Community Pharmacy Services Agreement (CPSA) 1 July 2012 PHARMACY PROCEDURES MANUAL Version Number: INTERIM v6.0 Effective Date: 14 November 2012 PREAMBLE This procedures manual has been created with the purpose of providing guidance to claiming for community pharmacy service provision under the requirements of the Community Pharmacy Services Agreement 2012 (CPSA). As such it has been prepared by the Community Pharmacy Services Operational Group (CPSOG) to inform all CPSA parties. It may also be used for pharmacies in their claiming processes not attached to the CPSA. Version control is held by District Health Board’s Shared Services (DHBSS) within Central Region’s Technical Advisory Services Ltd (TAS) and the latest version, as well as archived documents, may be found at the following web site: 53/Default.aspx CONSULTATION Version INTERIM v6.0, dated and effective from 14 November 2012, has been posted on-line as both a document for use and to engage with the Sector for feedback. Feedback is therefore invited on both content and usability, and may be directed in the first instance to the Pharmacy Services e-mail: Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM ii Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2. PHARMACY CLOSURE OR CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP .................................................................................... 1 3. SUBMISSION OF BATCHES ........................................................................................................................... 2 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4. VERIFICATION OF CLAIMS ................................................................................................................................. 2 BATCH DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 2 SUBMISSION OF BATCHES FOR AUDIT PURPOSES ................................................................................................... 3 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 4 4.1. 4.2. 5. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS OF PRESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................................... 4 PROFESSIONAL GROUP PRESCRIBING .................................................................................................................. 4 PRESCRIPTION SUBSIDY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 7 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. 5.10. 5.11. 5.12. 5.13. 5.14. 5.15. 5.16. 5.17. 5.18. 5.19. 5.20. 5.21. 5.22. 5.23. 6. ADDRESS ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 NHI ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 ARRC AND LTC PATIENTS ................................................................................................................................ 7 PRESCRIBER ................................................................................................................................................... 7 PRESCRIBER INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 8 PATIENT INFORMATION.................................................................................................................................... 8 CO-PAYMENTS FOR ANTIANDROGEN ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES ................................................................................ 11 DATE OF DISPENSING .................................................................................................................................... 11 PRESCRIPTION NUMBER (UNIQUE IDENTIFYING NUMBER) .................................................................................... 12 CONTROLLED DRUG PRESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................. 12 SUPPLY ORDERS ....................................................................................................................................... 16 SPECIFIC PRESCRIPTION TYPES ..................................................................................................................... 16 REPEAT SUPPLIES ...................................................................................................................................... 18 PRESCRIPTION ITEM OWING ....................................................................................................................... 19 NEGATIVE R............................................................................................................................................. 19 ANNOTATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 19 ENDORSEMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 21 SPECIALIST RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................... 21 ALTERATION TO QUANTITY DISPENSED.......................................................................................................... 21 COST, BRAND, SOURCE (CBS)..................................................................................................................... 22 ORIGINAL PACK DISPENSING ....................................................................................................................... 22 BROKEN PACKS ........................................................................................................................................ 22 ORAL ANTIBIOTIC LIQUIDS .......................................................................................................................... 22 INTERPRETATION OF REIMBURSEMENT RESTRICTIONS ............................................................................. 24 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. EYE DROPS .................................................................................................................................................. 24 INSULIN VIALS AND CARTRIDGES ...................................................................................................................... 24 MUCILAGINOUS LAXATIVES ............................................................................................................................. 24 BRONCHODILATOR ASTHMA INHALERS .............................................................................................................. 24 STEROID ASTHMA INHALERS ........................................................................................................................... 25 EXTEMPORANEOUSLY COMPOUNDED PREPARATIONS (ECP) ................................................................................. 25 NAMED PATIENT PHARMACEUTICAL ASSESSMENT (NPPA) ................................................................................... 26 DISPENSING FREQUENCY ................................................................................................................................ 26 BRAND-SWITCH FEES ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM iii 7. HEALTH ENTITLEMENT CARDS ................................................................................................................... 31 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 8. COMMUNITY SERVICES CARDS......................................................................................................................... 31 HIGH USE HEALTH CARDS .............................................................................................................................. 31 PHARMACEUTICAL SUBSIDY CARDS................................................................................................................... 31 SPECIAL AUTHORITY .................................................................................................................................. 34 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 9. WHAT IS SPECIAL AUTHORITY? ........................................................................................................................ 34 OBTAINING SPECIAL AUTHORITY INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 34 TO DETERMINE HOW AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED .................................................................................................. 35 RISK NUMBER PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 36 SPECIAL AUTHORITY QUICK REFERENCE TABLE ................................................................................................... 37 RECEIPTS ................................................................................................................................................... 38 10. USEFUL CONTACTS ................................................................................................................................ 39 11. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 40 11.1. 11.2. APPENDIX A – SAFETY MEDICINES LIST ......................................................................................................... 40 APPENDIX B – GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................... 42 Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM iv Pharmacy Procedures Manual 1. INTRODUCTION The Procedures Manual has been compiled for Pharmacies when claiming reimbursement for services, and should be read in conjunction with the documents listed below. These documents will form part of any audit process. For the purpose of reimbursement, the order of priority is as follows: All relevant legislation and regulations applicable to the practise of pharmacy in New Zealand; The Pharmaceutical Schedule; The Pharmaceutical Transactions Data Specification (in relation to matters concerning file formats and data to be provided for processing purposes); Protocols for other Community Pharmacy Services Agreement (CPSA) services, such as Long Term Conditions Service (LTC). Your Agreement for the provision of pharmacy services; and This Procedures Manual. 2. PHARMACY CLOSURE OR CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP For circumstances where there is a Pharmacy closure or change of ownership, guidance on appropriate procedures should be sought from your District Health Board (DHB) as soon as you become aware of such a situation. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 1 3. SUBMISSION OF BATCHES 3.1. Verification of Claims All claimable items submitted by a Pharmacy must have the following: a. The electronic claim is to be accompanied by the approved certification, as to the truth and accuracy of the claim and compliance with the CPSA. Such certification occurring by use of the electronic signature and key assigned to a Pharmacist. b. The electronic claim is then to be supported by an original prescription form (original prescription forms must be retained by the pharmacy and not returned to the patient), which shall be filed in date of dispensing (the batch). Any form received by the pharmacy at a later date must be inserted in the original batch containing the corresponding date of dispensing. c. Meets all legal and contractual requirements. Variances between the original prescription and the computer record or supply must be clearly annotated on the prescription form for clarification. Each batch must be accompanied by a coversheet (in the form approved by the Ministry of Health from time to time) which is to be completed in full and signed on behalf of the pharmacy. 