Document 3021

Professor Carlos A Pellegrini
Carlos Pellegrini received his
MD in 1971 from the
University of Rosario Medical
School in Argentina. After
training in general surgery in
Argentina, he completed a
second surgical residency at
the University of Chicago. In
1979, he was appointed to the
faculty of the University of California, San Francisco
where he developed and directed a Center for GI
Motility. In 1993, he became Chairman of the
Department of Surgery at the University of
Washington in Seattle. In 1996, in recognition for his
role in the strengthening of all clinical, teaching and
research programmes, he became the first holder of
the Henry N. Harkins Endowed Chair.
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
Dr Pellegrini is a world leader in minimally invasive
gastrointestinal surgery and a pioneer in the
development of videoendoscopy for the surgical
treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and
oesophageal motility disorders, particularly achalasia.
At the University of Washington, he developed the
Center for Videoendoscopic Surgery, the Swallowing
Center (now known as the Center for Esophageal and
Gastric Surgery) and the Institute for Simulation and
Interprofessional Studies (ISIS). In addition to his role
as Chairman of the Board of ISIS, he is a long-time
member of the highest decision-making bodies at UW
Medicine, and chairs many committees which oversee
an array of work including Continuous Professionalism,
Diversity, Executive Search Committees and Oversight
of Multidisciplinary Practices.
Dr Pellegrini is the current President of the American
College of Surgeons (ACS), a past Chair of the Board of
Regents of the ACS and a past Chair of the American
Surgical Association Foundation. He is a member of
the National Advisory Committee of the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation and from 2005 to 2006, he was
President of the American Surgical Association. He
has been Director of the American Board of Surgery,
Chair of the Digestive Disease Week Council and
President of OESO. In the area of medical education,
he’s been a major contributor to the fundamental
reform of residency work hours, having been a
member and chair of the RRC for Surgery. He serves
on several editorial boards and publishes regularly on
many topics, including the field of training and new
technologies to educate the next generation of
surgeons. His bibliography lists more than 400
articles, chapters, editorials, and books, as well as 11
surgical videos.
Professor Takeshi Sano
Dr Sano is a surgeon specialising
in gastric cancer and has visited
more than 35 countries for
lectures and live demonstrations
of surgery, as a “publicist” of
Japanese-style D2 gastrectomy.
He graduated from the Faculty
of Medicine at the University of
Tokyo in 1980 and completed
his surgical training in the First
Department of Surgery at the
same university. Dr Sano spent 15 months in Paris
during 1986 and 1987 as a research fellow of the
French Government Scholarship at Institute Curie. He
worked at the National Cancer Center, Tokyo for 16
years and has been in his present post, Department
Director of Gastroenterological Surgery at the Cancer
Institute Hospital in Tokyo, since 2008.
Dr Sano is a council member of the Japanese Gastric
Cancer Association and the International Gastric
Cancer Association, and the committee chair of the
JGCA treatment guidelines. As a steering committee
member of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group, he
has played central roles in clinical trials on gastric
cancer surgery. He is a founding editor of the Journal
of Gastric Cancer and serves as a reviewer for several
other international journals. Dr Sano is an honorary
member of several other medical associations
including the German Society of General and Visceral
Surgery, the European Surgical Association and the
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. A family
man, he enjoys wine, golf and holidays.
Professor David Greenaway
appointed Nottingham’s sixth
Vice-Chancellor in 2008, having
previously been a Pro-ViceChancellor of the University for
both Research and Infrastructure.
A Professor of Economics, he was
the founding Director of the
Leverhulme Centre for Research
on Globalisation and Economic
Policy. His research interests lie
primarily in the fields of trade and labour market
adjustment, cross-border investment and international
trade policy. Professor Greenaway has also acted as a
consultant to the World Bank, the European
Commission and the United Nations, and was Chair of
the UK Armed Forces Pay Review Body from 2004 until
2010. He is currently a Member of the Government’s
Asia Task Force, a high-level body helping to boost UK
exports and investments in Asian countries, and has
been appointed to lead a comprehensive independent
review of UK postgraduate medical education and
training. He was awarded an Honorary Citizenship of
Ningbo, China, in September 2012.
Professor Sir Liam Donaldson
Sir Liam Donaldson is recognised
as an international champion of
patient safety and public health.
He was the foundation chair of
the World Health Organisation
World Alliance for Patient Safety,
launched in 2004. He is a past
vice-chairman of the World
Health Organisation Executive
Board and is now the World
Health Organisation’s Envoy for
Patient Safety and Chairman of the Independent
Monitoring for the Polio Eradication Programme. In the
UK, he is currently Chair of Health Policy at Imperial
College London and Chancellor of Newcastle University.
Prior to this appointment Sir Liam was the Chief
Medical Officer for England, and the United
Kingdom's Chief Medical Adviser, from 1998 to 2010.
During this time, he held critical responsibilities across
the whole field of public health and healthcare. As the
United Kingdom's chief adviser on health issues, he
advised the Secretary of State for Health, the Prime
2014 International Surgical Congress
Professor Richard K Reznick
Born in Montreal, Dr Reznick
received his undergraduate
university education and medical
degree from McGill University,
followed by a general surgical
residency at the University of
Toronto. He spent two years in
fellowship training, first obtaining
a master’s degree in Medical
Education from Southern Illinois
University, followed by a
fellowship in colorectal surgery at the University of Texas,
Houston. Since his first faculty appointment at the
University of Toronto in 1987, Dr Reznick has been
active in both colorectal surgery and research in medical
education. He was instrumental in developing a
performance-based examination, which is now used for
medical licensure in Canada. He ran a research
programme on assessment of technical competence for
surgeons and supervised a fellowship programme in
surgical education.
At the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine he was
the inaugural Director of the Faculty’s Centre for
Research in Education at University Health Network
(The Wilson Centre), from 1997 to 2002. In 1999, he
was appointed Vice President of Education at University
Health Network. He served eight years as the R S
McLaughlin Professor and Chairman of the Department
of Surgery at the University of Toronto from 2002 to
2010. In July 2010, Dr Reznick assumed the position of
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University
and Chief Executive Officer of the Southeastern Ontario
Academic Medical Organization (SEAMO).
Dr Reznick has received numerous awards for his
work in education, including the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Medal in Surgery,
the Association for Surgical Education Distinguished
Educator Award, the National Board of Medical
Examiners John P Hubbard Award, the Daniel C
Tosteson Award for Leadership in Medical Education,
the 2006 Inaugural University of Toronto President’s
Teaching Award and the Karolinska Institutet Prize for
Research in Medical Education. In July 2011, Dr
Reznick was awarded an honourary fellowship from
the Royal College of Surgeons of Scotland, and in
November 2011, an honourary fellowship from the
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. In 2013, the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
awarded him the James H Graham Award of Merit.
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
Dr Reznick is the author of over 120 peer-reviewed
publications and has given over 200 lectures to
hospitals, universities and scientific organisations
around the world. He is married to Cheryl and they
have three children.
Professor Atul Gawande
Professor Gawande is a
surgeon, professor, writer and
public health researcher. He
endocrine surgery at Brigham
and Women’s Hospital, and
he is Professor in the
Department of Health Policy
and Management at the
Harvard School of Public
Health, and Professor of
Surgery at Harvard Medical School. Dr Gawande is a
highly influential writer; he has been a staff writer for
The New Yorker magazine since 1998 and has
published several articles. He has also written three
New York Times-bestselling books.
In addition, Dr Gawande is Director of Ariadne Labs,
a joint centre for health systems innovation, creating
simple discoveries that produce better outcomes,
greater value and more caring across the world. He is
also co-founder and chairman of Lifebox, an
international not-for-profit implementing systems and
technologies to reduce surgical deaths globally. To
date, Dr Gawande has received numerous awards
including two National Magazine Awards, Academy
Health’s Impact Award for Highest Research Impact
on Healthare, a MacArthur Fellowship, and he has
been named one of the world’s hundred most
influential thinkers by Foreign Policy and TIME. Dr
Gawande earned his BS from Stanford University and
he earned an MA in Philosophy, Politics and
Economics from Balliol College at Oxford University,
where he was Rhodes Scholar. He went on to earn his
MD from Harvard Medical School and his MPH from
the Harvard School of Public Health.
Professor Eduardo Salas
Dr Salas received his PhD
degree in 1984 in Industrial
and Organizational Psychology
from Old Dominion University.
He is Trustee Chair and Pegasus
Professor of Psychology at the
University of Central Florida
(UCF). Dr Salas also holds an
appointment as Program
Director for Human Systems
Department at UCF’s Institute for Simulation & Training.
Previously, he was a Senior Research Psychologist and
Head of the Training Technology Development Branch
of NAVAIR-Orlando, for 15 years. During this period, Dr
Salas served as a principal investigator for numerous
R&D programmes, focusing on teamwork, simulationbased training, decision-making under stress and other
similar topics. Dr Salas has co-authored over 375 journal
articles and book chapters and co-edited over 25 books.
He is, or has been, on the editorial board of nine
journals, is a past editor of the Human Factors journal
and current Associated Editor for the Journal of Applied
Psychology and Military Psychology.
Minister and other government ministers. He has
produced landmark reports which have set health
policy and legislation in fields such as stem cell
research, quality and safety of healthcare, infectious
disease control, patient empowerment, poor clinical
performance, smoke-free public places, medical
regulation, and organ and tissue retention.
Sir Liam initially trained as a surgeon in Birmingham
and went on to hold teaching and research posts at
the University of Leicester. In 1986, he was
appointed Regional Medical Officer and Regional
Director of Public Health for the Northern Regional
Health Authority. Sir Liam has received many public
honours: 12 honorary doctorates from British
universities, eight fellowships from medical Royal
Colleges and faculties, and the Gold Medal of the
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He was the
Queen's Honorary Physician between 1996 and
1999 and was knighted in the 2002 New Year's
Honours List.
Dr Salas has held numerous positions in the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) during the
past 15 years. He is the past chair of the Cognitive
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
Engineering and Decision Making Technical Group
and of the Training Technical Group, and currently he
is the President. He is also very active with Society for
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)—
Division 14 of APA. Dr Salas is past President of SIOP
and past Series Editor of the Organizational Frontier
and the Professional Practice Book Series. He is a
Fellow of the American Psychological Association
(SIOP and Divisions 19, 21 & 49), the HFES and the
Association for Psychological Science. He received
the 2012 Joseph E McGrath Lifetime Achievement
Award for the study of teams and groups from
INGroup, the SIOP’s 2012 Distinguished Professional
Contributions Award and the 2012 Michael R Losey
Award from the Society for Human Resources
Professor David B Hoyt
Professor Hoyt received a BA
degree with honors from
Amherst College, followed by
an MD degree from Case
Western Reserve University in
1976. From 1976 to 1984,
Dr Hoyt was a Surgical
Resident and Research Fellow
at the University of California,
San Diego (UCSD) and
Scripps Immunology Institute.
He joined the faculty at
UCSD and immediately became involved in their
Trauma Service, where his role as Director lasted
from 1989 to 2006. In 1995, he was appointed
Professor of Surgery and was awarded The Monroe E
Trout Professorship in Surgery at UCSD (1996). In
2006, Dr Hoyt was appointed to the position of
Chairman for the Department of Surgery at the
University of California, Irvine (UCI) and the John E
Connolly Professor of Surgery. In 2008, Dr Hoyt was
also appointed Executive Vice Dean for the UCI
School of Medicine. In January 2010, he was
appointed Executive Director of the American
College of Surgeons and remains Emeritus Professor
of Surgery at the UCI.
