Supervisor’s Manual 2014 for

Braille, Cassette, and
Reader’s Script Formats
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 – Form W
Saturday, October 18, 2014 – Form S
Contact College Board Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET, M–F
844-255-7728 (toll free for educators with SSD inquiries only)
212-713-8333 (local)
609-882-4118 (TTY)
609-771-7944 (fax)
If you are sending eligibility-related mail such as SSD Coordinator Forms
or applications for accommodations, send to:
mail:College Board SSD
P.O. Box 8060
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864-0060
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
This manual contains detailed instructions for a­ dministering
the PSAT/NMSQT® to students using a Braille, cassette, or
reader’s script format of the test and should be used in conjunction with the 2014 PSAT/NMSQT Supervisor’s Manual.
Please set aside time before the test day to read both manuals carefully so that all procedures will be familiar and easy
to follow when you administer the test.
We depend on you and your assistants to administer the
test according to this manual so that all students have the same
opportunity to do their best. The PSAT/NMSQT enables
students to prepare for the SAT® and provides entry to the
National Merit® Scholarship Program, an academic competition conducted by National Merit Scholarship Corporation
(NMSC). Failure to follow policies and procedures described
in this manual could result in score cancellations. Schools that
do not comply with the policies and procedures set forth in
this manual may not be allowed to administer the PSAT/
NMSQT in the future and may be held responsible for damages and costs incurred by the College Board or ETS as a result.
We appreciate the efforts you and your staff make to ensure
a test administration that is efficient, secure, and fair for
all students.
Regular-type, large-type, and reader’s script formats are
available for both the Wednesday and Saturday test dates.
Students who have been approved for one of these formats
should be tested on the same date as all other students at your
The vast majority of schools test on the school day administration, Wednesday, for it offers the greatest accessibility to
all students, especially students with disabilities. As a result,
that is the test day for which Braille and cassette formats are
available. Students requiring these formats must be tested
on Wednesday, even if the school’s test day for all other­
students is Saturday. (A student may opt to test with a reader
in place of Braille or cassette accommodations and do so on
If you are testing on Saturday and have students who will
be using Braille or cassettes on Wednesday, and you want to
test all accommodated students on Wednesday, contact the
College Board Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)
office to see if those arrangements can be made. The test must
be administered on the date printed on the front cover of the
test book.
The 2014 PSAT/NMSQT Official Student Guide provides
­information to help students prepare for the test and d
­ escribes
scholarship programs that use PSAT/NMSQT scores. Schools
should be sure that students read the test regulations and
become familiar with the contents of the Student Guide before
they take the test.
We appreciate your willingness to provide arrangements
so that students with disabilities can take the PSAT/NMSQT.
We recognize that your role is a vital one, and we thank you
and your staff.
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Test materials and staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Guide to the Nemeth Code and Braille
Reference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Nonstandard Administration Report (NAR) . . . . . . . . . . 3
Test security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Calculator use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Approved and prohibited aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Test room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Recording responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Testing time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Rest breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Failure to complete the test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Irregularities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Participation in scholarship programs if a student
cannot take the PSAT/NMSQT® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Instructions for Completing Answer Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Instructions for Administering the Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Reader’s script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cassette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Braille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Magnifier/magnifying machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
After the test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Section Timing Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Instructions for Returning Test Materials
See Standard Supervisor’s Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25–28
© 2014 The College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, AP, Student Search Service, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. My College QuickStart is a
trademark owned by the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All non-College Board trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. National Merit and the corporate logo are federally registered service marks of National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
Test materials and staff
Students must be approved for accommodations before testing
in order to receive official score reports. Students who are
approved after testing may have an opportunity to receive
unofficial score reports, but the answer sheets of unapproved
students will not be returned.
If a student is interested in participating in the National
Merit Scholarship Program and did not receive accommodations for which he or she was approved or did not receive
approval in time for the test, the student should contact
NMSC immediately.
Materials you will need to administer the test are listed below.
Verify that you have them when you receive your shipment
of test supplies. The PSAT/NMSQT Nonstandard Administration Report will indicate which nonstandard format is for
which test-taker.
If you have not received all test materials by October 8, 2014,
contact the SSD office (see front cover).
□ Tests (regular-type, large-type [20 pt.], photoenlarged [14 pt.], Braille, cassette, reader’s script,
Braille math graphs and figures)
□ Answer sheets (machine-scannable or large-block)
□ Braille Reference Information (one per Braille
□ Guide to the Nemeth Code (one per Braille test)
□ 2014 PSAT/NMSQT Supervisor’s Manual for
Braille, Cassette, and Reader’s Script Formats
□ 2014 PSAT/NMSQT Supervisor’s Manual
□ PSAT/NMSQT Nonstandard Administration
Report (created online by your SSD Coordinator)
Provide the following materials and staff in the testing room:
•A clock, large enough to be seen from any seat in the
room. If there is no clock, announce the time at regular
• Emergency supply of No. 2 (soft-lead) pencils with erasers
• Pencil sharpener
• Scratch paper
• Emergency supply of approved calculators ­(optional)
• For each student using a cassette, a standard cassette player
with 1-7/8 ips, a simple start-stop mechanism, volume
control, and fast forward and reverse capability. It should
actually play the tape when operated in fast forward
or reverse (cue/review), so the student can hear the tone
indexing (beeps) used to help students locate important
information. Earphones are necessary if more than one
student will be tested in the same room.
• An authorized reader for the reader’s script, if approved.
Each reader may read to only one student during the test.
•An authorized writer to record answers dictated by a
student, if approved.
Guide to the Nemeth Code and Braille
Reference Information
The Guide to the Nemeth Code lists the current version of
Nemeth Code mathematical symbols with their meanings.
­Students taking the Braille test, or using the supplemental
book of Braille math graphs and figures, may refer to the Guide
during the test. The Braille Reference Information contains
math reference material required for the Braille test.
