AMBULATORY MANUAL Reference Guide Ambulatory Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY .................................................................................... 5 AMBULATORY ORGANIZER ...................................................................................................................... 6 UNDERSTANDING THE INFORMATION DISPLAYED IN EACH VIEW ................................................................................7 Selecting Providers to be displayed ........................................................................................................8 Color Status Bar ......................................................................................................................................9 Appointment Time ..................................................................................................................................9 Patient ....................................................................................................................................................9 Appointment Details ...............................................................................................................................9 Notes.......................................................................................................................................................9 Calendar View Details ...........................................................................................................................10 Open Items View Details .......................................................................................................................10 Opening a Patient Chart .......................................................................................................................10 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 11 ACCESSING ORDERS WORKSPACE......................................................................................................................12 Placing an Order from My Favorite Order in the Ambulatory Summary .............................................13 ORDERS WORKSPACE LAYOUT ..........................................................................................................................14 CUSTOMIZING FILTERS ON MEDICATION LIST TAB ................................................................................................15 ADD ORDER WINDOW ....................................................................................................................................16 ADDING ORDERS ...........................................................................................................................................18 ADDING ORDERSETS .......................................................................................................................................19 SAVE ORDERSET ELEMENTS AS FAVORITES ..........................................................................................................20 SUB-PHASES (NESTED) ORDERSETS ...................................................................................................................21 MEDICATION ORDER ENTRY/MEDICATION DOSE CALCULATOR ...............................................................................22 ADDITIONAL ORDERSET FUNCTIONALITY .............................................................................................................23 ORDER INFORMATION.....................................................................................................................................24 CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT: ORDER ALERTS/WARNINGS.....................................................................................24 Patient level Alerts ................................................................................................................................24 3 Ambulatory Manual Order level Alerts ................................................................................................................................. 25 DUPLICATE ORDER ALERT ............................................................................................................................... 25 DISCERN ALERTS ........................................................................................................................................... 26 DRUG-ALLERGY ALERT ................................................................................................................................... 27 OVERRIDING AN ORDER RELATED ALERT ............................................................................................................ 27 ORDER ACTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 29 ADDING AN ORDER TO AN ORDERSET (ADD TO PHASE) ........................................................................................ 30 ORDERING EXCLUDED COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................ 30 MODIFYING ORDERS ...................................................................................................................................... 31 DISCONTINUING SINGLE ORDERS ...................................................................................................................... 31 DISCONTINUING AN ORDERSET........................................................................................................................ 31 VOIDING ORDERSETS ..................................................................................................................................... 33 VOIDING SINGLE ORDERS................................................................................................................................ 33 PLACING AMB CHARGES WITH AN ORDERSET..................................................................................................... 