Dx3 2014 Exhibitor Manual March 5-6, 2014 | Metro Toronto Convention Centre Where Canadian business gets digital. SECTIONS EXHIBITOR MANUAL FOR Dx3 2014 1. Important Contact Information ..................................................................................................1 2. Important Deadlines ....................................................................................................................2 3. Exhibit Hall Hours (including Move-In/Out, Setup, Re-Stock, Registration, Open) ..................3 4. Marshalling Yard ...........................................................................................................................4 5. Display Regulations ......................................................................................................................5 5.1 Neighbouring Exhibits ........................................................................................5 5.2 Booth Terminology (diagrams) .........................................................................5 5.3 Clear Aisles ..........................................................................................................7 5.4 Booth Floor Plan .................................................................................................7 5.5 Carpet .................................................................................................................7 5.6 Fasteners .............................................................................................................7 5.7 Signage ...............................................................................................................7 5.8 Cleaning of Exhibit Hall ......................................................................................7 5.9 Damages ............................................................................................................7 5.10 Food and Drink ...................................................................................................7 5.11 Smoking ...............................................................................................................7 5.12 Handcarts/Dollies ...............................................................................................7 5.13 Maintenance ......................................................................................................7 5.14 Lights ...................................................................................................................7 5.15 Draping ..............................................................................................................8 5.16 Stickers .................................................................................................................8 5.17 Helium ..................................................................................................................8 5.18 Fog/Smoke Machines ........................................................................................8 5.19 Display Safety ......................................................................................................8 5.20 In-booth Storage ................................................................................................8 5.21 Covered Booths ..................................................................................................8 5.22 Motorized Display Vehicles ................................................................................8 6. Payment for Space (General and Advance) ...........................................................................9 7. Height & Line of Sight Variance ..................................................................................................9 8. Electrical Compliance .................................................................................................................9 8.1 Code ....................................................................................................................9 8.2 Noise ....................................................................................................................9 9. Insurance ....................................................................................................................................10 10. Exhibitor Events ..........................................................................................................................10 11. In-Booth Events ..........................................................................................................................10 11.1 Aisle Interference .............................................................................................10 11.2 