Preparation for the 2014–15 DLM Assessment, Part Three

Preparing for the Administration
of the Spring 2015
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) in
English Language Arts and
Part Three
Do Not View Until Completion of
Parts One and Two
March 25, 2015 Version
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Clarifications and New Topics
The following slides include new topics as
well as clarifying information on Parts One
and Two.
◦ This presentation may seem disjointed as it
includes brief information on a variety of issues.
You must use all DLM materials along with
Parts One, Two, and Three of the PPT.
presentations in order to prepare for
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Required Test Window
Testing may not begin until April 13.
◦ Ensure teachers do not start testing prior to
this date.
Testing must be completed by May 15.
◦ Ensure teachers do not test after this date.
Testing conducted outside the New
Jersey testing window will be invalidated.
◦ Students will not receive results, and districts
will be in breach of the required testing
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
LEP ELA Exemption
If a student has entered the United States
after July 1, 2014, AND is currently enrolled
in a language assistance program, this student
is EXEMPT from the DLM ELA assessment.
This student must participate in the DLM math
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
DLM Non-Participants and Data
Record Requirement
If a student is not able to participate based on
the Office of Assessment’s testing policies, or
due to parent refusal, he/she still must be
included in the DLM data file.
◦ For example students who are ill and not receiving
instruction during the five week testing window.
All DLM students, including those can’t participate, must
have their name and other data included in the
district/school enrollment and roster files.
◦ This ensures the student is captured in the assessment
data file.
◦ You do not need to complete a First Contact and PNP survey for
those students who you know in advance will not participate.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Demo Practice Testlets
Refer to the Test Administrator’s manual for
information on available practice testlets.
Generic practice testlets related to different
PNP selections are available. These start with
demo for the login info.
Personalized practice testlets are not available
in the DLM system. The practice test button
on the DLM does not function.
Do not login to the student’s account as there
are no practice tests associated with his/her
login ID.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Prompting Not Allowed
Verbal, gestural, model, and physical prompting is not
allowed in the DLM system.
Students may not be given any help to answer the
If a student does not answer a question, the test
administrator may repeat the test question and then
pause an appropriate amount of time for a student
to process the question and select an answer.
If a student does not answer the question the
teacher must mark “no response” when it is listed
as one of the response options.
If a student does not answer the question but “no
response” is not a response option, then do not
mark any option. Continue to the next test
question after leaving the prior answer blank.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Clarification Allowed if Needed
Some test item directions ask the teacher to say
“Show me the ….”
 This may not be the language you typically use when
asking a student a question.
 When necessary, after stating the phrase “Show me
the …,” you may restate the phrase for clarification
by saying either of the following:
◦ “Look at the …”
◦ “Point to the …”
◦ “Touch the …”
For example, the teacher may say “Show me the
red marker.” Then for clarification the teacher
says “Point to the red marker.”
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
PNP and Computer Read Aloud
As you know from the previous presentation,
computer, synthesized read aloud is no longer
Districts do not need to change a PNP if
computer (synthesized) voice was selected for
testlet read aloud.
◦ DLM will change NJ students’ PNPs from computer
read aloud to teacher read aloud where necessary.
◦ This should occur after March 13, 2015.
The test administrator will provide the testlet
read aloud for students, regardless of whether
the PNP indicates synthesized or teacher read
aloud feature.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Who Can Administer the DLM?
The student’s primary certified special education
 The student’s certified math or English teacher
 The student’s long term substitute teacher who
holds a NJ teaching certificate and has a district
employment contract
 The student’s primary teaching assistant ONLY IF
he/she holds a NJ teaching certificate
◦ These teaching assistants are fully certified teachers
and are not employed as full time classroom teachers
but employed as assistants
The student’s primary SLP who works with the
student on a weekly basis
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Who Can Not Administer the DLM?
Any individual without a NJ teaching certificate such as a
 nurse or nursing aide
 non-certified teaching assistant
 administrative assistant
 teaching intern
 and other similar school personnel
Also any individual that does not have direct
interaction with the student on a regular basis
may not administer the DLM, regardless of
holding a NJ teaching certificate
Test Administrators must be a NJ certified
teacher with whom the student is familiar.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Administrators and Rosters
The student’s primary certified special education
teacher, the student’s certified math or English
teacher, or the student’s certified long term
substitute teacher will be the primary test
 He/she must have a student roster submitted with the
names of the students for whom they will administer the
◦ This generates a list of students associated with the
teacher who delivers the ELA and math instruction.