Nonstandard Administration Report (NAR)
The PSAT/NMSQT Nonstandard Administration Report
(NAR) lists the names of all students testing at your school who
have been preapproved by College Board Services for Students
with Disabilities (SSD) for accommodations on the PSAT/
NMSQT. The SSD Coordinator should access SSD Online to
create and print a Nonstandard Administration Report (NAR).
NOTE: No student can be tested with accommodations or
added to your report without a preassigned SSD Eligibility
Code. Only students approved by College Board SSD prior
to the test day will be eligible for accommodations.
Indicate the actual test date for each student listed on the NAR.
The test date for each student must be the day the student tested.
(See page 7 of the PSAT/NMSQT Supervisor’s Manual for
important information about testing students with disabilities.)
The NAR must be returned with answer sheets. Scores may
not be released until the NAR is received.
Test security
If you are testing a student who is not known to you, check
his/her ID before testing. All tests are confidential until score
­reports have been ­released. NOTE: Students’ test books are to
be returned to them with their score reports. Keep all test
materials in a locked area at your school before and after the
test administration. No reproduction of test materials is
permitted for any reason or by any method.
A reader or writer must be assigned by the school and may
not be a relative of the student or anyone involved in the
academic tutoring or preparation of the student for the
Remind students of the test regulations contained in the
PSAT/NMSQT Official Student Guide before they take the test.
During the test or the breaks, students who give or receive
assistance, disturb others, use a prohibited aid or prohibited
calculator, or work on the wrong test section after a warning
must be dismissed and not permitted to complete the test.
Collect their test books, answer sheets, and other materials
and destroy them. Do not submit a fee for these students.
Calculator use
Math questions can be solved without a calculator; however,
using a calculator on some questions may be helpful to students. A scientific or graphing calculator is recommended.
Students are not required to clear the memory of their calculators before testing. Students may not use pocket organizers; laptops and handheld electronic devices; cell phone
3 calculators; or calculators with a QWERTY (typewriter-like)
keypad, with paper tape, that make noise or “talk” (unless
approved by the College Board), use a pen or stylus input
device, or require an electrical outlet. If students have calculators with large (characters of 1 inch or more) or raised
displays, seat them apart from other test-takers. Students may
not share calculators. Students are advised to bring their own
calculators but must keep only one on the desk; any additional calculators must be kept under the student’s desk.
Although some schools keep extras on hand, schools are not
required to provide calculators.
Students who have been approved to use talking calculators
may use them for math questions, but such students must be
tested in a separate room unless they use earphones.
Approved and prohibited aids
Some students may be approved by the College Board to use
aids such as a Braille device to record their responses. The
only paper that is permitted is scratch paper and paper for
use with the Braille device provided by the supervisor.
During the test (including breaks), students may have nothing
on their desks but a test in the student’s approved format(s), an
answer sheet, No. 2 pencils with erasers, a calculator for math
sections, and approved aids. Unless specifically approved by
Services for Students with Disabilities as an accommodation,
use of the following is prohibited:
•Electronic device (cell phone, smartphone, MP3 player,
laptop, tablet, or any other personal computing device)
•Any device, including a digital watch, that can record,
transmit, receive, or play back audio, photographic, text, or
video content
• Camera or other photographic equipment
• Pens, highlighters, mechanical or colored pencils
• Separate timer of any kind
• Scratch paper, notes, books, dictionaries, or references of any
• Earplugs, compass, protractor, ruler, cutting device, or any
other aid
• Any prohibited or unapproved calculators – see Calculator
use section.
Food and beverages, including bottled water, are also prohibited in the test room, unless approved for medical reasons.
If the College Board approves a student to bring an item into
the exam room (e.g., food, medication, magnifier, colored
overlay), the item should be inspected prior to the exam to
ensure that no prohibited information is brought into the
room. It should also be inspected after the test administration
to ensure that no questions leave the test room.
Test room
Students should take the test under conditions conducive to
concentration and as close as possible to those under which
they ordinarily work. A large desk or work table should be
provided for each student. Students must be spaced four feet
apart, measured from center of desk to center of desk, facing
in the same direction.
A supervisor or proctor must be in the test room at all times
and should not read, grade papers, or engage in any activity
unrelated to the test administration.
The test should be administered in a separate room to each
student who requires a reader or a writer. In addition, each
student using a talking calculator or a cassette player without
earphones will need a separate testing room.
Every effort should be made not to call unnecessary attention to students testing with accommodations during the test
Recording responses
Some students are approved for accommodations relating to
the recording of answers. These accommodations may include,
but are not limited to, the following methods:
•completing an answer sheet (machine-scannable or
•dictating answers to be put on the machine-scannable
answer sheet by a writer
•using a Braille device (e.g., Perkins Brailler) and having
answers transcribed to a machine-scannable answer sheet
by the supervisor after the test. Return Braille pages with
answer sheets.
•recording answers in the test book and having answers
transferred to the machine-scannable answer sheet by
the supervisor after the test. The test book with student’s
name written on it must be returned with the answer sheet.
Testing time
A standard administration of the PSAT/NMSQT is 2 hours,
10 minutes (four 25-minute sections and one 30-minute section). Students who are approved for extended time will have
a set amount of time for each section (as required of all
other students), as noted on the NAR. Give students their full
amount of approved time on each section, even if they stop
work before time is called. On the PSAT/NMSQT, unlike on
the SAT, if a student is approved for a different amount of
extended time on a certain section (for example, “math only”),
provide the extended time for the math section only. Allow
students to test only with the amount of approved time indicated on the NAR for each section.
“Reading” accommodations apply to the whole test, so if a
student is approved for extended time for reading, provide that
student with extended time for the whole test. “Writing” refers
to tests that contain an essay and therefore does not apply to
the PSAT/NMSQT. Use the Section Timing Chart on page 15
to determine the appropriate stop times for students using
standard time, 50% extended time, or 100% extended time.
Rest breaks
Give scheduled breaks between test sections. Students should
not remove any test materials from the testing room, refer to
prohibited aids, leave the building, or access a phone during
breaks. Cell phones must remain under desks, turned off.
