A S S E S S M E N T   

ASSESSMENT C O O R D I N AT O R M A N U A L 2 0 1 4 ‐ 1 5 Revision Date: 09/19/2014 Version IM‐1.0 DYNAMIC LEARNING MAPS CONSORTIUM Assessment Coordinator Manual 2014‐15 v IM‐1.0 C O P Y R IHelp Desk Support GHT ©2014 DLM‐support@ku.edu 1 of 43 1‐ 855‐277‐9751 HELP DESK
For questions regarding the online testing system or for additional assistance, please
contact the Help Desk at 1-855-277-9751 (toll-free) or DLM-support@ku.edu.
The Help Desk is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central
During your state’s spring testing window, the Help Desk is open from 7:00 a.m. to
7:00 p.m. Central Time.
The Help Desk is closed in observance of the following holidays.
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas & New Year’s
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Monday, September 1, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014 &
Friday, November 28, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014 (half day)
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
Friday, July 3, 2015
The Help Desk provides support for a variety of situations, including:
Testing environment issues
Test administration and user account issues
Student information issues
When contacting the Help Desk, provide as much detail as possible about the issues
encountered and the system on which it occurred. Please include:
• Your contact information (email address, name)
• The state and district in which your school is located
• Error messages
• Operating system and browser information
• Information about network configuration
Test Administrators are directed to contact the local Technical Liaison if they encounter
technical issues related to Internet availability, KITE installation, display resolution,
and/or issues with sound/headphones/speakers, etc.
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Help Desk ................................................................................................................................. 2
Audience and Purpose ............................................................................................................ 5
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 6
Checklists for Assessment Coordinator .............................................................................. 7
About Dynamic Learning Maps ......................................................................................... 13
The Learning Map ............................................................................................................................ 14
Essential Elements ............................................................................................................................ 14
Assessment System Design and Delivery ..................................................................................... 14
Assessment Results ............................................................................................................... 15
About KITE and Educator Portal ........................................................................................ 16
Access Additional Resources............................................................................................... 17
PREPARE FOR DLM ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION ................................... 19
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 19
Manage District/School Staff Roles and Responsibilities ............................................. 19
Develop and Implement a Comprehensive Training Plan............................................ 19
Resources for Data Stewards and Technical Liaisons .................................................................. 20
Resources for Test Administrators ................................................................................................. 20
Prepare for Assessment Implementation .......................................................................... 23
Monitor and Support Test Preparations and Administration....................................... 25
Develop a Communication Plan ......................................................................................... 26
Recommended Browsers ...................................................................................................... 28
Manage User Account ........................................................................................................... 28
Activate Educator Portal Account .................................................................................................. 29
Access Educator Portal..................................................................................................................... 31
Reset Educator Portal Password ..................................................................................................... 32
Change Password ............................................................................................................................. 34
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Complete Security Agreement ........................................................................................................ 35
Change Display Name ..................................................................................................................... 36
Change User Role View ................................................................................................................... 37
Change Default Organization and Role......................................................................................... 37
Access Reports ........................................................................................................................ 38
Manage Training and Professional Development .......................................................... 39
Test Administrator Procedures ........................................................................................... 39
Manage Student Data ....................................................................................................................... 39
Manage Assessments........................................................................................................................ 39
Use the Instructional Tools Interface (ITI) ..................................................................................... 39
Access Reports................................................................................................................................... 39
KITE ................................................................................................................................. 40
KITE Testing Devices ....................................................................................................................... 40
KITE Procedures ............................................................................................................................... 40
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................... 41
STATE APPENDIX ........................................................................................................ 43
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This document supports the Assessment Coordinator in preparing schools for the
Dynamic Learning Maps™ (DLM) assessment. It also provides information for
Assessment Coordinators to support the roles of Data Stewards, Technical Liaisons, and
Test Administrators/Examiners. It provides an overview of DLM and includes a
checklist of key duties. This document addresses planning needs, resources, and
Educator Portal procedures.
This DLM-provided manual is designed for Assessment Coordinators in all states in the
DLM consortium, however, your state may also provide appendices that provide
clarifications and supplemental information specific to your state or they may provide a
state-customized version which entirely replaces this manual. Be sure to check the
resources provided on your state’s DLM webpage and follow any additional
instructions provided at the state level.
To learn about updates to Assessment Coordinator resources such as this manual or
release notes, subscribe to Test Updates on the DLM website under Assessments |
Operational Testing.
To learn about specific resources for field tests, see the DLM website under Assessments
| Field Testing.
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This manual provides information and a checklist for the Assessment Coordinator to
support district staff and teachers participating in DLM testing. It includes policies and
procedures and outlines the roles and responsibilities DLM has defined for participants.
DLM has defined four participants/roles in testing. We use these titles throughout the
assessment administration manuals and training resources.
Teacher aka Test Administrator,
examiner, or educator.
Assessment Coordinator
Data Steward
Technical Liaison
Could be one person
filling multiple roles.