◦ The roster is used to provide access to a student’s test
ticket. The teacher will use his/her Educator Portal login
ID and password to retrieve each students’ test tickets
for every generated testlet.
◦ The roster will be used to generate score report data at
the classroom level.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Administrator Info
Schools with a high number of DLM
students have asked for clarification
regarding test administrators.
 The following slides are to be considered
in conjunction with the previous
presentations, and should provide
additional details on certain testing
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Additional Test Administrators
If a district with large numbers of students testing
needs to enlist additional staff members to administer
the DLM, certain requirements apply.
◦ Additional staff members who may be authorized to
administer the DLM include:
the student’s primary teaching assistant ONLY IF he/she holds a NJ teaching
 the student’s primary SLP who works with the student on a weekly basis,
and a
 Child Study Team members who holds a teaching certificate.
 These staff members are eligible ONLY IF they regularly work
with the student, AND ONLY IF the student is comfortable
with the staff member.
These staff members must complete all training requirements
including completion and passing of the seven test
administrator modules, reviewing all DLM materials, and signing
the test security agreements.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Additional Test Administrators
The additional staff members authorized to administer the
DLM may test students in their classrooms, or in another
setting, as determined by the classroom teacher/primary
test administrator.
 Please note students tested by the additional authorized
test administrator will remain on the primary classroom
teacher’s DLM roster.
 A separate roster will not be produced for additional staff
members conducting the DLM administration for the
primary teacher.
 Primary teachers of DLM students will obtain the
student test tickets and TIPS pages needed by the
authorized additional test administrator.
◦ This information must be given to the authorized test administrator,
along with any needed manipulatives or other test materials,
immediately prior to the administration.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Ticket Info
In order to retrieve a testlet, the test
administrator must have the student’s
login ID and password.
 This gives you access, under the Test
Management tab, to the code associated
with the testlet.
 This code allows one to obtain the Test
Information Page that lists the
manipulatives/objects needed for testing
and other important information.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Ticket Retrieval
Only the primary test administrator may
access the test ticket (obtain the testlet
code using the student login ID and
Only the primary test administrator may
access the TIPs page in order to gather the
necessary objects and manipulatives needed
during testing.
The information for the first testlet in each
subject may be obtained no more than one
week in advance.
The remaining testlet info will be obtained as
soon as it is needed, though not before one
week of the administration.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Security of Test Tickets and TIPS Pages
All student test tickets and all TIPS pages must be kept
secure at all times.
Student test tickets and TIPS pages must only be viewed by the
student’s teacher/Primary Test Administrator, and when
necessary, the additional Test Administrator.
No other district staff may view the test tickets or TIPS pages.
These tickets and TIPS must be given to the additional test
administrator right before the test administration, and all pages
must be returned to the teacher immediately after testlet
This paperwork may not be copied or retained in any way.
Assessment Coordinators must collect all student tickets and
TIPS pages from the test administrators and destroy them.
 You may choose to do this daily or weekly, but you must ensure its
security until destroyed.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Can Anyone Assist the Test
Administrator During Testing?
Only under specific circumstances is
another staff member allowed to give
assistance during the DLM administration.
 All staff members involved with DLM to
any degree must sign the role specific
New Jersey DLM Test Security Agreement
and give it to the Assessment
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Can Anyone Assist the Test
Administrator During Testing?
Allowable Assistance Including Purposely
Viewing the Testlets in order to Translate:
 A staff member may translate all
directions and test information into
American Sign Language, other signed
language, or foreign language when
◦ Test translators are the only other staff
members who may purposely view the
DLM testlets.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Can Anyone Assist the Test
Administrator During Testing?
Allowable Assistance Without Purposely Viewing the Testlets
 If a student needs an adult present for safety, behavioral, or medical needs,
he/she may be present but may not deliberately view the screen,
may not read the testlets, and may not document or reveal in
any way the information overheard during the administration.
