Volume 25 No. 7 22 April Published by the Tustin Unified School District Orange County National College Fair Anaheim Convention Center, Hall E 800 W. Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802 714/765-8950 Saturday, April 22, 2012, 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. March 2012 Famous ‘Rejects’ Warren Buffett Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Before They Were Titans, Moguls and Newsmakers These People Were... Rejected At College Admission Time After Harvard Business School said no, everything ‘I thought was a crushing event at the time, has turned out for the better.’ Lessons in Thin Envelopes Had she not been rejected by Harvard, she doubts she would have entered television journalism. By SUE SHELLENBARGER, the wall street Journal Meredith Vieira ‘Today’ show co-host Lee Bollinger Few events arouse more teenage angst than the springtime arrival of college rejection letters. With next fall’s college freshman class expected to approach a record 2.9 million students, hundreds of thousands of applicants will soon be receiving the dreaded letters. Teenagers who face rejection will be joining good company, including Nobel laureates, billionaire philanthropists, university presidents, constitutional scholars, best-selling authors and other leaders of business, media and the arts who once received college or graduateschool rejection letters of their own. Both Warren Buffett and “Today” show host Meredith Vieira say that while being rejected by the school of their dreams was devastating, it launched them on a path to meeting life-changing mentors. Harold Varmus, winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine, says getting rejected twice by Harvard Medical School, where a dean advised him to enlist in the military, was soon forgotten as he plunged into his studies at Columbia University’s med school. For other college rejects, from Sun Microsystems co-founder Scott McNealy and entrepreneur Ted Turner to broadcast journalist Tom Brokaw, the turndowns were minor footnotes, just ones they still remember and will talk about. Rejections aren’t uncommon. Harvard accepts only a little more than 7% of the 29,000 undergraduate applications it receives each year, and Stanford’s acceptance rate is about the same. “The truth is, everything that has happened in my life...that I thought was a crushing event at the time, has turned out for the better,” Mr. Buffett says. With the exception of health problems, he says, setbacks teach “lessons that carry you along. You learn that a temporary defeat is not a permanent one. In the end, it can be an opportunity.” (continued on the back page) Columbia University president To ‘allow other people’s assessment of you to determine your own self-assessment is a very big mistake.’ Harold Varmus Nobel laureate in medicine Rejected twice by Harvard’s medical school. One dean there chastised him and advised him to enlist in the military. Ted Turner Entrepreneur Rejected by Princeton and Harvard. ‘I want to be sure to make this point: I did everything I did without a college degree.’ John Schlifske President of Northwestern Mutual Lesson he learned from Yale’s rejection helped him years later counsel his son, Dan, who was rejected by Duke. Tom Brokaw Broadcast journalist Harvard rejection prompted him to settle down and stop partying. ‘The initial stumble was critical in getting me launched.’ Make the Most of Spring Break College Visits Thinking about swinging by a few college campuses over spring break? I spoke with Don Fraser Jr., director of education and training at the National Association for College Admission Counseling, about how to make the most out of your visit. Planning Planning is critical. Research ahead of time to learn all you can about the colleges you want to visit. Write down what stood out, take notes, and bring them along so you know what questions to ask. Look closely at the calendar and find out when tours are offered. If you have time and the college offers it, stay overnight to get a richer sense of the atmosphere on campus. Attitude Have an open mind when visiting a campus. “Don’t put too much stock in any one piece of information from a friend or website,” says Fraser. “Try to go into the visit as objective as possible.” There can be a lot of emotions going into a visit—maybe the student is being pushed to go, the weather might be bad, etc. Pay attention to those gut feelings and realize that might cloud your impression of the college. Registration Increasingly, schools flooded with applications are looking to see if you’ve been interested enough to visit their campus and weigh that in the admissions process. Be sure to fill out a form when you visit so there is a record of your being there. Look beyond the buildings Set up meetings. If you want to know more about a certain department, contact t us t i n un i f i e d s c h o o l d i s t r i c t someone