Information related to the roles of Data Steward and Technical Liaison is included in this
manual only as it supports the Assessment Coordinator in their activities. Resources
specifically written for Data Steward and Technical Liaison are available on your state’s
page on the DLM website. The roles and responsibilities of the people administering
tests are addressed in the TEST ADMINISTRATION MANUAL (TAM).
How you define the tasks and titles in your state may vary. Check your state page on the
DLM website to see if your state has provided additional information.
Assessment Coordinator
Data Steward
Brief Task Summary
The Assessment Coordinator is presumed to be at the
district level and is the one main point of contact
between the state department, DLM, and the district.
The key duties of the Assessment Coordinator are to
oversee the assessment process, including manage staff
roles and responsibilities, develop and implement a
comprehensive training plan, develop a schedule for
test implementation, monitor and support test
preparations and administration, and develop a plan
to facilitate communications with parents and staff.
The Data Steward is presumed to be at the district or
school level, but may be at a higher level.
The key duties of the Data Steward are to manage
teacher, student, and roster data.
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Technical Liaison
Test Administrator
Brief Task Summary
The Technical Liaison is presumed to be at the district
or school level, but may be at a higher level.
The key duties of the Technical Liaison are to verify
that the network and testing devices are prepared for
test administration.
The teacher is responsible for working with the IEP
team to select and enter the accessibility features and
supports for each student into Educator Portal. They
are also responsible for completing Required Test
Administration Training, reviewing and validating
student data, preparing students for assessment,
instructing students on the Essential Elements (EEs),
and administering DLM assessments to students.
The following checklists detail the critical steps for Assessment Coordinators to follow.
Please refer to them as you read this manual and prepare your school or district for the
DLM assessments. Follow the links provided for more information to quickly go to
topics in this guide or to access other resources. The checklists are organized into four
sets of tasks for different parts of the school year: (1) before beginning assessments; (2)
instructionally embedded assessment, (3) spring operational assessment, and
(4) preparing for next year.
Before Beginning Assessments
1. Bookmark your state’s page on the DLM website.
Use the resources on your state’s page to become
familiar with DLM assessment window(s) identified
for your state, your roles and responsibilities, the
roles and responsibilities of other participants from
your state and district, and the procedures and
materials to prepare for the assessment, including
DLM support resources.
2. Activate your Educator Portal account by following
the instructions in the KITE activation email. You
will not receive an activation email until your Data
Steward uploads your information into Educator
(If you already have an Educator Portal account,
skip this step.)
Assessment Coordinator Manual 2014-15 v IM-1.0
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DLM website,
|Operational Testing
EP User Guide for
Assessment Coordinators
on page
Educator Portal
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3. Complete the Security Agreement in Educator
Portal profile. (If you completed the agreement in
Educator Portal since August 2014, skip this step.)
EP User Guide for
Assessment Coordinators
on page
Educator Portal
4. Sign up for DLM test notifications during the year.
Sign up on the DLM
Operational Testing
5. Participate in Assessment Coordinator training.
States may also provide their own training for
Assessment Coordinators.
DLM website,
Assessments |
Operational Testing
6. Manage district/school staff roles and
a) Identify educators who will serve as Test
Administrators/examiners for DLM
b) Identify personnel to fill the roles of Technical
Liaison and Data Steward, as needed. Designate
backup personnel for each role.
Checklists for Data
Stewards, Technical
Liaisons, and Test
Manage District/School
Staff Roles and
Responsibilities on page
c) Make sure each person is aware of his or her
roles and responsibilities and the timeline of
events, including firm deadlines for required
d) Make sure Technical Liaison, Data Steward, and
Test Administrators understand DLM test
policies and procedures, as well as state-specific
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7. Develop and implement a comprehensive training
plan OR implement your state’s training plan for
district staff and Test Administrators.
a) Review the checklists for Data Stewards,
Technical Liaisons, and Test Administrators.
b) Encourage Data Stewards and Technical
Liaisons to complete DLM-sponsored or statesponsored training on their roles.
c) Deliver Required Test Administration Training
(if assigned to you by your state/district).
d) Monitor educator completion of all parts of
Required Test Administration Training and the
Security Agreement (if assigned to you by your
e) Identify additional training or resource needs
specific to your local DLM participants; develop
resources to address needs.
Checklists for Data
Stewards, Technical
Liaisons, and Test
Administrators from
individual manuals
DLM training for Data
Stewards and Technical
DLM Required Test
Administration Training
Develop and Implement
a Comprehensive
Training Plan on page 19
f) Encourage and monitor participation in DLM
professional development for instruction, (if
assigned to you by your state/district).
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8. Prepare for assessment implementation.
a) Gather Technical Liaison and Data Steward
contact information and initiate
communications among district staff. Encourage
staff to sign up for Test Updates on the DLM
b) Establish communications between Data
Stewards, Technical Liaisons, and DLM.
c) Determine how you will receive
communications from your state or district
representatives for information that is specific to
your state or district.
d) Monitor creation of Educator Portal user
Test Updates Page
Educator Portal
Educator Portal section in
this manual
Prepare for Assessment
Implementation on page
e) Follow up, as needed, to ensure deadlines are
met for Test Administrators to activate accounts
and complete training.
f) Establish a test security plan and monitor
adherence to DLM and state-specific test
security policies.
g) Troubleshoot issues as they arise.