Unscheduled rest breaks: With your permission, a student
may leave the test room briefly during testing time to go to
the restroom. Students who ask to go to the restroom during
testing time must go one at a time, preferably accompanied
by a proctor. Under no circumstances, however, is the testing
room to be left unattended. Include the brief time for
­unscheduled rest breaks as part of the student’s testing time.
Recheck the ID of any student who left the room for break
and is not known to you.
Extended rest breaks: Students who are approved for extended
4 breaks should be given twice the time of regularly scheduled
breaks. The time the student is on break should not be counted
as testing time.
Extra breaks between test sections: If a student is approved
for breaks between test sections, the student should be provided a 5-minute break after each section. Break time does
not count as testing time.
Before beginning the test, students must provide identifying
and other information on the answer sheet. Because this is a
lengthy procedure, you may prefer to have the students complete
this task under supervision in school before the test day. Do not
give students a test book before test day. Students who cannot
complete this information on their own should be assisted.
Distribute test books and answer sheets in the appropriate
format to each student. Be sure that you are not erroneously
administering a practice version of the test. (NOTE: Practice
materials have the word “Practice” printed on the front cover.)
If you are administering a format that has multiple books
or cassettes, distribute only the book or cassette containing
Section 1.
Read aloud the d
­ irections that are printed within the boxes.
(Read italicized text in parentheses as appropriate.) Read
slowly enough to give ­students or their writers time to fill in
identifying information. Pause wherever four dots appear to
allow time for students to follow instructions. I­nstructions
outside the boxes are for you and your ­assistants and should
not be read aloud. Do not deviate from these directions or
answer any questions regarding the content of the test.
Greet the students and answer any immediate questions
not related to the content of the test. When you are ready to
begin, say:
Extra breaks as needed: If a student is approved for extra
breaks as needed, breaks are granted as requested by the student. When a student wishes to take a break, the student should
notify the proctor by raising his or her hand. At that point,
timing of the test must stop. When the student is ready to
continue, the student will again notify the proctor, and the
timing will continue.
NOTE: If an approved accommodation (such as limited testing time or multiple-day testing) necessitates that you break
for lunch or for the day, do not call the break until students
have stopped working on a section. Collect all test materials
and answer sheets and put them in a secure, locked place
until you are ready to resume testing.
Failure to complete the test
A student who starts the PSAT/NMSQT will be considered
to have taken the entire test. If a student leaves without completing the test, ask if the student wants the answer sheet
scored; if so, submit the answer sheet. Note on the Supervisor’s
Irregularity Report the test section, last question number
completed, and reason for leaving. If the student does not want
the answer sheet scored, destroy it and do not submit a test
fee for the student.
Welcome to the PSAT/NMSQT administration. Testing
will begin in a few minutes. For today’s test, you may
use only a No. 2 pencil to mark your answer sheet. Raise
your hand if you do not have one. If you are using a
machine-scannable answer sheet, you must fill in the
appropriate circles. Make sure each mark is dark and
completely fills the circle. If you change an answer,
thoroughly erase the previous response. (If you are using
a large-block answer sheet, make an X in the appropriate
boxes and, where required, print information.)
Most administrations will run smoothly if you read this
manual carefully and plan effectively. However, if you d
­ iscover
any defective test materials, or if a situation arises that you feel
will adversely affect the test administration or students’ scores,
please call the SSD office (see front cover) at once, preferably
before dismissing the students.
Participation in scholarship programs if a
student cannot take the PSAT/NMSQT®
Section 1
On page 1 of your answer sheet, find Section 1. . . . Now
read the directions in the box above Section 1. . . .
Enter your name*, last name first, and fill in the
appropriate circles carefully. (If using a Large-Block
answer sheet, print your full name, last name first. . . . )
Advise a student who does not take the PSAT/NMSQT due
to illness, an emergency, or other extenuating circumstance
to write immediately to the scholarship program the student
wishes to enter. Scholarship programs are described in the
2014 PSAT/NMSQT Official Student Guide.
All requests for information about another route of entry
to the National Merit Scholarship Program conducted by
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) should be
faxed to 847-866-5113 or mailed to:
*Students should enter their legal names. Students with a
hyphen in their name should fill in the corresponding hyphen
circle if they are using a machine-scannable answer sheet.
Students whose names are too long to fit in the spaces provided
should be instructed to enter as much of their name as possible.
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Attn: Scholarship Administration
1560 Sherman Avenue, Suite 200
Evanston, IL 60201-4897
Sections 2, 3, and 4
In Sections 2, 3, and 4, fill in the appropriate circles
to provide the information for your sex, current grade
level, and date of birth. In Section 3, it is important
that you enter your grade level correctly. When
completing Section 4, “Date of Birth,” fill in the
appropriate circle for the correct month. Also enter
The fax must be received or the letter postmarked on or before
March 1, 2015. Do not delay. The earlier a school official or
student writes to NMSC, the more options will be available
for scheduling test dates. A student should include his or her
home mailing address.
Sections 7 – 12
your day and year of birth, and fill in the appropriate
circles. Fill in a leading zero for your day of birth if
Sections 7 through 12 are included to help the College
Board help you. Some of the information you provide
will help ensure that tests are fair for all groups. Some
of it can help colleges, universities, nonprofit
educational opportunity organizations, and some
scholarship programs provide you with relevant
­information for college planning. Your answers to
these questions will not affect your participation in
the National Merit Scholarship Program.
Section 5
If your school is using numeric student ID numbers, say:
In section 5, fill in the circle for Student ID Number
and enter your student ID number, starting with the
first column to the left. Do not enter any number
other than your student ID number. . . .  Are there
any questions?
Section 7
If your school is not using Student ID numbers, say:
Section 7 asks if you wish to participate in the College
Board’s Student Search Service®, a free service that
provides names of students to eligible educational
organizations. You must fill in the “Yes” circle in
Section 7a to let colleges, universities, scholarship
programs, and educational opportunity organizations
know that you are interested in receiving information
about the educational and financial aid opportunities
they offer. Colleges, universities, and scholarship
programs that request it will receive information you
provide to the College Board. They will NOT receive
your actual test scores or telephone numbers. If you
do not answer and previously opted in to participate
in this service, the College Board will continue
providing your information. . . .
