SEF, SICAV Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable à compartiments multiples Annual report including audited Financial Statements as at December 31, 2013 R.C.S. Luxembourg B 168.502 SEF, SICAV 2 SEF, SICAV Annual report including audited Financial Statements as at December 31, 2013 No subscription can be received on the basis of financial statements. Subscriptions are only valid on the basis of the current Prospectus accompanied by the latest available financial statements and the latest semi-annual report if it is more recent than the financial statements. 1 SEF, SICAV Table of contents Organisation of the SICAV 4 General information 6 Determination of the Net Asset Value of shares 7 Information to shareholders 7 Report of the Board of Directors 8 Report of the réviseur d’entreprises agréé 15 Financial statements Statement of net assets 18 Statement of operations and changes in net assets 22 Number of shares outstanding and net asset value per share 25 SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I Statement of Investments and other net assets 26 SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II Statement of Investments and other net assets 27 SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD Statement of Investments and other net assets 28 SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK Statement of Investments and other net assets 29 SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA Statement of Investments and other net assets 30 SEF - AVIATUM TREND Statement of Investments and other net assets 32 SEF - AVIATUM STABIL Statement of Investments and other net assets 33 SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD Statement of Investments and other net assets 34 SEF - ASCENSUS OFFENSIV Statement of Investments and other net assets 35 2 SEF, SICAV Table of contents (continued) SEF - ASCENSUS TREND Statement of Investments and other net assets Notes to the financial statements 36 37 3 SEF, SICAV Organisation of the SICAV REGISTERED OFFICE SEF, SICAV, 65, Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte L-1331 LUXEMBOURG, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Ms TIINA NORBERG, Head of Securities Services - SWEDBANK Brunkebergstorg 8, S-105 34 STOCKHOLM, Sweden (since May 7, 2013) AB (publ), Ms CECILIA VERNERSON, Head of Legal and Compliance, SWEDBANK ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A. Luxembourg, L-1331 LUXEMBOURG, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (until September 30, 2013) Directors Ms Sarah OLSSON, Legal Counsel, SWEDBANK ROBUR FONDER AB, S-105 34 STOCKHOLM, Sweden (since April 26, 2013) Mr Björn NILSSON, Head of Legal and Compliance, SWEDBANK ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A., L-1331 LUXEMBOURG, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (since April 26, 2013) Mr LARS FRIBERG, HR - Swedbank AB (publ), Brunkebergstorg 8 S-105 34 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Mr FREDRIC BLOMMÉ SEKUND, Head of the Group Depositary Banking, Swedbank AB (publ), Brunkebergstorg 8 S-105 34 STOCKHOLM, Sweden (since May 24, 2013) CONDUCTING PERSONS Mr PETTER BRANDT, Head of Investor and Insurance Risk (Group Risk) - Swedbank AB (publ) Brunkebergstorg 8, S-105 34 Stockholm, Sweden (until January 6, 2013) Ms DANIELA KLASEN-MARTIN, Managing Director - Crestbridge, 9A boulevard Prince Henri, L-1724 LUXEMBOURG, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Ms LUDIVINE NICOLAI, Risk Manager - Crestbridge, 9A boulevard Prince Henri, L-1724 LUXEMBOURG, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (since March 8, 2013) REVISEUR D’ENTREPRISES AGREE / CABINET DE REVISION AGREE DELOITTE AUDIT, Société à responsabilité limitée, 560, Rue de Neudorf, L-2220 LUXEMBOURG, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg INVESTMENT MANAGER In respect of SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I and SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II INDECAP AB, Regeringsgatan 60, S-111 56 STOCKHOLM, Sweden In respect of SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD, SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK and SEF PLACERUM OPTIMERA PLACERUM KAPITALFÖRVALTNING AB, Renmarkstorget 12C, S - 903 26 UMEÅ, Sweden In respect of SEF - AVIATUM TREND and SEF - AVIATUM STABIL AVIATUM AB, Solna Torg 19, Plan 8, SE-171 45 SOLNA, Sweden In respect of SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD, SEF - ASCENSUS OFFENSIV, SEF ASCENSUS TREND UNITED SECURITIES AB, Brunnsgatan 21 A, S-103 93 STOCKHOLM, Sweden 4 SEF, SICAV Organisation of the SICAV DOMICILIARY AGENT / ADMINISTRATOR / DEPOSITARY BANK / PAYING AGENT / REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENT SWEDBANK AB (publ) Luxembourg Branch, 65, Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte L-1331 LUXEMBOURG, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg DISTRIBUTOR SWEDBANK AB (publ), Brunkebergstorg 8, S-111 51 STOCKHOLM, Sweden RISK MANAGER SWEDBANK ROBUR FONDER AB, Malmskillnadsgatan 32 60, S-111 56 STOCKHOLM, Sweden SWEDBANK AB (publ) Luxembourg Branch, 65, Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, L-1331 LUXEMBOURG, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg LEGAL ADVISORS ARENDT & MEDERNACH, 14, Rue Erasme, L-2082 LUXEMBOURG, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 5 SEF, SICAV General information SEF, SICAV (the "SICAV") was incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on April 25, 2012. It is organized as a variable capital investment company (société d’investissement à capital variable: "SICAV") under the amended Law of August 10, 1915 relating to commercial companies and Part I of the Law of December 17, 2010, relating to undertakings for collective investment, as amended. It is established for an undetermined duration from the date of incorporation. The main objective of the SICAV is to provide a range of sub-funds combined with active professional management to diversify investment risk and satisfy the needs of investors seeking income, capital conservation and longer term capital growth. At the date of the report, the following sub-funds are offered to investors: SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA SEF - AVIATUM TREND SEF - AVIATUM STABIL SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD SEF - ASCENSUS OFFENSIV SEF - ASCENSUS TREND SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I (Class PM) and SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II (Class PM) have been launched on May 30, 2012. SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD (Class A and Class I), SEF - ASCENSUS OFFENSIV (Class A and Class I) and SEF - ASCENSUS TREND (Class A and Class I) have been launched on April 5, 2013. SEF - AVIATUM STABIL (Class A), SEF - AVIATUM TREND (Class A), SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD (Class A and Class I), SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK (Class A and Class I) and SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA (Class A and Class I) have been launched on January 10, 2013. The registered office of the SICAV is at 65, Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte L-1331 LUXEMBOURG. The Articles of Incorporation of the SICAV were published in the Mémorial, Recueil Spécial des Sociétés et Associations, dated May 14, 2012. The Articles of Incorporation