and Valerie Hirsch Kingwood FFA Advisors The FFA Mission FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. KINGWOOD FFA OFFICERS 2014-2015 President: Taylor Nolte Vice President: Hope Brice Secretary: Anna Larson Treasurer: Lauren Canales Reporter: Sydney Metzinger Sentinel: Lydia Mead Student Advisor: Maggie Smith Historian: Alaina Hergott Ag Office: room 2720 Main: 281-641-7062 Secondary: 281-641-7060 Fax: 281-641-7250 Teacher Information Joe Lemmons – room 2722, Ext. 7060 Email: Valerie Hirsch – room 2719, Ext. 7014 Email: The FFA Creed I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds—achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years. I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny. I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability or progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil. I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so—for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me. I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task. The creed was written by E.M. Tiffany, and adopted at the 3rd National Convention of the FFA. It was revised at the 38th Convention and the 63rd Convention. It is the policy of Humble ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, or handicap in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the American Disabilities Act of 1990. For information about career and technology education courses, contact Becky Hunt at 281-641-8310. For information about rights or grievance procedures, contact Janet Orth, Title IX/Section 504 coordinator, at 281-641-8000 or 20200 Eastway Village Drive in Humble. WHAT IS AGRISCIENCE? The course material for agri-science is a wide-based study of production, processing, and marketing of agricultural products. Agri-science courses are offered on a semester basis. Many courses are offered each semester, however, only the classes with the largest enrollment are taught. Classes are taught 1 hour per day with the exception of General Ag Mechanics which is a two hour course. All classes offered are listed on the student’s registration form. Some of the courses offered are listed below: 1. Principles of Agriculture* 2. Wildlife / Fish Eco Mngmnt* 3. Landscape Design 6. Food Technology & Safety 11. Principles of Ag Business 7. Livestock Production 8. Principles/ Elements of Floral Design* (Fine Art Credit) 4. Ag Facilities and Fab* 9. Ag Mechanics* 5. Advanced Animal Science* 10. Small Animal Management (4th year Science Credit) Remember each of the above classes is for one semester, except one marked with an asterisk (*). Only the classes with the largest enrollment will be taught. Agriculture is sometimes referred to as this nation’s largest industry, employing over 32 million Americans, and involving all aspects of providing food and fiber for the country. For every job in actual production agriculture (farming or ranching) there are 26 jobs in marketing, distribution, service, etc. Over 65% of agricultural products produced last year were contributed to small or “part time” farmers and ranchers. Our instructional program is based on the above mentioned facts. We realize that very few of our students will be full time farmers or ranchers or be involved in production agriculture at all. Our goal is to produce students who are familiar with all aspects of the agricultural process and are aware of the many career opportunities in the diverse field of agriculture. The FFA is closely related to the agriculture program at Kingwood High School. In fact, the general public is more aware of the activities of the FFA than those of agriculture. Although the two work hand in hand it should be remembered that they are separate entities. WHAT IS THE FFA? The FFA is a national organization of, by, and for youth interested in agriculture and leadership. In fact it is the largest youth organization of its kind! FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. A student does not become a member of FFA by merely taking agri-science. The student must meet certain requirements set forth by the FFA constitution to be an active member. They are as follows: 1. Be enrolled in one agri-science course per semester 2. Recite the FFA Creed 3. Be voted on by members of the organization 4. Pay dues Humble ISD FFA members participate in 3 sanction livestock shows: 1. Harris County Fair (late October) 2. Humble Livestock Show (early February) 3. Houston Livestock Show (March Other shows (State Fair, San Antonio, Jackpot, Beltbuckle, et al.) an FFA member is wishing to attend will be a family affair and only the advisor signature will be given on designated entry paperwork. Kingwood FFA and Humble ISD Equipment will not be used for shows other than the 3 sanctioned shows mentioned above. Code of Ethics: To participate in any FFA activity, agriculture students must meet all criteria to be academically eligible to participate. All agricultural and FFA activities will follow