Dr Hoyt has distinguished himself within the
Department of Surgery, having delivered numerous
named lectures, received multiple, significant awards
from his colleagues as well as scientific organisations,
while serving in positions of leadership. He
continues to serve as an advisor for many graduate
students. Dr Hoyt is a member of the American
Surgical Association, Surgical Biology Club, Western
Surgical Association and Society of University
Surgeons, amongst others. He is currently the
immediate Past President of the American
Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Past President
of the Society of General Surgeons of San Diego, Past
President of the Shock Society, Past Chairman of the
American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma
and Past Medical Director of Trauma at the American
College of Surgeons. He has been a visiting professor
at a large number of institutions nationally and
internationally and is an Editorial Board Member of
six journals. Dr Hoyt consistently receives significant
public research funding and is the author of over 500
publications. He was recently awarded the American
Heart Association Resuscitation Science Lifetime
Research Achievement Award, the American College
of Surgeons Distinguished Service Award and the
Shock Society Scientific Achievement Award.
Professor Mike Pringle
Professor Pringle is President of
the Royal College of General
Practitioners, having taken over
from Dr Iona Heath in November
2012. Having been a general
practitioner for 30 years, Mike is
now retired from practice and the
University of Nottingham, where
he is Emeritus Professor of
General Practice. He has been Chair of RCGP Council
from 1998 to 2001, Chair of the RCGP Trustee Board
from 2009 to 2012 and RCGP revalidation clinical lead
from 2008 to 2012. Mike helps to run CHEC, an
innovative primary care development project, and is
Strategic Director of PRIMIS+. He holds a number of
board positions with voluntary organisations including
Arthritis Research UK.
Dr Suzanne Shale
Dr Shale works as an advisor in
the fields of healthcare ethics
and patient experience. Her
work encompasses support for
professionals and patients
following harm in medicine;
performance review in surgery;
clinical ethics; and quality
assurance of medical education and training. She
works with the NHS at national and local level, and
with professional and regulatory bodies. During
2013, she chaired the NHS England Never Events
task force, authoring its final report; and advised the
Francis Report implementation team on developing
standards to rebuild trust after medical harm. Also in
2013, the Royal College of Surgeons published Dr
Shale’s comprehensive evidence-based guidance on
enhancing governance in surgery, including
escalating and responding to concerns. She has a
particular interest in the ethical issues associated with
innovation in surgery. Dr Shale has a long standing
association with the University of Oxford, where she
is a Supernumerary Fellow of Harris Manchester
College, Ethox Research Associate, and Associate of
the Health Experiences Institute. She is sole author of
Moral Leadership in Medicine: Building Ethical
Healthcare Organisations (2012).
Roger Taylor
Roger Taylor is Director of
Research and Public Affairs at Dr
Foster, where he is responsible
for public information, including
the Dr Foster Hospital Guide.
Roger was a co-founder of Dr
Foster and has been a strong
advocate for the role of greater
transparency as a mechanism
for consumer protection, as well
as a driver for quality improvement in public services.
Roger began his career as a journalist, working as a
correspondent for the Financial Times in the UK and
the US. Prior to that, he worked for the Consumers'
Association, writing and researching for Which?
magazine. He is a board member of Ofqual, the
regulator of qualifications in the UK, and a trustee of
CAADA, the domestic abuse charity. Roger is also a
member of the Health Sector Transparency Panel and
the Open Data User Group. His book on NHS reform,
God Bless the NHS, was published by Faber and Faber
in March 2013.
2014 International Surgical Congress
Professor Ken Fearon
Professor Fearon is Professor of
Surgical Oncology at Edinburgh
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at
the Western General Hospital,
Edinburgh. He qualified in
Medicine with honours in 1982
from Glasgow University. From
1983 to 1986, he was the Cancer Research Clinical
Research Fellow in the Department of Oncology in
Glasgow University and submitted his thesis (MD) on the
“Mechanisms and Treatment of Cancer Cachexia” in
1987. He was appointed as Lecturer in Surgery at the
University of Edinburgh in 1988, Senior Lecturer in 1993
and Professor of Surgical Oncology in 1999. His
principal research domains include human nutrition and
metabolism, the metabolic response to surgery and
cancer cachexia and his translational research is focused
on the role of the systemic inflammatory response.
Professor Fearon’s clinical research is aimed at
development of trial methodology including early
biomarkers and novel outcome measures. He has
conducted several of the largest prospective randomised
intervention trials in cancer cachexia and had a major
interest in nutritional pharmacology. He is also a
founding member of the Enhanced Recovery After
Surgery (ERAS) Group and is Chairman of the Board of
the ERAS Society. Ken was presented with the
Cuthbertson Medal from the Nutrition Society in 1991,
the Hippocrates Award from the Society on Sarcopenia,
Cachexia and Wasting Disorders (SCWD) in 2009 and
the Arvid Wretlind Award from the European Society for
Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism in 2011.
Professor John P Collins
Professor John Collins will be
Lecture at the 2014 ICOSET.
After completing his surgical
training in England, during
which he shared in the
Moynihan Prize and was
awarded his MCH, Professor
Collins joined the University
Department of Surgery in
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
Auckland. He later completed his MD in medical
education. John subsequently became head of one
the University’s two clinical schools and went on to
serve on a number of New Zealand Ministry of
Health Committees. He has been a member of the
Board of Surgical Training, Chair of the Court of
Examiners in General Surgery and Foundation Dean
of Education at the Royal Australasian College of
Surgeons. John has led reviews of the UK
Foundation Programme, the Royal College of
Surgeons of Thailand and recently of postgraduate
medical training in New South Wales. He is an
Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in
Ireland, ASGBI and the Academy of Medical
Educators UK. He has been a Hunterian
Professorship at the Royal College of Surgeons of
England and was awarded the Sir Louis Barnett and
the Sir Alan Newton Medals by the Royal
Australasian College of Surgeons. John is currently
Professorial Fellow in Surgery at the University of
Melbourne and Visiting Research Professor in the
Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences at the
University of Oxford.
Professor Robert Steele
Professor Robert Steele
obtained his initial surgical
and academic training in
Edinburgh, Hong Kong and
appointed as Senior Lecturer
in Surgery at the University of
Nottingham in 1990. He was
then appointed Professor of
Surgical Oncology at the
University of Dundee in
1996 and Professor of
Surgery and Head of Academic Surgery in 2003.
His initial research interests were in breast cancer
and, when working for Professor Sir Patrick Forrest,
he developed the concept of axillary nodal
sampling. In Hong Kong, Robert’s interest shifted to
upper gastrointestinal disease and he was
instrumental in introducing endoscopic haemostasis
for bleeding peptic ulcer. In Nottingham, working
for Professor Jack Hardcastle, he became involved
with the early trials of colorectal cancer screening
and, since then, colorectal cancer has remained his
primary clinical and academic interest. He has
carried out work in surgery and radiotherapy for
colorectal cancer and in areas of the genetic and
chromosomal abnormalities that underlie the
disease. His main interest, however, is in Colorectal
Cancer Screening.
Having led the UK
demonstration pilot that was used to inform the
decision to introduce national screening
programmes throughout the UK, Robert is, at
present, the Clinical Director of the Scottish
Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme, and has
published extensively in this area. He has chaired
several NHS QIS groups related to colorectal cancer
and colorectal cancer screening and he chaired the
SIGN group that developed the latest set of
colorectal cancer guidelines. He is currently a
member of the Council of the Royal College of
Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh editor of
The Surgeon. He is co-founder and co-director of
the Scottish Cancer Prevention Network, chairs the
Board of Directors of the Scottish Cancer
Foundation and has been elected President of the
Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and
Professor Michael Rosen
Michael Rosen completed his
surgical training at Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School in 2004. During
his training, he completed a
research fellowship in minimally
invasive surgery at the Cleveland
Clinic Foundation, Cleveland
Ohio. He went on to complete
a clinical fellowship in Minimally Invasive Surgery at
Carolinas Medical Center. He joined the faculty of Case
Western Reserve University where he has remained
since 2005. During his time at Case Medical Center,
Michael has won the annual teaching award twice, and
has been promoted to Professor of Surgery. He currently
serves as the Chief of the Division of GI and General
Surgery, and the Director of the Case Comprehensive
Hernia Center. He has been recognised for his
outstanding research in minimally invasive surgery by
receiving the SAGES Young Investigator award. Michael
has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles,
20 textbook chapters, and has served as the editor for
four surgical textbooks. He serves on eight editorial
boards for various surgical journals.
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
Iain D Anderson, MBE
Iain Anderson has been a
consultant surgeon at Salford
Royal Hospital, Manchester
since 1995. He is a general
surgeon with a specialist
interest in Crohn’s disease and
is one of the senior surgeons
on the Intestinal Failure Unit.
He trained in surgery in
Manchester and Edinburgh,
receiving several national awards including a
Hunterian Professorship (1996), for clinical studies of
abdominal infection. From 1994 to 2007, he
developed and established the Care of the Critically Ill
Surgical Patient (CCrISP) Course and is now Director
of Emergency General Surgery at ASGBI. Iain received
an MBE for services to clinical surgery and medical
education in the 2014 New Year’s Honours lists.
Professor Michael Baum
Professor Baum is currently
the Emeritus Professor of
Surgery and visiting Professor
of Medical Humanities at
University College, London.
He qualified in medicine at
Medical School in 1960. He
held Chairs of Surgery at
King’s College London from
1980 to1990, the Institute of Cancer Research from
1990 to 1995 and University College London from
1995 to 2001. In the past, he has been President of
the British Oncology Association, the European Breast
Cancer Conference and Chairman of the Psychosocial
Committee of the National Cancer Research Institute.
Michael has been awarded the William McGuire Prize
at San Antonio Texas, the Charles Gross prize in
France, the St Gallen Prize in Switzerland, the gold
medal of the International College of Surgeons for his
research into the treatment of breast cancer and, most
recently, the gold medal for therapeutics from the
Worshipful Society of Apothecaries in London.
Michael established the first clinical trial centres in the
UK and was one of the first to challenge the doctrine
of radical mastectomy. He led the first trial that
demonstrated the potential of tamoxifen to prolong
life amongst breast cancer victims and was also the first
to describe psychometric instruments to measure
quality of life in cancer sufferers. Most recently,
Michael led the first trial to demonstrate the
equivalence of intra-operative single dose of
radiotherapy with six weeks post-operative treatment.
He recently published his autobiography, Breast
Beating: One Man’s Odyssey in the Search for an
Understanding of Breast Cancer, the Meaning of Life
and Other Simple Questions. Married to Judy, he has
three children and nine grandchildren and enjoys
painting, theatre and modern literature.
Professor Jonathan D Beard
Professor Jonathan Beard has
worked as a consultant
vascular surgeon at the
Sheffield Vascular Institute
since 1990. He graduated MB
BS BSc at Guy’s Hospital,
London in 1979 and obtained
his Masters in Surgery from
Bristol University in 1987. He
has a passion for surgical
education and was awarded a Masters in Medical
Education from the University of Sheffield in 2004. In
2007, he was appointed Honorary Professor of
Surgical Education at the University of Sheffield and in
2012, Professor of Surgical Education at the Royal
College of Surgeons of England. He has been
Programme Director for Core and Higher Surgical
Training in South Yorkshire; piloted one of the first
Foundation Programmes in the UK; and then became
Associate Postgraduate Dean for the Yorkshire
Deanery from 2008 to 2012, with responsibility for
Doctors in Difficulty. He chaired the Education and
Training Committee of the Vascular Society of Great
Britain and Ireland from 2009 to 2012 and is the
current President during its first year as a new
specialty. Jonathan’s educational interests include the
assessment of technical and non-technical skills in the
operating theatre, workplace-based assessment
methodology, portfolio and curriculum design,
integration of simulation into the curriculum, and
trainer training. His clinical interests include exercise
programmes for intermittent claudication, amputation
rehabilitation and vascular problems in athletes. He is
author or contributor to more than 170 scientific
papers, editor of six textbooks and edited the
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular
Surgery from 1992 to 2008. His outside interests
include gardening, rugby football, sailing and skiing.
