JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual APPROVED: B.BAYLON Jamco America, Inc. Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF JAMCO AMERICA, INC. ANY DUPLICATION OR USE WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JAMCO AMERICA, INC., IS PROHIBITED. Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 1 of 20 PREPARED: S.JAEGER CHECK: B.PALMER / M.GUMMERE / C.CRUZ / K.DAVIS Jamco America, Incorporated 1018 80th Street S.W. Everett, WA 98203 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual Record of Revisions Revision Date Description (MM/DD/YYYY) A 10/19/2010 B 09/18/2012 Remove “(who do not have a formal 3 party QMS approval such as AS9100, ISO9001, etc.)” from 2. Applicability Add 4.1.9 Special Process definitions, and 6.3.2 about special process suppliers Add 6.5 Inventory Control Revise 6.7 Non-Conforming Parts or Materials to remove the requirement of DS Tag completion, & remove associated appendix 2. Revise 6.9 Corrective Action to indicate that the “CPAR” form shown in appendix 3 is an example that the supplier can use to make their internal C/A form from. Revise 6.12.3 FAI format requirements by removing “(See Appendix 6a, 6b, and 6c for examples.)”, & remove associated appendices 6A, B & C. Render all appendixes as “generic” – equivalent documentation containing the minimum data requirements are acceptable. Add Section 7 , Specific Supplier Requirements Add Sub Sections 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 Add name of manual to header and remove from center of cover page Add JA location information to center of cover pages Remove CAPA, CMMI, DID and DS from acronyms list Add ED 12B/DO-178B Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification to References list Add UR4-1013 Software Development Procedure to References list Under “Scope” Section, add a statement that specific Jamco America, Inc. customer or contractual requirements will be captured in PO Add “subcontractor” to Section 4. Definitions Add Section 3.1 JA Buyer to provide key suppliers with this manual Section 4.1.1 clarify the FAI and COC requirements Section 4.1.2. expand Delta FAI requirement Section 5. Added AP1013.3 Airbus General Requirements for Equipment and System Suppliers (GRESS) – Engineering for Manufacturing AP1013.4 Airbus General Requirements for Equipment and System Suppliers (GRESS) – Supply Chain to references Add Software Quality Assurance (SQA), CNC & CPAR to the list of acronyms Add Notice of Escape (NoE) to the list of acronyms Move first bullet point under Section 5 References to Section 3 Responsibility Add Airbus Directive GRESS requirements (modules 3 and 4) to list of references Section 6.4 change to reflect actual practice of supplier subcontractor control and management Section 6.7 split into 2 topics: concession of NC product and NoE, reflected in Section 6.8 Section 6.8 elaborate on to include information that must be captured within the disclosure Section reword for clarification Section 6.16. Add details on special processes RoHS and conflict materials and broke out into sections 6.17 and 6.18 Former Section 6.21 Other move to end of document Section 6.22.1 elaborate on and reword for clarification Section 7.1.2 reword for clarification Section 7.2.1 reword for clarification Section 7.3 reword for clarification Remove Design & Development flow chart from document Section 7.4 added to include requirement that any design revisions by a supplier of JA purchased components requires notification to JA of such change Section 7.5 added to include Airbus Seat Projects supplier requirements Remove all references to appendices C 01/25/2013 Add §3.1 note that JA Buyers shall supply this manual to all JA Key Suppliers Add Airbus GRESS requirements to §5 References Add §6.12.3 FAI performed in compliance with AS9102 guidelines Revision G Initial Release rd JQSGU-004 Approvals Initiated By: /S/ M. Thunder Prepared By: /S/ P. Slack Checked By: /S/ D. Uriu Approved By: /S/ B. Baylon Initiated By: /S/ M. Thunder Prepared By: /S/ P. Slack Checked By: /S/ B. Baylon Approved By: /S/ D. Uriu Prepared By: /S/ S. Jaeger Checked By: Page 2 of 20 Revision Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Description Add §6.4.5 Comply with the requirements of Boeing Quality Purchasing Data Requirements X31764 Add §7.1.2 to incorporate Airbus GRESS requirements, including Add §7.4 Notice of Change (NOC) D 03/20/2013 Per CPAR C1010-101: Add second & third paragraphs to §7.4 Notice of Change (NOC) E 06/10/2013 Change title to Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual §4.2 Delete T&Cs, add AS, ASTM, CE, DRC, EEA, EU, FAA, Nadcap, SAE, SEC, UL & USA §5 Add ISO/IEC 17025, Boeing Document D1-4426, Boeing Form X31764, PSJ-2275 & UE-119 Replace ‘document’ with ‘manual’ throughout, upon reference to this manual Pluralize most references to supplier, subcontractor, contractor Substitute Jamco America, Purchase Order, nonconforming with acronyms JA, PO, NC throughout Replace ‘shall’ with ‘will’ throughout, for clarity Incorporate purchase order terms and conditions: Approvals /S/ B. Baylon /S/ T. Weaver /S/ D. Uriu Approved By: /S/ B. Baylon Prepared By: /S/ P. Slack Checked By: /S/ B. Palmer Approved By: /S/ B. Baylon Prepared By: /S/ P. Slack Checked By: /S/ K. Davis /S/ K. Matsuda /S/ T. Weaver Approved By: /S/ B. Baylon Update §3.4 to reflect that suppliers are independent contractors Delete Terms & Conditions references from §4.1.6 Update §4.1.9 with reference to §6.15 Add §6.2.4 Suppliers to incorporate JA drawing or spec revisions into internal manufacturing documents Add §6.4.1 about subcontracting or relocating only with written permission Add to §6.4.2 about using only approved sources Add §6.4.3 about special process subcontractors being accredited to industry or regulatory standards, except for customer-approved process sources Add §6.4.6 about X31764 Boeing Document Add §6.4.7 Suppliers required to flow down JA requirements to subcontractors §6.6.3 Suppliers will inspect for damage upon receipt of materials Add §6.6.9 about supplier control of JA’s inventory §6.8 NOE update requirements and add customer/organization name, part name, quantify affected and date delivered to list of information Reword §6.12.1 Add §6.13.2 through §6.13.6 Add §6.14.1 Suppliers to indicate JA’s PO number and manufacture and/or expiration date on parts, and reference to PSJ-2275 Add §6.14.2 about marking parts with a shelf life Add §6.15.5 about design and drawing changes, trickling down to subcontractors, & NOCs Add §6.15.6 about compliance to most current specifications Reword §6.20.1 Update §6.23 On-Site Evaluation requirements Update §6.24 Record Retention requirements Add §6.25 through §6.27 Add §8.1 through §8.10 “Other” requirements F Revision G 12/11/2013 Add §3.3 or material Add §4.2 FTP Add § 6.4.2 subcontractors & by the supplier Reword §6.13.7 Add § NOC submittals sent to JA ~ Configuration Management. Reword §6.16.1 Reword §6.23 Add § 7.5 Jamco Tokyo Design Suppliers Requirement Add § 7.6 Hardware Distributors Reword §8.2 Reword §8.7 Reword §8.10 JQSGU-004 Prepared By: /S/ J. Jaeger Checked By: /S/ B. Palmer /S/ K. Davis /S/ M. Gummere /S/ C. Cruz Approved By: /S/ B. Baylon Page 3 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual Revision G Revision G Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 04/25/2014 Description Delete PSJ-2275 Part Marking from References Replace PSJ-2275 to drawing §6.14.1 Update § Notice of Change (NOC) JQSGU-004 Approvals See Title Page Page 4 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual Table of Contents Record of Revisions................