have been deposited with the Register of the Tribunal d’Arrondissement of Luxembourg where they are available for inspection and where copies thereof can be obtained. The financial year of the SICAV starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year. 6 SEF, SICAV Determination of the Net Asset Value of shares The Net Asset Value of each sub-fund is expressed in the denomination currency of the respective sub-fund as per share figure, and shall be determined on any Valuation Date by SWEDBANK AB (publ) Luxembourg Branch by dividing the value of the net assets of the subfund, being the value of the assets of that sub-fund less its liabilities, on the valuation date, by the number of shares outstanding. Information to shareholders Net Asset Value The Net Asset Value, the issue and redemption prices are available to the public at the registered office of the SICAV. Financial Statements Audited annual reports and unaudited semi-annual reports are published and made available to the shareholders free of charge at the SICAV’s registered office. Other Information All notices to shareholders are available at the SICAV’s registered office, and are published, if required, in a newspaper in Luxembourg and in the Mémorial. Any other financial information to be published concerning the SICAV including any suspension of the net asset value, is made available to the public at the SICAV’s registered office. 7 SEF, SICAV Report of the Board of Directors SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I The investment strategy is to deliver consistent absolute return over the long term by investing in Swedish Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Global Equity Funds and Swedish Equity Funds. The funds benchmark is 35 percent OMRX T-Bill, 35 percent OMRX T-Bond, 20 percent MSCI World Index (Net TR) and 10 percent SIX PRX. The year was characterized by continued expansionary monetary policy, low interest rates and further quantitative easing by central banks around the world. Among the dominant economies the greatest gains were recorded in the U.S. and Germany which rose 30 percent. Japan and France increased 25,5 and 24,7 percent, while the UK showed an increase of 19,1 percent. Furthermore, Emering Markets exhibited a weak trend. Latin America and Eastern Europe fell 8 percent, while Asia fell 3,1 percent (all expressed in Swedish kronor). On the Swedish Stock Exchange, there were large differences between the indexes for large and small companies throughout the year. MSCI Sweden Net TR consisting of the 32 largest companies rose 22,9 percent, while the Carnegie Small Cap Return Index rose by 36,6 percent. At the sector level, it was mainly the financial sector that stood out with the total return of nearly 50 percent, while the industrial sector was moving sideways. The strong performance of Small Cap Index was mainly driven by an increase in risk appetite among investors. In the Swedish Bond Market interest rates rose overall. The 10-year government bond rose 100 basis points and stood at 2,52 percent at the end of the year. The return during the year for Fondguide 1 was 4,2 percent while the benchmark rose 6,2 percent. The portfolio has been over weighted to Swedish Money Market Funds, Corporate Bonds and Hedgefunds at the expense of Swedish Government Bond Funds, Swedish Stock Market and the Developed Stock Market. The largest positive contribution to the absolute return came from SPP USA and Robur Sverigefond, the return was 31,5 respectively 26,2 percent. On the fixed income-/hedgefund side Torgny Prior was the strongest performer, managing P&N Yield with a rise of 4,2 percent. Furthermore Erik Brändström managing Spiltan Räntefond and Karin Haraldsson managing Lannebo Likviditesfond returned the most with an overall increase of 3 respectively 2,8 percent. The portfolio was affected negatively by Nordea Obligationsfond which fell 3,4 percent due to rising interest rates. During the year, one new manager has been added, Mikael Lundström managing Evli Short Corporate Bond Fund. The fund has sold AMF Räntefond Kort, Vontobel Global Value, CPH Global Equity and Prior&Nilsson Sverige Aktiv. At year end, the fund was invested in 9 underlying funds. 45,6 percent to Swedish Corporate/Government Bond Funds, 23,6 percent to Swedish Money Market Funds, 18,5 percent to Swedish Equity Funds, 6 percent to Global Equity Funds and 6 percent to Hedge Funds. SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II The investment strategy is to deliver consistent absolute return over the long term by investing in Swedish Equity Funds, Global Equity Funds and Emerging Market Funds. The funds benchmark is 50 percent SIX PRX, 30 percent MSCI World Index (Net TR) and 20 percent MSCI Emerging Market (Net TR). 8 SEF, SICAV Report of the Board of Directors (continued) The year was characterized by continued expansionary monetary policy, low interest rates and further quantitative easing by central banks around the world. Among the dominant economies the greatest gains were recorded in the U.S. and Germany which rose 30 percent. Japan and France increased 25,5 and 24,7 percent, while the UK showed an increase of 19,1 percent. Furthermore, Emering Markets exhibited a weak trend. Latin America and Eastern Europe fell 8 percent, while Asia fell 3,1 percent (all expressed in Swedish kronor). On the Swedish Stock Exchange, there were large differences between the indexes for large and small companies throughout the year. MSCI Sweden Net TR consisting of the 32 largest companies rose 22,9 percent, while the Carnegie Small Cap Return Index rose by 36,6 percent. At the sector level, it was mainly the financial sector that stood out with the total return of nearly 50 percent, while the industrial sector was moving sideways. The strong performance of Small Cap Index was mainly driven by an increase in risk appetite among investors. The return during the year for Fondguide 2 was 17,4 percent which was in line with the benchmark. The portfolio has been over weighted the Swedish Stock Market at the expense of Developed Markets and Emerging Markets. At a fund level Lars Bergqvist managing Lannebo 130/30 was the strongest performer the broad Swedish Equity Funds with a return of 27,8 percent, while the Swedish Stock rose 22,9 percent. Among Global Managers Peter Robson managing Treetop Opportunities contributed the most after a rise of 30,6 percent while the Global Stock rose 25,1 percent. among Market Global Market The portfolio was negatively affected versus the index by DNB Sverige which increased 20,6 percent. Among the Emerging Market managers Devan Kaloo was the weakest both in absolute terms and relative index, the fund fell 8,2 percent which was 4,4 percentage points after the benchmark that fell 3,8 percent. During the year, three new managers have been added, Simion Blecher managing Carnegie Sverigefond, Torgny Prior managing Prior&Nilsson Sverige Aktiv and Allan Conway managing Schroder Emerging Market. The fund has sold Öhman Emerging Market and Hexam Global Emerging Market. Furthermore, some changes were made between existing managers. At year end, the fund was invested in 18 underlying funds. 