Professor Jane Blazeby
Professor Blazeby is professor
of surgery at the University of
Bristol and an honorary
consultant surgeon at University
Bristol NHS
Foundation Trust. She has led
many methodological research
measurement of outcomes from
the perspective of the patient as
well as the health professional. She was chair of the
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of
Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group and she
currently directs the MRC ConDuCT-II Hub for Trials
Methodology Research and the Royal College of
England Surgical Trials Centre in Bristol. Jane leads
several pragmatic trials in surgery that include
outcome measures of relevance to patients, surgeons
and NHS and she is in the COMET (Core Outcome
Measures for Effectiveness Trials) initiative which
promotes the use of core outcome sets to improve
measurement and data synthesis.
Dr Jonathan Botting
Dr Botting is senior partner and
lead GP trainer in his London
practice. His surgical interest
developed in 1994 as a clinical
assistant at Queen Mary’s
Hospital, Roehampton and
three years later at the Chelsea
and Westminster Hospital. He
underwent training with the
Dermatological Surgeons and he now provides GPwSI
minor surgery lists at his practice and for neighbouring
PCTs, doing on average four operating sessions a
week. Since 2002, Jonathan has been commissioned
to provide minor surgery teaching for London Deanery
registrars. He advises Primary Care on minor surgery
commissioning and undertakes about 1,000 surgical
procedures yearly. Jonathan realised that, despite
2014 International Surgical Congress
The Rt Hon Andy Burnham, MP
Andy Burnham has been MP for
Leigh since 2001. Born in
Liverpool, and growing up in
Culcheth, Andy attended St
Aelred’s Roman Catholic High
School and gained an MA in
English at Fitzwilliam College,
Cambridge. Having worked as a
publishing, Andy’s first political
experience came working in Tessa Jowell’s office
whilst in opposition. As MP for Leigh, Andy has been
a strong voice for the community, encouraging
developments such as the Leigh Sports Village and
securing funding for other development projects. In
government, Andy has held Ministerial positions at the
Home Office, Department of Health and the Treasury
before becoming Secretary of State for Culture, Media
and Sport in 2008 and then returning to Health as
Secretary of State in 2009. In September 2010 Andy
was appointed Shadow Secretary of State for
Education, and in October 2011 he was appointed
Shadow Secretary of State for Health. Andy lives in the
constituency with his family, wife Marie-France and
their three children. He is a keen supporter of Leigh
Centurions and Everton FC.
Ronan A Cahill
Ronan Cahill is a colorectal
surgeon working in Dublin, with
a major academic interest in
Surgical Innovation and New
Technologies. He graduated
MB,BAO,BCh (Hons) in 1997
and completed his basic and
specialist surgical training in
Ireland, gaining both MD by
thesis (Health Research Board
Clinical Research Fellow) and FRCS by examination.
Thereafter, he was a clinical fellow at the IRCAD/EITS
Institute in Strasbourg, France from 2007 to 2008
before moving to the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals as
senior fellow and then consultant and senior clinical
researcher from 2008 to 2010. Ronan returned to
Ireland in 2010 as consultant general surgeon
(specialist interest in colorectal surgery) at Beaumont
Hospital and is now the incoming professor of surgery
at University College Dublin, and the Mater
Misericordiae Hospital, also in Dublin. He is a
recipient of both the Bennett and Millen Medals (RCSI
Millen Lecturer 2010) and has authored over 150 peer
reviewed publications, five book chapters and four
National Guidelines. He is an editorial board member
of five indexed surgical journals, including Colorectal
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
Disease and the European Journal of Surgical
Oncology and is a member of the SAGES Research
Committee (SAGES Career Development Award
recipient 2009). He holds over ¤2 ,500,000 in
research and educational grant funding and has active
basic science, clinical and device development
research partnerships both nationally and
Professor Gordon Carlson
Professor Carlson has been a
consultant colorectal and
general surgeon at Salford
Royal Hospital, Manchester
since 1997. He was an MRC
Senior Clinical Fellow until
2000, and was subsequently
appointed Honorary Professor
of Surgery at the University of
Manchester and Honorary
Professor of Biomedical Science at the University of
Salford in 2006. With his colleagues, he leads the
National Intestinal Failure Unit, a centre specialising in
the treatment of intestinal fistulas and abdominal sepsis.
He also chairs the ASGBI Intestinal Failure Advisory
Group. Gordon trained in Manchester and Newcastle
upon Tyne and has been heavily involved in developing
innovative treatments for intestinal failure and
abdominal sepsis. He has published over 150 papers,
book chapters and other articles and has been a surgical
advisor to NICE and the Department of Health. He has
received numerous awards for his work, including a
Hunterian Professorship (2001), the Cuthbertson Medal
of the Nutrition Society, the Bengt Ihre Medal of the
Swedish Medical Society and the Medal of Honour of
the Danish Surgical Society. He received a Fellowship
ad hominem of the Royal College of Surgeons of
Edinburgh in 2013. Gordon became Director of the
Scientific Programme for ASGBI in 2012.
Dr Martin Clark
Dr Clark is a consultant in
anaesthesia and intensive care
medicine, based at Victoria
Hospital, Kirkcaldy. He has
interests in regional and
vascular anaesthesia, as well as
genetics of sepsis and
infections in ICU patients. He
is a CCRISP course instructor
for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and, in
addition, has taught on critical care courses in
Ethiopia, Rwanda, Zambia and Kenya. Martin has
helped in the design of an African specific critical care
course and manual, as well producing e-learning
material for the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the
Ptolemy project run by the University of Toronto.
Lilli Cooper
Lilli is a CT2 in plastic surgery,
currently working at the Royal
Free hospital in London. She
completed her primary degree
in Anatomy at the University
of Melbourne, Australia. Her
medical training was in
Birmingham, UK, and she has
since worked in Bristol and
London pursuing her career in
surgery. Lilli has completed several electives abroad
and enjoyed time in Ghana, teaching and training
years of surgery, he, and others like him, had no form
of official qualification to reflect their expertise and
nor would those wishing to pursue an interest in minor
surgery. For this reason, he researched, wrote,
published and then delivered the Diploma of Minor
Surgery. This postgraduate diploma, accredited by
Middlesex University, has run since 2007. In 2009,
Jonathan was appointed to the Council of the
Association of Surgeons in Primary Care and in 2010,
he became the RCGP Clinical Champion for minor
surgery. He continues as their clinical lead and is in
the process of developing a national, communitybased surgery audit jointly with the RCGP and the
HSCIC. Married with three boys, he enjoys fishing
ever optimistically for salmon, classic cars, skiing and
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
doctors, nurse anaesthetists and theatre nurses. She
hopes to be successful in her application for an ST3 in
plastic surgery and to continue to work abroad
throughout her career.
David Dalton
David Dalton is Chief
Executive of Salford Royal
NHS Foundation Trust – an
hospital, community and
including the University
Teaching Hospital. David has
been an NHS Chief Executive
for over 20 years, serving at
Salford Royal for over 12. He has a particular interest
in quality improvement with a focus on improving
patient safety and service reliability. David is leading a
programme to achieve the lowest mortality rate in the
NHS and to achieve harm-free care for the patients of
his Trust. Last year, he served on the Berwick Review
of Patient Safety, which reported its recommendations
to the Prime Minister in August. David has been active
in developing a new cadre of clinical leaders and
devolving responsibility, with accountability, to them.
Working with these leaders, Salford Royal is
developing its Personal Contribution Framework
which uniquely connects individual behaviours and
personal contribution to the Trust’s goals and values.
David is working with colleagues in primary and social
care to develop a new integrated care service in
Salford, with its triple aim of improved outcomes,
better experience and lower cost. He chairs a new
network organisation of highly performing Foundation
Trusts – NHS QUEST – which aims to achieve
unprecedented levels of quality improvement. He has
led the establishment of the Greater Manchester
Academic Health Science Network which aims to
improve health through better adoption of evidence of
best practice and to improve wealth with a better
interface with industry to adopt new devices and
Jacob Dreyer
Jacob (Fanus) Dreyer is a
consultant general surgeon at
NHS Dumfries and Galloway.
He trained at Stellenbosch
University and Tygerberg
Hospital, South Africa and
previously worked in Malawi
and rural South Africa before
coming to Dumfries in 1999,
where he developed a
colorectal interest. In 2008, he obtained an MEd in
surgical education from Imperial College London and
has special interests in surgical professionalism, nontechnical skills, surgical humanities, critical care
teaching, surgical education in sub-Saharan Africa and
global surgery. Fanus is a member of the Global
Health Academy of the University of Edinburgh, chairs
the International Development Committee of ASGBI
and is a member of ASGBI’s Scientific Committee.
Since 2009, he has been teaching in East and Central
Africa on various surgical topics, but mainly in critical
care. He was Rahima Dawood Travelling Fellow for
RCSEd and COSECSA in 2009, is editor of a critical
care series of open access articles for Africa published
through the University of Toronto (
and has published a handbook for critical care
teaching in Africa.
Dr John W Drover
Dr Drover is professor of
surgery at Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
After growing up in Nova
Scotia, he attended Acadia
University (1980) to study
science before going on to
Dalhousie University (1984) for
medical school. After a rotating
internship, he practised as a
family physician for three years in Tamworth, Ontario.
After completing residency in general surgery (1992),
he continued on, to complete training in critical care
medicine (1994) at Queen’s University. John then did
further training in critical care, working as a senior
registrar at Guy’s Hospital, London, returning to join
Queen’s University as a faculty member in 1994. John
practices as an intensivist at Kingston General Hospital
and his surgical practice is focused on trauma. He is
Chair and Program Medical Director of the Critical
Care Program at Kingston General Hospital and
Queen’s University. He is and instructor with the ATLS
programme and has been elevated to Provincial
Faculty by the American College of Surgeons. John is
also Chair of the Specialty Committee for Critical Care
Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada. He is the Director of
Accreditation for Undergraduate Medical Education in
the Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University
and the Medical Co-ordinator of the Bariatric Regional
Assessment and Treatment Center at the Hotel Dieu
Hospital, Kingston. He is active as a teacher at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels and his
research has focused on nutrition with an emphasis on
the critically ill patient.
Jonothan Earnshaw
Jonothan Earnshaw has been a
consultant at Gloucestershire
Royal Hospital for 22 years.
After qualifying in London at
Guy’s Hospital, he trained in
Brighton, Nottingham and
finally Bristol. He became a
undertaking a DM degree in
consultant practice was general, but he is now a full
time vascular specialist. Jonothan has held national
posts at the Vascular Society of Great Britain and
Ireland, including Honorary Secretary from 2006 to
2010, and is currently Chair of their Professional
Standards Committee. He was President of the Venous
Forum of the RSM from 2006 to 2008. He has a
longstanding interest in surgical publication, and has
been a member of the Editorial Team at British
Journal of Surgery since 1994, where he is now Joint
Chief Editor. He is presently the Clinical Director of
the NHS AAA Screening Programme, a post he has
occupied since 2009.
Professor Jonathan Fawcett
Professor Fawcett graduated
Newcastle upon Tyne in 1983,
where he was a surgical
registrar, passing the FRCS exam
in 1988. After registrar jobs, he
was appointed to an ICRF (as
then was) clinician scientist
fellowship in 1989 and moved
2014 International Surgical Congress
Medicine, the Margaret Witt Scholarship from the
RCSEng and the Alex Simpson-Smith Travelling
Fellowship. His clinical and research activities
encompass emergency general surgery, colorectal
disease and the development of trainee collaborative
networks through the STARSurg and
projects. Ed is a Fellow of the Higher Education
Academy, with an active interest in improving surgical
teaching and training, having previously acted as the
trainee representative on the General Surgery
Specialist Advisory Committee and Joint Committee
on Surgical Training.
