Shire of Dardanup Full Review Due: 2015 Last Updated - 26/08/2014 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY MANUAL INDEX SECTION DESCRIPTION COLOURED PAGES ON HARD COPY 1 EXECUTIVE 2 CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE YELLOW 3 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE GREEN 4 ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE BLUE Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 PINK SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE EXEC1 REFRESHMENTS C 1.5 EXEC2 ANNUAL LEAVE C 1.7 EXEC3 PURCHASED LEAVE – DEFERRED SALARY ARRANGEMENT C 1.9 EXEC4 COMMON SEAL – AFFIXING OF C 1.10 EXEC5 PASSING OF EX SHIRE COUNCILLORS C 1.11 EXEC6 REGIONAL COOPERATION C 1.12 EXEC7 HONORARY SHIRE FREEMAN STATUS C 1.15 EXEC8 DEFENCE RESERVIST LEAVE C 1.16 EXEC9 COST SHIFTING ASSESSMENT C 1.17 EXEC10 ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER A 2.1 EXEC11 PRIVATE USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES – PRINCIPAL COMPLIANCE OFFICERS A 2.9 EXEC12 PROVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES - COMPLIANCE OFFICER A 2.10 EXEC13 PRIVATE USE OF COUNCIL’S MOTOR VEHICLE BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER A 2.11 EXEC14 PRIVATE MOTOR VEHICLE USE – DIRECTORS & MANAGERS A 2.12 EXEC15 USE OF POOL VEHICLE A 2.13 EXEC16 STAFF UNIFORMS A 2.14 EXEC17 TRAVEL EXPENSES A 2.15 EXEC18 STAFF TRAINING TRAVEL COSTS A 2.16 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE EXEC19 VOLUNTARY WORKS/TASKS –EQUIPMENT A 2.17 EXEC20 COUNCIL CHAMBER TABLE, CHAIRS AND DESK A 2.18 EXEC21 CASUAL HIRERS LIABILITY COVER A 2.19 EXEC22 LONG SERVICE LEAVE A 2.24 EXEC23 TOURISM POLICY A 2.25 EXEC24 LEGAL REPRESENTATION - COSTS INDEMNIFICATION A 2.29 EXEC25 STAFF SEEKING SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT A 2.30 EXEC26 EMPLOYEE TELEPHONE PRIVATE RESIDENCE POLICY F 3.8 EXEC27 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF ELECTORS G 8.1 EXEC28 CHILD CARE FEES – ELECTED MEMBERS G 8.2 EXEC29 COMPLAINTS HANDLING G 8.4 EXEC30 DISTRIBUTION OF MINUTES OF COUNCILLORS G 8.8 EXEC31 PRE-EMPLOYMENT MEDICALS HR 11.1 EXEC32 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM [EAP] HR 11.2 EXEC33 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY HR 11.3 EXEC34 PRE-EMPLOYMENT POLICE CLEARANCES HR 11.4 EXEC35 STUDY LEAVE / STUDY ASSISTANCE HR 11.5 EXEC36 LOSS OF DRIVERS LICENCE HR 11.6 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE OLD POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION EXEC37 ALCOHOL, DRUGS WORKPLACE EXEC38 SEVERANCE PAY POLICY – SECTION 5.50 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 EXEC39 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT POLICY N/A EXEC40 CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN DEADLINE N/A EXEC41 USE OF COUNCIL CREST & SHIRE CORPORATE LOGO N/A EXEC42 RISK MANAGEMENT N/A EXEC43 CIVIC FUNCTIONS N/A Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 & ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE USE IN THE HR 11.7 HR 11.8 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE CORP1 USE OF CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) A 2.2 CORP2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT A 2.22 CORP3 USE OF CORPORATE CREDIT CARDS F 3.20 CORP4 EATON RECREATION CENTRE EMPLOYEE FINANCIAL INCENTIVE SCHEME A 2.27 CORP5 ELECTRONIC MAIL AND INTERNET USAGE. A 2.28 CORP6 RECORDS MANAGEMENT A 2.31 CORP7 SUNDRY DEBTORS – RECOVERY PROCEDURES F 3.2 CORP8 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS F 3.5 CORP9 PROCUREMENT POLICY F 3.6 CORP10 INVESTMENT POLICY F 3.9 CORP11 SELF SUPPORTING LOANS F 3.15 CORP12 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION – MAXIMUM PAYMENT F 3.17 CORP13 PROVISION FOR SUPPRESSING PROPERTY INFORMATION F 3.18 CORP14 SALE OF INFORMATION ON RECORD F 3.19 CORP15 MOBILE PHONE USAGE CORP16 SOCIAL MEDIA Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE DEV1 EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION C 1.3 DEV2 REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE TRAINING C 1.4 DEV3 LIQUOR LICENCE APPROVALS C 1.6 DEV4 COMMUNITY RECOGNITION & AUSTRALIA DAY CITIZENSHIP AWARDS G 8.10 DEV5 CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY PRESENTATIONS G 8.6 DEV6 FIREBREAKS – ENFORCEMENT A 2.4 DEV7 PROHIBITED BURNING TIMES G 8.5 DEV8 PROVISION OF FOOD/REFRESHMENTS AT FIRE SCENES A 2.7 DEV9 YOUTH POLICY A 2.26 DEV10 DONATIONS AND GRANTS F 3.3 DEV11 PHONE RENTAL COSTS – SHIRE BUSHFIRE TRAINING COORDINATOR F 3.4 DEV12 MAJOR COMMUNITY, SPORT &RECREATION FACILITY FUNDING F 3.11 DEV13 RECOUP OF RANGER CALL OUT FEES R 9.1 DEV14 TRESPASSING SHEEP ON COUNCIL LAND R 9.2 DEV15 DOG CONTROL – PROSECUTION C 1.2 DEV16 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES P 5.1 DEV17 MILLBRIDGE ESTATE – SPECIAL PROVISIONS P 5.2 DEV18 SUSTAINABILITY P 5.3 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE DEV19 DARDANUP WEST/CROOKED BROOK AREA -PROVISION OF FORESHORE FACILITIES DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION POLICY P 5.4 DEV20 LOCAL BIODIVERSITY P 5.5 DEV21 SEA CONTAINERS P 5.7 DEV22 EATON COMMERCIAL CENTRE DESIGN GUIDELINES P 5.8 DEV23 SECOND HAND RELOCATED AND TRANSPORTABLE DWELLINGS P 5.10 DEV24 DISPLAY HOMES P 5.11 DEV25 ANCILLARY ACCOMMODATION – SMALL HOLDING ZONES P 5.12 DEV26 VARIATIONS TO RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CODES – OUTBUILDINGS, PATIOS, PERGOLAS & CARPORTS P 5.13 DEV27 SOUTHBANK DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES P 5.15 DEV28 ACID SULFATE SOILS P 5.17 DEV29 CARAVANS AS TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION H 7.2 DEV30 HEALTH SURVEYOR’S GENERAL AUTHORITY H 7.3 DEV31 SEPTIC SYSTEMS – HENTY BROOK SUBDIVISION H 7.4 DEV32 WINERIES AND BREWERY DEVELOPMENTS H 7.5 DEV33 APPLICATION OF CLAUSE 3.4.1 – ‘GROUPED DWELLING REQUIREMENTS’ OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME NO.3 N/A DEV34 HERITAGE ADVISORY SERVICE - GUIDELINES N/A DEV35 DOG POLICY – APPLICATION TO KEEP MORE THAN TWO DOGS N/A DEV36 CAT POLICY – APPLICATION TO KEEP MORE THAN TWO CATS N/A Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE ENG1 PRIVATE BUS SHELTERS C 1.1 ENG2 BICYCLE CLUB EVENTS C 1.8 ENG3 TWO WAY RADIOS A 2.8 ENG4 COMMERCIAL USE OF HALLS A 2.20 ENG5 DARDANUP HALL HIRE BY DARDANUP SCHOOLS A 2.21 ENG6 HALL COMMITTEE LEVIES F 3.7 ENG7 VEHICLE ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSAL F 3.21 ENG8 HALL HIRE CONDITIONS B 4.4 ENG9 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT E 6.1 ENG10 CROSSOVERS IN TOWNSITES AND RURAL AREAS E 6.2 ENG11 CROSSOVERS – RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVISION ON NEW SUBDIVISIONS E 6.3 ENG12 PATHWAYS - PROVISION FOR AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY DEVELOPERS E 6.4 ENG13 DUST CONTROL E 6.5 ENG14 ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATES AND REPORTS E 6.6 ENG15 GRAVEL PIT REHABILITATION POLICY E 6.7 ENG16 FIRE CONTROL – COUNCIL EMPLOYEES E 6.8 ENG17 RESIDENTIAL ROAD VERGE POLICY E 6.9 ENG18 ROADSIDE VEGETATION E 6.10 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE ENG19 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PRIORITY E 6.11 ENG20 STORM WATER DISCHARGE FROM BUILDINGS E 6.12 ENG21 STREET TREES – PLANTING OF E 6.13 ENG22 CLEARING OF VEGETATION AS PART OF THE SUBDIVISION OF URBAN LAND E 6.14 ENG23 ROAD SIDE MARKERS E 6.15 ENG24 VERGE DEPOSIT POLICY E 6.16 ENG25 UPGRADE OF EXISTING ROADS – VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS BY ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS E 6.17 ENG26 TREES ON ROADS – RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE REMOVAL OF FALLEN TREES E 6.18 ENG27 SHIRE OF DARDANUP GUIDELINES FOR SUBDIVISIONAL DEVELOPMENT E 6.20 ENG28 NEW ROADS AND UPGRADES – PROVISION FOR AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY DEVELOPERS E 6.21 ENG29 UNIFORM FENCING ABUTTING PUBLIC LAND AND STREET LANDSCAPING WITHIN SUBDIVISIONS - MAINTENANCE E 6.22 ENG30 WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY H 7.6 ENG31 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH O 10.1 ENG32 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROCEDURAL MANUAL O 10.2 ENG33 WORKPLACE BULLYING O 10.3 ENG34 NAMING OF PARKS AND RESERVES G 8.7 ENG35 ROADSIDE BURNING – RURAL AREAS A 2.6 ENG36 ASSET MANAGEMENT N/A Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NEW POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION OLD POLICY REFERENCE ENG37 DRAFT DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE POLICY FOR FIXED SIGNS WITHIN ROAD RESERVES N/A ENG38 DRAFT DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE POLICY FOR PUBLIC EVENTS AND ACITIVITES – TEMPORARY SIGNS WITH ROAD RESERVES N/A Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC1 DESCRIPTION REFRESHMENTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 984/98 DATE 23/10/1998 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup is a progressive local authority that has established a role as a community and regional leader. The Council encourages senior employees (the CEO and Directors) to promote the shire as a place to live and do business. Many community members volunteer their time freely to contribute to the affairs of Council. Council and staff regularly engage in discussion and negotiation with business people that are investing or considering investing within the shire. OBJECTIVE : To be professional in offering refreshments following meetings to encourage interaction, the forming of networks and to express thanks to volunteers and to be hospitable toward visitors generally. POLICY : All Council and Senior Staff have free reasonable use of the refreshment facilities in the Council Chambers. Councillors have the authority to extend reasonable use of those facilities to members of the community provided the occasion is to the benefit of the Shire Community. The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to make reasonable use of these facilities at his/her discretion providing the function is of benefit to the Community. The following conditions apply: 1. Use of facilities and consumption of refreshments is not to be abused. 2. Use is not permitted for personal benefit. 3. Visitors and guests are not to be left in the premises alone at any time. 4. A staff member is to be the last to leave the premises and set the security system. 5. Where circumstances dictate that an elected member is the last to leave, they are to set the security system. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 6. The facilities are to be tidied up to the extent that empty bottles, plates, dishes and glasses are to be stacked within the kitchen. 7. The CEO is responsible under the Occupational Health and Safety Act for the duty of care of people using the facilities, the CEO may ask persons to leave or cease serving refreshments where he/she is concerned for their health, safety and welfare. PROCESS : Elected members, the CEO and Directors are to use their discretion when the facilities are used. Use should be avoided if there are other people using the meeting rooms at the time that guests are leaving meetings to avoid causing disruption and perception of unprofessional conduct. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 2.10 (Councillors) 5.41 (CEO) 5.44 (Employees) Code of Conduct DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC2 DESCRIPTION ANNUAL LEAVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 21/12/1990 PREAMBLE: : The role of the CEO is to manage the day to day operations of Council and to manage the employees. Annual leave approvals fall within these parameters, however, the deferral of leave beyond 8 weeks impacts upon the resources at Councils disposal, therefore the Council is to approve any deferral of leave greater than 8 weeks. OBJECTIVE : To ensure the Council is informed of accumulation of annual leave. POLICY : Annual Leave entitlements to employees may be accumulated up to 8 weeks. Requests beyond 8 weeks are to be referred to Council for consideration. PROCESS : The CEO is to receive applications for deferral of annual leave in writing from employees. The CEO is to advise the employees in writing of his/her decision. Applications to the CEO for greater than 8 weeks accumulation of Annual Leave are to be presented to Council for approval. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 5.41 (g) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC3 DESCRIPTION PURCHASED LEAVE – DEFERRED SALARY ARRANGEMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 77/10 DATE 24/03/2010 PREAMBLE: : This policy outlines a clear guideline for the effective administration and management of deferred salary arrangements. “Deferred Salary” is a self-funded year of leave for the fifth year of a 5 year arrangement. OBJECTIVE : In order to provide employees with greater work-life balance, this initiative has been adopted as an attraction and retention incentive for employees wishing to access one full paid year off following a four-year period receiving 80% of their regular salary. POLICY : The salary, as well as superannuation, is reduced over the four years to 80%, thus the fifth year is also paid at 80%. Eligible employees may apply for the scheme, therefore electing to receive, over a four-year period, 80% of the salary they would otherwise be entitled to receive. All permanent employees may apply for a deferred salary arrangement. Application must be made in writing on the approved Application for Deferred Salary Scheme Form. The request will be assessed by the employee’s Director. The Director (if supportive of the application) requests approval of the Chief Executive Officer. Leave Employees may take any form of paid leave during the four years of the deferred salary arrangement, without effect to their participation in the scheme. Periods of leave will also be paid at 80% of the regular salary. Employees cannot apply for any paid leave during the 5th year off, except for maternity leave or specific approvals of sick leave. Accruals No leave entitlements will accrue during the 5th year off. This includes sick leave, annual leave and long service leave. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Terminations If an employee ceases employment with the Shire during the term of the deferred salary arrangement, payment of accumulated funds will be paid in the final pay (termination pay). Withdrawal from the Arrangement An employee may withdraw from the arrangement prior to completion of the fourth year and the withdrawal must be given in the form of a written notice. The officer will receive a lump sum payment of salary forgone to that time, but will not be entitled to equivalent absence from duty. An early return from the approved period of absence may be approved in special circumstances, but a request for this must be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer. Overtime An employee on a deferred salary arrangement who works authorised overtime will be paid overtime rates based on their normal rate of salary, i.e. the rate of salary payable prior to any fortnightly deferred leave salary deductions being made. Workers Compensation Employees receiving workers’ compensation payments are not eligible to access a purchased leave agreement. Where an employee who is participating in the deferred salary scheme becomes entitled to workers’ compensation, the agreement should be suspended effective from the first day of the period of incapacity and remain suspended until the last day of incapacity. Outside Work An employee engaging in work outside the organisation during this period of leave, make it their own responsibility to ensure they are aware of the specific tax and superannuation implications. Other Formalities of the Arrangement • Deferred leave must be taken immediately completion of the 4 year service period. • Deferred leave will not constitute a break in service and will count as service for all purposes except for salary increments. • The employer will ensure that superannuation arrangements and taxation effects are fully explained to the employee. • The 12 months of deferred leave will be paid at 80% of the salary they were otherwise entitled to in the fourth year of deferment. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 after the SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : Applications are to be in the format required by the Chief Executive Officer and are subject to operational requirements and approval from the Chief Executive Officer. Each application will be assessed on its merits, by the employee’s Director. Each approved application will be held within payroll and will be administered accordingly, i.e., pay rate changes and entitlement calculations will all be overseen by the Payroll Officer. Approval decisions will give consideration to the personal circumstances of the employee seeking the arrangement, operational requirements, including impact on service delivery and capacity to find and fund a replacement. When applying for the deferred salary arrangement, an employee will need to nominate the period of participation (spanning 4 years) and also the expected 12 month extended leave period. A full and reasonable assessment of operational requirements should be conducted when considering any application. In cases of approved applications, the employee must be provided with confirmation in writing, including the proposed dates of the purchased leave to be taken and also the basis for calculating the applicable salary deductions and any other issues the parties may wish to include. Participants must complete four years recognised service within the agreement before taking paid deferred leave. Appointments and periods of leave not considered as deferred salary arrangement service include: • Special Leave without pay; • Unpaid Maternity Leave and Parental Leave; • Other forms of unpaid leave, such as study leave; • Temporary appointment or secondment to a position outside the Shire; These periods are considered non-participatory periods and will delay the commencement of the deferred leave by the length of the non-participatory period. (Employees will be paid their normal salary during non-participatory periods, ie. salary will not be subject to the 80% reduction of the deferred salary scheme.) PROCEDURE : Employees interested in entering into a Arrangement, should take the following steps: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Deferred Salary SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Read this document to learn about eligibility of their application, the administration and process once approval is granted. • Discuss any proposal to participate in the scheme with their direct Director. • Seek advice from employer regarding any impact the arrangement may have on their superannuation and taxation. • Seek advice from their Superannuation Fund, Australian Taxation Office and/or a financial adviser regarding any impact the arrangement may have on their individual circumstances. • Complete “Application for Deferred Salary Scheme Form” and submit to their Director for initial approval. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC4 DESCRIPTION COMMON SEAL – AFFIXING OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 23/05/1997 PREAMBLE: : Council Standing Orders 19.1 sets out the requirements for use of the Common Seal, this Policy and the Annual delegation of Authority enables the CEO and the Shire President to apply the Common Seal as and when required. OBJECTIVE : The Policy sets out the conditions that apply to the use of the Common Seal. POLICY : The Shire President and Chief Executive Officer are authorised, when the situation demands, to sign and affix the Common Seal of this Shire to documents, provided Council’s prior resolution has been made to enter into a contract or agreement, of any nature, which requires affixing of the Common Seal of the Shire. Details of when the Common Seal has been used are to be recorded in the Delegations Register, and reported as information to Council. PROCESS : Prior to the Common Seal being used Council is to have resolved to enter into a contract or agreement. The CEO is charged with the care of the Common Seal and is to apply the Common Seal to documents as agreed by Council in association with the Shire President. Details of when the Common Seal have been used are to be recorded in the Register, and a report for information made to the Council. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 5.42 Standing Orders 19.1 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC5 DESCRIPTION PASSING OF EX SHIRE COUNCILLORS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 323/98 DATE 27/03/1998 PREAMBLE: : As a sign of recognition and respect to past Councillors the Council wishes to acknowledge to the family of the deceased their respect and high regard for the deceased and to express openly these signs of honour and sympathy. OBJECTIVE : To be respectful toward the people that have committed many long hours of community service and to show the families that the people still remember the commitment made for the community by their loved ones. POLICY : On receiving advice that a past Councillor of the Shire of Dardanup has passed away, the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to fly the Shire Flag at half-mast on the day of the deceased person’s funeral as a sign of respect to the deceased and their family. On receiving advice that a past Councillor of the Shire of Dardanup, or his/her partner, has passed away, the Chief Executive Officer shall forward a sympathy card to the surviving partner and or family of the deceased on behalf of the Shire President, Councillors and Staff. PROCESS : Once the CEO receives notification that an ex Councillor is deceased he is to instigate the policy. HEAD OF POWER : A matter of Council policy in managing the affairs of the community, and in keeping with good government practices. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC6 DESCRIPTION REGIONAL COOPERATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION 059/00 UPDATE 673/98 DATE 09/02/2000 UPDATED - 07/07/1998 PREAMBLE: : Definition of Regional Cooperation: Regional Cooperation is defined as ‘The investigation, establishment, and/or maintenance of any scheme, development, project, plan or similar activity undertaken by the Shire of Dardanup in conjunction with any 2 or more local governments within the South West of the State. OBJECTIVE : To establish parameters as guide to staff and Council when drafting the annual budget. POLICY : That in the course of preparing its annual budget, Council shall consider participation in activities and projects of a regional nature incurring to a maximum expenditure by Council of no more that 3% of the years estimate of income from rates and that this policy specifically excludes items of expenditure in resource sharing of services that may be agreed to from time to time where Council’s involvement achieves a saving to ratepayers. PROCESS : As Council is supportive of regional cooperation and resource sharing, a budget guideline has been adopted to ensure that a minimum of funds are allocated so that projects that arise after the budget has been adopted can still be considered. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 6.2 (2) (a) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC7 DESCRIPTION HONORARY SHIRE FREEMAN STATUS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 177/05 DATE 24/05/2005 PREAMBLE: : Local Government is well placed within the community to recognise significant contributions made by community members toward the social, economic and environmental development of the community over a long period of time. A time honoured tradition for some local governments is to bestow the honour of Honorary Freeman upon worthwhile recipients. The award is in title only; no financial benefit is attached to the award. Recipients are however invited to annual dinners and other significant events that are sponsored by the local government. OBJECTIVE : To establish a policy to guide the Council in a prescribed process for the appointment of Honorary Freeman. POLICY : The following shall be taken into account when consideration is given to granting the honour of Honorary Freeman of the Shire:1. It shall not be restricted to Councillors. 2. It may be awarded to a Councillor in office where the Council considers that the criteria as described in Clause 5 has been met. 3. The length of service as a Councillor is not in itself a criterion. 4. Preference shall be given to a person who performs in a voluntary capacity, but this should not preclude the award to a person whose dedication and contribution is significantly above that expected from that occupation. 5. The contribution to the welfare of the community must involve one or more of the following factors:(a) Significant contribution to the person's time in serving members of the Community for the improvement of their welfare. (b) The promotion and attainment of Community services in which a real personal role and contribution is made. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL (c) PROCESS : Whilst difficult to define, the contribution must be outstanding in that it can be seen to stand above the contributions of most other persons. PROCEDURE 1. Initial Requirements 1.1 A Councillor should submit to the Council a proposal for a particular person to be made a Freeman of the Shire. This submission is to outline the voluntary service to the community and any other examples of "Community Spirit" to justify the honour. 1.2 The submission must bear in mind this Policy. 1.3 The proposing Councillor should recommendation to Council:- submit the following "1. That the person nominated at the Council be invited to accept the Office of Freeman of the Shire. 2. That if the Office is accepted then arrangements be commenced for bestowal of the honour at the appropriate ceremony and that a draft of arrangements be presented to the Council." 2. After Council Approval 2.1 Once approval by Council has been given, a special meeting of Council is approved for the presentation of the Honour of Freeman. 2.2 Normally up to three months is to be allowed for the preparation for the Special Meeting. During this period Council will prepare all the necessary requirements for the ceremony. 3. The Ceremony The order of business at the Special Meeting is as follows:ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL DATE • Shire President, welcome the Guests. • Special Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dardanup. • Bestowal of the Title of Honorary Freeman of the Shire of Dardanup. • Nominating Councillor to move the recommendation to confer upon the recipient the Title of Honorary Freeman of the Shire. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • The Motion to be seconded by a Councillor. • Resolution to affix the Common Seal and to sign the Certificate of "Freeman of the Shire". • Presentation Ceremony. • Response by recipient. • Meeting Close. • Shire President to lead the Guests to the Reception. HEAD OF POWER : None. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC8 DESCRIPTION DEFENCE RESERVIST LEAVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 318/05 DATE 25/08/2005 PREAMBLE: : It is recognised that the Australian Defence Reserves are an important part of our national defence strategy and that support to Defence Reserves is essential to their continued effectiveness. This Policy applies to all employees who are Reservists and undertake training and/or military service with the Australian Defence Forces. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that members of the Defence Reserve Service employed by the Organisation are able to access a reasonable amount of additional leave for that purpose. POLICY : Background 1. The Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 (the Act) provides that: • “Defence Service” means service in a part of the Reserves and includes training. • Reserve service may be continuous full-time defence service or other defence service (eg short periods of defence reserve service which may include training), and must not prejudicially affect employees’ entitlements or other conditions of employment. • The Act does not invoke any obligation on employers to pay the Reservists’ remuneration in respect of the civilian employment whilst absent on defence service or to provide make-up pay in circumstances where the Defence Force pay is lower than employees’ public sector pay. • Any entitlements relating to Reserve service (including training) and/or military service contained in industrial awards or agreements will continue to apply, subject to them satisfying the provisions of the Act. • There is no scope for employers to ask employees to limit the number of training courses per year or to take less reserve service leave as this is in breach of the Act. Section 17 of the Act draws no distinction between essential and non-essential training or service and specifically contemplates a reservist “volunteer(ing)” for service or training. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • There is no discretion under the Act for employers to refuse requests for reserve service or training leave, irrespective of inconvenience to the employer or the nonessential nature of the leave. Employers are only entitled to verify that the leave request relates to the actual reserve service or training. 2. Employer Support Payment Scheme In 2001, the Commonwealth Government introduced legislation to enhance and encourage Reserve personnel. One of the key features of the new Reserve legislation has been the introduction of the Employer Support Payment (ESP). This payment is available to employers who release Reservists for more than 2 weeks per year. The Scheme involves payment of an amount equivalent to the Average Weekly full-time Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE) as calculated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and is as recognition of the costs and/or disruption to employers caused as a consequence of releasing a reservists for a period of continuous Defence service. Service that is considered under the Employer Support Payment is: • • Ordinary Reserve Service, and Voluntary continuous full-time service, if the relevant Service Chief (that is the Chief of Navy, Army or Air Force) of their delegates have designated the service as protected service. Under the Scheme an employer is eligible to receive the ESP once a Reservist has completed 14 days continuous Reserve service in any financial year. The qualifying period can be undertaken as a single period or as multiple periods of continuous Defence service, as long as each period of continuous Defence service is a minimum of five consecutive days. Further details of the operation of the Australian Defence Force Reserves Employer Support Payment (ESP) Scheme can be obtained from the Defence Reserve Support Council on 1800 803 485 or their website PROCESS : 1. Employees applying for Defence Reservist Leave are required to provide evidence from the Defence Force of the extent of the leave requirement. 2. Employees wishing to take Defence Reservist Leave are to provide reasonable notification to the Organisation. Generally this should be three months prior to the period of leave required. 3. At the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, 4 weeks reservist leave paid leave may be granted to employees who are members of the Defence Forces Reserves for the purpose of participating in training camps, or equivalent continuous duty. Employees may elect to have leave without pay for Reservist exercises. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 4. Leave for Reservists is typically 4 weeks (20 working days or 28 calendar days) leave each year although an additional 2 weeks leave to allow for a Reservists’ attendance at recruit/initial employment training will be granted where required. 5. Where the Employer agrees to make payment for Defence Reservist Leave it will be paid on the basis of the difference between the employee’s normal weekly salary (calculated on the same basis as annual leave provisions) and the remuneration received from the Armed Services. Should the amount received from the Armed Services be greater than the normal weekly salary, no additional payments will be made by the Organisation. Superannuation contributions will be based on the employee’s normal weekly salary. 6. “Continuous full-time defence service” (excluding any time taken on annual or long service leave), will not count for annual leave or sick leave, as the employee’s contract is temporarily suspended. These entitlements will accrue with the relevant Defence Force during the period of service. For periods of defence service other than continuous full-time defence service, employees’ entitlements will continue to accrue with their employer. 7. Full time military service will count as service for long service leave purposes. 8. Unpaid Leave will be treated as leave without pay. 9. The period of military service will count as service for increment progression and increments falling due whilst the employee is absent should be processed as normal. 10. An employee’s contract is suspended whilst undertaking continuous fulltime defence service. In order to preserve employment entitlements, an employee must apply to resume duty as soon as reasonably practicable and not more than 30 days after the completion of the period of military service. 11. The Employer will keep Reservist employees who are undertaking peacetime training or deployment informed of critical developments in the workplace e.g. organisational change, salary related matters (enterprise or workplace agreement negotiations). HEAD OF POWER : Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC9 DESCRIPTION COST SHIFTING ASSESSMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 242/06 DATE 13/07/2006 PREAMBLE : Council having experienced considerable administration burdens associated with the additional functions being imposed upon local government by state and federal government have adopted the following policy to place government on notice that the Shire will not accept these impositions without additional resources being committed for ongoing funding. OBJECTIVE : To ensure the officers and elected members of the Council initiate this policy as a precursor to all discussions with government about new services to ensure government provides the resources to fully fund these services. POLICY : i) The Shire of Dardanup will not undertake any additional function/tasks until an independent analysis has been undertaken, at the cost of the Australian Government, State Government, Department or any other organisation involved in imposing these additional functions/tasks, to determine if additional resources are required to adequately cater for the additional functions/tasks being expected of the Shire. ii) If the outcome of the analysis is the Shire would need additional resources to undertake the additional functions/tasks then the Shire will perform these functions/tasks whilst such resources are available iii) In the event additional resources are not made available for the additional functions/tasks being requested of the Shire, the Shire will formally advise the relevant organisation(s) and all relevant parliamentarians that they cannot perform these functions/tasks. This advice is to state that in the event of any claim against the Shire, due to non-compliance with the requirement to perform the additional functions/tasks, the Shire will use as a defence the fact they informed the relevant individuals and organisations of their inability to comply due to adequate resources not accompanying the additional functions/tasks. PROCESS : On receipt of notice that a new task or function is to be passed on to the Shire of Dardanup the Chief Executive Officer is to advise the proponent of this policy. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The Chief Executive Officer is to advise the Council via the information bulletin of all approaches to Council requiring initiation of this policy. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 Section 2.7 The Role of Council. (1) The Council(a) directs and controls the local government’s affairs: and (b) is responsible for the performance of the local government’s functions. (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Council is to – (a) oversee the allocation of the local government’s finances and resources; and (b) determine the local government’s policies. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC10 DESCRIPTION ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER COUNCIL RESOLUTION 02/12 DATE 19/01/2012 PREAMBLE: : When the Chief Executive Officer takes annual or other Leave the Chief Executive Officer is to appoint one of the Directors as Acting Chief Executive Officer. OBJECTIVE : To enable the CEO to select the most appropriate officer at the time to be Acting CEO, taking into account the workload at the time and availability of the Director. If none of the Directors are available the Chief Executive Officer may appoint one of the Managers. POLICY : That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to appoint any of the Directors to be Acting Chief Executive Officer during the absence of the Chief Executive Officer on leave, the Directors are to be rotated at the Chief Executive Officer's discretion to encourage development of each Director’s leadership skills. The Shire President and Council is to be provided with prior notice of the appointment when possible, or as soon as practicable. In the event that the Chief Executive Officer cannot delegate the appointment of the Acting Chief Executive Officer position, the Council will authorise the appointment. In the event that no Directors are available the Chief Executive Officer may appoint one of the Managers. PROCESS : Appointment by the CEO or Council is to be in writing. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 5.36 and 5.42 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC11 DESCRIPTION PRIVATE USE OF MOTOR COMPLIANCE OFFICERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 130/13 DATE 15/05/2013 VEHICLES – PRINCIPAL PREAMBLE : In the circumstances where the Shire provides a vehicle for use by Principal Compliance Officers, the conditions that follow are to apply: OBJECTIVE : Provide guidance to Compliance Officers in their use and care of Council vehicles. POLICY : 1. The Chief Executive Officer shall assign the vehicle to the officer of Council to care for the vehicle after hours (The Caretaker). 2. The caretaker of the vehicle shall be responsible for keeping the vehicle in a clean and tidy state. 3. The caretaker is granted private use of the vehicle, inclusive of commuting rights to work from their usual place of residence (except if that residence is greater than 100 km from Shire of Dardanup) on the following conditions: a) A maximum of 7,500 km per year applies to private use exclusive of commuting; b) the officer is responsible for fuel costs where fuel is required during private use. c) the vehicle may be used during periods of annual leave and sick leave. 4. Council accepts responsibility for all repairs and/or maintenance during the leave, with the exception that if there is an accident that is the employee’s fault and Council’s insurer does not cover expenses the employee is responsible for those repairs. 5. The vehicle is only to be driven by the officer, other Council employees or Council members unless with specific approval of the Chief Executive Officer. The officer's partner may drive the vehicle after hours subject to the approval of the officer. 6. The caretaker is not to take the vehicle outside of Western Australia or above the 26th parallel. 7. During normal working hours the vehicle is to be available for employees of Council and elected members for business use. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 8. Where a dispute arises with respect to use of the vehicle the Chief Executive Officer is to intervene and the Chief Executive Officer’s decision is final. PROCESS : Compliance Officers assigned a vehicle as part of their employment benefit is to be provided with a copy of this policy with their employment package. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 15/05/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC12 DESCRIPTION PAYMENT IN LIEU PROVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES COMPLIANCE OFFICER COUNCIL RESOLUTION 130/13 DATE 15/05/2013 PREAMBLE: : Where in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer, a compliance officer requires a motor vehicle for the efficient discharge of their duties, a suitable vehicle will be provided for that officer and its use shall be in accordance with Policy EXEC15 "Use of Pool Vehicles". OBJECTIVE : In those circumstances where, although the Chief Executive Officer is of the opinion that a motor vehicle is required, and no vehicle can be provided, the officer shall, at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, be subject to an over-award payment of up to $7,500 by way of compensation. POLICY : The Chief Executive Officer will determine the amount of the overaward payment but will not exceed the amount stated in the objective above. Such over-award payment shall cease on a motor vehicle being provided. PROCESS : The Chief Executive Officer will consider the necessity to provide compliance officers with vehicles or over award payments on a case by case basis. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 15/05/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC13 DESCRIPTION PRIVATE USE OF COUNCIL’S MOTOR VEHICLE BY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER COUNCIL RESOLUTION 130/13 DATE 15/05/2013 PREAMBLE: : As a part of the CEO Contract of Employment a motor vehicle is provided for unlimited private use except for the exceptions listed below in this policy. OBJECTIVE : To make clear the use rights of the CEO’s use of the Shire vehicle. POLICY : In accordance with Section 5.3 and the Schedule, forming part of the Employment Contract signed by Council and the Chief Executive Officer, a motor vehicle is provided for the private use of the Officer, additional to business use which includes access by other employees. The terms and conditions in relation to private use of the vehicle are as follows: 1. The vehicle is available to the CEO at all times during the term of the contract. 2. All Fuel purchased for the vehicle during any period of annual, long service, and other leave, and also for private weekend use is to be the Officer’s responsibility. (The intent of the “weekend” condition is for fill-ups on long private weekend trips is to be at the Officer’s cost.) 3. Council accepts responsibility for all repairs and/or maintenance during the leave, with the exception that if there is an accident that is the employee’s fault and Council’s insurer does not cover expenses the employee is responsible for those repairs. 4. Prior Council approval in writing is required before the vehicle is taken outside the State, or north of the 26th parallel. 5. The vehicle to be driven only by the officer, other Council employees or Council members unless with specific prior approval of the Shire President. The Officer’s spouse and family may drive the vehicle after work hours subject to the approval of the Officer. 6. The Officer’s family members may drive the vehicle providing they are no longer probationary drivers, and the use is authorized by the Officer. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : This policy is self-evident and forms a part of the CEO’s Contract of Employment. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 5.39 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 15/05/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC14 DESCRIPTION PRIVATE MOTOR VEHICLE USE – DIRECTORS & MANAGERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 130/13 DATE 15/05/2013 PREAMBLE: : Directors and Managers receive as a benefit the private use of a motor vehicle. OBJECTIVE : To establish the rules that apply to the private use of the motor vehicles by Directors and Managers. This policy applies to all Director or Manager as appointed from time to time, who report directly to the Chief Executive Officer. POLICY : Where a motor vehicle is provided for a Director or Manager and the salary package negotiated includes the private use of a motor vehicle, the following conditions apply: 1. The vehicle is available to the Directors and Manager at all times during the period of employment. 2. All Fuel purchased for the vehicle during any period of annual, long service, and other leave, and also for private weekend use is to be the Officer’s responsibility. (The intent of the “weekend” condition is for fill-ups on long private weekend trips is to be at the Officer’s cost.) 3. Council accepts responsibility for all repairs and/or maintenance during the leave, with the exception that if there is an accident that is the employee’s fault and Council’s insurer does not cover expenses the employee is responsible for those repairs. 4. Prior Chief Executive Officer approval in writing is required to take the vehicle outside of the state or north of the 26th parallel. 5. The vehicle is only to be driven by the officer, other Council employees or Council members unless with specific written approval of the Chief Executive Officer. The officer’s partner or designated family member may drive the vehicle after work hours subject to the approval of the Officer and limited to a 200 km radius of the Shire of Dardanup. 6. The officer is responsible for the washing and cleaning of the vehicle, keeping the vehicle in a clean and tidy state as expected of an officer of Council having the privilege of a Shire vehicle. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : 7. The vehicle is to be available for use by other employees of Council during normal working hours, such use is to be authorised by the officer prior to use and will be approved unless the officer has an immediate need for the vehicle. 8. The officer is responsible for ensuring the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, and will ensure the vehicle is serviced as required and the tyres are maintained in a roadworthy state. Council accepts responsibility for all repairs and/or maintenance during the leave. 9. The officer is responsible to comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to the use and operation of motor vehicles. 10. The officer is to ensure that at all times the driver of the vehicle is known and identified and the officer takes full responsibility for any road traffic infringements when the driver cannot be identified as being responsible for any infringement relating to the vehicle. From time to time other officers of Council and family members drive the vehicle assigned the Directors and Manager, it is the officer’s responsibility to ensure only authorised people drive the vehicle. Fuel cards are provided from a fuel supplier. It is the Officer’s responsibility to ensure that all fuel is purchased lawfully with the fuel card and receipts and acknowledgements of those purchases are passed on to the creditors clerk as soon as possible. Whilst on annual leave, the officer is to keep records of fuel purchased for private use so that the record can be included in Councils Fringe Benefit Tax Returns. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 6.2, 6.5 Financial Regulations 1996. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 15/05/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC15 DESCRIPTION USE OF POOL VEHICLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 130/13 DATE 15/05/2013 PREAMBLE: : Council may purchase a vehicle to be designated as the pool vehicle, notwithstanding other vehicles owned by the Shire and in the care of other officers are also available for use by Council staff on Council business. OBJECTIVE : To establish the rules that apply to the use of the pool vehicle. POLICY : In the circumstances where the Shire purchases a vehicle for use as a pool vehicle the following conditions are to apply: 1. The Chief Executive Officer shall assign the vehicle to an officer of Council to care for the vehicle after hours (The Caretaker). 2. The caretaker of the vehicle shall be responsible for keeping the vehicle in a clean and tidy state. 3. The caretaker is granted occasional private use of the vehicle, inclusive of commuting rights to work from their usual place of residence (except if that residence is greater than 100km from Shire of Dardanup) on the following conditions: a) a maximum of 5,000km per year applies to private use exclusive of commuting; b) the officer is responsible for fuel costs where fuel is required during private use . 4. The pool vehicle is not available to the caretaker during leave of any nature, inclusive of annual leave, sick leave, long service leave and other leave as prescribed in the Local Government Industry Award 2010 (LGIA), inclusive of Workers Compensation; where that leave is of a duration of a period greater than 24 hours, in such circumstances the vehicle will be handed over to the Chief Executive Officer for continued use by Shire employees and/or Councillors. 5. Where the caretaker is on leave for any reason for a duration greater than 24 hours the Chief Executive Officer shall assign the vehicle to another officer. This policy shall also apply to that other officer. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 6. The caretaker is not to take the vehicle outside of Western Australia or above the 26th parallel. 7. During normal working hours the pool vehicle is to be available for employees of Council and elected members for business use. 8. Where a dispute arises with respect to use of the vehicle the Chief Executive Officer is to intervene, the Chief Executive Officer’s decision, including removing the vehicle from the caretakers care and assigning a new caretaker; is final. 9. The Chief Executive Officer is to assign the pool car to a caretaker, in writing, such advice to include a copy of this policy. Note: Occasional private use of the vehicle and commuting rights is recognised as a benefit for keeping the vehicle clean and tidy, the use of the vehicle is a privilege not a right. PROCESS : The CEO, if of the view that a pool vehicle is required, is to present a case to Council for consideration. If Council agrees to the purchase of the pool vehicle, this policy and others that are developed from time to time, as relevant, are to apply to the use of that vehicle. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995, 6.5 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 15/05/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC16 DESCRIPTION STAFF UNIFORMS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 350/99 DATE 23/06/99 PREAMBLE: : Council has adopted the Local Government Uniform as its corporate uniforms for the Administration officers (This contract is awarded by WA Local Government Association and is subject to review and change). This policy defines the conditions that apply to officers for Council to fund the purchase of uniforms. OBJECTIVE : To clarify the conditions that apply to the funding of the Shire of Dardanup uniform. POLICY : That unless otherwise negotiated in salary considerations or under contract, the following is Council policy to assist with the provision of recognised uniforms to staff members. PROCESS : a) That permanent officers be offered a maximum of $900.00 plus GST per annum in the first year of employment as Council contribution for an approved staff uniform. [Part time staff will be eligible for full time equivalent (FTE) pro-rata amount allowed.] b) In the second and subsequent years of employment as Council’s continuing contribution for an approved staff uniform an allowance will be made as per the adopted budget for that year for permanent officers. [Part time staff will be eligible for FTE pro-rata amount allowed.] c) Those officers claiming Council’s staff uniform contribution will be obliged to wear them for working purposes whilst in the employ of the Shire of Dardanup. d) A separate policy is in place for staff employed at the Eaton Recreation Centre, with the exception of the manager, who comes under this policy. At the time of appointment new officers are to be advised that subject to satisfactory completion of the 3 month probationary period an allowance will be provided to finance the purchase of the shire uniform. The officer, on receipt of the letter confirming permanency is to contact the Accounts Payable officer to arrange for uniform purchases. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The Accounts Payable Officer manages the acquisition, billing and all liaisons with the supplier. All costs over and above the allowance is invoiced to the relevant officer. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 2.7 (2) (b) 6.2 (2) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC17 DESCRIPTION TRAVEL EXPENSES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 058/00 DATE 09/02/2000 updated - PREAMBLE: : Council encourages staff to attend training courses and/or Council related meetings , but is mindful of the high cost associated with travel and accommodation. OBJECTIVE : To provide resources in a fair way that will enable more staff to attend training courses and/or meetings, whilst reimbursing staff for reasonable costs. POLICY : When an officer is required to be away from his/her normal residence for 1 or more nights, the following shall apply:Hotel/Motel Accommodation - shall be at the discretion of the Director, at the facility that is the most convenient, economical and of reasonable standard and quality. Payment shall be made direct to the facility by Council cheque or Council credit card if early payment is required. The employee shall be reimbursed for all reasonable out-of-pocket and meal expenses on production of receipts. Private Accommodation - A general allowance of $100 per overnight stay without production of evidence of expenditure to cover all expenses if electing to arrange private accommodation. Private Vehicle Use – Council staff may elect to use their own private vehicle however it is Council’s preference, where practicable, for staff to us the train service. If electing to use own private vehicle to travel to Perth, an allowance equivalent to a return train fare, Bunbury to Perth to Bunbury, to the total value of $75.00 will be paid for use of a private vehicle. A pro-rata equivalent of the cost of return train fare will be paid when travelling to destination other than Perth. In situations where there is no train service the shire may offer the person a shire car, however, if the course is over two days the impacts on the employee who has that car as a part of their package has to be considered. The employee going on the course alternatively can have their actual fuel costs covered, ie. Fill their car up before they leave and when they return, keeping receipts for reimbursement. If more fuel is needed while away receipts are to be kept for reimbursement purposes. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Where an employee is going to a meeting and wishes to do private business such as visit family and friends over a weekend, the Shire is not compelled to offer them a vehicle or fuel, however in the interests of fairness the $75.00 can be provided, or the fuelling up and keeping receipts for reimbursement, but a log book would also be needed if fuelling up is used as Council are not compelled to pay for people doing their private leisure travel. PROCESS : Approval for training courses is subject to: • The cost of the course, accommodation and travelling being provided for in the budget. • The Director of the department authorizing the employees’ attendance. • The Director authorizing the accommodation accommodation other than private is required. • Payment for reimbursement of expenses is subject to the employee providing receipts and a signing a payment claim with the creditors clerk. • Payment of the $100 per day to cover private accommodation and expenses is subject to the employee claiming the payment in writing, the claim is to provide full details of the course attended. where Staff are advised that they may have access to a pool vehicle, if one is available, to use to travel to courses in Perth or other locations. Where staff for personal reasons choose to use their own motor vehicle as a matter of convenience, the ‘Private Vehicle Use’ part of the policy applies. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 6.2 (2) Financial Regulations 1996 11 Local Government Industry Award 2010 (LGIA) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC18 DESCRIPTION STAFF TRAINING TRAVEL COSTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 399/00 DATE 26/07/00 PREAMBLE: : Council encourages staff to attend training courses, but is mindful of the high cost associated with travel, and the contribution staff make in travelling in their own time. OBJECTIVE : To encourage staff to attend training courses Council will recognize part of their travelling time. POLICY : Where staff attend training courses/meetings etc in Perth and its suburbs which assist in their professional development, Council will allow the accrual of “time off in lieu” for a maximum of two hours for travelling time at the penalty rate of time and a half, the remainder of the travelling time is considered to be the staff members contribution. PROCESS : Staff attending training courses in Perth are to record the travelling time on their time sheets to record the penalty due them as per the policy. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 2.7 (2) (b) Local Government Industry Award 2010 (LGIA) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC19 DESCRIPTION VOLUNTARY WORKS/TASKS -EQUIPMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 487/98 DATE 15/05/98 PREAMBLE: : Council is thankful for the work undertaken by volunteers on behalf of the community and wishes to encourage the continued support of volunteers. OBJECTIVE : To provide some security to volunteers in having them insured whilst doing volunteer work, and to show support by providing plant and equipment as required. POLICY : All voluntary organisations are required to provide the Chief Executive Officer a list of members and tasks to be undertaken to ensure that the members of the organisation are adequately covered by insurance when undertaking voluntary tasks and/or acts within the Shire of Dardanup. Works requiring registered or qualified tradespeople to undertake these works, must be carried out by the appropriately qualified and registered tradespeople. Delegation – Voluntary Workers/Tasks/Equipment THAT the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to approve, on behalf of Council, the list of members within an organisation and the tasks and/or acts to be undertaken by the organisation with respect to the above policy. The authority includes the use of Council plant and equipment as necessary or required, providing the volunteers have received training in the use of the plant or equipment PROCESS : The volunteer organization is to provide the list of volunteers and the details of works proposed to the CEO prior to the project commencing. The advice is to include start and finish dates. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 2.7 (2) (b) Local Government Insurance – Volunteer Risk DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC20 DESCRIPTION COUNCIL CHAMBERS DESK, CHAIRS, TABLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 698/98 DATE 24/07/98 PREAMBLE: : As Council resolved to move the main administration to Eaton, Council decided to place antique style boardroom tables and chairs in the Dardanup office. To assist with the financing of this venture the pieces were advertised for members of the community to pay a price to have ownership of a piece, with the furniture to stay in place until Council decided otherwise. OBJECTIVE : To secure the ownership details of the furniture at the Dardanup office meeting room. POLICY : PART ONE That the Jarrah Boardroom table, desk and 14 floral upholstered chairs be clearly identified as being donated by members of the community by a plaque fixed to the item. Each plaque to clearly state the name of the sponsor. PART TWO That the identified items of furniture remain in the Dardanup office of the Shire of Dardanup. PART THREE That if in the event that a future Council wishes to replace the identified Boardroom table, desk and chairs that the items be first offered to be handed over to the sponsor family as identified on the plaque. PROCESS : The names have been recorded on the furniture pieces and the details are recorded in the official contracts register held in the strong room at the Eaton Administration Centre. If Council resolves to replace the aforementioned furniture, the CEO is to write to the owners and advise them that the furniture held in their name is to be removed by them. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 2.7 (2) (b) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC21 DESCRIPTION CASUAL HIRERS LIABILITY INSURANCE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 571/98 DATE 12/06/98 PREAMBLE: : Local Government Insurance Services advise WA that the following situation exists with respect to hire of buildings/facilities to other parties. Unincorporated Bodies - As Council now has in place a ‘Casual Hirers Liability Policy’ the Council and the hirer are indemnified against bodily injury and/or property damage. Incorporated Bodies - The brokers advise that as these bodies are legal entities in their own right they are required to carry their own public liability insurance. This being so, It may well be the case that if the incorporated bodies do not have public liability cover then the Council could be subject to claims for damages and the following was made policy: - OBJECTIVE : To provide security for users of Council halls and facilities. POLICY : Insurance – Incorporated Bodies That any incorporated body that wishes to hire or use a Council facility must provide detail of insurance cover that will indemnify Council against any possible insurance claim as a result of that use or hire. Insurance – Unincorporated Bodies That any unincorporated body that wishes to hire or use a Council facility in excess of ten times per annum, must provide detail of insurance cover that will indemnify Council against any possible insurance claim as a result of that use or hire. PROCESS : Persons and groups wishing to hire Council halls and facilities are to make application to Council on the designated application form. Applications are to be assessed by the CEO and officers delegated by the CEO. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 2.7 (2) (b) Municipal Insurance Services DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC22 DESCRIPTION LONG SERVICE LEAVE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 22/10/2003 PREAMBLE: : Local Government Employees are entitled to 13 weeks long service leave after completion of ten years continuous service. Employees may wish to defer taking leave depending upon their individual circumstances. OBJECTIVE : To provide, by agreement between the Council and the employee, a process for the deferment of long service. POLICY : That approvals for deferment of Long Service Leave be subject to a minimum of one month being taken annually and deferment being for no more than two years. PROCESS : To defer long service leave the employee is to apply to the CEO in writing not more than 6 months before and no more than 6 months after the long service leave is due. The CEO is to refer the application to Council for approval. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government (Long Service Leave) Regulations 7 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC23 DESCRIPTION TOURISM POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 057/00 DATE 09/02/2000 updated - PREAMBLE: : This policy is to be read in conjunction with the document "An Overview of Activity and Strategic Opportunities for Tourism in the Shire of Dardanup. OBJECTIVE : a) To recognise tourism as a social and economic force and as a potential major employer within the Council’s area. b) To foster and create a community awareness of the benefits of tourism within the Council’s area. c) To promote the name "Ferguson Valley" as a marketing identifier and use of the Ferguson Valley Logos where appropriate. d) To ensure that Council will guide and influence the development of tourism in the Council area. e) To provide the basic facilities and infrastructure sufficient to encourage development. f) To ensure that facilities within the area are adequate to cater for visitors and residents. POLICY : GUIDELINES 1. Council will work closely with the South West Regional Tourism Commission, Western Australian Tourism Commission, Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions (Inc.) and other relevant Tourism and Government Departments, in all aspects of tourist development. 2. Council will endeavour to provide an adequate annual budget allocation for tourism expenditure. 3. Council will endeavour to assist (financially and by other means) tourist organisations or events which have the potential to develop tourism in the South West, subject to annual budget submissions. 4. In the formulations of its planning regulations, Council will have regard to the requirements of tourism development. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 5. Council, in its review of planning instruments, ie. Strategic Plans, Town Plans and Development Plans, will take into consideration policies on tourism and other leisure related issues. 6. In the preparation of local laws and regulations, Council will have regard to their impact on tourism and the balanced development of the Council’s area. 7. Council will encourage tourism product development and investment throughout the area and will facilitate the development application process. 8. Council will demand a high standard of design and aesthetics in all forms of tourist development. 19. Council will consider the welfare of the whole community when supporting tourism development and the provision of facilities. 10. When considering tourism developments, Council will consider the social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of the proposal within the area. 11. Council will ensure that where sensitive environmental historic or cultural areas exist, these areas will be adequately protected in relation to development or usage. 12. Council will support the provision of facilities sufficient to cater for destination and day trip visitors to appropriate areas within its boundaries. 13. Council will assist in seeking financial involvement from other sources wherever possible in the provision of tourist facilities. 14. Council will encourage the landscaping of residential and commercial centres within Council’s area. 15. Council will, where practicable support the establishment of National Parks, enhancement of specific natural features, conservation areas of outstanding beauty, and recognise items of heritage significance. PROCESS : Outlined within the policy. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 6.2 and Financial Regulations 1996 11. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC24 DESCRIPTION LEGAL REPRESENTATION - COSTS INDEMNIFICATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION 594/00 DATE 22/11/2000 PREAMBLE: : This policy is designed to protect the interests of Council members and employees (including past members and former employees) where they become involved in civil legal proceedings because of their official functions. In most situations the local government may assist the individual in meeting reasonable expenses and any liabilities incurred in relation to those proceedings. In each case it will be necessary to determine whether assistance with legal costs and other liabilities is justified for the good government of the district. This policy applies in that respect. OBJECTIVE : a) Any amount recovered by a member or employee in proceedings, whether for costs or damages, will be off set against any moneys paid or payable by the local government. b) Assistance will be withdrawn where the Council determines, upon legal advice, that a person has acted unreasonably, illegally, dishonestly, against the interests of the local government or otherwise in bad faith; or where information from the person is shown to have been false or misleading. c) POLICY : Where assistance is so withdrawn, the person who obtained financial support is to repay any moneys already provided. The local government may take action to recover any such moneys in a court of competent jurisdiction. General Principles a) The local government may provide financial assistance to members and employees in connection with the performance of their duties provided that the member or employee has acted reasonably and has not acted illegally, dishonestly, against the interests of the local government or otherwise in bad faith. b) The local government may provide such assistance in the following types of legal proceedings: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL i) proceedings brought by members and employees to enable them to carry out their local government functions (eg where a member or employee seeks a restraining order against a person using threatening behaviour); ii) proceedings brought against members or employees [this could be in relation to a decision of Council or an employee which aggrieves another person (eg refusing a development application) or where the conduct of a member or employee in carrying out his or her functions is considered detrimental to the person (eg defending defamation actions)]; and iii) c) statutory or other inquiries where representation of members or employees is justified. The local government will not support any defamation actions seeking the payment of damages for individual members or employees in regard to comments or criticisms levelled at their conduct in their respective roles. Members or employees are not precluded, however, from taking their own private action. Further, the local government may seek its own advice on any aspect relating to such comments and criticisms of relevance to it. d) The legal services the subject of assistance under this policy will usually be provided by the local government's solicitors. Where this is not appropriate for practical reasons or because of a conflict of interest then the service may be provided by other solicitors approved by the local government. 3.0 Applications for Financial Assistance a) Subject to item (e), decisions as to financial assistance under this policy are to be made by the Council. b) A member or employee requesting financial support for legal services under this policy is to make an application in writing, where possible in advance, to the Council providing full details of the circumstances of the matter and the legal services required. c) An application to the Council is to be accompanied by an assessment of the request and with a recommendation which has been prepared by, or on behalf of, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). d) A member or employee requesting financial support for legal services, or any other person who might have a financial interest in the matter, should take care to ensure compliance with the financial interest provisions of the Local Government Act 1995. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL e) Where there is a need for the provision of urgent legal services before an application can be considered by Council, the CEO may give an authorisation to the value of $5000 provided that the power to make such an authorisation has been delegated to the CEO in writing under section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995. f) Where it is the CEO who is seeking urgent financial support for legal services the Council shall deal with the application. 4.0 Repayment of Assistance a) Any amount recovered by a member or employee in proceedings, whether for costs or damages, will be off set against any moneys paid or payable by the local government. b) Assistance will be withdrawn where the Council determines, upon legal advice, that a person has acted unreasonably, illegally, dishonestly, against the interests of the local government or otherwise in bad faith; or where information from the person is shown to have been false or misleading. c) Where assistance is so withdrawn, the person who obtained financial support is to repay any moneys already provided. The local government may take action to recover any such moneys in a court of competent jurisdiction. PROCESS : Applications for financial support to the Council are to be accompanied by an assessment of the request along with a recommendation which has been prepared by, or on behalf of, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Local Government Act 1995 Financial Provisions, Section 5.42 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held - 11/03/2009 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC25 DESCRIPTION STAFF SEEKING SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 489/01 DATE 7/11/2001 PREAMBLE: : Staff wishing to engage in employment outside their official duties, must obtain prior permission from the Chief Executive Officer via the ‘Secondary Employment – Application Form’ prior to commencement of secondary employment. OBJECTIVE : To allow staff to make application for secondary employment which will not interfere with or prejudice their employment with Council. POLICY : Staff that are approved to engage in Secondary Employment by this Policy are to acknowledge that their first duty is to the Shire of Dardanup and they are not to be engaged in providing their service/expertise to clients that will require a decision of the Dardanup Shire Council either by a Council resolution, delegated authority or Council policy. • • • Staff shall not engage in secondary employment, which might be detrimental to their performance of official duties. Secondary employment should not affect their efficiency or performance; Should be wholly in the staff members private time; and If in the course of their official duties, they have access to confidential information not available to the public, they will not be permitted to engage in any secondary employment to which this information might be relevant. Should the Shire/management resolve to change the spread of hours of the officer then the Shire of Dardanup as principal employer takes priority. Secondary Employment Form Attached as Appendices PROCESS : Staff member is to complete the Secondary Employment – Application Form and submit it to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Appendices to Policy EXEC25:- SECONDARY EMPLOYEMENT – APPLICATION FORM This form is to be used as an Assessment Application for employees who undertake employment or businesslike activities outside their employment by the Shire of Dardanup. This may or may not involve remuneration. As you are aware, the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the employment, management, supervision and direction of all staff employed by the Shire. Approval by the Chief Executive Officer is required for employees to undertake activities of this nature. The Shire of Dardanup as your employer is entitled to your exclusive service during the usual hours associated with your employment. In addition, as a condition of employment, the Shire reserves the right to consider whether certain activities beyond your employment may impact upon the proper conduct of your duties and responsibilities. Staff that are approved to engage in Secondary Employment by this Policy are to acknowledge that their first duty is to the Shire of Dardanup and they are not to be engaged in providing their service/expertise to clients that will require a decision of the Dardanup Shire Council either by a Council resolution, delegated authority or Council policy. This form is for your self-assessment of any such activity you may be involved with, or may be proposing. You should complete the self-assessment (see reverse) and submit it to your Manager. Any approval may be conditional and subject to review should circumstances alter. Name: Manager: Secondary Position: Main Duties: (for more than one position complete a separate application) Location within Shire of Dardanup other Signed Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Location Date SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL SECONDARY EMPLOYEMENT APPLICANT’S ASSESSMENT FORM The purpose of this checklist is to help assess – Whether the activity will interfere with the officer’s prime employment with the Shire of Dardanup Whether there is any conflict or potential conflict between the officer’s duties and the proposed activity. The following questions are to be answered by ticking the appropriate box and then forwarding the form to your Manager. Question to Employee Is the activity in the field of: Profession Investments Similar to role with Council Other work Business Activity Entertainment Sport Arts Is the activity lawful? Is the activity a conflict of interest with your employment? Does it have a potential to create such a conflict? Does the activity require approval of other staff within the organisation? If yes; Once only Occasionally Regularly Will undertaking this activity be likely to create an adverse perception within the community? Will undertaking this activity place any potential liability on the Shire of Dardanup? Will the Shire continue to have your services as required? Will these other duties detract from your present duties? In carrying out these other duties will you be prepared to inform your superior if the situation changes? Employee Manager CEO Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Manager Y N Y N Y N Initials Note: If there are any other comments you wish to add to this application, please do so. These may include involvement in voluntary work, which may affect the community. Please attach extra pages if required. The Shire as your employer is entitled to your exclusive service during the usual hours associated with your employment. This approval may be subject to review should circumstances alter. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Approved : (Chief Executive Officer) Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Date: SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC26 DESCRIPTION EMPLOYEE TELEPHONE PRIVATE RESIDENCE POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 053/00 DATE 09/02/2000 updated - 15/05/98 PREAMBLE: : To ensure a continued high level of customer service and availability to electors of officers outside of normal office hours, Council meets the rental and a percentage of call charges for these specified officers. OBJECTIVE : The Shire of Dardanup recognises that officers of Council are required to make and receive telephone calls after hours. This policy identifies the Shire of Dardanup contribution toward the cost of installation, rental and call costs as it applies to various employee positions. POLICY : 1) INSTALLATION Where it is a requirement for an employee of the Shire of Dardanup to receive and make telephone calls after normal working hours, the cost of installation of one telephone service at their place of residence will be paid by the Council, this is a once only cost during the term of employment. Where an employee changes their place of residence whilst still an employee of Council, the cost of installing the telephone service at the new residence shall be at the employees cost. 2) RENTAL Where it is a requirement for an employee of the Shire of Dardanup to make and receive telephone calls after normal working hours, the cost of rental of one telephone service over the period is to be paid by Council, including linking to Telstra Message Bank. 3) CALLS Where this policy applies to employees of the Shire of Dardanup, the Council shall pay the following percentage of the cost of calls made, as they apply for the following positions: Position CEO Directors Principal Works Supervisor Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Percentage Paid 66.66% 66.66% 33.33% SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 4) CONTRACTS Where Council and the employee undertake to negotiate a contract of employment, the contract may incorporate an agreement between parties to the contract that differs from the Council in relation to telephones. 5) PAYMENT a) Telephone in the name of Shire of Dardanup Where the telephone is registered in the name of the Shire of Dardanup, the Council will pay telephone accounts in total by the due date and invoice the employee for their costs as per the policy. The invoice to include a copy of the itemised account from the service provider. b) Telephone in Employee Name In circumstances where the telephone is registered in the employee’s name, the employee is to pay the account by the due date and submit to Council a claim for the amounts to be paid by Council as per the policy, the claim to include a receipted copy of the itemised account. 6) MOBILE TELEPHONES Where the Council supplies a mobile telephone for the employees business use the Council will pay for all calls and associated costs. The Chief Executive Officer is to monitor mobile phone itemised accounts on a regular basis. Where it is evident that there is excessive personal use of the phone, the Chief Executive Officer is delegated authority to invoice the employee for the identified personal use at the Chief Executive Officer’s discretion and direct that the personal use be significantly reduced. PROCESS : The original telephone account must be presented by the officer for authorisation and reimbursement of rental charges and percentage of calls. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC27 DESCRIPTION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF ELECTORS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 055/00 DATE 09/02/2000 PREAMBLE: : In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, a general meeting of the electors of a district is to be held once every financial year. OBJECTIVE : The Annual General Meeting of Electors is to be held following an Ordinary Meeting of Council. POLICY : Annual General Meeting of Electors are to be held at the appropriate time coinciding with an Ordinary meeting of Council. PROCESS : The meeting is held within 56 days of the local government accepting its annual report for the previous financial year. The meeting is provided with copies of the annual report which includes the audited financial statement and audit report for the previous financial year, and minutes of the previous year’s meeting. Other matters to be discussed at the general electors meeting are to be those prescribed. Should the business of the Ordinary meeting of council being held prior to the Annual General Meeting of electors, not be completed by the advertised start time, the presiding member is to adjourn the Ordinary meeting to enable the annual meeting to commence on time, with the Ordinary meeting resuming following the close of the annual meeting. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 – Section 5.27 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC28 DESCRIPTION CHILD CARE FEES – ELECTED MEMBERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 327/07 DATE 08/11/2007 PREAMBLE: : Under the Local Government Act 1995, Councillors with children are allowed to claim professional child care fees, where meetings are scheduled that require their children to be put into child care so that they can attend a meeting. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that Councillors are not out of pocket by having to pay for professional child care so that they can attend a Council or committee meeting. POLICY : In accordance with the Local Government Act, 1995, Council allow for elected members to be reimbursed for child care costs incurred whilst they are in attendance at a Council meeting or a meeting of a Committee of which he/she is a member on the following basis: a) child carer not be close relative of the member, being for example husband, wife, grandparent; b) reimbursement to be only paid on production of a receipt of cost incurred; and c) maximum amount reimbursed is to be $20 per hour total. PROCESS : A Councillor can claim for child care as part of their quarterly fees, the receipt showing the fees paid for the Councillors children showing the date and if possible the time that they were in child care shall be attached to the quarterly return, the Councillor should note which meeting it refers too. The fees paid will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $20.00 per hour with the other fees claimed. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 – Section 5.98 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC29 DESCRIPTION COMPLAINTS HANDLING COUNCIL RESOLUTION 24/13 DATE 13/02/2013 PREAMBLE: : A formal complaints handling procedure has been implemented to ensure all complaints are treated with the same amount of respect and diligence, and that complainants receive prompt action and formal response. OBJECTIVE : To ensure the Shire of Dardanup continues to provide a high level of customer service, and in those instances where a complaint is received ensure it is acted upon and procedures put in place where possible to ensure that complaints of a similar nature do not reoccur. To establish a framework for how the Shire of Dardanup will respond to a customer who is dissatisfied with a process or service offered or provided by the Council. POLICY : The Council: • Welcomes complaints as a form of feedback that will ultimately identify service improvement opportunities. • Values integrity, responsible management, fairness and equity, and will continue to strive to maintain the highest standards in its dealing with its customers while meeting the needs of the community. • Is committed to identifying, investigating and where possible resolving complaints and grievances. • Recognises the importance of transparency in decision making and the need to provide a fair and objective procedure for the review of all decisions and service provisions. These principles are of utmost importance in the Council’s endeavours to retain the trust, confidence and support of its community. Customers have a right to expect that principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness, fairness impartiality and responsiveness will underpin Council service delivery. This policy does not apply to complaints involving the following issues: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Conflicts of interest - refer to Code of Conduct. • Code of Conduct complaints against an Elected Member – refer Code of Conduct for Elected Members. • Access to information - Freedom of Information (FOI). • Internal Council employee complaints. • Relate to a matter before a Court, Tribunal. This policy applies to complaints in relation to service provision and delivery received by Council from customers and any other external organisation or person. The Shire of Dardanup: • Views its management of complaints as an important component of continuously improving the service offered to customers. • Is committed to identifying, investigating and resolving issues whether these arise as service requests, suggestions or complaints. • Recognises the importance of transparency in decision making and the need to provide a fair and objective procedure for the resolution of all complaints. • In resolving ongoing customer concerns or complaints is conscious of not over committing resources and funds to the detriment of the community at large. • Is committed to tracking the progress of complaint handling within the organisation and reporting this on a regular basis. This Policy aims to ensure: • Improved customer service through consistent, effective management of complaints. • Complaints are resolved in a timely manner. o All complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days. o When a resolution cannot occur within 10 working days a response will be delivered to the customer outlining time frames set by the staff member responsible for resolving the complaint. • That the complainant understands what Council can and cannot do and, will and will not do. • That the Council’s limited resources are not utilised on malicious, frivolous, unreasonable, persistent or vexatious complaints. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • That the complainant is informed of the role of Elected Members in relation to decision making. • That Council will use its complaint received to assist with its continuous improvement across the organisation. • Complaints will be recorded in Councils Electronic Records and Document Management System to enable tracking and effective response. • Decision making processes in relation to complaints will be equitable, transparent and accountable. In line with its values, the Shire of Dardanup will provide a complaints handling procedure which: DEFINITIONS : • Demonstrates everyone will be treated with dignity and respect. • Ensures all of the community is listened to and will be dealt with equally. • Encourages staff to be positive and take responsibility for their role in the complaint handling process. For the purposes of this policy the following definitions apply: Shire of Dardanup – the organisation. Chief Executive Officer – refers to the Chief Executive Officer (including their delegate) of the Shire of Dardanup, or an Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Shire of Dardanup (including their delegate). Complaint is when a customer: • • • Expresses dissatisfaction with the Council’s decisions, policies, procedures, charges, employees, agents or the quality of the services it provides. Considers the Council has failed to act on a request for service within an accepted timeframe. Considers the conduct of a Staff member has been unsatisfactory. Complaint Resolution – a complaint is resolved when a customer is satisfied that the Council has made its best attempt to fix the problem. It is possible they may not be completely satisfied with the outcome but they are prepared to accept it and not to escalate the complaint any further. Customer - ratepayer, resident, visitor or business. Frivolous – a complaint that lacks substance or merit. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Malicious – someone who is motivated by wrongful, vicious, or mischievous purposes. Persistent – Someone who is refusing to give up or let go and/or is obstinate and/or insistently repetitive or continuous Request for Information – when Council receives a request for information regarding services. Request for Service – a customer requests the provision of service or for some action to be taken to address a problem, or a request for a change to the way the Shire of Dardanup delivers a service. If a service is not dealt with appropriately it may then become a complaint. Review of a Council Decision – when a customer seeks a review of a decision made by the Council, an employee of the Council or persons acting on behalf of the Council. These are dealt with in Council’s “Internal Review of Council Decisions Policy” Unreasonable complainant conduct – unreasonable conduct by complainants, which goes beyond normal situational stress associated with the complainant behaviour. Unreasonable complaint conduct is discussed in greater detail within this Policy. Vexatious – when a complaint is considered to harass, annoy, delay or cause detriment or trouble. A complaint can also be considered vexatious where the complaint is without foundations and cannot possibly succeed, or where the complaint lacks reasonable grounds for lodging the complaint, or possesses insufficient direct interest in the issue complained about. PROCESS : Lodging Complaints Complaints may be lodged with Council in the following ways: • In writing including by letter, email, facsimile or via web On receiving a complaint staff must distinguish between a request for service, complaint or formal review of a decision. Where a customer is requesting a service and there is no prior indication of failure to provide that service to the customer, the request will be managed via the Council’s customer request process. Where a complaint is lodged with an Elected Member the member should direct the complaint in the first instance to the Chief Executive Officer. Anonymous Complaints If the complaint is anonymous the complaint will be dealt with in a similar manner to any other complaint. If the matter is not considered serious or there is insufficient information in the complaint to enable the investigation to be Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL conducted, the complaint may not be investigated, nor will we be able to advise the complainant of the outcome. Recording of Complaints All complaints will be recorded and managed in Council’s Electronic Records Management system. Procedures will be developed to provide guidance to staff to ensure that these records can be tracked and that all similar types of complaints are dealt with in a consistent manner. Once a complaint has been lodged, the Council will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and the complainant will be notified of the appropriate time frame within which an investigation will be undertaken and a determination made to resolve the complaint. Confidentiality Council will ensure that confidentiality is maintained where appropriate and care will be taken to ensure that the complainant will not experience any form of victimisation or retribution as a result of the complaint. Where the complaint relates to the conduct or behaviour of an individual staff member this will be handled by the relevant Director and will be dealt with in accordance with the Shire of Dardanup Code of Conduct. Grievances that relate to an individual Councillor will be handled by the Chief Executive Officer and will be dealt with in accordance of the Shire of Dardanup Code of Conduct. Formal Complaints of a Serious Nature All formal complaints alleging maladministration, serious and substantial waste of public money, corrupt conduct or pecuniary interest are to be referred directly to the CEO. The Chief Executive Officer will refer such complaints to the appropriate office. Unreasonable Complaints Occasionally complainants may not accept Council’s determination or response to their complaint and engage in unreasonable complainant conduct. This conduct is defined as: • Using unreasonable persistence by persisting with a complaint even though it has been comprehensively considered by the Council, and even where all avenues of internal review have been exhausted by showing an inability to accept the final decision. • Using unreasonable demands by insisting on outcomes that are unattainable, (e.g. demanding outcomes that are beyond a Council’s power to deliver, demanding unreasonable outcomes, wanting to turn back time, unreasonable prosecution of individuals). By insisting on a Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL ‘moral’ outcome, (e.g. Justice in the community interest, when really a personal interest is at stake) and demanding an apology and/or compensation when no reasonable basis for expecting such an outcome exists. • Using unreasonable lack of cooperation by presenting a large quantity of information which is not organised, sorted, classified or summarised, where the complainant is clearly capable of doing this. By displaying unhelpful behaviours, (e.g. withholding information, dishonesty, misquoting others, swamping Council with documents). • Using unreasonable arguments by holding irrational beliefs, holding what is clearly a conspiracy theory unsupported by any evidence. By insisting that a particular solution is the only correct one in the face of valid contrary or alternative arguments. • Using unreasonable behaviours by displaying confrontational behaviour, including rudeness, aggression, threats by phone calls, in person or via letters/emails. • Where the complaint is about something that is beyond Council’s jurisdiction or outside of Council’s control. Managing Malicious, Frivolous, Persistent and Vexatious Complaints All complaints received by Council will be treated with the utmost seriousness. If following investigation, the Chief Executive Officer determines a complainant to be malicious, frivolous, unreasonable, persistent or vexatious, Council will take into consideration the following action: • Such a determination must take into account any previously similar complaints from the complainant, the response and outcome to the previous complaints, the resources required to address the complaint to ensure that it is not an unreasonable diversion of public resources and that the principles of equity and procedural fairness have been taken into account. • A decision to take no further action on the complaint will be made by a Director or the CEO, and the complainant will be informed in writing that no evidence was found to support the allegations or the allegations have been previously addressed. • Council has determined that the complainants conduct is unreasonable and Council refuses to communicate with the complainant further on the matter. • A decision to take no further action on the complaint may be made by a Director or the Chief Executive Officer and the complainant will be informed in writing. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Limiting Contact Between the Council and members of the public The Council is entitled to expect that members of the public who have a complaint will behave in an acceptable manner. In certain circumstances it is appropriate and legitimate for the Council to place limits on the type of services that will be made available to complainants whose behaviour goes beyond acceptable limits. The Council may impose limits on the times and days that correspondence be accepted from a complainant, or may request all complaints and communications be provided in writing. Where limitations on contact with a complainant are imposed, the Council will inform the complainant in writing, specifying the limits, and the reasons for their impositions. Before imposing the limits Council may try alternatives, such as determining whether a different and more senior office is able to deal with the complainant. Imposing limitations may also be appropriate where a complainant continually includes substantial inappropriate, offensive, threatening or abusive content in their complaint and communication. The Council is aware of the legitimate right of members of the public to access Council information under the Freedom of Information Act 1991. Any limits will not impede these statutory rights. Not replying to Correspondence Where following an appropriate written response to a complainant, the Council receives further complaints that detail the same or substantially similar matters to those received previously, the Staff or Elected Member is entitled to inform the complainant that the Council will not provide a substantive response to the current matter, or similar complaints. This approach provides the complainant with the opportunity to reframe the complaint if the similarities were unintentional. Terminating Phone Calls In some instances it may be appropriate for Staff or elected Member to inform the complainant that they will no longer deal with their complaints over the telephone, and terminate the call. This will only be done in exceptional circumstances. Where a complainant repeatedly telephones a Staff or Elected Member, or employs insulting, threatening or abusive language, they will be asked to limit their communications to written correspondence with a nominated senior officer. This will be communicated to the complainant in writing. Limiting Face to Face Contact Where a complainant is making the same or a substantially similar complaint to numerous Staff or Elected Members in person, it is Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL appropriate for Council to nominate a particular officer to deal with the complaints. The Council will notify the complainant in writing of the name and contact details of the officer who will respond to complaints, and specify that no other officer will respond to complaints made by the complainant. Declining to Further Investigate Complaints Where: • A thorough examination of a complaint has occurred. • The complainant remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaint and demands further review. Council will consider placing limits on further communications with the complainant. This action will only be taken as a last resort with the decision taken by the Chief Executive Officer or his representative after all other avenues have been exhausted, and where the complainant is making unacceptable demands on the Council’s complaint handling process. Limits could include: • Declining to respond to any further communications unless they are in writing. • Informing the complainant that any further complaints will be filed by the Council with or without acknowledgement unless it includes significant new information or new issues which in the opinion of Council warrant action. • Informing the complainant that the complaint will be referred to the Ombudsman (or other external agency) for action. If it appears to the Council that the complainant is deliberately providing information in a selective manner, the Council will request the complainant to immediately pass on all relevant information to the Council. The Council may advise the complainant that if further material is provided, the Council will require satisfactory explanation as to why it was not provided earlier, before it will give consideration to the material. Seeking Legal Advice In some instances it may be appropriate for staff to seek legal advice with respect to the implications of a suspected malicious, frivolous, unreasonable, persistent or vexatious complaint. A decision to seek legal advice will be taken by the Chief Executive Officer or his representative. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Where a complaint relates to a particular member of Staff, consideration will be given to making advice available to the employee on request. Where a particular member of Staff or Elected Member of the Council believes that a complaint may have impugned their professional reputation, they may seek their own legal advice in relation to what private action that may take. Supporting Staff and Elected Members The Council has certain obligations under Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare legislation to provide a safe working environment. Council is mindful of the stress that dealing with difficult complainants can place on Staff and Elected Members. Management will always provide support to junior Staff when dealing with difficult complainants, and ensure appropriate customer service policies are in place. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 13/02/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC30 DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION OF COUNCILLORS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 073/98 DATE 23/01/1998 AGENDAS AND MINUTES TO PREAMBLE: : Formalise procedures for the timely delivery of Agenda’s and Minutes to Councillors. OBJECTIVE : To ensure Councillors receive copies of Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes and Agenda’s as soon as they ready, so as to ensure that Councillors have the most up to date information. POLICY : i) Ordinary Council meeting, Minutes of all Council meetings are to be mailed or delivered to elected members as soon as they have been prepared and cleared by the Chief Executive Officer. ii) The Agenda for subsequent meetings not include a copy of the previous meeting’s minutes, having previously been forwarded. iii) Elected members be responsible for bringing the minutes of the previous meeting with them to the meeting at which they are to be confirmed. iv) Once the Minutes have been have been completed and distributed to Councillors, a copy is to be posted on Councils website. PROCESS : Minutes and Agendas of all Council meetings are to be mailed or delivered to elected members as soon as they have been prepared and cleared by the Chief Executive Officer no later than Friday prior to the next Council meeting. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC31 DESCRIPTION PRE-EMPLOYMENT MEDICALS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 331/04 DATE 24/08/2004 PREAMBLE: : Prospective employees that will carry out duties of a sedentary nature will not be required to undertake a pre-employment medical, but will fill be required to fill out a Medical Declaration Form. Prospective employees that will carry out duties that are of a nonsedentary nature will be required to undertake a pre-employment medical to ensure they are physically able to perform the duties that they are to undertake. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that persons being considered for employment at the Shire of Dardanup are physically able to perform the duties of the position and that due diligence and a duty of care has been exercised when employing personnel. POLICY : All offers of employment, whether permanent, temporary or casual, with the Shire of Dardanup, will be subject to the applicant satisfactorily completing a Medical Declaration Form Or a preemployment Medical Examination conducted [wherever reasonably possible] by Councils nominated medical practitioner. PROCESS : The Chief Executive Officer will identify if the prospective employee’s position is of a sedentary or non-sedentary nature. SEDENTARY POSITIONS 1. The preferred candidate will be requested to complete a Medical Declaration Form detailing their medical fitness. The form require the employee to disclose any injury, illness or disability that is likely to prevent them from carrying out the duties of the position. 2. Completed Medical Declaration Forms to be reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer. If the employee records an injury or illness that may put them at risk, the Chief Executive Officer may direct the prospective employee to have a Preemployment medical carried out in line with requirements of Non Sedentary positions. NON SEDENTARY POSITIONS 1. The preferred candidate will be requested to complete a Pre-Employment Medical Examination with a registered Medical Practitioner of the Shire of Dardanup’s choice. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2. Such examination will be carried out at the Shire’s expense, by Council’s preferred supplier for Pre-Employment Medical Examinations, however, an alternative doctor or surgery may be nominated by the Shire of Dardanup. Prospective employees can make application to have their preemployment medical carried out by their own General Practitioner if required. 3. Human Resources will provide the medical practitioner with: • a copy of the Position Description to assist the medical assessment of the applicant’s physical capabilities in relation to the physical requirements of the position; • a Pre-Placement Medical Report Form, which includes medical history details provided by the applicant; • Instructions to return the medical report and account to the Chief Executive Officer. 4. If, in the opinion of the medical practitioner, the applicant is considered fit for employment, and all other selection processes have been satisfactorily completed, Chief Executive Officer will continue with the formal offer of employment to the applicant in accordance with established procedure. 5. If, in the opinion of the medical practitioner, the applicant is considered to be unfit, the Chief Executive Officer will notify the applicant verbally and in writing that, based on medical opinion, the formal offer of employment has been withdrawn and the applicant has the option to: 6. 7. (a) obtain full details of the examination through their own medical practitioner; and/or (b) make application to Council’s Freedom of Information Officer to obtain specific details of why he/she is considered unfit. An applicant will only be rejected on physical or medical grounds if: (a) the applicant is certified by a medical practitioner as being unfit to perform the direct tasks required of the position; and (b) the applicant is physically unable to perform the tasks required of the position; and (c) the tasks cannot easily be modified so that they can be performed. Having a disability or an existing ailment is not grounds for not employing a person where it does not prevent them from performing the required duties. However, care should be Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL taken to: 8. (a) seek medical opinion as to whether an existing ailment might be worsened by undertaking the position; (b) determine whether there is unreasonable risk of injury, either to the person or to others; and/or (c) determine whether it is unreasonably difficult to provide special facilities for the person to be able to work. Consistent with the provisions of clause 7, where any doubt is raised about offering employment to a person with a disability, the matter will be referred to the Equal Opportunity Officer who will initiate discussions with the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity and assess any legal implications. HEAD OF POWER : Council Policy DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC32 DESCRIPTION EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM [EAP] COUNCIL RESOLUTION 67/04 DATE 09/03/2004 PREAMBLE: : To assist in the identification and resolution of productivity problems associated with employees impaired by personal concerns including health, marital, family, financial, alcohol/drug, emotional, stress and any other problems that adversely affect job performance. OBJECTIVE : To identify and resolve people issues. To identify work performance concerns. To assist people in coping with organisational and personal change. To make available confidential counselling to employees who experience personal or work related problems such as family crisis, emotional distress or any other difficulty. To make available crisis/critical incident counselling. POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup seeks to strike a balance between work performance, privacy and the concern of the individual. The Shire has no wish to intrude into the private lives of staff. However, the Shire has a responsibility to take action if problems of a personal nature are adversely effecting work performance, putting other employees at risk; or bring the Shire into disrepute. PROCESS : Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are designed to assist employees with personal and work related problems. The Shire of Dardanup recognises that an employee’s wellbeing significantly impacts on the work environment. Counselling services can assist with problems such as interpersonal conflict, work related problems, relationships and family issues, emotional stress, financial difficulties, career issues, grief and alcohol/drug related problems. Eligibility The Employee Assistance Program is available to Permanent full time and part time staff only. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Procedure Employees may be referred by Chief Executive Officer, Human Resource Officer, Occupational Health & Safety Officer, Equal Opportunity Officers, their Supervisor, or by self-referral to appropriate outside counselling and support facilities. An information booklet will be provided to staff wishing to participate in the Employee Assistance Program, that outlines the services offered and relevant contact numbers to make a booking. Employees can make bookings personally or request the assistance of the above mentioned Officers. Leave Provisions At the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, paid time off during work hours may be allowed to an employee to attend the Employee Assistance Program up to a maximum of 5 working hours over a 12 month period. Confidentiality A vital feature of the program is the high level of confidentiality and the respect for the employee’s privacy. Information on all referrals under the Program will be in strict confidence. Confidentiality means that the Shire of Dardanup will not receive any information from the program or any of its counsellors concerning the employee's problem, other than contact in order to arrange for payment of the consultations. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC33 DESCRIPTION EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 380/03 DATE 07/10/2003 PREAMBLE: : The WA Equal Opportunity Act 1984, requires all local government authorities to prepare and implement an Equal Opportunity Management Plan in order to achieve the objects of the Act. OBJECTIVE : To set out procedures through which the Shire of Dardanup achieves compliance with Equal Opportunity Legislation POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup recognises its legal obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984, and will actively promote equal employment opportunity based solely on merit to ensure that discrimination does not occur on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, race, impairment, age, religious or political convictions, family responsibilities and family status or gender history and sexual orientation, as follows: PROCESS : 1. All employment training will be directed towards providing equal opportunity to all employees provided their relevant experience, skills and ability meet the minimum requirements of such training. 2. All promotional policies and opportunities will be directed towards providing equal opportunity to all employees provided their relevant experience, skills and ability to meet the minimum requirements for such promotion. 3. All offers of employment will be directed towards providing equal opportunity to prospective employees provided their relevant experience, skills and ability meet the minimum requirements of engagement. 4. The Shire of Dardanup will not tolerate harassment within its workplace. Harassment is defined as any unwelcome, offensive action or remark concerning a person's race, colour, age, language, ethnicity, political or religious convictions, sex, marital status, impairment or other unwarranted comment. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : • • • • • DATE REVIEWED : The WA Equal Opportunity Act 1984 The Racial Discrimination Act (Cth) 1976 The Sex Discrimination Act (Cth) 1984 The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act (Cth) 1987 The Disability Discrimination Act (Cth) 1992 Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC34 DESCRIPTION PRE-EMPLOYMENT POLICE CLEARANCES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 386/04 DATE 28/09/2004 PREAMBLE: : The assessment of an applicant's suitability for employment or volunteer work with the Shire of Dardanup includes consideration of any police record, which may make the person unsuitable for the position. OBJECTIVE : To provide appropriate levels of risk management in the recruitment process to minimize the risk of employing people with prior criminal convictions in areas relevant to their employment. POLICY : The Council believes that all organisations providing services to youth, children, the disabled and the elderly have a responsibility to ensure that the rights of program participants and users are adequately protected and that activities are conducted in a safe and healthy environment. The requirement to undergo a Police Clearance will be indicated on the Position Descriptions of relevant positions and will also be included in the Selection Criteria. Employees appointed as casuals will be required to have their Police Clearances updated on a regular basis and as considered necessary by the relevant Director, in particular for casual staff employed on Local Government operated/sponsored programs for youth, children, the disabled and the elderly. The cost of obtaining the Police Clearance will be borne by the Local Government. The Shire of Dardanup requires Pre-employment Police Clearances to be carried out on prospective candidates to be in positions that: PROCESS : • Directly deal with children, the elderly or disabled persons; • Employees that deal directly with money; and • All employees that have access to firearms. • Any other position that the Chief Executive Officer identifies that may be an area of risk. Police Clearances are conducted by the Western Australian Police Service and provide details of information recorded against an individual from State and Federal Police records, including all criminal offences and any outstanding warrants. Documentation does not include spent convictions for the purposes of the Spent Convictions Act 1988. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Only individuals are able to obtain their own police records, hence the applicant will be required to obtain the relevant documentation and provide it to the Shire. The following process is to be followed: 1. Prior to commencement of employment or voluntary work, the applicant will be required to produce a Police Clearance. 2. Police Clearance information shall only be accessible to the Chief Executive Officer, relevant Director and Human Resource Officer. 3. Police Clearance information on employees will be stored on a restricted personnel file and will remain confidential. 4. The need to undergo a Police Clearance will be stated in the position description and recruitment documentation and at interview so that prospective employees are aware of the Council’s policy on Police Clearances. 5. Key selection criteria for relevant positions will include the criteria “Applicant consents to undergo a Police Clearance Check at the expense of the Shire of Dardanup to demonstrate the absence of a relevant criminal history.” 7. If an applicant refuses to consent to a Police Clearance, staff will then document that the applicant did not demonstrate that he/she possessed the essential selection criteria for the position. 8. All decisions on Police Clearances must be timely and should not cause undue delay in the overall selection process. 9. An applicant who is denied employment or a volunteer position because of a criminal offence history will be given the opportunity to discuss the history with relevant Director/Manager. Assessment of Criminal Histories 1. An applicant should not be automatically precluded from a position with the Organisation on the basis of having a criminal record, although certain convictions will deem the applicant unable to meet the selection criteria. Examples would include a history of sex offences if the position were responsible for children and matters of theft if the position involved contact with the disabled or handling cash. 2. When considering prospective employees and volunteers with criminal histories, important factors to consider are: • Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 The nature of the offence and the relationship of the offence to the particular position for which the applicant is being considered. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • The length of time since the offence took place. • The number of offences committed. An accumulation of individual minor offences may be sufficient to warrant rejection. The question to be decided is whether or not the offences are considered to establish a pattern or behaviours, which renders the applicant unsuitable for employment. • Severity of punishment imposed. • Mitigating or extenuating circumstances, which might be revealed in relation to the offence(s), committed. These could include provocation, age of applicant at the time of offence(s), and the circumstances in which the offence was committed. Mitigating circumstances, however, may not necessarily always be in favour of the applicant. • General character since the offence was committed. Relevant factors would include whether the person is currently employed and, if so, referee reports on his/her performance, other referee reports, steady employment record and favourable reports by past employers. • Whether the offence is still a crime. The ‘offence’ may have now been decriminalised. The final decision on whether to employ or not employ a prospective employee with a police record, lays with the Chief Executive Officer. A decision not to employ or place an applicant with the Shire of Dardanup because of a National Police Records Check result and the rationale for the decision must be communicated to the applicant by the Chief Executive Officer. A person denied employment or placement with the Shire of Dardanup because of a National Police Records Check is to be provided with the opportunity to discuss the results and the rationale for the decision. If the person believes that a significant injustice has occurred, the Chief Executive Officer may review the decision in the first instance, and the person may seek review through the State Ombudsman, or the Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. HEAD OF POWER : Council Policy DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC35 DESCRIPTION STUDY LEAVE / STUDY ASSISTANCE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 91/13 DATE 17/04/2013 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup is supportive of granting Study Leave and or reimbursing Study Expenses, for permanent full time or part time employees who are undertaking studies relevant to their Shire of Dardanup role and responsibilities, from a recognised Australian, or other approved, educational institution. Any variation from this will be at the discretion of the employee’s Director. OBJECTIVE : • • • • • POLICY : 1. Promote continuous learning and development as a joint responsibility; Encourage a continuous learning environment; Support employees to study part-time; Provide fair access to assist learning and development; and Contribute value to the organisation by adding to its knowledge, skill and abilities base. Approved Courses: a) Graduate, Undergraduate and Post Graduate Degree courses offered by a recognized University or other accredited institution. b) Diploma or Certificate courses offered by a Technical and Further Education College (TAFE) or other equivalent accredited college or training organization. c) Continuing education courses offered by a recognized work related professional institute or organization (e.g. CPA or AHRI) It is recognized that some courses may be undertaken in distance mode, possibly from overseas or interstate, and this is acceptable under this policy. 2. Study Leave: Application for Study Leave must be made via the Study Assistance & Study Leave Application Form and approved by the employee’s Director and the Chief Executive Officer. Study Leave shall not adversely affect the normal operations of the Council and generally an employee will be granted study leave to attend only one intensive course per annum. An employee may be granted time off with pay for part-time study purposes. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • a) b) c) d) Approval of Time Off to attend lectures and tutorials, in every case, will be subject to the – Department’s operational requirements; Course being studied on a part-time basis; Employee completing an acceptable formal study load in their own time; and Employee making satisfactory progress with their study. • Time off with Pay to be approved at the Chief Executive Officer’s discretion. Chief Executive Officer to assess whether lectures and tutorials are available after working hours. • Examinations – employees shall be granted sufficient time off with pay to travel to and sit for examinations. Sufficient prior notice is necessary to allow for any work arrangements to be considered. Study Leave must be applied for on the Shire of Dardanup’s Study Assistance & Study Leave Application Form available from Payroll or Human Resources. 3. Study Assistance (Fees): The Shire of Dardanup will provide financial assistance to employees studying an approved course, including units, books and associated expenses including tuition fees on a semester-by-semester basis. Application must be made each semester via the Study Assistance & Study Leave Application Form and approved by the employee’s Director and the Chief Executive Officer. Note: Successful completion means receiving a minimum pass for the subject. Employees will reimburse Council 25% of the cost of their course fees and books per semester by the 30 of June in the applicable financial year. Fees will be paid in advance by the Shire. If approved, the 25% amount will be recouped within the financial year by fortnightly after tax payroll deductions. If the employee leaves the employ of the Shire or the Shire terminates the employee, at any time, outstanding payments will be deducted from the final salary payout. Employees whose Shire of Dardanup employment terminates (by either party) within twelve (12) months of having received the 75% benefit Study Expenses for their most recent claim, shall be required to repay a percentage of the value of the contribution made by the Shire, to the Shire of Dardanup, according to the following schedule: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Termination within 3 months – 75% Termination within 6 months – 50% Termination within 12 months – 25% (This level of reimbursement to the Shire recognizes that replacement employees may bring with them, qualifications funded by their previous employees. That is, it recognizes the benefit to the individual and the industry as a whole.) Recipients of the study support shall prove the Chief Executive Officer a copy of their exam results. Should an employee not pass the exam then 100% of the fees paid by the Shire is to be repaid to the Shire. Repayment shall be made via payroll deduction from salary owing to the employee and/or via the issuing of an invoice. Repayments by payroll deduction are to clear the sum owing within twelve months of the notification of the exam results or in full prior to the employee separating from the Shire’s employ, whichever comes first. The repayment options and policy requirements are to be agreed to in writing with the applicant. 4. Study Assistance: Study assistance must be applied for on the Shire of Dardanup’s Study Assistance & Study Leave Application Form available from Payroll or Human Resources. The Application Form together with a copy of the – • • • Enrolment Form Receipt for fees paid and/or invoice, plus a book receipt For course fees, a copy of the exam results is required. shall be submitted to the relevant Director and the Chief Executive Officer for consideration and signatures. These are then forwarded to the Human Resource Officer for processing. 5. Continuity: To continue to qualify for assistance under the Study Leave & Study Assistance policy, employees will need to successfully complete each semester’s subjects according to the course they are undertaking. 6. Promotion: The successful completion of any approved course shall not necessarily entitle an employee to a higher classification or salary level. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 7. Other Expenses: Accommodation and meals will not be the responsibility of the Council while employees are undertaking a course of study, or sitting examinations. The operation of this Study Leave/Study Assistance Policy will be reviewed annually and the continued operation of the Policy is at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. PROCESS : 1. Employee completes Study Leave/Study Assistance Application Form and requests in writing to their Director for approval to commence study [Form available from Human Resource Officer or Payroll Office]. 2. Director considers request and submits decision for approval to the Chief Executive Officer. 3. Chief Executive Officer makes final decision, authorises the Application Form and returns the form to the Director. 4. Director advises Employee in writing of decision and conditions that apply – copies are sent to Human Resources and Payroll, including the payroll authorisation to deduct the 25% contribution toward costs. 5. Employee commences study. 6. Employee completes unit/course and submits the exam results notification to their Director. 7. Director to submit invoice request to Debtors Officer if employee does not receive a minimum pass mark for the subject. 8. Employee completes a payroll deduction authorisation as per the agreement to recoup the incurred costs within twelve months. HEAD OF POWER : Council Policy DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 17/04/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC36 DESCRIPTION LOSS OF DRIVERS LICENCE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 244/08 DATE 13/08/2008 PREAMBLE: : It is essential that employees maintain certain skills qualifications in order to satisfactorily undertake their duties. and The need for a valid Driver’s Licence is one such qualification that is needed in many positions. Should an employee lose their driver’s licence, this may negatively impact on their ability to perform their duties. OBJECTIVE : To outline the possible outcomes if an employee loses their drivers licence or if their drivers licence was to lapse (or invalidated) and such licence is needed for them to satisfactorily perform their duties. “Loss of licence’ for the purpose of this policy shall include lapsed, cancelled, failure to renew, renewal not issued, suspension and cancellation. POLICY : An employee is required to notify their supervisor/Director at the earliest opportunity when they lose their licence. An employee who has lost their licence must not operate any Local Government vehicle. Any employee who does operate a vehicle whilst not in possession of a current drivers licence will face disciplinary action. Driving a Local Government Vehicle whilst not possessing a current drivers licence is violating the law and can potentially be invalidating the Local Government’s vehicle insurance policy. PROCESS : Where an employee has lost their driver's licence and it is a requirement of the position that they hold a current C, HR or MR Class licence, then the employee’s immediate Supervisor and Divisional Director, together with the Human Resources Officer and/or Chief Executive Officer shall formulate a strategy to deal with the situation based on the individual merits of the case. Factors that shall be taken into account shall include: • the extent to which the employee is required to use the Local Government’s vehicles in performing the functions of their role; • the reasons for loss of licence; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • whether alternative duties/suitable vacancies are available; • the employee’s length of service, work performance and behaviour record; and • the length of time before the employee will gain an extraordinary licence/regain their driver’s licence. Depending on the merits of any particular case, the following strategies may be implemented: • the employee shall perform alternative duties which do not require a driver’s licence within their current section/division; • the employee shall be redeployed elsewhere within the Local Government [which can be at a lesser level of pay]; • the employee shall apply for and be granted annual leave, long service leave or leave without pay; • the employee’s services shall be terminated. The Chief Executive Officer shall have the final say as to whether employment shall continue, however the affected employee shall be advised of their right to contest any such decision through the appropriate dispute resolution process. Should an employee’s services be terminated that person may reapply for employment should a suitable vacancy be advertised once they have regained their licence. Any redeployment to an alternative position shall be for a limited time period until the employee’s licence is reinstated. However an employee may remain in the alternative position if the Local Government believes that the employee may re-offend during work time and compromise the Local Government’s duty of care to the community. An employee will receive the relevant rate of pay under their award for the alternative position during this period. Alcoholism Attempts must be made to ascertain whether or not the employee has an underlying behavioural problem where an employee loses their licence due to a drink driving charge. It is recognised that alcoholism is an illness which causes socioeconomic problems for individuals and the community as a whole. People who suffer from alcoholism require treatment, support and counselling to overcome their addiction. Employees who stipulate that they have a problem which resulted in them losing their licence may be assisted by the Local Government. The level of support will be determined at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. If the employee is willing Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL to undergo rehabilitation and counselling to assist with their addiction then the Local Government will look more favourably upon supporting them through the transitional period of recovery. Due to the employer’s duty of care to the community, those people who have previously lost their licence due to a drink driving charge may be required at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer to undergo a breath test before and after the use of a vehicle. The decision to supply and fund counselling to the employee to assist with recovery during the employee’s illness lies with the Chief Executive Officer’s discretion. No employee will be forced to attend counselling, however, the Local Government will look more favourably upon an employee who admits they have a problem and willing to seek treatment. Variation to Policy This policy may be varied from time to time at the discretion of Chief Executive Officer. All employees will be notified by the normal correspondence method of any variation to this policy. All employees are responsible for reading this policy prior to operating a Local Government Vehicle. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC37 DESCRIPTION ALCOHOL, DRUGS & ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE USE IN THE WORKPLACE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 259/08 DATE 27/08/2008 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup has a legal obligation to manage alcohol and drugs in the workplace. The 'Duty of Care' imposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 means employers must minimise employees' exposure to any hazards in the workplace that may be caused by intoxicated or drug affected employees. Employees also have a legal duty of care under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This means that they must act responsibly at all times and not expose themselves or others to safety risks due to impairment caused by alcohol or drugs. This includes not undertaking work if they believe they are impaired, and reporting to management if they believe another employee, or anyone in the workplace, is affected and may be creating a workplace hazard. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that management strategies are in place with an aim to eliminate employees being under the influence of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. The aim of this policy is to ensure a safe workplace free from the effects of drugs and alcohol. The policy is directed towards the welfare of the individual and the safety and health of other people. Although disciplinary action may be necessary, the focus is on preventative measures. The use of drugs or alcohol in the workplace is forbidden. An employee being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or illegal substances is not acceptable. The Chief Executive Officer may waive this requirement in relation to the consumption of alcohol where circumstances warrant (for example, during a social event). Employees are personally responsible for any civil or criminal penalty which results from being under the influence of drugs or alcohol in the workplace. The objective of this policy is to: Maintain a safe and healthy work environment. Reduce the costs of the impact of alcohol and other drug use to the organisation and to individuals. Address the workplace factors which may contribute to Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Provide access to information on alcohol and other drug use and to encourage those with problems to seek assistance. POLICY : harmful drug and other drug use. Link action on alcohol and other drug issues with other occupational health and safety initiatives. . The Shire of Dardanup considers being at work under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol as unacceptable and will not tolerate it under any circumstances. Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee found to be at work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Discipline may involve a warning, transfer, counselling, demotion or dismissal, depending on the circumstances. Definitions Under the influence: The term “under the influence” refers to the presence of any alcohol (above the legal limit) or other drugs (illicit or prescription) in the bloodstream in any detectable manner, which creates impairment with the employee and places an unacceptable safety risk to the employee or to other people or property. The term “supervisor” means the up line supervisor of the officer’s position. Prescribed Drugs or Medication It is the employee’s responsibility to advise their Supervisor if they are taking any prescribed drug or medication that may affect their fitness for duty or work performance. The employee should also find out from their doctor or pharmacist what the effects of the prescribed drugs are on work performance. Council’s Rights When Drug or Alcohol Use is Suspected If a Director, Chief Executive Officer or Supervisor has justifiable cause to doubt an employee’s fitness for duty, the Chief Executive Officer may have the employee removed from the workplace and may initiate any reasonable action considered necessary. If it is believed that the use of drugs or alcohol renders risk to the safety or health of the employee, co-workers or the public, the Chief Executive Officer reserves the right to remove the employee from duty pending an urgent medical examination within twenty four (24) hours to determine fitness for duty. Testing Individuals for Presence of Drugs or Alcohol (Which may include a blood or urine test) Worksafe Australia (1993) stated that because drug testing in the workplace raised issues of privacy, it should be carried out only if “substantial” risk existed for the employee, co-workers or the public. Employees should be notified of testing programs—not individual tests—and the consequences. The Privacy Committee Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL of NSW (1993) Report stated that drug and alcohol testing should be limited to certain justifiable circumstances including: where an employee’s impairment by drugs poses a substantial and demonstrable safety risk to the employee or to other people. where there is reasonable cause to believe that the employee to be tested may be impaired by drugs. where the type of drug test to be used can identify the presence of a drug at concentrations which may cause impairment. Scope This policy applies to all elected members and employees including the Chief Executive Officer, Directors and Supervisors, casual employees’, independent contractors’, consultants’ and volunteers. Responsibilities All employees are responsible for ensuring compliance with the policy. It is the employees’ responsibility to advise their Supervisor or Director if they are taking any prescribed drug or medication which may affect their fitness for duty or work performance. The employee should also find out from their doctor or pharmacist what the effects of the prescribed drugs are on work performance. Employees’ have a responsibility to report to their Supervisor any person who cannot work safely due to impairment by alcohol or other drugs. PROCESS : The Shire of Dardanup is to identify hazards in the workplace and assess and control risks associated with those hazards. Reducing the risk to the welfare of staff and public by providing safe and healthy systems of work with adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for employees. Procedure If a Director or Supervisor has justifiable cause to doubt an employee’s fitness for duty, the Chief Executive Officer (or appropriate employee) may have the employee removed from the workplace and may initiate any reasonable action considered necessary. If it is believed that the use of drugs or alcohol renders risk to the health or safety of the employee, co-workers or the public, the Local Government reserves the right to remove the employee from duty pending an urgent medical examination to determine fitness for duty. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The procedure for dealing with drug and alcohol abuse is divided into four stages:Stage One 1.1 Removal of the employee from the workplace. The Chief Executive Officer, relevant Director, Human Resource Officer/ Equity Officer, must be advised immediately that the employee is unfit for work. 1.2 If an employee has been observed or reported as “unwell” and showing symptoms of intoxication or “under the influence”, and is deemed to present a substantial and demonstrable safety risk if allowed to continue to work: The employee’s Supervisor shall approach the employee, and instruct them to cease work immediately, because of a performance issue, and ask them to move to a quiet area (office) to talk. The Supervisor shall inform the employee of his/her specific concerns and observations, and stress they will not be allowed to continue to work as this may endanger their own safety or that of others. The employee shall be advised that a blood or urine test will be undertaken within twenty four (24) hours and that the results will be presented to determine fitness for work. The Chief Executive Officer will be immediately advised. The employee will be suspended by the Chief Executive Officer on full pay until the results of the blood or urine test have been received and the employee is deemed fit for work by a medical practitioner. An employee refusing to undertake a blood or urine test may be stood down without pay until they produce a medical certificate declaring them fit for work. The Shire of Dardanup will pay for the appointment for the employee with the general practitioner and for the cost of the blood or urine test. When the results are received, the Chief Executive Officer will determine a return to work outcome in consultation with the employee, their Supervisor, and Human Resource Officer/Equity Officer. A return to work outcome may be in accordance with the following but not limited to: ~ the employee to leave the workplace and return to work at the commencement time of the next working day; ~ ~ the employee to produce a medical certificate declaring them fit for work before they return to work; issue a verbal warning; and ~ offer Employee Assistance Program counselling, and Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL advise that a follow up timeframe will be set for a review of the employee’s performance. ~ Alcohol, drug or illegal substance blood or urine test results will be treated with strict confidentiality and placed on the employee’s personnel file. Stage Two 2.1 The employee, immediate Supervisor, and Human Resource Officer/Equity Officer should participate in Stage Two, although the employee may request a representative to be present. An observer should be present if an employee representative attends. The first stage of the process should be presented as a counselling session. Procedural fairness must be observed and the Supervisor must clearly state the performancerelated reasons for the interview and the employee must be given the opportunity to respond. The Supervisor must clearly state what standards of performance are required or expected. The Supervisor should offer assistance by encouraging the employee to participate in an Employee Assistance Program although the employee is not obliged to accept. A timeframe for a review should be established. The employee should be informed of expected changes, ongoing performance monitoring by the supervisor and the compulsory interview at the end of the review period. The employee should be made aware of possible consequences if there is no significant improvement in that the Shire of Dardanup’s Disciplinary Procedure will be followed which may involve demotion or dismissal. The Supervisor should prepare a brief summary of the interview and give two copies to the employee. After reading the summary, the employee should sign both of the copies and return one to the Supervisor. This copy should be placed under confidential cover on the employee’s personnel file. The second copy is to be retained by the employee for their own records. The review interview should be held at the prescribed time. The points discussed should respond exactly to those raised interview; improvements should be at the first acknowledged. Continuing problems, such as continued decline in performance, and any new performance-based problems should also be identified and discussed. The Supervisor should again prepare a summary of the interview. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Stage Three (if the risk to the workplace continues) 3.1 The participants at Stage Three should be the employee, Supervisor, Director, and Human Resource Officer/Equity Officer, and at the option of the employee, a representative. 3.2 The third meeting should be held using the same procedure as the second, although the employee should be made fully aware of the possible consequences if there is no significant improvement and that this represents either a final warning, counselling, demotion or dismissal, depending on the circumstances, using the Shire of Dardanup’s Disciplinary Procedure. Stage Four 4.1 If the issue remains a problem, the fourth stage of the procedure is in accordance with the Organisation’s disciplinary procedure, resulting in termination of employment. Education of Staff Management to ensure that the rules on drug and alcohol use on the premises and the Shire of Dardanup’s requirements for employees to come to work unimpaired are very clear and conveyed to all employees. Education on this and other policies to be included in new employee induction process. All existing staff to be given a copy of the adopted policy on Workplace Drug and Alcohol Use. Employees to be made aware of the risks associated with alcohol and drugs in the workplace, and the workplace rules will promote the safety message. HEAD OF POWER : Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC38 DESCRIPTION SEVERANCE PAY POLICY – SECTION 5.50 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 395/09 DATE 02/12/2009 PREAMBLE: : S5.50(1) of the Local Government Act 1995, prescribes that Council must prepare a policy in relation to employees whose employment with the local government is finishing. The policy is to set out: a) the circumstances in which the Shire of Dardanup will pay an employee an amount in addition to any amount which the employee is entitled under a contract of employment or award relating to the employee; and b) the manner of assessment of the additional amount. OBJECTIVE : As required under Section 5.50(1) of the Local Government Act 1995 this severance payment policy outlines the circumstances and manner of assessment upon which the Shire of Dardanup will pay an employee an amount (severance payment) in addition to any amount to which the employee is entitled under a contract of employment, award, industrial agreement, or order by a Court or Tribunal. POLICY : 1. APPLICATION 1.1 This policy applies to all employees of the Shire of Dardanup. 1.2 Decisions under this policy are to be made. a) By Council where decision involves a severance payment to the CEO. b) By the CEO where the decision involves a severance payment to any other employee of the Shire of Dardanup. 2. CIRCUMSTANCES FOR SEVERANCE PAYMENT 2.1 The Shire of Dardanup may pay a severance payment in the following circumstances: a) Redundancy. b) Local Government amalgamations. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 boundary change and SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL c) Any other termination matter that does not relate to an employee being made redundant (e.g. dismissal). 3. EXCLUSIONS 3.1 A severance payment will not be made to an employee who: a) b) c) d) Is redeployed within the Shire of Dardanup Is dismissed for misconduct Is employed on either a temporary or casual basis Is under probation 4. DETERMINATION OF SEVERANCE PAYMENT 4.1 Recognition of Service Recognition of service may be extended to employees upon cessation of employment with the Shire of Dardanup. In the following manner: a) Service 0-5 Years = A contribution towards a gift of up to $50. b) Service more than 5 year and less than 10 years = A contribution towards a gift of up to $200. c) 4.2 Service more than 10 years = A contribution towards a gift of up to $500. Contribution toward a function up to $2,000. Settlements and other terminations For the purposes of determining the amount of severance payment in respect of settling a matter under clause 2.1 (c ) of this policy, the following may be taken into account: 4.3 a) advice of an industrial advocate or legal practitioner on the strength of the case of respective parties in any litigation or claim in an industrial tribunal. b) the cost of any industrial advocate or legal advice support. c) the general costs associated with the hearing including witness fees, travel costs. d) disruption to operations. Additional Payment Council may pay to an employee whose employment with the Shire of Dardanup is finishing an additional severance payment over and above that prescribed in the relevant award or contract of employment. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The maximum severance payment made to an employee shall be in accordance to that prescribed under the Local Government Act 1995. 19A. Payments to employee in addition to contract or award — s. 5.50(3) (1) The value of a payment or payments made under section 5.50(1) and (2) to an employee whose employment with a local government finishes after 1 January 2010 is not to exceed in total — (a) if the person accepts voluntary severance by resigning as an employee, the value of the person’s final annual remuneration; or (b) in all other cases, $5 000. An additional payment made under clause 4.3 will require local public notice to be made in relation to this payment. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 and Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC39 DESCRIPTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 186/12 DATE 14/06/2012 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup continues to grow at a rate of 4% per annum. The growth in population and the desire of Council to provide quality services and infrastructure for a diverse Shire creates an environment where many activities are progressed simultaneously. The aim of this policy is to make projects happen. OBJECTIVE : The purpose of this proposed policy is to set guidelines for elected members and staff to adhere to in order to concentrate resources on the projects that have been given the support of the Council. It is necessary for projects to be given approval for the initial planning stage, with a condition that the project is referred to Council or the Strategic Planning Committee for final consideration before being referred to the Strategic Community Plan, and then the annual budget. The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 requires Council to have a Strategic Community Plan that is developed through a community planning process, (Integrated Planning) involving a period of community consultation. This policy is considered to be an imperative for staff and Council to use the Shires resources more effectively by setting a procedure in place that brings in the projects that are prioritized by Council through the Strategic Community Plan against those that originate from elected members, staff or community groups. It is recommended that any projects that originate from Council and not the community be included in the community consultation process as a part of the draft Strategic Community Plan to make sure that the Council is being transparent with the community. If the project is introduced mid the planning review process then the Council has the opportunity to authorise the development of the proposal to the stage where estimate costs are identified and the project can be referred to the Strategic Community Plan. POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup has the responsibility to respond to community requirements for new facilities and infrastructure by prioritizing projects against those existing in the Strategic Community Plan and other proposals under consideration. Only having followed the following process where the project development is endorsed by Council are staff to invest resources as Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL approved by Council to develop a project through the planning stage to an approved project. This policy is to incorporate and acknowledge the requirements of funding agencies, including but not limited to the Department of Sport and Recreation, LotteryWest and the Department of Regional Development and Lands. PROCESS : In order to use resources effectively the following process is to be adhered to: Planning Phase 1. 