Glastonbury Community Services Kindergarten Cluster General Committee Manual 2014 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Introduction Glastonbury Community Services (Glastonbury) would like to congratulate and welcome you as a kindergarten committee member. Glastonbury’s mission is that children, young people and families will be happy, health and heard. I believe that by working together through Kindergarten Cluster Management (KCM) we can achieve this for local families and their children. Volunteer parent committees and parental involvement provide an important and essential component of Glastonbury kindergartens. The Glastonbury Committee Manual has been developed to support volunteer kindergarten committees to carry out their duties and responsibilities as members of an incorporated association. The staff at Glastonbury are able to provide support you by arranging a face to face meeting, by phone, fax, email or post. We are keen to hear about any questions you have or challenges you are facing and we are committed to working together to resolve them. Glastonbury also has a website that can be accessed at www.glastonbury community services Please make copies of this manual available to your executive committee members for their current and future reference. Glastonbury Community Services would like to acknowledge Geelong kindergarten Association for their contribution to the development of this resource. Sandy Morrison Chief Executive Officer Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Contents 1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................1 1A. GLASTONBURY COMMUNITY SERVICES..................................................................................... 1 1B. GLASTONBURY COMMUNITY CLUSTER MISSION STATEMENT.................................................... 1 1C. WHAT IS KINDERGARTEN CLUSTER MANAGEMENT?................................................................. 1 1D. GLASTONBURY COMMUNITY SERVICES RESPONSIBILITIES AS KINDERGARTEN CLUSTER MANAGER........................................................................................ 1 2. INCORPORATION..................................................................................................................................3 2A. WHAT IS INCORPORATION?....................................................................................................... 3 2B. OBLIGATIONS OF AN INCORPORATED ASSOCIATION.................................................................. 3 2C.CONSTITUTION.......................................................................................................................... 3 3. EDUCATION AND CARE SERVICE COMMITTEE..................................................................................... 4 3A. WHAT IS A COMMITTEE?........................................................................................................... 4 3B. THE ROLE OF A KINDERGARTEN – EDUCATION AND CARE SERVICES COMMITTEE IN GLASTONBURY COMMUNITY SERVICES CLUSTER................................................................. 4 3C. KINDERGARTEN AND COMMITTEE ROLES.................................................................................. 4 3D. WHAT IS A SUBCOMMITTEE?..................................................................................................... 7 3E. EFFECTIVE MEETING PROCEDURES............................................................................................ 7 4. GOVERNANCE......................................................................................................................................8 4A. RECORD KEEPING...................................................................................................................... 8 4B. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 8 5. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH &SAFETY ......................................................................................................9 5A WORKING BEES ..................................................................................................................... 9 6. ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES...............................................................................................................10 6A. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GLASTONBURY, MEMBER CENTRES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT, ACECQA AND COS.......................................... 10 6B. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE CHART MATRIX....................................................................................... 11 7. GLASTONBURY ORGANISATIONAL CHARTS......................................................................................... 13 7A. EARLY YEARS............................................................................................................................. 13 7B. GCS ORGANISATION CHART...................................................................................................... 14 8. COMMUNICATION WITH GCS...............................................................................................................15 8A. OFFICE AND WEBSITE DETAILS................................................................................................... 15 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration 1.Introduction 1A. Glastonbury Community Services Glastonbury provides Cluster Management of kindergartens in Colac Otway Shire Victoria. As a Cluster Manager, Glastonbury is the Approved Provider for all services in the Cluster and, as such, we are the employer of all kindergarten staff. We undertake all employment of teaching and administration staff, related human resources activities, all licensing requirements, including data collection, registration of premises, compliance with regulations and financial viability.We support our Educators and Committees with advice, direct assistance, administration, support and policies. 