Good Parenting Show 2014: Exhibitor Manual ORGANISER DETAILS This manual is intended to make your participation at the event as smooth and productive as possible. If you have any questions or require further assistance please do not hesitate to contact Good Parenting team : Kevin Daly - Show Director - 0845 459 0775 or 07730 479869 The organiser office (situated off the Play and Learn Hall) will be open at the event during set up and show times if you require any help. COMPULSORY ACTIONS DEADLINE • Complete and return your Exhibitor Profile Form 1 May 2013 • Email exact wording for your stand name board (shell scheme exhibitors only)* 1 May 2013 • Complete and return your risk assessment ( Kids Active Zone) 1 May 2014 • Email the names and job titles of stand personnel 1 May 2014 Pay any outstanding balances. 20 April 2014 Exhibitors that have not made full payment before the event commences will not be allowed to exhibit OPTIONAL ACTIONS DEADLINE • Book shell scheme stand extras 3 May 2013 • Order electrical and lighting requirements 8 May 2013 • Book furniture for your stand 3 May 2013 • Check that you have adequate insurance in place 1 May 2014 Venue & Timetable VENUE INFORMATION Hampden Park (At one time the world's largest stadium) Glasgow’s famous Hampden Park will play host to the Track and Field Athletics competitions and the 2014Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony. Hampden Park is an iconic place not only for Glaswegians, but also for all Scots as it is home to the national football team. EXHIBITION TIMETABLE Stand build Thursday 15th May 2014 Exhibitors move in Friday 16th May 2014 Open to the public (Day 1) Saturday 17th May 2014 Open to the public (Day 2) Sunday 18th May 2014 Exhibitors move out Sunday 18th May 2014 (after show closes to public) STANDS BUILD MUST BE COMPLETE WHEN THE EXHIBITION OPENS TO THE PUBLIC AT 09.30 ON SATURDAY 17TH 2014 EXHIBTION OPEN TIMES TO THE PUBLIC Saturday 17th May 2014 9.30am to 5.00pm Sunday 8th May 2014 10.00am to 4.30pm PLEASE NOTE: All stands MUST remain intact until the exhibition has closed at 4.30 pm on Sunday 18th May .The exhibition is for the full 2 days and breaking down or packing up early not only impinges on venue health and safety regulations, but is detrimental to the quality of the event for other exhibitors and delegates. Exhibitors who do breakdown early may not be permitted to exhibit at future events and could be fined. BUILD AND BREAKDOWN – ACCESS FOR UNLOADING On arrival to the Hampden Park, drivers should report to the Loading Bay (see map) unload. If on arrival, the loading bay is full, vehicles will need to queue. Once unloaded, drivers should leave the materials with security , as there is no space in the loading bay due to 2014 Games works, and park the vehicle in the main car park. Then return to the lading and proceed to the halls for set up. Exhibitors are informed that there may be delays in the loading area, we aske all exhibitors to show a patient manner and be courteous at all times. Any type of verbal abuse to the organiser or event staff will not be tolerated and anyone found doing this will be asked to leave the venue by security. Parking & Travel Hampden Park is situated in the south side of Glasgow, just a few minutes away by car from the M77 For more detailed direction visit: There are 1000 free car parking spaces and for loading and unloading there is a special loading bay, off to the right from the main entrance (see below) Please note exhibitors must not use the public entrance at Hampden Park whilst loading and unloading. You will be turned away by security if you try to do so. We also kindly ask to park away from the main entrance to give visitors, especially with young children easy access during the show. Loading Bay: Drop Off & Pick Up ONLY Visitor and Exhibitor Parking Exterior Show displays areas Shell Scheme SHELL SCHEME INFORMATION Shell Scheme Scotland are supplying the shell scheme. Each shell scheme stand comes with the following: White PVC Walling Velcro compatible walling Fascia name board Carpet Power and Lighting. A 4 way gang socket and spot lighting are available if need the cost is £30 for power and £50 for power and lighting. Please makes sure you book this in advance if require. Trestle Tables Trestle Table hire is at £10 per table with linin included. Please make sure you book this in advance if require. Fixing It NOT permitted by the exhibitor using the stand to use any of the following on the shell scheme; screws, nails, drawing pins or any material/tool that will damage/pierce the panels. It is recommended that hook and loop Velcro (male to female Velcro) is used and blue tack is also acceptable. ‘S’ hooks can also be used to hang objects in the stands (the maximum hanging load should be no more than 1kg per hook.) Shell Scheme Scotland Contact Details: Enquiries: 01592 650470 Health & Safety HEALTH AND SAFETY The Good Parenting Media Group has adopted the industry wide Health and Safety Venue E-guide at http:// It is the exhibitors’ responsibility to ensure that their staff and contractors are fully compliant with the mandatory requirements. There is a on site Heath & Safety team, and we ask you to comply with any instructions given. Failure to do so may result in exclusion form the event. All electrical items must be PAT Tested certified (such as lap tops, TV, Music Systems etc?) Certified Electrial engineers such as DM Electrical can help If supply hot or refrigerated food, temperature checks will be done on a regular basis by the on site Health & Safety team. The Good Parenting Media Group operates a common scene policy. This is a live event with children attending and we ask all exhibitors to follow instructions to the letter. Any repeat disregard to instructions given will result in immediate exclusion to the event, a fine and barring of any future events. RISK ASSESSMENT AND METHOD STATEMENT Exhibitors who are parting in the Kids Active Zone are required to