MANUAL 4 Installed Capacity Manual April [ ]2013 Version: 6.2223 Effective Date: 04/02/2013 Committee Acceptance: 03/13/2013 BIC This document was prepared by: NYISO Capacity Market Products New York Independent System Operator 10 Krey Boulevard Rensselaer, NY 12144 (518) 356-6060 Disclaimer The information contained within this manual, along with the other NYISO manuals, is intended to be used for informational purposes and is subject to change. The NYISO is not responsible for the user’s reliance on these publications or for any erroneous or misleading material. © Copyright 1999-2013 New York Independent System Operator NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Table of Contents Revision History .........................................................................................................................vii 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1-1 2. Overview of Installed Capacity Planning and Procurement Process ............................. 2-1 2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Timeline ..................................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 The NYCA Installed Reserve Margin ........................................................................................ 2-2 2.4 The NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement .............................................................. 2-3 2.5 The NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement ............................................................. 2-3 2.6 Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements ............................................................. 2-3 2.7 Limitations on Unforced Capacity from External Control Areas................................................ 2-4 3. Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of Load Serving Entities ........................... 3-1 3.1 The NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement .............................................................. 3-1 3.2 The NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement ............................................................. 3-1 3.3 Transmission District Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements ........................................... 3-2 3.4 Establishing an LSE’s Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for an Obligation Procurement Period .................................................................................................................. 3-2 3.5 Customer-Switching ............................................................................................. 3-53-53-53-63-5 3.5.1 General Requirements for Customer-Switching within a Capability Year3-53-53-53-635 3.5.2 Assignment of Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements for a New Customer in a Transmission District.............................................................................. 3-73-73-73-73-6 3.5.3 Load Lost due to Departing Customers ................................................. 3-83-83-83-93-7 3.5.4 Financial Arrangements to Cover Customer Switching ......................... 3-93-93-93-93-8 3.5.5 Disputes Related to Customer Switching ...................................... 3-103-103-103-103-9 3.6 Procedures for Calculating the Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of LSEs ..................................................................................................................... 3-103-103-103-113-9 3.6.1 Minimum Requirements for LSEs Serving Loads within Localities 3-103-103-103-113-9 3.7 Grandfathered External Installed Capacity Resources .............................. 3-133-133-133-123-10 3.8 Capacity Adjustment for Firm Capacity Sales by NYPA ............................ 3-133-133-133-123-10 4. INSTALLED CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO INSTALLED CAPACITY SUPPLIERS .......................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 DMNC Procedures (Section 5.12.8 NYISO Services Tariff) ..................................................... 4-1 4.2.1 DMNC Test Periods .................................................................................................... 4-4 4.2.2 Resource Specific Test Conditions ............................................................................. 4-4 4.2.3 Treatment of Station Service Load ............................................................................. 4-6 4.2.4 Required DMNC Generating Capability Test Data ..................................................... 4-7 4.3 Maintenance Scheduling Requirements (Section 5.12.3 NYISO Services Tariff) .................... 4-7 4.3.1 (This Section intentionally left blank) .......................................................................... 4-8 4.3.2 External System Resources ....................................................................................... 4-8 4.3.3 Special Case Resources (Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual) .................................... 4-8 Change of Load ................................................................................................. 4-8 Change of Status ............................................................................................... 4-8 Reporting Change of Load ................................................................................ 4-9 Reducing ACL if a Change of Status ................................................................. 4-9 Increasing ACL in Conjunction with Change of Status Event Ending within Same Capability Period as Initiated ............................................................................. 4-9 Option for ACL if a Change of Status Event in Like Capability Period Different than Initiated .................................................................................................... 4-10 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 iii NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL No Relief for Failure to Perform ....................................................................... 4-10 Operating Data Reporting Requirements (Section 5.12.5 NYISO Services Tariff)................. 4-10 4.4.1 Generators ................................................................................................................ 4-11 4.4.2 System Resources .................................................................................................... 4-11 4.4.3 Control Area System Resources .............................................................................. 4-11 4.4.4 Energy Limited and Capacity Limited Resources ..................................................... 4-12 4.4.5 (This Section intentionally left blank) ........................................................................ 4-13 4.4.6 Intermittent Power Resources .................................................................................. 4-13 4.4.7 Special Case Resources (Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual) .................................. 4-13 Special Case Resources that are Curtailable Load Resources ...................... 4-13 Special Case Resources that are Generators ................................................. 4-14 Reporting of Special Case Resource Operating Data ..................................... 4-14 4.4.8 Municipally Owned Generation ................................................................................. 4-14 4.4.9 Resources Capable of Supplying Unforced Capacity in New York .......................... 4-14 4.4.10 Resources not in Operation for the Past 17 Months................................................. 4-15 4.4.11 Temporary Interruption in Availability ....................................................................... 4-15 4.4.12 Retired, Mothballed, and Inactive Generating Units ................................................. 4-15 4.5 Calculation of the Amount of Unforced Capacity each Resource may Supply to the NYCA (Section NYISO Services Tariff) ............................................................................... 4-16 4.5.1 Calculation of UCAP for Wind and Solar Energy Generators .................................. 4-19 4.6 Operating Data Default Value and Exception for Certain Equipment Failures (Section and NYISO Services Tariff) ....................................................................................... 4-21 4.6.1 Default Value ............................................................................................................ 4-21 4.6.2 Exception for Certain Equipment Failures ................................................................ 4-21 4.7 Monthly Installed Capacity Supplier Certification .................................................................... 4-22 4.8 Bidding, Scheduling, and Notification Requirements (Section 5.12.7 NYISO Services Tariff) ... 423 4.8.1 Generators and System Resources.......................................................................... 4-24 4.8.2 Energy Limited and Capacity Limited Resources ..................................................... 4-24 4.8.3 [This Section intentionally left blank]......................................................................... 4-24 4.8.4 Existing Municipally-Owned Generation ................................................................... 4-24 4.8.5 Special Case Resources (Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual) .................................. 4-25 4.8.6 Intermittent Power Resources .................................................................................. 4-25 4.9 External Resources, Imports, Exports and Wheels Through .................................................. 4-25 4.9.1 Requirements to Qualify as an External Installed Capacity Supplier ....................... 4-26 4.9.2 External Capacity Processes and Information .......................................................... 4-26 [This Section intentionally left blank] ............................................................... 4-27 [This Section intentionally left blank] ............................................................... 4-27 Allocation of Import Rights – Summer 2010 .................................................... 4-27 Allocation of Import Rights – Winter 2010-2011 and Beyond.......................... 4-35 4.9.3 Additional External Installed Capacity Supplier Requirements ................................ 4-41 4.9.4 Charges Associated with External Unforced Capacity Deficiencies......................... 4-42 4.9.5 Exports - External Sales of NYCA Installed Capacity............................................... 4-43 4.9.6 Maximum Allowances for Installed Capacity Provided by Resources Outside the NYCA (Excluding Resources Using UDRs) .............................................................. 4-43 4.10 Procedures for Holders of External Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (CRIS) Rights ................................................................................................................................................ 4-44 4.10.1 Specification of Contract and/or Non-Contract Commitment for External CRIS Rights Converted from Grandfathered Import Rights over the Quebec (via Chateauguay) Interface .................................................................................................................... 4-45 4.10.2 New Awards of External CRIS Rights....................................................................... 4-45 4.10.3 Renewal of External CRIS Rights ............................................................................. 4-46 4.10.4 Transfer of External CRIS Rights ............................................................................. 4-47 4.10.5 External CRIS Bilateral Contract Supporting Documentation .................................. 4-48 4.4 iv NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.10.6 Non-Contract Commitment Must-offer Requirement ................................................ 4-48 4.10.7 Non-Contract Commitment Offer Cap ...................................................................... 4-49 4.10.8 Failure to Meet External CRIS Rights Commitment ................................................. 4-50 4.10.9 Termination of External CRIS Rights ........................................................................ 4-50 4.11 System Resources .................................................................................................................. 4-51 4.11.1 Permissible Aggregations ......................................................................................... 4-51 4.11.2 External System Resources ..................................................................................... 4-52 4.11.3 Control Area System Resources .............................................................................. 4-52 4.12 Special Case Resources ......................................................................................................... 4-53 4.12.1 Claiming of Unforced Capacity and RIPs ................................................................. 4-54 4.12.2 General Requirements .............................................................................................. 4-54 Calculation of UCAP and Installed Capacity Equivalent for Special Case Resources ........................................................................................................ 4-57 Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL ....................................................................... 4-57 Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource using the Average Coincident Load baseline ............... 4-594-594-594-58 Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Generator Based Special Case Resource4604-604-604-604-59 Determining the Amount of UCAP for an SCR Aggregation of Special Case Resources.......................................................................................................... 4-61 Determining the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Amount of UCAP Supplied ......................................................................................................................... 4-62 ICE for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL.. 4634-634-634-62 ICE for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource using the Average Coincident Load baseline....................................................... 4-634-634-634-634-62 ICE for a Generator Based Special Case Resource .......................................... 4-63 4.12.3 Minimum Payment Nomination Requirements ............................ 4-644-644-644-644-63 4.12.4 Performance ................................................................................ 4-654-654-654-654-64 Average Coincident Load ................................................................................ 4-65 Provisional Average Coincident Load........................................ 4-674-674-674-66 Continued Use of a Provisional Average Coincident Load After the First Capability Period .................................................................................... 4-684-684-684-684-67 Changes to ACL ................................................................. 4-694-694-694-694-68 Use of Generation by a Special Case Resource ............................................. 4-69 Testing of Special Case Resources ................................................................ 4-70 RIP Deficiency Determination ............................................. 4-714-714-714-714-70 Reporting Partial Sales ....................................................... 4-724-724-724-724-71 Reporting SCR Performance Data .................................................................. 4-72 Adjustments to Metered Load for Demand Reductions in a Transmission Owner’s Demand Response Program ................................ 4-734-734-734-734-72 4.12.5 NYISO Notification Procedures ................................................................................ 4-74 4.12.6 Capacity Adjustment Procedures ................................................ 4-754-754-754-754-74 4.12.7 RIP Requirements............................................................................... 4-764-764-764-75 4.12.8 Special Case Resource Demand Response Payments ........................................... 4-76 4.12.9 NYISO Verification ....................................................................... 4-784-784-784-784-77 4.13 Existing Municipally-Owned Generation ................................................................................. 4-78 4.14 Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights ..................................................... 4-794-794-794-794-78 4.14.1 Determination and Assignment of Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights .. 4-794-794794-794-78 4.14.2 Requesting, Granting, Duration and Adjustment of Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights ........................................................................................................................ 4-79 4.14.3 Use of External Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights ............. 4-804-804-804-804-79 4.14.4 Use of Local Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights .............................................. 4-81 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 v NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.14.5 Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights offered in an Installed Capacity Auction .4-824824-824-824-81 5. NYISO Administered Installed Capacity Auctions ........................................................... 5-1 5.1 Overview of Auction Structure and Timing................................................................................ 5-1 5.1.1 General Auction Requirements................................................................................... 5-2 5.2 Capability Period Auctions ........................................................................................................ 5-2 5.3 Monthly Auctions ....................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.4 ICAP Spot Market Auction ........................................................................................................ 5-4 5.5 Demand Curve and Adjustments .............................................................................................. 5-5 5.6 Demand Curve Adjustment Process ......................................................................................... 5-8 5.6.1 Development and Issuance of Schedule ............................................... 5-95-95-95-95-8 5.6.2 Development of a Request for Proposal (RFP) ..................................... 5-95-95-95-95-8 5.6.3 Selection of Consultant ............................................................................................... 5-9 5.6.4 Development of Consultant Final Report .............................................. 5-105-105-105-9 5.6.5 Issuance of NYISO Draft Demand Curve Recommendations .................................. 5-10 5.6.6 NYISO Board Review ............................................................................................... 5-10 5.6.7 FERC Filing of ICAP Demand Curves ................................................ 5-115-115-115-10 5.7 Supplemental Supply Fee .......................................................................... 5-115-115-115-115-10 5.8 ICAP Supplier Shortfalls and Deficiency Payments ................................................................ 5-11 5.9 Timing of Auctions ...................................................................................... 5-135-135-135-135-12 5.10 Bids to Buy and Sell - General Requirements ........................................................................ 5-13 5.11 Limitations on Offerors’ Participation in Installed Capacity Auctions ......... 5-145-145-145-145-13 5.12 Limitations on Bidders’ Participation in Installed Capacity Auctions .......... 5-155-155-155-155-14 5.13 Required Information in Bids to Buy ....................................................................................... 5-15 5.14 Required Information in Offers to Sell ............................................................... 5-165-165-165-15 5.15 Selection of Bids and Offers; Determination of Market-Clearing Prices ................................. 5-16 5.15.1 Capability Period and Monthly Auctions ................................................................... 5-16 5.15.2 ICAP Spot Market Auction ......................................................................... 5-215-215-20 5.16 Billing and Settlements...................................................................................... 5-225-225-225-21 5.17 Allocation of Winning Bids....................................................................................................... 5-23 5.18 Posting of Results .................................................................................................... 5-245-245-23 6. Sanctions ............................................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1 Supplier Sanctions .................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Transmission Owner Sanctions ................................................................................................ 6-1 6.3 Procedural Safeguards ............................................................................................................. 6-2 vi NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Revision History Version Date Revisions 6.23 /2013 Section xx 6.22 3/13/2013 Sections 4.2.2,, and 4.12.7 Added “at the direction of the NYISO” to clarify when the interruption upon demand was required by Special Case Resources Sections 4.3.3 Changed references from distributed generator to tariff¬ defined term “Local Generator” Section 4.12 Modified definition of Special Case Resource to be consistent with proposed tariff changes Sections and, clarified: Behind-the-meter generation should not be included in ACL values, report only load supplied from the Transmission or Distribution System Terminology, using tariff-defined “Local Generator” SCRs cause a reduction at the direction of the NYISO, and base load behind-the-meter generators do not qualify The generation reporting requirement for NYCA and Locality peak does not apply to amount of generation normally operating to serve Load Ministerial changes in Section 4.12.4 6.21 3/01/2013 Section 4.9.6. External ICAP Interface Table values update 6.20 1/24/2012 Section 4.9.6. External ICAP Interface Table values update 6.19 8/24/2011 Section Changed definition of value “b” and value “e” in the calculation of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL. Definitions now refer to Capability Periods rather than months for reference to a time period. Section Changed definition of value “b” and value “e” in the calculation of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource using the Average Coincident Load baseline. Definitions now refer to Capability Periods rather than months for reference to a time period. Section Changed definition of value “b” and value “e” in the calculation of UCAP for a Generator Based Special Case Resource. Definitions now refer to Capability Periods rather than months for reference to a time period. Section Changed definition of value “b” and value “e” in the calculation of NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 vii NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL UCAP for an SCR Aggregation of Special Case Resources. Definitions now refer to Capability Periods rather than months for reference to a time period. Section 4.12.4,1 Clarifying changes made from NYCA peak load hours to the defined term SCR Load Zone Peak Hours. Added reference to when SCR Load Zone Peak Hours will be imported into DRIS. Updated to explain process for RIP requirement for importing Summer 2011 ACL verification data into DRIS. Added rule to clarify the process of revisions to an SCR Load Zone Peak Hour of a resource. Section 4.12.4,2 Added rule that a resource enrolled with a Provisional ACL cannot revise the Provisional ACL value or transfer to a different RIP in the Capability Period. Added requirements for the import of the resource Meter Installation Date when enrolling with a Provisional ACL. Added rules for the import of resource in-period verification data and the calculation of the resource ACL based on imported data. Section 4.12.4,2 Added new section with rules defining the continued use of a Provisional ACL after the first Capability Period of enrollment of the resource. Section 4.12.4,9 Added section with rules defining adjustments to metered load for resource demand reductions in a Transmission Owner’s Demand Response Program. 6.19 8/15/2011 Section 4.5 Added provisions for the calculation of Unforced Capacity for solar energy generators Section 4.5.1 Added this new section to specify the calculation of UCAP for solar energy generators; moved the calculation of UCAP for wind generators from Att. J Section 3.4 into this new section Section 4.8.6 Added provisions to exclude solar resources from the daily bidding and scheduling requirements Attachment J Removed Section 3.4, incorporated content into Section 4.5.1 and revised to include solar energy generators 6.19 8/2/2011 Sections 4.1, 4.2,, Supplier sanction reference changed from sec. 6.1 to Services Tariff Sections 5.15.1, 5.15.2 Added language on external clearing price under specific offer conditions Section 5.16 Changed “pay” to “charge”, 3rd paragraph before 5.17 Section 5.18 viii NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Changed language to reflect three month bid and offer disclosure Section 6.1 Removed specific language on supplier sanctions and replaced with reference to the Services Tariff 6.18.1 3/18/2011 Sections 2.4 and 2.6 Updates and clarifications Section 4.9.6 External ICAP Interface Table values update 6.17.1 04/11/2011 Revisions approved by BIC on January 26, 2011, subject to FERC approval of tariff changes to SCR baseline, aggregation performance and RIP deficiency. FERC letter order accepting tariff changes received on 04/11/2011. Changes associated with approved FERC order are shown as shaded text. Section Changed reference of Average Peak Monthly Demand to Average Coincident Load. Section Changed reference of Average Peak Monthly Demand to Average Coincident Load. Changed abbreviation of Average Peak Monthly Demand ("APMD") to "ACL". Section Changed abbreviation of Average Peak Monthly Demand ("APMD") to "ACL". Section Changed abbreviation of Average Peak Monthly Demand ("APMD") to "ACL". Removed procedures specific to calculation of APMD. Section 4.12.2 Changed section references from Attachment J to new sections within Section 4.12.2. Revised aggregation references to tariff term: SCR Aggregation. Added procedure for SCR Aggregation performance factor. Added procedure for RIP performance factor. Revised RIP deficiency procedure to apply on a Load Zone basis. Attachment J of the ICAP Manual was incorporated into the body of the Manual and its content revised to support Average Coincident Load (ACL). Added section Calculation of UCAP and Installed Capacity Equivalent for Special Case Resources. Added section Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL. Added section Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource using the Average Coincident Load Baseline. Added section Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Generator Based Special Case Resource. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 ix NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Added section Determining the Amount of UCAP for an SCR Aggregation of Special Case Resources. Added section Determining the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Amount of UCAP Supplied. Added section ICE for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL. Added section ICE for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource using the Average Coincident Load baseline. Added section ICE for a Generator Based Special Case Resource. Section Added new section for Average Coincident Load. Section Added new section for Provisional Average Coincident Load. Section Added new section break for Changes to ACL. Section Added new section break for Use of Generation by a Special Case Resource. Section Added new section break for Testing of Special Case Resources. Section Added new section break for RIP Deficiency Determination. Revised APMD references to ACL and deficiency calculation on a Load Zone basis. Section Added new section break for Reporting Partial Sales. Changed reference from Attachment J to relevant section. Section Added new section break for Reporting SCR Performance Data. Attachment J, Section 3.3 removed. Content has been incorporated into Section 4.12.2 and revised for ACL. Attachment K Removed SCR workbook section. SCR workbook is no longer used to report SCR data to the NYISO. References to data provided in the Demand Response Information System (DRIS) is identified throughout the ICAP Manual. 6.17 11/24/2010 Section Added Change of Status reporting method in the Demand Response Information System (DRIS). Identified that resource status will be under review in specified circumstances. Section Added reporting method for changes in Change of Status in DRIS. Revised rule so that resource status will be under review in specified circumstances. Section 4.12.2 x NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Changed the reporting method of event and test performance data. Added specification for method of reporting event and test performance data for small customer aggregations. Section 4.12.3. Revised section on the process of reporting the Special Case Resource Minimum Payment Nominations. Revised section on the process of reporting a change to the Special Case Resource (SCR) Minimum Payment Nomination. Section 4.12.4 Adjusted the time frame for requirement to perform in the first and second tests within a Capability Period. Added reference to the ICAP and DRIS calendar entries for a Responsible Interface Party (RIP) reporting sales less than 100% and more than 0% of an SCR's total registered megawatts. Section 4.12.7 Changed the reporting method of event and test performance data. Section 4.12.8 Revised section on the payment of SCRs that performed concurrently in a Day Ahead Demand Response Program (DADRP) or Demand Side Ancillary Services Program (DSASP) scheduled commitment. Added reference to the Emergency Demand Response Program Manual regarding the CBL calculation. Changed the reporting method of event and test data for energy payments. Revised payment eligibility period for an SCR that participates in a deployment that begins at a time that is not the top of the hour. 6.16 06/28/2010 Global Updated tariff citations to reflect section renumbering secondary to e-Tariff implementation. Implemented minor stylistic edits. Removed Conditional approval language for UDR election of treatment when modeling Locality Requirements. Section 1 Added Deliverability overview. Section 2.7 Added paragraph specifying that external ICAP is subject to Deliverability. Section 3.4 Removed language on LSE discretionary submission of additional certification data for remaining months of Obligation Procurement Period. Section 4.5 Defined CRIS-adjusted DMNC Section 4.6.2 Updated outdated link to NERC GADS reporting guideline. Section 4.9.2 Removed Sections and referring to previous Capability Periods Added to cover External CRIS beginning in Winter 2010-2011 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 xi NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Capability Period going forward. Section 4.10 Added new section with procedures for External CRIS. Section 4.11 Renumbered old section 4.10 to 4.11. Section 4.14.1 Added sentence on UDR deliverability test. Section 5.1.1 Added language on offer cap for External CRIS. Section 5.2 Corrected reference to Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period Section 5.8 Added sentence on External CRIS penalty payment. Section 6.3 Dispute and Claims Committee replaces Discretionary Acts Committee. 6.15 05/06/2010 Global Incorporated changes to reflect terminology used in Demand Response Information System (DRIS), including enroll instead of register. Section 4.3.3 Added separate Change of Status Form. Required change of declared value to be accomplished in DRIS. Changed method of enrollment from SCR Workbook to DRIS. Section 4.4.7 Added separate Event Test Report. Section 4.8.5 Changed method of enrollment from SCR Workbook to DRIS. Section 4.12.2 Changed method of enrollment from SCR Workbook to DRIS. Added DRIS Event Calendar. Changed certification from SCR Workbook to certification by enrolling resources. Added separate Event Test Report. Section 4.12.3 Changed method of providing Minimum Payment Nomination from SCR Workbook to DRIS. Section 4.12.4 Changed method of enrollment from SCR Workbook to DRIS. Added separate Peak Load Generation Form. Clarified that the default assumption that all resources are assumed sold at their full value does not apply to aggregations that sell zero MW. Section 4.12.5 xii NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Clarified notification procedures. Section 4.12.7 Changed method of reporting Load reduction from SCR Workbook to DRIS. Added separate Event Test Report. Section 4.12.8 Added DRIS Event Calendar. 6.14 02/16/2010 Section 2.5 Corrected name for EFORd. Section 2.6 Replaced references to Attachment B with a link to the Web page where Locational Requirements will be posted. Section 4.9.2 Corrected section references. Inserted defined term of Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights. Insert new section to set forth the allocation of Import Rights for Summer 2010 only. Section 4.9.6 Inserted new section to establish maximum allowances for ICAP provided by Resources outside the NYCA (similar to provisions formerly in Attachment B). Section 4.12.8 Updated for RIPs to submit required data and payment requests on two separate forms, and inserted Web link to forms. 6.13 02/12/2010 Section 1 Revised to indicate that NYISO will compute Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements based on the election, if any, of an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area meeting specified criteria. Section 2.1 Added that Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements, and allocations to LSEs thereof, would be recognize an election by an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area in accordance with the Services Tariff revisions. Section 2.6 Added to recognize an election by Installed Capacity Supplier holding rights to UDRs from an External Control. Section 2.3 Indicated that LSE Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements would be monthly. Section 3.5.1 Indicated that LSE Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements would be monthly. Section 3.6.1 Updated the formula to compute LSEs Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements to recognize revisions regarding the election of NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 xiii NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area. Section 3.5.1 Indicated that LSE Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements would be monthly. Section 4.7 Inserted required verification from an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area that makes an election. Section 4.9 Implemented ministerial revision to abbreviation. Section 4.14 Implemented ministerial revision to abbreviation. Section 4.14.3 Inserted eligibility requirement for an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area to make an election, and information that the Supplier must provide with its notification of making an election. Section 5.6 Changed Market Monitoring Advisor to Market Monitoring Unit. Implemented ministerial revisions. Section 5.15.2 Implemented ministerial revision to abbreviation. 6.12 10/13/2009 Global Revised to clarify that words receive, provide, or register in place of submit, and receipt of in place of submittal of. Included specific times along with dates that material is due, or referenced date and time specific in ICAP Event Calendar. Section 1 Specified that only exception to the receipt date and time is if exception to the receipt date and time is if the Market Participant’s effort to deliver the information was impossible due to a failure of a NYISO process. Section Changed immediately to promptly. Section 4.12.6 Clarified that written permission is required for SCR to take two or more hours to reach load reduction. Section 4.12.8 Clarified that NYISO pays RIPS. Section 4.12.9 Identified RIPs' obligation regarding SCRs cooperate with NYISO audits. Section 4.14 Identified additional UDR information required. Section 5.11 Added "offers of" Unforced Capacity. xiv NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Section 5.15.1 Changed marginal bid cost to Marginal Offer Price. 6.11 10/13/2009 Section 4.2.2 Edited to clarify material regarding Intermittent Power Resources. Section 4.3.3 Implemented revisions detailing reporting and registration requirements when an SCR's availability changes. Section Edited to clarify material regarding 75-day reporting on tests. Section 4.8.5 Implemented revisions regarding reporting of SCR unavailability. Section 4.8.6 Edited to clarify material on wind Intermittent Power Resources. Section 4.12 Implemented revisions regarding reporting and registration requirements when an SCR's availability changes, timing of tests, and general conforming clarifying revisions. 6.10 08/12/2009 Global Implemented minor stylistic changes. Revised external-document links to explicitly cite URLs from which documents may be accessed. Section 4.2.2 Clarified heading of Intermittent Power Resources to eliminate parenthetical. Section 4.4.9 Revised cross-references to Import Rights. Section 4.9 Updated to reference Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights (i.e., rights only associated with Winter 2009-2010 Capability Period). Section 4.9.1 Clarified to specify timing is in accordance with ICAP Event Calendar and as set forth in other sections of the ICAP Manual. Section 4.9.2 Inserted terms that would govern both (on Import Rights and wheels-through associated with Winter 2009-2010) and (for Capability Periods other than Winter 2009-2010). Section 4.9.3 Specified that “deliverability” in this section means to the NYCA border. Section 5.3 Added paragraph to cover NYISO bidding into Monthly Auction for approved Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights that are Chateauguay Day 1 requests that did not timely provide documentation. 6.9 04/28/2009 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 Section 4 Section 4.5 – Revised Limited Control Run-of-River Unforced Capacity description to conform with Tariff revision xv NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Revised Special Case Resource testing requirements Added Special Case Resource uneconomic entry language Section 5 Added language for new Special Case Resources auction participation 6.8 10/03/2008 Section 4 Section 4.4.7 – increased SCR reporting requirements from 60 days to 75 days Section 4.12.2 – clarified metering requirements for aggregations of SCRs Section 4.12.7 – added paragraph to cover settlements for early reporting of event performance Other miscellaneous edits 6.7 09/03/2008 Section 5 Edited/added hyperlinks Introduced Event Calendar references in lieu of the term “timeline” Conformed Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7, and 5.16 to new In-city mitigation rules Updated/corrected ICAP Demand Curve references in Section 5.5 Other miscellaneous edits Attachments Reformatted per new template to standardize presentation Attachment B Updated Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights table to include information on Linden VFT – PJM to New York City, Zone J Attachment D Added noted citing online location of forms Attachment M Implemented ministerial changes 6.6 08/04/2008 Global Reformatted per new template to standardize presentation Revision History Table Column headings changed as follows: “Revision” changed to “Version” “Changes” changed to “Revisions” Date format standardized to mm/dd/yyyy. Minor stylistic changes to entries Last entry edited to change Version from “Initial Release” to “1.0” and to change Revisions from “Initial NYISO Installed Capacity Manual” to “Initial Release” Section 4 Edited and moved most of Section 4.2.1 to Section 4.2 Added language in Section 4.2.2 regarding DMNC for the PTID as a whole Clarified need for Special Case Resources to provide advance notification in Section 4.3.3 Section 4.4 updated to add discussion of NERC and NYISO GADS data reporting. Also added Section 4.4.12 covering treatment of xvi NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Retired, Mothballed and Inactive generating units. Section 4.5 changed periods used for converting Installed Capacity to Unforced Capacity values Section 4.6 updated to clarify treatment of transmission outages; also treatment of state changes during outages Added instructions in Section 4.9 for submitting transaction numbers for inter-area transactions Added clarifications in Section 4.12 for Small Customer Aggregations and RIP authorizations by individual Special Case Resources Miscellaneous edits and clarifications 6.5 05/21/2008 Section 4.2.1 Updated to reflect Event Calendar changes for In-City Mitigation as well as to correct typographical errors 6.4 03/19/2008 Section 5.5 Bottom of page – removed text and link information to the Demand Curve location on NYISO Web site. Footnote 1 – removed Automated and Market from footnote, implied by ICAP System. First paragraph after discussion on the Monthly ICAP Reference Point was removed. Second paragraph after discussion on the Monthly ICAP Reference Point was reworded to point to reader to Section 5.14(b) of the NYISO Services tariff for information on ICAP Demand Curves and removed subsequent table. A last paragraph was added to point the user to the NYISO Web site for the Unforced Capacity Demand Curves. Section 5.7 First paragraph – added ICAP to second reference to Spot Market, clarified Locational Unforced Capacity Requirements as Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements. Second and Third Paragraphs – replaced “Installed Capacity” with ICAP. Fourth Paragraph and Subsequent Table and Note removed. 6.3 07/11/2007 Section 4.12.4 Eighth paragraph Deleted “will”...“only during DMNC Test Period” Added “may”...“any time during the applicable Capability Period” Tenth paragraph Added to second sentence after “Performance”...”for each Special Case Resource”... “shall”... “for all hours”...”one-hour audits: Deleted “will”...“ based on all”...”and will apply to the next like Capability Period and the immediately succeeding Capability Period. Added all text starting at the third sentence. Section 4.12.6 Second paragraph – deleted “within two (2) hours” Section 4.12.7 Third bullet – added “for all hours during all a Capability Period” Fifth bullet – deleted “four (4) hour” and “two (2) hour” from fourth line. Attachment J NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 xvii NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL In section 3.3 replaced all instances of “requested” with “required” 6.2 10/12/2006 Section 3.8 First equation – corrected “Demonstrated” to “Dependable” Section 4.1 First paragraph – corrected DMNC acronym from “Demonstrated” to “Dependable” Section 6.1.2 Third paragraph Deleted “will be” Added “may be up to one and one-half...NYISO Services Tariff)” Deleted “based on the on a daily basis.” Attachment M Accepted as new Attachment. 6.1 08/28/2006 Section 4.9.2 (In response to a 6/29/06 order, NYISO filed on 8/28/06 compliance changes to its Installed Capacity Manual to improve the transparency of the external ICAP imports rights allocation procedures.) Under “Request” added, “by facsimile” and “(at the number listed below)” Added entire section labeled “Determination of Start Time for Submission of Requests.” Under “Contents of Requests” added, “NYISO Fax Machine” Under “Priority” added in first paragraph the sentence starting with “The start time for these time periods...” through “...rejected upon expiration of that time period.” Also added entire second paragraph. Under “Priority” deleted entire paragraph starting with “If a request is resubmitted for any reason...” 6.0 04/06/2006 Section 4 Substantial changes made to this section regarding revised procedures for intermittent power resources, limited control run-of-river hydro resources, and special case resources. Included capacity limited resources to the manual, and made DMNC clarifications throughout the manual. Added footnote “NYISO note: To the extent the addition of this deferral to the beginning of the Summer 2007 Capability Period conflicts with the requirements of §5.12.11(a) of the Services Tariff, the NYISO and the Market Participants are obligated to comply with the tariff.” Removed Section 4.3.1 and 4.4.5 on “Interruptible Load Resources” (intentionally left blank so as not to disturb surrounding numbering) Section 5.5 Added footnote “In the Automated ICAP Market System, each ICAP Demand Curve is represented by a piece-wise linear function (step function). Each linear segment has a length of 0.1 MW and a price as calculated based on the slope of the Demand Curve.” Added footnote “A peaking unit is defined as the unit with technology that results in the lowest fixed costs and highest variable costs among all other units’ technology that are economically viable.” Removed references to “GT” with “peaking unit” Section 5.6 Section 5.6.5 – Deleted from first bullet “A peaking unit is defined as xviii NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL the unit with technology that results in the lowest fixed costs and highest variable costs among all other units’ technology that are economically viable;” 5.5 02/06/2006 Section 5.7 Updated table “Levelized Peaking Unit Costs” under heading Supplemental Supply Fee to conform with the FERC Demand Curve Order dated April 21, 2005. 5.4 11/18/2005 Section 4.14.2 First paragraph – change/insert “after a formal request to the NYISO that includes the pertinent technical information needed to determine such award. The NYISO may request additional information as necessary and will grant UDRs to the requestor, or designated rights holder, quantified as the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Unforced Capacity to be delivered to the Interconnection Point in.” Second paragraph - New Section 4.14.3 First paragraph – removed “Unforced” and replaced with “Installed.” Second paragraph – added “Installed Capacity” before Unforced Capacity. Third and fourth Paragraphs – New Section 4.14.4 Third and fourth Paragraphs – New 5.3 09/27/2005 Section 4.2.1 Third paragraph – changed “2 calendar days” to “7 calendar days” and removed “provided, however, that Resources shall submit such results by 5:00 PM on the Friday immediately preceding an auction when such auction is scheduled on a Monday.” Third paragraph – changed “Tuesday” to “Thursday” and removed “If the NYISO administers an auction on Monday, new Resources shall submit such results by 5:00 PM on the Friday preceding the auction.” Fifth paragraph – changed “2 calendar days” to “7 calendar days” and removed “provided, however, that Resources shall submit the results of an appropriate demonstration test, production data or Special Case Resource commitment prescribed by this Manual by 5:00 PM on the Friday immediately preceding the Certification Day when such Certification Day is a Monday.” Fifth paragraph – changed “Tuesday” to “Thursday” and removed “If the Certification Day is a Monday, new Resources shall submit such results by 5:00 PM on the Friday preceding the Certification Day.” Section 4.9.4 Other Allocations – Added Web page under “Request.” Changed “3 business days to 4 business days” in last bullet. Under “Contents of Request” removed “is to support” and replaced with “equal to the Installed Capacity Equivalent of.” Number 5 - Changed second sentence to read "For example, a request for 100 MW of Import Rights from a Resource with 10% EFORd will support a UCAP sale of 90 MW. In third paragraph, added “By 5:00 PM of the day on which requests are received, the NYISO will notify all requestors that have submitted a complete and adequate request for Import Rights of their priority.” Added new section “Priority” under this section added forth sentence “Priority is assigned to each request and assumes that supporting documents are received by the NYISO within the time period set forth NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 xix NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL below. Late submissions of supporting documentation will result in the automatic rejection of the Import Rights request.” Removed “The submission of incomplete or inadequate information does not alter the time frame in which such documents are due.” Added new section “Supporting Documents” under this sectionremoved from second paragraph - Late submissions of supporting documentation will result in the automatic rejection of the underlying Import Rights request.” Added new third paragraph. Under “Response from the NYISO” removed first sentence “The NYISO shall respond to requests for External Installed Capacity Import Rights in a timely fashion.” Added new 4th and 5th bullets. Under third paragraph added “using the assigned priorities” Sections 5.5 and 5.6 Extensive rewrite 5.2 07/28/2005 Global Changes Formatting change Changed all instances of “ISO” to “NYISO” Changed all instances of “EFORD” to “EFORd” Changed all instances of “website” to “web site”. Section 2.2 First sentence – added “up to date”; “can be found by selecting the provided”; “found in this detailed timeline.” Removed “is posted under the applicable Capability Period on the Installed Capacity (ICAP) Market page of the NYISO web site:” and “posted on the aforementioned page of the NYISO web site.” Section 2.7 Last paragraph – Changed “Unforced Capacity” to “Installed Capacity.” Section 3.4 Last two paragraphs – extensively rewritten. Section 3.5.1 First paragraph – extensively rewritten. Second paragraph - removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Section 3.5.2 First and Fourth bullet – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Section 3.5.4 First bullet – added “LSE that gains”; “from another LSE” and removed “gaining (or Load obligations gaining) LSE”. Also removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Section 4.2 Extensively rewritten regarding DMNC. Section 4.2.1 Last paragraph – extensively rewritten. Section 4.2.4 First paragraph – removed 1st reference to Attachment D. Section 4.4.11 First paragraph – changed “Effective” to “Equivalent.” Section 4.7 First paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link xx NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL to time line. Added last two paragraphs. Section 4.8 First paragraph – removed from first sentence “rounded down to the nearest whole MW.” Section 4.9.2 Under “Contents of Request” removed number 1 and a and b. First paragraph-removed “Resource Reliability” and second paragraph added along with a and b. Under “Response from the NYISO” - first paragraph extensively rewritten. Fourth paragraph - removed “either or both” and replaced with “any”. Added 3rd bullet. Under para 5, added “the initial requests for” and removed “requests” after Import Rights. Under “Response from NYISO,” added “the initial requests for” and removed “requests” after Import Rights. Section 4.9.2 Under “Other Allocations” italicized “Initial requests for Import Rights” Section 4.9.3 Second bullet – extensively rewritten. Section 4.12.2 Removed “submit an appropriate” added “provide to the”. Second paragraph removed reference to Attachment D. Section 5 Second paragraph, last sentence – removed “when submitting their Installed Capacity certifications.” Section 5.1 First and second paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Second paragraph-removed “when submitting their Installed Capacity certifications.” Section 5.1.1 First and third paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Section 5.2 First and seventh paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Second paragraph, last sentence – removed “excess” and added “that is not otherwise already committed and wish to make that Unforced Capacity available.” Section 5.3 First paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Second paragraph – added “owns Unforced Capacity that is not otherwise already committed and wishes to make that Unforced Capacity available” and removed “owns excess Unforced Capacity.” Fifth paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Section 5.4 First paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Second paragraph – added “acquired through Bilateral Transactions” and removed “(through Bilateral Transactions, self-supply or ISO administered auctions).” NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 xxi NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Section 5.8 First paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Section 5.9 Italicized text after number 4 – added to second sentence “detailed timeline that can be found by selecting the link provided” and removed “applicable Capability Period on the Installed Capacity (ICAP) Market page of the NYISO website” Sections 5.10 and 5.11 Second/fourth paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Section 5.13 First paragraph – removed “but is not limited to” from last sentence. Number 2 – removed “for the time period appropriate to the auction” added “per month.” Number 5 – removed “and if so, which Control Area(s).” added “or outside any specific Locality within the NYCA.” Second paragraph – added “In order to participate in the Installed Capacity market, each LSE must sign.” Section 5.14 First paragraph – added (excerpt where noted). Number 2 – deleted “for the time period appropriate to the auction” and added “per month.” Number 4 – added (PTID) and “(this provision is not a requirement of Offers submitted for the Capability Period and Monthly auctions by Installed Capacity Suppliers offering Unforced Capacity from Generators located within the NYCA).” Removed number 5 “Documentation of that Installed Capacity Supplier’s DMNC (described above);” Section 5.15.1 First paragraph – under (2) added “limitation placed on the Unforced Capacity that can be procured from” and removed “quantity of accepted Bids that specified that Unforced Capacity could be located in.” Sixth paragraph, first sentence – removed “of the locational constraints specified by Bidders whose Bids have been selected, violations of the limitations.” Twelfth paragraph, last sentence – removed “Again, the ISO will only do this in order to avoid violating locational constraints specified by Bidders that state that a Bid is only valid for Unforced Capacity that is not located in a given External Control Area (or group of Areas).” Section 5.16 Removed second paragraph and numbers 1 and 2. Replaced formula and added new text. Removed 1 after anywhere in the NYCA. Section 5.17 First paragraph – removed “subject to the locational constraints specified in that Bidder’s Bid.” Removed numbers 2 and 3. Section 6 6.1.1 – first paragraph- removed time line text and replaced with actual xxii NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL link to time line. 6.2-, first paragraph – removed time line text and replaced with actual link to time line. Attachment L Reworded and reworked the example to remove 10% UCAP Requirement and 10% excessive capacity Attachment B Ministerial changes. 