1B. Glastonbury Community Cluster Mission Statement Glastonbury’s mission is that children, young people and their families will be happy, healthly and heard Glastonbury is committed to supporting member kindergartens to provide high quality early childhood education services. 1C. What is Kindergarten Cluster Management? Kindergarten Cluster Management (KCM) brings together a group of community managed kindergartens under the management of a single organisation. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) views kindergarten cluster management as a key strategy to building a stronger, more responsive universal kindergarten service system across Victoria. 1D. Glastonbury Community Services Responsibilities as Kindergarten Cluster Manager Glastonbury is a not for profit organisation providing management, employment and support services to 3 kindergarten, education and care services in the Colac Otway Shire.As a Cluster Manager Glastonbury is responsible for the following: Service Provision • Meeting the requirements of DEECD as the Approved Provider for the member centers, including compliance with the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011. • Ensuring that our education and care services deliver early childhood programs in accordance with the National Quality Framework and the current Early Years Learning and Development Frameworks. Employment of Staff Glastonbury is responsible for the recruitment, management and performance development of all educators. Glastonbury ensures that appropriately qualified educators are appointed and are supported to deliver quality programs. Educators are employed under award conditions of the Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Assistants Agreement 2009 (VECTAA) and Childrens Services Award 2010 . Glastonbury Community Services manages payroll and the preservation of entitlements. 1 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents Funding Glastonbury receives all DEECD funding on behalf of member education and care services and is responsible for all reporting and accountabilities to DEECD. Glastonbury is also an approved provider under the Commonwealth Child Care Benefit Scheme for eligible services Enrolment Procedures and Registration for Enrolment • Four Year Old Kindergarten • Three Year Old Kindergarten • Early Learning Centre 2 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 2.Incorporation 2A. What is Incorporation? Incorporation is a system of registration that gives a group some legal advantages in exchange for accepting certain legal responsibilities. In the state of Victoria, organisations registering as an incorporated association are governed by the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 and its associated regulations. All current Glastonbury education and care services are incorporated associations. 2B. Obligations of an Incorporated Association The Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 sets out the obligations of an incorporated association. For more information on the obligations of being an incorporated association refer to the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 and Consumer Affairs Victoria at or telephone 1300 361 673. 2C.Constitution The constitution or rules of the association is the document that sets out the purpose and rules of the association. It is important that the rules of any incorporated association comply with the requirements of the legislation. A copy of the constitution should be readily available at the education and care service for committee members to read and reference. 3 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 3. Education and Care Service Committee 3A. What is a Committee? A committee is defined as a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of an organisation. It is made up of elected members who act on behalf of all stakeholder members. The membership of the education and care service committee is defined in the education and care service constitution and usually consists of elected office bearers in executive positions and general committee members. When there is clear understanding of committee roles and responsibilities good governance of the education and care service is supported while working closely with Glastonbury as KCM . 3B. The Role of a Kindergarten – Education and Care Services Committee in Glastonbury Community Services Cluster An active, engaged education and care service committee is essential to the effective operation of each education and care service. The committees must act in accordance with the constitution. This includes holding monthly meetings, organising fundraising activities, working with educators to purchase and update educational equipment and maintaining committee records. The education and care service committee refers any family concerns to Glastonbury as well as advising Glastonbury of any other issues of concern which may arise. To enable committee members to understand their roles and responsibilities it is recommended that a folder containing essential documents such as the constitution, committee contact details and previous minutes and current budget be made available to each committee member when they join the committee. At the end of the elected period, committee members return the folder and original material provided as well as relevant information collected during the year for the next committee. Committee members should also be alerted to the presence of the Service policy folder for the current year that is located at each education and care service and contains the current policies. 