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9. Monitor and support test preparations and
a) Remind Technical Liaisons, Data Stewards, and
Test Administrators about important deadlines.
b) Make sure educators have identified students
who will participate in DLM assessments.
Advise educators about your state’s policy as
needed for students who are hospitalized or
Educator Portal
Educator Portal section in
this manual
Participation Guidelines
on the DLM website
c) Ensure every student who is supposed to
participate is in the system and assigned to a
Your state page on the
DLM website
d) Monitor completion of Access (Personal Needs
and Preferences) Profile and First Contact for all
students who will be assessed. Follow up with
Test Administrators as needed.
Monitor and Support Test
Preparations and
Administration on page
e) Assist Test Administrators with technology
preparations (e.g., making sure assistive devices
work) and test environment set-up (e.g.,
computer lab reservations, scheduling) as
needed. Use the practice tests to ensure
computers are configured correctly.
f) Support Test Administrators in preparing the
test environment.
g) If responsibility for printing student usernames
and passwords for KITE will be centralized in
the school/district, assign responsibility for that
task. (DLM assumes the Test Administrator is
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10. Develop a plan to facilitate communications with
parents and district staff OR follow state-developed
communication plan. Schedule meetings, as
a) Consider what parents and district staff will
need and want to know about DLM assessments
in 2014-15.
b) Determine the frequency of communications to
various audiences.
DLM information for
parents http://
Develop a
Communication Plan on
page 26
c) Deliver communication to various audiences on
the timeline in your communication plan.
d) Relay new information from DLM and your
state and district to appropriate audiences as
Instructionally Embedded Assessments
11. Monitor and support test administration.
a) Facilitate communications between DLM staff
and district staff during testing window(s).
b) Monitor test activity, including test completion
prior to end of testing window.
c) Serve as the first point-of-contact for teachers,
answering questions about the assessment.
Troubleshoot issues as they arise.
d) Serve as the point-of-contact to the DLM help
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Spring Operational Assessment
12. Support Test Administrators in rechecking student
demographic information, PNP settings, and First
Contact responses.
13. Monitor and support test administration.
a) Facilitate communications between DLM staff
and district staff during testing window(s).
b) Obtain and deliver Braille forms as needed.
c) Monitor test activity, including test completion
prior to end of testing window.
d) Serve as the first point-of-contact for teachers,
answering questions about the assessment.
Troubleshoot issues as they arise.
e) Serve as the point-of-contact to the DLM help
Prepare for Next Year
14. Prepare Assessment Coordinator plans for next year
(develop 2015-16 Calendar, design communication
plan, schedule required training, etc.).
15. Support Test Administrator in preparing for next
year (evaluate Personal Needs and Preferences
Profile, review blueprints for next grade)
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) is a multi-state consortium that has developed a new
type of computer-delivered alternate assessment. The DLM Alternate Assessment
System is a new assessment program designed to validly measure what students with
significant cognitive disabilities know and can do. DLM provides accessibility by design
and is guided by the core belief that all students should have access to challenging,
grade-level content, and that Test Administrators adhere to the highest levels of
integrity in providing instruction and administering assessments based on this
challenging content.
The DLM system provides the opportunity for students with significant cognitive
disabilities to show what they know versus documenting only what they do not know.
These are students for whom general education assessments, even with
accommodations, are not appropriate. Students taking the DLM Alternate Assessment
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require extensive, direct instruction and substantial supports to achieve measurable
gains. These students learn academic content aligned to grade level content standards,
but at reduced depth, breadth, and complexity. The content standards, derived from
college and career readiness standards, are called the Essential Elements (EE) and are the
learning targets for the assessments for grades 3-12 in English language arts (ELA) and
The dynamic learning maps are highly connected representations of how academic skills
are acquired, as reflected in research literature. Nodes in the maps represent discrete
knowledge, skills, and understandings in English language arts and mathematics, as
well as important foundational skills that provide an understructure for the academic
skills. The maps go beyond traditional learning progressions to include multiple and
alternate pathways by which students may develop content knowledge.
The Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements (EEs) are specific statements of
knowledge and skills linked to the grade-level expectations identified in the college and
career readiness standards. The purpose of the EEs is to build a bridge from those
content standards to academic expectations for students with the significant cognitive
The EEs specify academic targets, while the learning map clarifies how students can
reach the specified standard. For each EE, small collections of nodes are identified earlier
in the map that represent critical junctures on the path toward the standard. These small
collections of nodes are called linkage levels. The fourth level is the target. There are
three levels below the target and one that goes beyond.
The DLM system is designed to map a student’s learning throughout the year. Each
testlet consists of an engagement activity and 3-5 items that can be embedded within
instruction throughout the year. In this way, testing informs teaching and benefits
students. In the spring, all students are re-assessed on several EEs on which they were
taught and assessed earlier in the year.
Items in each testlet align to nodes in a single linkage level within an EE. An
engagement activity for an ELA testlet might be a reading or writing task. For math, an
engagement activity includes context at the beginning which is carried throughout.