If you marked “Yes” and would also like to receive
information from these organizations via email, print
your email address in the spaces provided in Section
7b. By providing your email address, you are also
granting the College Board and National Merit
Scholarship Corporation permission to contact you
via email. Indicate if this is your email address or a
parent’s/guardian’s address. . . .
In section 5, fill in the circle for Social Security Number
and enter your 9-digit Social Security number, starting
with the first column to the left. If you do not have a
Social Security number, cannot remember it, or do not
wish to give it, leave this section blank. Do not enter any
number other than your Social Security number. . . .
Are there any questions?
Section 6
If you are testing students ONLY from YOUR school, say:
In Section 6a, enter our school code, __________. . . .
In Section 6b, enter our school name and address. . . .
Fill in the “Yes” circle in 6c. . . . Your score report will
be sent to our school.
If you are testing students from other schools as well as
students from your school, give the former their school codes
and check that they enter the codes correctly. Say:
Students who attend this school should enter our
school code, __________, in Section 6a. . . . In ­Section
6b, print our school name and address. . . .
Fill in the “Yes” circle in 6c. . . .
Students from other schools should complete
­Sections 6a and 6b for the schools they regularly
attend. Enter your school’s code, name, and address.
If you do not know your school’s code, raise your
hand. . . . Fill in the “No” circle in 6c and enter this
school’s name, city, and state. . . . Your score report
will be sent to the school you regularly attend.
Sections 8 – 10
Complete Sections 8, 9, 10a, and 10b. Mark only one
circle for each item. . . . Are there any questions?
Students who do not know their exact grade average should
give their best estimates in Section 8. The primary
use of Section 9 is for research to ensure that the tests are
fair for all groups. For this reason, it is important that
students complete this section, but those who do not wish
to respond to Section 9 may omit it.
Code numbers for use in completing Sections 11 and 12 are
printed on the back of the regular-type and large-type test
books. If a student is using another test format (e.g., Braille,
cassette, or reader’s script), refer to the regular-type test book
that was sent for your reference and assist students individually
to complete Sections 11 and 12. Students with visual disabilities
may also need assistance with reading the code lists.
If you are testing one or more home-schooled students, give
them the home-schooled codes for their states of residence
and check that the numbers are entered correctly in Section
6a. You will find home-school code numbers on page 32 of
the PSAT/NMSQT Supervisor’s Manual. In 6b, students should
print their state and the words “home school” on the line for
“School Name.” In Section 6c, they should answer “No” and
give the name and address of your school.
Section 6d
Sections 11 – 12
Unless the PSAT/NMSQT Administrator has provided you
with specific instructions for Section 6d, say:
Now turn your test book over so you can answer
Sections 11 and 12. Section 11 asks your religious
preference. This will not be included in any reports. It
Make no marks in Section 6d, “­Optional Code.”
address has a slash mark or hyphen, fill in the
corresponding slash mark or hyphen circle. Be sure to
complete your five-digit ZIP code in Section 18. Raise
your hand if you have any questions. . . .
will be used only by the Student Search Service for
helping students interested in receiving information
from colleges and universities with religious affiliations
similar to their own. Refer to the back of your test book
for the appropriate code. Print the code number in
Section 11 and fill in the corresponding circles. . . .
Codes for students with mailing addresses in U.S. ­territories
and countries other than the United States are listed on
page 31 of the PSAT/NMSQT Supervisor’s Manual. For these
students, say:
Students may omit Section 11 if they do not wish to provide
this information.
If your home mailing address is in a U.S. territory or
country other than the United States or Puerto Rico,
here are instructions for Sections 18 and 19. Enter
your ZIP or postal code in Section 18. . . .
In Section 19, enter the country code number
I will give you now and fill in the appropriate
circles. . . . Print the name of the country on the line
provided. . . .
Also use the back of the test book for Section 12. Find
the college major that most interests you. Print
the code number in Section 12 and fill in the
corresponding circles. . . .
Monitor this procedure carefully to be sure that students do
not open test books. Allow adequate time for students to
complete the section. Encourage students to select a major so
that they will receive relevant information in My College
QuickStart™. Then say:
Instructions for students with APO/FPO addresses:
Sections 13 – 14
Turn your answer sheet over to page 4. . . . Read the
directions above Section 15 carefully. In Section 15,
Street Address, enter your box number or other
designation. In 16, city, enter APO or FPO. In 17, State,
fill in the circle for AA, AE, or AP. In 18, enter your ZIP
code. Do not enter a country code in Section 19. . . .
Open your answer sheet and go to page 2. . . . Section
13 relates to the National Merit Scholarship Program
conducted by National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
Complete all parts of Section 13; if you omit a part,
NMSC cannot determine if you meet requirements
to enter the scholarship program.
In Section 13a, fill in the “Yes” circle if you are
enrolled as a high school student (traditional or
homeschooled). . . . In Section 13b, fill in the circle
next to the year in which you will complete or leave
high school and enroll full time in college. For
example, eleventh graders who are planning to
complete high school and enter college in 2016 should
code 2016. Tenth graders should code the year in
which they will complete high school, which in most
cases will be 2017. . . . In Section 13c, fill in the circle
next to the number of years you expect to spend in
grades 9 through 12. If you spend one year in each
grade, you will c­ omplete high school in four years. . . .
In Section 13d, if you are a United States citizen, fill
in the “Yes” circle. If you are not a U.S. citizen, fill in
the “No” circle that applies to you. . . .
The space reserved for Section 14 has been
intentionally left blank. Do not make any additional
marks on page 2.
Section 20 will be completed after the test. Then say (and
Certification Statement
NOTE: As you direct test-takers to complete the Certification Statement in the following script, do not assist them
or supply visual aids for cursive writing.
Open your answer sheet to page 2. (If you are using
the large-block answer sheet, turn to page 10.) Fold it
back and find the Certification Statement. . . . Copy
the requested statement in cursive writing (not print).