complete a risk assessment. A risk assessment template for shell scheme exhibitors can be found the Exhibitor Area. Even if no risks are involved, exhibitors will need to confirm this in writing to the organisers. by 1 May 2014 INSURANCE The Organisers and the Hampden Park cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to stands, exhibits, property or equipment. Exhibitors are responsible for insuring against any legal liability incurred in respect of injury or damage to persons or property belonging to themselves or third parties. In addition to this, exhibitors should protect expenditures against abandonment and cancellation or curtailment of the event due to reasons beyond our control. If you do not have insurance in place, Kate Hunter from Towergate will be happy to help. Kate Hunter, Cert CII Commercial Account Executive Towergate Insurance Mobile No 07825019232 E-Mail . General Information DELIVERIES There is very limited storage available at the Hampden therefore deliveries will be accepted from Wednesday 14 May to Friday 16 May 2014 only. DELIVERIES THAT ARRIVE BEFORE WEDNEDAY 14 MAY WILL BE TURNED AWAY. Deliveries can take place between the hours of 08.00 to 18.00. On arrival to the Hampden Park, drivers should report to the loading bay. All deliveries must be clearly marked with the following information: <Exhibitor name> and <stand number> Good Parenting Show 2014 C/O Ashley Wilson Hampden Park Glasgow G42 9BA Due to the very high volume of deliveries the organisers and the Hampden Park cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of items. We advise exhibitors to be onsite to receive their goods themselves to ensure safe delivery. COLLECTIONS Though it is preferred that items be removed all Please ensure that any left items are taken with you or collected no later than 5pm Monday 19 May. Any items not collected will be deemed as waste and disposed of. Please leave items for collection clearly labelled with the delivery name and address, the name, company and stand number of the sender, and also the name and telephone number of the courier company instructed to collect. General Information REGISTRATION The Good Parenting Show is a relaxed, informal family event and we do not give out ID badges for exhibitors, but we do ask for all exhibitors to register for the show. Please can you send a list of the names of all people who will be exhibiting at the show by 01 May 2104 to Registration will take place 30 minute before the show opens each day INTERNET ACCESS Free wi-fi is available throughout the Hampden Park The free wi-fi is sufficient for checking emails or low level browsing. The Password will be given to everyone upon registration. REFRESHMENTS AND LUNCH A trolley service will be available for exhibitors in the morning , were Tea, Coffee, Soft Drinks and filled rolls can be ordered and paid for. We kindly ask Exhibitors to use the Hampden Experience Café rather that the Visitor Restaurant . A selection of hot and cold meals and a Costa Coffee shop are available. CLEANING A full clean of the exhibition hall swill take place on Friday and Saturday evening and before the exhibition opens to the public. Please note cleaners will not clean any tables or exhibits on any of the stands and will only vacuum the floor and remove waste which is clearly marked. SECURITY At the end of the each day when the exhibition areas are to be vacated, Hampden Park Security will be informed so that these areas can be secured. Please ensure stand personnel take all personal belongings with them at the end of each day. The organisers and Hampden Park cannot accept responsibility for any damage to and/or loss of any property introduced by exhibitors or contractors. Please ensure that all electrical equipment has been turned off before leaving the exhibition hall at the end of each day. Tips & Advice TIPS AND ADVICE FOR A SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION Now that you have booked your stand, we would like to ensure that you get the most out of your investment in the exhibition and maximise the number of visitors you will meet, so you might like to consider some of the following points: Pre-event Ensure you have clear and achievable objectives Ensure you have fully briefed your onsite team and draw up a staffing rota Have procedures in place for measuring your success against your objectives Allow plenty of time for designing your stand, particularly if you need to appoint a stand designer Tell clients, press, colleagues and guests that you are exhibiting via your website, advertising or direct mail Provide your complimentary editorial as delegates will keep this information for future use Put an incentive scheme in place for your onsite team as this can help encourage sales Consider including an office or demonstration area for a more relaxed space to talk to delegates A moving exhibit attracts attention so consider including lighting or audio-visual displays on your stand At the event Have free samples, branded gifts or literature on display and ensure you have enough copies Provide complimentary drinks or food from your stand Run competitions or free prize draws If you are launching a new product or service ensure that you label this on your stand – ‘new’ is a very powerful word for attracting attention Ask visitors to complete an enquiry form so you can collate contact details and follow up later Add ‘fluffies’ to your stand such as sweets, chocolates or flowers Ensure you have clear and consistent branding and keep messages brief Use lots of bold images, photo’s, logo’s and large text Post-event Collate new leads and follow up within two weeks of the show Draw up a report on any research carried out Report your experience to media, colleagues, staff and guests Evaluate your achievements against your objectives Consider booking for the following year as soon as possible as discounts will be available for early bookings
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