Specific item types are described in the TEST ADMINISTRATION MANUAL. Information on
accessing practice activities and released testlets is also included in the TEST
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Teachers are informed about the EEs available for assessment at the end of each
previous year. Within the options provided, and meeting the requirements for coverage
of the conceptual areas, Test Administrators decide locally what EEs the student will be
taught and assessed in during the year. Each state decides what specific direction to
provide beyond this general expectation. Once EEs are selected and First Contact is
complete, teachers use instructionally-embedded assessments to assess throughout the
year. Using an algorithm that defines the relationships among the nodes in the map and
uses all prior information available about the student, the system dynamically routes
students to testlets for the appropriate linkage level for each EE. In 2014-15, there will be
specific windows when instructionally embedded assessments are available. In later
years, the system will be open most of the year. There are also special field tests at
different times in fall 2014 and early spring 2015. For more information, consult the field
test information page and your state’s guidance.
Testlets can be delivered for any
available Essential Element
(Minimum blueprint EEs are
System recommends linkage level;
teacher can accept or override
Spring Testing
In late spring, students are re-assessed on several EEs they were taught and assessed on
earlier in the year. The test delivery system determines which EEs are assessed. The
purpose of this spring assessment is to validate and update information about the
student’s mastery of the EEs.
Student performance contributes
information to scores used for
summative purposes
Five testlets are selected to cover
a subset of the blueprint (retesting
previously assessed content)
Dynamic routing supports
adaptivity between testlets
Scores are used for summative
Student performance informs
starting place for spring testing
During instructionally-embedded assessment, the estimated total testing time per testlet
is 7-10 minutes in mathematics and 12-15 minutes in English language arts. During the
Spring Assessment window, the estimated total testing time is 35-50 minutes in
mathematics and 60-75 minutes in English language arts.
The scoring system in DLM works differently from traditional alternate assessments.
The system combines the student’s responses on operational tests and everything it
knows about the learning map to determine which nodes a student has mastered. There
are no raw scores, percentages, or scale scores.
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Results for each node are determined based on the student’s probability of having
mastered the node. When the student is reassessed on an Essential Element during the
spring window, the system uses the information gained from the most recent assessment
to update what it knows about the student’s mastery probabilities for those nodes.
Summative results for the student are determined from the node mastery data. The
information about each node leads to a summary of the student’s mastery of each
linkage level, and in turn, each Essential Element. Summative results are based on the
mastery probabilities for all linkage levels in all Essential Elements in which the student
was assessed.
More information about progress reports and summative reports will be provided later
in the year on the DLM website.
The Kansas Interactive Testing Engine (KITE) platform was designed and developed to
meet the needs of the next generation of large-scale assessments. KITE™ consists of four
applications. The two parts students and teachers see are:
Students have accounts in KITE Client.
KITE delivers assessments to students through the use of a customized
secure web browser accessible on multiple devices. Practice activities and
released tests are also available to students through KITE. In this manual we
use KITE to describe the KITE Client. Staff and educators do NOT have accounts in
Staff and educators have accounts in Educator Portal (EP).
Educator Portal is the administrative application where staff and educators
manage student data; access professional development modules, Required
Test Administration Training, and practice activities; and retrieve reports.
Users can access EP via https://educator.cete.us.
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Additional resources for Test Administrators, Assessment Coordinators, Data Stewards,
and Technical Liaisons are available on the DLM website. Resources are provided by
DLM and state-specific resources may also be available.
To access resources for your state and role, follow these steps.
1. Go to the DLM website http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/.
2. Click Assessments | Operational Testing.
3. Select your State.
Hint: Bookmark the page or save to your favorites for quick access later.
4. Choose your role; click Apply.
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5. Resources appear below the role field. DLM resources appears first, sorted
alphabetically. State-specific resources appear next, sorted alphabetically.
These DLM resources are designed for specific roles and available to all states:
Supports the Assessment Coordinator in preparing
district and school staff for testing.
Supports the Data Steward in gathering, editing,
and uploading user (teacher/staff), enrollment
(student), and roster (grouping students by teacher)
data via Educator Portal.
Supports the Technical Liaison in preparing schools
for the technology needs of the DLM assessment.
Supports the Test Administrator in preparing
themselves and students for testing.
Accessibility Manual (PDF)
Provides guidance to state leaders, districts,
educators, and Individualized Education Program
(IEP) teams on the selection and use of accessibility
features available in the DLM system.
Field Test page (webpage)
Includes special information about field tests such
as testing windows and the scope and purposes of
each field test.
Helps users access DLM Required Test
TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL Administration Training and instructional
professional development in Educator Portal.
Supports the Test Administrator in accessing
practice activities in KITE.
Test Updates Page (webpage)
Breaking news on test administration activities. Sign
up to receive alerts when new resources become
Training Video Transcripts
Links to transcripts (narrator notes) for the Required
Test Administration Training modules.
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The key duties of the Assessment Coordinator are to oversee the assessment process,
including manage staff and educator roles and responsibilities, develop and implement
a comprehensive training plan, develop a schedule for test implementation, monitor and
support test preparations and administration, and develop a plan to facilitate
communications with parents and staff. In some cases, your responsibilities will be
determined by plans and communications determined at the state level.