Professor Paul Finan
Professor Paul Finan is currently
a consultant colorectal surgeon
in the John Goligher Colorectal
Unit at St James’s Hospital,
Leeds and honorary professor of
colorectal surgery within the
University of Leeds. He
received his undergraduate
training in Bristol, qualifying in
1974, and his postgraduate
training entailed travels to Cardiff, Iowa, Oxford,
Leeds, Cambridge and St Mark’s Hospital, London. He
was appointed to his current post in 1986. Paul was
the clinical lead responsible for establishing a single
colorectal unit within Leeds and has conducted an
active research programme over many years. He was
President of the Association of Coloproctology of
Great Britain and Ireland in 2007 and of the Section of
Coloproctology of the Royal Society of medicine in
2008. For the past four years, he has been the clinical
lead for the national bowel cancer audit and now
chairs the colorectal site-specific clinical reference
group within the National Cancer Intelligence
Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald
Professor Fitzgerald is a
tenured programme leader at
the MRC Cancer Unit,
Cambridge and honorary
consultant in gastroenterology
at Addenbrooke’s Hospital,
Cambridge. She graduated
from Cambridge University in
1992, performed a research degree at Stanford
University, California from 1995 to 1997, then
undertook specialist clinical training and postdoctoral
research at Barts and The London Hospitals from 1997
to 2001, when she then moved back to Cambridge.
The focus of her research is to improve methods for
early detection of oesophageal cancer through better
understanding of the molecular pathogenesis.
Rebecca was awarded the prestigious Westminster
medal and prize for her first proof of concept work on
the CytospongeTM and associated assays for
diagnosing Barrett’s oesophagus in 2004; this work
received an NHS Innovation prize in 2011. She
received a Lister Prize Fellowship in 2008 and in
2013, Rebecca was awarded an NIHR Research
Professorship to facilitate translational research for
patient benefit. In recognition of her work, she has
given the Goulstonian Lecture at the Royal College of
Physicians and was awarded the Sir Francis Avery
Jones Medal from the British Society of
Gastroenterology. Rebecca enjoys teaching and
communicating science to the public. She directs
studies for medical students at Trinity College
Cambridge and is a Fellow of the Institute for Learning
and Teaching. Rebecca is committed to bringing
research advances into clinical practice and inspiring
other researchers to do likewise.
Edward Fitzgerald
Ed Fitzgerald is a registrar in
undertaking a Fellowship with
international charity working to
save lives through safer surgery.
Lifebox focuses on resourcepoor countries with high rates of
complications and deaths. This work has taken him to
Rwanda and the Congo, where a major part of his
efforts have involved developing the implementation
science behind safer surgery initiatives, including the
WHO Checklist. Ed qualified from the University of
Oxford, and undertook clinical training in Nottingham
and London. He is a Past-President of the Association
of Surgeons in Training and a previous recipient of the
Norman Tanner Medal from the Royal Society of
Professor Rhona Flin
Professor Flin holds the Chair
of Applied Psychology and is
Director of the Industrial
Psychology Research Centre at
the University of Aberdeen.
She leads a team of
performance in high risk
industries and healthcare. Her
group’s projects include studies of leadership, culture,
team skills and decision making in healthcare, aviation
and the energy industries. She is currently studying
senior managers’ safety leadership and also nontechnical skills in surgery in the oil and gas sector.
Rhona was awarded the Roger Green Medal (Royal
Aeronautical Society) for aviation human factors
research and the John Bruce Medal (Royal College of
Surgeons of Edinburgh) for behavioural science in
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
to the Nuffield Department of Surgery at Oxford
University. He worked in the ICRF laboratories at the
Institute of Molecular Medicine, completing his
doctorate in 1992. After research, Jonathan became a
senior registrar in Oxford. After an enjoyable year in
the transplant unit, he rotated to Northampton,
working for Brian Dowling doing upper GI surgery
with some HPB work. Returning to the John Radcliffe
Hospital, Jon sat the intercollegiate examination in
1995, sharing the ASGBI prize with Sukhpal Singh.
Declaring an interest in HPB left him accredited at a
time when HPB jobs were sparse, and this prompted
a move to Brisbane in 1996 as a senior lecturer,
working for Professor Russell Strong at the Princess
Alexandra Hospital. Since then, Professor Fawcett has
gone on to become the Director of the Queensland
Liver Transplant Service and Chairman of the HPB
unit. Jonathan has been an enthusiastic recruiter to
various trials in liver transplantation and HPB surgery
and he is a member of the Australasian GI Trials
Group. As a now senior consultant, he spends a good
deal of time assisting trainees with pancreatic surgery,
liver resections and liver transplants. Jonathan is also
a member of the Court of Examiners of the Royal
Australasian College of Surgeons.
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
surgery. She is a member of the Safety Advisory
Committee for the Military Aviation Authority at the
UK Ministry of Defence. Books she has authored
include Safety at the Sharp End: A Guide to NonTechnical Skills (2008) and Safer Surgery: Analysing
Behaviour in the Operating Theatre (2009).
Kathryn Ford
Kat Ford is a CT2 in paedatric
surgery at King’s College
training at The University of
Birmingham and intercalated
Epidemiology. During this
time, Kat carried out her
research in Guangzhou,
China. She has sustained an interest in working in the
developing world, working in Cuba, Mexico and
teaching and training in Ghana since graduating in
2010. She did her Foundation Year training in
Birmingham, before moving to London to pursue her
surgical training. In the future, Kat would like to
continue to combine work in the developing world
with her specialist surgical interest of paediatric
Chair in Surgery at the University of Newcastle upon
Tyne in 1999. He has championed the cause of
specialisation and has been instrumental in the
Improving Outcomes Programme for oesophageal and
stomach cancer, by encouraging the centralisation of
services in the UK. He continues to provide both
general surgical and specialty on-call and his major
commitment is cancer surgery and therapeutic
endoscopy. Michael has served on the SAC in General
Surgery and was President of AUGIS from 2004 to
2006, and President of the European Society of
Diseases of the Esophagus from 2011 to 2013. He is
Chairman of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board and
has been an expert adviser to NICE, NCEPOD, NHS
R&D and the Department of Health. He has been
responsible for a number of external reviews of cancer
services throughout the UK and abroad and has
published widely in the field of oesophago-gastric
surgery, holding visiting professorships in Europe, the
United States and Asia. Michael’s real love is rugby,
having represented Scotland at international level. He
was awarded an OBE for services to cancer healthcare
in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours list.
Professor Peter J Friend
Professor Friend is professor of
University of Oxford and
Director of the Oxford
Transplant Centre. He is a
practicing transplant and HPB
surgeon. His research interests
are in the field of liver
perfusion, preservation and
repair and he is co-founder of
OrganOx, a spin-out company of the University of
Oxford, that was established to develop
normothermic liver perfusion. Peter’s research also
includes clinical trials of novel approaches to
immunosuppression. He has published on isolated
xenotransplantation and transplantation of the liver,
pancreas, intestine and kidney, as well as other aspects
of transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery. Before
moving to his current post, he worked at the
University of Cambridge.
Martin Griffiths
Martin Griffiths is a consultant
working in Barts Health NHS
Trust at the Royal London
Hospital and Major Trauma
Centre. He was born in London
and studied medicine at Barts,
graduating with honours in
surgery. He received his surgical
training in North East Thames
and developed an interest in trauma surgery whilst on
elective in Africa. He gravitated to the Royal London
Hospital and became part of their internationally
renowned Trauma service. Martin is a keen trauma
educator, teaching on DSTS, SSET, and ATLS courses,
and is an advocate of injury prevention, having spent
over a decade supporting numerous injury prevention
programmes in the UK, as well as being a participant
in award-winning violence reduction strategies, both
in the UK and overseas. He is a recent recipient of the
Cutlers Travelling Fellowship and is currently engaged
in the development of an injury prevention strategy for
Barts Health as well as Tower Hamlets. When not as
work he admits to being a knowledgeable but awful
Professor S Michael Griffin,
Professor Griffin was born in
Newcastle upon Tyne and was
educated in Edinburgh at
Fettes College. He qualified
at the University of Newcastle
upon Tyne in 1978 and
trained in surgery in the
Northern Region. He spent a
year at the Chinese University
of Hong Kong, studying oesophago-gastric cancer
surgery and interventional endoscopy. He was
appointed as consultant surgeon with an upper GI
interest at the Newcastle General Hospital in 1990
and developed the Northern Oesophago-Gastric
Cancer Unit at the Newcastle General, setting up the
first multi-disciplinary meeting for oesophago-gastric
cancer in the UK in 1991. The unit is now the largest
in Europe and North America. Professor Griffin is a
full-time NHS consultant but was awarded a personal
Professor Mike Grocott
Professor Grocott is the
professor of anaesthesia and
critical care medicine at the
University of Southampton,
where he leads the Centre for
Human Integrative Physiology.
He is a consultant in critical
care medicine at University
Hospital Southampton NHS
Foundation Trust, where he
leads the critical care research area of the UHS-UoS
NIHR Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit. Mike
trained in London at St George’s Hospital Medical
School and UCL. He completed an MD within the
UCL Centre for Anaesthesia and established the UCL
Centre of Altitude Space and Extreme Environment
Medicine (CASE) and the UCLH/UCL Surgical
Outcomes Research Centre (SOuRCe). In 2007, he led
the Caudwell Xtreme Everest medical research
expedition and summited Everest. Mike now leads the
2014 International Surgical Congress
Charlotte Gunner
Charlotte Gunner is a core
surgical trainee based in
Sheffield. Having completed
foundation years in Edinburgh,
she took a year out of formal
training. After securing a
distinction in the Diploma in
Tropical Medicine in Liverpool,
she travelled to Zambia where
she worked as a surgical SHO in St Francis’ Hospital in
the Eastern Province. She maintains strong links with
St Francis’ and has a special interest in global surgery.
Richard Hardwick
gastrointestinal surgeon at the
Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust and
established the Oesophagogastric Centre there in 2001.
Before this, he was a consultant
senior lecturer at the University
Hospital of Wales, Cardiff and a
lecturer in surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.
Richard is currently Lead Clinician for the National
Oesophago-gastric Cancer Audit and is past-Chair of
the Clinical Services and Audit Committee of AUGIS.
His major clinical interests are the diagnosis and
treatment of oesophago-gastric cancer and quality
assurance. He is Chair of Clinical Audit at
Addenbrookes Hospital, represents the Eastern Region
on the NHS England O-G specialist commissioning
clinical reference group and is a member of the NCIN
Upper GI Clinical Reference Group. Richard has
published widely on the early diagnosis of
oesophageal cancer, hereditary diffuse gastric cancer
syndrome and the genetics of oesophageal
Makani Hemadri
Hemadri is an associate
specialist in general surgery at
Northern Lincolnshire and
honorary clinical tutor at Hull
York Medical School. He is
known for his innovation and quality improvement.
He has won the Health Foundation’s Leaders for
Change Award, Local Health and Social Care Award
for Service Improvement at Hull and was called a
‘Hidden Hero’ of the NHS by the BMA. He was one
of a handful of people in the UK who completed a
year as a Fellow of the NHS Institute for Innovation
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
and Improvement and he trained with the world’s
best experts in the field of healthcare quality
improvement. Hemadri has trained a large number
of NHS staff in quality improvement. He was
honoured with an ‘Outstanding Contribution to
BAPIO’ award in November 2013, mainly for his
work on exploring bias in post-graduate examination
results for doctors in the UK. Hemadri is a comoderator of Indigo’s discussion forum, with 5,000+
international medical graduates. He is an Executive
Committee Member of BAPIO and until recently, he
was a member of the RCS SAS Committee and an exofficio member of RCS England’s Patients’ Liaison
Group and CORESS. He is a member of the Clinical
Human Factors Group and he provides interview
skills training for doctors.