3.2. Batch Delivery Instructions The Ministry of Health (MoH) stores each pharmacy’s prescription batches pursuant to the Medicines Regulations requirements. Prescription batches must be collated correctly. Procedures Note Each claim period must be batched separately, with a unique batch record form, and must replicate the electronic claim file and claiming cycle. For example, if claims are submitted once a week, the prescription batch must be bundled weekly. Where claims are made fortnightly, the prescription batch must be bundled fortnightly. Table 1. Weekly Claim periods 1 - 7 day of the calendar month 8 – 15 day of the calendar month 16 – 23 day of calendar month 24 – last day of the calendar month Fortnightly Claim Periods 1 – 15 day of calendar month 16 – last day of calendar month Step 1 Collate prescriptions in order of date of dispensing; each dispensing date must be secured tightly into separate bundles. Step 2 Collate the date of dispensing bundles into one claim period batch (refer Note above) this will depend upon your electronic claiming cycle. Step 3 Complete a MoH Batch Record Form. Batch record forms can be downloaded from MoH website or through your PMS system (provided that the PMS version complies with the current MoH batch record form). Batch record forms must be completed with all the below information: Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 2 a b c d e f g Step 4 Service Provider’s Number (claimant number). Service Provider’s Name (pharmacy name). Period from (start date of the claim period) refer to table 1 above. Period to (end date of the claim period) refer to table 1 above. Service Provider Stamp (this information is generated when you use your own software system). Signature of a Pharmacist or person authorised by a pharmacy as its representative for this purpose. Date. Attach the batch record form to the front (the first dispensing date) of the claim period batch and tightly secure the entire prescription batch together, ready for distribution to the Ministry of Health. The delivery address for batches to be archived (unless otherwise advised by MoH) is: Archive Pharmacy Claims 137 London Street WHANGANUI 4500 Step 5 More than one prescription batch may be sent to the MoH at once but each claim period must be able to be identified separately at the MoH archives. Important Notes Pharmacies may retain batches for 5 months unless in circumstances outlined in Clause 3.3 below. After the 5 month period, batches must be submitted to MoH. If batches received by MoH do not meet the guidelines above, the batch may be sent back. If batches are not received by the due date MoH may send a warning letter requiring the batch to be forwarded within 30 days. If the batch has not been received within 30 days funding may be withheld for an amount equating to the value of that batch. Certified repeat copies are not required to be printed and sent with batches if they do not differ from the original prescription. 3.3. Submission of Batches for Audit Purposes On occasion, batches may be required early for audit purposes. Pharmacies will be notified when this is necessary and the notified pharmacy shall comply with the time frames and delivery requirements specified by the auditors. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 3 4. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1. Legal Requirements of Prescriptions For prescriptions other than Controlled Drugs the following is a checklist of the legal requirements that must be on the prescription when it is presented for dispensing. Prescriptions submitted for payment must meet legal requirements. (For Controlled Drugs – refer to Section 5.10.) Procedures Checklist a. b. c. d. e. Be legibly and indelibly printed (written in pencil is not acceptable). Prescriber’s indelible signature (not being a facsimile or other stamp). Prescribing date. Prescriber’s full name. Prescriber’s full physical work address, or postal address for those who do not have a place of work. f. Prescriber’s telephone number. g. Surname and each given name of the patient. h. Physical address of the patient. i. Patient date of birth (if the prescription is for a child under 13 years). j. Name of the medicine. k. Strength of the medicine (where appropriate). l. Total amount of medicine or the total period of supply to be dispensed. m. Dose and frequency of the dose (internal medicine). n. Method and frequency of use (external medicine). The following are the legal requirements which must be added by the pharmacy: a. Name and address of the proprietor of the business at which the prescription is dispensed. b. Dispensing date. c. Quantity of medicine dispensed – per item. d. Prescription number (unique identifying number) – per item. 4.2. Professional Group Prescribing The following is a summary table of the prescribing requirements of professional groups as they relate to community pharmacy. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 4 Summary Table: Professional Group Prescribing Professional Group Medical practitioners Dentists Midwives Legislation: Refer to Medicines Act and Misuse of Drugs Act Misuse of Drugs Act – Regulations and Regulations Subsidy Information Shall not exceed 6 For the medical months supply of an treatment of a patient oral contraceptive or 3 under their care. Class B months supply in any maximum period of other case. supply is 1 month; Class C maximum period of supply is 3 months. h Controlled Drug prescriptions must be first dispensed within 7 days of the date of prescribing. Shall not exceed 3 For dental treatment of Dental controlled drug months supply. patient under their care prescriptions are only for a maximum period subsidised for five days of 7 days. treatment with a Class B Every prescription must controlled drug. Seven state ‘for Dental days of a Class C Treatment only’. controlled drug will be Controlled Drug subsidised on a dental prescriptions must be prescription. first dispensed within 7 days of the date of prescribing. Shall not exceed 6 Midwives may only months supply of an prescribe pethidine. oral contraceptive or 3 Midwives may not months supply in any prescribe any other other case. controlled drugs, such as codeine and benzodiazepine, Every prescription must state ‘for midwifery use only’. Controlled Drug prescriptions must be first dispensed not more than 4 days after the date of prescribing. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 5 Professional Group Legislation: Refer to Misuse of Drugs Act – Medicines Act and Misuse of Drugs Act Subsidy Information Regulations and Regulations Nurse practitioners Shall not exceed 6 months supply of an oral contraceptive or 3 months supply in any other case, and is limited to the list of medicines detailed in legislation (Medicines Designated Prescribers; Nurse Practitioners) Regulations 2005. Optometrists Shall not exceed 3 months supply, and is limited to the list of medicines detailed in legislation (Medicines Designated Prescribers: Optometrists) Regulations 2005. Refer to the Pharmaceutical Schedule for guidance. Other Prescribers, e.g. Dieticians Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM For the treatment of a patient under the nurse's care; in an emergency only; for a maximum period of 3 days. Limited to drugs listed in the Misuse of Drugs Regulations, Schedule 1A Controlled drugs that designated Prescriber nurses may prescribe in certain circumstances. Controlled Drug prescriptions must be first dispensed within 7 days of the date of prescribing. No prescribing rights for controlled drugs. No prescribing rights for controlled drugs. 6 5. PRESCRIPTION SUBSIDY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the legal requirements of a prescription (as per Section 4) some additional information is required for subsidy purposes. The following clauses in this section provide details of that further information. 5.1. Address 5.1.1. Prescriber The Prescriber’s full physical work address must be included. Refer to glossary. 5.1.2. Patient The patient’s full address must be included. Refer to glossary. 5.2. NHI From 1 February 2013 you must include the service user’s NHI number for each claim item. You will use the NHI provided on a prescription form unless you know that NHI number is incorrect (then use the correct number). 5.3. ARRC and LTC Patients Prescriptions for ARRC patients must include the name of the residential establishment, the patient’s NHI number and from 1 February 2013 must include the patient’s date of birth. Prescriptions for LTC patients must include the patient’s NHI and from 1 February 2013 must include the patient’s date of birth. 5.4. Prescriber a. b. c. d. e. The Prescriber must be entitled to prescribe the pharmaceuticals included in any prescription form (including any Controlled Drugs prescription). You must include in every claim the Prescriber’s health professional code and registration number (Prescriber identifier) if it is either listed on the prescription or otherwise known to you. i. Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) number; or ii. Nursing Council of New Zealand number; or iii. Midwifery Council of New Zealand number; or iv. Dental Council of New Zealand number; or v. other registration number, as applicable, The Prescriber identifier must match the identity of the Prescriber signing the prescription form. Any claim with less than 90% of health professional codes included will be rejected until it meets the necessary threshold. If a prescription is received with no Prescriber identifier, and the pharmacy does not already know the Prescriber identifier of that Prescriber, the pharmacy must obtain the Prescriber identifier from either the Prescriber or their professional organisation to ensure that the Prescriber is eligible to prescribe the pharmaceuticals. The pharmacy must then include the Prescriber’s health professional code and registration number with the claim. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 7 5.5. Prescriber Information In addition to the legal requirements of a prescription, the following Prescriber information is required for subsidy purposes: 5.5.1. Signature A facsimile signature is not acceptable. Subject to the conditions below, if a prescription is faxed, the original prescription must be obtained or the Prescriber must indelibly sign the faxed copy before a claim can be made for the prescription item(s). However, if the original prescription (or the faxed copy signed by the Prescriber as above) has not been received by the pharmacy within four weeks of the date of the original dispensing, reimbursement can be claimed. The signed prescription must be obtained and submitted in due course (see clauses 3.1.b, 3.2 and 3.3 of the Procedures Manual) with the batch for audit purposes. If no signed prescription is submitted with the batch then the pharmacy must refund any money previously claimed in respect of this claimed item by crediting the amount against its next claim(s). If the pharmacy considers that special circumstances apply to a specific claim item it may apply in writing to the DHB. The DHB may, at its discretion, allow the pharmacy to retain payment. If no such express written permission is provided then the refund must be made by the pharmacy. If the pharmacy chooses to file both the fax copy and the original prescription form in the prescription batch, the pharmacy must ensure that: a. b. c. d. The fax copy and the original prescription form are correctly matched The fax copy and the original prescription form are securely fastened to one another All legal and subsidy requirements are met These are filed in order of the date of dispensing within the batch. If the pharmacy chooses to file only the original prescription form in the prescription batch, the pharmacy must ensure that: a. b. c. d. The original prescription form is correctly annotated with the name and address of the proprietor of the business at which the prescription is dispensed, unique identifying number(s) (third-part labels) and annotations The fax copy is appropriately disposed of All legal and subsidy requirements are met The original prescription form is filed in order of the date of dispensing within the batch. 5.5.2. Legibility The prescription must be legibly and indelibly printed and cannot be written in pencil. A reprint of the label for the item attached to a prescription form is not acceptable for claiming payment. 5.6. Patient Information In addition to the legal requirements of a prescription, the following patient information is required for subsidy purposes: 5.6.1. Patient Eligibility Patient eligibility must be clearly identified in accordance with the Health and Disability Services Eligibility Direction 2011. More detail can be found on the Ministry website Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 8 The pharmacy may accept eligibility identification details included by the Prescriber on the prescription as correct unless it is otherwise apparent from the prescription form, or otherwise known to the pharmacy, that the patient is not eligible (and the Pharmacist should then annotate the ineligible status on the prescription form, and no claim should be made pursuant to the CPSA). If the prescription records the patient as ineligible (which may include NS), or no eligibility status is identified the pharmacy may not make a claim pursuant to the CPSA unless the patient provides documented evidence demonstrating his or her eligibility. In this case the Pharmacist should annotate the change of eligibility status on the prescription and note the basis of eligibility (work visa holder eligible to be in New Zealand for two years or more, refugee etc). Persons who are not eligible for publicly-funded health services, but who are receiving treatment/medicine as a result of personal accident injury covered by Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), are also eligible for ‘4’ co-payment. This includes, for example, tourists and overseas students. 