DLM suggests you prepare for DLM test administration through careful planning,
implementation, and monitoring.
 Identify educators who will serve as Test Administrators/examiners for DLM
 Identify personnel to fill the roles of Technical Liaison and Data Steward, as
needed. Designate backup personnel for each role.
 Make sure each person is aware of his or her roles and responsibilities and the
timeline of events, including firm deadlines for required steps.
 Make sure Technical Liaison, Data Steward, and Test Administrators understand
DLM test policies and procedures, as well as state-specific policies.
The user manuals for Test Administrators, Data Stewards, and Technical
Liaisons, guide users to contact their district Assessment Coordinator for a
training plan tailored specifically to their state and district.
DLM suggests you develop a training plan to support test administration efforts by Test
Administrators/Examiners, Data Stewards, and Technical Liaisons. You might consider
these tasks when developing your plan.
 Participate in a DLM- or state-sponsored training for Assessment Coordinators.
Recorded webinars by role are available on the DLM website. Check to see if
state-sponsored training is available in your state.
 Review the checklists for Data Stewards, Technical Liaisons, and Test
Administrators, located in individual manuals for each audience.
 Encourage Data Stewards and Technical Liaisons to complete DLM-sponsored or
state-sponsored training on their roles and responsibilities.
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 Deliver Required Test Administration Training (if assigned to you by your
 Monitor educator completion of all parts of Required Test Administration
training and the Security Agreement (if assigned to you by your state/district).
 Identify additional training or resource needs specific to your local DLM
participants; develop resources to address needs.
 Encourage and monitor participation in DLM professional development for
instruction, (if assigned to you by your state/district).
Most training and professional development modules provided by DLM are intended
for teachers and Test Administrators/examiners. Some resources, specific to Data
Stewards and Technical Liaisons include:
Webinars for Data Stewards and Technical Liaisons
Instructional videos for Data Steward tasks in Educator Portal
All resources listed above are located on the DLM website;
none are in Educator Portal.
See Access Additional Resources on page 17 to find resources by role.
DLM provides Required Test Administration Training and professional development
for instructional support. What is the difference?
Required Test Administration Training
Professional Development for Instruction
Seven modules that cover critical content
More than 25 modules that cover a variety
for managing and delivering DLM
of topics to support instruction in
Required for Test Administrators
Optional but recommended. States and
(no tests will be delivered if training is
districts may recommend or require specific
States decide which format(s) to offer: self-directed or facilitated.
Successful completion = pass post-test quiz with score of 80% or higher
Required Test Administration Training
Required Test Administration Training is available through Educator Portal and must be
completed before the Test Administrator can administer an assessment. A teacher must
successfully complete each required module’s post-test quiz at 80% or higher for the
system to register the training as complete. Modules should be completed in the order
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the DLM website, includes instructions for accessing and enrolling in modules,
completing modules, and viewing results.
If your state encourages or requires facilitated training sessions to support DLM
Required Test Administration Training, look for a link to facilitated materials on your
state’s DLM webpage.
 Module 1 – Overview of the DLM System
Video: 15:00
Quiz time: 15:00
• About DLM learning maps and Essential Elements and their role in the DLM
Alternate Assessment System.
• How the Essential Elements relate to the map.
• How linkage levels are used.
• How testlets are structured.
 Module 2 – DLM Test Security
Video: 06:00
Quiz time: 10 minutes
Participants will learn:
• About test security.
• How to complete the DLM Security Agreement.
• How to maintain integrity during the assessment process.
• How to address violations of test security.
 Module 3 – Accessibility for All Students
Video: 28:00
Quiz time: 15:00
Participants will learn:
• How DLM has created accessibility by design.
• The six steps to customize DLM accessibility supports for students.
• Guidelines for selecting features in the Personal Needs and Preferences
 Module 4 – How the Assessment Works
Video: less than 19:00
Quiz time: less than 15 minutes
Participants will learn how the assessment system works, including
• The content of the assessment.
• Types of assessments.
• Design of the testlets.
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How testlets are delivered.
How student responses lead to test results used for accountability purposes.
 Module 5 – Preparing for the Test
Video: 19:00
Quiz time: 10 minutes
Participants will learn how to prepare for the DLM assessment:
• How to check, update, and add student data.
• How to complete the First Contact Survey.
• How to use practice activities and released testlets.
• How to plan and schedule for assessment administration days.
 Module 6 – Computer Delivered Testlets
Video: 24:00
Quiz time: 10 minutes
Participants will learn:
• About testlet structures used in DLM assessments.
• About the various item types used in DLM assessments.
• The process to complete testlets.
• How to respond to items and navigation within a testlet.
• Test day preparations.
• Standard test administration process.
• Allowable practices.
• Practices to be avoided.
 Module 7 – Teacher Administered Testlets
Video: 30:00
Quiz time: 15 minutes
Participants will learn:
• About teacher-administered testlet structures.
• The process to complete teacher-administered testlets.
• Test day preparations.
• Standard test administration process.
