Preparation for the 2014-2015 Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM

January 20, 2015
Chief School Administrators
Charter School Lead Persons
Administrator of an Approved Private School for the Disabled
Jeffrey B. Hauger, Ed.D, Director
Office of Assessments
Division of Data, Research, Evaluation, and Reporting
Preparation for the 2014-2015 Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessment for
Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities
The purpose of this memo is to help districts begin to prepare for the new alternate assessment
for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities called the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM).
The memo contains important information on the administrators’ roles, timelines for training and data
input, and scheduling. For scheduling the DLM testing window is April 13 through May 15, 2015.
This online computer adaptive assessment will take the place of the Alternate Proficiency Assessment
(APA) for English Language Arts and Mathematics. The APA science assessment continues to be the
test of record for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities, and APA information may be
obtained at
Assessment Roles for DLM
The chief school administrator, charter school lead person, or administrator of an approved
private school for the disabled must assign three district/school staff to serve as the Assessment
Coordinator, Data Steward, and Technology Liaison; administrators, Child Study Team members, and
technology specialists may fulfill these roles. All three play a key role in the successful preparation of
the DLM. The following responsibilities listed are not all inclusive but cover the general requirements.
The administrator serving as the Assessment Coordinator must schedule teachers and also take
part in the teacher training module review, act as the point of contact for all teachers administering
DLM, oversee the implementation of the assessment, interact with and request assistance from the Data
Steward and Technology Liaison, and review all administration manuals and training materials. The
administrator serving as the Data Steward must review all administration manuals and training materials
as well as respond to all data requests including submitting the names of approved staff serving in the
DLM assessment roles to open new user login accounts, submitting rosters of students testing and
associated teachers, providing demographic information on tested students, reviewing accuracy of all
data and providing corrections, etc. The administrator serving as the Technology Liaison must review
all administration manuals and training materials, prepare the district for the implementation of an
online computer assessment for this population of students, assist teachers and case managers in
preparing for each student’s specific technology needs, in accordance with their IEPs, (e.g. use of
communication devices, use of Ipads, etc.), and assist when necessary during testing when technology
issues arise.
Teachers must review all training modules and administration manuals related to the
implementation of the assessment, complete the students’ First Contact and Personal Needs Profile
surveys, obtain mathematics manipulatives needed for testing, generate testing schedules, and administer
the DLM to students’ whose IEPs indicate that they will participate in the state alternate assessment in
English language arts and mathematics. Teachers administering the DLM will work directly with case
managers, the Assessment Coordinator and when necessary the Technology Liaison.
All staff involved in the DLM must sign a Security and Confidentiality form. Teachers will
receive their form online and it must be reviewed and electronically signed prior to obtaining their login
ID and password. Other staff must review and sign a NJ DLM Security and Confidentiality form which
will be mailed in February to each district. Copies of signed forms must be submitted to the chief school
administrator’s office.
Timelines for DLM Preparation
All administrators, child study team members, and teachers should complete their review of the
training materials no later than March 6, 2015. In addition to the DLM training materials an updated
PowerPoint presentation from the Office of Assessments will be available February 23, 2015 on the
New Jersey section of the DLM website. This presentation along with the administration manuals, role
specific webinars, and additional documents must be reviewed by staff in order to be fully prepared for
the implementation of the computer-based assessment.
Manipulatives listed by grade on the DLM website must be gathered and provided to teachers
prior to April 3, 2015. More information about the manipulatives may be obtained on the DLM website
including information on the need for district substitutions based on the unavailability of such;
manipulatives may also be substituted based on a student’s need (e.g. requiring soft objects and avoiding
hard objects). Manipulatives are considered a part of the DLM assessment and not as accommodations;
therefore, they are not a required component of a student’s IEP. Please refer to the manual regarding
accessibility features that students may access during testing.
Also, teachers must complete all First Contact (FC) and Personal Needs Profile (PNP) surveys
no later than March 13, 2015. After the surveys are completed, each student should be given at least one
practice testlet prior to April 3, 2015 in order to confirm that the testing accommodations generated by
the PNP are necessary and functional. Please refer to the training module on the DLM web site for
additional information regarding the PNP for the DLM assessment.