58,9 percent to Swedish Equity Funds, 27,6 percent to the Global Equity Funds and 24,2 percent to Emerging Market Funds. SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD Placerum Balanserad is a sub-fund that invests in a mix of equity funds and fixed income instruments. The proportion invested in each asset class will change over time due to market conditions and the fund therefore suits clients who don´t want to make these investment decisions on their own. The amount of equities can vary between 0-75 percent meaning that the fund can be fully invested in fixed income instruments in the event of extreme market conditions. The fund was officially launched on January 1, 2013 but wasn´t fully invested until March 1 and the index comparison for 2013 therefore becomes misleading. 2013 turned out to be a great year for developed market equities, where major markets like US, Europe and Japan gained between 20-30 percent in SEK. US markets were mainly driven by falling unemployment levels leading FED to reduce their QE-programme at the end of the year. In Japan on the other hand, BOJ announced it would expand its massive asset purchase programme in order to boost the economy. As a result the JPY depreciated 18 percent against the USD and Japanese equities, in particular export companies that benefit from a weaker Yen, raised sharply. 9 SEF, SICAV Report of the Board of Directors (continued) While developed markets were improving, emerging markets struggled with weaker growth than expected and massive sell-offs during summer when FED announced their plans of reducing its asset purchase programme. MSCI Emerging Markets ended the year down 5percent. Placerum Balanserad (Class A) gained 8,5 percent during the year. From March 1, when the fund was fully invested, average equity exposure was 55 percent. Our core holdings in Europe, Sweden and US were among the top performers in 2013 and were also the largest contributors to the fund´s performance. The Emerging Market positions in Russia and China, which accounted for approximately 10 percent of NAV, had a negative impact on fund performance during the year. The China holding was closed in December, reducing the Emerging Market exposure to 5 percent at years end. Placerum Balanserad (Class I) gained 7,5 percent during the year. From March 1, when the fund was fully invested, average equity exposure was 55 percent. Our core holdings in Europe, Sweden and US were among the top performers in 2013 and were also the largest contributors to the fund´s performance. The Emerging Market positions in Russia and China, which accounted for approximately 10 percent of NAV, had a negative impact on fund performance during the year. The China holding was closed in December, reducing the Emerging Market exposure to 5 percent at years end. Our fixed income holdings mainly consisted of High Yield corporate bonds. These performed very well during 2013 when market conditions improved and bond spreads were narrowing. Although we expect High Yield to be the best fixed income pick during next year, we expect overall lower returns in this segment going forward. In 2014 we expect global growth to accelerate and interest rates to be kept at low levels. This should support corporate profit growth, why we believe equities will still be the most attractive asset class the year to come. However, we expect volatility to pick up within soon and 2014 will probably be a year where active funds with flexible investment mandates can benefit. SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK Placerum Dynamisk is a sub-fund that mainly invests in equity funds. The equity exposure can however vary between 0-100 percent meaning that the fund´s risk level can be reduced significantly in the event of market turmoil. The fund thus suits clients who don´t want to make these investment decisions on their own. The fund was officially launched on January 1, 2013 but wasn´t fully invested until March 1 and the index comparison for 2013 therefore becomes misleading. 2013 turned out to be a great year for developed market equities, where major markets like US, Europe and Japan gained between 20-30 percent in SEK. US markets were mainly driven by falling unemployment levels leading FED to reduce their QE-programme at the end of the year. In Japan on the other hand, BOJ announced it would expand its massive asset purchase programme in order to boost the economy. As a result the JPY depreciated 18 percent against the USD and Japanese equities, in particular export companies that benefit from a weaker Yen, raised sharply. While developed markets were improving, emerging markets struggled with weaker growth than expected and massive sell-offs during summer when FED announced their plans of reducing its asset purchase programme. MSCI Emerging Markets ended the year down 5 percent. Placerum Dynamisk (Class A) gained 8,2 percent during the year. From March 1, when the fund was fully invested, average equity exposure was 90 percent. Our core holdings in Europe, Sweden and US were among the top performers in 2013 and were also the largest contributors to the fund´s performance. The Emerging Market positions in Russia and China, which accounted for approximately 20 percent of NAV, had a negative impact on fund performance during the year. The China holding was closed in December, reducing the EM exposure to 10 percent at years end. 10 SEF, SICAV Report of the Board of Directors (continued) Placerum Dynamisk (Class I) gained 7,8 percent during the year. From March 1, when the fund was fully invested, average equity exposure was 90 percent. Our core holdings in Europe, Sweden and US were among the top performers in 2013 and were also the largest contributors to the fund´s performance. The Emerging Market positions in Russia and China, which accounted for approximately 20 percent of NAV, had a negative impact on fund performance during the year. The China holding was closed in December, reducing the EM exposure to 10 percent at years end. In 2014 we expect global growth to accelerate and interest rates to be kept at low levels. This should support corporate profit growth, why we believe equities will still be the most attractive asset class the year to come. However, we expect volatility to pick up within soon and 2014 will probably be a year where active funds with flexible investment mandates can benefit. SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA Placerum Optimera is a sub-fund that invests in Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds and Hedge funds. The fund suits clients who are looking for an alternative to bank account and similar low risk savings. Return target is 4-5 percent a year. The fund was officially launched on January 1, 2013 but wasn´t fully invested until March 1 and the index comparison for 2013 therefore becomes misleading. The developed economies in US, Europe, Japan and the Nordic countries were all improving in 2013, although at a slow pace. In US the unemployment rate dropped below 7 percent at the end of the year, leading the FED to start reducing its asset purchase programme in December. This is positive for the American economy but a bad omen for bonds since the 10-year bond yield will rise, putting pressure on bond prices. While FED is reducing their QE-programme, Bank of Japan expanded its massive asset purchase programme during 2013 in order to boost the economy. As a result the Yen depreciated 18 percent against the US Dollar while the stock market rose sharply. While developed markets were improving, Emerging Markets