34 Adding Charges .................................................................................................................................... 34 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................. 35 ORDERS ICONS AND INDICATORS ...................................................................................................................... 35 CANCEL AND REORDER ................................................................................................................................... 37 AMB FOLDER STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................................. 38 Labs: ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 Adult Disease Based ............................................................................................................................. 39 IN WHAT FOLDER ARE MY CHARGE ORDERSETS? ................................................................................................ 39 Adult Path ............................................................................................................................................ 39 Peds Path ............................................................................................................................................. 40 Women’s Health/FP Path ..................................................................................................................... 40 Specialty Clinics Path............................................................................................................................ 40 4 Information Security and Confidentiality INFORMATION SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY When dealing with computerized health care records, specific confidentiality and security issues must be followed to protect the patient. There are increasing HIPAA and Joint Commission regulations that dictate how these records are handled. • When signing on to PowerChart use your own User Name and Password, do not share. • When you open a chart for the first time, you will be asked to identify your relationship to the patient, for example primary RN, consulting physician, etc. • The application keeps an audit trail, or record, of who enters each chart and when. PowerChart records who signed into the chart and who documented each piece of information in the Chart. • Do not leave the computer while still signed on. • Do not access any charts that do not apply to your current job and caseload. 5 Ambulatory Organizer (Rev 1/31/2014) AMBULATORY ORGANIZER Topics in this Unit: Understanding the information in each view Selecting Providers to be displayed Color Status Bar Appointment Time Patient Appointment Details Notes Calendar View Details Open Items View Details Opening a Patient Chart 6 The Ambulatory Organizer provides a simple and comprehensive view of your schedule as a physician. It provides a snapshot of the current day's appointments, which includes appointment times, patient information, appointment details, and patient status. This section also covers how you can add additional care providers to see a broader perspective of patient appointments. Colored status indicators and visual clues notify you of pertinent information. Ambulatory Organizer UNDERSTANDING THE INFORMATION DISPLAYED IN EACH VIEW 1. When viewing the My Day view (today’s appointments), you can select up to five providers at one time. If only one provider is currently displayed on the My Day view, then a timeline is available to the far right side which mimics Calendar view behavior. The My Day view displays the appointment details both face up and when the pointer is positioned over data. 1. When viewing the Calendar view, you can select one provider at a time for viewing a single day or a week of data. 7 Ambulatory Organizer (Rev 1/31/2014) 2. When viewing the Open Items view, you can select one provider at a time for viewing the unfinished reminder tasks for the past seven days. SELECTING PROVIDERS TO BE DISPLAYED If the user signed into the Ambulatory Organizer is also a resource (resource configuration is performed by the system administrator), their name will be displayed at the top of the Patients for: menu list and will already be selected (indicated by a check mark). Complete the following steps to select the providers you want displayed: 1. To add a new resource, select the Add Other option in the Patient’s Menu. 2. Search for, and select the name of another resource. 3. Click in the box to the left of the name to indicate you want to see their appointment details at this time. 4. Click Apply. 5. • The window closes and populates the selected Resources data in the view. • The provider can deselect themselves by removing the check mark so their appointment details are not displayed, but they cannot delete themselves from this menu. To prevent a resource from being displayed from this menu, select the gray X to the far right of their name, and then click Apply. Note: If you are a resource, you cannot remove yourself from the menu. 8 Ambulatory Organizer 6. Once resources have been added to the menu, they will be visible between the different views. You may add as many resources to the menu; however, you will only be able to select a maximum of 5 in the My Day view at any one time. • 7. The same thing applies to the Open Items view. In addition, each view is independent of the others, meaning that each view will display the resources that you last selected to be displayed. • If you remove a resource from the list, however, it is removed from all views. There is only one list, but the list allows different selections for each view. COLOR STATUS BAR The color of the status bar on the far left indicates the status of the appointment. APPOINTMENT TIME The Appointment Time column displays the appointment time (the time will be displayed in the My Day view, in red text, when double booked). If more than one provider’s schedule is displayed, the provider names will be displayed under the appointment time. PATIENT The Patient column displays the patient name, age, and gender. Position your mouse on a patient name and a pop-up box is displayed with the Patient Name, MRN, FIN, DOB, and Phone Number. APPOINTMENT DETAILS In the Appointment Details column, the appointment type is displayed. In the Status column, both the status of the appointment (including how long since the appointment was placed in this status) and the patient’s location are displayed. NOTES The Notes column displays Reason for Visit and Chief Complaint data, as well as temporary comments. To the left of the Reason for Visit information, a folder icon is displayed indicating whether temporary comments exist for this appointment. 