5.1 05/27/2004 Changed Sections Changed Version to Revision within the title and revision history pages. Section 5.2 – Capacity Period Auctions Replaced 4th paragraph. Section 5.3 – Monthly Auctions Added to para 3 – Monthly price caps that are applicable to such generation that are consistent with the annual price cap shall be calculated as described in Section 5.2 Deleted para 4. 5.0 04/08/2004 Complete Format Change Section 4.12.2-General Requirements Added (3rd para) “An SCR may specify generation in excess of its facility load, provided that it has installed metering capability satisfactory to the NYISO in order to quantify the net load change during a curtailment. Such resources must certify to the NYISO that they have obtained all necessary regulatory approvals to sell energy at wholesale and meet applicable utility interconnection and delivery (including metering) requirements. Energy payment rates for such generation in excess of load shall not exceed the applicable real-time LBMP.” Deleted (2nd para) “may not use a DMNC in calculating its Unforced Capacity that exceeds the total Load at the site of the distributed generator; (ii) must deduct from the output of such generator any auxiliary power consumed by the generator and supplied from an external source; and (ii)” 4.2 12/04/2003 Version 4.2 of the NYISO Installed Capacity Manual – SSF language changes and Removal of Attachments Clean Copy of ICAP WG November 2003 Revisions Small editorial changes made such as on 4-17 and 4-18: replaced "EST" with "ET"; Attachments removed from body of Manual (each posted separately on the NYISO Web site). Attachment D Converted to Excel spreadsheet and added automatic functionality such as calculating averages and error checking. Attachment F F-1: removed "Deficiency auction" and replaced with language pertaining to the Spot Market in the first paragraph of the Recitals section; added text fields that can be modified electronically in the PDF document F-4: replaced "Deficiency" with "Spot Market" in section 2 bullet (c) NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 xxiii NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL F-7, F-8: added text fields that can be modified electronically in the PDF document. Attachment G G-1: removed “Administered” from attachment title to be consistent with Attachment F; removed "Deficiency auction" and replaced with language pertaining to the Spot Market in the first paragraph of the Recitals section; added text fields that can be modified electronically in the PDF document; G-8: added text fields that can be modified electronically in the PDF document. Attachment I I-5: replaced "[to be determined]" price cap value with appropriate language referring to $112.95/kW-year UCAP in the first paragraph of section 3.1. Attachment K K-5, K-6: replaced "if known," with "(Assigned)" for both the Utility Code and Unit Code fields K-7: replaced SCR Commitment/Verification forms with reference to SCR Commitment Workbook on the NYISO Web site K-8, K-9, K-10: deleted. xxiv 4.1 08/30/2002 Supplemental Supply Fee changes 4.0 03/20/2002 Demand Curve, SCR Energy Strike Price and Miscellaneous 3.0 02/15/2001 Stage 1A Monthly OPP, UCAP 2.0 03/31/2000 Stage 1 – Forward requirements, eliminated back-buy provisions 1.0 09/01/1999 Initial Release NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL This page intentionally blank. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 xxv NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 1. I NTRODUCTION The New York Independent System Operator’s (NYISO) Installed Capacity (ICAP) Manual (the “Manual”) contains the procedures that will be followed by the NYISO and its Customers with regard to the Installed Capacity markets and auctions administered by the NYISO pursuant to the NYISO Market Administration and Control Area Services Tariff (Services Tariff) (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: The Installed Capacity Market provisions are discussed generally at Sections 5.9 through 5.16 of the NYISO Services Tariff as filed at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The NYISO uses an Unforced Capacity methodology to determine the amount of Capacity that each Resource is qualified to supply to the New York Control Area (NYCA), and to determine the amount of Capacity that Load Serving Entities (LSEs) must procure. The Unforced Capacity methodology estimates the probability that a Resource will be available to serve Load, taking into account, forced outages. Section 2.21 of the NYISO Services Tariff defines Unforced Capacity as follows: The measure by which Installed Capacity Suppliers will be rated, in accordance with formulae set forth in the NYISO Procedures, to quantify the extent of their contribution to satisfy the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, and which will be used to measure the portion of that NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement for which each LSE is responsible. While the NYISO uses an Unforced Capacity methodology, this Installed Capacity (ICAP) Manual and the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: refer to the term “Installed Capacity” to describe the market as opposed to the product. For example, the NYISO administers “Installed Capacity auctions” where “Installed Capacity Suppliers” offer “Unforced Capacity” that LSEs will purchase to meet their “NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements.” Every Capability Period, the NYISO will translate the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement and the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement into a NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement and a Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement (see Sections, 2.6, 3.1, and 3.2 of this ICAP Manual). The NYISO will compute the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements for each month in the Capability Period consistent with the election, if any, of an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year without the UDRs for the first month in a Capability Year, and as Unforced Capacity for the remaining months. (See later sections in this ICAP Manual regarding such election and other requirements.) From the NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement and the Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement, the NYISO will then calculate and establish each LSE’s minimum Unforced Capacity requirement (“Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement”). On the supply side, the NYISO will compile 12-month rolling averages of Operating Data that it will use to determine the amount of Unforced Capacity that each Installed Capacity Supplier is qualified to supply to the NYCA (see section of this ICAP Manual). Thus, Market Participants will transact Unforced Capacity in Installed Capacity auctions and Bilateral Transactions. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 1-1 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL As set forth in Sections 5.12.1 and 5.12.2 of the NYISO Services Tariff, to qualify as an Installed Capacity Supplier, certain Resource must meet the requirements for or have been granted Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (CRIS) status. The NYISO conducts three (3) types of Installed Capacity auctions: the Capability Period Auction, the Monthly Auction, and the ICAP Spot Market Auction. LSEs may use Unforced Capacity procured in the Installed Capacity auctions to meet their respective LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for the applicable Obligation Procurement Period. Participation in the Monthly Auction and the Capability Period Auction shall consist of: (i) LSEs seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (ii) any other entity seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (iii) qualified Installed Capacity Suppliers; and (iv) any other entity that owns excess Unforced Capacity. Participation in the ICAP Spot Market Auction shall consist of all LSEs and any other entity that has an Unforced Capacity shortfall. Three Separate ICAP Demand Curves shall be used in the ICAP Spot Market Auction: one to determine the locational component of LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for each the Long Island Locality, one to determine the locational component of LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for the New York City Locality, and one to determine the total LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for all LSEs in the NYCA. Capitalized terms used in this ICAP Manual shall have the same meaning as prescribed in the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL:, unless otherwise defined, excepted, or noted in this ICAP Manual. References in this ICAP Manual, including all of its Attachments, to a date shall mean the date and time specified on the ICAP Event Calendar, and if not specified on the ICAP Event Calendar, as specified herein. Any specified date means the information or material must be received by the NYISO no later than the specific date and prevailing Eastern Time. Unless otherwise set forth in this ICAP Manual, required information or material submitted after the specified date and time (including any proposed modification to timely submitted material) will not be accepted and will be as if never received. References in this ICAP Manual to data to be uploaded on or before a date shall mean that the data must be successfully uploaded into and received by the NYISO's system. The only exception to the receipt date and time is if the Market Participant’s effort to deliver the information was impossible due to a failure of a NYISO process, in which case, the receipt date and time will be extended only (a) for the period of time of such impossibility, and (b) if the Market Participant demonstrates that it attempted to deliver the information in a manner that, but for the failure of the NYISO process, otherwise was reasonably likely to have resulted in the information having been received by the NYISO on the applicable date and by the applicable time. 1-2 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 2. O VERVIEW OF I NSTALLED C APACITY P LANNING AND P ROCUREMENT P ROCESS This section contains overviews of: the major elements of New York’s Installed Capacity planning and procurement process; the New York Control Area (“NYCA”) Installed Reserve Margin; the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements within the NYCA, and limitations on Unforced Capacity from External Control Areas; and the NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. The NYISO Services Tariff reference for this section of the Manual is Section 5.10. (The NYISO Services Tariff is available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: 2.1 Overview The New York State Reliability Council (“NYSRC”) sets the Installed Reserve Margin and the NYISO determines the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement in accordance with the criteria and standards of the NYSRC, the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (“NPCC”) and the New York Public Service Commission (“PSC”). The NYISO converts the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement into a NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. The NYISO determines Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements and converts them into Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements. The NYISO's determination will reflect the election, if any, of an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year as provided for in Sections 5.11.4 and 5.12.4 of the NYISO Services Tariff and this ICAP Manual. The NYISO assigns Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements, including Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements, to LSEs on a Transmission District basis. Assignment of Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements to LSEs will reflect the election, if any, of an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year as provided for in Sections 5.11.4 of the NYISO Services Tariff and this ICAP Manual. The NYISO establishes, with the collaboration and assent of Market Participants, standards, qualifications and requirements that will apply to Transmission Owners, LSEs, and Installed Capacity Suppliers that are Internal and External to the NYCA. The NYISO determines the amount of Unforced Capacity that Installed Capacity Suppliers may supply within the NYCA based upon these standards and qualifications. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 2-1 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 2.2 The NYISO determines the amount of Unforced Capacity that may be supplied by Resources that are External to the NYCA, as specified in Sections 2.7 and 4.9.2 of this ICAP Manual. The NYISO conducts three (3) types of Installed Capacity auctions: the Capability Period Auction, the Monthly Auction, and the ICAP Spot Market Auction. LSEs may procure adequate Unforced Capacity from Installed Capacity Suppliers, either bilaterally or through NYISO-administered auctions, to meet their requirements. Participation in the Monthly Auction and the Capability Period Auction shall consist of: (i) LSEs seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (ii) any other entity seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (iii) qualified Installed Capacity Suppliers; and (iv) any other entity that owns excess Unforced Capacity. Three Separate ICAP Demand Curves shall be used in the ICAP Spot Market Auction: one to determine the locational component of LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for the eachLong Island Locality, one to determine the locational component of LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for the New York City Locality, and one to determine the total LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for all LSEs in the NYCA. Participation in the ICAP Spot Market Auction shall consist of all LSEs and any other entity that has an Unforced Capacity shortfall. The NYISO monitors the compliance of Transmission Owners, LSEs, and Installed Capacity Suppliers with the rules and procedures set forth in the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: and in this ICAP Manual. Timeline An up-to-date detailed timeline can be found by selecting the link provided: ( Throughout the text of this ICAP Manual, there are references to events that will occur on non-specific dates (e.g., “early in the month”). The specific dates for these events will be found in this detailed timeline. 2.3 The NYCA Installed Reserve Margin The NYCA Installed Reserve Margin is established annually by the NYSRC and is based on the NPCC standard for Resource adequacy (“NPCC Resource Adequacy Standard”). The NPCC Resource Adequacy Standard requires the probability of disconnecting firm Load due to a Resource deficiency (Loss of Load Expectancy, or “LOLE”) to be, on the average, no more than once in ten years after due allowance for: Scheduled and forced outages and scheduled and forced deratings; Assistance over interconnections with neighboring Control Areas and regions; and Capacity and/or Load relief from available operating procedures. 2-2 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL The NYISO uses a base model of the NYCA electric power system and its interconnections with neighboring control areas to perform this analysis for the NYSRC. 2.4 The NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement The NYISO calculates the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement in megawatts for the Capability Year as the product of the forecasted NYCA peak Load and the quantity one (1) plus the NYSRC Installed Reserve Margin(IRM). The specific IRM value can be found on the NYSRC website, under “Installed Reserve Margin (IRM) Reports” at In deriving the Load forecast, the NYISO uses the procedures in the NYISO Load Forecasting Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: . 2.5 The NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement For each Capability Period the NYISO calculates the NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement by multiplying the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement by the quantity one (1) minus the average Equivalent Demand Forced Outage Rate (EFORd) value of the six (6) most recent 12-month rolling average EFORds of all NY Resources in the NYCA. 2.6 Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements Due to transmission limitations into certain areas within the NYCA, LSEs serving Load in these areas must procure a percentage of their total Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement from Installed Capacity Suppliers electrically located within the constrained areas. Currently, there are three two areas called Localities, within the NYCA where Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements are imposed. These are the New York City, and the Long Island, and the G-J Locality zones. The Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements are established annually by the NYISO. The specific Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements established each year are found under "Resource Adequacy Studies" by activating the following link: .jsp The NYISO will compute the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements for each month in the Capability Period consistent with the election, if any, of an Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year without the UDRs for the first month in a Capability Year, and as Unforced Capacity for the remaining months, as provided for in NYISO Services Tariff NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 2-3 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Sections 5.11.4. If no Installed Capacity Supplier holding the rights to UDRs makes a onetime election for a Capability Period, the UDRs shall be modeled consistently for all months in the Capability Period. For each Capability Period the NYISO converts the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements of LSEs into Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements by multiplying such Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements by the quantity one (1) minus the average EFORd value of the six (6) most recent 12-month rolling average EFORds of all Resources located in the relevant Locality. Within a Capability Period, the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements for each month will reflect the election, if any, of an Installed Capacity Supplier holding rights to UDRs as provided for in Sections 5.11.4 of the NYISO Services Tariff and this ICAP Manual. For the purpose of specifying Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements, the remainder of the NYCA is grouped together as “All other NYCA Zones.” Maps of the NYCA Transmission Districts and NYCA Zones can be found in Attachment C. Localities that are subject to NYISO Services Tariff restrictions are also noted in Attachment C. (The NYISO Services Tariff is available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: 2.7 Limitations on Unforced Capacity from External Control Areas The amounts of Unforced Capacity that can be supplied by Resources outside the NYCA are constrained by three factors. The first is the requirement in Section of the NYISO Services Tariff that an External Installed Capacity Supplier must: Demonstrate that the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity it supplies to the NYCA is deliverable to the NYCA; and Demonstrate that the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity it supplies to the NYCA will not be recalled or curtailed to satisfy the Load of the External Control Area, or that the External Control Area in which it is located will afford NYCA Load the same curtailment priority that it affords its own Control Area Native Load. The Installed Capacity Equivalent of a given amount of Unforced Capacity supplied by a Supplier using a Resource is the portion of that Resource’s Capacity that is subject to the requirements set forth in the NYISO Services Tariff and this ICAP Manual. The Installed Capacity Equivalent of a given amount of Unforced Capacity may exceed that amount of Unforced Capacity, because a MW of Installed Capacity may translate into less than 1 MW of Unforced Capacity. Procedures for calculating the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity provided by a given Installed Capacity Provider using a given Resource are set forth in Attachment J. Only neighboring Control Areas that meet these criteria will be included in the modeling described in this Section of this ICAP Manual. 2-4 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL The second constraint results from transmission limitations. The NYISO will determine the amount of Unforced Capacity that may be supplied from Resources External to the NYCA while meeting the NPCC Resource Adequacy Standard described in Section 2.3. Starting with the forecast Loads for the upcoming Capability Year, known Capacity within the NYCA, grandfathered External Installed Capacity, and accounting for a variety of assumptions and uncertainties in consultation with the NYSRC, a NYCA Installed Reserve Margin will be determined. Once the NYCA Installed Reserve Margin is established, the NYISO will determine the total NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement. The maximum Installed Capacity that may be supplied by each qualified neighboring Control Area is determined as part of the process described in the paragraph above. This is achieved by varying upstate NYCA Installed Capacity with External Installed Capacity from each adjacent Control Area. In subsequent simulations, an Installed Capacity import amount from each Control Area is determined. To determine the simultaneous maximum External Installed Capacity that may be procured from all neighboring Control Areas, the total of the maximum External Installed Capacity determined above, for each neighboring Control Area, is reduced in direct proportion until the LOLE matches that of the base case. The analyses used to determine the maximum amount of Installed Capacity that can be provided from Resources located in neighboring Control Areas will be open to review by all Market Participants. The allocation of Installed Capacity rights associated with transmission expansions is not addressed at this time. The third factor constraining the amount of External Installed Capacity is the requirement that External Installed Capacity is subject to the deliverability test as specified in Attachment S of the NYISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). The procedure for evaluating the deliverability of External Installed Capacity not associated with UDRs or External CRIS Rights is described in Section of this ICAP Manual. The deliverability requirement applicable to UDRs is described in Attachments S and X of the NYISO OATT and Section 4.14 of this ICAP Manual. The deliverability requirement applicable to External CRIS Rights is described in Attachments S and X of the NYISO OATT and Section 0 of this ICAP Manual. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 2-5 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL This page intentionally blank. 2-6 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 3. M INIMUM U NFORCED C APACITY R EQUIREMENTS OF L OAD S ERVING E NTITIES This section contains information and procedures related to: Calculating the New York Control Area (NYCA) Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement; Calculating the NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement; The Transmission District Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements; Establishing an LSE’s Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for an Obligation Procurement Period; Customer-switching; Procedures for calculating Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements of LSEs; Procedures for calculating Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of LSEs; Grandfathered External Installed Capacity Resources; The Capacity adjustment for firm Capacity sales by NYPA; and Calculating the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation for each LSE. The NYISO Services Tariff reference for this section of this ICAP Manual is Section 5.11. (The NYISO Services Tariff is available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: The NYISO Services Tariff reference for this section of this ICAP Manual is Section 5.11. 3.1 The NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement The NYISO calculates the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement in megawatts for the Capability Year as the product of the forecast NYCA coincident peak Load and the quantity one (1) plus the NYSRC Installed Reserve Margin. For detailed Load forecasting methodology, refer to the NYISO Load Forecasting Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: 3.2 The NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement The NYISO calculates the NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement as described in Section 2.5 of this ICAP Manual. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-1 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 3.3 Transmission District Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements The Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for each Transmission District will be calculated as the product of the NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement and the ratio of the Transmission District’s forecast coincident peak Load to the sum of the forecast coincident peak Loads for all Transmission Districts. In equation form: ∗ ⁄∑ ∈ UCRt UCRNYCA ∗ CPLt / CPLt t∈T Where: = Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for a Transmission District t; = NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement; C = Forecast Capability Year One-Hour independentCoincident Peak Load for Transmission District t; T= = within set T. 3.4 the set of all Transmission Districts in the NYCA; and Forecast Capability Year One-Hour Independent Peak Load for TD s Establishing an LSE’s Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for an Obligation Procurement Period A Load Serving Entities (LSE’s) minimum Installed Capacity requirement (“Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement”) is the sum of the Installed Capacity Requirements of each of its customers. Each LSE’s The Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement is set before each Capability Year and remains constant throughout the Capability Year unless an Installed Capacity Supplier with rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year elects to treat the UDRs as Unforced Capacity for the first month of a Capability Year. If such an election is made, each LSE in a Locality will have two (2) Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements: one for the first month of the Capability Period in which an Installed Capacity Supplier holding rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year has made an election to have such requirements be determined without the UDRs, and the other for the remaining months in the Capability Year (and years thereafter) with the UDRs. Each LSE’s Minimum Installed 3-2 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Capacity Requirement is translated into a Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement as noted in Sections 2.5 and 2.6 of this ICAP Manual. Sections and 3.5.2 of this ICAP Manual describe the only conditions that would require a change of an individual LSE’s Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement during the Capability Year. Every month, each LSE must procure sufficient Unforced Capacity to meet its monthly Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for the following Obligation Procurement Period. As an interim measure, tThe NYISO will calculate the monthly Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement of each LSE in two steps prior to the Summer Capability Period and in one step prior to the Winter Capability Period. The NYISO will first calculate an initial Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement and for each month provide the monthly valueit to each LSE in March for the following monthly Summer Capability Period reflecting verified customer-switching through the end of February. The NYISO will perform a second calculation in early April, when the NYISO provides each LSE with its binding monthly Summer Capability Period Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. Prior to the Winter Capability PeriodT the NYISO will perform a third calculation in early October and provide each LSE with a binding Winter Capability Period Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. These calculations will be made in accordance with this Section 3.4 and Sections 2.5 and 2.6 of this ICAP Manual. Following the initial Capability Period assignment, Eeach month within a Capability Period the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement will be adjusted every month following the initial Capability Period assignment to reflect customer-switching. The adjusted value and is binding with regard to the LSE’s obligation to procure Unforced Capacity for each Obligation Procurement Period within the corresponding Capability Period. The Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for each LSE will be calculated separately for each Transmission District in which it serves Load. The requirement is based upon the ratio of the LSE’s contribution to each Transmission District’s forecast coincident peak to the LSE'sbased on actual contributions to the Transmission District’s coincident peak Load for the prior calendar year. (This ratio is represented by the term "GF " in the formulas below.) Where an LSE serves end-use partial requirement customers (i.e., customers for whom the LSE provides service up to a specified amount), the portion of the LSE’s contribution to the coincident peak attributable to such partial requirement customers shall be equal to the lesser of their actual contribution to the coincident peak or the contract demands of such partial requirement customers, if fully utilized, at the time of the Transmission District’s coincident peak. The precise formulation of the requirement is as follows: , ∗ , ⁄ UCR , UCR ∗ CPD , ⁄CPL Wwhere: = Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for LSE x within Transmission District t; , NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-3 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL = Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for Transmission District t; = Forecasted contribution to peak demand in Transmission District t for LSE x, as defined further below; and , C = Forecast Capability Year One-Hour independent YearCoincident Peak Load for Transmission District t. The forecasted contribution to peak demand of each LSE x within each Transmission District t is calculated according to the following equation: , ∈ CPD , , ∈ , ∑ GF HPD ∈ min , ∗ , max , min PRCA ∈ max ∈ , , , , , , , GF ∗ HPD , , ,0 , ,0 , , , and GF CPL ∑ HPD , Wwhere: = the growth factor applied to each Load in Transmission District t to determine the Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements for LSEs serving that Load;, equal to ⁄∑ , ; CPL ⁄∑ HPD , CPLt = the forecast Capability Year Coincident Peak Load for Transmission District t; set of full-requirement retail customers of LSE x in Transmission District t; , , = demand by retail customer c in Transmission District t during the coincident Ppeak dDemand hour for the NYCATransmission District t of the last calendar year , = set of retail partial-requirement customers of LSE x in Transmission District t; = the maximum contractual purchase in Transmission District t by an retail partial requirements customer c; and , 3-4 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL = set of supplemental-requirements retail customers of LSE x in Transmission District t. , Prior to each Obligation Procurement Period, LSEs must certify to the NYISO demonstrating the amount of Unforced Capacity they have obtained for the upcoming Obligation Procurement Period. The certification shall require LSEs to: (i) designate the total amount of Unforced Capacity they have procured; (ii) specify how much Unforced Capacity is associated with Installed Capacity Suppliers located in each NYISO defined Locality, the remainder of the NYCA and each External Control Area; and (iii) identify any Installed Capacity Supplier from which they have procured Unforced Capacity pursuant to Bilateral Transactions. The specific monthly dates by which all certifications are due can be found by selecting the link provided: ( To the extent an LSE certifies that it is procuring Unforced Capacity through a Bilateral Transaction for any Obligation Procurement Period(s), the Installed Capacity Supplier to that Bilateral Transaction must also confirm to the NYISO that it is obligated to supply UCAP to the LSE for the indicated Obligation Procurement Period(s) of the Capability Period. In the event an LSE-certified Bilateral Transaction is not confirmed by the associated Installed Capacity Supplier and the Bilateral Transaction remains unconfirmed at the close of certification, then the UCAP associated with an unconfirmed Bilateral Transaction purchase will not be credited to the originally certifying LSE. If the LSE does not procure other UCAP to replace an unconfirmed Bilateral Transaction, the LSE may then be deemed deficient and entered into the Spot Market Auction for the associated Obligation Procurement Period(s). 3.5 3.5.1 Customer-Switching General Requirements for Customer-Switching within a Capability Year Establishing Preliminary and Final LSE Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements Specific monthly deadlines for NYISO receipt of customer-switching data can be found by selecting the link provided ( The Transmission Owners shall provide supporting data which reflects verified customerswitching that has occurred or is scheduled for the current month to the NYISO on or before the specific monthly deadline. Each Transmission Owner shall also provide aggregate peak Load data to the NYISO, coincident with the Transmission District peak, for all customers served by each LSE within its Transmission District, excluding those served by the municipal electric systems (specific monthly time for the NYISO's receipt of aggregate peak Load data is set forth at the following link: This data shall reflect verified customer-switching and may be derived from direct meters or Load profiles of customers served. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-5 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Based on documented customer-switching adjustments through the end of February, the NYISO shall calculate a preliminary monthly Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for each LSE. The NYISO will provide each LSE with its preliminary monthly Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement estimate. The NYISO will provide each LSE with its final monthly Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for each year, which shall reflect documented customer-shifts as of April 1 that are scheduled to occur before May 1. In the event of a dispute as of April 10 regarding a Transmission Owner’s forecast, the NYISO shall nevertheless establish each LSE’s final monthly Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement, subject to possible adjustments required from a resolution of the dispute. Monthly Adjustments to LSE Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement The Transmission Owners will update the NYISO and affected LSEs on a monthly basis concerning customer-switching. Each Transmission Owner will provide updated aggregated LSE reports to the NYISO for each LSE serving Load in the Transmission District no later than the date and time provided in the detailed timeline that can be found by selecting the link provided ( It is each Transmission Owner’s responsibility to ensure the NYISO's receipt of all customerswitching information no later than the specified time. The NYISO will determine the net change in Load for a Transmission Owner’s Transmission District customer-switching if the NYISO has not received the appropriate customer-switching information in a timely manner. The updated aggregated LSE reports, which are received by the NYISO early in each month, shall reflect all customer-switching through the end of the respective month that were reported to Transmission Owners as of the last day of the previous month. In addition to customer switches scheduled for the month of the report, the report will include previously unreported customer switches that occurred in past months and corrections for customer switches that were incorrectly reported in an earlier report. As an example, a Transmission Owner will provide to the NYISO an LSE update report on or prior to the time due of July 8, 2009 at 5:00:00 P.M. that represents all customerswitching changes occurring through July 31st that the Transmission Owner received notice of by June 30th. This report might include the following customer switches: a customer switch scheduled to occur on July 20th, notification of a switch that occurred on June 5th that the Transmission Owner was unaware of at the time of its report in June, and a date correction for a switch that occurred in May. Based on customer-switching, the NYISO will make monthly adjustments to each LSE’s Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for the month or months remaining in the Capability Year that follows the month in which the Transmission Owner’s report was submitted. These adjustments will reflect each individual LSE’s gain and loss of customers. The adjustments will be made in such a way as to keep the total Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for the Transmission District constant. To continue the example, in response to the Transmission Owners customer-switching report submitted in early July (based on changes reported to the Transmission Owner by June 30th), the NYISO will recalculate affected LSE’s Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for the months of August through April (the last month of the Capability Year). The NYISO will provide affected LSEs with their new Minimum Unforced Capacity 3-6 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Requirement prior to the Monthly Auction occurring in July, allowing those LSEs affected ample time to acquire, as necessary, sufficient Unforced Capacity for the month of August. See the detailed timeline that can be found by selecting the link provided: ( for details concerning the schedule of updates and notification requirements related to monthly customer-switching. 3.5.2 Assignment of Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements for a New Customer in a Transmission District A new customer is defined as any entity with a new service connection for which the Transmission Owner cannot identify the entity’s contribution to the relevant prior peak period. The Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements related to new customers are estimated by Transmission Owners and are reflected in the Load growth assumptions of the Capability Year forecasts provided by the Transmission Owners and approved by the NYISO. Load growth assumptions typically include a component for new customers and a component for existing customers. The Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of LSEs in each Transmission District shall initially reflect all Load growth for such Transmission District. Two different methods shall be used to adjust the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of LSEs serving Load when new Loads enter that Transmission District. To the extent that a Transmission Owner has the ability to assign an estimated peak Load coincident with the Transmission District peak Load to a new customer in its Transmission District, it shall be permitted to do so. The LSE serving that new customer shall assume the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. The Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement of each LSE serving Load within that Transmission District shall then be reduced by its share of the new customer’s total Unforced Capacity obligation, which is assumed by the LSE serving that new customer. The NYISO will provide each affected LSE with its new Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement in accordance with the dates provided in the detailed timeline that can be found by selecting the link provided ( In the absence of a direct assignment mechanism, the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement of each LSE serving Load within that Transmission District will not be normalized. The following procedures will be used to account for the direct assignment of an Unforced Capacity obligation for a new customer within the Capability Period. The relevant Transmission Owner shall notify the NYISO and the relevant LSE of the new customer’s Load based on its estimated peak Load coincident with the TD peak Load. The NYISO shall normalize the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of all LSEs serving Load in the Transmission District at the time of the new customer’s assignment to the relevant LSE such that the total Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for the Transmission District remains constant. The NYISO will provide each affected LSE of its new Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement in NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-7 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL accordance with the dates in the detailed timeline that can be found by selecting the link provided: ( If a dispute occurs concerning the assignment of Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements related to new customers, it shall be resolved in accordance with Section of this ICAP Manual. If the direct assignment of the Unforced Capacity obligation for a new customer takes place within the Capability Period, the LSE with the new customer obligation shall be required to have sufficient Unforced Capacity to cover that assignment on the first day of the month after the first Monthly Auction following the assignment and for each month thereafter in the Capability Year, in accordance with the monthly LSE certification requirements. For example, if the NYISO provides notification of an assignment of a new customer Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement to an LSE on July 10th (prior to the Monthly Auction taking place in midJuly), that LSE is required to have sufficient Unforced Capacity to cover that assignment from August through the following April, on a monthly basis. 3.5.3 Load Lost due to Departing Customers To account for Load lost when a customer leaves a Transmission District, the NYISO will: Reduce the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement of the Load-losing LSE within the Transmission District. Relieve the LSE responsible for the Unforced Capacity obligation of the departing customer of that obligation. The LSE may sell any excess Unforced Capacity. In order for the Load-losing LSE to be relieved of this obligation, the Transmission Owner must notify the NYISO of the customer’s departure, by providing adequate supporting documentation that it has left New York State. (For example, either a countersigned letter between the Transmission Owner and the departing customer or documentation that the departing customer has requested service disconnection would meet this requirement.) Normalize the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of all LSEs serving Load (including the Load-losing LSE) in the relevant Transmission District such that the total Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for the Transmission District remains constant. Within two (2) business daysPromptly after receiving notice from a Transmission Owner, the NYISO will either (a) notify the LSE that (a) it has either been relieved of the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation of that departing customer for the balance of that month and for the remaining months in the Capability Year, or (b) the notifyication and the Transmission Owner that supporting documentation is deemed inadequate, in which case the LSE must continue to carry the Unforced Capacity associated with the departing customer until such time as it has satisfied the NYISO’s documentation requirement is satisfied. When informing an LSE that its documentation is inadequateUpon request, the NYISO will provide guidance as to how the documentation could be made acceptable. 3-8 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 3.5.4 Financial Arrangements to Cover Customer Switching If a customer switches LSEs or if LSE Load is normalized pursuant to Section 3.5.1 of this ICAP Manual, the following financial arrangements will be executed. Refer to Section 5 of this ICAP Manual for details concerning the Monthly Installed Capacity Auctions referred to below. Also, refer to Section 5.11.3 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at and Attachment L of this ICAP Manual. The LSE that gains customers from another LSEs will financially cover the portion of the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation associated with its new customers by paying the LSE that lost the customers for each day that the customer-gaining LSE serves that new customer, until the first day of the month following the month in which the NYISO provides each LSE with its new Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement associated with the customer-switching (in the detailed timeline that can be found by selecting the link provided :, at which time the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement of each LSE will reflect the switch. (This paragraph, and those following in this subsection, also apply to shifts in LSE Load obligations due to periodic normalizing. See Sections 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 above, and Attachment L to this ICAP Manual.) The NYISO will use the monthly Installed Capacity billing cycle, in the same month in which the NYISO notified each affected LSE, to bill the customer-gaining LSE, for the period referred to directly above. The rate that will be used to calculate this financial exchange for each month in which the obligation to procure Installed Capacity shifts, as described above, will be the monthly clearing price established for that month in the most recent, previous ICAP Spot Market Auction, prorated on a daily basis. (See Attachment L of this ICAP Manual for information in connection with the financial reconciliation process.) If the customer-losing LSE received a rebate associated with the lost customer (see Section 5.12 and Attachment L of this ICAP Manual for information concerning rebates), a proportionate share of the rebate will reduce the amount paid by the customer-gaining LSE. For example, if a Transmission Owner is notified prior to the end of June of a customer switch in its Transmission District that will occur on July 20th, it will report this occurrence in early July to the NYISO and affected LSEs. Shortly thereafter, the NYISO will recalculate the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement of the affected LSEs and provide them prior to the Monthly Auction occurring in mid-July. Each affected LSE will be responsible for its new Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement starting August 1st. In the meantime, in order to reflect the gain and loss of customers of each affected LSE during the month of July (in this instance, from July 20th through July 31st), in Unforced Capacity terms, the customer-gaining LSE will be required to cover the cost of the portion of the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation previously procured by the customer-losing LSE for the month of July to satisfy the customer’s Load by reimbursing the customer-losing LSE on a pro rata basis (in this case, for 12 days). This amount will be calculated NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-9 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL using the clearing price for Installed Capacity for the month of July determined in the ICAP Spot Market Auction, which took place in June. This financial reconciliation will be reflected in the July billing cycle. 3.5.5 Disputes Related to Customer Switching Any disputes among Market Participants concerning customer-switching shall be resolved either by the NYISO Expedited Dispute Resolution Procedures [as set forth in Section 5.16 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL:], or the relevant Transmission Owner’s retail access procedures, as applicable. If a dispute occurs, the NYISO will make its monthly Unforced Capacity adjustments as if the customer-shift had occurred as reported by the Transmission Owner and will retroactively modify these adjustments based on the outcome of the applicable Dispute Resolution Process, if necessary. 3.6 Procedures for Calculating the Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements of LSEs 3.6.1 Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements for Transmission Districts in a LSEs Serving Loads within Localityies The Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for each Transmission District in a Locality will be calculated as the product of the Locality Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement and the ratio of the Transmission District’s forecast Locality peak Load to the sum of the forecast Locality peak Loads for the portion of all Transmission Districts in the Locality. In equation form: ULR , ULR ∗ LPL , LPL , ∈ where: ULR , = Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for that portion of a Transmission District t in Locality L; ULRLocalityL = Locality L Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement; LPLt,L = Forecast Capability Year Non-Coincident Peak Load for that portion of a Transmission District t in Locality L L= 3-10 the set of all Transmission Districts t in Locality L. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 3.6.1 3.6.2 Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirements for LSEs Serving Loads in a Locality Load Serving Entities (LSEs) serving Loads within Localities will be required to obtain a certain percentage of their total Unforced Capacity from Installed Capacity Suppliers located in that Locality. Each LSE’s Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement is set before each Capability Year and remains constant throughout the Capability Year unless an Installed Capacity Supplier with rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year elects to treat the UDRs as Unforced Capacity for the first month of a Capability Year. If such an election is made, each LSE in a Locality will have two (2) Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements: one for the first month of the Capability Period in which an Installed Capacity Supplier holding rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year has made an election to have such requirements be determined without the UDRs, and the other for the remaining months in the Capability Year (and years thereafter) with the UDRs. The monthly Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for an LSE within a Locality will be calculated as follows: , , ∗ ∗ ⁄ Where: , =for each month, the Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement for LSE x for Locality p expressed in Unforced Capacity terms; =for each month, the Unforced Capacity requirement for LSE x for Locality p (which is calculated by substituting the Locality p for the Transmission District t in the equations in Section 3.4) , = the amount of Unforced Capacity that must be procured within the Locality p, expressed as a percentage of the Locality p forecast peak Load; = the forecast peak Load for Locality p; and = for each month, the Unforced Capacity requirement for all Load in Locality p (which is calculated by substituting the Locality p for the Transmission District t in the equations in Section 3.3). The Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement for each LSE in a Locality will be calculated separately for each Transmission District in which it serves Load in that Locality. The requirement is based upon the ratio of the LSE’s contribution to each Transmission District’s forecast Locality peak to the Transmission District’s coincident peak Load for the prior calendar year. (This ratio is represented by the term "GF , " in the formulas below.) Where an LSE serves end-use partial requirement customers (i.e., customers for whom the LSE provides service up to a specified amount), the portion of the LSE’s contribution to the peak attributable to such partial requirement customers shall be NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-11 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL equal to the lesser of their actual contribution to the peak or the contract demands of such partial requirement customers, if fully utilized, at the time of the Transmission District’s peak. The precise formulation of the requirement is as follows: ULR ULR ,, , ∗ LPD ,, ⁄LPL , where: ULRx,t,L = Minimum Unforced Locality Requirement for LSE x within Transmission District t in Locality L; ULRt,L = Minimum Unforced Locality Capacity Requirement for a Transmission District t in Locality L; LPDx,t,L = Forecasted contribution to locality peak demand of Transmission District t in Locality L for LSE x, as defined further below; and LPLt,L = Forecast Capability Year Locality Peak Load for Transmission District t in Locality L. The monthly forecasted contribution to peak demand of each LSE x within each Transmission District t in a Locality L is calculated according to the following equation: LPD ,, GF , HPD ∈ ,, min PRCA ∈ , , GF , L ∗ HPD ,, , max GF , ∗ HPD ∈ ,, ,, PRCA , L, 0 , , and GFt,L LPL ,L ∑ HPD , , where: LPDx,t,L = Forecasted contribution of LSE x to locality peak demand of Transmission District t in Locality L; 3-12 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL GF , = the growth factor applied to each Load in Transmission District t in Locality L to determine the Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements for LSEs serving that Load; LPL , = the forecast Capability Year Locality Peak Load for Transmission District t in Locality L; FRC , , in Locality L; set of full-requirement retail customers of LSE x in Transmission District t HPD , , = demand by retail customer c in Transmission District t in Locality L during the coincident peak demand hour for the NYCA of the last calendar year; PRC , , = set of retail partial-requirement customers of LSE x in Transmission District t in Locality L; PRCA , , = the maximum contractual purchase in Transmission District t by a retail partial requirements customer c in Locality L; and SRC , , = set of supplemental-requirements retail customers of LSE x in Transmission District t in Locality L. 3.7 Grandfathered External Installed Capacity Resources The NYISO will make adjustments to the allocations of External Capacity rights to LSEs to ensure that all LSEs holding rights to grandfathered External Installed Capacity Resources will be able to claim these Resources to satisfy their Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. 3.8 Capacity Adjustment for Firm Capacity Sales by NYPA In cases in which NYPA sells firm Capacity to an existing New York Transmission Owner, a municipal or cooperative system or to a neighboring state bargaining agency from the Niagara, St. Lawrence or Fitzpatrick generating plants, an adjustment factor is applied by NYPA to determine the number of MW that each such purchaser of NYPA firm Capacity may count towards its Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. The adjustment factor shall be calculated separately for the Niagara, St. Lawrence and Fitzpatrick plants and each such adjustment factor shall be applied only to firm Capacity sales from that plant. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-13 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Adjustment Factor by plant = ICAFplant = Dependable Net Plant Capability Sum of all firm Capacity Sales from Plant These adjustment factors cannot exceed one plus the NYSRC’s Installed Reserve Margin. Once the Adjustment Factors are obtained, the Adjusted Unforced Capacity from NYPA plants is calculated as: The NYISO will use this adjustment factor to determine whether an LSE purchasing from these NYPA Resources has procured sufficient Unforced Capacity to meet its Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. 3-14 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL This page intentionally blank. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 3-15 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4. INSTALLED CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO INSTALLED CAPACITY SUPPLIERS 4.1 Overview Resources must follow certain procedures and provide pertinent information to the NYISO on or before a specified date and time in order to qualify as Installed Capacity Suppliers. The requirements necessary to qualify as an Installed Capacity Supplier can be found in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 below, and include Dependable Maximum Net Capability (DMNC) testing and maintenance schedule reporting. After completing the procedures listed above, Resources that have qualified as Installed Capacity Suppliers must fulfill certain additional requirements provided by the NYISO in order to retain all of the privileges to which an Installed Capacity Supplier is entitled. These requirements are provided in detail in Sections 4.4 through 4.8 below. The requirements include reporting Operating Data; planned or scheduled maintenance and forced outage notification requirements; the Installed Capacity certification requirements; and bidding, scheduling, and notification responsibilities. Certain Installed Capacity Suppliers must fulfill alternative or additional requirements provided by the NYISO in addition to or in place of the requirements found in Sections 4.2 through 4.8. These alternative or additional requirements can be found in Sections 4.9 through 4.13. Each of these sections addresses a different individual Resource. Installed Capacity Suppliers that fail to fulfill the requirements detailed in Sections 4.2 through 4.13 are subject to sanctions, as provided in Section 5.12.12 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: Section 4.14 details the procedures for requesting, granting and applying UDRs. Resources may be physically located in the NYCA, or in an External Control Area that meets the recall and Curtailment requirements and the locational limitations specified in Section 2.7 of this ICAP Manual. 4.2 DMNC Procedures (Section 5.12.8 NYISO Services Tariff) As specified in Section 4.2.2 below, in order to establish a DMNC rating, Installed Capacity Suppliers must submit results from a DMNC test or data from actual operation (“DMNC Demonstration”) from within the DMNC Test Periods ("in-period") specified in Section 4.2.1 below, to the NYISO no later than the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar on the sixtieth (60) calendar day following the end of each DMNC Test Period. Refer to Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual for additional information about requirements for Special Case Resources (SCRs). The submittal must provide the NYISO with the required NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-1 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL documentation of the DMNC test data or data from actual operation and be in accordance with the procedures described below (unless exempt in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.4.3 of this ICAP Manual). In addition, Section 5.12.8 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: provides for submitting DMNC test data or data from actual operation from outside the DMNC Test Period ("out-of-period") and prior to the next Capability Period. Failure to submit DMNC test data or data from actual operation may result in financial sanctions pursuant section 5.12.12 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: DMNC test data or data from actual operation that has been validated as described below constitutes a DMNC rating for the purpose of establishing a generating Resource’s Installed Capacity value. A subsequent adjustment is made pursuant to Section 4.5 and Attachment J of this ICAP Manual to determine each Resource’s Unforced Capacity value. DMNC test data or data from actual operation must be submitted in an acceptable format or it will be rejected. A 30-day verification period starts with a determination that the data has been deemed complete. Until the DMNC review function of the ICAP Market System goes live, the NYISO will use its best efforts to notify an Installed Capacity Supplier that its submission has been deemed incomplete within ten (10) business days of that submission. Upon determination that the information that has been submitted is complete, the NYISO will validate and approve the DMNC rating or reject it within 30 days of submittal if such submittal has been deemed complete at least 45 days prior to the data submittal deadline as noted below. Submittals deemed complete less than 45 days before the DMNC submittal deadline will be processed within 45 days of such submittal. If the NYISO approves the Installed Capacity Supplier’s submittal, the submitted DMNC value will be valid for the subsequent like Capability Period, and at the request of the Installed Capacity Supplier, may also serve as the valid DMNC rating for the balance of the current Capability Period beginning in the month following approval. If the NYISO rejects the submitted DMNC value, the Installed Capacity Supplier may: a. resubmit DMNC test results or data from actual operation from within the current DMNC Test Period, or b. accept the NYISO determined DMNC value and resubmit it, or c. request an audit. If the Installed Capacity Supplier requests an audit, the NYISO will work with the Installed Capacity Supplier to schedule the audit. If the audit results reveal that the Installed Capacity Supplier DMNC rating is correct, the DMNC test data or data from actual operation submitted by the Installed Capacity Supplier will remain in place. If the audit reveals that the NYISO rating is correct, the NYISO will instruct the Installed Capacity Supplier to resubmit the DMNC test data or data from actual operation with the DMNC rating established through the audit and the Installed Capacity Supplier will be subject to deficiency charges, if applicable. 4-2 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL An Installed Capacity Supplier offering to supply Unforced Capacity as a System Resource must submit DMNC test data or data from actual operation for each Generator that it seeks to aggregate. All generating Resources must test using usual and customary industry practices. For example, the operating configuration and fuel mix used to test must be the same configuration and fuel mix expected to be used during the summer or winter peak Load conditions, as applicable. This requirement is not meant to exclude testing based on operating configurations of Capacity Limited Resources that have been approved by the NYISO and are in compliance with this ICAP Manual and Attachment M hereto. Test results shall be adjusted to appropriate ambient conditions using the procedures noted in this Section and Attachment D. Data-entry procedures for the ICAP Market System are described in the ICAP Automated Market User’s Guide, available from the NYISO Web site at: New Resources must qualify as Installed Capacity Suppliers based on the results of an appropriate DMNC Demonstration or Special Case Resource (SCR) registration before participating as an Installed Capacity Supplier in the NYISO Installed Capacity market. DMNC test data or data from actual operation must be received by the NYISO as prescribed by this ICAP Manual by the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar. They will also be subject to validation requirements as set forth herein. All simple-cycle gas turbine and combined cycle units must temperature-adjust the results of their DMNC test data or data from actual operation using the procedures noted in Attachment D to this ICAP Manual or in the ICAP Automated Market User’s Guide as noted above. New Resources approved as qualified Installed Capacity Suppliers after submitting the necessary DMNC test data or data from actual operation from outside the normally applicable DMNC Test Period ("out-of-period") must verify the approved "out-of-period" DMNC rating during the next DMNC Test Period. If the supplier is unable to verify the "out-of-period" DMNC rating in the next DMNC Test Period, then deficiency charges shall apply to any shortfall between the Installed Capacity equivalent of the UCAP sold from the unit and the results of the “in-period” test. In addition to reporting appropriate DMNC Demonstration results, new generating Resources that want to participate in NYISO-administered auctions shall notify the NYISO in a letter. SCR notification is detailed in Section of this ICAP Manual. The new generating Resource notification letter must include the unit’s point ID (PTID) and shall state the intention of the Resource to seek qualification as an Installed Capacity Supplier, and include the Resource’s name, location, and other information as the NYISO may reasonably request. This letter does not oblige a Resource to qualify as an ICAP Supplier; it allows the NYISO to prepare and be able to accommodate a Resource should that Resource request qualification and if the NYISO receives appropriate DMNC Demonstration results before an auction. A Resource shall notify the NYISO via a letter on or before 5:00:00 P.M. on the first business day of the month before that month in which it wishes to qualify as an Installed Capacity Supplier. For example, to qualify in the month of April to participate in the May Installed Capacity market, the NYISO must receive the notification letter no later than 5:00:00 P.M. on the first business day of March. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-3 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL To qualify Installed Capacity for a Bilateral Transaction or for a self-supplying LSE, new Resources shall report to the NYISO the results of an appropriate DMNC Demonstration or Special Case Resource registration prescribed by this ICAP Manual by the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar, which can be found at: Subject to applicable interconnection and deliverability requirements, existing Resources that have increased Capacity due to changes in their generating equipment may demonstrate the DMNC of the incremental Capacity for and within a Capability Period by following the procedures described above for new Resources. Existing Resources submitting DMNC Demonstration results from outside the normally applicable DMNC Test Period ("out-of-period") must verify the approved "out-of-period" DMNC rating during the next DMNC Test Period. If the supplier is unable to verify the "out-of-period" DMNC rating in the next DMNC Test Period, then deficiency charges shall apply to any shortfall between the Installed Capacity equivalent of the UCAP sold from the unit and the results of the “in-period” test. The NYISO’s Market Monitoring Unit will verify the DMNC test data received from Suppliers against NYISO billing information and will notify the Supplier if there is a discrepancy. Approval will be indicated via the ICAP Market System. 4.2.1 DMNC Test Periods The DMNC Test Period for the Summer Capability Period is June 1st through September 15th and for the Winter Capability Period is November 1st through April 15th. 4.2.2 Resource Specific Test Conditions The Resources listed below must meet the applicable DMNC test conditions specified below and in Attachment D hereto in order to be qualified as Installed Capacity Suppliers. Resources must also report DMNC test results to the NYISO. As used in this Section 4.2.2, DMNC shall mean the power delivered to the transmission system on a clock-hour basis (top-of-hour to top-of-hour), net of station service Load necessary to deliver that power, as described in Section of this ICAP Manual. Fossil Fuel and Nuclear Stations Valid DMNCs for fossil fuel or nuclear steam units are determined by the following: a. The unit’s sustained maximum net output averaged over a four (4) consecutive hour period b. For common-header turbine-generators, the DMNC is determined on a group basis. Each such turbine-generator is assigned a rating by distributing the combined Capacity among them. c. The sum of the DMNC of individual turbine-generators in a generating station cannot be greater than the capacity of the station taken as a whole; also the sum of the DMNC of individual turbine-generators under a single PTID cannot be greater than the DMNC of the PTID taken as a whole station. Each such turbine4-4 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL generator is assigned a rating by distributing the combined Capacity among the units comprising the PTID. Hydro Stations Valid DMNCs for hydro units are determined by the following: a. The sustained net output averaged over a four (4) consecutive hour period using average stream flow and/or storage conditions within machine discharge Capacity. b. For a multi-unit hydro station, the DMNC is determined as a group and each hydro unit in such a station is assigned a rating by distributing the combined station DMNC among them. c. The sum of the DMNC of individual units in a multi-unit hydro station cannot be greater than the capacity of the station taken as a whole; also the sum of the DMNC of individual hydro units under a single PTID cannot be greater than the DMNC of the PTID taken as a single station. Each such hydro unit is assigned a rating by distributing the combined Capacity among the units comprising the PTID. Internal Combustion Units and Combustion Turbines Valid DMNCs for internal combustion units and combustion turbines are determined by the following: a. The sustained maximum net output for a one (1) hour period. b. The unit’s winter DMNC rating is determined on the basis of the average ambient and cooling system temperature experienced at the time of the Transmission District’s winter peak during the previous four (4) Winter Capability Periods. c. The unit’s summer DMNC is determined on the basis of the average ambient and cooling system temperature experienced at the time of the Transmission District’s summer peak during the previous four (4) Summer Capability Periods. d. The sum of the DMNC of individual units in a multi-unit station cannot be greater than the capacity of the station taken as a whole; also the sum of the DMNC of individual units under a single PTID cannot be greater than the DMNC of the PTID taken as a single station. Each unit in the station is assigned a rating by distributing the combined Capacity among the units comprising the PTID. Combined Cycle Stations Valid DMNCs for combined cycle stations are determined by the following: a. The sustained maximum net output over four (4) consecutive hours. b. A combined cycle station’s winter DMNC rating is determined on the basis of the average ambient and cooling system temperature experienced at the time of the Transmission District’s winter peak during the previous four (4) Winter Capability Periods. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-5 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL c. A combined cycle station’s summer DMNC rating is determined on the basis of the average ambient and cooling system temperature experienced at the time of the Transmission District’s summer peak during the previous four (4) Summer Capability Periods. d. In cases where the sum of the DMNC rating of individual units in a combined cycle plant is greater than the DMNC of the plant taken as a single station, each unit is assigned a rating by distributing the plant DMNC among the units. Intermittent Power Resources The DMNC value of Intermittent Power Resources will be the combined nameplate capacity of all units (usually aggregated in groups of small individual units) in each station, net of any station service Load required for operation and delivery to the NYCA transmission system. The sum of the DMNC values of all units under a single PTID cannot be greater than the DMNC of the PTID taken as a single unit. Each such individual unit is assigned a rating by distributing the combined Capacity among the units comprising the PTID. Special Case Resources A Special Case Resource that supplies Load reductions solely through the use of a Local Generator must submit a demonstration test of the generator maximum net output for a one (1) hour period net of any auxiliary loads (including, but not limited to station service Load). Energy Limited and Capacity Limited Resources Valid DMNCs for Energy Limited and Capacity Limited Resources are determined by the following: a. The sustained maximum net output averaged over a four (4) consecutive hour period, with the exception of Internal Combustion units or Combustion Turbines that are approved as Energy Limited or Capacity Limited Resources, which will instead use the sustained maximum net output for a one (1) hour period. b. For a multi-unit station, the DMNC is determined for the group and each unit in such a station is assigned a rating by distributing the combined station DMNC among them. c. The sum of the DMNCs of individual units in a multi-unit station cannot be greater than the capacity of the station taken as a whole; also the sum of the DMNC of individual units under a single PTID cannot be greater than the DMNC of the PTID taken as a single plant. Each such unit is assigned a rating by distributing the combined Capacity among the units comprising the PTID. 4.2.3 Treatment of Station Service Load In general, the DMNC rating for a Resource is the amount of power delivered to the transmission grid. The DMNC rating should reflect a reduction in gross output of the Resource for station service Load. In most cases, this determination is straightforward 4-6 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL because the Resource is connected to the Transmission System, and the amount of power provided to the Transmission System reflects the station service Load reduction. In other cases, a portion of the station service Load may be provided from sources other than the Resource. In these cases, separate measurements must be made of the station service Load and subtracted from the Resource’s gross output measured at the generator leads at the time of the DMNC test. In the event of disagreement concerning the station service Load for facilities that fall into the later category, the relevant Transmission Owners will provide to the NYISO any information available to it, which relates to the configuration of the Resource and its station service Load. If the disagreement concerning the station service Load is not resolved by the additional information the Transmission Owners provide, the NYISO Expedited Dispute Resolution Procedures [as set forth in Section 5.16 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: shall be used to determine the station service Load in dispute. 4.2.4 Required DMNC Generating Capability Test Data An entity that wants to establish a DMNC rating for its Resources must report the DMNC test data for each of its Resources to the NYISO using the ICAP Market System and in accordance with Attachment D to this ICAP Manual. The ICAP Automated Market User’s Guide can be found at: 4.3 Maintenance Scheduling Requirements (Section 5.12.3 NYISO Services Tariff) All Resources intending to supply Capacity to the NYCA must comply with the following procedures, unless specific exceptions are noted below. 1. 2. 3. 4. Notify the NYISO, in a confidential notice, of proposed outage schedules for the next two (2) calendar years on or before September 1 at 5:00:00 P.M. of the current calendar year. If Operating Reserve deficiencies are projected to occur in certain weeks for the upcoming calendar year, based upon the ISO’s reliability assessment, Resources may be requested to voluntarily reschedule planned maintenance. The NYISO will provide the Resource with alternative acceptable times for the rescheduled maintenance. If the Resource is a Generator that qualifies as an Installed Capacity Supplier that does not voluntarily re-schedule its planned maintenance within the alternative acceptable times provided by the NYISO, the NYISO will invoke mandatory rescheduling using the procedures prescribed in the NYISO Outage Scheduling Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-7 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 5. A Resource that did not qualify as an Installed Capacity Supplier prior to the Obligation Procurement Period and that intends to be an Installed Capacity Supplier within the Obligation Procurement Period must provide the NYISO with its proposed outage schedule for the current Capability Year and the following two (2) calendar years, no later than 5:00:000 P.M. on the first business day of the month preceding the month in which it intends to supply Unforced Capacity, so that it may be subject to the voluntary and mandatory rescheduling procedures described above. An Installed Capacity Supplier that does not accept the NYISO’s forced rescheduling of its proposed outages shall not qualify as an Installed Capacity Supplier for that unit for any month during which it schedules or conducts an outage. 4.3.1 (This Section intentionally left blank) 4.3.2 External System Resources The NYISO and the External Control Area in which the External System Resource is located will coordinate the maintenance schedules for the interconnections that link these Resources to the NYCA. External System Resources are not subject to the voluntary and mandatory re-scheduling procedures described above. 4.3.3 Special Case Resources (Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual) Although Special Case Resources are not subject to maintenance scheduling requirements, each Special Case Resource must be capable of being interrupted on demand at the direction of the NYISO, as specified in this ICAP Manual. The Responsible Interface Party (RIP) for a Special Case Resource that is not capable of being interrupted on demand at the direction of the NYISO shall report such an occurrence to the NYISO in accordance with this ICAP Manual. References in this ICAP Manual to a RIP(s) include a Special Case Resource acting as its own RIP. Change of Load Change of Load for purposes of Section 4.3.3 shall mean when a Special Case Resource with an Average Coincident Load greater than 500 kW reasonably anticipates a total load reduction equal to or greater than the lesser of (i) thirty (30) percent of the Average Coincident Load for any month within the then-current Capability Period and (ii) ten (10) MW if in Rest of State or Long Island Locality or five (5) MW in the NYC Locality. Change of Status When a Change of Load, as defined in Section, is reasonably anticipated by the Special Case Resource to last for more than sixty (60) continuous days from the first date of the reduction, it is defined as a Change of Status. In any such instance, the RIP must satisfy all obligations for both a Change of Status and a Change of Load as set forth in this ICAP 4-8 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Manual. Responsible Interface Parties shall report a Change of Status by both providing the required information on the Change of Status form for the NYISO's receipt and uploading the required information into the Demand Response Information System (DRIS) using the enrollment file. Reporting Change of Load RIPs shall report a Change of Load for a period greater than seven (7) continuous days of a Special Case Resource with a demand in any of the preceding twelve (12) months greater than 5 MW as soon as practicable but no later than 5:00:00 P.M. at least two (2) business days prior to the onset of the Change in Load. The Change of Load report shall be in writing on the Change of Load form and must be received via electronic mail to RIPs shall also notify the NYISO in writing as soon as practicable but no later than 5:00:00 P.M. two (2) business days following the date on which the Special Case Resource's load returns from a Change of Load. The RIP's written notice shall be on the Change of Load form and must be received via electronic mail to Reducing ACL if a Change of Status The RIP shall reduce the Average Coincident Load ("ACL ") of a Special Case Resource that has a Change of Status by notifying the NYISO in the following manner and time. The NYISO must receive from the RIP a Change of Status Form to reduce the ACL of a Special Case Resource that has a Change of Status. In addition, the RIP must import into the DRIS the reduction to the ACL and corresponding changes to the declared values associated with the Change of Status no later than the monthly deadline associated with resource enrollment changes. For each month in which (a) the Change of Status is in effect for a Special Case Resource and (b) the RIP imports into the DRIS any change in the enrollment for the Special Case Resource, the RIP shall upload to the DRIS (i) the Change of Status value and (ii) any corresponding changes in the declared values. While a Change of Status is in effect, the Net ACL for the month will be equal to the ACL minus the reduction amount reported for the Change of Status on the enrollment file for the month. If the NYISO receives from the RIP a Change of Status Form and the RIP does not make corresponding changes to the resource’s enrollment in the DRIS, the NYISO shall place the resource in Under Review status for the auction month in which the Change of Status first took effect. Any such resource under review in DRIS remains associated with the RIP that enrolled it; however, the resource cannot be used in an auction or auction-related activity. For any Special Case Resource with a Change of Status for at least one day in a month, the reduced ACL shall be applied for the entire month. Increasing ACL in Conjunction with Change of Status Event Ending within Same Capability Period as Initiated For a Special Case Resource that increases its load due to the end of a Change of Status event in the same Capability Period in which the reduction pursuant to a Change of Status report began, the RIP for a Special Case Resource whose ACL was reduced in accordance with, may (a) increase the Special Case Resource’s ACL for any months remaining in the Capability Period in which the reduction occurred, (b) provided such increase NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-9 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL corresponds to the reduction, (c) in an amount not to exceed the ACL for that Capability Period prior to the reduction. The RIP shall use the Change of Status Form to report an increase in load associated with the previously reported Change of Status. In addition, for the first month after the Change of Status has ended, the Change of Status value reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS must be zero, and any corresponding change to the declared value associated with the Change of Status must be reported in the DRIS on or before the monthly deadline for resource enrollment changes. If a RIP reports an SCR's Declared Value that is greater than the revised ACL reported on the Change of Status Form, and the RIP has not uploaded to the DRIS on or before the enrollment deadline a revised Change of Status value and a revised Declared Value, the NYISO shall change the status of the Special Case Resource to Under Review. Option for ACL if a Change of Status Event in Like Capability Period Different than Initiated For a Special Case Resource returning from a Change of Status condition in a like Capability Period other than the Capability Period in which it began to reduce load in respect of a Change of Status report, the RIP for that Special Case Resource may claim as an ACL for that current Capability Period the ACL for the like Capability Period established in the enrollment file imported into the DRIS (whether by the SCR's current or former RIP) immediately prior to reporting the Change of Status. No Relief for Failure to Perform There shall be no relief from penalties or other obligations for failure to perform if the Special Case Resource was an Installed Capacity Supplier in any month in which a Special Case Resource event, test, or audit occurs. 4.4 Operating Data Reporting Requirements (Section 5.12.5 NYISO Services Tariff) Installed Capacity Suppliers shall submit Operating Data to the NYISO every month in accordance with the following subsections. Further details applicable to generating Resources are included in Attachment K to this ICAP Manual, at the NERC-GADS Web site|43 and in the NERC Data Reporting Instructions at|43|45. The NYISO collects a subset of the data covered by the NERC Data Reporting Instructions and is focused principally on outage types. For example, an exception to the NERC Data Reporting Instructions is covered in Section of this ICAP Manual. The completeness, accuracy, and validity of the performance data sent to the NYISO are the responsibility of the Resource making such data submission. Installed Capacity Suppliers that do not comply with the following subsections shall be subject to the sanctions provided in Section 5.12.12 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: When an Installed Capacity Supplier (the “Seller”) sells Unforced Capacity to another Installed Capacity Supplier (the “Purchaser”), such as an Installed Capacity Marketer, the Seller and the Purchaser may designate the Purchaser as the entity responsible for fulfilling 4-10 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL the obligations and requirements set forth in Section of this ICAP Manual. Such designation shall be made in writing and received by the NYISO no later than 5:00:00 P.M. on the seventh (7th) calendar day before the date by which any of the relevant obligations or requirements must be fulfilled. If no designation is made to the NYISO, the Seller shall be responsible for fulfilling all the obligations and requirements set forth in this Section 4.4 of this ICAP Manual. The Purchasers that are designated pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the sanctions provided in Section 5.12.12 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at as if they were a Seller. 4.4.1 Generators Generators shall report to the NYISO Generating Availability Data System (GADS) Data or data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to the previous month, which must be received no later than the 20th day of each month. For example, Generators shall report to the NYISO, which must be received by the NYISO on or before May 20, GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to their operations during the month of April. Generators shall submit GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data in accordance with Attachment K of this ICAP Manual. 4.4.2 System Resources System Resources shall provide to the NYISO GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to the previous month, which must be received no later than the 20th day of each month. For example, System Resources shall report to the NYISO, which must be received by the NYISO on or before May 20, GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to their operations during the month of April. System Resources shall submit GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data in accordance with Attachment K of this ICAP Manual. 4.4.3 Control Area System Resources Control Area System Resources or the purchasers of Unforced Capacity from those Resources shall report to the NYISO CARL (Control Area Resource and Load) Data pertaining to the previous month, so that it is received by the NYISO no later than the 20th day of each month. For example, Control Area System Resources shall report to the NYISO, so that it is received by the NYISO on or before October 20, CARL Data pertaining to their operations during the month of September. CARL Data submitted on a monthly basis shall cover (1) the prior month and (2) each individual hour during that month in which the Control Area System Resource was unable to supply the Energy associated with the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Unforced Capacity it supplied to the NYCA. CARL Data submitted for a Control Area System Resource providing Installed Capacity from Control Area c shall consist of actual data and include the following information for each hour identified above and for each month: 1. The maximum actual total generating Capacity in Control Area c; NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-11 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The actual External firm Capacity purchases by Control Area c, other than purchases from Resources in the NYCA; The actual amount of load management (i.e., interruptible load) in Control Area c; The actual peak Load for Control Area c, including system losses; The actual External firm Capacity sales by Control Area c, other than firm capacity sales to the NYCA; Actual losses, up to the border of the NYCA, that were incurred on transactions corresponding to sales of Unforced Capacity by that Control Area System Resource outside Control Area c; The amount of generating Capacity in Control Area c that is actually unavailable due to planned maintenance; The amount of generating Capacity in Control Area c that was actually unavailable due to forced outages; and The amount of operating reserve that was actually available for Control Area c. Control Area System Resources shall report forecasted CARL Data for items (1) through (7) above for each month of the following Capability Period, so that it is received by the NYISO no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the first day of each Capability Period. Control Area System Resources shall report data for items (8) and (9) for each month for the NYISO's receipt no later than 20 days before the conclusion of each month. During each Capability Period, a Control Area System Resources may submit revised forecasts of items (1) through (8) above for each month of that Capability Period. These forecasts may be revised to reflect changes in the allocation of planning reserve among the months of that Capability Period resulting from the amount of Installed Capacity actually sold by that Control Area System Resource earlier in the Capability Period. Such forecasts must be received on or before the 25th day before a month if they are to be used to determine the amount of CARL Data for the whole Capability Period in light of the External firm Capacity engaged in the previous months. 4.4.4 Energy Limited and Capacity Limited Resources Energy and Capacity Limited Resources shall report to the NYISO GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to the previous month, so that it is received by the NYISO no later than the 20th day of each month. For example, Energy and Capacity Limited Resources shall report to the NYISO, which must be received by the NYISO on or before May 20, GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to their operations during the month of April. Energy and Capacity Limited Resources shall submit GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data in accordance with Attachment K of this ICAP Manual. 4-12 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.4.5 (This Section intentionally left blank) 4.4.6 Intermittent Power Resources Intermittent Power Resources shall report to the NYISO data pertaining to their net dependable Capacity, actual generation, maintenance outage hours, planned outage hours, and other information as may be reasonably requested by the NYISO, such as the location and name of the Intermittent Power Resource, so that such data and information is received by the NYISO no later than the 20th day of each month. Intermittent Power Resources shall report actual operating data pertaining to the previous month on or before the 20th day of each month and in accordance with Attachment K of this ICAP Manual. For example, data from Intermittent Power Resources shall be received on or before May 20 pertaining to their operations during the month of April. 4.4.7 Special Case Resources (Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual) RIPs shall report performance data of each Special Case Resource individually directly into the DRIS, each time the SCR is called upon to operate, using an import file formatted as specified in the NYISO Demand Response Information System User's Guide (available from the NYISO Web site at The RIP must upload the file into the DRIS on or before the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar. Special Case Resources that are Curtailable Load Resources RIPs shall report to the NYISO on or before 5:00:00 P.M. on the seventy-fifth (75th) day after each called event or test, performance data of Special Case Resources that were requested to reduce Load in any month, using an import file formatted as specified in the NYISO Demand Response Information System User's Guide (available from the NYISO Web site at For example, the NYISO must receive from the RIP Special Case Resources performance data on or before 5:00:00 P.M. on June 29 pertaining to the month of April during which the Special Case Resource was called upon to reduce Load on April 15. If the RIP does not import performance data for any Special Case Resources into the DRIS by 5:00:00 P.M. on the seventy-fifth (75th) day after the date of each event or test, the NYISO (a) will attribute zero performance to those Resources for purposes of satisfying the Resource’s capacity obligation, determining energy payments, and calculating shortfalls and deficiency charges, and (b) may impose sanctions pursuant to the NYISO Services Tariff. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-13 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Special Case Resources that are Generators RIPs shall report to the NYISO on or before 5:00:00 P.M. on the seventy-fifth (75th) day after the date of each called event or test, performance data of Special Case Resources that are Generators and were requested to operate in any month, using an import file formatted as specified in the NYISO Demand Response Information System User's Guide (available from the NYISO Web site at For example, the NYISO must receive from the RIP performance data for Special Case Resources that are Generators on or before 5:00:00 P.M. on June 29 their data pertaining to the month of April if they were called upon to operate on April 15. If the performance data for any Special Case Resources are not imported by the RIP into the DRIS by 5:00:00 P.M. on the seventy-fifth (75th) day after the date of each event or test, the NYISO (a) will attribute zero performance to those Resources for purposes of satisfying the Resource’s capacity obligation, determining energy payments, and calculating shortfalls and deficiency charges, and (b) may impose sanctions pursuant to the NYISO Services Tariff. Reporting of Special Case Resource Operating Data The NYISO will treat the Special Case Resource-specific operating data that is received by the NYISO as confidential Transmission System Information and shall provide copies of such resource-specific (disaggregated) operating data to the transmission function of the Transmission Owner in whose transmission district the Special Case Resource is located in accordance with Section 4.0 of the NYISO’s Code of Conduct (Attachment F to the NYISO OATT). 4.4.8 Municipally Owned Generation Municipally owned generation shall report to the NYISO GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to the previous month so that it is received by the NYISO no later than the 20th day of each month. For example, municipally owned generation shall report to the NYISO, which must be received by the NYISO on or before May 20, data equivalent to GADS Data pertaining to their operations during the month of April. 4.4.9 Resources Capable of Supplying Unforced Capacity in New York This subsection applies to Resources that (1) have not previously been in operation in the NYCA, (2) are not subject to the requirements of Subsection through Subsection 4.4.8 of this ICAP Manual, and (3) want to supply Unforced Capacity to the NYCA in the future. No later than the tenth (10th) day of the month preceding the month when a Resource wants to supply Unforced Capacity to the NYCA, the NYISO must receive from a Resource the appropriate Operating Data pertaining to its operations over the previous 17 months, if it 4-14 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL was in operation. A Resource that wants to continue to supply Unforced Capacity in the NYCA immediately thereafter shall report the appropriate Operating Data, and such data must be received by the NYISO on or before 5:00:00 P.M. on the twentieth (20th) day of each month. For example, a Resource that wants to supply Unforced Capacity during the month of July 2008, must report to the NYISO Operating Data pertaining to January 2007 to May 2008, inclusively, so that the NYISO receives such data on or before 5:00:00 P.M. on June 10. Thereafter, the NYISO must receive the Resource's Operating Data in accordance with Subsections 4.4.1 through 4.4.8 of this ICAP Manual, as applicable. If an Installed Capacity Supplier intends to request rights to import Installed Capacity from a neighboring control area (as defined by and in accordance with this ICAP Manual, "Import Rights") in accordance with this ICAP Manual, the NYISO must receive the results of an appropriate demonstration test of the Resource (i.e., DMNC test data) and Operating Data pertaining to its operations covering at least the previous 17 months, if it was in operation, as prescribed by this ICAP Manual, and in the above paragraph, no later than 5:00:00 P.M. at least seven (7) business days before such Import Rights are to be requested. 4.4.10 Resources not in Operation for the Past 17 Months A Resource that is required to report GADS Data or data equivalent to GADS Data that was not in operation for the past 17 months and that wants to qualify as an Installed Capacity Supplier shall report monthly Operating Data so that the NYISO receives it no later than 5:00:00 P.M. on thirtieth (30th) day after that Resource commenced commercial operation, in accordance with Subsections 4.4.1 through 4.4.8 of this ICAP Manual, as applicable. 4.4.11 Temporary Interruption in Availability If a Generator in an otherwise operational state at the time of notice (that is, not otherwise forced out) does not sell or certify its Unforced Capacity (UCAP) on a temporary basis (i.e., elects not to participate in the UCAP Market or is not successful in selling its UCAP at auction or in a bilateral transaction), such interruption in availability of UCAP shall be taken on a monthly basis and may be treated for purposes of calculating the Equivalent Demand Forced Outage Rate (EFORd) for that unit as a maintenance outage with prior notification to the NYISO. If the Generator elects to bid the unit into the NYISO energy markets during such period, all such service hours and forced outage hours shall be included in the computation of the unit’s EFORd, but periods where the unit is not selected may be reported as Reserve Shutdown Hours, as defined in Attachment J. 4.4.12 Retired, Mothballed, and Inactive Generating Units The NERC Data Reporting Instructions define three (3) Inactive states; Inactive Reserve (IR), Mothballed (MB) or Retired (RU). A Resource that is a Generator that is Inactive with an indeterminate return to service, and excepting NYISO acknowledged forced outages or approved scheduled (Planned or Maintenance) outages with permissible extensions, is not qualified to participate in the NYISO Installed Capacity Market. Any exceptions to this rule must be requested of, and granted by, the NYISO, in writing. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-15 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.5 Calculation of the Amount of Unforced Capacity each Resource may Supply to the NYCA (Section NYISO Services Tariff) (a) Definitions For purposes of Sections 4.5 and 4.5.1: “Solar Farm” means a collection of solar installations with its electrical output metered at the interconnection with the NYCA Transmission System and which metering determines the Solar Farm’s delivery to the NYCA. (b) Calculation Procedure The NYISO will calculate the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resources are qualified to supply to the NYCA for each Capability Period. The Unforced Capacity methodology estimates the probability that a Resource will be available to serve Load, taking into account forced outages and forced deratings. To evaluate this probability, the NYISO will use the Operating Data submitted by each Resource in accordance with Section of this ICAP Manual, and the mathematical formulae included in Attachment J of this ICAP Manual. The value (termed "CRIS-adjusted DMNC") used in determining the ICAP equivalent of the Unforced Capacity will be the smaller of the then currently-effective DMNC rating or the CRIS value, as applicable. Unforced Capacity values will remain in effect for the entire Capability Period, except in cases where corrections to historical data are necessary. For each Capability Period, the NYISO will base the amount of Unforced Capacity a generating Resource is qualified to supply on the average of EFORd values calculated for that Resource covering the 12-month periods ending in January, February, March, April, May and June for the subsequent Winter Capability Period and the average of EFORd calculations for that Resource covering the 12-month periods ending in July, August, September, October, November and December for the subsequent Summer Capability Period. Detailed procedures for calculating the 12-month EFORd values are described in Attachment J of this ICAP Manual. Such EFORd values shall be for the same interval used to determine the Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement to Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement translation for a given Capability Period, as noted in Sections and of this ICAP Manual. For Special Case Resources, Unforced Capacity values will be based on two successive seasonal performance factors of each individual Special Case Resource as described in Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual. The NYISO shall compute the amount of Unforced Capacity that each Limited Control Run-of-River Hydro Resource is authorized to provide in the NYCA separately for Summer and Winter Capability Periods. The amount for each Capability Period shall be equal to the rolling average of the hourly net Energy provided by each Limited Control Run-of River Hydro Resource during the twenty (20) highest NYCA-integrated real-time load hours in each of the five (5) previous Summer or Winter Capability Periods, as appropriate, stated in megawatts. 