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2 Applicability ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 3 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 4 3.1 JA Buyer ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 JA QA Manager/Designee ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Subcontractor ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.4 Supplier .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Definitions and Acronyms .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Definitions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1.1 Certificate of Conformance (COC).................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1.2 Delta FAI Submissions .................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.3 Designee ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 4.1.4 Job Planning ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.5 Notice of Escape (NoE)................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.6 Purchase Order (PO) ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.7 Purchaser ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.8 Special Processes ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.9 Technical Information (TI) .............................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1.10 Time and Temperature Sensitive Materials ................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9 5 References ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 6 Supplier QMS, Industry & Regulatory Requirements .................................................................................................................. 10 6.1 Order Review Process/Change Control Process .................................................................................................................. 10 6.2 Job Planning/Manufacturing Orders.................................................................................................................................... 10 6.3 Environmental Controls ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.4 Supplier’s Subcontractor Management ............................................................................................................................... 10 6.5 Receiving Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 6.6 Inventory Control ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 6.7 NC Parts or Materials ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.8 Notice of Escape (NoE)......................................................................................................................................................... 12 6.9 Corrective Action (CA).......................................................................................................................................................... 12 6.10 Equipment Maintenance Process ........................................................................................................................................ 13 6.11 Inspection Process – In-Process and Final Inspection .......................................................................................................... 13 6.11.1 In-Process Inspection ................................................................................................................................................... 13 6.11.2 Final Inspection ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 6.12 First Article Inspection (FAI) ................................................................................................................................................. 13 6.13 Packaging ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 6.14 Part Marking ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 6.15 Design, Configuration & Document Control ........................................................................................................................ 14 Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 5 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual 7 8 6.16 Shipping Documentation ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.17 Special Process ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.18 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ....................................................................................................................... 15 6.19 Conflict Materials ................................................................................................................................................................. 15 6.20 Tooling Control .................................................................................................................................................................... 16 6.21 CNC Programming................................................................................................................................................................ 16 6.22 Training ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 6.23 On-Site Supplier Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................. 16 6.24 Supplier Record Retention ................................................................................................................................................... 16 6.25 Quality Manual and Organizational Changes....................................................................................................................... 17 Specific Supplier Requirements ................................................................................................................................................... 17 7.1 Test Laboratories ................................................................................................................................................................. 17 7.2 Software Suppliers ............................................................................................................................................................... 17 7.3 Design Suppliers ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 7.4 Airbus Seat Projects Supplier Requirement ......................................................................................................................... 18 7.5 Jamco Tokyo Design Supplier Requirement......................................................................................................................... 18 7.6 Hardware Distributors ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Other ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 8.1 Acceptance of Supplier’s Conditions ................................................................................................................................... 