9 Ambulatory Organizer (Rev 1/31/2014) Temporary comments provide a nurse or provider the ability to share information to other staff viewing this appointment. Temporary comments are specific to this appointment, today. They do not become part of the chart and go away from Ambulatory Organizer at midnight when this appointment (with any unfinished reminder tasks), rolls to the Open items view. CALENDAR VIEW DETAILS The Calendar view displays a single provider's schedule for a day or a week interval. The Calendar view displays the appointment details both face up and when the pointer is positioned over data. OPEN ITEMS VIEW DETAILS The Open Items view displays unfinished tasks for a single provider, from yesterday through the past seven days since the appointment. The Open Items view displays the appointment details both face up and when the pointer is positioned over data. The appointments are divided into three sections: Yesterday, 2 Days Ago, and More Than 2 Days Ago. Positioning the pointer over the Note Not Started, Note Saved, or Charge Not Started item then selecting the text will open the charge entry or note entry section of the Chart. The charge or note can be finished and the Ambulatory Organizer will show these items as complete. In addition to completing tasks through these reminder links, tasks can also be completed automatically by completing specific charges for which the reminder tasks will then be displayed as complete. OPENING A PATIENT CHART There are multiple ways to open a patient's chart: 10 1. Click on the patient's name in the My Day view, Calendar view, or the Open items view. 2. Selecting the reminder tasks in the My Day view or the Open Items view will open directly to the corresponding component of the chart (i.e. Orders for a charge item or Clinical Folders for a note item.) Introduction INTRODUCTION Topics in this Unit: Accessing Orders Workspace Orders Workspace layout Customizing Filters on Medication List tab Add Order Window Adding Orders The Orders workspace allows you to place orders for your patients, as well as modify, view, filter and cancel. You can place a single order or multiple orders simultaneously, as well as grouped collections known as Ordersets. This section covers the basic order entry processes and support tools including departmental order folders, Ordersets and clinical decision support in the form of order-related alerts. Adding Ordersets Save Orderset Elements as Favorites Sub-Phases (Nested Ordersets) Medication Order Entry/Dose Calculator Additional Orderset Functionality Order Information Clinical Decision Support: Order Alerts/Warnings Patient Level Alerts Order Level Alerts Duplicate Order Alert Discern Alerts Drug-Allergy alert Overriding an Order Related Alert 11 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) ACCESSING ORDERS WORKSPACE There are several ways to access Orders, a few are mentioned below: 12 1. From within PowerNote, navigate to Impression & Plan>select the Orders sub-section>click Include Orders or Order Profile>Click Add from the Order Catalog that displays. 2. From within PowerChart, click Orders from the Menu. 3. Ambulatory Summary. Rapid access to your personal order favorites is available for review and quick order entry. The My Favorite Orders is divided into 2 categories (Favorites and Folders). a. You can either click on one of the folders or click an individual order. b. Click on the drop-down arrow to change the order filter from Ambulatory to Ambulatory Meds as Rx. (Inset image) c. If you have built favorite folders in the Order section of the chart, you can access and use them here. d. Click on the desired folder to open it. e. Click on the Order button next to the order you’d like to place. f. The selected order(s) will be added to the Orders for Signature section and using the drop-down to view options for Dx Table, Modify and Sign. g. Click on the Remove button to remove the order from the Orders for Signature section. h. When signing your orders from My Favorite Orders, you must associate a diagnosis to an order. (See grey text in image on next page.) Introduction PLACING AN ORDER FROM MY FAVORITE ORDER IN THE AMBULATORY SUMMARY To quickly place an order for a prescription, charge, lab/rad test, etc. complete the following steps: 1. Browse each category and select the respective orders. • 2. Click the Orders for Signature icon. • 3. The selected order’s label will change color to grey as well as add the order to the scratchpad. The Diagnosis Table scratchpad will display. Select the desired primary diagnosis for each order from the diagnoses already on the encounter by clicking in the box that they intersect in. • Additional diagnoses can be selected and they will be ordered in the sequence they were selected. 4. Once finished selecting diagnoses, click the Save button. 5. If you are done placing all orders, click the Sign button. • Medications will print by default. • If you want to send to a pharmacy instead, go to the Orders | Charges or Medication section of the chart and complete the order there. 6. New orders can also be entered from this view by searching for the desired order. 7. Click on the Add button. • The order search field will display. 