2. Whether initiated by a suggestion from a member of staff, elected member, community group, community sporting club, member of parliament or member of the public, the request is to include: a) A covering letter explaining the justification of the project. b) Details of the demand for the project and how the demand is verified using the following criteria – Number of people to benefit from project. c) An estimated cost of the project. d) Details of how it is intended that the project costs are to be shared. e) An indication of how the project is to be funded. f) Details of similar facilities or infrastructure within the Shire and adjoining Shires. g) Include letters of support from others. h) An acknowledgement that the information provided is preliminary and that more detail will be evident following further assessment by Shire officers if the project is given consent by Council to proceed to the planning stage. The Chief Executive Officer is to refer the request subject of 1) above to the appropriate Director for a report to be presented to Council. The Director is to immediately make enquiries to seek grants to assist with the planning phase from government agencies. The report is to recommend if the project is to be further developed by staff only, a working party or a Council committee, and the outcomes of requests for planning funding from other agencies and how the planning phase is to be funded. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 3. 4. On consideration of the report the Council is to either: a) Endorse the project to be considered further by staff, a working party or Council committee conducting further research and evaluation. b) Refer the project back to the initiator for further information. c) Reject the project outright. If Council endorse the project for further planning Council is to nominate if, staff, a working party or a Council Committee are to conduct further research to: a) Identify a suitable site, or confirm that the site suggested by the initiator is suitable. b) If the planning can proceed using Council funds only or if the project is to be delayed until funding for planning and or a feasibility study can be obtained from a third party funding agency. 6. 7. c) Assess if the project requires a Master Plan and or Feasibility Study to comply with funding agency guidelines (e.g. Department of Sport and Recreation). d) Identify possible sources of funding. e) Following completion of the research to report to Council the findings and make a relevant recommendation to Council for the project to either proceed or be rejected and the grounds for rejection. f) Council when prioritizing the project will consider the project against existing projects in the Strategic Community Plan, using the attached major Project Prioritisation Matrix. If the Council approves the project subject to funding then the following is to occur: a) Refer the project to the Strategic Community Plan. b) An application is to be made to the appropriate funding agencies for funding to be available in the year the project is to proceed. c) Council is to include the Shire’s share of the funding and the source of the funding (loan, grants or rates) in the Strategic Community Plan. Subject to the funding being approved the Council is to include the project in the Strategic Community Plan in the year the funding grant is available. Council has the authority to defer the project to later years as funding dictates. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 8. If the funding is not approved then the Chief Executive Officer is to direct a report to Council for Council to consider fully funding the project or cancelling the project and advise the initiator accordingly. 9. All projects to be presented to the Corporate Plan review for consideration and review annually. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 14/06/2012 Attachment: Major Projects Prioritization Matrix can be found on the shared Governance drive: V:\Executive\Governance\DOCUMENTS\2012 MAJOR PROJECTS PRIORITISATION MATRIX.doc Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT POLICY PROJECT PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR GROUP OR OFFICER CEO RECEIVED OFFICER SEEKS PLANNING FUNDING FROM AGENCIES [DSR] ADVISE PROPOSER PROJECT ON HOLD OFFICER REPORTS TO COUNCIL REQUEST FURTHER INFORMATION FUNDING FOR PLANNING ALLOCATED REJECTED APPROVED RESEARCH PLANNING STAFF, WORKING PARTY OR COMMITTEE OFFICER REPORTS TO COUNCIL PROJECT STOPS PLANNING PHASE OFFICER OBTAINS MORE INFORMATION REJECTED INCLUDE IN STRATEGIC COMMUNITY PLAN APPLY FOR FUNDING REJECTED COUNCIL TO FUND? APPROVED APPROVED CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN YEAR OF FUNDING Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 REJECTED IMPLEMENTATION APPROVED SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER POLICY REFERENCE EXEC40 DESCRIPTION CORPORATE BUSINESS PLAN DEADLINE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 257/12 DATE 26/07/2012 PREAMBLE: : Each year with the best endeavours Council aims to consider a draft budget for adoption by the end of June. To achieve this aim the draft Corporate Business Plan (budget) needs to be compiled within the last weeks of May. In order for staff to assess budget requests it is imperative that ample time be provided for research, referral to Council and if endorsed to proceed to the budget, to include in the Corporate Business Plan papers. OBJECTIVE : To remove late items being presented for consideration for inclusion in the Corporate Business Plan after the draft has been prepared. POLICY : 1. All requests from community groups, elected members and staff to be included in the annual Corporate Business Plan shall be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer no later than the 31st of March in each year. 2. If the Chief Executive Officer receives a request later than the 31st of March the Chief Executive Officer is to advise the applicant without reference to Council that the request is rejected due to lateness and that the request will be referred to the mid-year review with no guarantees of success. 3. The Chief Executive Officer is to advertise in February each year in a newspaper circulating in the district that submissions for the Corporate Business Plan close on the 31st of March each year and that there will be no exceptions for late submissions. PROCESS : The Chief Executive Officer is to arrange an advertisement calling for submissions in February each year, advising that the 31st of March is the deadline with no exceptions. All submissions are to be referred to the Chief Executive Officer and directed by the Chief Executive Officer to the relevant Director for research and referral to Council for the Corporate Business Plan. Where submissions are received after the 31st of March in any year the Chief Executive Officer is to reject the request and refer the matter to the Director Corporate Services for the mid-year review. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Financial Management Regulations Part 2 5. (g) Local Government Act 1995 6.2 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 26/07/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC41 DESCRIPTION USE OF COUNCIL CREST & SHIRE CORPORATE LOGO COUNCIL RESOLUTION 98/13 DATE 17/04/2013 PREAMBLE: : COUNCIL CREST Council Crest / Shield Shape Design Horizontal lines representing ploughed agricultural land surmounted by representation of hills The tree is representative of forests and the reflection being the Collie River. SHIRE CORPORATE LOGO Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Corporate Logo Design Representation of the Shire’s geographical features. Abstract of greens hills to the right (representing the East) of the design. An intersection of lines in the design (or other representation) representing the Ferguson Valley transiting into vibrant blue on the left (representing the West) of the design representing the Collie River and the current and future urbanised areas of the Shire along the river. Colours of Logo Vibrant Green representing fertile green hills & agricultural and Blue representing the Collie River & Ferguson River “Shire of Dardanup” Font = Homizio OBJECTIVE : The objective of this policy is to establish guidelines for the use of the Council’s logos. This policy aims to ensure that Council’s role in the community is clearly recognised and that its reputation is protected and enhanced through accurate, consistent and high quality reproduction of its logo in all applications, including its use by approved external groups and organisations. POLICY : SHIRE CORPORATE LOGO The Corporate Logo is to be used for the public branding of the Shire of Dardanup. To be used on correspondence, marketing activities and promotions of Council activities and services. This includes (but not limited to) stationery, brochures, printed media, to identify Council assets used within the community and on internal documentation. COUNCIL CREST The predominate use of the Council Crest is for the purpose of being the badge of office of the Shire President and Council. Examples of use includes (but not limited to), included on legal documents of Council, Council Minutes & Agendas, other documents where the common seal is used under resolution of Council. The Shire Flag (bearing the Council Crest) Council permits the loan of the shire flag (subject to availability) if the organisation is conducting an event that: • Council has provided financial or in kind support by way of sponsorship; and/or • Brings major economic benefit or a large number of visitors to the Shire. Loan of the city flag is limited to seven days (subject to extension) authorised by the Chief Executive Officer USE OF LOGOS. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Council permits an organisation/individual to use the Shire Corporate Logo if the organisation/individual is conducting an event or project towards which Council has provided financial or in kind support by way of sponsorship. The use of the Shire Corporate Logo by private enterprise/commercial organisations is only permitted where some advantage could, in the opinion of the CEO, accrue to the Council. The approval by the CEO shall be required to the use in each case. If an organisation obtains permission to use the Shire Corporate Logo, the following conditions apply: • The logo remains the property of Shire of Dardanup and can only be used on approved materials. • The Shire Corporate Logo must not be used in conjunction with any merchandise, fundraising appeal or activity, or any product, without prior written approval from the CEO. • The logo must be reproduced without alteration or modification. There is to be no manipulation of individual elements, including colour, in any way. Tilting, compressing or expanding the logo components is not acceptable. The elements of design and text are integral components of the logo device and must not be deleted or modified. • No fees will be charged but eligible groups will be responsible for any costs associated with artwork, design and production. • The use of Council’s logos must not in any way bring discredit or disrepute upon Council. • Council or the CEO may exercise its right to withdraw any authorisation at any time USE OF LOGOS BY COUNCILLORS & STAFF Council’s logos shall only be used by Councillors & Staff for Council related business. Candidates at elections are to be expressly advised that the Council logo is not authorised to be used for electoral purposes. PROCESS : Use of logos by external organisations require approval by Council or the Chief Executive Officer. HEAD OF POWER : There is no legislative requirement for Council to have a policy relating to this matter. It is considered appropriate and good management to establish some formal arrangements for the use of Council’s logos. DATE REVIEWED : 17/04/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC42 DESCRIPTION RISK MANAGEMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 240/13 DATE 24/07/2013 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup acknowledges that there is a level of risk associated with the projection of the creation and the maintenance of assets and services. The process for the development of new assets per the Assets Management Plan identifies risk assessment by application of the Australian Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 – Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines. Prior to the implementation of a new strategy, activity, service, event or project, officers of the Shire of Dardanup will analyse the likelihood and consequence of any risks associated with the subject matter and recommend to management and or the Council whether the level of risk is acceptable, manageable or not manageable at all. Officers will assess the level of risk using this policy and Australian Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 – Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines. Risk Management Definition: “…the possibility of something happening that impacts on your objectives. It is the chance to either make a gain or a loss. It is measured in terms of likelihood and consequence.” OBJECTIVE : To ensure that sound risk management practices and procedures are fully integrated into the Shire of Dardanup’s strategic and operational planning processes and day to day business practices. POLICY : POLICY STATEMENT The Directors, Managers and Employees of the Shire of Dardanup are committed to the implementation of an enterprise wide risk management approach to identify and manage all risks and opportunities associated with the performance of the Shire of Dardanup functions and the delivery of services. To achieve this policy a risk management strategy has been developed for the organisation. In implementing this strategy the Shire of Dardanup will actively; • identify and prioritise all strategic and operational risks and opportunities using the risk management process. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • ensure risk management becomes part of day to day management and processes. • provide staff with the policies and procedures necessary to manage risks • ensure staff are aware of risks and how to identify, assess and control them; and • compile and monitor a register of operational and strategic risks in order to achieve continuous improvement in risk management Australian Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 – Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines shall be used as the model for the implementation of the risk management strategy and process within the organisation. Management and staff are to be familiar with, and competent in, the application of risk management principles and practices and are accountable for applying them within their areas of responsibility. The following risk categories are to be considered in application of this policy: Reputation Environment Financial Operational Health Legal & Regulatory Assets The level of risk associated with the consequence of the risk outcome is to be considered by the following table: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL RISK CATEGORY CONSEQUENCE TABLE - GUIDELINE RISK CATEGORIES INSIGNIFICANT MINOR MODERATE SIGNIFICANT SEVERE Low impact, with low profile and no complaint Low impact, with low profile, low media attention, possible complaint Moderate impact and media attention, public complaint Damage to reputation, public embarrassment, high media attention, several public complaints, third party intervention Irreversible damage to reputation, very high level of public embarrassment, very high media attention, many public complaints Minor effects on biological or physical environment Moderate, short-term effects but not affecting ecosystem functions Serious medium term environment effects Very serious, long-term environment impairment of ecosystem functions. Catastrophic irreversible environmental harm or permanent negative impact on urban design or heritage structure. ENVIRONMENT FINANCIAL $10,000 $10,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $150,000 $150,000 - $250,000 $250,000+ OPERATIONAL Little impact, business-asusual Some objectives effected, can Minor impact, easily dealt with, continue as usual with minor still business-as-usual controls executed Some of the major objectives cannot be achieved, business can still deliver but not to expected level Most objectives cannot be achieved and business will not operate HEALTH No injuries First aid treatment Medical treatment Loss time injury Death or disablement LEGAL & REGULATORY No action Low/level legal issue. Penalty or prosecution unlikely. Serious breach with investigation by or report to authority. Moderate penalty possible Major breach with potential major penalty and/or investigation and prosecution by authority. Major litigation. Investigation by authority and significant penalty awarded. Very serious litigation, including class actions. ASSETS Little or no impact No impact on community lifestyle Potential increase in future cost and impact on community access to facilities Medium to long term financial implications and loss of ability to maintain a level of service Significant imposition of cost on ratepayers and loss of service REPUTATION Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY : Specific responsibilities are: • Chief Executive Officer - promote risk management as a vital business principle • Directors and Operational Managers • o manage implementation and maintenance of the risk management policy in their areas of responsibility and create an environment where staff are responsible for and actively involved in managing risk o implement and review the risk management strategy and provide advice in relation to risk management matters o To facilitate training on the implementation of risk management Executive Management Team o consult and communicate with the Chief Executive Officer in relation to the identification of risks, reviews of identified risks and controls, and the documentation of risks In order to ensure continued awareness, assessment and assurance in relation to risk management practices and procedures, regular reports from the risk register will be provided to Directors and Operational Managers on the status of risk management within the organisation and identify the need for specific areas of action or review. In addition, the Executive Management Team will communicate with the employees in order to ensure they are informed and aware of the risks identified that may impact upon the annual operational and strategic plans. The risk management policy and process will be supported by the Executive Management Team, to assist with the implementation, promotion, review and maintenance of this policy and the associated risk management strategy. The risk management policy, strategy and the strategic risk register shall be reviewed by the Audit Committee. PROCESS : Officers will assess the risk of all operational and strategic decisions including all decisions made under delegated authority and or referred to a Council Committee or an Ordinary meeting of Council. Officer reports will identify if there is a likelihood of risk associated with the item subject of the report and advise the outcome of the risk analysis in accordance with this policy and the Appendices. Council and committee reports will include a reference to risk, explaining if a risk has been identified and how the risk is to be managed based on this policy and other relevant matters. Where the outcome is high or very high the finding is to be disclosed. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Action, if any is to be recommended with regard to treatment of the risk or to not proceed with the project. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held 24/07/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL APPENDICES TO POLICY EXEC42 AS FOLLOWS: LIKELIHOOD TABLE DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Expected to occur in most circumstances. Will probably occur in most circumstances. Almost Certain Likely Possible Should occur at some time. Unlikely Could occur at some time. Rare May occur, only in exceptional circumstances. FREQUENCY The event is expected to occur more than once a year. The event will probably occur at least once per year. The event should occur at least once in 3 years. The event could occur at least once in 10 years. The event is not expected to occur more than once in 15 years. LIKELIHOOD LEVEL OF RISK GUIDE INSIGNIFICANT 1 MINOR 2 MODERATE 3 SIGNIFICANT 4 SEVERE 5 ALMOST CERTAIN 5 Medium (5) Medium (10) High (15) Very High (20) Very High (25) LIKELY 4 Low (4) Medium (8) High (12) High (16) Very High (20) POSSIBLE 3 Low (3) Medium (6) Medium (9) High (12) High (15) UNLIKELY 2 Low (2) Low (4) Medium (6) Medium (8) Medium (10) RARE 1 Low (1) Low (2) Low (3) Low (4) Medium (5) CONSEQUENCE ACTION PLAN Low = 0 – 4 Medium = 5 – 11 High = 12 – 19 Very High = 20 - 25 Very High Risk – Immediate action required. Senior management review, notify CEO. Medium Risk – Specific monitoring required. Supervisor review with Management input. High Risk – Action plan required. Management review with Director input. Low Risk – Monitor. Managed through routine procedures. Officer review with Supervisor input. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL RISK ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (RISK TOLERANCE TABLE) RISK LEVEL OF RISK 1–4 5 – 11 12 – 19 20 – 25 TOLERANCE MANAGED BY WHO IS RESPONSIBLE ENTERED ONTO RISK REGISTER Acceptable Periodic monitoring - via routine procedures Staff member / Supervisor No Acceptable with Regular Adequate controls and appropriate changes to Supervisor / Manager Monitoring procedures – regular reviews No Manager / Director Yes Director /Chief Executive Officer Yes May be Acceptable with Urgent Management Attention May be Unacceptable Action plan - specific reviews and monitoring Only acceptable with excellent controls if project / task / service MUST be undertaken EXISTING CONTROLS TABLE LEVEL OF CONTROL DESCRIPTOR FORESEEABLE CONTROLS E Excellent More than what a reasonable person would be expected to do in the circumstances A Adequate I Inadequate Only what a reasonable person would be expected to do in the circumstances Less than what a reasonable person would be expected to do in the circumstances Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 EXAMPLE DETAIL DESCRIPTION Controls fully in place and require only ongoing maintenance and monitoring. Protection systems are being continuously reviewed and procedures are regularly tested. Being addressed reasonably. Protection systems are in place and procedures exist for given circumstances. Periodic review. Little or no action being taken. No protection system exists or they have not been reviewed for some time. No formalized procedures. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE POLICY REFERENCE EXEC43 DESCRIPTION CIVIC FUNCTIONS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 251/14 DATE 13/08/2014 PREAMBLE: : To specify the basis upon which the Council may hold Civic Functions The aim of this policy is to give guidance for the Shire President Local government 2.8 S1(c) (1) The Shire President or president — (c) OBJECTIVE : Role of Shire president or president carries out civic and ceremonial duties on behalf of the local government; The intent of this policy is to specify when Council will hold civic functions and how they should be conducted. A Civic Function may take the form of a civic function, civic welcome, an official opening of facilities or civic event. In certain circumstances the Shire President on behalf of Council may wish to recognise outstanding community service or other significant achievements by an individual or group by holding a Civic Function. Elected members may request that the Shire President consider hosting a civic function that aligns with this policy, or submit a request to Council to host a function. Civic functions may be conducted for: • Exceptional achievement in sport, endeavours and community service. • Commemorative events that celebrate significant occasions of importance to the local community. • Official Delegations delegations. • Community Acknowledgement – exceptional voluntary service by groups and individuals, over and above Civic Recognition Awards. • Commemorative – events that happen that impact on the local community. • Celebratory – exceptional achievement in sports, the arts, fundraising, community participation or signing of significant Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 recognising the overseas arts, or charitable interstate SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL agreements/accords with State/Federal Governments etc. POLICY : • Opening of Council facilities. • The Council shall determine whether a Civic Function is to be held for any other purpose not currently covered by this policy. Requests for civic functions must be made in writing to the Shire President of the day. The Shire President will then either approve or decline the request based on the criteria above, and the available budget. An elected member may submit a request for a civic function to Council. PROCESS : Requests for civic functions must be made in writing to the Shire President of the day. The request is to detail why the civic function is required. The Shire President will then either approve or decline the request based on the criteria above, and the available budget, the applicant will be advised of the outcome within 10 working days. The date, time and invitation list shall be determined by the Shire President. All civic functions must be held at a Council facility where possible with the venue determining the number of guests who may be invited. Once the civic function has been approved the Governance Services Section will send out a form to finalise the details of the function if necessary (see appendix). This form is to be returned at least eight weeks before the agreed date of the civic function. The Governance Services Section will then liaise with the applicant to organise the function, e.g. venue, catering, invitation list, MC, running sheet, staffing and audio/lighting if applicable. The Shire President will decide whether it is appropriate to present a gift at the civic function. The role of the Shire President/Councillors and Chief Executive Officer will then be arranged, with the details of the event secured in the relevant diaries. The media officer will be contacted in relation to any media releases and alerts. The Chief Executive Officer shall be authorised to determine the format and all other administrative arrangements associated with the organisation and conduct of the Civic Function. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 S 2.8(1)(c) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 13/08/2014 CIVIC FUNCTIONS POLICY EXEC42 - APPENDIX Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL CIVIC FUNCTION:……………………………………………………….…. DATE & TIME:…………………………………………………………….. Name of contact person: Position held: Email: Phone: Names of Guest Speakers provided by your organisation and their titles: Will you be providing an MC for the function? Yes / No If yes, please provide name and title of MC Do you require data projector or other IT equipment? Yes / No Dress Code: Neat Casual Business Wear Formal (Black Tie) Will there be any presentations made at the Reception, if so please provide details: CIVIC FUNCTION: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The Shire president will be required to acknowledge Official Guests in attendance – please list any official guests and their titles: Provide a brief background or history of your organisation including how many members: (may be an attachment to this document) Any other relevant information: PLEASE NOTE: The above information is to ensure the efficient and timely running of this function and we ask your full cooperation to make this possible. Should you have any queries in relation to this matter please do not hesitate to contact ______________ Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP1 DESCRIPTION USE OF CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) COUNCIL RESOLUTION 008/08 DATE 30/01/2008 PREAMBLE: : CCTV is a long established technology which has been widely deployed, from corner shops to major city centres. The deployments fall into 2 main types, monitored and un-monitored installations reflecting the 2 main purposes; either to provide real time observation of events so that real time responses can be initiated, or to capture evidence of events which can be acted upon subsequently. OBJECTIVE : The objective of this policy is to provide a framework for the deployment of CCTV installations in public locations within the Shire of Dardanup. The available research on CCTV identifies that CCTV does not absolutely prevent crime or anti-social behaviour, but that it can reduce the incidence of opportunistic anti-social behaviour and does provide real forensic evidence when such behaviour occurs. That evidence can be used to identify perpetrators for potential prosecution under the relevant Acts. Research also identifies that CCTV provides real comfort in the context of reducing the fear of crime in public places. This Policy describes the criteria to be used when a new installation is being considered for deployment. POLICY : All CCTV installations will meet the requirements of the Shire of Dardanup CCTV Camera Program Code of Practice [Appendix A 2.2]. All installations will be designed to meet the particular needs of the deployment location and the circumstances at the time. Unmonitored CCTV installations will be used as a preferred deployment type over monitored installations. Unmonitored deployments will require the approval of the Director Corporate Services. Monitored CCTV will only be deployed where the real time observation of events is deemed essential. Deployment of a monitored CCTV installation requires the approval of the Chief Executive Officer. Monitored CCTV requires the presence of at least one officer at all times, with no other conflicting duties. CCTV installations will always be of a sufficient standard, including ambient and artificial lighting and image quality for valid forensic evidence to be obtained. Image data may be retained locally to Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL the installation or transferred to another location and stored away from the installation PROCESS : CCTV installations will be installed where recurrent antisocial or criminal behaviour has generated a sufficient fear of crime or community response that the costs are considered appropriate in the circumstances. CCTV installations will also be deployed where the value of the asset, or the requirement of public perception make it a valid tool within the framework of “Crime Prevention through Environmental Design”. CCTV installations will be clearly signed across the deployment. Case law recognises that persons in public places have extremely limited rights to privacy; however our approach will be to ensure good levels of public awareness that an installation is present. CCTV installations may be deployed on Council or private land, with the permission of the land owner. Installations may be permanent or temporary or a combination of both. CCTV installations may be passive or “event activated” by means of motion, heat, sonic or other detectors. HEAD OF POWER : Security Devices Act 1988 Privacy Act 1998 Australian Government – Australian Institute of Criminology - Open Street in Australia DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY MANUAL APPENDIX “CORP1” SHIRE OF DARDANUP – CODE OF PRACTICE CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION CAMERA PROGRAM 1. OVERVIEW 1.1. Key Principles 1.1.1. This Code of Practice contains the basic standards in accordance with which Shire of Dardanup’s CCTV Camera Program will be operated. 1.1.2. The Code of Practice is based on 12 key principles. In each section the key principle is stated, followed by further explanatory information. 1.1.3. The key principles are as follows: Principle 1 The CCTV Camera Program will be operated fairly, within applicable law, and only for the purposes for which it is established or which are subsequently agreed in accordance with this Code of Practice. Principle 2 The CCTV Camera Program will be operated with due regard to the privacy and civil liberties of individual members of the public, including the rights to freedom of religious and political expression and assembly. Principle 3 The public interest in the operation of the CCTV Camera Program will be recognised by ensuring the security and integrity of operational procedures. Principle 4 The Shire of Dardanup has primary responsibility for compliance with the purposes and objectives of the CCTV Camera Program, for the maintenance, management and security of the Program, and the protection of the interests of the public in relation to the Program. Principle 5 The Shire of Dardanup will be accountable for the effective operation and management of the CCTV Camera Program. Principle 6 Staff employed to work in the CCTV Camera program, whether they be operators or Directors, will meet the highest standards of probity. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Principle 7 The public will be provided with clear and easily accessible information in relation to the operation of Shire of Dardanup’s CCTV Camera Program. Principle 8 Information recorded will be accurate, relevant and not exceed that necessary to fulfil the purposes of the CCTV Camera Program. Principle 9 Information will be obtained fairly and in accordance with the privacy provisions of the Code of Practice. Principle 10 Access to the CCTV Camera data will be restricted to qualified operating staff and their Directors and there will be no unauthorised access to the data. Principle 11 The retention of, and access to tapes, photographs and recorded material will be only for the purposes provided by this Code of Practice. Tapes, photographs and recorded material will be retained for 28 days unless they are required in relation to the investigation of crime or for court proceedings. They will then be erased, taped over, or destroyed. Principle 12 Contact related to the CCTV Camera Program between Shire of Dardanup staff and the WA Police, will be conducted strictly in accordance with the Code of Practice. 2 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 It is recognised that the threat of violence or antisocial behaviour are important factors in any public perception on how safe residents, visitors and other stakeholders feel in the Shire of Dardanup. As part of its effort to combat the fear of crime and reduce the likelihood of criminal behaviour in public places, the Shire of Dardanup has adopted a Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan (CS&CPP). 2.2 CCTV Camera Program 2.2.1 The CCTV Camera Program comprises Shire of Dardanup’s closed circuit television operations and is one of the initiatives that forms part of the CS&CPP. 2.2.2 The CCTV Camera Program is only one of several initiatives designed to assist in preventing criminal behaviour. It is recognised, however, that such crime will never totally be prevented. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2.3 Code of Practice 2.3.1 This Code of Practice is to ensure that the principles and purposes on which the CCTV Camera Program is based are realised. 2.3.2 Involvement in any aspect of the Program by relevant organisations or individuals will depend upon their willingness to comply with this Code of Practice. This Code of Practice is subject to state and federal law. 2.4 System description 2.4.1 The Program involves a range of reticulated cameras connected to a server control room via IP networks with a planned series of stand-alone camera systems connected to a recording device in the server control room. All images are recorded and retained for 28 days unless they are required in relation to the investigation of crime or for court proceedings. 2.5 Camera Design 2.5.1 All cameras are of sufficient design quality to enable effective monitoring. Each camera is, or may be housed in a tinted environmental dome, which both protects the camera and ensures that the camera itself is not intrusive in impact. 2.5.2 State of the art technology will be used to ensure optimum resolution and picture quality for its deployment. The technology used will be regularly reviewed to ensure the most up to date equipment appropriate to the purposes of the CCTV Camera Program is used. 2.6. Camera locations 2.6.1 Cameras are installed in those areas where there is a demonstrated need to either view activities in real time or capture activities for later reporting to relevant authorities, including the WA or Federal Police. 2.6.2 Cameras are installed in the following locations at the time of publication: i) Eaton Administration Centre (2); Investigation is underway to look at up to four (4) further cameras being mounted in and around the Eaton Administration Centre. Council may also consider cameras being mounted in and around the Eaton Recreation Centre. 2.7 Ownership of the CCTV Camera Program 2.7.1 The Shire of Dardanup is the owner of the CCTV Camera Program. The Shire of Dardanup retains ownership of and has copyright in all equipment, videos, photographs and documentation pertaining to the Program. The responsibilities of the Shire of Dardanup in relation to the system are outlined in section 5. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2.8 Partners in the CCTV Camera Program 2.8.1 There are no financial partners in the program at time of publication. The WA Police are considered as partners in the context of their law enforcement role in the state of Western Australia. . 3. CHANGES TO THE CCTV CAMERA PROGRAM AND/OR THE CODE OF PRACTICE 3.1.1 A minor change to the CCTV Camera Program or Code of Practice may be made with the agreement of both the Chief Executive Officer and Director Corporate Services. A minor change is such as may be required for the purposes of adjustment of the Program or clarification of the Code of Practice, for example, a change to the wording of a particular section of the Code of Practice where its meaning might otherwise be ambiguous, or a proposal to install further cameras under the prevailing conditions of use. . 3.1.2 4. A major change to the CCTV Camera Program or to the Code of Practice will be brought back to Council for formal approval. PURPOSE 4.1.1 The primary purpose of Shire of Dardanup’s CCTV Camera Program is to assist in the prevention of serious criminal offences, particularly malicious damage to property, including graffiti. 4.1.2 The secondary purpose of the CCTV Camera Program is to assist in the prevention of crimes against the person. 4.1.3 The objectives of the CCTV Camera Program are: i) ii) iii) iv) to reduce crime levels by deterring potential offenders; to reduce fear of crime; to assist in the detection and prosecution of offenders; and to help secure a safer environment for those people who live in, work in and visit the Shire of Dardanup. 4.1.4 The CCTV Camera Program will not be used for general intelligence gathering. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER OF THE PROGRAM 5.1.1 The Shire of Dardanup will be responsible for the introduction and implementation of the Code of Practice and for ensuring compliance with the principles contained within the Code. 5.1.2 The Shire of Dardanup will comply with the requirements for accountability set out in this Code of Practice. 5.1.3 The Shire of Dardanup will consult as necessary in connection with the implementation or modification of any part of the CCTV installation. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 6. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTNER TO THE PROGRAM 6.1.1 Incidents that may involve or lead to a crime against the person or other serious threat to public safety, or other serious criminal offence will be reported to the WA Police. The police will assess the situation and determine an appropriate response to the incident. 6.1.2 It is the responsibility of the WA Police to respond to incidents identified to the extent that its resources and priorities allow. 7. 7.1.1 PUBLIC INFORMATION Clearly visible signs that CCTV cameras are operating will be displayed at key points covered by cameras. These signs will: i) ii) iii) inform the public that cameras are in operation; allow people entering the area to make a reasonable approximation of the area covered by the system; and identify Shire of Dardanup as the owner of the system. 7.1.2 Copies of the Code of Practice will be made available to the public on request. 7.1.3 Inquiries in relation to the Shire of Dardanup’s CCTV Camera Program and its operation can be made in writing to: Chief Executive Officer Shire of Dardanup P O Box 7016 EATON WA 6232 or, alternatively, can be made by telephone on (08) 9724 0000. 8. ASSESSMENT OF THE SYSTEM AND CODE OF PRACTICE 8.1.1 The Shire of Dardanup will regularly monitor the operation of the CCTV Camera Program and implementation of the Code of Practice. 8.1.2 The results of the periodic review will be taken into account in the future functioning, management and operation of the Program. 9. MANAGEMENT OF CAMERA DATA 9.1 The camera data will only be accessed by authorised officers on those occasions when anti-social behaviour has occurred in range of the cameras, this data will then be used in an effort to identify the perpetrators of the anti-social behaviour. 10 CONTROL AND OPERATION OF CAMERAS 101.1 The locations of cameras will be clearly apparent to the public. 10.1.2 All use of cameras will accord with the purposes of the CCTV Camera Program as outlined in the Code of Practice. 10.1.3. No sound will be recorded. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 10.1.4. Operators of camera equipment will act in accordance with the highest standards of probity. 10.1.5. Only staff with responsibility for using the equipment will have access to operating controls. 11. TAPES, PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDED MATERIAL 11.1.1 Access to and use of videotaped material and photographs will only take place: in compliance with the needs of police in connection with the investigation of crime; or if necessary for the purposes of legal proceedings. 11.1.2 Videotaped material and photographs will not be sold or used for commercial purposes or the provision of entertainment. 11.1.3 The showing of videotapes or photographs to the public will be allowed only in connection with the investigation of crime or in any other circumstances provided by law. 11.1.4 Appropriate security measures will be taken against unauthorised access to, alteration, disclosure, accidental loss or destruction of recorded material. 11.1.5 Recorded material will be treated according to defined procedures to ensure continuity of evidence. 12. BREACHES OF THE CODE 12.1.1 Prime responsibility for ensuring the Code of Practice is adhered to rests with the Shire of Dardanup. This responsibility includes ensuring that breaches of the Code are investigated and remedied to the extent that breaches of the Code are within the ambit of Shire of Dardanup’s power to remedy. 12.1.2 Complaints in relation to any aspect of the management or operation of the system may be made in writing to: The Chief Executive Officer Shire of Dardanup P O Box 7016 EATON WA 6232 The Privacy and Personal Information of individuals will be respected and observed under any written law applicable in Western Australia. 12.1.3 Shire of Dardanup will cooperate with the investigation of any complaint under any written law made to any other empowered Agency. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP2 DESCRIPTION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 062/00 DATE 09/02/2000 PREAMBLE: : Senior Management should ensure in conjunction with the Information Technology Officer, that adequate information security management policies are implemented to protect their information asset. OBJECTIVE : That Departmental Managers should establish and maintain in conjunction with the Director Corporate Services and Information Technology Officer, an awareness and involvement in their departments IT infrastructure, including accountability of IT investments and benefits. Office wide software and common computer hardware is managed and under the responsibility of the Information Technology Officer who provides computer system support and arranges contracted computer support on a needs basis. Departmental managers must take responsibility for the effective use of their IT resource ensuring that: IT requirements are included in their business planning. IT requisitions are cost and benefit justified and meet budgetary requirements. Ongoing associated costs are realised and planned for. The Information Technology Officer is informed of any impending software or hardware change, upgrade or implementation Threats to data security may come from many areas including malicious intent (internal or external), virus transmittal, unauthorised access, accidental deletion, fire, theft and hard disk failure. Definition The Copyright Act 1968 encompasses software through the definition of “computer program”. The definition is very wide in scope and for all practical purposes means all software, be it designed application and/or system software by any other name. Power Of Search A copyright owner can obtain the right, through the Federal Court, Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL to enter business premises, unannounced, and search for evidence of illegal copying of software. Individuals as well as organisations can be fined for breaches of copyright. Background It is the responsibility of all users of computers owned or leased by the Shire of Dardanup to comply with this policy. Duplicating, selling, distributing or otherwise copying computer software (except as permitted by the licensing agreement) is illegal. Accordingly the following practices must be adopted: POLICY : • Sufficient licences of software should be purchased to meet the needs of the organisation. • Shire of Dardanup personnel will not unlawfully copy software licensed by the Shire of Dardanup. • Shire of Dardanup personnel will not use copies of illegal software or load software not licensed to the Shire of Dardanup. All software will be purchase through the Information Technology Officer. • Software may only be used on Shire IT equipment when there is no infringement of the software copyright. That Departmental Managers are to establish and maintain in conjunction with the Director Corporate Services and the Information Technology Officer an awareness and involvement in their departments IT infrastructure, including accountability of IT investments and benefits. Disciplinary action will be taken against personnel engaged in the unlawful copying or use of software. Public domain or shareware may only be used where it meets the performance and other criteria specified by the Director Corporate Services or Information Technology Officer and where these officers specifically load it. Software licences and disks are to be held by the Information Technology Officer. PROCESS : The following guidelines indicate current safeguards are in place with management to ensure further precautions are taken if deemed necessary: Computer Access Control - Access to network computer work stations is by user id and passwords. Network Access Control - Only the Director Corporate Services, Information Technology Officer and Support Contractor have access to all areas of the network and also control user access. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Data Backups - Automated backups of the main accounting system are run every night and checked the following morning. Backups are stored in the Dardanup Office and . checked by Information Technology Officer Individual PC Backups of specific data can be saved to the main server, a CD Burner has also been installed in the internet PC to enable saving of specific data. Internet Access - The internet facilities at the Dardanup and Eaton library is currently run on stand-alone machines, which means there is no access to the Shire’s Local Area Network. Virus Protection - All PC’s and the main server have an active virus checker running in memory while the workstation is switched on. When a new file is detected the virus checker automatically scans the contents for viruses before allowing the file to be used. The virus software is upgraded regularly. Breach of Security It is the responsibility of the Information Technology Officer to notify management all known breaches of data access security. The course of disciplinary action to be undertaken must be determined by the Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) on a case by case basis. Software Copyright Software usage within the Shire will be in compliance with the requirements of the Copyright Act 1968 in relation to software. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP3 DESCRIPTION USE OF CORPORATE CREDIT CARDS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 441/05 DATE 10/11/2005 PREAMBLE: : Credit Cards are being used within Government as a purchasing resource. They can however, expose Council to significant risk if not properly controlled. OBJECTIVE : 1. To ensure the proper use and control of Corporate Credit. 2. To comply with s6.5(a) Local Government Act 1995 and regulation 11 (1)(a) Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations. POLICY : New Cards - Application for a Credit Card shall only be made for the Chief Executive Officer; - A card for the Chief Executive Officer shall be applied for on approval of Council. - A “non reward” scheme card shall be applied. Should a reward scheme exist, the benefits of a “reward scheme” shall be the property of the Shire of Dardanup. Security - The cardholder is responsible for the physical and information security of the card in their possession. - In the case of a lost or misplaced card, the cardholder shall notify bank and the Director Corporate Services immediately. Purchasing - The use of the Credit Card is at the Chief Executive Officer’s discretion and shall not supersede Councils ordinary purchasing system and procedures; - The Credit Card shall only be used for purchasing goods or services on behalf of the Shire of Dardanup; - Personal expenditure is prohibited; - The Credit Card Credit shall not be used for cash withdrawals; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : - Expenditure shall comply with the Chief Executive Officer’s delegated purchasing authority; - The Cardholder is responsible for obtaining a “Tax Invoice” receipt for Australian Purchases to enable GST tax credits to be claimed. This shall be provided to the Director Corporate Services. - The cardholder is responsible for the accuracy of card statements and shall authorise the validity of statements by signing. Non Compliance with Policy Failure to comply with this policy may incur disciplinary action at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. Use of Personal Credit Cards Emergency expenditure by an employee, made on behalf of the Shire of Dardanup, may be reimbursed at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. Authorised reimbursement to the employee shall be made through Councils normal purchasing process on submission of documentary evidence supporting the expense. Australian expenditure shall be supported by a “Tax Invoice” receipt to enable GST tax credits to be claimed. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995, Section 2.7(2)(a) & (b) and Section 6.5(a). Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 11(1)(a). DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP4 DESCRIPTION EATON RECREATION INCENTIVE SCHEME COUNCIL RESOLUTION 25/12 DATE 09/02/2012 PREAMBLE: : CENTRE EMPLOYEE FINANCIAL The Eaton Recreation Centre (the centre) is owned and operated by the Shire of Dardanup. The centre operates as a fee for service facility catering for the indoor sporting needs of shire residents. The centre’s operations are integrated with the shire budget therefore any deficit is subsidised from general revenue. OBJECTIVE POLICY/PROCESS : : 1. To maximise the financial efficiency of the centre by providing a profit sharing incentive scheme to staff employed at the centre. 2. To enhance centre employee retention in order to attract and retain high quality centre staff. 1. ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES 1.1 This policy applies to an employee of the Shire of Dardanup whose principal place of employment is at the Eaton Recreation Centre and whose wages are allocated to the centres operations. 1.2 An eligible employee must have an employment status that requires the supply of a PAYG Summary (Group Certificate) from the Shire of Dardanup for the financial year. 1.3 Where an employee of the Shire has another principal place of employment in addition to that of the Centre, only the wages applicable to the centre shall be taken into account for the purposes of this policy. 1.4 An employee must be a current employee of the Shire of Dardanup at the time a payment is made under this policy to be eligible. (i.e. employees who leave the employ of the Shire during the financial year shall not be entitled for any payment made under this policy). 2. CALCULATION 2.1 50% (Fifty percent) of the Centre Surplus for a financial year shall be disbursed to eligible employees. 2.2 Disbursements shall be calculated pro rata, on an eligible employee’s ordinary gross wages for that financial year. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2.3 The maximum total pool of funds available for disbursement to eligible employees for any one year shall be $50,000. (i.e. Centre profit of $100,000 and greater). 3. PAYMENT 3.1 Payments made under this policy shall be made a soon as practicable following the receipt of the independent Audit Report on the accounts of the shire for the financial year. 3.2 Payment shall be made to the employee through the normal payroll process of the shire. 3.3 Any payment made under this policy shall be taxed at the time of payment to the employee in accordance with prevailing legislation regarding payment of bonuses. 3.4 Any payment made under this policy shall not be deemed to be ordinary gross earnings of the employee and shall not be used in any entitlement calculations (e.g. leave, redundancy, superannuation). 4. FINANCIAL YEAR 4.1 The period under which this policy applies is a financial year 1st July – 30th June. 5. DISPUTES 5.1 Decisions under this policy are to be made by the CEO and any disputes shall be resolved by the determination of the CEO. 6. DEFINITIONS In the context of this policy, the following terms shall be used; Centre Surplus Operating Expenditure Less Operating Revenue. Plus; • • Non-Operating Expenditure (Net of grants, disposal revenue, reserve transfers). Revenue in Lieu of Shire Vacation Care Employee Subsidy. Operating Revenue Note: Operating Revenue is calculated on the accrued basis. Actual Operating Revenue for the financial year generated from the ordinary operating activities of the Centre and excludes the following revenue; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • • • • Grants & Contributions for the development and purchase of assets. Profit on disposal of assets. Asset Revaluations. Any abnormal items as determined by the CEO. Operating Expenditure Note: Operating Expenditure is calculated on the accrued basis. Actual Operating Expenditure (net of reserve transfers) for the financial year generated from the ordinary operating activities of the Centre and excludes the following transactions; • • • • • • Depreciation. Loss on disposal of assets. Administration Overheads allocation. Provisions. Asset Revaluations. Any abnormal items as determined by the CEO. Ordinary Gross Wages The ordinary gross wage of an employee (excluding allowances) used in calculations made under this policy shall be that as recorded on the employee’s PAYG Summary (Group Certificate) for the financial year (excluding any payments under this policy). HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP5 DESCRIPTION ELECTRONIC MAIL AND INTERNET USAGE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 588/00 DATE 08/11/2000 PREAMBLE: : This policy details the e-mail/Internet policy for the Shire of Dardanup. It sets out guidelines for e-mail/Internet by all Shire staff members. It clearly identifies those areas where common sense is required (eg. personal e-mails in the case of family emergency), as well as those areas where there is no leeway, (eg. pornography). OBJECTIVE : 1. To make all employees aware of the Shire of Dardanup's email/Internet policy. 2. To ensure that the Shire's investment in computer hardware, software and services is used in the most productive manner to the greatest possible benefit of the Shire of Dardanup. 3. To ensure that all the Shire's business e-mails are preserved and available as corporate knowledge. POLICY : 1. All e-mails sent or received via the Shire's e-mail system are the property of the Shire, although the Shire does not accept responsibility for items of an informal nature that are transmitted through its system without consent. 2. Employees should only give their Shire of Dardanup e-mail address to people and organisations that are business partners of the Shire of Dardanup. 3. Employees should not give their Shire of Dardanup e-mail address to friends and relatives who are personal associates of the employee and not business associates of the Shire of Dardanup. 4. All discs to be loaded onto Council’s equipment are to be virus scanned using software as set by the Information Technology Officer/Director Corporate Services. 5. No attachment should be opened or stored unless the employee can positively identify the sender. 6. Distribution of e-mail containing non-business related material such as jokes is not encouraged. If personal mail is sent, the employee is requested to keep the volume to a minimum and required to enter CCC or PERSONAL in the subject line. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 7. No employee may send or distribute e-mail containing expletives or pornography. 8. No Shire employee may send or distribute e-mail containing derogatory, inflammatory, insulting or libellous information about any other Shire employee, customer, associate or any other person whatsoever. 9. No Shire employee may conduct any business (of a private nature) via the Shire's e-mail/Internet system other than legitimate Shire business. 10. Any Shire employee receiving questionable material (as described above in policies 6,7,8 and 18) should immediately forward all such material to their Director for appropriate action and then delete all local copies. 11. Employees may not use e-mail/Internet or electronic messaging systems to infringe copyright or other intellectual property rights of third parties. 12. All staff are required to protect the confidentiality provisions of the Shire, exercise due care and adhere to confidentiality agreements when handling data or information on/from the shire’s information systems. 13. Unauthorised advertising or promotion of products or services via the e-mail/Internet system IS NOT permitted. 14. Electronic records produced or received by an officer in the course of public duties are deemed to be public records. All such records are captured electronically. 15. Staff are discouraged from e-mailing matters of a legal or contractual nature. In some circumstances, the intended recipient should be contacted as to whether an e-mail “verified signature” is required. 16. E-mail is the preferred means of exchanging standard administrative and technical information and other informal correspondence. It should not be used for formal documents recording significant decisions or approvals or which otherwise warrant becoming part of the permanent record. E-mail should not be a substitute for other communication methods such as telephone, facsimile, or face to face meetings that would be more effective. E-mail should be viewed as merely another means of communication. Further discussion on the applicable use of e-mail is at Appendix A. 17. Users are to be responsible for their use of e-mail and will be held accountable for messages issued in their name. All Teams should ensure that e-mail facilities and services in their work areas are used suitably and in accordance with this policy. 18. E-mail should not be used for sending messages that are abusive, obscene, libellous and insulting or in bad taste. Further discussion Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL on the ethics of e-mail use is at Appendix C. 19. It is inappropriate for e-mail to be used for the creation and/or the distribution of jokes, cartoons or other inappropriate material. Staff must be individually responsible for e-mails that they create and/or may receive. Refer to Appendix A. Monitoring e-mails The Shire has installed an e-mail management system. This system is capable of capturing all e-mail business transactions and to trap and report all questionable e-mails. The Shire's employees should be aware that all e-mails are being monitored to ensure that the Shire's e-mail/Internet policy is being adhered to. Consequences Shire employees found to be acting in contravention of the above directives will receive a first written warning and if required, a second written warning by the Senior Records Officer and asked not to reoffend. Employees who continue to disregard the above directives will be formally warned by their Director and then may face suspension pending court action and/or dismissal if the offence is considered to be of a serious nature. Note that any offence associated with pornography or insulting behaviour will be automatically classified as being of a serious nature. Capturing e-mail All staff have a Shire of Dardanup email address, Records has access to ALL e-mails via Records Archive. It is the responsibility of the Senior Records Officer to decipher which email requires keeping, registering or deleting. The following steps will apply to capturing e-mail, which will be given no greater or lesser priority than other forms of communication when being processed. 1. E-mail received in Records and opened daily. 2. Incoming e-mails addressed to Records will be forwarded on to the relevant person and if required registered. 3. The email is registered and only the first page is printed on yellow paper then placed on file. The remainder of the email and any attachments can be viewed electronically. ATTACHMENTS ♦ Appendix A: Applicable and Unsuitable Use of E-mail ♦ Appendix B: Security and Privacy ♦ Appendix C: mail Etiquette and Ethics for the Effective Use of E- Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL ♦ Appendix D: Users E-mail Maintenance for Shire of Dardanup APPENDIX A: APPLICABLE AND UNSUITABLE USE OF ELECTRONIC MAIL Applicable Use of Electronic Mail 1. E-mail offers some unique and powerful advantages over the more traditional communication methods. The following are some examples of when e-mail should be used: a) Minimising telephone time. Attempting to make telephone contact can be very frustrating and time consuming. Many daily business transactions can be quickly and effectively completed by a brief exchange of e-mail messages. b) Commenting on a document or issue. E-mail should be used to check comments on an issue or a document. It can overcome the problems of photocopying, collating, determining exact locations of people and arranging delivery of draft documents. In addition, all replies will come straight back to the originator, in electronic format for easier revision. c) Record of an instruction or request is required. E-mail can be used to provide a permanent record of an instruction or request by saving a copy of the message as sent mail. Confirmation that the message was received and opened by the recipient can be recorded by requesting a read receipt on systems that implement this facility. d) 2. Communicating information to groups. Use e-mail if the same information needs to be sent quickly to a group of people. It is just as easy to send information to ten people as it is to one using the ability of e-mail to join separate addressees into groups. Care should be taken not to overload the network by sending large messages (or attachments) to more than 20 recipients. Understanding the medium and knowing how to use it effectively can make e-mail a valuable and effective tool. Inappropriate Use of Electronic Mail 3. E-mail has a tendency to be overused or used inappropriately because of its speed, convenience and informality. Most effective communication can be achieved by selecting the best tool for the job, eg telephone, facsimile, internal mail services, Australia Post, courier, bulletin board, e- Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL mail, posters, meetings, videoconferencing or in person. If a message requires clarification or discussion, then a conversation may well cut through to the heart of the issue, rather than starting a thread of messages and responses that may lead to misunderstandings. 4. The e-mail services provided within the Shire of Dardanup are for official use only and should be confined to business matters. For example, e-mail is not provided for users to distribute the latest game software to friends or associates. This is not only illegal in some cases, but also is an obvious waste of the organisation’s time and money. 5. E-mail is not to be used to convey personal personnel information unless consent has been obtained from the individual(s) concerned to do so. 6. The right to use e-mail may be withdrawn if it is used inappropriately. The following are some examples of inappropriate use: a. abusive or otherwise objectionable language in either public or private messages; b. sending of illegal messages eg. Breaches of copyright and pornography c. sending of messages that are likely to result in the loss of the recipient’s work or systems; d. sending of chain letters; e. intentional sending of huge messages or attachments to large groups of recipients. Consideration should be given to using other forms of communication (ie mail) when sending large documents that exceed 20 pages or contain more than two embedded graphic files. f. any other types of use which would knowingly cause congestion of the networks or otherwise interfere with the work of others. Encounter of Controversial Material (In particular Pornographic or Offensive E-mail) 7. Unfortunately, the Shire of Dardanup is powerless to prevent any inappropriate e-mail being received at a particular email address, but it will in no way condone any pornographic or offensive e-mail being forwarded on to any person; either as a knowing recipient of the material, or as an unknowing recipient of the material. The Shire of Dardanup considers such material totally inappropriate to the workplace and expects that any person who receives such material will immediately delete it from Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL the system. Should you receive such e-mail you should report this to the Chief Executive Officer or your Immediate Director, as it is our practice to advise the organisation that hosts the sender, that such e-mail is being sent from their organisation and asking them to prohibit the sending of such e-mail to us. The sending of offensive or pornographic e-mail may expose the Council to claims of sexual harassment, which further emphasise the reasons behind the obvious restrictions placed upon this type of material. Given the Shire of Dardanup’s strong opposition to this matter, it must be understood that any person who is found to store this material in their own private folders, or who forwards this material onto any other person, either within our internal network or by external e-mail, will have their e-mail services terminated immediately. APPENDIX B: SECURITY AND PRIVACY 1. The widespread introduction of e-mail throughout the World Wide Web has substantially increased the risk of loss of confidentiality and integrity of essential information. Except where encryption is used, e-mail messages are easily accessible by personnel with specific technical knowledge. 2. Council members, employees, contractors or other users are not to intercept messages while in transmission or access messages stored on a system if not authorised to do so. The Records Officer and the Systems Administrator may only intercept messages if necessary to identify a source of interference or to troubleshoot problems on the network. 3. The weakest link in e-mail security is the user. E-mail relies for its security on being able to identify uniquely the person who originates every message. This is achieved by password protection of the user account and/or e-mail account. Mail accounts must be password protected and users must not store the password in the mail configuration file as the default. The operating system should be configured so that individual access to the e-mail service is controlled through the use of passwords. 4. If passwords are shared with another person then a key aspect of the mail system security is effectively defeated. Passwords should be at least six alphanumeric characters long and, where possible, they should be checked to make sure they are not easily guessed. Passwords should be kept secure and changed at least every 90 days. All e-mail users will be held accountable for every message issued in their name. 5. Security is not to be confused with privacy. The Shire of Dardanup owns the mail system, including the information being deposited and sent. The e-mail services are for official use only and the messages contained in the system should represent a Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL significant public record of Council’s business matters. For this reason the SHIRE OF DARDANUP reserves the right to initiate random checks of e-mail folders should it be considered appropriate to do so. 6. Freedom of Information. Along with Council’s paper based documents, e-mail falls within the definition of a record under the Freedom of Information Act “any article on which information has been stored or recorded. Either mechanically, magnetically or electronically” Therefore e-mail may fall within the ambit of an Freedom of Information application to Council, and the applicant may have a legally enforceable right to access the (edited or unedited) information contained in the e-mail. 7. Many networks are UNCLASSIFIED and have connections to other external networks. There is no guarantee of security or privacy for e-mail across any of those networks. Always use your own judgement in relation to receipt of an e-mail. Be aware of VIRUSES and if you are unsure of the origin of an e-mail you have received and there is a file attachment which requires opening contact the Information Technology Officer who can arrange for the file to be checked for any virus. APPENDIX C: ETIQUETTE AND ETHICS FOR THE EFFECTIVE USE OF E-MAIL 1. Since e-mail is not quite like other methods of communications, a distinct etiquette for its use has evolved. Following are some guidelines that have been adapted from the `The Business of Electronic Mail’, issued by Telstra, Melbourne (1997)’. E-mail Ethics 2. Use good judgment by not sending messages that are libellous, defamatory, abusive and obscene or in bad taste. All users of email systems must act with courtesy and refrain from the use of inflammatory or offensive language at all times. Remember that you may be legally liable for any libellous or defamatory statements made. 3. Never forget that a person is receiving the e-mail. It is very easy to make critical or intemperate comments across e-mail when the recipient of these comments and the impact it has on them does not confront you. 4. Like the information in Council’s paper based record, the contents of Council’s e-mail system are also part of the public record. It may therefore be subjected to public access and scrutiny under disclosure law such as the Freedom of Information Legislation. Hence e-mail content needs to be objective in nature with all system users endeavouring to avoid the use of subjective comments. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL E-mail Etiquette 5. Read and respond to Messages. Check your e-mail regularly; ignoring a message is discourteous and confusing to the sender. If you receive a message intended for another person, do not just ignore it; return it to the sender. Answer messages in a timely manner, informing senders when their requests cannot be accommodated. Delete messages as soon as they have been answered or the issue resolved. For messages that must be retained, develop an orderly filing system. 6. All Capital Letters give the effect of SHOUTING! Many people interpret the use of all capitals in e-mail to indicate shouting, anger or rudeness. Shouting is most effective if it is reserved for special occasions. In any case, studies show that proper use of upper and lower case assists word recognition and makes a message easier to read. Capitalise words only to HIGHLIGHT an important point or distinguish a title or heading. 7. Be courteous. While conciseness is good, it should never be at the expense of common courtesy; say please and thank you. 8. Review before Sending. Reading a message before sending will not only reveal spelling and grammatical mistakes, but if you put yourself in the place of the recipient you will detect whether your message is sensible and is going to be well received and understood. Human conversation uses gesture and tone to convey the meaning of words. An e-mail message can contain words which were humorously intended by the author but which, without the accompanying expression or inflection if the words were spoken, seem insulting to the recipient. If you must use sarcasm or express emotion in a message, clearly label it. 9. Sign-off your Messages. Include your name and affiliation at the end of a message. Not only is this courteous, but it serves the practical function of reassuring the reader that the message has not been truncated in its travels. This is particularly important if sending through a gateway to a different mail system, where a message can sometimes be truncated on the way to its destination. 10. Forwarding Earlier Messages. Be professional and careful what you say about others in email. In the case of your own messages, you should say Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL clearly in the message if you do not want all or part of its contents relayed. In the case of messages you receive from others, think first of any possible damage or embarrassment to the originator before forwarding it. It may be possible to remove sensitive parts of the message before sending it on to others. Do not edit and resend a message that you have received without indicating that changes have been made to the original. Remember that e-mail is not confidential; it is neither absolutely private nor absolutely secure. The recipient of a message has control of the content and can use it how they choose. If you wish to on-forward a previously received e-mail to a third party, you should, as a matter of courtesy, seek permission from the originator that you are relaying their message. 