World & Asian Cadet and Junior Championships training and final squad selection policy Objectives The objective of this notice is to notify all fencers on the pre-required criteria for eligibility of selection for representation in the World/Asian Cadet & Junior Championship 2015 and the associated commitment levels expected of the selected athletes. Eligibility Criteria for World Cadet & Junior Championships 2015 & Asian Cadet & Junior Championships 2015 Training Squad There will be two methods to be eligible to be nominated for the World Cadet & Junior Championships 2015 and the Asian Cadet & Junior Championships 2015. The first method is by exemption. This track is only for the 28th SEA Games Training Squad.Individual weapon national coaches will select athletes with performance justifications to the Fencing Singapore Selection Committee. Once selected by the Selection committee, these athletes would earn a direct spot in the training squad. The second method is by qualification. Individuals who are not in the 28th SEA Games Training Squad can adhere to the pre-announced cadet and junior ranking policy (updated 18 September 2014) to garner points towards ranking. Example By coaches’ recommendation, only one athlete qualify via method one, the balance two to three spots will go to ranked fencers in the cadet/junior rankings. By coaches’ recommendation, two athletes qualify via method one, the balance one to two spots will be go to fencers in the cadet/junior rankings. Final Team Selection Individual weapon coaches will nominate the three fencers for the Worlds Cadet & Junior Championships and the four fencers for the Asian Cadet & Junior Championships 2015 from the training squad to the selection committee for endorsement. All justifications will be based on competition performance, training attendance and current physical condition. Strictly Confidential- No unauthorised reproduction or circulation unless prior approval has been sought from Fencing Singapore management. World & Asian Cadet and Junior Championships training and final squad selection policy Selection Committee Composition Selection committee members are: o Francis Kwong [Chairman, nominated EXCO Member] o Kieran Foo, [High Performance Manager] o Respective Weapon Coaches o Ms Ho Jiarong, Mr Kelvin Ang & Mr James Wong [3 x affiliate reps] o Chong Yi Mei [FS GM, Secretariat]- No voting rights Committee members each has one vote expect for the General Manager. In the case of a tie-breaker, the chairman has one additional tie-breaker vote. Any member of the Selection Committee with a vested interest in any of the fencers would be prohibited from voting or participating in, or otherwise influencing, the selection process. Commitment of nominated athletes All selected athletes will have to commit to at least four times a week of scheduled trainings with the National Coach. Failure to commit to the schedule might result in non-selection to the final team. All excuses and rationale for athletes not attending training has to be communicated to the high performance manager at least one week before the training session. Only excuses on medical grounds, emergencies and matters relating to education will be considered as valid excuses. Expulsion Athletes who qualify into the training squad must adhere to the athlete’s code of conduct. Failure to adhere to the code of conduct might be grounds for expulsion. The following actions will constitute an immediate expulsion from the training squad and/or the final games squad: o Exhibition of violence towards coaches, parents, other athletes and/or other stakeholders. o Exhibition of vulgarities towards coaches, parents, other athletes and/or other stakeholders. o Any actions which is deemed to be disrespectful to and harms the national pride of Singapore. Strictly Confidential- No unauthorised reproduction or circulation unless prior approval has been sought from Fencing Singapore management. World & Asian Cadet and Junior Championships training and final squad selection policy Note to Parents We would like to take the opportunity to thank all parents for their immense support of your children. Whilst we maintain our stance of open communication with parents, the entire team will be focusing intently on preparations for the major games/championships. Should you have any queries or would like to check on the progress of your child, please contact the general manager directly at Any direct communication with the coaches or selection committee might pose unnecessary stress and distractions to the preparation efforts. We seek your understanding on this matter. Strictly Confidential- No unauthorised reproduction or circulation unless prior approval has been sought from Fencing Singapore management.
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