Summer Session 2014 Contracting Instruction Manual

Summer Session 2014
Instruction Manual
Active Minds Changing Lives
Revision Date: February 2014
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Table of Contents
1. Overview of Summer Contracting Process………………………...……………………………...….. Page 3
2. Accessing Banner……………………………………………………………………………………... Page 4
3. WXASUMM Form……………………………………………………………………………..…….. Page 5-6
4. How to Enter Data…
Compensation Method A1……………………………………………………………...…… Page 7-8
Compensation Method B1……………………………………………….………………….. Page 9-10
Compensation Method C………………………………………………………………….. Page 11-12
Compensation Method D…………………………………………………………...……… Page 13-14
Compensation Method O…………………………………………………………...……… Page 15-16
5. Printing the WXRDRFT Draft Contract Report………………………………………………………. Page 17-19
6. E-Sign Course Service Agreement Sample………………………………………………………….. Page 20
7. Frequently Asked Questions ….………………………….…………………………………………..... Page 21
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Overview of Summer Contracting Process
The process below outlines the steps involved from start to finish in using the WXASUMM form to generate your
Summer Session faculty contracts.
1. Department enters contract information into the WXASUMM form.
a. See Page 5-16 for more detailed directions on data entry.
i. Note: Department locks the contract information in WXASUMM form before forwarding
DRAFT report to the Dean’s office by entering the date in the Dept Lock Date field, unless
your department receives other locking instructions from your Dean’s office.
b. Department should follow its college’s established procedures for hiring documentation necessary,
e.g. Request to Recruit, NTT Faculty Hire Requests, etc… Departments should contact their Dean’s
Office if there are any questions.
2. Department generates the DRAFT contract report (WXRDRFT) and routes to Dean’s office for review and
a. See Page 17-19 for more detailed directions on printing DRAFT reports.
3. Dean’s office reviews, makes any necessary revisions, signs the DRAFT report, and forwards to Summer
Session at mailstop 9102.
4. Summer Session reviews the finalized DRAFT report in relation to the information on the department’s
summer planning document(s), and in the WXASUMM form to make sure all details are accurate.
a. In the event that the information in the WXASUMM form is different than what appears on the
DRAFT report, Summer Session will contact the Department/Dean’s office for further clarification.
5. Summer Session generates the FINAL E-Sign contract and reviews/signs before emailing it to the
Departments for faculty signature(s) and other approvals. Once all approvals/signatures are received, the
FINALIZED contract is emailed to Summer Session at
WXRDRFT draft reports due April 1st to Extended Education. E-Sign contracts due May 16th to Extended Education. Summer Session 2014 Contacts
Course & Faculty Contract Questions:
General Summer Session Inquiries:
All Other Staff Inquiries
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CBE, CFPA, CST, Huxley, WCE:
Kelley Peck x3320 or
CHSS and Fairhaven: Tracey Bertels x6830 or
x3308 or
Marlene Harlan x7221 or
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Accessing Banner
To access Banner, use the following link: Alternately, you can
get to the Banner online link by navigating through the WWU web pages.
1. Start at the WWU home page.
2. Go to the Index link in the upper right hand corner.
3. From the index page, click on Administrative Computing Services.
4. Select the Admin Applications link located on the left side of the page.
5. Select the Banner forms and reports.
6. Select the Banner (Production System) link.
You will be prompted for the following information:
1. Username (your Banner login name)
2. Password (your Banner password)
3. Database: WWIS
Permissions have already been granted to allow you access to the Summer Session Banner form and report:
WXASUMM – Data Entry Form
WXRDRFT – Draft Contract Report
If you have any questions or are not able to access these forms, please contact Kelley Peck at x3320.
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WXASUMM is the Banner form that is used to enter all Summer Session contract, equal opportunity, and payroll
information. There are three levels to the WXASUMM form: Level 1 (Faculty ID & Term), Level 2 (Contract and
Equal Opportunity Information) and Level 3 (Course & Payment Information).
Entering Data:
1. At the Banner home screen, type the form name WXASUMM and hit enter.
Note: The fields that require data entry in both Level 1 (Faculty ID & Term) and Level 2 (Contract
Information) are the same for all Compensation Methods.
Please enter the following highlighted fields of information for all faculty contracts:
2. ID: Enter the Summer Session faculty WWU ID number and hit TAB. The faculty name will automatically
display once the WWU ID number has been entered.
3. TERM: Enter the 6 digit Summer Session quarter/term code. For summer 2014, the term code is 201430.
Hit CTRL+PG DWN to move down to the Contract Level 2.
Note: If this screen displays any information in the highlighted fields, use the arrow key to arrow down to create a new contract.
