Smart Grid Gotland -‐ Wind Power Integra4on Reference Group Mee4ng, Visby, 5th March 2014, Daniel A. Brodén Smart Grid Gotland SGG > Wind Power Integra4on Market test Power quality with distributed generation Wind power integration Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Market installations Smart SCADA Smart substations and rural grid Energy storage Smart Meters 2 Situa4on on Gotland ~170 MW wind power HVDC cables -‐ Wind power capacity ~170 MW -‐ Max grid capacity 195 MW -‐ HVDC capacity 2x130 MW -‐ ~21,000 detached houses -‐ 3 major industries 3 Situa4on on Gotland 195 MW wind power HVDC cables 2012 Produc4on & Consump4on 195 MW installed capacity 170 MW installed capacity 90 MW export 70 MW export 4 Situa4on on Gotland 200 MW wind power HVDC cables +5 MW 2012 was risk free! However, the risk s4ll exists! Max prod -‐ Min cons = 200 -‐ 65 = 135 135 MW > 130 MW! 2012 Produc4on & Consump4on 200 MW installed capacity 95 MW export 5 Situa4on on Gotland 200 MW wind power HVDC cables +5 MW Demand-‐Response Demand-‐Response Demand-‐Response Management System (DRMS) 6 Demand-‐Response can help increase the hos4ng capacity of wind power on Gotland and solve conges4on problems in the network Gotland Challenges Produc4on Prognosis on Short-‐Term (hour-‐ahead) Actual Prognosis Produc4on Prognosis on Long-‐Term (day-‐ahead) Uncertainty in produc4on prognosis makes it difficult to rely on Demand-‐Response for conges4on management 7 Research Is it technically feasible to balance 5 MW addi4onal wind power capacity in the exis4ng distribu4on network with an Ancillary Service Toolbox? 8 Research > AS Toolbox Data Inputs (2012) Wind data Network Simulator Load data Long-‐Term DR Short-‐Term DR Bacery Flexibility tools 9 Wind Curtail. Research > Forming Clusters 200 MW wind power HVDC cables +5 MW Long-‐Term Cluster Op4mized consump4on schedule set 24 hours ahead ST+LT prognosis Peak hours Prod Cons Load shift Short-‐Term Cluster LT prognosis Peak hours Prod Cons Load shift The cluster op4miza4on is executed sequen4ally where the ST cluster minimizes the prognosis errors from the LT cluster Op4mized consump4on schedule set hourly 10 Research > Forming Clusters 200 MW wind power HVDC cables +5 MW Long-‐Term Cluster Bacery Energy Storage System Absorbs the prognosis errors from the ST cluster. Short-‐Term Cluster 11 Research > Detached House Model 75 % of all electricity in a detached house is consumed by space hea4ng and domes4c hot water Mathema4cal Modeling Space hea4ng Domes4c hot water Consump4on es4mates of detached houses 12 Research > Detached House Model Consump4on Model based on “Forecasting household consumer electricity load profiles with a combined physical and behavioral approach” by Claes Sandels, ICS, KTH Model validated with the consump4on of 41 Swedish residents living in detached houses 13 Research > Industry Model Industrial consump4on shares Cementa (86%), Nordkalk (6% ) Arla (5%), Others (3%) A poten4al DR ac4vity for Cementa modeled MWh 2.8 Addi4onal produc4on ac4vity during weekdays & dayshijs 12 14 24 4me (h) Research > Simula4on Setup -‐ 3 day periods simulated -‐ Considering seasonal varia4on -‐ 2012 data in hourly granularity -‐ Data adjusted to provoke export problem 17% 23% 20% 15 Research > Results & Findings Required cluster size (w/o Cementa) Total power to balance per day and scenario 40,00 35,00 x 1900 day 1 Minimum cluster size/day day 2 day 3 x 1600 (LT) x 300 (ST) Power [MW] h 30,00 17% 25,00 20,00 1500 900 1700 1300 1100 15,00 1700 900 23% 20% 10,00 1500 1000 900 1000 1000 5,00 0,00 Scenario 1: Winter days Scenario 2:Spring days Scenario 3: Summer days Scenario 4: Autumn days Scenarios The minimum number of par4cipants required to Total number of hourly export problems per day and scenario solve all export problems for all scenarios 8 Scenario 1: Winter Scenario 2: Spring Scenario 3: Summer Scenario 4: Autumn 7 6 16 16 0 12 24 36 Time [hours] 48 60 72 Research > Results & Findings Indoor temperature Indoor temperature change for a LT household participant 25 Winter Spring Summer Autumn 24 Less than +/-‐ 1°C varia4on for all seasonal scenarios. Comfort level is kept! 17% 23% 20% Temperature [degees C] 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 12 24 17 36 Time [hours] 48 60 72 16 0 12 24 36 Time [hours] 48 60 72 Research > Results & Findings Tank temperature change for LT household participant Tank temperature 130 Winter Spring Summer Autumn 120 Varia4ons are within the boundaries for all scenarios. Comfort level is kept! 17% 23% 20% Tank temperature [degees C] 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 24 12 Figure 12: 18 36 Time [hours] 48 60 72 Research > Results & Findings 300 BESS opera4on (winter scenario) BESS level Wind curtailment Max BESS capacity 250 No wind curtailment needed in this scenario Power [kW]h 200 17% 23% 150 100 20% 50 0 0 12 24 36 Time [hours] 48 60 BESS charges to account for prognosis errors not accounted by the DR par4cipants 19 72 Research > Results & Findings Industry par4cipa4on The modeled DR ac4vity for Cementa significantly reduced cluster size! +100 -‐700 17% -‐700 23% 20% DR dynamics changes when cluster size is reduced. This explains the increase on Saturday when Cementa is no longer par4cipa4ng 20 Research > Validity & Reliability? 17% 23% 20% -‐ Worst case condi4ons reflected -‐ Uniform household consump4on model -‐ DR par4cipant can not override the consump4on -‐ Network simulator not included in study -‐ Implementa4on difficul4es not considered -‐ Economical constraints not considered 21 Research > Benefits for SGG project Opera4on Strategies Simula4on results 17% Household modeling 23% 20% 22 Research > From Model to Reality? 17% 23% 20% Ongoing collabora4on with VENTYX on development & implementa4on 23 Thank you for your acen4on Daniel A. Brodén, +46 762185980 Smart Grid Gotland 24
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