11. E-mail Responsibly. Do not waste resources by sending inconsequential messages and do not accumulate large amounts of e-mail which are no longer required. Try to avoid irrelevancies and try to keep messages succinct and brief. Focus on one subject per message. Always define the topic of a message in the e-mail subject header to make it easy for the recipient to quickly review their list of messages. 12. Message Distributions. Keep the list of recipients and carbon copies (cc) to a minimum. It is too easy to widely disseminate messages that are of limited or no interest to most recipients (commonly referred to as junk mail). 13. Large File Attachments. 14. Do not send e-mail messages enclosing large file attachments and distribute these widely (eg Everyone in mailing lists) as they can cause e-mail servers and gateways to fail. It can also cause traffic problems on the network. A preferred approach is to make the file accessible to other users by placing it in a shared folder or directory and informing users of its availability. Assume the competence and honesty of the sender. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt is a good starting point, especially if you do not know them and they’re hundreds of kilometres away. There have been examples of replies to messages that appear to assume the sender is incompetent or an idiot when the recipient has misunderstood the context or intent of the message. 15. Use Receipts. If a message is important, then you need to be sure that it is received and read. In this case make sure you ask for a delivery receipt and a read-receipt. This will cause a message to be sent to you automatically to tell you when the Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL message has been delivered to the recipients’ mail box, and when the recipient has opened your message to read it. 16. Keep a Copy. Before removing mail messages from your Sent Mail folder, make sure that any important matters they relate to are closed. 17. Schedule a reminder. If you have an electronic diary, or indeed any sort of diary, schedule a reminder to check on the status of an important message after an appropriate period. 18. Treat e-mail as a permanent, official record. What you write can be used in evidence. Keep this in mind before you click the send button. Even if you do not think the matter is important enough to keep a copy, your recipient may keep a copy. Assume that any message you send is permanent and could be modified and/or forwarded throughout the world without your knowledge or consent. APPENDIX D: E-MAIL MAINTENANCE FOR SHIRE OF DARDANUP USERS 1. Some mail systems keep users mail in folders in a single file on the Post Office server. This file can get quite large, and the bigger it gets, the slower e-mail will work. Performance can be improved by limiting the number of items in the busiest of folders to as few as possible. The in-box and sent mail folders are the most frequently used folders. If possible, keep the number of messages in each folder down to less than 50 or so and regularly review the contents of the sent mail folder for message copies which no longer need to be kept. Remember to “Empty your Trash”. 2. Problems can occur in the sending of attachments between organisations using different systems. For example a Microsoft Word document sent by a user using a Novell based system might not be readable by a recipient who uses a Unix system. Even when the systems are the same, applications software such as spread sheets may be incompatible. The following tips can help: a confirm the acceptability of the document, spread sheet or database format with the recipient before transmitting it; b where feasible convert documents to standard text before transmission - in addition to ensuring compatibility this will reduce transmission time and cost; and Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL c ensure that the format of attachments is clearly identified in the message. 3. Problems can also occur in the handling of attachments between different mail systems. This is particularly evident in mail transmitted over the Internet where several different mail protocols are in use. Where feasible, inclusion of documents as embedded text within the message can help. The SSO can provide assistance with decoding attachments sent from incompatible systems. 4. E-mail can quickly grow and place demands on on-line storage and on communication systems. If absent for extended periods, have someone clear your mail or arrange to have it redirected. Automatic return messages can be generated by GroupWise. Avoid sending large messages or attachments to large numbers of recipients as this can result in service degradation for all e-mail users. PROCESS : The Shire of Dardanup's e-mail/Internet system is a corporate resource and is to be used for corporate business as a vehicle for business to business and business to customer transactions. They should be viewed in a similar manner to the Shire's telephone system in that personal usage should be kept to an absolute minimum. For example, if all exchange lines were in use for personal business, the Shire would not be able to function. The following policies are to ensure that the Shire's e-mail/Internet system is used almost exclusively for Shire business. To this end, all e-mails sent or received by a Shire employee are Shire's property. There is no concept in the Shire's e-mail system of personal ownership of e-mails. HEAD OF POWER : Policy Manual DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tear off and return to Human Resources: SHIRE OF DARDANUP E-MAIL POLICY ACCEPTANCE FORM I __________________________________________________________ having read the Shire of Dardanup E-mail Policy document and Appendices, agree to abide by the terms and conditions as outlined. Signed:______________________________________________ (This form is to be retained on the employees personnel file) Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP6 DESCRIPTION RECORDS MANAGEMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 22/10/2003 PREAMBLE: : Sound record management practices are an integral part of any business, legislative changes are ensuring that local government as an industry is more accountable. OBJECTIVE : To capture, control and provide accurate records in all formats, by developing systems and practices that make the recording, storing and accessibility of information more readily available to all staff. To safeguard records of continuing administrative, or historical purposes. POLICY : value for legal, fiscal, Council will maintain a Records Office that manages the efficient capture, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval and disposition of its records in accordance with the State Records Act 2000. This includes all records whether received or created by staff or by Elected Members acting in their official capacity as Councillors, will capture, create or provide full and accurate records, in the appropriate form, of the Council's business decisions and transactions to meet all legal, evidential, administrative, financial and historical requirements. PROCESS : All records, regardless of format, and whether internal or external, are to be captured at the point of creation, with required metadata, into appropriate corporate systems that are managed in accordance with record keeping principles and the Australian Standard for Records Management AS ISO 15489 All records are to be categorized as to their level of sensitivity and adequately secured and protected from violation, unauthorized access and destruction in accordance with necessary preservation and storage requirements. Access to the Council's records by staff and contractors will be regulated according to security classifications. Access to the Council's records by the general public will be in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1992. Access to the Council's records by elected Members will be via the chief executive Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995. All records maintained by the Council are to be retained and disposed of in accordance with the state Records Office's General Disposal Authority for Local Government Records. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : State Records Act 2000 Australian Standards ISO 15489 General Disposal Authority for Local Government Records 1999 Synergy Soft Records Management System DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP7 DESCRIPTION SUNDRY DEBTORS - RECOVERY PROCEDURES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1010/98 DATE 23/10/1998 PREAMBLE: : Formalises the collection requirements to Council. OBJECTIVE : The purpose of this policy is to use staff time more efficiently, reduce the amount of individual letters sent to debtors and to expedite the recovery of debts due to Council. POLICY : 1. All sundry debtors shall be issued with an invoice for services or goods rendered and shall be due and payable to the Council within 30 days of issue. 2. Debtors will be issued with a Statement of Account if their debt remains unpaid after the 30 day period. 3. All debts overdue up to 90 days from the date of issue, shall be recovered by way of legal action with or without further notice as deemed appropriate by the Chief Executive Officer. of debts process and reporting Footnote: PROCESS : a) The purpose of this policy is to use staff time more efficiently, reduce the amount of individual letters sent to debtors and to expedite the recovery of debts due to Council. b) The effect of this policy will be to instigate a more formal process for recovery of debts due to Council. 1. All sundry debtors shall be issued with an invoice for services or goods rendered and shall be due and payable to the Council within 30 days of issue. 2. Debtors will be issued with a Statement of Account if their debt remains unpaid after the 30 day period. 3. All debts overdue up to 90 days from the date of issue, shall be recovered by way of legal action with or without further notice as deemed appropriate by the Chief Executive Officer. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP8 DESCRIPTION PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 241/11 DATE 27/07/2011 PREAMBLE: : In accordance with clause 12 of the WA Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, Council may delegate the authority to the Chief Executive Officer to authorise payments. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible to ensure effective systems and procedures are in place for proper authorisation for the incurring of liabilities and the making of payments. OBJECTIVE : To ensure there is an effective system and procedure for authorised payment of accounts. POLICY/PROCESS : 1. Procedure for ordering and authorisation of goods and services. a) For the purposes of this policy an Authorised Officer shall be an officer that has delegated authority by the Chief Executive Officer to purchase and authorise payments on behalf of Council. b) An official Council Purchase Order shall be created and signed by the Authorised Officer prior to any goods or services being ordered. Notwithstanding that, in some instances, the issuing of a Purchase Order is not practical. The Authorised Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that the expense being incurred is in accordance with Council’s Procurement Policy. c) Upon creation of the Purchase Order, the Authorised Officer shall cause for the Purchase Order to be passed to the Accounts Payable Officer. The Purchase Order shall then be held until the appropriate invoice is received. d) Each invoice and approval for payment shall be physically marked as correct and approved for payment by the Authorised Officer incurring the debt. 2. Payment of Accounts a) Council staff shall settle accounts due and payable every fortnight. Notwithstanding that, the CEO is authorised to make a special payment at any time where an incentive to pay prior to a date is offered (either a penalty or discount) or the terms of trade require an early payment. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL b) Payments shall not be made in cash (other than through the Petty Cash system) in accordance with regulation 11(3)(a) Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 1996. c) Only officers authorised by the CEO or Director Corporate Services (or officers acting in those roles, with the required authority) shall be responsible for payment processing and shall be independent of payments approvals. d) A list of all accounts paid in the month prior, shall be presented to the Council. The list shall comprise of details as prescribed in the WA Local Government Act (Financial Management Regulations) 1996. i) Payments by Cheque 1. Where a payment is made by cheque, the cheque shall only be generated electronically using Council’s Accounts Payable System. 2. Each cheque raised, shall be supported by sufficient documentation, including an official Council Order (where one is required) or in the absence of an order, details relating to why the expense has been incurred. An invoice satisfying the requirements of a "Tax Invoice" must also form part of the supporting documentation where relevant. 3. Two signatures are required on each Council cheque. The Director Corporate Services (or authorized officer acting in that role) shall be required to sign all cheques, together with an officer with delegated authority to sign cheques. 4. Both signatories shall be independent of payments processing and cheque generation. 5. Under no circumstances shall a blank cheque be signed. 6. Blank cheque forms shall be under physical control and kept in a secure place. 7. Cheque forms shall be sequentially numbered and used in sequence. 8. Cancelled cheques shall be properly mutilated by way of notation as cancelled and retained in numerical order. 9. A photocopy of the signed cheque accompanied by complete evidence of the transaction shall be securely retained and filed in cheque number order. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL ii) Payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 1. Where a payment is made by EFT, it shall be made utilising Council’s online banking facility. 2. The EFT file shall only be generated electronically using Council’s Accounts Payable, or Payroll system. 3. Two electronic signatories shall be required to authorise an EFT payment file. The Director Corporate Services (or authorized officer acting in that role) shall be required to electrically authorise an EFT payment file together with an Authorised Officer. 4. Both signatories shall be independent of payment processing and EFT file generation. 5. A photocopy of each Accounts Payable EFT Remittance Advice, accompanied by complete evidence of the transaction, shall be securely retained and filed in EFT Remittance Number order. With respect to EFT payments, the following EFT Authorised Officers (or authorized officers acting in the role) shall be assigned access to Council’s online banking facility. OFFICER ADMINISTRA- LOAD AUTHORISE EFT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AUTHORISE EFT PAYROLL TOR PAYMENT FILE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER X X X X DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICES X X X X SENIOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING OFFICER X X X X SENIOR RATES OFFICER X X X X PAYROLL OFFICER X ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OFFICER X RATES OFFICER X RELIEVING OFFICER X Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL EFT Authorised officers shall each be assigned a personal identification number and password. This number shall act as the signature to authorise EFT payments. The personal identification number and password is the responsibility of the EFT Authorised Officer and shall not be distributed, or accessible, to any other person. iii) Payments by Petty Cash CUSTODIANSHIP A) Reason: Responsible Officer: Petty Cash funds shall be maintained on an imprest system • Places a limit on amounts held. • Keeps records up to date • Is easily surprise checked as vouchers equal imprest amount at all times. Petty Cash Officers Date Due: Daily CUSTODIANSHIP B) Delegated Petty Cash Officer Reason: Single responsibility essential to custodianship. Responsible Officer: • • • • Date Due: CUSTODIANSHIP C) Reason: Responsible Officer: Eaton – Reception CSO Dardanup – Customer Service Officer Recreation Centre – Administration Officer Eaton Community Library – Shire Librarian Daily Petty Cash funds shall be separated from other cash by an exclusive use securable “Petty Cash Tin” Prevents funds being used to cover deficiencies in Petty Cash. Petty Cash Officers Date Due: Daily CUSTODIANSHIP D) “Petty Cash Tin” to be secured and locked when not being accessed. Reason: To prevent unauthorised access Responsible Officer: Petty Cash Officers Date Due: Daily Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL CUSTODIANSHIP E) Reason: Responsible Officer: Petty Cash limit for purchase to any one supplier shall be $20 (Twenty Dollars) Ensures cash payments are kept to minimal amounts. Petty Cash Officers Date Due: Daily CUSTODIANSHIP F) IOU’s Prohibited Reason: Ensures payments are supported by receipts Responsible Officer: Petty Cash Officers Date Due: Daily APPROVAL - A) All payments shall be supported by a Receipt Reason: Prevents fraudulent claims Responsible Officer: Petty Cash Officers Date Due: Prior to supply of Cash APPROVAL - B) All vouchers shall be prepared in Ink Reason: Prevents amounts being fraudulently increased Responsible Officer: Petty Cash Officers Date Due: Prior to supply of Cash APPROVAL - C) Reason: Responsible Officer: Date Due: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Payment shall be approved by an authorised cheque signatory or Line Director in absence Petty Cash Officers are often not senior employees hence approval of expenditure is necessary to control disbursements Petty Cash Officers Prior to supply of Cash SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL ACCOUNTING A) Reason: Responsible Officer: Vouchers (with attached receipts) to be attached to the “Petty Cash Reimbursement” Purchase Order • To ensure vouchers are Bona Fide • For authorisation by purchasing officer Petty Cash Officers Date Due: As required ACCOUNTING B) Reimbursement cheques shall be made payable to “Shire of Dardanup” NEVER TO “cash” Reason: Helps prevent loss if cheque is accidentally lost Responsible Officer: Accounts Payable Officer Date Due: As required INTERNAL AUDITING Surprise counts & reconciliations of funds are carried out periodically Reason: Deterrent against IOU’s and irregularities Responsible Officer: Internal Auditor Date Due: Periodically HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP9 DESCRIPTION PROCUREMENT POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 302/11 DATE 12/10/2011 PREAMBLE : The Shire of Dardanup is committed to maintaining efficient, effective, economical and sustainable procedures in all procurement activities. This policy: • Provides the Shire of Dardanup with an effective way of purchasing goods and services. • Ensures that procurement is carried out in a fair and equitable manner. • Strengthens integrity and confidence in the procurement system. • Ensures that the Shire of Dardanup receives value for money in its purchasing. • Ensures the Shire of Dardanup is compliant with all regulatory obligations. • Promotes effective governance and definition of roles and responsibilities. OBJECTIVE : To provide clear guidelines to Council officers and suppliers in regards to the procurement of goods or services to allow consistency and robust control over the Shires procurement activity. To ensure that the purchasing process results in the acquisition of goods and services which provide best value to the Shire of Dardanup. To provide compliance with the Local Government Act, 1995 and the Local Government Act (Functions and General) Regulations, 1996. To deliver a best practice approach to procurement for the Shire of Dardanup. Provide guidance on ethical behaviour and ensure probity, transparency, competition and the avoidance of conflicts of interests and nepotism in all Shires procurement and contracting activities. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY : 1 ETHICS & INTEGRITY All officers and elected members of the Shire of Dardanup shall observe the highest standards of ethics and integrity in undertaking procurement activities and act in an honest and professional manner that supports the good reputation of the Shire of Dardanup. The following principles, standards and behaviours must be observed and enforced through all stages of the procurement process to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all parties: • • • • • • full accountability shall be taken for all procurement decisions and the efficient, effective and proper expenditure of public monies based on achieving value for money; all procurement practices shall comply with relevant legislation, regulations, and requirements consistent with the Shire of Dardanup’s policies and Code of Conduct; procurement is to be undertaken on a competitive basis in which all potential suppliers are treated impartially, honestly and consistently; all processes, evaluations and decisions shall be transparent, free from bias and fully documented in accordance with applicable policies and audit requirements; any actual or perceived conflicts of interest are to be identified, disclosed to the department Directors and appropriately managed (using Public Interest Disclosure guidelines); and any information provided to the Shire of Dardanup by a supplier shall be treated as commercial-in-confidence and should not be released unless authorised by the supplier or as required by relevant legislation. 2. VALUE FOR MONEY Value for money is an overarching principle governing procurement that allows the best possible outcome to be achieved for the Shire of Dardanup. It is important to note that compliance with the specification is more important than obtaining the lowest price, particularly taking into account user requirements, quality standards, sustainable procurement objectives, life cycle costing, and service benchmarks. An assessment of the best value for money outcome for any purchasing should consider: • All relevant whole-of-life costs and whole of life cycle costs (for goods) and whole of contract life costs (for services) including transaction costs associated with acquisition, delivery, distribution, as well as other costs such as, but not limited to, holding costs, consumables, deployment, maintenance and disposal; • The technical merits of the goods or services being offered in terms of compliance with specifications, contractual terms and conditions and any relevant methods of assuring quality; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Financial viability and capacity to supply without risk of default, (competency of the prospective suppliers in terms of managerial and technical capabilities and compliance history); • A strong element of competition in the allocation of orders or the awarding of contracts. This is achieved by obtaining a sufficient number of competitive quotations wherever practicable. Where a higher priced offer is recommended, there should be clear and demonstrable benefits over and above lower priced offering, supported by the evaluation of the selection criteria. 3. RECORDS MANAGEMENT For Tenders & formal Request for Quotations (RFQ) All records associated with procurement process shall be recorded and retained as official Council records, including: i. All tender or RFQ documentation ii. Internal documentation iii. Evaluation documentation iv. All correspondence including enquiry and response documentation v. Notification and award documentation For direct procurement All records that are required under this policy must be attached to any purchase order, including: i. Quotation documents ii. Internal documentation iii. Order forms Verbal Quotations Where a verbal quotation is required under this policy then a written record must be made of both the quotation and any submission of quotation. This written record shall include: i. Details of the goods and services required; ii. name of any supplier who has been requested to provide a quotation and the date on which it was requested; iii. name of any supplier who submitted a quotation, the amount of the quotation This information is to be recorded in the pre-printed verbal quotation section on the Office Copy Purchase Order. Written Quotations Where a written quotation is required under this policy then the written request for quotation and any submission of quotations must Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL be attached to the Office Copy Purchase Order. 4. PAYMENT THRESHOLDS The following thresholds apply where the value (excluding GST) of like products or services, procured from a single supplier; i. ii. over a 1 year period 1st July – 30 June; or under a contract over the full contract period (including options to extend) is or is expected to be: Value of Procurement Excluding GST) Less than $1,000 $1,000 – less than $10,000 $10,000 – less than $100,000 $100,000 and above Requirements Professional discretion of market in accordance with the objectives of this Procurement Policy. 2 (two) or more verbal or written quotations or priced printouts from separate suppliers’ catalogues or websites and evidence attached to Purchase Order. 3 (three) or more written quotations from separate suppliers and attached to Purchase Order. Conduct a public tender process in accordance with prevailing legislation and the shires procedures. Note: Where it is considered beneficial, tenders may be called in lieu of seeking quotations for purchases under the $100,000 threshold (excluding GST) If a decision to seek public tenders for contracts of less than $100,000, a Request for Tender process that entails all the procedures for tendering outlined in this policy must be followed in full. 5. EXEMPTION FROM PROCUREMENT QUOTATIONS REQUIREMENTS 1. Purchases of Goods and/or Services under; a. Current Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) Preferred Supplier contracts; b. Current WA Department Finance Common Use Agreements (CUA’s) Note Procurements made under CUA or WALGA preferred supplier contracts shall be checked for currency of contract at the time of quotation. The contract number of CUA or WALGA Preferred Supplier contracts must be quoted at the time of quote sourcing and Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL ordering, in order to identify Council to the supplier as party to the contract pricing structure. 2. Sole Source of Supply (Monopoly Suppliers). The procurement of goods and/or services available from only one source of supply, (i.e. manufacturer, supplier or agency) is permitted without the need to call competitive quotations provided that there must genuinely be only one source of supply. Every endeavour to find alternative sources must be made. Written confirmation of this must be made in accordance with the record management section of this policy. Note: The application of provision “sole source of supply” should only occur in limited cases and experience indicates that generally more than one supplier is able to provide the requirements. 3. An emergency situation as defined by the Local Government Act 1995. 4. The purchase is under public auction which has been authorized by Council. 5. The purchase is for petrol, oil, or other liquid or gas used for internal combustion engines. 6. Shelf acquired non bulk Grocery, Alcohol & Sundry Hardware No quotations are required for the procurement of non-bulk fixed price retail grocery, alcohol and sundry hardware products sourced off the shelf from retail stores that are open to the public. It is considered that the non-negotiable pricing together with strong competition within the grocery and hardware sector is sufficient to provide best pricing. 7. Software Support / Maintenance No quotations are required for contracts for the provision, maintenance or support of software where; a. the value of the contract is less than or equal to $100,000 and; b. the responsible officer has good reason to believe that because of the unique nature of the software support and maintenance required, or for any other reason, it is unlikely that there is more than one potential supplier. 8. Any of the other exclusions under Regulation 11 of the Functions and General Regulations apply. 9. Chief Executive Officers or Director Discretion The Chief Executive Officer or Director may, at their discretion, waive the requirements in writing to obtain the necessary Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL quotations providing that written justifiable reasons for such waiver, are provided by the responsible purchasing officer to the Chief Executive Officer, or their Director in the following situations; a. the responsible officer has sought required quotations, but has only received less than the required responses that met the quotation specifications; or b. The goods or services are to be supplied by or obtained through the government of the State or the Commonwealth or any of its agencies, or by a local government or a regional local government. 6. CONTRACT SPLITTING PROHIBITED It is a breach of this policy (and Local Government Act 1995 with regard to tender thresholds) to enter into 2 (two) or more contracts in circumstances such that the desire to avoid the requirements of this policy is a significant reason for not dealing with the matter in a single contract. 7. DECISION MAKING When considering quotations or tenders submitted under this policy a decision may be taken either to: a. Not accept any quotation / tenders; or; b. Accept the quotation which will advantageous for the Shire of Dardanup. PROCESS : be most Procurement of goods or services (GST Excl) Less than $1,000 Where the value of procurement of goods or services does not exceed $1,000, purchasing officers are required to use professional discretion and are encouraged to undertake occasional market testing to ensure best value is maintained. $1,000 to less than $10,000 This category is for the procurement of goods or services where the value of such procurement ranges between $1,000 and less than $10,000. At least 2 (two), or more of the following quotations from separate suppliers are required. a) Verbal quotations; b) Written quotations; c) Priced printouts from a reputable supplier’s catalogue or website; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL d) or a combination of the above The principles for obtaining verbal quotations are: a) Ensure that the requirement / specification is clearly understood by the employee seeking the verbal quotations; b) Ensure that the requirement is clearly, accurately and consistently communicated to each of the suppliers being invited to quote; c) Read back the details to the supplier contact person to confirm their accuracy; d) Written notes detailing each verbal quotation must be recorded in the pre-printed verbal quotation section on the Office Copy Purchase Order. $10,000 to less than $100,000 This category is for the procurement of goods or services where the value of such procurement ranges between $10,000 and less than $100,000. At least 3 (three), or more, written quotations from separate suppliers are required. The principles for obtaining written quotations shall be: a) An appropriately detailed specification should communicate requirement(s) in a clear, concise and logical fashion. b) The request for written quotation should include as a minimum: i. Written Specification ii. Selection Criteria to be applied iii. Price Schedule iv. Conditions of responding v. Validity period of offer c) Invitations to quote should be issued simultaneously to ensure and all parties receive an equal opportunity to respond. d) Advise all prospective suppliers at the same time any new information that is likely to change the requirements. e) Responses should be assessed for compliance, then against the selection criteria, and then value for money and all evaluations documented. f) Respondents should be advised in writing as soon as possible after the final determination is made and approved. $100,000 and above This category is for the procurement of goods or services where the value of such procurement is $100,000 and greater. For procurements over $100,000 shall be by Public Tender. Prior to calling for tenders the responsible officer is to prepare selection criteria for scoring and evaluating the tenders. The selection criteria are to be assessed by at least one other senior officer before the tender is advertised. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Advertising Tenders Tenders are to be advertised in a state wide publication e.g. “The West Australian” newspaper, Local Government Tenders section, preferably on a Wednesday or Saturday. The tender must remain open for at least 14 days after the date the tender is advertised. Care must be taken to ensure that 14 full days are provided as a minimum. The notice shall include; • The tender reference number; • a brief description of the goods or services required; • information as to where and how tenders may be submitted; • A statement that no tender will necessarily be accepted; • the date and time after which tenders cannot be submitted; • particulars identifying a person from who more detailed information as to tendering may be obtained; Detailed information shall include; • such information as the responsible officer decides should be disclosed to those interested in submitting a tender; • detailed specifications of the goods or services required; • the criteria for deciding which tender should be accepted; • whether or not the Shire of Dardanup has decided to submit a tender; and • whether or not tenders can be submitted by facsimile or other electronic means, and if so, how tenders may so be submitted. Issuing Tender Documentation Details of all parties who acquire the documentation whether by counter, mail, internet, referral, or other means will be recorded. This is essential as if clarifications, addendums or further communication is required prior to the close of tenders, all potential tenderers must have equal access to this information in order for the Local Government not to compromise its Duty to be Fair. Tender Deadline A tender that is not received in full in the required format by the advertised Tender Deadline shall be rejected. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Opening of Tenders No tenders are to be removed from the tender box, or opened (read or evaluated) prior to the Tender Deadline. Tenders are to be opened in the presence of the Chief Executive Officer’s delegated nominee and at least one other Council Officer. The details of all tenders received and opened shall be recorded in the Tenders Register. Tenders are to be opened in accordance with the advertised time and place. There is no obligation to disclose or record tendered prices at the tender opening, and price information should be regarded as commercial-in-confidence to the Local Government. Members of the public are entitled to be present. The Tenderers Offer Form, Price Schedule and other appropriate pages from each tender shall be date stamped and initialled by at least two Local Government Officers present at the opening of tenders. No Tenders Received Where the Local Government has invited tenders, however no compliant submissions have been received, direct purchases can be arranged on the basis of the following: • a sufficient number of quotations are obtained; • the process follows the guidelines for seeking quotations below $100,000 (listed above); • the specification for goods and/or services remains unchanged; • purchasing is arranged within 6 months of the closing date of the lapsed tender. Tender Evaluation Tenders that have not been rejected shall be assessed by the Local Government by means of a written evaluation against the predetermined criteria. The tender evaluation panel shall assess each tender that has not been rejected to determine which tender is most advantageous. Addendum to Tender If, after the tender has been publicly advertised, any changes, variations or adjustments to the tender document and/or the conditions of tender are required, the Local Government may vary the initial information by taking reasonable steps to give each person who has sought copies of the tender documents notice of the variation. Minor Variation If after the tender has been publicly advertised and a successful tenderer has been chosen but before the Local Government and Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL tenderer have entered into a Contract, a minor variation may be made by the Local Government. A minor variation will not alter the nature of the goods and/or services procured, nor will it materially alter the specification or structure provided for by the initial tender. Notification of Outcome Each tenderer shall be notified of the outcome of the tender following Council resolution. Notification shall include: • The name of the successful tenderer • The total value of consideration of the winning offer The details and total value of consideration for the winning offer must also be entered into the Tenders Register at the conclusion of the tender process. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Procurement Flowchart Start No Quotation Required WALGA Preferred Supplier Yes No Yes Common Use Agreement No Yes Existing Tender or RFQ No Yes Exempt from quotations per Policy • Monopoly Supplier • Public Auction • Fuel • Software • CEO / Exec Discretion • Sundry Groceries / Hardware • Exemption per reg 11 No over Continued page Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Procurement Flowchart (cont) Procurement $100,000 + Yes Tender No Procurement $10,000 to less than $100 000 Yes Three written quotations Yes Two written or verbal quotations No Procurement $1,000 to less than $10 000 Attach / record quotes on Purchase Order No Procurement less than $1,000 Yes Professional Discretion of best pricing HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995, Section 2.7(2)(a)&(b) and Section 6.5(a). Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 11(1)(a) Local Government Act (Functions and General) Regulations, 1996 (as amended). DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP10 DESCRIPTION INVESTMENT POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 388/01 DATE 22 August 2001 PREAMBLE: : OBJECTIVE : • • • POLICY : 1) To undertake investment of surplus funds. To ensure the security of Councils funds. To maximise earnings from authorised investments. Authorised Officers Chief Executive Officer, Director Corporate Services be authorised to invest surplus funds. 2) Authorised Investment Direct Investments • • • 3) Interest bearing capital guaranteed deposits with a licensed Australian bank. Bank accepted/endorsed bank bills State / Commonwealth Government Bonds General Policy Guidelines Direct Investments • Term to Maturity The term to maturity of any Councils direct investments may range from “at call” to twelve months, unless specifically approved by Council. • Quotations on Investments Not less than two (2) quotations shall be obtained from authorised institutions when investing in an institution other than Councils contracted bankers. 4) Review / Reporting I. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 A monthly report is provided to Council detailing Investments held at month end. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 5) II. The report will detail investment income earned versus budget. III. A register of all investments be maintained. Variation to Policy The Chief Executive Officer or his delegated representative is authorised to approve variations to this policy if the investment is to Councils advantage and/or due to revised legislation. All changes to this policy are to be reported to Council within 14 days. PROCESS : A report is presented monthly to Council giving details of current investments, including investment period and rates. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Financial Management Regulations • • DATE REVIEWED : Local Government Act 1995 - s6.14 The Trustees Amendment Act 1997 - Part III Investments Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP11 DESCRIPTION SELF SUPPORTING LOANS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 099/03 DATE 11 MARCH 2003 PREAMBLE: : To ensure fairness and equity in the assessment of all applications for self-supporting loans by community and sporting groups from within the Shire of Dardanup. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that all applications are treated in the same manner and meet the same criteria, and to ensure the amount borrowed is adequately covered by guarantors from the borrowing party, to protect Council and the Community from becoming liable for the balance of the loan debt, should the borrower default in their repayment of the loan. POLICY : That Community Groups and Sporting organisations located in the Shire of Dardanup be advised that all self-supporting loans funded through Council must meet the following conditions; 1) Incorporated community groups or sporting clubs, which are resident and operate within the Shire of Dardanup can apply in writing for a self-supporting loan to be considered by Council. 2) All applications are to be supported with a business plan that sets out the purpose, objectives and benefits to their members and the community at large. 3) Community groups and sporting clubs must provide with their request a copy of their last 5 years audited financial statements and current year’s budget which will demonstrate the organisations/clubs ability to repay the loan funds advanced. 4) Guarantors, legally bound by contract, will be required for all self-supporting loans, Council has the right to set a lower percentage of cover required, if the financial information provided by the applicant adequately shows that the Club/Organisation has been financially sound during the past 5 years and can prove it can meet its financial obligations in being able to repay the loan whilst carrying on its normal activities. 5) All self-supporting loans will require a written agreement to be signed by both parties, stating the loan repayment dates and amounts payable along with a list of guarantors, before any loan funds are advanced. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : 6) The loan borrower will supply to Council on an annual basis a set of the audited financial statements within four (4) months of the close of the financial year, as well as a copy of the budget for the current year, Council may at any time during the period of the loan request that the loan borrower to provide current financial statements and budgets. 7) Self-funding loan requests not previously approved and included in Councils annual budget, will need to be advertised in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1995, to allow for written submissions to be made, these submissions will be presented to Council, so that a decision to approve or disapprove a self–funding loan request can be made. A formal application is made to Council as per the policy including a business plan, previous five years audited financial years statements, reason for the loan, Council would ideally consider the application for inclusion in the next financial year budget, where the funds are required sooner than the loan will be publicly advertised. At the end of the advertising period if there have been no submissions, the applications will again go before Council, who will decide the level of guarantor required, a formal written agreement will be entered into and the loan applied for and drawn down. A loan repayment schedule will form part of the agreement, with invoices sent out on the required dates. (Please follow detailed policy steps). HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP12 DESCRIPTION CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION – MAXIMUM PAYMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 294/01 DATE 11/07/2001 PREAMBLE: : Council accepts payment of rates by credit card, this policy allows Council to refuse excessive payments by credit card where Council would be penalized by high fee charges. OBJECTIVE : This policy allows staff to act within the limits of the maximum amount set, and refer to the CEO any requests to pay greater amounts by credit card. POLICY : Council sets a maximum limit of $10,000.00 per credit card payment of all fees and accounts per customer, per instalment and that the policy applies to all the accounts held by the one customer. The Chief Executive Officer and the Director Corporate Services be authorised to use discretion to increase the limit in individual exceptional cases. PROCESS : Policy is monitored by all staff accepting payment of rates or other Council charges by electors by credit card. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP13 DESCRIPTION PROVISION FOR SUPRESSING PROPERTY INFORMATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION 475/01 DATE 24/10/2001 PREAMBLE: : Persons claiming suppression of personal information being given out can do so under a Section 51B Notice, as provided for under the Electoral Act 1907. OBJECTIVE : Council’s policy is intended to assist in the anonymity of the applicants for reasonable, lawful purposes, however Council will not accept any liability where such information is given out by accident, or where such information is available from existing reports or other sources. POLICY : That Council suppress and withhold property information on the following basis: • Where the State Electoral Commission has granted a “silent address” under Section 51B of the Electoral Act 1907; or • Where the applicant makes a written application to the Chief Executive Officer for the withholding of the property information. The Chief Executive Officer will approve applications on the following concept: • That the applicants have real fears for their own and families safety. This policy will not apply to those wishing to not receive advertisement mail. Where Council approves the withholding of property information, property information will include: • The lot number, street number and name, the certificate of title details, zoning, lot size, plan or diagrams, Valuer General’s valuation, the names of the owner/s and any previous owners, the residential and postal address of the owners, all enrolled electors, any animal registration information, any building health planning or engineering information. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : Council will control this information by highlighting each property with a memo instructing the withholding of all information, and by recording such electors under a separate rate code which will be excluded for reporting purposes. This information will not be withheld from State or Federal Government organisations who provide written request for such information. HEAD OF POWER : Electoral Act 1907 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP14 DESCRIPTION SALE OF INFORMATION ON RECORD COUNCIL RESOLUTION 476/01 DATE 24/10/2001 PREAMBLE: : Local Governments can provide and recover the reasonable costs in providing information which is available to the general public. OBJECTIVE : Policy allows for the recovery of staff time and materials in provision of hard or disk copies of information provided to the general public,. Ie; minutes, town planning information. POLICY : That Council provide information which is available to the general public in the following formats: • • • Printed on paper; Verbally by telephone or in person. Electronically where information can be provided on this format. The Chief Executive Officer reserves the right to refuse to provide such information where it is believed that the information will be used for a non-suitable purpose. PROCESS : Application is received for say supply of Council minutes, charges are as set in fees and charges, hard copy is provided on payment of fee. Where the Chief Executive Officer refuses to supply information request, then a letter stating the reason for refusal shall be sent, with a copy of the letter being recorded in the records section. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 & Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP15 DESCRIPTION MOBILE PHONE USAGE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 274/12 DATE 08/08/2012 PREAMBLE: : Council provided mobile phones are issued to ensure relevant staff are accessible, communications are enhanced and responses to customers are timely. Mobile phones provided by the Shire are to be used primarily for the conduct of Council related business and employees issued a mobile phone will assume personal responsibility for their appropriate use. OBJECTIVE : Mobile phones are provided to employees as a work tool and will be allocated where the requirement for a mobile telephone service: 1) Is of an essential nature in the conduct of Council business; 2) Is for safety reasons; and 3) Meets justifiable business criteria. POLICY : All mobile phone handsets, SIM Cards, accessories and service numbers are Shire property and must be used in accordance with this policy, employment contracts, agreements, applicable legislation and the Shire’s Code of Conduct. The issuance of mobile phones to employees is at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. PROCESS : Employee Responsibilities The following guidelines have been prepared to assist employees with the acquiring, use and care of a Shire issued mobile phone: • Supply of mobile handsets and services will only be made through IT. • Employees must use issued mobile phones in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Any faults or damage should be reported to IT as soon as possible, so repairs or replacement can be arranged. • Employees must observe all statutory requirements relating to mobile phone usage whilst driving a motor vehicle. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • In the event that an issued mobile phone is noticed as lost or stolen, the respective phone service provider and IT shall be contacted immediately to have the account closed and/or services stopped. • Any work related images or recordings taken on the issued mobile phone are corporate records and employees using these functions should ensure images are downloaded for the Shire’s records. • Employees who are careless or negligent in the use of an issued mobile phone may incur the cost of repairs, replacement of the phone, or reimbursement to the Shire for any insurance excess. • Employees must return any issued mobile resignation or termination of employment. • Reasonable Personal Use is permitted. Excessive personal use will result in the employee being billed for usage in the first instance. Ongoing excessive use will result in disciplinary action being taken against the employee. • Personal international calls are to be reimbursed by the employee. • Mobile phones with access to the Internet and Email must also comply with the Shire’s policy on ‘Electronic Mail and Internet Usage’. • All mobiles must be switched off when at a refuelling point and any other place that prohibits the use of radio transmitting devices. phone on Billing And Charging Monthly summary reports of individual Directorate mobile phone charges will be forwarded to each Director. Excessive personal use of the mobile phone will result in the employee being billed for their usage. Emergency Usage In the event of an emergency, the Shire or CEO reserves the right to appropriate any mobile phone for the purpose of assisting in relief operations. Breaches The Shire may withdraw the use of an issued mobile phone at any time if the Director or Chief Executive Officer determines that the basis for issuing the phone is no longer relevant, there are health and safety concerns around the use of the phone, or where the Director or Chief Executive Officer reasonably determines that there has been misuse of the phone. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 08/08/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE CORP16 DESCRIPTION SOCIAL MEDIA COUNCIL RESOLUTION 325/13 DATE 16/10/2013 PREAMBLE: : This policy is applicable for establishing official Shire social media networks whether they be; Facebook styled sites, GeoLocation sites, blogs, microblogs, message boards or image and video sharing sites. Social media is a group of online applications such as social networking sites, wikis, blogs, microblogs, video and audio sharing sites, and message boards that allow people to easily publish, share and discuss content. Conversations in social media are a dialogue, an opportunity to listen, share, collaborate and respond to colleagues and communities. This policy and guidelines will support staff as they engage in any conversations or interactions using social media for official use. What an officer produces or posts can ultimately have consequences. The lines between personal and professional lives can be blurred in online social networks therefore what might be considered ‘public’ versus ‘private’ requires defined boundaries to be established. An officer’s or elected member’s role with the Shire creates an association between what is posted online when representing the Shire and the Shire itself. An officers and elected members should represent the Shire in an on-line environment as they would in their ordinary work activities. Speaking on behalf of the local government is the role of the Shire President, the Shire President has the power to delegate this authority to the Chief Executive Officer and the CEO likewise to other officers. OBJECTIVE : The key objective is to use social media as an information delivery platform to a community that is technically capable who commonly use social media to converse, interact and share. This policy is applicable for establishing official Shire social media networks whether they be; Facebook styled sites, GeoLocation sites, blogs, microblogs, message boards or image and video sharing sites. Authorised staff contributors to social media sites on behalf of the Shire shall adhere to the following policy: POLICY : 1. Only authorised officers shall contribute to social media sites 1.1. An officer may only contribute to a social media site on behalf of the Shire upon authorisation by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or a Director (if delegated authority to do so by the Chief Executive Officer). Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 1.2. Elected members, with the exception of the Shire President, shall not publish content on official Shire of Dardanup social media platforms. 2. Only Authorised Shire Accounts Are To Be Created 2.1. Official Shire of Dardanup social media accounts that are established to represent the activities of the Shire of Dardanup shall be approved by the CEO or Director. 2.2. All official sites and accounts must be registered with the Manager Information Services. 2.3. Contributions representing the Shire of Dardanup may only be made using an identifiable Shire of Dardanup profile. 2.4. Personal accounts may not be listed or cross‐promoted on Shire platforms unless approved by the Director, Corporate Services. 3. Contributions Are Lawful 3.1. Officer contributions to sites shall comply with Australian law. 3.2. Officer contributions shall comply with the terms and conditions of the site provider. 3.3. Any postings from members of the public on a Shire site that contravenes Australian law or the terms and conditions the site provider shall be reported to the Director Corporate Services and the site provider. 3.4. Officer contributions shall comply with copyright. 4. Adherence To Shire Policies (Including The Code Of Conduct). 4.1. Officer contributions to sites shall comply with Council policies. 5. 4.2. Officer contributions to sites shall comply with Councils Code of Conduct. Contributions Are To Be Accurate And Factual 5.1. Officers are to ensure published content, contributions and responses to questions from the public are; 5.1.1. Accurate 5.1.2. Factual 5.1.3. Apolitical 5.1.4. Impartial 5.1.5. Professional 6. Contributions Are To Represent Formal Council Position 6.1. Posted content shall represent the formal position of the Shire. 6.2. Officers are not to post personal views or opinion. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 7. Limit Of Authority 7.1. Officers shall only make posts consistent with their level of authority. 7.2. Officers shall only make posts as they relate to the activities of their department. 8. Statements To Main Stream Media 8.1. All requests for statements from the main stream media (Radio, Newspapers, TV etc) are to be referred to the CEO. 9. Promotion of Commercial Enterprises 9.1. Private commercial enterprises are not to be promoted or endorsed unless in conjunction with the promotion of a Shire event / service. 10. Content Management The Shire of Dardanup actively seeks ideas, questions, complaints, and compliments from members of the public. The public is encouraged to join the open conversation and debate, but is expected to participate in a respectful manner. Therefore, on platforms with public editorial access, The Shire of Dardanup reserves the right to delete: a) Knowingly false or mischievous complaints or statements about individuals, companies or the government. b) Content that is misleading, obscene, off-topic, sexist, racist or spam. c) Content that uses the Shire of Dardanup site for promotional or commercial purposes d) Content that breaks or encourages others to break the laws of Australia and its states and territories in any way, including breaching privacy laws; and e) Content that defames or harasses any participant of the Shire of Dardanup site, administration, employees or volunteers. f) Any content determined by the Chief Executive Officer. 11. Statement of Disclaimer The Shire of Dardanup will not and does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of public comments found on its social media sites, nor its usefulness for any particular purpose. Nor will the Shire of Dardanup represent or warrant that the comments on the pages comply with the laws of any country outside Australia. The Shire of Dardanup is not responsible for the uptime of these platforms. The views expressed by a participant, invitee, expert, guest or other person are not necessarily the views of the Shire of Dardanup. The Shire of Dardanup accepts no responsibility arising from reliance Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL by any person or party on any comment or information published on any Shire of Dardanup social media site. Further, the Shire of Dardanup does not guarantee the accuracy or currency of any comment published on a Shire of Dardanup social media site. Links to external websites and users social media accounts are provided as a convenience to users and such sites and associated content are not under the control of the Shire of Dardanup. When links have been included, the content of these links does not and should not imply endorsement of that website, service or person by the Shire of Dardanup. 12. Elected Members 12.1. This policy does not prevent elected members from establishing their own personal social media platforms or presence. 12.2. Content posted by elected members shall comply with the Shire of Dardanup Code of Conduct. 12.3. Elected members are not to post on official Shire of Dardanup social media sites. 12.4. Elected member social media sites will have no official Shire of Dardanup standing. 12.5. Shire of Dardanup resources will not be used in establishing or maintaining elected member social media sites. 12.6. The views expressed and published by an elected member on social media platforms shall be personal opinion only and are not to represent the position of the Shire of Dardanup. 12.7. The Shire of Dardanup accepts no responsibility arising from social media comments or postings made by elected members. 12.8. Published content, contributions and responses to questions from the public are to be; 12.8.1. Accurate 12.8.2. Factual 12.8.3. Apolitical 12.8.4. Impartial 12.8.5. Professional 12.9. All requests for statements from the main stream media (Radio, Newspapers, TV etc) are to be referred to the Shire President or CEO. Social Media Guidelines 1. Consider what you post, before you post it. 1.1. If you are uncertain about something, don’t publish! 1.2. It will be around for a long time so make sure it’s correct before you post and seek advice if in doubt. 1.3. Don’t forget to check your spelling and grammar – your professional credibility is inextricably linked to your online comments. 1.4. Published content is to meet normal professional standards required under Council Code of Conduct and operational limits Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL of responsibilities. 2. Be original and respect copyright 2.1. It is critical that you show the proper respect for copyright laws and fair use of copyrighted materials owned by others, including user-generated content. 2.2. Acknowledge your source – it’s also good practice to link to other people’s work. Links are to be checked against this policy and these guidelines. 2.3. If in doubt seek permission from content owners for permission to publish. 3. Use discretion 3.1. In your efforts to be transparent, you need to take care not to publish information that should not be made public. 3.2. If you are not responsible for the information, ask permission to publish content that isn’t already in the public domain. 3.3. Avoid discussion of industrial or legal issues, and refer these to the relevant directorates if asked to comment specifically. 3.4. Content published on the internet is widely accessible and is public for a long time. 3.5. If you are in doubt about whether information can be made public, seek advice from your Manager. 4. Be fair, polite and considerate 4.1. Be professional. You are representing the Shire, 5. Produce content about your area of responsibility 5.1. Make sure you produce content about your areas of responsibility, as they relate to the activities of your department. 5.2. If you are responding to a question that falls outside your area of responsibility, state that it isn’t your area of expertise and that you’ll follow up. 5.3. Seek advice from the appropriate area within the Shire to develop a response. 6. It’s a conversation so be human 6.1. Listen to what people are saying, avoid ‘lecturing’, and produce content that’s open-ended and invites response. 6.2. Actively encourage people to submit comments. 6.3. Be plain-speaking, informal but respectful, empathetic, friendly, positive, concise and honest. 7. Admit your mistakes 7.1. When you make a mistake, be quick to admit and correct it. 7.2. If you are correcting a mistake do so, but indicate the change you’ve made. 7.3. If it is more serious and could lead to legal action, contact your Manager for advice. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 8. Make sure that your personal online activities don’t interfere with your job performance. 8.1. Only your own personal time can be spent on personal social media. 9. If it’s official department communication, be dedicated, be constant. 9.1. If you decide it’s appropriate to use social media for official department communication, you need to get permission from the senior manager in your area first, then ensure other appropriate approvals, if required. 9.2. Listen to what people are saying and have someone champion the account to keep the conversation going. 9.3. An untended conversation can send the wrong message, so if you don’t have the resources to maintain it, don’t start the conversation in the first place. PROCESS : As above HEAD OF POWER : Policy Manual DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 16/10/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV1 DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION COUNCIL RESOLUTION 983/98 DATE 23/10/1998 PREAMBLE: : Fire needs to be managed as quickly as possible, at times the use of water is not enough to get the fire under control to protect life and property. OBJECTIVE : To enable the CEO, the Shire President and the Chief Fire Control Officer to act quickly when requested to do so, where life and property is threatened by fire. POLICY : a) The Council authorises the use of Council's Plant and Equipment, at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer or the Shire President in the absence of the CEO. b) The Council authorises the Chief Fire Control Officer, in consultation with the Area Fire Control Officer, to spend up to $2,000 to hire plant or equipment if and when a bushfire cannot be effectively controlled by other means, or where it is considered necessary to engage additional resources to protect life or property. This policy does not limit the Shire Presidents authority to authorise expenditure in an emergency under section 6.8 (1) ( c) of the Local Government Act 1995. PROCESS : The Chief Fire Control Officer, or the Fire Control Officer in charge of a fire is to contact the CEO in the first instance to request the use of Council plant. If the CEO is not available the Shire President is to be contacted. Should the Shire President also not be available the Chief Fire Control Officer is authorized by this policy to incur plant hire expenditure to the value of $2,000. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 5.41 (CEO) Local Government Act 1995 6.8 (1) (c) (President) Bush Fires Act 1954 36 (Council expenditure) Bush Fires Act 1954 39 (d) (g) (Bush Fire Control Officers) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV2 DESCRIPTION REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE TRAINING COUNCIL RESOLUTION 295/07 DATE 11/10/2007 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup has the care and control of all bushfire brigades within its boundaries in accordance with the Bushfire Act 1954. Council has a duty of care to ensure that our volunteer bushfire officers have received an acceptable level of training so as to be able to undertake fire fighting duties safely, efficiently and confidently whilst on the Fire Ground. FESA has developed new training procedures which all new volunteer bushfire brigade members must pass before being allowed on the fire ground. OBJECTIVE : To adopt the following approved training packages “A to D” as the minimum requirement for all new volunteer bushfire brigade members, with the training to be coordinated and recorded by the Bushfire Training Coordinator for the issue of certificates. Fire Control Officer and Captains are to complete the approved Fire Control Officer packages within one (1) year of election to the position and completing refresher courses every five (5) years thereafter whilst holding this position. POLICY : That all new volunteer Bushfire brigade members; a) will complete the Volunteer Induction Program b) will complete the Introduction to Fire Fighting Course. c) will complete the Bush Fire Fighting Course. d) will complete the Basic Driver Training Course. (For members wishing to become drivers And Fire Control Officers/Captains e) prerequisite for Fire Control Officer/Captain is a minimum 2 years active Fire Fighting and the completion of A to D. f) and are required to complete the relevant refresher course every five years. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : The Training Coordinator is to recommend to the Bush Fire Advisory of any changes to this policy for the revision of Training . The Bush Fire Advisory to submit relevant changes to Council for Approval. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 Bush Fires Act 1954 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV3 DESCRIPTION LIQUOR LICENCE APPROVALS – PARKS & RESERVES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 28/02/1997 PREAMBLE: : Parks within the shire are attractive to the public for holding picnics and functions, Council encourages the use of these facilities to develop a sense of community and outdoor lifestyle. OBJECTIVE : To expedite the approval process where members of the public book facilities and desire to consume alcohol during their function. POLICY : The Chief Executive Officer has authority to issue liquor licence approvals for the consumption of alcohol on Parks and Reserves under the care and control of the Shire, subject to compliance with the Liquor Licensing Act by the proponent. Approval is subject to the application form being completed and signed by the proponent, who must be of the minimum age of 18 years. Where necessary for Liquor Licensing Act approval, it is the proponent’s responsibility to obtain this approval. Condition of Approval: ~ The applicant accepts responsibility in ensuring that only persons who are over the age of 18 consume alcohol. ~ If hiring the Eaton or Dardanup halls, alcohol is only to be served and consumed inside the hall, drinking outside the halls is not permitted. ~ If alcohol is to be sold permission must also be obtained from the Liquor Licensing Court. Further information is available from the Bunbury Police or Bunbury court house. PROCESS : The signed application is to be presented to the CEO for approval. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 3.18 3.19 3.21 5.42 Liquor Licensing Act DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV4 DESCRIPTION COMMUNITY RECOGNITION AND AUSTRALIA DAY CITIZENSHIP AWARDS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 398/04 DATE 28/09/2004 PREAMBLE: : The policy extends Councils capacity to formally recognise community members who have made significant contributions to the community but would not necessarily be eligible for a Citizen of the Year Award. OBJECTIVE : To recognise the contribution of individuals and groups made in the local community. POLICY : Annual awards to be presented at the Australia Day Breakfast celebrations including: Premier’s Australia Day Awards: • • • • Citizen of the Year Young Citizen of the Year Community Group or Event of the Year; And Community Recognition Awards Unsuccessful nominees for Citizenship awards to be presented with a Community Recognition Award. Nominations for these awards to be advertised in the Shire newsletter and website throughout the year and advertised in local papers in October each year. PROCESS : Council will consider nominations in December each year and award recipients be invited to attend presentations at the Australia Day Breakfast celebrations. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV5 DESCRIPTION CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY PRESENTATIONS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 201/98 DATE 13/02/1998 PREAMBLE: : It is common practice for Councils to present new Australians with a gift to commemorate their Citizenship Ceremony, be it a plant or a bottle of wine. OBJECTIVE : A gift from the Council to residents on becoming Australian Citizens, Promotes Council as a caring entity. POLICY : Council presents a bottle of wine or a plant to all adults who complete their Australian Citizenship ceremony at the Shire of Dardanup. PROCESS : The Shire President swears in new citizens and presents them with a certificate from the Commonwealth and the adults with a gift with a presentation slip from the Council. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV6 DESCRIPTION FIREBREAKS – ENFORCEMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 985/98 DATE 23/10/1998 PREAMBLE: : Where landowners fail to heed notices for firebreaks to be installed, except in circumstances where an exemption may have been claimed but overlooked, Council provides staff with the option of using Council’s equipment or contractors to install the breaks and charging the full costs to the landowner. OBJECTIVE : In the interests of protecting property and life from the dangers of fire, Council requires that staff take all steps possible to have fire breaks installed in accord with the Fire Break Order. POLICY : The Shire’s road grader may be used or contractors and their equipment to provide the required firebreaks on any property where the owner has failed to comply within seven (7) days of any formal request to make necessary improvements to the firebreaks, the charge incurred is to be levied for the service to be the full actual assessed costs including overheads, travelling, etc. PROCESS : The Fire Control Officer is to report the offence to the Shire Ranger, who will consult with the Director Development Services to initiate the policy at the land owners cost. HEAD OF POWER : Bush Fires Act 1954, Section 33. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV7 DESCRIPTION PROHIBITED BURNING TIMES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 816/1997 DATE 19/12/1997 PREAMBLE: : Prohibited burning times are set by the Minister in accordance with Section 17 (1) of the Bush Fire Act 1954, the Act recognises that variations to those dates may need to be made to cover local weather conditions, and allows for the local government to amend the prohibited burning times. OBJECTIVE : This policy allows for weather conditions to be taken into account in either reducing or extending the prohibited burning times. POLICY : In accordance with Section 17(10) of the Bush Fires Act 1954 (as amended), the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, be delegated authority to vary the “Prohibited Burning Times” [Section 17(7) and Section 17(8)] for the Shire of Dardanup as they deem appropriate for prevailing seasonal conditions. PROCESS : The Chief Bush Fire Control Officer gives reason why the prohibited burning times should be amended, the Chief Executive Officer if in agreement signs a notice to that effect which is faxed to all neighbouring shires and advertised in the next available local newspaper. Notice is also sent out to all Fire Control Officers. HEAD OF POWER : Bush Fires Act 1954 (as amended) – Section 17 (10) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV8 DESCRIPTION PROVISION OF FOOD/REFRESHMENTS AT FIRE SCENES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 22 October 2003 PREAMBLE: : Council appreciates the efforts that volunteer fire fighters put into protecting property from fire and acknowledges that on occasions fires take a long time to get under control. Fire fighters need to keep up their strength and have energy to do the work they do in hot and sometimes very dangerous conditions. OBJECTIVE : To ensure the wellbeing of volunteer fire fighters by providing them with sustenance whilst they are in the field fighting fires. POLICY : Council directs that the Chief Fire Control Officer, or in his absence, the authorized person in control of a major fire, shall have authority to order the provision of the refreshments to fire fighters who have been engaged in fire fighting at a fire scene for a reasonable time. PROCESS : The CFCO or authorized person in control of the fire is to make arrangements for the supply of food and refreshments for fire fighters. The Director Development Services is to authorize a purchase order for the meals and arrange delivery to the fire scene. No alcoholic beverages are to be supplied under this policy to the fire scene. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 6.2 4 (a), Financial Management Regulations 1996 11 Bush Fires 1954 36 (g) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV9 DESCRIPTION YOUTH POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 327/05 DATE 25/08/05 PREAMBLE: : The young people’s needs are seen by Council as integral to the development of a strong healthy community and an important investment in the Shire’s future. OBJECTIVE : To provide support to the young people of the Shire of Dardanup, by recognising their needs in the areas of Recreation, Leisure, Arts, Health, Transport and improved communication between agencies, Council and other service providers. To recognise young people’s potential in becoming valued community members. POLICY : Through Youth Services assist young people experiencing difficulties by providing support, mediation, advocacy, referral and counselling services. To encourage greater participation by youth in the community in identifying their needs. PROCESS : Gathering information through Youth Advisory Council meetings, and the development of strategies and programs to address any arising issues. This will be achieved through assisting youth in need with personal counselling services, youth activity nights and running activities/programs specifically developed by the Youth Counsellor for young people and their families. HEAD OF POWER : None DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV10 DESCRIPTION DONATIONS AND GRANTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 40/12 DATE 23/02/2012 PREAMBLE : Provide positive financial support to not for profit community groups/organisations, educational institutions and individuals to assist with the development of their chosen interest. There are 3 categories that financial support can fall into. • • • Educational Community Groups/Organisations – Shire of Dardanup Personal Development The policy sets out the criteria for each category of financial support available. OBJECTIVE : Provide financial support to such requests that meet the policy criteria (subject to budget constraints) and promote the Shire of Dardanup as a positive, supportive and caring community organisation. POLICY : Educational: The Shire of Dardanup will make an annual donation for a Citizenship Award to all schools located in the Shire of Dardanup, and also to the Australind Senior High School on the following basis: Primary Schools: Middle and High Schools: Awards to the value of $150.00 each Awards to the value of $300.00 each An allowance for these funds will be included in the draft budget, and notification will be forwarded to the schools via a formal letter upon adoption of the budget. Community Groups/Organisations – Shire of Dardanup The Shire of Dardanup will make an allocation of funds in its budget to be used to provide financial assistance to Not for Profit Community Groups/Organisations that can demonstrate an association with the Shire of Dardanup. Funding to Community Groups/Organisations fall into two categories: 1. Minor Community Grants Funding of less than $1,000 with no matching funds required from applicant. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2. Community Grants Funding between $1,000-$5,000 with a 50:50 matching component where applicants must contribute at least 50% of total project cost from either the applicant organisation or confirmed other funding sources. Evidence of other funding sources must be provided. Funding for Not for Profit Community Groups/Organisations will be made bi-annually. Calls for submissions will be advertised in the South West Times in January and July each year. Examples of Not for Profit groups are: - Sporting, CWA, P & C’s, art/cultural groups or Shire of Dardanup local interest groups. Personal Development The Shire of Dardanup will make an allocation of funds in its budget to be used to help promote the personal development (nonprofessional) of individuals that reside within the Shire of Dardanup. E.g. music, sports, arts, science, cultural or academic. All applications for financial assistance for Personal Development must meet the application criteria for Personal Development. All applications for financial assistance for Personal Development shall be made on the “Application for Financial Assistance” application Form. This financial assistance is limited to: • $400 for State/National representation. • Should the Personal Development budget be exceeded any other applications received will be approved at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer and will be assessed on an individual basis. An allowance for these funds will be included in the draft budget. The Chief Executive Officer be delegated the authority to make payments for Personal Development in accordance with the Donations and Grants Policy. PROCESS : Assessment Groups registered for GST will have their grant grossed up by 10%. Applications need to demonstrate the benefits to the community and or individual. Applications for Minor and Community Grants will be assessed by the Director Development Services and Community Development Officer, and referred to Council for a final determination. Applications for Educational and Personal Developments funding will be assessed by the Director Development Services and Community Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Development Officer, and approved by the Chief Executive Officer under the delegation of Council. Preference will be given to projects with demonstrated community support. All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application for Shire of Dardanup assistance. Decisions regarding funding applications are final and will not be reconsidered in that funding round. Funding will not be provided for: • • • • • • • Deficit funding – for organisations that are experiencing a shortfall in cash or revenue or anticipated revenue; Team uniforms. Consumables (including food and beverages) Minor equipment (football, netballs, hockey sticks) Recurrent salaries and recurrent operational costs Applications for completed projects or equipment already purchased. Projects which are the responsibility of other Government agencies. Application Criteria - Educational: No application form is required to be submitted. The Chief Executive Officer be delegated the authority to make payments in accordance with the Donations and Grants Policy. Application Criteria - Community Groups/Organisations • The applicant organisation must be based within the Shire of Dardanup, and the majority of members of the application organisation must be residents of the shire of Dardanup. • All applications for financial assistance must be submitted on the Shire of Dardanup “Application for Financial Assistance” form (Appendix 1). • The applicant should submit documented estimates of expenditure as part of the application. • All applications must be received by the designated closure date. No late applications will be considered. • For Community Grants the applicant’s and other contributions to the proposed project may come from one or more of the following sources: o o o Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Applicant organisation’s cash; State or Federal Government funding agencies; Donations of materials and/or cash; or SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL o o Voluntary labour (max. 1/3 of total project cost). Voluntary labour cost to be calculated at a maximum of $25 per hour. • Only one (1) application per group/organisation for financial assistance for a Community Grant per financial year will be considered. (In exceptional circumstances and only at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer a second request may be presented to Council for consideration). • Community Groups/Organisations may apply for Minor Grants in each of the funding rounds, however, each grant must be for a separate project. (Where a group/organisation applies for more than one Minor Grant they must prioritise their applications). • The proposed project must be acquitted within 12 months of funding being made available. • Prior approval must be sought for any substantial changes to an application. • Project and financial reports must be submitted to the Shire of Dardanup, on the form provided, within one month of the completion of the project. • Project and financial reports must be submitted to the Shire of Dardanup, on the “Grant Acquittal” form provided, within one month of the completion of the project. • If satisfactory acquittal is not submitted no further grants will be made available to the group. • Once an allocated budget has been utilised all subsequent requests for funding must be presented to Council for consideration. The Chief Executive Officer be delegated the authority to make payments in accordance with the Donations and Grants Policy. Application Criteria – Personal Development: • All applicants seeking financial assistance should reside within the Shire of Dardanup. • All applications for financial assistance must be submitted on the Shire of Dardanup “Application for Financial Assistance” form (Appendix 1). • To be eligible for the $400 for State or National representation, a letter from the governing body advising of the applicant’s selection must accompany the application form. • The applicant should submit documented estimates of expenditure as part of the application. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Approval for all applications for financial assistance will be at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer. • The proposed development/representation must take place within 6 months of funding being made available. • Prior approval must be sought for any substantial change to the assistance request. • Acquittal form including a feedback report must be submitted to the Shire of Dardanup, on the form provided, within one month of the completion of the development/representation. Only one (1) application by an individual, for financial assistance per financial year will be considered HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Appendix 1 APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE An “Application for Financial Assistance” form is required for the following categories. Please indicate which category of funding you are applying for: • Community Groups/Organisation (Complete Sections A, B, C, D and F) • Personal Development (Complete Sections A, C, D and F) SECTION A – APPLICANT INFORMATION: To be completed by ALL applicants. Name/Organisation Contact Person Postal Address Telephone Email SECTION B – INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ORGANISATION 1. What are the main services and/or activities of your organisation? 2. What are/were your membership numbers? 3. 2010 …………………….. 2011 …………………….. 2012 …………………….. Have you applied to development/representation? Yes No Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 any other funding body for this SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL If yes: Which organization? What year? Was it successful? Grant approved $ If no, are you planning to apply to other funding bodies SECTION C – DEVELOPMENT/REPRESENTATION DETAILS 1. Development/representation name 2. What category does your application relate to (please tick):Culture, arts and events Youth Development Minor development/representations Sport and Recreation 3. Development/representation location (address) 4. Expected start and finish dates 5. Development/representation description (Please summarise your development/representation, who it will cater for, what services it will offer or improve and how it will be managed). 6. What are the objectives development/representation? Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 and expected benefits of your SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 7. Any other details, or supporting information? SECTION D – BUDGET (If insufficient space is provided please attach additional pages). INCOME Net Income Council contribution (grant funds requested in this application) Council contribution (other – e.g. site works) $ Total Council Contribution Requested $ Other Grant Funding (please specify) $ Donations (External contributions) Organisation Cash Contribution $ Organisation In Kind Contribution (max 1/3 of total $ cost) Total Organisation Contribution $ TOTAL INCOME $ Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL EXPENDITURE – Please detail each item In Kind TOTAL EXPENDITURE $ Cash Total $ $ SECTION E - UNDERTAKINGS AND CONDITIONS If a grant is provided the organisation/individual agrees to the following conditions: 1. The grant will be used for the purpose for which it was given and will be expended within the financial year granted, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Shire of Dardanup. 2. Copies of receipts or invoices, certified by the Chairperson, or delegated officer as true copies of originals, to support expenditure will be returned to the Shire of Dardanup along with the grant acquittal within 1 month of completion. 3. Any unexpended funds will be returned to the Shire of Dardanup within 3 months of payment of the grant, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Shire of Dardanup. 4. If there is to be any delay in the expenditure of the grant, a written request will be made seeking approval for the extension of time. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 5. A grant will not be approved for a development/representation that has been commenced/completed. 6. Any special conditions that are attached to the grant will be met. 7. All relevant records will be kept for a period of 7 years and will be made available for audit at any time. 8. The Shire of Dardanup will be acknowledged in any publications or media coverage for its support. 9. Your development/representation should be discussed with the Shire of Dardanup’s Community Development Officer prior to applying. Please keep a copy of your application for your own record. The Shire’s Community Development Officer will contact you if more information is required. All applicants are advised in writing of the outcome. Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Assessment will take a minimum of one month Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL SECTION F - DECLARATION I, the undersigned, certify that I have been authorised to submit this application, accept the undertakings and conditions of the application and that the information contained herein and attached is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. Name/Organisation Contact Person Position Signature Date Please return to: Shire of Dardanup Community Development Officer PO Box 7016 EATON WA 6232 Phone: 08 97240054 Or email to Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Appendix 2 Community / Minor Grants and Personal Development Financial Assistance - Acquittal Form Your acquittal form must be received by the Shire of Dardanup within 1 month of your development/representation completion. (If insufficient space is provided please attach additional pages). Grant Amount: Title Organisation: Address: Contact person: Position: Telephone: Email: What were the aims of your development/representation and did you achieve them? Participants: How many people were involved and who were they? Outcomes: What were the results / outcomes for development/representation participants and/or your organisation? Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEVELOPMENT/REPRESENTATION BUDGET Development/Representation Expenditure Amount $ Total Expenditure Development/Representation Income Amount $ Total income: Note: Total expenditure should equal total income Have you spent all the grant money? Yes No If you have not fully expended the grant money, what is the balance remaining: $_____________________ Note that for any unspent funds, attach a cheque payable to the Shire of Dardanup Please attach copies of receipts relevant to your development/representation. Please attach other relevant materials such as promotional flyers, advertising, newsletters, and photos. Signature: Date: Name: Position: Please return completed acquittal form to: Shire of Dardanup Community Development Officer, PO Box 7016, EATON WA 6232 For queries: Phone – 08 9724 0054 or Email: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV11 DESCRIPTION PHONE RENTAL COSTS – SHIRE BUSHFIRE TRAINING COORDINATOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1012/98 DATE 23/10/1998 PREAMBLE: : The position of Bush Fire Training Officer is a voluntary position, this policy ensures that the incumbent is reimburse for telephone rental made in carrying out the duties of training officer. OBJECTIVE : This position requires contact with brigade personnel, and ensure that the incumbent is not out of pocket for the calls they make. POLICY : That the Shire reimburse the Shire Bush Fire Training Coordinator’s phone rental charges (upon presentation of copies of the account) from the Emergency Services Levy funding. Reimbursement is pro rata for the period applicable to the individual holding office. PROCESS : The Bush Fire Training Officer must produce a copy of the bill, with details of calls made to volunteers, before reimbursement is made. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV12 DESCRIPTION MAJOR COMMUNITY, SPORT & RECREATION FACILITY FUNDING COUNCIL RESOLUTION 363/01 DATE 08/08/2001 PREAMBLE: : Formalises the manner in which groups formally apply for funding on an annual basis for consideration in the following years financial year’s budget. Previously funding was on an ad-hoc basis. OBJECTIVE : This policy ensures that all Shire of Dardanup community groups and sporting organisations funding applications are evaluated on the same basis, prior to being submitted to Council for funding consideration. POLICY : That Community Groups and Sporting organisations located in the Shire of Dardanup be advised that the Shire will only contribute to the funding of a project on the following basis: 1. Council will only contribute up to a maximum of one third of the total cost of the project, subject to overall budget consideration 2. The community group is to seek funding assistance from other sources inclusive of the Ministry for Sport and Recreation, the Lotteries Commission, Healthway and the Department of Youth Affairs or any other organisation that has funding possibilities. 3. The shortfall in funding will be made up from the community group or organisation that is making the request. 4. Council will prioritise the project prior to the adoption of its Strategic Financial Plan. Prioritisation will be based on the overall community need for the facility. The commitment from the community group making the request and the support of other sources of funding. 5. Council reserves the right not to approve all funding applications as overall budget considerations have to be taken into account when prioritising projects. 6. For larger projects, groups will be able to access selfsupporting loans through Councils loan borrowing facility. The group will be totally responsible for all repayments inclusive of interest on the loan schedule repayment date. “Refer to policy F 3.15 for conditions applicable to selfsupporting loan applications.” Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 7. Applications for funding will be in accordance with the model application form. 8. Projects with demonstrated community support will be given a higher rating than those that lack such support. 9. Council will only consider projects for the following financial year. 10. All requests must be addressed through the Shire’s Sport and Recreation Forum process prior to Council consideration. PROCESS : Applications are required to be made in accordance with the approved application form, with those projects demonstrating community support being given a higher rating. All requests must be addressed through the Shire’s Sport and Recreation Forum Process and conform to this policy prior to Council consideration. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV13 DESCRIPTION RECOUP OF RANGER CALL OUT FEES – AFTER HOURS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 303/98 DATE 13/03/1998 PREAMBLE: : This policy was put in place to recover the rangers call-out fees, when attending to calls for wandering stock in accordance with the award where the standard ranger fee per head of stock does not cover the actual wage cost. OBJECTIVE : Recover call-out fees incurred when the Ranger has to attend to wandering stock on roads mainly in the rural area. The callout rate under the award for Rangers is a minimum payment of three (3) hours at penalty rates. POLICY : Where Council’s Ranger is required to attend a callout after normal rostered working hours because of wandering stock, and it can be fully established who the alleged offending party/parties may be, Council staff are required to recover actual costs, incurred by Council from the offending party/parties should such costs exceed Rangers Fees for impounding cattle. PROCESS : The greater majority of the callouts are late at night, the rangers first duty is to get the stock off the road to ensure not only their safety, but to ensure that no motor vehicle accidents are caused by the stock wandering at large on the road. The ranger will investigate the immediate area to see if any fences or gates are down, however stock can wander considerable distances, before being reported to the ranger or police. If it is not evident where the stock escaped from, the ranger will secure the stock in an adjacent paddock, and work on locating the stock’s owners, to arrange collection and issue an account in accordance with this policy. The ranger will also check the stock owners fencing to ensure the problem of straying stock does not happen again. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 – Section 3.39 (1) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV14 DESCRIPTION TRESPASSING LIVESTOCK ON COUNCIL LAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 161/00 DATE 22/03/2000 PREAMBLE: : This policy was introduced to cover those occasions where it has proved impossible to trace the owner of trespassing livestock on Council land. OBJECTIVE : To provide the ranger with the means to legally dispose of trespassing livestock found on Council land, where the owner of the livestock cannot be traced. POLICY : Where small numbers of livestock are found trespassing on Council land, the Ranger is to request a destruction order from a Justice of the Peace in accordance with Section 459 of the Act which reads: “Where cattle trespassing are not impounded, and it is proved to the satisfaction of a justice that it is not possible to impound the cattle except at an undue expense, and that the owner of the cattle is unknown or cannot be found, the justice may order the destruction of the cattle in such manner as he thinks fit, and may, if the animal is a horse, mare, filly, foal, gelding, colt, camel, bull, bullock, cow, heifer, steer, calf, ass, or mule, order the production and delivery to a police constable of the hide of the animal and by the order give such direction as to the disposal of the hide as he thinks fit, and an order so made has effect according to its tenor and is not subject to appeal.” PROCESS : The Ranger is to request a destruction order from a Justice of the Peace in accordance with Section 459 of the Act: HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1960 Section 459 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV15 DESCRIPTION DOG CONTROL – PROSECUTION COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE AUGUST 1996 (AMENDED) PREAMBLE: : Dog attacks are a traumatic experience for both the persons and animal attacked, the owners of animals and the alleged perpetrators owner. OBJECTIVE : To expedite dealing with dog attacks to ensure evidence is gathered while it is fresh and obtainable and to have the matter dealt with quickly. POLICY : The Shire Ranger in consultation with the Director Development Services has authority, in accordance with the Dog Act 1976, Part VII and that requirement being adhered to, to implement immediate proceedings against the owner of any dog that has been responsible for biting or attacking a person or animal. PROCESS : The Ranger is to investigate the incident as soon as he/she becomes aware that the incident has occurred. The Ranger is to consult with the Director Development Services as soon as the evidence has been gathered. Consultation to be a report from the Ranger to the Director Development Services explaining the circumstances, evidence, regulations as they apply and options for recommended courses of action. Where the Ranger or Director Development Services believe necessary, the Police are to be involved in the process. HEAD OF POWER : Dog Act 1976 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT PLANNING POLICY REFERENCE DEV16 DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 260/12 DATE 26/07/2012 PREAMBLE: : These Design Guidelines are intended to provide Council’s requirements for the design of residential development occurring on land in the townsites of Eaton, Burekup and Dardanup. OBJECTIVE : • To achieve a high standard of residential infill development to enhance the amenity of the existing area. • To increase passive surveillance of the public street and approach to dwellings to enhance security. • To achieve a high standard of residential infill development in Burekup and Dardanup to maintain the existing character of the areas. DEFINITIONS : : Major Opening - As per Residential Design Codes. Habitable Room - As per Residential Design Codes. Barn-Style Shed/House - Barn-style shed constructed as a dwelling normally consisting of metal cladding (Appendix 1 shows typical appearance). Rear Lot - The lot at the end of the common property/ battle-axe accessway that has a portion of its boundary adjoining the common property/ battle-axe accessway which is parallel to the public street. Sufficient Solid fencing - Fencing of an acceptable nature (i.e. 1.8m Fibre cement or 1.8m Colorbond™) and in an acceptable condition to the discretion of Council. 1. The Shire requires the following residential design elements to be incorporated into any residential infill development on land within the townsites of Eaton, Burekup or Dardanup: a. At least one major opening from a habitable room from the rear lot to overlook the public street and common access driveway; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2. b. Garages that provide vehicle parking parallel to the public street being designed to not have a solid wall facing the public street; and c. Sufficient solid fencing (up to 1.8m above natural ground level) for all external boundaries of the parent lot excluding the front boundary. The Shire requires the following residential design elements to be incorporated into any residential infill development on land within the townsites of Burekup and Dardanup: a. The front setback to the public street being a minimum of 6m (no averaging) to maintain the existing streetscape; b. Dwellings having a verandah along the front and eaves around the remainder of the dwelling; c. Roof pitch being consistent with surrounding dwellings; d. Landscaping of the front of the dwelling incorporating the planting of trees and encourages the use of low water use native gardens; and e. No Barn-Style shed/houses being constructed for the purpose of human habitation. PROCESS : Compliance with these Design Guidelines to be demonstrated in the Development Application or Building Licence Application, whichever occurs first. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning No. 3 Clause 8.1 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 26/07/12 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Appendices to DEV16 ‘Residential Design Guidelines’ Appendix 1 - Example of Barn Style Shed/House Appendix 2 – Examples of ‘Rear Lot’ Rear lot(s) denoted by Common Property/ Battle-axe accessway denoted by (if no star is indicated, clause 1.a. does not apply) Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV17 DESCRIPTION MILLBRIDGE ESTATE – SPECIAL PROVISIONS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 399/06 DATE 09/11/2006 PREAMBLE : Clause 3.3 of the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 refers to special application of the Residential Design Codes throughout the Shire. Sub clause 3.3.8 states that the special requirements applying to land coded R10 - along Millars Creek within Wellington Location 49, Eaton include: i) Housing shall generally be orientated towards Millars Creek. ii) Existing trees and substantial vegetation shall not be removed unless determined to be dead, diseased or dangerous, and then only with the approval of Council, or for approved site works. iii) Uniform rural-styled fencing shall be constructed along Millars Creek Foreshore Reserve. Because of the orientation requirement, the vegetation retention objectives and the topography of the land abutting the Creek, it is necessary to vary the requirements of the Residential Design Codes with respect to front and rear setback distances. In addition, it is desirable to control other aspects of development on these lots (such as the siting of outbuildings and garages) in order to prevent undesirable development from being visible from the open space reserve along the Creek and the extent of works carried out within development exclusion zones (Protected Area). Clause 8.1 of the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 makes provision for Council to prepare a Local Planning Policy in respect of any planning and development matter and to vary the provisions of the Residential Design Codes. OBJECTIVE : To achieve an urban design vision shared by the Shire and the Developer and apply site specific development and design controls to address the unique characteristics of the site and prevent inappropriate development. DEFINITIONS : Rural Fencing - means treated pine logs in a post and rail style to a maximum height of 1.2m above the adjoining natural ground level with infill being ring lock wire mesh. Soft Landscaping - means the planting of native species approved by the Developer and/or mulch with a maximum depth of 100mm and being kept Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Outbuilding - POLICY : clear from the base of existing mature trees. means an enclosed non-habitable structure that is required to meet the standards of the Building Code of Australia and is detached from any dwelling. This policy applies to the area known as Millbridge Estate, specifically those lots enjoying a common boundary with Millars Creek. 1. Further to Clause 3.3 of the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3, Council may adopt Development Guide Plans for any stage of the Estate for lots abutting Millars creek. 2. A parcel of land included on a Development Guide Plan adopted under this Policy shall: 2.1. Be developed in accordance with Covenant registered against the land; 2.2. Be developed in accordance with the Millbridge Private Estate Building Design Guidelines – Lifestyle Lots; 2.3 Not have the existing ground level altered for that portion of land within the designated Protection Area; 2.4 Not have that portion of land within the designated Protection Area developed, except for the following: (a) (b) (c) the Restrictive Rural fencing including a single pedestrian gate. Pedestrian access pathway (including steps or stairs) with a maximum width of 1.5m; and Soft landscaping. 2.5 Have dwelling setbacks in accordance with the adopted Development Guide Plan for the relevant lot; 2.6 Outbuilding to be sited and developed in accordance with the adopted Development Guide Plan for the relevant lot. ADOPTION OF PLANS : 1. For each stage of the Estate, the developers, Ardross Estates will submit a Development Guide Plan for those lots fronting Millars Creek for adoption by Council, in accordance with this Policy. 2. An adopted Development Guide Plan forms part of this Policy. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT PLANNING POLICY REFERENCE DEV18 DESCRIPTION SUSTAINABILITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 103/11 DATE 20/04/2011 PREAMBLE: : A Sustainability Outcomes and Implementation Plan was commissioned by the Shire of Dardanup to identify practical sustainability outcomes that can be applied to future development of the Dardanup Townsite in conjunction with the Dardanup Townsite Expansion. This plan is to be used as the basis for the Policy, guiding future development throughout the entirety of the Shire of Dardanup. OBJECTIVE : To enable the Environmental, Social and Economic objectives at all levels of development to be clarified and described how they can be implemented. POLICY : 1. Environment 1.1 Water Use Initiatives to be considered regarding water use include; • Waterwise Public Open Space (POS) landscaping. • Stormwater harvesting. • Provide waterwise landscaping packages to lot purchasers. • Use of rainwater tanks for house and garden watering. • Encourage waterwise garden design for house lots. • Water efficient fittings and appliances in household. • Landscaping design including native plants and soil moisture sensitive irrigation equipment. • Revegetation after first winter rains to reduce summer watering. Objectives: Reduce demand on total water usage. Reduce demand on potable water supply. Development Stage Implementation Townsite Strategy • - Responsible Authority Apply WSUD principles including: water re-use development densities waterwise principles • Preparation Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 of District Council/ WAPC Water By negotiation/ DOW SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Development Stage Implementation Structure Plan • Apply WSUD principles to structure plan and develop implementation provisions Developer/ Council • Preparation of Local Management Strategy Developer/ DOW Subdivision Development Application Responsible Authority Management Water • Prepare Urban Water Management Plan Developer/ Council • Implement Water Management Plans Developer/ Council • Develop best practice manual which brings together best ideas and makes them available to lot owners and households Council 1.2 Water Quality Initiatives to be considered regarding water quality include; • Application of WSUD throughout subdivision including using soil amendments, bio retention gardens and detention basins. • Correct local fertilizer requirements. • Encouragement of builders to be Green Smart accredited. Objective: Decrease in nutrient/ sediment/ contaminant discharge to the environment Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Subdivision • A nutrient Management Plan to be incorporated into landscaping plan for the site Developer • An erosion management plan to be prepared if circumstances justify Developer • Design and construction of stormwater infrastructure Developer/ Council • Nutrient and sediment control prepared to guide subdivision construction. Developer Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Development Application • Enforcement of best practice during house building works to stop sediment leaving building sites Builder/ Council 1.3 Energy Initiatives to be considered regarding energy include; • Installation of grid connected photovoltaics on each residence to meet part of in house demand. • Installation of photovoltaics in POS to power lights, BBQ etc. • Solar hot water heating. • Developer to provide incentive packages. • Solar passive/ energy efficient housing. • Use of reverse cycle air conditioners. • Buildings to be set back off Northern and Southern boundaries to achieve winter solar gain. Objectives:Reduce usage of energy. Reduced usage of energy from fossil carbon sources Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Townsite Strategy • Design to facilitate walking and cycling Council/ WAPC • Investigate alternative power options Council • Consolidate urban densities Council/ WAPC • Incorporate cycleway and pedestrian movement plan Developer/ Council • Urban consolidation housing choice Developer/ DOW Structure Plan Subdivision and lot size/ • Incorporate lots with either the long axis of the block east-west or the lot is sufficient in size that the long axis of the house can run close to east to west Developer/ Council • Construction of cycleways Developer Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority • Correct solar orientation of lots Developer/ Council • Design guidelines approved Development Application prepared and Developer/ Council • Developer to install energy efficient street lighting Developer/ Council • Implement Design Guidelines Lot owner/ Council • Develop best practice manual which brings together best ideas and makes them available to lot owners and households Council • Requirements to meet energy rating as a minimum provided by the Building Code of Australia. Council 1.4 Biodiversity Initiatives to be considered regarding biodiversity include; • Native front garden packages. • Native foreshore vegetation totally retained. Where possible the remaining trees to be retained. • Vesting of reserves should be linked to management responsibility, resources and the purpose for which the reserves were created. • Plant POS with suitable native species. • Developer to provide landscaping packages for front gardens that are composed of native species. • Construct living streams as part of integrated vegetation protection, landscaping and drainage concept. Objective: Protection and enhancement of local biodiversity values. Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Townsite Strategy • Minimise clearing of native vegetation Council/ WAPC • Appropriate reserve identification Council/ WAPC Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Structure Plan • Use POS to protect and enhance biodiversity through extra habitat and ecological linkages Developer/ Council • Investigate appropriate management of POS and Foreshore Reserves • Foreshore and other reserves created Developer/ Council • Prepare and implement foreshore and other POS Management plans Developer/ Council • Vegetation construction protection during Developer/ Council • Vegetation construction protection during Building/ Council Subdivision Development Application Developer/ Council 1.5 Landform Initiatives to be considered regarding landform include; • Slope to be retained as much as possible with small retaining walls for ‘ready to build’ house lots where appropriate. Objectives: Minimise changes to local landform Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Townsite Strategy • Acknowledge constraints Structure Plan • Landuse response to topography and land capability Subdivision • Comprehensive prepared land capability earthworks Development • Minimise ad hoc retaining walls Application 1.6 Waste and Recycling plan Council/ WAPC Developer/ Council Developer/ Council Building/ Council Initiatives to be considered regarding waste and recycling include; • Site construction waste to be appropriately recycled on site or removed as part of works. • Builders encouraged to be Green Star accredited. • Shire to provide recycling facilities. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • • Where possible material reused on site. Where possible recycled material from other areas used on site. Objectives: Clean building sites. Recycled material used. Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Subdivision • Look for opportunities to use recycled material Developer Development Application • Contain waste on site in approved manner until disposed of correctly Building/ Council • Facilitate the use of recycled materials Council 2. Social 2.1 Visual Amenity/ Landscape Initiatives to consider regarding visual amenity and landscape include; • The use of interpretive signage to highlight points of historical and/ or cultural interests plus the planting of native species. • Building guidelines, while allowing for innovation, provide a framework for buildings to complement the existing townsites and the characteristics of the sites themselves. • Protection and enhancement of scenic or important views and vistas. Objective: Create a vibrant community that is visually appealing. Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Townsite Strategy • Identify key features Structure Plan • Structure plan enhances and protects views Developer/ Council Subdivision • Landscape plan that addresses any significant ecological, cultural and heritage aspects on the site Developer/ Council landmarks and natural Council/ Developer WAPC/ 2.2 Roads/ Transport Initiatives to consider regarding roads and transport include; • Incorporated planting of street trees and bioretention gardens within the road reserves. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • • Multi-modal pathways to allow for cycling and walking around the subdivision and to the townsite. Identification of nodes and roads that may be able to be used for future public routes. Objectives: Roads safe and active. Reduce the need for vehicle dependency. Promote public transport opportunities. Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Townsite Strategy • Undertake transport assessment to identify means to improve accessibility by public transport and other vehicle modes Council Structure Plan • Incorporate cycleway and pedestrian movement plan Developer/ Council • Provide a road and pathway network that is visually enhanced with incorporated street trees and designed to the human scale Developer/ Council • Construction of multi-modal pathways Developer/ Council Subdivision 2.3 Housing Design and Diversity Initiatives to consider regarding housing design and diversity include; • Range of lot sizes, group dwellings and possibly a lifestyle village identified in structure plan. • Acceptance of a range of lot sizes in structure plan and subdivision approvals. • Accept and enforce design guidelines to at least meet energy rating standards adopted by the Building Code of Australia. Objectives: Range of housing options. Building efficiency. Development Stage Implementation Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Responsible Authority SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Structure Plan • Development concept to provide a variety of lot sizes and formats to cater for current and changing community lifestyle requirements Developer/ Council Subdivision • Subdivision design to provide variety of lot sizes and formats to cater for current and changing community lifestyle requirements Developer/ Council 2.4 Safety Initiatives to consider regarding safety include; • Incorporate liveable neighbourhood guidelines. • Structure plans that incorporate relevant liveable neighbourhood guidelines on safety. Objectives: Good personal safety and security. Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Structure Plan • Structure Plan incorporates neighbourhood guidelines liveable Developer/ Council Subdivision • Subdivision design incorporates liveable neighbourhood guidelines Developer/ Council 2.5 Local Community Development/ Design Initiatives to consider in regards to local community development and design include; • Use of multiple use corridors and well-designed streets that connect to existing townsite and other parts of the subdivision as shown in the structure plan. Objectives: - Good connectivity Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Structure Plan • Structure plan to demonstrate connectivity of the proposed development internally and surrounding land uses external to the site Developer/ Council Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2.6 Community Awareness Initiatives to consider in regards to community awareness include; • Create community awareness through existing media such as local newspapers and newsletters and also through one off events such as public meetings and letter drops. Objectives: - Cohesive and supportive communities. Development Stage Implementation Townsite Strategy • Prepare a concise consultation plan Structure Plan Responsible Authority community Council • Evidence of efforts to understand and consider the wishes of the local community Council/ WAPC • Evidence that community feedback has been considered and incorporated where possible Developer/ Council • Consideration and appropriate preservation and/ or recognition of indigenous and post European cultural heritage Developer/ WAPC 3 Economic 3.1 Employment Initiatives to consider regarding employment include; • Assist with ‘work from home’ opportunities. Objectives: Local employment. General employment options. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Council/ SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Townsite Strategy • Identify areas within the townsite for employment generating activities Council • Investigate opportunities to establish complementary uses that create synergies with the existing businesses located in the townsite Council/ WAPC Structure Plan • Incorporate land use controls to allow for home based enterprises Developer/ Council Subdivision • Provide lots that are conducive to the establishment of home based enterprises Developer/ Council Development Application • Allow for home based enterprises Developer 3.2 Affordability Initiatives to consider regarding affordability include; • Developer to provide a range of lot sizes and types including group dwellings and possibly a lifestyle village. This is to be detailed in the structure and subdivision application. • Approval of structure plan and subdivision application that includes a variety of lot sizes and types. Objectives: House and land affordability. Development Stage Implementation Responsible Authority Townsite Strategy • Investigate the implementation of developer incentives to incorporate affordable housing Council/ WAPC PROCESS : Upon submission of a town site expansion, structure plan, subdivision application or a development application, the application will be assessed in accordance with the policy. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV19 DESCRIPTION DARDANUP WEST/CROOKED BROOK AREA -PROVISION OF FORESHORE FACILITIES DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 303/10 DATE 08/09/2010 PREAMBLE : In 2007 the “Dardanup West/Crooked Brook Structure Plan” (plan) was approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission. The plan is for the further development of small holding (rural residential) lots in the plan area. The potential additional lot yield is estimated to be 400 lots. As part of this policy developers are required to contribute to the establishment of foreshore facilities. This policy shall only apply to land which has been rezoned and is being subdivided into small holding (rural residential) lots. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that the future development of foreshore facilities in the area covered by the plan is sufficiently funded via developer contributions so as not to place added burden on the ratepayers. POLICY : There will be significant development in the plan area which will create the demand for foreshore facilities. The Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 contains the following provision regarding contribution to foreshore facilities in the plan area. (n) The Local Government will request that the WAPC impose a condition of subdivision requiring a contribution towards the upgrading and construction of foreshore facilities identified in the Structure Plan area in accordance with the Local Government Policy. The cost of developer and Council funded foreshore facilities that will be required is estimated at $207,909 as at 1 July 2010. Based on a predicted 25% usage from residents from outside plan area $51,977 has been deducted from estimated cost of $207,909. Developer’s portion of these costs is $155,931 as at 1 July 2010. Based on a lot yield of 400 lots in the plan area the developer contribution per lot is $390 as at 1 July 2010. These costs will be reviewed on an annual basis and be subject to increase according to a review. The annual review will be carried out in conjunction with Council’s works program based on material costs at that time. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL This policy is based on the distribution of the cost of works that are a consequence of development in the plan area. This policy shall only apply to land which has been rezoned and is being subdivided into small holding or rural residential lots. FORESHORE FACILITIES It is expected that three separate areas with foreshore facilities along the Preston River will be required. It has been assumed that each area will consist of the following features, when determining the cost of developing these areas: Grassed Area 2000 m2 Natural vegetation 2000m2 Picnic Settings x 2 Pathways adjoining roadside parking and picnic area REVIEW OF DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS The developer contribution amount shall be reviewed on an annual basis in accordance with the following process: The review shall be undertaken in June each year. The new contribution rate shall come into effect on the latter of the 1st of July that year or when the review has been completed and a new rate has been adopted by Council. The review will consist of a review of estimates for the construction of the shared cost infrastructure. The review will consist of a review of contributions received and interest earned. The construction estimates are based on works being undertaken by Council construction crews and all required materials being sourced and/or purchased through the Council. The review of estimates will be carried out in conjunction with Council’s annual budget deliberations. Therefore, the estimates shall be adjusted in accordance with plant, labour and construction material rates used in the development of Council’s annual budget. All quantities used in the estimates will remain constant and shall not be adjusted during each review. PROCESS : The Shire will request the WAPC apply the following subdivision condition to all subdivision applications in the Dardanup West/Crooked Brook Structure Plan area: The subdivider making satisfactory arrangements with the Local Government to contribute towards the costs of provision of foreshore facilities identified in the Dardanup West/Crooked Brook Structure Plan area in accordance with the Dardanup West/Crooked Brook Area Road Provision of Community Facilities Developer Contribution Policy. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Funds will be collected from the subdividers at the time of request for subdivision clearance and will be placed in a reserve for the specific purpose they are collected. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV20 DESCRIPTION LOCAL BIODIVERSITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 251/11 DATE 10/08/2011 PREAMBLE: : Biodiversity is the natural variety of living things including plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genes they contain, and the ecosystems of which they form a part. The conservation of biodiversity is critical given our community and lifestyle, which are intrinsically dependent on it. Biodiversity is fundamental to the continued growth and prosperity of the Shire. It supports all of our natural systems keeping our soil, water and air cleaner than it otherwise would, and provides attractive places for residential and recreational use. All levels of Government – Federal, State and Local – have a responsibility to plan for the conservation of biodiversity and natural areas. Biodiversity can only be conserved by protecting and managing natural areas. These are areas of native vegetation, wetland, watercourses or other ecosystems that retain a reasonable level of naturalness, and therefore biodiversity. The protection of trees and other native flora is fundamentally important in providing additional habitat for native animals, but it is the protection and management of natural areas that is the key requirement for biodiversity conservation. A discussion paper was produced for the Shire of Dardanup by Ironbark Environmental and Eco Logical Australia, which provided an opportunity for comments to be made for the Shire’s Local Biodiversity Strategy. The discussion paper has provided the basis for the Shire of Dardanup’s Biodiversity Policy. OBJECTIVE : To preserve significant areas of remnant vegetation, significant wetlands and waterways as well as key biodiversity corridors for future generations. ABBREVIATIONS : LNA: Local Natural Area LPS: Local Planning Strategy ROS: Regional Open Space POS: Public Open Space WSUD: Water Sensitive Urban Design PIP: Preston Industrial Park Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL TPS: Town Planning Scheme EPA: Environmental Protection Authority POLICY : • Regionally significant natural areas to be protected in Regional Open Space • Significant natural areas to be protected in the following development precincts, but not limited to; a) Eaton future urban development conservation and recreation. – reserves for b) Preston Industrial Park – Conservation covenants, or reserves as Habitat Conservation Reserves, Regional Open Space as part of scheme amendments. c) Dardanup West/ Crooked Brook i) Reserve Preston River Foreshore for future Regional Open Space. ii) : Scheme amendments to identify areas to be covered by conservation covenants or Habitat Conservation Reserves. d) Burekup Townsite Expansion – Local reserves for recreation, conservation and drainage (Henty Brook) or recreation and conservation. e) Dardanup Townsite Expansion – Local recreation, drainage and conservation. f) Wellington Mills small holdings and other future small holdings – Identify Habitat Conservation reserves in scheme amendments, and zone as such. g) The following to be considered on submission; - Burekup Agri-Food Precinct - Waterloo Area reserves for Eaton • Ensure buffers for ROS in new residential areas are based on ecological requirements of vegetation complexes and separation of wetlands from proposed residences (mosquito management zones). These should be achieved through the structure planning process. • Ensure existing ROS is reserved for recreation and conservation where there are natural areas. • Maximize protection of tree stands and understorey in POS, local schools and wider road reserves and road islands. • Consider providing proponents with incentives to change road layouts to accommodate tree and understorey retention – eg. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Increased densities adjacent to protected natural areas. Burekup Townsite Expansion Ensure scheme amendments and structure plans; • Identify Henty Brook floodplain. • Protect Henty Brook vegetation and floodplain in public lands. The protected area should include a buffer to protect all slopes greater than 1 in 6 in the floodplain and all existing native vegetation. • Protect the natural areas in the South-West of the site (Guildford Vegetation Complex). Revegetate a corridor along the Henty Brook to provide movement, shelter and feeding habitat for fauna. • • Ensure scheme amendments/ structure plans require submission of management plans for significant natural areas at time of subdivision application and implementation prior to clearance of titles. Dardanup Townsite Expansion • Ensure scheme amendments/ structure plans require protection of stormwater corridors and the revegetation of Gavin’s Gully with local native species. Possible Future New Residential Areas • Ensure scheme amendment reports carry out thorough ecological assessments. All natural areas should be identified, and assessed against the criteria in EPA Guidance Statement 10. • New residential areas should be designed into existing cleared areas and should not involve the clearing of any natural area or native vegetation, unless approved by Council. • Where relevant, require provisions in new scheme amendments to identify values of natural areas and protect these where possible in local POS, but also recognising the need for active usable space in appropriate locations. • Ensure structure plans/ scheme amendments include provisions to require management plans to be submitted with subdivision applications, and implemented prior to clearance of titles. Small Holdings – Dardanup West/ Crooked Brook Scheme amendments and structure plans should; • Ensure that natural areas are not fragmented by subdivision (new lot boundaries do not intersect areas of native vegetation or intact wetlands). Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Protect natural areas on individual lots, and cover them by ‘Habitat Conservation Areas’ in the scheme or by conservation covenants. • Ensure significant wetlands are protected by adequate vegetated buffers, which includes the revegetation of cleared areas adjacent to wetlands. Include provisions to identify and revegetate corridors of no less than 40m wide to link existing natural areas. • • New subdivision to use WSUD principles as part of subdivision conditions. • Ensure protection (public reservation) of the Preston River floodplain, a regional ecological linkage, which should encompass all of the floodway and flood fringe areas. Preston Industrial Park • Identify in the Shire’s LPS, the areas recommended for ROS by the EPA as “Significant natural areas of regional significance which should be protected by the State Government”. • Identify all other natural areas in the PIP as significant natural areas and reserve as such. • Ensure all scheme amendments and structure plans in the PIP adequately identify and assess natural areas. Proposed Waterloo Industrial Park • Ensure all scheme amendments, structure plans and developments retain and protect natural areas. There are not many natural areas to protect – these should be protected in local reserves. • Management plan for significant natural areas to be required at time of subdivision application, and implemented. • Consider the creation of a revegetated ecological corridor on the site to link the Ferguson River with the Collie River. This would be parallel to South Western Highway and avoid the movement of fauna across the South Western Highway. Local Reserves • Local reserves with natural areas should be vested for purposes which include conservation, or similar. • All local reserves with natural areas should have management plans which identify, protect and restore the area’s natural values. The Council has a large number of local reserves and so a number of management plans should be produced each year. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV21 DESCRIPTION SEA CONTAINERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 57/12 DATE 08/03/2012 PREAMBLE: : It may be argued that it is economical or convenient to use sea containers for storage or for use as part of a development. The use of sea containers may be acceptable within the Shire of Dardanup providing the development complies with the relevant Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 provisions for the zoning, and has a minimal effect on the amenity of the area. OBJECTIVE : To regulate the use of sea containers within the Shire of Dardanup so as to ensure that they have minimal impact on the amenity of the area. DEFINITIONS POLICY : : ‘Sea Container’ Standardized re-sealable transportation box for unitized freight handling. • This policy does not apply to sea containers already approved by Council. • Council will not permit sea container(s) within any townsite defined by the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. • Council may approve the placement of sea container(s) on properties outside of townsites as defined by the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 subject to sea container(s) not being located within the front setback area or in areas designated for car parking, landscaping, effluent control or storm-water control. • Council may approve the placement of sea container(s) on properties outside of townsites as defined by the Shire of Dardanup Scheme No. 3 subject to; a) the approved habitation; sea container(s) not being used for b) the approved sea container(s) are used for the purpose of storage only, unless otherwise approved by Council; c) the approved sea container(s) being screened from view and shall not be highly visible from nearby roads, other public places, or adjoining properties as determined by Council; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL and/or d) if the sea container(s) are highly visible from nearby roads, other public places, or adjoining properties, then the exterior of the sea container(s) shall be upgraded (i.e. painted to blend in with the surrounding development or landscape) within 3 months of being granted planning approval. PROCESS : • In all zones and within townsites, sea container(s) may be placed on a property to store building materials while construction of a house or commercial building is being carried out on the property, without requiring planning approval. A sea container must not be placed on the property prior to the issue of a building licence for the construction and must be removed immediately upon completion of construction or expiry of the building licence. • The number of sea containers allowable on a property at one given time will be dealt with on a case-by-case base, with each application assessed on its merits. Application This policy shall apply to the placement and use of sea containers within the Shire of Dardanup Approval Requirements a) All proposals for the placement and use of sea containers within the Shire of Dardanup require an application for planning consent to be submitted to the Shire of Dardanup for approval. In considering an application for planning consent, Council shall before granting consent, be satisfied as to the impact of the proposal on the amenity of the area. If in the opinion of Council, a sea container will have a detrimental effect on the local amenity, or have the potential to visually impair or detract from the exterior design or appearance of other buildings in the vicinity, the application will be refused. b) An application for planning consent shall be made on an Application for Planning Consent form together with the following information: i) A site plan showing the proposed location of the sea containers on the property and the location of any existing buildings/ structures; ii) Plans, dimensions, and details of the sea containers; and iii) Details of modifications and other works to be carried out on sea containers such as painting etc. c) Notwithstanding that Planning Consent may be granted by Council, a building license may be required prior to the placement of the sea containers if modifications are to be made Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL to the sea container (for example if a roof or patio were to be attached). The structure will need to meet all relevant requirements under the Building Code of Australia and relevant Australian Standards. Standard Conditions of Planning Approval The placement and use of sea containers may be approved subject, but not limited to, the conditions stipulated below: a) All development being generally in accordance with the approved development plans which form part of this Development Approval. b) The exterior of the sea container shall be upgraded (i.e. painted to blend in with the surrounding development or landscape) within 3 months of being granted planning approval. c) Any activity relating to the hereby approved development is not to cause injury to or prejudicially affect the amenity of the locality including injury, or prejudicial affection due to the emission of light, noise, vibration, electrical interference, smell, fumes, smoke, steam, soot, ash, dust, grit, oil, liquid wastes or waste products. d) The hereby approved development shall not be used for habitable purposes. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV22 DESCRIPTION EATON COMMERCIAL CENTRE DESIGN GUIDELINES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 641/99 DATE 24 NOVEMBER 1999 PREAMBLE: : OBJECTIVE : POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 is unusual in that it prescribes development standards for uses rather than zones. The Eaton Commercial Centre is zoned Mixed Business under the Scheme, in which a number of different commercial and business type uses are permitted. In order to have some consistency of development throughout the Commercial Centre, it necessary to apply design guidelines to override the provisions of the Scheme. • To achieve a high standard of development within the Eaton Commercial Centre. • To promote the consistent application of setbacks, site coverage, plot ratio and landscaped areas for all development in the precinct. • To accommodate a wide range of uses such as warehouses, showrooms, service industries, offices, wholesaling, motor repair facilities and extensive retail which by virtue of their scale and character are generally not appropriate to, or cannot conveniently or economically be accommodated within the Business – Commercial or Industry zones. a) Any Development Application for any proposed development or change of use within the area bounded by Eaton Drive, Recreation Drive, Blue Wren Drive and Lot 139 (1) Recreation Drive, Eaton will be assessed against the Eaton Commercial Centre Design Guidelines. b) Any variations to the design guidelines which are not covered by Town Planning Scheme No 3 will have to be approved by Council. PROCESS : a) Developers wishing to develop within the Eaton Commercial Centre are required to submit an Application for Council Planning Consent to Commence Development together with appropriate plans, details and application fee. b) Council may grant its consent to development within the Commercial Centre having due regard to the site and development standards set out in the Eaton Commercial Centre Design Guidelines and any other appropriate provision contained within the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV23 DESCRIPTION SECOND HAND DWELLINGS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 269/11 DATE 14/09/2011 PREAMBLE: : OBJECTIVE : • • : AND TRANSPORTABLE Council appreciates that it may be economical to use second hand relocated and transportable dwellings as housing in lieu of constructing new homes. These may be acceptable within the Shire, providing the development is in keeping with the rest of the dwelling stock of the area into which it is proposed to bring the relocated or transportable dwelling. • DEFINITIONS RELOCATED To maintain a high standard of dwelling stock with the Shire of Dardanup. Ensure that the relocation of second hand dwellings and the construction of transportable dwellings is undertaken to an approved standard with regard to local amenity and aesthetics. Ensure the style, construction and design of relocated second hand and transportable dwellings is consistent with the character of the surrounding dwellings and the locality in general. ‘Second hand dwelling’ - A residential dwelling which has not been specifically designed as a transportable residence and has previously been located at any place other than the lot upon which it is erected; or A building which has been specifically designed as a transportable residence and which has been used as residential dwelling at any place other than on the lot upon which it is to be erected. ‘Townsite’ - Residential areas bounded by a townsite boundary defined by the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. ‘ Transportable dwelling’ - POLICY : Any dwelling or part of that is prefabricated at any place other than on the site upon which it is to be erected. • Council will consider all applications for the relocation of second hand dwellings and their re-erection outside of ‘townsites’ within the Shire of Dardanup. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • • PROCESS : Relocated second hand dwellings are not permitted within ‘townsites’ of the Shire of Dardanup. Council will consider all applications for transportable dwellings. Application This policy shall apply to the relocation and installation of second hand dwellings and the construction of a transportable dwelling within the Shire of Dardanup. This policy does not apply to: a) Relocated buildings for non-habitable uses; b) Sea and shipping containers; or c) Caravan and park homes. Approval Requirements a) All proposals for the relocation and use of second hand dwellings and the construction of transportable dwellings require an application for planning consent to be submitted to the Shire of Dardanup for approval. In considering an application for planning consent, Council shall before granting consent, be satisfied as to the impact of the proposal on the amenity of the area. If in the opinion of Council, a second hand relocated dwelling or a transportable dwelling will have a detrimental effect on the local amenity, or have the potential to visually impair or detract from the exterior design or appearance of other buildings in the vicinity, the application will be refused. b) An application for planning consent shall be made on an Application for Planning Consent form together with the following information: i) A site plan showing the proposed location of the building on the property; ii) Plans, evaluations, and details of the building; iii) Details of modifications and other works to be carried out on the building such as re-cladding, painting, construction of verandahs, etc; and iv) Certification and a detailed report from a practicing structural engineer stating that the design and condition of the building is suitable for transportation and re-erection (in the case of second hand relocated dwellings), is required to be lodged with the application for Planning Consent. c) Notwithstanding that Planning Consent Council, a building license is required construction commencing. The building relevant requirements under the Building relevant Australian Standards. may be granted by prior to relocation or will need to meet all Code of Australia and d) With regards to second hand relocated dwellings, a condition of planning approval will be the payment of a bond to the amount of $8,000 to be paid prior to the issuance of a building licence. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Refund of this bond will only occur upon fulfilment of conditions of planning approval. Partial refunds of the bond based on progressive completion of conditions will not be considered. Failure to comply with all conditions of planning approval within 12 months from the issuance of the building license, will result in forfeiture of the bond and removal of the building unless otherwise determined by Council. e) No person shall occupy a relocated dwelling or a transportable dwelling until such time as a Certificate of Occupancy or equivalent has been issued by a Building Surveyor on behalf of Council. Development Guidelines a) Minimum Dwelling Standard The following minimum dwelling standard applies: i) A minimum gross floor area of 60m²; ii) At least one (1) bedroom separate from the other rooms the dwelling; iii) A lounge, meals and kitchen area (may be open plan); and iv) A separate bathroom and laundry. in To be used as a dwelling, the building will be assessed against and must comply with the requirements for Class 1 buildings under the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards. b) Energy Efficiency Requirements A second hand relocated or transportable dwelling is required to meet the current Energy Efficiency requirements for the Climate Zone outlined in part 3.12 of the Building Code of Australia to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dardanup. A condition requiring compliance may be included in the planning consent. c) Amenity When giving consideration to an application for planning consent, Council shall give consideration to: i) The second hand relocated or transportable dwelling being rendered visually acceptable by the use of verandahs, screening and/ or landscaping. ii) The design, scale and bulk of the second hand relocated or transportable dwelling being compatible with the type of dwellings that exist in the locality in which it is to be located. In recognition of the higher standards of development and amenity expected within the Residential and Small Holding zones, applications for transportable dwellings within these zones will be subject to stringent assessment to ensure their iii) Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL compatibility with the amenity, character and development standards of that area. iv) In recognition of the higher standards of development and amenity expected within the Small Holding zones, applications for second hand relocated dwellings within this zone will be subject to stringent assessment to ensure their compatibility with the amenity, character and development standards of that area. Standard Conditions of Planning Approval Second hand relocated and transportable dwellings may be approved subject, but not limited to, the conditions stipulated below: a) All development being generally in accordance with the approved development plans which form part of this Development Approval. b) This approval shall expire unless the development hereby approved has been completed within 12 months of the date of issuance of the building license, or within any extended period for which Council has granted written consent. An application for such consent must be made within one month of the date of expiry of the approval. c) Any activity relating to the hereby approved development is not to cause injury to or prejudicially affect the amenity of the locality including injury, or prejudicial affection due to the emission of light, noise, vibration, electrical interference, smell, fumes, smoke, steam, soot, ash, dust, grit, oil, liquid wastes or waste products. d) No development shall take place on the subject site until an application for a crossover is submitted and approved by Council, unless a Council approved crossover already exists on the subject site. e) The hereby approved second hand relocated or transportable dwelling is to be assembled, upgraded and maintained in the following manner within twelve months of the date of issuance of the building license, to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dardanup: f) i) The dwelling shall be properly fixed to stumps on the subject site and effectively re-joined or constructed in compliance with all legislation; ii) External walls, fixtures and fittings to be made good; iii) The dwelling is to have a high quality external finish/cladding (painted or otherwise) completed in a tradesman-like manner. All debris to be removed from the subject site and left in a tidy state to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dardanup. g) No person shall occupy a second hand relocated or transportable dwelling until such time that a Certificate of Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Occupancy or equivalent has been issued by the Shire of Dardanup. h) A bond of $8,000 is payable to the Shire of Dardanup prior to the issue of a Building License. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV24 DESCRIPTION DISPLAY HOMES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 261/12 DATE 26/07/2012 PREAMBLE: : Council acknowledges that builder’s display homes are an important marketing tool for the Real Estate Industry and are useful in attracting potential homeowners to the Shire. However, this type of development, because it is located in residential areas, has the potential to impact upon amenity and the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme does not contain development guidelines specific to display homes. OBJECTIVE: : To provide appropriate development standards for display homes so that they are appropriately serviced and do not impact upon residential amenity. POLICY: : Display Homes shall be subject to the following provisions: a) Unless Council agrees otherwise, a car parking area (exclusive of roadways and verges) shall cater for a minimum of 4 cars per display home, being paved to the satisfaction of the Director Engineering Services for the duration of the display home. b) Any illumination of a display home is to be directed onto the property itself. The Council will require lighting to be modified if it is of the opinion that the adjoining properties and the roadway are unduly affected. c) Display home signage shall be subject to the following provisions: i) A maximum of one (1) freestanding advertising sign (maximum of 6m² and no more than 4m high) shall be permitted provided it is setback a minimum of 2m from the front boundary. ii) No advertising sign shall be permitted within a corner lot’s 6m by 6m visual truncation area. iii) Advertising shall be permitted on the garage door of an approved display home. iv) Illumination of advertising signs shall not be permitted. v) Removable ‘A-Frame’ advertising signage shall only be located within the property boundary and be securely fixed to the ground to reduce the hazard potential to the public. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL vi) Portable signs (including A-Frame signage) shall not be permitted on public reserves, public streets, road verges, vehicle roundabouts, pedestrian paths and accessways. vii) Signage proposed to be erected after a Display Home has been granted Planning Approval shall be subject to a new Application for Planning Consent to Commence Development. d) Approval of display homes is limited to a 36 month period. Renewals will be granted if no problems have been noted or are foreseen. PROCESS : a) Companies wishing to erect display homes are required to submit an Application for Planning Consent to Commence Development together with appropriate plans and details. Details of proposed signage shall form part of the Application. b) All applications must be accompanied with payment of a Planning Application Fee. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 26/07/12 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV25 DESCRIPTION ANCILLARY ZONES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 56/12 DATE 08/03/2012 ACCOMMODATION – SMALL HOLDING PREAMBLE: : The R-Codes states that the ancillary accommodation is to ‘accommodate the needs of large or extended families without compromising the amenity of adjoining properties’. Whilst the RCodes do not apply in zones other than Residential, the purpose of ancillary accommodation as stated in the R-Codes is considered relevant. The significant factor is that the additional accommodation is ‘ancillary’ or ‘secondary’ to the main dwelling which should be reflected in the size of the ancillary accommodation and its relationship with the main dwelling. OBJECTIVE : To facilitate the development of ancillary accommodation through the provision of a consistent framework for the assessment of such development within the Small Holding zones. DEFINITIONS : Ancillary Accommodation: Self-contained living accommodation on the same lot as a single dwelling that may be attached or detached from the single dwelling occupied by members of the same family as the occupiers of the main dwelling. Second Dwelling: A dwelling that is one of a group of two dwellings on the same lot such that no dwelling is placed wholly or partly vertically above another. POLICY : • On Small Holding lots that permit a ‘Second Dwelling’ under TPS 3, ancillary accommodation shall be classed as a grouped dwelling under the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. • On General Farming lots, ancillary accommodation shall be classed as a grouped dwelling under the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. • The ancillary accommodation shall have a maximum floor area of 100m² (excluding carport/garage, verandas, patios, pergolas and the like). • The ancillary accommodation shall have a maximum of 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. • The construction of a new crossover(s) shall not be permitted for the proposed ancillary accommodation. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : • The appearance of the ancillary accommodation shall be of complimentary style to the existing dwelling. • Where an approved building envelope exists on the property, the ancillary accommodation shall be wholly contained within the approved building envelope. • Where an approved building envelope does not exist on the property, the ancillary accommodation shall be located within 20 metres of the main dwelling or as otherwise determined by Council with consideration being given to factors such as topography, effluent disposal issues or other similar constraints on the land. • A minimum of one parking space shall be provided in addition to those required for the main dwelling. • The existence of ancillary accommodation on a property shall not be construed as an avenue for subdivision. • An application for ancillary accommodation will require that a notification be placed on the Certificate of Title (Under Section 70A of the Transfer of Land Act) advising owners and subsequent owners that the ancillary accommodation shall only be occupied by a member or members of the same family as the occupiers of the main dwelling. Council will require that this be placed on the title prior to the issue of a Building Licence for the ancillary accommodation. Application This policy shall apply to the development of ancillary accommodation on Small Holding lots within the Shire of Dardanup. Approval Requirements a) All proposals for the development of ancillary accommodation on Small Holding lots within the Shire of Dardanup require an application for planning consent to be submitted to the Shire of Dardanup for approval. In considering an application for planning consent, Council shall before granting consent, be satisfied as to the impact of the proposal on the amenity of the area. If in the opinion of Council, the ancillary accommodation will have a detrimental effect on the local amenity, the application will be refused. b) An application for planning consent shall be made on an Application for Planning Consent form together with the following information: i) A site plan showing the proposed location of the ancillary accommodation on the property including setbacks from boundaries and the location of any existing buildings/ structures; and Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL ii) Plans, dimensions, elevation drawings and any other details considered relevant to the proposed ancillary accommodation. iii) A letter stating the intended occupant of the proposed ancillary accommodation and their relationship to the occupants of the main dwelling. c) Notwithstanding that Planning Consent may be granted by Council, a building license will be required prior to the development of the ancillary accommodation. Standard Conditions of Planning Approval The development of ancillary accommodation may be approved subject, but not limited to, the conditions stipulated below: a) All development being generally in accordance with the approved development plans which form part of this Development Approval. b) The development approved is to be substantially commenced within 2 years, or such other period as is specified in the approval, after the date of the determination. The approval lapses if the development has not substantially commenced before the expiration of the period (2 years). c) A notification shall be placed on the Certificate of Title (Under Section 70A of the Transfer of Land Act) advising owners and subsequent owners that the ancillary accommodation shall only be occupied by a member or members of the same family as the occupiers of the main dwelling, prior to the issuance of a Building Licence. Advice Note: 1) The existence of ancillary accommodation on a property shall not be construed as an avenue for subdivision. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV26 DESCRIPTION VARIATIONS TO RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CODES – OUTBUILDINGS, PATIOS, PERGOLAS & CARPORTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 227/09 DATE 08/07/2009 PREAMBLE : The Residential Design Codes and the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 provides requirements for size and setback of outbuildings and the setback of patios, pergolas and carports. Clause 8.1 of the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 makes provision for Council to prepare a Local Planning Policy in respect of any planning and development matter and to vary the provisions of the Residential Design Codes. There is currently no guidance on an acceptable maximum size of outbuildings for the small holdings zone. OBJECTIVE : To clarify Council’s position in relation to the maximum floor area, height and setback requirements of outbuildlings, patios, pergolas and carports proposed within the residential and small holdings zones. DEFINITIONS : Outbuilding - means an enclosed non-habitable structure that is required to meet the standards of the Building Code of Australia and is detached from any dwelling. Patio - means a water impermeable roofed opensided area. Pergola - means an unroofed open framed structure. Carport - means a roofed structure designed to accommodate one or more motor vehicles unenclosed except to the extent that it abuts a dwelling or a property boundary on one side and being without a door unless that door is visually permeable. POLICY : This policy applies to the development of outbuildings, patios, pergolas and carports on land located within the residential and small holdings zones. 1. Outbuildings, Patios, Pergolas and Carports shall comply with the following: 1.1. Be setback from boundaries as required by the Residential Design Codes or Town Planning Scheme, unless otherwise Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL approved by Council; 1.2 PROCESS : Have the following maximum dimensions: Zoning Max. Floor Area (m2) Max. Wall Height (m) Residential Small Holdings 80 200 3 5 Max. Overall (Ridge) Height (m) 3.9 - 2. In regard to clause 1.1, Council will consider a reduction of boundary setbacks for outbuildings, patios, pergolas and carports (or similar structures) subject to the applicant submitting an additional plan that has been sighted and signed by the affected neighbour(s). This setback reduction applies generally to side and rear setbacks. 3. Adjoining and affected landowner(s) comment shall be sought for outbuildings with a floor area in excess of 54m2. 4. An application for planning consent shall be made for an outbuilding that does not comply with any of the Policy requirements and submitted with written justification for the variation and shall be referred to Council for determination. 5. The approval of a nil side setback under this Policy does not apply to solid boundary or parapet walls or walls intended to form part of the dividing fence. 1. On submitting an application for building licence that proposes an outbuilding, patio, pergola or carport (or similar structure) that requires written consent of affected landowner(s), the applicant is required to submit an additional plan that has been signed by the affected landowner(s). 2. If the adjoining and affected landowner(s) cannot be contacted or does not wish to sign the plan, Council will write to the landowner to seek comment. Submissions must be received within 14 days and any objections will be referred to Council for determination. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV27 DESCRIPTION SOUTHBANK DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 127/07 DATE 10/05/2007 PREAMBLE: : OBJECTIVE : This policy is designed to provide development guidelines for the proposed Southbank Development. • To encourage high quality development addressing the prominent riverside location and orientation advantages of the site. • To facilitate a mix of uses and scale of development enhancing public use of adjacent foreshore. • Integrating the open spaces of the river foreshore with the urban development. POLICY : Any Development Application for any proposed development or change of use on land shown in Figure 1, Southbank Development Guidelines will be assessed against the Southbank Development Guidelines which form part of this policy. PROCESS : a) Southbank Development Guidelines form part of this Planning Policy (Policy Manual Appendix: P 5.15). b) Developers wishing to develop within the Southbank Policy area are required to submit an Application for Council Planning Consent to Commence Development together with appropriate plans, details and application fee. c) Council will consider an application for development within the Southbank Policy area having due regard to the site and development standards set out in the Southbank Development Guidelines and any other appropriate provision contained within the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 Clause DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV28 DESCRIPTION ACID SULFATE SOILS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 253/08 DATE 05/08/2008 PREAMBLE: : With an increasing number of developments around rivers, creeks and high risk areas of Acid Sulfate soils, Council shall ensure that these areas are managed with minimal impact to these soils. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that the subdivision, rezoning and development of land containing acid sulfate soils is planned and managed to avoid potential adverse effects on the natural and built environment (including infrastructure). POLICY : 1. The Shire of Dardanup recognizes the Western Australian (WAPC) Planning Bulletin No 64 (which forms part of this policy) as the appropriate means of dealing with Acid Sulfate Soils (POLICY MANUAL APPENDIX: P 5.17). [] 2. Areas of high risk Acid Sulfate Soils should be recognised in the Development Guide Plan or Subdivision Guide Plan, prior to approval of the subdivision or rezoning or development. 3. Any application on such land shall be accompanied by a Preliminary Site Assessment (prepared in accordance with the Department of Environment and Conservation guidelines), in the circumstances set out in the Western Australian (WAPC) Planning Bulletin No 64. 4. Where the presence of Acid Sulfate Soils is confirmed by the Preliminary Site Assessment, the application should be accompanied by a Detailed Site Assessment and an Acid Sulfate Soil Management Plan that addresses the matter set out in the Western Australian (WAPC) Planning Bulletin No 64, prior to the approval of the subdivision rezoning or development. 5. All costs associated with site assessment, and implementation of management plans and works shall be at the proponents cost. PROCESS : The risk of Acid Sulfate soils to be determined prior to the approval of any subdivision, rezoning or development within the Shire of Dardanup. An application in a high risk area as outlined in the Western Australian (WAPC) Planning Bulletin No 64, Figure 24 Australind – Bunbury and Figure 23 Greater Bunbury Regional Scheme acid sulfate soils shall require this policy to be carried out prior to the subdivision, rezoning or development application. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Planning and Development Act 2005 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV29 DESCRIPTION CARAVANS AS TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION 184/00 DATE 05/04/2000 PREAMBLE: : Legislation now permits the occupation of caravans with Council approval, in connection with the erection of dwelling houses. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that the use of caravans as temporary accommodation does not impact adversely on the amenity of an area on the environment. POLICY : Council permits the use of a caravan for temporary accommodation in areas outside of townsites of the Shire while a house is being erected subject to the following conditions: a) b) Satisfactory toilet and ablution facilities are available for use by the occupants. (i) (ii) The approval will be for a six (6) month period inclusive of a period of up to two months prior to the commencement of the building. Council may, at its discretion, approve a further six (6) month period. c) Plans and specifications for the house have been approved by the Building Surveyor. d) Any requests for approval for a period longer than twelve (12) months shall be made to the Department of Local Government and Regional Development. Permission will not be granted for the use of a caravan for living purposes on building sites in any of the townsites within the Shire. PROCESS : Initial application is to be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer where the applicant requires approval for twelve months or less. If a greater period than twelve months is required then application must be made to the Department of Local Government and Regional Development HEAD OF POWER : Caravan and Camping Ground Regulations 1997: Reg 6 and 11(2)(a) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV30 DESCRIPTION MANAGER ENVIRONMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER'S AUTHORITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 039/00 update - 1017/98 DATE 09/02/2000 updated - 23/10/1998 EMERGENCY/ GENERAL PREAMBLE: : This Policy is necessary for the timely discharge of Council’s functions under the Health Act 1911. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that where breaches of the Health Act are observed the remedial action can be expedited with the minimum of delay. POLICY : The Manager Environment & Emergency and Environmental Health Officer are Authorised to issue orders on behalf of the local government on matters where they observe breaches of the Health Act or Health Local Laws. Footnote: The Manager Environment & Emergency’ approval to issue such orders will only remain in force as long as the person occupying the position of Manager Environment & Emergency is a qualified Environmental Health Officer. PROCESS : Such Authorisation is only for a period of twelve months and shall be renewed by Council following a satisfactory review of how the authorization has been exercised during the preceding twelve month period HEAD OF POWER : Health Act 1911, As Amended: Section 26 (Note: under the Health Act there is no power for the person[s] so authorized to pass such authorization to another person) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV31 DESCRIPTION SEPTIC SYSTEMS – HENTY BROOK SUBDIVISION COUNCIL RESOLUTION 452/03 DATE 02/12/03 PREAMBLE: : When this subdivision was first released alternative treatment units had not been approved by the Health Dept. of WA. Given the nature of the soil/subsoil in this area ordinary septic tanks and effluent disposal systems may not work satisfactorily. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that treatment units and effluent disposal systems work correctly and do not pose a threat to human health or to the environment. POLICY : a) Alternative Treatment Units (ATU) are required on all lots within the Henty Brook Estate, unless a hydrological survey, undertaken by a suitably qualified hydrologist and at the owner’s expense, indicates that conventional septic tank systems will operate efficiently. b) That in all instances nutrient removal from final effluent is required. Soils are to have a phosphate Retention Index [PRI] of 20 or greater. c) That the requirements of the "managed septic tank areas" should remain in place. PROCESS : Approval for the installation of any system must be made at the time of applying for a building permit and on the appropriate form, which is available from the Council Offices. All installations must be inspected and approved for use by Council’s Environmental Health staff. HEAD OF POWER : Health Act 1911 Section 26 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV32 DESCRIPTION WINERIES AND BREWERY DEVELOPMENTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 536/00 DATE 11 OCTOBER 2000 PREAMBLE: : With the increasing number of development applications being received for the establishment of Wineries (and possibly in the future, Breweries) Council wishes to ensure that sanitary facilities and effluent disposal systems associated with the premises are adequate and that water used on the premises complies with NHMRC guidelines. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that the developments install correct and sufficient sanitary facilities and effluent disposal systems so as to work efficiently with only routine maintenance: water supplies at the premises must be of a potable standard. POLICY : 1.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Proposals will need to comply with relevant acts, regulations, local laws and requirements of the Shire of Dardanup, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Health Department of Western Australia. The proponent is required to submit in writing, or on a suitable plan: An application for approval to install the proposed effluent treatment and disposal system. Details of the type of effluent disposal system that is proposed. The source and volume of effluent to be treated (to be calculated as per DEP guidelines). Demonstrate where effluent disposal systems will be located in relation to setbacks from existing and proposed buildings, boundaries and outbuildings. Technical Information to be submitted: The proponent is required to submit the following technical information to support an application and to enable determination of the appropriate effluent disposal system. i) ii) iii) Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 soil types. nutrient retention capabilities of soil. evidence that the treatment and disposal system can be located where proposed. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL iv) standard absorption tests shall be carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Health Act 1911, “Bacteriolytic Treatment of Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste Amendment Regulations 1989”. If the winery is expected to produce greater than 50KL (71 tonne of grapes) of wine a year it must advise the Department of Environmental Protection. 2.0 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL OPTIONS – (Fixture Effluent – Disposal Systems) Option 1 – Aerobic Treatment Units Approval for the installation of an Aerobic Treatment Unit may be granted, subject to compliance with the general requirements for all proposals. Note: Apparatus to be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and the requirements of the Health Department of Western Australia. Option 2 – Conventional septic tanks with leach drains/soak wells. Onsite effluent treatment and disposal systems utilising conventional septic tanks and leach drains or soak wells may be considered, subject to compliance with the general requirements for all proposals. Note: Minimum separation between base of drains/soak well and water table – 500mm. 3.0 leach EFFLUENT FROM BREWING AND WINE MAKING PROCESS The potential for odours, nuisance or hazards will determine the treatment process adopted. All process liquid waste shall be collected by an approved means and discharged to a sedimentation tank (size dependant on volume) then to either: Disposal system in accordance with options 1 and 2 for the disposal of fixture effluent. and / or A waste stabilisation pond/lagoon system. Note: Size of effluent disposal system will be determined on the volume of effluent to be treated and disposed of. 4.0 ALTERNATIVE EFFLUENT TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM Alternative effluent and disposal systems, including broad acre irrigation or onsite waste water treatment plants may be considered subject to: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 5.0 • Compliance with the general requirements for all proposals. • Health Department of Western Australia specific approval. CELLAR SALES Disabled access must be available to the cellar sales area. Where toilets are provided to the public, separate or combined facilities must be provided for the use of disabled persons. The premises must conform to the requirements of the Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations 1993, and Food Standards Code. The premises must be supplied with potable water that complies with the National Health and Medical Research Council Potable Water Guidelines. Planning approval must be obtained from the Shire of Dardanup for commercial viticulture, processing and/or cellar door sales and shall address vehicle access, parking and hours of operation. Any construction, alterations or additions to any building for the purposes of cellar sales must first obtain a building licence from the Shire of Dardanup. PROCESS : When proponents make enquiries about the development requirements for premises such as Wineries and/or Breweries they will be advised of the requirements of this policy and be provided with a copy of it. Development approval will not be dependent on the proponent submitting the information required as part of the planning process but will be required to submit such information with the application to install the effluent disposal system. HEAD OF POWER : Health Act 1911 Section 26 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE DEV33 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION OF CLAUSE 3.4.1 – ‘GROUPED DWELLING REQUIREMENTS’ OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME NO.3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 316/13 DATE 16/10/2013 PREAMBLE: : Clause 3.4.1 – ‘Grouped Dwelling Requirements’ was introduced into the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3 (TPS3) to encourage residential infill within the townsites of the Shire. OBJECTIVE : To clarify Council’s position on the application of Clause 3.4.1 of TPS3 for all proposed ‘grouped dwelling’ developments and proposed subdivisions within the ‘Residential’ zones of the Shire of Dardanup. DEFINITIONS : R-Codes - State Planning Policy 3.1 - Residential Design Codes of Western Australia. TPS3 Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. POLICY : - Residential Zone - All zones defined as Residential by the Shire of Dardanup Town Planning Scheme No. 3. Corner Lot - A lot that has two adjacent street frontages and contains a discernible corner truncation indicated on the certificate of title or relevant deposited plan. 1. Council will only consider applications for grouped dwelling development or subdivision that propose to utilise Clause 3.4.1 of TPS3, if the parent lot that is subject to the application is a minimum of 900m². 2. Notwithstanding Provision 1. of this policy, Council may consider utilising Clause 3.4.1 for a minimum parent lot size of 880m² in the case of a corner lot with a corner truncation in accordance with Clause 6.1.2 of the R-Codes. 3. Council will not exercise their discretion to grant a 5% variation to the minimum and/ or average lot size in accordance with Clause 6.1.3 of the R-Codes for all Applications for Planning Consent and Subdivision applications proposing to utilise Clause 3.4.1 of TPS3. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : Compliance with this Policy shall be demonstrated when the Shire is in receipt of an Application for Planning Consent for ‘Grouped Dwellings’ in a ‘Residential’ zone and for Subdivision Applications within a ‘Residential’ zone. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning No. 3 Clause 8.1 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 16/10/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT PLANNING POLICY REFERENCE DEV34 DESCRIPTION HERITAGE ADVISORY SERVICE - GUIDELINES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 359/13 DATE 27/11/2013 PREAMBLE : The primary goal of the heritage advisory service is to support the conservation of heritage places, by assisting the local government and its community to effectively manage their heritage assets. OBJECTIVE : • The heritage advisor works with the local government to provide advice to officers on applications relating to places included in the Local Heritage Inventory or Heritage List. • The heritage advisor works with the local government to provide advice and assistance to the Shire and its officers to implement the actions identified in its Heritage Strategy 20132023. • The heritage advisor is available to provide advice and assistance to landowners of a place in the Local Heritage Inventory or Heritage List. DEFINITIONS POLICY : : Heritage Listed Places - refers to places included in the Local Heritage Inventory or on the Scheme Heritage List. Burra Charter - adopted by the Australian (ICOMOS) International Council on Monuments and Sites and sets a standard of practice for those who provide advice, make decisions about, or undertake works to places of cultural significance, including owners, managers and custodians. 1. Use by the Local Government – the following provides the expected role of the heritage advisor: a) Assist with the development of a document which clearly explains the differences and implications of the State Register of Heritage Place, the Municipal Heritage Inventory and the Scheme Heritage List. b) Assist with the development of a concise document to clearly guide the development (including alterations and additions) of heritage listed places. c) Assist with the development of a ‘Heritage At Risk’ register to identify places that may be at risk of neglect and future demolition. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : d) Assist officers to periodically liaise with landowners of places identified ‘at risk’ to encourage the implementation of actions to prevent further neglect. e) Assist with the development of a clear set of principles (based on the Burra Charter to guide the management and care of Shire owned heritage places). f) Assist officers to ensure Asset Management Plans identify the heritage significance of Shire owned places, potential risks to those places and enhancement projects for future funding. g) Assist officers to apply for grant funding to digitally capture heritage records and produce a detailed collection of historical photos, records and maps. h) Assist officers to formulate a list of incentives for the conservation of heritage places for consideration by Council. i) Assist with the compilation of a register of grants opportunities and grant providers for public and private heritage places and provide on the Shire’s website for download. j) Assist officers with providing internal training sessions for staff and elected members focusing on the technical aspects of heritage management tools (legislation, inventory, and scheme list). k) Assist the Shire to ensure that future strategies and management plans include consideration of the Shire’s heritage. 2. Use by landowners – the following provides the expected role of the heritage advisor: a) Provide advice in relation to proposed works of a heritage place prior to applying for Council approval of such works. b) Provide advice on any relevant sources of funding and nonfinancial contributions towards maintaining and/or conserving a heritage place. The Heritage Advisor is contracted by the Shire and the use of the advisor is chargeable to the Shire. Therefore, the following procedure has been formulated to provide accountability of the use of the advisor by landowners of a heritage place: 1. If a landowner of a heritage place wishes to obtain advice from the heritage advisor, the landowner shall first request use of the service from the Shire. The request is to be in writing and shall provide the following information: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Name of landowner making the request Preferred contact method and time Property address of the heritage place and Nature of advice sought (to ensure the advice is within the scope of the heritage advisory service). 2. If the request for advice is within the scope of the heritage advisory service, Shire officers will forward the request to the heritage advisor. 3. The heritage advisor will then landowner directly. contact the requesting HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup Town Planning No. 3 Clause 8.1. DATE REVIEWED : 27/11/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES POLICY REFERENCE DEV35 DESCRIPTION DOG POLICY - APPLICATION TO KEEP MORE THAN TWO DOGS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 173/14 DATE 11 JUNE 2014 PREAMBLE: : This policy will provide for a consistent application/assessment and approval process for keeping more than two dogs. OBJECTIVE : • To encourage responsible dog ownership and compliance with the Dog Act 1976 and the Shire of Dardanup Local Law Relating to Dogs (1998). • To adopt a formal process for investigation and assessment of applications received from residents who wish to keep more than two (2)dogs, but not more than four (4) (over the age of three (3) months) at a property. POLICY PROCESS : : The policy: • Limits the number of dogs on a property within the Shire of Dardanup to a maximum of four (4) dogs over the age of three (3) months. • Definition – For the purpose of this policy a puppy is not deemed to be a dog until it is three (3) months of age, in accordance with the Dog Act 1976. Provisions of the Dog Act 1976 and the Shire of Dardanup Dog Local Law Relating to Dogs, stipulate that a person may only keep two (2) dogs over the age of 3 months with Local Government approval. • • PROCEDURE : An application shall be made to keep more than two (2) dogs over the age of 3 months. The application shall be submitted on the prescribed form (DEV34 - Appendix 1) and payment of the required application fee. Surrounding property owners will be notified in writing of the proposed application requesting comment on the prescribed form (DEV34 - Appendix 2). ) The Shire Ranger(s) are required to investigate the application and ensure a formal recommendation is submitted to the Director of Development Services for consideration. Upon receipt of an application to keep more than two (2) dogs the Shire Ranger(s) will inspect the property as part of the application assessment to ensure: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • • • • • There is adequate provision of shade, water and protection for the dogs; The size of the property is adequate for more than two (2) dogs; There are suitable means to contain the dogs to the property; The cleanliness of the property; and The existing dogs appear to be clean and well cared for. Minimum standards for the keeping of dogs: • • • • All dogs must be registered with the Shire of Dardanup; All faeces and urine to be disposed of without causing a risk to the health and safety of any person; No environmental harm; and The fences must be of a height and construction to prevent to dogs from escaping over, through or under. Dogs must not be kept in a manner which: • • Endangers, or is likely to, endanger the health of any person or animal; and Causes a nuisance of any kind to the occupiers of premises in the surrounding areas. Approval may be granted subject to the following conditions: • • • • • • Once any of the existing registered dogs at the property are deceased, sold or otherwise disposed of, the approval automatically lapses; The applicant’s approval will automatically lapse if any offences relating to the Dog Act 1976 are substantiated; The property must be kept clear of all animal excreta using proper disposal methods; Adequate cover and protection is available for the dogs at all times; The dogs being at all times adequately confined in accordance with the Dog Act 1976; and The approval may be revoked or varied at any time in accordance with the Dog Act 1976. In the event an application is refused, the applicant will be informed An of their right to request reconsideration of the decision. application to review Council’s decision may be made to the State Administrative Tribunal. HEAD OF POWER : Dog Act 1976 – Sections 26 (3) Shire of Dardanup – Local Law Relating to Dogs – Part lV Section 18 (a) & (b). DATE REVIEWED : 11/06/2014 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES POLICY REFERENCE DEV36 DESCRIPTION CAT POLICY - KEEPING THREE OR MORE CATS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 275/14 DATE 13/08/2014 PREAMBLE: : OBJECTIVE : With the introduction of the Cat Act 2011, Cat Regulations 2012 and the Shire of Dardanup Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2014(Draft) there is a requirement to have a policy that sets out the principles of cat ownership/care within the Shire of Dardanup. DEFINITION POLICY : PROCESS : • To encourage responsible cat ownership and compliance with the Shire of Dardanup Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2014 (draft), the Cat Act 2011 and Cat Regulations 2012. • To adopt a formal process for investigation and assessment of applications received from residents who wish to keep three (3) or more cats, but not more than four (4) (over the age of six (6) months at a premises. • For the purpose of this Policy, the term ‘keep’ refers to a cat being owned and registered to the owner and also a cat being fostered and/or waiting to be rehomed at a premises where the owner is ordinarily resident. • For the purpose of this policy a kitten is not deemed to be a cat until it is six (6) months of age, in accordance with the Cat Act 2011. The policy: • Limits the number of cats on a premises within the Shire of Dardanup to a maximum of four (4) cats over the age of six (6) months. The Shire of Dardanup Cat Policy, permits a person to keep up to four (4) cats over the age of 6 months with approval. • Written application (Appendix 1) shall be made to keep three (3) or more cats over the age of six (6) months, but not more than four (4) cats. The application shall be submitted on the prescribed form with payment of the required application fee. • Assessment will be undertaken by the Shire Ranger(s). • Surrounding premises owners will be notified in writing, of the proposed application requesting comment on the required Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Submission Form (Appendix 2). PROCEDURE : The Shire Ranger(s) are required to investigate all applications to keep three (3) or more cats and ensure a formal recommendation is submitted to the Director of Development Services for consideration. Upon receipt of an application to keep three (3) or more cats the Shire Ranger(s) will inspect the premises as part of the application assessment to ensure: • There is adequate provision of shade, water and protection for the cats; • The size/area of the premises is adequate; • That any existing cats appear to be clean and well cared for; and • The premises, shelters, enclosures, yards and grounds in which cats are kept shall be kept in a clean condition and free from vectors of disease at all times and clean and disinfected. Minimum standards for the keeping of cats are: • All cats must be registered with the Shire of Dardanup, micro chipped and sterilised, in accordance with the Cat Act; and • All excreta to be disposed of without causing a risk to the health and safety of any person. Cats must not be kept in a manner which: • Endangers, or is likely to, endanger the health of any person or animal; and • Causes a nuisance of any kind to the occupiers of premises in the surrounding areas. Approval may be granted to keep up to four (4) cats subject to the following, but not limited to, conditions: • The approval lapses when the number of registered cats is reduced by death, sales or otherwise disposed of such that only two (2) cats remain. The number of cats may not be increased back to four unless a new application is granted approval; • The applicant’s approval will automatically lapse if any offences relating to the Cat Act 2011 and the Cat Regulations 2012 are substantiated; • The premises must be kept clear of all animal excreta using hygienic disposal methods; and • Adequate cover and protection is available for the cats at all Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL times. The approval may be revoked or varied at any time for any breach of the Cat Act 2011 and Cat Regulations 2012 and the Shire of Dardanup Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2014 (draft). Cat Foster Carers Applications to keep three or more cats by Cat Foster Carers will be considered on the merits of the application. Due to the circumstances in which Cat Foster Carers operate, discretion will be used to assess these applications and conditional approval will vary from residential cat owner applications for the keeping of 3 or more cats. The discretion exercised will allow for the keeping of cats up to the maximum number of cats set by this policy, without specifying the cats being kept. To qualify for this discretion the application to keep cats under the Cat Foster Carer provision, the following will be required: • Written evidence that the person applying for the keeping three or more cats is a current member of a local Cat Foster or Cat Re-homing organisation. • Written evidence that the person applying for the discretion to keep cats under the Cat Foster Carer provision is ordinarily resident at premises at which the cats are to be kept. Approval/refusal Approval/refusal will be granted by the Director Development Services under the delegation of the Chief Executive Officer. In the event an application is refused or the applicant is aggrieved by a condition of approval, the applicant will be informed of their right to request Council to reconsider the officer’s decision. An application to review Council’s decision may be made to the State Administrative Tribunal. HEAD OF POWER : Cat Act 2011 Cat Regulations 2012 Shire of Dardanup Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2014 (draft) DATE REVIEWED : 13/08/2014 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG1 DESCRIPTION PRIVATE BUS SHELTERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 21/04/1972 PREAMBLE: : Private Bus shelters include shelters for school children on rural roads and town streets, and also include Department of Transport shelters within townsites. From time to time the bus companies request shelters be re-located due to the change in the location of their patrons, and families apply for shelters near their properties to cater for the children as they reach school age. OBJECTIVE : To enable the CEO to expedite applications for the location of bus shelters on condition that persons living nearby are consulted prior to the installation of the shelter. POLICY : Private bus shelters are permitted on road reserves provided the siting and construction of the shelter is first approved by the Chief Executive Officer. Council will undertake community consultation with the surrounding residents before any shelters are placed. PROCESS : 1. Applications to locate or re-locate bus shelters are to be in writing addressed to the CEO. 2. The CEO is to instigate investigation of the request inclusive of consultation with surrounding residents and if the application is from a resident, the bus service provider. 3. Consultation is to be at minimum with the adjoining and adjacent residents to the proposed site, contacts made are preferable in writing, if not at minimum a file note is required recording the details (name, address, date, time and comments) of the discussions held. 4. Following approval or otherwise of the application the CEO is to advise the outcome to the applicant and the neighbours consulted. 5. The CEO is to report to Council in the Information Bulletin that the matter has been dealt with and the outcome. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 Schedule 9.1 Local Government Act 1995 (Uniform Local Provisions) Regulations 1996 17 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG2 DESCRIPTION BICYCLE & CAR CLUB EVENTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 982/98 DATE 27/07/1990 PREAMBLE: : The terrain and environment in the Shire of Dardanup attracts many road enthusiasts for various events for racing and showcasing vehicles and events. OBJECTIVE : To manage, control and expedite the approval process for temporary road closures. POLICY : The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to consider and approve all applications from cycle clubs and car clubs to use roads in the Shire for race events and authorise the necessary closures as per applications received. Temporary Suspension of the Road Traffic Act. Council has no objection to the Temporary Road Closure, providing that the following conditions are adhered to. PROCESS : 1. Council is indemnified against any claims for damage as a result of this event. 2. Appropriate warning signs are erected on the route. 3. That Council is supplied with a copy of the applicants Public Risk Liability Insurance Policy. This should be for a sum of $5,000,000. 4. Permission is to be obtained from the West Australian Police Service Road Traffic Branch. 5. The event is to be advertised in the South Western Times, on at least one occasion. 6. Residents who will be effected by the event are to be advised in writing, by the applicant a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the event, or as soon as possible if time does not permit 4 weeks’ notice. The application detailing the event, times and dates, the route, is to be submitted to the CEO in writing. The Chief Executive Officer is to refer the application to the appropriate Council officer to establish suitability of the route, traffic management issues and signage requirements. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The CEO is to supply to the applicant name and address details of the people affected by the road closures. A copy of the letter to affected persons and the newspaper advertisement are to be provided to the CEO before they are initiated. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 3.50 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG3 DESCRIPTION TWO WAY RADIOS / MOBILE PHONES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 18/04/1997 PREAMBLE: : The safety and welfare of employees is of paramount importance to the Shire of Dardanup. Council is committed to making every effort to ensure employees have adequate up to date communication equipment at their disposal while they are at work. OBJECTIVE : To ensure the employees have the means to contact supervisors and/or other staff at all times. POLICY : a) The specifications for all new engineering or works vehicles purchased by Council include the provision of a new twoway radio (note - this does not include replacement vehicles already fitted with a two-way radio); and b) Council implements a programme to upgrade all existing crystal type two-way radios with programmable synthesized sets. c) Vehicles used by the departments may be fitted with hands free mobile telephones in accordance with recommendations handed down by the Health Safety & Welfare Committee. PROCESS : The Directors of departments are to ensure that existing and new vehicles comply with this policy. HEAD OF POWER : Occupational Health & Safety Act Regulation 3.3 Occupational Safety & Health Policy DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG4 DESCRIPTION COMMERCIAL USE OF HALLS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 060/00 DATE 09/02/2000 PREAMBLE: : Council is mindful of the high cost to businesses to operate from commercial premises and will oppose applications by commercial enterprises to operate from Council owned and managed halls and facilities. OBJECTIVE : To discourage part time commercial activities in Council halls and encourage local businesses that operate from properly zoned and operated business premises. Definition of “commercial use”: To trade by selling or buying goods and or services for the exchange of either cash, cheque, credit card or commercial terms, with or without interest rates. POLICY : It is Council’s policy to decline/refuse the use of any facility under Council’s direct care and control in cases where there is a sales or commercial element. Applications to waive this policy will be referred to the Chief Executive Officer for determining in the first instance. PROCESS : The applicant is to complete a hall hire application form for consideration by the CEO. The CEO may waive this policy as per the Policy. Applicants may appeal the CEO’s decision in writing to the Council. The Councils decision is final. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 2.7 (2) (b) Stall Holders Local Laws DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG5 DESCRIPTION DARDANUP HALL HIRE BY DARDANUP SCHOOLS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 061/00 DATE 09/02/2000 PREAMBLE: : At the request of local schools to use the Dardanup Hall in cases of inclement weather when outside activities had been scheduled as part of the schools daily activities. OBJECTIVE : The policy allows for usage of the Dardanup Hall for the betterment of the school children in the area, on those occasions when the hall is not already booked by another group. this also allows better use of a Council asset. POLICY : The schools, once having checked with Council staff that the hall is not already hired out, may book the hall for that day at a hourly hire rate equal to 50% of the normal hourly concession rate applying at that time. Any bookings made more than one day in advance, are to be charged at the normal concession rate. PROCESS : The school is to contact staff at the Dardanup Shire Office to check availability of the Dardanup Hall and request use in accordance with this policy at the discounted rate. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG6 DESCRIPTION HALL COMMITTEE GRANT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 052/00 update - 1015/98 DATE 09/02/2000 updated - 23/10/1998 PREAMBLE: : The Shire has entered into a lease with Management Committees of the Burekup and Ferguson halls . The grant provided under this policy shall be used for the purposes of building maintenance as required under the terms of the lease. OBJECTIVE : To assist with hall maintenance the Shire will pay to each lessee a grant each year for an amount to be set during the adoption of the annual budget. POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup is to provide the Hall Committees with an annual grant to assist towards general maintenance of the halls. PROCESS : Grants as per the budget are to be paid following receipt of tax invoice or grant request form from the committee. Applications are to include a copy of the most recent audited financial statement of the committee. HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG7 DESCRIPTION PLANT & VEHICLE ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 222/07 DATE 26/07/2007 PREAMBLE : This policy covers the acquisition and trade-in/sale of plant, executive sedans and four wheel drives as well as light commercial vehicles, including 4 cylinder vehicles, 4 cylinder utilities and vans and 6 cylinder vehicles. OBJECTIVE : To formalise the acquisition and trade-in/sale of Council’s plant, executive and light commercial vehicles at the optimum time, so as to provide the best financial advantage to Council. POLICY : Plant and vehicle replacement triggers: TYPE REPLACEMENT TRIGGERS YEARS KM/HRS Grader 10 8,000 hrs Loader 8 8,000 hrs Truck - Light 6 150,000 km Truck - Medium 8 200,000 km Mower – Front Deck 5 2,000 hrs Tractor 8 5,000 hrs Trailer - Heavy 15 - Trailer - Light 10 - Quad Bike 5 - Backhoe Loader* 7 5,000 hrs 5 5,000 hrs Sweeper* 8 8,000 hrs 4 cylinder vehicles 4 80,000 km 4 cylinder utilities & vans 5 120,000 km 6 cylinder vehicles 5 120,000 km Skid Steer loader* PROCESS : Plant, executive sedans and four wheel drives and light commercial vehicles will be purchased and traded-in/sold either by tender or under agreements negotiated by the State Government. The purchase consideration is take into account fuel type, safety, resale, all of life costs and fuel efficiency. All purchases are to be new vehicles. The Chief Executive Officer may approve the purchase of low mileage/hours near second hand Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL plant and vehicles if it is considered that significant financial benefits can be obtained. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 and Tender Regulations DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG8 DESCRIPTION HALL HIRE CONDITIONS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 108/09 DATE 08/04/2009 PREAMBLE: : As an owner of Buildings used by the public, Council has an obligation to ensure that such buildings are fit for the intended use. This includes the cleanliness of such buildings. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that Council Halls are used, maintained and left in a clean condition by hirers and, if not, that there is a mechanism in place to recoup any costs incurred by Council in cleaning such halls. POLICY : Eaton & Dardanup Halls – Conditions of Hire 1. 2. Bookings i) Bookings should be made at least one month in advance of the proposed hire date. ii) A hall hire bond of $1,000.00 is to paid within 14 days prior to the booking date, to enable cheques to be cleared by the bank. Should a booking be taken less than 14 days prior to the hire date the hall hire bond must be paid in cash or by credit card. iii) Hall hire charges will be paid at the time of picking up the Hall keys. Keys are not to be duplicated under any circumstances. Preliminary Inspection i) 3. Any problems should be reported to the Shire Office as soon as possible. Public Liability i) Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Council is covered by a Public Liability insurance policy for events which may be deemed to be the responsibility of the Council. It is the responsibility of the hirer to obtain separate liability insurance cover if any item whatsoever, additional to that provided or installed in the Hall by the Council, is brought into the building. This would include private or hired equipment such as electrical appliances, stage props, catwalks, sound systems, bar equipment and heavy decorations. Hirers should check with the Chief Executive Officer if in doubt. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 4. 5. ii) The Hall stage area is not to be accessed or used unless booked specifically for an appropriate purpose. Children on the stage area must be kept under adult supervision and control at all times. iii) Hirers intending to have alcoholic beverages on the premises must obtain written consent (Liquor Permit) from the Chief Executive Officer to do so. If alcohol is to be sold, permission must also be obtained from the Liquor Licensing Court. Further information is available from the Bunbury Police or Bunbury Court House. iv) Nails, screws, adhesives or any other forms of fixing device or material are not to be used on any part of the buildings internal or external structure or finish, without the prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer. Cleaning i) The Hall should be left as clean as it was found. ii) All liquid spillage’s on floors should be cleaned with a slightly damp (not saturated) mop as soon as possible. Floor areas to be swept and left clean. iii) Crockery [where available], cutlery and various utensils to be washed and stacked away in the correct locations iv) Urns, stoves, refrigerators and other appliances to be turned off and wiped clean. v) Benches and bench tops to be left clean. vi) Hall to be left clear of decorations, props or any other items brought in by the hirer. vii) Chairs, tables and trestles to be neatly stacked in the storeroom. viii) If used, the Bar area to be left clear of spillage’s and sink/bench tops/ refrigerator wiped clean. ix) Hirers are responsible for any breakage’s or damage during the period of hire. Final Check and Exit i) All external doors and windows to be checked to ensure they are locked or secured. ii) A final check should be made to ensure all appliances are turned off and other items have been stored away in the correct places. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 6. iii) Before exiting the building, set the outside light delay timer on (if it is dark), then turn off all light and power switches (except main switch) at the switchboard. With delay timer set ‘on’ external lighting will allow approximately 5 minutes for exit. iv) Ensure main door is properly locked at time of leaving the building. v) Return keys promptly to Shire Office. General i) To ensure compliance with legal requirements, events/functions must be limited to a total of 200 persons in the Dardanup Hall or 100 persons in the Eaton Hall at any one time. ii) Noise or sound from PA systems, bands, recorded music and the like need be kept to a reasonable level – the cooperation of hirers is sought in this regard to avoid unpleasant situations developing. iii) The Council has provided for the Hirer the use of the electric stoves, hot water urns, refrigerator, tables and chairs. The cleaning brooms and mops are kept in the storeroom. A chair carrying trolley is also in the storeroom. The tables are to be carried over the floor not dragged. iv) Events/functions which are held specifically for children will require adult supervision on the ratio on one (1) adult for each ten (10) children on the premises. Persons not having attained the age of 18 years may not book the Hall in their own right (that is, they may not be the ‘Hirer’). A parent, guardian or adult representative is required as the ‘Hirer’. v) Council reserves the right to require payment of a bond of up to $1,000 for hire of the Hall if considered appropriate. Such bond will be fully or partially refunded according to the level of compliance with the conditions of hire at the Chief Executive Officer’s discretion. vi) Hirers are required to clean up all rubbish, sweep floors and leave the Hall in a tidy state, failure to do so will incur retention of bond monies or part thereof. vii) Hirer to provide own items of:- Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 - cleaning fluids, ie. kitchen, benches, floors etc, especially the toilets. - Garbage bags for rubbish and replacing same in Hall bins. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL - An electric power board if more than one appliance/outlet is to be used – failure will cause power failure. The cleaning of the Hall and Supper Room floors, the water must be kept clean at all times, changing the warm water up to three times if dirty. Please remember that the Hall is used up to three times each day and our cleaner is hired once a week so it is most important that all cleaning is covered. Please rinse mops and put the dirty water down the drain at the rear of the Hall, not by the kitchen door. viii) Events/functions are normally not allowed to proceed beyond 11.00pm with cleaning to be carried out at the end of the function, as there are regular bookings for Saturday and Sunday mornings. Permission must be obtained from the Chief Executive Officer to extend events beyond this time, and a surcharge will apply. ix) The Shire of Dardanup reserves the right to seek compensation from the Hirer for any damage and repairs not covered by bond monies paid. x) The Council is constantly working towards improving the building and its facilities for the use and enjoyment of the community. Constructive comments and suggestions on improvements are always welcome, and may be directed to the Shire Office. xi) If liquor is to be consumed in the Hall an application licence is to be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer for approval. Sale of liquor requires a permit in accordance with the Liquor Act in addition to the Chief Executive Officer’s approval. xii) Litter Regulation penalties will be enforced. xiii) Approval of Hall Hire is at the Chief Executive Officer’s discretion. PROCESS : At the time of hiring the Hall a copy of the Conditions of Hire be given or made available to the hirer. HEAD OF POWER : As owner of the buildings Council has a duty to ensure that they are maintained in a clean and presentable condition. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG9 DESCRIPTION ROAD SAFETY AUDIT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 42/08 DATE 12/03/2008 PREAMBLE: : The aim of the policy is to adopt a formal process of road safety auditing within the Policies and Procedures of Council. OBJECTIVE : To identify potential safety risks for road users and to ensure that measures to eliminate or reduce the risks are fully considered. POLICY : Council will include Road Safety Audit goals and objectives in its corporate plan and quality management systems. Adopted procedures shall be in accordance with Austroads Road Safety Audit Manual and Checklists, and Main Roads Western Australia and IPWEA (WA Division) complimentary checklists and procedures. A Road Safety Audit shall be undertaken for the following: • All road safety projects in excess of $100,000 will be subject to a formal road safety audit. • On sections of existing Council road networks where there is a recognised level of conflict between vehicular traffic and vulnerable road users or traffic management/safety concerns will be subject to audit within a defined timeframe. • As part of the Development conditions for new subdivisions over 100 lots, and where developments adjoin or are serviced by roads of hierarchy levels above local distributor level – except that where Council exempts this condition. • As part of any planning application for new or redeveloped commercial developments greater than 20,000m2 floor area or as requested by Council -– except that where this condition is exempted by Council. A Traffic Impact Report shall also be submitted. • Any new schools, from the structure planning stage through to ultimate construction. Road Safety Audits shall be undertaken by appropriately trained, experienced and independent road safety auditors. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Technical staff, that meet the necessary pre-requisites for accreditation, shall be given the opportunity to fulfil the training and experience requirements to achieve and maintain Road Safety Auditor accreditation. Council will negotiate with other local governments to undertake a reciprocal partnership agreement, whereby qualified independent members from partnering Local Governments undertake road safety audits. PROCESS : Road Safety Audits can be completed at any or all of the following stages: • • • • Feasibility stage Following preliminary design development Completion of the details design stage At pre-opening stage Road Safety Audits are to be carried out according to Austroads guidelines, using Austroads checklists and additional checklists produced by Main Roads WA. HEAD OF POWER : Austroads Road Safety Audit Manual DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG10 DESCRIPTION CROSSOVERS IN TOWNSITES AND RURAL AREAS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 96/11 DATE 20/04/2011 PREAMBLE: : To control the construction of crossovers in urban and rural areas within the Shire. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that any constructed crossovers are built to Council’s standards. POLICY : A crossover is defined as a crossing that is constructed to give access to private land from a public thoroughfare. Generally, the crossing is situated on a road verge between the edge of a sealed road and the adjoining property boundary. An application form is to be completed and submitted for every proposed crossover by or on behalf of the current property owner. No crossover is to be commenced until Shire approval (with or without conditions) is granted. An application form is not required when the crossover forms part of a subdivision/development application that requires the preparation of engineering drawings which includes the provision of crossovers. Layout Dimensions of crossovers are to be in accordance with the specifications provided within this policy and variations to the specifications may be approved by the Director Engineering Services. The proposed location for a crossover must be approved by the Shire of Dardanup. Shire staff shall assess the location in terms of its suitability, visibility and sightlines, safety, services and other infrastructure. All crossovers must be linked to a driveway access within the property. Standalone crossovers for the purpose of only parking vehicles on the verge shall not be approved under the requirements of this policy. However, parking bays on residential property verges may be considered under Policy E6.9 – Residential Road Verge Policy. Crossovers should be constructed such that any ramping within the longitudinal profile allows the clear movement of a standard vehicle. In areas of steep grades, the Council may request a longitudinal profile to be provided to confirm that the crossover does not exceed maximum grades and that any changes in longitudinal grades are within an acceptable range. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL It is a requirement in built-up areas that a minimum of 2.5 metres from the kerb line is constructed at a gradient of 2% to accommodate any future pathways within the road verge. This requirement may be relaxed under certain circumstances (e.g. due to restrictive site conditions) and may only occur with the approval of Council. Specifications and Requirements The following specifications are the minimum standard required and Shire Technical Staff may stipulate further requirements depending on the site conditions, the nature and purpose of the proposed crossover, and any other conditions which may require attention. RESIDENTIAL (IN BUILT UP AREAS) CROSSOVER – STANDARD SPECIFICATION Dimensions Width – standard 3m, min. 3m, max. 6m Winged at the kerb line – 1.5m wide Dimensions may be varied subject to approval. Constructio n/Materials Any of the following surface types are acceptable: Concrete (including decorative and exposed aggregate concrete, excluding poured limestone) – min. 100mm thick, reinforced (F62 mesh) concrete (min. 25MPa), on compacted bedding sand on a suitable subgrade (90% MDD or 7 blows PSP). Poured Limestone – min. 125mm thick, reinforced (F62 galvanised mesh) limestone concrete (min. 15MPa), on compacted bedding sand on a suitable subgrade (90% MDD or 7 blows PSP). Bitumen Spray Seal – min. 150mm thick compacted gravel base course (92% MDD) on a suitable subgrade (90% MDD or 7 blows PSP), two-coat bitumen emulsion spray seal with 10mm and 7mm aggregate (“double/double seal”) Note: although acceptable, this type of surface is not recommended for areas of high vehicle stresses (i.e. heavy turning) Asphalt - min. 150mm thick compacted gravel base course (92% MDD) on a suitable subgrade (90% MDD or 7 blows PSP), with 25mm thick of AC5 or AC7 asphalt (basalt aggregate) or 30mm thick of gravelpave (laterite aggregate) asphalt. Brick Paved – 150mm compacted sub base of limestone or crushed rock base (90% MDD), 30mm compacted screeding sand with min. 60mm thick clay or concrete pavers. Rectangular pavers to be laid in herringbone pattern at 45 degrees to the direction of vehicle movement. Square pavers to be staggered where laid perpendicular to direction of vehicle movement otherwise at 45 degrees to the Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL direction of vehicle movement. All pavers shall be laid with a header course along all edges, compacted and joint filled with sand. All free edges are to be restrained by means of a mortar or concrete edge restraint. Other Flush concrete edge beams are required on all free edges of bituminous and asphalt crossovers. This is required to prevent edge breakages. It is recommended that exposed aggregate concrete and poured limestone crossovers are sealed using a supplier recommended sealing product. Exposed aggregate crossover min. thickness of 100mm is measured as the finished thickness following aggregate exposure. It is recommended that formwork be set at 110mm to achieve a final thickness of 100mm. Standard Drawings Standard drawings are available to assist in the preparation of designs for crossovers and depict the above minimum requirements. INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL CROSSOVER – STANDARD SPECIFICATION Dimensions Width – min. 6m, max. 12m (subject to vehicle size and manoeuvrability) Suitable radius at the kerb line – to be designed to accommodate the largest anticipated vehicle configuration to enter and exit site. Dimensions may be varied subject to approval. Constructio n/Materials Any of the following surface types are acceptable: Concrete– min. 125mm thick, reinforced (F72 mesh) concrete (min. 25MPa), on compacted bedding sand on a suitable subgrade (90% MDD or 7 blows PSP). (Note: Poured limestone, and exposed aggregate concrete is not accepted) Asphalt - min. 200mm thick compacted gravel base course (96% MDD) on a suitable subgrade (92% MDD or 7 blows PSP), with 25mm thick of AC7 or AC10 asphalt (basalt aggregate). Brick Paved – 150mm compacted limestone sub base (90% MDD), 30mm compacted screeding sand with min. 76mm thick clay or concrete pavers. Pavers to be laid in herringbone pattern with a header course along all edges, compacted and Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL joint filled with sand. All free edges are to be restrained by means of a mortar or concrete edge restraint. (Note: Brick paving is not accepted on industrial crossovers with truck movements) Other Flush concrete edge beams are required on all free edges of bituminous and asphalt crossovers. This is required to prevent edge breakages. Standard Drawings Due to the large scope of businesses and environments standard drawings are not available. Each crossover must be designed and assessed on a case-by-case basis. RURAL CROSSOVER (OUTSIDE BUILT UP AREAS) – STANDARD SPECIFICATION (this does not include industrial or commercial properties) Dimensions Width – standard 3.5m, min. 3.5m, max. 6m Min. 3m radius at the road edge Dimensions may be varied subject to approval. Constructio n/Materials Culvert – a suitably sized culvert must be provided on all crossovers (min. 375mm diameter). Any of the following surface types are acceptable: Gravel – min. 150mm thick compacted gravel Bitumen Spray Seal – min. 150mm thick compacted gravel base course (95% MDD) on a suitable subgrade (90% MDD or 7 blows PSP), two-coat bitumen emulsion spray seal with 10mm and 7mm aggregate (“double/double seal”) Note: although acceptable, this type of surface is not recommended for areas of high vehicle stresses (i.e. heavy turning) Asphalt - min. 150mm thick compacted gravel base course (95% MDD) on a suitable subgrade (90% MDD or 7 blows PSP), with 25mm thick of AC5 or AC7 asphalt (basalt aggregate) or 30mm thick of gravelpave (laterite aggregate) asphalt. Other Flush concrete edge beams are recommended on all free edges of bituminous and asphalt crossovers. This is required to prevent edge breakages. Standard Drawings Standard drawings are available to assist in the preparation of designs for crossovers and depict the above minimum requirements. Other Requirements Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Where a concrete pathway exists on the verge, the pathway must remain in place and shall not be removed unless it requires repair. Crossovers must be installed to butt up to the pathway and the surface should be finished flush with the pathway surface with no trip hazards. Where a kerb is not a mountable type and requires modification, and is adjacent to a residential property, the Council will saw cut and remove the section immediately adjacent to the crossover location, at no cost to the property owner. The property owner will be responsible for the cost of installing a mountable kerb or a ramp to the satisfaction of the Council. The property owner may request the Council to organise the new kerbing; however, all costs associated with this shall be borne by the property owner. In all other areas not designated as residential, the cost of removing and replacing kerbing is the responsibility of the property owner and to the satisfaction of the Council. Where a crossover installation requires modification of other Council infrastructure (e.g. storm water gullies etc) then such modification shall be carried out by Council or Council approved contractor at the cost of the property owner. All other infrastructure within close proximity to the crossover should be protected and any damage shall be rectified at the property owners expense. The owner of the crossover shall ensure that the crossover is adequately drained. Council may stipulate requirements for the drainage of the crossover and shall not accept any responsibility for any drainage problems as a result of the installation of the crossover. The property owner shall ensure that the surrounding verge and/or neighbouring properties are not adversely affected by the crossover. The owner of the crossover shall ensure that the verge is left tidy at the completion of works and that any spoil, surplus materials and waste are disposed of correctly. Property owners and contractors are to ensure that sand, silt, fines, residues, slurry, dust or any other contaminant do not spill over onto the road and/or are not washed into the roadside drainage as a result of the construction of a crossover. This includes any slurry or washed concrete from exposed aggregate finishes. Such materials have the potential of reducing the infiltration properties of Council drainage basins by “clogging” the sands within these basins. Property owners and contractors must ensure that appropriate measures are in place to contain any contaminants prior to commencing any works. Ongoing Maintenance The ongoing maintenance and upkeep of crossovers is the responsibility of the property owner and at their own cost. The Council does not accept any costs associated with any repairs, unless the repairs are required as a direct result of the action by Council and any of its contractors. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Subsidy The Shire of Dardanup is bound by the Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government Regulations 1996 which state that the local government is obliged to bear 50% of the cost of a standard crossover if: 1. It is the first crossover to the property; 2. the crossover is a standard crossing or is a type that is superior to a standard crossing; and 3. the crossover is approved by the local government. For residential crossovers, the subsidy payable (by cheque) is calculated as 50% of the estimated cost to construct a standard crossover. The subsidy is calculated as: Subsidy Payable (ex. GST) = $Rate per metre x Length of Crossover. The “$Rate per metre” is the rate adopted annually by Council in the Fees & Charges section of the Budget. The “Length of Crossover” is measured along the centreline of the crossover from the back of kerb to the property boundary, or where no kerb exists, from the edge of seal to the property boundary. For rural crossovers, Council subsidy provided is the supply of a culvert pipe and matching precast headwalls only to a maximum size of 375mm diameter. Where a pipe size greater than 375mm diameter is deemed necessary, then the property will reimburse Council for the additional expenditure required over and above the cost of a 375mm diameter pipe and matching precast headwalls. It is the applicant’s responsibility to construct the crossover and install the culvert to the levels, specifications and satisfaction of Council. The subsidy will only be provided on a one-off basis and for one (1) crossover per property. Additional crossovers per property may be approved but the subsidy is not applicable. Such additional crossovers must comply with the requirements of this policy. The subsidy will not be paid retrospectively and will be payable upon completion of the crossover, inspection and approval by Shire staff. PROCESS : 1. All property owners (or their agents) proposing to construct a crossover(s) must complete and lodge an “Application to Construct a Crossover” form. 2. The Director Engineering Services is to assess the application to construct a crossover(s) and advise the applicant on whether the application has been approved, approved subject to conditions or rejected. No works are to commence unless approval (with or without conditions) is granted. Rural crossovers eligible for the supply of a culvert are to be notified and culvert supplied. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 3. Following approval (with or without conditions) the applicant must notify Council staff to carry out inspections and approval of works at the following hold points: HOLD POINT 1 2 3 AFTER COMPLETING BEFORE COMMENCING Boxout, subgrade preparation, formwork setout Sub base layer, base course layer Final surfacing and overall completion Sub base, base course, concrete pouring. Spray sealing, asphalt laying, brick paver laying Works completed at each hold point must be approved before proceeding to the next step. Non-conforming works shall be rectified until approved. 4. On completion and final approval of residential, industrial and commercial crossovers which are eligible for a subsidy, the Director Engineering Services shall determine the amount to be subsidised and authorise the payment to the property owner. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG11 DESCRIPTION CROSSOVERS – RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVISION ON NEW SUBDIVISIONS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 42/08 DATE 12/03/2008 PREAMBLE: : To ensure that crossovers are constructed where necessary on new subdivided land. OBJECTIVE : To define the responsibility for provision of crossovers on new subdivisions. POLICY : The responsibility for the provision of crossovers on subdivided land is as follows:TOWNSITE RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS Where battle-axe and/or common property driveway access is created, the subdivider is wholly responsible for the cost of constructing the crossover(s) and no subsidy can be claimed. In all other cases, the purchasers of residential land shall be responsible for the construction of a crossover and shall be eligible for a subsidy under Council Policy E6.2. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BLOCKS The purchasers of industrial and/or commercial land are wholly responsible for the cost of constructing crossovers to their blocks. RURAL BLOCKS The subdividers of rural land are wholly responsible for the cost of constructing crossovers to all of the blocks created by their subdivision. All crossovers shall meet the requirements of Council Policy E6.2. PROCESS : The requirements of this policy, relating to responsibility for the provision of crossovers, is to be placed as a condition of approval on all industrial, commercial and rural subdivision applications. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG12 DESCRIPTION PATHWAYS - PROVISION FOR AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY DEVELOPERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 96/11 DATE 20/04/2011 PREAMBLE: : This policy ensures that pathways are constructed where necessary on new subdivided land and financial contributions are made towards new or upgraded pathway infrastructure that is required immediately or in future as a result of infill subdivision/development in existing areas. OBJECTIVE : The objective of this policy is to: 1. Define the standards for the provision of pathways in subdivisions and developments; 2. Define the responsibility for the provision of new pathways in subdivisions and developments; 3. Ensure that a financial contribution is paid by subdividers/ developers as part of infill subdivision/development within existing areas; and 4. Provide a method of calculation of the contribution required. POLICY : NEW SUBDIVISIONS This section applies to new residential, commercial and industrial subdivisions and does not apply to subdivisions within existing built-up areas (i.e. this section applies only to pathways that are required through the creation of new roads). The responsibility for the provision of new pathways on subdivided land is wholly the responsibility of the subdivider. All costs associated with the provision of the pathways will be met by the subdivider. The location of pathways will be determined in accordance with the Shire of Dardanup’s Pathway Asset Management Plan and to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dardanup. The standards to be adopted for the design and construction of the pathways shall be in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Pathway Asset Management Plan. Preliminary pathway layouts shall be included on subdivision guide plans and further detailed in subdivision engineering plans. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL All pathways within subdivisions are to be constructed as part of subdivision works unless other arrangements are agreed by the Council. SUBDIVISIONS / DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN EXISTING BUILT UP AREAS This section applies to subdivisions and developments within existing built-up areas (i.e. This section applies to existing developable properties that front an existing road network). The need for a pathway on an existing street is based on the understanding that an increase in residential density as a result of single, multiple and/or accumulative subdivision/development will create the need for new pathway infrastructure or an upgrade to the existing infrastructure. As each subdivision/development adds to the increase in residential density, then each new residence created must contribute proportionally to the pathway. Subdividers/developers will be required to contribute towards a new pathway or upgrade of an existing pathway on the road it has frontage on if it is deemed necessary as a result of the approved subdivision/development on its own or as part of accumulative development along that road. The need for a pathway along a particular road shall be determined by: 1. Assessing the potential residential density as depicted by the relevant town planning scheme and its amendments. 2. A pathway is deemed necessary if the total foreseeable residential development will generate traffic volumes and other conditions that will meet the pathway needs criteria as outlined in the Pathway Asset Management Plan. A condition requiring pathway contribution shall be placed on all subdivision/development approvals in built-up areas. The contribution required shall be calculated based on the proportion of area of the proposed subdivision/development property site to the total area of properties that have frontage on the road. The following formula shall be used: Contribution $ = (Aapproval / Atotal) x L x W x R x N + 5% admin Where: Aapproval = Area of the lot subject to approval Atotal = Total area of properties that have frontage on the road L = Total length of pathway required in metres W = Width of pathway in metres R = Rate per square metre to construct pathway N = No. of pathways required in street (i.e. one side or both) The Rate per square metre “R” is the rate adopted annually by Council in the Fees & Charges section of the Budget. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The standards to be adopted for the design and construction of the pathways shall be in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Pathway Asset Management Plan and will determine the rate per square metre to be used. The method of calculation is demonstrated diagrammatically by the following example: Example: Contribution $ =1,200/18,000 x 180 x 2.3 x 45 x 1 + 5% = $1,304.10 The contribution is to be calculated and invoiced at the time of condition clearance application. All costs to be used are as at the time of clearance application. The clearance of the condition shall only be granted on full payment of the contribution amount due. The Shire of Dardanup may consider part payment of the contribution in cases where full residential density is not achieved and further dwellings may be created in future - for example, on a site where subdivision has created a lot that may be further subdivided under the current residential density. Under these circumstances, the Shire may agree to a partial payment of the calculated contribution on a pro-rata basis using a ratio of the number of dwellings created to the total potential of dwellings under the residential density. This will not apply where new dwellings are constructed that limit the addition of further dwellings. The Shire of Dardanup will determine when the pathway is to be constructed and contribution by a subdivider/developer does not mean that the equivalent length or any length of pathway will be constructed immediately. Contributions will be held in an interest bearing Trust account identified for the purposes of constructing a pathway along that particular road. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : The requirements of this policy, relating to the provision of, or contribution towards, pathways is to be placed as a condition of approval on all subdivision and development applications in built up areas. The contribution required shall be calculated in accordance with this policy at the time of application for clearance of subdivision condition or approval of compliance with development conditions. Clearance/approval of conditions relating to pathway contribution shall only be granted on full payment of contribution amount due. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995, Planning and Development Act 2005 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG13 DESCRIPTION DUST CONTROL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 42/08 DATE 12/03/2008 PREAMBLE: : Construction activities inevitably result in the exposure and disturbance of soil. Without the implementation of appropriate dust control measures, dust and soil is emitted at subdivision/development sites as a result of wind erosion over the exposed earth surface causing soil and dust to be deposited off site. In planning for dust control, less soil is exposed at any one time, therefore there will be less potential for dust generation, reduced emissions and less impact on surrounding areas. OBJECTIVE : To prevent surface and air movement of dust from exposed surfaces and reduce airborne substances. POLICY : That requirements under the publication titled “Land development sites and impacts on air quality - A guideline for the prevention of dust and smoke pollution from land development sites in Western Australia” by the Department of Environmental and Conservation be adhered to for all future developments within the Shire, and that developers be advised of the requirements, if applicable, at the time of subdivision or development approval. PROCESS : Developers shall be advised of the requirement, if applicable, at the time of subdivision or development approval. HEAD OF POWER : Environmental Protection Act 1986 - Prevention of air quality impacts from land development sites (No 18) DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG14 DESCRIPTION ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATES AND REPORTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 42/08 DATE 12/03/2008 PREAMBLE: : Council will ensure that engineering qualifications are a prerequisite to engineering projects. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that necessary qualifications are applied to engineering contracts. POLICY : Any engineer involved in any planning, design, analysis, building or construction projects in which Council is involved must hold, as a minimum prerequisite, the grade of ‘member’ (e.g. MIEAust) of Engineers Australia (Institute of Engineers (Australia)). PROCESS : Engineers employed on Council projects will be required to submit their qualifications. HEAD OF POWER : Membership to Engineers Australia (Institute of Engineers (Australia)). DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG15 DESCRIPTION GRAVEL PIT REHABILITATION POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 028/98 DATE 23/01/1998 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup recognises and accepts that the rehabilitation of extractive industry sites is necessary to avoid soil compaction, increased surface drainage, erosion and visual pollution. OBJECTIVE : To rehabilitate abandoned extractive industries sites and include progressive rehabilitation in the management of current sites within the Shire of Dardanup Local Government. POLICY : An extractive industry is as defined in the Shire of Dardanup Extractive Industries Local Law and is defined as an operation involved in the quarrying and excavating for stone, gravel, sand and other material. Operating Sites General Policy relevant to all sites: 1. Prior to opening an extractive industry site, a plan for the management of the site will be written which will include a plan for rehabilitation and monitoring. 2. Private operators are required to submit and abide to a pit management plan, which includes a plan for rehabilitation and monitoring, before establishing the site. 3. Wherever possible, new pits will be established on cleared land, not existing bushland. 4. Extractive sites will not be located on a road verge. 5. Where necessary, the visual impacts of an operating site will be minimised through the establishment of buffers between the pit and visual vantage point/s. 6. Where necessary, the dust and noise impacts of an operating site will be minimised through the establishment of buffers between the pit and neighbours. Throughout the life of the pit, topsoil, overburden and vegetation will be stockpiled separately ready for respreading in the rehabilitation process. 7. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 8. If weeds have developed on the topsoil mounds these should be removed prior to respreading the topsoil. 9. If necessary, drainage structures will be established within the pit, to alleviate any ponding and surface erosion. 10. Rehabilitation will be done progressively throughout the life of the pit. 11. The site will be monitored every year and for three years after closure of the pit. If rehabilitation is inadequate, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure success. Specific Policy for Bush Sites: 12. Prior to opening a pit, seed from local endemic species will be collected from the site and stored for use in the revegetation phase of rehabilitation. 13. Prior to opening a pit, approval to clear will be obtained from the relevant authority if necessary. 14. The general process of rehabilitation will be to first rip the floor of the pit at 1m intervals across the contour. Following ripping the pit needs to be shaped so that the surfaces are as smooth as possible, and the edges are battered down to blend in with the landscape. The batter slopes should be no steeper than 4H:1V. Next, the overburden, and then topsoil should be returned to the pit. The site should then be crossripped at 1m intervals on the contour to encourage plant growth. Finally, the vegetation and debris should be returned to the pit. 15. Seeds collected prior to pit establishment should be scattered on the site at the time of year suited for germination (varies with location) if establishment from respreading vegetation has been inadequate. If a store of seeds is not available, seed from local endemic species should be collected from surrounding areas. 16. If the pit is located on farm land, it will be fenced to exclude stock to help ensure adequate regeneration. Specific Policy for Pastured Sites: 17. Prior to establishment of the site, the landowner will be asked how they want the site rehabilitated. 18. For sites to be rehabilitated back to pasture the general process of rehabilitation will be as follows. Firstly the floor of the pit will be ripped to a depth of at least 50cm along the contour. Following ripping the pit needs to be shaped so that the surfaces are as smooth as possible, and the edges are battered down to blend in with the landscape. Next, the overburden, and then topsoil should be returned to the pit. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Abandoned Pits 19. The method for rehabilitation will not change from that mentioned in the section on current pits. 20. If fill is no longer available, spoil from roadworks etc will be used. Topsoil, if no longer on site, will be carted to the area to ensure regeneration will be satisfactory. 21. The site will be monitored every year for three years after rehabilitation works. If rehabilitation is inadequate, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure success. Rehabilitation Bond to be Held PROCESS : 22. A bond shall be paid to the Shire by the applicant in accordance with the Shire of Dardanup Extractive Industries Local Law. 23. The bond shall be refundable on completion and rehabilitation of the site in accordance with the endorsed rehabilitation plan and to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dardanup. 1. The requirements of this policy shall be applied to all extractive industry applications made under the Shire of Dardanup Extractive Industries Local Law and to Shire operated sites. 2. On completion and rehabilitation of an extractive site, the Director Engineering Services is to report to Council in the Information Bulletin that the matter has been dealt with and the outcome. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG16 DESCRIPTION FIRE CONTROL – COUNCIL EMPLOYEES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1092/98 DATE 06/11/1998 PREAMBLE: : Fire needs to be managed as quickly as possible to get the fire under control to protect life and property. OBJECTIVE : To enable the Chief Executive Officer, the Director Engineering Services and the Principal Works Supervisor to act quickly when requested to do so, where life and property is threatened by fire. POLICY : The CEO be authorised to allow works staff and plant to attend fires within the Shire or in adjoining Shires when practical to do so with no costs to be charged against the landowner for any assistance given. Staff to be under the control of the Chief Fire Control Officer or incident controller whilst in attendance at the fire. PROCESS : The Chief Fire Control Officer, or the Fire Control Officer in charge of a fire is to contact the CEO in the first instance to request works staff to attend fires within the Shire or in adjoining Shires. If the CEO is not available the Director Engineering Services is to be contacted. Should the Director Engineering Services also not be available the Principal Works Supervisor is authorised by this policy to approve works staff to attend fires. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 5.41 (CEO) Bush Fires Act 1954 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG17 DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL ROAD VERGE POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 115/10 DATE 28/04/2010 PREAMBLE: : It is accepted that road reserves form a significant proportion of public open space available to residents for improving their streetscape and lifestyle. OBJECTIVE : To control, manage and permit verge treatments other than grass. POLICY : Council delegates its authority to the CEO to approve the installation of any gardens, reticulation, landscaping or treatments other than grass to the verge between the front property line and the kerb. Guidelines The following principles shall apply to any application: No permanent structure can be permitted in the road reserve except with the written approval of Council. Verge treatments will be assessed on an individual basis against the following criteria: Safety; Drainage; Water Conservation; Ongoing Maintenance; Appearance; and Impact on others (including public services). Safety No part of verge treatment shall present any trip hazards, slip hazards or obstructions. Hazards include but are not limited to the following examples: Trip Hazards - sudden depressions, protruding (ie. Not flush) garden edging, kerbing, etc. Slip Hazards - loose aggregate and stones, etc. Obstructions - stakes, pickets, walls, etc. Designs shall take into account the sight lines of vehicles using nearby intersections and driveways. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Consideration should be made for pedestrians, gophers, bikes, etc. An allowance should be made for a clear zone of 2m wide if no footpath is provided. Materials used shall be a different colour to the existing road surface to provide definition and reduce the chance of the verge being confused as part of the road. Planting within 6m of an intersection is restricted to grass, ground covers, low shrubs or similar plant; and no plants may be planted between 6m and 10m of an intersection that exceeds or may exceed 750mm in height. Drainage Stormwater run-off should not affect any other property, roadway or adjoining verge. If non-permeable materials are used as any part of the verge treatment, drainage must be accounted for in the design. Water Conservation and Environment Council encourages designs to incorporate planting of drought tolerant and water sensitive plants and ground covers. When considering planting options allowances for absorption and bio filtration, etc should be considered. carbon Ongoing Maintenance The ongoing maintenance requirements will form an important part of Council’s assessment. The assessment will consider the overall maintenance requirements of the treatment as a whole, including pruning, stabilisation of hardstand areas, etc. All verge treatments must be maintained by the adjoining property owner to ensure any approved treatments do not become unacceptable. Where there is a change in ownership the new owner will become responsible for any ongoing maintenance. Appearance Proposed works will be assessed on their aesthetic qualities and should be designed with the local streetscape in mind. Impact on Others and/or Services Proposed treatments should take into account the impact on neighbours and service providers. Examples: • Planting low growing plants under power lines; and • A minimum clearance of 3m around any letterbox. Other requirements to be considered by the applicant include: 1. Australia Post requirements; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2. Access to the water meter; and 3. The Shire’s Verge Tree Policy. PROCESS : The treatments are to be in accordance with the Policy and installation may take place after formal written approval from the Chief Executive Officer. 1. All property owners (or their agents) proposing to modify any verge treatment other than the planting of grass must complete and lodge an “Application for Verge Treatment” form. 2. The Director Engineering Services is to assess the application against the listed criteria and advise the applicant on whether the application has been approved, approved subject to conditions or not approved. No works are to commence unless approval (with or without conditions) is granted. 3. Following approval the applicant must notify Council at any hold points requested as part of the approval. Works completed at each hold point must be approved before proceeding to the next step. Non-conforming works shall be rectified until approved. 4. On completion of works a final inspection shall be undertaken to ensure the works have been completed as per the approval. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG18 DESCRIPTION ROADSIDE VEGETATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION DATE 26th JUNE 2002 PREAMBLE: : Required to effectively manage the vegetation on the road corridor. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that clearing of roadsides is completed in a professional and satisfactory manner. POLICY : 1. POLICY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH EXISTING LEGISLATION 1.1 SOIL AND LAND CONSERVATION ACT 1945. (AGRICULTURE WA) Clearing of any area of vegetation exceeding 1 hectare (this also includes the removal of a 1 m strip along a fence of length of 1km) requires that the Shire and the landowner gain the approval of Agriculture WA prior to the proposed action. 1.2 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ACT 1950 - 1979 Under this Act, native vegetation may only be removed from a road reserve for the purposes of road construction or maintenance, drain construction and maintenance or within one metre of an adjoining fence. Main Roads WA should be contacted for any clearing on a main road, which is under the care and control of Main Roads WA. The following legislation also pertains to the management of road reserves and should be consulted prior to any roadside verge works. State legislation: • • • • • • • • • • • Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976 Bush Fires Act 1954 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 Environmental Protection Act 1986 Heritage of WA Act 1990 Land Act 1933 Local Government Act 1995 Main Roads Act 1930 Mining Act 1978 Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • State Energy Commission Supply Act 1979 • Water Authority Act 1987 • Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 - 1979 Commonwealth legislation: • Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 2 2.1 POLICY TO ADDRESS CONSERVATION ISSUES ROADSIDE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE’S ASSESSMENT MAP That the Roadside Conservation Committee’s assessment map for the Shire of Dardanup be consulted before verge clearing permits are issued and that particular care be taken in the removal of vegetation in the medium - high and high categories. 2.2 DIRECTIONAL FELLING OF VEGETATION That vegetation to be removed be felled in the direction that minimises damage to surrounding vegetation. 2.3 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS WASTE MATERIALS Tree litter and excess material left over from road construction of verge clearing activities be removed and disposed of at a designated site of low conservation value specified by the Shire Engineer or representative and not spread over existing vegetation or dumped on a nearby roadside. 2.4 TRANSFER OF SOIL AND MATERIALS That wherever possible and especially in high conservation areas, that soil or materials used for road maintenance operations not to be taken from identified disease infested sites. That in the event of major works that modify existing indigenous vegetation on a road side or where verges have become denuded of vegetation then rehabilitation of verges should be encouraged following guidelines proposed by the Roadside Conservation Committee. 3 POLICY TO ADDRESS CLEARING AND MAINTENANCE ISSUES 3.1 CLEARING AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADSIDE VEGETATION That the guidelines for the clearing and maintenance of roadside vegetation by local government authorities contained in the Roadside Conservation Manual, and endorsed by the WALGA be formally adopted as guidelines for road verge clearing in the shire. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 3.2 WEED CONTROL Weed control methods that minimise disturbance to native vegetation will be implemented as in the Roadside Conservation Committee Manual. 4 POLICY TO ADDRESS MANAGEMENT ISSUES 4.1 PROPOSALS TO CLEAR VEGETATION That all proposals to clear vegetation on a road reserve must be submitted to the CEO in writing and should detail the location, number of trees and type of vegetation to be removed. 4.2 AUTHORISATION TO REMOVE VEGETATION FOR FENCE LINES That Council delegate authority to the CEO and relevant Ward member to approve, after an on-site inspection, removal of necessary vegetation only, and within a minimum distance of one metre from the fence line. All requests for removing vegetation in excess of one metre from the fence, or more than 20 trees per kilometre, must be submitted to Council for prior approval. 4.3 APPLICATIONS TO CLEAR VEGETATION FROM SERVICES That service authorities operating in the Shire of Dardanup be advised of the necessity to consult with the shire when planning to extend or maintain activities which involve the disturbance of road verge vegetation and that they be informed of high conservation verge areas and the appropriate practices in these areas. 4.4 WRITTEN AUTHORISATION PROCESSES That the removal of roadside vegetation must be authorised by the CEO in writing, prior to the commencement of such clearing, and that the authorisation specify the conditions of the clearing process in terms of the policies outlined above. Clearing to be carried out within 3 months of written approval, after which time the approval lapses. 4.5 ON- SITE IMPLEMENTATION Either the Shire Principal Works Supervisor or the designated contractor be given the onsite responsibility to ensure that no indigenous vegetation beyond the working zone be removed, disturbed or damaged. 4.6 VERGE TREE PLANTING Community groups or individuals wishing to plant verge trees are required to submit, in writing, plans of tree species and locations for planting to the Council and the Council will Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL decide upon the suitability of the proposal. 5 VEGETATION All roadside revegetation projects to be only of trees that are native to the area. 6 REVEGETATION PLAN The Engineer is to include roadside revegetation proposals on his design plans for all reconstruction projects in Rural areas of the Shire. PROCESS : As above. HEAD OF POWER : Soil And Land Conservation Act 1945. (Agriculture WA) Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 – 1979 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976 Bush Fires Act 1954 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 Environmental Protection Act 1986 Heritage of WA Act 1990 Land Act 1933 Local Government Act 1995 Main Roads Act 1930 Mining Act 1978 Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 State Energy Commission Supply Act 1979 Water Authority Act 1987 Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 – 1979 Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG19 DESCRIPTION ROAD CONSTRUCTION PRIORITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 186/99 DATE 16/04/1999 PREAMBLE: : Council is under no obligation to construct roads on road reserves. OBJECTIVE : For Council to have a clear definition in regards to the construction of roads within a gazetted road reserve. POLICY : A public access road will be constructed on a priority basis as determined annually by Council at the budget meeting. Alternatively, if funds are available, the applicant may hasten development by offering to meet the construction cost of 2/3 of the road to a standard to be determined by Council. 1. Council gazetted roads are not to be fenced across unless by permission of Council and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995. Those roads that are identified as being currently fenced without prior consent are to have the obstruction removed within 30 days of advice in writing. 2. Council is under no obligation to construct a gazetted road (section 3.53 Local Government Act 1995). 3. Land owners wishing to create a public access to their land are required to complete the following (not subdivision of land): A) Supply Council with plan of proposal B) Provide Council with agreement of all land owners where more than one land holder is involved C) Agree to construct the road access to Council specifications and satisfaction. D) Agree to all costs involved including survey, design, and Department of Land Administration costs. E) Where required, agree to provide land at no cost to Council for public road. F) The road is deemed to be a private road until dedicated in accordance with the Land Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Administration Act 1997. PROCESS : 4. Where the construction of a roadway within a gazetted reserve is considered too expensive, physically impractical and/or adversely impacting on an area of significance, the Council will approach the landowners with proposals for alternative access. In this case Council may pay for the land required for road purposes, if it was resumed from private property (not benefiting from the new road). Council to abide by relevant section of the Land Administration Act 1997. 1. Applications to construct a public access or gazetted roadway are to be in writing. 2. The Director Engineering Services is to instigate investigation of the request. 3. Following approval or otherwise of the application the Director Engineering Services is to advise the outcome to the applicant. 4. The Director Engineering Services is to report to Council in the Information Bulletin that the matter has been dealt with and the outcome. HEAD OF POWER : Land Administration Act 1997; Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG20 DESCRIPTION STORM WATER DISCHARGE FROM BUILDINGS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 313/04 DATE 10/08/2004 PREAMBLE: : Council Policy is to put in place a means where by storm water can be disposed from private property. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that stormwater discharge from private property is adequately planned. POLICY : Council requires the submission of stormwater drainage plans for all developments other than single residential, together with the building licence application. PROCESS : The applicant shall provide a stormwater drainage plan showing the following information: • Table showing volume calculations, including lot area, impermeable area, minimum soak well volume required and additional volume required for high ground water or non-sandy soils. • Plan of the site showing location, size and levels of soak wells, pipes and other drainage features. • Where additional volume is required for high groundwater or non-sandy sites, calculations showing the additional storage volume and any levels necessary to ensure this is achieved. A sample stormwater drainage plan is attached at Appendix C. • Details of any proposed connections to Council’s drainage system. • Construction details for soak wells, other drainage structures and any proposed connections to Council’s drainage system. • Rainfall run-off from the development of private property into Council’s drainage system shall generally be retained on site. Residential Development Soak wells shall be provided and maintained in all instances where the aggregate impervious area including roofs, carparks, driveways, carports and patios exceeds 250 square metres or where the lot size is less than 400m². Soak wells shall be provided at the rate of 1.0 cubic metres of Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL storage for each 65 square metres of impervious area in excess of 250 square metres. An additional 1m³ per 65m² of impervious area shall be provided in areas of clayey or silty soils or in high groundwater table areas. The collection points and soak wells shall be located so as to minimise the amount of run-off entering the road reserve. Group Dwellings, Development Strata Lots, Commercial and Industrial Stormwater run-off from all roofs, carparks, driveways and other impervious areas shall be collected and disposed of into sufficient soak wells on site. Soak wells shall be provided at the rate of 1.0 cubic metres of storage for each 65 square metres of impervious area. An additional 1m³ per 65m² of impervious area shall be provided in areas of clayey or silty soils or in high groundwater table areas. General Soak wells shall be provided in accordance with Appendix A – Standard Requirements for Soak wells. An overflow provision into Council’s system for any further stormwater run-off may be provided at the developer’s cost subject to approval of the Director Engineering Services. Connections to the Shire’s stormwater drainage system shall be in accordance with the requirements of Appendix B – Standard requirements for Connection to the Shire’s Stormwater Drainage System. If in the opinion of the Director Engineering Services, the soak wells have become inoperative, the property owner is to undertake such maintenance as directed. Large Developments Nothing in this policy shall prevent an applicant carrying out a detailed drainage plan that demonstrates drainage of the development by alternative means. Preparation of a drainage plan shall be in accordance with a brief approved by the Director Engineering Services and shall be carried out by a professional engineer experienced in drainage design. Recommendations of the drainage plan will be subject to acceptance by the Director Engineering Services. Appendix A – Standard Requirements for Soak wells The following outlines minimum requirements for soak wells for new Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL developments. The purpose of these requirements is to prevent increased stormwater run-off entering the Shire’s drainage system causing overloading and flooding. 1. Soak wells shall be provided for all residential development where the aggregate impervious area including roofs, driveways, carports, patios, paved areas and carparks is in excess of 250m² or where the lot size is less than 400m2 and for all commercial and industrial development where direct connection to the Shire’s drainage system is not available. 2. Storage shall be provided at a rate of 1m³ of storage for every 65m² of impervious area in areas of sandy soil without high groundwater. In case of residential development soak wells shall be provided where the impervious area is in excess of 250m2. 3. Storage shall be provided at a rate of 2m³ of storage for every 65m² of impervious area where there is high groundwater or soils are not free draining. 4. The first 1m³ per 65m² of storage to be provided in a soak well or approved equivalent. The second 1m³ per 65m² may be provided in soak wells or above ground in basins, swales or within car parking areas. 5. Collection points shall be located to minimise runoff entering the road reserve. 6. Drainage plans shall be submitted to the Council’s Building Department including: 6.1. Existing ground levels or contours. 6.2. Proposed location and levels of roofs, driveways, parking and other paved or sealed areas. 6.3. Details of soak wells including depth, diameter, location and construction detail. 6.4. Location, size and level of pipes. 6.5. Detail of any proposed connections to the Shire’s drainage system including size, level and location. (Note: 6.6. For requirements for connection to the Shire’s drainage system, refer “Standard Requirements for Connection to the Shire’s Stormwater Drainage System”) Additional information for high groundwater sites (typically sites where winter ground water table is within 0.5m below base of soak wells) Assumed winter groundwater level, location of subsoil drainage and levels of crossovers, carparks and building floor levels for areas utilised for above ground storage for the second 1m³/65m². (Note: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Standard Drawing drainage plan.) MISC-02-01shows a typical SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 7 The volumes and areas served by standard sized soak wells is summarised in the following table: 4.6m³ Area served 2m² per 65m² 150-m² Area served – sandy areas 1m³ per 65m² 300 m² Ø 1.8m x 1.2m 3.0m³ 100 m ² 200 m² Ø 1.5m x 1.2m 2.1 m³ 70 m² 140 m² Ø 1.2m x 1.2m 1.4 m³ 45 m² 90 m² Ø 1.2m x 0.9m 1.0 m³ 35 m² 70 m² Ø 0.9 x 0.6m 0.4 m³ 12 m² 25 m² Soak well size Diameter (m) x depth (m) Ø 1.8m x 1.8m Storage Volume 8. Provisions for overflow into the Shire’s drainage system is subject to the approval of the Director Engineering Services (refer to Standard Requirements for Connection to the Shire’s Stormwater System) 9. The property owner is responsible for the maintenance of soak wells on private property. If in the opinion of the Director Engineering Services soak wells have become inoperative, the property owner shall undertake any necessary maintenance. Appendix B – Standard Requirements for Connection to the Shire’s Stormwater Drainage System 1. Connections to the Shire’s stormwater system shall be approved in writing. 2. Overflow connections from soak wells shall be made from the final soak well of the private drainage system. A trapped manhole shall be placed at the boundary of the lot prior to entering the Shire’s system. 3. All connections shall have a trapped manhole placed at the boundary of the lot prior to entering the Shire’s system. Connections shall be fitted with a non-return valve to prevent surcharging from the Shire’s stormwater system. 4. All connections shall have a provision for an overflow. Overflows shall be located to allow stormwater to flow overland to the street without entering buildings. 5. Connections shall only be made to manholes. No direct connections to pipes shall be permitted. Where a new manhole is required, it shall be approved by the Director Engineering Services and constructed at the applicants cost. 6. Connections may be constructed by the applicant or the by the Shire at the applicant’s cost. Contact for construction of connections is the Engineering Department. 7. Where the applicant makes connections, the applicant is required to have a road-opening permit prior to commencing work and to comply with requirements for works in road reserves. Include traffic management plan. 8. Connections shall be smoothly and neatly grouted. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 9. Maintenance of connections is the responsibility of the applicant. Council accepts no responsibility for any maintenance costs or damages arising through lack of maintenance of the connection, backflow prevention or overflow provisions. 10. The Shire requires pollution control facilities to be installed to remove sediments, rubbish and oils prior to connecting to the Shire’s stormwater system. Pollution control is required on connections from carparks and paved areas in commercial, industrial, light industry and mixed business areas. Pollution control facilities and devices shall be selected and designed to suit the site and shall be approved by the Shire Engineer. 11. All Subdivision of lot classification less than an “A” must be provided with a drainage connection point for each lot. 12. The drainage connection shall be 90mm overflow. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Appendix C – Stormwater Drainage Plan HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG21 DESCRIPTION STREET TREES – PROVISION & PLANTING OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION 86/10 DATE 14/04/2010 PREAMBLE: : To foster pride in the street appearance through efforts of tree planting and encourage ratepayers to undertake development of street trees. OBJECTIVE : To Control and manage the supply and planting of street trees. POLICY : Council is prepared to provide upon request, suitable trees to townsite householders for planting on the street verge fronting their properties on the condition that they are prepared to plant and maintain them. Residents are permitted to plant and tend suitable street trees in townsites provided: 1) Trees are planted in accordance with acknowledged standards for street placement. 2) Trees planted below power lines, etc, to be of a type that the average growth shall not exceed the height of the overhead lines. 3) Street trees shall be of a variety suitable for pruning. 4) No resident shall plant trees on the road reserve without the prior approval of the CEO who is authorised to stipulate the position and spacing and who may refuse tree varieties which he considers unsuitable. 5) Trees to be of a type or variety in accordance with the Townscape Plan. 6) All street trees must be planted with a root barrier or root director system. 7) Refer also to other Policy No E 6.10 “Roadside Vegetation” for trees on verges. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : 1) Applications for trees for planting on the street verge fronting the property are to be in writing. 2) Following approval or otherwise of the application the Director Engineering Services is to advise the outcome to the applicant. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 TYPE PV DPV PV! DPV VM P V! P V PV PV PV! PV! DPV DPV DPV PV DP DV DP DPV PV! PV PV V DV DP DP V! DV! DP P P P SUGGESTED TREE SPECIES FOR PLANTING WITHIN SHIRE OF DARDANUP PARKS AND STREET VERGES BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Genus Species AGONIS Flexuosa WA Peppermint BRACHICHITON Acerifolius Illawara Flame Tree CALLISTEMON Kings Park Bottlebrush CELTIS Australis Elm CUPANIOPSIS Anarcardioides Tuckeroo EUCALYPTUS Citriodora Lemon Scented Gum EUCALYPTUS Cladocalyx Nana Dwarf Sugar Gum EUCALYPTUS Botoyoides Swamp Gum EUCALYPTUS Ficifolia Red Flowering Gum EUCALYPTUS Nicholli Peppermint Gum EUCALYPTUS Leucoxylon Var Macrocarpa EUCALYPTUS Leucoxylon Var Rosea EUCALYPTUS Lane Poolei FRAXINUS Excelsior Golden Ash FRAXINUS Excelsior Var Aureum FRAXINUS Oxycarpa Var Raywoodi Claret Ash HYMENOSPORUM Flavum Native Frangipani JACARANDA Mimosifolia Jacaranda LAGERSTROEMIA indica Crepe Myrtle LIQUIDAMBER Styraciflua LIQUIDAMBER Orientalis MALUS Floribunda Crab Apple MELLALEUCA Quinquinervia Broad Leaf Paper Bark MELLALEUCA Leucadendra Long Leaf Paper Bark MELLALEUCA Armirallis PISTACHIA Chinensis Chinese Pistachio PLATANUS Acerifolia London Plane Tree PLATANUS Orientallis Oriental Plane Tree PHOTINIA X Fraseri Robusta PRUNUS Var spps Flowering Plums QUERCUS Robur English Oak GINKGO Biloba Maiden Hair Tree TRISTANIA Conferta Box Tree TRISTANIA Var Variegata Variegated Box Tree TREE TYPE SIZE D = Deciduous S = Small 5m V = Verges P = Parks M = Medium 10m Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 ! = Power Lines L = Large 20m SIZE M M S M M L S L M M M M S/M M S/M M M L M L M S M M S M L L S S L L L L SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG22 DESCRIPTION CLEARING OF VEGETATION AS PART OF THE SUBDIVISION OF URBAN LAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 123/09 DATE 20/10/1989 PREAMBLE: : Clearing is generally required on the subdivision of urban land. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that suitable vegetation is retained where possible. POLICY : The following conditions shall apply to all urban subdivision: 1. As far as practicable, vegetation worthy of retention be retained and protected within areas to be dedicated as road, public open space and other Shire controlled reserves. The removal of any vegetation to be in agreement with the Shire. 2. Vegetation within existing roads and reserves shall only be removed with the written support of the Shire and in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1986. PROCESS : Within land to be subdivided: 1. Vegetation worthy of retention to be identified with the subdivider’s consultant and approved by the Shire as a part of the engineering drawing and specification approval stage and prior to commencing any construction works on site. On existing roads and reserves: 1. Applications to be made to the Shire in writing stating the extent, nature and purpose of the clearing. 2. Following support or otherwise of the application the Director Engineering Services is to advise the outcome to the applicant. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Soil And Land Conservation Act 1945. (Agriculture WA) Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 – 1979 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976 Bush Fires Act 1954 Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 Environmental Protection Act 1986 Heritage of WA Act 1990 Land Act 1933 Local Government Act 1995 Main Roads Act 1930 Mining Act 1978 Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 State Energy Commission Supply Act 1979 Water Authority Act 1987 Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 – 1979 Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG23 DESCRIPTION ROAD SIDE MARKERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 539/99 DATE 22/09/1999 PREAMBLE: : Family and friends may wish to place roadside makers in the location to commemorate where a family member or a friend who has died in a car accident. OBJECTIVE : To have consistent, control and to be able to manage road side markers. POLICY : 1) Council resolves that it has no objections to the placing of small white crosses on the verge area at the scene of major road accidents providing that the applicant indemnifies Council against any action or damage claim arising from the installation of the markers. 2) White crosses to be no more than 450 mm in width and to be less than 600 mm in height. 3) Applicant to agree that whilst the crosses remain in existence, they are to be properly maintained. 4) Derelict crosses littering the verge area shall be removed. 5) In urban areas no crosses shall be erected without the consent of the residents of the street. 6) Council reserves the right to reject installations if procedures are not followed. 7) Director Engineering Services to ensure that a site plan be presented before approval. 8) Council can remove crosses at any time if they are causing a problem with pedestrians or traffic. 9) In relation to (1) above, Council obtain a suitable pro forma indemnity for applicants to sign from Council’s insurers. 1. Applications shall be in writing and supported by a sketch of the proposal. 2. Following approval or otherwise of the application the CEO is to advise the outcome to the applicant. PROCESS : Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG24 DESCRIPTION VERGE DEPOSIT POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 96/11 DATE 20/04/2011 PREAMBLE: : During site works and construction of buildings and improvements a wide range of damage and maintenance issues to the road verge can arise. It is therefore necessary that a deposit be available to recoup repair costs on a verge should the property owner or their contractor damage infrastructure and not repair it. This deposit should cover commercial, residential and industrial developments (new and significant improvements). OBJECTIVE : To allow Council to recoup costs incurred in repairing damage to road verges caused during the construction of buildings and improvements to properties. POLICY : 1 The Reason for Verge Deposits On 7th December 2007 Council published their Local Government Property Local Law (the Local Law) in the Gazette. Section 3.16(b) requires any permit holder to leave Local Government property in a clean and tidy condition after its use; and section 3.16(c) requires the permit holder to report any damage sustained to Local Government property as a result of their activities. Experience has shown that a significant portion of property owners or their contractors tend not to report damage to the Shire, the verge deposit is thus taken as security against a permit holder failing to abide by the requirements of the Local Law. 2 Where Verge Deposits are Applied A verge is defined as the area from the edge of the roadway to the property boundary, irrespective if there is a kerb or not. Verge deposits are applied to properties falling under the following zones as set out in the Shire of Dardanup’s Town Planning Scheme No. 3: • • • • Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Residential; Small Holdings; Light Industry; Commercial; and SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • • Additional Uses. General Industry This deposit is applied to new buildings as well as significant improvements over $12,000 (excluding GST) in value (considered significant structures under the Builder’s Regulation Act – requiring a registered or owner builder to carry out works). 3 What is Covered Under Verge Deposits The verge deposit should be sufficient to cover the rectification works of any damage or mess to the verge caused by the property owner or their contractor. During construction (including site works) of a new building or improvement to an existing building, a wide range of damage and maintenance issues can arise on the road verge. These are and not limited to: • • • • • • • Materials temporarily stockpiled on verges blowing or being washed onto roadways; Materials washing or blowing into the drainage network; Swale drains (generally where no kerb or flush kerbing exists) not being reshaped after stockpiled materials are removed and site works completed that result in ponding of stormwater runoff; Damage to road vegetation that may have previously existed or was planted by the developer be it grass, shrubs, trees or mulch; Damage to footpaths and dual use paths; Damage to services such as scour valve boxes, manhole covers and side entry pits; and Damage to regulatory and recommendatory signage. Any damage to the verge caused by the property owner or their contractor is covered under the Verge Deposit. 4 How Verge Deposits are Collected Under Section 6.16(2)(d) of the Local Government Act 1995, a Local Government may impose fees and charges in relation to receiving applications, issuing approvals, making inspections and issuing licences. A Building Licence Application is lodged at the Shire of Dardanup Offices. Once the technical details have been assessed and approved a letter will be sent to the applicant detailing separately the following costs: • • Verge Inspection Fee; and Verge Deposit. On payment of the fees and deposit due [as adopted by the annual budget] or receipt of a bank guarantee of $5,000 for project home builders, the Building Licence is issued. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The verge deposit is calculated as follows: For verge widths less than 20 metres: Verge Deposit = Minimum Verge Deposit The Minimum Verge Deposit is as adopted annually by Council in the Fees & Charges section of the Budget. For verge widths greater than 20 metres: Verge Deposit = Verge Width in Metres X Rate Per Metre The Rate Per Metre used to calculate the Verge Deposit is as adopted annually by Council in the Fees & Charges section of the Budget. The Verge Width is the distance measured along the property boundary which shares a common boundary with the road reserve. In corner lots, this the total distance on the front and side of the lot. 5 How Verge Deposits are Reimbursed On completion of the building or improvements a final inspection is conducted by the Building Inspector, the Building Inspector then notifies the Engineering Department for them to conduct a verge inspection. If the verge has been left in a satisfactory state the bond will be returned; if not, the owner or their contractor will be notified of the reason. Verges are to be left clean; trimmed (if material stockpiles were temporarily stored); and the kerb, gutter, road shoulder and seal swept to remove all materials. Any washed or blown materials shall also be removed and the road surface swept clean. Any infrastructure such as manhole covers and scour valves, covered by stockpiles, shall be exposed and swept clean. Swale drains are to be trimmed to reinstate the original gradient and shape. Any vegetation damaged is to be reinstated to its original condition. Damaged signs, manhole covers, side entry pits, kerbing, pathways, etc. are to be replaced at the applicant’s cost. Replacement must be according to Council’s specifications. 6 Use of Verge Deposit by Council Should damage or a maintenance issue be observed the Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL deposit will be withheld and contact made with the applicant to rectify the defect. If the defect is not rectified within twenty-one (21) days of notification the Verge Deposit will be used to fund the repairs. Should the said repairs exceed the Verge Deposit, Council may seek the balance of repair costs in terms of the Road Traffic Act 1974 (Section 85) through any court of competent jurisdiction. 7 Verge Inspection Fees. Shire staff are needed to perform inspections and keep detailed records in order to prove damage was caused during construction activities. To cover these administration costs, an inspection fee will be charged at the time of charging for the deposit. The fee will be kept in a fund specifically used to draw upon for repairs to Council property. The fee is adopted annually by Council in the Fees & Charges section of the Budget. 8 Works in Road Reserves Carried Out by Contractors Property owners are advised that all contractors must carry the necessary Public Liability Insurance and follow Council’s Work Safety Standards when engaged in works on road verges. PROCESS : Under Section 6.16(2)(d) of the Local Government Act 1995, a Local Government may impose fees and charges in relation to receiving applications, issuing approvals, making inspections and issuing licences. A Building Licence Application is lodged at the Shire of Dardanup Offices. Once the technical details have been assessed and approved a letter will be sent to the applicant detailing separately the following costs: • • Verge Inspection Fee; and Verge Deposit The Building Licence is issued upon payment of all the fees due. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG25 DESCRIPTION UPGRADE OF EXISTING ROADS – VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS BY ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 327/08 DATE 05/11/2008 PREAMBLE: : This policy provides a mechanism and guidelines by which property owners and/or residents adjoining a road may contribute financially towards the upgrade of that road to a standard higher than is required for that particular road in the Council’s Road Asset Management Plan. OBJECTIVE : The objective of this policy is to: 1. Define the circumstances under which a contribution for road upgrade is to be sought from property owners/residents adjoining the road; 2. Provide an opportunity for property owners/residents to fund the sealing of a road when works are scheduled to a gravel standard only; 3. Provide a method of calculating the contribution required from each property owner/resident; and 4. Provide guidelines for the payment of contributions and the delivery of works. POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup may consider a request from property owners/residents for the upgrade of a road adjoining their property to a standard higher than is required for that particular road in the Council’s Road Asset Management Plan if the property owners/residents are willing to contribute towards the upgrade of that road. The Shire may consider upgrading a part or whole of a road, and the upgrade costs shall be equally distributed between property owners/residents that are willing to contribute towards the cost. Ideally, all properties that will benefit from the road upgrade should contribute equally towards the upgrade of the road, thus, minimizing the individual contribution amount required. That is, all properties that have road frontage, are considered to benefit from the upgrade and should pay an equal proportion of the upgrade cost. In the case where the Shire has scheduled works on a road to a gravel standard only (i.e. widening a gravel road, gravel resheeting), the Shire will provide an opportunity for property owners to Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL contribute towards increasing the standard to a sealed road. Under these circumstances, the Shire will write to all adjoining property owners advising them of the proposed works and the opportunity to fund a higher standard road, together with a copy of this policy and estimated costs. A suitable deadline shall be provided for residents to respond in writing to the offer. CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT REQUIRED If there are no upgrade works identified in the Road Asset Management Plan for the road, then the full cost of the requested upgrade is to be funded by contribution. The contribution is calculated as follows: Contribution per property = Upgrade Cost /No of Contributing Properties If upgrade works are identified in the Road Asset Management Plan as being necessary, but are scheduled in the future, the property owners/residents may wish to bring the project forward. Under these circumstances, the full cost of the requested upgrade is to be funded by contribution. The contribution is calculated as follows: Contribution per property = Upgrade Cost /No of Contributing Properties If works are identified in the Road Asset Management Plan as being necessary and are scheduled to coincide with the requested upgrade, then the difference in cost between the requested upgrade and Council’s works is to be funded by contribution. This is valid in circumstances where the requested standard is higher than that proposed by Council. The contribution is calculated as follows: Contribution per property = (Requested Upgrade Cost – Scheduled Works Cost)/No of Contributing Properties Costs shall be based on estimations prepared by Technical Services staff and approved by the Director Engineering Services. Where works are deferred or delayed into a new financial year, the estimates shall be revised. PAYMENT Where upgrading works are scheduled, 50% of the required contribution shall be paid before any works commence. Failure by any contributing party to make payment will place the works on hold until the matter is resolved. On completion of the works, the remaining 50% of the required contribution shall be paid by the contributing parties. Where a project is cancelled, contributions held by the Shire for that project shall be refunded. Standard Shire procedures for invoicing and payment of outstanding accounts shall apply to the contributions to be paid. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL TIMING OF WORKS Any upgrading works agreed to by the Shire, shall be programmed into the Capital Works Program and shall be programmed such that it meets the objectives for the delivery of the overall works program for that financial year. USE OF CONTRACTORS Subject to the approval of Council, property owners/residents may wish to engage contractors to carry out upgrade works on the road at their own expense. Under these circumstances, the property owners/residents are responsible for: 1. The preparation of engineering designs and drawings by a suitably qualified civil engineer, to be submitted for approval by the Shire of Dardanup. 2. Engaging a suitably qualified civil engineer to supervise and manage the delivery of construction works to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dardanup. 3. All cost associated with the preparation of designs and drawings, supervision, contract management, contractors and all construction works including plant and equipment, labour and materials. PROCESS : If the Shire has scheduled works on a road to a gravel standard, the Director Engineering Services shall write to all adjoining property owners advising them of the proposed works and the opportunity to fund a higher standard road, together with a copy of this policy and estimated costs. In all other circumstances, property owners/residents shall make requests for a road to be upgraded in writing. The request shall be considered in accordance with this policy by the Director Engineering Services. Contributions amounts shall be calculated and paid in accordance with this policy. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG26 DESCRIPTION TREES ON ROADS – RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE REMOVAL OF FALLEN TREES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 328/08 DATE 05/11/2008 PREAMBLE: : Existing trees in reserves and other property may fall resulting in a safety risk to the public, damage to property and/or inconvenience thus requiring removal of the fallen tree(s). In many cases it is unclear as to the responsibility for the removal of fallen trees and the costs associated with this. OBJECTIVE : The objective of this policy is to define the responsibilities for: 1. The removal of fallen trees from roads, verges and/or property. 2. Costs associated with the removal of fallen trees. POLICY : The responsibility for the removal and costs associated with the removal of fallen trees is as follows: TREES THAT FALL ONTO A SHIRE ROAD Non-native or planted (non-remnant) trees growing in Shire controlled reserve - to be removed from the road by the Shire for safety purposes. If the planter of the tree is known then they will be requested to remove the remainder of the tree. The reimbursement of costs is to be sought from them. Native and remnant trees growing in Shire controlled reserve – to be removed by the Shire. Non-native or planted (non-remnant) trees growing in private property and/or non-Shire controlled reserves – to be removed from the road by the Shire for safety purposes. The property owner or organisation responsible for the land on which the tree came from will be requested to remove the remainder of the tree. Reimbursement of costs is to be sought from them. Native and remnant trees growing in private property and/or nonShire controlled reserves – to be removed from the road by the Shire for safety purposes. The property owner or organisation responsible for the land on which the tree came from will be responsible for the portion of the tree on their land and for any damage to their property. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL TREES THAT FALL AFFECTING PRIVATE PROPERTY AND/OR NONCOUNCIL OWNED PROPERTY. Non-native or planted (non-remnant) tree growing in Shire controlled reserve – to be removed by the property owner and all repairs to be carried out at their cost. Native and remnant trees growing in Shire controlled reserve – where the stability of the tree has not been affected in anyway by any activities of the Shire, the tree is to be removed by the property owner and all repairs to be carried out at their cost. Where the stability of the tree has been affected by the activities of the Shire (i.e. building a road in close vicinity affecting root system) and this is clearly demonstrable, the Shire will remove the tree and organise repairs to damaged property through its insurer. PROCESS : Where a tree has fallen in a manner that will place risk to the safety of motorists, pedestrians or other members of the public, the Shire staff will act immediately to eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level. In all other cases, the situation and responsibilities shall be assessed in accordance with this policy and all matters to be dealt with in writing. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG27 DESCRIPTION SHIRE OF DARDANUP GUIDELINES FOR SUBDIVISIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 96/11 DATE 20/04/2011 PREAMBLE: : OBJECTIVE : POLICY : The aim of the policy is to adopt a formal set of guidelines to be used as a minimum standard for the design, construction and verification of subdivisional development. It also provides Council Officers with guidelines to follow during the assessment, inspection and supervision of subdivisional development works undertaken within the Shire. • To achieve a high standard of subdivisional development throughout the Shire of Dardanup. • To specify requirements for the subdivision of residential, industrial and commercial lots, in a clear, transparent and consistent manner. a) All developers and/or their consultants are required to submit designs, drawings and specifications for the subdivisional development of land within the Shire of Dardanup where it is required as a condition of WAPC subdivision approval. b) The Shire of Dardanup adopts the ‘Institution of Public Works Engineering Australia (WA Division Inc) Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development – Edition No. 2 - 2009’ (the “Guidelines”) along with the attached Addendum as the minimum requirements for the subdivisional development of land within the Shire of Dardanup. c) All designs, drawings and specifications prepared and submitted for the subdivisional development of land within the Shire will be assessed against the Guidelines and the Addendum. d) Any variations to the Guidelines proposed by the developer and/or their consultant, which are not covered by the Addendum, will require approval by the Director Engineering Services. e) All construction works associated with the subdivisional development will be inspected and approved or not approved to ensure all works are executed to the true intent and meaning of the approved drawings and specifications. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : c) All subdivisional development plans, drawings and specifications shall be assessed using the Guidelines and the Addendum as a minimum standard. d) Council may grant its consent for subdivisional development works within the Shire, taking into consideration the site requirements and development standards set out in the Guidelines and the Addendum. Subdivisional works shall only commence once consent is granted. e) All inspections and verification of construction activities and materials shall be in accordance with the Guidelines and Addendum as a minimum requirement. f) Subdivision clearance shall only be granted if the subdivisional development is in accordance with the Guidelines and Addendum as a minimum requirement. HEAD OF POWER : Planning and Development Act 2005 Environmental Protection Act 1986 Contaminated Sites Act 2003 Disability Services Act 1993 Conservation and Land Management Act 1945 Native Title Act 1993 and Amendments 1998 (Federal) Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Local Government Act 1995 Fire and Emergency Services Authority WA Act 1998 Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 as amended Environmental Protection Noise Regulations 1997 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL SHIRE OF DARDANUP ADDENDUM FOR IPWEA LOCAL GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES FOR SUBDIVISIONAL DEVELOPMENT – EDITION 2 - 2009 ADDENDUM NO. 1 The following standards shall apply to all subdivisional developments within the Shire of Dardanup and is in addition to the specifications and requirements of the IPWEA Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development – Edition 2 – 2009 document (the “Guidelines”). Where the requirements in the Addendum and the Guidelines overlap, the requirements as described in the Addendum shall have precedence over that in the Guidelines. 1.1 ENGINEERING SUPERVISION FEE (Section Guidelines) A fee shall be paid to the Council, prior to the release of the diagram of survey ('survey release') for the subdivision, for the inspection and supervision (if applicable) of the civil engineering works. Where the developer has engaged a consulting engineer, the supervision fee shall be 1.5% of the total contract value of the construction work. If no consulting engineer is engaged (e.g. on very minor subdivisions), the fee shall be 3% of the value of all construction work. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is applicable to the supervision fee. The supervision fee shall be based on the total value of all construction works including site establishment, engineering survey, clearing, earthworks, roadworks, drainage, road crossings, landscaping, rehabilitation, signage and other associated works involving inspection and verification by the Local Authority, including variations occurring during the construction period. Where requested by the Council, the Developer or Consulting Engineer shall lodge documentary evidence to support the contract value stated for the construction works. 1.2 NOTIFICATION OF WORKS (Section 1.17.1 Guidelines) 1.2.1 SIGNAGE Where required by the Shire, a project signboard shall be erected at a suitable location within the site and visible from outside the site boundary, to advise the public of: the project details; the names of the Developer, Contractor, Consulting Engineer and Licensed Surveyor; contact details for the Consulting Engineer and Contractor; and the expected completion date of the project. 1.2.2 NEIGHBOURHOOD DISRUPTION The Shire is an area noted for its peaceful environment. Disruption to local neighbourhoods caused by work activities associated with a development shall be minimised and the Developer shall comply with any constraints imposed by the Shire relating to neighbourhood disruption. Transport routes to and from development sites shall be approved by the Shire, and the developer shall ensure that such routes are used by all Contractors. The Developer is to be aware that the provisions of the Noise Regulations shall apply. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 1.2.3 RESIDENT NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED WORKS Residents, affected either directly or indirectly, shall be notified by the Contractor or the Representative in writing of the proposed subdivisional works 7 days prior to the works commencing. This notice shall include at least the following: • The names of the developer and contractor; • Date of commencement of the works; • Expected completion date; • Details of measures proposed for the prevention of unacceptable levels of dust, noise and vibration; • A statement regarding compliance with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) publication: A guideline for the prevention of dust and smoke pollution from land development sites in Western Australia (1996), and advice that a copy can be obtained from the Officer; and • Contact details for the Contractor's representative to whom complaints regarding excessive dust, noise and vibration can be directed. 1.2.4 NOTIFICATION TO BE PROVIDED TO THE COUNCIL The Contractor shall give the following notices to the Shire’s Representative and comply with the following requirements: NOTICE TYPE COMMENTS Preliminary Seven (7) days’ notice of intention to commence work. Clearing Seven (7) clear days’ notice of clearing or burning any section of the work. The Contractor must obtain all permits to clear and any necessary permits to burn off and comply with the conditions of same. The clearing limits are to be inspected before clearing. The Shire has a Policy requiring major developments to mulch and chip for reuse on-site vegetative materials from clearing. Kerbing Two (2) days’ notice shall be given prior to the placing of concrete, to allow for inspecting lines and levels. Pipe, Drainage and Conduits (i) Notice is to be given when trenches will be open. (ii) Notice is to be given when pipes are laid and jointed. Trenches are not to be filled until approval has been obtained from the Shire’s Representative or, if the Shire cannot provide a representative, the Consulting Engineer appointed to the works. A minimum of two days’ notice shall be given to enable inspections to be made. Sub-grade Two (2) days’ notice shall be given when the sub-grade is ready for inspection and conduits have been laid. Pavement construction must not commence until it has been tested, inspected, verified as compliant and approved. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL NOTICE TYPE COMMENTS Pavement Construction Two (2) days’ notice shall be given when each pavement course is ready for inspection. The next layer shall not be commenced until the pavement has been tested, inspected, verified as compliant and approved. Pavement Sealing Two (2) clear days’ notice shall be given to the actual day that bituminous sealing and/or priming will be undertaken. If weather conditions necessitate any alteration, the Shire’s Representative is to be advised, if necessary by telephone, of the new day and time, giving as much notice as possible. Spray records are to be submitted for inspection within seven (7) days of spraying. 1.3 EARTHWORKS, RE-CONTOURING and LOT PREPARATION 1.3.1 DISPOSAL OF WATER (Section Guidelines) Where earthworks on a subdivision involve filling that affects a neighbouring property all stormwater must be disposed of within the site. 1.3.2 RESIDENTIAL AREAS (Section Guidelines) The following diagram should be used to assist the understanding of Section of the IPWEA Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 1.4 SITE STABILISATION 1.4.1 DUST and SAND DRIFT Developers or landowners shall develop and implement a dust management plan for land development and subdivision projects. The plan is to identify contingency measures that will be implemented to prevent any adverse impacts from arising from the development site. The Shire requires the Developer to provide a dust management plan a minimum of 7 days prior to any ground disturbing activities. Developers remain liable for pollution or dust nuisance from their sites, regardless of any contractual arrangement that imposes similar obligations on their Engineers and Contractors. The Developer is also responsible to ensure that all works conducted by utility providers are monitored and measures are taken to minimise dust and sand drift. In addition to meeting contractual obligations, Engineers and Contractors shall not cause dust nuisance or pollution in breach of relevant Acts, Regulations and Local Laws. Stabilisation bonds are normally required by the Shire as a condition of approval, to be used as security against the performance of dust control and stabilisation measures. The bond amount is calculated as per section of Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (WA Division Inc) Subdivisional Guidelines Edition No.2 – 2009. The Shire may take action where a Contractor fails to act appropriately, and recover any costs incurred. 1.4.2 HYDRO MULCHING Hydro mulching shall consist of the application of a mixture of water, seed, fertiliser, binding agent and bio-degradable filler to the surface of the ground. Hydro mulch which does not incorporate seed and fertiliser will not be accepted as a permanent soil stabilisation measure. The designated areas shall be hydro mulched with seed approved by the Shire, which will be specified according to site requirements. The fertiliser, mulch and stabiliser shall be applied by mechanical spray, by an approved operator. Proposed seed mix shall be submitted to the Shire for approval seven (7) days prior to works. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Generally, seed shall consist of Cereal Rye, Wimmera Rye and Harbinga Medic, sown at the rate of 320kg/ha. Nitrogen applied as “Urea” or “Agran” at the rate of 75kg/ha is to be included with the fertiliser. Stabiliser shall be “Ecologel 42” or “Curasol AG 45”, or equivalent product, applied at 250 ℓ/ha. Other mixes may be submitted for Shire consideration and approval. Mulch shall be of a paper-mache type. Prior to hydro mulching, all areas to be treated shall be graded to present a smooth, even surface on completion of the hydro mulch application. Hydro mulching shall take place between the months of April and August, inclusive to ensure the seed is given a greater opportunity to germinate. Hydro mulching beyond these dates will require approval from the Shire’s Representative. Where germination is deemed unsatisfactory by the Shire’s Representative, re-seeding may be requested; if germination is still deemed unsatisfactory at the end of the Maintenance period, re-seeding may be required before the Stabilisation Bond is released. 