4. CHECK ORG: Edit the check org only if the one displayed is not correct.
5. AY SALARY: Edit the AY Salary only if the salary displayed is incorrect.
6. EMPLOYEE STATUS: Select the applicable Employee Status from the drop down menu.
a. This is a required field.
b. WXASUMM includes NTT faculty Equal Opportunity (EO) information.
i. Select “NTT” in the Employee Status drop-down and the EO fields will appear.
7. DEPT CONTACT ID: Enter the WWU ID number of the person entering the data.
a. This is a required field.
8. NTT FHR#: If applicable, enter the employee’s NTT Faculty Hire Request Form Number.
a. This is required for all NTT Faculty Contracts.
9. DEPT LOCK DATE: Enter the date the contracts are ready to be forwarded to the Dean’s office for review
and approval.
a. Note: Once a date has been entered into this field the department will be locked out from entering
further information.
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WXASUMM Form Continued…
10. CONTRACT COMMENTS: Enter any additional information that should appear on the contract itself.
a. If contract comment(s) is course specific, please reference the particular CRN it is associated with.
The following EO fields will only display for NTT Faculty.
Data entered in these fields will help facilitate the “Request to Make Offer – Vacancy Pool” process.
11. POSITION TITLE: Enter NTT Faculty Position Title.
12. NTT JUSTIFICATION: Justification for NTT selection.
13. PHONE INTERVIEW: Candidate interviewed by telephone?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A Rehired
14. REFERENCE CHECK: Reference check completed?
a. Yes
b. No
c. N/A Rehired
15. COMMENTS TO EO: Enter Equal Opportunity Office comments.
Hit CTRL+PG DWN to move down to the Course & Payroll Level 3.
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method A1)
Per Section 22.16 of the WWU/UFWW Collective Bargaining Agreement, Summer Session courses enrolling 6 or
more students, faculty are paid 1/47 of AY salary per credit. For Summer Session courses enrolling over 15
students, faculty are paid 1/47 of AY salary per credit plus a high enrollment incentive payment of $52 per Pay SCH
for 16 students and above.
Summer Session courses enrolling 5 or fewer students are paid on a per SCH basis. For these courses, the per SCH
rate of pay shall be 70% of the per credit tuition for that course. This calculation takes place automatically when
compensation method A1 is selected.
Please enter the following highlighted fields of information for Compensation Method A1 faculty course
1. CRN: Select the five digit CRN for the course this faculty is assigned to from the CRN list ~ this list will
include all CRN’s assigned to this faculty in Banner.
a. Enter IS if the faculty member is receiving compensation from a Summer Session budget for an
Independent Study.
b. To access the CRN List:
Note: The faculty member must be attached to the course in order for the CRN to show up in the CRN List.
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method A1) Continued…
2. Comp Method: Select A1.
a. This is a required field.
3. Fast Index: Enter the six letter fast index that the salary for this course should be charged to.
a. This is a required field.
b. A list of fast indexes for Summer Session can be found on the Summer Session Staff Resources
4. Activity Code: Enter only if applicable (for special courses only).
5. Location Code: Enter only if applicable.
6. Pay Credits: Enter only if the faculty member should be paid based on a credit value other than the regular
credit value of the course. (FTE will be calculated on pay credits, if entered).
7. Min Enrollment/Subject to Enrollment (STE): If the STE checkbox is activated, this course is marked as
subject to enrollment; enter minimum enrollment for the course.
a. This is a required field if the STE box is checked.
8. Max Enroll: Enter maximum enrollment for the course if applicable.
9. Travel Vchr: Enter the travel voucher form number if applicable.
10. Travel Auth: Enter the travel authorization form number if applicable.
11. Internal Comments: Enter any additional information pertaining to this course. Note: any information
entered in this field will not appear on the final contract; the information will only appear on the WXRDRFT
draft report.
Next Course/Payroll Record = Arrow DWN
Previous Course/Payroll Record = Arrow UP
Save = F10
Move between Fields = TAB or SELECT w/ MOUSE
The following Summer Session Attributes pull directly into the WXASUMM Form from Banner
 TRVL = Travel
 OL = Online
Please note: a SS Attribute cannot be removed/added to a course in WXASUMM – you must complete and
submit the Class Schedule Changes and Corrections E-Form:
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method B1)
Per Section 22.16 of the WWU/UFWW Collective Bargaining Agreement, individually-supervised credit-bearing
activities, such as independent studies, field research/experience, practicum, and internships in the summer will
generally be paid at the per SCH rate.