4-16 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Intermittent Power Resource Unforced Capacity values will have Unforced Capacity values based on seasonal performance factors calculated in accordance with section 4.5.1 of this ICAP Manual. Unforced Capacity from an Intermittent Power Resource for the summer capability period shall be based on the average production during the 14:00 to 18:00 hours for the months of June, July and August during the Prior Equivalent Capability Period. Unforced Capacity from an Intermittent Power Resource for the winter Capability Period shall be based on the average production during the 16:00 to 20:00 hours for the months of December, January, and February during the Prior Equivalent Capability Period. Initial Unforced Capacity values for new generating Resources will be based on NERC class average EFORd values for Resources of the same type. If no NERC class average exists, the NYISO will estimate a class average using capacity values for Resources of the same type currently providing capacity in the NYISO market; provided however, that for a new Intermittent Power Resource that depends upon wind as fuel, the initial Unforced Capacity value (which is to be measured as the amount of capacity it can reliably provide during system peak Load hours) will be the product of the applicable Unforced Capacity percentage in the Table shown below and that resource’s DMNC value (nameplate rating net of station power). The Unforced Capacity percentages set forth below are taken from the Report on Phase II System Performance Evaluation “The Effects of Integrating Wind Power on Transmission System Planning, Reliability, and Operations” prepared by GE Energy, March 4, 2005. Unforced Capacity Percentage – Wind Zones A through J Zone K (land-based) Zone K (off-shore) Summer 10% 10% 38% Winter 30% 30% 38% For a new Intermittent Power Resource that is a Solar Farm, the Unforced Capacity value shall be equal to the product of (a) the Summer or Winter Unforced Capacity percentage for the Solar Farm based on the characteristics at the time the Unforced Capacity value is determined using the Tables in this Section, (i) if a fixed array, the Unforced Capacity Percentage for fixed tilt arrays determined using the azimuth angle and the tilt angle for the Solar Farm, (ii) if a tracking array, the Unforced Capacity Percentage for tracking arrays, (b) the solar inverter and transformer efficiency multiplier determined based on the inverter efficiency supplied by the Installed Capacity Supplier on behalf of the Intermittent Power Resource, and (c) the sum of the nameplate DC power rating for all installations within the Solar Farm. Summer Unforced Capacity Percentage – Solar (Fixed Tilt Arrays) Azimuth Angle (Degrees) Tilt Angle (Degrees) Below 3 3-7 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 812 13 17 18 22 23 27 28 32 33 37 38 42 43 47 Above 47 4-17 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Below 163 36% 36% 36% 35% 35% 34% 33% 31% 30% 28% 26% 163 - 167 36% 36% 36% 36% 35% 35% 34% 33% 31% 30% 28% 168 - 172 36% 37% 37% 36% 36% 36% 35% 34% 33% 31% 30% 173 - 177 36% 37% 37% 37% 37% 36% 36% 35% 34% 33% 31% 178 - 182 36% 37% 37% 37% 37% 37% 37% 36% 35% 34% 33% 183 - 187 36% 37% 38% 38% 38% 38% 38% 37% 36% 36% 34% 188 - 192 36% 37% 38% 38% 39% 39% 39% 38% 38% 37% 36% 193 - 197 36% 37% 38% 39% 39% 40% 39% 39% 39% 38% 37% 198 - 202 36% 37% 39% 39% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 39% 38% 203 - 207 36% 38% 39% 40% 40% 41% 41% 41% 41% 40% 39% 208 - 212 36% 38% 39% 40% 41% 41% 42% 42% 42% 41% 41% 213 - 217 36% 38% 39% 40% 41% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 41% Above 217 36% 38% 39% 41% 42% 42% 43% 43% 43% 43% 42% Winter Unforced Capacity Percentage – Solar (Fixed Tilt Arrays) Azimuth Angle (Degrees) Tilt Angle (Degrees) Below 3 3-7 812 13 17 18 22 23 27 28 32 33 37 38 42 43 47 Above 47 Below 163 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 163 - 167 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 168 - 172 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 173 - 177 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 178 - 182 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 183 - 187 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 188 - 192 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 193 - 197 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 198 - 202 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 203 - 207 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 208 - 212 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 4-18 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 213 - 217 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% Above 217 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% Unforced Capacity Percentage – Solar (Tracking Arrays, 1 or 2 Axis) Summer 46% Winter 2% Solar Inverter and Transformer Efficiency Multiplier Inverter Efficiency 0.88 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 Applicable Multiplier 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.07 4.5.1 Calculation of UCAP for Wind and Solar Energy Generators This section describes the general procedure for calculating Unforced Capacity values for wind and solar generators. (a) Definitions For purposes of this Section 4.5.1: “Wind Farm” means a collection of wind turbines with its electrical output metered at the interconnection with the NYCA transmission system and that determines the Wind Farm’s delivery to the NYCA. “Wind Farm Unforced Capacity” means that amount of generating capacity, expressed to the nearest tenth of a MW, that a Wind Farm can reasonably be expected to contribute during summer or winter peak hours, as applicable. “Solar Farm Unforced Capacity” means that amount of generating capacity, expressed to the nearest tenth of a MW, that a Solar Farm can reasonably be expected to contribute during summer or winter peak hours, as applicable. “Production Factor” for a Wind Farm or Solar Farm means a factor based on historic operating data, and for facilities without historic operating data, initial Wind Farm or Solar Farm Unforced Capacity will be determined using the factors defined in Section 4.5 above and in this Section 4.5.1. “Wind Farm Installed Capacity” means the sum of the nameplate ratings of the wind turbines in the Wind Farm. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-19 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL “Solar Farm Installed Capacity” means the sum of the nameplate ratings of the solar installations in the Solar Farm. “Hourly Output” means the metered output of the Wind Farm or Solar Farm expressed to the nearest tenth of a MW and integrated over a one-hour period. “Summer Peak Hours” means the hours beginning 14, 15, 16, and 17 during the threemonth period from June 1 through August 31, inclusive. “Winter Peak Hours” means the hours beginning 16, 17, 18 and 19 during the three-month period from December 1 through the last day of the immediately succeeding February. (b) Calculation Procedure Generally, the calculation of the Production Factor for a particular Wind Farm or Solar Farm for a particular Capability Period is based on its operating data for the Prior Equivalent Capability Period. For facilities with less than sixty (60) days of historic operating data in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, the initial Wind Farm or Solar Farm Unforced Capacity will use the factors in Section 4.5. The Production Factor, when multiplied by the current Wind Farm or Solar Farm Installed Capacity yields the Wind Farm or Solar Farm Unforced Capacity for that Wind Farm or Solar Farm. This two-step process accommodates any changes in the Wind Farm or Solar Farm Installed Capacity that may have occurred during the prior or current year of operation. UCAPQgm, the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resource g is qualified to provide in month m, is calculated as follows: UCAPQgm = ProdFgm x NCgm, where: ProdFgm is the production factor used in the calculation of the amount of Unforced Capacity that supplier g is qualified to provide in month m; and NCgm is the nameplate capacity of Resource g that is applicable when determining the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resource g is qualified to provide in month m. ProdFgm, in turn, is calculated as follows: E ProdFgm hCPPH gm gh NC hCPPH gm , gh Where: CPPHgm is the set of all Summer Peak Hours during the most recent Summer Capability Period preceding the Capability Period containing month m (if month m is part of a Summer Capability Period) during which Resource g was available for commercial operation, or the set of all Winter Peak Hours during the most recent Winter Capability Period preceding the Capability Period containing month m (if month m is part of a Winter Capability Period) during which Resource g was available for commercial operation; Egh is the amount of energy delivered to the NYCA transmission system by Resource g during hour h; and NCgh is the nameplate capacity of Resource g that was applicable when determining the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resource g was qualified to provide in hour h; 4-20 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL except that for new Wind Farms or Solar Farms for which less than sixty (60) days of production data are available to calculate ProdFgm using the equation above, ProdFgm instead will be calculated in accordance with Section 4.5. 4.6 4.6.1 Operating Data Default Value and Exception for Certain Equipment Failures (Section and NYISO Services Tariff) Default Value In its calculation of the amount of Unforced Capacity that each Resource is qualified to supply to the NYCA and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4.5 of this ICAP Manual, the NYISO will deem a Resource to be completely forced out during each month for which the Resource has not submitted its Operating Data in accordance with Section 4.4 of this ICAP Manual. Pursuant to Section 5.12.12 of theNYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at, Resources that do not comply with Section 4.4 of this ICAP Manual also are subject to information submission requirements sanctions. Resources that are deemed to be completely forced out during any month may submit new Operating Data to the NYISO at any time. The format and substance of the new Operating Data shall comply with the requirements set forth in Sections 4.4.1 through 4.4.8, as applicable. Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of new Operating Data that comply with such requirements, the NYISO shall use this new Operating Data to recalculate the amount of Unforced Capacity that such Resources may supply to the NYCA. Upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances, the NYISO retains the discretion to accept at any time Operating Data which have not been submitted in a timely manner, or which do not fully conform with Section 4.4 of this ICAP Manual. 4.6.2 Exception for Certain Equipment Failures When a Generator, Energy/Capacity Limited Resource, System Resource, Intermittent Power Resource or Control Area System Resource is forced into an outage by an equipment failure that involves equipment located on the electric network beyond the step-up transformer, and including such step-up transformer, the NYISO shall not treat the outage as a forced outage for purposes of calculating the amount of Unforced Capacity such Installed Capacity Suppliers are qualified to supply in the NYCA. This exception is not limited to equipment failures that occur on the New York State electrical network and extends to equipment failures that occur on electrical networks operated by External Control Areas This exception is limited to an equipment failure that involves equipment located on the electric network beyond the generator step-up transformer, and including such step-up transformer on the output side of the Generator, Energy/Capacity Limited Resource, System Resource, Intermittent Power Resource or Control Area System Resource. This NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-21 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL exception does not apply to fuel related outages or derates or other cause codes that might be classified as Outside Management Control in the NERC Data reporting Instructions. In reporting Operating Data (GADS data), a Generator, Energy/Capacity Limited Resource, or System Resource shall report a generator outage or derating caused by an equipment failure that involves equipment located on the electric network beyond the step-up transformer, and including such step-up transformer, in accordance with normal outage reporting procedures and document them as a forced outage (U1, U2, U3, D1, D2 or D3) with a cause code of 9300. Intermittent Power Resources will report generator outage and derated hours caused by an equipment failure that involves equipment located on the electric network beyond the stepup transformer, and including such step-up transformer, in accordance with normal outage reporting procedures and document them in accordance with instructions for Intermittent Power Resources to be found in Attachment K to this ICAP Manual. If an outage occurs on the transmission system beyond the generator step-up transformer, and including such step-up transformer, at a time when a Generator has not placed its unit on a maintenance outage, such interruption in availability shall be treated for purposes of calculating the unit’s EFORd rating as a maintenance outage (MO) in the case of a forced outage (U1, U2, U3) or as a maintenance derate (D4) in the case of a forced derating (D1, D2, D3). If an outage occurs on the transmission system beyond the generator step-up transformer, and including such step-up transformer, at a time when a Generator is on a maintenance outage, such interruption in availability shall be treated for purposes of calculating the unit’s EFORd rating as a maintenance outage. In the event that service resumes on the transmission system but the unit categorized as being on a reserve shutdown is not able to perform, the unit shall be charged with a forced outage from the time that the transmission outage ended until the time it resumes operations (the “post transmission outage period”); provided however, that if the unit had been scheduled to take a maintenance outage during the post transmission outage period, the unit shall be charged with a Forced Outage, as defined in Attachment J, until the scheduled start date of its maintenance outage, at which time it will be charged with a maintenance outage until the end of its scheduled maintenance period. If a forced outage or derate extends into a previously approved scheduled outage, or an equipment failure or problem beyond the scope of a previously approved scheduled outage extends beyond the scheduled return date from such a scheduled outage, the GADS data must address both outage types by breaking the outage into a maintenance outage and a forced outage with the duration of the forced outage properly reflected in the data. For further explanation, refer to the NERC Data Reporting Instructions at:|43|45 4.7 Monthly Installed Capacity Supplier Certification Each Installed Capacity Supplier must certify its Unforced Capacity to the NYISO no later than the deadline for monthly certification as provided in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided: 4-22 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL (, demonstrating that the Unforced Capacity it is supplying is not already committed to meet the Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement of an External Control Area. Each Installed Capacity Supplier holding rights to UDRs from an External Control Area that has made such an election shall confirm to the NYISO no later than the deadline for monthly certification for May as provided in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that it will not use as self-supply or offer, and has not sold, Installed Capacity associated with the quantity of MW for which it has made its one time capability adjustment year election. In addition, each Installed Capacity Supplier that has been derated (i.e., has had an amount of Unforced Capacity it is authorized to supply in the NYCA reduced by the NYISO in accordance with section 4.5 of this ICAP Manual) shall demonstrate in its monthly certification that it has procured sufficient additional Unforced Capacity to cover any shortage, due to such de-rating, of Unforced Capacity it has previously committed to supply in the following month or go into the ICAP Spot Market Auction. If an Installed Capacity Supplier has sold UCAP and subsequently sells those UCAP assets on a date prior to the expiration of the UCAP sale, the responsibility for certifying the sold UCAP remains with the Installed Capacity Supplier that initially sold the UCAP. It is the responsibility of the selling Installed Capacity Supplier to either (1) arrange a bilateral agreement with the new owner of the UCAP assets to cover this requirement or (2) purchase the requirement through another bilateral transaction or through the NYISOadministered auctions. If an Installed Capacity Supplier has sold UCAP that includes New Special Case Resources (as defined in subsection of this ICAP Manual) in a Capability Period Auction, Monthly Auction, or Bilateral Transaction, the responsibility for certifying the sold UCAP remains with the Installed Capacity Supplier that sold the UCAP. If a bilateral transaction is certified by an Installed Capacity Supplier, but is not confirmed by the second party to the transaction, the bilateral transaction submitted by the Installed Capacity Supplier remains unconfirmed at the close of the certification period. The UCAP associated with the unconfirmed bilateral transaction sale remains with the Installed Capacity Supplier that submitted the bilateral transaction for certification. 4.8 Bidding, Scheduling, and Notification Requirements (Section 5.12.7 NYISO Services Tariff) On any day for which it supplies Unforced Capacity, each Installed Capacity Supplier (except as noted below) must schedule or Bid into the Day-Ahead Market, or declare to be unavailable an amount of Energy that is not less than the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity it is supplying to the NYCA from each Resource that it uses to supply Unforced Capacity. Planned or Maintenance outages must be scheduled (“scheduled outages”) in advance of any Day-Ahead bidding. Any declared or unavailable Energy/Capacity not previously scheduled and approved as out of service must be reported NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-23 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL as a Forced Outage or Forced Derating in accordance with the operating data reporting requirements in Section 4.4 and Attachment K of this ICAP Manual. Each Installed Capacity Supplier providing Unforced Capacity must designate the entity that will be responsible for complying with these bidding, scheduling, and notification requirements. 4.8.1 Generators and System Resources For every hour of any day for which Generators and System Resources supply Unforced Capacity, they must provide the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity they are supplying to the NYCA through a combination of scheduling or Bidding in the Day-Ahead Market, or in accordance with the notification procedure below. See the NYISO’s Day-Ahead Scheduling Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at and Market Participants User Guide (available from the NYISO Web site at for scheduling and bidding procedures. For any hour of any day that the Installed Capacity Supplier cannot provide the full amount of Energy associated with its Installed Capacity Equivalent, due to maintenance or forced outage, the supplier must notify the NYISO Operations department. 4.8.2 Energy Limited and Capacity Limited Resources Energy and Capacity Limited Resources that are Installed Capacity Suppliers must be able to provide the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity they are supplying to the NYCA as well as conform to all of the requirements of Attachment M to this ICAP Manual. Energy Limited Resources must be able to provide, and provide if scheduled, the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity they are supplying to the NYCA for a minimum of four (4) hours each day, or for a period of time longer than four (4) hours that is specified by the NYISO after consultation with the Supplier. Energy/Capacity Limited Resources must Bid or schedule in the Day-Ahead Market each day in such a way as to enable the NYISO to schedule them for the period in which they are capable of providing the Energy. See Attachment M to this ICAP Manual for additional details on qualifying Energy/Capacity Limited Resources and bidding and scheduling procedures for these resources. 4.8.3 [This Section intentionally left blank] 4.8.4 Existing Municipally-Owned Generation Existing municipally-owned generators that qualify as Installed Capacity Suppliers pursuant to Section of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at and Section of this ICAP Manual are not required to Bid or schedule in the DayAhead Market but will be required to respond to a NYISO request to make available the 4-24 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL uncommitted portion of the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Unforced Capacity they are qualified to supply. 4.8.5 Special Case Resources (Section 4.12 of this ICAP Manual) Special Case Resources are not subject to daily bidding, scheduling, and notification requirements. For every month in which a Special Case Resource supplies Unforced Capacity, the RIP must offer to reduce Load equal to the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity the Special Case Resource is supplying to the NYCA. The NYISO must receive from the RIP a Minimum Payment Nomination associated with such Unforced Capacity. This Minimum Payment Nomination will act as a strike price, allowing the NYISO to call on a specific amount of Special Case Resources to perform, based on price and NYCA zone in accordance with the NYISO Emergency Operations Manual. The Minimum Payment Nomination will remain in effect through the month and is not subject to change. Special Case Resource Minimum Payment Nomination submission procedures are detailed in Section A RIP must notify the NYISO if a Special Case Resource is not able to provide the full amount of Load reduction associated with the Unforced Capacity that was uploaded to the Demand Response Information System (DRIS) in the enrollment file. See Sections 4.3.3 and 4.12.6 of this ICAP Manual. 4.8.6 Intermittent Power Resources As set out in Section of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at, Intermittent Power Resources that depend on wind or solar energy as their fuel may qualify as Installed Capacity Suppliers, without having to comply with the daily bidding and scheduling requirements set forth in Section 5.12.7 of the NYISO Services Tariff. To qualify as Installed Capacity Suppliers, such Intermittent Power Resources shall comply with the notification requirement of Section 5.12.7 of the NYISO Services Tariff by notifying the NYISO of all outages. 4.9 External Resources, Imports, Exports and Wheels Through External Generators, System Resources, Control Area System Resources, and entities purchasing Installed Capacity from them may participate in the NYCA Installed Capacity market. With the exception of those requirements and procedures regarding Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights, External Installed Capacity Suppliers using UDRs must comply with the requirements and procedures identified in this section 4.9. Refer to section 4.14 of this ICAP Manual for additional Installed Capacity Supplier requirements and procedures associated with the use of UDRs. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-25 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.9.1 Requirements to Qualify as an External Installed Capacity Supplier Prior to supplying Unforced Capacity to the NYCA, External Generators, System Resources, Control Area System Resources and entities purchasing Installed Capacity from them must qualify as External Installed Capacity Suppliers. In addition to satisfying the requirements for External Installed Capacity specified in Section 2.7 of this ICAP Manual, to qualify as External Installed Capacity Suppliers such entities must provide the following information to the NYISO: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name and location of the Resource (if multiple units are involved, identify each unit); Assurance that the External Control Area in which the Resource is located either: a. Will not recall or curtail, for the purposes of satisfying its own Control Area Loads, exports from that External Control Area to the NYCA of an amount of Energy equal to the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resource is supplying to the NYCA; or b. In the case of Control Area System Resources, will afford NYCA Load the same pro-rata curtailment priority that it affords its own Control Area Load; Documentation of a DMNC test, or its equivalent, in accordance with the procedures found in Section 4.2 or 4.10.3 of this ICAP Manual; Submission of Operating Data for the prior 17 months in accordance with Sections 4.4 and 4.4.9, and Attachment K of this ICAP Manual; Documentation which satisfies the Maintenance Scheduling Requirements in Section 4.3 of this ICAP Manual; and Expected return dates from full or partial outages. All of the information required by this Section 4.9.1 must be in accordance with the ICAP Manual sections referenced in the items above, and received by the NYISO not later than the date and time set forth in those sections and as further specified on the ICAP Event Calendar, and at such additional times as required by the NYISO and this ICAP Manual (e.g., annual DMNC test results). The NYISO may verify this data with the appropriate External Control Area. 4.9.2 External Capacity Processes and Information Section shall govern the Summer 2010 Capability Period only, and Section shall be in effect for all other Capability Periods. Nothing in this Section 4.9.2 shall be construed to prohibit or limit revisions to this ICAP Manual or create a precedent for any future changes. 4-26 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL [This Section intentionally left blank] [This Section intentionally left blank] Allocation of Import Rights – Summer 2010 This Section in its entirety, and the clauses herein jointly or collectively, shall only be in force and effect for the Summer 2010 Capability Period. It shall not create a precedent and shall not govern any other Capability Period. The NYISO establishes the maximum amount of Unforced Capacity that can be provided to the NYCA by Resources located in each neighboring Control Area according to the procedures contained in Section 2.7 of this ICAP Manual. Once this amount has been determined for each neighboring Control Area, the allocation among NYISO customers of Import Rights to all External Unforced Capacity supply are determined according to the following procedures consistent with modeling in the Installed Reserve Margin study and the import rights limit study as defined in Section 2.7, for the associated Capability Period. Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights "Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights" as used in this ICAP Manual shall mean the rights granted pursuant to the process prior to the Capability Period Auction, as set forth in this ICAP Manual, to satisfy deliverability criteria to import 1,090 MW capacity at the Chateauguay interface for the Summer 2010 Capability Period ("Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period"). Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights are distinct from Import Rights, Existing Transmission Capacity for Native Load ("ETCNL"), and Grandfathered External Installed Capacity Agreements (set forth in Attachment E), as defined in the NYISO Services Tariff and this ICAP Manual. Grandfathered External Installed Capacity Rights Details concerning Grandfathered Rights are provided in Attachment E to this ICAP Manual. Other Allocations After accounting for Grandfathered External Installed Capacity rights (see "Allocation of Import Rights during the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period " below), the NYISO will allocate the rights for External Unforced Capacity supply on a first-come, first-serve basis to the limits established in accordance with this Section Import Rights may ultimately only be used by LSEs located within the NYCA, but any NYISO Customer may submit a request along with all required supporting documents seeking External Installed Capacity Import Rights (also referred to as first-come, first serve). On or prior to the fifth calendar day prior to the date of submission of requests for Import Rights for the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Inc. ("NYSEG") shall notify the NYISO in writing of its intent to use a specified quantity of its ETCNL rights for each month of the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-27 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Completion of the Import Rights Deliverability Study for a Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period Prior to the date of submission of requests for Import Rights for the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period, the NYISO will perform the import rights deliverability study to determine the level of imports that are deliverable. The NYISO will model in the base case both (a) the ETCNL quantities set forth in the NYSEG notice, and (b) an import of 1,090 MW over the Chateauguay interface. The NYISO will then determine the amount of deliverability headroom available and compute shift factors for each external interface on a set of internal constraints that could limit the level of imports that are deliverable. Request for Import Rights Requests for Import Rights for one or more months within the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period will be received by facsimile by the NYISO (at the number listed below) during the time period specified below. A request sheet for Import Rights is available from the following location: ghts-FAX-FORM.rtf. Beginning at 8:00 A.M. ET For Summer Capability Period: with at least one business day notice to the NYISO ISO Tie List and posting to the ICAP Event Calendar, and For Import Rights, ending at 5:00 P.M. ET five (5) business days prior to a Capability Period Auction. If Import Rights are not fully allocated after the Capability Period Auction has concluded, the NYISO will open another period of first-come, first-serve allocations prior to each Monthly Auction for the month or months in which Import Rights remain available, and the NYISO will post the quantity of remaining available Import Rights after each Monthly Auction. For each month within a Capability Period, requests for Import Rights will be received by facsimile to the NYISO (at the number listed below) during the times identified in the ICAP Event Calendar at" Determination of Start Time for Submission of Requests As described above, receipt by facsimile of requests for Import Rights, whether prior to the start of a Capability Period or prior to the start of a Monthly Auction may be made only after the occurrence of the start time of 8:00 A.M. ET. This procedure will be implemented by programming of the NYISO’s facsimile machine (the “FAX Machine”) to begin receiving faxes only after the occurrence of 8:00 A.M. ET based on the synchronization of the clock in the FAX Machine with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server that is, in turn, synchronized with the U.S. atomic clock. Accordingly, NYISO Customers may wish to synchronize their fax-sending equipment with, or time the sending of their facsimiles based upon, the U.S. atomic clock. However, the clock in the FAX Machine will establish, for Import Rights allocation purposes, the 4-28 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL occurrence of the start time of 8:00 A.M. ET. The FAX Machine will create a log of received faxes and place a date/time stamp on each request. A clock displaying Eastern (EST/EDT) time in hours, minutes and seconds (HH:MM:SS) will be visible on the NYISO Web site. This clock will be synchronized with a NTP server that is, in turn, synchronized to the US atomic clock. This NYISO Web site clock display is for the convenience of Customers only and does not govern the start time for the Import Rights allocation process. Instead, as noted above, the FAX Machine establishes the start time of the Import Rights allocation process. Contents of Request for Import Rights Each request must contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The identity of the NYISO Customer making the request; The identity of the External Installed Capacity Supplier; The name and location of the Resource; The Control Area in which the Resource for which the Installed Capacity Supplier seeks rights is located; The NYCA external interface where the requested Import Rights will be offered in the DAM; The megawatt amount requested at each external interface, equal to the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Unforced Capacity sale to the NYCA from the Resource designated in (3) above. For example, a request for 100 MW of Import Rights from a Resource with a 10% EFORd will support a UCAP sale of 90 MW; The time period, in blocks of whole months, for which the rights are requested; E-mail address of the requesting party to which a response will be made. Additional Required Contents of Requests for Import Rights at Chateauguay during the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period: Each entity requesting Import Rights at the Chateauguay interface in the FAX machine process prior to the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period shall include in the FAX request a statement for each month that in the event that the requested quantity is not available for that month, the minimum megawatt quantity of Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights (from zero to the megawatts requested) for which the request should be considered for that month. If such an entity does not state in the FAX request the minimum megawatt quantity for that month, then the request for that month shall be rejected. The information listed above must be received as a “Request for External Installed Capacity Import Rights” by the ISO’s Manager of Auxiliary Market Operations via facsimile to the following NYISO Fax Machine number: 518-356-6208. If the NYISO determines that the information provided in the request is incomplete or inadequate, the NYISO will immediately notify the requesting party. By 5:00 P.M. of the day on which requests are received, the NYISO will notify all requestors from which the NYISO has received a complete and adequate request for Import Rights of their priority. Priority NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-29 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Only complete requests received on the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar (consistent with the time periods specified above) will be evaluated by the NYISO. A facsimile transmission that is shown on the FAX Machine log as incomplete will result in the treatment as incomplete of any requests included in any portion of the facsimile transmission that is received. The start time for these time periods will be established in the manner described in the “Determination of Start Time for Submission of Requests” section above. The time/date stamp provided by the FAX Machine (as described in that section) will determine the relative priority among the requests received following the start time; however, the maintenance of a Customer’s priority is contingent upon the NYISO’s receipt from the Customer of the supporting documents within the time period set forth in the “Supporting Documents” section below. If the complete and adequate supporting documents are not received by the NYISO within that time period, the corresponding request will be automatically rejected upon expiration of that time period. If multiple requests are received by the NYISO from a Customer in multiple separate facsimile transmissions within a single request period with the intent that the ISO evaluate each request individually, the Customer must notify the ISO of that intent separately and in writing (by e-mail to:, and such notification must be received by the NYISO at least one hour prior to the start time for the request period. If a Customer’s request (by separate facsimile transmission) changes the content of a prior request by that Customer in an earlier facsimile transmission within the same request period without prior notice of intent to make separate requests for individual evaluation, or if an identical request is received by the NYISO more than once in multiple facsimile transmissions, the latest time stamp will determine its priority relative to other Customers’ requests. If duplicate requests are received by the NYISO in the same facsimile transmission, they must be identified as duplicates or they will be treated by the NYISO as requests for a cumulative megawatt amount. Allocation of Import Rights during the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period If Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights are allocated in a Chateauguay Day 1 Request, it constitutes a commitment by the requesting entity to supply capacity through bilateral contract and/or auction capacity. Following the receipt of requests submitted via FAX for the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period, the NYISO will: 1. Prioritize in order of receipt requests first for Import Rights at the Chateauguay interface received on or prior to 5:00 P.M. on the first business day on which requests for Import Rights may be received (each, a "Chateauguay Day 1 Request"). a. The NYISO will allocate Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights up to and including 1,090 MW to the entities submitting Chateauguay Day 1 Requests for Import Rights in accordance with this ICAP Manual, and in order of receipt. b. If and to the extent that Chateauguay Day 1 Requests exceed 1,090 MW, the remaining full or partial requests at Chateauguay will be processed in the same 4-30 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 2. 3. 4. manner as requests for Import Rights at other external interfaces and in the order of actual receipt. c. If at the time a Chateauguay Day 1 Request is reviewed, less than the full quantity of megawatts requested for a month is remaining, the NYISO will review the minimum quantity of megawatts specified in the request for that month. If the minimum quantity of megawatts specified for the month is equal to or less than the quantity of megawatts remaining, the request will be allocated in the quantity of megawatts remaining. If the minimum quantity of megawatts specified for a month on the request is greater than the quantity of megawatts remaining, the request will not be allocated and zero megawatts will be awarded for that month. Upon the first to occur of (a) the allocation of all megawatts requested at the Chateauguay interface, and (b) the allocation of 1,090 MW at the Chateauguay Interface, the NYISO will determine the deliverability headroom for each month in the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period by recalculating the previously-determined deliverability headroom, modeling the megawatts allocated at the Chateauguay interface. In the order of FAX receipt, the NYISO will process each remaining request or partial request and allocate Import Rights up to and including but not exceeding the deliverability headroom. A request's usage of the deliverability headroom will be calculated using the shift factors determined in the import rights deliverability study. After granting a request, the NYISO will reduce the deliverability headroom taking into account the Import Rights allocated to that point and the shift factors determined in the import rights deliverability study. After the completion of step 3 (immediately preceding this step 4), import limits at each external interface will be calculated for each month of the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period ("Summer Transitional Import Limits") based on the remaining deliverability headroom in each month ("Remaining Monthly Headroom"). a. For each month, the Remaining Monthly Headroom shall be prorated among all external interfaces in proportion to the column labeled Remaining (MW) in ICAP Manual Section 4.9.6 of this ICAP Manual. In no event shall the Summer Transitional Import Limit be greater at an external interface than the megawatt quantity set forth in Section 4.9.6. Accordingly, to the extent the prorated amount at an external interface for a month exceeds the quantity for the external interface set forth in Section 4.9.6, the Summer Transitional Import Limit for the external interface shall be fixed for the month at the limit stated in Section 4.9.6 for the interface. In such a case, the excess will be reallocated on a proportional basis to the other external interfaces, provided that the megawatt quantity set forth in Section 4.9.6 for each external interface may not be exceeded. b. For the Capability Period Auction only, the import limits at all external interfaces for all months of the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period will be set at the import limits calculated in 4(a), above, for the month in the Capability Period with the lowest Remaining Monthly Headroom. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-31 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 5. 6. For the Monthly Auctions or Spot Auctions during the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period and all related FAX processes in any month within the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period, requests for remaining Import Rights at an external interface may be requested and will be allocated up to the Summer Transitional Import Limit established for the external interface in Subsection 4(a), above. The above clauses numbered one (1) through five (5) shall only be effective for the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period. Supporting Documents In addition, the requestor of Import Rights must provide documentation of the bilateral agreements for which External Capacity Import Rights are being requested, with pricing redacted, between a qualified External Installed Capacity Supplier or a marketer with a contract with a qualified External Installed Capacity Supplier and: a. a LSE within the NYCA; or, b. a marketer that is not an affiliate of the External Installed Capacity Supplier. The supporting documentation of bilateral agreements must be received by the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar on the business day following the day in which the requests for Import Rights are received by the NYISO. If the NYISO determines that the information it received as supporting documentation is incomplete or inadequate, the NYISO will immediately notify the requesting party. The receipt of incomplete or inadequate information does not alter the time frame in which such documents are due. For example, a requestor from which incomplete or inadequate supporting documentation was received has until the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar on the business day following the day in which the requests for Import Rights are received by the NYISO to provide adequate and complete supporting documentation. Response from the NYISO Upon receipt of supporting documentation of a bilateral transaction, the NYISO will respond by the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar on the second business day following the day in which the requests for Import Rights are received by the NYISO. The NYISO will notify the requesting party if its request has been accepted or rejected, with reasons for rejection, if such be the case, within the time period specified above, following receipt of a complete request and supporting documentation. If accepted, the NYISO will provide a confirmation number. A rejection may be based on any of the following: Incomplete or inadequate information: Fully subscribed External Installed Capacity Import Rights; Late receipt of supporting documentation of bilateral agreements; Unqualified External Installed Capacity Suppliers; or, The MW amount provided in the supporting documentation is less than the MW amount included in the Import Rights request. 4-32 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL If a request is rejected, the allocation of ICAP Import Rights proceeds using the assigned priorities as if that request had never been submitted. Tally of Import Rights The NYISO will maintain a tally of the available Import Rights for each month within a Capability Year and will post these figures on the NYISO Web site ( Obligations of Recipients of Import Rights If at any time, the NYISO has allocated (a) all of the rights up to the Summer Transitional Import Limit, if in the Summer Transition Grandfathered Capability Period, or (b) all of the Import Rights that are available to permit the import of Installed Capacity from one or more control areas for one or more months for any other Capability Period, the NYISO will promptly issue an announcement to all Market Participants, alerting them to this fact. Recipients of these Import Rights will have until 12:00 P.M. ET two business days following the issuance by the NYISO of this announcement or until 5:00 P.M. ET on the last business day that precedes the beginning of the Capability Period Auction by at least 15 days, if that is later, either to decide to keep these Import Rights, or to return these Import Rights to the NYISO, provided, however, entities granted Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights in the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights Capability Period Allocation Process cannot return the rights and have such further obligations as set forth herein. The NYISO may exhaust its supply of Import Rights for different Control Areas and different months at different times, so this deadline may differ from Control Area to Control Area within a month, and it may vary from month to month for a given Control Area. Entities that had requested those Import Rights of the NYISO, but which elect to return them to the NYISO prior to this deadline, will be under no further obligation associated with those Import Rights, provided, however, entities granted Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Rights in a Chateauguay Day 1 Request cannot return the rights and have such further obligations as set forth herein. Likewise, if the NYISO never makes such an announcement pertaining to Import Rights to import Installed Capacity from a given Control Area for a given month (because the NYISO never allocated all of the Import Rights that were available to permit the import of Installed Capacity from those Control Areas in those months), then the recipients of those Import Rights will be under no obligation to use those Import Rights to support the import of Installed Capacity to a New York LSE, nor will they be required to offer Installed Capacity into any NYISOadministered auctions. The NYISO will notify all Market Participants when Import Rights have been made available due to Import Rights that have been returned back to the NYISO from previously awarded Import Rights recipients. Any Import Rights that are returned to the NYISO shall be available for allocation to market participants or for use to support the purchase of Installed Capacity in NYISO-administered auctions, using the same procedures that are used for other Import Rights, as described elsewhere in this ICAP Manual. Except for entities that were allocated Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Right megawatts in a Chateauguay Day 1 Request in the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period, entities that elect not to return those Import Rights by the deadline NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-33 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL described above after such an announcement is made, and entities that are allocated Import Rights to import Installed Capacity from a Control Area for a given month after such an announcement has been issued for that Control Area and that month by the NYISO, shall demonstrate to the NYISO no later than the deadline for monthly certification, as provided by the applicable Capability Period on the Installed Capacity (ICAP) Market page of the NYISO Web site (, that they have used those Import Rights to support the import of Installed Capacity from the relevant Control Area into New York to meet the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation of an LSE serving load in the NYCA. If, by that time, a holder of such Import Rights has neither sold that UCAP using those Import Rights in an NYISO-administered auction nor has entered into a bilateral agreement to supply Installed Capacity to a New York LSE using those Import Rights, the associated Installed Capacity will be offered for sale into the ICAP Spot Market Auction as price taker, i.e., at a price of $0/MW, and the NYISO will not accept any other offers to sell Installed Capacity from other Suppliers located in the corresponding external Control Areas. The Supplier will be paid the market-clearing price determined in those auctions for the control area in which it is located for the Unforced Capacity in question. In the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period, an entity that was allocated Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Right megawatts in a Chateauguay Day 1 Request must provide supporting documents to the NYISO on or before the date prior to the Monthly Auction set forth on the ICAP Event Calendar. External Installed Capacity Sales in NYISO Administered Auction All purchasers of Unforced Capacity that is located in an External Control Area in an NYISO-administered auction shall receive the External Installed Capacity Import Rights necessary in order to permit that Unforced Capacity to count towards the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation; consequently, in order to ensure that there are sufficient External Installed Capacity Import Rights available, the NYISO shall limit the number of MW of Unforced Capacity that can be purchased in any External Control Area in those auctions. In each Capability Period auction, the NYISO shall limit the number of MW of Unforced Capacity that can be purchased in any External Control Area to the number of MW of Unforced Capacity that can be provided by Installed Capacity Suppliers located in that Control Area and that satisfies the deliverability requirements in the NYISO's tariffs and this ICAP Manual, as determined in Section 2.7 of this ICAP Manual, less all External Installed Capacity Import Rights that have been requested for that External Control Area under the provisions of this section. In the Monthly Auctions held before and during the Capability Period, the NYISO shall limit the number of megawatts of Unforced Capacity that can be purchased in any External Control Area to the number of megawatts of Import Rights that the NYISO makes available for the Capability Period from that Control Area and that satisfies the deliverability requirements in the NYISO's tariffs and this ICAP Manual, less the number of megawatts of Unforced Capacity purchased in that External Control Area for that month in preceding Monthly Auctions and the Capability Period Auction, less all External Installed Capacity Import Rights that have been requested to support external Bilateral Transactions for that month. 