18 8.2 Cancellation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 8.3 Patent Protection ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 8.4 Assignment .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 8.5 Governing Law ..................................................................................................................................................................... 19 8.6 Confidentiality...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 8.7 Conflict ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 8.8 Pricing & Discounts .............................................................................................................................................................. 19 8.9 Warranty .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19 8.10 Material Inspection by JA..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 6 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual 1 Purpose This manual provides the general quality control requirements to be implemented by a Jamco America, Inc. (JA) supplier. Specific JA customer or contractual requirements will be captured in Purchase Orders (POs). Suppliers and their subcontractors will comply with all requirements on JA’s PO and its referenced documents. 2 Applicability This manual applies to suppliers who produce or provide materials, parts or assemblies for special programs or other projects as designated by JA Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC) or Procurement Managers. 2.1 All documents including drawings and specifications, whether issued by JA, government or JA customer, are considered part of the PO requirements, when specified or referenced. 2.2 Suppliers are responsible for the certification of all off-the-shelf and catalogue items, including testing equipment, to meet quality and safety requirements. 2.3 Suppliers who provide parts in support of Boeing programs must comply with the requirements of Boeing Quality Purchasing Data Requirements X31764. 3 Responsibility 3.1 JA Buyer The JA buyer provides copy or access of this manual to suppliers to support JA quality requirements as directed by Procurement, QC or QA Managers. 3.2 JA QA Manager/Designee The JA QA Manager or designated employee is responsible for the maintenance of this manual. The QA Manager will also provide resources, as necessary, to assist in the implementation of these requirements at supplier locations as part of supplier development. The JA QA Manager or Designee may also recommend (to the JA Procurement Department) the issuance of this manual to a supplier during the initial supplier approval process. 3.3 Subcontractor A subcontractor is a company that is utilized by the supplier to perform a special process or provide a subcomponent or material that is a part of another product furnished by the supplier to JA. 3.4 Supplier A supplier is a business entity who receives a PO or contract from JA and is issued this manual. Suppliers are considered independent contractors and in no sense or case, agents for JA. Suppliers are to comply with all requirements stated within this manual unless formally waived by JA. Suppliers are responsible to obtain all non-JA documents at supplier’s cost, as required for their applicable “Products/Services/Processes”, i.e. industry standards such as AS/SAE/ASTM. Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 7 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual 4 Definitions and Acronyms 4.1 Definitions 4.1.1 Certificate of Conformance (COC) A certificate of conformance (COC) is a statement – sometimes issued as a certificate, but not always - prepared and provided by a supplier with each shipment of parts, that provides assurance that all PO requirements have been met. A COC is also a guarantee to the customer by the supplier that all requirements as stated in drawings or other customer-provided specifications are met. All parts received by JA require both an FAI on file and a COC with the shipment. 4.1.2 Delta FAI Submissions Delta FAI submissions are to be completed for part revision changes and only require the inspection and documentation of what has changed since the last revision. Delta FAI is also required for relocations of facilities, tools, processes or parts, or any other alteration that will impact form, fit or function, and after a lapse in production of two years. 4.1.3 Designee A designee is a JA QA employee (or representative delegated from JA) who, through experience or knowledge, can carry out the functions as described in Section 3.2. 4.1.4 Job Planning Job planning is the process through which the supplier coordinates the sequence of events or work centers that the work will pass through to create the part or product listed on the PO. This planning process should ensure that all drawing, PO and other customer requirements are met. 4.1.5 Notice of Escape (NoE) Notice of Escape (NoE) is a process used to formally notify JA of shipment escapes of NC product. 4.1.6 Purchase Order (PO) The PO states the general requirements of an order being placed with the supplier. It will include the part number being ordered, the revision, quantity, etc. The PO also contains specific requirements that may not be covered in this manual. 4.1.7 Purchaser Jamco America, Inc. (JA) 4.1.8 Special Processes Special processes are those manufacturing, fabrication or assembly processes where the outcome or quality of the process cannot be determined (unless destructive testing is performed) until after the parts or assemblies are placed into service, use or designated environments. Welding, plating and bonding are examples of special processes. 4.1.9 Technical Information (TI) Technical Information (TI) is information such as drawings, specifications, patents, designs, trademarks, etc. which is the sole property of JA and not to be reproduced or used for any other purposes other than as indicated in JA’s PO. Technical documents also cannot be altered without consent from JA as specified in section 6.15. 4.1.10 Time and Temperature Sensitive Materials These are materials for which exposure to heat, cold or extended periods of time would render the material unfit for use. These materials are to be formally controlled and labeled to identify exposure limits and are not to be used for production once exposure limits are exceeded. Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 8 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual 4.2 Acronyms AS – Aerospace Standard ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials CA – Corrective Action CE - Conformité Européenne CNC – Computer Numeric Control COC – Certificate of Conformance CPAR – Corrective/Preventive Action Report DRC – Democratic Republic of the Congo EEA – European Economic Area ESD – Electro-Static Discharge EU – European Union FAA – Federal Aviation Administration FAI – First Article Inspection FTP – File Transfer Protocol IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission ISO – International Organization for Standardization JA - Jamco America, Inc. Nadcap - (formerly NADCAP, the National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) NC – Non-Conforming NOC – Notice of Change NoE – Notice of Escape PO – Purchase Order QA – Quality Assurance QC – Quality Control QMS – Quality Management System RoHS - Restriction of Hazardous Substances SAE – Society of Automotive Engineers SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission SQMS - Software Quality Management System TI – Technical Information UL – Underwriters Laboratories USA – United States of America 5 References AP1013.3 Airbus General Requirements for Equipment and System Suppliers (GRESS) – Engineering for Manufacturing AP1013.4 Airbus General Requirements for Equipment and System Suppliers (GRESS) – Supply Chain AS9006 Quality Management Systems – Aerospace – Requirements for Software AS9016 Aerospace Series – Notice of Change (NOC) Requirements AS9102 Aerospace – First Article Inspection - Requirement AS9110 Quality Maintenance Systems – Aerospace – Requirements for Maintenance Organization AS9120 Quality Management Systems – Aerospace – Requirements for Stock List Distributors ATA Specification 300 Specification for Packaging of Airline Supplies Boeing Document D1-4426 Boeing Form X31764 Quality Purchasing Data Requirements ED 12B/DO-178B Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification ISO/IEC 17025 Testing and Calibration Laboratories SAE-AS 9100 Aerospace Quality Standard or Boeing BQMS D6-82479 Appendix A UE-119 Supplier Notice of Change UR3-4101 JA Supplier Management & Control UR3-4103 Internal and External Auditing UR4-1013 Software Development Procedure Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 9 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual 6 Supplier QMS, Industry & Regulatory Requirements 6.1 Order Review Process/Change Control Process 6.1.1 JA PO requirements are to be confirmed by the supplier prior to production. Any questions or concerns need to be clarified by the supplier prior to the commencement of manufacturing. 6.1.2 All document changes (drawings, POs or other JA-provided specifications) are to be confirmed by the supplier upon receipt, internally controlled and flowed down to planning and manufacturing requirements. 6.1.3 All communications related to the fulfillment of POs will be carried out through the JA Procurement office which places the POs. 6.2 Job Planning/Manufacturing Orders 6.2.1 Planning of manufacturing processes will include all requirements specified in the PO, drawing, or any other JAprovided specifications. 6.2.2 All manufacturing processes are to be documented (such as manufacturing work orders, work orders, shop travelers, etc.) and retained as a record to show manufacturing data, inspection points, date(s) of completion, and who manufactured and inspected the product as evidence of compliance to JA PO, drawing and other applicable specifications. 6.2.3 Manufacturing orders will include traceability to each Certificate of Material and design configuration control such as revision level of drawing. 6.2.4 JA drawing or specification revisions are to be incorporated into the supplier’s internal manufacturing documents (manufacturing work orders, etc.) 6.3 Environmental Controls 6.3.1 Suppliers will establish a verifiable process according to, or as a minimum, compliant to ISO9001 or AS9100 requirements, Clause 7.5.5 “Preservation of Product”, for identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection of raw materials and products. 6.3.2 Suppliers will maintain and control the production environment (temperature, humidity) for optimal use of calibrated test equipment and/or production equipment and materials. 6.3.3 Suppliers will systematically control time, temperature, environmentally sensitive and hazardous materials within a defined acceptable range that will include any “special” storage or handling conditions, when required. 6.4 Supplier’s Subcontractor Management 6.4.1 Suppliers will not subcontract or relocate any work until written permission is issued by JA. A supplier’s declaration of intention will include subcontractor’s name, address, telephone number, name of QA Manager (or designee), and part name(s) and part number(s) affected by the change. 6.4.2 When purchasing materials or parts that will be used in JA parts, supplier’s subcontractors that are providing these parts or materials need to be internally controlled by the supplier, including how the subcontractor is selected, approved and monitored. Suppliers will not procure products and services from unapproved sources. 6.4.3 Special process subcontractors must be accredited to the process they are performing by industry or regulatory authorities. Exceptions are customer-approved process sources such as Boeing’s D1-4426. In case of doubt, contact the JA buyer. 6.4.4 Controlled subcontractors are to be listed on a register or log which shows approval status, how approved and Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 10 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual monitoring cycle. 6.4.5 Suppliers have sole responsibility for subcontracted materials and parts. 6.4.6 As applicable, suppliers and subcontractors will comply with the requirements of Boeing Quality Purchasing Data Requirements X31764. 6.4.7 Suppliers are required to flow down requirements to their subcontractors. This includes any specified key characteristics. 6.5 Receiving Inspection The receiving inspection process for all subcontracted parts and materials will include: 6.5.1 Verification of COC for parts and materials 6.5.2 Identification and proper handling of time and temperature sensitive materials. Records of control are to be maintained. 6.5.3 Part/material inspection including part number, revision level, quantity, and verification that all PO, drawing and specification requirements have been met before release for production. 6.6 Inventory Control 6.6.1 Inventory supplied by JA directly or by another supplier will be stored in a secure area. 6.6.2 Suppliers will document, identify and protect JA property. 6.6.3 Suppliers will inspect for ID and damage upon receipt of materials and provide notification in writing of any discrepancy in quality or quantities of receipt within ten working days of receipt. 6.6.4 Suppliers will provide monthly inventory counts of JA-owned inventory or as requested by the appropriate JA buyer. 6.6.5 JA inventory will be utilized per the job in accordance with JA PO details. 6.6.6 Any scrap of JA-supplied inventory is the responsibility of the supplier. 6.6.7 JA-furnished equipment for product acceptance will be periodically re-inspected and calibrated to assure continued accuracy at JA’s cost and according to JA’s quality system. 6.6.8 Suppliers will be responsible for loss or damage. 6.6.9 Suppliers will not sell or transfer any excess inventory of JA’s to a third party without prior written permission of JA. Suppliers are held responsible for strict control of JA’s inventory. 6.7 NC Parts or Materials 6.7.1 All NC parts or materials must be removed from production areas and identified as NC. 6.7.2 Suppliers do not have approval to sell parts, assemblies or materials that do not meet the manufacturer’s or JA’s PO, drawing and/or specification requirements. Suppliers have no authority to use NC parts or materials “as is”. Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 11 of 20 6.7.3 Suppliers will have an established procedure, and require their subcontractors to have an established procedure as well, for advance notification of JA for concession to ship NC product. Suppliers will not ship any NC product to JA. Suppliers will notify JA of NC via e-mail or phone and request disposition. Suppliers will document the NC condition on a rejection or discrepancy report. 6.7.4 JA QC will review the part or parts for disposition. Upon final review JA QC will communicate to the supplier the final disposition of the part or parts, and return the supplier’s rejection/discrepancy report with JA QC conclusion of the disposition. 6.7.5 Suppliers will send the part or parts with a rejection/discrepancy report to JA only after instructions to do so. 6.8 Notice of Escape (NoE) If NC product is determined to have shipped, the supplier or its subcontractor must provide timely disclose to the JA buyer, in addition to any contract or regulatory authority reporting requirements, within 24 hours of discovery of the NC condition. The disclosure must contain the following information: Part number Customer/organization name Part name Quantity affected Date first manufactured Date last manufactured Date delivered Description of the NC Description of root cause Description of corrective action Proposed disposition of the NC Name and signature of the supplier QA personnel making the disclosure, including contact phone number and e-mail address 6.9 Corrective Action (CA) 6.9.1 When requested by JA or when NC product is found by suppliers, suppliers will initiate CA as needed to eliminate NC. Records of CA are to be maintained and submitted to JA upon request. 6.9.2 JA’s QA reserves the right to contact suppliers and their subcontractors, per agreement of suppliers, for all qualityrelated questions, issues, requests for failure analysis, corrective/preventive actions or any other quality-related concerns. 6.9.3 At the request of JA, suppliers will take immediate action to implement and document the requirements below on a Corrective/Preventive Action Report (CPAR): Detailed description of NC 100% containment of suspect parts/products/raw materials at all locations and in-transit Immediate recovery plan Root cause analysis of NCs/determination of failure modes Corrective action measures Preventive action plans Verification methods(s)/technique(s) to confirm effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions(s) Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 12 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual 6.10 Equipment Maintenance Process All equipment used to manufacture parts will be maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and/or on a periodic basis. Records of equipment maintenance are to be maintained. 6.11 Inspection Process – In-Process and Final Inspection 6.11.1 In-Process Inspection Records of inspection must be maintained (who, what, when, how). The recording of inspections on “manufacturing work orders” with other manufacturing data is acceptable. Manufacturing plans should include inspection plans that include in-process inspection points for each manufacturing step as determined by the supplier. 6.11.2 Final Inspection All JA parts are to be final inspected for configuration, quality and quantity against JA PO, drawings and/or other provided specifications. Final inspection will ensure that all JA requirements are met. Suppliers will create and submit a COC with each shipment to JA. 6.12 First Article Inspection (FAI) 6.12.1 All new or revised JA parts will require FAI. FAI for revision change parts only requires delta FAI submission. 6.12.2 If process, facility or equipment is changed for manufacturing, submit a delta FAI with the next order to JA. 6.12.3 All FAIs are to be performed and documented in compliance with AS9102. 6.12.4 FAI reports will be shipped with initial shipment of parts and for revision changed parts (delta FAI). 6.13 Packaging 6.13.1 All product shipped will be suitably packaged or otherwise prepared to prevent damage or deterioration during shipment and to comply with carrier requirements to secure the lowest transportation and insurance rates. Suppliers and subcontractors will ship according to best practices or ATA-300 requirements, as specified on the PO. 6.13.2 Suppliers will ship all shipments for which JA is responsible for shipping charges via the most economical route unless otherwise instructed. 6.13.3 Suppliers will make no charges for boxing, crating or cartage unless stated in the PO. 6.13.4 All shipping papers must contain applicable PO number, part numbers, quantity, unit of measure, number of containers, weight and destination. Unless otherwise specified in the PO, no value will be declared on any shipment. 6.13.5 Each container must be marked with the applicable PO number and be accompanied by two copies of the shipping papers, one placed inside the container and easily accessible from box opening, and another attached to the outside of the container in a conspicuous place. 6.13.6 Consign all shipments to the ship to address unless otherwise specified. If the ship to company is some other company than JA, send JA a shipping notice for each shipment on the day shipment is made. Said notice will detail where goods were sent showing JA’s order number, contents of containers, quantity and weight. 6.13.7 Suppliers and their subcontractors are responsible for all packaging-related damages and failures if evidence shows Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 13 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual damage is caused by inadequate packaging or protection of part for transit. 6.13.8 The use of newspapers for packaging products is prohibited. 6.13.9 If applicable to a supplier’s products, a supplier will provide protection to prevent physical and Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) damage. 6.13.10 The outside packaging containing ESD-sensitive items will have an ESD warning label. This same label will be used to seal shielded bags. 6.13.11 All containers/packages need a packing slip to clearly identify (PO, part number, revision and quantity) the parts or materials within. 6.14 Part Marking 6.14.1 Mark parts per drawing. Where possible, include the job sheet number or PO number and the date of manufacture in the part mark area on all parts and assemblies built or purchased to a JA design. Where a part is too small to record the full listing of data, the part should be bagged and part marked on the outside of the bag. 6.14.2 For materials that have a shelf life, the expiry date can be used in lieu of the date of manufacture. 6.15 Design, Configuration & Document Control Drawings and other specifications provided by JA: 6.15.1 These documents cannot be transferred to other locations without JA permission. 6.15.2 JA has full right of the TI. 6.15.3 JA agrees that suppliers (who must adhere to the requirements of this manual) use TI for a specific PO only and use of TI for any other orders, projects etc. will be strictly prohibited. 6.15.4 Revised drawings and specifications will take precedence over previously supplied drawings and specifications unless otherwise indicated on the JA PO. Obsolete documents will be removed from point of use and sent back to JA upon request. 