• Allowable practices.
Professional Development for Instruction
Professional Development for instruction is strongly encouraged. If you wish to
incorporate professional development for instruction into your training plan, DLM
offers a variety of content and multiple methods to access the materials.
Professional development is available today through a web interface
http://dynamiclearningmaps.org/content/professional-development. Modules are being
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added into Educator Portal (https://educator.cete.us) to allow for simple tracking of all
training and development modules.
• Each online, self-directed module lasts approximately 30-45 minutes and focuses on
a single topic related to instruction of students with significant cognitive disabilities.
• Facilitated modules for groups cover the same content as self-directed modules,
providing materials to support a facilitator in addressing a group of Test
Administrators. However, Test Administrators who participate in facilitated training
must also log into Educator Portal and take the post-test for the professional
development modules passing with a score of 80% or higher in order to be included
on the completed modules list for their district.
A Virtual Community of Practice is provided to encourage collaboration among
educators across the consortium.
the DLM website, includes instructions for accessing and enrolling in modules,
completing modules, and viewing results in Educator Portal.
To prepare for assessment implementation, you might consider these tasks.
 Gather Technical Liaison and Data Steward contact information and initiate
communications among district staff. Encourage staff to sign up for Test Updates
on the DLM website.
 Establish communications between Data Stewards, Technical Liaisons, and DLM.
 Determine how you will receive communications from your state or district
representatives for information that is specific to your state or district.
 Monitor creation of Educator Portal user accounts.
 Follow up, as needed, to ensure deadlines are met for Test Administrators to
activate accounts and complete training.
 Troubleshoot issues as they arise.
 Establish a test security plan and monitor adherence to DLM and state-specific
test security policies. You might consider these tasks when developing your plan.
 Designate testing location(s); a quiet, private environment is best.
 Ensure Test Administrators complete required training on test security and
agree to the Security Agreement in Educator Portal.
 Adhere to state and district policies for test security.
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Security Agreement
Test Administrators participating in the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment
System have a unique opportunity administering new items and assessments within this
system. These items are expected to be treated as secure assessments.
Each year, anyone with access to Educator Portal, will renew their DLM Security
Help Test Administrators avoid this common pitfall.
If a user does NOT agree to the Security Agreement (and complete the
Required Test Administration Training) the user will NOT have access to
the Test Management tab in Educator Portal.
An Educator Portal feature to allow district level monitoring of users is expected this
This information is not finalized. Please subscribe to Test Updates on the
DLM website and look for ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR MANUAL 2014-15
Release Notes in November.
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DLM suggests you monitor and support test preparations and administration to
promote success in your school/district. You might include these tasks.
 Remind Technical Liaisons, Data Stewards, and Test Administrators about
important deadlines.
 Make sure educators have identified students who will participate in DLM
assessments. Advise educators about your state’s policy as needed for students
who are hospitalized or home-bound.
 Ensure every student who is supposed to participate is in the system and
assigned to a Test Administrator. Educators, along with IEP teams, identify
students who will participate in DLM assessments. Participation Guidelines are
available on the DLM website.
 Monitor completion of PNP and First Contact for all students who will be
assessed. Follow up with Test Administrators as needed.
More checklist items appear after this supplemental information.
Access (Personal Needs and Preference) Profile
The Test Administrator, using information and procedures from the Accessibility
Manual, will complete an Access (Personal Needs and Preference) Profile for each
student. This access profile is critical to ensure the correct selection and use of
accessibility features available in the DLM system.
Two data validation/revision windows are outlined in the DLM Administration
Calendar 2014-15. These are the dates when Test Administrators may enter the access
profile information in Educator Portal. Window #1 is short, beginning October 1 and
concluding before your fall testing window starts. Window #2 begins in February if Test
Administrators need to adjust PNP settings before the spring window.
First Contact Survey
The Test Administrator completes a First Contact Survey for each student. This survey
data serves as one variable to help place the student in the map and determine their
initial testlet.
Test Administrators receive training on how to answer the First Contact questions as
part of the Required Test Administration Training. The Assessment Coordinator’s job is
to answer questions and help Test Administrators make sure they have answered all
items and successfully completed the survey.
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For each of the items in the following checklist, see the TEST ADMINISTRATION
MANUAL. Use the TAM checklists to find specific sections in the TAM which
define policies and procedures for Test Administrators.
 Assist Test Administrators with technology preparations (e.g., making sure
assistive devices work) and test environment set-up (e.g., computer lab
reservations, scheduling) as needed. Use the practice tests to ensure computers
are configured correctly.
 Support Test Administrators in preparing the test environment.
 If responsibility for printing student usernames and passwords for KITE will be
centralized in the school/district, assign responsibility for that task. (DLM
assumes the Test Administrator is responsible.)
 Facilitate communications between DLM staff and district staff during testing
 Obtain and deliver Braille forms as needed.
 Monitor test activity, including test completion prior to end of testing window.
 Serve as the first point-of-contact for Test Administrators, answering questions
about the assessment. Troubleshoot issues as they arise.
Monitor Test Activity
In Fall 2014, DLM will provide State Education Agencies with lists of students enrolled
in testing. SEAs may pass these to Local Education Agencies for monitoring purposes.