Per SCH pay is recommended for activities with 9 or fewer students. Salary per credit is recommended for activities
with 10 or more students: when Compensation Method B1 is selected this recalculation of salary is automatic when
course enrollment is 10 or greater. These courses will be paid at a minimum rate of $132.40 per SCH for
undergraduate courses and $164.72 per SCH for graduate courses. The instructors of any courses in the last three
years that have been paid at more than $132.40 per credit shall continue to be paid for those courses at a rate no
lower than that higher rate.
Please enter the following highlighted fields of information for Compensation Method B1 faculty course
1. CRN: Select the five digit CRN for the course this faculty is assigned to from the CRN list ~ this list will
include all CRN’s assigned to this faculty in Banner.
a. Enter IS if the faculty member is receiving compensation from a Summer Session budget for an
Independent Study.
b. To access the CRN List:
Note: The faculty member must be attached to the course in order for the CRN to show up in the CRN List.
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method B1) Continued…
2. Comp Method: Select B1.
a. This is a required field.
3. Fast Index: Enter the six letter fast index that the salary for this course should be charged to.
a. This is a required field.
b. A list of fast indexes for Summer Session can be found on the Summer Session Staff Resources
4. Activity Code: Enter only if applicable (for special courses only).
5. Location Code: Enter only if applicable.
6. Pay Credits: Enter only if the faculty member should be paid based on a credit value other than the regular
credit value of the course. (FTE will be calculated on pay credits, if entered).
7. Min Enrollment/Subject to Enrollment (STE): If the STE checkbox is activated, this course is marked as
subject to enrollment; enter minimum enrollment for the course.
a. This is a required field if the STE box is checked.
8. Max Enroll: Enter maximum enrollment for the course if applicable.
9. Rate: Enter undergraduate rate: $132.40; graduate rate: $164.72
10. Travel Vchr: Enter the travel voucher form number if applicable.
11. Travel Auth: Enter the travel authorization form number if applicable.
12. Internal Comments: Enter any additional information pertaining to this course. Note: any information
entered in this field will not appear on the final contract; the information will only appear on the WXRDRFT
draft report.
Next Course/Payroll Record = Arrow DWN
Previous Course/Payroll Record = Arrow UP
Save = F10
Move between Fields = TAB or SELECT w/ MOUSE
The following Summer Session Attributes pull directly into the WXASUMM Form from Banner
 TRVL = Travel
 OL = Online
Please note: a SS Attribute cannot be removed/added to a course in WXASUMM – you must complete and
submit the Class Schedule Changes and Corrections E-Form:
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method C)
Selecting Compensation Method C for a faculty member indicates that the faculty will not receive compensation for
this course, but the assignment should be considered as part of their Summer Session load.
Please enter information in the highlighted fields below for Compensation Method C faculty course assignments.
Enter any additional information that should appear on the contract itself.
1. CRN: Select the five digit CRN for the course this faculty is assigned to from the CRN list ~ this list will
include all CRN’s assigned to this faculty in Banner.
a. Enter ADMIN if the faculty member is not receiving compensation for an administrative assignment.
b. Enter IS if the faculty member is not receiving compensation for an independent study.
c. To access the CRN List:
Note: The faculty member must be attached to the course in order for the CRN to show up in the CRN List.
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method C) Continued…
2. Comp Method: Select C.
a. This is a required field.
3. Fast Index: Enter the six letter fast index that is associated with this course.
a. This is a required field.
b. A list of fast indexes for Summer Session can be found on the Summer Session Staff Resources
4. Activity Code: Enter only if applicable (for special courses only).
5. Location Code: Enter only if applicable.
6. Min Enrollment/Subject to Enrollment (STE): If the STE checkbox is activated, this course is marked as
subject to enrollment; enter minimum enrollment for the course.
a. This is a required field if the STE box is checked.
7. Travel Vchr: Enter the travel voucher form number if applicable.
8. Travel Auth: Enter the travel authorization form number if applicable.
9. Internal Comments: Enter any additional information pertaining to this course. Note: any information
entered in this field will not appear on the final contract; the information will only appear on the WXRDRFT
draft report.
Next Course/Payroll Record = Arrow DWN
Previous Course/Payroll Record = Arrow UP
Save = F10
Move between Fields = TAB or SELECT w/ MOUSE
The following Summer Session Attributes pull directly into the WXASUMM Form from Banner
 TRVL = Travel
 OL = Online
Please note: a SS Attribute cannot be removed/added to a course in WXASUMM – you must complete and
submit the Class Schedule Changes and Corrections E-Form:
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method D)
Selecting Compensation Method D for a faculty member indicates that the faculty will be receiving compensation
for an Administrative Assignment. Payment is equal to 1/47 of AY salary * pay credits for the assignment.