4-34 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL The NYISO will reduce External Installed Capacity Import Rights eligible to be used in the Capability Period auction based on the allocations made according to the above procedures. Allocation of Import Rights – Winter 2010-2011 and Beyond This Section in its entirety, and the clauses herein jointly or collectively, shall not apply to the Summer 2010 Capability Period. The NYISO establishes the maximum amount of Unforced Capacity that can be provided to the NYCA by Resources located in each neighboring Control Area according to the procedures contained in Section 2.7 of this ICAP Manual. Once the NYISO determines this amount for each neighboring Control Area, the allocation among NYISO customers of Import Rights to all External Unforced Capacity supply is determined according to the following procedures consistent with modeling in the Installed Reserve Margin study and the Import Rights limit study as defined in Section 2.7, for the associated Capability Period. Grandfathered External Installed Capacity Rights Details concerning Grandfathered External Installed Capacity rights are provided in Attachment E to this ICAP Manual. Other Allocations After accounting for Grandfathered External Installed Capacity rights and External CRIS Rights, the NYISO will allocate the rights for External Unforced Capacity supply on a firstcome, first-serve basis to the limits established in accordance with this Section Import Rights may ultimately only be used by LSEs located within the NYCA, but any NYISO Customer may submit a request, along with all required supporting documents, for External Installed Capacity Import Rights. On or prior to the fifteenth calendar day prior to the date of submission of requests for Import Rights for the upcoming Capability Period, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Inc. ("NYSEG") shall notify the NYISO in writing of its intent to use a specified quantity of its ETCNL rights for each month of the upcoming Capability Period. Completion of the Import Rights Deliverability Study for the Upcoming Capability Year Prior to the date of submission of requests for Import Rights for the upcoming Summer Capability Period, the NYISO will perform the Import Rights Deliverability Study to determine the MW amount of imports that are deliverable for the Capability Year. The NYISO will model in the base case both (a) the ETCNL quantities set forth in the NYSEG notice for the Summer Capability Period, and (b) all External CRIS Rights awards. The NYISO will then determine the MW amount of deliverability headroom available and compute shift factors for each external interface on a set of internal constraints that could limit the level of imports that are deliverable. The NYISO will use the shift factors determined in the annual Import Rights Deliverability Study to determine headroom available for the Winter Capability Period based upon the quantity of MW in NYSEG's ETCNL notice submitted prior to the Winter Capability Period. Request for Import Rights NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-35 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Requests for Import Rights for one or more months within the upcoming Capability Period will be received by facsimile by the NYISO (at the number listed below) during the time period specified below. A request sheet for Import Rights is available from the following location: ghts-FAX-FORM.rtf. Beginning at 8:00 A.M. ET For Summer Capability Period: with at least one business day notice to the NYISO ISO Tie List and posting to the ICAP Event Calendar; For Winter Capability Period: on the first business day not more than thirty (30) days prior to a Capability Period Auction, and Ending at 5:00 P.M. ET five (5) business days prior to a Capability Period Auction. If Import Rights are not fully allocated after the Capability Period Auction has concluded, the NYISO will open another period of first-come, first-serve allocations prior to each Monthly Auction for the month or months in which Import Rights remain available, and the NYISO will post the quantity of remaining available Import Rights after each Monthly Auction. For each month within a Capability Period, requests for Import Rights will be received by facsimile to the NYISO (at the number listed below) during the times identified in the ICAP Event Calendar at Start Time for Submission of Requests As described above, receipt by facsimile of requests for Import Rights, whether prior to the start of a Capability Period or prior to the start of a Monthly Auction, may be made only after the occurrence of the start time of 8:00 A.M. ET. This procedure will be implemented by programming of the NYISO’s facsimile machine (the “FAX Machine”) to begin receiving faxes only after the occurrence of 8:00 A.M. ET based on the synchronization of the clock in the FAX Machine with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server that is, in turn, synchronized with the U.S. atomic clock. However, The clock in the FAX Machine will establish, for Import Rights allocation purposes, the occurrence of the start time of 8:00 A.M. ET. The FAX Machine will create a log of received faxes and place a date/time stamp on each request. A clock displaying Eastern (EST/EDT) time in hours, minutes and seconds (HH:MM:SS) will be visible on the NYISO Web site. This clock will be synchronized with a NTP server that is, in turn, synchronized to the US atomic clock. This NYISO Web site clock display is for the convenience of Customers only and does not govern the start time for the Import Rights allocation process. Instead, as set forth above, the FAX Machine establishes the start time of the Import Rights allocation process. Contents of Request for Import Rights Each request must contain the following information: 1. 2. 4-36 The identity of the NYISO Customer making the request; The identity of the External Installed Capacity Supplier; NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The name and location of the Resource; The Control Area in which the Resource for which the Installed Capacity Supplier seeks rights is located; The NYCA external interface where the requested Import Rights will be offered in the DAM; The megawatt amount requested at each external interface, equal to the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Unforced Capacity sale to the NYCA from the Resource designated in (3) above. (For example, a request for 100 MW of Import Rights from a Resource with a 10% EFORd will support a UCAP sale of 90 MW); The time period, in blocks of whole months, for which the rights are requested; E-mail address of the requesting party to which the NYISO can respond. The information listed above must be received as a “Request for External Installed Capacity Import Rights” by the NYISO’s Manager of Auxiliary Market Operations via facsimile to the following NYISO Fax Machine number: 518-356-6208. If the NYISO determines that the information provided in the request is incomplete or inadequate, the NYISO will notify the requesting party. By 5:00 P.M. of the day on which requests are received, the NYISO will notify all requestors from which the NYISO has received a complete and adequate request for Import Rights of their priority. Priority Only complete requests received on the date and within the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar (consistent with the time periods specified above) will be evaluated by the NYISO. A facsimile transmission that is shown on the FAX Machine log as incomplete will result in the treatment as incomplete of any requests included in any portion of the facsimile transmission that is received. The start time for these time periods will be established in the manner described in the “Determination of Start Time for Submission of Requests” section above. The time/date stamp provided by the FAX Machine (as described in that section) will determine the relative priority among the requests received following the start time; however, the maintenance of a Customer’s priority is contingent upon the NYISO’s receipt from the Customer of the supporting documents within the time period set forth in the “Supporting Documents” section below. If the complete and adequate supporting documents are not received by the NYISO within that time period, the corresponding request will be automatically rejected upon expiration of that time period. If multiple requests are received by the NYISO from a Customer in multiple separate facsimile transmissions within a single request period with the intent that the ISO evaluate each request individually, the Customer must notify the ISO of that intent separately and in writing (by e-mail to:, and such notification must be received by the NYISO at least one hour prior to the start time for the request period. If a Customer’s request (by separate facsimile transmission) changes the content of a prior request by that Customer in an earlier facsimile transmission within the same request period without prior notice of intent to make separate requests for individual evaluation, or if an identical request is received by the NYISO more than once in multiple facsimile transmissions, the latest time stamp will determine its priority relative to other Customers’ requests. If duplicate requests are received by the NYISO in the same facsimile transmission, they must NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-37 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL be identified as duplicates or they will be treated by the NYISO as requests for a cumulative megawatt amount. Following the receipt of requests submitted via FAX for the upcoming Capability Period, the NYISO will perform the following steps: 1. 2. 3. In the order of FAX receipt, the NYISO will process each request and allocate Import Rights up to and including but not exceeding either the deliverability headroom or the applicable interface Import Limit. A request's usage of the deliverability headroom will be calculated. After granting a request, the NYISO will reduce the deliverability headroom taking into account the Import Rights allocated to that point and the shift factors determined in the import rights deliverability study. After the completion of step 1 (immediately preceding this step 2), import limits at each external interface will be calculated for each month of the upcoming Capability Period ("Capability Period Import Limits") based on the remaining deliverability headroom in each month ("Remaining Monthly Headroom"). a. For each month, the Remaining Monthly Headroom shall be prorated among all external interfaces in proportion to the column labeled Remaining (MW) in ICAP Manual Section 4.9.6 of this ICAP Manual. In no event shall the Capability Period Import Limit be greater at an external interface than the megawatt quantity set forth in Section 4.9.6. Accordingly, to the extent the prorated amount at an external interface for a month exceeds the quantity for the external interface set forth in Section 4.9.6, the Capability Period Import Limit for the external interface shall be fixed for the month at the limit stated in Section 4.9.6 for the interface. In such a case, the excess will be reallocated on a proportional basis to the other external interfaces, provided that the megawatt quantity set forth in Section 4.9.6 for each external interface may not be exceeded. b. For the Capability Period Auction only, the import limits at all external interfaces for all months of the upcoming Capability Period will be set at the import limits calculated in 2(a), above, for the month in the Capability Period with the lowest Remaining Monthly Headroom. For the Monthly Auctions or Spot Auctions during the upcoming Capability Period and all related FAX processes in any month within the upcoming Capability Period, requests for remaining Import Rights at an external interface may be requested and will be allocated up to the Capability Period Import Limit established for the external interface in Subsection 2(a), above. Supporting Documents The requestor of Import Rights must provide documentation of the bilateral agreements for which External Capacity Import Rights are being requested, with pricing redacted, between a qualified External Installed Capacity Supplier or a marketer with a contract with a qualified External Installed Capacity Supplier and: a. a LSE within the NYCA; or, b. a marketer that is not an affiliate of the External Installed Capacity Supplier. 4-38 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL The supporting documentation of bilateral agreements must be received by the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar on the business day following the day in which the requests for Import Rights are received by the NYISO. If the NYISO determines that the information it received as supporting documentation is incomplete or inadequate, the NYISO will notify the requesting party. The receipt of incomplete or inadequate information does not alter the time frame in which such documents are due. For example, a requestor from which incomplete or inadequate supporting documentation was received has until the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar on the business day following the day in which the requests for Import Rights are received by the NYISO to provide adequate and complete supporting documentation. Response from the NYISO Upon receipt of supporting documentation of a bilateral transaction, the NYISO will respond by the time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar on the second business day following the day in which the requests for Import Rights are received by the NYISO. The NYISO will notify the requesting party if its request has been accepted or rejected, with reasons for rejection, if such be the case, within the time period specified above. If accepted, the NYISO will provide a confirmation number. A rejection may be based on any of the following: Incomplete or inadequate information; Fully subscribed External Installed Capacity Import Rights; Late receipt of supporting documentation of bilateral agreements; Unqualified External Installed Capacity Resources; or, The MW amount provided in the supporting documentation is less than the MW amount included in the Import Rights request. If a request is rejected, the allocation of ICAP Import Rights proceeds using the assigned priorities as if that request had never been submitted. Tally of Import Rights The NYISO will maintain a tally of the available Import Rights for each month within a Capability Year and will post these figures on the NYISO Web site ( Obligations of Recipients of Import Rights If at any time, the NYISO has allocated all of the Import Rights that are available to permit the import of Installed Capacity from one or more control areas for one or more months, the NYISO will promptly issue an announcement to all Market Participants, alerting them to this fact. Recipients of these Import Rights will have until 12:00 P.M. ET two business days following the issuance by the NYISO of this announcement or until 5:00 P.M. ET on the last business day that precedes the beginning of the Capability Period Auction by at least 15 days, if that is later, either to decide to keep these Import Rights, or to return these Import Rights to the NYISO. The NYISO may exhaust its supply of Import Rights for different Control Areas and different months at different times, so this deadline may differ from NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-39 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Control Area to Control Area within a month, and it may vary from month to month for a given Control Area. Entities that had requested those Import Rights, but which elect to return them to the NYISO prior to this deadline, will be under no further obligation associated with those Import Rights. Likewise, if the NYISO never makes such an announcement pertaining to Import Rights to import Installed Capacity from a given Control Area for a given month (because the NYISO never allocated all of the Import Rights that were available to permit the import of Installed Capacity from those Control Areas in those months), then the recipients of those Import Rights will be under no obligation to use those Import Rights to support the import of Installed Capacity to a New York LSE, nor will they be required to offer Installed Capacity into any NYISO-administered auctions. The NYISO will notify all Market Participants when Import Rights have been made available due to Import Rights that have been returned back to the NYISO from previously awarded Import Rights recipients. Any Import Rights that are returned to the NYISO shall be available for allocation to market participants using the same procedures for other Import Rights that are then remaining in the Capability Period. Entities that elect not to return those Import Rights by the deadline described above after such an announcement is made, and entities that are allocated Import Rights to import Installed Capacity from a Control Area for a given month after such an announcement has been issued for that Control Area and that month by the NYISO, shall demonstrate to the NYISO no later than the deadline for monthly certification, as provided by the applicable Capability Period on the Installed Capacity (ICAP) Market page of the NYISO Web site (, that they have used those Import Rights to support the import of Installed Capacity from the relevant Control Area into New York to meet the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation of an LSE serving load in the NYCA. If, by that time, the NYISO has not received from a holder of such Import Rights documentation of a certified bilateral agreement to supply Installed Capacity to a New York LSE using those Import Rights, the associated Installed Capacity will be offered for sale into the ICAP Spot Market Auction as price taker, i.e., at a price of $0/MW. The Supplier will be paid the market-clearing price for the Unforced Capacity, with such amount determined in accordance with this ICAP Manual. External Installed Capacity Sales in NYISO Administered Auction All purchasers of Unforced Capacity that is located in an External Control Area in an NYISO-administered auction shall receive the External Installed Capacity Import Rights necessary in order to permit that Unforced Capacity to count towards the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation; consequently, in order to ensure that there are sufficient External Installed Capacity Import Rights available, the NYISO shall limit the number of MW of Unforced Capacity that can be purchased in any External Control Area in each auctions. In each Capability Period Auction, the NYISO shall limit the number of MW of Unforced Capacity that can be purchased in any External Control Area to the number of MW of Unforced Capacity that can be provided by Installed Capacity Suppliers located in that Control Area and that satisfies the deliverability requirements in the NYISO's tariffs and this ICAP Manual, less all External Installed Capacity Import Rights that have been requested for that External Control Area under the provisions of this section. 4-40 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL In the Monthly Auctions, the NYISO shall limit the number of megawatts of Unforced Capacity that can be purchased in any External Control Area to the number of megawatts of Import Rights that the NYISO makes available for the Capability Period from that Control Area and that satisfies the deliverability requirements in the NYISO's tariffs and this ICAP Manual, less the number of megawatts of Unforced Capacity purchased in that External Control Area for that month in preceding Monthly Auctions and the Capability Period Auction, less all External Installed Capacity Import Rights that have been requested to support external Bilateral Transactions for that month. The NYISO will reduce External Installed Capacity Import Rights eligible to be used in the Capability Period Auction based on the allocations made according to the above procedures. 4.9.3 Additional External Installed Capacity Supplier Requirements Certification Entities that have received External Installed Capacity Import Rights, External CRIS Rights, or that are using UDRs to meet NYCA Locational Capacity Requirements must certify that Unforced Capacity sold to NYCA LSEs has not been sold elsewhere for each month that they intend to supply Unforced Capacity to the NYCA. These External Installed Capacity Suppliers and any Wheels-Through from an External Control Area to the NYCA or to another neighboring Control Area must provide the MIS transaction number to the NYISO on or before the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar . See also Section of this ICAP Manual for complete information in connection with monthly Installed Capacity Supplier certification requirements. The NYISO will verify this data with the appropriate External Control Area. Deliverability to NYCA Border External Installed Capacity Suppliers are required to demonstrate that the Energy associated with Unforced Capacity supplied to the NYCA is either deliverable to the NYCA border, or in the case of UDRs, to the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility. This demonstration occurs in two stages. Energy must be deliverable to the NYCA border or, when using UDRs, to the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility using the transmission service rules of the External Control Area. The following rules apply. a. For External Installed Capacity associated with Import Rights, (i) Secure External Installed Capacity Import Rights during the first-come, firstserve allocation period described above with a bilateral agreement; or (ii) Sell External Unforced Capacity in an NYISO-administered Installed Capacity auction pursuant to the procedures identified in this ICAP Manual; or b. For External Installed Capacity associated with UDRs, NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-41 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL (i) The External Installed Capacity must have a sufficient amount of UDRs either owned or under contract for the term of the transaction. Deliverability of Energy to the NYCA border associated with External Unforced Capacity is demonstrated as follows: a. For External Installed Capacity associated with Import Rights, demonstrate the ability to deliver Energy to the NYCA border for the time the Energy may be scheduled in the DAM, included in the Hour Ahead Market (HAM), or pursuant to an SRE, as applicable. If the transmission interface between the NYCA and the adjacent Control Area is full, the External Installed Capacity Supplier is not required to "bump" the entity whose Energy has been committed on the line and the Energy associated with External Unforced Capacity from that External Installed Capacity Supplier is not required to be delivered to the NYCA border. If the transmission tie between the NYCA and the Control Area where the External Installed Capacity Supplier is located was full but the External Control Area curtails an amount that would reduce the Import below the External Installed Capacity commitment level, the External Installed Capacity Supplier will be required to respond to the NYISO request and use the transmission capability to provide Energy to the NYCA; or F b. For External Installed Capacity associated with UDRs, demonstrate delivery of such Energy to the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility for the time the Energy may be scheduled in the DAM, included in the HAM, or pursuant to an SRE, as applicable. If the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility is full, the External Installed Capacity Supplier is not required to "bump" the entity whose Energy has been committed on the line and the Energy associated with External Unforced Capacity from that External Installed Capacity Supplier is not required to be delivered to the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility. If the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility was full but the External Control Area curtails an amount that would reduce the Import below the UDR transmission facility total transmission capability, the External Installed Capacity Supplier will be required to respond to the NYISO request and use the transmission capability to provide Energy to the NYCA. 4.9.4 Charges Associated with External Unforced Capacity Deficiencies In accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff, if an entity fails to deliver part or all of the Energy associated with External Unforced Capacity it sold in the NYCA (see section 4.9.3) it will be deemed retroactively deficient for such failure. External Installed Capacity Suppliers unable to deliver such Energy to the NYCA border will be assessed the deficiency charge for Unforced Capacity associated with such failure and will be deemed to have been deficient from the last time the External Installed Capacity Supplier "demonstrated" delivery of its Installed Capacity Equivalent (“ICE”), or any part thereof, until it next delivers its ICE or the end of the term for which it certified Unforced Capacity, 4-42 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL whichever occurs first, subject to the limitation that any prior lack of demonstrated delivery will not precede the beginning of the period for which the Unforced Capacity was certified. 4.9.5 Exports - External Sales of NYCA Installed Capacity Qualified NYCA Installed Capacity Resources that have sold Unforced Capacity to serve LSE obligations in External Control Areas must provide MIS transaction numbers for these exports to the NYISO via e-mail to by the deadline shown in the ICAP Event Calendar (i.e., in the month prior to ICAP export). The NYISO will verify this data with the appropriate External Control Area. 4.9.6 Maximum Allowances for Installed Capacity Provided by Resources Outside the NYCA (Excluding Resources Using UDRs) The maximum Installed Capacity Equivalent of Unforced Capacity that may be allocated for a NYCA interface is set forth in the tables below and may be reduced in accordance with this ICAP Manual Section These tables will be updated annually based on ISO reliability studies. See Attachment E for a list of Grandfathered contracts. With the exception of UDRs, Import Rights will be permitted on a first-come, first-serve basis in accordance with this ICAP Manual Section For Capability Year 2013-2014, the maximum amount of Installed Capacity that may be allocated for NYCA interfaces is: Amount of External ICAP Permitted to be Allocated for NYCA Interfaces Total (MW) Grandfathered (MW) Remaining (MW) 2480 87 (May 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013) 2393 (May 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013) 37 (January 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014) 2443 (January 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014) For Capability Year 2013-2014, the maximum amount of Installed Capacity subject to the above limits that may be allocated for NYCA interfaces from each of the following Control Areas is as follows: Neighboring Control Area Total (MW) Grandfathered (MW) Remaining (MW) PJM 1080 37 1043 ISO-NE 300 50 (May 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013) 250 (May 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013) 0 (January 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014) 300 (January 1, 2014 – April 30, 2014) 0 0 Ontario NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 0 4-43 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Quebec via Chateauguay 1100 Quebec via Cedars 0 1 1090 April - November 10 April - November 2391 December - March 861 December - March 0 0 The amount set forth in the table immediately above for PJM includes 1080 MW of PJM Import Rights which are subject to reservation in accordance with NYISO Services Tariff Section 5.12.2 in amounts up to those listed in the NYISO OATT Attachment L, Section 18.3, Table 3 (Existing Transmission Capacity for Native Load ETCNL), and includes 1090 MW of External CRIS Rights at the Chateauguay Interface and 37 MW of Grandfathered capacity in the PJM Control Area (as set forth in Attachment E of this ICAP Manual). Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights (UDRs) awarded, not subject to the above limits or first-come, first-serve Import Rights, are: Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights Cross Sound Cable (CSC) – New England to Long Island, Zone K 330 MW Neptune Cable – PJM to Long Island, Zone K 660 MW Linden VFT – PJM to New York City, Zone J 315 MW Hudson Transmission Project – PJM to New York City, Zone J2 660 MW The two tables in this Section 4.9.6 do not alter any obligation set forth in this ICAP Manual. 4.10 Procedures for Holders of External Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (CRIS) Rights Obligations of entities holding or seeking to obtain External CRIS Rights are set forth in Sections 25.7.11, 25.9.3, and 25.9.6 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S, and Section 5.12.2 of the NYISO Services Tariff. An External CRIS Right constitutes a commitment by the requesting entity to supply capacity through a certified bilateral contract and/or Auction capacity. Entities awarded External CRIS Rights are referred to as External CRIS Rights Holders in this ICAP Manual. 1 2 4-44 The MW at Quebec via Chateauguay are subject to Section 25.7.11 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. UDRs for Hudson Transmission Project become effective upon commencement of commercial operation, expected to be May 31, 2013. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.10.1 Specification of Contract and/or Non-Contract Commitment for External CRIS Rights Converted from Grandfathered Import Rights over the Quebec (via Chateauguay) Interface Entities who have requested to convert Grandfathered Quebec (via Chateauguay) Interface Rights and been awarded External CRIS Rights in accordance with Section of the NYISO OATT Attachment S must provide to the NYISO information specifying the amount of megawatts of Contract and Non-Contract Commitment associated with the awarded External CRIS Right. Specification of the amount of megawatts of Contract and Non-Contract Commitment must be received by the NYISO by the deadline set forth on the ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( Each request must contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. The identity of the External CRIS Right Holder making the request; The megawatt amount of Contract Commitment, in accordance with Section of NYISO OATT Attachment S; The megawatt amount of Non-Contract Commitment, in accordance with Section of NYISO OATT Attachment S; For Contract Commitment or bilateral portion of a Non-Contract Commitment, submission of executed bilateral contract, proof that the External CRIS Rights Holder has ownership or contract control of External Resources to fulfill its bilateral supply contract throughout the Award Period. The NYISO will respond to requests received for megawatt amounts of Contract and NonContract Commitment associated with conversion of Grandfathered Quebec (via Chateauguay) Interface Rights according to the schedule in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( The NYISO will notify the requesting party if its request has been accepted or rejected, with reasons for rejection, if such is the case. A rejection may be based on any of the following: Incomplete or inadequate information: Requests for megawatt amounts of Contract and Non-Contract Commitment inconsistent with Section and/or; If the requesting entity identifies a Contract Commitment or bilateral agreement within a Non-Contract Agreement, late receipt of supporting documentation of bilateral agreements; Unqualified External Installed Capacity Resources. 4.10.2 New Awards of External CRIS Rights Entities who have been awarded External CRIS Rights through a Class Year Deliverability Study in accordance with Section of the NYISO OATT Attachment S must provide to the NYISO information specifying the amount of megawatts of Contract and Non-Contract Commitment associated with the awarded External CRIS Right. New NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-45 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL External CRIS Rights will take effect at the start of a Capability Period. Requests for specifying the amount of megawatts of Contract and Non-Contract Commitment must be received by the NYISO according to the ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( Each request must contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. The identity of the External CRIS Right Holder making the request; The megawatt amount of Contract Commitment, in accordance with Section of NYISO OATT Attachment S; The megawatt amount of Non-Contract Commitment, in accordance with Section of NYISO OATT Attachment S; For Contract Commitment or bilateral portion of a Non-Contract Commitment, submission of executed bilateral contract, proof that the External CRIS Rights Holder has ownership or contract control of External Resources to fulfill its bilateral supply contract throughout the Award Period. The NYISO will respond to requests received for megawatt amounts of Contract and NonContract Commitment for new awards of External CRIS Rights according to the schedule in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( The NYISO will notify the requesting party if its request has been accepted or rejected, with reasons for rejection, if such is the case. A rejection may be based on any of the following: Incomplete or inadequate information: Requests for megawatt amounts of Contract and Non-Contract Commitment inconsistent with Section and/or; If the requesting entity identifies a Contract Commitment or bilateral agreement within a Non-Contract Agreement, late receipt of supporting documentation of bilateral agreements; Unqualified External Installed Capacity Resources. 4.10.3 Renewal of External CRIS Rights Requirements concerning the renewal of External CRIS Rights are specified in Section 25.9.3 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. Renewals of existing External CRIS Rights will take effect at the start of a Capability Period. On renewal of an existing External CRIS Right, the Supply Failure count is set to zero. Requests for renewal of External CRIS Rights must be received by the NYISO according to the timing specified in Section of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. Each request must contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4-46 The identity of the External CRIS Right Holder making the request; The External CRIS Right Number being renewed; The megawatt amount of the External CRIS Right to be renewed; E-mail address of the requesting party to which the NYISO can respond. For Contract Commitment or bilateral portion of a Non-Contract Commitment, submission of executed bilateral contract, proof that the External CRIS Rights NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Holder has ownership or contract control of External Resources to fulfill its bilateral supply contract throughout the Award Period. 4.10.4 Transfer of External CRIS Rights Requests for transfer of External CRIS Rights must be received by the NYISO no later than the deadline in the ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided (, but in any event no later than the deadline identified in Section 25.9.6 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. Each request must contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The identity of the External CRIS Right Holder making the request (Transferor); The identity of the NYISO Customer to whom the External CRIS Right is being transferred (Transferee); The External CRIS Right Number from which the transfer is made; Confirmation that the External CRIS Rights are located at the same Interface; The megawatt amount of Contract and/or Non-Contract Commitment External CRIS Right to be transferred, consistent with the provisions of Section of the NYISO OATT Attachment S governing the number of MW committed in the Summer and Winter Capability Periods); The Auction Month in which the first offer of External CRIS will be submitted by Transferee; E-mail address of the requesting party to which the NYISO can respond. In addition, the NYISO must receive from the Transferee of the External CRIS Right information on the type(s) (Contract or Non-Contract Commitment) of External CRIS Right requested in accordance with Section 25.9.6 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. If requesting all or some portion of the External CRIS Right as a Contract Commitment or bilateral agreement within a Non-Contract Commitment, the NYISO must receive from the Transferee an executed bilateral contract, and proof that the holder of External CRIS Rights has ownership or contract control of External Resources to fulfill its bilateral supply contract throughout the Award Period. All External CRIS Rights transfers shall take effect on the first month of the Capability Period subsequent to the date of approval by the NYISO. Upon receipt of a request for transfer and supporting documentation from the Transferee, the NYISO will notify the requesting party within thirty (30) business days if its request has been accepted or rejected, with reasons for rejection, if such is the case. A rejection may be based on the criteria specified in the NYISO OATT Attachment S and for additional reasons such as, but not limited to, the following: Incomplete or inadequate information: Megawatt amount of transfer greater than existing External CRIS Right; If Transferee identifies a Contract Commitment or bilateral agreement within a NonContract Agreement, late receipt of supporting documentation of bilateral agreements; or Unqualified External Installed Capacity Resources. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-47 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL When an External CRIS Right is transferred in full or in part to a Transferee, the Transferee does not have to elect the same megawatt amounts of Contract and Non-Contract as elected by the Transferor as part of the existing External CRIS Right. All other terms of the External CRIS Right transfer to the Transferee, including the effective end date. When an External CRIS Right is transferred in full or in part, the Transferee starts with zero Supply Failures for that External CRIS Right. The Transferor will retain its Supply Failure count and if all or any portion of the External CRIS Right is transferred back to the Transferor at any point in time, the recipient's Supply Failure count will be the same number it was when the recipient transferred the External CRIS Rights. An External CRIS Right Holder that has sold some or all of the MW associated with the External CRIS Right in future months cannot transfer an amount of External CRIS MW in excess of the unsold amount. Offers by the Transferor for Auction months subsequent to the transfer date will not count towards satisfying the Transferee's must-offer requirement (as defined in Section of the NYISO OATT Attachment S). 4.10.5 External CRIS Bilateral Contract Supporting Documentation The NYISO must receive from holders of External CRIS Rights that have specified an amount of MW of Contract Commitment or Non-Contract Commitment via one or more bilateral agreements, supporting documents on or before the date prior to the Monthly Auction set forth on the ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( 4.10.6 Non-Contract Commitment Must-offer Requirement Installed Capacity Suppliers holding megawatt amounts of Non-Contract Commitment that are not associated with bilateral agreements are subject to a must-offer requirement as defined in Section of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. If offers of megawatt amounts of Non-Contract Commitment are submitted in multiple auctions for the same auction month (including amounts offered in prior months for the then-current auction month), the amount of megawatts required to be offered in that month's Spot Market auction will be calculated according to the following rule: MW Spot auction offer requirement = MW External CRIS commitment – {MW Strip offer + max[ 0, MW Monthly offer - (MW strip offer - MW strip award)]} Where: MW ICAP Spot Auction offer requirement = the amount of MWs required to be offered in a particular month; MW External CRIS commitment = the amount of Non-Contract CRIS MW not associated with bilateral agreements MW Strip offer = the MW offered from this Non-Contract Commitment in that month's Strip Auction 4-48 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL MW Monthly offer = the MW offered from this Non-Contract Commitment in that month's Monthly Auction MW Strip award = the MW sold from this Non-Contract Commitment in that month's Strip Auction As an example, assume a Non-Contract Commitment CRIS Right not associated with bilateral agreements of 300 MW. If 100 MW is offered in a particular month's Capability Period Auction (of which 60 MW clears), 110 MW is offered in that month's Monthly Auction (of which 70 MW clears), the ICAP Spot Market offer requirement would be 130 MW (300 MW commitment - {100 MW strip offer + [110 MW monthly offer - (100 MW strip offer - 60 MW strip award)]}). 4.10.7 Non-Contract Commitment Offer Cap Installed Capacity Suppliers holding megawatt amounts of Non-Contract Commitment that are not associated with bilateral agreements are subject to an offer cap in any auction in which part of that commitment is offered. Section of the NYISO Services Tariff describes the offer cap. Section of the NYISO Services Tariff sets forth the formula for the ISO to compute the internal cap component of the offer cap. The inputs for the internal cap component will depend on the particular auction to which the cap is applied: For the Capability Period Auction, and the first Monthly Auction of a Capability Period, the internal cap component will be calculated as 1.1 times the projected clearing price based on the quantity of megawatts identified in data in the NYISO's then-current Load and Capacity Data Report (Gold Book); For all ICAP Spot Market Auctions, the internal cap component will be calculated as 1.1 times the projected clearing price for each ICAP Spot Market Auction determined based on the applicable ICAP Demand Curve and the total quantity of Unforced Capacity from all Installed Capacity Suppliers in the NYCA, determined at the certification deadline, for the month associated with the applicable ICAP Spot Market Auction. For all Monthly Auctions except the first in a Capability Period, the internal cap component will equal the internal cap component determined for the previous month's ICAP Spot Market Auction (e.g., the internal cap component for the July Monthly Auction would equal the internal cap component computed for the June Spot Market Auction). The NYISO will post the data used to determine the internal cap component for the Capability Period Auction and the first Monthly Auction of a Capability Period according to the schedule in the ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( The internal cap component for all other ICAP auctions will be determined each month after the certification deadline. Section of the NYISO Services Tariff defines the External cap component of the offer cap. For External CRIS Rights sourced from PJM, the NYISO will use the most recent NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-49 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL auction price for the RTO Locational Deliverability Area (LDA) posted on the PJM website at (or if such web address is no longer applicable, such other location at which PJM makes the information available). For External CRIS Rights sourced from ISO-NE, the NYISO will use the most recent auction price for the Rest-of-Pool posted on the ISO-NE website at (or if such web address is no longer applicable, such other location at which ISO-NE makes the information available). For External CRIS Rights sourced from a Control Area in Canada, the NYISO will use the higher of the most recent auction prices from PJM and ISO-NE. In accordance with Section of the NYISO Services Tariff, the NYISO will factor in transmission reservation costs associated with providing Installed Capacity. Firm transmission charges imposed in the External market that are required to supply energy are not included in the External cap component. Installed Capacity Suppliers submitting offers in Monthly Auctions for future months (e.g., submitting offers for June through August in the June Monthly Auction) will be subject to the currently-effective offer cap calculated for the auction month in which the offers are submitted (e.g., the offer cap for the June Monthly Auction would apply in the June Monthly Auction to offers for July and August). 4.10.8 Failure to Meet External CRIS Rights Commitment External CRIS Rights Holders are subject to offer requirements specified in Section 25.7.11 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. Entities that fail to certify or fail to offer the full amount of Contract or Non-Contract CRIS MW incur a Supply Failure of the terms of the External CRIS Rights award. For each instance of a Supply Failure, Section 25.7.11 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S imposes a deficiency charge on the Rights Holder that incurred the Supply Failure. 4.10.9 Termination of External CRIS Rights When the Supply Failure threshold identified in Section 25.7.11 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S is exceeded, that External CRIS Right (both Contract and Non-Contract MWs) will be terminated. An External CRIS Rights Holder whose Right has been terminated due to exceeding the number of allowable Supply Failures and who has sold Capacity in future Strip or Monthly Auctions retains the obligation to supply that Capacity. Termination of an External CRIS Right will trigger a recalculation of deliverability headroom and resulting monthly Import Right limits using the shift factors determined in the most recent Import Rights Deliverability Study and removing the amount of megawatts of the terminated External CRIS Right that remains unsold for the remainder of the Capability Period. 4-50 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.11 System Resources A System Resource is defined as a portfolio of Unforced Capacity provided by Resources located in a single ISO-defined Locality, the remainder of the NYCA, or any single External Control Area, that is owned by or under the control of a single entity, which is not the operator of the Control Area where such Resources are located, and that is made available, in whole or in part, to the NYISO. System Resources may be External or Internal to the NYCA. Please refer to Section 4.4.3 and Attachment J, Section 3.4, for information regarding Resources operated by the operator of the Control Area in which the Resources are located. The System Resource must be in a Control Area that either (a) will not recall or curtail transactions from the Resource to satisfy its own Control Area Load, or (b) will afford the NYCA Load the same curtailment priority that it affords its own Control Area Load. 4.11.1 Permissible Aggregations For the purposes of aggregating System Resources, there are seven eight defined areas in which Installed Capacity Suppliers may reside. These are: 1. 2. 2.3. 3.4. New York City Zone Long Island Zone G-J Locality All other NYCA Load Zones and the neighboring Control Areas operated by: 1. 2. 3. 4. PJM ISO-NE Quebec Ontario Resources located in the Ontario Control Area may not qualify as Installed Capacity Suppliers, since this Control Area does not currently meet the ISO’s recall or Curtailment requirements for Installed Capacity Suppliers. A single entity may aggregate its Resources located in Load Zones G, H, and I into a portfolio for purposes of entering into System Resource Installed Capacity transactions for the G-J Locality. Within the other sixseven areas a single entity may aggregate its Generators into a portfolio for the purposes of entering into System Resource Installed Capacity transactions, so long as all the Generators included in the portfolio reside within the same area. Any entity that wishes to make System Resource sales must provide the required DMNC test data to the NYISO for each Generator in its portfolio, unless that entity can re-dispatch Resources under its control located within an External Control Area to maintain a pre-determined interchange schedule between that Control Area and the NYCA. The Unforced Capacity associated with an External Grandfathered Right may not be aggregated with other Resources as a System Resource. For example, an owner may operate Generators in PJM and the Long Island Zone. The Generators in PJM may be aggregated or the Generators in the Long Island Zone may be NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-51 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL aggregated. Generators in PJM and the Long Island Zone may not be combined with each other. 4.11.2 External System Resources The NYISO requires the following information for each Resource aggregated as an External System Resource. The entity aggregating the Resources is responsible for the NYISO's receipt of the information. Name and location of Generators included in the portfolio. Documentation that satisfies the General Requirements for DMNC determination specified in Section 4.2 of this ICAP Manual. Documentation that satisfies the Maintenance Scheduling Requirements specified in Section 4.3 of this ICAP Manual. Documentation that satisfies the Operating Data information submission requirements specified in Section 4.4 of this ICAP Manual. Expected return date from full or partial outages. Certification that Unforced Capacity supplied to the NYCA has not been supplied elsewhere. 4.11.3 Control Area System Resources Control Area System Resources or the purchasers of Unforced Capacity from those Resources shall not be required to conduct DMNC tests and submit DMNC test results to the NYISO. Instead, the NYISO shall calculate a net projected capacity (the “Net Projected Capacity”) for each Control Area System Resource based on (1) monthly forecast data submitted by the Control Area System Resource pursuant to this Section (the “Forecast Data”), and (2) the formula set forth below. To calculate the amount of UCAP each Control Area System Resource may supply to the NYCA, the NYISO shall use the formulae provided in Attachment J of this ICAP Manual, which adjusts the Net Projected Capacity on the basis of CARL Data submitted monthly by the Control Area System Resource pursuant to Section 4.4.3 of this ICAP Manual. To qualify as ICAP Suppliers, Control Area System Resources or the purchasers of Unforced Capacity from those Resources shall provide Forecast Data in a form acceptable to the NYISO on or before the date and time specified and in compliance with the requirements set forth in Section of this ICAP Manual, which are otherwise applicable to the NYISO's receipt of DMNC test results by Generators. Forecast Data shall cover the period for which Control Area System Resources or purchasers of Unforced Capacity from those Resources want to supply Unforced Capacity to the NYCA. For example, Control Area System Resources that wish to participate in the 2001-2002 Winter Capability Period Auction shall provide to the NYISO Forecast Data for each of the six (6) months of the 2001-2002 Winter Capability Period on or before the specified date and time. Forecast Data for a Control Area System Resource providing Installed Capacity from Control Area c shall include the following information for each month m for which that Control Area System Resource (or purchaser of Capacity from such resource) wishes to provide Installed Capacity: 4-52 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Total forecasted maximum generating Capacity in the Control Area c during month m (without any adjustments for External firm Capacity purchases, or sales, outages and maintenance) (CAPcm); External forecasted firm Capacity purchases by Control Area c, other than purchases from Resources in the NYCA during month m (EPcm); The forecasted amount of load management (i.e., interruptible load) in Control Area c during month m (LMcm); Forecasted peak Load for Control Area c during month m, including system losses (PLcm); Forecasted external firm Capacity sales by Control Area c during month m, other than firm Capacity sales to the NYCA (EScm); Forecasted losses, up to the border of the NYCA that would be incurred on transactions corresponding to sales of Unforced Capacity by that Control Area System Resource outside the Control Area (LScm); The amount of generating capacity that is forecasted to be unavailable in Control Area c due to planned maintenance during month m (PMcm); and Planning reserve requirements during month m for the Control Area c corresponding to reserve requirements necessary for this Control Area c to meet NERC Resource Adequacy and applicable reliability council criteria, taking into account all sales of Capacity from this Control Area c (PRcm). In cases in which any of the above data items is forecasted to vary from hour to hour within a month, the forecasted monthly value submitted for that data item should be the forecasted value of that data item during the peak load hour for that month for Control Area c. To calculate the Net Projected Capacity of each Control Area System Resource for a specific month, the NYISO shall use the following formula: NPCcm = CAPcm + EPcm + LMcm – PLcm – EScm – LScm – PMcm – PRcm. Net Projected Capacity shall be used to determine the amount of Unforced Capacity a Control Area System Resource can provide using the equations in Section 3.4 of Attachment J to this ICAP Manual. 4.12 Special Case Resources Special Case Resources are Demand Side Resources whose Load is capable of being interrupted upon demand, and/or Demand Side Resources that have a Local Generator, , which is not visible to the ISO’s Market Information System and is rated 100 kW or higher, that can be operated to reduce Load from the NYS Transmission System and/or the distribution system at the direction of the NYISO. Small customer aggregations may also qualify as SCRs. The Unforced Capacity of a Special Case Resource corresponds to its pledged amount of Load reduction as adjusted by historical performance factors (i.e., test and event performance) and as increased by the Transmission District loss factor. The calculation of this amount shall be made in accordance with Section 3.3 of Attachment J to this ICAP Manual. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-53 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.12.1 Claiming of Unforced Capacity and RIPs The Unforced Capacity of a Special Case Resource except a New Special Case Resource may be freely sold in Bilateral Transactions. However, such Unforced Capacity may not be claimed by an LSE towards satisfaction of its own LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation or be offered into an auction administered by the NYISO unless there is a RIP with respect to such Special Case Resource. RIPs are Market Participants that agree to be bound by the notification and other requirements applicable to RIPs under this Section 4.12. RIPs shall be responsible for all forms of communication to and from the NYISO for purposes of Minimum Payment Nomination, notification, dispatch, validation, billing and verification of Special Case Resources and the Unforced Capacity associated with Special Case Resources. 