struggled with sharply rising interest rates during the summer when FED announced its plans on reducing the QE programme and as a result Emerging Market bonds had a rough year. Placerum Optimera (Class A) gained 4,5 percent during the year which was in line with the funds return target. Largest contribution came from our corporate bond holdings, which accounted for 85 percent of the portfolio. About 2/3 of the corporate bonds were High Yield bonds on the Nordic and European market. These were the best performers in 2013. Placerum Optimera (Class I) gained 4,4 percent during the year which was in line with the funds return target. Largest contribution came from our corporate bond holdings, which accounted for 85 percent of the portfolio. About 2/3 of the corporate bonds were High Yield bonds on the Nordic and European market. These were the best performers in 2013. In 2014 we expect global growth to accelerate and interest rates to be kept at low levels. This should support corporate profit growth and we expect default rates to remain low. Given these market conditions High Yield bonds is set to outperform other fixed income instruments the year to come, even if we expect lower HY returns in 2014. SEF - AVIATUM TREND The fund was launched on January 2, 2013. The fund’s strategy is based on a trend following model which gets its data from technical analysis. The fund uses a quantitative model of management which identifies trends in the financial markets and invests mainly in equity and fixed income markets. The fund can allocate 100 percent in equity as well as 100 percent in fixed income markets depending upon what the model indicate. The funds benchmark is MSCI World (Net TR) 11 SEF, SICAV Report of the Board of Directors (continued) The fund has made some major changes during the year regarding the choice of investments. In order to harmonize the fund’s performance better to the model, the fund started to trade with EFTs instead of funds in June and in October the fund started to hedge foreign exchange positions. The return for the fund of the period is -6,26% percent. The fund has been fully invested in the equity market six times during the year. The number of days we have been in the market during the year is 144 days out of 260 days. The largest positive return during the period based on a month performance was in October, 3,69 percent. In April the fund had its most negative period of return, -2,38 percent. Since inception, two new members have been added to the administrative council. Maria Westerlind Månktell who previously worked at Skandia, and Anders Haglund, who has experience in both technical management and fund management. The members of the administrative councils consist of Peter Kolstad, Maria Westerlind Månktell and Anders Haglund. At period-end, the fund was invested in three different kinds of fixed income markets. 15 percent towards corporate bonds, 15 percent towards long term bonds and 70 percent towards short term bonds. SEF - AVIATUM STABIL The fund was launched on January 2, 2013. The fund’s strategy is based on a trend following model which gets its data from technical analysis. The fund uses a quantitative model of management which identifies trends in the financial markets and invests mainly in equity and fixed income markets. The fund can allocate up to 50 percent in equity and up to 100 percent in fixed income markets depending upon what the model indicate. The funds benchmark is 50 percent MSCI World (Net TR) and 50 percent OMRX T-Bill. The fund has made some major changes during the year regarding the choice of investments. In order to harmonize the funds performance better too the model, the fund started to trade with EFTs instead of funds in June and in October the fund started to hedge foreign exchange positions. The return for the fund of the period is -3,73 percent. The fund has been fully invested in the equity market six times during the year. The number of days we have been in the market during the year is 144 days out of 260 days. The largest positive return during the period based on a month performance was in October, 2,09 percent. In December the fund had its most negative period of return, -1,4 percent. Since inception, two new members have been added to the administrative council. Maria Westerlind Månktell who previously worked at Skandia, and Anders Haglund, who has experience in both technical management and fund management. The members of the administrative councils consist of Peter Kolstad, Maria Westerlind Månktell and Anders Haglund. At period-end, the fund was invested in three different kinds of fixed income markets. 15 percent towards corporate bonds, 15 percent towards long term bonds and 70 percent towards short term bonds. 12 SEF, SICAV Report of the Board of Directors (continued) SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD Ascensus Balanserad, a balanced fund with 50/50 in equity versus fixed income exposure under normal market conditions, increased 6.1 % during the year (since inception on April 4, 2013 with first NAV calculation on April 5, 2013). During the early summer, the fund plummeted from the general market turmoil due to worries about Federal Reserves decrease of quantitative easing and macro signals from China. After the summer the global markets recovered and so Ascensus Balanserad with a few minor declines in the global equity markets and fixed income markets. Our market view has been quite neutral during 2013 why Ascensus Balanserads investments have been quite close to 50/50 in equity versus fixed income exposure. During the year the subfund has increased its investments in active managed mutual funds while the passive investments have decreased. The sub-fund made a substantial re-allocation to an enhanced index global equity mutual fund at the expense of an index global equity mutual fund. The subfund also began to invest in Swedish small-cap equities and Japanese equities as part of its strategic exposure. Ascensus Balanserad decreased its investments in long government and mortgage bonds and re-allocated into investment grade credits. Also the short fixed income exposure has slightly been re-allocated into floated rate notes. During the autumn, Ascensus Balanserad began direct investments in bonds. SEF - ASCENSUS OFFENSIV Ascensus Offensiv, a global equity fund with Swedish equity tilt, increased 11.8 % during the year (since inception on April 4, 2013 with first NAV calculation on April 5, 2013). During the early summer, the fund plummeted from the general market turmoil due to worries about Federal Reserves decrease of quantitative easing and macro signals from China. After the summer the global markets recovered and so Ascensus Offensiv with a few minor declines in the global equity markets. Ascensus Offensiv has been fully invested in the global equity markets, besides cash and cash equivalents for liquidity purposes. During the year the sub-fund has increased its investments in active managed mutual funds while the passive investments have decreased. The sub-fund made a substantial re-allocation to an enhanced index global equity mutual fund at the expense of an index global equity mutual fund. The sub-fund also began to invest in Swedish small-cap equities and Japanese equities as part of its strategic exposure. No currency hedging was made on sub-fund level. SEF - ASCENSUS TREND Ascensus Trend, a balanced trend following fund, increased 6.1 % during the year (since inception on April 4, 2013 with first NAV calculation on April 5, 2013). During the early summer, the fund plummeted from the general market turmoil due to worries about Federal Reserves decrease of quantitative easing and macro signals from China. After the summer the global markets recovered and so Ascensus Trend with a few minor declines in the global equity markets and fixed income markets. Our market view has been quite neutral during 2013 why Ascensus Trends investments have been quite close to 50/50 in equity versus fixed income exposure. During the year the sub-fund has increased its investments in active managed mutual funds substantially, while the passive investments have decreased. The sub-fund made a substantial re-allocation to an enhanced index global equity mutual fund at the expense of an index global equity mutual fund. The subfund also began to invest in Swedish small-cap equities and Japanese equities as part of its strategic exposure. 