Please enter the following highlighted fields of information for Compensation Method D faculty administrative
1. CRN: Enter ADMIN or select from the CRN list.
2. Comp Method: Select D.
a. This is a required field.
3. Fast Index: Enter the six letter fast index that the salary for this course should be charged to.
a. This is a required field.
b. A list of fast indexes for Summer Session can be found on the Summer Session Staff Resources
4. Activity Code: Enter only if applicable (for special courses only).
5. Location Code: Enter only if applicable.
6. Pay Credits: Enter administrative assignment credit value. (FTE will be calculated on pay credits).
7. Travel Vchr: Enter the travel voucher form number if applicable.
8. Travel Auth: Enter the travel authorization form number if applicable.
9. Internal Comments: Enter any additional information pertaining to this course. Note: any information
entered in this field will not appear on the final contract; the information will only appear on the WXRDRFT
draft report.
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method D) Continued…
Next Course/Payroll Record = Arrow DWN
Previous Course/Payroll Record = Arrow UP
Save = F10
Move between Fields = TAB or SELECT w/ MOUSE
The following Summer Session Attributes pull directly into the WXASUMM Form from Banner
 TRVL = Travel
 OL = Online
Please note: a SS Attribute cannot be removed/added to a course in WXASUMM – you must complete and
submit the Class Schedule Changes and Corrections E-Form:
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method O)
Per Section 22.14 of the WWU/UFWW Collective Bargaining Agreement, faculty may teach one or more courses
above their regular teaching load only on an exceptional basis, with appropriate documentation of the need,
recommendation of the dean, and approval of the Provost. Such temporary extra teaching assignments will be
compensated by temporary additional pay at the rate of 1/36 of the faculty member's salary per credit hour.
Please enter the following highlighted fields of information for Compensation Method O faculty temporary extra
teaching assignments:
1. CRN: Select the five digit CRN for the course this faculty is assigned to from the CRN list ~ this list will
include all CRN’s assigned to this faculty in Banner.
a. Enter ADMIN if the faculty member is receiving overload compensation from a Summer Session
budget for an administrative assignment.
b. Enter IS if the faculty member is receiving overload compensation from a Summer Session budget
for an Independent Study.
c. To access the CRN List:
Note: The faculty member must be attached to the course in order for the CRN to show up in the CRN List.
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How to Enter Data…(Compensation Method O) Continued…
2. Comp Method: Select O.
a. This is a required field.
3. Fast Index: Enter the six letter fast index that the salary for this course should be charged to.
a. This is a required field.
b. A list of fast indexes for Summer Session can be found on the Summer Session Staff Resources
4. Activity Code: Enter only if applicable (for special courses only).
5. Location Code: Enter only if applicable.
6. Pay Credits: Enter only if the faculty member should be paid based on a credit value other than the regular
credit value of the course. (FTE will be calculated on pay credits, if entered).
7. Min Enrollment/Subject to Enrollment (STE): If the STE checkbox is activated, this course is marked as
subject to enrollment; enter minimum enrollment for the course.
a. This is a required field if the STE box is checked.
8. Max Enroll: Enter maximum enrollment for the course if applicable.
9. Travel Vchr: Enter the travel voucher form number if applicable.
10. Travel Auth: Enter the travel authorization form number if applicable.
11. Internal Comments: Enter any additional information pertaining to this course. Note: any information
entered in this field will not appear on the final contract; the information will only appear on the WXRDRFT
draft report.
Faculty with Compensation Method O: in addition to Summer Session contract would receive a
Temporary Extra Teaching Assignment contract reflecting summer overload assignment(s).
Next Course/Payroll Record = Arrow DWN
Previous Course/Payroll Record = Arrow UP
Save = F10
Move between Fields = TAB or SELECT w/ MOUSE
The following Summer Session Attributes pull directly into the WXASUMM Form from Banner
 TRVL = Travel
 OL = Online
Please note: a SS Attribute cannot be removed/added to a course in WXASUMM – you must complete and
submit the Class Schedule Changes and Corrections E-Form:
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WXRDRFT Printing the Draft Contract Report
WXRDRFT is the Banner form used to generate Summer Session DRAFT contract reports. The DRAFT report can
be printed as many times as needed.
Print options for draft contract report:
1. Fast Index – prints information for all contracts charged to a specific fast index.
2. W# - prints information for individual contracted faculty.
3. Dept Contact W# - prints information for all contracts inputted by a department contact.
4. FOAPAL Location Code - prints information for all contracts charged to a specific location code.
5. Summer Status – prints information for all contracts by status (TN, TT, NTT).
a. To run an Equal Opportunity Report: Enter NTT for the Summer Status parameter.
b. A copy of the EOO Report run for the department can be attached to a single eSign “Facutly Hire
Request Form.”