Jaymie Ang Henry
Jaymie is a doctor, a writer, a
public health specialist, and
an advocate for surgery as
part of primary healthcare
countries. She is a founder
and Executive Board Member
Collaboration for Essential
Surgery (ICES), dedicated to
promoting essential surgery in
developing countries. Jaymie is the executive
producer and director of the film dedicated to global
surgery issues, “The Right to Heal.” She obtained her
medical degree from the University of Santo Tomas
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Manila,
Philippines, and a Masters in Public Health at the
University of California, Berkeley School of Public
Health. Jaymie was a researcher at the World Health
Organization’s department of Violence and Injury
Prevention and Disability. She is currently a lecturer
on the UC Berkeley School of Public Health Global
Health core course.
Andrew Hutchings
Andrew Hutchings is a lecturer
in the Department of Health
Services Research and Policy
at the London School of
Hygiene & Tropical Medicine,
and an Honorary Lecturer in
the Clinical Effectiveness Unit
of the Royal College of
Surgeons of England. He
graduated from Lancaster
University with a degree in
Management Science (Operational Research) and
worked in industry before spending five years at the
Audit Commission and qualifying as an accountant.
Andrew joined the London School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine in 1998 and from 2006 to 2009, he
was a MRC Special Training Fellow in Health Services
Research. His research interests are in the application
of quantitative methods in quality improvement,
service delivery and organisational research. Since
2009, he has been involved in methodological
research on the use of routine patient-reported
outcomes in elective surgery. He was a member of the
Operations Board of the Department of Health’s
Patient Reported Outcomes (PROMs) programme
and, as statistical advisor, is on the editorial board of
the journal Health Policy and Planning. In 2013, he
was elected to the Board of the Health Services
Research Network.
Xtreme-Everest Oxygen Research Consortium and the
Fit-4-Surgery Group. He is the founding director of
the NIAA Health Services Research Centre and chairs
the HQIP funded National Emergency Laparotomy
He is joint Editor-in-Chief of the
BioMedCentral journal, Extreme Physiology and
Medicine. Mike’s research interests include human
responses to hypoxia, measuring and improving
outcome following surgery, acute lung injury, and fluid
therapy. He has been awarded the Featherstone
Award (2013) and the Pinkerton Medal (2008) of the
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and
Ireland, and the Silver Medal of the Danish Surgical
Society (2005).
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
Professor Can Ince
Professor Ince is a physiologist
at the Academic Medical
Center (AMC), University of
Amsterdam and Erasmus
Medical Center (EMC), Erasmus
University, Rotterdam. He is
Chair in Clinical Physiology at
the AMC is dedicated to
cardiovascular aspects of
surgery and intensive care,
focused on clinical and fundamental aspects of
circulation and oxygenation. He heads the Department
of Translational Physiology at the AMC. The Department
consists of a group of basic and clinical scientist doing
laboratory and clinical research in sepsis, shock,
resuscitation, fluid therapy, blood transfusion, oxygen
transport, microcirculation, mitochondria, acute kidney
injury and heart failure. In addition, medical technology
research related to the aforementioned topics is carried
out. In 2007, Professor Ince joined the Department of
Intensive Care at the EMC where he also works in
collaboration with the Department of Pediatric and
Neonatal Intensive Care of the Sophia Children’s
Hospital. This combination of work allows bench-tobedside translation of concepts, diagnostic and
therapeutic modalities related to circulation and
oxygenation. He holds a PhD in Immunology/Physiology
and has an MSc and BSc in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering. Professor Ince is past-President of the
Dutch Physiological Society and past-President of the
International Society of Oxygen Transport to Tissue. He
has authored over 350 peer reviewed papers and holds
patents related to microcirculation technology.
Professor David Jayne
Professor Jayne was appointed
Professor of Surgery at the
University of Leeds in 2011. His
laparoscopic and robotic
surgery. David’s research
interests include the molecular
biology of colorectal cancer and
new technologies for minimally
invasive and robotic surgery. He
is CI on several NIHR portfolio studies, including
MRC/EME/NIHR ROLARR trial (pan-world trial
evaluating robotic surgery for rectal cancer),
NIHR/HTA/FIAT (collagen plug for fistula-in-ano),
MRC/EME/NIHR GliSTen (intraoperative fluorescence for
stratified colon cancer surgery), and NIHR/HTA/SaFaRI
(Sacral nerve stimulation or Fenix magnetic sphincter
augmentation for faecal incontinence). In 2012, David
was awarded an NIHR Research Professorship to develop
new surgical technologies for minimally invasive surgery.
He is Clinical Director of the NIHR Healthcare
Technologies Cooperative (HTC) in Colorectal Therapies,
a national network of clinicians, academics, commercial
partners, and public and patients, to develop innovative
solutions for patients suffering colorectal disorders.
Professor Danny Keenan
Professor Keenan is a
practicing cardiac surgeon to
Infirmary, part of the Central
Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, where he is also
Associate Medical Director. He
has had a great interest in the
use of information to drive improvement in care. He is
at the forefront of clinical audit, being responsible for
the release of personal results, both locally and
nationally. Danny was appointed professor of
cardiothoracic surgery at the University of Manchester
in 2009, where he is co-principal investigator within
the cardiovascular research group at the university. He
is Medical Director (part time) of the Healthcare
Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP), responsible
for national and local audit, registers, confidential
enquiries and promoting the consequent service
improvement. For NICE, he chairs the Clinical
Commissioning Group Outcome Indicator Set.
Robert H S Lane
Bob Lane retired as a colorectal
surgeon at the Royal Hampshire
County Hospital in Winchester
in 2007 and is now actively
involved in surgical education
and training in sub-Saharan
Africa. For 15 years, on behalf
of ASGBI, he has organised a
number of different surgical
training courses and lectured extensively in both West
and East Africa. The demand is huge, not just for
doctors in training but also for clinical officers. He sits
on a number of committees, concerned with
improving surgical training and healthcare in the
developing world. Bob was awarded two government
grants in 2012 to undertake education and training
courses in East and West Africa and, so far, these have
been highly successful and very popular. He was
President of the Association of Surgeons of Great
Britain and Ireland in 2005 and is currently
Programme Director for International Development.
He is Secretary General of the International Federation
of Surgical Colleges and is also Surgical Advisor to the
Tropical Health & Education Trust (THET). He was the
Rahima Dawood Travelling Fellow awarded by the
Association of Surgeons of East Africa (ASEA) in 2008.
Kamal Mahawar
Kamal Mahawar is a consultant
general and bariatric surgeon
with City Hospitals Sunderland
NHS Trust, and has a keen
interest in evidence-based
bariatric surgery. Sunderland
bariatric unit is not only one of
the biggest bariatric units in the
UK, it also has an exceptional
safety record. At Sunderland, they are also keen to see
a bit more academic rigour into bariatric surgery and
present regularly to all major national and
international meetings. They are constantly examining
newer strategies and procedures to further improve
results of bariatric surgery. Kamal is also an open
access activist and a keen supporter of open and
transparent communications amongst biomedical
scientists using innovative peer review models.
Dr Stefan Maz
Dr Maz is an associate specialist
in anaesthesia at Rotherham
NHS Foundation Trust. He
studied law at Leeds and York
before undertaking a two-year
Hempsons Solicitors, who
specialise in defending NHS
Trusts across the country against
2014 International Surgical Congress
Erman Melikyan
Erman studied medicine at
Istanbul University, Turkey,
followed by specialist training
in trauma and orthopaedics at
the same university hospitals.
He undertook clinical and
research fellowships in hand
surgery as well as in shoulder
and elbow surgery at the
Pulvertaft Hand Centre in
Derby. He obtained international certification by
taking the European Diploma in Hand Surgery
Examination, having done the Fellowship
examination of the Royal College of Surgeons.
Erman completed a postgraduate degree in
Orthopaedic Engineering at the University of Cardiff;
his research resulted in a number of publications in
high impact international journals, amongst which is
the first randomised double-blinded study
worldwide on Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment
of tennis elbow. He has presented at various national
and international meetings and authored several
book chapters in hand and wrist surgery. Erman
founded the Wessex Instructional Hand Course for
Surgeons and Therapists which he has been running
since 2006. The course was given the educational
award of “highly commended” by the Wessex
Deanery due to its contribution to multidisciplinary
learning. Erman is on the editorial board for wellknown international journals and has served as a
faculty member of the AO-UK. He is a Senior
Clinical Lecturer at the University of Southampton.
Surgeon Captain
Mark J Midwinter, CBE
Midwinter qualified from the
University of Newcastle in
1984. He trained in general
surgery, with a sub-specialty in
upper gastro intestinal surgery
in Newcastle and Manchester.
He obtained his higher degree
Newcastle upon Tyne, for research in pancreatic
disease. He was appointed consultant surgeon in
Portsmouth, with an honorary contract at the
University of Southampton, before moving to
Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. In 2006, Mark was
appointed as the Defence Professor of Surgery, which
is a Royal College of Surgeons of England
appointment, in conjunction with the Surgeon
General. In 2009, he was appointed Honorary
Professor School of Medicine, Swansea. He has seen
active service in the former Yugoslavia, Iraq and
Afghanistan. Mark’s research interests include a
whole spectrum of military trauma and surgery;
particular current topics are thromboelastography
and the management of trauma associated
coagulopathy, the effects of blast and ischaemia on
vascular endothelium, platelets and neutrophils and
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
microvesicles dervived from these cells. He is also
engaged with research collaborations examining the
effect of blast and inflammation in the brain at
Imperial College London and role of gut serosa in
inflammation at University of Manchester. Surgeon
Captain Midwinter is the National Institute of Health
Research Centre for Surgical Reconstruction and
Microbiology theme lead for Acute Care, member of
The Healing Foundation Burns Research
Centre/Burns Collaborative and NIHR HTC Trauma
Innovation (Birmingham). Surgeon Captain
Midwinter was graciously awarded a CBE and
appointed QHS by Her Majesty The Queen.
Faheez Mohamed
Faheez Mohamed graduated
from Edinburgh University in
1996 and completed Higher
Surgical Training in the North
East of England. He spent two
years as a Research Fellow
working with Dr Paul
Sugarbaker at the Washington
Cancer Institute, USA and was
awarded an MD by the
University of Newcastle for his work on intraperitoneal
chemotherapy . He was appointed Consultant
Surgeon at the National Specialist Commissioning
Group-funded Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Centre in
Basingstoke in 2009. The Peritoneal Malignancy
Institute, Basingstoke is now one of the leading centres
in the world for the treatment of Pseudomyxoma
peritonei and other peritoneal malignancies, having
performed over 1,000 cytoreductive surgery
procedures with Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal
Chemotherapy (HIPEC).
Brendan Moran
Brendan Moran has been a
Hampshire Foundation Trust
since 1995. He set up the
first Peritoneal Malignancy
Treatment Centre in the UK
in 2000 and has developed
this into one of the largest
centres in the world, with over 1,000 patients
undergoing surgery in Basingstoke up to early 2013.
He also has a special interest in rectal cancer,
particularly low rectal cancer. Brendan set up and
ran the English National Low Rectal Cancer
Development Programme in 2010, which
completed in 2013. He is an honorary senior
clinical lecturer at the University of Southampton
Cancer Sciences Division, Yeoh Ghem Seng
Honorary Professor of Surgery for the National
University of Singapore and honorary professor of
surgery at Aarhuis University Hospital, Denmark.
Brendan is the Chairman of the Multidisciplinary
Clinical Committee, ACPGBI and is also a member
of the Executive and Council of ACPGBI. He is a
founder member and executive member of the
Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International
(PSOGI). Brendan’s main interests are in optimising
surgical treatment for cancer and introducing and
popularising novel modifications to improve
outcomes. He has recently edited two textbooks,
Manual of Total Mesorectal Excision and
Farquharsons Textbook of Operative Surgery and
presents and publishes extensively.
clinical negligence claims on behalf of the NHS
Litigation Authority. Having returned to medicine,
Stefan found himself at the receiving end of a clinical
negligence claim. He had to put everything he had
learned as a trainee solicitor into practice to defend his
own professional reputation. He will share his
experience, giving practical advice on how to defend
a clinical negligence claim, illustrating his talk with
examples from his own case.