If you are not sure how to write in script, do the best you
can. The statement must be made in your own
handwriting style, and it is required. If you don’t
complete it, your scores may be delayed or canceled.
The quality of your writing will not be evaluated, nor
will it affect your score. . . . Sign your full name as you
would on an official document. Next to your
signature, print your name and enter today’s date. . . .
By signing, you are agreeing to the following
conditions: You will not, under any circumstances,
take any test questions from the testing room, give
them to anyone, or discuss them with anyone through
any means, including, but not limited to, email, text
messages, or the Internet.
Sections 15 – 19
Now, close your answer sheet and turn to page 4.
Carefully read the directions in the shaded box above
Section 15. . . .To receive mail from scholarship
programs, colleges and universities, and to be able to
access My College QuickStart online, you must fill in
the address circles correctly. Include your apartment
number in 15, if you have one. If necessary, use the
address abbreviations at the bottom of your answer
sheet. Indicate a space in your address by leaving a blank
box and filling in the corresponding diamond. If your
Walk around the room and ensure that all students are writing
the Certification Statement (even if they are approved to write
answers in their test books). Also check to make sure students
enter only the date the test is being administered.
Students who are not able to write the Certification Statement may print or leave it blank. If possible, they should still
sign their names and indicate the date.
Do not open your test book (turn on your cassette
player) or make any marks on your answer sheet until
I tell you to do so. If you want scratch paper, ask for
it now.
Students may only test with accommodations if the
accommodations were approved by the College Board prior
to test day. Your school’s SSD Coordinator should provide you
with the Nonstandard Administration Report (NAR) of
approved students, as created at Only
students who have been approved for accommodations by the
College Board can test with accommodations.
This section contains specific instructions for administering
script, cassette, or Braille formats of the test. The standard
PSAT/NMSQT Supervisors Manual is used for students testing
with regular and large print formats of the exam. Read aloud
the ­directions printed within the boxes. (Read italicized text
in parentheses, as appropriate.) Read slowly enough to give
­students or their writers time to fill in the identifying
information. P
­ ause wherever four dots appear to allow students
time to follow instructions. ­Instructions outside boxes are for
you and your ­assistants and should not be read aloud. Do not
deviate from these directions or answer any questions
regarding the content of the test.
Throughout the scripts on pages 10–13, instructions about
section timing are provided for standard time, 50% extended
time, and 100% extended time. Be sure to read appropriate
section timing instructions for the amount of time for which
each student has been approved as indicated on the NAR.
When you are ready to begin, welcome the students to the
PSAT/NMSQT administration and help them feel as much at
ease as possible within the guidelines for maintaining security and order. If you have extra calculators, ask if any student
needs one. Then say:
NOTE: Some students may have additional testing aids
on their desks, such as highlighters or talking calculators,
only if the accommodations were approved through the
eligibility process.
Check that every student or writer has a No. 2 (soft-lead)
pencil. Give scratch paper to any student who requests it. Make
sure that no one opens a test book or turns on a cassette
player until told to do so.
To maintain security, you may need to move students whose
calculators have large (characters of 1 inch or more) or raised
displays that might be visible to other test-takers.
Food and beverages, including bottled water, are prohibited
unless approved for medical reasons.
Proctors should circulate to see that students have only
No. 2 pencils and erasers on their desks.
Note: Students should not be dismissed from testing if
they use a mechanical pencil; however, they should be
warned that their marks may not score properly.
Then say:
Print your name on the front of your test book. . . .
To facilitate return of test books with score reports in
December, you may want students to put additional information (e.g., counselor’s name; address if home-schooled)
under their name on the test book covers.
If a student is using a Braille, cassette, or reader’s script
format, print the student’s name and any other identifying
information on the front cover of the accompanying regulartype test book.
If you are testing students from other schools, ask them to
write their school name below their name on the test book.
Then read aloud the following directions.
Now, listen carefully to the test regulations and
instructions I must read. You may use a fourfunction, scientific, or graphing calculator to answer
math questions. You may not share a calculator with
another student at any time during the test administration or during breaks. Each math question can
be answered without a calculator.
You can be dismissed from the test and your scores
can be canceled if you use prohibited materials, share
calculators, disobey test instructions, or engage in
misconduct during testing or breaks. You are not
permitted to use cell phones or other prohibited
devices at any time during the test. Now remove everything from your desk except your test book, answer sheet, pencils, and erasers. Close all bags and
backpacks and put them under your desk until the
test is over and you are dismissed. At this time, if you
still have a cell phone, MP3 player, handheld computer, or any other electronic device in your possession, you must completely power it off and place it
under your desk. If your watch has an alarm, please
make sure it is turned off. If you are seen using any
of these devices, or the devices make any sound (ringing or vibrating) during testing or breaks, you will
be asked to leave and your answer sheet will not be
submitted. The test begins with a critical reading
section, so you will not need your calculator. Please
place your calculator under your desk.
Look at the top right corner of your test book cover.
You will see a small box labeled “Form” with an
accompanying letter (W, S, or A). Now find the box
labeled “Form” in the top right corner of your answer
sheet. The letter there should match the letter on your
test book cover. . . . If the test forms are not identical,
raise your hand. (If you are using the large-block
answer sheet, in the box at the top right of page 1,
indicate the format[s] of the test your are taking. . . .
Then, indicate the “Form” [W, S, or A] that appears
on the top right corner on the front cover of your test
book [cassette case]). . . .
Reminder: Regular-type, large-type, and reader’s script
formats are available for both Wednesday, October 15, and
Saturday, October 18. Please make sure that you are administering Form W on Wednesday or Form S on Saturday. If
there is a discrepancy, call College Board SSD (see front
cover) before proceeding with the test. Also, to ensure
proper scoring, please make sure that students using a largeblock answer sheet have checked the correct Form box.
See instructions on page 24 of the PSAT/NMSQT Supervi­
sor’s Manual if any student’s answer sheet and test book do
not match.