ahead of time for a meeting or to sit in on a class. Interviewing with the admissions office on a visit varies widely by school, says Fraser. Don’t just ask for a meeting for “strategy sake,” but if it’s someplace you really want to go, ask about a meeting. Look beyond the buildings. “When people are being paraded through on a tour or wandering aimlessly, look at what’s posted on bulletin boards to see what’s happening,” says Fraser. Pick up the student newspaper and check out the police blotter to get a handle on the crime. Talk to students, other than the tour guide, about the school. “Students are usually willing, ... and it can be pretty revealing,” he says. Develop a Strategy For many students, there are two or three schools that have risen to the top of their list that they want to check out first. If you can’t do lots of traveling, at least visit a large and a small school and one in rural, suburban, and urban settings to make some comparisons. There are also virtual tours online. Keep Track How To Succeed Academically In High School The key is strong study skills. It is important to develop and maintain good study skills throughout your high school career. Here are just a few suggestions to start your year off well and help you keep up with your studies. ››Use an assignment notebook or daily planner every day to keep track of homework, tests, quizzes, and grades. ›› Keep a separate notebook and folder for each of your classes. ››Pay attention in class and take good notes. These notes will be very important in helping you study for midterm and final exams. ››Participate in class discussions. This will keep you focused on the topic at hand, and show your teacher that you care about learning. ››Always ask questions if you need something clarified. If you cannot get your question answered during class time, make some time to speak with the teacher after class. Go for extra help whenever you are struggling in a class. Your teachers are regularly available after school to help you. Not only will you get your questions answered and get you started on your homework, but it will show your teacher that you care about his/her class. ››Save all of your old tests and quizzes and keep them organized. These, too, will help you with tests and final exams. ››Do all your homework. In addition to assignments to be handed in, you should review your notes and do all required readings. On average, you should have one hour of homework per class every night. In reality, you should never have a night without homework! After a week of hopping from one campus to the next, they can all blur together, so jot down some notes and snap a few photos to remember what you liked, suggests Fraser. Exerpted from an article by Caralee Adams 2 MARCH 2012 Want to Know the Likelihood a College Will Accept You? There’s an App for That! There’s an app for just about everything these days, so it’s about time that there’s one that will help students determine how likely they are to be admitted at their school of choice. The Facebook application, AdmissionSplash, asks students to submit a personal profile including quantitative and qualitative characteristics, such as test scores, grades and extra-curricular activities, which colleges consider when making admissions decisions. Then the program enters that information into a complex algorithm to predict the student’s chance of getting into any of the 1,500 colleges currently included. According to tests conducted at UCLA and NYU, AdmissionSplash founders looked at three sets of students – 88 and 73 from UCLA and 75 from NYU – and found that the app was able to accurately predict admissions decisions for 85, 91 and 97 percent from each group, respectively. AdmissionSplash co-founder Allen Gannett views the application as a morepersonalized college guide book, calling it “a really good tool for narrowing down your choices,” but is quick to point out that students should not rely on it as a sole indicator. Gannet believes the app will help students navigate through the stressful application process and hopes to develop a program that will predict admission chances for law, medical, business and grad school applicants. by Suada Kolovic, www.scholarships.com Fastest Growing Occupations Projected from 2008 to 2018 Occupations Percent Change New Jobs (in thousands) Wages (May 2008 median) Education/Training Category Biomedical engineers 72 11.6 $ 77,400 Bachelor’s degree Network systems & data communications analysts 53 155.8 71,100 Bachelor’s degree Home health aides 50 460.9 20,460 Short-term on-the-job training Personal and home care aides 46 375.8 19,180 Short-term on-the-job training Financial examiners 41 11.1 70,930 Bachelor’s degree Medical scientists, except epidemiologists 40 44.2 72,590 Doctoral degree Physician assistants 39 29.2 81,230 Master’s degree Skin care specialists 38 14.7 28,730 Postsecondary vocational award Biochemists