Please enter the following highlighted fields of information to print out the DRAFT contract report:
Hit CTRL+PG DWN twice to move to Parameter Values Level.
1. Term Code: Enter the six digit Summer Session term (e.g. – 201430)
2. FAST Index (prints all faculty contract information tied to a fast index):
a. Print all = Enter %.
b. Print one FAST Index = Enter the six letter fast index (UPPER CASE).
c. Print multiple FAST Index = Hit F6, Enter “2” (FAST Index will appear in parameters), enter the
additional fast index you wish to print. This option can be repeated as many times as needed.
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WXRDRFT Printing the Draft Contract Report Continued…
3. W Number (print faculty contract information by W#):
a. Print all = Enter %.
b. Print one specific WWU Faculty ID number = Enter the nine digit WWU ID number.
c. Print multiple WWU Faculty ID numbers = Hit F6, Enter “3” (W number will appear in parameters),
enter the additional WWU Faculty ID number you wish to print. This option can be repeated as many
times as needed.
4. Show: Show additional data (“Y” or “N”) – Default is “Y” – enable display of all columns.
5. Download: Produce a tab separated value download file for this report (“Y” or “N”).
6. Department Contact WID: Enter the WWU ID of the person who is listed as the department contact in the
WXASUMM Data Entry Form.
7. FOAPAL Location Code: Enter the FOAPAL Location Code you want to run, or Enter “%” for all.
8. Summer Status: Enter the Employee/Summer Status you want to report on (TN, TT, NTT), or Enter “%”
for all.
Hit CTRL+PG DWN to move to the Submission Level.
9. Save Parameters: Check this box if you would like to save the information you entered above.
Hit F10 to move to the Print Control Level.
10. Select Run Job.
11. To print report:
a. Click Options menu.
b. Select Job Submission Status (GWIROUT).
c. At job screen – click on Refresh Display (you may need to click this several times to refresh display
and activate).
d. Click View PDF Report and print.
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WXRDRFT Printing the Draft Contract Report Continued…
Draft Contract Report Sample:
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E-Sign Course Service Agreement Sample
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I print a NTT Equal Opportunity Report?
a. See page 17-19 for instructions on how to run a WXRDRFT Report.
i. Enter NTT for the Summer Status parameter.
2. Where can I find the list of fast indexes?
a. Click on Summer Session Budget Codes on the Summer Session staff resources web page:
3. The department lock date has been entered and the information locked, but I just found something that
needs to be edited.
a. If you still have the contract, have the Dean’s office initial the updated information and send it to
Summer Session with a note indicating what needs to be corrected in WXASUMM.
b. If the DRAFT contract/report has already been sent to Summer Session, please contact Summer
Session and include the Dean’s office in the correspondence.
4. I have a faculty member who will have more than one contract. How do I enter that in the WXASUMM
Banner Form?
a. Enter the faculty member WWU ID, and the Summer Session Term.
b. Hit CTRL+PG DWN to enter the Contract Level 2.
c. Hit ARROW DWN to get to a new contract record.
i. Hit ARROW UP to return to the previous contract record.
5. I have a faculty member who will have more than one class on their contract. How do I enter that in the
WXASUMM Banner Form?
a. When you are in the Course/Payroll Level 3, hit ARROW DWN to get to a new course record.
i. Hit ARROW UP to return to the previous contract record.
6. I accidentally went into a new course or contract record. How do I get rid of this record so it doesn’t show
up on the contract?
a. Go into the empty course record.
b. From the toolbar at the top of the screen, select RECORD and then select REMOVE.
c. Be sure to save after it’s gone.
7. When I enter a course CRN, the course information that displays is wrong (wrong date, time, days, etc).
How do I get this fixed?
a. The data displayed is pulled from the course information set up in Banner. To correct any part of it,
please complete and submit the Class Schedule Changes and Corrections E-Form: to Summer Session for processing.
b. Summer Session will then forward to the Registrar’s office to make the necessary changes in Banner.
Once the change is made, the information on the contract should populate with the correct course
8. When will faculty salaries be calculated?
a. For purposes of computing compensation, “course enrollment” is the actual enrollment on the first
“PEAK” census date of the quarter. For individual courses not delivered on a regular quarterly cycle
a final enrollment date will be specified.
b. After PEAK enrollment has occurred the faculty salaries will be displayed in the WXASUMM form:
i. Assign Base Comp field will display the total compensation for a particular assignment.
ii. Incentive Pay field will display the total incentive pay for a particular assignment.
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