Prizes ..................................................................................................................10 11.3 Giveaways/Fliers ..............................................................................................10 11.4 Security ..............................................................................................................10 12. Force Majeure ...........................................................................................................................11 13. Display Review ...........................................................................................................................11 13.1 Standards of Conduct ...................................................................................11 13.2 Enforcement Procedure .................................................................................11 13.3 No-Refund ........................................................................................................11 14. Additional Security .....................................................................................................................11 14.1 Dx3 Canada Security ......................................................................................11 14.2 Security Staff .....................................................................................................11 15. General Safety ............................................................................................................................11 16. Health and Saftey ......................................................................................................................16 17. Exhibitor Appointed Contractors .............................................................................................16 18. Form Links ...................................................................................................................................13 19. Dx3 2014 Floor Plan ....................................................................................................................14 19.1 Move-In Schedule ............................................................................................14 19.2 Move-Out Schedule ..........................................................................................15 Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 1 IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION SHOW WEBSITE www.dx3canada.com SHOW LOCATION Metro Toronto Convention Centre North Building Level 300 Exhibit Hall C 255 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario M5V 2W6 Tel: 416.585.8000 www.mtccc.com SHOW MANAGEMENT President – Duncan Payne Operations & Sales Manager – Michael Peace Marketing Director – Anthony Lipkin Marketing Coordinator – Anum Khan Sales Executive – Jason Lofkrantz Content & Community Manager – Ben Myers Floor Manager – Kevin LeGallais HUT2HUT EVENTS 548 King Street West | Suite 204 Toronto, ON, Canada, M5V 1M3 Tel: 647.317.3892 Fax: 647.797.1911 Official Suppliers OFFICIAL SHOW DECORATOR GES Global Experience Specialists Exhibitor Services Department 5765 McLaughlin Road Mississauga, ON L5R 3K5 Tel: 905.283.0500 www.gesexpo.com OFFICIAL SHOW SECURITY Target Protection 2900 Langstaff Road Suite 3 Concord, ON L3K 4R9 Tel: 905.760.9090 Bill Delingat | b_delingat@targetprotection.com www. targetprotection.com ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING SHOWTECH Power and Lighting Metro Toronto Convention Centre 255 Front Street West Toronto, ON M5V 2W6 Tel: 416.585.8109 Tracy Landry | tlandry@showtech.ca www.showtech.ca CUSTOMS & TRANSPORTATION Mendelssohn Event Logistics 40 University Ave Toronto, ON M5J 1T1 Tel: 416.863.9339 Heather James | hjames@mend.com Michele Odhoch | modhoch@mend.com www.mend.com EXHIBITOR INSURANCE HKMB International 595 Bay Street, Ste 900. Toronto, ON M5G 2E3 Tel: 416.597.0555 ext. 439 Kyle Bell | kyle.bell@hubinternational.com www.hkmb.com AUDIO VISUAL AVW-TELAV Audio Visual Solutions Metro Toronto Convention Centre 255 Front Street West Toronto, ON M5V 2W6 Tel: 416.585.8324 Chris Lem | lem@avwtelav.com www.avwtelav.com Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 1 SECTION 2 IMPORTANT DEADLINES January 23, 2014: Marketing magazine Show Listing February 7, 2014: Line of Sight Varience Form February 10, 2014: Appointed Contact Form February 10, 2014: Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Notification & Form February 10, 2014: GES Advance Price February 17, 2014: Advance Internet Order Form February 18, 2014: Showtech Advance Discount February 21, 2014: Proof of Insurance February 21, 2014: Show Bag Inserts February 24, 2014: Security Booth Protection February 24, 2014: Exhibitor Stand Plan Approval February 25, 2014: Mendelssohn Event Logistics Advanced Shipping February 25, 2014: AVW-Telav Computer & Audio Rental February 28, 2014: Turnkey Booth Package Form March 4, 2014: Exhibitor Move-In (refer to schedule for your time) March 5, 2014: Exhibit Hall Opens to Attendees at 10:00 a.m. March 6, 2014: Exhibits and all materials removed by 11:00 p.m. 2 Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 3 EXHIBIT HALL HOURS MOVE-IN/OUT, SETUP, RE-STOCK, REGISTRATION, OPEN IMPORTANT! MOVE-IN | Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Due to the location and access of the loading bays, the move-in and move-out schedule will be determined by your booth location. On page 14-15 of this manual you will find floor plans indicating the phased timing. Please ensure that you are aware of this schedule. Any vehicle access will only be admitted through the Metro Toronto Convention Centre marshalling yard. This year, Dx3 will be held in the North Building, Level 300 Exhibit Hall C. Loading for exhibitors will take place at the East Loading Docks - where they can off-load items then go into the hallway and take the freight elevator to Level 3 (then Hall C). STORAGE * PLEASE NOTE there is a limited amount of storage on-site. Exhibitors can store empty storage themselves by carrying items back to their vehicle or order Material Handling through GES to store necessities. Material Handling also includes unloading of trucks/vehicles on-site, return of empty boxes to your booth and loading your trucks/vehicles at the end of the show. MOVE-OUT | Thursday, March 6, 2014 Breakdown and move-out will commence between 5:00 - 11:00 p.m. * PLEASE NOTE that dismantling prior to 5:00 p.m. is a contradiction of venue health and saftey rules, therefore it is not allowed. Extra charges will apply for anyone moving out after 11:00 p.m. You can find the Move-In/MoveOut schedule at the back of this Exhibitor Manual (page 14-15). EXHIBIT HALL HOURS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 8:15 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. General Keynote starts at 9:00 a.m. THURSDAY, MARCH 6 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. General Keynote starts at 8:45 a.m. Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 3 SECTION 4 MARSHALLING YARD Location of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre marshalling yard is 100/120 Cherry Street. It is conveniently accessible, only 3.8 km (about 5 minute drive) from the MTCC. *PLEASE NOTE that you must obey the marshalling yard rules and only exhibitors who line up will be allowed to enter the hall through the loading docks. If your exhibit materials are light and easy enough to carry, you can park your car and carry the items through the parking garage. DIRECTIONS T OTHE MTCC (NORTH BUILDING, WEST RAMP) 1. Head north on Cherry St. (toward Lakeshore Blvd.) 2. Slight left onto Lakeshore Blvd. 3. Turn right onto Yonge St. 4. Turn left onto Wellington St. 5. Turn left onto John St. 4 Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 5 DISPLAY REGULATIONS 5.1 Neighbouring Exhibits: No exhibit may block or interfere with a neighbouring exhibit. 5.2 Booth Terminology: Configurations based on a 10x10 ft. exhibitor space. LINEAR BOOTH Linear Booths, also called “in-line” booths, are arranged in a straight line and have neighbouring exhibitors on their immediate right and left, leaving only one side exposed to the aisle. Regardless of the number of Linear Booths utilized, display materials should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of 8 ft. is allowed only in the back half of the booth space, with a 4 ft. height restriction on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle. *PLEASE NOTE when three or more Linear Booths are used in combination as a single exhibit space, the 4 ft. height limitation is applied only to that portion of exhibit space which is within 10 ft. of an adjoining booth. Signage must be single sided, finished on the back and hung no higher than 11 inches to the top of the sign. Placement must be at least 5 inches from the back of the booth. PERIMETER BOOTH A Perimeter Booth is a Linear Booth that backs to an outside wall of the exhibit facility rather than to another exhibit. All guidelines for Linear Booths apply to Perimeter Booths except that the typical maximum back wall height is 12 ft. Signage may be hung up to the 15 inches to the top of the sign. END CAP BOOTH An End Cap Booth is exposed to aisles on three sides and comprised of two booths. The maximum back wall height of 8 ft. is allowed only in the rear half of the booth space and within 5 ft. of the two side aisles, with a 4 ft. height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle. Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 5 SECTION 5 DISPLAY REGULATIONS PENINSULA BOOTH A Peninsula Booth is exposed to aisles on three sides, and comprised of a minimum of four booths. There are two types of Peninsula Booths: (a) one which backs to Linear Booths, and (b) one which backs to another Peninsula Booth and Is referred to as a “Split Island Booth.” When a Peninsula Booth backs up to two Linear Booths, the back wall is restricted to 4 ft. high within 5 ft. of each aisle, permitting adequate line of sight for the adjoining Linear Booths. Double-sided signs, logos and graphics shall be set back 10 ft. from adjacent booths. SPLIT ISLAND BOOTH A Split Island Booth is a Peninsula Booth, which shares a common back wall with another Peninsula Booth. The entire cubic content of this booth may be used up to the maximum allowable height, without any back wall Line-of-Sight restrictions. Signage must be single sided, clean, finished on the back and hung no higher than 11 inches to the top of the sign. Placement must be at least 5 inches from the back of the booth. ISLAND BOOTH An Island Booth is any size booth exposed to aisles on all four sides. The entire cubic content of the space may be used up to the maximum allowable height. Signage can be hung up to 14 inches to the top of the sign. 6 Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 5 DISPLAY REGULATIONS 5.3 Clear Aisles: No walls, drapes, hooks, or fixtures of any kind shall be permitted on or protruding into the aisle without prior written consent. All product/boxes/trash must be clear of the aisles 60 minutes prior to show opening. 5.4 Booth Floor Plan: Floor plans for spaces larger than 20 ft. x 20 ft. (400 sq. ft.) must be submitted prior to February 13, 2014. Plans received after this deadline may be disallowed by the Fire Marshal with no recourse. Floor Plans must note any vehicles (functioning cars, motorbikes, etc.), canopies or covered portions of the booth. Booths will still require Show Management’s final approval. Some booth elements and designs may not be approved even though they meet Fire Marshal codes and regulations. 5.5 Carpet: Each booth has black carpeting and black draping in the booth packaging. Should you wish to use your own carpeting or order a different colour carpet, it must be installed over the carpeting that is provided. 5.6 Fasteners: No nails or screws may be driven into the floor. No damage of any nature may be done to any part of the Exhibit Hall. Never staple, tape or deface drapes or materials belonging to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre or GES. 5.7 Signage: Please review section 5.2, as it pertains to the type of booth configuration you have. Any variations to these guidlines must be approved by Show Management. All exhibitors must order banner hanging through SHOWTECH Power and Lighting (416.585.8109). Please see Section 1 for more information. 5.8 Cleaning of Exhibit Hall: Aisles of the Exhibit Hall will be cleaned each night. The exhibitor is responsible for placing all trash in the appropriate containers. 5.9 Damages: Any damage caused to the building by an exhibitor or their employee is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor and will be billed accordingly. 5.10 Food and Drink: No outside or un-permitted alcohol is allowed in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre during Dx3 Canada unless agreed upon by Show Management in written form. Failure to do so you will be asked to leave the exhibit hall premises without a refund. This section also applies during move-in or move-out. No food may be sold or given away from any exhibit at any time without prior written permission from the Show Management and the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. No chewing gum will be allowed for sale or as a giveaway. * Age Restriction: Please note that the exhibit floor is only accessible to those who are 19 years and over during the show hours and after party. Request Forms can be found on our website or call the MTCC’s Food & Beverage Department at 416.585.8144. 5.11 Smoking: The Metro Toronto Convention Centre is a smoke-free environment. Therefore, all public areas and rental space, including corridors, registration area, meeting rooms and the exhibit halls, are designated non-smoking areas. The exhibitor is required to enforce no-smoking rules. 