Your Instructions

Your Instructions
Practice on the eBudde Demo Site
Want to practice before you have to enter your order?
You can enter as many fake orders as you want on the eBudde
Demo site before submitting the real thing.
Visit the eBudde Demo site at:
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Login to eBudde
***Remember – your order MUST BE SUBMITTED TO EBUDDE by
Monday, February 3, 2014.***
1. Go to the eBudde website:
2. Enter your email address and password. Click “Login”.
***All eBudde Passwords Will Reset This Year***
Email Address: Same As Last Year
Password: On your first login, you will need to use this password:
You will then be prompted to change your password to something of your choosing.
If you have problems accessing eBudde, need to be added as a user, or need to update your
login information, please email with your name, service unit, troop
number, and email address.
Does eBudde allow multiple users under one troop?
Yes. Any troop can add multiple users to the system.
I have a cookie parent that needs access to eBudde. What do I do?
Email with the troop number and email address that needs
to be added to the system. Once one person in the troop has access to eBudde, that
person can add more users under the “Settings” tab.
3. NEW USERS: You will be prompted to change your password and enter your
contact information. Enter your contact information and click “Submit”. This will
bring you to your eBudde Dashboard. From here you can enter all the information
for your troop(s) using the navigation tabs at the top of the page.
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Enter Your Troop Cookie Order on eBudde
Click each of the heading tabs indicated below to enter each page.
Enter the information in the order outlined below.
Where you enter your contact information.
1. Review information; edit as necessary.
Where you enter the details about your troop.
1. Number of girls selling, number of girls registered, and troop age level will be
updated automatically. Other information on this page is optional.
2. If you choose to enter goals (optional), enter them in BOXES – not cases.
3. You can add additional users under the “Troop Leaders”, “Troop Cookie Chairs”, or
“Troop View Only Users” sections.
4. Click UPDATE to accept all changes.
Where you enter the names of the girls selling.
1. Enter names of girls. Enter each girl’s goal in BOXES if information is available.
2. Click UPDATE to accept all changes.
Where you order your cookies.
***All orders –including booth sales - must be entered as BOXES, NOT CASES***
1. Click a girl’s name; you will see an entry row load at the bottom of the screen. Click
squares to begin entry.
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2. Enter the total cookies sold by girl in BOXES for each variety, including Operation
Cookie (this is the first column – “OpCo”). Press TAB or use your computer mouse
to go to the next column. When you’re finished with the row, press ENTER (on
keyboard) or the OK button.
3. Repeat for each girl.
4. BOOTH – If you are ordering booth sale cookies, enter them in this row. Click
BOOTH, go to bottom of screen, and click squares to begin entry for each variety.
Press TAB on your keyboard to move to a new column and enter order in BOXES NOT CASES. A booth sale order must total between the following quantities in the
chart below, with 180 Boxes (15 Cases) being the minimum order and 240 Boxes
(20 Cases) being the maximum order. When finished, press ENTER (on keyboard)
or OK button.
Booth Sale Quantities
180 Boxes (15 Cases)
192 Boxes (16 Cases)
Remember to also submit your application on the Booth Sites tab!
204 Boxes (17 Cases)
216 Boxes (18 Cases)
228 Boxes (19 Cases)
240 Boxes (20 Cases)
5. OTHER – If you want to order additional troop cookies, enter them here.
Remember that the money for these cookies will be required at time of order.
Please note that eBudde will automatically round up orders to the nearest case.
Your troop must account for and pay for these cookies at the time your order is
placed, then sell these boxes upon delivery. You can see exactly how many
“extra” boxes your troop will receive (boxes needed to make full cases) by
looking at the “Extras” row at the bottom of the Initial Order page.
6. SAVE the page. You can still make edits after hitting SAVE, even if you log in or log
out of the system. This allows you to partially enter your order, leave, and come
back later to complete or make changes.
7. Review the totals at the bottom of the screen for your order. If correct, click
SUBMIT ORDER. This means the order is FINAL - you cannot change the order
after it has been submitted. Contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager or the
Product Sales Department at Council if changes are necessary after this point.
8. Print copy for your records.
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Your new “Booth Sale Application” form.
***Only troops who have ordered a booth sale must complete this step.
If you do not have a booth sale, skip to the next section – “Rewards Tab”.***
1. Click the button at the top of the page that says, “My Sales” (in the drop-down menu).
2. A link will load in the left window that says, “Add a Location”. Click that link.
3. The right window will load with a form for you to fill out all your booth sale
> Location and Contact Info: Enter all your sale information. You must do
this for your booth sale to be approved. Please make sure your information is as
accurate as possible. All booth sale locations will be uploaded to the “Cookie Locator”
application, available to New York City cookie customers to find a booth sale in their area.
> Sale Date, Etc.: Enter your sale date and start/end times in the specified
format. Sales must be scheduled within the March 1st – May 19th booth sale
4. Your booth sale will then be submitted for approval to the Product Sales
department. Only sales with all information completely filled out will be
Where you order rewards/incentives.
***Most reward items will generate for you automatically based on
the number of boxes each girl has sold on the “Initial Order” tab.***
1. Click the FILL OUT button next to the row labeled Initial Rewards Order.
You can ignore the line that says “Final Rewards Order”.
“EDIT ALL” OPTION: At the top of the next page, you can click the “Edit All” option to
update all girl information (t-shirt sizes, gift card choices) at the same time.