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
Dr Arden M Morris
Dr Morris is an associate
professor of surgery, associate
professor of health behavior
health education, and chief
of the Division of Colorectal
Surgery at University of
Michigan. She is core faculty
Michigan’s Center for Health
Outcomes and Policy and for
the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation Clinical Scholars Program, and serves as
President of the Surgical Outcomes Club (USA). Dr
Morris has published extensively on processes and
outcomes of cancer care, and reducing disparities in
the quality of surgical care. She recently completed a
mixed methods study funded by the American
Cancer Society to understand variations in care
among socially vulnerable populations and has
begun a four year population-based survey in
Georgia and Michigan to understand the influence of
patient-provider relationships on the quality of
colorectal cancer care. Arden co-chaired the
National Quality Forum’s Steering Committee for
Surgical Quality Measures and is a member of the
NQF Consensus Standards and Approval Committee.
She has served on the Medicare Coverage Advisory
Committee and on a variety of national technical
advisory panels and committees primarily focused on
quality of care.
Professor Vassilios Papalois
Professor Papalois is professor
of transplantation surgery and
consultant transplant and
general surgeon in the Renal
Imperial College Healthcare
NHS Trust (ICHT). His main
clinical interests are high risk
transplantation and extended
criteria deceased donor kidney and pancreas
transplantation. Professor Papalois has been active in
surgical research for more than 20 years and has
published more than 170 papers in peer review
journals, 15 book chapters and five books. Currently,
his PhD students work on pre-transplant assessment
of graft viability and graft pre-conditioning through
machine organ perfusion, use of stem cells to regenerate chronically scarred grafts and issues related
to ethics and health policy in modern surgical
practice. Vassilios is the Honorary President of the
Division of Transplantation and currently the
President of the Section of Surgery of the European
Union Medical Specialists (UEMS).
He has
pioneered the development of the UEMS exams for
accreditation of transplant surgeons, physicians,
coordinators and immunologists as well as the
process for the accreditation of transplant centres for
training in all transplant disciplines across Europe.
Vassilios chairs the Education Committee of the
European Society for Organ Transplantation (focusing
on educational innovations for live and e-learning
courses), the Ethics Committee of the ICHT, the
Ethics Committee of the British Transplantation
Society and he is a member of the Research Ethics
Committee of the Ministry of Defence. He has given
more 60 lectures in international forums as an invited
Simon Paterson-Brown
Simon Paterson-Brown qualified
from St Mary’s Hospital Medical
School, London, in 1982, before
training in surgery around
London, the Home Counties,
Hong Kong and Edinburgh. He
has been consultant general and
upper gastrointestinal surgeon
and honorary senior lecturer in
the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
since 1994. Simon’s main clinical interests are benign
and malignant oesophago-gastric surgery and
emergency surgery. He has been published widely,
both in textbooks and journals, on emergency surgery,
laparoscopic surgery, upper gastro-intestinal surgery,
surgical training and assessment. His other interests
include patient safety initiatives in surgery, surgical
assessment and training. At the present time, Simon is
Chairman of the Patient Safety Board of the Royal
College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and is part of the
development team for both NOTSS (Non-technical
Skills for Surgeons) and SOS (Safer Operative Surgery)
courses, designed to improve intra-operative
performance for both surgeons and the whole theatre
team. He was previously Clinical Director for surgery in
Lothian University Hospitals and is past-President of
the Association of Upper Gastro-intestinal Surgeons of
GB and Ireland (AUGIS). He is currently on the council
of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Dr Rupert Pearse
Dr Pearse graduated in 1996
from St George’s Hospital
Medical School in London.
After time working in general
medicine and anaesthesia, he
returned to St George’s Hospital
where he developed many of
his current research interests
and completed his training in
intensive care medicine. In
2006, he was appointed senior
lecturer in intensive care medicine at Queen Mary’s
University of London and was promoted to Reader in
He has now given up anaesthesia to
concentrate on his clinical duties on the intensive care
unit at The Royal London Hospital and his research
interests, in improving outcomes following major
surgery and the cardiovascular pathophysiology of
critical illness. Rupert plays a leading role in a number
of large multi-centre studies, including OPTIMISE,
Carol Peden
Carol is the Macintosh Professor
of Anaesthesia of the Royal
College of Anaesthetists UK, and
Associate Medical Director for
Clinical Quality for NHS England
(South). Her clinical background
is as a consultant in anaesthesia
and intensive care at the Royal
United Hospital, Bath. She is a
founder of the emergency
laparotomy network, quality
improvement lead for the National Emergency
Laparotomy Audit (NELA) and for the EPOCH study,
and National Clinical Director for Enhanced Recovery
pathways in Emergency General Surgery in the UK.
Carol teaches regularly on quality and safety
internationally. She is an author/co-author of many
2014 International Surgical Congress
Shaun R Preston
Shaun Preston is a consultant
surgeon. He is Lead for the
oesophago-gastric unit at Royal
Surrey County Hospital and
Director of upper GI courses at
the Minimal Access Therapy
Training Unit (MATTU). He
graduated from the University
of Leeds in 1990, where he also
biochemistry and his doctorate in GI cancer research,
and was subsequently lecturer in surgery for three
years. Shaun was awarded the Gold Medal and Prize
in the Intercollegiate FRCS Examination. Following
this, he was awarded a Fellowship at the National
Cancer Center, Tokyo where he assisted with Drs
Maruyama, Sasako, Sano and Katai, and operated
under the supervision of Dr Sano. He then spent five
years as consultant oesophago-gastric surgeon in
Newcastle upon Tyne with Professor S M Griffin, OBE
and in 2006, was appointed to head the tertiary
oesophago-gastric unit in Guildford and contribute to
teaching at MATTU. Shaun’s clinical interests focus on
radical surgery for oesophageal and gastric cancer, in
optimising staging and outcomes. He has a specific
interest in endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). He also
utilises many of the skills developed in endoscopy and
in both open and advanced laparoscopic surgery, to
contribute to a team providing a supra-regional service
for revision foregut surgery, complex benign and
emergency oesophago-gastric and hernia surgery. He
teaches and trains in advanced laparoscopic surgical
techniques at the MATTU. Shaun’s research interests
include peri-operative nutrition, enhanced recovery
and standardised clinical pathways. He lectures both
nationally and internationally on surgical technique,
enhanced recovery and on the staging and
management of oesophago-gastric cancer.
David Scott-Coombes
David Scott-Coombes is a
surgery at the University
Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. He
is President Elect of the British
Association of Endocrine and
Thyroid Surgeons, a member
of the Executive Committee of
the European Society of
Endocrine Surgeons and is the
Chairman of the Board of Examiners for the European
Board of Surgery (Endocrine). He qualified from
Westminster Medical School and trained in endocrine
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
surgery at Hammersmith Hospital. David has
published on most aspects of endocrine surgery and
written chapters in leading undergraduate and
postgraduate textbooks and is co-editor of a new
book, Tips and Tricks in Endocrine Surgery.
Humphrey Scott
Humphrey Scott trained at
Charing Cross Hospital and
was a higher surgical trainee
on the London North West
Programme. He was awarded
his MS at the University of
London in 1991. He is a
surgeon at Ashford and St
Peter’s NHS Trust and has an
interest in surgical education.
Humphrey was awarded an MA in Clinical Education
in 2009 and is a Fellow of the Academy Medical
Educators (2010) and a Fellow of the Faculty of
Surgical Educators (RCSEd, 2013). He was awarded
the Silver Scalpel for Trainer of the Year in 2012 by
ASiT and he is Head of School of Surgery for HE.KSS.
Humphrey is a member of the section of
coloproctology at the Royal Society of Medicine and
sits on the education committee of the Association of
Dr Nick Sevdalis
Dr Sevdalis is an experimental
appointed senior lecturer in the
Department of Surgery and
Cancer and the Centre for
Patient Safety and Service
Quality of Imperial College
London, and Director of the
Simulation Research Group.
Nick’s research focuses on
team assessment and training,
patient safety skills training, and learning from error. His
team is an international leader in the development of
scientific assessment tools, and relevant training modules
within the peri-operative, resuscitation, and cancer care
settings. Nick is also leading the development of
innovative approaches to training junior and senior
clinicians. Tools developed by Nick’s group include the
Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery
(OTAS), the revised NOTECHS scale for operating
theatres, and the Observational Skill-based Clinical
Assessment tool for Resuscitation (OSCAR). Training
programmes developed by Nick’s group include the
“Safety Skills for Surgeons” half-day course (for
registrars), the “Human Factors and Teamwork in the
Operating Theatre” one-day train-the-trainers workshop
(for consultants), and the “Lessons Learnt” six-month
workplace patient safety course (for foundation year
trainees). Nick’s research has been disseminated in over
160 peer-reviewed publications and over 50 invited
lectures to date. He has supervised to successful
completion six doctoral fellows, and is currently
supervising eight clinical research fellows and three
psychologists. Nick is serving on the Royal College of
Anaesthetists’ ‘Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group–Data
Intelligence Group’, he is an Associate Editor of
Implementation Science and he is an Editorial Board
Member of the International Journal of Surgery,
Simulation in Healthcare, the Journal of Behavioural
Decision Making, and the Journal of Evaluation in
Clinical Practice.
major papers, books, reviews and standards including
The Higher Risk Surgical Patient (RCS and DoH) and a
contributor to the RCS Standards for Emergency Surgery.
She is also Editor of the RCOA, Audit and Quality
Improvement Guidelines. She was a 2008 to 2009
Health Foundation Quality Improvement Fellow at the
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (USA) and
completed a Masters degree in Clinical Effectiveness at
Harvard University. She is a Fellow of the NHS
Improvement Faculty and the Faculty of Medical
Leaders and Managers. Carol is Chair of the Executive
Board of the Dr Foster Global Comparators project,
composed of hospitals around the world collaborating
to improve outcomes. She was a member of the
“Keogh” review team of High Mortality Hospitals and is
a member of the new Care Quality Commission
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
Anu Shrotri
training and postgraduate
surgical training in India.
She came to the UK in
fellowship of the Royal
College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Glasgow in
1996. Anu did her higher
surgical training in breast specialty and became a
staff grade surgeon in March 2000. She has been
an associate specialist in breast and general
surgery since 2005 and is an independent
practitioner in her specialty. She was a member of
the SAS committee at the BMA and has
represented SAS doctors on Equality and Diversity
Committee during that time. Currently, Anu is a
member of the SAS Doctors’ Committee at the
Royal College of Surgeons of England and their
Opportunities in Surgery department. She also
represents SAS doctors on the Joint Committee for
Revalidation. Anu is currently pursuing an MSc in
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery from the University of
East Anglia.
Professor Frank Smith
Professor Smith is professor
of vascular surgery and
surgical education at the
University of Bristol. He
Midlands, Edinburgh and
undertook further training in
vascular surgery in Boston,
Denver, Los Angeles and
Seattle. He has research interests in various aspects
of clinical vascular surgery and vascular biology. He
is Deputy Head of Teaching in the School of Clinical
Sciences at the University of Bristol and has
significant commitments to both undergraduate and
postgraduate education. He is Programme Director
for the Confidential Reporting System for Surgery
(CORESS) and sits on the NCEPOD Steering Group,
also representing CORESS on the Surgical Services
Patient Safety Expert Group of NHS England. He is
a member of the Court of Examiners of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England, Council Member of
ASGBI, past-Honorary Secretary of the Society of
Academic and Research Surgery (SARS) and
immediate past President of the Section of Surgery
of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Mattias Soop
Mattias is a colorectal surgeon
with special interests in
management of intestinal failure
and surgical stress reduction.
surgical training and a PhD in
surgical stress physiology in
the Karolinska
Manchester, he completed a two-year clinical
fellowship in colorectal surgery and a postdoc at
Mayo Clinic, Rochester. In 2008, Mattias formed his
own research group as associate professor and
colorectal surgeon at the University of Auckland,
driving multiple research and clinical programmes. In
October 2013, he returned to Manchester to take up
a new position as colorectal surgeon at Salford Royal
Hospital and as Reader at the University of
Manchester. At Salford Royal, Mattias is attached to
the Intestinal Failure Unit. His current research
interests focus on gut physiology in chronic intestinal
failure, and on circulatory and renal physiology in
surgical stress.
