2014 Hungarian Junior & Cadet Open ITTF GLOBAL JUNIOR CIRCUIT - PREMIUM EVENT Szombathely, Hungary, 5-9 November 2014 PROSPECTUS 1. Competition Dates: 5 NOV 2014 / 9 NOV 2014 (Information on the ITTF Junior Elite Camp on 5th to 7th February is issued separately) 2. Organizers: Hungarian Table Tennis Association Istvánmezei út 1-3. H-1146 Budapest, Hungary Tel: +36 1 4606840 Fax: +36 1 4606842 E-mail: moatsz@moatsz.hu Pannonsport Szervező és Marketing Kft. H-9700 Szombathely, Welther Károly u. 17. Tel: +36 94 514-‐680 Fax: +36 94 514-‐689 E-mail: pannonsport@pannonsport.hu 3a. Tournament Director: Dr. Stocker Miklos Phd/General Secretary Tel: +36 1 4606840 +36 70 6817684 Fax: +36 1 4606842 E-mail: stocker.miklos@moatsz.hu 3b. Press Officer: Mr. Kristof Lajtai & Ms. Farago Melinda E-mail: kristof@moatsz.hu & farago.melinda@pannonsport.hu 3c. ITTF Int. Referee: Constantina Crotta E-mail: crottatina@gmail.com 4. ITTF Competition Manager: Alen Ivancin Tel: +385992065844 E-mail: aivancin@gmail.com 5. Venue: 6. Events: Arena Savaria Sugár u. 18. H-9700 Szombathely, Hungary Tel: +36 94 513-742 Fax: +36 94 513-746 1 2 3 4 5 6 Junior Boys' Singles Junior Girls' Singles Junior Boys' Team Junior Girls' Team Junior Boys' Doubles Junior Girls' Doubles 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cadet Boys' Singles Cadet Girls' Singles Cadet Boys' Team Cadet Girls' Team Cadet Boys' Doubles Cadet Girls' Doubles 7. Eligibility: Players born on or after 1st January 1996 may participate in junior events. Players born on or after 1st January 1999 may participate in cadet events. 8. Format of play: Junior Singles events will be played according to the directives. Cadet Singles events will be played in two stages, all matches best of 5 games. Team Events will be played in two stages, all matches best of 5 games. Junior Teams will be played on New Swaythling Cup system. Cadet Teams Corbillon. Doubles will be played in KO basis. All matches best of 5 games. If schedule permits, consolation will be played. 9. Prel. Schedule: 5-6 Nov - Junior Singles and Doubles Events 7-8 Nov - Junior & Cadet Team Events 8-9 Nov - Cadet Singles & Doubles 10. Seeding list: According to the last available ITTF World Junior Ranking 11. Delegates Meeting: Will be held on 4 NOV 2014 at: 20 00 in: Sport Hall 12. First Draws: Will be held on 4 NOV 2014 at: 16 00 in: Sport Hall RC - ITTF 2014 Page 1 of 4 2014 Hungarian Junior & Cadet Open ITTF GLOBAL JUNIOR CIRCUIT - PREMIUM EVENT Szombathely, Hungary, 5-9 November 2014 PROSPECTUS 13. Equipment: Tables: JOOLA 2000 S Number: Practice hall tables: JOOLA 2000 S Number: Balls: Butterfly 40+*** (plastic with seam) Floor: Taraflex by Gerflor - red colour 22 12 14. Prize money: (to be paid on site) Total: Applicable taxes: USD Break down: 1 2 3 4 JBS JGS JBD JGD $8.000,00 0% Winner $1.000,00 $1.000,00 $500 x 2 $500 x 2 Runner-Up $500,00 $500,00 $250 x 2 $250 x 2 Colour: Colour: Colour: Blue Blue White Semi-Finalist $250 x 2 $250 x 2 $125 x 4 $125 x 4 Note: All winners, runner-up and semi-finalist must attend the award ceremony in sport clothes to receive the prize money. 15. Hospitality: Option 1: Address: Tel: Web: Option 1: Address: Tel: Web: Hotel Claudius**** H-9700 Szombathely, Bartók Béla krt. 39. +36 94 313-760 www.hotelclaudius.hu OR Hotel Pelikán**** H-9700 Szombathely, Deák Ferenc u. 5. 0036-94-513-800 www.hotelpelikan.hu Single room per person per day: Double room per person per day Option 2: Adress: Tel: Web: Option 2: Adress: Tel: Web: Option 2: Adress: Web: Option 2: Adress: Tel: Web: Option 2: Adress: Tel: Web: 120,00 € 105,00 € EUR EUR Hunguest Hotels Répce*** H-9740 Bükfürdő, Termál körút 41 +36 94 358-058 http://www.hunguesthotels.hu/hu/hotel/bukfurdo/hunguest_hotel_repce/ OR Hotel Írottkő*** H-9730 Kőszeg, Fő tér 4. +36 94 360-373 www.hotelirottko.hu OR Hotel City Café*** H-9700 Szombathely, Kossuth Lajos u. 2. www.citycafe.hu OR Hotel Gerendás*** H-9700 Szombathely, 11-es Huszár út 118. 