13 SEF, SICAV Report of the Board of Directors (continued) Ascensus Trend decreased its investments in long government and mortgage bonds and reallocated into investment grade credits. Also the short fixed income exposure has substantially been re-allocated into floated rate notes. During the autumn, Ascensus Trend began direct investment in bonds. 14 Deloitte. Deloitte Audit Société à responsabilité limitée 560, rue de Neudorf L-2220 Luxembourg BP 1173 L-1011 Luxembourg Tel +352451 451 Fax: +352451 452992 Tel +352451 451 To the Shareholders of SEF, SICAV 65, Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte L-1331 Luxembourg REPORT OF THE RÉVISEUR D'ENTREPRISES AGRÉÉ Following our appointment, by the annual general meeting of Shareholders of SEF, SICAV (the "SICAV") held on April,26, 2013, we have audited the accompanying financial statements of the "SICAV" and of each of its sub-funds, which comprise the statement of net assets, the statement of investments and other net assets as at December 31, 2013 and the statement of operations and changes in net assets for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes to the financial statements. Responsibility of the Board of Directors of the SICA V for the financial statements The Board of Directors of the SICAV is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to the preparation of the financial statements and for such internal control as the Board of Directors of the SICAV determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Responsibility of the réviseur d'entreprises agréé Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing as adopted for Luxembourg by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the réviseur d'entreprises agréé's judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the réviseur d'entreprises agréé considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Board of Directors of the SICAV, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 15 Deloitte. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of SEF, SICAV and of each of its sub-funds as of December31, 2013, and of the results of their operations and changes in their net assets for the year then ended in accordance with the Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to the preparation of the financial statements. Other matter Supplementary information included in the annual report has been reviewed in the context of our mandate but has not been subject to specific audit procedures carried out in accordance with the standards described above. Consequently, we express no opinion on such information. However, we have no observation to make concerning such information in the context of the financial statementstaken as a whole. For Deloitte Audit Société à Re~e~Limitée,Cabinet de révision agréé ..- .... ,/ .1>-2 ".- ~/,.' ,/ 7 jean-PhiliP~~ß'achelet~e r d'entreprises agréé Partner ~ April 22, 2014 560, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg 16 SEF, SICAV 17 SEF, SICAV Statement of net assets at December 31, 2013 COMBINED INDECAP FONDGUIDE I INDECAP FONDGUIDE II SEK SEK SEK 5,898,302,268.51 873,476,526.76 3,251,035,249.03 965,254,640.71 39,214,960.96 789,390,753.92 6,863,556,909.22 912,691,487.72 4,040,426,002.95 554,417,972.86 44,836,778.04 448,370,480.27 20,000,000.00 0.00 20,000,000.00 534,462.15 0.00 0.00 90,556,964.22 90,556,964.22 0.00 Receivable on subscriptions Net unrealized result on forward foreign exchange transactions (Note 10) Net unrealized result on swaps (Note 11) 3,402,591.53 0.00 0.00 3,894,576.00 0.00 0.00 625,214.28 0.00 625,214.28 Net accrued interest on bonds 2,219,834.06 0.00 0.00 7,539,208,524.32 1,048,085,229.98 4,509,421,697.50 3,330,880.88 102,383.65 1,186,736.41 166,456.36 0.00 0.00 34,697,751.14 6,134,839.61 24,795,202.35 437,716.66 0.00 437,716.66 38,632,805.04 6,237,223.26 26,419,655.42 TOTAL NET ASSETS AT DECEMBER 31, 2013 7,500,575,719.28 1,041,848,006.72 4,483,002,042.08 TOTAL NET ASSETS AT DECEMBER 31, 2012 3,928,533,042.20 670,924,296.58 3,257,608,745.62 ASSETS Investments, at cost Unrealized result on investments Investments, at market value (Note 1) Cash at banks Cash as margin deposit Net formation expenses (Note 1) Receivable on sales of investments LIABILITIES Payable on redemptions Net unrealized result on forward foreign exchange transactions (Note 10) Net accrued expenses (Note 7) Net accrued interest on swaps The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 18 SEF, SICAV Statement of net assets at December 31, 2013 (continued) PLACERUM BALANSERAD PLACERUM DYNAMISK PLACERUM OPTIMERA AVIATUM TREND AVIATUM STABIL SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK 182,603,679.84 278,961,714.98 212,446,969.84 137,906,150.70 57,316,988.40 11,278,243.59 27,638,695.25 6,226,008.55 -615,421.70 202,623.07 193,881,923.43 306,600,410.23 218,672,978.39 137,290,729.00 57,519,611.47 8,843,588.75 11,261,214.02 9,103,867.24 12,861,500.44 6,131,359.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,646.20 60,477.81 60,477.81 60,477.81 60,477.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 270,262.99 229,270.27 0.00 49,083.81 51,137.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,245,480.00 649,096.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 299,511.21 0.00 1,300,458.24 0.00 0.00 203,355,932.58 318,151,372.33 229,137,781.68 153,507,271.06 64,411,681.36 3,449.92 2,799.19 0.00 287,371.97 165,000.00 0.00 0.00 166,456.36 0.00 0.00 308,922.46 513,104.04 310,227.57 456,745.48 183,433.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 312,372.38 515,903.23 476,683.93 744,117.45 348,433.29 203,043,560.20 317,635,469.10 228,661,097.75 152,763,153.61 64,063,248.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 19 SEF, SICAV Statement of net assets at December 31, 2013 (continued) ASCENSUS BALANSERAD ASCENSUS OFFENSIV ASCENSUS TREND SEK SEK SEK 324,609,719.45 473,609,857.56 106,335,411.95 22,649,648.34 62,390,388.86 6,878,739.87 347,259,367.79 536,000,246.42 113,214,151.82 5,976,876.65 3,041,415.19 3,990,893.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 77,301.57 77,301.57 77,301.57 ASSETS Investments, at cost Unrealized result on investments Investments, at market value (Note 1) Cash at banks Cash as margin deposit Net formation expenses (Note 1) Receivable on sales of investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 Receivable on subscriptions Net unrealized result on forward foreign exchange transactions (Note 10) Net unrealized result on swaps (Note 11) 833,339.61 236,581.97 1,732,915.