Data Steward Manual 2014-15 Release Notes This resource summarizes changes and corrections to the DATA STEWARD MANUAL 2014-15 published on August 22, 2014. Updates are listed with the most recent information appearing near the top. October 21, 2014 Corrections to page 51 Corrections to step 5 of the procedure titled Add A Student Record Manually. • The screen shot is updated. • A new field definition table is provided. • Best practices and corrections when using this procedure in combination with the Test, Exit, and Clear (TEC) file are offered. Corrected pages are included in this PDF. September 24, 2014 Correction to page 42 The Current_Grade_Level field uses one character for grades 3-9 and two characters for grades 10-12. The file will reject if there is a zero in front of a number (i.e. 03). A corrected page is included in this PDF. September 9, 2014 Correction to page 43 The required status for two fields in the Enrollment Template is incorrect. • School_Entry_Date is required. • State_Entry_Date is not required. A corrected page is included in this PDF. Field Current_Grade_ Level Format; Length Numeric; 2 3‐12. Do not use leading zeroes. Req? Yes Definition The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session. For example, 3=3rd grade, 11=11th grade. Local_Student_ Identifier Alphanumeric; 10 No State_Student_ Identifier Current_School_ Year Numeric; 10 Yes The unique alphanumeric code assigned to the student by the school or local education agency. The student’s state ID number. YYYY; 4 Yes Funding_School Alphanumeric; 30 No Data Steward Manual 2014‐15 DLM‐ The ending year of the current school year (e.g., for the 2014–2015 school year, enter 2015). The unique code assigned by the state that indicates the location where the student is counted for state funding and/or for the Principal’s Building Report. If a district does not have a school for an educational level (e.g., does not have a high school), the district central office building number should be used. Help Desk Support Special Notes For Kansas, who uploads using the KIDS system, this information is different. This field helps determine which assessment the student is assigned. Use 2015 for all DLM students. Use the code provided in your State Organizational Table. 42 of 70 1‐ 855‐277‐9751 Field Attendance_School_ Program_Identifier Format; Length Alphanumeric; 10 Req? Yes Definition The building number (building numbers are typically four digits) or other location identifier assigned by DLM. School_Entry_Date MM/DD/YYYY; 10 Yes District_Entry_Date MM/DD/YYYY; 10 No State_Entry_Date MM/DD/YYYY; 10 No Comprehensive_ Race Numeric; 5 Yes The date on which the student enrolls and begins to receive instructional services in a school. If the student should leave and then re‐enroll, this date should reflect the most recent enrollment date. The date (month, day, and year) on which the student enrolls and begins to receive instructional services in a school district. The date on which the student enrolls and begins to receive instructional services in the state. If the student should leave the state and then re‐enroll in school, this date should reflect the most recent enrollment date. General racial category (or categories) that most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her racial background. Data Steward Manual 2014‐15 DLM‐ Help Desk Support Special Notes Use the Organization code from your State Organizational Table. If your data has leading zeroes, check that they are retained after each save. The number must match one in your organization, or the file upload will fail. Details about potential values are provided in a separate table below. 43 of 70 1‐ 855‐277‐9751 5. Complete the remaining fields using the table on the following pages. Hint: This screen shot replaces the version originally published in the Data Steward Manual on page 51. Some fields are required for DLM even though they are not marked as required on this screen. Data Steward Manual 2014-15 Help Desk Support 51a of 70 1- 855-277-9751 The information in this table only applies when adding a student manually. When uploading an Enrollment File, use the table(s) on page 41. Field Req? Definition Special Notes State Yes The state. District Yes The district. Options appear after you select a state. School Yes The school. Options appear after you select a district. Legal First Name Yes The student’s first name. Legal Middle Name No The student’s middle name Legal Last Name Yes The student’s last name. Generation No The part of the student’s name used to denote the generation in his/her family, e.g., Jr., Sr., III, etc. Date Of Birth No The date (month, day, and year) on which the student was born. Gender No The student’s gender (female, male). Current School Year Yes The ending year of the current school year. Choose 2015. Current Grade Yes The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session. AYP School No The unique alphanumeric code that has been assigned by DLM to Identifier the school building as listed in your State Organization Table. Residence District Yes The unique alphanumeric code that has been assigned to the Use the district-level ID Identifier district by DLM. This identifies the parent organization for a school provided in your State (such as the school district). Organizational Table. Comprehensive No General racial category (or categories) that most clearly reflects the Choose from options Race individual’s recognition of his or her racial background. presented. Hispanic Ethnicity Yes The individual’s recognition of his or her Hispanic ethnicity background. (Yes, No) First Language Yes The primary language or dialect (not ethnicity) of the student. Choose from options presented. State Student Yes The student’s state ID number. Identifier Data Steward Manual 2014-15 Help Desk Support 51b of 70 1- 855-277-9751 Field Local Student Identifier Gifted Student Req? No State Entry Date No School Entry Date Yes* District Entry Date No Primary Disability Code No DLM Status Yes* No Definition The unique alphanumeric code assigned to the student by the school or local education agency. Indicates whether or not the student has an active Individual Education Plan (IEP) for giftedness. (Yes, No, blank) The date on which the student enrolls and begins to receive instructional services in the state. If the student should leave the state and then re-enroll in school, this date should reflect the most recent enrollment date. The date on which the student enrolls and begins to receive instructional services in a school. If the student should leave and then re-enroll, this date should reflect the most recent enrollment date. (*While the interface does not mark this as a required field, completing this field allows for the Test Exit and Clear (TEC) file to work. The TEC file is used when exiting a student from a school.) The date on which the student enrolls and begins to receive instructional services in a school district. Indicates whether or not the student has an active Individual Education Plan (IEP) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA—Part B). Yes enables Dynamic Learning Maps and the First Contact Survey for the student. (*While the interface does not mark this as a required field, you must choose Yes for all DLM students.) These fields appear only when an option other than English is chosen in the First Language field. Field Req? Definition ESOL Participation Yes The type of ESOL/Bilingual Program in which the student Code participates. ESOL Entry Date No Date the ESOL participation began. USA Entry Date No Date of entry into USA. Data Steward Manual 2014-15 Help Desk Support Special Notes Leave blank for DLM students. Choose from options presented. Choose YES to access the First Contact Survey and all Dynamic Learning Maps features. Special Notes 51c of 70 1- 855-277-9751 Best Practices for the Add Student Manually Interface and the Test, Exit, and Clear (TEC) File Background: In this scenario, the following criteria create an error during the TEC file process and the student is NOT successfully removed from the system. • A student record is added using the Add a Student Record Manually procedure AND • The School Entry Date field is left blank AND • The student is later exited from the school using the Test, Exit, and Clear (TEC) file Correction: If the TEC file shows it successfully updated a student, but the student still appears in the system, add the student record with a date in the School Entry Date field. Then re-upload the TEC file. The student should be successfully removed. Best Practice: When adding a student record manually, include a School Entry Date and choose Yes in the DLM Status field to prevent problems when exiting a student using the TEC file. Note: Because the School Entry Date is required in the Enrollment template, any student uploaded using the CSV file can be removed successfully using the TEC file. Data Steward Manual 2014-15 Help Desk Support 51d of 70 1- 855-277-9751
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