0036-94-509-290 www.gerendashotel.hu OR Hotel Ciao Amico*** H-9700 Szombathely, Arad u. 2. 0036-94-501-347 www.ciaoamico.hu Single room per person per day: 105,00 € EUR Double room per person per day 90,00 € EUR Note: Entry fee is included if using the hospitality package 1 & 2, as well as the transfers from and to Vienna International Airport, the three daily meals and the shuttle buses hotel/hall/hotel. RC - ITTF 2014 Page 2 of 4 2014 Hungarian Junior & Cadet Open ITTF GLOBAL JUNIOR CIRCUIT - PREMIUM EVENT Szombathely, Hungary, 5-9 November 2014 PROSPECTUS 15. Hospitality: (continued from previous page) Please note that the number of single rooms is limited, as well as the number of rooms at each hotel. Teams will be accomomodated accordingly on the “first come, first serve” basis and only payment can guarantee hotel option. The local Organiser has the right to assign the hotels based upon the order of application. After one Option is fully booked the local Organiser will provide only the other available hospitality package. Option 3: We do not require neither accommodation nor transportation. We will only pay the entry fee fixed for 2014 events on: 100 EUR for players and 50 EUR for coaches and medical staff. If participants would like transfer from Vienna to Szombathely or reverse the prices are as follows: 1-3 person in a car: 120 EUR /car/route 1-6 person in a minicoach: 160 EUR/minicoach/route Travelling on the coach from Vienna to Szombathely: 30 EUR/person/route Please note if you choose the option travelling on the coach you have to wait at the airport for other participants travelling with the same coach or depart early from the hotel depending on the arrival/departure times. 16. Transfer: Please note if you choose Option 1 or Option 2 you only entitled to the free transfer in case you fill your transfer datas in the entry form until the deadline. Maximum waiting time/early departure at the airport/from the hotel: 2 hours. When participants change their transfer datas after the deadline or miss to fill it out, they have to pay the following transfer fees. 1-3 person in a car: 120 EUR/car/route 1-6 person in a minicoach: 160 EUR/car/route Travelling on the coach from Vienna to Szombathely: 30 EUR/person /route Please note if you choose the option travelling on the coach you have to wait at the airport for other participants travelling with the same coach or depart early from the hotel depending on the arrival/departure times. If you miss to fill the travel entry form, we have no responsibility for your transfer. The official airport is Vienna Airport. From Budapest we can arrange the transfer on the following prices - in case of Option 1 or 2 as well! 1-3 person in a car: 180 EUR/car/route 1-6 person in a minicoach: 220 EUR/minicoach/route Travelling on the coach from Budapest to Szombathely: 50 EUR/person/route Please note if you choose this option you have to wait at the airport for other participants travelling with the same coach – depending on the arrival times. 