5.6.2. Patient Categories The patient category indicates the eligibility status of an individual and also determines the pharmaceutical co-payments that are to be applied to that patient. Key to interpret the following tables: Y J A Z H O 1 3 4 NS Youth (0-5 years) Junior (6-17 years) Adult (over 18 years) HUHC Holder Hokianga resident on HHET form (see below) Oral Contraceptive CSC Card Holder No CSC, and not Eligible Prescriber Eligible Prescriber Not subsidised Note: Patient category codes may be updated from time to time. Any changes to the patient category codes will be linked to an amendment of the Pharmaceutical Transactions Data Specification. The Crown may also update the co-payments listed here from time to time. Pharmacies will be notified of these changes via the Pharmaceutical Schedule and/or directly by the MoH or DHBs. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 9 Youth (ages 0 to 5 years) – Y code Status – must be Eligible Person Eligible Prescriber CSC Holder Neither of the Above HUHC Holder / Care Plus Patient Patient Category Yes No Yes No Yes No Y4Z Y4 Y1Z Y1 Y3Z Y3 Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 Sept 2008 up to 31 December 2012 No PSC With PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 January 2013 No PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 With PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Junior (ages 6 to 17 years) – J Code Status – must be Eligible Person HUHC Holder / Care Plus Patient Patient Category Eligible Prescriber CSC Holder Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No J4Z J4 J1Z J1 J3Z J3 O O Neither of the Above Oral Contraceptives Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 Sept 2008 up to 31 December 2012 No PSC With PSC $3 $0 $3 $0 $3 $0 $3 $0 $3 $2 $10 $2 $3 $0 $3 $0 Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 January 2013 No PSC $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $5 $5 With PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 $0 $0 Adult (ages 18 and above) – A Code Status – must be Eligible Person Eligible Prescriber CSC Holder Neither of the Above Oral Contraceptives HUHC Holder / Care Plus Patient Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Patient Category A4Z A4 A1Z A1 A3Z A3 O O Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 Sept 2008 up to 31 December 2012 No PSC With PSC $3 $0 $3 $0 $3 $0 $3 $0 $3 $2 $15 $2 $3 $0 $3 $0 Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 January 2013 No PSC $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $15 $5 $5 With PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $2 $0 $0 10 An “H” code is used for a patient who is usually resident in the Hokianga Ward of the Far North District with a prescription issued by a registered medical practitioner employed by, and on a form supplied by, the Hokianga Health Enterprise Trust. Status – must be Eligible Person HUHC Holder / Care Plus Patient Patient Category Yes No Yes No Yes No H4Z H4 H1Z H1 H3Z H3 Eligible Prescriber CSC Holder Neither of the Above Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 Sept 2008 up to 31 December 2012 No PSC With PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Maximum Pharmaceutical Co-payment from 1 January 2013 No PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 With PSC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5.7. Co-payments for Antiandrogen Oral Contraceptives Prescribers may code prescriptions “contraceptive” (code ‘O’) when used as indicated for contraception. The period of supply may be written for up to six months supply. From 1 January 2013 the co-payment on all prescriptions coded ‘O’ will change from $3.00 to $5.00. Prescriptions coded in any other way are subject to the non-contraceptive prescription charges, and the non-contraceptive period of supply. That is, prescriptions may be written for up to three months supply. Example Private Specialist prescription for cyproterone acetate with ethinyloestradiol – patient is A3 Specialist has coded the prescription ‘O’ Period of supply is 6 months Co-payment = $3 (From 1 January 2013 this will change to $5). Specialist has coded the prescription A3, so not ‘O’ Period of supply is 3 months – as Prescriber has not indicated the prescription is being prescribed as an oral contraceptive Co-payment = $15 5.8. Date of Dispensing The Date of Dispensing must be recorded on all prescriptions for which a subsidy is claimed. This record must be stamped, hand-written or recorded on the third-part label. The Date of Dispensing on the prescription including that on the third-part label must be the same as the date in the computer record. If the third-part label is used as the only indication of Date of Dispensing the pharmacy has a responsibility to ensure that the quality of the label means that it is fixed to the prescription in a manner that will withstand multiple handling. The Date of Dispensing must not precede the prescribing date. If the prescribing date returned on a signed telephone/faxed prescription is after the Date of Dispensing, for the purposes of payment, the signed prescription and the faxed forms must be stapled together or the date may be annotated by the Pharmacist to explain the discrepancy between the prescribing date and the date of dispensing. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 11 No claim for payment may be made prior to completion of the dispensing process. This is the process of a Pharmacist providing a patient or patient’s caregiver, or a Prescriber, with a Prescription Item pursuant to a Prescription Form or order. It includes all the steps that occur from receipt of the Prescription Form or order at the pharmacy to the Prescription Item being collected by, or delivered to, the Service User or the Service User’s caregiver or Prescriber. Uncollected medicines should be deferred and not included in any claim. The Pharmacist must not re-dispense any medicine for which a claim has been submitted. 5.9. Prescription Number (Unique Identifying Number) This numbering system applies to all prescriptions, Supply Orders, and other types. The appropriate suffix is determined by the prescription. If the prescription is for a single supply (including those items dispensed stat), the suffix used is ‘0’. For the initial dispensing of a prescription where eligible repeats are prescribed, the suffix is ‘1’. Each subsequent dispensing of a repeat on a prescription has the next consecutive number as its suffix. Prescription numbers should follow the following format: 123456789/1. The prescription number is required next to each Prescription Item and should be adjacent, where possible, to the relevant item on the original prescription form. Sometimes third-part labels have a reference to the item, but an effort should be made to place the label next to the item. If working from a faxed or telephone copy, place the third part label on the copy then staple copy to the original when received. Hand written, legible numbers are for emergency or exceptional circumstances only. Attaching a reprint of the medicine label to a prescription form for any item is not acceptable. 5.10. Controlled Drug Prescriptions The Misuse of Drugs Act limits the amount of and what medicines can be prescribed by different prescribing groups. All Prescribers must only prescribe within their scope of practice for patients under their care. Refer to all current legislation and the summary table at Section 4.2, Professional Group Prescribing. Pharmacy claims submitted to the MoH that do not comply with the legislative requirements, may not be reimbursed. 5.10.1. Legal Requirements Checklist The following is a checklist of the legal requirements that must be on the prescription when it is presented for dispensing: For CLASS B Controlled Drugs, the prescription must: a Be written on a form provided by the Director General of Health. a Be legibly and indelibly written in the Prescriber’s own handwriting. b Be indelibly signed by the Prescriber personally with his/her usual signature. c Include the date on which the Controlled Drug prescription is written. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 12 d e f g h i j k Include the Prescriber’s address as specified in the Glossary as the prescription address (this can be stamped, however the stamped address must be on all three copies of the Controlled Drug prescription). Include the patient’s full home address as specified in the Glossary as the prescription address surname, initials, and full street address of the patient. Include the age in years and months (in words) if the patient is under 12 years. Include the name and total amount of the Controlled Drug to be dispensed and the number of occasions on which it may be dispensed. Set out the name of the Controlled Drug in full or be abbreviated only by the use of BP, BPC or other recognised titles. Include the dose and frequency of the dose for an internal use medicine, and for external use have the directions of use. Where the prescription has an unusual dose, or what may be regarded as a dangerous dose, the dose should be underlined and initialled by the Prescriber. Any alterations must be signed by the Prescriber. In addition to the above, if the Class B Controlled Drug is Methadone and if the Prescriber is authorised by the MoH or its delegate, or works in a place for the time being specified by the Minister of Health under the Misuse of Drugs Act, the prescription must be legibly and indelibly written, or in a form approved from time to time by the Director General of Health. If, for special reasons relating to the protection of the patient or for limiting the quantity of any Controlled Drug in the possession of the patient, the Prescriber directs daily dispensing or other dispensing intervals a Controlled Drug may be supplied on that number of occasions and not more frequently than the intervals indicated. The total quantity covered by such a prescription cannot exceed one month. 5.10.2. Annotation of Controlled Drug Prescriptions All three copies of the prescription form must be annotated with: a The prescription number(s); and b Each D c ate of Dispensing; and d The quantity dispensed; and e The strength dispensed; and f The initials of the dispensing Pharmacist; and g Pharmacy stamp. The first dispensing (for the supply of Class B Controlled Drugs only, excluding methylphenidate and dexamphetamine) can be claimed as two dispensings if stock is unavailable to dispense the full amount required. This includes situations where both dispensings are supplied on the same day. Subsequent repeats where insufficient stock is available must be claimed as one repeat and an “owe”. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 13 Procedures Out of Stock Dispensing 1. Claim for the first supply as an initial dispensing. 2. The second dispensing should be claimed as a repeat dispensing. 3. A note should be made on the Controlled Drug Prescription of the quantities and dates of the dispensing of both supplies. 5.10.3. Methylphenidate and Dexamphetamine Methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin, Rubifen) is scheduled as a Class B2 controlled drug. As such Ministerial Approval is required before methylphenidate can be prescribed or supplied. Listed below are the circumstances under which this approval is considered met for both prescribing by medical practitioners and supply by Pharmacists. Further information can be found on the Medsafe website at Prescribing Prescriptions must be written by: a Medical practitioners with a vocational scope of practice of Paediatrics or Psychiatry, registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance (HPCA) Act 2003, for the treatment of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or b Medical practitioners with a vocational scope of practice of Internal Medicine, registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand under the HPCA Act 2003, for the treatment of narcolepsy, or c Medical practitioners with a vocational scope of Palliative Medicine, registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand under the HPCA Act 2003, for the use of palliative care treatment, or d Any other medical practitioner registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand when acting on the written recommendation of one of the vocationally registered medical practitioners described above, for the conditions specified. Supply Any Pharmacist, registered with the Pharmacy Council of New Zealand, under the HPCA Act 2003, in the course of his or her employment as a Pharmacist, may supply methylphenidate products pursuant to a prescription meeting the following conditions: The prescription must be written on a triplicate controlled drug form (H572) and be issued by: a A medical practitioner with a vocational scope of practice of Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine or Palliative Medicine, when prescribing for the conditions stated above, or b Any other registered medical practitioner when acting on the written recommendation of one of the vocationally registered medical practitioners specified above, with the name of the appropriate recommending practitioner endorsed on the prescription. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 14 What this means for Pharmacists If you receive a prescription for methylphenidate you must check that it meets the following criteria before it is dispensed: a It is written on a triplicate controlled drug form (H572); b It is written by: i. An appropriate specialist in Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine or Palliative Medicine, when prescribed for the conditions specified, or ii. A GP working under the written recommendation of an appropriate specialist listed above for the conditions specified, and this is endorsed on the prescription. A Pharmacist can endorse the prescription with the appropriate vocationally registered practitioner’s name if they have verification of the correct information from the Prescriber. Where prescriptions are written by a GP and the GP has not written vocationally registered practitioner’s recommendation, the prescription cannot legally be dispensed. Pharmacists are permitted to accept the endorsements contained on a prescription at ”face value” unless they have reason to believe them to be incorrect. Information of the vocational scope of practice for Prescribers can be found on the Medical Council of New Zealand website: Funding of methylphenidate is controlled through the Pharmaceutical Schedule published by PHARMAC. Endorsement of a prescription with a Special Authority number does not negate the requirement for the prescription to be endorsed with the specialist’s name. A non-subsidised prescription still needs to be endorsed with the specialist’s name to be a legal prescription. 5.10.4. Dexamphetamine The same requirements as for methylphenidate apply to prescribing and supplying dexamphetamine with the exception that Ministerial approval has not been granted for prescribing by medical practitioners with a vocational scope of Palliative Medicine, for use in palliative care treatment. 5.10.5. Repeat Dispensing If the medical practitioner signing a prescription so directs on the prescription: a. any controlled drug (not being a Class C controlled drug) may be supplied on not more than two occasions, at an interval to be specified by the medical practitioner on the prescription, the first such occasion being not more than seven days after the date of the prescription and the second such occasion being not more than seven days after the termination of that interval, provided that in no case shall the total quantity supplied, having regard to the dose and frequency of the dose or the directions given by the Prescriber, be greater than a quantity sufficient for use for a period of one month. Reg 31 (2)(a). b. any Class C controlled drug may be supplied on not more than three occasions, at such intervals as may be specified by the medical practitioner on the prescription or, if no intervals are so specified, at monthly intervals provided that in no case shall the total quantity supplied, having regard to the dose and frequency of the dose or the directions given by the Prescriber, be greater than a quantity sufficient for use for a period of three months. Reg 31 (2)(b). c. If the midwife signing the prescription so directs on the prescription, pethidine may be supplied under section 8(2)(aa) of the Misuse of Drugs Act on not more than two occasions, at an interval to be specified by the midwife on the prescription, the first such occasion being not more than Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 15 four days after the date of the prescription and the second such occasion being not more than 4 days after the termination of that interval: Reg 31 (2A). If the Prescriber directs that the dispensing should be more frequent than monthly, the pharmacy may dispense at that frequency. The dispensing on the prescription must commence within 7 days of the date of the prescription. The period during which the dispensing may then occur will run continuously from the date of the initial dispensing for the next 30 days (or part thereof as specified on the script). If the patient does not collect a repeat on the date when his or her part dispensing of the medication would have run out then the pharmacy may not provide more medication to the patient than the amount that remains from the date the patient presents for the repeat medication to the end of the 30 day period. This is to ensure that the patient is seen by the Prescriber regularly. Example: 30 day script with two repeats. Patient collects initial dispensing on 1 st of the month. Patient is either then (for example) in hospital for a period or chooses not to take medication and does not come for second dispensing until 20th of the month. The Pharmacist may only dispense one repeat for 10 days, which is the balance remaining of the 30 day period. The patient must then attend the Prescriber for a further 30 day script. 5.10.6. Submission of Controlled Drug Prescriptions On the completion of all dispensings: a The top copy (white) is to be retained in the pharmacy; b The 2nd copy (yellow) and 3rd copy (red) are to be filed in the batch on the date of initial dispensing. 5.11. Supply Orders Bulk Supply Orders (BSOs), and Practitioner Supply Orders (PSOs) must be supplied in accordance with ”Miscellaneous Provisions” of the Pharmaceutical Schedule. Except antipsychotic injections for mental health day clinics, PSOs will not be reimbursed where the pharmaceuticals are supplied to hospitals or clinics. At the end of every month an approved signatory for the facility is required to sign the BSO and complete the “stock on hand” column. BSOs, and PSOs will not be reimbursed where the pharmaceuticals are supplied to the Armed Services or the Department of Corrections (including prisons). See exception in Section 5.12.1 regarding Ivermectin. 5.12. Specific Prescription Types 5.12.1. Prescriptions for Multiple Patients Prescriptions, such as antifungal or scabies treatments, for multiple patients on one form should be treated as separate prescriptions. All names are required on the prescription, normal co-payment rules will apply for each patient, that is, one co-payment per patient. Ivermectin tablets are subsidised when prescribed on a Practitioners Supply Order (PSO) for institutional use (age related residential care facilities, disability care facilities or penal institutions only). Up to 100 tablets of ivermectin will be subsidised on a PSO which must be endorsed with the Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 16 name of the institution and a valid Special Authority for a patient of that institution. Ivermectin is also fully subsidised on a BSO where there is a valid Special Authority for a patient of that institution. 5.12.2. Pharmacy Generated Prescription Forms / Telephone Prescriptions No claim for payment shall be made in respect of a pharmacy generated/telephone prescription form until the pharmacy receives the signed form from the Prescriber and meets all legal and contractual requirements and the dispensing process is complete. The circumstances under which an orally communicated prescription may be made are set out in the Medicines Regulations 1984. 5.12.3. Bulk/Merged Prescription Forms Where a prescription is generated for multiple Rest Home patients, the pharmacy must ensure that: a The Prescriber has initialled beside each patient on the page; and b Each patient’s NHI number is listed; and c The name of the Rest Home facility is annotated; and d There is this statement acknowledging that each patient is under the Prescriber’s care, “I have read and authorised these prescription orders for the above named patients”; and e Each page has a full Prescriber’s signature and date at the bottom of the page. 5.12.4. Certified Repeat Copies A Certified Repeat Copy is a computer generated copy of the record of a repeat Prescription Item. It can be used for dispensing repeat supplies as an alternative to dispensing from the original prescription. If not dispensing from the original prescription, a Certified Repeat Copy (CRC) must be generated when repeats are different to those at the first dispensing (variable quantities, for example, supply of the prescription item for two months for access exemption purposes). The Certified Repeat Copy must be filed in the batch at the date of the repeat dispensing. For further information regarding repeat supplies refer to Section 5.13. 5.12.5. Certified True Copies A Certified True Copy must be used only when the original prescription form has to be made available to the NZ Police, Medsafe, Medical Officer of Health, or the Coroner. Procedures A Certified True Copy of the complete prescription form should be made by the pharmacy, and be retained and submitted in the normal manner as part of the batch. A Certified True Copy must be annotated with the words: “Certified True Copy” and be signed and dated by the dispensing Pharmacist. A photocopy is the preferred option for a Certified True Copy. In special circumstances the Certified True Copy can be handwritten or computer generated and the reason annotated. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 17 5.12.6. Certified True Photocopies A Certified True Photocopy must be made when all items on a multi item prescription are not processed on the same day; A Certified True Photocopy is different from a Certified Repeat Copy and is used for a different purpose. The copy of the form must be a photocopy. Procedures On the original prescription after the dispensing annotate the items not being claimed on this day. Take a photocopy of the original prescription. The original prescription form should be inserted into the batch as at the date of dispensing. The photocopy is referred to as a Certified True Photocopy and should be retained on file for dispensing of the remaining original items. A Certified True Photocopy must be annotated with the words: “Certified True Photocopy” and be signed and dated by a Pharmacist. The Certified True Photocopy MUST include all the items on the original prescription with the items previously dispensed crossed through. Prescription numbers for the items previously dispensed must be included on the photocopy. Once a Certified True Photocopy has been created, there must be no changes to the original prescription The Certified True Photocopy must be an exact copy of the original when the original is submitted to MoH for claiming. If another certified true photocopy is required for a subsequent dispensed date, repeat the process but use the 1st Certified True Photocopy as your starting point. The last Certified True Photocopy created must be a complete picture and show details of all items dispensed from that prescription form. 5.13. Repeat Supplies Authorised repeats can be dispensed: a When the Pharmacist has previously dispensed an initial dispensing from a prescription form, repeat items were permitted pursuant to the Pharmaceutical Schedule and some items have not yet been dispensed; and b When a specific and express request for that repeat is made by the Patient or his/her caregiver, and c The Pharmacist can reasonably assume that the last preceding supply has been exhausted or substantially exhausted including any previous prescriptions and repeats dispensed by that pharmacy, or for a reason otherwise known to the Pharmacist (for example, the patient is travelling and the patient signs the Access Exemption Declaration). Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 18 As a general rule, for a pharmaceutical benefit to apply ”substantially exhausted” means that either 2/3rds of the supply period has elapsed since the previous dispensing or 2/3rds of the supply has been used. In special circumstances where the Patient has lost or damaged the previous supply, or has an increased need for the medication due to a change in dose or frequency, the Pharmacist can supply the medication earlier. If an earlier supply is made in these circumstances, the reason for the early supply must be annotated on the prescription or CRC for the patient to be eligible for a subsidy. The pharmacy responsible for any initial dispensing on a prescription form must remain available to dispense any authorised repeats requested by the patient and/or his or her caregiver and the pharmacy may not return the original prescription to the patient. 