13 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) ORDERS WORKSPACE LAYOUT 14 Introduction CUSTOMIZING FILTERS ON MEDICATION LIST TAB 1. Click on the blue Displayed: All Active Orders |Inactive … link. 2. Change the display to All Medications (All Statuses) using the drop-down list. 3. Place a checkmark on the order statuses you want to see. 4. Click Save As button. 5. Name your new Filter and click OK. • 6. If you do not see a particular Order, click on the Show More Orders… link. The same is done to view all other orders from the profile list: 15 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) ADD ORDER WINDOW The Add Order window is used to locate and select new orders for the patient. Below gives a quick overview of the window: 1. The Type filter allows you to further define the search criteria by defining the type of orders that you are seeking, which is either: All Orders, Document Meds by Hx and Discharge Meds as Rx. Note: See Appendix for AMB Folder structure. 2. 16 This area (zoomed right) contains access in order to aid in ease of navigation and utilizing favorites a. Moves up a folder level from the current folder. b. Displays contents in Home. c. Displays contents in Favorites d. Allows access to organize your favorites, such as adding, deleting, moving, renaming etc… e. Displays AMB folders. Introduction 3. 1 Orders can be grouped and listed inside Departmental Folders. (This is the most efficient display to use). Folders can be created by going to Organize Favorites as discussed in step 4. • Departmental folders have been established for AMB clinics. • 4. 5. Tip: You can save a departmental folder, or personally created folder as your home folder by right-clicking the folder and selecting Set as Home Folder. Orders without an icon preceding them are single orders. Orders with an 2 collection of orders known as an Orderset. This area is available to be used to add a new Dx being addressed at this visit and/or choose appropriate Dx for Orderset. • 6. Problems and Dx are discussed in detail in the AMB Provider Manual. This area is available to be used to add a new Problem/Dx being addressed at this visit. • 7. icon indicate a Problems and Dx are discussed in detail AMB Provider Manual. After clicking to select an order (be careful not to double-click), click Done to close the Add Order window, and begin to work in the Order Details pane. 1 A Departmental Folder is a main folder which contains subfolders (defined by area) in which the provider can locate quickly and efficiently. 2 An Orderset is a group of orders under a single title designed to support a procedure or a process. This tool allows you to manage orders, outcomes and interventions as they relate to a predefined plan of care. Examples include Nursing care plans and NHIQM quality measures. 17 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) ADDING ORDERS 3 When a single order is placed, you will be taken to the scratchpad (shown below) which contains a top and bottom pane that is related to the order chosen. The bottom pane contains the following three tabs: 1. Details: The details pain displays details that need to be entered concerning the order. Required order details are always highlighted yellow. o 3 Use the letter ‘t’ (for today) in any date field to automatically apply the current date. Similarly, enter ‘n’ (for now) in any time field to enter the current time. 2. Order Comments: Order comments are entered on this tab and will carry over to the order profile. 3. Diagnosis: The Diagnosis tab has a required field (indicated by the before signing. 4. Finally, after all data has been appropriately entered, the Order can be signed by clicking on the Sign button. 5. Multiple orders can be selected from the Add order window and each will display in the top pane. ) and must be completed The ‘scratchpad’ is the nickname for this window. It is presented as a location to properly set up and identify all appropriate orders and actions prior to signing. 18 Introduction ADDING ORDERSETS An Orderset is a group of orders under a single title designed to support a procedure or a process. Kaleida Health has established a standard “look and feel” for provider Ordersets. There is also a standard name naming convention. Details of the naming convention and Orderset composition may be found in the Appendix. All Ambulatory Ordersets are prefaced by AMB. This allows you to easily sort and find Ordersets. The name of the Orderset is designed to be self-explanatory, i.e. it is not necessary to open the Orderset to understand its purpose. A complete list of all AMB Ordersets may be found in the Appendix. The orders contained within an Orderset are arranged in standard sections that allow you to quickly select the orders necessary for the patient. Virtually all orders within the Ordersets are complete, that is, all required information has been pre-entered. Some orders are also pre-selected for you. Ordersets can be “nested” within larger Ordersets (ie VTE Prophylaxis, Empiric Antibiotic therapy). These are referred to as sub-phase Ordersets. Orders placed as part of an Orderset stay together and can be discontinued individually or as a group (by Orderset). After finding and selecting an Orderset from the Add Order window the following will display: • The list of items that have been predefined as part of the Orderset and are displayed pre-selected. These can individually be de-selected as part of the Orderset as needed. Some that cannot be de-selected have been defined by KH as mandatory. Additionally sub phases may be part of the Orderset. Once all selections have been made, click the Orders for Signature button to continue to the scratchpad. • • See Orderset Sub Phases on page 21 for additional information in this area. (Scratchpad view 1) This is the view of the scratchpad after clicking the Orders for Signature button. Note the Order Details tabs at the bottom are collapsed and hidden from view by default. The tabs can be made visible by either clicking on an order itself from the top pane, or by clicking the triangle icon to maximize the space. • Items can be removed or added at this point as well. See page 19 for more information. 