17. Entries: Each ITTF affiliated Association is granted with up to 3 boys and 3 girls and up to 1 team per event. However, if the maximum number of entries is not reached, there will not be limitation on the number of entries by National Association. Host Association is entitled to enter 12 players in each category. For details on how to decide the entries selected, please refer to the ITTF Global Junior Circuit Directives 2014. Please send your entries using the new ITTF online entry system for Junior Events: http://ittf.alfaweb.gr Important note: if your association has not received the USERNAME and PASSWORD for the new ITTF online entry system for Junior Events, please contact Dimosthenis Messinis <dmessinisgr@gmail.com> from an official e-mail address of your National Association in order to receive your USERNAME (UN) and PASSWORD (PW). RC - ITTF 2014 Page 3 of 4 2014 Hungarian Junior & Cadet Open ITTF GLOBAL JUNIOR CIRCUIT - PREMIUM EVENT Szombathely, Hungary, 5-9 November 2014 PROSPECTUS 18. Maximum entries: For the 2014 Hungarian Junior & Cadet Open the maximum number of entries is 310 players. Please send your entries using the ITTF on-line entry system for Junior Events. 19. Sport Cancellations/ Changes in nominations: "Sport cancellations" / Changes in nominations are accepted till 03/NOV/2014 at 12:00 h (noon GMT time). After that time, Penalty Policy will be applied. 20. Room Cancellations: For cancellations after (18/OCT/2014 23:59 GMT time) the entering association will be charged 100,00 EUR (hundred EURO) per cancelled person. 21. Changes: Changes in players' entries are accepted till the cancellation deadline. After that time, no changes on players' entries nor in team compositions are accepted. If cancellations occurs from that time till the time of the draws and are directly notified to the ITTF Competition Manager, the Jury may decide to accept merging the remaining players (i.e. If one player of team "A" and one player of team "B" of the Association XXX cancel their participation BEFORE the draw is made but after the cancellation deadline) of Team "A" and "B" in one team). The same applies for doubles. 22. Visas: Participants needing visa for entering Hungary are requested to ask Pannonsport (info@pannonsport.hu) via their association to send an official invitation letter not later than 1/Oct/2014, joined by a copy of the first page of the participant’s passport. 23. Bank Account informations: Please note, that you have to include the bank transfer fee with the payment! Please address the payment to: Bank name: IBAN: BIC: Please indicate as payment's purpose: Pannonsport Szervező és Marketing Kft. Budapest Bank HU32 10104789-49735200-01000300 BUDA HU HB (Your Federation Name) 24. Racket Controls: If racket control includes official test for VOC, miniRAE device will be used according to the ITTF decision. In this case, players will be invited to voluntary tests before competition starts. The ITTF Equipment Committee strongly recommends all players to make certain that new coverings are aired 72 hours before use 25. Motion & picture: By entering the event, players agree to abide by all ITTF rules and by the rules and regulations of the Organizing Committee. All entered associations, pairs and individual players agree to be under the auspices of the ITTF and its agents in all matters concerning television coverage, video, internet web casting, motion picture coverage, and photographic coverage of any kind. Participants release all rights, or rights held by their agents or sponsors, in all matters relating to television and web casting coverage, video and motion picture coverage, and photographic coverage of any kind. A participant’s refusal of above listed coverage may be subject to suspension or dismissal from the competition. 26. Deadlines: Final Entry Form Travel Details: Hotel cancellation penalty from: Sport cancellations: Changes in nominations: 04 18 18 03 03 OCT OCT OCT NOV NOV 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 (23:59 GMT time) (23:59 GMT time) (23:59 GMT time) (12:00 GMT time) (12:00 GMT time) We look forward to meet you in Szombathely, Hungary! RC - ITTF 2014 Page 4 of 4
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