1.5 CLEARING (Section 6.4.1 Guidelines) 1.5.1 TOPSOIL Topsoil shall be removed and stockpiled: where a geotechnical report advises that the topsoil is suitable, it shall be respread after re-contouring and earthworks to encourage vegetation regrowth. In some cases it may not be suitable to respread the topsoil due to health and environmental issues, therefore all developments need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis: conditions will be specific to each development. Council may request testing to be undertaken. 1.6 DISPOSAL OF CLEARED VEGETATION (Section Guidelines) In considering the disposal of vegetation cleared from subdivisional development sites, priority should be given to options other than burning, such as: • Transplanting appropriate species; • Stacking and cutting of timber for fire wood for sale or collection as per the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (WA Division Inc) Subdivisional Guidelines Edition No.2 – 2009; and • Chipping and mulching for soil stabilization. As a last resort the burning of vegetation may be allowed in rural areas, however approval must be granted by the Shire. Burning in urban areas is prohibited under Environmental Protection Regulations 1987, Part 7A, Regulation 1 6B. 1.7 ROAD GRADES (Section 3.3.2 Guidelines) The minimum longitudinal grade on all roads shall be 1% (1 in 100). The maximum allowable longitudinal grades are indicated below. Table 1.7 Allowable longitudinal grades in roads. Desirable maximum % Absolute maximum % Desirable minimum % Absolute Straight Alignment Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Sealed Roads 8 10 1 0.30 Unsealed Roads 6 8 1 0.60 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL minimum % Up to 60m radius curve Less than 60m radius curve 0.40 0.75 0.50 0.75 1.8 KERBING (Section 3.3.5 Guidelines) All kerbing is to be constructed with crack control joints every 2.5m and expansion joints every 5m. Along any radius expansion joints must be every 2.5m, removing the need for crack control joints. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 1.9 BATTLEAXE ACCESS LEGS (Section Guidelines) Minimum battleaxe leg widths should be calculated as per Table 1.10: Table 1.10 Minimum battle-axe widths. Lot Size Min. access leg width for a single lot Min. access leg width for two or more lots Min. pavement width for a single lot Min. pavement width for two or more lots Width of shoulders 1.10 1000m2 – 2 ha 5m 8m 4m 6m 500mm 2 ha – 5 ha > 5 ha Min width 6m 10m 4m 6m 500mm 7m 12m 4m 6m 500mm ROAD SEALING AGGREGATES 1.10.1 Average Least Dimension (ALD) Requirements The average least dimension requirements should comply with Table 1.11.1: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Table 1.11.1 Allowable ALD for aggregates used in road seals. SIZE No. 1 2 Nominal Size 14mm 10mm ALD 8-13mm 5-9mm 3 7mm 4-6mm 1.11 CLAY PAVING UNITS (Section 3.4.13 Guidelines) The following requirements shall apply where brick or concrete block paving is approved: 1. The sub-grade, sub base and base course shall be prepared as specified for flexible pavements; 2. Bricks or blocks shall be bedded on a layer of clean, course sand free of any clay, stone or other deleterious matter. The sand bedding shall be 30mm (+5mm -0mm) thick after laying and compacting of bricks; 3. Bricks shall be laid in a herringbone pattern unless otherwise approved. After laying, the brick paving shall be thoroughly compacted and all joints filled; 4. Bricks and blocks shall be ‘high performance’ pavers or equivalent approved pavers; 5. The finished pavement surface shall be uniform, matching the horizontal and vertical design profiles and edge details. The finished surface shall not deviate by more than 10mm from the base of a 3m straight edge when placed in any direction; and 6. The finished surface shall be firm and even, and free of any looseness. When brick or block paving is proposed, brick or block type and colour is to be previously approved by Council. Bricks or blocks shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer for structural soundness and performance for a minimum of 10 years from the date of laying, a written guarantee shall be provided to the Shire prior to work commencing. 1.12 TOLERANCES Table 1.12 Allowable construction tolerances at different road pavement layers. Allowable Tolerances from Design Width Finished Level Thickness Sub-grade +200mm to -0mm +0mm to -30mm N/A Sub-base +200mm to -0mm +5mm to -10mm +20mm to -5mm Base Course +200mm to -0mm +10mm to -0mm +20mm to -5mm Finished Sealed Surface +5mm to -2mm +5mm to -2mm 1.13 CONTAMINATION Measures shall be taken during road construction to prevent contamination to any part of the base layers. The constructed edge of the base material shall be deemed the limit of noncontaminated material, measurements of the base width will be determined thus. Care should therefore be taken during construction by pushing subgrade material well away from the new road pavement at box-out stage; and by ensuring water does not pond on the new base pavement during construction. 1.14 SURFACE COURSE The surface course, regardless of material, shall be constructed so there is no ponding. 1.15 STORMWATER DRAINAGE The minimum allowable diameter of pipework is 300mm. The maximum allowable length of pipe between manholes is 100m. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL The minimum allowable velocity of water flow in pipes is 0.75m/s and the maximum 4m/s. The minimum cover for class 2 pipes is 800mm. All manholes that receive stormwater run-off shall be either Universal Side Entry Pits or Universal Gully Pits. Design grades shall meet the minimum requirements indicated in Table 1.15. Table 1.15 Minimum allowable design grade for stormwater pipework. Diameter (mm) 300 375 450 525 600 675 750 900 1,050 1,200 >1,200 Minimum Design Grade 1:300 1:370 1:470 1:580 1:690 1:800 1:930 1:1,200 1:1,450 1:1,500 1:1,500 As constructed figures are to be analysed for drainage performance and submitted to the Shire. 1.15.1 Construction Tolerances Pipework shall be constructed within the following tolerances: for pipes with design grades <1:500, the constructed grade shall be within 10% of design; for pipes with design grades ≥1:500, the constructed grade shall be up to 10% steeper or up to 5% flatter than design; outlet and inlet levels at manholes shall be within 10mm of design. All stormwater pits shall be designed to have a minimum 10mm fall between the inlet(s) and the outlet. All drainage structures are to be within 50mm of the design location. The first step iron within manholes must be ≤1m from the surface, and all subsequent step irons spaced 300mm. The finished clear opening for access into a manhole must be bigger than a 500mm diameter circle. 1.16 NON-CONFORMANCE / CORRECTIVE ACTION The Shire of Dardanup may issue a non-conformance / corrective action request (CAR) to the contractor and/or project superintendent/consultant. A CAR may be issued for the following: • Non-conforming works. • Non-conforming materials. • Defective works. • Defective materials. • Any activities requiring approval undertaken without prior approval. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Any activities having the potential to cause or causing property damage, nuisance or disruption to the public or others external to the construction site. • Any activities or situations which may risk the safety of personnel and/or the public. The Shire of Dardanup reserves its right to halt works on the project site until the nonconformance is rectified. CARs will be issued in writing via a completed form, email, letter or other means of written communication. The CAR shall provide the details of the problem and the action required to rectify the situation and the required timeframe. The CAR shall instigate the recipient company’s own corrective action system which must document and deal with the non-conformance. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG28 DESCRIPTION NEW ROADS AND UPGRADES – PROVISION FOR AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY DEVELOPERS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 96/11 DATE 20/04/2011 PREAMBLE: : This policy ensures that new roads are constructed and/or existing roads are upgraded where necessary on and for new subdivided land and developments. The policy also ensures that financial contributions are made towards the upgrading of road infrastructure that is required immediately or in future as a result of subdivision/development in existing rural areas. OBJECTIVE : The objective of this policy is to: 1. Define the responsibility for the provision of new roads in subdivisions and developments and any upgrades required outside of the subdivisions and development as a direct impact of the proposal; 2. Ensure that a financial contribution is paid by subdividers/ developers as part of infill subdivision/development within existing rural areas; and 3. Provide a method of determining the contribution required. POLICY : NEW SUBDIVISIONS This section applies to all new subdivisions in all areas of the Shire (i.e. green-field sites). The responsibility for the provision of new roads internally within subdivided land is wholly the responsibility of the subdivider. All costs associated with the provision of the roads will be met by the subdivider. Where a new subdivision will directly impact on road infrastructure external to the subdivision and requires improvements to be made, for example an intersection capacity upgrade, then the developer must contribute to the improvements by the following means: 1. If a specific contribution scheme has been prepared that is applicable to the subject subdivision, then the amount specified in that document. 2. In the case where there is no specific contribution scheme applicable to the subdivision, then all costs associated with the design and construction of the upgrade will be met directly by the subdivider. The Council may consider accepting a contribution equal to the value of the design Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL and construction of the upgrade plus a 5% administration charge. The provision of new roads in new subdivisions is a standard condition of subdivision approval. However, additional conditions shall be placed for specific improvements and upgrades and also where a specific contribution scheme is applicable. SUBDIVISIONS / DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN EXISTING BUILT UP AREAS This section applies to subdivisions and developments within existing built-up areas (i.e. infill subdivision, fronting an existing road network, includes townsites). No contribution is required unless: 1. A specific contribution scheme has been prepared that is applicable to the subject subdivision, and the amount specified in that document shall be paid. 2. The subdivision/development requires modifications to the existing road network to accommodate increased traffic, manoeuvres and road safety. All costs associated with the design and construction of the upgrade will be met directly by the subdivider. The Council may consider accepting a contribution equal to the value of the design and construction of the upgrade plus a 5% administration charge. SUBDIVISIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS OUTSIDE OF BUILT-UP AREAS This section applies to the subdivisions and developments outside of built-up areas and not within townsites (i.e. rural areas). This section also applies to semi-rural areas e.g. Dardanup West Structure Plan Area, Pile Road Area, Wellington Mills Structure Plan Area. Subdividers/developers of land outside of built-up areas are required to contribute towards the future road upgrade of existing roads required as a result of the cumulative effect of additional traffic created through subdivision / development. The need for a road upgrade on an existing road is based on the understanding that an increase in properties (i.e. lots) will create the need to upgrade existing roads to a higher standard. As each subdivision/development adds to an increase in traffic volume, then each property created must contribute proportionally to fund future upgrades. The standards to be adopted for rural road upgrades shall be in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Shire’s Road Asset Management Plan. The following extract from the Road Asset Management Plan is applicable to the development of this policy and provides road width standards and traffic volume triggers for upgrades: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL RURAL ROAD STANDARDS 5.5 4.5 6 DESIRED SHOULDER WIDTH (m) MIN. SHOULDER WIDTH (m) 1000 + Bitumen 500 Bitumen 1000 250 - 500 Bitumen 100 - 250 Bitumen 20 - 50 Gravel 4.5 0 - 20 Gravel 4.5 50 – 100 Gravel 5.5 (VPD = Vehicles per day) DESIRED SEAL WIDTH (m) FORMATION WIDTH (m) MIN. SEAL WIDTH (m) MIN. FORMATION WIDTH (m) DESIRED SURFACE TYPE TRAFFIC VOLUME (VPD) All rural roads except long vehicle routes, tourist routes and semirural roads – the following table provides surface and width standards for all roads within the Shire that are not designated as a truck route (RAV 2 and 3) and/or tourist route: 7 8+ 1.1 6.0 7.0 0.8 1.1 5.5 4.5 6.0 6.0 0.5 0 1.1 0.5 4.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 0 0.5 0.8 7 8+ 1.1 MINIMUM SHOULDER WIDTH (m) DESIRED SHOULDER WIDTH (m) DESIRED SEAL WIDTH (m) 1000 + Bitumen (VPD = Vehicles per day) MIN. SEAL WIDTH (m) 0 - 250 Bitumen 250 - 500 Bitumen 500 - 1000 Bitumen DESIRED FORMATION WIDTH (m) MIN. FORMATION WIDTH (m) SURFACE TYPE TRAFFIC VOLUME (VPD Semi-Rural Roads – the following table provides minimum standards for roads designated as a semi-rural roads: 0.5 1.1 1.1 The contribution required is determined as a charge for each additional lot created. The charge is adopted annually by Council in the Fees & Charges section of the Budget. The contribution amount will be reviewed annually and adjusted using the Road and Bridge Construction Index for Western Australian produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The contribution rate will commence as of the 1st July of each financial year and will be fixed for duration of the financial year. For example, where a lot is subdivided into three (3) lots, a contribution charge for two new lots would be required. The contribution charge is based on 50% of the cost required to upgrade a rural road to the next level of road standard per lot. The remaining 50% of the cost will be funded from Council sources and is in recognition that a portion of the traffic on a road is not directly related to the subdivision. Road upgrades will be carried out when traffic volumes require an increase in road standard. Therefore the funds collected should be sufficient to enable the upgrade of the road to the next standard as depicted in the Road Asset Management Plan and theoretically Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL could occur to the point where the road ultimately becomes part of a built-up area. Where a development will generate additional traffic volumes in excess of ten (10) vehicles per day per lot and/or includes vehicle types larger than Austroads Vehicle Classification System Class 2, then a road upgrade shall be carried out as a condition of approval to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dardanup. The upgrade required shall meet the Shire standards for the increased traffic volume and class. An estimate of traffic volume shall be determined by the Shire of Dardanup or by an appropriately qualified consultant approved by the Shire of Dardanup and at the cost of the applicant. A condition requiring road upgrade shall be placed on all subdivision/development approvals outside of built-up areas. The standards to be adopted for the design and construction of the road upgrade shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Shire of Dardanup. The contribution is to be calculated and invoiced at the time of condition clearance application. All costs to be used are as at the time of clearance application. The clearance of the condition shall only be granted on full payment of the contribution amount due. PROCESS : The requirements of this policy, relating to the provision of, or contribution towards, roads is to be placed as a condition of approval on all subdivision and development applications in both built up areas and outside of built up areas. The contribution required shall be in accordance with this policy at the time of application for clearance of subdivision condition or final approval of development conditions. Clearance/approval of conditions relating to road upgrade contribution shall only be granted on full payment of contribution amount due. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995, Planning and Development Act 2005 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG29 DESCRIPTION UNIFORM FENCING ABUTTING PUBLIC LAND AND STREET LANDSCAPING WITHIN SUBDIVISIONS - MAINTENANCE COUNCIL RESOLUTION 358/10 DATE 20/10/10 PREAMBLE: : There may be a requirement within subdivisions in the Shire of Dardanup for the provision of uniform fencing which abuts public land and also street landscaping. If these areas are not satisfactorily maintained prior to Council assuming control, expensive remediation may need to be undertaken at Council’s expense OBJECTIVE : To ensure that when Council assumes the maintenance role for uniform fencing abutting public land, it is in a good clean order and that street landscaping is adequately established. POLICY : Any future requirement for the provision of uniform fencing abutting public land and street landscaping within any subdivision in the Shire of Dardanup shall be subject to being constructed and maintained to the satisfaction of Council. Maintenance is defined as being the developer’s responsibility to ensure that for a for twenty four (24) month period from completion, the fence is kept in a sound condition, free from graffiti and other unsightly stains and that landscaping is maintained for twenty four (24) months. A maintenance bond of 2.5% of the cost of construction of the fence will be required as a condition of this policy. PROCESS : The requirements of this policy will be initiated where the condition of subdivision require the provision of uniform fencing abutting public land. Council will not sign off to this particular condition unless the developer agrees to comply with this policy and has lodged the appropriate maintenance bond with Council. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 Section 3.25. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG30 DESCRIPTION WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 33/10 DATE 24/02/10 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup has a duty of care under the Health Act to facilitate the efficient and effective collection and disposal of domestic waste within the prescribed areas of the Shire of Dardanup. This policy details the collection method and the services included in the waste management program provided by the Shire of Dardanup including the provision of waste and recycling containers, service areas and alternative waste disposal options. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that domestic waste is managed in a manner that minimises the risk to public health. The objective of this policy is to ensure properties within the prescribed area are provided with an effective and timely waste and recycling collection services. The Policy also provides clarification of the level of service available to areas outside of the prescribed areas. POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup has prescribed areas listed in the Shire of Dardanup Health Local Laws 2000, as being the townsites of Burekup, Dardanup and Eaton and the smallholdings areas of Copplestone and Padbury Fields. Kerbside waste collection consists of a weekly kerbside collection and a fortnightly recycling collection service using 240 Litre containers. URBAN AREAS Residential properties with approved habitable dwellings within the prescribed area are provided with a Compulsory Waste Collection Service consisting of a single 240 Litre waste container and a single 240L recycling container. NON-URBAN SMALL HOLDINGS Properties within the smallholding zoning of Padbury Fields and Copplestone are within the prescribed area. Habitable Dwellings within the prescribed areas are provided with a Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Compulsory Waste Collection Service consisting of a single 240 Litre waste container and a single 240L Recycling container. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL A waste collection service may be offered to the light industry lots bordered by Harris Road and Martin Pelusey Road, subject to approval by Council and the service provider. OPTIONAL Rural properties that are not included in the prescribed area but are located on the waste collection route used by the service providers may be able to access the Waste Collection Service on an optional basis. The properties within these areas not charged the Rubbish Collection Service Fee. If, however, the occupants request the kerbside waste and recycling services and the service providers agree to provide the service, the service may be approved and the appropriate fees will be charged. Council and or its service providers reserve the right to refuse an optional service to any property not with in the Prescribed areas. These conditions apply to rural and small holding areas. In specific circumstance the optional service may apply to commercial premises subject to approval of the service providers and Council. NON-RESIDENTIAL AREAS – RURAL - SMALLHOLDINGS Rural properties and smallholdings that are not included in the prescribed area or within the waste collection service (optional) areas are not charged the Rubbish (Compulsory Service) Fee. The kerbside waste and recycling services are generally not provided to these areas. ADDITIONAL BIN SERVICE Additional waste and recycling containers are available to properties within the collection area on request. Additional services will be charged at a rate equal to the rate as defined in the Shire of Dardanup Fees and Charges – Rubbish Charge (Additional Service). TIP PASSES Tip Passes are available for purchase from the Shires administration offices. The passes may be used for the disposal of Domestic Waste and general household yard waste. GREEN WASTE Green Waste that does not contain any contamination (non-green waste) may be disposed of at the Banksia Road Landfill subject to the relevant fees and charges. PROCESS : Waste Collection fees are charged per annum with the Council Rates. These charges are subject review in accordance with the relevant service contracts. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Standard Waste and Recycling Fees to be reviewed and are subject to change. Costs are to be listed in the Council’s annual Fees and Charges. HEAD OF POWER : Health Act 1911 , Shire of Dardanup Health Local Laws 2000 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG31 DESCRIPTION OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 401/10 DATE 01/12/2010 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup Occupational Safety and Health Policy was adopted by Council to detail the principles that support the Shires obligations and aims in developing, maintaining and regularly updating the Occupational Safety and Health program. OBJECTIVE : To provide a safe workplace and to ensure that the Shire discharge their duties under relevant Occupational Safety and Health legislation. To provide a safe work place and design a safe system of work and provide adequate training for all employees. Employees are to maintain their work place and work in a safe manner at all times POLICY : It is the policy of the Shire of Dardanup to do everything practicable to ensure that the Shire’s employees are not exposed to hazards. The Shire will strive to provide all employees with workplace conditions and job procedures, which seek to minimise the risk of injury and illness to people and damage to property. Key Principles The Shire of Dardanup accepts that it has a duty of care towards all staff and volunteers working with the Shire. The Shire is committed to continuous improvement in Occupational Safety and Health through strategic planning, procedure implementation and reviewing performance with the aim of limiting work-related injury and illness. In fulfilling this commitment, the Shire will provide, where reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy work environment as required by using proven best practices complying with all relevant legislation and standards together with the Occupational Safety and Health and Committee and Safety Representatives to consult with staff, Council in achieving a high standard of safety. The Shire of Dardanup’s OSH policy and procedures, apply to all people, design, operations and maintenance of facilities and equipment. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL All employees, contractors, volunteers and Councillors will perform their jobs in accordance with established procedures, and have a personal commitment to safety and loss prevention. Occupational Safety and Health disputes shall be handled in accordance with Council’s disputes resolution procedures. Council and management will promote compliance with all relevant legislation, and industry standards, in particular the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 and Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 – Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. This policy will be pursued, achieved and maintained by: Ensuring that management and supervisory personnel remain aware of the Council's statutory obligations and take action as necessary to achieve compliance. Ensuring the consultative and cooperative participation of management and the general workforce in Health and Safety related activities; Identifying and controlling physical and procedural hazards; Conducting formal and informal training to improve the safety related knowledge and skills of employees; Ensuring plant and equipment is safe and suitable for the job, via effective purchasing and maintenance systems; Providing an effective system of incident investigation and reporting; Providing to employees the most appropriate type of personal protective equipment as required for any Shire activity; Conducting an effective Occupational Safety and Health Committee process which will generate and support safe working initiatives; Maintaining a rehabilitation program, where appropriate, for any employee who sustains a work related injury or illness, and Ensuring that contractors employed and engaged by the Shire comply with the Shire’s OSH standards, policies, procedures and codes of conduct. Application: The responsibility for Occupational Safety and Health in the Shire of Dardanup is as follows: Council: Provide adequate resources and funding to support risk Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL management Receive, review and endorse the Shire of Dardanup Occupational Safety and Health Policy Chief Executive Officer: Implement and review the Shire Occupational Safety and Health Manual Ensure compliance with OSH legislation throughout the Shire’s Directors: lead Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management strategies Establish, maintain and evaluate the organisation's Occupational Safety and Health Management Manual. Safety Officer (OHS Coordinator): Administer the Occupational Safety and Health management systems Coordinate Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Committee and work group meetings Coordinate employee safety representatives elections & training Coordinate health programs Coordinate emergency response program Induct staff, contractors, volunteers in OSH Policies and Procedures Coordinate safety compliance training programs Ensure safety information is accurate and accessible to stakeholders Ensure the Occupational Safety and Health Manual is reviewed at least every two years with regular updates made as and when requires subject to endorsement by the HSW Committee. Safety Representatives: Develop and review workplace safety plans in conjunction with Department Directors Implement and monitor organisation's OSH policies, procedures and programs Coordinate and consult with stakeholders on implementing safety controls within the workplace Conduct accident/incident investigations Conduct safety inspections Induct staff, contractors, volunteers in worksite hazards and safety controls Implement emergency response procedures Employees: Participate in safety training and development programs Follow defined Occupational Safety Health policies & procedures Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : Identify hazards and assess Occupational Safety and Health Risks The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy. The Manager Environment & Emergency is assigned the authority to act as the Safety Coordinator and is responsible for initiating and driving all Health and Safety strategies on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer. This policy is to be constantly reviewed and monitored by the HSW Committee with a major reviewed every two years. HEAD OF POWER : Occupational Safety and Health Act 1986. This policy and the Occupational Safety and Health Manual will be reviewed regularly in the light of legislation and Council changes. DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG32 DESCRIPTION OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROCEDURAL MANUAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 403/10 DATE 01/12/2010 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup Occupational Safety and Health Manual provides and describes the processes and procedures relating to Occupational Safety and Health within the Shire. The Manual provides specific details on the administrative processes, requirements, inspection schedules and review reporting mechanisms that will ensure the Shire is compliant with the Occupational Safety and Health Policy (O 10.1). OBJECTIVE : To provide a process for the ongoing improvement of Health and Safety issues at the Shire of Dardanup. POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup Occupational Safety and Health Manual provides details of administrative processes and procedures relating to Occupational Safety and Health in the Shire of Dardanup. The Manual provides information on processes, reporting requirements, inspection schedules and review mechanisms. The The Occupational Safety and Health Manual operates as the working document that shall be reviewed at least every 2 years. Specific sections of the Manual shall be updated and reviewed. PROCESS : The Occupational Safety and Health Manual is a working document and should be reviewed regularly with a full review every two years as a minimum. The Policy allows for amendments to be made to the Occupational Safety and Health Manual as and when required. HEAD OF POWER : Occupational Safety & Health Act 1984 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG33 DESCRIPTION WORKPLACE BULLYING COUNCIL RESOLUTION 02/05 DATE 25/01/2005 PREAMBLE: : The Shire of Dardanup has a duty under occupational safety and health laws to protect workers from workplace bullying. OBJECTIVE : To ensure that anti bullying strategies are in place with an aim to eliminate workplace bullying. POLICY : The Shire of Dardanup considers workplace bullying unacceptable and will not tolerate it under any circumstances. Workplace bullying is behaviour that harms, intimidates, offends, degrades or humiliates an employee, possibly in front of other employees, clients or customers. Workplace bullying may cause the loss of trained and talented employees, reduce productivity and morale and create legal risks. Shire of Dardanup believes all employees should be able to work in an environment free of bullying. Directors and supervisors must ensure employees are not bullied. Shire of Dardanup has grievance and investigation procedures to deal with workplace bullying. Any reports of workplace bullying will be treated seriously and investigated promptly, confidentially and impartially. Shire of Dardanup encourages all employees to report workplace bullying in accordance with the Commission for Occupational Safety & Health Guidelines. Directors and supervisors must ensure employees who make complaints, or witnesses, are not victimised. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who bullies a coemployee. Discipline may involve a warning, transfer, counselling, demotion or dismissal, depending on the circumstances. The contact persons for bullying at this workplace are Equity/Contact Officers Mr Neil Nicholson, Mrs Cathy Lee, Mr Ben Jordan and Mrs Sue Rebello. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : The Shire of Dardanup is to identify hazards in the workplace and assess and control risks associated with those hazards. Reducing the risk of exposure to workplace bullying by providing safe and healthy systems of work with adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for employees. Each employee to be supplied with a copy of the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health Guide for Workers “Dealing with Bullying at Work”. HEAD OF POWER : Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 Shire of Dardanup - Equal Opportunity and Diversity Plan DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 (Appendix: ENG33) Commission for Occupational Safety and Health Guide for Workers “Dealing with Bullying at Work”. (Policy Manual Appendix: ENG33) 20bullying_english.pdf Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG34 DESCRIPTION NAMING OF PARKS AND RESERVES COUNCIL RESOLUTION 232/98 DATE 27/02/1998 PREAMBLE: : Because the naming of parks and reserves is a complicated process and in some instances Ministerial approval is required, a detailed policy and guidelines were established. OBJECTIVE : The naming of Parks and Reserves in accordance with defined guidelines. POLICY : i) Requests for Naming Parks and Reserves are to be presented to Council; ii) Council on agreeing to consider naming of Parks and Reserves to give local public notice of the proposed name and location of the reserve; iii) Information substantiating the name is to be provided by the applicant and is to be available for public inspection; iv) Public suggestion for different names to that advertised to be substantiated with evidence of historical significance; v) Council to consider all submissions; vi) Name chosen and supporting information to be forwarded to Geographic Names Committee as per the guidelines; vii) Guidelines to be appended to the Policy Manual for public inspection. PROCESS : GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF NOMENCLATURE • Names established unchanged. • Names in public use shall have primary consideration. • Name duplication and dual naming should be avoided. • Names of living persons should be used only in exceptional circumstances. • Names characterised as follows are to be avoided where Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 by statutory authority are accepted SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL possible incongruous; Christian and surname combinations; qualified names; double names; corrupted, unduly cumbersome, obscene, derogatory or discriminating names; and, commercialised names. • The preferred sources of names are:descriptive names appropriate to the features; pioneers; war casualties and historical events connected with the area; and, names from Aboriginal languages currently or formerly identified with the general area. • Generic terms must be appropriate to the features described. • New names proposed must be accompanied by exact information regarding location, feature identification, origin, or, if alteration is proposed, by a rationale. • The use of the genitive apostrophe is to be avoided Butcher’s). • Hyphenated words in place names shall only be used where these have been adopted in local usage. (e.g. GEOGRAPHIC NAMES COMMITTEE GUIDELINES FOR THE NAMING OF PARKS AND RESERVES General Guidelines 1) Priority will be given to the naming of parks and reserves after an adjacent street or feature to maximise the identification of that park or reserve with an area. 2) Names that commemorate or may be construed to commemorate living persons will not be considered for parks or reserves over 1ha. 3) Proposals to name parks or reserves should include evidence of community support for the name. This support can be ascertained by some of the following: • • • • • 4) advertising proposals to name parks and reserves in local papers, inviting comments. advertising proposals to name parks and reserves in local libraries. erection of signs on the park or reserve, advising of the proposed name. advising residents in the area surrounding the park or reserve of the proposed name in writing. advising local progress associations of proposed names and requesting their comments. For personal names, the person being honoured by the naming should have either had a direct long term Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL association with the area, or have made a significant contribution to the area of the park or reserve, or the State. Association or contribution can include:• • • 5) two or more terms of office on a local government Council. 20 or more years association with a local community group, such as Scouts, Apex, Rotary, School P&C, etc. action by an individual to protect, restore, enhance, or maintain an area that produces substantial long term improvements for the community or area. Service to the community or organisation must have been voluntary. Given names may be included as part of the naming proposal, and given and surname combinations are acceptable. Death, and former ownership of land are not acceptable reasons for proposing a name, unless previous criteria apply. Naming of Parks and Reserves under 1ha 1) The approval of the Minister for Lands is not required, but the Department of Land Administration must be advised of all names assigned. 2) The names of living persons are acceptable except for those persons holding any form of public office. 3) The general guidelines listed above shall apply for the naming of such parks and reserves. Naming of Ovals, Pavilions, etc 1) Components of reserves (e.g. pavilions, ovals, gardens, etc) may be named in honour of still living community members who have contributed towards the establishment of the particular feature or towards the community in general. 2) The approval of the Minister for Lands is not required for such names when the park or reserve has already been named as a whole. The Department of Land Administration should be informed of the name if it is to be included on maps. Renaming of Parks and Reserves 1) Names chosen for parks and reserves are expected to be permanent, and renaming is discouraged. If renaming is proposed because of some exceptional circumstances, the general guidelines will apply. 2) Evidence of substantial community support for a change of name must be provided. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Advice to Department of Land Administration All naming proposals for parks and reserves shall include:1) 2) 3) 4) A map showing the location of the park or reserve. The reason for the choice of name. For personal names: biographical details, including dates of birth and death (if relevant), length and years of service or association. Proof of community support, including evidence of consultation. Advice of names assigned to parks and reserves under 1ha should also include the above details in order that these names can be included on maps and in the names database. HEAD OF POWER : Land Administration Act, Geographic Names Committee and Shire of Dardanup DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG35 DESCRIPTION ROADSIDE BURNING – RURAL AREAS COUNCIL RESOLUTION 410/03 DATE 22/02/1995 – Amended 15/05/98 PREAMBLE: : Council recognises the concerns of rural property owners regarding potential fire hazards on some roadsides and the following procedures and guidelines are adopted as policy: OBJECTIVE : To reduce the risk of fire. POLICY : Fire Control Officers are authorised to act on Council’s behalf in arranging for the burning of dry grass and material from sections of roadsides, for the purpose of removing fire hazards, subject to: PROCESS : i) The adjoining property owner(s) supports the burn and accepts responsibility for protection of his/her fencing; ii) Burning is carried out or directly supervised by members of a registered Bushfire Brigade of the Shire; iii) Brigades are given instructions to only burn by way of a Fire Permit, issued with or without conditions as are considered appropriate by the issuing Fire Control Officer for each section of roadside; iv) All reasonable precautions are taken to protect flora and fauna during the course of roadside burning (pest plants and wild weeds excluded). v) Warning signs must be displayed on the road at either end of each burn in accordance with Australian Standards on Traffic Management. vi) Council is to coordinate the placing and removal of traffic warning signs. Landowners requiring their road verge to be burned are to apply to their local Bush Fire Brigade Fire Control Officer. The FCO is to coordinate the burning proposed by confirming that all adjoining neighbours have been contacted, and that they support the burn and accept responsibility for their fences The FCO is to contact the Director Engineering Services of the Shire of Dardanup to arrange signage. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL HEAD OF POWER : Bush Fires Act 1954 25 Occupational Health & Safety Road Traffic Act 1974 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held – 10/05/2012 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG36 DESCRIPTION ASSET MANAGEMENT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 106/13 DATE 17/04/2013 PREAMBLE: : Asset Management is defined as: The systematic and coordinated activities and practices of an Organisation to optimally and sustainably deliver on its objectives through the cost-effective lifecycle management of its assets. Source: International Infrastructure Management Manual ( V4.0 - 2011 ) An asset, with respect to Local Government, is defined as a tangible physical item that is required to deliver services essential for the normal and proper functioning of a community. The Shire has a varied portfolio of assets under its control. The Department of Local Government (WA) defines these assets as follows: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Source: Asset Management – Framework and Guidelines Department of Local Government (WA) – May 2011 The Shire of Dardanup directorates responsible for the management of each Asset Class are defined below: Asset Class Land Buildings Infrastructure Plant and Equipment Information Technology Other Assets Directorate Responsible Engineering Services Engineering Services Engineering Services Engineering Services Corporate Services Corporate Services Engineering Services This Asset Management Policy forms part of the Integrated Planning process that has been adopted by the Shire of Dardanup, linking into the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan, Corporate Business Plan and Strategic Financial Plan as shown below. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Source: Asset Management – Framework and Guidelines Department of Local Government (WA) – May 2011 OBJECTIVE POLICY : : This policy aims to: • Outline asset management objectives, targets and plans for the assets managed by the Shire of Dardanup; • Establish a platform for service delivery associated with those assets; • Provide the framework that enables the Asset Management Strategy and Plans to be produced; and • Support a ‘whole of life’ and ‘whole of organisation’ approach to asset management. Council will ensure that its asset management practices and decisions: • Provide effective and efficient management of assets owned and/or managed by the Shire of Dardanup; Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : • Provide transparency in the decision making processes undertaken with respect to the management of assets; • Comply with the requirements and intent of relevant legislation; • Are consistent with Council’s strategic, corporate and financial directions; and • Suited to the current and future community need and capacity. Asset Management will be delivered in the Shire of Dardanup by Shire Officers following the procedures and guidelines outlined in the Asset Management Strategy and in the Asset Management Plans that have been developed for each Asset Class. In the development of Asset Management documentation for use by the Shire of Dardanup, Shire Officers shall use the guiding principles outlined in the following documents: • Asset Management – Framework and Guidelines Department of Local Government ( WA ) – May 2011 • International Infrastructure Management Manual Institution of Public Works Engineers, Australia (IPWEA) V4.0 - 2011 • Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 • Quality Management Systems (AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008) Shire Officers shall ensure that the following areas are considered in the preparation of Asset Management documentation: • • • • Public Safety Sustainability Governance Financial Management Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 • • • • Stakeholder Consultation Quality Management Risk Management Industry Best Practice SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Asset Management documents will be “living documents” to be reviewed on a regular basis. This will ensure that the management of assets within the Shire remains current, relevant and in line with industry best practice. A schedule for the review of these documents is outlined below: Document Asset Management Policy Asset Management Strategy Asset Management Plans Program of Works and Long-Term Financial Plan Review Every 3 years Every 2 years Every 1 year Every 1 year The International Infrastructure Management Manual (2011) describes a process for determining the “Maturity Level” of an organisation with respect to Asset Management. On a bi-annual basis, the Shire of Dardanup shall determine its “Asset Management Maturity Index” and report this in its Annual Report. The aim, to ensure the Shire is moving forwards with respect to Asset Management, management practices. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 DATE REVIEWED : 17/04/2013 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG37 DESCRIPTION DRAFT DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE POLICY FOR FIXED SIGNS WITHIN ROAD RESERVES COUNCIL RESOLUTION ???/14 DATE NOT ADOPTED YET PREAMBLE: : This policy has been developed to provide guidance in the approval of directional signage within the Shire and for the implementation of the Ferguson Valley brand to signage within the Shire. This policy applies to fixed signs within road reserves for the purpose of directing traffic to: • Community facilities and services; • Tourist attractions and destinations; and • Tourism related businesses. The policy sets guidelines for various types of signage to ensure there is a well defined and consistent approach to signage in the Shire. The policy aims to reduce the proliferation of signs at many intersections, thus addressing safety concerns, and to provide a user friendly system of signage. This policy relates to fixed signs within road reserves under the care, control and management of the Shire of Dardanup. It is noted that the Shire of Dardanup has been authorised by the Commissioner of Main Roads to carry out non-regulatory signing works along local roads. OBJECTIVE : To provide the travelling public (including visitors and tourists) with clear and uniform roadside information that gives directions to recognised community facilities and services, tourist attractions and tourism businesses, while minimising the number of signs and avoiding direct advertising. To gain an appreciation and recognition of Ferguson Valley as a tourism region of the South West and to promote the Ferguson Valley brand. POLICY : Council delegates its authority to the Chief Executive Officer to approve the erection of any directional signage within any local authority road reserve in the Shire of Dardanup as per the following criteria. It is noted that businesses do not have an automatic right to Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL directional signage and must address the eligibility criteria to be considered. Eligibility Criteria 1. To be eligible for consideration for a directional sign, the community facility or service, tourist attraction or tourist service facility must: Be approved by the Shire of Dardanup for the use as indicated on the proposed sign; Be of sufficient interest and importance to the travelling public, as determined by the Shire of Dardanup, with consideration given to the WA Tourism Commission and Main Roads WA guidelines. The Shire of Dardanup will seek the guidance of the Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc.# regarding tourism related businesses. Where the sign is tourism related, meet a majority of the WA Tourism Commission criteria. It should be noted that the WA Tourism Commission criteria shall be used as a guide; however, the requirements may be varied to suit local needs. (# The Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc. is an organisation that was created at the request of Dardanup Shire Council to encourage business operators within the Shire to take ownership of the promotion of the Shire and their businesses independent of Council.) 2. Community facilities and services that may be approved for directional signage may include, but not limited to: • Post offices; • Emergency service facilities (eg. Police Stations etc); • Public health emergency facilities (eg. Hospital, medical centre); • Public toilets; • Community centres; • Significant public educational facilities (eg. Library, schools); • Significant public cultural facilities (eg. Gallery, Museum); • Significant heritage places/buildings; • Places of public worship; • Public transport facilities (eg. Train or Bus Stations); • Information centres and tourist bureaus; • Government services; • Shopping centres; • Boat ramps; • Heavy combination vehicle generators, eg. Mine sites, sale yards, public weighbridge; • Waste disposal facilities; • Industrial areas/precincts; and Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Other sites that are considered to be in the public’s interest. 3. Tourism related businesses that may be approved for directional signage may include, but not limited to: • Wineries • Breweries • Accommodation • Galleries • Cafes • Other business operated attractions 4. The Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc will be consulted in regards to the eligibility of individual tourism related businesses. Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc will carry out an assessment based on WA Tourism Commission guidelines, the location of the business, exposure of the business and other factors and provide advice to the Shire of Dardanup CEO in regards to the eligibility of the business. The Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc shall ensure that it has a documented eligibility assessment process and checklist to ensure a consistent and transparent approach. The documented eligibility assessment process and checklist shall be approved by the Shire CEO prior to implementation. The CEO will determine the tourism related business eligibility for a directional sign taking into consideration the advice provided by Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc. Sign Styles and Configurations Signs are to meet AS1742 Parts 5 & 6, AS1744 and Main Roads WA (MRWA) guidelines as to size, colour, lettering, national and international symbols, fixing and installation. Individual business names or complex names will not be considered as appropriate wording for community facility or service signs. Individual business names are permitted on tourism related business signs. The following exceptions to the standards and guidelines applies to directional signage on local authority roads within the Shire of Dardanup: Major Intersection Signs 1. A major intersection consists of distributor roads only and no local access roads (refer to the Shire of Dardanup Road Hierarchy Map). Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2. Sign stacks shall be used at major intersections. 3. Stacks shall consist of the Ferguson Valley brand generally at the top of the stack. 4. The following layout shall apply to major intersections: Location A: • On the approach to an intersection on a terminating road. • Tourist related business signs to be placed on this sign only. • Sample: (Note: The design of the Ferguson Valley brand section of sign may vary to that shown here) Location B: • At the intersection on a terminating road. • Destinations and service signs to be placed on this sign only. No tourist related business signs. • Sample: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Location C: • On the approach to an intersection on a through road. • Destinations, service and tourist related business signs to be placed on this sign. • Sample: Location D: • This sign is a reassurance sign and serves the purpose of advising the motorist of the destinations on the current route. • Located following an intersection on a through road. • Destinations, service and tourist related business signs to be placed on this sign. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL • Road name is not required. • Sample: Locations E and F: • These signs are similar to signs at locations C and D respectively. Location G: • Opposite an intersecting road. • This consists of a road name sign only. • Sample: 5. The total number of directional signs, excluding the Ferguson Valley brand and road name, shall not exceed eight (8) on a stack. When the number of tourism related business signs exceed eight, individual signs may be replaced by a generic symbolic sign indicating the nature of the attraction(s) or through the installation of extra stack signs prior to the intersection. 6. The positioning of signs on site shall be determined by the Shire of Dardanup. Minor Intersection Signs Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 1. A minor intersection consists of a local access road intersecting with a distributor road or another local access road (refer to the Shire of Dardanup Road Hierarchy Map). 2. Signs at these intersections will consist of the road name and tourist related businesses and service signs. 3. These sign will not include the Ferguson Valley brand. 4. Sample: Advanced Location Warning Signs 1. Advanced location warning signs may be used where attractions are located on distributor roads and are not clearly visible. Location warning signs are to be placed in advance of the attraction to warn motorists of the approaching access. In these cases, a tag stating either “200m on Left” or “200m on Right” shall be added to the location sign. The following generic template is to be used: Temporary Signage 1. There is to be no use of temporary signage (ie. A-frame or Banner signage) within the road reserve without prior approval. 2. Temporary signs are recommended for use to indicate whether a site is open or closed to the public. Drop-down tags or suitably sized and placed A-frame type temporary signs may be used subject to approval. 3. Approval may be given at the discretion of the Shire CEO for the use of temporary signage for one-off or non-regular community events or festivals. All temporary signage requests shall be assessed in accordance with Shire Policy Eng... Directional Signage Policy for Public Events and Activities – Temporary Signs Within Road Reserves. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 4. If unauthorised signage is found within the road reserve the Shire has the authority to remove and dispose of the sign immediately, advising the beneficiary of the sign of this action. Standard Conditions 1. Prior to any new sign(s) being installed, all unauthorised temporary and/or permanent signs, including those that do not conform to this policy, within any road reserve relating to the attraction or facility are to be removed at the applicant’s expense. 2. The number of sign locations allowed per tourism related business shall be restricted as follows: Criteria Meets WA Tourism Commission Guidelines Does Not Meet WA Tourism Commission Guidelines Possible Directional Sign Locations To Be Considered All intersections within 10 km travel distance to the destination entry gate All intersections within 3 km travel distance to the destination entry gate Sign locations within the specified travel distances are subject to the conditions outlined in this policy document and are therefore do not have automatic approval for any or all locations within the specified distance. 3. All business signs are to be supplied and installed by the Shire at the cost of the applicant. 4. The responsibility for costs associated with the maintenance of tourism related business directional signs, including replacement if the sign(s) is damaged beyond practical repair (by accident, vandalism or any other cause) or is stolen shall be at the cost of the applicant. All and any maintenance of signs and sign structures is strictly to be carried out only by MRWA, Council or their respective contractors. 5. MRWA and/or Council have the authority to remove the sign(s) if the attraction or facility is closed down or if the nature of the attraction or facility changes. Where a sign is removed by the Shire, it will be disposed of by the Shire. 6. Signs are not to be modified in any way without the prior written approval of MRWA or Council. Fees and Charges 1. The Shire will adopt fees and charges for tourism related business directional signs for the following: • Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Supply and installation of standalone directional signs. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 2. PROCESS : • Supply and installation of directional signs on a stack sign. • Supply and installation of advanced location warning sign. • Annual fee for directional signs. • Other fees if deemed necessary. Failure of a business to pay the annual fee will result in the removal of all directional signs to that business. New Directional Signs: The signage is to be in accordance with the Policy and installation will take place after formal written approval from the Chief Executive Officer. 1. All business owners (or their agents) requesting the erection of any directional signage must complete and lodge an “Application for Directional Signage” form. 2. If the application is for a tourism related business, the application will be forwarded to the Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc for consideration and advice on eligibility. The Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc. will also provide advice as to which tourism businesses are to be included in a stack where the number of businesses is greater than five. 3. The Director Engineering Services is to assess the application against the policy. Signs and sign locations are to be assessed based on the policy as well as safety standards, visibility, legibility and aesthetics. Comments and advice from Ferguson Valley Marketing & Promotions Inc. will be considered in the assessment where the sign is for a tourismrelated business. 4. The applicant will then be advised on whether the application has been approved, approved subject to conditions or not approved. 5. If the application is approved, and the applicant is responsible for the cost of the sign(s), the applicant will be issued with an invoice for payment in accordance with the Shire’s ‘Schedule of Fees and Charges’. Upon receipt of payment the sign(s) will be purchased and installed as per the approval, by Council Staff or its contractors. 6. Approved signs will then be registered in a ‘Directional Sign Register’, maintained by the Engineering Services Directorate. Collection of Fees: Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL 1. Following the adoption of the annual budget, a tax invoice will be sent to each tourism related business which has directional signage for payment of the annual fee. 2. Payment shall be made in accordance with the Shire’s standard payment terms and conditions. 3. Failure of a business to pay the annual fee will result in the removal of all directional signs to that business. Annual Review: 1. The Directional Sign Register will be sent to the Ferguson Valley Marketing Promotions Inc for validation of tourism related business directional signs on an annual basis. This is to be carried out by June each year in preparation for the new financial year. Disputes may be referred to the Director Engineering Services for a resolution in the first instance, with appeal rights to Council. In the case of applications involving signs along Main Roads controlled roads, Council will forward the application to MRWA for approval. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995, AS1742.5 1997, AS1742.6 2004 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held - ##/##/## Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE POLICY REFERENCE ENG38 DESCRIPTION DRAFT DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE POLICY FOR PUBLIC EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES – TEMPORARY SIGNS WITHIN ROAD RESERVES COUNCIL RESOLUTION ???/14 DATE NOT ADOPTED YET PREAMBLE: : This policy has been developed to provide guidance in the approval of temporary directional signs relating to one-off or non-regular community events and activities. This policy relates to signage of a short term nature that provides the location and/or direction to the event or activity site. OBJECTIVE : This policy sets the guidelines for the use of temporary directional signs for one-off events and activities that may generate high traffic volumes on side roads and areas away from the central business district. It is the intent that all temporary directional signage is of a suitable type and is safely located within road reserves, so they are easily identified, located and understood, without compromising the safety of motorists and pedestrians. Road signage is provided for guidance to the motorist and to facilitate safe, efficient and orderly travel. It is not to be provided for promotional or advertising purposes for individual businesses. POLICY : Council delegates its authority to the Chief Executive Officer to approve the placement of any temporary directional signs within any local authority road reserve in the Shire of Dardanup in accordance with the following: Approval Criteria 1. The sign should not add to visual clutter at the proposed location. 2. The sign should be suitably sized and located within the road reserve, so that: a) b) c) d) Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 It does not block motorist or pedestrian (including disabled) visibility of the road, pathway or traffic; It does not affect the visibility of traffic signs and devices; It does not impede on pedestrian access, including disabled access. It does not impede on private property or affect a property in anyway; SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL e) f) It does not impede, affect or damage the road and its associated infrastructure; and It will not damage landscaping and streetscaping. 3. Signs should be of a temporary nature that can be easily installed and removed. 4. Signs should be securely fixed to ensure that they do not become dislodged and move. 5. Signs must be static in nature i.e. no spinning, rotating or moving parts. 6. Signs must not be illuminated. 7. Activities that may be considered for temporary signage, but not limited to these, include: • • • • • 8. Real estate for sale; Home opens; Garage sales; Community events; and Other activities that are considered to be in the public’s interest. The following table provides details on the number, duration and approval requirements for temporary signage: Activity No. of Signs Allowed Duration allowed Real estate for sale (at property) Maximum three (3) per property. Signs to be placed adjacent to property boundary. To be determined by Shire staff based on details provided. Unlimited. Signs to be placed along route between home and nearest arterial route. Unlimited. Signs to be placed along route between home and nearest arterial route. unlimited Real estate for sale (away from property) Home open Garage sale Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 Approval Application Requirement No approval required. Compliance with policy only. unlimited Approval required. Up to five (5) days. No approval required. Compliance with policy only. One (1) day (Garage sale day). No approval required. Compliance with policy only. SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL Activity No. of Signs Allowed Duration allowed Events To be determined by Shire staff based on details of the event. To be determined by Shire staff based on details of the activity. Up to thirty (30) days prior to the event. To be determined by Shire staff based on details of the activity. Other activities Approval Application Requirement Approval required. Approval required. Standard Conditions 1. The sign(s) are to be supplied and installed by the person or representative of the person organising the activity. The Shire may require a Shire Officer to be present during the installation of the temporary sign. 2. Signs are to be in good order and condition to the satisfaction of MRWA and Council and to be appropriately worded. 3. MRWA and/or Council have the authority to remove the sign(s) if: a) The activity is cancelled or if the nature of the attraction or facility changes; b) The sign(s) of a type requiring approval have been installed without approval; c) The signs are not in accordance with the approval given or not in accordance with the requirements of this policy. d) The sign poses a risk to public safety. e) The sign content is inappropriate and/or offensive. f) The activity has finished and the signs have been left out beyond the allowed duration – refer to the table in Point 8 of the Approval Criteria for allowed durations. 4. Where a sign has been approved, it is not to be modified in any way without the prior written approval of MRWA and/or Council. 5. Where a sign is a type that requires approval, all requests for permission to have directional signs installed are to be submitted in writing to Council using the “Application for Directional Signage” form. Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL PROCESS : Temporary directional signage is to be in accordance with this Policy. Where the policy requires a sign to be approved, the installation will take place only after formal written approval from the Chief Executive Officer. Where the policy requires a sign to be approved, the following process applies: 1. All business owners (or their agents) and activity organisers requesting the placement of any temporary directional signage must complete and lodge an “Application for Directional Signage” form. 2. The Director Engineering Services is to assess the application against the listed criteria. Signs and sign locations are to be approved based on safety standards, visibility, legibility and aesthetics. The application may be amended as necessary for compliance. The applicant will then be advised on whether the application has been approved, approved subject to conditions or not approved. 3. Approved signs will be registered in a ‘Directional Sign Register’, maintained by the Engineering Services Directorate. All fees and charges are to be listed in the Council’s ‘Schedule of Fees and Charges’. Disputes may be referred to the Director Engineering Services for resolution in the first instance, with appeal rights to Council. In the case of applications involving signs along Main Roads controlled roads, Council will forward the application to MRWA for a decision. HEAD OF POWER : Local Government Act 1995 Australian Standards, AS1742.5 – 1997 and AS1742.6 – 2004 DATE REVIEWED : Ordinary Meeting of Council held - ##/##/20## Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL OLD POLICY NUMBER REFERENCE – PRIOR TO MAY 2012 POLICIES WERE NUMBERED AS FOLLOWS: POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION C 1.1 PRIVATE BUS SHELTERS ENG1 C 1.2 DOG CONTROL – PROSECUTION DEV15 C 1.3 EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION DEV1 C 1.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE TRAINING DEV2 C 1.5 REFRESHMENTS EXEC1 C 1.6 LIQUOR LICENCE APPROVALS DEV3 C 1.7 ANNUAL LEAVE EXEC2 C 1.8 BICYCLE CLUB EVENTS ENG2 C 1.9 PURCHASED LEAVE ARRANGEMENT C 1.10 COMMON SEAL – AFFIXING OF EXEC4 C 1.11 PASSING OF EX SHIRE COUNCILLORS EXEC5 C 1.12 REGIONAL COOPERATION EXEC6 C 1.15 HONORARY SHIRE FREEMAN STATUS EXEC7 C 1.16 DEFENCE RESERVIST LEAVE EXEC8 C 1.17 COST SHIFTING ASSESSMENT EXEC9 A 2.1 ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXEC10 A 2.2 USE OF CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) CORP1 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE – DEFERRED SALARY EXEC3 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION A 2.3 FIREBREAKS – ROAD VERGE MAINTENANCE A 2.4 FIREBREAKS – ENFORCEMENT A 2.5 FIREBREAKS – PENALTY A 2.6 ROADSIDE BURNING – RURAL AREAS A 2.7 PROVISION OF FOOD/REFRESHMENTS AT FIRE SCENES DEV8 A 2.8 TWO WAY RADIOS ENG3 A 2.9 PRIVATE USE OF MOTOR COMPLIANCE OFFICERS A 2.10 PROVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES - COMPLIANCE OFFICER EXEC12 A 2.11 PRIVATE USE OF COUNCIL’S MOTOR VEHICLE BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXEC13 A 2.12 PRIVATE MOTOR MANAGERS EXEC14 A 2.13 USE OF POOL VEHICLE EXEC15 A 2.14 STAFF UNIFORMS EXEC16 A 2.15 TRAVEL EXPENSES EXEC17 A 2.16 STAFF TRAINING TRAVEL COSTS EXEC18 A 2.17 VOLUNTARY WORKS/TASKS –EQUIPMENT EXEC19 A 2.18 COUNCIL CHAMBER TABLE, CHAIRS AND DESK EXEC20 A 2.19 CASUAL HIRERS LIABILITY COVER EXEC21 A 2.20 COMMERCIAL USE OF HALLS Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE DELETED DEV6 DELETED ENG35 VEHICLES VEHICLE USE – – PRINCIPAL DIRECTORS & EXEC11 ENG4 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION A 2.21 DARDANUP HALL HIRE BY DARDANUP SCHOOLS A 2.22 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT CORP2 A 2.23 INTERNET AND OTHER EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY USAGE DELETED A 2.24 LONG SERVICE LEAVE EXEC22 A 2.25 TOURISM POLICY EXEC23 A 2.26 YOUTH POLICY A 2.27 EATON RECREATION CENTRE EMPLOYEE FINANCIAL INCENTIVE SCHEME CORP4 A 2.28 ELECTRONIC MAIL AND INTERNET USAGE. CORP5 A 2.29 LEGAL REPRESENTATION - COSTS INDEMNIFICATION EXEC24 A 2.30 STAFF SEEKING SECONDARY EMPLOYMENT EXEC25 A 2.31 RECORDS MANAGEMENT CORP6 F 3.1 DARDANUP PRE-SCHOOL – EXPENSES DELETED F 3.2 SUNDRY DEBTORS – RECOVERY PROCEDURES CORP7 F 3.3 DONATIONS AND GRANTS DEV10 F 3.4 PHONE RENTAL COSTS – SHIRE BUSHFIRE TRAINING COORDINATOR DEV11 F 3.5 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS CORP8 F 3.6 PROCUREMENT POLICY CORP9 F 3.7 HALL COMMITTEE LEVIES ENG6 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE ENG5 DEV9 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION F 3.8 EMPLOYEE TELEPHONE PRIVATE RESIDENCE POLICY EXEC26 F 3.9 INVESTMENT POLICY CORP10 F 3.11 MAJOR COMMUNITY, SPORT &RECREATION FACILITY FUNDING DEV12 F 3.13 EXPENDITURE OF FIRE PROTECTION CONTRIBUTION FUNDS – SUBDIVISIONS DELETED F 3.15 SELF SUPPORTING LOANS CORP11 F 3.17 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION – MAXIMUM PAYMENT CORP12 F 3.18 PROVISION FOR SUPPRESSING PROPERTY INFORMATION CORP13 F 3.19 SALE OF INFORMATION ON RECORD CORP14 F 3.20 USE OF CORPORATE CREDIT CARDS CORP3 F 3.21 VEHICLE ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSAL B 4.1 FENCING MATERIALS IN TOWNSITES DELETED B 4.3 STOP WORK ORDERS ON BUILDINGS DELETED B 4.4 HALL HIRE CONDITIONS ENG8 P 5.1 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES DEV16 P 5.2 MILLBRIDGE ESTATE – SPECIAL PROVISIONS DEV17 P 5.3 SUSTAINABILITY DEV18 P 5.4 DARDANUP WEST/CROOKED BROOK AREA -PROVISION OF FORESHORE FACILITIES DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION POLICY DEV19 P 5.5 LOCAL BIODIVERSITY DEV20 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE ENG7 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION P 5.7 SEA CONTAINERS DEV21 P 5.8 EATON COMMERCIAL CENTRE DESIGN GUIDELINES DEV22 P 5.10 SECOND HAND RELOCATED AND TRANSPORTABLE DWELLINGS DEV23 P 5.11 DISPLAY HOMES DEV24 P 5.12 ANCILLARY ACCOMMODATION – SMALL HOLDING ZONES DEV25 P 5.13 VARIATIONS TO RESIDENTIAL DESIGN CODES – OUTBUILDINGS, PATIOS, PERGOLAS & CARPORTS DEV26 P 5.15 SOUTHBANK DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES DEV27 P 5.17 ACID SULFATE SOILS DEV28 E 6.1 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT ENG9 E 6.2 CROSSOVERS IN TOWNSITES AND RURAL AREAS ENG10 E 6.3 CROSSOVERS – RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVISION ON NEW SUBDIVISIONS ENG11 E 6.4 PATHWAYS - PROVISION FOR AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY DEVELOPERS ENG12 E 6.5 DUST CONTROL ENG13 E 6.6 ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATES AND REPORTS ENG14 E 6.7 GRAVEL PIT REHABILITATION POLICY ENG15 E 6.8 FIRE CONTROL – COUNCIL EMPLOYEES ENG16 E 6.9 RESIDENTIAL ROAD VERGE POLICY ENG17 E 6.10 ROADSIDE VEGETATION ENG18 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION E 6.11 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PRIORITY ENG19 E 6.12 STORM WATER DISCHARGE FROM BUILDINGS ENG20 E 6.13 STREET TREES – PLANTING OF ENG21 E 6.14 CLEARING OF VEGETATION AS PART OF THE SUBDIVISION OF URBAN LAND ENG22 E 6.15 ROAD SIDE MARKERS ENG23 E 6.16 VERGE DEPOSIT POLICY ENG24 E 6.17 UPGRADE OF EXISTING ROADS – VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS BY ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS ENG25 E 6.18 TREES ON ROADS – RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE REMOVAL OF FALLEN TREES ENG26 E 6.20 SHIRE OF DARDANUP GUIDELINES FOR SUBDIVISIONAL DEVELOPMENT ENG27 E 6.21 NEW ROADS AND UPGRADES – PROVISION FOR AND CONTRIBUTIONS BY DEVELOPERS ENG28 E 6.22 UNIFORM FENCING ABUTTING PUBLIC LAND AND STREET LANDSCAPING WITHIN SUBDIVISIONS - MAINTENANCE ENG29 H 7.2 CARAVANS AS TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION DEV29 H 7.3 HEALTH SURVEYOR’S GENERAL AUTHORITY DEV30 H 7.4 SEPTIC SYSTEMS – HENTY BROOK SUBDIVISION DEV31 H 7.5 WINERIES AND BREWERY DEVELOPMENTS DEV32 H 7.6 WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY ENG30 G 8.1 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF ELECTORS EXEC27 G 8.2 CHILD CARE FEES – ELECTED MEMBERS EXEC28 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION G 8.4 COMPLAINTS HANDLING G 8.5 PROHIBITED BURNING TIMES DEV7 G 8.6 CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY PRESENTATIONS DEV5 G 8.7 NAMING OF PARKS AND RESERVES ENG34 G 8.8 DISTRIBUTION OF MINUTES OF COUNCILLORS EXEC30 G 8.9 VANDALISM PREVENTION DELETED G 8.10 COMMUNITY RECOGNITION & AUSTRALIA DAY CITIZENSHIP AWARDS DEV4 R 9.1 RECOUP OF RANGER CALL OUT FEES DEV13 R 9.2 TRESPASSING SHEEP ON COUNCIL LAND DEV14 O 10.1 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ENG31 O 10.2 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROCEDURAL MANUAL ENG32 O 10.3 WORKPLACE BULLYING ENG33 HR 11.1 PRE-EMPLOYMENT MEDICALS EXEC31 HR 11.2 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM [EAP] EXEC32 HR 11.3 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EXEC33 HR 11.4 PRE-EMPLOYMENT POLICE CLEARANCES EXEC34 HR 11.5 STUDY LEAVE / STUDY ASSISTANCE EXEC35 HR 11.6 LOSS OF DRIVERS LICENCE EXEC36 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE EXEC29 SHIRE OF DARDANUP – POLICY MANUAL POLICY REFERENCE DESCRIPTION HR 11.7 ALCOHOL, DRUGS & ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE USE IN THE WORKPLACE EXEC37 HR 11.8 SEVERANCE PAY POLICY – SECTION 5.50 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1995 EXEC38 Authorised by Chief Executive Officer Next Full Review Policy Date: July 2015 NEW POLICY REFERENCE
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