5.12 Handcarts/Dollies: At no time when the Exhibit Hall is open to the public is any type of handcart allowed on the Exhibit Hall floor. No handcarts are allowed in the lobby at any time. 5.13 Maintenance: The exhibitor shall maintain the display in a clean and orderly manner and take such action as may be necessary to prevent injury or damage to any person or exhibits in the Exhibit Hall. 5.14 Lights: No strobe or flashing lights are permitted as part of any exhibit display. Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 7 SECTION 5 DISPLAY REGULATIONS 5.15 Draping: Drape must hang at proper length and may not be pulled up to sell or display merchandise. No drape on an aisle table may be removed during the show. It is suggested that all tables facing the aisle are draped. 5.16 Stickers: No exhibitor may give away or distribute stickers. Exhibitors will be charged for removal of stickers found adhered to walls, furnishings, or any part of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. 5.17 Helium: Use of helium balloons as a giveaway item is strictly prohibited. Approval is required for use of helium balloons as part of a fixed display. 5.18 Fog/Smoke Machines: No fog/smoke machines will be permitted in the Exhibit Hall. Any device that produces smoke or any other airborne particulate will not be allowed. 5.19 Display Safety: All materials, displays, and products must be safe, stable, and resistant to collapse. Show Management reserves the right and sole discretion to decide whether an exhibitor meets this definition. 5.20 In-booth Storage: Exhibitors may store a maximum of one day’s worth of stock in their booth. Limited storage space will be available in the exhibit hall. Please advise Show Management should you require an extended amount of space. 5.21 Covered Booths: No exhibit space at Dx3 Canada may incorporate a tent, partial or full roof or overhead covering of any kind without prior written approval. Partially covered booths must submit a Height and Line of Sight Variance request, please see Section 7 All partially covered booths are subject to additional rules and regulations. 5.22 Motorized Display Vehicles: All vehicles must abide by the move-in and move-out schedules and procedures established by Show Management. • Any vehicle that drips oil or other staining solutions may not be operated within the Metro Toronto Convention Centre without a drip pan or dry absorption powder. Exhibitors will be charged cleaning costs for staining solutions not removed. • No motorized vehicle may be operated on carpeted areas under any circumstances. Exceptions may only be authorized by the Vice President, Customer Service or Building Manager of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. • All vehicles being displayed in the Centre must have drip pans underneath them and pads under all tires. • Fuel tanks containing fuel, or which have ever contained fuel shall be maintained less than ¾ full. Caps for fuel tanks fill pipes shall be of the locking type and be maintained locked to prevent viewer inspection. If they cannot be locked, they shall be taped shut. • The electrical system shall be de-energized by either: a) removing the battery or b) disconnecting both battery cables and covering them with electrical tape or other similar insulating material • Tanks containing propane shall be maintained less than ¾ full. Vehicles may be driven in and positioned. Engine should remain running, with valve shut off. Allow engine to run until all of the fuel line is used up. Turn ignition off. If you feel that your display does not conform to the display rules, please call the Dx3 Canada office as soon as possible so that you can discuss your concerns. 8 Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 6 PAYMENT FOR SPACE GENERAL PAYMENT All monies paid shall be retained by Dx3 Canada and are non-refundable and non-transferable in the event that the exhibitor fails to fulfill or violates their contract. If the exhibitor fails to submit booth payments by the specified times, Dx3 Canada is handed the right to take possession of said space and sell it to another party. ADVANCE PAYMENT All monies paid shall be retained by Dx3 Canada and are non-refundable and non-transferable in the event that the exhibitor fails to fulfill or violates their contract. If the exhibitor fails to submit booth payments by the specified times, Dx3 Canada is handed the right to take possession of said space and sell it to another party. SECTION 7 HEIGHT & LINE OF SIGHT VARIANCE As a courtesy to you and your exhibiting neighbours, we try to keep all linear booths at a consistent height. This is to allow all exhibitors equal opportunity to have their booth seen and to conduct business on the floor. In a linear booth, exhibit fixtures, signs and all other components are permitted a maximum height of 8 ft. If you do not comply