Direct monitoring of test progress through Educator Portal is expected in Spring 2015.
This information is not finalized. Please subscribe to Test Updates on the
DLM website and look for ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR MANUAL 2014-15
Release Notes in February.
DLM suggests you develop a plan to facilitate communication with parents and district
staff OR follow your state-developed communication plan. Schedule meetings, as
necessary. You might consider these tasks when developing your plan.
 Consider what parents and district staff will need and want to know about DLM
assessments in 2014-15.
 Determine the frequency of communications to various audiences.
 Deliver communication to various audiences on the timeline in your
communication plan.
 Relay new information from DLM, your state, and district to appropriate
audiences as needed.
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DLM provides a Parent Notification Letter, available in English and Spanish as an
editable Word document. These are available on the Operational Testing webpage for
each state. These resources are available to download and edit to fit the needs of a state
or district. DLM offers information and resources for parents on this page
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This information outlines the step-by-step procedures an Assessment Coordinator might
use in Educator Portal.
Hint: If Educator Portal looks or behaves differently than outlined in this
manual, you may be seeing new enhancements from software releases
after August 2014. Please check your state’s specific webpage for
Please ignore these features in Educator Portal: Test Coordination,
and Add New Test.
Create Account is available, but not recommended for DLM users.
Test Monitoring capabilities in Educator Portal will be limited until spring 2015.
For Educator Portal, we support these browsers:
• Firefox 24.3 ESR (recommended) and higher on Mac/PC
• Safari 6 or higher (iPad)
• Internet Explorer 8-11
• Google Chrome 34 or 35
Other browsers or versions may provide a slightly different user experience. For more
information on browsers and technology in your district, contact your Technical Liaison.
To view PDFs in Educator Portal, educators will need Adobe Reader. Contact your
Technical Liaison for questions related to technology specifications. Download Adobe
Reader from http://get.adobe.com/reader/.
Avoid this common pitfall.
A state-level user (commonly someone from your SEA) must assign you
the role of District Test Coordinator in Educator Portal before you can
complete responsibilities such as monitoring testing or checking
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This procedure is required for all first time DLM users.
Hint: Go to the procedure titled Access Educator Portal on page 31 if you
have already activated your KITE EP account and received your
username and password.
1. Did you receive your KITE activation email message KITE-support@ku.edu?
Go to Step 2.
The activation email message is sent ONLY after your state or district
Data Steward has uploaded your user information into Educator
Did your Data Steward upload your user information into
Educator Portal?
Ask your Data Steward to resend the KITE
activation email message.
Wait until your Data Steward has uploaded
your user information.
Hint: The email message may reference KITE, but this is the path to
Educator Portal.
2. Click the link in the message. The Activate User screen appears.
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3. Complete these fields:
First Name
Last Name
Confirm Password
4. Click Activate.
5. Receive a confirmation message. Click Back To Login.
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Hint: The first time you access Educator Portal, go to the procedure titled
Activate Educator Portal Account on page 29 of this guide.
To log in to Educator Portal, follow these steps:
1. Using a recommended internet browser, go to https://educator.cete.us.
2. Complete these fields on the Sign In screen.
Username (usually your email address; use lower case)
Password (case sensitive)
3. Click Sign In.
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Hint: Use this procedure ONLY if you forgot your password. To change
your password, see Change Password on page 34.
To reset a password in Educator Portal, follow these steps:
1. Go to Educator Portal at https://educator.cete.us.
2. Click Forgot Password?
3. Type your Username.
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4. Click Submit. Receive a password reset email from KITE-support@ku.edu within
one hour; check your junk or spam email folders if this automated message does not
5. Click the link in the message.
6. Type your Username.
7. Type a new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
8. Click Submit.
9. Click Return to KITE Login Page.
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To change your password, follow these steps:
1. Click My Profile.
2. Click Change Password on the left menu.
3. Complete these fields.
Current Password
New Password
Confirm Password
4. Click Save.
5. Click the X to close the pop-up window.
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This procedure is required for all first-time DLM users and at annual renewal. It will
appear the first time you log in.
All educators who administer DLM tests are required to read and respond to a security
agreement. This information is stored in Educator Portal and is renewable annually.
To complete the Security Agreement, follow these steps:
1. Click My Profile.
2. Click Security Agreement on the left menu.
3. Read the agreement.
4. Choose your reply.
5. Type your full name in the field.
6. Click Save.
7. Click the X to close the pop-up window.
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The display name is the name that shows when you log into the application. The default
display name is the first name and last name that was defined in the user upload
completed by your Data Steward to create your account. Changing your display name is
To edit your display name, follow these steps:
1. Click My Profile.
2. Click Edit Display Name on the left menu.
3. Type your Display Name.
4. Click Save.
5. Click the X to close the pop-up window.
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If you require multiple roles (because you teach in different buildings or districts) AND
your Data Steward has set up your access with those roles, you are able to switch your
user role view to see the students in a particular building or district. The role name is
followed by the building or district. Click the drop-down arrow to choose the desired
The default organization and role impact the view that appears when you log into
Educator Portal. The default organization and role was defined in the user upload
completed by your Data Steward to create your account. Changing your default
organization and role is optional.