Humble ISD guidelines for eligibility, as well as information stated in the Kingwood High School Student/Parent Handbook. As well, follow and abide by all rules, regulation and code of ethics found in the Official FFA Manual. In order to participate in the Humble ISD Livestock Show or any of its related activities, a student must be in “good standing” with the chapter. Good standing is defined as adhering to all chapter, district FFA, state FFA, national FFA, campus, and district rules and policies, as well as not being referred to the Humble ISD Long-Term discipline program nor serving two or more assignments in Short-Term AC, ISS (less than 5 days each) or one term of AC/ ISS for ten (10) days. Any violation of this clause will result in the loss of any and all show privileges as well as ag facility. Furthermore, expelling the eligibility for a member’s state (lonestar) degree in the year of the offense. Students/Parents/Teachers should also maintain records of extracurricular absences. According to Texas Administration Code, Section 97.113, a school district may not permit a student to participate in an extracurricular activity that would result in the student being absent from a class more than ten times during a school year. Students and parents may refer to the Kingwood High School Student/Parent Handbook for more information. PROJECT PROGRAM This aspect of the program usually generates the most questions asked by parents and students. Students must have a supervised project program in order to meet state and local FFA requirements. The most common question asked is "Do I have to raise an animal to be in ag and/or the FFA?" The answer is NO! The project requirement can be met by students participating in other supervised activities in and out of class during the year. All activities must be approved prior to beginning the activity. Livestock projects are very popular at Kingwood High School. The following is a guideline for students considering these types of projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. * The projects chosen for the supervised project program will depend upon the student's interest, funds available, time available, facilities available, etc. The program must have the approval of the parents and agriculture teacher. It is desirable for the student to have complete ownership of his/her projects, but a partnership agreement or other arrangement may be permissible. All projects for the HISD Fair should have sponsors at the time of entry or must be no-billed. Although students will need the advice and guidance of their parents and teachers, the managerial decisions should be left up to the student. He or she should accept the responsibility for the success or failure of his project program. Students are required to keep complete and accurate records on each project and should pay for all expenses and receive all income, unless other arrangements have been made. Students will keep records in record books that they receive in class. Before selecting a project program, students should consider the following: a. What type of program is best suited for my particular situation? b. Do I have facilities and/or a place to keep this project?* c. Will I have the time to properly raise this project? d. Do I have the funds to purchase and raise this project? We have limited facilities available for steers, goats, pigs, poultry, and lambs that students may rent for the feeding period. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Where do I get these animals? All animals exhibited at the HISD Livestock Show are purchased through the agriculture department. All students pay the same price and select their animals from the same group. Specific details regarding the ordering and selecting of projects will be given to students in class. How much does it cost to purchase and raise these animals? As stated previously, animals for the HISD Livestock Show are all purchased through the agriculture department. The following is a list of the different projects exhibited at the HISD Livestock Show that includes the purchase price and ESTIMATED expense to raise them. *New for 2012-2013. All animals have been re-bid, poultry and rabbits were not updated prior to printing this manual. Please refer to Ag teacher for updated prices on those projects. *Steers purchase price this year is $1400.00; the estimated total investment is $1500$2000. *Pigs purchase price this year is approx. $195.00; the estimated total investment is $450-$550. *Lambs purchase price this year is $350 for lambs; the estimated total investment is $400$550. *Broilers *Turkeys *Rabbits *Goats students must order at least 25 chicks; the estimated purchase price for 25 is $40.00; the estimated total investment is $175-$260. students must order at least 10 poults; the estimated purchase price for 10 is $30.00; the total investment is $200-$350. It is recommended that you purchase a minimum of 25. Rabbits are