3C. Kindergarten and Committee Roles PRESIDENT The president’s role includes: • Chairing committee meetings (A tip sheet for chairing meetings is included in the Committee guides ). • Providing leadership and modelling appropriate behaviour. • Representing the education and care service as required. • Coordinating the work of the committee by ensuring • Effective control of committee meetings • Subcommittees are set up and function with a clear understanding of the extent of their authority • The committee has clear and agreed goals • Correct meeting procedures are followed • Decision making occurs in a democratic manner and is properly recorded 4 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents • • • • • • • • • Presenting the annual report at the Annual General Meeting Setting the agenda for committee meetings in consultation with the secretary If unable to chair the meeting, arranging for an appropriate committee person to be organised and briefed to undertake this role – usually the vice-president Being prepared for every meeting and leading discussion on issues Creating a constructive atmosphere for the meeting and facilitating genuine participation and discussion from all committee members Ensuring that the work is shared as much as possible amongst those on the committee and that follow up actions are completed within the agreed timeframes Reporting on any major or ongoing issue to the committee Exercising an appropriate level of control over meetings Liaising with Glastonbury on behalf of the wider committee. VICE-PRESIDENT The position of vice-president is part of the executive committee. The role of vice-president is to provide support to the president and to stand in for the president as required. TREASURER Please refer to the GCS treasurer’s manual for a full explanation of the treasurer’s roles and responsibilities. The role of the Treasurer is to make sure that the financial affairs of the education and care are conducted in an appropriate manner. The treasurer is also responsible for presenting comprehensive and accurate financial reports to the committee and ensuring all members understand the financial situation. Responsibility for the financial viability of the service rests with Glastonbury. The treasurer’s role includes: • Presenting appropriate financial reports every month to the committee and presentation of annual financial reports to the members at the Annual General Meeting • Receiving perform bookkeeping duties that includes the: • Payment of invoices • Receipt and banking of all monies • Providing Glastonbury a copy of monthly financial statements and balances • Income and expenditure statements • Liaise with Glastonbury in relation to committee and service budgets. SECRETARY The secretary is one of the central communicators of the committee, maintaining regular contact with all committee members to promote the efficient and effective running of the committee. The secretary’s role includes • Prepare relevant documentation prior to committee meetings including develop the agenda with the president. • Circulate the minutes of the last committee meeting promptly to enable committee members to follow up any actions for which they are responsible. • Forward the minutes of the last committee meeting to Glastonbury • Ensure that the other families in the education and care service are kept informed about the business and activities of the kindergarten. If applicable information can be added to the committee newsletter. The constitution may require that the minutes of committee meetings be accessible to other families. • Accurately record the minutes of all meetings and related actions and maintain these appropriately. A minute secretary can be appointed to share this responsibility. • Manage all outgoing and incoming correspondence and ensure correspondence and committee related business is filed appropriately. (See Committee guides Recording incoming/outgoing mail) • Manage records in accordance with any legal or procedural requirements. 5 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents The secretary’s role also involves fulfilling the responsibilities (previously the role of the public officer) required of them by the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. Responsibilities include: • lodging an annual statement with Consumer Affairs within one month of the annual general meeting • applying to Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV)to change the kindergartens name or constitution (rules) • notifying CAV of: ο a change to the association’s registered address; ο their appointment as secretary or any changes to their details; ο if applicable, a special resolution to wind up the association or distribute its assets; The secretary must: agree to be named or appointed secretary, be at least 18 years old and live in Australia. New laws affecting the role of secretary came into effect on 26 November 2012. If the kindergarten already had an elected or appointed secretary before this time, administrative task may still be designated to this person but their title should be changed to avoid confusion. Titles such as assistant secretary, events secretary and fundraising secretary are possible alternatives. Note that at the first annual general meeting (AGM) following 26 November 2013, if ‘model rules’ are used, the kindergartens’ secretary must become an elected member of the committee. GENERAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS General committee members are those who do not hold a position such as president, secretary or treasurer. General committee members are vital to the effective operation of the committee. General committee members may be nominated to a subcommittee, work on a short term project, or may undertake specific tasks such as fundraising or organising working bees .Some committees allocate specific responsibilities to committee members that may not be included in the constitution, but are necessary tasks. These may include purchasing officer; fundraising coordinator and working bee coordinator. For example, a purchasing officer may assist educators by purchasing items such as tea, coffee, milk and items for cooking experiences with children. A maintenance officer might oversee the maintenance of the kindergarten in fixing equipment and coordinating working bees. A fundraising coordinator usually works in conjunction with a sub-committee. The role involves organising and coordinating fundraising activities throughout the year. The duties of all committee members include: • Attend monthly committee meetings and be punctual • Come prepared for meetings by reading the agenda, reports, minutes and any other relevant