5.14. Prescription Item Owing Procedures a b c d The Pharmacist must consult with the patient to achieve a mutually acceptable arrangement when it is not possible to dispense a medicine as prescribed. It is preferable to provide the full dispensing. The Pharmacist should issue a part supply of a prescription item in cases where the patient is required to begin the treatment immediately. If the full quantity of prescription item is not available, there must be a reference in the computer record, or in an “owes” file and on the prescription form specifying the quantity dispensed and the quantity owing. The patient must be provided with written information on the quantity owed and the timeframe for collection for the owed prescription item where known (for example, could be out of stock). The Owed prescription items must be collected or delivered within the period of supply on the prescription. Payment will only be made for any owed prescription items when supplied to the patient or his/her caregiver. No Service or Handling fees will be paid for these balances. 5.15. Negative R Under the new CPSA, the Dispensing Fee no longer exists, and the Handling Fee, which is now used in the calculation, is set at $1. This means that the value of the transaction may not always be greater than the value of the co-payment. Deducting the co-payment from the transaction fees may result in a negative value (in the CPSA this is called -R). Until an Information Technology solution is found DHBs will deduct the negative amounts manually during the transition payment reconciliation process. Refer to sections M and AB in the Transition Payment Advice Notice. 5.16. Annotations An annotation is text written by a Pharmacist. Any annotation should clearly differentiate the information added by the Pharmacist from that written by the Prescriber. If possible all annotations should be adjacent to the prescription item. Green ink is preferred unless the Prescriber has written in green. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 19 Prescriptions should be annotated: a Where it is required by regulations, or b Where it is necessary for clarification or is specified in the Agreement or Manual, or c Where it is required for subsidy, including those outlined in the Pharmaceutical Schedule, for example Cost Brand Source, Multiple-Patients. d Where there is no Patient category code on the prescription, refer table in Section 4.2, or when it is known to be erroneous. Changes made to the category codes by the Pharmacist must be initialled and reflected in the electronic claim file. Pharmacists may annotate prescriptions with clarifications to: a Dosage; b Strength; c Quantity; d Brand (the Pharmacist may only annotate a change of brand subject to the substitution rules contained in the Medicines Regulations) Points to note: a. The reason for any variance between the original prescription and the electronic record must be annotated on the prescription. Note: “C.B.” can be used as an abbreviation for Change Brand. b. Where there is a financial implication for the DHB, the Pharmacist cannot increase the quantity of a prescription, without the Prescriber signing the alteration. Non-subsidised items should be identified. c. A Pharmacist may annotate an Endorsement required for subsidy within the Pharmaceutical Schedule only where the Pharmaceutical Schedule specifically permits the Pharmacist to annotate the Endorsement. All other annotations must be hand-written or computer generated by the Prescriber, or, where it has been altered or added by the Pharmacist, initialled by the Prescriber. d. Where a Specialist recommendation is required for subsidy on a prescription or PSO, the dispensing Pharmacist may annotate the prescription or PSO, following verbal confirmation from the Prescriber, with the name of the Specialist and date of recommendation. The Pharmacist must also annotate the prescription with the words “confirmed by [practitioner]”. Where the Pharmacist has an electronic record of such a valid Specialist recommendation from a previous prescription for the same Community Pharmaceutical written by a Prescriber for the same patient, the Pharmacist may annotate the prescription accordingly. e. Pharmacists, when dispensing a subsidised Community Pharmaceutical, may alter the presentation of a Pharmaceutical dispensed to another subsidised presentation, without requiring a signature from the Prescriber, but may not alter the dose, frequency and/or total daily dose. This may only occur when it is not practicable for the Pharmacist to dispense the requested presentation. If the change will result in additional cost to the DHBs, then annotation of the prescription by the dispensing Pharmacist must occur stating the reason for the change, and the Pharmacist must initial the change for the purpose of Audit. For clarity: The Pharmacist may not alter the dose, frequency and/or total daily dose without sending the altered prescription to the Prescriber to be endorsed. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 20 5.17. Endorsements An endorsement is text written by a Prescriber on a prescription. The Pharmaceutical Schedule defines the requirements, which may vary from time to time. Where an endorsement is required on a prescription it must either be: a. Hand-written, or computer generated on the prescription by the Prescriber; or b. Where it is not hand-written, or computer generated by the Prescriber, and where it is specified in the Pharmaceutical Schedule, be initialled by the Prescriber; and c. Where it has been altered or added to by the pharmacy, be initialled by the Prescriber, unless the Pharmaceutical Schedule permits the Pharmacist to annotate endorsements. 5.18. Specialist Recommendation Prescriptions originating from DHB hospitals on DHB stationery for “specialist” prescription items (that is, Retail Pharmacy-Specialist and Hospital Pharmacy-Specialist) are deemed to have been prescribed by an appropriate specialist, irrespective of the status of the medical practitioner writing the prescription. For clarification only prescriptions written by a medical practitioner in these circumstances are eligible for subsidy under this Pharmaceutical Schedule rule. Other Prescriber types (for example midwife, nurse Prescriber, dentist) must include the name of the recommending specialist for the patient to receive the corresponding subsidy. This however does not apply to prescriptions which are subject to the restrictions ”Retail Pharmacy–Specialist Prescription” and ”Hospital Pharmacy-Specialist Prescription”, where the Specialist must sign the prescription. To clarify, a Specialist can only be a Medical Practitioner, or a Dentist with a vocational NZMC registration. 5.19. Alteration to Quantity Dispensed An alteration made by a Pharmacist to the unit quantity dispensed is one that does not affect the end amount of medicine prescribed to the patient. The patient will get the same dosage of medicine in the following example: the prescription reads ”500 mg, one tablet per day, 30” and the Pharmacist dispenses ”250 mg tablets, two tablets per day, 60”. In this case, the Pharmacist has altered the unit quantity, and subsequent dosage instructions, without changing the total daily dose or frequency ordered by the Prescriber. Alternatively, a change from tablets to mixtures (change in presentation of medicine) is deemed appropriate as long as both the individual dose and total daily dose is not altered. In the above example, if there is no additional cost to the DHB the Pharmacist can annotate and sign the changes. Procedures For any alteration made by the Pharmacist to the quantity dispensed, if there is a financial implication or increased cost to the DHB: a. The Pharmacist must annotate and sign the reason for the change, and b. The change must be authorised and signed by the Prescriber. In cases where PHARMAC has approved and notified in writing such a change in dispensing of a named pharmaceutical, due to an out of stock event or short supply, the Pharmacist must annotate and initial the alteration, and the prescription does not need to be returned to the Prescriber for endorsement. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 21 5.20. Cost, Brand, Source (CBS) Where CBS is indicated against a medicine in the Pharmaceutical Schedule or if the item is a Named Patient Pharmaceutical Assessment medicine not in the Pharmaceutical Schedule (as described in the Pharmacy Agreement), the medicine is eligible for subsidy on the basis of the Pharmacists annotation of purchase price, brand and source of supply. The purchase price should be GST exclusive. The Pharmaceutical Schedule requires that the purchase price, brand and source of supply be annotated. Alternatively a copy of the invoice for the purchase of the pharmaceutical may be attached to the prescription, in order to be eligible for subsidy. The details of the purchase may be subject to audit, and all receipts of purchase must be kept and available for audit. 5.21. Original Pack Dispensing Procedures If an item has the letters “OP” in the pack size column of the Pharmaceutical Schedule, then payment is made to the nearest original unit size. The pack size dispensed should be the closest size to meet the dosage instructions, and will be reimbursed for the total subsidy per OP dispensed. Example: Collapsible Tube (if defined as ‘OP’ in the Pharmaceutical Schedule): Locoid Lipo cream Apply bd 15g. Even though the prescription only calls for 15g, the Pharmacist can claim 1OP or 30g. If the Locoid prescription had called for 50g, the Pharmacist can claim 2OP or 60g. 5.22. Broken Packs Where a Pharmacist dispenses a part pack of a proprietary product, subsidy is based on the appropriate portion of the pack size listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule, unless the item lists “OP” in the pack size column of the Schedule. For a prescription written for a three-month supply of a pharmaceutical that is supplied in a collapsible tube, only the total quantity required to complete the three-month course will be subsidised. Funding is not provided for one tube per month. However, if the Medicine Data Sheet specifically states the product should be discarded after a period of time, say 30 days, then funding will be provided accordingly. This must be annotated on the prescription. For clarification Ovestin vaginal cream has no requirement to be discarded one month after opening. If the prescribed quantity equates to one tube per month then this will be subsidised. In all other circumstances only the quantity which equates to the dosing instructions will be subsidised. 5.23. Oral Antibiotic Liquids Where a Prescriber has written a prescription for a reconstitutable oral liquid antibiotic indicated in the Pharmaceutical Schedule and the dispensing of which would require the Pharmacist to reconstitute another pack the Pharmacist should reduce the amount dispensed to the quantity contained in a whole pack provided that the reduction in the amount dispensed is less than 10% of Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 22 the pack and in the reasonable opinion of the Pharmacist will not affect the efficacy of the course of treatment. Example: 5ml tds for 7 days = 105ml Dispense 100ml Example: 10ml stat, 5ml tds for 7 days = 110ml Dispense 110ml. Remainder can be claimed if unused Remainder can be claimed as wastage if unused. At the time of dispensing the Pharmacist must keep a record of the quantity discarded Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 23 6. INTERPRETATION OF REIMBURSEMENT RESTRICTIONS There are several specific rulings that provide an interpretation for Pharmacists on the quantity of pharmaceuticals that can be reimbursed under the Pharmaceutical Schedule General Rules and the CPSA for the provision of pharmacy services. These rulings are provided to MoH, having been considered by the DHBs. Where necessary for clarification, the Pharmacist should annotate the prescription. 6.1. Eye Drops If a prescription is written for a three-month supply of eye drops, at least one original pack will be subsidised per month even if the directions are such that one pack would suffice for the complete three-month course. This follows the requirement to discard eye drops 30 days after opening. The Pharmacist must annotate the prescription when they are claiming for quantities in excess of dose and frequency prescribed. The following guidelines should be used for calculating quantities of eye drops: 12 drops = 1ml 60 drops = 5ml 6.2. Insulin Vials and Cartridges If a prescription is written for a three-month supply of insulin, at least one vial or one cartridge will be subsidised per month even if the directions are such that one pack would suffice for the complete three-month course. This follows the need to discard vials 30 days after opening. The Pharmacist must annotate the prescription when claiming for quantities in excess of dose and frequency prescribed. 