purchased in lots of 5 at $25 for each bunny. Total investment for this project range from $250- $500 purchase price this year is $225.00; the estimated total investment is $450.00$600.00 Please note, these are estimates and do not include expenses for constructing pens, purchase of equipment, and others such as unexpected vet bills, etc. *Where do I learn to raise and care for these animals? These are supervised projects, meaning that the agriculture teachers are available to assist and guide the students throughout the project. Students and parents are responsible for contacting the teachers when they need assistance. Ag Teachers are not responsible for raising (feeding, watering, vet trips, etc) the project and/or child during his/ her project. If animals need Veterinarian attention, and the parent is not able to transport the animal using their vehicle, the ag teacher will do this. Scheduled Veterinarian visits must be after school in this case. If animals are in need of Emergency care, please contact a veterinarian ASAP! Ag teachers are not Veterinarians, but in most cases we are able to administer veterinarian-grade antibiotics to animals. *Are there facilities available to raise the animals? Yes. The Kingwood FFA and Kingwood Park FFA share an Ag facility on Woodland Hills Dr. in Kingwood. All rules and regulations pertaining to Humble ISD as well as Kingwood FFA are enforced as if the animals were on campus. The Ag Facility is an extension of the classroom, therefore the rules governing the campuses of Humble ISD govern the Ag facility on Woodland Hills as well. *Is there a cost to house the animals at the Ag Facility? Yes. Prices are as follows: Cattle - $200, Lambs, Goats and Pigs - $150, Poultry and Rabbits - $50. Pen rent is paid on a per animal basis. If you have multiple animals for the shows we sanction, a pen rent fee is assessed per animal. *How will I learn to show these animals? Throughout the project the ag advisors will have showmanship clinics to show the exhibitor how to show and handle the animal. The exhibitor will use that information and build upon it with the additional showmanship clinics giver thereafter. Also, the exhibitor will need to work with the animal each day in between to train the animal to set-up and show. It takes practice and time to get the animal to set up and show properly. KINGWOOD FFA CONSTITUTION* ARTICLE I. Section A. Regulations and Regulations General Rules and Regulations 1. If the code of ethics are not followed by a member, the offense, whether serious or not, it will be brought before Ag teachers and principal. 2. The FFA members represent the Chapter at all times and should conduct themselves with dignity and pride. 3. The FFA members shall wear his/her official FFA dress when representing the Kingwood Chapter at any special activity, and at all Chapter, district, or higher level activities. All members shall attend the Chapter meetings in complete official dress. Official dress consist of : Guys –Black pants, White dress shirt, Black shoes, Black belt, the FFA tie, and FFA jacket. Girls – Black pants or black skirt, White button down shirt, Black socks or hose, Black close toed & closed heel shoes, FFA scarf, and FFA jacket. Failure to do so will result in being excused from the meeting and an absence will be noted. 4. When the FFA jackets are worn, they should be worn with pride and in good standing with the FFA Manual. 5. Other Rules and regulations set forth by the Ag teachers and/or Chapter officers, verbally or posted will be obeyed. Article II. Section A. Organization This Chapter accepts in full the provisions on the Constitution and By-laws of the Texas Association and the National Organization of the Future Farmers of America. Article III. Section A. Membership Membership in this Chapter shall be of four kinds. 1. Active 2. Alumni 3. Honorary 4. Associate Section B. Honorary membership in this Chapter shall be limited to the Honorary Chapter Farmer Degree. Section C. Active members in good standing may vote on all business brought before the Active Chapter. An Active member shall be considered in good standing when: 1. He/ she attends local Chapter meetings missing no more than 2. 2. He/ she shows interest in and takes part in the affairs of the Chapter. 3. He/ she pays their FFA dues regularly. 4. He/ she must attend all mandatory events if showing a SAEP project. 5. He/ she must tend to the animal’s pen daily. 