information • Follow correct meeting procedures • Participate in all the activities of the committee • Contribute to discussions and participate in decision making • Respect confidentiality of information • Become familiar with the education and care service constitution, policies and philosophy • Abide by the policies of Glastonbury • Share responsibility for all the committee decisions, including financial decisions 6 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 3D. What is a Subcommittee? A subcommittee is a helpful way to share the workload of the committee by using individual skills of members and enabling others with special skills who are not part of the elected committee to be involved. The function of the subcommittee is to undertake specific tasks on behalf of the education and care service committee. The subcommittee is therefore not an autonomous committee, but a delegated part of the education and care service committee. When a subcommittee is established, it is important to structure governance principles such as: • The purpose of the subcommittee • The membership of the subcommittee and who is to act as chairperson • The duration for which the subcommittee will operate and how frequently they will meet • The decision making powers of the group • The allocation of a budget, if needed • The frequency and type of reporting required by the education and care service committee Depending on the nature of the task, subcommittees might be established as standing subcommittees (e.g. fundraising subcommittee) or short-term, with a specific purpose such as a new vegetable garden. 3E. Effective Meeting Procedures The chairperson of the meeting is usually the president or in the president’s absence, the vice-president. The chairperson role is to efficiently facilitate the business of the meeting in accordance with the constitution, ensuring meeting rules are followed, discussion remains on the topic and members are equally able to contribute. An effective chairperson determines the ‘tone’ of meetings from the outset. Clearly articulating expectations of all members relating to fairness, open communication, shared decision making and teamwork is important. Effective management of a meeting means that all members feel they have opportunity to participate. A good meeting is one where: • The meeting starts and ends on time. • The person chairing the meeting is neutral and ensures that all group members feel comfortable participating. • Discussion relates to the agenda and includes time frames. • All members participate; no one dominates. • Meetings are positive rather than negative. • Members share ideas. • Members are open-minded rather than judgmental. • Members are respectful of others ideas and contributions rather than critical. • Members listen to each other respectfully. • The group is welcoming and encouraging to new or quiet people. • There is consideration for inclusive participation of all cultures. • Compromise is made when necessary. • Confidentiality is respected. • Members are clear about what has happened and what decisions were made. 7 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 4.Governance 4A. Record Keeping Good record keeping is an obligation to ensure that future committees have the information they need to meet their responsibilities. Some records may be required as evidence in legal proceedings, others to provide proof of the committee fulfilling its financial responsibilities. DEECD has a comprehensive guide to record keeping, retention and disposal at 4B. Financial Management Glastonbury is responsible to ensure that kindergartens / education and care services are financially viable. The financial responsibilities of the committee include: • Managing the fundraising finances of the education and care service effectively • Keeping proper records, including all financial accountability records and reports required under legislation for members • Ensuring that bookkeeping and accounting requirements are accurate and are updated in a timely manner • Ensuring that the committee funds of the education and care service are managed according to the constitution • Making sound financial decisions based on accurate information provided by the treasurer and the cluster manager. 8 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 5. Occupational Health & Safety 5A. Working Bees Committee members participating in activities in the service (including Working Bees) should note that no work should be undertaken by an employee or committee member if it involves the possibility of an involuntary fall greater than two metres (this is defined as a ‘fall hazard’ in the Victorian OHS Regulations 2007). For example, committee members are not permitted to change light fittings or attend to gutters if the task involves height greater than two metres. When Working Bees are held, the committee provides a sign in sheet where attendees note the date and time and sign that they have attended. Committees are required to notify council and Glastonbury of any working bees dates and times . 9 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 6. Roles and Responsibilities 6A. Relationship Between Glastonbury, Member Centres, Department of Education Early Childhood Development, Acecqa And Cos Glastonbury • employs educators / staff, is the Approved Provider for member centres, provides support and training, administers fee collection Communication between stakeholders Member Education and Care Services • which maintain incorporated ACECQA DEECD • Monitors compliance in Victoria with the National Quality Standards. Provides per capita funding for each child to Glastonbury for each kindergarten. ACECQA • Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. Is responsible for the National Quality Standards, National Quality Framework and provides resources to assist services to meet the Standards and Framework. DEECD COS Glastonbury Community Services COS • Colac Otway Shire is responsible for maintenance of COS owned buildings as per Licence Agreement maintenance schedule Member Education & Care Service 10 