◦ Sometimes it is necessary for the support person to sit directly behind or
next to the student. Doing so may naturally place the computer screen in the
person’s view. If this cannot be avoided then it is the person’s responsibility
not to actively read the contents on the screen.
The support person may not interfere or assist with the test
administration in any way. This includes but is not limited to assisting the
student answer test questions, prompting the student, reminding the
student that he/she has learned this skill, etc.
He/she may only assist the student with non-testing needs as necessary.
The assistant must be under the direction and in the presence of
the test administrator at all times.
◦ Staff acting as assistants may include a nurse or nursing assistant, teacher’s aide,
student’s one-to-one personal aide, etc.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Security and Staff
Any educator not authorized to be a test administrator MAY NOT
observe, view, access, etc., DLM secure materials for any students at any
◦ Secure materials include the testlets both before and after completion,
student tickets, and TIPS pages.
Any educator authorized to be a test administrator BUT not in the
process of a test administration MAY NOT observe, view, access, etc.,
DLM test materials for students not on their roster.
See the previous slides for details on test administrator assistants.
Assessment Coordinators may only view the computer screen if and
when a technical issue arises that must be addressed.
◦ He/she may not observe individual test sessions and may not have access to
any secure test materials.
Assessment Coordinators may observe testing from a distance if
necessary to ensure schedule adherence but may not view the
computer screen nor have access to any secure materials/information.
Technical Liaisons may only view the computer screen if and when a
technical issue arises that must be addressed.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Security and Staff
Anyone that does not have an authorized
role in the DLM administration may not have
access to any secure test materials, may not
observe testing, and may not substitute for
any test administrator.
 Even those who have authorized roles have
restrictions on secure material access,
including primary and additional test
administrators, Assessment Coordinator,
Data Steward, Technical Liaison, and support
staff needed for safety, behavioral, or medical
needs of students.
◦ See prior slides for restrictions for authorized
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Required Signatures on Test Security
All staff members involved with DLM to any degree must
sign a Test Security Agreement and give it to the Assessment
This includes primary and additional test administrators, test
administration assistants for student support, Assessment
Coordinators, Technical Liaisons, Data Stewards, etc.
Test Administrators will have to sign both an online DLM
form and a paper NJ DLM agreement.
Separate signed test security agreements are
required for student support assistants, Assessment
Coordinators/Technical Liaisons/Data Stewards, and other
All test security agreements will be posted to the DLM NJ
webpage by the end of March. Everyone must sign their
applicable agreement as soon as it is distributed in district,
but no later than April 6, 2015.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Additional Schedule Form
You must document in writing which staff
member administered each testlet to each
The schedule form included in Part Two helped
you plan who would administer and when the
tests would occur.
The form on the next slide helps you
document who the test administrator was and
to see at a glance the status of student testing.
You can model this form using Word, Excel, or
any basic publishing program.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Simple Form to Track Completion
Grade 4 DLM Students - Mrs. Mont’s Class
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
4/16 a.m.
J. Mouse
J. Mouse
4/13 a.m.
Sue Mont
4/13 a.m.
Sue Mont
S. Mont
S. Mont
S. Mont
S. Mont
4/16 p.m.
4/23 a.m.
4/13 p.m.
4/13 p.m.
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
J. Mouse
J. Mouse
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
J. Mouse
J. Mouse
S. Mont
S. Mont
4/23 p.m.
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
J. Mouse
This form allows you to see at a glance which testlets
have been administered.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Simple Form to Track Who Administers Test
Grade 4 DLM Students - Mrs. Mont’s Class
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
4/16 a.m.
J. Mouse
J. Mouse
4/13 a.m.
Sue Mont
4/13 a.m.
Sue Mont
S. Mont
S. Mont
S. Mont
S. Mont
4/16 p.m.
4/23 a.m.
4/13 p.m.
4/13 p.m.
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
J. Mouse
J. Mouse
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
J. Mouse
J. Mouse
S. Mont
S. Mont
4/23 p.m.