6.15.5 Suppliers will not make design and product changes, substitutions or repairs, regardless of design being controlled by JA, or suppliers, unless otherwise approved by JA. Suppliers agree not to make any change in materials or design details which would affect the part or any component part thereof with regard to (a) part number identification, (b) physical or functional interchangeability, and (c) repair and overhaul procedures and processes and material changes without prior approval of JA, and without revising the part numbers and the originals of all drawings or data affected by the change. Copies of the revised drawings or data will be forwarded to JA. Trickling Down to Subcontractors Suppliers will place the above clause in all their subcontracts for supplier-identified purchased equipment whether such equipment is provided to suppliers as an end item or as a component part of an end item. Notice of Change (NOC) Where hardware suppliers revise the design of a part purchased by JA as a component for its complex assemblies, suppliers notify JA of such change per the requirements of AS9016. JA identifies a notice of change needing “prior acceptance” as class 1, and a notice of change as “concurrent notification” as class 2. The below list includes other types of changes which also require the same notification: Change of: Business Ownership Credit Reporting Agency Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 14 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual Obsolescence of Items Substitute Items Facility Location(s) Certification Status, i.e., AS, ISO, NADCAP, etc.. Suppliers may use the JA Supplier Notice of Change Form, UE-119, or their own equivalent NOC form. NOC submittals sent to JA by email or FTP are to be sent to change_specialist@jamco-america.com. If sent by mail, are to be sent to the attention of Change Specialist, Configuration Management. Response is required within 30 days of the change. 6.15.6 Except as otherwise stated in the PO, all material, equipment items or services will comply to noted part number and government, industry and/or JA’s specifications current as of the date of the order. Should such specifications be revised prior to shipment, suppliers, by first obtaining JA’s consent, may furnish such material or service in accordance with revised specifications. Furthermore suppliers must submit an approval report confirming that the materials were manufactured in accordance to the specification. This report must be mailed at time of shipment to JA as well as one copy of same to accompany the shipment. The report will bear the PO number, description and applicable part number of materials shipped. 6.16 Shipping Documentation 6.16.1 Suppliers will furnish upon request, all certifications, test reports and samples issued by supplier or supplier’s subcontractor. 6.16.2 Suppliers are responsible for verifying certifications furnished by their subcontractors for their adequacy and compliance to the PO and the requirements herein. 6.16.3 If parts are subject to any special process, suppliers will furnish appropriate certificates. 6.17 Special Process Special process certification paperwork and records of traceability must be verified by suppliers for the following processes: Welding Plating Heat treatment Shot peening Anodizing Bonding (electrical, mechanical, adhesive, etc.) Surface enhancement Laminating 6.18 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC restricts the use of six hazardous materials found in electrical and electronic products. RoHS impacts the entire electronics industry. Manufacturers need to understand the requirements of the RoHS Directive to ensure that their products, and their components, comply. JA retains the right to ask for a COC pertaining to these standards or regulations. 6.19 Conflict Materials JA takes very seriously the use of conflict materials in the components that we both purchase and supply. In July 2010 the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Wall Street Reform Act) was signed. The act contains a section that regulates “conflict minerals” for the first time and requires companies to disclose annually to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) whether products were produced with conflict minerals sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries. When regulations are implemented by the SEC, they will initially apply Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 15 of 20 to tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold. Formal guidelines may vary between countries. JA retains the right to ask for a COC pertaining to these standards or regulations. 6.20 Tooling Control 6.20.1 Jigs/fixtures/tooling purchased and/or provided by JA and used to manufacture or inspect JA parts will remain the property of JA and are to be labeled with: Part number Part revision Jamco America, Inc. 6.20.2 Jigs, fixtures or tooling used to inspect parts for PASS or FAIL determination are to be internally validated by suppliers prior to use. 6.20.3 Jigs, fixtures or tooling purchased and/or provided by JA are not to be modified or changed in any way unless authorized by JA. 6.20.4 Jigs, fixtures or tooling purchased and/or provided by JA and used to manufacture or inspect are to be preserved and safeguarded against damage. 6.20.5 Jigs, fixtures and tooling purchased and/or provided by JA must be inspected by suppliers on a periodic basis to ensure on-going conformity. 6.21 CNC Programming CNC programs need to be internally controlled and validated prior to manufacturing. Evidence of validation is to be maintained. NOTE: Full product FAI reports may be accepted for CNC program validation. 6.22 Training 6.22.1 All employees working on JA parts must be trained in accordance with product requirements. 6.22.2 Records of training must be maintained. 6.22.3 Employees must be periodically assessed for competence. 6.23 On-Site Supplier Evaluation Suppliers or their subcontractors must be open to periodic site evaluation by JA or JA’s customer and/or the FAA, as needed, to comply with these requirements or as specified in PO requirements. Upon such inspection and in compliance with Supplier’s Company Policy, suppliers will allow access to books, records, and certifications for the purpose of reviewing actual costs related to work as well as to confirm material conformity as referenced in the PO. In addition, JA will be allowed access to supplier’s facility at any point during the manufacturing process for the verification of the quality of product and/or work being performed under the PO. If such occurs, JA will coordinate directly with suppliers for scheduling and access before a visit is done. 6.24 Supplier Record Retention Quality records must be maintained, on file at a supplier’s facility, traceable to the conformance of product/part numbers for a period of ten years after the life of a contract or as specified on the PO unless otherwise specified in the order. These records include: Manufacturing work orders Inspection records Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 16 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual FAI reports COC Certificate of material Production equipment maintenance Corrective actions CNC program validation Employee training records Special process certification records/records of traceability Any waivers, authorizations or approvals (as required by this manual) Suppliers will make such records available to regulatory authorities and JA’s authorized representatives. At the expiration of such period set forth above and prior to any disposal of records, suppliers will notify JA of records to be disposed of, and JA reserves the right to request delivery of such records. In the event JA chooses to exercise this right, suppliers will promptly deliver such records to JA at no additional cost on media agreed to by both parties. 