6. He/ she must sell at least 10 items in our fund-raisers to participate on any LDE, CDE, raise an animal -or donate/ pay $50 to the chapter each year of membership. Article V. Section A. Membership Degrees and Privileges There will be four degrees of active membership in this Chapter. They are as follows: 1. The Greenhand Degree 2. The Chapter Farmer Degree 3. The State Farmer Degree 4. The American Farmer Degree All “Greenhands” are entitled to wear the regulation bronze emblem Pin. All members holding the degree of Chapter Farmer are entitled to wear the silver Pin. All members holding the State Farmer Degree are entitled to wear the gold emblem Charm. All members holding the American Farmer Degree are entitled to wear the gold emblem Key. Section B. Minimum qualifications for electing of degrees are: 1. Be as written in the FFA Constitution and By-Laws if the State and National Organizations. Section C. Special committee shall review the qualifications of members and make recommendations to the Chapter concerning degree advancement. Article VI. Section A. Officers The officers of the chapter will be as follows President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sentinel. Officers shall perform the usual duties of their respective offices. Other positions can be added at the discretion of the Ag science advisors. *Section B. 1. Officers shall be elected annually. 2. Officers should conduct themselves with maturity, pride, dignity, and a positive attitude. 3. Officers should set a good example and should be respectful towards all adults and peers. 4. Must participate on at least one leadership (LDE) and one judging (CDE) team. 5. Must sell at least 25 items in a combination of FFA fundraisers or pay $8 per item. $200 buyout. 6. Must hold Greenhand degree. 7. Must not be absent from any FFA activity without at least 24 hr previous notice to an advisor. 8. May not be assigned more than two Saturday classes. 9. May not be assigned to ISS for any reason. 10. Will uphold the duties required of their position. 11. Officers will be responsible for the Chapter at all times. 12. A member can only hold an office Chapter position three times. (You can be president 1 year of the 3 only) 13. The Chapter President must have previously held an office at the chapter level for 1 full term. 14. Defaming Kingwood FFA, another FFA member, fellow peer, adult, et al. on social media website such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or other social media site. Section C. The chapter officers and FFA advisors of the chapter shall constitute the Executive Committee. This meeting will be closed to Executives of the meeting only, unless otherwise stated by Advisors. The committee shall have full power to act as necessary for the chapter in accordance with actions taken at chapter meetings and various regulations of By-Laws adopted from time to time. Section D. Greenhand Officer Elections 1. Candidates will give a speech at a designated FFA meeting. 2. All FFA members will vote on Greenhand Officers. 3. Officers will be the same as Chapter Officers. 4. Greenhand Officers will perform duties set forth by the Chapter Officers. Section E. Chapter Officer Elections (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Reporter, Treasurer, and Sentinel) 1. Fill out application and resume (Application and resume is worth 25% of overall score) 2. Eligibility check 3. Discipline check 4. 2- Teacher Recommendation letters (non Ag Teacher) 5. Interview by Committee, may or may not include the following (must be a min. of 3 on panel) 1 Administrator 2 Teachers 1 Outside sources The election committee will rank officer candidates in order. Points will be awarded accordingly from that order. (Interview is worth 25% of overall score) 6. 50-100 question exam (consisting of various questions from the Official FFA Manual, Gray’s Parliamentary Procedure, and other sources). Candidates will receive points based on the number of correct responses. (Test is worth 25% of overall score) 7. Candidates will present a 2 minute or less speech to the chapter, where members will have an opportunity to vote. Points will be assigned based on number of votes received. (Popular vote is worth 25%) The officer order will ascend from highest to lowest point values. Once all point values are assigned, the officer roster will be announced. Article VII. Section A. Meetings Regular Chapter meetings shall be held once a month during the school year. Special meetings may be called at any time. Section B. A majority of the active members listed on the Secretary’s membership shall constitute a quorum, and a quorum must be present at any meetings at which business is transacted or vote taken committing the Chapter to any proposal or action. Article VIII. Section A. Dues Full local, district, area, state, and national dues shall be paid by all active members. Dues are $36 annually. Section B. No member shall be considered an active member in good standing unless he or she pays full dues. Article IV. Section A. Amendments This constitution may be amended at any regular Chapter meeting by a two thirds vote of the active members present providing it is not in conflict with the State Association or National Organization Constitution or By-Laws or policy of the Humble Independent School District or Kingwood High School and in accordance to correct parliamentary procedure as laid forth by The parliamentary guide for FFA. Section B. By-Laws may be