4.12.2 General Requirements In order to enroll Special Case Resources, every RIP must use the Demand Response Information System (DRIS) to import the specified enrollment file. The RIP must upload the enrollment file into the DRIS on or before the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar. Each Special Case Resource must obtain an identification number from the NYISO and be accepted by the NYISO as an Installed Capacity Supplier before the Unforced Capacity from the Special Case Resource can be claimed by an LSE towards its LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation or offered in an auction administered by the NYISO. A Special Case Resource that is enrolled must also be accepted by the NYISO before the enrollment is effective. Once accepted, a Special Case Resource is a “New Special Case Resource” if it is enrolled in a Mitigated Capacity ZoneIn-City (a) from the date of the ICAP Spot Market Auction into which it is first offered, to the calendar date immediately preceding the date of the ICAP Spot Market Auction twelve (12) months after the initial ICAP Spot Market Auction into which the Special Case Resource was offered, and at any other time (b) beginning on the date of the ICAP Spot Market Auction into which it is offered if, prior to such ICAP Spot Market Auction, the Special Case Resource is not offered in (x) a Capacity market auction or (y) as a Resource in a Bilateral Transaction certified by both parties, provided it was an eligible Resource for such auction or Bilateral Transaction, at any point within the immediately preceding twelve (12) consecutive months, and at any time after being accepted by the NYISO as Special Case Resource. A New Special Case Resource located in a Mitigated Capacity Zone, except New York City, shall be exempt from the Offer Floor if it was enrolled with the ISO as a Special Case Resource for any month within the Capability Year that includes March 31 in an ICAP Demand Curve Reset Filing Year in which the ISO proposes a New Capacity Zone that includes the location of the New Special Case Resource (e.g., any month in the 2012/13 Capability Year for the 2013 Demand Curve Reset Filing Year.) New Special Case Resources are eligible Resources only in the ICAP Spot Market Auction; UCAP from New Special Case Resource may not be used to cover UCAP offered in a Capability Period Auction, Monthly Auction, or through a Bilateral Transaction. If a New Special Case Resource is included in UCAP certified for a Capability Period Auction or Monthly Auction sale, or through a Bilateral Transaction certified by both parties to the 4-54 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL transaction, the amount of UCAP attributable to the New Special Case Resource will constitute a shortfall. Every RIP must enroll a Special Case Resource with the NYISO in accordance with the schedule specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar, which can be found at the following location on the NYISO Web site: Interval meters are required of all Special Case Resources, unless the Special Case Resources are part of a Small Customer Aggregation. Such metering must satisfy all requirements of the Metering, Verification, Billing and Settlement Section of the NYISO Emergency Demand Response Program Manual, available from the NYISO Web site at The metering must also reflect the end-use nature of the Special Case Resource, i.e., single metering of multiple end-use customers on primary, secondary, or tie-line feeders is prohibited. A Special Case Resource that supplies Load reductions solely through the use of a distributed generator (whether or not operated in parallel with the NYCA) and that elects to measure such Load reductions by metering the output of such distributed generator in accordance with Sections and of this ICAP Manual hereto shall report to the NYISO DMNC test data as part of its Special Case Resource enrollment in addition to other generator information requested in that enrollment. A Special Case Resource that supplies Load reductions solely through the use of a distributed generator and that elects to measure such Load reductions by metering the output of such distributed generator in accordance with Sections and of this ICAP Manual must deduct from the output of such generator: (i) any auxiliary Load consumed by the generator and supplied from an external source; and (ii) any Load from a load bank used in conjunction with the generator when responding to NYISO dispatch under Section 4.12.3. A Special Case Resource may specify generation in excess of its facility load, provided that it has installed metering capability satisfactory to the NYISO in order to quantify the net load change during a curtailment. By enrolling a Special Case Resource that is a generator, the RIP is certifying to the NYISO, on behalf of itself and the Special Case Resource, that the Special Case Resource has obtained all necessary regulatory approvals to sell energy at wholesale and meet applicable utility interconnection and delivery (including metering) requirements. Special Case Resources must meet the qualifications and comply with the procedures described below. A RIP claiming Unforced Capacity from Special Case Resources must comply with the requirements and procedures set forth in the ICAP Manual. The Unforced Capacity of Special Case Resources may only be offered in auctions administered by the NYISO or be claimed by an LSE towards its LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation in even increments of 100 kW (e.g. 590 kW of Unforced Capacity would be rounded down to 500 kW). However, Special Case Resources may be aggregated into an SCR Aggregation to minimize the effect of this requirement, provided that each such Aggregation is identified as a single block of Unforced Capacity. Aggregations of this type may be used to meet the 100 kW block requirement. The RIP shall report the performances of each Special Case Resource individually directly into the DRIS using an import file formatted as specified in the NYISO Demand Response NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-55 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Information System User's Guide (available from the NYISO Web site at The NYISO shall track each Special Case Resource’s performance in accordance with the procedures contained in this Section 4.12. Performance measurements will be calculated in accordance with Sections and of this ICAP Manual. The NYISO shall calculate a separate SCR Aggregation performance factor that recognizes over-performance by one Special Case Resource to compensate for under-performance in the same hour by another Special Case Resource in the same SCR Aggregation. The minimum hourly performance of an individual Special Case Resource shall be zero (0). Special Case Resources may be transferred from one SCR Aggregation to another SCR Aggregation within a RIP's portfolio during the Aggregation Management period as specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar. Following the Aggregation Management period, the NYISO shall recalculate the SCR Aggregation performance factor for each SCR Aggregation. The SCR Aggregation performance factor shall be calculated in accordance with Sections and of this ICAP Manual. RIP Performance Factor: For each Capability Period in which a RIP enrolls resources, the NYISO shall calculate a performance factor for the RIP ("RIP Performance Factor"). The RIP Performance Factor shall be based on the performance of all Special Case Resources registered to the RIP in the Capability Period; provided, however, over-performance in an hour, will offset underperformance in the same hour, by Special Case Resources in the RIP's portfolio, and the minimum hourly performance of an individual Special Case Resource shall be zero (0). The RIP Performance Factor shall be used as the performance factor for any new Special Case Resource that never participated in a like Capability Period. For each Responsible Interface Party that has never participated in the NYISO's market as a RIP, for the first Winter Capability Period and the first Summer Capability Period, the RIP's Performance Factor shall be computed by the NYISO as the average of all of the performance factors of all Special Case Resources registered in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, and the Capability Period immediately preceding the Prior Equivalent Capability Period. RIP performance for purposes of determining whether a RIP was deficient during any month in the Capability Period will be based on the performance of its Special Case Resources on a Load Zone basis. A RIP will not be charged with a deficiency charge if the total performance of its individual Special Case Resources in a Load Zone eligible to be sold within its committed supply meets or exceeds the total capacity sold by the RIP in that Load Zone, in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff. Within a Load Zone, if the RIP’s Special Case Resources eligible to be sold in the applicable Capacity auction or through a Bilateral Transaction does not meet its full commitment, the RIP will be subject to deficiency penalties as applicable to any Installed Capacity Resource. The NYISO will also allow participation by aggregations of small customers using alternative metering and performance measurement subject to the procedures and limitations set forth in the NYISO Emergency Demand Response Program Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: 4-56 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL, except that the total of all such aggregations for Special Case Resources shall not exceed 100 MW. Each small customer aggregation will be reviewed by the NYISO staff and the Installed Capacity Working Group, and must be approved by at least four of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Management Committee and the Business Issues Committee and the Chairs of the Installed Capacity Working Group and Price Responsive Load Working Group. The RIP shall report the performance of each small customer aggregation (each aggregation separate from any other aggregation and separate from resources not in the aggregation) directly into the DRIS, using an import file formatted as specified in the NYISO Demand Response Information System User's Guide. The RIP shall provide additional documentation to verify performance as requested by the NYISO. Calculation of UCAP and Installed Capacity Equivalent for Special Case Resources The amount of UCAP that can be provided by a Special Case Resource that provides capacity wholly or partially by means of non-generator based load reduction shall be calculated using the equations specified in subsection when a Provisional ACL applies and subsection for all other Special Case Resources that provide capacity wholly or partially by means of non-generator based load reduction. The amount of UCAP that can be provided by a Special Case Resource that provides capacity solely by means of load reductions achieved through operation of one or more generators may be calculated using the equations specified in either subsection or subsection The amount of UCAP that can be provided by an SCR Aggregation of Special Case Resources shall be calculated using the equations specified in subsection The Installed Capacity Equivalent of Special Case Resources shall be as specified in subsection Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL UCAP Q gm ACLP gm CMD gm max ACLP gh AMDgh ,0 min ,1 ACLP gh CMD gh h LRHgbe 1 TLF x gv NLRH gbe Where: UCAPQgm = the Unforced Capacity that Resource g is qualified to provide in month m; ACLPgm = the Provisional Average Coincident Load for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; in accordance with Section 4.12.4 of this ICAP Manual ; NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-57 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL CMDgm = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; LRHgbe = the set of hours (each an hour h) in the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which Resource g was requested to reduce load; P ACL gh = the Provisional Average Coincident Load for Resource g applicable to hour h, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS as of time e in accordance with Section 4.12.4 of this ICAP Manual; AMDgh = the Average Minimum Demand for Resource g for hour h, using data using data reported in the performance data file uploaded to DRIS; CMDgh = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to hour h, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; NLRHgbe = the number of hours during the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which Resource g was required to reduce load (including any hour in which Resource g was required to reduce load by the ISO as part of a test); b= the Capability Period prior to the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed, unless Resource g had not begun at that time to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load, in which case b is the earlier of time e or the time at which Resource g began to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load; e= the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed; and TLFgv = the applicable transmission loss factor for Resource g, expressed in decimal form (i.e. a loss factor of 8% is equal to .08). The applicable transmission loss factor shall be the loss factor for deliveries of Energy at voltage level v by the relevant TO to the retail customer where the Resource g is located as reflected in the TO’s most recent rate case and stored in DRIS. If NLRHgbe = 0, then the calculation of UCAPQgm shall be performed as though the value of max ACLP gh AMD gh ,0 min ,1 P ACL CMD gh h LRHgbe gh NLRH gbe in the equation above were 1; provided, however, that if Resource g had not begun to serve as a Special Case Resource at time e, then the max ACLP gh AMD gh ,0 min ,1 ACLP gh CMD gh h LRHgbe NLRH gbe value of in the equation above shall be set equal to an average historical performance factor calculated by the ISO for all Special Case Resources. Until such a calculation is performed and posted by the ISO, this factor shall equal 1. 4-58 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource using the Average Coincident Load baseline UCAP Q gm ACLgm max ACL gh AMD gh ,0 min ,1 ACL gh CMD gh hLRHgbe 1 TLF CMD gm x gv NLRH gbe Where: UCAPQgm = the Unforced Capacity that Resource g is qualified to provide in month m; ACLgm = the Average Coincident Load for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; for month m in accordance with Section 4.12.4 of this ICAP Manual ; CMDgm = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; LRHgbe = the set of hours (each an hour h) in the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which Resource g was requested to reduce load; ACLgh = the Average Coincident Load for Resource g applicable to hour h, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS as of time e; AMDgh = the Average Minimum Demand for Resource g for hour h, using data reported in the performance data file uploaded to DRIS; CMDgh = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to hour h, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; NLRHgbe = the number of hours during the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which Resource g was required to reduce load (including any hour in which Resource g was required to reduce load by the ISO as part of a test); b= the Capability Period prior to the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed, unless Resource g had not begun at that time to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load, in which case b is the earlier of time e or the time at which Resource g began to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load; e= the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed; and TLFgv = the applicable transmission loss factor for Resource g, expressed in decimal form (i.e. a loss factor of 8% is equal to .08). The applicable transmission loss factor shall be the loss factor for deliveries of Energy at voltage level v by the relevant TO to the retail customer where the Resource g is located as reflected in the TO’s most recent rate case and stored in DRIS. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-59 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL If NLRHgbe = 0, then the calculation of UCAPQgm shall be performed as though the value of max ACLgh AMDgh ,0 min ,1 ACL CMD hLRHgbe gh gh NLRH gbe in the equation above were 1; provided, however, that if Resource g had not begun to serve as a Special Case Resource at time e, then the max ACLgh AMDgh ,0 min ,1 ACL CMD hLRHgbe gh gh NLRH gbe value of in the equation above shall be set equal to an average historical performance factor calculated by the ISO for all Special Case Resources. Until such a calculation is performed and posted by the ISO, this factor shall equal 1. Determining the Amount of UCAP for a Generator Based Special Case Resource AGO gh min CGO hLRHgbe gh DMNC gm NLRH gbe UCAP Q gm ,1 1 TLF gv Where: UCAPQgm = the Unforced Capacity that Resource g is qualified to provide in month m; DMNCgm = the total of DMNC ratings for all generators used to reduce load at Resource g which are applicable for month m, which shall be the most recent Summer DMNC ratings for the generators calculated in accordance with ISO procedures if month m is part of a Summer Capability Period, or the most recent Winter DMNC ratings for the generators calculated in accordance with ISO procedures if month m is part of a Winter Capability Period, as of the close of business on the last business day preceding the Monthly Installed Capacity Auction that is conducted during the month preceding month m; LRHgbe = the set of hours (each an hour h) in the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which Resource g was required to reduce load; NLRHgbe = the number of hours during the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which Resource g was required to operate in order to offset system load (including any hour in which Resource g was required to operate by the ISO as part of a test); AGOgh = the average output of the generator(s) located at Resource g during an hour h using data reported in the performance data file uploaded to DRIS; CGOgh = the Contracted Generator Output for the generator(s) located at Resource g applicable to an hour h, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; 4-60 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL b= the Capability Period prior to the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed, unless Resource g had not begun at that time to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load, in which case b is the earlier of time e or the time at which Resource g began to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load; e= the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed; and TLFgv = the applicable transmission loss factor for Resource g, expressed in decimal form (i.e. a loss factor of 8% is equal to .08). The applicable transmission loss factor shall be the loss factor for deliveries of Energy at voltage level v by the relevant TO to the retail customer where the Resource g is located as reflected in the TO’s most recent rate case and stored in DRIS. If NLRHgbe = 0, then the calculation of UCAPQgm shall be performed as though the value of AGOgh min ,1 CGO hLRHgbe gh NLRH gbe in the equation above were 1; provided, however, that if Resource g had not begun to serve as a Special Case Resource at time e, then the value of AGOgh min ,1 CGO hLRHgbe gh NLRH gbe in the equation above shall be set equal to an average historical performance factor calculated by the ISO for all Special Case Resources. Until such a calculation is performed and posted by the ISO, this factor shall equal 1. Determining the Amount of UCAP for an SCR Aggregation of Special Case Resources Q UCAP am am max ACL* gh AMDgh ,0 min ah hLRHgbe ACL* gh CMDgh * ACL gm CMD x gm NLRHabe * ACLngm CMDngm xPFRIP am 1 TLF ,1 gv Where: UCAPQam = the Unforced Capacity that SCR Aggregation a is qualified to provide in month m; * ACL gm = any form of the Average Coincident Load (including Provisional or Net ACL adjusted for Change of Status) for Resource g applicable to month m, using data NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-61 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; for month m, in accordance with Section 4.12.4 of this ICAP Manual; CMDgm = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; LRHgbe = the set of hours (each an hour h) in the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which Resource g was requested to reduce load; ACLgh = the Average Coincident Load for Resource g applicable to hour h, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS as of time e in accordance with Section 4.12.4 of this ICAP Manual; AMDgh = the Average Minimum Demand for Resource g for hour h, using data reported in the performance data file uploaded to DRIS; CMDgh = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to hour h, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; NLRHabe = the number of hours during the period beginning at time b and ending at time e in which SCR Aggregation a was required to reduce load (including any hour in which SCR Aggregation a was required to reduce load by the ISO as part of a test); b= the Capability Period prior to the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed, unless Resource g had not begun at that time to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load, in which case b is the earlier of time e or the time at which Resource g began to serve as a Special Case Resource available to reduce load; e= the Prior Equivalent Capability Period in which the performance factor is being computed; TLFgv = the applicable transmission loss factor for Resource g, expressed in decimal form (i.e. a loss factor of 8% is equal to .08). The applicable transmission loss factor shall be the loss factor for deliveries of Energy at voltage level v by the relevant TO to the retail customer where the Resource g is located as reflected in the TO’s most recent rate case and stored in DRIS; * ACL ngm = any form of the Average Coincident Load (including Provisional or Net ACL adjusted for Change of Status) for a new Resource g with no performance history applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; for month m, in accordance with Section 4.12.4 of this ICAP Manual; CMDngm = the Contract Minimum Demand for a new Resource g with no performance history applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS; and PFRIP= the Performance Factor of Responsible Interface Party RIP applicable to the current Capability Period, using the RIP performance factor calculated in DRIS. 4-62 Determining the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Amount of UCAP Supplied NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL ICE for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL The ICE of a Special Case Resource g that provides capacity wholly or partially by means of non-generator based load reduction shall be calculated as follows when a Provisional ACL is in effect: ICEgm = ACLPgm – CMDgm Where: ICEgm = the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resource g supplies in month m; ACLPgm = the Provisional Average Coincident Load for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS, as calculated in accordance with Section 4.12.4 of this ICAP Manual above; and CMDgm = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS. ICE for a Non-Generator Based Special Case Resource using the Average Coincident Load baseline The ICE of a Special Case Resource g that provides capacity wholly or partially by means of non-generator based load reduction shall be calculated as follows: ICEgm = ACLgm – CMDgm Where: ICEgm = the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resource g supplies in month m; ACLgm = the Average Coincident Load for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS, as calculated in Section above; and CMDgm = the Contract Minimum Demand for Resource g applicable to month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS. ICE for a Generator Based Special Case Resource The ICE of a Special Case Resource that provides capacity solely by means of load reductions achieved through operation of one or more generators shall be as follows: NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-63 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL ICEgm = CGOgm Where: ICEgm = the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity that Resource g supplies in month m; and CGOgm = the Contracted Generator Output for the generator(s) located at Resource g applicable for month m, using data reported in the enrollment file uploaded to DRIS. 4.12.3 Minimum Payment Nomination Requirements For each month in which a Special Case Resource supplies Unforced Capacity to the NYCA, the RIP must specify in the Demand Response Information System (DRIS) a Minimum Payment Nomination that will reflect the minimum guarantee price the Special Case Resource will be paid if called upon to reduce Load equal to the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity it has supplied. There is no minimum Minimum Payment Nomination and a Special Case Resource’s Minimum Payment Nomination cannot exceed $500/MWh. This Minimum Payment Nomination, or Energy curtailment payment designation, associated with a Special Case Resource’s Unforced Capacity will not be entered in the Day-Ahead Market, but instead will serve as a strike price that the NYISO can use to prioritize which Special Case Resources to call. Unlike a Generator or other Resource’s Bid to supply Energy associated with Unforced Capacity, a Special Case Resource’s Minimum Payment Nomination cannot be revised prior to Settlement in the Day-Ahead Market. A Special Case Resource’s Minimum Payment Nomination is set for the entire month. Upon the initial enrollment of a Special Case Resource, or at any time when an enrollment change is made, the RIP must include as part of the enrollment file uploaded to the DRIS Special Case Resource Minimum Payment Nominations to perform at a minimum payment for Load reduction, such submission being completed on or before the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar for Enrollment. In addition, RIPs must provide Minimum Payment Nominations for all qualified Special Case Resources, regardless of whether, at the time of the NYISO's receipt thereof, a qualified Special Case Resource has committed to supply Unforced Capacity in the NYCA market during the upcoming month. The RIP may change the Minimum Payment Nomination each auction month during the dates and times specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar for Strike Price Management. Special Case Resource Minimum Payment Nominations will be used only when the NYISO Operations department determines the need to call on these Resources in accordance with the NYISO Emergency Operations Manual. In the event the NYISO Operations department makes such a determination, the Minimum Payment Nominations placed for each Special Case Resource will allow the NYISO to call for Load reduction based on Special Case Resource zone location and price. As a result, the NYISO will be able to call less than the total pool of Special Case Resources in the NYCA and in each NYCA zone. 4-64 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL As an example, the NYISO may determine that it needs a Demand Reduction response of 25 MW in Zone J. A total of 50 MW of Special Case Resources located in Zone J is supplying Unforced Capacity. For this example, assume that each MW of Special Case Resource Capacity entered a different Minimum Payment Nomination, from $0/MWh to $500/MWh. In order to fulfill its need for 25 additional MW of reserves, the NYISO will call the 25 MW of Special Case Resources in economic order based on their submitted Minimum Payment Nominations starting with the lowest values. See Section 4.12.8 for situations where multiple Special Case Resources have placed the same top Minimum Payment Nomination called upon by the NYISO and the total MW offered at that price exceed the ISO’s needs. 4.12.4 Performance A Special Case Resource must make Energy available, for a minimum four (4) hour block (except where environmental constraints that have been previously considered and approved by the NYISO require a shorter block), in amounts that correspond to the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the amount of Unforced Capacity it supplies to the NYCA, by reducing Load or by transferring Load to a distributed generator. The obligation to reduce Load or to transfer Load to a distributed generator shall commence at the top of the hour after the NYISO has provided the following notices: a. on the day before the Special Case Resource’s performance may be required, the NYISO shall provide twenty-one (21) hour notice to the RIP, so long as notification is provided by 3:00 PM ET. If notice is provided to the RIP after 3:00 PM ET on the day before the Special Case Resource’s performance may be required, then the NYISO shall instead provide twenty-four (24) hours notice; b. following the advance notice described in (a) above, on the operating day the NYISO shall provide at least two (2) hours notice to the RIP that the Special Case Resource’s performance will be required. The Special Case Resource shall reduce its Load or transfer Load to a Local Generator (as appropriate) commencing at the top of the hour immediately after the two-hour notice period has expired. In the alternative, the NYISO may specify the hour at which the Special Case Resource shall commence performance of its obligation by reducing its Load or transferring Load to a Local Generator (as appropriate), so long as the start hour specified by the NYISO is at least two hours in the future. If the Special Case Resource is unable to provide full output within two (2) hours due to operational constraints, the RIP may petition the NYISO for permission to provide maximum output from the Special Case Resource within a longer period. The ISO’s permission will not be unreasonably withheld. In granting permission, the NYISO will calculate the appropriate de-rating factor for use in determining the amount of Unforced Capacity that such Special Case Resource can provide in the future. Average Coincident Load For the Winter 2011-2012 Capability Period and thereafter, the NYISO will use the average of the highest 20 (twenty) one-hour peak Loads of the Special Case Resource from the top NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-65 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 40 (forty) SCR Load Zone Peak Hours during the 1 P.M. to 7 P.M. time period of the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, specific to the Load Zone of the Special Case Resource as adjusted to account for verified Load reductions in a Transmission Owner’s demand response program in response to deployment of a Transmission Owner’s demand response program in hours coincident with any of the top 40 (forty) SCR Load Zone Peak Hours, to create a Special Case Resource Average Coincident Load ("ACL ")baseline. The NYISO will post to its website the top 40 NYCA peak Load hours for the Prior Equivalent Capability Period for each zone ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the Capability Period for which the ACL will be in effect. Beginning with the Summer 2012 Capability Period, the NYISO will also import the SCR Load Zone Peak Hours into DRIS. RIPs shall only report metered hourly Load consumed by the SCR that is supplied by the NYS Transmission System and/or the distribution system when uploading metered data into DRIS for the ACL calculation and/or any ACL or Provisional ACL verification that may be required. Any Load supported by generation produced from a Local Generator, other behind-the-meter generator, or other supply resource located behind the SCR’s meter operating during the SCR Peak Load Zone Hours, may not be added to the metered load values submitted by RIPs when enrolling the SCR. In instances where the metered load captures both the energy provided from the NYS Transmission System and/or distribution system with the energy provided by a Local Generator, other behind-the-meter generator, or other supply resource located behind the SCR’s meter, the total amount of supply from behind-the-meter sources shall be netted out of the meter Load data submitted to the NYISO for calculation of the ACL or verification of the ACL or Provisional ACL. For the Summer 2011 Capability Period only, the NYISO will use the average of the highest 20 (twenty) one-hour peak Loads of the Special Case Resource from the top 50 (fifty) SCR Load Zone Peak Hours during the 1 P.M. to 7 P.M. time period of the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, specific to the Load Zone of the Special Case Resource and without any adjustment to Load for participation in a Transmission Owner’s demand response program for hours coincident with any of the top 50 SCR Load Zone Peak Hours, to create a Special Case Resource Average Coincident Load (“ACL”) baseline. The top 50 SCR Load Zone Peak Hours from the Prior Equivalent Capability Period for each zone for the Summer 2011 Capability Period will be posted on the ISO’s website. Following the Summer 2011 Capability Period, as specified in the DRIS and ICAP Event Calendars, each RIP must import the top 50 SCR Load Zone Peak Hours into DRIS for verification of the ACL used for the Summer 2011 Capability Period. If a RIP fails to report interval data for any hour in which interval data was expected for verification of the Summer 2011 ACL, those hours shall be set to zero and the ACL will be calculated for the resource. The calculated ACL using verification data reported for Summer 2011 will be used in performance and deficiency calculations for the SCR. In the Special Case Resource enrollment file uploaded to DRIS by the RIP each month within the Capability Period, among other required information, the RIP shall state (a) the values necessary to compute the ACL for each Special Case Resource and (b) any load reduction in accordance with Section of this ICAP Manual. If a RIP attempts to change the value of any hour used in the ACL calculation, the resource’s enrollment record will be set to a Pending status in DRIS and must be approved by the NYISO before the resource can be enrolled with a revised ACL. If a Special Case 4-66 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Resource transfers its enrollment to another RIP during a Capability Period, the second RIP is required to report ACL data to enroll the Special Case Resource. Provisional Average Coincident Load If a new Special Case Resource has no interval billing meter data from the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, its Installed Capacity value shall be its Provisional Average Coincident Load for the Capability Period for which the new Special Case Resource is enrolled. The Provisional ACL will be based on the RIP’s forecast of the ACL of the Capability Period in which the resource is enrolled. The Provisional ACL provided with the initial enrollment for that Capability Period shall remain in effect for the entire Capability Period. The Provisional ACL value may only be modified when enrolling the resource for the first time in a new Capability Period. A Special Case Resource enrolled with a Provisional ACL may not transfer to another RIP within the same Capability Period. A Special Case Resource’s Provisional ACL is verified subsequent to each eligible Capability Period pursuant to calculations using the Special Case Resource’s metered Load values pursuant to Sections and of the NYISO’s Market Services Tariff. The RIP must report the resource Meter Installation Date on the enrollment upload to the DRIS for each resource being enrolled with a Provisional ACL. Any Provisional Average Coincident Load will be subject to actual in-period verification using the ACL formula as defined in Section of this ICAP Manual. Following the Capability Period for which a resource with a Provisional Average Coincident Load was enrolled, the RIP shall provide to the NYISO the data necessary to compute the ACL of the resource from the resource’s interval meter data in accordance with ISO Procedures. The RIP is responsible for uploading into the DRIS the ACL data of the resource for the SCR Load Zone Peak Hours within the Capability Period in which the resource was enrolled with a Provisional ACL from the date of the Meter Installation Date for the resource to the end of the Capability Period. Any Load supported by generation produced from a Local Generator, other behind-the-meter generator, or other supply source located behind the Special Case Resource’s meter operating during the applicable SCR Peak Load Zone Hours may not be included in the Special Case Resource’s metered Load values reported for the verification of its Provisional Average Coincident Load. Any Demand Reductions reported by a Transmission Owner in accordance with Section of this ICAP Manual, shall be included in the in-period verification calculation of the Provisional ACL. If twenty (20) or more SCR Load Zone Peak Hours are reported from the Meter Installation Date to the end of the Capability Period as part of the in-period verification process for a resource with a Provisional ACL, the NYISO shall calculate the ACL for the in-period verification using the resource’s highest twenty hourly loads taken from the relevant interval metered load dataset reported to DRIS by the RIP. If there are fewer than 20 applicable SCR Load Zone Peak Hours occurring after the Meter Installation Date, the RIP is required to report the relevant interval metered load from the Meter Installation Date NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-67 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL through the end of the Capability Period into DRIS; however, the Provisional ACL will be used in performance and deficiency calculations for the SCR. If a RIP fails to report interval data for any hour in which interval data was expected for in-period verification based on the Meter Installation Date, those hours shall be set to zero and the ACL will be calculated for the resource. The calculated ACL using in-period verification data will be used in performance and deficiency calculations for the SCR. The NYISO will compare the Provisional Average Coincident Load to the ACL (calculated in accordance with the ACL formula as defined in Section of this ICAP Manual) to determine, after applying the applicable performance factor, whether the UCAP of the Special Case Resource had been oversold. If the RIP oversold the Special Case Resource, it shall be a shortfall under Services Tariff Section 5.14.2. If the RIP fails to provide the data necessary to compute the ACL of the resource enrolled with a Provisional ACL by the deadline, the ACL of the resource will be set to zero for each month in which the resource with a Provisional ACL was enrolled and the RIP may be subject to deficiency penalties in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff. Continued Use of a Provisional Average Coincident Load After the First Capability Period The Provisional ACL may be applicable to a new Special Case Resource for a maximum of three (3) consecutive Capability Periods, beginning with the capability Period in which the Special Case Resource is first enrolled. If a Special Case Resource transfers to another RIP in a subsequent Capability Period, the Meter Installation Date provided with the initial Capability Period in which the resource was enrolled with a Provisional ACL will remain in effect for all Capability Periods in which the resource is enrolled with a Provisional ACL. A Special Case Resource enrolled with a Provisional ACL that reported all 40 hours for inperiod verification of the ACL for a Capability Period will not be eligible to enroll with a Provisional ACL in the next like Capability Period, regardless of whether the Special Case Resource is being enrolled by the same RIP or transferring to a new RIP. A Special Case Resource may enroll with a Provisional ACL in the immediately succeeding Capability Period if it did not participate in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period or it did not have all 40 hours to report for the in-period verification of the ACL for the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, based on the resource Meter Installation Date. A Special Case Resource may enroll with a Provisional ACL in the next Equivalent Capability Period, the third consecutive Capability Period, following the Capability Period in which the resource was first enrolled with a Provisional ACL, when less than 40 of the Top 40 SCR Load Zone Peak hours can be reported on from the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, based on the resource Meter Installation Date. When the resource was enrolled with a Provisional ACL in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period and the resource Meter 4-68 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Installation Date required reporting of 20 or more but less than 40 of the SCR Load Zone Peak Hours, the Provisional ACL value reported on the enrollment for the third consecutive Capability Period, may increase from the Provisional ACL value reported in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, regardless of whether the Special Case Resource is being enrolled by the same RIP or transferring to a new RIP. The Provisional ACL value may increase up to the value of the calculated ACL based on in-period reporting from the Prior Equivalent Capability Period only when the calculated in-period ACL showed an increase from the Provisional ACL value reported on the enrollment for the Prior Equivalent Capability Period. When the resource was enrolled with a Provisional ACL in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period and the resource Meter Installation Date required reporting of 20 or more but less than 40 of the SCR Load Zone Peak Hours, the Provisional ACL value reported on the enrollment for the third consecutive Capability Period, must not exceed the Provisional ACL value reported in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period when the calculated in-period ACL reported from the Prior Equivalent Capability Period did not show an increase from the Provisional ACL value reported on the enrollment for the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, regardless of whether the Special Case Resource is being enrolled by the same RIP or transferring to a new RIP. When the resource was enrolled with a Provisional ACL in the Prior Equivalent Capability Period and the resource Meter Installation Date required reporting of less than 20 of the SCR Load Zone Peak Hours, the Provisional ACL value reported on the enrollment for the third consecutive Capability Period may be an increase or decrease from the Provisional ACL value reported on the enrollment for the Prior Equivalent Capability Period, regardless of whether the Special Case Resource is being enrolled by the same RIP or transferring to a new RIP. Changes to ACL Changes to ACL due to a reported Special Case Resource Change of Status as required per Section of this ICAP Manual are also subject to inperiod verification using actual hourly interval billing meter data for the applicable Capability Period. The computation of the performance of a Special Case Resource with a reported Change in Status, or a new Special Case Resource, during an event and test that includes in its formula a Provisional ACL shall be subject to all the same deficiency payments and forward deratings as apply to all other Special Case Resources. Use of Generation by a Special Case Resource Only a Local Generator available to respond to the NYISO direction and effect a real time load reduction may be enrolled as an SCR (“enrolled SCR generator”). When a Local NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-69 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Generator normally operates to serve its resource’s Load, it may participate in the SCR program only to the extent that it can shift additional Load from the NYS Transmission System and/or distribution system onto the Local Generator at the direction of the NYISO. In order for a RIP to enroll an SCR that uses an eligible Local Generator, any amount of generation that can reduce Load from the NYS Transmission System and/or distribution system at the direction of the NYISO that was produced by the Local Generator during the hour coincident with the NYCA or Locality peaks, upon which the Unforced Capacity Obligation of the LSE that serves that SCR is based, must be accounted for when the LSE’s Unforced Capacity Obligation for the upcoming Capability Year is established. RIPs must provide this generator data annually to the NYISO on or before the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar so that the ISO can adjust upwards the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation to prevent double-counting. If a RIPs fails to report this generator data for the NYCA or Locality peaks, the generation operating during the NYCA/Locality peak hours becomes ineligible to participate as SCR capacity in the upcoming Capability Year. This reporting requirement applies only when the RIP is seeking to qualify generation produced by a Local Generator as Capacity to be enrolled in the ICAP/SCR program. The RIP is not required to report to the NYISO the amount of generation from the eligible Local Generator that was running on the NYCA or Locality peaks that is normally operating to serve the resource’s load because this amount of generation is not eligible to qualify as Capacity that can be enrolled in the ICAP/SCR program. The NYCA/Locality Peak Hour Load Generation Form is available on the NYISO Web site. The amount of generation reported on the NYCA/Locality Peak Hour Load Generation Form must be specified in the enrollment of each Special Case Resource. RIPs may enroll the available capacity from a Special Case Resource’s qualifying generation up to the level of the resource’s ACL or Provisional ACL. The NYISO will notify the Transmission Owner in the Transmission District in which the Special Case Resource generator is located to report the amount of generation supplied during the NYCA/Locality peak hours that must be accounted for in the relevant customer’s Load, the LSE’s Load, the Transmission District’s Load forecast, and the NYCA/Locality peak Load forecast for the applicable Capability Year. Testing of Special Case Resources Each Special Case Resource is required by the NYISO to demonstrate its maximum registered megawatt value in a test once in every Capability Period, such test not to exceed one clock hour on the date and at the time specified by the NYISO. The RIP shall be eligible for Energy payments for the one-hour test provided the NYISO receives from the RIP all required data and that the RIP complies with other test-related requirements in respect of the Special Case Resource. Two Capability Period tests shall be conducted within each Capability Period; the first test within the Capability Period will be conducted on the date and at the time designated by the NYISO between July 1 and August 31 for the Summer Capability Period, and between January 1 and the last calendar date of February for the Winter Capability Period; the second Capability Period test shall be conducted on 4-70 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL the date and at the time designated by the NYISO, namely, in late September or October (Summer Capability Period) or late March or April (Winter Capability Period). All Special Case Resources enrolled with and accepted by the NYISO on or before the date that is four business days prior to the date of the first test in the Capability Period (excluding the date of the test), such enrollment in any auction month within the Capability Period, must perform in the first test for each Capability Period in which the Resource is accepted on any date regardless of whether megawatts from the Special Case Resource had been offered prior to the date of the test. For example, if the test was on a Friday on the 10th day of a month, Special Case Resources enrolled with and accepted by the NYISO on or before the Monday prior to the 10th (i.e., accepted on the 6th), must perform the test. All Special Case Resources enrolled with and accepted by the NYISO, such enrollment in any auction month within the Capability Period, that were not required to perform in the first Capability Period test shall perform in the second test within the Capability Period on the date and at the time specified by the NYISO regardless of whether megawatts from the Special Case Resource had been offered prior to the date of this test. The only exception to the test requirement is for a Special Case Resource that was (i) registered with and accepted by the NYISO in the last month of a Capability Period and (ii) was not registered by another RIP for any month during the same Capability Period, in which case the Special Case Resource would not need to respond to a test in the month the registration was accepted but would need to respond to the test called by the NYISO for the Capability Period for which the Special Case Resource is being enrolled. If a RIP terminates the enrollment with the NYISO of a Special Case Resource prior to the date of a test (termed a Former Enrolled SCR), the RIP, at its election, may provide test data for the Former Enrolled SCR, if the Former Enrolled SCR performed the test. If the RIP does not provide test data for a Former Enrolled SCR, a value of zero (0) will be attributed to the Former Enrolled SCR’s performance in the computation of performance factors and deficiency charges. RIP Deficiency Determination Each Special Case Resource’s performance in the test and event will be considered when determining RIP deficiencies. The calculation of the deficiency penalty shall utilize the greater of the quantity of capacity it proves is available during (i) the test called by the NYISO and (ii) any event within the same Capability Period, such quantity termed, “Maximum Demonstrated MW Reduction.” Within a Capability Period, for RIPs with Special Case Resources for which the NYISO has received a Change of Status, in months where the Change of Status is in effect, the performance of the Special Case Resource shall be based on the reduced ACL. In months prior to the beginning of the onset of the Change of Status, the performance of the Special Case Resource shall be based on the ACL immediately prior to the month in which the reduction pursuant to a Change of Status began. In months in which load increases due to the end of a Change of Status event, the performance of the Special Case Resource shall be based on the ACL established in accordance with the ICAP Manual Section NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-71 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL A RIP will be subject to deficiency charge in any month it sells more capacity than the sum of the Maximum Demonstrated MW Reduction for all Special Case Resources sold within a Load Zone in the same Capability Period. A RIP also will be deficient if New Special Case Resources are include in UCAP certified for a sale in any auction other than an ICAP Spot Market Auction or included in a Bilateral Transaction that is certified by both parties, and if the RIP oversold a Special Case Resource with a Provisional ACL as defined under Services Tariff Section 5.14.2. The performance during the test or event of Special Case Resources that move from one RIP (termed the “Initial RIP”) portfolio to another RIP (termed the “Final RIP”) portfolio will be credited to the RIP that has the Special Case Resource registered to it at the time of the event or test. If the NYISO identifies a RIP deficiency, an Initial RIP shall have an opportunity to demonstrate to the NYISO (aa) that a Special Case Resource that was a resource of the Initial RIP was registered with a Final RIP at the time of an event or test, and (bb) the portion of the RIP's sales attributable to such Special Case Resource for the month under review. Provided such demonstration is to the satisfaction of the NYISO, the portion of such Special Case Resource's sales will not be used in the computation of the Initial RIP's deficiency charge for the month. The performance of capacity resources registered with and accepted by the NYISO subsequent to the test in July or August (Summer Capability Period) or January or February (Winter Capability Period) will only apply to month(s) in (xx) which the added resources participated and (yy) the Capability Period for which the Resource was tested, not every month in the Capability Period. Individual Special Case Resources will be subject to derating as described below. Reporting Partial Sales A RIP that sells less than one hundred percent (100%) and more than zero percent (0%) of its total registered MW may identify the portion of each Special Case Resource that constitutes the sale. The RIP must import any such identification into the Demand Response Information System (DRIS) within five (5) business days following posting of the ICAP Spot Market Auction results on or before the date and time specified in the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall diminish a RIP’s obligation to provide data regarding Special Case Resources within Zone J, including pursuant to ICAP Manual Section 5.15.2. Special Case Resources identified by a RIP as not sold in the month of an event will not have their performance during event hours counted toward their performance factors. If a RIP does not provide the information within the specified period, each Special Case Resource of a RIP applicable to a sale (for example, at the PTID if the PTID is identified in the sale) will be considered as sold at its full registered MW value. UCAP values will be calculated for each Special Case Resource in accordance with Sections and of this ICAP Manual. Reporting SCR Performance Data Performance for each Special Case Resource shall be reported for all hours during all called Special Case Resource events and one-hour tests in a Capability Period. Each Capability 4-72 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Period, the NYISO will calculate performance factors for each Special Case Resource based on all of the following values from the last like Capability Period and the Capability Period preceding the last like Capability Period: (a) the best set of four (4) consecutive hours in each event for events of four hours or more, (b) all hours for events of less than four hours, and (c) all test data. If Special Case Resource data is not received by the NYISO in the form and manner and within the time period prescribed for any of the hours used for performance measurement, those hours will be treated as forced outage hours unless the Special Case Resource was previously identified as not committed for that month. If a resource (including one that ceases to be registered with the NYISO or a resource of the RIP at the time of the test) does not perform the test, or if required test data is not received by the NYISO within the specified time period after a test, the hour test period will be treated as a forced outage hour. All hours, including those in excess of the hours used for performance measurement, including tests, will be used to determine Energy payments in accordance with Section 4.12.8, statistics for NYISO internal use, the computation of deficiency charges, and as the basis for various external reports, and for other purposes in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff. In the event that a Special Case Resource located at a retail customer was in operation (in the case of a Local Generator) or providing Load reduction (in the case of interruptible Load), at the time of the NYCA system or Transmission District peak upon which the Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement of the LSE serving that customer is based, the LSE’s Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement shall be increased by the amount of Load that was served or interrupted by the Special Case Resource. Adjustments to Metered Load for Demand Reductions in a Transmission Owner’s Demand Response Program Prior to the calculation of the ACL, Demand Reductions resulting from participation in a Transmission Owner’s demand response program during any of the SCR Load Zone Peak Hours for the applicable Capability Period shall be added back to the corresponding metered load values of the resources as reported to DRIS by the RIP at enrollment. Prior to the beginning of each Capability Period and following the upload of the applicable SCR Load Zone Peak Hours for that Capability Period as specified on the DRIS and ICAP Event Calendars, the authorized Transmission Owners that administer demand response programs shall import verified Demand Reductions that occurred during any of the SCR Load Zone Peak Hours used in the calculation of the ACL for the Capability Period. The Transmission Owners shall report the Transmission Owner account number and verified Demand Reductions for each SCR Load Zone Peak Hour for each of the resources enrolled in its demand response program(s). When the period for upload of verified Demand Reductions begins, Transmission Owners must provide contact information to the NYISO for the person the RIPs should contact to NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-73 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL resolve any issues with adjustments for its demand response program data reported into DRIS. The NYISO shall make this contact information available in the Manuals and Forms folder on the NYISO Web site at: Transmission Owners may make modifications to the reported Demand Reductions when the in-period verification data reporting occurs for resources with a Provisional ACL. Transmission Owners may also make modifications to the reported Demand Reductions during each monthly enrollment period, provided the resource did not have a Provisional ACL and if the resource has not already been enrolled in an auction month within the Capability Period. It is the responsibility of the RIP to resolve any issues regarding adjustments for participation in a Transmission Owner’s demand response program prior to the close of each monthly enrollment period or in-period verification data reporting period. Adjustments to the ACL for any unresolved issues between a RIP and Transmission Owner will not be made after the monthly enrollment period closes. The NYISO shall use the Transmission Owner account number to identify the Special Case Resource for which a Transmission Owner adjustment will be made to one or more hours used in the calculation of the ACL. If a Special Case Resource is enrolled in more than one Transmission Owner demand response program for which a Demand Reduction is reported for the same hour, the highest Demand Reduction reported by a Transmission Owner will be used to adjust that hour’s metered load reported by the RIP. Adjustments to the metered load for Demand Reductions in a Transmission Owner’s demand response program shall be incorporated into the ACL calculation at the time of the successful import of enrollment data by the RIP (refer to the DRIS User Guide for details). If a Transmission Owner modifies any Demand Reduction values reported for a Transmission Owner account number associated with Special Case Resource, the ACL shall be recalculated upon successful import of the Transmission Owner’s changes. 