Under 10 - Under 17 Junior State Championships

Under 10 - Under 17
State Championships
Manual for Host Clubs
NSWJRU State Championships Host Manual
1 Introduction
The following Manual has been prepared to assist Clubs to apply to host the Junior State
Championships (JSC). If you require further assistance please contact
Gary Paton
NSWJRU State Championships Project Manager
Mob: 0412 550 926
Email: grpaton@bigpond.com
2 Organisational timeline
Return of Host Nomination forms: February 28th, 2014
Checking of Host Venues:
Week of 3rd March or as
JSC hosts informed:
10th March if not already
Under 11-17 JSC commence:
Saturday 7th June
3 Host Nominations
To nominate to host an age division of the NSWJSC a prospective host club is required to fill out
and return an Application to Host JSC form (see Annexure A). Please note that the Club
President of each prospective host club has to endorse Application form.
3.1 Host criteria
Each host will meet all requirements on the NSWJSC Hosts Responsibilities checklist below. The
host must affirm their acceptance of the hosting responsibilities by signing the application form.
3.2 Hosting fee
Each host will need to forward a hosting fee by cheque, made payable to NSWJRU along with
this application.
The hosting fee for the under 10’s Carnival is $250 and for the U/11-U/13s age groups $300.
U/14s -17 age groups is $250. The hosting fee for the Grand Final matches is $400.
This fee gives the host the right to run the NSWJSC age group at their venue, the rights to run a
canteen, the right to run a raffle, but not photographic or video sponsorship rights. These rights
can be franchised from NSWJRU at a minimal cost – see point 7 below.
NSW Junior State Championships 2014
NSWJRU State Championships Host Manual
3.3 Checking of each Hosts venue
Each Host of a NSWJSC age division may be required to have a NSWJRU official view their
location prior to the given date in order to approve whether or not the host has met all those
requirements asked of them. The Host will be notified of the inspection date and time. The host
should have a representative attend the inspection to respond to any relevant questions..
3.4 Host Club Responsibilities Checklist
Yes (þ)
or no (ý)
1. Venue
a. U/11-U/17
2 grounds of equal size on both Saturday and Sunday 7 and 8 of June 2014
and Monday 9 June for the U/11s,U/12s and U/13s finals.
b. U/10s.. Minimum of 3 grounds available for Sunday 29th June.
c. U/14s – U/17s GRAND FINALS
2 grounds with suitable amenities equal to the occasion on Monday 9 of
June 2014. The main or superior field to be utilised for the Finals in the
afternoon. Both fields to be utilised in the morning for semi finals.
d. A suitable alternative venue should your first choice venue become unplayable
NOTE: All fees and charges incurred as a result of hiring the venue are borne by
the host.
2. Ground dressing
a. Goal post pads
b. Corner posts
c. 22m and half-way markers
d. Clearly marked ground (inc. 5m and 15m lines)
e. Technical Zone on each side of half way to be clearly marked for water runners
during the match. Reserve seating outside of the playing enclosure is preferable.
f. A referees section for use by referee coaches…this area to be clearly marked
and not in close proximity to technical zones or reserve seating.
g. Ground fenced or if not available, then roped off no less than 5m at corner-post
and 10m at half-way in accordance with NSWJRU Competition Rules. If there
is not more than 10m distance between the 2 fields at any part then that area
between the 2 fields should be roped off to prevent public entry.
3. Progressive scoreboard for each ground and whiteboard (or similar for prior
4. 1 identifiable adult volunteer to keep time and 1 identifiable adult volunteer to keep
score at each ground
5. 1 identifiable adult volunteer per field to ground marshall (act as Ground Manager) and
keep unauthorised persons off each field’s playing enclosure. Note that each team will
be required to supply a Ground Marshall for their match who will assist the GM
appointed by the host club.
6. 1 identifiable adult volunteer to be a venue coordinator in attendance during the
7. The ability to post all results electronically via MRA website (details to be furnished to
each venue coordinator) at conclusion of the morning and afternoon sessions.
8. The host club is to have available a stretcher, a fully equipped first aid kit, ice and a
person qualified to the minimum level of a St Johns or Red Cross first aid certificate or
NSW Junior State Championships 2014
NSWJRU State Championships Host Manual
Sports Trainer. First Aid Officer must be in attendance for the entire
tournament. Note that NSWJRU can supply First aid for metropolitan
Adequate BBQ/Canteen facilities to be available for the entire tournament.
Clean toilet facilities and at least 2 change rooms with showers.
Garbage bins as required around the venue.
2 touch judge flags, 1 stopwatch, 1 bell/hooter and 1 clipboard with pens for each
PA System at all fields
Ambulance entrance to be left clear and accessible at all times.