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 6B. Who is responsible chart matrix Roles & Responsibilities KCM Site Committee Staff Reference Group Council Leadership and Management responsibilities Governance structure Leading and managing change Strategic planning Development Quality Improvement plans Development Service Agreements with DEECD Signatory of Consultation Consultation Consultation Development Staff Conditions and contracts Service improvement plans Development Consultation Regulatory and Legislative requirements Provider Approval Compliance Compliance with the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 Compliance Responsibility & Implement Compliance & Implementation Daily Compliance with the Education and Care Services Law Act 2010 Compliance Responsibility& Implement Compliance & Implementation Daily Service Agreements with DEECD Compliance Maintain compliance with Incorporation Act Quality and Risk Compliance Consultation Report Consultation Employment responsibilities Recruitment and selection of staff Advertise, select & recruit. Sign off Organisation of relief staff Manage internal relief pool & Recruitment Educator appraisals Rep. on selection board Organise relievers in line with GCS procedures Monitor staff performance Professional development opportunities Consultation Career pathways Human Resources Management (HR) Consultation Financial responsibilities Budget development, management & review Develop & manage budgets Budget review and viability, monitoring Daily responsibility Financial reporting Monthly finance reports to GCS Board Income and expenditure Daily Payroll Annual projections Staff: Child ratios Consultation Committee funds only to KC & Committee Fundraising only Overall Fee collection Consultation Daily compliance Invoicing collection & receipting Cash received at site only 11 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents Fee setting Early Start applications for funding Submission application Consultation Identify children Payment of accounts and utility bills Purchasing equipment/materials Consultation Fundraising Consultation Building Infrastructure and OH&S Lease Agreements Council & non council Consultation In council owned buildings Building maintenance Oversee Maintenance Compliance Report In council owned buildings Equipment maintenance Consultation Repairs Building Insurance (contents) Capital Grant applications for UAECE Submission Application OH&S monitoring and reporting OHS committee Risk Man reporting systems Accessibility Implement Policy Consultation Report to KCM Consultation Links with the Community Partnership with families & community Formal via Committees & Policies Daily Links to other early childhood services Chair EY network Participation Links to local government including municipal early years plan Contribute to Consultation Attendance at local EC networks Development of Participation Integration of early childhood education Ancillary program and access to service Implement Implement State Government policy agenda and legislation The National Quality Agenda Implement Consultation Compliance Implementation of the NQF Implement Consultation Compliance Implementation of VEYLDF Implement Consultation Compliance Transition to School Oversee process Universal Access to ECE (15 hours) Implement Workforce strategy Development and implementation Early Start Program Implement Report KCM Policy Framework Reports Consultation Compliance Consultation Compliance Implement Consultation Administration and Policy development Data collection Collection & Submission Provide data to KCM Application and allocation of places Implement Consultation Operating patterns and sessions times Setting Organisational policies and procedures Develop & Implement Service policies and procedures Develop & Implement Brochures, promotion materials, websites, newsletters etc. Development Quality control Staff records Consultation Consultation Consultation Compliance with Consultation Consultation Distribution 12 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 7. Glastonbury Organisational Charts 7A. Early Years Colac East Kindergarten Early Years Early Years Manager Kindergarten Cluster Mangement Kindergarten Cluster Early Years Team Leader Colac Early Years Team Leader Geelong Wydinia Kindergarten Winifred Nance Kindergarten ACT (Advancing Country Towns) Play Program Hippy Program Senior PLAY Prac PLAY Geelong PLAY Colac Senior Prac Senior Prac Early Years Practitioner Early Years Practitioner Early Years Practitioner Colac Playgroup Geelong Coordinator Colac Coordinator Geelong Winchelsea Coordinator Mentor Mentor Mentor Mentor Mentor Mentor Mentor Small Talk Community Programs Small Talk Geelong Coordinator Community and Family Liaison Worker Small Talk Colac Coordinator Whittington Mentor 13 Our Values Colac Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 7B. GCS Organisation Chart Chief Executive Officer Executive Assitant Sandy Morrison Amber Pett General Manager Client Services Director, Research & Community Engagement Manager, Operations Chief Financial Officer Anneliese Knell Sarah Leach Sandy Roughly (Acting) Crowe Howarth Executive Assistant Philanthropic Coordinator Executive Assistant Manager, Early Years Voice of Child Project Worker Finance Officer (and Payroll) Community Relations Officer Business Services Administration Officer Manager, Out of Home Care Manager, Family & Community Servcies Volunteer Coordinator ICT Officer Manager, Strategic Projects Quality, Risk and OH&S Officer Service Development Project Officer Reception 14 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents 8. Communication with GCS 8A. Office and website details Colac Office Address: Geelong Office Address: 52 b Rae Street, Colac 222 Malop Street, Geelong Victoria 3250 Victoria 3220 Telephone: Telephone: 5231 4740 5222 6911 Email: Emergency contact after hours: 0438 024 948 GCS Website: Office hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm 15 Our Values Care Innovation Collaboration Back to Contents
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