6.3. Mucilaginous Laxatives These products are reimbursed as an original pack. The following guidelines should be used to calculate quantities. One teaspoon = 7 grams One dessertspoon = 14 grams One tablespoon = 28 grams 6.4. Bronchodilator Asthma Inhalers Where a prescription for a bronchodilator inhaler has a ”when required” component in the dosing schedule, up to 1200 doses will be reimbursed per 3 months. Example: Salbutamol inhaler: 2 puffs q2h prn for 3/12 2,160 doses (or 11 x 200 dose inhalers) Only 6 inhalers will be subsidised. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 24 6.4.1. PRN In these circumstances, because of the ”as required” component up to 1,200 doses (or 6 x 200 dose inhalers) will be reimbursed. These inhalers should be dispensed in quantities depending upon the patient’s needs. Six inhalers can be dispensed as 2+2+2 or 3+2+1 or 4+1+1. In instances where a quantity larger than 1,200 doses is required and the reason for the extra quantity is annotated on the prescription by the Prescriber, the quantity prescribed will be reimbursed. 6.4.2. No PRN If the dosing frequency does not have a “when required” component, then the quantity supplied must relate to the total number of doses ordered. Example: 2 puffs q2h for 3/12. 2,160 doses (or 11 x 200 dose inhalers). 6.5. Steroid Asthma Inhalers 1. For steroid inhalers without a definitive dosing and frequency instruction, only one inhaler can be claimed in each monthly dispensing. Example: Beclomethasone inhaler 100mcg/dose 2-4 puffs prn Maximum of 3 inhalers. 2. Prescriptions, which specify both a dose and frequency of dose, will be reimbursed up to the maximum number of inhalers as provided for by the Prescriber’s instructions. Example: Beclomethasone inhaler 100mcg/dose 2-4 puffs bd increasing to 4 puffs bd prn for 3/12. Maximum dosage is 720 puffs (or 4 inhalers). Up to four 200-dose inhalers would be reimbursed on these instructions Example: Beclomethasone inhaler 100mcg/dose 4 puffs bd increasing to 8 puffs bd prn Maximum dosage is 1,440 puffs (or 8 inhalers).A maximum of eight 200-dose inhalers would be reimbursed on this prescription 6.6. Extemporaneously Compounded Preparations (ECP) Extemporaneously Compounded Preparation means an extemporaneously compounded preparation that is not available as a proprietary product and is therefore required to be compounded by a pharmacy. For an Extemporaneously Compounded Preparation to be subsidised under the CPSA, it must contain two or more subsidised component pharmaceuticals listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule. It does not include reconstitution of antibiotic liquids. (Schedule H, Payment Terms, CPSA 2012). Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 25 Refer to the Pharmaceutical Schedule, Section C Extemporaneously Compounded Products and Galenicals for further information on which products are eligible for subsidy. 6.7. Named Patient Pharmaceutical Assessment (NPPA) Named Patient Pharmaceutical Assessment (NPPA) provides a mechanism for individual patients to apply for funding for medicines not listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule (either at all or for their clinical circumstances). The NPPA Policy, which includes the prerequisite requirements and criteria for funding is available on the PHARMAC website. There are three pathways to NPPA funding – Unusual Clinical Circumstances, Urgent Assessment and Hospital Pharmaceuticals in the Community – each with different prerequisite requirements. Applications that meet the relevant prerequisites as described in the NPPA Policy are considered against PHARMAC's decision criteria for funding. Patients approved for Exceptional Circumstances funding prior to 1 March 2012 will continue to receive medicines funding and be considered for renewal funding (where applicable) according to the Exceptional Circumstances criteria under which funding was initially granted. 6.7.1. Reimbursement for NPPA or EC Approvals Where the NPPA funded medicine is listed on the Pharmaceutical Schedule the pharmacy will be reimbursed as they usually would for that medicine with a multiplier of 5.30 on the handling fee. Where the NPPA funded medicine is NOT listed on the Pharmaceutical Schedule the pharmacy will be reimbursed at the GST exclusive invoice price to pharmacy, with a multiplier of 7.95 on the Handling fee. Refer to CPSA, Schedule H1, Payment Terms, CPSA 2012 for the full payment calculation. Further information can be obtained from the PHARMAC website and the CPSA. 6.8. Dispensing Frequency 6.8.1. Dispensing Frequency Rule The Dispensing Frequency rule replaced the Close Control rule from 1 July 2012. The Dispensing Frequency rule defines patient groups or medicines eligible for more frequent dispensing periods; and the conditions that must be met to enable any claim for payment of handling fees for the additional dispensings made. Pharmacy can only claim handling fees on repeats. Refer to the Pharmaceutical Schedule, Section A, General Rules, Part IV for the detailed wording of the Dispensing Frequency rule. The rule does not override alternative dispensing frequencies as expressly stated in the Medicines Act, Medicines Regulations, CPSA, or elsewhere in the Pharmaceutical Schedule. PHARMAC has committed to reviewing the Dispensing Frequency rule to ensure it meets the needs of patients, Pharmacists, prescribing Practitioners, and the intent of the CPSA. The Dispensing Frequency rule may be updated from time to time. PHARMAC will notify Prescribers and Pharmacists of any changes via the Pharmaceutical Schedule, its updates and other methods of notification. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 26 Patients who were on Close Control prior to 1 July 2012 should be maintained on the same dispensing frequency until they are assessed for LTC and if eligible have an LTC management plan implemented. Those not eligible for LTC should be safely transitioned to standard dispensing frequencies (either monthly or stat in accordance with Schedule rules). Aside from the specific scenarios detailed below or Close Control patients (detailed above), general Pharmaceutical Schedule rules (monthly or stat dispensing) should be followed. If LTC or Core patients require more frequent dispensing, and it is not one of the scenarios outlined below then the following should occur: a. For LTC patients, the Pharmacist determines the dispensing frequency and it can occur as often as required to meet the patient’s compliance and adherence needs. b. For Core patients the dispensing frequency should be no more often than monthly. The Pharmacist can determine the dispensing frequency either stat or monthly. Anything more frequently needs to be determined by the prescribing Practitioner. Verbal approval is acceptable and the Pharmacist must annotate the prescription, sign and date it. The Dispensing Frequency rule covers: a. Frequent dispensings for persons in residential care b. Frequent dispensings for trial period or Safety Medicines c. Frequency dispensing for Pharmaceutical Supply Management 6.8.2. Frequent dispensings for persons in residential care Pharmaceuticals can be dispensed in quantities not less than 28 for patients in either Age-related Residential Care (ARRC) or Residential Care Institutions funded by the Ministry of Health or DHBs. Either the prescribing Practitioner or the dispensing Pharmacist needs to specify the a. Patient’s name, b. NHI number, c. Name/address of the ARRC or community residential care facility, and d. Maximum quantity or period of supply to be dispensed at any one time on the prescription. Class B Controlled Drugs other than methylphenidate and dexamphetamine should continue to be dispensed in 10-day lots. Patients in ARRC or Community Residential Care facilities are eligible for trial periods. Prescribers are able to order a one-off trial period on the prescription for a dose change or new medication. Pharmacists are not able to initiate this type of Dispensing Frequency. 6.8.3. Frequent dispensings for trial period or Safety Medicines Prescribing Practitioners can request additional dispensings under the following scenario: a. Trial periods This is a one-off shortened dispensing period that can be used for patients who are having a change of dose or are being started on a new medicine. The prescribing Practitioner must endorse each item “trial” or “trial period’ and specify the maximum quantity or period of supply. The prescribing Practitioner does not need to initial the item. Pharmacists cannot initiate trial periods. 6.8.4. Safety and co-prescribed medicines The following medicines can be prescribed with more frequent dispensing for safety reasons. a. Tri-cyclic antidepressants. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 27 b. c. d. e. f. Antipsychotics. Benzodiazepines. Class B controlled drugs. Codeine (including combination products). Buprenorphine with naloxone. A full list of Safety Medicines is included in Appendix A of this Procedures Manual. Prescribing Practitioners do not have to endorse Safety Medicines. They must specify the maximum quantity or period of supply. Patients in Community Residential Care facilities, ARRC or Penal Institutions are not eligible to have Safety Medicines dispensed more frequently, unless they are being dispensed in accordance with the Medicines Act, Medicines Regulations, CPSA, or rules elsewhere in the Pharmaceutical Schedule. Medicines that are co-prescribed with one, or more, of the medicines on the Safety List as defined in the Pharmaceutical Schedule may be dispensed at that same frequency. For example, if the Safety List medicine has a dispensing frequency of weekly, then if appropriate any other medicines coprescribed on that same prescription may be dispensed weekly. It is not mandatory to dispense at the same frequency. The Pharmacist should use their clinical judgement to determine the appropriate dispensing frequency. The Pharmacist must annotate the prescription with the amended dispensing quantity and frequency. Refer to the Pharmaceutical Schedule for the full details. In the above scenarios, the Pharmacist must dispense as prescribed. If the prescribing Practitioner requests more frequent dispensing and the Pharmacist does not consider the patient requires it, the Pharmacist must contact the prescribing Practitioner to discuss the situation. If the prescribing Practitioner agrees that the frequency is not required, then the Pharmacist may alter the dispensing frequency. The Pharmacist must annotate the prescription noting the discussion with the prescribing Practitioner and date it. This is not required for subsequent prescriptions where the same situation has been agreed, if a note has been made in the patient’s medication profile. 6.8.5. Frequent Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Supply Management From time to time PHARMAC may request Pharmacy to dispense a particular medicine more frequently than otherwise allowed in the Schedule. This is to manage stock supply issues or emergency situations. In these circumstances: a. PHARMAC has approved and will notify Pharmacists to annotate prescriptions for a specified Community Pharmaceutical(s) “out of stock” without Prescriber endorsement for a specified time. b. The dispensing Pharmacist must annotate each of the approved Community Pharmaceutical(s) with the words “out of stock” or “OOS”, initial this annotation in their own handwriting and comply with maximum quantity or period of supply to be dispensed at any one time, as specified by PHARMAC at the time of notification. c. Frequent Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Supply Management is a request only. d. Pharmacy can only claim a handling fee for additional dispensings required under this rule. No claim shall be made to any DHB for subsidised dispensing where dispensing occurs more frequently than specified by PHARMAC to manage the supply management issue. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 28 6.8.6. Flexible dispensing for Pharmacists A Dispensing Frequency rule in the Pharmaceutical Schedule gives Pharmacists more flexibility when dispensing some medicines. Refer to Pharmaceutical Schedule, Section F: Part III (Flexible and Variable Dispensing Periods for Pharmacy). This allows Pharmacists to use variable dispensing periods for non-Stat medicines (those not identified with a ) in the following situations: (a) Stock management where the original pack(s) result in dispensing greater than 30 day’s supply; Example Erythropoietin beta prefilled syringes 2,000 iu, once each week, 3 months’ supply. These are supplied in packs of six syringes and generally are prescribed for weekly administration. Erythropoietin beta is a monthly dispensed medicine, so is not a Stat Medicine. This may be dispensed as 4+4+4 or 6+6. (b)To Synchronise a patients medication where multiple medicines result in uneven supply periods. Example Pharmacists may choose to dispense only a portion of the total prescribed period of treatment to synchronise prescriptions. If a patient presented with a prescription from a private cardiologist at a different time to their usual GP prescription, then the Pharmacist may only dispense enough medicine on the first dispensing to bring it in line with the repeats on the GP script. Pharmacists must annotate the prescription with the reason for flexible dispensing. Pharmacists cannot dispense greater than the total period of supply. These changes are not mandatory. If a Pharmacist has concerns about the clinical appropriateness of altering the dispensing frequency, they should check with the Prescriber. Refer to the Pharmaceutical Schedule for the full details. 6.8.7. Certified Exemption by Pharmacists Pharmacists, as well as Prescribers, are able to initiate ”certified exemption” (Pharmaceutical Schedule, Section F: Part II) dispensing where clinically appropriate to enable some prescription items to be dispensed all-at-once. This applies to items listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule, Section F, Part II and identified within the Pharmaceutical Schedule with a . The patient must be stabilised on the medicine and the Pharmacist or Prescriber has reason to believe the patient will continue on the medicine and is compliant. The Pharmacist will need to annotate the prescription with the words ”Certified Exemption”. Refer to the Pharmaceutical Schedule for the full details. 6.9. Brand-switch Fees Brand-switch Fees (BSF) are payments to pharmacy by DHBs to recognise the additional counselling required for switching patients between brands of certain medicines. 6.9.1. BSF Amount You will be reimbursed $4.33 ”drug cost” plus the 4% mark up, plus one handling fee. This equates to $5.50. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 29 6.9.2. How to claim a BSF Payment can be claimed via a Pharmacode® specific to each eligible brand of medicine. This can be claimed for each patient with the first dispensing of the identified brand. Claiming is dependent on the dispensary software you choose to utilise. For further details on how to do this contact your software vendor. 6.9.3. Eligible BSF Medicines Medicines used generally for chronic conditions that are subject to Sole Supply change and are not available over-the-counter. Additional criteria for expenditure, timing of any prior change and patient numbers are also considered. The criteria were agreed by the Pharmacy Services Advisory Group. BSF does not apply to all brand changes. 6.9.4. When to Claim a BSF Generally this is when the medicine has been granted Sole Supply status. The BSF is claimed on the first dispensing that occurs after Sole Supply has commenced. This means the patient may have already been dispensed the new brand. BSF can only be claimed for during the time period indicated in the Pharmaceutical Schedule. This period is generally the first three months of the Sole Supply period for most medicines and six months for oral contraceptives. 6.9.5. BSF Claim Prescriber Codes and Patient Categories These are the same as used for the pharmaceutical eligible for BSF. 6.9.6. BSF Co-Payments No co-payment is payable. The BSF does not count towards Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card. 6.9.7. Number of BSFs Claimable You can claim one BSF per patient per medicine that has been changed. When a patient is on two strengths of the same medicine, only one BSF may be claimed. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 30 7. HEALTH ENTITLEMENT CARDS 7.1. Community Services Cards Community Services Cards are available to provide targeted subsidies to selected patients to access Health and Disability Services, in particular pharmaceuticals and general practice services. If a patient qualifies for a Community Services Card, he/she will receive an individual card. If the Patient is married (that is, legally married or living with someone in a relationship which is similar to marriage – reference Health Card Regulations 1993 Reg. 3) both patients will have their own card. Either card can be used to cover dependent children. Patients who qualify for NZ Super or a Veteran's Card will have CSC entitlement noted on their Supergold Card. For further information contact Work and Income. 7.2. High Use Health Cards High Use Health Cards are for those people who visit their doctor on 12 occasions within a year for an ongoing medical condition/s. There are specific requirements necessary for eligibility. A High Use Health Card is issued to an individual and not a family. 7.3. Pharmaceutical Subsidy Cards Each time an initial dispensing of a prescription with repeats or a ”stat” dispensing (single supply) is made and all or the initial part of a co-payment is paid by a family unit, this should be recorded on either the Patient’s Prescription Record Card or against the individual’s medication history. Please note that where the Patient does not pay a patient co-payment the item does not count towards the family’s PSC count. Patient Co-payments are not required for the following items/prescriptions and therefore do not count towards the family’s PSC count: a Subsidised Class B Controlled Drugs and buprenorphine with naloxone sublingual tablets, other than methylphenidate hydrochloride or dexamphetamine sulphate. b Children aged under six years. c Patients enrolled with the Hokianga Health Enterprise Trust. d Antituberculotic (TB) prescription items. e Antileprotic prescription items. f Repeat supplies if the full co-payment has been made on previous dispensings. g Prescription items that are not subsidised. h Medicines for approved Templeton patients. i If the patient specifically requests a change to a brand not listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule where there is an alternative subsidised brand available. j Any other pharmaceuticals listed from time to time in the Pharmaceutical Schedule with no copayment payable. Where a patient pays less than the full co-payment cost, these are included on the Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 31 Procedure for Issuing a Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card (PSC): Procedures Part 3 – Pharmaceutical Subsidy Cards, Section 22(2) For the purpose of this Part, the Director General may regard as married any man and woman who, although not legally married or in a civil union, have entered into a relationship in the nature of marriage, and may determine a date on which that relationship is to be taken as having commenced. Section 2(1) A dependent child has the meaning given to it by section 3(1) of the Social Security Act 1964; but does not include a child for whom an orphan’s benefit or an unsupported child’s benefit is paid under that Act: From the Social Security Act 1964 Part 1 – Monetary benefits (Section 3(1) Dependent child, in relation to any person, means a child – a. Whose care is primarily the responsibility of that person; and b. Who is being maintained as a member of that person’s family; and c. Who is financially dependent on that person; and d. Who is not a child in respect of whom payments are being made under section 363 of the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 e. A member of a family unit may, at any time, request to see a copy of the family prescription record. The Pharmacy computer system must maintain accurate links to the prescriptions of the family unit members where known. These links will be audited. Once a family unit has received 20 initial dispensings of single supplies of subsidised pharmaceuticals in the year commencing 1 February to 31 January, the family must be issued with a Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card by the pharmacy. The 20 prescriptions recorded may have been dispensed by any number of pharmacies. However, prescriptions from another pharmacy must be able to be verified by a printout or receipt from the dispensing pharmacy. If the pharmacy uses computerised records to register the dispensed items to the family unit, a print out or record of the items from all involved pharmacies should be attached and retained when issuing a Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card. The PSC must contain the names of the family members eligible to use the card, as indicated on the card, and be signed by the issuing Pharmacist, including the name of the pharmacy.. The Pharmacist certifying exemption and issuing the Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card must sign the printout of the 20 items or the Prescription Record Card. The claimant number must be included. On the issue of a Prescription Subsidy Card, the Pharmacist must record the number of the Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card on the Prescription Record Card, or printout, and retain the completed Prescription Record Card, or printout, for 10 years following the date of issue. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 32 A duplicate card should not be issued under ordinary circumstances. A photocopy of the Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card can be used to inform another pharmacy of the family member’s entitlement such as in the case of a child at a boarding school. The Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card period is from February 1st in any year until January 31st of the next. All patients noted on the Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card are entitled to reduced copayment charges until that card expires. The Pharmacist will be provided with a supply of blank PSCs for each period by Wickliffe Ltd on behalf of MoH. Additional supplies are available from Wickliffe Ltd (Reorder Number 74077). Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 33 8. SPECIAL AUTHORITY 8.1. What is Special Authority? The Pharmaceutical Schedule specifies “Special Authority” pharmaceuticals and their access criteria. “Special Authority” means the Community Pharmaceutical is not eligible for subsidy unless it has been prescribed and dispensed to a patient in accordance with all the restrictions and instructions specified for that Pharmaceutical in Sections B, C or D of the Pharmaceutical Schedule. Prescribers submit applications for Special Authorities on behalf of their patients to MoH. A Special Authority number entitles patients who comply with the relevant criteria to one of the following: Subsidy on pharmaceuticals or special foods; Manufacturer’s price in cases where a premium would otherwise be payable. The entitlement to full subsidy continues following an increase in price; A higher subsidy than would be available without a Special Authority, but possibly still less than the manufacturer’s price. This is known as an alternate subsidy and is sometimes linked to the price of cheaper alternate products. Although the entitlement may at times be equal to the manufacturer’s price, this would not continue following an increase in price; Waive a restriction that would otherwise apply, such as a maximum quantity per prescription. An example of the approval number is CHEM1234567890/Jan14. The month and year refer to the expiry date of the Special Authority (the approval will expire on the last day of the stated month). 8.2. Obtaining Special Authority Information Special Authority information can be obtained from: 1. Special Authority Online look up - Online access available 24 hours per day, seven days per week (Unless an outage is notified by email to you from Sector Services). 2. Sector Services Contact Centre 0800 243 666 - Available 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday with the exception of Wednesday when the hours are 9:30am – 5pm. To access Special Authority Approval information over the phone, you will need the pharmacy claimant number, if the pharmacy cannot be identified the caller will be asked to fax their enquiry to 0800 100 131 and Sector Services will contact the pharmacy to discuss the enquiry. To clarify, the expiry date of a Special Authority Approval you will be required to have available the Patient’s name, the NHI number, and Special Authority pharmaceutical details (if known) to obtain any Patient information. Special Authority approvals are not retrospective. Subsidy is applicable from the date of receipt of a valid application at MoH. If prescriptions are presented prior to authorisation of the Special Authority approval number, and medication is required urgently, payment arrangements should be made with the patient. If a three-month prescription is first dispensed before the Special Authority expiry date, the repeats will be reimbursed if they are collected after the Special Authority expiry date unless the medicine has been delisted from the Pharmaceutical Schedule. The Special Authority number will validate prior to payment. If the number found is still current and is being used for the designated pharmaceutical, the item will be reimbursed. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 34 If the claim item is unable to be validated, it will reject and not be reimbursed. In these circumstances refer to your Error Code Booklet. 8.3. To determine how an error has occurred 1. 2. Review the original prescription. Verify the Special Authority information through the Special Authority Online Lookup, (or if you do not have access contact Sector Services on 0800 505 125). Contact the Prescriber. 3. If the patient has a valid Special Authority and the information supplied on the prescription is incorrect, the claim item can be edited to include the correct information and resubmitted in the next claim for payment. Procedures The Special Authority number has been annotated on the prescription by the Prescriber Check the expiry date given is current and for the applicable patient and pharmaceutical prescribed. Check the number follows the appropriate format (up to 10 numeric characters). Dispense the medication either with a valid Special Authority number, or at a charge to the patient, or as an ethical supply. Submit a claim. Procedures The prescription is presented without a Special Authority number and the item requires one It is permitted to split the script to make an initial small unsubsidised dispensing at patient cost pending issue of a Special Authority approval. If the Special Authority approval is successful the balance of the script can be processed as a subsidised prescription (not to exceed in total the original prescribed amount). 1. Review Special Authority lookup Information (or if you do not have the access contact Sector Services on 0800 505 125). 2. If a Special Authority application is approved, and the appropriate information is available this can be added to the claim for payment. 3. If there is to be a delay in obtaining the information, (e.g. an application has not yet been made and Special Authority approval not in place, or there is no ability to contact anyone to ascertain the correct information) the following options can be considered: i. Delay supply of the medication until the appropriate documentation can be sourced if the Pharmacist is comfortable the patient will be medically fine to wait; or ii. Supply the medicine at the patient’s cost: or iii. Supply the medication as an “ethical supply” because in the professional judgement of the Pharmacist the patient will be at serious risk without the pharmaceutical. Note: if Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 35 dispensing as “ethical supply”, where possible, ensure the process outlined above for obtaining a correct Special Authority number has been completed before sending the claim. If points i - iii cannot be done, contact Sector Services (0800 243 666) to apply for a risk number. If a risk number is approved you can then submit the item for payment. Sector Services may provide a risk number after a review of the circumstances. The risk number can be added to the claim item and resubmitted in the next claim for payment, if approved by Sector Services Risk numbers issued to cover Prescriber error, or the ethical supply situations are valid for the life of the prescription. The correct Special Authority information should then be used. It is important with the administration of Special Authority numbers that any additions or changes made by the Pharmacist are initialled on the prescription and dated to ensure in an audit situation it is obvious what information the Pharmacist is responsible for versus the Prescriber. 8.4. Risk Number Procedure Procedures A risk Special Authority number to cover ethical supply will be issued only in the following circumstances. The Prescriber could not be contacted. The Prescription was presented: o When access to the online Special Authority lookup tool was technically unavailable due to notification by Sector Services. o Outside Sector Services contact centre hours of operation and could not wait to be dispensed during business hours. The patient was at serious risk without the medication, such as a life threatening condition or imminent hospitalisation. Examples of where this would apply are a hyperglycaemic event when appropriate insulin is not available, or a risk of kidney graft rejection without immediate availability of immunosuppressants. “Ethical supply” does not cover medicines where it is unlikely there would be a serious deterioration in the patient’s condition due to a delay in receiving the medicine, such as a prescription for a statin. It is expected “ethical supply” under Special Authority will not be a frequent occurrence. It is designed as a last resort to protect patients at risk. These should only be for enough supply to get the Patient through while the clinician is contacted for an application. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 36 8.5. Special Authority Quick Reference Table The following table may be of assistance as a ‘quick reference’ table for Pharmacists. Prefix CHEM SA Type Special Authority Description Special Authority allow patients to receive Special Authority medicines through a Community Pharmacy. EXCP Named Patient Assessment RISK Risk Number Available where a Pharmacy has made a dispensing in good faith or if the patient has a life threatening condition. TEMP Templeton Enables subsidy for patients who were residents at the Templeton Centre at the time of closure. The approval numbers cover all medicines required by the patient. Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM Allows a patient to access a subsidy sufficient to fully fund the pharmaceutical. Criteria and application details are described in the Pharmaceutical Schedule. 37 9. RECEIPTS The following information is required on each receipt issued: a. Name of the patient. The following information is required for each prescription item on the receipt: a. Name of the prescription item. b. Total cost. c. DHB subsidy. d. Patient contribution. Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 38 10. USEFUL CONTACTS Medicines Control (Auckland) (Wellington) 0800-248-671 0800-163-060 Ministry of Health General 0800 855 066 Pharmacy Payments 0800 353 2425 Pharmacy Online System Support 0800 505 125 Special Authority 0800 243 666 PHARMAC 0800-660-050 Wickliffe Press 0800-259-138 Work and Income Community Service Cards CSC-Supergold 0508-555-999 0800-999-999 Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 39 11. APPENDICES 11.1. Appendix A – Safety Medicines List Safety Medicines Medicines a) a tri-cyclic antidepressant Amitriptyline Controlled Drug Class Clomipramine hydrochloride Dotheipin hydrochloride Doxepin hydrochloride Imipramine hydrochloride Maprotiline hydrochloride (note: tetracyclic) Nortriptyline hydrochloride b) an antipsychotic Amilsulpride Aripiprazole Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Clozapine Haloperidol Levomepromazine Lithium carbonate Olanzapine Pericyazine Quetiapine Risperidone Trifluoperazine hydrochloride Ziprasidone Zuclopenthixol hydrochloride Flupenthixol decanoate Fluphenazine decanoate Haloperidol decanoate Olanzapine pamoate monohydrate Pipothiazine palmitate Risperidone Zuclopenthixol decanoate c) a benzodiazepine Alprazolam C5 Diazepam C5 Lorazepam C5 Oxazepam C5 Lormetazepam C5 Midazolam C5 Nitrazepam C5 Temazepam C5 Triazolam C5 Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 40 Clonazepam C5 Clobazam C5 Fentanyl B3 Fentanyl citrate B3 Methadone hydrochloride B3 Morphine hydrochloride B1 Morphine sulphate B1 Morphine tartrate B1 Oxycodone hydrochloride B3 Pethidine hydrochloride B3 Dexamphetamine sulphate B1 Methylphenidate hydrochloride Methylphenidate hydrochloride extended-release B2 e) codeine codeine phosphate C2 (includes combination products) paracetamol with codeine C6 f) buprenorphine with naloxone buprenorphine with naloxone C4 d) a Class B Controlled Drug Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM B2 41 11.2. Appendix B – Glossary The following terms will assist understanding in this document. Claimable Item(s) Means an individual transaction relating to the provision of services and/or pharmaceuticals in accordance with the CPSA, but excludes a Long Term Condition (LTC) Claim. Refer CPSA Part E, E1.3 Definitions. CSC Community Services Card. A card which is available to low or middle income earners to enable them and their family to access subsidised health services, as provided by Work and Income on behalf of the Ministry of Health. Eligible Person A person eligible for publicly funded health services under the Eligibility Direction (refer to Eligible Prescriber A Prescriber who issues a prescription in the following circumstances: a. When the Prescriber is employed by a DHB (e.g. Public Hospital or community-based service); b. When the Prescriber is subcontracted to a Primary Health Organisation (PHO); c. When the Prescriber is employed by an After Hours provider with a service agreement with a DHB or a PHO; d. When the Prescriber is providing a fully publicly-funded service under a Section 88 notice alone (i.e. a midwife under the Maternity Notice). Exclusions to the eligible provider or Prescriber policy are: a. Providers providing completely privately-funded services; b. Providers providing services under a Section 88 notice alone that are not solely publicly-funded (i.e. a specialist under a Maternity Notice, a practitioner or specialist under the General Practitioners Notice or a Specialist Notice). Family Unit From The Health Entitlement Cards Regulations: Part 3 – Pharmaceutical Subsidy Cards, Section 22(1) Family Unit means – a. A married or partnered couple with one or more dependent children: b. A married or partnered couple with no dependent children: c. One person with one or more dependent children: d. One person who is not a member of a family unit described in paragraphs (a) to (c) of this definition: Where married or partnered means— a. Being married to a spouse (subject to regulations 3(b) and 22(2)); or b. Being in a civil union with a civil union partner Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 42 And married meaning: any man and woman who, not being legally married or in a civil union, who have entered into a relationship in the nature of marriage. HUHC High Use Health Card, as defined in the Health Entitlement Card Regulations 1993. Patient(s) For the purposes of this document, the term Patient(s) refers to the term Service User as defined in the Pharmacy Services Agreement. PRC Prescription Record Card. Prescription Address Prescriber: the Prescribers full physical work address, which shall include: a. For an urban based Prescriber: the full street address (including unit number (if applicable), street number / alpha, street name, suburb (if in common use) and town or city). b. For a rural Prescriber street number and street name (if applicable) and RD number with the correct mail town. c. The address may not be a PO Box or Rural Delivery number except where the Prescriber does not have a place of work. A rural grid number is acceptable. Patient: the patient’s full home address, which shall include: a. For an urban patient: the patient’s full street address (including unit number (if applicable), street number / alpha, street name, suburb (if in common use) and town or city) b. For a rural patient: street number and street name (if applicable) and RD number with the correct mail town. A rural grid number is acceptable. c. The address may not be a PO Box or Rural Delivery number. d. For a patient with no fixed abode: the practice’s full street address (including unit number (if applicable), street number / alpha, street name, suburb (if in common use) and town or city). Procedures Manual The publication entitled “Pharmacy Procedures Manual”, as varied by us or our agent, together with all of the other DHBs, from time to time following consultation with Providers. PSC Pharmaceutical Subsidy Card. A pharmaceutical subsidy card, as defined in the Health Entitlement Card Regulations 1993. Safety List A Safety List Medicine as defined in the Dispensing Frequency rule of the Pharmaceutical Schedule Pharmacy Procedures Manual v 6.0 INTERIM 43
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