and biophysicists 37 8.7 82,840 Doctoral degree Athletic trainers 37 6.0 39,640 Bachelor’s degree Physical therapist aides 36 16.7 23,760 Short-term on-the-job training Dental hygienists 36 62.9 66,570 Associate degree Veterinary technologists and technicians 36 28.5 28,900 Associate degree Dental assistants 36 105.6 32,380 Moderate-term on-the-job training Computer software engineers, applications 34 175.1 85,430 Bachelor’s degree Medical assistants 34 163.9 28,300 Moderate-term on-the-job training Physical therapist assistants 33 21.2 46,140 Associate degree Veterinarians 33 19.7 79,050 First professional degree Self-enrichment education teachers 32 81.3 35,720 Work experience in a related occupation Compliance officers, except agriculture, construction, health and safety, and transportation 31 80.8 48,890 Long-term on-the-job training t us t i n un i f i e d s c h o o l d i s t r i c t 3 MARCH 2012 SAT Preparation Classes 2011-2012 Sponsored by Assistance League of Tustin Each session consists of 6 classes: 3 math and 3 critical reading and writing classes Class Times: Wed. evenings 6:30-9 p.m. and Saturdays 9 -11:30 a.m Important Test Dates & Deadlines 2011-2012 School Year Payment: $50 per person per session. To pay online go to altustin.org Make checks payable to ALT. Write your session choice, e-mail address, and name on your check. PSAT Test Dates PSAT Test is in October Each year Register for the PSAT/NMSQT at your high school SAT & Subject Tests Dates Test Date Reg. Deadline Late Registration Drop your check in the ALT Thrift Shop mail slot at 445 El Camino Real, Tustin OR mail it to: ALT, PO Box 86, Tustin, CA 92781. ** Oct. 1, 2011 Sep. 9, 2011 Sep. 21, 2011 Nov. 5, 2011 Oct. 7, 2011 Oct. 21, 2011 Dec. 3, 2011Nov. 8, 2011Nov. 20, 2011 Jan. 28, 2012 Dec. 30, 2011 Jan. 13, 2012 March 10, 2012* Feb 10, 2012 Feb. 24, 2012 May 5, 2012 April 6, 2012 April 20, 2012 June 2, 2012 May 8, 2012 May 22, 2012 You will receive an e-mail confirmation from satpreptustin@gmail.com Arrive early on the first day of class to sign in and pick up your SAT workbook. Bring pencils, paper, and a calculator. Refreshments will be provided. (sessions 1,2, 3 and 4 are completed) Register online at www.collegeboard.com *U.S. only, Subject Tests not offered **Additional late fee required Sunday tests are administered the next day Session 5 April 14 (Sat.), 18 (Wed.), 21 (Sat.), 25 (Wed.), 28 (Sat.), May 2 (Wed.) For more information contact Jeanne Diradoorian at satpreptustin@gmail.com or (714) 335-0547. ACT Test Dates Test Date Reg. Deadline Late Registration** Sept. 10, 2011 Oct. 22, 2011 Dec. 10, 2011 Feb. 11, 2012* April 14, 2012 June 9, 2012 Aug. 12, 2011 Aug. 13-26, 2011 Sep. 16, 2011 Sep. 17-30, 2011 Nov. 4, 2011Nov. 5-18, 2011 Jan. 13, 2012 Jan. 14-20, 2012 March 9, 2012 March 10-23, 2012 May 4, 2012 May 5-18, 2012 Other Test Preparation Resources Register online at www.act.org **Additional late fee required t us t i n un i f i e d s c h o o l d i s t r i c t Eureka www.eurekareview.com 877-GO-EUREKA Princeton Review 800-273-8439 www.princetonreview.com Ivy West 800-489-9378 www.ivywest.com Revolution Prep 877-738-7737 www.revolutionprep.com Kaplan 949-756-2950 www.kaptest.com 4 MARCH 2012 Scholarships Below are just a few scholarships currently available. Visit Web sites for complete details and eligibility. For additional opportunities, search online for scholarships that best suit your personal criteria. The Santa Ana /Tustin Soroptimist International Scholarship Sponsored by Tustin Public Schools Foundation Deadline March 15, 2012 Website: www.tpsf.net Award Up to $500 Description Graduating TUSD senior female student who is in financial need. Award is to be used while pursuing higher education. Nelson Elementary Alumni Scholarship Sponsored by Jeff Chien (Nelson Elementary 2008 Teacher of the Year) in partnership with Tustin Public Schools Foundation. Deadline March 15, 2012 Website www.tpsf.net Awards Up to three $250 awards Description Awarded to a graduating senior who attended Nelson Elementary School. www.fastweb.com www.scholarships4Student.com www.gocollege.com www.scholarships101.com www.embark.com www.collegenet.com www.scholarshipproviders.org www.scholarships.com www.scholarshipExperts.com The Steve Hume Memorial Scholarship for Science Sponsored by Tustin Public Schools Foundation Deadline March 15, 2012 Website www.tpsf.net Award Up to $500 Description Graduating Tustin High School senior who has demonstrated effort and creativity that has inspired excellent achievement in science. Award to be used while pursuing higher education. Ryan Watanabe Memorial Scholarship for Scholar Athletes Sponsored by Tustin Public Schools Foundation Deadline March 15, 2012 Website www.tpsf.net Award Up to $1,000 Description Graduating Tustin High School senior athlete in financial need with a 3.0 GPA who will attend either a 2-year or a 4-year college in the