Find the page with instructions for the appropriate format:
reader’s script, page 9; cassette, page 9; Braille, page 10.
Reader’s script
Please note that each reader may read to only one student
during the test. When a student requires a reader to dictate
test questions, a script is sent for the reader. A regular-type
test is also sent for the reader’s use as a reference. Supplemental test materials (regular-type or large-type test book or book
of Braille math graphs and figures), if approved and ordered,
are also provided for the student’s use.
Students can answer questions in the critical reading and
writing skills sections on the basis of the information given
in the script alone. When questions in the mathematics
sections refer to figures, students may refer to either the
regular-type or large-type test or to the book of Braille math
graphs and figures. Students who use readers in conjunction
with other formats will find that the two texts differ slightly
since the script describes the figures in greater detail.
However, this difference should not present any problems.
If a student does not read Braille but chooses to use the book
of Braille math graphs and figures, you should be prepared to
help the student understand the figures since all labels and
numbers in that book are in Braille. Labels and numbers
given with figures can be found in corresponding locations in
both the regular-type and large-type tests.
If a student is using a reader, say:
You may use the scratch paper I distributed, and you
may write in the test book, but you will not receive
credit for anything you write there. To receive credit,
you must mark your responses on the answer sheet
(or type them, or dictate them to a writer).
If a student is using a writer, say:
If you are using a writer, your answers will be recorded
as you dictate them, and any corrections will be made
as you direct. If you want to review your work, your
answers will be read to you. If you need to use scratch
paper to work out math problems, the writer will
record on the scratch paper what you dictate.
Read the following to all students.
For each correct answer, you will receive one point. For
questions you omit, you will receive no points. For
each wrong answer to multiple-choice questions, you
will lose a quarter of a point.
If you can e­ liminate one or more choices as wrong,
you increase your chances of choosing the correct
answer and earning one point. If you can’t eliminate
any choices, move on. You can return to the question
later if there is time.
Mark your answer in the appropriate space on the
answer sheet to receive credit for your response.
Check to see that the number on the answer sheet
and the number of the question match. Give only one
answer to each question. If you erase, do so
Whenever you are not working on a mathematics
section, place your calculator under your desk. Raise
your hand during the test if your test book or answer
sheet is defective.
If you become ill during the test and/or must leave
before all sections are administered, you may ask me
to destroy your answer sheet before you leave. Otherwise, it will be submitted for scoring. Are there any
questions? . . .
You may work on only one section at a time, and
you must work on the sections in the order in which
they appear in the test. When you stop work on a
section, you may check your work on that section,
but you may not turn back to any other section.
Do you have any questions about testing procedures?
If you are reading the script to a student, please read
questions as often as requested. It is important to
read only what is in the script. Do not provide
elaboration beyond what is in the script, even if the
student asks for it. Do you have any questions?
Turn to page 10 and continue at the asterisk ( ).
Whenever possible, students should use earphones. If earphones are not available, there should be only one student to
a testing room.
A regular-type test book is sent for your use as a reference.
Supplemental test materials (regular-type or large-type test
book or book of Braille math graphs and figures), if approved
and ordered, are also provided for the student’s use.
You should be thoroughly familiar with the operation of the
cassette player and should be prepared to assist students as
needed. In addition to a simple start-stop mechanism and
volume control, the player must have fast-forward and
reverse capability to enable the student to review questions.
The player should be one that actually plays the tape when
operated in fast forward or reverse (cue/review), so the student
can hear the tone indexers (beeps) at the beginning of certain
directions, questions, reading passages, and paragraphs
within the passages. The beeps help the student find information and locate the beginning of each question.
Students can answer questions in the critical reading and
writing skills sections on the basis of the information given
on the cassette alone. When questions in the math sections
refer to figures, students may refer to the print version of the
test that was sent with the cassette. Some students were
Answer all questions about testing procedures.
approved to use the Braille math graphs and figures. Students
who use the cassette in conjunction with other formats will
find that the narrative on the cassette differs slightly from the
written text (the tape describes the figures in greater detail).
However, this difference should not present any problems.
If a student does not read Braille but chooses to use the book
of Braille math graphs and figures, you should be prepared to
help the student understand the figures since all labels and
numbers in that book are in Braille. Labels and numbers
given with figures can be found in corresponding locations in
both the regular-type and large-type test books.
After you have answered all questions about procedures, say:
beginning in cell 5. Each answer choice begins in cell
3, with runovers beginning in cell 5.
The mathematics sections are in the 1972 revised
Nemeth Code.
If you are using a Braille device to record your
answers, it is not necessary to capitalize your answer
Do you have any questions? . . .
Magnifier/magnifying machine
Some students may be approved to use a magnifier or
magnifying machine. Magnifiers/magnifying machines must
not have any capabilities for recording, storage, snapshot and/
or transmission of data, images, text, or other information.
The magnifier/magnifying machine may not be connected to
any network, and must not be used to remove test questions
from the room. All unapproved aids and/or assists are not
allowed and must be disabled.
The test is recorded on multiple cassettes. You will
be given one cassette at a time. The first cassette
contains the introductory test directions. While listening to this portion of the tape, you will be able to
adjust the volume and become accustomed to the
narrator’s voice.
As the narrator will explain, the tapes c­ ontain
tone-indexing, that is, beeping sounds of ­varying
lengths and frequencies as guides. Each question
number is preceded by two short beeps. New d
­ irections
are introduced by two long beeps. In the critical
reading sections, one long beep introduces a passage.
Each paragraph within a passage is preceded by one
short beep. Sentences in which substitutions of words
or phrases are made are read in their e­ ntirety with each
Turn on the player and insert the cassette so that
Section 1, Side 1, is facing up. . . . Listen to the introduction and adjust the volume. Stop the player when
the introduction is completed. . . .
Answer any additional questions about procedures. To all
The PSAT/NMSQT has five sections. The standard
amount of time is 25 minutes each for Sections 1 to
4, and 30 minutes for Section 5.
If you have been approved for extended time, I
will tell you your approved amount of time before
each section.