adopted to fit the needs of the Chapter at any regular Chapter meeting by a two thirds vote of the active members present providing such By-Laws do not conflict with the constitution and By-Laws of either the State Association or the National Organization of the Humble Independent School District or Kingwood High School. BY-LAWS OF THE KINGWOOD FFA I. Committees Committees will be appointed by the President and/or Advisors. II. Orders of the Day A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. III. Opening Ceremonies Minutes Treasurers Report Report of Officers and Committees Old Business New Business Special Events Closing Ceremonies Equipment A. The equipment MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF. Misuse of equipment is grounds for discipline referral and denial of future use. Any abuse and or accidental damage to any piece of equipment must be brought to the attention of the Ag Advisors. If not, future use will be denied and/ or compensation for damages to the equipment will be sought after. Any damage not paid for will be treated as any other fine to be paid directly to Humble ISD or Kingwood HS per the district and campus manuals. B. No FFA equipment may be used unless under the supervision or with the permission of an Ag Teacher/ advisor. C. A $50 deposit is required to obtain an access key to the Ag Facility. The deposit will be returned upon satisfactory inspection of equipment used has been completed. D. State required minimum liability insurance is required to use stock or other pull behind trailers. A copy of the users insurance must be on file in the Ag office prior to the use of said equipment. IV. Livestock Show and other related Activities A. All students participating in any show must be a member in good standing and maintain a passing average (eligible) in all subjects in accordance with Humble Independent School District policy. It is the students and parents responsibility to know when the child must be eligible and/ or able to participate in a show or event. B. Students must abide by rules set forth by the HISD student handbook at all shows and events attended. C. Students will remain with the Ag Teachers at Livestock shows or any other activity unless arrangements are made with the student’s parents or guardians. Written consent must be given to the Ag Teachers prior to any release of said child to another adult. V. Local Livestock Show A. Any student that the Ag teacher feels does not properly care for his/her animal can be banned from current and/or future shows. B. A student must be an active member in good standings and may only be absent twice from chapter meetings and may only miss one barn workday unless approved by all of the advisors. C. A student must attend all mandatory meetings and workdays unless their absence has been pre-approved. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the teachers that he/ she will miss a mandatory event. VI. Teams A student may participate on any leadership/ judging teams that he/she qualifies for as long as he/she meets minimum requirements as set forth by advisors, including the sell of at least 15 items in the FFA fundraiser(s). VII. *Fundraisers Fundraisers play a crucial role in the Chapter’s activities. All members are encouraged to participate in the fundraisers for the Chapter. Each member participating on an LDE, CDE or raising an animal is responsible for selling a minimum of 15 items. If the minimum items are not sold in the fundraiser, the student is responsible for paying a $8.00 per item charge for the difference of items not sold. There is an optional buy out for members who do not want to attempt to sell their minimum (15) at $150. All checks are made payable to KHS FFA. *All articles and by-laws are subject to change at any time by advisors without notice. OFFICER ELECTION PROCEDURE All officers will be elected as follows (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Reporter, Treasurer, and Sentinel) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fill out application and resume (Application is worth 25% of overall score) Eligibility check (current 6 weeks) Discipline check (current 6 weeks) 2- Teacher Recommendation letters (non Ag Teacher) Interview by Committee, may or may not include the following (must be a min. of 2 persons on panel) Examples: Administrator, Teachers and Outside sources The election committee will rank officer candidates in order. Points will be awarded accordingly from that order. (Interview is worth 25% of overall score) 13. 