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net accrued interest on bonds 236,573.42 311,250.00 72,041.19 354,383,459.04 539,666,795.15 119,087,303.64 0.00 1,583,139.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 715,097.11 1,017,679.26 262,499.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 715,097.11 2,600,819.00 262,499.97 TOTAL NET ASSETS AT DECEMBER 31, 2013 353,668,361.93 537,065,976.15 118,824,803.67 TOTAL NET ASSETS AT DECEMBER 31, 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 LIABILITIES Payable on redemptions Net unrealized result on forward foreign exchange transactions (Note 10) Net accrued expenses (Note 7) Net accrued interest on swaps The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 20 SEF, SICAV 21 SEF, SICAV Statement of operations and changes in net assets for the year/period ended December 31, 2013 NET ASSETS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR/PERIOD COMBINED INDECAP FONDGUIDE I INDECAP FONDGUIDE II SEK SEK SEK 3,928,533,042.20 670,924,296.58 3,257,608,745.62 INCOME Dividends, net Interest on bonds, net Interest on bank accounts, net 794,762.95 0.00 0.00 9,077,725.49 0.00 0.00 1,872,464.94 376,664.70 794,283.44 Other Income (Note 13) 24,339,173.93 2,802,940.16 17,837,762.69 Total income 36,084,127.31 3,179,604.86 18,632,046.13 EXPENSES Depositary fees (Note 5) 1,646,852.16 272,004.88 707,361.77 Administrator fees (Note 5) 3,605,621.86 512,413.28 1,383,125.06 Audit and legal fees 685,647.51 72,670.24 121,907.50 Fees paid to authorities (Note 2) 759,488.64 79,503.81 303,216.70 157,928,856.25 22,408,101.39 104,485,066.10 2,639,367.20 489,402.26 1,690,171.00 85,393.68 0.00 0.00 697,901.75 17,413.14 25,678.49 2,783,962.11 220,759.16 2,160,631.93 170,833,091.16 24,072,268.16 110,877,158.55 -134,748,963.85 -20,892,663.30 -92,245,112.42 Management fees (Note 6) Risk management fees (Note 5) Amortization of formation expenses (Note 1) Transaction fees (Note 9) Other administration expenses Total expenses NET INVESTMENT RESULT Net realized result on forward foreign exchange transactions -7,398,899.83 -121.41 -458.92 Net realized result on sales of investments 59,536,715.92 20,859,581.81 32,831,673.90 Net realized result on foreign exchange NET REALIZED RESULT FOR THE YEAR/PERIOD -27,074,639.44 -50,399.29 -32,484,571.62 -109,685,787.20 -83,602.19 -91,898,469.06 Change in net unrealized result on: - forward foreign exchange transactions 3,728,119.64 0.00 0.00 855,934,583.80 32,592,932.18 686,692,725.79 625,214.28 0.00 625,214.28 NET CHANGE IN UNREALIZED RESULT FOR THE YEAR/PERIOD 860,287,917.72 32,592,932.18 687,317,940.07 NET CHANGE IN NET ASSETS AS A RESULT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR/PERIOD 750,602,130.52 32,509,329.99 595,419,471.01 3,427,660,674.84 340,481,292.50 665,681,944.70 -606,220,128.28 -2,066,912.35 -35,708,119.25 7,500,575,719.28 1,041,848,006.72 4,483,002,042.08 - investments - swaps Proceeds from shares subscribed Payments for shares redeemed NET ASSETS AT THE END OF THE YEAR/PERIOD The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 22 SEF, SICAV Statement of operations and changes in net assets for the year/period ended December 31, 2013 (continued) PLACERUM BALANSERAD from January 10, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 PLACERUM DYNAMISK from January 10, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 PLACERUM OPTIMERA from January 10, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 AVIATUM TREND from January 10, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 AVIATUM STABIL from January 10, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 188,336.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 606,426.66 2,001,661.44 419,625.00 6,036,574.44 0.00 0.00 87,858.45 92,659.91 181,513.71 116,441.64 66,790.17 390,393.06 588,772.63 417,772.97 275,060.03 92,586.61 2,479,912.95 1,101,057.54 6,635,861.12 997,928.33 347,713.07 62,451.62 109,406.78 81,200.33 79,333.87 27,855.07 154,541.36 245,718.21 205,932.11 211,820.52 83,105.16 64,497.16 64,497.16 64,497.16 64,589.81 64,589.81 13,984.23 96,128.65 78,655.71 93,328.98 36,378.15 2,532,766.18 4,769,536.40 2,417,134.93 4,865,727.13 1,620,952.79 44,176.73 72,969.09 60,405.15 58,388.72 21,612.67 10,171.11 10,336.29 10,336.29 10,336.29 10,336.29 73,567.98 60,474.57 49,176.68 155,243.98 141,487.89 51,636.52 65,370.55 56,442.00 55,012.20 30,411.62 3,007,792.89 5,494,437.70 3,023,780.36 5,593,781.50 2,036,729.45 -527,879.94 -4,393,380.16 3,612,080.76 -4,595,853.17 -1,689,016.38 -1,479,500.00 0.00 0.00 -819.50 -5,918,000.00 1,643,174.02 -162,356.00 -194,916.80 -7,078,585.30 -764,603.32 93,900.85 462,714.55 -1,940.80 3,876,545.94 1,030,530.79 1,209,194.93 -4,093,021.61 3,414,403.66 -13,715,892.53 -2,902,588.91 0.00 0.00 -166,456.36 3,245,480.00 649,096.00 11,278,243.59 27,638,695.25 6,226,008.55 -615,421.70 202,623.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,278,243.59 27,638,695.25 6,059,552.19 2,630,058.30 851,719.07 12,487,438.52 23,545,673.64 9,473,955.85 -11,085,834.23 -2,050,869.84 308,656,373.88 319,623,208.51 240,240,343.48 431,866,932.91 118,869,989.14 -118,100,252.20 -25,533,413.05 -21,053,201.58 -268,017,945.07 -52,755,871.23 203,043,560.20 317,635,469.10 228,661,097.75 152,763,153.61 64,063,248.07 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 23 SEF, SICAV Statement of operations and changes in net assets for the year/period ended December 31, 2013 (continued) NET ASSETS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR/PERIOD ASCENSUS BALANSERAD from April 5, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 ASCENSUS OFFENSIV from April 5, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 ASCENSUS TREND from April 5, 2013 (launching date) to December 31, 2013 SEK SEK SEK 0.00 0.00 0.00 INCOME Dividends, net Interest on bonds, net Interest on bank accounts, net 0.00 0.00 0.00 236,573.42 311,250.00 72,041.19 69,664.23 43,644.61 42,944.08 Other Income (Note 13) 606,480.80 1,141,304.57 186,100.41 Total income 912,718.45 1,496,199.18 301,085.68 Depositary fees (Note 5) 107,068.71 150,670.90 49,498.23 Administrator fees (Note 5) 280,323.63 447,128.93 81,513.60 Audit and legal fees 56,132.89 56,132.89 56,132.89 Fees paid to authorities (Note 2) 20,851.46 31,151.81 6,289.14 5,138,369.93 8,197,053.65 1,494,147.75 Risk management fees (Note 5) 70,081.03 111,782.10 20,378.45 Amortization of formation expenses (Note 1) 11,292.47 11,292.47 11,292.47 Transaction fees (Note 9) 64,450.10 60,446.00 49,962.92 Other administration expenses 49,677.43 77,478.19 16,542.51 5,798,247.65 9,143,136.94 1,785,757.96 -4,885,529.20 -7,646,937.76 -1,484,672.28 EXPENSES Management fees (Note 6) Total expenses NET INVESTMENT RESULT Net realized result on forward foreign exchange transactions Net realized result on sales of investments Net realized result on foreign exchange NET REALIZED RESULT FOR THE YEAR/PERIOD 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,440,710.59 8,257,375.71 704,661.31 -1,540.58 -1,838.42 1,959.14 -1,446,359.19 608,599.53 -778,051.83 Change in net unrealized result on: - forward foreign exchange transactions 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,649,648.34 62,390,388.86 6,878,739.