Data Stewards should refer to the DLM Data Steward manual and the DLM calendar for specific
deadlines on the submission and review of data. Data Stewards may need additional district assistance
in gathering and/or confirming the accuracy of the data.
DLM Scheduling for Test Administration
It is suggested that a preliminary testing schedule be developed no later than March 30, 2015.
Teachers should discuss the development of a schedule with building administrators and the Assessment
Coordinator. Scheduling considerations include class coverage, a separate testing room as needed, etc.
Each student will take approximately seven testlets for both English Language Arts and Mathematics.
Once DLM confirms how quickly the computer adaptive testlets numbers two to seven will be assigned
to a student you will receive additional information about scheduling test sessions.
Most students will require one-to-one testing with their special education teacher as the test
administrator. All test administrators must be familiar with test administration procedures and the
individual student’s needs. Note that paraprofessionals, teacher’s aides, a student’s nurse, and other
teaching assistants may not administer the assessment. Optimally, the student’s primary classroom
teacher for mathematics or English language arts will administer the assessment. More information on
test administration will be included in the DLM administration presentation provided in February.
Testing requires a computer or tablet device for all DLM administrations. Testing may be done
in the classroom as long as the environment allows the student being tested to hear and respond to
directions and test questions without loud background noise or noise at a level that would disturb
him/her. Other students should not be able to view the device the testing student is using. In some
circumstances this cannot be achieved and testing would need to occur in a different location in the
school. Scheduling should take all of this into account, as well accessibility features, number of students
to be tested, classrooms sharing manipulative packets, etc.
During the test window, schedules may be revised as required. This may be based on student or
teacher absenteeism, student behaviors, availability of testing rooms, technology issues, etc. All
students present during the test window must be tested.
What is Tested
The DLM website provides the Year End test blueprint and learning maps that delineate which
content area skills deemed essential elements will be tested. These skill statements relate to the
Common Core State Standards at a reduced level of complexity and difficulty than skill statements on
the grade level Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments.
Obtaining Information
The DLM website contains links to all of the training materials
and information needed to implement the assessment. Links to administration manuals, webinars, test
blueprints, resource guides, data templates and tips, technology requirements, and accessibility features
are all available. Also included are training module videos, professional development modules on
various topics, and KITE and Educator Portal status updates and instructions. Email information is
available by subscribing to test updates on the DLM website.
The DLM site and New Jersey folder is updated
regularly and should be utilized while preparing for testing. A PowerPoint presentation will be uploaded
in late February with additional information on test preparation. Educators should check this website
often as DLM regularly provides updates to resource guides and manuals.
If after reviewing the administration and other training manuals district staff need clarification on
DLM topics, the Assessment Coordinator, Data Steward, or Technology Liaison should utilize the DLM
help line for assistance on specific topics. Teachers will direct their questions to assigned district staff
who will obtain information when necessary. The DLM Help Desk is open Monday through Friday
from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and can be reached at 855-277-9751. DLM support may also be obtained by
If you have additional questions and need assistance please contact one of the Office of
Assessments staff below:
Elizabeth Celentano, assessment coordinator at or 609-984-0107.
Jo-Lin Liang, data steward, at or 609-633-6884.
Linda Carmona-Bell, technology liaison, at
or 609-292-1414 or Joseph Seaman, technology liaison, at or 609-292-8407.
Thank you.
Member, State Board of Education
Commissioner David C. Hespe
Senior Staff
Bari Erlichson
Susan Martz
Peggy McDonald
Amy Ruck
Lori Ramella
Linda Carmona-Bell
Elizabeth Celentano
Jo-Lin Liang
Joseph Seaman
Executive County Superintendents
Executive Directors for Regional Achievement Centers
Executive County School Business Administrators
County Test Coordinators
District Test Coordinators
Bilingual/ESL Coordinators
Directors of Approved Private Schools for the Disabled
Directors of College-Operated Programs
Directors of a State Facility
NJ LEE Group
Garden State Coalition of Schools