Sue Mont
Sue Mont
J. Mouse
Districts must document which authorized staff
member administered the testlets to each student.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Engagement Activities
Engagement activities are present in the
math and ELA reading testlets.
 The engagement activities do not require a
student response to a DLM test question.
 The test administrator will engage the
student in the activity and may ask factual
 The activities are meant to give the student
a context for the questions, taps and
activates prior knowledge and experience,
and/or introduces the concept(s) to be
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Engagement in Math
Each math testlet will have an engagement
activity prior to the first test question.
The test administrator may choose to ask
the student factual questions about the text
and graphics to facilitate interaction with the
The engagement activity does not require a
response; it is meant to give the student a
context for the questions and activate prior
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Engagement in ELA - Reading
The first time the text is read acts as the
engagement activity.
 This first read-through is considered a
shared reading activity.
 The test administrator may ask factual
questions about the text and graphics. This
is to facilitate student interaction and
engagement with the information, with the
hope of promoting student comprehension.
◦ For example, “what is the boy holding in the
picture?”, “how many turtles are on the rock?”,
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
ELA Reading Engagement – Video of
Classroom in Westampton
The next slide includes a video of a fourth grade
student and his teacher, Ms. Katie Hicks.
 She is engaging the student in the first read of the
 As you listen to the video, notice the factual
questions she asked her student about the text
and graphics.
 Reminder that you may not provide the same
level of interaction the second time the student
reads the text.
◦ The second read is strictly for assessment purposes,
and the student must read/listen to the text and
answer the questions without teacher engagement.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
ELA Reading Engagement – Video of
Classroom in Westampton
Click on the box below to run the video. Click again to
pause/restart, or to stop.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Writing Testlets
Each student will receive one writing testlet.
DLM assess both emergent writing and
conventional writing; each student is assessed
on one of the two types.
 Writing testlets are similar to DLM teacher
administered testlets in reading and math. The test
administrator engages the student in a scripted activity
outside of the KITE system. The test administrator
then enters observations and ratings into the system.
 Writing testlets take 10 to 20 minutes.
 See the Frequently Asked Questions about DLM
writing on the website location
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Submission of Testlets
Only the test administrator may use the
Submit button when each testlet is
A testlet cannot be retrieved and reopened
once it is submitted.
If a student could not answer a test question
and it was left blank, the DLM system will
still allow the testlet to be submitted once
all questions are viewed and the student
answered as many questions as he/she could.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Emergency Plan
Each school must have a plan to ensure a
smooth test administration for all students.
That includes
◦ Not planning fire drills, practice school lock
downs, or other drills during the test window.
◦ Having a plan in place to adjust test schedules or
use authorized alternate test administrators
during unexpected absences of the primary
teacher/test administrator.
◦ Ensure all teachers understand how to handle
temporary test disruptions and completion of
testlets based on the DLM training materials.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Security
Test security including submitting accurate and
authentic student responses, maintaining
confidentiality of the test materials, following
DLM procedures, and properly implementing all
DOE Office of Assessments policies are the
responsibility of all school and district staff.
 All staff must fulfill their roles and responsibilities,
including participating in training and reviewing all
applicable test materials, in order to correctly and
accurately conduct DLM testing.
◦ Failure to review and or implement the training
requirements does not alleviate one the responsibility
of maintaining all requirements.
Improper test administrations can result in
professional and financial consequences for
school and district staff.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Test Security Agreements
• All
staff involved in the DLM must sign a test
security agreement.
•All agreements will be reviewed and kept by
the Assessment Test Coordinator.
•Failure to sign an agreement does not
prevent the implementation of professional
and/or financial consequences in the event
of a test breach.
•Test security agreements will be available
on the DLM NJ page at the end of March.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Prevention of Security Breaches
All security breaches are preventable
when all staff are trained and implement
all required procedures.
 Assessment Coordinators and other
school administrators should ensure that
all staff understand the need and
requirement for proper test procedures.
 The following slides indicate some but
not all issues resulting in a security
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Types of DLM Security Breaches
Testing outside the DOE scheduled window
 Prompting the Student
 Helping the student answer the questions
 Removing/reducing answer choices
 Submitting answers that the student did not
 Changing a student’s answer
 Cueing the student through words, inflection
of words, through use of manipulatives, etc.