There will be a 5-minute break after Section 2 and
a short stretch break after Section 4. You may not
access a phone during the breaks. Cell phones must
remain under your desks, turned off.
When students have adjusted the volume and have had
­sufficient time to listen to the introduction, say:
Before each section, remind students of how much time they
will have on that section. Be sure students understand that
sections are timed separately and that they do not have an
unlimited amount of testing time.
You may stop, start, or rewind the tape as needed.
Once you have begun a new section, however, you
may not return to a previous section. Do you have
any questions? . . .
Tell students whether they have standard time, 50% extended
time, or 100% extended time on this section. To all students,
say (and demonstrate):
After you have answered all questions, distribute supplemental materials (regular-type or large-type test book or book of
Braille math graphs and figures).
Open your answer sheet to page 2. (If you are using
the large-block answer sheet, turn to page 10.)
The standard time for Section 1 is 25 minutes.
If you have been approved for 50% extended time,
you will have 38 minutes to complete Section 1.
If you have been approved for 100% extended time,
you will have 50 minutes to complete Section 1.
If you finish before time is called, you may check
your work on Section 1, but do not turn to any other
Continue at the asterisk ( ) on this page.
To supplement each Braille test, a reader’s script and a regulartype test book have been sent for your use as a reference.
Each student should have a copy of the Guide to the Nemeth
Code and the Braille Reference Information to use with math
After you have answered all questions about procedures, say:
At the start time, say:
The Braille test is divided into three books. You will
be given one book at a time. The critical reading and
writing skills sections are in Contracted (or grade 2)
Braille. Each question begins in cell 1, with runovers
Now we are ready to begin the test. Open your test
book to Section 1, carefully read the directions, and
50% Extended time
50% Extended time
Start time
Stop time
Stop time
5-minute break
100% Extended time
Start time
100% Extended time
Start time
Stop time
Start time
Stop time
5-minute break
Post the appropriate start and stop times. Use the chart on
page 15 for stop times. Walk around the room frequently
to make sure that all students are working on the correct section of the test, marking answers in the appropriate section of
the answer sheet, and using calculators on mathematics
sections only. Printed across the top of each page in the test
book are section numbers similar to those printed above.
A “no-calculator” symbol (a calculator with a slash mark across
it) appears at the top of the pages in non-mathematics
sections. Be alert and attentive at all times while students are
testing and during breaks; do not read, grade papers, or perform any other activity not directly related to administering
the test. If there is no visible clock, announce the time remaining for each test section at regular intervals to help students
pace themselves.
Post the appropriate start and stop times.
At the appropriate stop time for each group, say:
Stop. Put your pencil down. Put your answer sheet in
your test book and close the book. Remove your
calculator from your desk. You will now have a few
minutes to stretch. Do not discuss test questions
during the break or leave the testing room without
Collect Sections 1 and 2 from those students using a cassette
or Braille book.
Allow a 5-minute rest break between Sections 2 and 3.
If students ask, they may go to the restroom, but under no
circumstances should unsupervised groups of test-takers be
allowed to leave the room. Ensure that students do not leave
the test room without permission, that test materials are not
removed from the room, and that students do not look at the
test, access a phone, or refer to unauthorized aids during the
break. Proctors should monitor restrooms and halls, but do
not leave a test room or test materials unattended. Recheck
the ID of any student who left the room for break and is not
known to you.
At the appropriate stop time for each group, say:
Stop. Put your pencil down. If you have a calculator,
put it on your desk. You may not share a calculator
with anyone else. . . .
Tell students whether they have standard time, 50% extended
time, or 100% extended time on this section, then say:
You are not required to solve math questions in your
head; you may use a calculator and do scratch work
in the test book. Mark all your answers in Section 2
of your answer sheet. You will not receive credit for
an answer written only in the test book. The standard time for Section 2 is 25 minutes.
If you have been approved for 50% extended time,
you will have 38 minutes to complete Section 2.
If you have been approved for 100% extended time,
you will have 50 minutes to complete Section 2.
Work only on Section 2.
After five minutes, say:
Please sit down, but do not open your test book
yet. . . . Make sure your calculator is removed from
your desk.
Tell students whether they have standard time, 50% e­ xtended
time, or 100% extended time on this section, then say:
Keeping your test book closed, take your answer sheet
out. . . . Find Section 3 of your answer sheet. . . . The first
answer space is for critical reading question 25. . . .
The standard time for Section 3 is 25 minutes.
If you have been approved for 50% extended time,
you will have 38 minutes to complete Section 3.
At the appropriate start time for each group, say:
Turn to Section 2 of your test book, carefully read the
directions, and begin.
At the appropriate start time for each group, say:
If you have been approved for 100% extended time,
you will have 50 minutes to complete Section 3.
Work only on Section 3.
Open your test book to Section 4, carefully read the
directions, and begin.
Distribute Sections 3 and 4 to those students using a cassette
or Braille book.
At the appropriate start time for each group, say:
50% Extended time
Open your test book to Section 3, carefully read the
directions, and begin.
Start time
Stop time
1-minute break
100% Extended time
50% Extended time
Start time
Start time
Stop time
Stop time
1-minute break
100% Extended time
Post the appropriate start and stop times.
At the appropriate stop time for each group, say:
Start time
Stop time
Stop. Put your pencil down. Put your answer sheet in
your test book and close the book. Remove your
calculator from your desk. You will now have a minute to stretch.
Post the appropriate start and stop times.
At the appropriate stop time for each group, say:
Stop. Put your pencil down.
Collect Sections 3 and 4 from those students using a cassette
or Braille book.
Tell students whether they have standard time, 50% ­extended
time, or 100% extended time on this section, then say:
Allow a 1-minute stretch break between Sections 4 and 5.
After a minute, say:
Place your calculator on your desk . You may not share
a calculator with anyone else. . . . Turn your answer
sheet over and find Section 4. (Turn to page 15 of the
large-block answer sheet.). . . .
The first answer space in Section 4 is for math
question 21. This section contains two types of math
questions. Questions 21 to 28 are multiple choice.