with the line of sight rules as stated in Dx3 Canada Rules and Regulations, you will be asked to adjust onsite. Show Management may be able to grant a variance to the Height and Line of Sight policy but you are asked to forward this request no later than Friday February 7, 2014. Variance requests must be accompanied by appropriate details and/or images of the requested exception. If we can find a location that will not negatively affect other exhibitors or the event, we will try to grant your request. Please note that we may not be able to grant every request we receive. If you need to request a height and/or line of sight variance, you must do so no later than Friday, February 7, 2014. Please send a copy of your floor plan including elevation and a brief description of the variance to kevin@dx3canada.com. SECTION 8 ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE 8.1 Code: Electrical wiring and equipment must meet the CSA Code (http://www.csa.ca/cm/ca/en/standards/products/electrical). 8.2 Noise: Any electrical or other mechanical apparatus must be muffled so that the noise does not bother the other exhibitors. Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 9 SECTION 9 INSURANCE Dx3 Canada has negotiated the price of $160 CAD to cover all of your necessary insurance needs while exhibiting at Dx3 Canada. This insurance covers commercial general liability, third party bodily injury and property damage. The insurance form and information s available for download under Exhibitor Manual 2014 on our website. If you choose not to purchase insurance through HKMB then you must present and send proof of insurance that you have $1,000,000 general liability and $25,000 property insurance for the duration of your time at the show. Please email a copy of your coverage for Dx3 to Anum Khan at anum@dx3canada.com. Exhibitor will hold harmless the Sponsor and Host Facility, or any of their respective officers, agents, employees, representative or affiliates, from any liability, damage, loss, harm, claim, or injury to property or person of the Exhibitor, Exhibitor officer, agents, employees or other persons, whether caused by the negligence of the Sponsor or Host Facility, or from theft, fire, water, accident or any other cause whatsoever. SECTION 10 EXHIBITOR EVENTS Exhibitor off-site events that conflict with the show or conference hours must have the approval of Dx3 Canada. SECTION 11 IN-BOOTH EVENTS 11.1 Aisle Interference: Giveaways, video games, video viewings, demonstrations, flyer distribution, and autograph areas must be organized within the exhibitor’s space so that they do not interfere with any traffic in the aisle. Giveaway tables, autograph tables, video viewing tables, or demonstration tables must be placed a minimum of 2 ft back from the aisle. Video games and/or gaming interaction should be installed at the back of the booth to accommodate persons playing as well as onlookers. Should participants and/or onlookers interfere with the normal traffic flow of the aisle or overflow into neighboring exhibits, the Show Management may discontinue the activity. 11.2 Prizes: No drawings for prizes may be held that require the winner be present to win. This includes trivia contests, audience participation events, and scavenger hunts. Absolutely no games or contests where a fee is charged to participate are allowed. This includes wheels of fortune, card picks, raffles, and grab bags as well as video games and other arcade style games. No contest will be allowed that involves the consumption of any food or beverage. 11.3 Giveaways and Flyer Distribution: Giveaways and flyer distributions must take place from within an exhibitor booth only, and never in aisles, lobbies, outside Dx3 Canada site, or in any other Metro Toronto Convention Centre space. 11.4 Security: Exhibitors will be responsible for providing security from Dx3 Canada’s official firm for any in-booth event if necessary. 10 Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 12 FORCE MAJEURE In the event that, due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Dx3 Canada: a) Dx3 Canada is postponed, cancelled (in whole or in part) or moved to a different location; b) the Metro Toronto Convention Centre or its exhibitor area is unavailable (in whole or in part); or c) the installation, exhibition or move-out time for exhibit booths is reduced There will be no refunds (in whole or in part) of exhibitor or advertisement fees. For purposes of this Section, the term “circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Dx3Canada” shall include, but is not limited to: power outage, fire, earthquake, flood or other weather conditions, labour dispute or