50-100 question exam (consisting of various questions from the Official FFA Manual, Gray’s Parliamentary Procedure Guide for FFA, and other sources). Candidates will receive points based on the number of correct responses. (Test is worth 25% of overall score) 14. Candidates will present a 2 minute speech to the chapter, where members will have an opportunity to vote. Points will be assigned based on number of votes received. (Popular vote is worth 25%) The order will ascend from highest points to lowest points. Once all point values are assigned, the officer roster will be announced. Humble Independent School District Agriculture Science Facility Rules – Kingwood/ Kingwood Park FFA Facility The purpose of the Humble I.S.D. Agriculture Science facilities is to provide an extension to the classroom for students to utilize in their Supervised Agricultural Experience Program(s). In order for all parties to best utilize the Agriculture Science facilities, several rules and regulations must be followed. To insure compliance, Humble I.S.D. employees including Agriculture Science teachers and school administrators, will monitor and control the facilities and may implement change when deemed necessary and may do so at any time during the year. The Humble ISD barn facility is for High School FFA members only showing animals under their respective FFA Chapter. Eligible students will be allowed project space. Exhibitors at the Humble ISD Show take precedence over all other shows, should the barns reach their capacity. The following rules will be followed by all students, parents, guardians, family members, guests, or general public while visiting the facility. 1. The Agriculture Science facility is a remote campus and therefore all rules and regulations found in the Humble ISD student handbook apply and will be enforced. 2. The student must obtain permission from their Agriculture Science teacher before housing any projects at the facility. Facility agreements do not guarantee individual or private pens. (In the case of a split pen, the barn rate would be prorated only if individual pen space can not be provided due to excessive animal numbers.) 3. Vandalism, accidents, or harassment that occurs at the facility should be reported to the Humble ISD Police immediately (281-641-7900), and then to the student’s Agriculture Science teacher. 4. Neither Humble I.S.D. nor the FFA and its supporters are responsible for any damages/losses incurred to the personal property of members or guests. 5. The gates are to remain closed and locked at all times, unless otherwise instructed by an Agriculture Science teacher or school administrator. 6. Agriculture Science teachers will assign all stalls. 7. Students are not to share keys or combinations with anyone. Keys are not to be copied. 8. Students are responsible for preventive maintenance and individual pen repair (e.g. proper insulation of watering devices prior to extreme weather conditions). 9. Animals may not enter the barns of different species. 10. No pets are allowed on the project facility grounds. 11. No modifications will be made to electricity, carpentry, plumbing, or anything else related to the project facility without approval from the school district maintenance department. 12. All manure and feedstuff must be properly disposed of in the designated area. 13. Disposal of animal carcasses in dumpsters is prohibited. 14. The student is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the project area at all times. Students will be required to clean their project area and assist others in cleaning the facility as a whole. This will be in the form of a mandatory barn clean up that all students are required to attend. 15. Each project must be adequately taken care of to maintain good animal health and sanitation. 16. The student must provide fresh clean water daily, feed daily, and manure emptied out and into the designated manure area. 17. If the student is unable to care for the animal, the student must communicate with the Agricultural Science teacher to make other temporary arrangements. Students should never feed other student’s projects without specific instructions from the Agricultural Science teacher. 18. All students will share the responsibility of the community areas. The Agricultural Science teacher will assign duties as necessary. 19. Sand and/ or other bedding must follow guidelines outlined by the teacher, depending on which barn the animal is housed in. 20. No heat lamps or constructed shelters are allowed on the premises. * (Heat lamps may be used on poultry only) 21. Individual(s) committing actions that are not consistent with the goals, expectations and positive atmosphere of the program including but not limited to respectful communication shall result in being banned from the facility indefinitely. Timeline for Removal of Project(s) 1. If a student becomes ineligible to show or moves out of the Humble ISD school district, the student has 14 days to remove his/her project and clean the pen. 2. All projects should be removed 14 days after the show. This rule applies to all projects including breeding projects. The pen should be left clean. This includes digging out pen area, painting and disassembling/storing the panels in the designated area. $100.00 fine will be charged for failure to clean pen or loss of future barn privileges. 