19 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) (Scratchpad view 2) Each order within the Orderset should be completed as applicable. The blue X symbol will display for any order that is missing required details. After order details have been completed, click the Sign button to sign the order. • • Once signed, any orderrelated alerts will be displayed. The provider will need to manage any alerts before the Orderset can be submitted. Note: All AMB Ordersets will initiate on sign. This means that all orders within the Orderset will become active once the provider has managed any alerts, completed all required order elements and signed the Orderset. SAVE ORDERSET ELEMENTS AS FAVORITES After selecting all components of the Orderset and the details have been entered/edited, the user can save the elements of the Orderset as their Favorite. 1. 20 Click the Save as My Favorite button. • Saving an Orderset as your Favorite will save all edits you’ve made to the plan. • Input a unique name for your Orderset and click OK. • The Orderset will be saved in the My Favorite Plans folder, denoted with the date it was saved to favorites. • If an order is updated by the system, the system will fire a warning that there are updates to a saved order. You will have to re-enter your criteria into a new order (or Orderset respectively) and re-save to your My Favorite Plans. Introduction SUB-PHASES (NESTED) ORDERSETS Ordersets that are nested within another Orderset are referred to as sub-phase Ordersets and are indicated by this icon. Sub-phase Ordersets are used to allow providers flexibility in managing orders for diverse patient conditions without adding to the length and complexity of the Orderset, (i.e. Empiric antibiotic selections by source for sepsis). Sub-phases are also used to accommodate standard groups of orders (ie AMB meds in office). 1. To include the sub-phase, click the check box to select it in the Orders for Signature window. • As soon as the Sub-Phase is selected, the Orders for Signature window changes in appearance, but keep in mind, it is still the same window (as denoted by the Order for Signature button [3]). This window is now drilled down to only display the detail of orders [2] within the Sub-Phase. Also the sub-phase is in an Initiated Pending status in the Navigation pane [1]. This view provides a convenient and flexible method for placing complex orders and making modifications as dictated by the clinical needs of the patient. 2. Return to the standard Orders for Signature view by clicking the Return to … button. 3. There are pre-checked icons that have a grey background to them (pre-selected). These are required for the orderable and cannot be unchecked. 4. After identifying the correct orders, you have the option to modify the associated order sentences by clicking the drop-down menu. 21 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) MEDICATION ORDER ENTRY/MEDICATION DOSE CALCULATOR Dose calculation may be required for specific medications and for weight-based dosing. The dose calculator will only open when the medication has been configured as requiring a weight-based dose. The dose calculator functions appropriately for weight-based mass dosing, but does not for weight-based volume dosing (mL/kg). The calculator will NOT open for weight-based volume dosing. The provider will have to manually calculate the volume dose/rate and enter this into the order. 1. The documented dosing weight is used by the dose calculator. It can be changed from within the dose calculator if an “adjusted” weight is required. This adjusted weight will ONLY affect the particular medication being ordered and will NOT update the dosing weight. • Final Dose (#4 on dosage calculation) = calculated dose; automatically calculated from the current dosing weight. • Standard dose (#5 on dosage calculator) = medications that have a maximum dose – in that case, click Apply Standard Dose. (This will be dithered unless there is a standard dose available.) 2. Select the medication to include in the Orders for Signature window. 3. If/when the Pharmacy Type dialog box opens, select Medication > OK. 4. 22 • The Dosage Calculator window opens. • Any medication that will need calculations is noted with an icon. Click Apply Dose or Apply Standard Dose as applicable. • The Dosage Calculator closes and the Orders for Signature window is open and completion of the remaining tasks for the Orderset can be resumed. • The Nursing MAR and the medication profile will populate with the ordered medications. • The pharmacy and laboratory systems receive the orders placed. Introduction ADDITIONAL ORDERSET FUNCTIONALITY Adding the following Orderset: Notice the pre-checked Immunization orders (these can be unchecked, however, not appropriate). Please choose the following orders: When choosing the Influenza orderable (this is a sub phase – an Orderset nested within an Orderset) and takes you to that sub phase. Note: This icon reminders. is located on the top and is designed for the staff placing the order for direction and Clicking on the notepad icon will lead a user to the policy or materials that can be printed. By hovering over the icon, you can click on the blue hyperlink and the user will be directed to the evidence based materials (in this case it will take you to the Consent form). 23 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) ORDER INFORMATION Use Order Information to view detailed, in-depth information about an order or Orderset components. 