Varmt Välkomna till ISF Dalarnas utställning Söndag 7 september 2014 Plats: Säters Camping, Säter. (Stugor 4b, 450:- husvagn/husbilsplats bokas genom campingen) Lördag 6 september hålls Gästriklands KK utställning i Högbo. Domare: Jean Struyf-De Groof, kennel Lordly, Belgien Anmälan mailas till eller med post till Ewa Olson, Myrholen 48, 78542 Mockfjärd. Uppge hundens stamtavlenamn, tilltalsnamn, födelsedatum, kön, klass, föräldrarnas stamtavlenamn, uppfödare namn och ort och ägare namn, adress, mail och telefon. Sista dag för anmälan och betalning är 27 augusti 2014, inga efteranmälningar. Glöm inte medlemskap i ISF (gäller inte miniorer och valpar). Anmälningsavg: Betalas till ISF Dalarnas bankgiro i Leksands Sparbank 5085-7200. Skriv hundens stamtavlenamn i meddelanderutan och äg. Om det finns plats. Klasser och avgifter på sidan 2 i ISF bladet eller på hemsidan. Ev blir det buffemiddag på lördag kväll, lunch på söndag, finns det intresse för det så skriv det i mailet. Ordnas om många är intresserade. Annars är det bara ca 5 min (med bil) in till centrum. Info: ring Ewa 0702949601 eller maila på love Kizzy van de Westerhuy (Sh.Ch.Westerhuy’s Jean Struyf (Lordly Irish Setters) Dutch Apollo x Sh.Ch. Westerhuy’s Sea Minstrel). I’m born in Lier, a little town 15 miles from Antwerp September 1985 was the start of our kennel “LORD- (Belgium). During my childhood I had different dogs LY“ with the first litter from Westerhuy’s Dutch from unknown breed and I was already interested Pearl x Sh.Ch. Cornevon Westerhuy’s Dream. She in animals & nature. gave us mainly dog puppies (15 dogs and only 4 bitches out of 3 litters). We kept Jilian and James I married in 1970 and in 1975 we bought our first from her at “Lordly-home”. Irish Setter ”Zarka”, he was bred on Belgian & French lines. After join the Irish Setter Club of Bel- Sh. Ch. Tenderlove Kizzy van de Westerhuy became gium, I saw the different of types and so we bought the foundation bitch of our kennel. by Piet Jacobs a second dog “Lowfield Aione” out I have seen a lot of Irish Setter all over Europe. I the combination “Hanke Van Wolmerum x Sh.Ch. visited each litter born in Belgium at the age of 8 Twoacres Troilus”. With Lowfield Aione, I started weeks, and also a lot of litters in Holland, and that my Irish Setter career. I showed him occasionally already for 30 years. with varying succes, he was a very good build dog, but a little small and at that time the dogs were Till now we bred 18 litters and have 14 Show Cham- rather tall. pions, our last litter is from September 2006. In the last few months we lost 3 of our oldies, so I visited the shows and breeders to learn, on that at this moment we have just two bitches at home, way I saw a lot of litters, pups and adult dogs from Lordly Fallinlove “Lin” and Frinan Rambling Rose many different combinations. At 1981 we decided “Rosie”. to import a bitch, we choice for “Westerhuy’s” from Will Duynkerke and Westerhuy’s Dutch Pearl (Sh. I feel very honoured to be invited to judge your show Ch Brinara Inula x Sh.Ch. Cornevon Westerhuy’s and really looking forward to it. Cloggy) moved to us, a year later followed by Tender- Jean Struyf
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