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To change your default organization and role, follow these steps:
1. Click My Profile.
2. Click Change Default Organization and Role on the left menu.
3. Choose the organization and role you want to be the default.
4. Click Save.
5. Click the X to close the pop-up window.
Information on reports is not finalized. Please subscribe to Test Updates
on the DLM website and look for ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR MANUAL
2014-15 Release Notes in Spring 2015.
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This information is provided in a separate document, GUIDE TO DLM REQUIRED
TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, located on the DLM website. It includes
instructions for accessing and enrolling in modules, completing modules, and viewing
See the TEST ADMINISTRATION MANUAL for these procedures which are specific to Test
View and Check Student Data
View and Check Roster
Complete Access (Personal Needs and Preferences) Profile
Complete First Contact Survey
Record Testing Exceptions
View Student Username and Password
Retrieve Testlet Information Page
Create an Instructional Plan
Confirm an Instructional Plan
View Instructional Plan History
Print Instructional Plan History
Cancel an Instructional Plan
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DLM tests may be administered on:
Windows PC desktop
Mac desktop
Via KITE client
Laptops (PC or Mac)
Via KITE client and iPad instructions (app
expected soon)
Chromebooks 1 (if your district
Via KITE client or Google app
supports them)
Local devices attached to those types of machines, such as interactive whiteboards are
also acceptable. Interactive whiteboards (brand name SMART board, Promethean board,
etc.) may be used in testing. The same hardware, software, and screen resolution
constraints apply. The projector associated with the interactive whiteboard must project
the computer at a resolution of no lower than 1024 x 768. For more information on
testing devices contact your Technical Liaison.
See the TEST ADMINISTRATION MANUAL for these KITE procedures which support Test
Access Practice Activities and Released Testlets
Start a Test
Take a Break During Testing
Complete the Test
Change An Accessibility Support During Testing
Districts may need to take extra steps to use Chromebooks. Technical Liaisons may
contact the Help Desk for further assistance with configuration.
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This glossary compiles definitions and acronyms relevant to testing for the Dynamic
Learning Maps alternate assessment.
A broad statement about what the DLM consortium expects
students to learn and to be able to demonstrate within each content
area. Each claim is subdivided into two or more conceptual areas.
conceptual area
A region within the learning map that contains nodes directly
related to Essential Elements and nodes that represent concepts and
skills that support the learning of the Essential Elements.
Conceptual areas are comprised of clusters of connected concepts
and skills and serve as models of how students may acquire and
organize their content knowledge. Conceptual areas are considered
subparts of the overall claims.
Relationship between two nodes. Connections are illustrated with
arrows in the map.
An activity that precedes a testlet that describes a scenario, taps
prior knowledge or experience, and/or introduces the concept to be
addressed. In English language arts, the text being read often serves
as the engagement activity. In math, the engagement activity
provides context for the items.
Elements (EE)
Specific statements of knowledge and skills linked to the grade-level
expectations identified in college and career readiness standards.
Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements (DLM EEs) build a
bridge from the content in the grade-level standards to academic
expectations for students with the significant cognitive disabilities.
First Contact
A survey used to collect background information about students
who are eligible for DLM assessments. The survey goes beyond
basic demographic information and includes questions on topics
such as communication, assistive technology devices, motor and
sensory impairments, and academic performance. Some questions
from the First Contact survey are used to determine a student’s
entry point, or initialization, into the assessment.
The process by which existing information about a student is used
to determine the point in the map where the student enters the
assessment for the first time.
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An assessment that occurs throughout instruction.
linkage level
A small section of the learning map that contains one or more nodes
that represent critical concepts or skills needed to learn the Essential
Element. Linkage levels are always related directly to grade level
Essential Elements but extend back to foundational skills at the
initial precursor level. There are typically five levels: initial
precursor, distal precursor, proximal precursor, target, and
successor. The nodes at the target level are most closely related to
the expectation in the Essential Element.
Specifies individual skills and understandings that were drawn
from the research in Mathematics and English Language Arts.
Personal Needs
and Preferences
(PNP) Profile
Also called Access Profile. Student-specific information that tells the
DLM test delivery system what the needs are for individual users.
The PNP includes information the system needs to make the
student’s user interface compatible with his or her accessibility
needs. In DLM, the PNP profile includes information about display
enhancements, language and braille, and audio and environment
supports. Educators who know the student provide the information
in the profile.
Short for Instructionally Relevant Testlet, a testlet is a set of 3–5
items and an engagement activity. Combining multiple items and
beginning with an engagement activity increases the instructional
relevance of the assessment, and provides a better estimate of the
students’ knowledge, skills and abilities than can be achieved by a
single test item. Thus, testlets are more reliable and valid indicators
of the student’s performance.
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Assessment Coordinator: if your state has provided an appendix to this manual with
information customized for your state, you will find it on your state’s DLM webpage.
The filename will look like this:
abbreviation for your state). See Access Additional Resources on page 17 to get started.
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