 Asking the test question again after the
student already responded
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Types of DLM Security Breaches
Completing testlets for the student, with or without
his/her presence (not the same as scribing a student’s
Viewing the testlet, teaching to the contents, then testing
the students
Leaving computer/tablet unattended with testlet open
Allowing staff members who are not the test
administrator to see the test questions, directions, TIPS
pages, etc.
Allowing a staff member to be a test administrator when
they do not meet the DOE requirements.
Retaining in any form secure test materials including test
items, TIPS pages, DLM testlet code numbers, etc.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Types of DLM Breaches
Knowingly providing inaccurate information
on the First Contact survey
Providing too much information during the
engagement activities for ELA.
◦ Example, during the second read of the ELA
passage, providing assistance on the
comprehension of the text and graphics.
Any other action that provides inauthentic
student work/test responses
Any other action that violates the test
security agreements regardless of whether it
was signed
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Security Breach Reporting
immediately if a security breach is suspected
or has occurred.
 Provide your CDS code, district, school, and
contact name, and include the
suspected/known nature of the test breach.
 Include the words Test Security Breach in
your email subject line
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Irregularity Reporting vs. Information
Used for Score Interpretation
For the DLM, some test administration
information is best kept as a record in
district to assist during score
 Other information needs to be reported
to the Office of Assessments as an
irregular test administration.
 The next two slides differentiate these
two concepts.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Information for Use When Interpreting
Some issues may occur testing which a district will
want to document but does not require informing
the Office of Assessments. These issues may or may
not impact a student’s score.
 Issues such as the following may be documented in
district using the NJ DLM teacher observation form:
◦ changing testing locations due to noise or other factors,
changing test administrators, pausing testing to assist
student with medical, personal care, or behavioral needs,
cancelling and rescheduling a test administration, etc.
More information on documenting these
types of issues will be provided with the NJ
DLM teacher observation form.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
NJ DLM Teacher Observation Form
This form is also used to make notes about
the student’s test circumstances in order to
consider future testing needs.
Info such as where the student was tested, and
if the location was conducive to testing, is one
example of observation notes.
Another example is to indicate any PNP
change you think would be appropriate for the
future, based on the current test features.
This form and directions will be available on
the DLM NJ webpage by April 6.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Irregularity Reporting
An irregularity report must be completed
and a copy sent to the Office of Assessments
when a test accessibility feature is not
delivered based on the student’s PNP, when
the test technology fails or significantly
delays a test, and when the testlet does not
provide all components.
This form, along with directions for
completion, will be placed on the DLM NJ
website on April 6.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Irregularity Reporting
Complete an irregularity report and send a copy to the Office
of Assessments if any of the following occur:
If a test accessibility feature is not delivered. First check the
PNP for confirmation of selection of the feature. If it is
selected and it was not delivered, complete the report
If the KITE status systems indicates a green light (system is
functioning), but the test technology fails or significantly delays
a test, complete the report.
If the online testlet not provide all components (e.g. response
options are missing, etc.), complete the report.
If a test administrator failed to provide the student the
required manipulatives, objects, or other necessary materials,
complete the report.
If the wrong student login ID and password were used for a
test administration, complete the report.
See the completion directions for more information, posted on
the DLM NJ webpage on April 6.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Three Year Document Storage
All test security agreements, documentation
of which educator administered each testlet,
copies of irregularity reports, and teacher
observation forms must be securely retained
in district for a minimum of three years.
The teacher observation forms may be
shared across teachers when planning future
DLM administrations including adjusting
student PNPs, etc.
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
Check for Updates Often
View the DLM NJ webpage often to obtain test
material updates.
This is also where you will obtain the test
security agreements, irregularity report form,
and test administrator observation form.
DLM continues to update their information
and it is a district’s responsibility to use all of
the newest documents.
Go to\newjersey for
all materials and updates often
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015
I would like to thank the many dedicated educators who
assisted the Office of Assessments in preparing for the
transition to DLM. Your assistance with field testing, the
development of new policies, reviewing test materials, and
providing guidance on a variety education topics, is greatly
NJ DLM Winter Training Part Three 2015