strike, war, riot, act of public enemy, acts of violence by third parties, governmental and municipal acts or ordinances, and other acts of God. SECTION 13 DISPLAY REVIEW 13.1 Standards of Conduct: The exhibitor shall not utilize any fixture, device, merchandise or activity that is illegal, in poor taste or detrimental to Dx3 Canada. Show Management reserves the right to disapprove the display of any item that is not in keeping with the nature, character, or orderly conduct of the show. 13.2 Enforcement Procedure: In the event that Dx3 Canada determines that the exhibitor is in violation of these rules and regulations, Show Management will immediately notify the exhibitor. Failure to remedy or remove the item or activity in question may result in expulsion. 13.3 No Refund: In the event an exhibitor is removed from the show for failure to abide, all monies paid by the exhibitor will be retained by Dx3 Canada and no refund will be made. SECTION 14 ADDITIONAL SECURITY 14.1 Dx3 Canada Security: Dx3 Canada will provide security coverage overnight after the Exhibit Hall closes to exhibitors, but assumes no responsibility for the loss of any items. Exhibitors must arrange for any desired extra security through Show Management and may not hire a security firm of your choice. 14.2 Security Staff: No exhibitor is permitted to employ security officers for services within the Exhibit Hall without prior written permission from Show Management. Unauthorized security personnel shall not be permitted into the show. SECTION 15 GENERAL SAFETY Hut2Hut Events’ first priority is the safety of the attendees, exhibitors, staff, and visitors to our event. As an exhibitor, you are responsible for keeping your area safe for attendees, exhibitors, staff members, and visitors. In the event that any situation or activity is deemed to be unsafe by Dx3 Canada, the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the Fire Marshal or the Toronto City Police, you agree to immediately make all necessary changes and corrective actions. Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 11 SECTION 16 HEALTH & SAFETY Follow safe practices on the show floor: • • • • • • Use personal protective equipment when needed (ie. safety shoes, hard hats, eyewear) No minors on the floor during move-in and move-out (children under 16) No standing on chairs, tables, etc. Report any hazards or unsafe practices to Show Management Be aware of overhead work Be aware of forklift traffic SECTION 17 EXHIBITOR APPOINTED CONTRACTORS An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor of any non-official company you choose to utilize for Load-In/Set-up/LoadOut are the responsibility of the Exhibitor and not Dx3 Canada or the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. All exhibitors are responsible for informing their appointed contractors of the below information/requirements to ensure a smooth transaction. Any and all outside contractors must fulfill the following: • Current Workers Compensation Insurance Certificate • A certificate showing general liability and property damage coverage • An Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Form signed by the exhibitor Failure to fulfill the above requirements will jeopardize the contractor’s ability to obtain proper badges/ admission to the exhibit floor. If you plan to use an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor, you must fill out the form and return it to Dx3 Canada Show Management no later than Thursday, February 13, 2014. You may e-mail it back to Anum Khan at anum@dx3canada.com. 12 Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 18 FORMS - DIRECTLY DOWNLOADABLE FROM OUR WEBSITE Official Dx3 Canada Forms: Appointed Contact Form Exhibitor Appointed Contractor Form Internet Order Form Stand Plan Approval Form Insurance for Exhibitors Turnkey Booth Package Order Form *PLEASE NOTE All forms are downloadable from our website. Simply click here or visit www.dx3canada.com Official Housing Bureau: OnPeak Other hotel/accommodation options available Official Customs, Transportation and Housing: Mendelssohn Mendelssohn Event Logistics Official Show Decorator: GES Global Experience Services Furniture and Carpet Order Forms Exhibit Rental and Accessories including Signs Plant Form Payment Information Labour and Material Handling Forms Official Show Audio Visual Supplier: AVW TELAV Price List and Order Form Official Electrical Supplier: SHOWTECH Power and Lighting Electrical and SIgn/Banner Hanging Order Forms Metro Toronto Convention Centre Onsite Forms and Information: Package of Exhibitor Forms (including Parking, Catering, Regulations/ Policies, Vehicle Marshalling & More) * You can also