6.25 Quality Manual and Organizational Changes Suppliers must notify JA in writing of any change in their quality manual or procedures affecting product inspection, conformity, safety or airworthiness of an aircraft. Notification will list affected procedure(s), its revision level, description of the change, incorporation point and include a signed statement that compliance to the standard has not been diminished. Failure to do so may result in de-listing from JA’s approved supplier list and the cessation of future purchases. Suppliers will communicate major organizational changes to JA. 6.26 Suppliers must contact JA for any clarification or sample of forms required by this manual. 6.27 If suppliers cannot meet all applicable requirements of this manual, suppliers need to maintain proof of acceptance of any exclusion by JA. 7 Specific Supplier Requirements 7.1 Test Laboratories 7.1.1 Test laboratories will provide the following to assure public safety and protect the safety of consumers as defined by UL (USA) Certification or Equipment Tag, or CE (EU/EEA) Declaration & Equipment Tag. All applicable supplier requirements in Section 6 are to be followed including those stated below: Suppliers will furnish all certifications, test reports and samples issued by a supplier or its subcontractor with the initial delivery of products on the PO. Suppliers are responsible for verifying certifications furnished by their subcontractors for their adequacy and compliance to the PO and the requirements therein. Suppliers will furnish material and performance test results for all parts and product materials with chemical, physical, metallurgical, and functional performance requirements. 7.1.2 7.2 Full house laboratories and test facilities (those that do testing as a business) must be accredited by authorized certification bodies to the relevant standards such as Nadcap or ISO/IEC 17025. Captive laboratories and test facilities (those owned by suppliers to test their own products) must be approved by the customer unless that facility is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. Software Suppliers If suppliers are providing products with software, said supplier will establish and maintain an SQMS or equivalent. The SQMS will comply with ED 12B/DO-178B for adequate software development assurance level. Note: Supplier software development and production capabilities assessments and periodic audits will be performed Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 17 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual according to UR4-1013 Software Development Procedure. 7.3 Design Suppliers Suppliers will maintain a design and development program in accordance with Clause 7.3 of AS9100, including applicable provisions in Section 6 of this manual. 7.4 Airbus Seat Projects Supplier Requirement All key suppliers for Airbus seat projects, as identified by JA, will be provided a copy of the latest revision of JQSGU-004 and show compliance with GRESS Modules 3 & 4 (AP1013.3 and AP1013.4), as described in AP1013.4 Section 4.5.2. 7.5 Jamco Tokyo Design Supplier Requirement All suppliers who manufacture Jamco Tokyo designed parts will be provided a copy of the latest revision of JQCK-006, Common Specification for Quality Control,” and show compliance with the specification. 7.6 Hardware Distributors All production suppliers who distribute standard hardware must possess either a current AS/EN/JISQ 9100 Certificate, AS9120 Certificate, or must have completed the checklist pages of our Jamco America Supplier Survey and been granted QA approval. 8 8.1 Other Acceptance of Supplier’s Conditions JA’s PO contains its offer to a supplier upon the terms and conditions stated in this manual and will become a binding contract when it is accepted by a supplier either by acknowledgment or performance. JA will not be obligated to make any payments required under the PO until JA has received the written acknowledgment and acceptance of a supplier. None of the terms and conditions contained in this manual may be modified except by a written instrument signed by JA’s authorized representative and each shipment received by JA from supplier will be deemed to be only upon the terms and conditions contained in this manual except as they may been modified as aforesaid. No conditions laid down by a supplier in accepting or acknowledging the order will be binding upon JA if in conflict with any instructions, agreement and/or condition herein stated, unless expressly accepted by JA in writing. 8.2 Cancellation Jamco will be responsible for 100% of order value for any voluntary cancellations or terminations, including all parts released for manufacture and for all material purchased in support of any purchase order released based on purchase orders received from Jamco. If a supplier refuses, voluntarily cancels or terminates, or fails to make deliveries of the material or services, or any part thereof, within the time specified in the PO or any extension hereof, JA may terminate the right of said supplier to deliver all of such materials or services and cancel the PO without prejudice to its right to seek appropriate damages from said supplier for its default; except that either party thereto will be excused from its obligations hereunder if its performance is delayed or prevented due to unforeseeable cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence, including but not restricted to, acts of God or the Public Enemy, acts of government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, but not including, in the case of suppliers, delays caused by subcontractors or suppliers provided that either party will, within ten (10) days from the beginning of such delay, notify the other in writing of the cause of the delay. In the event of (a) the failure of either party to perform its obligations hereunder (other than supplier’s obligation to make timely deliveries which default is covered in the first sentence of this section) within fifteen (15) days of receipt of written notice thereof, or (b) the institution of any voluntary proceeding by either party in bankruptcy or insolvency, or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee or an assignee for the benefit of creditors of either party or, in the case where such proceedings are involuntary and contested they will have been terminated or been dismissed within thirty (30) days subsequent to their institution, the other party will be entitled to cancel