Dr Mike Stroud
Dr Stroud is a consultant
Southampton, with specialist
expertise in clinical nutrition,
intestinal failure and inflammatory
bowl disease. He is Co-Director
of the Southampton Nutrition
Support Team and Intestinal
Failure Unit. His particular interest
in parenteral nutrition and IV fluid
administration led him to chair the NICE Guideline
Development Groups that produced both the 2006
recommendations on Nutrition Support and the 2013
recommendations on IV fluid prescribing. Mike was also
the Chairman of the British Association for Parenteral and
Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) from 2008 to 20011, the Vice
Chair of the UK Department of Health Malnutrition Task
Force from 2011 to 2013 and is current Chair of the UK
Nutrition and Hydration Action Alliance.
Paul Sutton
Paul Sutton qualified from the
University of Nottingham in
2006, before completing the
Programme in Trent Deanery.
He followed this with the Core
Surgical Training Programme in
the North West, obtaining his
NTN in general surgery in
Mersey in 2010, where he has
expressed subspecialty interests in Colorectal Surgery
and Surgical Oncology. To further this interest, he was
awarded a Cancer Research (UK) Clinical Research
Training Fellowship, whereby he is currently reading for
a PhD at the University of Liverpool; the focus of his
research is predicting response to neoadjuvant
therapies in metastatic and advanced colorectal cancer.
He plans to return to full time clinical training in 2015
and aspires to a lectureship towards the end of his
clinical training. Alongside this, Paul has developed an
interest in humanitarian surgery. He is a member of the
UK International Emergency Trauma Register and has
worked on short term missions in South Africa,
Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria, the last two of
which were with the charity Operation Hernia.
Professor Cem Terzi
Professor Terzi graduated in 1984
from Ankara University Medical
Faculty and had his postgraduate
training in Ankara Numune
Training and Research Hospital
between 1988 and 1992. He
worked in Southampton General
Hospital as a research registrar, as
well as a senior registrar, between
1995 and 1997. Professor Terzi
had GMC full registration in the UK in 1997. He became
assistant professor in 1999, associate professor in 2000 and
professor of surgery in 2005 at the Dokuz Eylul University
Medical Faculty in Turkey. Cem is still working in this
2014 International Surgical Congress
Mark Withers
Mark Withers is the Deputy
Revalidation Director for NHS
England North and he is on a
secondment to NHSE from his
home trust at Rotherham. He
is responsible for secondary
care input into the work
streams on appraisal, including
the expert reference group
and responding to concerns,
as well as leading on the development and provision of
RO appraisal for the North region. Mark is currently the
Responsible Officer for Rotherham and has worked as
deputy Medical Director, Director of Medical
Workforce, Chief of Division of Clinical Support and
Exec Director in the past. He also works with
Nottingham City CCG as their independent secondary
care doctor. Mark previously worked for the Strategic
Health Authority (SHA) on appraisal training and
remediation. In the near future, he will join the North
Lincolnshire and Goole trust as Medical Director.
Sean Woodcock
Sean has been a consultant
upper GI surgeon in the
Northumbria NHS Founda-tion
Trust for nine years. He was an
London, graduating in 1991
and spent most of his SpR
training in and around
Manchester. He undertook
research into intestinal ischaemia reperfusion injuries at
the Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, Boston, USA,
leading to being awarded his Masters degree in Surgery
in 2003. Sean spent a year as a senior registrar at the
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, South Australia from
2004 to 2005, before taking up his consultant post. He
is the lead bariatric surgeon in the trust, a council
member of BOMSS, Chair of the education and training
sub committee of BOMSS and council member of
ALSGBI, representing the Northern and Yorkshire
Region. He is a member of the Northumbrian Team of
Upper GI Surgeons (NUGITS) who are nationally
recognised for their hands on laparoscopic training.
Kwame Agyire-Tettey
Director of the Medical and
Surgical Skills Institute (MSSI)
at the Korle Bu Teaching
Hospital in Ghana. The MSSI
is the leading medical training
facility in West Africa. In
2013, the MSSI trained at total
of 1,782 health professionals
in various fields of study, from
18 different African countries. Kwame started the
MSSI in February 2005 as a collaborative relationship
between the West Africa College of Surgeons and the
American College of Surgeons, funded by Johnson and
Johnson. The MSSI has grown from one site (Accra
Ghana) and one course (Advance Trauma Operative
Management) in 2005 to today providing 15 courses
in four locations in Ghana (Accra, Kumasi, Cape Coast
and Tamale) and three other West African Countries
(Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone - with Togo and
Cameroon soon to be added). Kwame holds a
Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Sociology,
Master’s degree in Finance and a Masters of Arts
degree in Social Policy from university of Ghana. He
is married to Afua who is currently finishing her PhD
in Social Work at the University of Siegen in Germany.
Kwame and Afua have two children aged 7 and 9.
Mark Duxbury
Mark Duxbury received his
medical degree from Oxford
Medical School. He undertook
a full-time research fellowship
at Harvard Medical School,
investigating novel therapies for
pancreatic cancer. Following
higher surgical training on the
Eastern Deanery (Cambridge)
rotation, he completed further
subspecialty training in hepatopancreaticobiliary (HPB)
and transplantation surgery in Edinburgh. _Mark is an
NHS consultant HPB surgeon and clinical lead for liver
surgery at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. His clinical interests
include laparoscopic liver surgery. He leads a cancer
research group working on pancreatic cancer and the
biology of liver metastasis. Mark is actively involved in
international collaborative translational research into
personalised cancer treatment.
Dr Eric Elster
undergraduate and medical
school degrees from the
University of South Florida in
Tampa, as a recipient of the US
Navy’s Health Professionals
Scholarship Program. Upon
completed a general surgery
residency at the National Naval
Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. During Operation
Iraqi Freedom, Dr Elster served as ship’s surgeon aboard
hospital in the Department of Surgery, Colorectal Surgery
Unit. He has had two board certifications; the Turkish Board
of Surgery in 2002 and the European Board of Surgery in
2011(honorary diploma). His academic interest areas are
colorectal surgery, surgical infections, medical education,
post-graduate training and e-learning. Cem was a member
of the Executive Committee of the Turkish Medical
Association (TMA) between1994 and 1995 and a member
of the Turkish Medical Association Accreditation of
Continuous Medical Education Committee between 1994
and 2000. He was a member of the TMA Co-ordination
Committee of Medical Specialty Societies between 1999
and 2004 and the President of the TMA Co-ordination
Committee of Medical Specialty Societies between 2004
and 2006. Cem was also a member of the committee of the
Board of Turkish Surgery between 2000 and 2006, and
General Secretary of the Board of Turkish Surgery between
2000 and 2002. He was the National Delegate of the
UEMS Section of Surgery between 2008 and 2012 and a
member of the Executive Committee of the Turkish Society
of Colon and Rectal Surgeons between 2008 and 2010.
Professor Terzi held the post of President of the Turkish
Surgical Association between 2008 and 2012 and the
President of the European Society of Surgery from 2011 to
present. He was the associate editor of the Journal of Turkish
Colon and Rectal Disease between 2008 and 2012.
Professor Terzi is on the editorial board of the Journal of
Dokuz Eylül Medical Faculty (2010 to present). He also
works as a reviewer on some national and international
medical journals. Professor Terzi is the author and co-author
of several national and international articles, the author of
several national textbook chapters and the editor and coeditor of many national medical textbooks.
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
the USS Kitty Hawk while stationed in the Persian Gulf.
Upon returning, he completed a solid organ
transplantation fellowship at the National Institutes of
Health and was then stationed at the Naval Medical
Research Center in Silver Spring, MD, where he
directed a translational research programme focused on
the development of improved diagnostics and therapies
for serious traumatic injuries, transplantation and
advanced operative imaging. CAPT Elster now serves as
the 3rd Chairman of the Norman M Rich Department
of Surgery at the Uniformed Services University of the
Health Sciences, as well as a professor of surgery and
Director of the Surgical Critical Care Institute, a joint
military and civilian programme developing clinical
decision support tools for critically ill patients. Eric was
last deployed as a surgeon and Director of Surgical
Services at the NATO Role 3 Military Medical Unit in
Kandahar, Afghanistan. He is a member of numerous
organizations, including a fellow of the American
College of Surgeons, Society of University Surgeons,
American Society of Transplant Surgeons, and the
Southern Surgical Association. Eric has published over
100 scientific manuscripts and received numerous
research grants across all aspects of surgery.
Dr Michael Englesbe
Dr Englesbe received his
undergraduate degree at Yale
University in New Haven,
Connecticut in 1993. He went
on to obtain his medical degree
in 1997 from the Robert Wood
Johnson Medical School and
completed his general surgery
residency at the University of
Michigan Health System in 2004. From 2000 to 2002,
Dr Englesbe undertook a surgical research postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington
Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. He completed
a two year fellowship in multi-organ transplant surgery
at the University of Michigan in June of 2006 and, in
July 2006, he was appointed assistant professor and
2011 associate professor of surgery. Michael does both
kidney and liver transplantation. His primary clinical
focus is pediatric liver transplantation. He started the
multi-disciplinary pediatric portal hypertension clinic
and has significant expertise in the management of
portal hypertension and portal vein thrombosis in
children and adults. Michael has an active research
group, of which the focus is improving the quality and
efficiency of surgical care. His current work uses
analytic morphomic techniques to assess patient risk,
and then investigate ways to mitigate these risks
through physical activity. He is the Associate Director
of the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative and in
addition, he has written numerous manuscripts on
portal hypertension and portal vein thrombosis in
adults and children. Michael has funding for his work
from the National Institute of Health, the American
Surgical Association Foundation, the Blue Cross and
Blue Shield Foundation.
Ewen Harrison
Ewen Harrison is a senior
lecturer in General Surgery at
the University of Edinburgh and
an Honorary Consultant at the
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
He obtained his undergraduate
medical training at the
University of Glasgow, his
higher surgical training in
Edinburgh and undertook a
fellowship in liver transplantation and hepatobiliary
surgery in Groningen, the Netherlands. He is a
committed clinician-scientist and performs laboratory
research aiming for rapid progression to first-in-human
trials of promising therapies. His research group have
recently identified a novel agent which reduces
damage in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Ewen became
interested in population-based surgical outcomes
studies when he examined the results following
cholecystectomy in Scotland. This has acted as a
catalyst for wide-ranging ‘big data’ projects in
collaboration with Health Improvement Scotland. He
is in the second year of an MSc in Statistics, which
provides a solid foundation for this work.
Rhona Howie
Rhona grew up in Dunlop,
Ayrshire and now lives in Ayr.
She took up curling at the age
of 17 and played competitively
for 22 years, representing
Scotland and Great Britain on
many occasions. Rhona’s most
recognised sporting achievement is as skip of the Great
Britain team that claimed gold
at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Her
team’s triumph over Switzerland also meant they
became Great Britain’s first gold medalists at the Winter
Olympics since Torvill and Dean in 1984. Rhona
received an MBE in recognition of her services to
curling later that year, and her team’s story captured
the interest of the nation; they consequently arrived
home to a hero’s welcome. The stone that clinched the
victory – dubbed “the Stone of Destiny” – is now
housed in the Scottish Sports Hall of Fame exhibition in
the National Museum of Scotland. Rhona also enjoyed
success by skipping the Scotland’s ladies’ team at both
the European and World Championships. After retiring
from competition in 2006, Rhona has taken on many
roles related to the sport, such as a commentator for
the 2010 Winter Olympics and now as Head Coach for
women’s curling at the SportScotland Institute of Sport.