Host to provide a document for the Ground Officials and Managers of each Team
with details of:
Ambulance contact details
At least 2 doctors/2 medical centre contacts with after-hour numbers
The nearest public hospital and directions
Venue coordinator should have emergency contact details of local council (if ground under Council
control) and a helicopter access plan.
NSWJRU Sponsors signage to be displayed where necessary
Free parking for NSWJRU Officials (Names to be supplied.)
Presentation table and area for the U/11s, U/12 and U/13 age groups.
Grand Final Day Hosting Only
1. All items above
2. Table and presentable tablecloth for trophy display
3. Portable PA System for presentations and sponsorship announcements
3.5 Venue Audit for Compliance
NSWJRU officials will inspect each venue during the course of the NSWJSC to conduct an audit
for compliance against the above checklist. The NSWJRU officials have the authority and the
power to stop all games.
4 Draw
The draw will be released approx one week prior to the June long weekend. The start and finish
times for each day will be discussed with all host clubs.
4.1 Under 10
The under 10’s will be participating in a Development Carnival with games being played on
Sunday 29th June only. It is expected that many districts / country zones will be sending 2 teams,
with approx 20-22 teams participating.
4.2 Under 11, Under 12 and Under 13
NSW Junior State Championships 2014
NSWJRU State Championships Host Manual
Under 11s-13s will be participating in a full round of pool games and the
semis and the grand finals will be held at the same venue. All teams will
have games on the Monday morning with the Grand Finals scheduled for the afternoon.
4.3 Under 14-17
Pool matches
Grand Finals
7th, 8th June 2014
Morning of 9th June 2014
Afternoon of 9th June 2014
The Draws will be distributed as soon as possible to all participants (including hosts) via e-mail.
5 Competition Rules
The Host club agrees to conduct the tournament in accordance with the Competition Rules as
distributed by NSWJRU.
The competition rules will be distributed to all entities via email by March 8th if not before. These
are in a separate document – “2014 Competition Rules”. When released these rules can be found
on the NSWJRU website www.nswjuniors.rugbynet.com.au
6 State Championships Program
Programs will be provided by NSWJRU. Programs will be sold to each team on the basis of one
program per squad member and the costs will be included in the team entry fee. A small number
of programs will also be available for each host venue to on sell.
7 Sponsorship/Signage
NSWJRU sponsors signage must be prominently displayed at the venues when/if given to hosts,
it will be the host’s responsibility to ensure that no damage occurs to signage or any other
sponsorship materials that NSWJRU are obliged to display/erect.
NSWJRU recognises that as the professionalism of rugby union grows so too does the likelihood
of a conflict of interest arising at grounds or between unions in terms of sponsorship. Recognising
the obligations of clubs to their sponsors, a consultation process between the NSWJRU
Coordinator and the involved club will occur, should such event arise.
7.1 Ball Sponsorship
Ball sponsorship has been awarded to Spartan who will provide 2 footballs to each competing
team and also balls for the finals. It is an obligation of the host to ensure no other balls are used
during the tournament. It is an obligation of all teams to ensure that the provided Spartan balls
are the only balls used during the event.
7.2 Professional photography and video recording sponsorship
Professional photography and video recording sponsorship is a property of NSWJRU and can be
franchised on request by the host club at a sponsorship fee of $200, payable to NSWJRU. It is up
to the host club to source this sponsorship where NSWJRU does not provide an arrangement.
NSW Junior State Championships 2014
NSWJRU State Championships Host Manual
Under no circumstances will a host be able to sell the rights to
sponsorship without consultation with or payment to NSWJRU.
8 Billeting of Visiting Teams
All Sydney districts must be prepared to billet at least 1 squad (of 25 players) from the Country
or Interstate. All Country Zones hosting the championships will need to make suitable
arrangements for the billeting of Sydney or interstate teams if required.
Those teams who will require billeting must contact the NSWJRU Coordinator at least 6 weeks
prior to the beginning of the State Championships to allow sufficient time for details to be
NSW Junior State Championships 2014
NSWJRU State Championships Host Manual
Annexure A - Host club application form
Host Club:
Alternative Venue:
Contact (this person is the contact with NSWJRU):
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
DECLARATION: On behalf of
(host club), I hereby agree to abide by the
responsibilities and conditions set down in this manual and to conduct the tournament in accordance with
the NSWJRU Competition Rules.
Club President: Name:
Ground Contact on the day (if different from above):
JSC age group/s applied for (please tick box/es):
U 10
U 11
U 12
U 13
29th June
7 , 8 and 9th June
7th, 8th and 9th June
7th, 8th and 9th June
U 14-17
G F Day
8th and 9th June
10th June
Please attach your cheque to this form and post it to the NSWJRU State Championships, Attn Kerry Brady
Locked Bag 1222, Paddington, 2021 by February 28th 2014.
Alternatively scan and email form to: KBrady@nswrugby.com.au
NSW Junior State Championships 2014