upcoming fall. t us t i n un i f i e d s c h o o l d i s t r i c t Holocaust Remembrance Project Sponsored By The Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation Deadline April 19, 2012 Awards 30 Max Amount $5,000 Web site http://holocaust.hklaw.com Description This national essay contest for high school students is designed to encourage and promote the study of the Holocaust. Duck Brand Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest Sponsored by Duck Brand Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest Deadline June 13, 2012 Awards 10 Amount Up to $5,000 for winner towards the school the winner attends. Website http:/www.duckbrand.com/ Home/Promotions/stuck-at-prom.aspx Description This contest rewards individuals for creating prom attire made completely of Duck Brand tape. Each couple must submit one color photograph of the couple together in prom attire. 5 We The People 9*17 Contest Sponsored by Constituting America Deadline July 4, 2012 Awards $1,000, and a trip to a historic city Website http://www.constitutingamerica. org Description The contest categories for high school students include: compose and perform a cool song, write, direct and produce an entertaining short film or PSA, or write an essay. MARCH 2012 College Prep: Checklist for Winter 12 SenioRs Pull Your Applications Together aa Narrow your list of colleges to between five and ten and review it with your counselor. aa Get an application and financial aid info from each. 11 aa At school, sign up in September to take the PSAT/NMSQT® in October. aa Get PSAT/NMSQT tips and a free practice test. aa Take the PSAT/NMSQT in October. aa Start with you: Make lists of your abilities, preferences, and personal qualities. List things you may want to study and do in college. Visit as many as possible. Make a master calendar and note: aa Test dates, fees, and deadlines. aa College application due dates. aa Required financial aid applications deadlines. aa Your high school’s deadlines for application requests, aa Start your college search. aa Jumpstart your college planning by reading about majors and careers. aa Search college Web sites to find colleges with the right characteristics. aa Start thinking about financial aid. aa Talk to your counselor and attend college night and financial aid night at your school. Use financial aid calculators to estimate your aid eligibility and costs. such as your transcript. aa Recommendations and transcripts deadlines. aa Ask for recommendations. Give each person your resume and any required forms. aa Write application essays and ask teachers, parents, and friends to read first drafts. For Early Action or Early Decision: aaNovember 1: For early admissions, colleges may require test scores and applications in early November. Send in your SAT scores at www.collegeboard.com. aa Ask if your college offers an early estimate of financial aid eligibility. Get Financial Aid Info aa Attend financial aid info events in your area. aa Talk to your counselor about CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE®. aa Use Scholarship Search at www.collegeboard.com, 10 Social Security Number: aa You will need to obtain a Social Security number (or Resident Alien ID) to apply for college and financial aid, if you do not have one. Search for Scholarships aa Surf the Internet for scholarships. Ask your counselor for a list of scholarships. Check with local financial institutions, your parents’ employers, philanthropic organizations, and clubs for possible scholarships. Review the scholarships in each issue of the Academic Bulletin and on your school’s Web site. t us t i n un i f i e d s c h o o l d i s t r i c t SophOmorES Plan for the years ahead aa Meet with your counselor and review your schedule with him or her to make sure you’re enrolled in challenging classes that will prepare you for college. Colleges prefer four years of English, history, math, science, and a foreign language. aa Start a calendar with important test and application dates and deadlines. aa Get more involved with your extracurricular activities. aa Use College Search to find out the required courses and tests for colleges that you might be interested in attending. aa Go to college fairs in your area. Consider taking the PSAT/NMSQT® as a sophomore aa Sign up for the PSAT/NMSQT in September, which is given in October. aa Get PSAT/NMSQT tips and a free practice test. aa If you’re taking the PSAT/NMSQT, check ‘yes’ for Student Search Service® to hear about colleges and scholarships at www.collegeboard.com. review scholarship books, and ask your counselor about local and state funding sources. aa MARCH 2: Cal Grant deadline! Juniors 9 FreshmEn Plan for the years ahead aa Meet with your counselor and review your schedule with him or her to make sure you’re enrolled in challenging classes that will help you prepare for college. Colleges prefer four years of English, history, math, science, and