3. If a student’s animal dies, it is the student’s responsibility to remove it IMMEDIATELY from the barn. The student is responsible for contacting their Agricultural Science teacher. 4. If a student is found to be in violation of the good standing policy, that student will have 14 days to remove his/her animal from the Humble ISD Agriculture Science facilities. Terms and Conditions • If the student fails to abide by any of the above mentioned rules the following actions will be taken. • Violations/Notice of Eviction will proceed as follows (for discretionary removals): 1. Verbal warning issued by their Agricultural Science teacher and phone call to parent 2. Written warning issued by their Agricultural Science teacher and phone call to parent. 3. Referral to school administrator with disciplinary action, and phone call to parent. 4. Immediate removal of project from the Agricultural Science facility. 5. Ban from future facility privileges. Pen Rent: Cattle - $200 Lambs, Goats and Pigs - $150 Poultry and Rabbits - $50 By signing this document, you agree as a student and as the student’s legal guardian to follow all rules written above and those offered by the Agricultural Science teachers. The parent and/or legal guardian acknowledge these rules and agrees to abide by them and assist in monitoring the student as well. GREENHAND DEGREE REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT ACHIEVED SIGNATURE OF ADVISOR 1. Be enrolled in agriculture education and have satisfactory plans for a SAEP (supervised agricultural experience program). 2. Learn and explain the FFA motto. Learn and explain the FFA salute. Learn and explain the FFA Creed. 3. Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of the FFA code of ethics. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the FFA, the chapter constitution and bylaws, and the program activities. 6. Personally own or have access to the Official FFA Manual and the FFA student handbook. 7. Submit a written application of the Greenhand FFA Degree. I certify that the student named above has completed all requirements for the Greenhand FFA Degree and is approved to receive their Greenhand Degree pin. FFA Advisor STATE FFA DEGREE State FFA Degree – To be eligible to receive state FFA Degree from the state association, the member must meet the following qualifications: 1. Have received the Chapter FFA Degree. 2. Have been an active FFA member for at least two years (24 months) at the time of receiving the State FFA Degree. 3. While in school, have completed the equivalent of at least two years (360 hours) of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience program. 4. Have earned and productively invested at least $1,000, or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, in a supervised agricultural experience program. 5. Demonstrate leadership ability by: a. Performing 10 procedures of parliamentary law. b. Giving a six-minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture of the FFA. c. Serving as an officer, committee chairperson, or participating member of a chapter committee. 6. Have a satisfactory scholastic record as certified by the local agricultural education instructor and the principal or superintendent. 7. Have participated in the planning and completion of the Chapter Program of Activities. * 8. Have participated in at least five different FFA activities above the chapter level. 9. Have completed at least 25 hours of Community service hours. (new for 2011) The percentage of the total state membership which may receive the State FFA Degree and other requirements may be established by the state FFA association. Written record of achievement of all requirements, verified by the chapter FFA advisor, shall be submitted to the state association at least one month prior to the state FFA convention at which the State FFA Degree is to be received. The state shall provide for review of the records and submit a recommendation to the state association governing body, which shall nominate at the state FFA convention the candidates who have been found worthy to receive the honor. The State FFA Degree will be conferred upon the candidates subject to approval by the delegates at the state convention. EXPENSE SHEET FFA Dues: $36 Class Fees: Floral Design $35 Ag Mech and Ag Facilities $25 Wildlife Fisheries and Ecological Management Hunter’s Education Certification - $15 Boater’s Education Certification - $20 Food Technology $35 Livestock Pen/ Facility Rent: per year/per student/per project. This is payable at the time of animal purchase. Cattle, including heifers Lambs Goats Pigs Poultry $200 $150 $150 $150 $50 Livestock pen rent is due with Humble Livestock Show, Harris County Fair, and/or Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo entry money or when the exhibitor takes possession of the animal for said show. Pen/ Facility Rent is paid once a year and based on a per animal basis.
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