1. Right click the order you wish to see additional information on. 2. Select Order Info from the shortcut menu. • Alternatively you can simply double-click the order. • The Order information dialog box is displayed. It contains several tabs of distinct types of information about the selected order. • You can view validation information regarding who reviewed an order and whether it was rejected, as well as detailed additional information such as the start date/time of continuing order instances, the ID of an order or Orderset template, the department mnemonic, and accession number. CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT: ORDER ALERTS/WARNINGS There are two basic types of order-related alerts: • Patient-level alerts – alerts which are tied to the patient, (ie Latex allergy) • Order-level alerts – alerts which are tied to the specific order being placed (ie duplicate order alerts, Drug-Drug interaction alerts and Drug-Allergy alerts). • These are described in detail below. Order-related alerts are exposed to the ordering provider after the order has been submitted (signed) and must be addressed before the order can be completed. You can also proactively check alerts by selecting the Check Alerts button once you have selected an Orderset. Order-related alerts can be overridden by the ordering provider. These alerts are explained below and the process how to handle each one. PATIENT LEVEL ALERTS Latex allergy – the alert displays when the patient chart is opened to notify the provider that the patient has a documented latex allergy. Height/weight/allergy – not documented – height/weight and allergies must be documented and/or reviewed at each patient encounter. If this has not been done at the time of the order entry, this alert will be displayed when the patient’s chart is opened. 24 Introduction Free-text allergy - this alert will display when the patient’s chart is opened if a free-text allergy has been documented. The alert is intended to ensure the ordering provider is aware that no drug-allergy checking will be performed. ORDER LEVEL ALERTS Height/weight/allergy not documented – height/weight and allergies must be documented and/or reviewed at each patient encounter. If this has not been done at the time of order entry, this alert will be displayed at the time of order entry. No serum Creatinine – this alert will display for certain medication orders requiring renal function adjustment if no serum Creatinine has been documented. The alert displays at the time of order entry. Excipient allergy alert – this alert will display if the patient has a documented allergy to certain common excipients, (ie fish and calcitonin). The alert displays at the time of order entry. DUPLICATE ORDER ALERT Occasionally a Duplicate Order Alert is displayed after signing the order. This alert indicates that you are attempting to order something that has already been ordered. 1. Make the appropriate action selection at the bottom of the window. The options are explained below: Order Anyway – Allows the duplicate order to be placed. Remove – Cancels the new order. Modify – Lets the provider change the new order. 2. Repeat step one as many times as necessary until there are no more duplicate orders. 3. Click the OK button; after the window closes be sure to also click Refresh to refresh the screen. 25 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) DISCERN ALERTS When placing orders, if there is pertinent information missing on a patient (example: Height and Weight or Allergy information) either it has not been entered or updated for the visit, you will receive a Discern Alert that needs to be addressed prior to placing the order. 1. Click Enter Data to open the HT/WT/Allergies form. 2. Fill in required missing fields and Sign form by clicking on the green checkmark. • 3. 26 You are returned to the Order Entry window. Complete the Order. Introduction DRUG-ALLERGY ALERT Drug-allergy alerts will be presented to the ordering provider at the time of order signature if there is a documented allergy (allergy and/or adverse effect.) The decision support window will open and present the information that has been documented for the allergy. The provider may remove the order that has prompted the alert or override the alert. • Drug-drug Interaction Alert: Drug-Drug interactions are defined by the Multum database used by the Pharmacy at Kaleida Health. There are several levels of drug-drug interactions. The only level that will prompt an alert to the ordering provider is Major Contraindicated. (Note that the Pharmacy will see both Major and Major Contraindicated drug-drug interactions). The alert will be presented at the time of order signature and the decision support window will contain all pertinent information. The provider will have the option of removing the order, modifying the current orders or overriding the alert. OVERRIDING AN ORDER RELATED ALERT 1. Make the appropriate action selection at the bottom of the window. The options are explained below: • Order Anyway – Allows the duplicate order to be placed. • Remove - Cancels the new order. • Modify – Allows the provider to change the new order. 2. Repeat step one as many times as necessary until there are no more duplicate orders. 3. Click the OK button; after the window closes to be sure to also click Refresh to refresh the screen. 4. Click in the Override Reason drop-down and select the reason you are overriding. 27 Introduction (Rev 1/31/2014) 5. Click Continue. • You can also click the Remove New Order button located in the bottom right corner. • You are returned to the Orders window. 