PLAYERS MANUAL EUROPEAN JUNIOR U15/17 TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP 2014 8. – 11. MAY 2014 / PRAGUE TOURNAMENT STAFF Championship Director: Technical Director: Championship Referee: Tournament Office: Pavel Sladecek Thomas Troedsson Anton Pacek Jan Mutina / / / / +420 722 924 218 +46 70 555 1969 +421 917 547 283 +420 777 638 360 IMPORTANT LINKS E-mail: Website The Championships’ official website Draws + Resuts The Championships’ official result service Facebook The Championships’ facebook page: HOTEL Wellness Hotel Step Malletova 1141 (next to Sklonena street) 190 00 Praha – Libeň Tel: +420 296 786 350 VENUES Hector Sport Centre (5 courts) Malešická 655/59c, Praha 10 – Malešice Tel: +420 777 744 334 E-mail: Wellness Hotel Step (3 courts) Malletova 1141 (next to Sklonena street) 190 00 Praha – Libeň CHAMPIONSHIP ADJUDICATING PANEL (CAP) The CAP is chaired by Technical Director Thomas Troedsson and includes Championship Director Pavel Sladecek and Championship Referee Anton Pacek. The CAP will scrutinize nominations and will consider any objections lodged with the Championship Director. The CAP reserves the right to amend any squad order without formal objection. They will hear all appeals and will be responsible for adjudicating on all on-site Championship matters. The decision of the CAP will be final. REGULATIONS The Championships will be run in accordance with the rules governing the European Championships. CHAMPIONSHIP OFFICE The Championship Office in Hector Sport Centre will be open as follows: Wednesday 7th May 18:00 - 21:00 Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th May 08:00 -> 30 mins. after the last match. INFORMATION DESK An Information Desk is located in Hector Sport Centre and at the Hotel squash courts Thursday – Sunday daily during playing hours at Hector Sport Centre in connection with the Championship Office. There will be also six touch screens connected on-line to the tournamentsoftware. ACCOMMODATION The Standard package covers accommodation and meals for players, managers, coaches and supporters as submitted on the entry forms. All additional rooms booked for other nights must be paid for by the occupants. All participants must settle the bill for all their extras at the hotel reception before departure. If you need extra accommodation please contact Jan Mutina ( +420 777 638 360, ), who is handling hotel arrangement. TRANSPORTATION There will be a shuttle bus from the hotel to the venue regularly. About a schedule for the transportation covering the whole tournament will be all parties informed on arrival and on the website. Transport to the airport will leave the venue or the hotel about 150 minutes before the scheduled flight. Please, check the correctness of the departure flight details informed by your MNA’s. COSTS INCURRED All players and officials will be responsible for all extras incurred at the hotel and venue. SQUASH BALL The Dunlop PRO XX ball will be used for all matches. DOPING TESTING The ESF and The Czech Squash Association reserve the right to implement compulsory doping testing for any player participating in the Championships. The doping regulations shall be those published by the WSF. REFEREEING It will be the responsibility of the players and/or officials of the two competing teams to referee and mark the matches in the Tie. The organizer will provide referees / markers from the quarterfinals in both events U15/U17. TEAM NOMINATION The official squash playing order shall be adhered to throughout the Championships. Any player can be omitted from a Tie provided the replacement player is lower in the order of merit approved by the CAP. Unless the Chamionships Director is notified in writing at least one hour before the scheduled start of a Tie or within 10 minutes to completion of the previous Tie (whichever is the later), Managers shall be deemed to have selected their top players in the order of merit. The CAP reserves the right to allow changes to player nominations after the deadline for each Tie in exceptional circumstances. Daily team nominations must be handed in to the tournament office at Hector Centre or sent by email at least ONE hour before the tie is scheduled to begin, otherwise the top players in the order of merit shall be deemed to have been selected. It is the responsibility of each team to be ready at the advertised start time of the tie. Each nominated player must be present at the venue at the start time of the tie otherwise he/she will be withdrawn from the team. PLAYING ORDER The playing order of matches in all Ties of each day of the Championships will be drawn by the CAP and shall be posted in Tournament Office and website. EYE PROTECTION All junior players participating in the Championships must wear approved eye protection throughout practice and play. MEAL The Standard package covers the meals for players, managers, coaches and supporters as follows: Lunch (Hector Sport Centre) 11.30 -16:00 Dinner (Hector Sport Centre) 18:00 – 22:00 Breakfast will be served at the hotel every morning. CLOTHING REGULATIONS The WSF clothing and advertising regulations will be adhered to. In all matters of judgment or opinion arising from the interpretation of the regulations, the decision of the Championships Referee shall be final, except that he may not rule illegal or unacceptable an item or a design which has been approved by the WSF. PLAYERS ON COURT It is the responsibility of each team to be ready to play at the advertised start time of the tie. Every nominated player must be present at the venue at the start time for the tie. RACKET STRINGING There is a stringing service available at the venue for the entire event. This service is at the player’s own expense. For more information please enquire at the Information Desk. PRACTICE COURTS A limited number of practice courts can be booked at the Championship Office at the venue. SQUASH BAGS All squash bags should be kept under own supervision at all times. No responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage to personal items. Please do not leave any belongings in the changing rooms. MEDICAL In case of medical emergencies and/or accidents, please report immediately to the Information Desk. They will notify the proper authorities, if necessary. PHYSIO A physio will be available during match times at the Hector Sport. Physio and Kinezio Tape can be booked through the Tournament office. NEWS & COMMUNICATION Information boards The Championship’s official information board will be located at the venue. There will also be all details on the Championship website. Players and managers / coaches are asked to check the boards or website on a regular basis for updated news. Mailboxes Mailboxes for each country are situated at the venue next to the Championship Office. For smooth running of the Championships, we ask Team Managers to empty their boxes regularly. Internet There’s a free wifi in the Hector Sport Centre, but bear in mind that with a 200 players the network may become overloaded. TEAM MANAGERS’ MEETING A Team Managers’ meeting will be held 20:00 on Wednesday May 7 at Hector Sport Centre. MEDAL AWARD CEREMONY The medal award ceremony will take place on the Hector Sport Centre following the competition of the final on Sunday May 11. Players and team managers for the top three teams are expected to be present wearing team tracksuits. RULES GOVERNING THE CHAMPIONSHIPS Definition Ties are between opposing teams, matches are between individual players. Team management Upon arrival at the Championships the Team Manager shall be the official and sole representative of their team in all matters, except when an individual match has started, when the Rules of the Game shall apply. At all other times, the team manager shall act for all members of their team in receiving and giving instructions. Responsibility Players enter and play in the Championships at their own risk. Neither the ESF, the Host Association nor the Host Club will accept any responsibility for injury or other damages arising from participating in the Championships. Players may be required to sign a disclaimer to this effect. Championship timetable 1. Ties shall be played on one court per tie. 2. All ties shall be played over a period not exceeding four days. 3. The playing schedule shall be organized, where possible, to ensure that all teams have an equal rest period between ties. (The period from the start of the first tie to the start of the last tie in a Pool shall be similar for all teams in that Pool.) 4. Teams may be required to play two ties per day, in which case there shall be a minimum of four hours between the scheduled start times of each tie. 5. Both semi-final ties shall take place on the same day. 6. Each final shall be scheduled to commence at least 18 hours after the start of the latest relevant semi- finals. Scoring All matches are PAR-scoring to 11 points A – Hector Sport Centre, Malešická 655/59c, Prague 10 B – Wellness hotel Step, Malletova 1141, Prague 11 ( 2,5 km - by walk 25 min.)
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