Questions 29 to 38 have no answer choices. Instead,
you must solve the problems and record your answers
in a grid on your answer sheet. For these questions,
there is no deduction for a wrong answer. You may
use a calculator and do scratch work in the test book,
but to receive credit for your answers, you must fill
in the appropriate spaces in the grid on your answer
sheet. You will not receive credit for an answer written only in the test book.
The standard time for Section 4 is 25 minutes.
If you have been approved for 50% extended time,
you will have 38 minutes to complete Section 4.
If you have been approved for 100% extended time,
you will have 50 minutes to complete Section 4.
Work only on Section 4.
Please sit down but do not open your test book
yet. . . . Make sure your calculator is removed from
your desk. . . .
Tell students whether they have standard time, 50% ­extended
time, or 100% extended time on this section, then say:
Keeping your test book closed, take your answer sheet
out. . . . Find Section 5 of your answer sheet. . . . This
is the writing skills section.
The standard time for Section 5 is 30 minutes.
If you have been approved for 50% extended time,
you will have 45 minutes to complete Section 5.
If you have been approved for 100% extended time,
you will have 60 minutes to complete Section 5.
Work only on Section 5. No one may leave until
Distribute Section 5 to those students using a cassette or
Braille book.
At the appropriate start time for each group, say:
If there is a discrepancy, check to see if answer sheets are
in the test books. Check each student’s answer sheet to ensure
the ID information has been completed. It is critical to check
that school codes and grade levels have been filled in correctly
to ensure accurate reporting and billing.
If you held a preadministration session and there are
students in the room who did not participate, ask them to fill
in identifying information on page 1, Section 13 on page 2,
and page 4 of their answer sheet now. (Students with large-block
answer sheets should fill in pages 1 to 9.) See page 19 of the
PSAT/NMSQT Supervisor’s Manual for directions. Other
students may be dismissed.
Open your test book to Section 5, carefully read the
directions, and begin.
50% Extended time
Start time
Stop time
Before dismissing students, say:
100% Extended time
Remember, you may not take any questions from the
testing room, give them to anyone, or discuss them
with anyone through any means, including email, text
messages, or the Internet. Doing so may result in the
cancellation of your scores.
Start time
Stop time
Post the appropriate start and stop times.
At the appropriate stop time for each group, say:
This test administration is now over. You will receive
your score report and be able to access your online
My College QuickStart account in December. If I
have your answer sheet and test book, you are now
dismissed. Please gather all of your belongings. Thank
you for your cooperation.
Stop. Put your pencil down. . . . Close your test book.
Close your answer sheet and turn it to page 4. (Turn
to page 9 of the large-block answer sheet.) Find Section
20, Special Questions.
After the test:
Section 20
• If answer sheets are not packaged and returned on the same
Section 20 contains space for two research questions.
Your responses will not affect your scores in any way.
For question Q1, fill in the “Y” circle if you plan to
take the SAT in 11th or 12th grade; otherwise, fill in
the “N” circle.
day that the test is given, they must be kept in a locked area
at your school (in a place accessible only to the supervisor)
until they are returned to the PSAT/NMSQT Program.
• If you have chosen the Saturday test date for your school
and also administered the Wednesday test to students with
SSD accommodations, keep all Wednesday test materials
in a locked area in your school until after dismissal of
students tested on Saturday. Then immediately return all
­materials from both the Wednesday and Saturday tests.
For question Q2, fill in the “Y” circle if you were aware
that your PSAT/NMSQT scores can help you find out
which AP® courses you may be ready to take now. If
not, fill in the “N” circle. Leave the circles blank if
you do not know. . . . When you are done, put your
pencil down. . . . Turn your answer sheet back to
page 1. Keep your answer sheet separate from your
test book.
•If a student used a writer to record answers, check that
the machine-scannable answer sheet has been completed
• If a student’s approved accommodations include recording
Using your answer sheet, demonstrate the correct side to place
face up. Then say:
responses with a Braille device, or writing a­ nswers in the
test book, transfer responses to a machine-scannable answer
We will now collect an answer sheet and a test book
from each of you. Sit quietly and do not talk.
• Clip the test book, Braille pages, and scratch paper to the
student’s answer sheet and give them to the supervisor with
the other test materials. Note: Braille books should not be
Collect all test materials individually from each student,
including any Braille pages, and any scratch paper. Verify by
count that you have all test books, cassettes, supplemental
materials, and an answer sheet for each student. For the Braille
and cassette formats, be sure that you have a complete set of
books or cassettes for each student.
• Give all test books and cassettes (used and unused), answer
sheets, Braille paper, and scratch paper to the supervisor.
•Report unusual circumstances or irregularities to the
• Complete the NAR to confirm accommodations given and
provide it to the supervisor.
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)
PSAT/NMSQT Nonstandard Administration Report (NAR)
If your school’s SSD Coordinator cannot print the up-to-date NAR from SSD Online, you may use this blank form.
School Code: School Name:
Supervisor’s Name: Title:
Telephone Number: Email Address:
Fax Number:
Supervisor’s Signature:
Student’s Name: Grade:
SSD Code: Administration Date:
/ /
College Board Approved Accommodation(s): Student’s Name: Grade:
SSD Code: Administration Date:
/ /
College Board Approved Accommodation(s): Student’s Name: Grade:
SSD Code: Administration Date:
/ /
College Board Approved Accommodation(s): Student’s Name: Grade:
SSD Code: Administration Date:
/ /
College Board Approved Accommodation(s): Student’s Name: Grade:
SSD Code: Administration Date:
College Board Approved Accommodation(s): 14
/ /
Section Timing Chart
Note: All times are “minutes after the hour.”
SSD — Extended Time Testing
50% Extended Time
Start Time
Stop time for a
(Sections 1–4)
Stop time for a
(Section 5)
Stop time for a Stop time for a
Start Time (Sections 1–4)
(Section 5)
100% Extended Time
Stop time for a Stop time for a
(Sections 1–4)
(Section 5)
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