a foreign language. aa Use College Search at www.collegeboard.com to find out the required courses and tests for colleges that you might be interested in attending. aa Start a calendar with important dates and deadlines. aa Get more involved with your extracurricular activities. aa Go to college fairs in your area. 6 MARCH 2012 (Continued from page one) Mr. Buffett regards his rejection at age 19 by Harvard Business School as a pivotal episode in his life. Looking back, he says Harvard wouldn’t have been a good fit. But at the time, he “had this feeling of dread” after being rejected in an admissions interview in Chicago, and a fear of disappointing his father. As it turned out, his father responded with “only this unconditional love...an unconditional belief in me,” Mr. Buffett says. Exploring other options, he realized that two investing experts he admired, Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, were teaching at Columbia’s graduate business school. He dashed off a late application, where by a stroke of luck it was fielded and accepted by Mr. Dodd. From these mentors, Mr. Buffett says he learned core principles that guided his investing. The lesson of negatives becoming positives has proved true repeatedly, Mr. Buffett says. He was terrified of public speaking—so much so that when he was young he sometimes threw up before giving an address. So he enrolled in a Dale Carnegie public speaking course and says the skills he learned there enabled him to woo his future wife, Susan Thompson, a “champion debater,” he says. “I even proposed to my wife during the course,” he says. “If I had been only a mediocre speaker I might not have taken it.” Columbia University President Lee Bollinger was rejected as a teenager when he applied to Harvard. He says the experience cemented his belief that it was up to him alone to define his talents and potential. His family had moved to a small, isolated town in rural Oregon, where educational opportunities were sparse. As a kid, he did menial jobs around the newspaper office, like sweeping the floor. Mr. Bollinger recalls thinking at the time, “I need to work extra hard and teach myself a lot of things that I need to know,” to measure up to other students who were “going to prep schools, and having assignments that I’m not.” When the rejection letter arrived, he accepted a scholarship to University of Oregon and later graduated from Columbia Law School. His advice: Don’t let rejections control your life. To “allow other people’s assessment of you to determine your own self-assessment is a very big mistake,” says Mr. Bollinger, a First Amendment author and scholar. “The question really is, who at the end of the day is going to make the determination about what your talents are, and what your interests are? That has to be you.” Others who received Harvard rejections include “Today” show host Meredith Vieira, who was turned down in 1971 as a high-school senior. At the time, she was crushed. “In fact, I was so devastated that when I went to Tufts [University] my freshman year, every Saturday I’d hitchhike to Harvard,” she says in an email. But Ms. Vieira went on to meet a mentor at Tufts who sparked her interest in journalism by offering her an internship. Had she not been rejected, she doubts that she would have entered the field, she says. And broadcast journalist Tom Brokaw, also rejected as a teenager by Harvard, says it was one of a series of setbacks that eventually led him to settle down, stop partying and commit to finishing college and working in broadcast journalism. “The initial stumble was critical in getting me launched,” he says. Dr. Varmus, the Nobel laureate and president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, was daunted by the first of his two turndowns by Harvard’s med school. The second time, a dean chastised him in an interview for being “inconstant and immature” and advised him to enlist in the military. Officials at Columbia’s medical school, however, seemed to value his “competence in two cultures,” science and literature, he says. ¡ Designed & edited by Beth Mehlberger & Patricia Prescott Sueme in cooperation with the TUSD 300 South C Street • Tustin, CA 92780-3695 high school counselors www.tustin.k12.ca.us Published by Academic Bulletin TUSD Communications Office The Academic Bulletin is published and distributed monthly (September through June) to high school families of the Tustin Unified School District. The newsletter has been created for the purpose of disseminating information only. No recommendation is made or intended by the editor Beckman High School PTO or distributor of this publication. Si desea recibir esta publicación en Español, por favor comuniquese con su escuela. t us t i n un i f i e d s c h o o l d i s t r i c t Sponsored by 7 Foothill High School PTO Tustin High School PTO MARCH 2012
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