Rhona also carried the Olympic torch in Glasgow
during the relay leading up to London 2012. As a head
coach, Rhona has coached teams to European Youth
Olympic gold, World Junior gold, European
Championship gold, World Championship gold and
Olympic bronze medals. Rhona was inducted into the
Scottish Sports Hall of Fame in November 2012.
Celia Ingham Clark
Celia Ingham Clark is the
reducing premature mortality,
working in Sir Bruce Keogh's
team at NHS England. She
trained in general and
colorectal surgery and was a
consultant at the Whittington
Hospital from 1996. After
roles as Director of Medical
Education and Clinical Director, she was Trust
Executive Medical Director from 2004 to 2012. In
parallel to this, she worked with Sir Mike Richards as
national Clinical Lead for Colorectal Cancer, then
national Clinical Lead for Transforming Inpatient
Care. From 2011 to 2013, she had a role as Medical
Director for Secondary Care, and then for
Revalidation and Quality in NHS London, and in
2013 was appointed national Clinical Director for
Acute Surgery and Enhanced Recovery. In these latter
roles, she led the expert surgical panel in the
2014 International Surgical Congress
Professor John MacFie
Professor John MacFie is a
consultant surgeon employed
by the York Foundation
Teaching Hospital Trust and is
based in Scarborough. He has
a personal Chair with the
University of Hull and is
affiliated to the Academic
Surgical Unit, Castle Hill,
Cottingham. He was President
of the Association of Surgeons
of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) from 2010 to
2012 and is now Chairman of the Surgical Forum of
Great Britain and Ireland. Professor MacFie’s
speciality interest is colorectal, with a specific
commitment to the management of patients with
intestinal failure and those with inflammatory bowel
disease. He maintains an active interest in nutrition
and metabolism, ethics and the care of the critically
ill. John has received a number of prizes and research
grants over the years. In 1996 he was awarded a
Hunterian Professorship by the Royal College of
Surgeons of England, was the recipient of the John F
Kinney prize for Nutrition and Metabolism in 2001,
the British Journal of Surgery editorial John Farndon
prize in 2003 and the ASGBI Moynihan prize in both
2005 and 2007. He has written over 200 papers and
many book chapters. Particular research interests
include energy metabolism in surgical patients, the
utilisation of fat emulsions, the definition of gut
function, the ethics of nutritional support and gut
barrier function. John has worked in many roles,
including Regional Advisor and Programme Director
for General Surgery in Yorkshire, external examiner
for many medical schools, and was member of the
Court of Examiners for RCS England. He has
supervised numerous higher degrees and is Director
of the Postgraduate MSc Programme in the University
of Hull. He has served as a Governor of BUPA
Foundation and was elected a fellow of the James IV
Association. John holds Honorary Fellowships with
the Royal College Surgeons of Edinburgh as well as
the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. He is
also a registered nutritionist.
Professor Simon Kay
Professor Kay is a consultant
plastic surgeon in Leeds and
professor of hand surgery at
the University of Leeds. He
developing the use of
reconstruction of hands,
particularly children’s hands,
and has an extensive practice
in children’s hand surgery,
microsurgery and major
peripheral nerve injury. He began his interest in hand
transplantation many years ago, having worked
closely with members of the pioneering team in
Louisville, and has forged a large multidisciplinary
team in Leeds. This has been supported by close
alliance with colleagues in Leon, who have been very
supportive of the development and with NHSBT.
Professor Kay undertook the first UK hand
transplantation in December 2012 and continues to
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
development this service with a number of patients
now screened and ready for transplantation.
Russell Lock
Medical School in 1969. He
Westminster, Southend and
colorectal surgery at St Mark's
and Cleveland Clinic, Ohio,
USA. Appointed to the staff of
the Royal Northern and
Whittington Hospitals in
1982 as a colorectal surgeon,
he continues to practice part-time at the
Whittington. He has published and lectured widely
in this country and abroad on seven general
colorectal topics, most notably on Crohn's disease.
Currently Chairman of the IDC, Rusell has, since
2002, developed a considerable interest and
experience in surgical training in Sub-Saharan Africa
and regularly contributes to teaching TTT, BSS and
Management of Surgical Emergency courses in
Brenda Longstaff
Brenda initially worked
within local government. For
more than twelve years, she
lived overseas in countries in
Africa, the Middle East and
returning to the UK, Brenda
joined the NHS and has
worked on a number of
major capital projects and service developments.
Since 2000, she has managed a multi-stranded
international partnership with Kilimanjaro Christian
Medical Centre, which has enabled the
establishment of a number of new services in
Tanzania, such as laparoscopic surgery.
Since 2003, Brenda has worked closely with the
Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) as an
original member of the NHS Links Group, being the
only NHS operational manager invited to take part in
discussions at national level during the writing of the
2007 Crisp report. Brenda has presented before the
parliamentary select committee for international
development at the House of Commons and, during
2013, was called as an expert witness during the
development of the All Party Parliamentary Group on
Global Health’s report into international
volunteering. In 2012, Brenda’s research, ‘Innovative
workforce development: the case for international
health links’, was published in the Health Service
Journal. A toolkit developed by her to gather
evidence of skills and knowledge gained from
international volunteering is currently being trialled
by NHS Employers. Brenda is currently a member of
the NHS Volunteering Group which reports to the
Department of Health. She is a frequent presenter at
health links conferences and, as an acknowledged
expert in the field, has contributed to many health
links publications, most recently THET’s publication
‘Donating medical equipment overseas’, which was
launched at a World Health Organisation conference
in 2013. She is currently leading on a UK Aid burns
project in Tanzania, which involves a multidisciplinary team from Northumbria Healthcare NHS
development of the quality standards for acute care
for London, and then chaired the Clinical Standards
development group for Sir Bruce Keogh's Seven Day
Services Forum.
Harrogate, 29th April to 2nd May 2014
Foundation Trust, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
and the North East Ambulance Service.
Judy Mewburn
Sixteen years ago, Judy was
asked by a surgeon if she
would like to teach theatre
nurses in Africa, and of course
her answer was yes. She had
spent all of her working life so
far in theatres, both in the
private and public sector.
Sixteen years later, Judy is still
teaching, not only in Africa
but in Sri Lanka and
Bangladesh too. Judy taught with the Tropical
Health and Education Trust for eight years,
travelling with a general surgeon and an
anaesthetist, mostly in northern Ghana, Tamale,
Bolgatanga and Wa, and the surrounding smaller
hospitals. She then joined the Overseas
Development Committee of ASGBI and has
travelled to Rwanda, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda,
Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Botswana, Sierra Leone
and the Gambia. Whilst surgeons teach the Basic
Surgical and Emergency Surgery courses, Judy
teaches theatre, recovery, surgical ward, A&E nurses
and sometimes midwives. She has written a training
course for theatre nurses which has been translated
into French for use in francophone countries. The
course starts with basic skills, goes on to cover all
skills needed in theatre and also contains a basic
laparoscopic surgery set up, information on ENT
surgery and also sutures.
Des Winter
A 1993 graduate of the
National University of Ireland,
Dublin, Des Winter entered
basic surgical training in Cork
and achieved his fellowship
examination (FRCSI) in 1998.
During this time, he completed
cellular physiology research
spanning Ireland and Yale
University for a doctorate of
medicine by thesis, before
entering the Irish senior
registrar scheme in surgery. He received the ASGBI
medal for the Intercollegiate Fellowship in 2003. Des
was appointed as consultant surgeon to his alma
mater, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin in
2004, but deferred commencement until 2006, to
complete a fellowship at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester.
Des is an editor of the BJS and sits on the
international advisory board of Arch Surg, as well as
the editorial boards of Ir J Med Sci, Curr Drug Ther
and Langenbeck’s Arch.
Nii Armah Adu-Aryee
Nii Armah Adu-Aryee is a
general surgeon working with
the University of Ghana Medical
School. He was educated in the
same institution and practices
surgery at the Korle Bu Teaching
Hospital which is affiliated to the
school. His main activities are
teaching, both under- and
postgraduate surgery, and he
also runs the surgical endoscopy
init. He examines in ‘surgery in general’ for the West
African College of Surgeons. Nii is involved in tumor
board activity for breast cancer, gastro intestinal cancer
and teaches basic surgical skill and trauma courses for
the ‘occasional trauma surgeon’. He is involved in
developing courses for acquisition of surgical skills for
trainee and practicing surgeons.
Lieutenant Colonel Phillip
De Rouffignac
Lt Col de Rouffignac joined
the Army in 1995 and
completed RD tours as a
Troop Commander at 5 Field
Ambulance, an Army Training
Regiment working as a
Platoon Commander and
Adjutant 22 Field Hospital.
During this tour, he deployed
command of the Role 3
MIMU in Sipovo, BiH. He
moved on to become SO3
Med Ops/Log in HQ 1 (UK) Armoured Division,
before promoting to Major and moving desks six feet
to the left to become the SO2 Med Ops/Plans during
Op TELIC 1 as part of that HQ, then moving onto
become MA/DGAMS in HQ AMD, Camberley. His
staff training was completed during 2005 and 2006 at
the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College,
Toronto, where he represented the College at rugby
and introduced the Canadians to cricket. He returned
to Germany to command A (29) Medical Squadron, 1
Close Support Medical Regiment, in Bergen-Hohne in
support of 7th Armoured Brigade. The post of SO2
CSS Ops Coord, HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps
followed prior to promotion to Lt Col in June 2010
and the appointment of Chief of Staff Headquarters
2nd Medical Brigade. He assumed command of 3
Medical Regiment in Nov 2011 and commanded the
Regiment during their tour on Op HERRICK 17. Lt
Col de Rouffignac has a degree in Chemistry from the
University of Warwick and a Masters Degree in
Defence Studies from the Royal Military College of
Canada. He is married to Annmarie and they have a
daughter, Larissa, aged 5. A keen road cyclist and rebudding triathlete, any time not on the road or in the
pool is used to devise ways to fund his wife’s
increasingly expensive equestrian exploits with her 21
year old Dutch Warmblood mare, Lollie, and thinking
how to stop his daughter from wanting a horse.
Professor Ian G Finlay
Professor Ian Finlay was a
Glasgow Royal Infirmary until
2013, where he developed
Coloproctology. He was also
Associate Medical Director
for Surgery and Anaesthetics
in Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Health Board from 2010 to
2013, having responsibility for the delivery of
approximately one third of all surgery performed in
Scotland. In 2008, he was seconded on a part-time
basis to Scottish Government to advise on the
implementation of revalidation. He chaired the
Revalidation Delivery Board Scotland and
represented Scottish Government at the GMC.
Professor Finlay now has a wider role, providing
2014 International Surgical Congress
Gazalla Safdar
Gazalla is an SAS surgeon.
Having had a broad based
training in General Surgery in
her home country of India,
she came to the UK in 2000.
After passing her MRCS, she
developed an interest in
breast cancer management
and pursued that interest with
vigour. Having represented
the grade nationally at the
RCS England for four years, Gazalla now represents
the grade on the ASGBI council. It is her passionate
desire to see the grade break free from the shackles
of inferiority. Her career story spans 25 years,
devoted to the generality of surgery, trauma and
breast cancer management. Gazalla has been
fortunate to raise a family and contribute to
charitable causes along the way.
Guest Speakers and International Visitors - Version 4
medical advice to the Scottish Government. In this
role, he is a member of the UK Education Scrutiny
Group and the recently convened the UK Four
Nation Shape of Training Implementation Steering
Group. He also advises the Seven Day Service Task
Force in Scotland and chairs a number of working
parties including a Remote and Rural Services Group.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
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