fill out all MTCC forms online: http://mtccc.com/order Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 13 SECTION 19.1 MOVE-IN SCHEDULE MOVE - IN SCHEDULE Tuesday, March 4th 8am - 12pm EXIT STAIRS 203 Show Office EXIT STAIRS Tuesday, March 4th 6pm - 8pm (Last In First Out) Tuesday, March 4th 12pm - 4pm UP 20' UP 201 ES #15 ES #15a ES #16 300 15' 400 EXHIBITOR SERVICES 500 ENTRANCE 40' 101 10' 103 107 Acceleration Zone 302 102 106 15' 402 305 8' 306 20' 405 20' 8' 406 (160) 309 45' 315 STORAGE 319 410 310 20' 509 606 806 704 803 20' 706 805 608 20' 20' 45' THEATRE 1 709 20' 809 710 711 712 20' 325 THEATRE 2 (200) 5' 415 316 318 417 320 419 416 516 8' 616 8' 715 20' Innovation 30' Store 718 620 719 720 324 423 624 723 724 8' 20' 817 35' 10' 819 5 IDEAS 923 THEATRE (60) 20' 424 524 623 326 20' 425 20' 525 20' 20' 20' 528 626 20' 627 725 726 727 728 T.F.H.C. 823 F 824 20' 827 826 40' 56' 20' 433 629 Photo Booth 731 22' 834 10' IAB EL #4 20' 20' 332 40' 24' 716 717 30' Café 8' 916 Retail Collective 10' 328 50' ADMINIS 16' 10' 20' (100) 40' 40' 8' 20' 20' 323 808 8' 10' T.F.H.C. 904 20' 510 20' 20' 20' 8' 20' 20' 20' Leave Access 123 FHC 10' 313 8' 506 20' 311 56' 20' 20' STORAGE 804 602 502 20' 206 307 THEATRE 3 702 15' 10' 104 15' EL #1 FHC 200 FHC 309 Show Office 10 0 C FH FH C EL #9 ES #5 ES #5a ES #6 20' 732 AMBER MAC 15' Freight Elevator 15' 30' FOOD DUDES FHC FHC FHC FHC FHC H SHOWTECH COPYRIGHT © 2010 Global Experience Specialists. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise - without the express written consent of Global Experience Specialists Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of all information contained on this floor plan. However, no warranties, either expressed or implied, are made with respect to this floor plan. If the location of building columns, utilities, or other architectural components of the facility is a consideration in the construction or usage of an exhibit, it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to physically inspect the facility to verify all dimensions and locations. 14 March 5-6, 2014 Confidential Property Of Global Experience Specialists N Dx3 Canada E W Metro Toronto Convention Centre - North Building - Level 300 Exhibit Hall C File: Dx314 Feb 03 14a.dwg Layout: Move-In Plotted: February 6, 2014, 4:06:49 PM By: Pirbhai, Nasera S Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 SECTION 19.2 MOVE-OUT SCHEDULE MOVE - OUT SCHEDULE Thursday, March 6th 4:30pm - 5pm EXIT STAIRS 203 Show Office EXIT STAIRS Thursday, March 6th 6pm - 11pm Thursday, March 6th 4:30pm - 6pm UP 20' UP 201 ES #15 ES #15a ES #16 300 15' 400 EXHIBITOR SERVICES 500 ENTRANCE 40' 101 10' 103 107 Acceleration Zone 302 106 15' 402 305 8' 306 20' 405 20' 8' 406 (160) 309 45' 410 310 20' 315 319 608 20' 20' 20' 709 415 316 416 20' 711 712 20' 325 THEATRE 2 (200) 417 320 616 8' 715 20' Innovation 30' Store 8' 718 620 719 720 423 Retail Collective 524 623 624 723 724 326 20' 425 20' 525 20' 20' 20' 528 626 20' 627 725 726 727 728 817 35' 10' 819 5 IDEAS 923 THEATRE (60) T.F.H.C. 823 F 824 20' 827 826 40' 56' 20' 433 629 Photo Booth 731 22' 834 10' IAB EL #4 20' 20' 332 40' 8' 20' 20' 424 916 24' 716 717 30' Café 419 324 328 50' ADMINIS 16' 10' 20' (100) 40' 40' 8' 5' 516 8' 20' 323 45' THEATRE 1 809 710 10' T.F.H.C. 808 8' 10' 20' 8' 510 Leave Access 123 706 805 20' 20' 318 STORAGE 509 20' 313 8' 606 20' 806 704 803 20' 10' 311 56' 506 20' 20' 20' 904 804 20' 20' STORAGE FHC 602 502 20' 206 307 THEATRE 3 702 15' 102 10' 104 15' EL #1 20' 732 AMBER MAC 15' Freight Elevator FHC 200 FHC 309 Show Office 10 0 C FH FH C EL #9 ES #5 ES #5a ES #6 15' 30' FOOD DUDES FHC FHC FHC FHC FHC H SHOWTECH COPYRIGHT © 2010 Global Experience Specialists. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise - without the express written consent of Global Experience Specialists Every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of all information contained on this floor plan. However, no warranties, either expressed or implied, are made with respect to this floor plan. If the location of building columns, utilities, or other architectural components of the facility is a consideration in the construction or usage of an exhibit, it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to physically inspect the facility to verify all dimensions and locations. Dx3 | March 5-6, 2014 March 5-6, 2014 Confidential Property Of Global Experience Specialists N Dx3 Canada E W Metro Toronto Convention Centre - North Building - Level 300 Exhibit Hall C File: Dx314 Feb 03 14a.dwg Layout: Move-Out Plotted: February 6, 2014, 4:06:59 PM By: Pirbhai, Nasera S 15
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