2. SIZED ITEM: At the top of the page, click the name of any girl who earned the
“Musical Tie Dye Heathered Fashion Tee” or the “Peace Love Cookies Sparkle ZipUp Sweatshirt”. This will lead to a screen where you can select the correct size for
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her. Select the size, scroll down, and click “Submit Girl Order”. Repeat for all girls
who earned a sized item. You must complete this step to ensure that the items
are ordered by the system! An Adult Medium (AM) size will be ordered by default
when a size is not selected.
3. GIFT CARD CHOICE: At the top of the page, click the name of any girl who earned
the $50 Gift Card. This will lead to a screen where you can select between the
“Dylan’s Candy Bar” card OR the “Sephora” card. Select the card, scroll down, and
click “Submit Girl Order”. Repeat for all girls who earned the gift card. Repeat this
step for any girl who earned the “iPad” OR “Wii” at 1,000+ Boxes as well.
4. Review total awards earned by your troop.
5. Click SUBMIT REWARDS ORDER to submit your order. This means the order is
FINAL - you cannot change the order after it has been submitted. Contact your
Service Unit Cookie Manager or the Product Sales department at Council if
changes are necessary after this point.
be ordered by default.
Where your payment information will display.
NEW ACH Debit Procedure
All funds due will be swept from troop bank accounts and uploaded to eBudde by
Council staff.
Payments for troop cookie orders will be swept from troop bank accounts by
GSGNY on February 5, 2014 per the order placed in eBudde by the troop.
If There Are Any Issues With Your Troop Cookie Payment
• Your troop will be contacted by a Council staff member to resolve the issue
• All payment problems must be resolved promptly for your order to be submitted
without changes.
• Funds for troop cookie orders must be fully accessible by the February 5
deadline. If the ACH debit payment cannot be processed, the troop cookie
order may be changed to compensate for the missing funds or pulled from
eBudde completely.
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Where you see a summary of your sale.
1. From here you can see a snapshot of your entire order, including the
“Amount You Owe Council”.
If your troop would like to pay for your booth sale at the time you submit your
order, go to and complete the “Pre-Pay Your Booth
Sale” form.
Your ACH Debit Sweep
Funds collected by the Council from the ACH debit sweep of your troop bank account will be
credited in eBudde. They will be reflected on the deposits tab and the Sales Report tab
under “Deposits Made”.
What You Owe the Council for Your Booth Sale
180 Boxes (15 Cases)
$603.00 Owed to Council
192 Boxes (16 Cases)
$643.20 Owed to Council
204 Boxes (17 Cases)
$683.40 Owed to Council
216 Boxes (18 Cases)
$723.60 Owed to Council
228 Boxes (19 Cases)
$763.80 Owed to Council
240 Boxes (20 Cases)
$804.00 Owed to Council
Screenshot of Sales Report Tab
After Payment Is Credited
to Troop
Without Booth Sale
The amount owed to
Council should read zero.
With Booth Sale
The amount that shows up
here should match the
“What You Owe the Council
for Your Booth Sale” chart
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Have you followed all of these steps?
Then you have successfully submitted your
cookie order. Congratulations!
Some Things to Remember
All orders must be placed in BOXES – not cases. eBudde will round up to full cases
automatically. You must pay for these full cases at the time your order is placed.
You can enter your order from any computer with internet access; it only takes a
few minutes.
Practice with eBudde all you want on the eBudde Demo site before actually having
to submit your order: The Demo Site will be
available starting in December. The real eBudde site will be fully available to troops
at the end of the Initial Sale period, starting January 20, 2014.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014 – Delivery information must be submitted by
this date through the electronic forms on the GSGNY website
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2014 – Your cookie order must be fully submitted
through eBudde ( by this date. The payment for
your troop cookie order must be fully accessible in your troop bank account by
February 5 to ensure your cookie order is processed without changes.
Contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager if you have questions about the
eBudde system. You can also contact the Product Sales team at the Council:
Katie Soper
Director of Product Sales
Heather Reine
Product Sales Coordinator
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Common eBudde Problems
Troubleshooting Your Order
Initial Order Tab
1. eBudde won’t let me enter any information on the “Initial Order” tab. I am clicking on
each row, but nothing will work.
• Did you accidentally submit your order before it was ready? Look at the top of the
“Initial Order” page. If you accidentally submitted your order, the “Submit Order”
button will be missing. If you did accidentally submit your order and need to make
changes before the February 3rd deadline, contact the Product Sales department.
Rewards Tab
2. I can’t see the rewards that were ordered for my Girl Scouts.
You will need to officially submit your rewards order by clicking the “Submit Rewards
Order” button before you will be able to see your final rewards order. That is the only
way some items, like Per Girl Average rewards, will generate.
There are 2 rows on the “Rewards” tab – “Initial Rewards Order” and “Final Rewards
Order”. Click the “View” button on the “Initial Rewards Order” row to see your rewards,
or click the “Girl Rpt” button to download a report that you can save to your computer.
Sales Report Tab
3. My “Sales Report” tab won’t generate/update (some numbers read ‘0’).
Did you click the “Submit Order” button on the “Initial Order” tab to finalize your
order? The “Sales Report” tab will only generate when your order is submitted
(remember that when you submit your order that means that the order is final and
you cannot change it.)
4. The “Amount Due to Council” doesn’t match what I calculated our troop deposit
should be.
• Did you…
 … include the money due for Operation Cookie sales ($3.35 for each box)?
 … account for the boxes your troop needs to make full cases (“Extras” row)?
 … check the “Deposits” tab after February 5th to make sure your ACH debit sweep
payment has been credited? If not, contact the Product Sales department.
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