4.12.5 NYISO Notification Procedures The NYISO will provide twenty-one (21) hour-ahead notification if notification is provided by 3:00 PM ET, or twenty-four (24) hour notice otherwise, and two (2) hour notice, as required by this ICAP Manual (and described in Section 4.12.4, above), to the RIP. The former notification will be provided after 11:00 A.M. day-ahead, when the Day-Ahead Market closes. The NYISO commits not to use the day-ahead notification of potential need to operate indiscriminately but rather only when the Day-Ahead Market indicates potential serious shortages of supply for the next day in accordance with the Emergency Operations Manual. The day-ahead notice may occur on a weekend day or a holiday, as needed. The NYISO shall provide notice no less than two (2) hours ahead of required operation or interruption, in the manner described in Section 4.12.4, above. Requested hours of operation within the two hour notification window and/or beyond the maximum 4 hours obligation will be considered voluntary for purposes of performance measurement. 4-74 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Notifications will normally be specified from, and to, specific clock hours, on-the-hour. Performance calculations and energy payments will normally be calculated for energy reductions for whole clock hours; i.e. from 13:00 to 14:00, 14:00 to 15:00, etc. In cases where events are initiated other than on-the-hour, energy payments will be computed for partial hours but performance calculations will only be calculated for whole hours. RIPs shall contact their Special Case Resources through whatever communication protocols are agreed to between the Special Case Resources and the RIPs. Communication from the RIP to the Special Case Resource is the responsibility of the RIP. Such communication is subject to review by the NYISO. Any misrepresentation of the NYISO program in such notifications is subject to sanction by the NYISO, up to and including disqualification as a RIP. RIPs claiming Special Case Resource Unforced Capacity shall provide the NYISO with their phone and Internet contact information that allows for notification by the NYISO at any time. RIPs shall confirm receipt of both instances of notification (day-ahead and two (2) hour) within 1 hour. Such confirmation must be received in accordance with the instructions in the notification and must confirm the relay of proper notification by the RIPs to their Special Case Resource clients, where applicable. 4.12.6 Capacity Adjustment Procedures Seasonal performance factors will be calculated in accordance with Attachment J of this ICAP Manual. Existing Special Case Resources that have a performance record from the Prior Equivalent Capability Period will have initial Unforced Capacity values determined based on the Attachment J calculation. All new Special Case Resources will be assigned Unforced Capacity values based on the ratio of the sum of all Unforced Capacity values to the sum of all Installed Capacity values of all Special Case Resources in the associated RIP’s portfolio of resources in accordance with calculations set forth in Section 3.3 of Attachment J. A Special Case Resource that fails to respond to RIP notification by reaching pledged Load reduction capability or maximum pledged generator output following notice from the NYISO to the RIP, or that fails to provide output for the period required by the NYISO or four (4) hours, whichever is less, will be considered forced out (for unperformed hours) for purposes of calculating the Unforced Capacity value of the Special Case Resource for future Obligation Procurement Periods. See Attachment J of this ICAP Manual for further explanation and calculation of a Special Case Resource’s Unforced Capacity value. A Special Case Resource that requested and for which the NYISO has granted written permission to reach pledged Load reduction or maximum output in more than two (2) hours will be considered forced out in the amount of Unforced Capacity not backed by Energy for the period starting two (2) hours following the notice from the NYISO to the RIP until the Special Case Resource attains pledged Load reduction or maximum output. A Special Case Resource (SCR) that cannot operate for the full four (4) hours when called for by the ISO, due to environmental permit limits or otherwise, shall be considered forced out for the hours it is unable to operate or is operated at reduced output and will have its Unforced Capacity rating calculated accordingly. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-75 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 4.12.7 RIP Requirements In addition to other requirements under this ICAP Manual, a RIP claiming Unforced Capacity from a Special Case Resource for sale into a NYISO-administered auction or for its own requirements (in the case of a RIP that is an LSE) shall fulfill the following obligations: Obtain authorization from each Special Case Resource allowing the RIP to act on behalf of the Special Case Resource during each Capability Period or for the term of the agreement. The authorization must specify that the RIP has authority to sell the Special Case Resource’s Unforced Capacity, act as the organization of record for all financial transactions, and shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Special Case Resource. Upon request, the RIP shall provide such authorization to the NYISO promptly and, if a date is specified by the NYISO in the request, such information must be received by the NYISO on or before the date. Notify the NYISO when the Special Case Resource reasonably anticipates it will be unavailable to provide its Load reduction as recorded in the Demand Response Information System (DRIS), in accordance with this ICAP Manual. Report operating data to the NYISO for all hours during all called Special Case Resource events and one-hour tests in a Capability Period and as required in Section 4.4.7 by uploading data directly into the DRIS in the format required by and in accordance with the NYISO Demand Response Information System User's Guide (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: sp). Enter DMNC ratings representing the approved UCAP values of registered Special Case Resources, perform all auction functions in the NYISO's ICAP software program as required, and make certifications to the NYISO each month as provided in Section 4.7. Document reductions in Load with interval billing meter readings on customer Load (or with readings on the Local Generator(s) in the case of a Special Case Resource whose performance is calculated under Section 3.3 of Attachment J) for the period following the NYISO notice under Section 4.12.4. See the Emergency Demand Response Program Manual for metering requirements. In the event that Energy made available from Special Case Resource Unforced Capacity is a small percentage of the total metered Load at the location of the Special Case Resource, such that it may not be clearly reflected by meter reads alone, the NYISO will also accept operations logs to augment metered output to ensure accurate verification. The RIP (including a Transmission Owner that is a RIP) shall retain all interval meter readings upon which it bases its certification of compliance, for a period of three (3) years. 4.12.8 Special Case Resource Demand Response Payments Each time a Special Case Resource is called to perform in an event or test, the NYISO shall pay the Resource’s RIP an Energy payment, provided the NYISO receives in the Demand Response Information System (DRIS) the required data for the Special Case Resource 4-76 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL performance and demand response energy payments in the required format, no later than 5:00:00 P.M. on the seventy-fifth (75th) day following the date of each event or test, on the date set forth on the ICAP Event Calendar and DRIS Event Calendar. Payment for Special Case Resource Load reductions are conditioned upon verification of performance for the time period requested by the NYISO. If a Special Case Resources participates in either the DADRP or DSASP and concurrently participates as a Special Case Resource, the energy payment to the RIP will be adjusted if the resource was committed to perform in either the DADRP or DSASP at the same time as the Special Case Resource activation. The Customer Base Load (CBL) calculation and methodology are specified in the NYISO Emergency Demand Response Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at The RIP must use and adhere to the upload file format to report required data the NYISO will use to compute performance and energy payment calculations. The format of and specifications for the file are outlined in the NYISO Demand Response Information System User's Guide (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: The Energy payment shall be computed for the amount of Load reduction occurring during the event measured in terms of the Energy supplied during each clock hour of its performance. If the NYISO requests performance by Special Case Resources for more than four (4) hours, the RIP for each responding Special Case Resource shall be paid for the duration of its verified performance in the event in accordance with this ICAP Manual, starting with the hour specified by the NYISO as the starting time of the activation, or, in the event that the NYISO specified that the Demand Reduction begin as soon as possible, starting with the whole clock-hour in which the Special Case Resource began its response. Payment for participation in events and tests shall be computed in accordance with NYISO Services Tariff Section pursuant to ISO Procedures. Payment for Special Case Resource Load reductions are conditioned upon verification of performance for the time period requested by the NYISO. If the NYISO requests performance by Special Case Resources in an event for four (4) hours or less, each Special Case Resource that provided a verified load reduction for the duration of the event shall be paid as if it had been activated for four (4) hours. Each Special Case Resource that reduces demand shall receive a payment consistent with the scarcity pricing rules, in accordance with this Section 4.12.8, for the duration of the NYISO request or for two (2) hours, whichever is greater, starting with the hour specified by the NYISO as the starting time of the event, or, if the NYISO specified that the Demand Reduction begin as soon as possible, starting with the hour that the Special Case Resource began to perform. Except in the case of a test, each Special Case Resource shall be paid the zonal Real- Time LBMP per MWh of Load reduced for the four-hour minimum payment period. Payment for Special Case Resource Load reductions is conditioned upon verification of performance for the time period requested by the NYISO. Special Case Resource Minimum Payment Nominations would be eligible to participate in the LBMP price setting under the scarcity pricing rules, which permit Bids, or in this case Minimum Payment Nominations, to set prices if at least one (1) MW of Special Case Resource Capacity is needed to satisfy the total reserve requirement, following performance and verification. In the event that a Special Case Resource’s Minimum Payment NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-77 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Nomination total for the number of hours of performance in accordance with this ICAP Manual exceeds the LBMP revenue that RIP receives for the Special Case Resource for the corresponding number of hours, that Special Case Resource will be eligible for a Bid Production Cost Guarantee to make up the difference. When more than one Special Case Resource has submitted the highest Minimum Payment Nomination selected by the NYISO to perform during an event, the NYISO will specify the number of megawatts of the amount of Special Case Resources that must perform during that event such that all such resources are selected in the same zone provided that single source resources shall be taken without being called upon for partial performance. To continue the example listed in Section 4.12.3, each Special Case Resource that was called to perform in Zone J would be paid the greater of its Minimum Payment Nomination or the applicable LBMP per MW per hour of requested performance following verification of performance of Demand Reduction. When at least one (1) MW of Special Case Resource Capacity is needed to satisfy the total reserve requirement, the Minimum Payment Nominations submitted by these Resources may be considered when determining the LBMP. For event performance data received from a RIP at least ten (10) business days prior to the date of the initial settlement invoice for the month in which the event occurred (Initial Event Data Submission Date), the NYISO will, on a best efforts basis, process the received event performance data such that Energy payments for the event are reflected in the initial settlement invoice. Event data received after the Initial Event Data Submission Date referenced above shall be processed for the true-up or final invoice. 4.12.9 NYISO Verification The NYISO retains the right to audit any records kept by the RIP, the Transmission Owner, and the Special Case Resource that are used to support the RIP’s certification of compliance with the procedures set forth in this Section 4.12. The RIP shall be obligated to ensure the Special Case Resource complies and fully cooperates with any NYISO audit. Before auditing a Special Case Resource, the NYISO will first request information from the RIP that registered the Special Case Resource for the period(s) in question, and give the RIP an opportunity to provide information on behalf of the Special Case Resource. 4.13 Existing Municipally-Owned Generation A municipal utility that owns generation in excess of its Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, net of any Capacity provided by the New York Power Authority, may qualify to supply the excess Capacity as Unforced Capacity under the following conditions. The municipal utility must: Provide the NYISO with the physical operating parameters of its generation capability; Operate the generation at the ISO’s request; and Ensure that the Energy provided by the generation is deliverable to the New York State Power System. Only generation that was in service or under construction as of 4-78 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL December 31, 1999 may qualify for the exemption from the bidding, scheduling, and notification requirements. 4.14 Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights UDRs are rights, as measured in megawatts, associated with new incremental controllable transmission projects that provide a transmission interface to a NYCA Locality (i.e., an area of the NYCA in which a minimum amount of Installed Capacity must be maintained). External UDRs are associated with interfaces between a NYCA Locality and an External Control Area. Local UDRs are associated with interfaces between a non-constrained region in the NYCA and a NYCA Locality. When combined with Unforced Capacity which is located in an External Control Area or non-constrained NYCA region either by contract or ownership, and which is deliverable to the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility, UDRs allow such Unforced Capacity to be treated as if it were located in the NYCA Locality, thereby contributing to an LSE’s Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement. To the extent, the NYCA interface is with an External Control Area the Unforced Capacity associated with UDRs must be deliverable to the Interconnection Point. A holder of UDRs may transfer them to another entity. 4.14.1 Determination and Assignment of Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights The amount of UDRs assigned by the NYISO to each new incremental transmission facility, and any future adjustments there to, will be based on the transmission capability, reliability, availability of the facility, and appropriate NYSRC reliability studies. Beginning with Class Year 2007, projects seeking UDRs must meet the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard, in accordance with the rules and procedures set forth in the NYISO OATT Attachment S. Projects predating Class Year 2007 that hold UDRs received CRIS pursuant to the NYISO OATT Attachment S. 4.14.2 Requesting, Granting, Duration and Adjustment of Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights An incremental transmission project will be awarded UDRs after a formal request to the NYISO that includes the pertinent technical information needed to determine such award. The NYISO may request, and the requestor and/or the designated rightsholder shall provide, additional information as necessary. The NYISO will grant UDRs to the requestor, or designated rights holder, quantified as the Installed Capacity Equivalent of the Unforced Capacity to be delivered to the Interconnection Point in MW, throughout its project life. The amount of UDRs awarded to a particular project may be adjusted periodically by the NYISO. Adjustments to such an award will reflect changes in physical characteristics and availability of the associated project. The formal request may be made any time after submittal of the studies required to support the NYISO’s Interconnection process, or if the NYISO is conducting those studies, after the NYISO has completed the studies. If a formal request is received by the NYISO from a NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-79 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL rights holder for a facility after August 1, the request for UDRs will not be granted for the upcoming Capability Year, and the NYSRC will consider the UDRs associated with the new facility as emergency support capability in the reliability studies conducted for the upcoming Capability Year. The holder may use timely requested UDRs awarded for the upcoming Capability Year, as described in Section 4.14.3. The formal request for UDRs must include the following information. Interconnection points (i.e., bus names and voltage levels) Expected in-service date External Control area of interconnection, if applicable Internal Locality(ies) of interconnection Normal summer/winter ratings in MW of facility, and design temperatures Limiting element(s) Average expected outage rate, and average expected repair time Rights holder of record at the time of the request The formal request must be provided to: New York Independent System Operator, Inc. Director, System and Resource Planning 10 Krey Blvd. Rensselaer, NY 12144 4.14.3 Use of External Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights In order to use External UDRs, an Installed Capacity Supplier must have a contract to match the number of UDRs with Installed Capacity associated with an identifiable physical Resource. When an entity combines External UDRs with acceptable Installed Capacity/Unforced Capacity, the resulting product, when supplied to an LSE will be treated as Unforced Capacity located in the NYCA Locality and will qualify as Locational Unforced Capacity, provided that the energy is deliverable to the NYCA interface with the UDR transmission facility. Annually, by written notice received by the NYISO prior to August 1 or such later date as agreed to by the NYSRC, the holder of External UDRs may return to the NYCA a quantity of the External UDRs, up to the maximum amount awarded under Section 4.14.2, to be used in the NYSRC and NYISO reliability studies that determine the NYCA Installed Reserve Margin and the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements, respectively, for the next Capability Year. This capability will be considered emergency support capability in these reliability studies to benefit all LSEs when determining the NYCA Installed Reserve Margin and the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements. For example, assume a transmission project is awarded 300 MW of External UDRs from ISO-NE to Long Island. Further, assume that the holder of these External UDRs is able to contract for an amount of UCAP that requires 200 MW of UDRs. By written notice 4-80 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL received by the NYISO prior to August 1, the holder of these External UDRs may return up to 100 MW of the External UDRs for use in the reliability studies for the next Capability Year. Each year, the entire quantity of External UDRs awarded a transmission project under Section 4.14.2 will be available to the holder to make the determination described above. Installed Capacity Suppliers holding rights to UDRs from an External Control Area with a dissimilar capability year shall have an opportunity to elect that the ISO determine Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements without the quantity of megawatts associated with that right for the first month of a Capability Year, and as Unforced Capacity for the remaining months provided (a) such election is made prior to the first time Capacity for the corresponding quantity of megawatts held by the Installed Capacity Supplier making the election is certified in a bilateral transaction or offered in one of the NYISO's auctions, and (b) an election for all or part of the quantity of megawatts of rights to UDRs held by the Installed Capacity Supplier was not previously made. An election pursuant to this clause must be received by the NYISO no later than 5:00 PM on February 1 preceding the Capability Year. The notification shall include: Installed Capacity Supplier organization name; UDR facility name; Name of organization to which the NYISO granted the UDRs; Name of organization from which the Installed Capacity Supplier received the rights to the UDRs; The MW associated with the rights to the UDRs held by the Installed Capacity Supplier Citations to FERC orders or other regulatory approvals demonstrating the Installed Capacity Supplier's right to the UDRs, if any; and Contract demonstrating that the Installed Capacity Supplier has an arrangement to utilize the UDRs to import Capacity into the Locality for the month or consecutive months, consistent with the election (from which prices may be redacted). External Installed Capacity Suppliers using External UDRs must fulfill all External Installed Capacity Supplier requirements found in the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: and NYISO Procedures, except for the requirement to acquire Import Rights as described in section 4.9.2. 4.14.4 Use of Local Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights In order to use Local UDRs, an Installed Capacity Supplier must have a contract to match UDRs with Unforced Capacity associated with an identifiable physical Resource either located in the non-constrained region of the NYCA or able to deliver Unforced Capacity to the non-constrained region of the NYCA. When an entity combines Local UDRs with Unforced Capacity, the resulting product, when supplied to an LSE in the appropriate NYCA Locality, will be treated as Unforced Capacity NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 4-81 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL located in the NYCA Locality and will contribute to that LSE’s Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. Annually, upon written notice received by the NYISO prior to August 1 or such later date as agreed to by the NYSRC, the holder of Local UDRs may return to the NYCA a quantity of the Local UDRs, up to the maximum amount awarded under Section 4.14.2, to be used as transmission capability in the NYSRC and NYISO reliability studies that determine the NYCA Installed Reserve Margin and the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements, respectively, for the next Capability Year. This transmission capability will be considered free-flowing capability in these reliability studies to benefit all LSEs when determining the NYCA Installed Reserve Margin and the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements. Each year, the entire quantity of Local UDRs awarded a transmission project under Section 4.14.2 will be available to the holder to make the determination described above. Installed Capacity Suppliers using Local UDRs must fulfill all Installed Capacity Supplier requirements found in the NYISO Services Tariff and NYISO Procedures for the Unforced Capacity they seek to combine with UDRs. 4.14.5 Unforced Capacity Deliverability Rights offered in an Installed Capacity Auction UDRs may be offered in NYISO-administered Installed Capacity Auctions when previously combined with qualified Unforced Capacity. External Unforced Capacity combined with UDRs and sold in an NYISO-administered Installed Capacity Auction will not require the allocation of External Installed Capacity Import Rights. The information submission requirements for External Installed Capacity Suppliers enumerated in section 4.9.1 of this ICAP Manual, with the exception of Operating Data, must be received by the NYISO at least ten (10) business days prior to an NYISOadministered Installed Capacity Auction in which the External Installed Capacity Supplier wishes to offer Unforced Capacity associated with UDRs, and at such times as required by the NYISO and this ICAP Manual (e.g., annual DMNC test results). Operating Data must be received by the NYISO in accordance with the timing requirements found in Section of this ICAP Manual [on or before the tenth (10th) day of the month preceding the month in which the prospective External Installed Capacity Supplier wishes to supply Unforced Capacity to the NYCA]. 4-82 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 5. NYISO A DMINISTERED I NSTALLED C APACITY A UCTIONS The NYISO will administer Installed Capacity auctions to accommodate Load Serving Entities (LSEs) and Installed Capacity Suppliers’ efforts to enter into Unforced Capacity transactions and to allow LSEs to satisfy their respective LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations. In the various NYISO administered auctions, LSEs will have the opportunity to purchase the Unforced Capacity necessary to meet the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations established by the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL:, and to purchase or sell excess Unforced Capacity. Installed Capacity Suppliers will have the opportunity to sell Unforced Capacity. New Special Case Resources are eligible to participate only in ICAP Spot Market Auctions. Load Serving Entities and Installed Capacity Suppliers may also purchase or sell Unforced Capacity, other than Unforced Capacity of New Special Case Resources, through Bilateral Transactions. Load Serving Entities holding Unforced Capacity, which they want credited against their LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations, must certify such Unforced Capacity. Participation in NYISO-administered auctions is restricted to NYISO Customers. Unforced Capacity supplied through the auction may only be used for the commercial interests of the purchaser. In addition, any Unforced Capacity purchased through a NYISO administered auction may not be resold for the purposes of meeting Installed Capacity requirements imposed by operators of External Control Areas. The NYISO Services Tariff references are Sections 5.13 through 5.15. (The NYISO Services Tariff is available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: A summary of this Section 5 combined with Attachment H of this ICAP Manual is on file with FERC as an Attachment to the NYISO Services Tariff under the title “Installed Capacity Auction Description.” 5.1 Overview of Auction Structure and Timing The NYISO will conduct regularly scheduled Installed Capacity auctions before and during Capability Periods. See the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( for the upcoming Capability Period schedule of auctions. The schedule is structured to ensure adequate time between the date that auction results from monthly auctions are posted and the date that LSEs are required to demonstrate the amount of Unforced Capacity that they have procured prior to the ICAP Spot Market Auction. Auctions shall be conducted prior to the start of each Capability Period and each month during a Capability Period. The NYISO will post the results of Installed Capacity auctions according to the schedule in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( The ICAP Event Calendar will ensure that there are at least four (4) business days between the date that auction results from the Monthly Auction are posted and the date that LSEs are required to certify the NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-1 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL quantity of Unforced Capacity that it has or has obtained for the upcoming Obligation Procurement Period, pursuant to Section 5.11.2 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: LSEs attempting to credit against their LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations any Unforced Capacity that they hold in excess of their Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement must certify such Unforced Capacity. 5.1.1 General Auction Requirements The NYISO shall conduct regular auctions at the times specified in Section 5.13.1 of the NYISO Services Tariff and in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( Installed Capacity Suppliers, LSEs, and Installed Capacity Marketers that are Customers under the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: will be allowed to participate in Installed Capacity auctions, provided that they satisfy the creditworthiness requirements set forth in Section 2.4 of the NYISO OATT. Offers to sell and Bids to purchase Unforced Capacity shall be made in $/kW for the time period appropriate to the auction. The NYISO shall impose no limits on Bids or offers in any auction, except to the extent required by any applicable capacity market mitigation measures in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at, or in accordance with offer cap requirements applicable to External CRIS Rights Holders as specified in Section of the NYISO Services Tariff, Section 25.7.11 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S, and Section 4.10.7000 of this ICAP Manual. Installed Capacity Suppliers that wish to participate in an NYISO-administered auction must certify to the NYISO in accordance with the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided (, demonstrating that their Unforced Capacity has not been committed to a Bilateral Transaction. Unforced Capacity from Resources electrically located within Zone J, New York City (“InCity”) and the G-J Locality may be subject to FERC-approved capacity market mitigation measures. See NYISO Services Tariff, Attachment H, Section 23.4.5 (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: 5.2 Capability Period Auctions A Capability Period Auction will be conducted no later than thirty (30) days prior to the start of each Capability Period in which Unforced Capacity will be purchased and sold for the entire duration of the Capability Period. The exact date of the Capability Period Auction shall be established in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( 5-2 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL The Capability Period Auction will be conducted and solved simultaneously to purchase Unforced Capacity, which may be used by an LSE toward all components of its LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation for each Obligation Procurement Period. Participation shall consist of: (i) LSEs seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (ii) any other entity seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (iii) qualified Installed Capacity Suppliers (for Resources other than New Special Case Resources); and (iv) any entity that owns Unforced Capacity that is not (a) otherwise already committed and wishes to make that Unforced Capacity available or (b) attributable to New Special Case Resources. Buyers that are awarded Unforced Capacity shall pay the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity in the Capability Period Auction. Sellers that are selected to provide Unforced Capacity shall receive the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity in the Capability Period Auction in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: The results of the Capability Period Auction will be made available to Market Participants at the times specified in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided (, which shall be prior to the start of the Monthly Auction held prior to the beginning of each Capability Period. 5.3 Monthly Auctions Monthly Auctions will be held, during which Unforced Capacity may be purchased and sold for the forthcoming Obligation Procurement Period, and any other month or months remaining in the Capability Period, as specified in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( Prior to the Monthly Auction in the Summer Transitional Grandfathered Capability Period, the NYISO shall determine for each entity that was allocated Summer Transitional Grandfathered Import Right megawatts in a Chateauguay Day 1 Request, the quantity of megawatts for which supporting documents have not been received by the NYISO on or before the date set forth on the ICAP Event Calendar. The NYISO shall offer into the Monthly Auction on behalf of any such entity the determined quantity at a price of $0.00. The Supplier will be paid the market-clearing price determined in the auction. Each Monthly Auction will be conducted and solved simultaneously to purchase Unforced Capacity, which may be used by an LSE toward all components of its LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation for each Obligation Procurement Period. Participation shall consist of: (i) LSEs seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (ii) any other entity seeking to purchase Unforced Capacity; (iii) qualified Installed Capacity Suppliers (for Resources other than New Special Case Resources); and (iv) any other entity that owns Unforced Capacity that is not (a) otherwise already committed and wishes to make that Unforced Capacity available or (b) attributable to New Special Case Resources. Buyers that are awarded Unforced Capacity shall pay the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity in the Monthly Auction. Sellers that are selected to provide Unforced NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-3 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Capacity shall receive the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity in the Monthly Auction in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at The results of each Monthly Auction will be made available to Market Participants in accordance with the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( 5.4 ICAP Spot Market Auction The NYISO shall conduct an ICAP Spot Market Auction to purchase Unforced Capacity, which shall be used by an LSE toward all components of its LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation for each Obligation Procurement Period immediately preceding the start of each Obligation Procurement Period. The exact date of the ICAP Spot Market Auction shall be established in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( All LSEs shall participate in the ICAP Spot Market Auction as described herein. In the ICAP Spot Market Auction, the NYISO shall submit monthly Bids on behalf of all LSEs at a level per MW determined by the applicable ICAP Demand Curve established in accordance with Section of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: and Section 5.5 of this ICAP Manual. The ICAP Spot Market Auction will set the LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation for each NYCA LSE. Prior to the ICAP Spot Market Auction, LSEs shall certify all Unforced Capacity acquired through Bilateral Transactions that will be counted toward their respective Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement. Each entity that has previously committed to supply Unforced Capacity for the Obligation Procurement Period will also certify to the NYISO the amount of Unforced Capacity it is using to meet those requirements. The NYISO shall receive offers from qualified Installed Capacity Suppliers for the ICAP Spot Market Auction for any amount of qualified Unforced Capacity that they have not previously certified. The NYISO shall also receive offers for the ICAP Spot Market Auction of Unforced Capacity from any LSE for any amount of qualified Unforced Capacity such LSE has in excess of its NYCA Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement or Locational Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement, as applicable. The ICAP Spot Market Auction will be conducted and solved simultaneously for Unforced Capacity that shall be used by an LSE towards all components of its LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation for that Obligation Procurement Period using the applicable ICAP Demand Curves, as established in Section of this ICAP Manual. LSEs that are awarded Unforced Capacity in the ICAP Spot Market Auction shall pay to the NYISO the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity determined in the ICAP Spot Market Auction. The NYISO shall pay Installed Capacity Suppliers that are selected to provide Unforced Capacity the applicable Market-Clearing Price determined in the ICAP Spot Market Auction in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at In accordance with Attachment H to the NYISO Services Tariff , for each Mitigated Capacity Zone, seasonally adjusted UCAP Offer Reference Levels will be applied to 5-4 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Installed Capacity supplied by In-City in a Mitigated Capacity Zone generation that is subject to capacity market mitigation measures. If the owner of an In-City resourceAn Installed Capacity Supplier in a Mitigated Capacity Zone that requests a unit-specific reference level, then the supplier must provide information on its Going-Forward Costs. If accepted, the NYISO will shape the adjusted UCAP Offer Reference level for thateach Generator n for the Summer and Winter months to which such Going-Forward Costs applies as follows: SARPn AGFC n DCL R 6 1 R n DCL 1 and WARPn SARPn DCL R , DCL 1 Where: SARPn is the adjusted UCAP Offer Reference Level during each month of the Summer Capability Period for Generator n; AGFCn is the annual Going Forward Cost for Generator n; Rn is the ratio of (1) the winter generating capacity of Generator n to (2) the summer generating capacity of Generator n; DCL is the ratio of (1) the amount of In-CityMitigated Capacity Zone ICAP at which the dDemand cCurve reaches a zero price to (2) the In-CityMitigated Capacity Zone ICAP requirement; R is the ratio of (1) the sum of the winter generating capacities of all In-CityMitigated Capacity Zone generation to (2) the sum of the summer generating capacities of all Mitigated Capacity Zone In-City generation; and WARPn is the adjusted UCAP Offer Reference Level during each month of the Winter Capability Period for Generator n. 5.5 Demand Curve and Adjustments Three (3) Separate ICAP Demand Curves arehave been established: one to determine the locational component of LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for the New York City Locality, one to determine the locational component of LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for eachthe Long Island Locality, and one to determine the total LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations for all LSEs serving load in the NYCA. Installed Capacity Demand Curves arehave been determined triennially for the next three2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 Capability Years and will be adjusted for subsequent three-year periods pursuant to the process set forth in the NYISO Services Tariff and in accordance with Section 5.6, below. Each ICAP Demand Curve is composed of three (3) straight-line3 portions: 3 In the ICAP Market System, each ICAP Demand Curve is represented by a piece-wise linear function (step function). Each linear segment has a length of 0.1 MW and a price as calculated based on the slope of the Demand Curve. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-5 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 1. 2. 3. A horizontal line segment, consisting of all points for which the price of ICAP is equal to 1.5 times the estimated localized levelized cost per kW-month to develop a new peaking unit4 in each Locality (for the ICAP Demand Curves for the New York City and Long Island Localities) or in the Rest-of-State region (for the NYCA ICAP Demand Curve), and for which the quantity of ICAP supplied is greater than or equal to zero but less than the quantity of ICAP supplied at the point where this segment intersects segment (2), which is described below. A line segment with a negative slope, which is a portion of a line that passes through the following points: a. a point at which the amount of ICAP supplied is equal to the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement (for the NYCA ICAP Demand Curve) or the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement (for the ICAP Demand Curves for the New York City and Long Islandeach Localityies), and the price of ICAP is equal to the monthly ICAP Reference Point price (as described below) for the NYCA or one of the Localities, as applicable; and b. a point at which the amount of ICAP supplied is set at the Zero Crossing Point, defined as the smallest quantity of Installed Capacity counting towards the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement or a Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, as applicable, for which the price of ICAP is zero. The line segment which comprises this portion of the ICAP Demand Curve consists of all points on this line for which the quantity of ICAP supplied is greater than or equal to the quantity of ICAP supplied at the point where this segment intersects segment (1), but less than or equal to the Zero Crossing Point defined for the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement or the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, as applicable. A horizontal line, consisting of all points for which the price of ICAP is zero, and for which the quantity of ICAP Supplied is greater than the Zero Crossing Point defined for the NYCA Installed Capacity or the Locational Installed Capacity, as applicable. The horizontal portions of the ICAP Demand Curves therefore define maximum and minimum prices for ICAP in the Localities (in the case of the Locational ICAP Demand Curves) and for Installed Capacity in the Rest-of-State Region (in the case of the NYCA ICAP Demand Curve). The sloped portion of each Demand Curve permits the price of capacity to change as a function of the amount of Installed Capacity supplied, relative to each Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement. The NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement is determined by the NYISO after the New York State Reliability Council sets the NYCA Installed Reserve Margin and the NYISO determines the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement (see Section 2 of this ICAP Manual for further explanation). The monthly ICAP Reference Point price for the NYCA and each Locality is based on the Annual Reference Value for that location, which is the estimated cost for a peaking unit for the Rest-of-State region (in the case of the 4 5-6 A peaking unit is defined as the unit with technology that results in the lowest fixed costs and highest variable costs among all other units’ technology that are economically viable. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Annual Reference Value for the NYCA) or a Locality (in the case of the Annual Reference Value for a Locality) less an estimate of annual net revenue offsets from the sale of energy and ancillary services for the Rest-of-State region or a Locality, as appropriate. Since the Annual Reference Value is based on generator ratings using an average annual temperature (59 degrees Fahrenheit, per International Standards Organization (ISO) standards), each monthly ICAP Reference Point price calculation shall include adjustments to take seasonal effects on the amount of UCAP that can be supplied, as well as the price of UCAP, into account. Each monthly ICAP Reference Point price is set to the level that would permit a peaking unit to be paid an amount over the course of the year that is equal to the Annual Reference Value, given the following assumptions: Each summer month’s revenue is equal to the product of the Summer DMNC of the peaking unit and the monthly ICAP Reference Point price for the NYCA or a Locality, as appropriate. Each winter month’s revenue is equal to the product of the Winter DMNC of the peaking unit and an assumed Winter ICAP price for the NYCA or a Locality, as appropriate, calculated as: WSRi 1 , WPi RPi 1 ZCPRi 1 Where: WPi = the assumed winter ICAP price for location i; RPi = the monthly ICAP Reference Point price for location i; ZCPRi = the ratio of the Zero Crossing Point defined for the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement to the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, if i is the NYCA, or the ratio of the Zero Crossing Point defined for a Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement to that Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, if i is a Locality; and WSRi = the ratio of the sum of winter DMNCs of ICAP providers in location i to the sum of summer DMNCs of ICAP providers in location i, using the most recent ratio of winter-to-summer DMNCs that is available from the NYCA market as reported in the annual Load and Capacity Data and posted at the time of the periodic review in the Planning section of the NYISO Web site ( s.jsp). ( ex.jsp). Consequently: NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-7 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL AssmdCap SDMNC RPi , WDMNC WSR i 1 6 1 1 1 SDMNC ZCPR i ARV i Where: ARVi = the Annual Reference Value for location i; AssmdCap = the capacity assumed for the peaking unit when calculating Annual Reference Values; SDMNC = the summer DMNC assumed for the peaking unit at 90 degrees Fthe temperature used to establish the ICAP Demand Curve; WDMNC = the winter DMNC assumed for the peaking unit at 20 degrees Fthe temperature used to establish the ICAP Demand Curve; and all other variables are as defined above. Maximum clearing prices, monthly ICAP Reference Point prices and Zero Crossing Points for the Installed Capacity Demand Curves are provided in Section the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: Quantities on each of these ICAP Demand Curves are stated in terms of amounts of ICAP supplied and prices are stated in terms of dollars per kW-month of ICAP supplied, but the metric actually used in the ICAP market is UCAP. Therefore, each of these ICAP Demand Curves must be translated into UCAP Demand Curves, so that quantities are stated in terms of UCAP supplied and prices are stated in terms of dollars per kW-month of UCAP supplied. This translation will be performed as follows: Before the beginning of each Capability Period, the NYISO will calculate an ICAP-to-UCAP translation factor for each ICAP Demand Curve, equal to one minus the average value of the six (6) most recent 12month rolling average EFORds calculated for all resources in the NYCA (in the case of the ICAP Demand Curve for the NYCA) or in a Locality (in the case of the ICAP Demand Curve for that Locality). Each price on each ICAP Demand Curve shall then be converted into a price on the corresponding UCAP Demand Curve by dividing it by one minus the ICAP-to-UCAP translation factor calculated for that ICAP Demand Curve. Each quantity on each ICAP Demand Curve shall be converted into a quantity on the corresponding UCAP Demand Curve by multiplying it by one minus the ICAP-to-UCAP translation factor calculated for that ICAP Demand Curve. The resulting Unforced Capacity Demand Curves can be found on the NYISO Web site at under the "ICAP Auctions" for the applicable Capability Period. 