6. Click Orders for Signature (this adds selected orders to the scratchpad for final review) 7. After completing all required fields, click Sign. 8. Click the Refresh button to refresh the existing orders. • 28 The orders submitted in the previous steps should now display with a status of Ordered. Order Actions ORDER ACTIONS Topics in this Unit: Adding an Order to an Orderset (Add a Phase) After having a thorough understanding of Orders Basics in the previous unit, some orders that have already been placed may require additional actions, e.g. modification, discontinuation, etc. This section describes the functionality to support Order Management. Ordering Excluded Components Modifying Orders Discontinuing an Orderset Voiding Ordersets Voiding Single Ordersets Placing AMB Charges with an Orderset Added charges 29 Order Actions (Rev 1/31/2014) ADDING AN ORDER TO AN ORDERSET (ADD TO PHASE) It is possible to add additional individual orders to an existing Orderset. Note: This can be done prior to signing or added to an active/initiated Orderset. 1. In the navigation pane on the left, highlight the Orderset you wish to add an additional order to. 2. Click Add to Phase. • 3. Options in the drop-down are: Add Order…, Add Outcome/Interventions… Click Add Order. • The Add Order search window displays. 4. Select the AMB Request for Services folder. 5. Click the AMB Request for Ancillary Services order. 6. Click Done • The new Order is added to the order profile and displays the Details window. 7. In the Ancillary Services Requested dropdown, select Physical Therapy. 8. Select a Diagnosis to associate with this order. • 9. Note: Required fields are denoted with either *bolded text or may be highlighted yellow. Click the Sign button. ORDERING EXCLUDED COMPONENTS Complete the following steps to order excluded components: 1. Click the View Excluded Components button to view orders that were not selected within an Initiated Orderset. 2. Place a checkmark in front of the component(s) you want to order. • 30 Once selected, the checkbox will have the excluded icon in its place. 3. Once all excluded orders are selected, click Orders for Signature button. 4. Click Sign. Order Actions MODIFYING ORDERS The details of individual orders can be modified. 1. From the Orders workspace, right-click the order, and select Modify from the displayed shortcut menu. (This opens the scratchpad). 2. Make the desired changes to the order (i.e. change the dose). 3. Click Orders for Signature. 4. Sign the order. 5. Click the Refresh button. • The order displays in the workspace with the new modified parameters. DISCONTINUING SINGLE ORDERS Discontinuing an individual order OR an order from within an Orderset. 1. Highlight the Order and check the Quick Discontinue button. • 2. The Details window will display. Enter a reason that the Order or Orderset is being discontinued if required by positions/policy. • The Details window will display. • Once an Orderset has been discontinued, the status will change to Discontinue Pending. Note: If discontinuing an Orderset (from within the navigation page, see image below), the discontinue reason is applied to all the orders in the Orderset; unless specified to ‘keep’. • 3. Once an Orderset has been discontinued, the status will change to Discontinue Pending. Click Sign and the Refresh button. • The order or Orderset becomes discontinued. 31 Order Actions (Rev 1/31/2014) DISCONTINUING AN ORDERSET 1. From the Navigation pane, right-click the desired Orderset then select Discontinue from the shortcut menu. • 2. Review all orders that are to be discontinued, click to select any orders you wish to keep (exclude from the discontinue process). 3. Select the appropriate discontinue reason from the drop-down. (This reason will apply to all orders within the set that are being discontinued – if required by position/policy). 4. If the Discontinue was chosen in error AND the void has not yet been signed, the provider can right-click over the Orderset that is in the Discontinue Pending status and click Revert Discontinue. • 32 The Discontinue window displays and assumes all orders within the set should be discontinued, as they are not selected in the Keep column. This will bring the Orderset back to initiated status. Order Actions VOIDING ORDERSETS If an Orderset was placed in error (for example, on the wrong patient), it should be voided instead of canceled or discontinued. 1. From the Navigation page, right-click the desired Orderset, then select Void from the shortcut menu. • The Orderset moves into a Void Pending status. 2. Click Orders for Signature button. 3. Click the Sign button. 4. Click the Refresh button. • The Orderset is now in a Void (deleted) status. VOIDING SINGLE ORDERS Similarly, if a single order was placed in error, it should be voided instead of canceled or discontinued. 1. From the Orders workspace on the right, right-click the desired order, then select Void from the shortcut menu. • 2. 3. The Order/Orderset moves in Void status. In the following order, click the Orders for Signature >Sign>Refresh buttons. • The Orderset is now in a Void (deleted status, and depending on the display filter selection; it may or may not be visible in the Orders Workspace. • If VOID is chosen in error for that Orderset If Void was chosen in error AND the Void has not yet been signed, the provider can right-click over the Orderset that is in the Void Pending status and click Revert Void. 33 Order Actions (Rev 1/31/2014) PLACING AMB CHARGES WITH AN ORDERSET 1. Providers will add the clinics charges at the end of their visit. This can be done various ways: • From within PowerNote > Orders • Orders • • Depart Ambulatory Summary mPage> My Favorite Orders Note: All of the above methods are driven to Orders. For some specific Ordersets the charges are built into the Orderset. The charges can be placed now or they can be placed at a later time during the visit from the Charges Orderset. ADDING CHARGES 1. After completing and signing the note, click the Orders Add button. 2. Select a Diagnosis and then click on Appropriate Charge Orderset. • 3. An electronic charge ticket displays. To charge for office visits, click in the checkbox to select Amb Visit Chgs. 4. The modifiers key is visible; with the drop-down arrow, choose the appropriate modifier when necessary. If the modifier is not viewable, you will need to right-click over the order to choose the appropriate option. 