this contract by giving written notice of such cancellation. If any of the materials ordered herein purports to be protected by one or more patents, and a decree of judgment is entered in a court of competent jurisdiction Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 18 of 20 holding invalid any patents or any of the protection which it purports to give, this contract may forthwith be cancelled by JA. 8.3 Patent Protection Suppliers will save JA, its successors, assigns, agents and customers harmless from any loss, damage or liability which may be incurred on account of actual or alleged infringement of any patent, copyrights trademark of trade name with respect to such materials and will, at its own expense, defend any action, suit or claim in which such infringement is alleged from all loss, damages, liability, claims, demands, and suits of lay or equity which may be incurred. In the event materials are held in such suit to be infringing and their uses are enjoined or limited in any manner, a supplier will, at its own expense, and at the option of JA, either (a) procure for JA, its successors, assigns, agents and the customers the right to continue use of such materials, (b) replace same with a non-infringing material satisfactory to JA, (c) modify such so it becomes non-infringing, or (d) remove such and refund the purchase price and other costs incurred by JA, its successors, assigns, agents and customers for the installation and removal thereof. Any design, literary property, trade secret or other invention developed during the manufacture of materials or production or services of JA’s original design or for materials manufactured or services rendered on a custom basis for JA or for which JA has paid the design or development costs, either separately or as part of the purchase price, will become the property of JA, and no patent or copyright application or other effort to use such design, literary property, trade secret or invention will be made by suppliers without JA’s prior written approval. 8.4 Assignment Suppliers may not assign any rights or obligations arising under this PO without the prior written consent of JA. 8.5 Governing Law This PO is to be governed by the laws of the state of Washington. Exclusive jurisdiction of all actions against JA will lie in Everett, Washington. 8.6 Confidentiality Suppliers will not disclose any information concerning this order to any third party except as herein specified without first obtaining the written consent of JA. 8.7 Conflict Acceptance of an order will be deemed to bond suppliers or contractors to these terms and conditions and no goods or services will be supplied or performed by suppliers or contractors, their employees, agents or representatives, except in accordance therewith. In the case of any conflict between these conditions and those of suppliers or contractors, these conditions will prevail unless any exceptions are specifically noted on the Purchase Order. Suppliers agree not to stop work on shipments to agreed schedule and proceed with diligent efforts to resolve any conflict. 8.8 Pricing & Discounts The prices set forth in the PO include all charges for supplier’s packing and crating and for transportation to F.O.B. point and are not subject to supplier’s revision. Suppliers represent that the price or prices specified in the PO do not exceed the current selling prices for substantially similar items to any other purchaser, taking into account the quantities ordered. If suppliers offer discount terms to JA, it is understood that the cash discount period will be from the receipt of goods at the contracted location, not indexed to the date of a supplier’s invoice. JA may pay supplier’s invoice before delivery and complete inspection or test of the article and hereby avail itself of the cash discount. By such payments, JA does not waive its right to reject the materials and may charge the account of a supplier for any loss, shortage, defect or failure in performance, delay, or other default. 8.9 Warranty Suppliers expressly warrant that all of the materials or services furnished under the PO will conform to applicable specifications , drawings, part numbers, samples or other description given; that they will be fit and sufficient for the intended use specified therein; that they are merchantable, of good quality and free from defects, whether patent or latent, in materials and workmanship; and that materials or services of supplier’s design or production will be free from Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 19 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual defect in design or production. A supplier warrants that it has good title to the materials supplied and that they are free and clear from all liens and encumbrances. 8.10 Material Inspection by JA The materials or services ordered shall be held under responsibility per the shipping terms stated on the applicable purchase order, i.e., FOB Origin or FOB Destination, even if final inspection is at the place of origin. Unless evidence shows materials have been damaged due to inadequate packaging, not suited for method of transportation, PO shipping terms will prevail. Suppliers will replace rejected product and cover expense of transportation both to and from any Jamco Facility if both parties, Jamco America and Supplier, have mutually agreed that rejection is solely caused by Supplier. In all other cases, transportation expenses will be paid as per the original purchase order and replacement of product will be determined by mutual agreement between the parties as documented on a purchase order. Suppliers, within a reasonable period of time on written request of JA, will replace at their expense, the materials or services rejected by JA with new materials or services of suitable quality. Supplier Quality Control records will be maintained on file and available to authorized JA representatives. Any materials supplied for the performance of this order must be inspected prior to assembly and/or manufacturing. JA authorizes the supplier to receive and inspect all materials that are drop-shipped from outside sources. Suppliers are then held responsible that the end product of this order will conform in all respects to the drawing and/or order that JA has issued. Any discrepancies in materials or supplies must be immediately reported to JA. If the finished product is rejected at JA’s final inspection for NC materials, the supplier who manufactured and/or assembled the product will be held liable. All materials are subject to JA’s inspection and acceptance at destination, regardless of any prior payment or inspection at source. Such inspection will be made within a reasonable time after delivery. Acceptance of any material will not be deemed to alter or affect the obligations of suppliers or the rights of JA under the warranty. In addition, all rejected products returned to suppliers will require Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) and RMA will serve as agreement that rejected parts are sole cause of supplier. Revision G JQSGU-004 Page 20 of 20 JA RELEASED Supplier Quality & Contractual Requirements Manual
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