5.6 Demand Curve Adjustment Process An independent periodic review of the ICAP Demand Curves will be performed every three (3) years to determine whether the parameters of the ICAP Demand Curves should be adjusted in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site 5-8 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL at the following URL: Currently, the NYISO envisions a nearly two year process to conduct this review. The review will include the development of a Request for Proposals ("RFP") to select a consultant to perform required analyses, development of a consultant report, issuance of proposed Demand Curves, NYISO Board review of the Demand Curves and a FERC filing of the Demand Curves. The review includes stakeholder and NYISO Market Monitoring Unit input, review and comment in many of the steps throughout the process. The initial review of the Demand Curve parameters was conducted for the three year period commencing with the 2005/2006 Capability Year. 5.6.1 Development and Issuance of Schedule By mid-May (target May 15th) two years prior to the effective date of the Demand Curves to be filed under this review, the NYISO will issue for stakeholder review and comment a draft schedule providing the completion dates of the major review activities. By May 30, a schedule will be finalized for the Demand Curve review. 5.6.2 Development of a Request for Proposal (RFP) In accordance with the schedule developed in Section 5.6.1, the NYISO will issue to stakeholders and the NYISO Market Monitoring Unit for their review and comment a draft RFP to engage a consultant to perform the required analyses under the review. Prior to the issuance of the RFP, face to face reviews with NYISO staff, NYISO Market Monitoring Unit, and interested stakeholders will be conducted to allow input and discussion of all relevant issues and the development of appropriate methodologies to be followed for the review. To expedite and focus the process, the NYISO staff may provide a straw proposal for consideration. These discussions will lead to a set of desired assumptions and acceptable methodologies to be guidance for bidder responses to the RFP. 5.6.3 Selection of Consultant Upon finalization of the RFP, but no later than the date established in the approved schedule for the Demand Curve review, the NYISO will issue the RFP to a selected list of potential bidders. The RFP will provide potential bidders an opportunity to seek clarification of items included in the RFP through a Bidder’s Conference. Although interested stakeholders are welcome at the conference, this conference will not be used as an opportunity to elicit support from the consultant for any particular issue of importance to any one party. The NYISO will have sole responsibility for The development of a selection criteria to determine the winning bidder, The evaluation of the RFPs submitted, and The selection of the winning bidder. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-9 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL The NYISO will award the contract to the winning bidder in accordance with the established schedule. 5.6.4 Development of Consultant Final Report Prior to the winning consultant beginning work, meetings will be conducted to finalize the study assumptions and required sensitivity analysis. These meetings will include NYISO staff, NYISO Market Monitoring Unit, interested stakeholders and the consultant. In the event that agreement cannot be reached on the assumptions or sensitivities, NYISO staff in consultation with the NYISO Market Monitoring Unit, will make the final determination of the assumptions to be used and the sensitivity analyses to be included in the review. Upon issuance of a draft report by the consultant, meeting(s) will be convened to allow review and comment of the data and assumptions used in the review and the conclusions drawn by the consultant. These meetings will include NYISO staff, NYISO Market Monitoring Unit, interested stakeholders and the consultant. The NYISO Market Monitoring Unit may propose adjustments to certain data or assumptions with input from NYISO staff and stakeholders. Comments made by NYISO staff, NYISO Market Monitoring Unit and interested stakeholders will be included in the consultant’s final report. In addition, the consultant will include its rationale for inclusion or exclusion of these comments in the final results of their analysis. The consultant will issue its final report in accordance with the established schedule. 5.6.5 Issuance of NYISO Draft Demand Curve Recommendations The NYISO will issue its draft Demand Curve recommendations in accordance with the established schedule. The contents of these recommendations will include: The localized, levelized embedded cost of a peaking unit in each NYCA Locality and the Rest of State for each of the three capability years included in the review; The associated energy and ancillary services revenues in each NYCA Locality and the rest of state at or slightly in excess of equilibrium conditions; The “zero-crossing point” where the Demand Curves cross $0 (the point beyond which Unforced Capacity has no value) for each of the three capability years included in the review; The rationale for the selection of each recommendation provided above; and The rationale for the inclusion or exclusion of stakeholder comments in determining these recommendations. 5.6.6 NYISO Board Review Any stakeholder shall have thirty (30) days within which to request an opportunity to provide the NYISO Board with supplemental analysis for its consideration when acting on the proposed ICAP Demand Curves. Upon receipt of such a request, the NYISO Board shall, upon notice to all parties, review information and analysis timely filed with it, and hear oral arguments on the issues that have been raised. 5-10 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 5.6.7 FERC Filing of ICAP Demand Curves A filing to FERC of the NYISO Board approved ICAP Demand Curve parameters will be made by November 30 in the year prior to commencement of the first Capability Period included in the review. Once the ICAP Demand Curves have been approved by FERC, they shall remain binding for the 3-year period until the next review, absent exigent circumstances. 5.7 Supplemental Supply Fee Any LSE that has not met its share of the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement or its share of the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement after the completion of an ICAP Spot Market Auction shall be assessed a supplemental supply fee. The supplemental supply fee shall be the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity as determined in the ICAP Spot Market Auction multiplied by the number of MW the deficient LSE needs to meet its share of the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement or its share of the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement. The NYISO will attempt to use these supplemental supply fees to procure Unforced Capacity at a price less than or equal to the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity determined in the ICAP Spot Market Auction from Installed Capacity Suppliers that are capable of supplying Unforced Capacity including: 1) Installed Capacity Suppliers that were not qualified to supply Capacity prior to the ICAP Spot Market Auction (other than New Special Case Resources); 2) Installed Capacity Suppliers that offered Unforced Capacity at levels above the ICAP Spot Market Auction Market-Clearing Price; and 3) Installed Capacity Suppliers that did not offer Unforced Capacity in the ICAP Spot Market Auction. In the event that different Installed Capacity Suppliers offer the same price, the NYISO will give preference to Installed Capacity Suppliers that were not qualified to supply Capacity prior to the ICAP Spot Market Auction (other than New Special Case Resources). Offers from Installed Capacity Suppliers are subject to mitigation measures in accordance with Attachment H to the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: Installed Capacity Suppliers selected by the NYISO to provide Capacity after the ICAP Spot Market Auction will be paid a negotiated price. The NYISO will not pay an Installed Capacity Supplier more than the applicable Market- Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity determined in the ICAP Spot Market Auction per MW of Unforced Capacity, pro-rated to reflect the portion of the Capability Period for which the Installed Capacity Supplier provides Unforced Capacity. 5.8 ICAP Supplier Shortfalls and Deficiency Payments In the event that an Installed Capacity Supplier sells more Unforced Capacity than it is qualified to sell in any specific month in the Capability Period or Monthly Auctions (such amounts including the amount of a New Special Case Resources), the Installed Capacity NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-11 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Supplier shall be deemed to have a shortfall for that month. To cover this shortfall, the Installed Capacity Supplier shall purchase sufficient Unforced Capacity in the relevant Monthly Auction or through Bilateral Transactions, and certify to the NYISO consistent with the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( that it has covered such shortfall. If the Installed Capacity Supplier does not cover such shortfall or if it does not certify to the NYISO in a timely manner, the NYISO shall prospectively purchase Unforced Capacity on behalf of that Installed Capacity Supplier in the appropriate ICAP Spot Market Auction or, in the event (x) of shortages in that auction, or (y) the shortfall is due to the Installed Capacity Supplier selling Unforced Capacity from a New Special Case Resource in an auction other than a ICAP Spot Market Auction or through a Bilateral Transaction, and the shortfall is not computed by the NYISO until after the applicable ICAP Spot Market Auction, through post-ICAP Spot Market Auction Unforced Capacity purchases to cover the remaining shortfall. External CRIS Rights Holders that fail to certify or offer the full amount of Contract or Non-Contract CRIS Rights megawatts are subject to a deficiency charge in accordance with Section 25.7.11 of the NYISO OATT Attachment S. In the event that an External Installed Capacity Supplier fails to deliver to the NYCA the Energy associated with the Unforced Capacity it committed to the NYCA due to a failure to obtain appropriate transmission service or rights, the External Installed Capacity Supplier shall be deemed to have a shortfall from the last time the External Installed Capacity Supplier “demonstrated” delivery of its Installed Capacity Equivalent (“ICE”), or any part thereof, until it next delivers its ICE or the end of the term for which it certified the applicable block of Unforced Capacity, whichever occurs first, subject to the limitation that any prior lack of demonstrated delivery will not precede the beginning of the period for which the Unforced Capacity was certified. An External Installed Capacity Supplier deemed to have a shortfall shall be required to pay to the NYISO a deficiency charge equal to one and one-half times the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity as determined in the Spot Market Auction multiplied by the number of MW the Installed Capacity Supplier is deficient, pro-rated for the number of hours in the month that External Installed Capacity Supplier is deemed to have a shortfall (i.e., ((deficiency charge ÷ total number of hours in month of shortfall) * number of hours the shortfall lasted) * number of MW of shortfall). The NYISO shall submit a Bid, calculated pursuant to Section 5.14.1 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL:, in the appropriate ICAP Spot Market Auction on behalf of an Installed Capacity Supplier deemed to have a shortfall as if it were an LSE. Such Installed Capacity Supplier shall be required to pay to the NYISO the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity established in that ICAP Spot Market Auction. In the event that the ICAP Spot Market Auction clears below the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement or the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, whichever is applicable to the Installed Capacity Supplier, the Installed Capacity Supplier shall be assessed the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity as determined in the Spot Market Auction multiplied by the number of MW the Installed Capacity Supplier needs to meet its shortfall. 5-12 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL If an Installed Capacity Supplier is found, at any point during or after a Capability Period, to have had a shortfall for that Capability Period, e.g., when the amount of Unforced Capacity that it supplies is found to be less than the amount it was committed to supply, the Installed Capacity Supplier shall be retrospectively liable to pay the NYISO the applicable deficiency charge equal to one and one-half times the applicable Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity as determined in the Spot Market Auction multiplied by the number of MW the Installed Capacity Supplier is deficient. Any remaining monies collected by the NYISO pursuant to Sections 5.14.1 and 5.14.2 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: will be applied as specified in Section 5.14.3 of the NYISO Services Tariff. 5.9 Timing of Auctions The NYISO will develop a Capability Period ICAP Event Calendar that to the extent practicable will ensure that: 1. 2. 3. 4. A Capability Period Auction where Unforced Capacity shall be made available for purchase for the entire six-month Capability Period will be held at least thirty (30) days before the beginning of that Capability Period; Pre-Capability Period Monthly Auctions where Unforced Capacity is made available for purchase for any or all Obligation Procurement Periods within the Capability Period will be held at least fifteen (15) days before the beginning of that Capability Period; During a Capability Period, Monthly Auctions will be held at least fifteen (15) days before the beginning of each Obligation Procurement Period in which Unforced Capacity will be made available for any or all remaining Obligation Procurement Periods within that Capability Period; and A monthly ICAP Spot Market Auction will be held at least two (2) business days before the beginning of each Obligation Procurement Period during which the NYISO will procure LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations on behalf of each LSE. The above guidelines may be adjusted for weekends and holidays. The intent of the above will direct the NYISO towards fair compromises when developing or amending the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( 5.10 Bids to Buy and Sell - General Requirements Bids to purchase Unforced Capacity and offers to supply Unforced Capacity must be entered, and received by the NYISO, as separate Bids for each auction. Bidders who wish to purchase Unforced Capacity and Offerors who wish to supply Unforced Capacity in any NYISO-administered auction may submit Bids to the NYISO only on the day of the auction, unless otherwise specified in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( If the NYISO does not receive NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-13 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Offerors offers to supply Unforced Capacity in an auction, the NYISO may cancel that auction. By contrast, if the NYISO receives at least one offer to sell in an auction from an Offeror, the NYISO will not cancel that auction, and will allow a Market-Clearing Price to be calculated in that auction, even if no Bidder submits a bid to buy in that auction. All LSEs with Unforced Capacity in excess of their share of the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement or their share of the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, as applicable, may offer such Unforced Capacity into the ICAP Spot Market Auction on their own behalf. 5.11 Limitations on Offerors’ Participation in Installed Capacity Auctions Only Customers will be permitted to offer to sell Unforced Capacity in an auction. The amount of Unforced Capacity that can be offered for sale in the Spot Market Auction from a given Installed Capacity Supplier will not be permitted to exceed the amount that the Installed Capacity Supplier is qualified to supply in the NYCA. When the NYISO reduces the amount of Unforced Capacity that an Installed Capacity Supplier may supply to the NYCA, the Installed Capacity Supplier shall procure any shortfall in Unforced Capacity resulting from the reduction through Bilateral Transactions or in any NYISO-administered auction, provided, however, such procurements shall not include New Special Case Resources. The amount of Unforced Capacity that any given Offeror is permitted to offer for sale in the Spot Market Auction shall not exceed the Offeror’s share of the amount of Unforced Capacity its Installed Capacity Suppliers are permitted to offer for sale, as calculated above, less any offers of Unforced Capacity that Offeror has offered for sale either through Bilateral Transactions or through sales to External Control Areas. To the extent that an LSE seeks to offer into the ICAP Spot Market Auction, such LSE is limited to offering only those amounts of Unforced Capacity that are in excess of its share of the NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement or its share of the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement, as applicable. Installed Capacity Suppliers that wish to participate in the Spot Market Auction must certify to the NYISO by the date posted in the detailed ICAP Event Calendar that can be found by selecting the link provided ( The certification shall demonstrate: (i) that they own, have contracted to purchase, or have been designated as the agent for the share of each Resource that they claim when making offers to supply Unforced Capacity; and (ii) that the Unforced Capacity they offer has not been committed or sold to provide Unforced Capacity in the New York market or an External Control Area. Any offer to sell that would cause the total amount of Unforced Capacity offered by that Offeror from that Resource to exceed the amount of Unforced Capacity it is permitted to offer from that Resource will be rejected in its entirety. If an Installed Capacity Supplier (or a portion of the Unforced Capacity attributable to an Installed Capacity Supplier) is selected in the auction to provide Unforced Capacity, that Resource (or portion thereof) cannot provide Installed Capacity to any other Control Area, 5-14 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL and shall be required to adhere to the requirements for Installed Capacity Suppliers set forth in the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: and in this ICAP Manual. Entities wishing to purchase Unforced Capacity that will count toward Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements in other Control Areas will not be able to purchase such Unforced Capacity in an NYISO-administered auction. 5.12 Limitations on Bidders’ Participation in Installed Capacity Auctions As part of its evaluation of each Bidder’s creditworthiness, the NYISO may establish credit limits for each Bidder. The NYISO will reject Bids from Bidders if acceptance of that bid could cause the total amount owed by that Bidder as a result of the auction to exceed that Bidder’s credit limit. The credit criteria used by the NYISO are contained in Article 8 of the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: 5.13 Required Information in Bids to Buy In the Capability Period and Monthly Auction, each Bidder may submit multiple Bids. Each bid to purchase Unforced Capacity submitted by a Bidder must include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The total amount of Unforced Capacity it wishes to purchase in association with that Bid, in increments of 100 kW; The maximum price the Bidder is willing to pay for the Unforced Capacity it is offering to purchase in its Bid, in $/kW per month; The auction to which the Bid applies; Whether the Unforced Capacity must be associated with Installed Capacity Suppliers located in a specific Locality, and if so, which Locality; and Whether the Installed Capacity Suppliers associated with the Unforced Capacity can be located in a Control Area outside the NYCA or outside any specific Locality within the NYCA. In the ICAP Spot Market Auction, the NYISO will enter Bids on behalf of all LSEs. Prior to the ICAP Spot Market Auction, LSEs will certify the amount of Unforced Capacity that they have obtained for the upcoming Obligation Procurement Period. After LSE certification, the NYISO will enter Bids into the ICAP Spot Market Auction in accordance with the applicable Demand Curve for each Locality and the NYCA. In order to participate in the Installed Capacity market, each LSE must sign the NYISO Unforced Capacity Purchase Agreement that is found in Attachment F to this ICAP Manual. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-15 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 5.14 Required Information in Offers to Sell In the Capability Period Auction, the Monthly Auction, and the ICAP Spot Market Auction, each Offeror may submit multiple offers. Each offer to sell Unforced Capacity submitted by an Offeror must include (except where noted) to the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.15 5.15.1 The amount of Unforced Capacity it offers to sell in increments of 100 kW; The minimum price it is willing to accept for the Unforced Capacity it is offering to sell in its offer, in $/kW per month; The auction to which the offer applies; The name (PTID) of the Installed Capacity Supplier providing the Unforced Capacity offered for sale (this provision is not a requirement of Offers submitted for the Capability Period and Monthly auctions by Installed Capacity Suppliers offering Unforced Capacity from Generators located within the NYCA); Whether that Installed Capacity Supplier is located in a Locality, and if so, which Locality; and Whether that Installed Capacity Supplier is located in a Control Area outside the NYCA, and if so, which Control Area. Selection of Bids and Offers; Determination of Market-Clearing Prices Capability Period and Monthly Auctions In the Capability Period and Monthly Auctions, the NYISO will determine which Bids to purchase and which offers to sell Unforced Capacity are selected by maximizing the sum of the Bids submitted by winning bidders minus the offers submitted by winning offerors subject to the following constraints: (1) the amount of Unforced Capacity in each Locality for which offers were accepted must be sufficient to satisfy all accepted Bids that specified that Unforced Capacity must be located in that Locality. (Unforced Capacity combined with UDRs will be treated as Unforced Capacity in the relevant Locality.); and (2) the amount of Unforced Capacity in each Control Area outside the NYCA for which offers were accepted cannot exceed the limitation placed on the Unforced Capacity that can be procured from that Control Area; and (3) the amount of Unforced Capacity associated with In-City generation that is subject to capacity market mitigation measures for which offers were accepted shall not exceed the amount of Unforced Capacity accepted from Bids which specify that such Unforced Capacity must be located in the New York City Locality. If, prior to a Capability Period Auction or Monthly Auction, the sum of Grandfathered External Installed Capacity rights, External CRIS RightsMW, and External Installed Capacity Import Rights granted at an interface with an External Control Area is equal to the interface limit as defined in Section 4.9.6 of this ICAP Manual (i.e., the interface is full), only offers using Grandfathered External Installed Capacity rights or External Installed Capacity Import Rights and offers for MW of Unforced Capacity that are not associated with External CRIS will be acceptedor Import Rights will be rejected. 5-16 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL All, part, or none of a Bid to purchase or an offer to sell Unforced Capacity may be selected in any Capability Period or Monthly Auction. As a result, if a Bidder offers in a Bid to purchase a given amount of Unforced Capacity at a given price, it may be awarded that amount of Unforced Capacity, or it may be awarded any amount lower than the amount it offered to purchase (including zero MW). Neither Bidders nor Offerors will be permitted to submit Bids or offers that specify that either all or none of a Bid or offer can be selected. Bids to purchase or offers to sell Unforced Capacity in a given Capability Period or Monthly Auction cannot be made contingent on the outcome of another auction; e.g., an Offeror will not be permitted to offer Unforced Capacity within one month’s auction contingent upon its sale of Unforced Capacity in another month’s auction. In cases in which multiple Bidders Bid to pay the same price for Unforced Capacity in a given location (or group of locations, if there is no price difference between those locations) in the same Capability Period or Monthly Auction, and some but not all of those Bids can be selected, the amount of Unforced Capacity awarded to each of those Bidders in association with each of those Bids shall be proportional to the amount of Unforced Capacity that Bidder Bid to purchase in that location (or group of locations, if there is no price difference between those locations) at that price. Likewise, in cases in which multiple Offerors offer to sell Unforced Capacity in a given location (or group of locations, if there is no price difference between those locations) for the same price in the same Capability Period or Monthly Auction, and some but not all of those offers can be selected, the amount of Unforced Capacity selected from each of those Offerors in association with each of those offers shall be proportional to the amount of Unforced Capacity that the Offeror offered to sell in that location (or group of locations, if there is no price difference between those locations) at that price. As a result of each Capability Period or Monthly Auction, the following Market-Clearing Prices for Unforced Capacity will be determined: 1. 2. 3. Prices for Unforced Capacity located in each Locality. Prices for Unforced Capacity located in each Control Area outside the NYCA. Price for Unforced Capacity located in the portion of the NYCA that is not located in a capacity-constrained Locality. Market-Clearing Prices per MW of Unforced Capacity will be calculated for each Locality, for the NYCA, and for each External Control Area. 1. 2. 3. The Market-Clearing Price for a Locality will be the price at which one could have satisfied an incremental increase in demand in the auction for Capacity that had to be located in the Locality. The Market-Clearing Price for the NYCA will be the price at which one could have satisfied an incremental increase in demand in the auction for Capacity that could have been located anywhere in the NYCA. The Market-Clearing Price for an External Control Area will be the price at which one could have satisfied an incremental increase in demand in the auction for Capacity that could have been located in the NYCA. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-17 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL The objective function that the NYISO will use in the Capability Period and Monthly Auctions, which was described in the previous section, will be to select the offers of Unforced Capacity with the lowest offer prices, insofar as doing so would not cause violations on the total amount of Unforced Capacity that can be purchased from an External Control Area (or group of Areas), pursuant to Section 4.9.3. But the need to honor these locational constraints may require the NYISO to accept some offers, which specify relatively high offer prices for Unforced Capacity while not accepting other offers with lower offer prices, because purchasing the lower-priced Unforced Capacity would violate locational constraints. In such cases, locational constraints will be binding and MarketClearing Prices of Unforced Capacity may differ from location to location. If no locational constraints are binding (i.e., if the limitations on the total amount of Unforced Capacity that can be sold from any given Control Area did not force the NYISO to select more expensive offers of Unforced Capacity in the auction than it would have selected in the absence of those locational constraints), then the Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity will be the same at every location. When locational constraints do not bind, the Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity in a given Capability Period or Monthly Auction will be the marginal resourceoffer price, which may be a bid or offer ("Marginal Offer Price") of providingfor additional Unforced Capacity in such Monthly Auction or Capability Period Auction, as applicable. This procedure for calculating Market-Clearing Prices is analogous to the procedure that will be used to calculate LBMP prices in the Energy market (which are based onupon the marginal bid or offer cost of supplying an increment of Load at a location). Illustrations of these procedures for calculating prices appear in Attachment H of this ICAP Manual. In order to determine the Marginal Offer Price of providing Unforced Capacity in the Capability Period and Monthly Auction, the NYISO will calculate the change in the amount of Unforced Capacity that would have been bought and sold by each Bidder and Offeror if there had been — in addition to the Bids and offers that were already part of the auction — an additional demand for a very small amount of Unforced Capacity. The presence of this additional demand would have had one of two effects. Either it would have increased the amount of Unforced Capacity purchased from the marginal Offeror (which is the Offeror whose offer price is lowest among those entities that offered Unforced Capacity into that auction, but did not sell all of that Unforced Capacity in that auction), so that the amount of Unforced Capacity purchased from that Offeror would have been slightly above the amount that was actually purchased in that auction. Alternatively, it would have decreased the amount of Unforced Capacity purchased by the marginal Bidder (which is the Bidder whose bid price is lowest among those entities that purchased Unforced Capacity in that auction), so that the amount of Unforced Capacity purchased by that Bidder would have been slightly below the amount that was actually purchased in that auction (with the leftover Unforced Capacity used to meet the small additional demand). The algorithm that the NYISO uses to conduct the Capability Period or Monthly Auction will choose whichever of these mechanisms satisfies the additional demand at the lowest cost. That cost (expressed in terms of $/kW per time period applicable to the auction) will determine the Marginal Offer Price of providing Unforced Capacity in that auction. When a locational constraint is binding, the Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity at the location in either the Capability Period or Monthly Auction, as applicable, will be the 5-18 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL Marginal Offer Price of providing Unforced Capacity at the location of the locational constraint. First, the locational constraints will be divided into two groups. A Locality constraint is binding if the NYISO selects offers of Unforced Capacity located in a certain Locality while not selecting lower-priced offers of Unforced Capacity from outside that Locality. The only instance in which the NYISO will not select such offers is in order to avoid violating locational constraints specified by Bidders that state that a Bid is only valid for Unforced Capacity located in a given Locality, or that can be used to satisfy a Locational requirement. An External Control Area constraint is binding if the NYISO does not select offers of Unforced Capacity located in a particular External Control Area (or group of Areas), while selecting offers with higher offer prices from Installed Capacity Suppliers located in the NYCA or in other External Control Areas, to avoid violating the limits on the total amount of Unforced Capacity that can be sold from a given External Control Area (or group of Areas), pursuant to Section 4.9.3 of this ICAP Manual. When the only unawarded offers for Unforced Capacity at an External Control Area interface are associated with External Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (CRIS) Rights offers by an Installed Capacity Supplier whose Unforced Capacity obligation has been met, such offers (i.e., the Unforced Capacity in excess of the External CRIS Right obligation) will not be considered in determining the Market- Clearing Price at the External Interface, and the External Control Area constraint is not deemed to be binding for purposes of settling the MarketClearing Price of Unforced Capacity. The Market-Clearing Price in a Locality or External Control Area is determined as follows: If a Locality constraint is binding in a Capability Period or Monthly Auction, the Market-Clearing Price of Unforced Capacity located in that Locality will be the Marginal Offer Price of providing additional Unforced Capacity in that Locality in that auction. If an External Control Area constraint is binding for a particular Control Area (or group of Areas) in a Capability Period or Monthly Auction, then the MarketClearing Price of Unforced Capacity located in that External Control Area (or group of Areas) will be the Marginal Offer Price of providing additional Unforced Capacity from that particular External Control Area (or group of Areas). The Market-Clearing Price in a Capability Period or Monthly auction for Unforced Capacity located in Rest of State (which includes (1) Unforced Capacity located in the NYCA, but not in any other Locality; (2) Unforced Capacity located in a Locality, if that Locality constraint is not binding; and (3) Unforced Capacity located in an External Control Area, if no External Control Area constraint affecting that External Control Area (or group of Areas) is binding) will be the Marginal Offer Price of providing additional Unforced Capacity located anywhere other than a Locality for which a Locality constraint is binding or an External Control Area(or group of Areas) for which an External Control Area constraint is binding. The set of prices that result will ensure that when a Long Island Locality constraint is binding, the Market-Clearing Price for Unforced Capacity located in that Locality will be higher than the Market-Clearing Price for Unforced Capacity located in the portion of the NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-19 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL NYCA that is not part of another Locality. It also ensures that when an External Control Area constraint is binding, the Market-Clearing Price for Unforced Capacity located in that External Control Area (or group of Areas) will be lower than the Market -Clearing Price for Unforced Capacity located in the portion of the NYCA that is not part of another Locality. The NYISO will identify Bids that are accepted as follows: 1. 2. 3. Bids for Unforced Capacity that must be located in a Locality and that arewere above the Market-Clearing Price for that Locality will be accepted in their entirety. Bids equal to the Market-Clearing Price will be accepted on a pro rata basis. Bids for Unforced Capacity that could be located anywhere in the NYCA that arewere above the Market-Clearing Price for Rest of State will be accepted in their entirety. Bids equal to the Market-Clearing Price will be accepted on a pro rata basis. Bids for Unforced Capacity that could be located anywhere in the NYCA or in one or more External Control Areas that were above the Market-Clearing Price for Rest of State will be accepted in their entirety. Bids equal to the Market-Clearing Price will be accepted on a pro rata basis. The NYISO will identify offers that are accepted as follows: 1. 2. 3. Offers for Unforced Capacity in a Locality that were below the Market-Clearing Price for that Locality will be accepted in their entirety. Offers equal to the MarketClearing Price will be accepted on a pro rata basis. a. An exception applies to Offers of Unforced Capacity that haves an Offer Floor must be at or above the Offer Floor and can only be offered into the ICAP Spot Market Auction as set forth below in ICAP Manual Section 5.15.2iassociated with In-City generation that is not subject to capacity market mitigation measures. Offers for such Unforced Capacity shall be accepted if they are below either the Market-Clearing Price for the New York City Locality or the MarketClearing Price for Rest of State, whichever is higher. Offers equal to the greater of the Market- Clearing Price for the New York City Locality or the MarketClearing Price for Rest of State shall be accepted on a pro rata basis. Offers for Unforced Capacity in Rest of State that were below the Market-Clearing Price for Rest of State will be accepted in their entirety. Offers equal to the MarketClearing Price will be accepted on a pro rata basis. Offers for Unforced Capacity in an External Control Area that were below the Market-Clearing Price for that External Control Area will be accepted in their entirety. Bids equal to the Market-Clearing Price will be accepted on a pro rata basis. Market-Clearing Prices will be calculated independently for the Capability Period Auction and for within each Capability Period and Monthly Auction, and separately for each Capacity area. As a result, the Market-Clearing Price for Unforced Capacity at a given location may vary within the same auction, or among different monthly auctions conducted at the same time. 5-20 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 5.15.2 ICAP Spot Market Auction In the ICAP Spot Market Auction, the NYISO will construct a supply curve for the total Unforced Capacity in the NYCA for which the NYISO receives offers, which includes all Capacity that LSEs or Installed Capacity Suppliers had designated for use to meet their respective LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations through self-supply, as well as all other Capacity offered into the ICAP Spot Market Auction. In cases in which the total amount of Capacity in a given External Control Area, or the combination of all External Control Areas, would exceed limits on the amount of Capacity that can be located in awarded from these areas, the NYISO shall eliminate the highest offers (or parts of those offers) in the affected External Control Areas from this supply curve until those limits are no longer exceeded. If prior to a Spot Market Auction the sum of Grandfathered External Installed Capacity rights, External CRIS RightsMW and External Installed Capacity Import Rights granted at an interface with an External Control Area is equal to the interface limit as defined in Section 4.9.6 of this ICAP Manual (i.e., the interface is full), only offers using Grandfathered External Installed Capacity rights, or External Installed Capacity Import Rights, and offers for MW of Unforced Capacity that are not associated with External CRIS Rights or Import Rights will be acceptedrejected. In the ICAP Spot Market Auction, the NYISO will also construct a supply curve for all Unforced Capacity offered for the NYCA, as well as for each Locality, which includes all Capacity in that Locality that LSEs or Installed Capacity Suppliers had designated for use to meet their respective LSE Unforced Capacity Obligations through self-supply, as well as all other Capacity for the relevant Locality or NYCA in that Locality offered into the ICAP Spot Market Auction. Capacity combined with UDRs shall be treated as Capacity in the relevant Locality. In the ICAP Spot Market Auction, the Market-Clearing Price shall be determined for the NYCA, for each Locality, and for each External Control Area. The Market-Clearing Price for the NYCA will be the price at which the supply curve for the total Unforced Capacity intersects the applicable ICAP Demand Curve for the total Installed Capacity market, subject to applicable constraints. The Market-Clearing Price for a Locality will be the price at which the supply curve for that Locality intersects the Demand Curve for that Locality unless the Market- Clearing Price determined for Rest of State is higher in which case the Market-Clearing Price for that Locality will be set at the Market-Clearing Price for Rest of State. The Market-Clearing Price for an External Control Area will be set to the Market- Clearing Price for the NYCA unless there were offers below the NYCA Market-Clearing Price from Installed Capacity Suppliers in External Control Areas that were not accepted. If a received offer in the ICAP Spot Market Auction was not accepted because it would cause the limit on the total amount of Capacity provided by Installed Capacity Suppliers located outside the NYCA to have been exceeded, the Market-Clearing Price for all External Control Areas shall be set to the price at which one could have obtained an incremental amount of Capacity from anywhere outside the NYCA unless there were offers below such MarketClearing Price from Installed Capacity Suppliers in a given External Control Area that were not accepted. In that case, the Market-Clearing Price for that External Control Area would NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-21 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL be set to the price at which one could have obtained an incremental amount of Capacity in that External Control Area. If the only unawarded offers for Unforced Capacity at that External Control Area interface are associated with External Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (CRIS) Rights offers by an Installed Capacity Supplier whose Unforced Capacity obligation has been met, such offers (i.e., the Unforced Capacity in excess of the External CRIS Right obligation) will not be considered in determining the Market- Clearing Price at that External interface. No later than the fifth (5th) business day following the date that the NYISO posts the ICAP Spot Market Auction results, for all Special Case Resources in Zone J, each RIP shall submit, among other data required by the NYISO, (i) all individual registered Special Case Resources not offered, (ii) all individual registered Special Case Resources offered in part (denoted by a fractional value between 0 and 1; (iii) all individual registered Special Case Resources offered (in whole or part) but not sold, and if sold in part, the fractional value of the sale, (iv) all individual registered Special Case Resources included in bilateral capacity contracts, and if included in part, denoted by a fractional value between 0 and 1. 5.16 Billing and Settlements Subject to the exceptions noted elsewhere regarding New York City generation, tThe NYISO will pay each Offeror whose offer to sell Unforced Capacity is selected in an auction the Market-Clearing Price determined in that auction at the location of each of its Resources that have been selected to provide Unforced Capacity, for each 100 kW of Unforced Capacity that Resource has been selected to supply. Each Bidder for Unforced Capacity whose Bid to purchase is selected in an auction will pay the NYISO the MarketClearing Price at the location specified in the Bid(s) that have been selected, for each 100 kW of Unforced Capacity that it purchased. The capacity-weighted Market-Clearing price for all capacity purchased to satisfy accepted Bids that did not state that capacity used to meet those bids must be provided from Resources in a Locality. That price shall be determined for each Auction as follows: ROSP a NYCASale a LocPurch l ,a ECAPe,a ECASale e,a l L eE CPa , NYCASale a LocPurch l ,a ECASale e,a l L eE Where: CPa is the capacity-weighted average Market-Clearing price charged to purchasers of capacity in Auction a as described above; ROSPa is the Market-Clearing price in Auction a for Unforced Capacity provided by Resources in Rest of State; NYCASalea is the amount of Unforced Capacity sold in Auction a from Resources within the NYCA, including Localities; 5-22 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL LocPurchl,a is the amount of Unforced Capacity purchased in Auction a by auction participants stating that the capacity purchased in association with their bid must be located in Locality l; L is the set of Localities in the NYCA; ECAPe,a is the Market-Clearing price in Auction a for Unforced Capacity provided by Resources in external Control Area e; ECASalee,a is the amount of Unforced Capacity sold in Auction a from Resources in external Control Area e; and E is the set of external Control Areas. For all Installed Capacity auctions, entities selling Unforced Capacity will be paid: 1. The Market-Clearing Price for the Locality times the number of MW of offers they submitted that were accepted for Capacity in that Locality. (Capacity combined with UDRs will be treated as Capacity in the relevant Locality.) 2. The Market-Clearing Price for the NYCA times the number of MW of offers they submitted that were accepted. The Market-Clearing Price for an External Control Area times the number of MW of offers they submitted that were accepted for Capacity in that External Control Area. 3. In the ICAP Spot Market Auction, the NYISO will charge entities purchasing Unforced Capacity the Market-Clearing Price as determined in Section 5.15 of this ICAP Manual. Settlements for all Installed Capacity auctions will occur in the month following the month for which the Unforced Capacity was purchased. For example, Unforced Capacity purchased for the month of May will be billed and paid for in the month of June. The schedule for bills and payments for Unforced Capacity will follow the Energy Market schedule. A timetable for bills and payments for the Energy Market can be found on the NYISO Web site: ( Unforced Capacity purchased in the six-month strip auction (the Capability Period Auction) will be settled on a monthly basis. The NYISO will issue bills for one-sixth of the applicable Market-Clearing Price for Unforced Capacity on the same schedule referenced above. 5.17 Allocation of Winning Bids In the Capability Period and Monthly Auctions, each Bidder whose Bid to purchase Unforced Capacity is selected will be allocated a pro rata share of the Unforced Capacity purchased in the auction using the following procedure: 1. 2. Bidders whose Bids specified that the Unforced Capacity must be associated with an Installed Capacity Supplier located in a Locality will be awarded such Unforced Capacity. Any remaining purchasers of Unforced Capacity shall be allocated capacity provided by all remaining sellers of Unforced Capacity on a pro-rata basis. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-23 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 5.18 Posting of Results The NYISO will post the results of each auction within the time period specified in the NYISO Procedures. These results shall include: 1. 2. 3. The Market-Clearing Price for each Locality, each External Control Area, and the portion of the NYCA not included in any other Locality, in each NYISOadministered auction. The total amount of Unforced Capacity associated with Installed Capacity Suppliers in each Locality, each External Control Area, and the portion of the NYCA that is not included in any other Locality that was sold in each NYISOadministered auction. The total amount of Unforced Capacity purchased in each NYISO-administered auction, broken down by the constraints placed upon the location of that Unforced Capacity by the Bidders placing those Bids. The NYISO shall publish all Bids and Offers made in each auction three months after the conclusion of that auction. The names of Offerors or Bidders will not be revealed publicly; however, the NYISO will post these data in a way that permits the identity of a given Offeror or Bidder to be tracked over time. 5-24 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL This page intentionally blank. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 5-25 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 6. S ANCTIONS The NYISO may impose sanctions on Installed Capacity Suppliers, LSEs, and Transmission Owners for failing to comply with requirements set forth in the NYISO Services Tariff (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL: and requirements enumerated in this ICAP Manual. Sanctions may be assessed against Installed Capacity Suppliers for actions that fall into the following two categories: Failure to provide required information; and Failure to comply with bidding, scheduling and notification requirements, and procedures. An LSE that fails to comply with the ISO’s requirement to demonstrate ahead of an Obligation Procurement Period that it has procured sufficient Unforced Capacity to cover its Minimum Unforced Capacity Requirement is penalized through the procedures and financial consequences of the Deficiency Procurement Auction. Please refer to Section 5 of this ICAP Manual for details. A Transmission Owner that fails to provide the information required by Section 5.11.3 of the NYISO Service Tariff in a timely fashion is subject to sanctions as described below in Section 6.2 of this ICAP Manual. The NYISO Services Tariff references are Sections 5.11.3, 5.12.1, 5.12.12, and 5.14.1. 6.1 Supplier Sanctions Supplier sanctions are set forth in the NYISO Services Tariff. 6.2 Transmission Owner Sanctions The NYISO Load Forecasting Manual (available from the NYISO Web site at the following URL:, and the detailed timeline that can be found by selecting the link provided (, contain detailed descriptions of the types of information that Transmission Owners must provide to the NYISO, and deadlines for receipt of that information. If a Transmission Owner fails to provide the required information, the following procedures will be followed: On the first day that the required information is late (unless that day falls on a weekend or official New York State holiday, in which case the notification shall be made on the next business day), the NYISO shall notify the Transmission Owner that the information is past due and that the NYISO reserves the right to impose financial sanctions if the information is not provided by the end of the next day. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 6-1 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL 6.3 Starting on the third day that the required information is late, the NYISO may impose a daily financial sanction up to $5000 per day. Starting on the tenth day that the required information is late, the NYISO may impose a daily financial sanction up to $10,000 per day. Procedural Safeguards If the NYISO staff becomes aware of potentially sanctionable activity by a Market Participant, it shall report the activity to NYISO’s Dispute and Claims Committee (“DAC”). The DAC will evaluate the reported activity pursuant to its procedures and, if warranted, shall recommend an appropriate sanction. All DAC decisions shall be made in a reasonable and non-discriminatory manner. If the DAC recommends a sanction, the NYISO shall send a “Notice of Recommended Sanction” to any Market Participant potentially subject to sanctions pursuant to the DAC procedures. The DAC shall afford Market Participants a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate that its activities are not sanctionable. Market Participants shall also have a reasonable opportunity to bring any mitigating circumstances to the DAC’s attention and to explain why the DAC, in the event that it decides to recommend a sanction, should reduce the sanction’s severity. If a Market Participant accepts a sanction recommended by the DAC, the NYISO will automatically impose the sanction. If a Market Participant disagrees with a recommended sanction it may appeal the DAC’s decision to the ISO’s President and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), who must approve all contested sanctions. Market Participants may challenge any sanction approved by the CEO pursuant to the NYISO Dispute Resolution Procedures. 6-2 NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 NYISO INSTALLED CAPACITY MANUAL This page intentionally blank. NYISO Capacity Market Products Version 6.2223 04/02/2013 6-3
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