5. Click the OK button. • The Visit levels charge screen displays. 6. Select the appropriate visit charges for the date of service. 7. Click the OK button. 8. Review your charges, and if correct, click the Sign button. 9. If not correct, right‐click on the charge and select Remove. • Your charges will be in a Processing Status. 10. Click the Refresh button. 34 • Your charges are now showing as Completed. • When entering charges after the visit, be sure to change the date to the date of the encounter. Appendix APPENDIX ORDERS ICONS AND INDICATORS Icons are located in various places on the screen and provide easy access to orders functions. Toolbar buttons access additional functionality. Orders for Signature---Displays a list of the current orders in the Order Profile window that require a signature. Sign - Signs all orders currently displayed in the Order Profile window and sends them from Order status to Processing status. Missing Required Details - Click this button and the system takes the user to the next missing detail in the order entry format. As each missing and required detail is addressed, the system updates the number displayed on the button. The button serves as both a count of the missing details and a mechanism to locate them. Add - Click to add an order, an Allergy or home medication history. The appropriate window is displayed. Expand and Collapse (Clinical Category) - A plus sign indicates that the item (clinical category) can be expanded. The minus sign means that the item is expanded and can be collapsed. Click either symbol to toggle between views. Expand and Collapse (Details Pane, Orders Navigator) - Click the up arrows to expand or collapse the detail screen. Active and Inactive Orders - A check mark indicates that the order is currently active. To inactivate an order, click the check mark to remove it. This action may cause a dialog box to be displayed requiring a reason for discontinuing the order. Orders that are in a final status, such as Completed or Discontinued, do not display check marks because they are no longer active. Order Details Not Complete Indicates that there are required order details that have not been completed for the orderable. Orderset - Indicates a care set orderable in the orders search window. Clinical Calculator - Launches the clinical calculator Dose Calculator - Launches the dose calculator. Medical Student Cosign - This icon indicates that medical student cosign is required for the order. Add to mar summary section pg 12 35 Appendix (Rev 1/31/2014) Nurse Review - This icon indicates that nurse review is required. *Phase (Initiated) -*Indicates a phase in a plan. The yellow Phase icon indicates that it has been initiated. Phase (Completed) - Indicates a phase in a plan. The gray Phase icon indicates that it has been completed. Physician Cosign - This icon indicates that physician cosign is required for the order. Physician Cosign Refusal - This icon indicates that the physician has refused to cosign the order. Reference Text - This icon indicates that reference text is associated to the order. Renew Indicator - Hard Stop Policy - A red hourglass with a lock signifies a hard stop, meaning the order will be stopped when its expiration time is reached. A user must intervene to continue this order. Renew Indicator - Soft Stop Policy - A yellow hourglass is displayed for an orderable defined with a soft stop associated with it, meaning that it is recommended that the order be discontinued when the stop time is reached, but the system will not automatically stop the order. Rx Verify Indicator - The Rx prescription icon means that the order is subject to pharmacy review and has not yet been reviewed by a pharmacist. Rx Refusal Indicator -Indicates that a pharmacist has rejected the order. Taper Dosing- Opens the Taper Dose Tool Advanced Medication Management---Open to review medication schedule Sliding Scale - Opens the Sliding Scale dialog box. Check Interactions-Button shown top, indicator shown bottom. Check Interactions completed previously. Merge View- Allows proactive duplicate checking. Initiate - Activates plan orders, outcomes, and interventions Discontinue - Discontinuation of Plan. Add to Phase – Allows order, Outcome and Interventions to be added quickly. 36 Appendix CANCEL AND REORDER The Cancel and Reorder action allows the user to quickly cancel and reorder an order. The order item selected is canceled, and a new order is placed. The user can then select the new order and modify details prior to signing. (This can only be done on individual orders, not Ordersets.) 1. From the Orders workspace, right-click the order and select Cancel/Reorder from the displayed shortcut menu. • The scratchpad displays the new order in the top pane and the Order Details tab below is ready to be populated with any information, as needed. • The original order displays at the top of the scratchpad in the Discontinue status. 2. Make the applicable changes in the Details tab as necessary. 3. In the following order: click Orders for Signature > Sign >Refresh buttons. 4. The new order is an Ordered status and depending on the display filter selection, the discontinued order may or may not be visible in the Orders workspace. 37 Appendix (Rev 1/31/2014) AMB FOLDER STRUCTURE Face-up there are folders for each type of AMB clinic as well as additional Ordersets/single orders that are used by each type of clinic. Example(s): AMB Adult Orders will contain additional sub folders with all charges, lab orders (both provider requisitions and staff orderables), disease based Or Sdersets and the additional orders that are ‘face up’ on the home folder. Charges: 38 Appendix LABS: ADULT DISEASE BASED IN WHAT FOLDER ARE MY CHARGE ORDERSETS? ADULT PATH 39 Appendix (Rev 1/31/2014) PEDS PATH WOMEN’S HEALTH/FP PATH SPECIALTY CLINICS PATH Note: Charges are built in your Orderset 40
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