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 NET CHANGE IN UNREALIZED RESULT FOR THE YEAR/PERIOD 22,649,648.34 62,390,388.86 6,878,739.87 NET CHANGE IN NET ASSETS AS A RESULT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR/PERIOD 21,203,289.15 62,998,988.39 6,100,688.04 Proceeds from shares subscribed 361,513,940.28 517,714,655.73 123,011,993.71 Payments for shares redeemed -29,048,867.50 -43,647,667.97 -10,287,878.08 NET ASSETS AT THE END OF THE YEAR/PERIOD 353,668,361.93 537,065,976.15 118,824,803.67 - investments - swaps The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 24 SEF, SICAV Number of shares outstanding and net asset value per share Sub-funds Ccy Number of shares outstanding Net asset value per share Net asset value per share 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I SEK 9,966,594.7895 104.53 100.30 SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II SEK 36,384,170.1261 123.21 104.95 SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD * A - SEK 9,136.4822 108.48 0.00 SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK * SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA * I - SEK 1,880,345.4390 107.45 0.00 A - SEK 1,738,544.2283 108.18 0.00 I - SEK 1,201,456.7457 107.84 0.00 A - SEK 2,168,439.7140 104.54 0.00 18,912.4033 104.39 0.00 SEF - AVIATUM TREND * I - SEK A - SEK 1,629,644.5604 93.74 0.00 SEF - AVIATUM STABIL * A - SEK 665,440.3649 96.27 0.00 SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD ** A - SEK 12,205.6100 106.11 0.00 3,325,492.6257 105.96 0.00 I - SEK SEF - ASCENSUS OFFENSIV ** A - SEK I - SEK SEF - ASCENSUS TREND ** A - SEK I - SEK * Launched on January 10, 2013 ** Launched on April 5, 2013 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements 25 2,589.8680 111.79 0.00 4,808,538.4091 111.63 0.00 9,581.0998 106.07 0.00 1,112,355.1894 105.91 0.00 SEF, SICAV INDECAP FONDGUIDE I Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV AMF RANTEFOND LANG 426,463 54,629,924.52 5.24 DNB FORETAGSOBLIGATI 463,059 49,876,033.17 4.79 EVLI SHORT CORPORATE BOND B SEK 143,974 151,261,642.88 14.52 INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK LANNEBO LIKVIDITET 779,064 86,912,408.60 8.34 NORDEA OBLIGATIONSFOND 681,309 75,416,571.19 7.24 6.07 PRIOR AND NILSSON YIELD HEDGE FUND ROBUR SVERIGE MEGA SPILTAN RANTEFOND SVERIGE SPP AKT USA SPP FÖRETAGSOBLIGATION 59,686 63,212,534.47 752,747 38,089,017.76 3.66 1,624,871 182,993,013.05 17.55 630,746 67,277,479.84 6.46 1,364,722 143,022,862.24 13.73 912,691,487.72 87.60 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 912,691,487.72 87.60 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 912,691,487.72 87.60 CASH 44,836,778.04 4.30 OTHER NET ASSETS 84,319,740.96 8.09 TOTAL NET ASSETS 1,041,848,006.72 100.00 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 26 SEF, SICAV INDECAP FONDGUIDE II Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN EUR SAXO INVEST CPH CAPITAL GLOBAL EQUITIES X6 33,367 348,912,687.54 7.78 348,912,687.54 7.78 2,121,855 793,149,304.36 17.70 132,954 211,032,261.33 4.71 CARNEGIE WORLDWIDE ASIA FUND CLASS 1A 51,406 38,264,783.42 0.85 CLIENS ABSOLUT AKTIER SVERIG FUND B 60,272 114,417,013.47 2.55 406,920 199,219,752.50 4.44 92,396 177,060,345.84 3.95 2,464,445 301,697,328.36 6.73 12,559,668 326,551,356.61 7.28 12,862 17,811,463.02 0.40 12,269,387 620,830,990.67 13.85 7,082,634 755,457,123.84 16.86 527,345 72,768,305.36 1.62 3,628,260,028.78 80.94 INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK AMF AKTIEFOND SVERIG CARNEGIE SVERIGEFOND DANSKE INV-GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS DNB SMABOLAG DNB SVERIGEFOND LANNEBO SVER 130/30 PRIOR NILSSON SVERIGE AKTIV A ROBUR SVERIGE MEGA SPP AKT USA TREETOP GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT FUNDS IN USD VONTOBEL GLOBAL VALUE EQUITY 76,365 63,253,286.63 1.41 63,253,286.63 1.41 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 4,040,426,002.95 90.13 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 4,040,426,002.95 90.13 CASH 468,370,480.27 10.45 OTHER NET LIABILITIES -25,794,441.14 -0.58 4,483,002,042.08 100.00 TOTAL NET ASSETS The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 27 SEF, SICAV PLACERUM BALANSERAD Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares or nominal value Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV I. TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING BONDS BONDS IN SEK AKELIUS FASTIGHETER AB FRN 25/06/2015 2,000,000 2,080,780.00 1.02 BAYPORT MANAGEMENT 13% 12/06/2017 3,000,000 3,337,500.00 1.64 BAYPORT MGT 13% 15 2,000,000 2,160,000.00 1.06 BYGGMAES 8% 30/11/2018 1,000,000 1,030,000.00 0.51 ESTEA LOG 6% 19 2,000,000 2,005,000.00 0.99 MCBTREAS 13% 15 5,000,000 5,150,000.00 2.54 NORDAX FRN 21.03.2016 2,000,000 2,035,000.00 1.00 REAL PEOPLE INV HDLS FRN 19/092018 2,000,000 1,980,000.00 0.98 SBAB 7.16% 08.06.2015 FIX TO FLOAT 2,000,000 2,125,640.00 1.05 SPARBANK SPGRIP FRN 22 3,000,000 3,110,760.00 1.53 STUDSVIK FRN 16 3,000,000 3,070,140.00 1.51 WA WALLVISION 9% 17 2,000,000 2,070,000.00 1.02 30,154,820.00 14.85 TOTAL BONDS 30,154,820.00 14.85 TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING 30,154,820.00 14.85 II. INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN EUR LYXOR ETF CHINA ENTERPRISE HSCEI 8,012 7,444,938.07 3.67 7,444,938.07 3.67 INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK CATELLA AVKASTNINGSFOND 73,762 9,175,942.21 4.52 CATELLA SVERIGE PASSIVE -B- (INSTIT) 26,176 32,681,444.48 16.10 GUSTAVIA RYSSLAND GUSTAVIA SVERIGE NEKTAR HEDGEFOND NORDEA EUR HIGH YIELD NORRON PREMIUM RC SPP AKTIEFOND EUROPA SWEDBANK ROBUR INDEXFOND USA 134,969 8,107,594.94 3.99 54,197 17,509,452.61 8.62 7,382 17,544,846.46 8.64 80,215 21,155,897.74 10.42 64,386 7,190,581.23 3.54 318,062 29,039,287.40 14.30 85,157 10,877,118.29 5.36 153,282,165.36 75.49 160,727,103.43 79.16 3,000,000.00 1.48 3,000,000.00 1.48 TOTAL BONDS 3,000,000.00 1.48 TOTAL OTHER TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES 3,000,000.00 1.48 193,881,923.43 95.49 8,843,588.75 4.36 OTHER NET ASSETS 318,048.02 0.16 TOTAL NET ASSETS 203,043,560.20 100.00 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS III. OTHER TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES BONDS BONDS IN SEK JSM FINANCIAL AB 8% 31/03/2017 3,000,000 TOTAL INVESTMENTS CASH The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 28 SEF, SICAV PLACERUM DYNAMISK Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV 20,288 18,852,084.83 5.94 18,852,084.83 5.94 18.55 INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN EUR LYXOR ETF CHINA ENTERPRISE HSCEI INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK CATELLA SVERIGE PASSIVE -B- (INSTIT) 47,182 58,906,998.18 454,849 27,322,792.57 8.60 83,011 26,818,492.38 8.44 HANDELSBANK EUROPAFOND INDEX 370,872 29,328,540.66 9.23 ROBUR INDEXFOND EUROPA 253,056 22,691,493.78 7.14 SPP AKTIEFOND EUROPA 380,124 34,705,520.12 10.93 SPP AKTIEFOND JAPAN 157,169 7,866,673.20 2.48 SPP AKTIEFOND SVERIGE 178,665 34,373,745.66 10.82 SWEDBANK ROBUR INDEXFOND USA 358,053 GUSTAVIA RYSSLAND GUSTAVIA SVERIGE 45,734,068.85 14.40 287,748,325.40 90.59 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 306,600,410.23 96.53 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 306,600,410.23 96.53 11,261,214.02 3.55 -226,155.15 -0.07 317,635,469.10 100.00 CASH OTHER NET LIABILITIES TOTAL NET ASSETS The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 29 SEF, SICAV PLACERUM OPTIMERA Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares or nominal value Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV I. TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING BONDS BONDS IN EUR GEN ELECTRIC 5.5% FIX TO FLOAT 67 500,000 4,749,931.29 2.08 4,749,931.29 2.08 BONDS IN SEK AKELIUS FASTIGHETER AB FRN 25/06/2015 2,000,000 2,080,780.00 0.91 BAYPORT MANAGEMENT 13% 12/06/2017 3,000,000 3,337,500.00 1.46 BAYPORT MGT 13% 12/06/2017 4,000,000 4,450,000.00 1.95 BAYPORT MGT 13% 15 2,500,000 2,700,000.00 1.18 BYGGMAES 8% 30/11/2018 1,000,000 1,030,000.00 0.45 CATELLA FRN 17 3,000,000 3,015,060.00 1.32 CLOETTA FRN 17/09/2018 1,000,000 1,033,070.00 0.45 ESTEA LOG 6% 19 3,000,000 3,007,500.00 1.32 KAHRS HLDG FRN 17 2,000,000 2,145,000.00 0.94 LANSFORAK FRN 28.03.2023 5,000,000 5,151,150.00 2.25 MCBTREAS 13% 15 7,000,000 7,210,000.00 3.15 MEDA AB FRN 05.04.2018 5,000,000 5,232,350.00 2.29 NCC TREASURY AB FRN 06.03.2017 7,000,000 7,152,180.00 3.13 NORDAX FRN 21.03.2016 8,000,000 8,140,000.00 3.56 OPUS GROUP AB FRN 17.10.2017 1,000,000 1,038,730.00 0.45 OPUS GROUP AB FRN 20/11/2018 2,000,000 2,044,760.00 0.89 REAL PEOPLE INV HDLS FRN 19/092018 2,000,000 1,980,000.00 0.87 SBAB 7.16% 08.06.2015 FIX TO FLOAT 6,000,000 6,376,920.00 2.79 SBAB FRN PERPETUAL 4,000,000 3,944,520.00 1.73 11,000,000 11,406,120.00 4.99 6,000,000 6,140,280.00 2.69 SPARBANK SPGRIP FRN 22 STUDSVIK FRN 16 WA WALLVISION 9% 17 4,000,000 4,140,000.00 1.81 WEST AIR EUROPE EMTN 8% 08/05/2018 2,000,000 2,097,500.00 0.92 WIHLNORG FASTIGHETER AB FRN 15/02/2016 4,000,000 4,085,880.00 1.79 98,939,300.00 43.29 3,893,891.15 1.70 BONDS IN USD ALLIANZ 5.5% PERP 600,000 3,893,891.15 1.70 TOTAL BONDS 107,583,122.44 47.07 TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING 107,583,122.44 47.07 11.57 II. INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK CARNEGIE CORP BOND -ACATELLA AVKASTNINGSFOND NEKTAR HEDGEFOND NORDEA EUR HIGH YIELD NORRON PREMIUM RC TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 30 70,654 26,468,807.29 116,182 14,453,023.37 6.32 8,144 19,355,714.85 8.46 80,215 21,155,897.74 9.24 146,769 16,391,195.20 7.17 97,824,638.45 42.76 97,824,638.45 42.76 SEF, SICAV PLACERUM OPTIMERA Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) (continued) Description Number of shares or nominal value Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV JSM FINANCIAL AB 8% 31/03/2017 4,000,000 4,000,000.00 1.75 NORDNET 7.25% 20 FIX TO FLOAT 2,881,000 3,046,657.50 1.33 NORDNET 7.25% 20 FIX TO FLOAT 2,000,000 2,075,000.00 0.91 SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES 10.5% 16/06/2014 4,000,000 4,143,560.00 1.81 III. OTHER TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES BONDS BONDS IN SEK 13,265,217.50 5.80 TOTAL BONDS 13,265,217.50 5.80 TOTAL OTHER TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES 13,265,217.50 5.80 218,672,978.39 95.63 9,103,867.24 3.98 TOTAL INVESTMENTS CASH OTHER NET ASSETS 884,252.12 0.39 TOTAL NET ASSETS 228,661,097.75 100.00 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 31 SEF, SICAV AVIATUM TREND Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV 11.72 INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN EUR AMUNDI ETF EONIA 1,437 17,896,231.45 COMSTAGE ETF COMMERZBANK EONIA INDEX TR ETF 26,054 23,870,011.15 15.63 DB X-TRACK II EONIA ETF 19,241 23,869,091.60 15.62 ISHARES EURO CORPORATE BOND LARGE CAP UCITS ETF 21,140 23,901,687.66 15.64 ISHARES EURO GOV BOND 3-5 ETF 17,000 23,882,320.26 15.63 LYXOR ETF EURO CASH EURO MTS EONIA 25,142 23,871,386.88 15.63 137,290,729.00 89.87 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 137,290,729.00 89.87 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 137,290,729.00 89.87 12,861,500.44 8.42 OTHER NET ASSETS 2,610,924.17 1.71 TOTAL NET ASSETS 152,763,153.61 100.00 CASH The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 32 SEF, SICAV AVIATUM STABIL Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV 10,855 9,945,074.50 15.52 8,018 9,946,591.99 15.53 9,945,619.98 15.52 29,837,286.47 46.57 INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN EUR COMSTAGE ETF COMMERZBANK EONIA INDEX TR ETF DB X-TRACK II EONIA ETF LYXOR ETF EURO CASH EURO MTS EONIA 10,475 INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK SHB FÖRETAGSOBLIGATIONSFOND 41,553 4,906,532.42 7.66 SPP OBLIGATIONSFOND 76,595 9,978,885.78 15.58 12.41 SPP PENNINGMARKNADSFOND 67,373 7,949,032.16 SWEDBANK ROBUR INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE BOND SUB FUND 21 CBF 37,677 4,847,874.64 7.57 27,682,325.00 43.22 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 57,519,611.47 89.79 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 57,519,611.47 89.79 6,131,359.05 9.57 CASH OTHER NET ASSETS 412,277.55 0.64 TOTAL NET ASSETS 64,063,248.07 100.00 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 33 SEF, SICAV ASCENSUS BALANSERAD Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares or nominal value Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV I. TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING BONDS BONDS IN SEK KUNGSLEDEN FRN 16 3,000,000 3,007,545.00 0.85 PA RESOURCES AB 13.5 % 03.03.2016 7,000,000 6,925,625.00 1.96 SPARBANKEN ORESUND FRN 25.10.2023 2,000,000 2,024,320.00 0.57 11,957,490.00 3.38 TOTAL BONDS 11,957,490.00 3.38 TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING 11,957,490.00 3.38 II. INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK CARNEGIE CORP BOND -A- 39,654 14,855,257.13 4.20 CARNEGIE LIKVIDITETSFONDS 33,029 39,396,170.49 11.14 CARNEGIE SVERIGEFOND CATELLA HEDGE FUND CATELLA SVERIGE PASSIVE -B- (INSTIT) 2,760 4,380,146.22 1.24 27,624 4,155,248.60 1.17 9,545 11,917,618.12 3.37 DANSKE INVEST - EUROPE FOCUS-A 99,039 13,972,407.52 3.95 DANSKE INVEST GLOBAL INDEX 12.41 50,264 43,870,670.48 DANSKE INV-GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS 5,518 2,701,330.60 0.76 DIDNER AND GERGE SMABOLAGSFOND 9,014 3,411,395.11 0.96 7,911 13,409,184.86 3.79 38,632 4,002,704.27 1.13 0.89 DIDNER&GERGE AKTIEFOND DNB FRN FOND NORDEA SMABOLAGSFOND SVERIGE OHMANS FORETAGSOBLIGATIONEN ROBUR INDEXFOND EUROPA 22,229 3,159,132.53 184,252 19,836,619.33 5.61 62,570 5,610,663.15 1.59 SHB MSCI EMERG IND A 102,290 9,824,960.74 2.78 SHB MSCI USA INDEX 136,452 21,701,399.41 6.14 SPP AKTIEFOND GLOBAL 173,558 12,051,248.94 3.41 97,762 4,893,192.35 1.38 SPP FÖRETAGSOBLIGATION 245,447 25,722,832.95 7.27 SPP OBLIGATIONSFOND 356,716 46,473,609.27 13.15 305,345,792.07 86.34 29,956,085.72 8.47 SPP AKTIEFOND JAPAN INVESTMENT FUNDS IN USD SCHRODER ISF QEP GLOBAL CORE 198,372 29,956,085.72 8.47 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 335,301,877.79 94.81 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 347,259,367.79 98.19 5,976,876.65 1.69 CASH OTHER NET ASSETS 432,117.49 0.12 TOTAL NET ASSETS 353,668,361.93 100.00 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 34 SEF, SICAV ASCENSUS OFFENSIV Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares or nominal value Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV 10,000,000 9,893,750.00 1.84 9,893,750.00 1.84 TOTAL BONDS 9,893,750.00 1.84 TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING 9,893,750.00 1.84 I. TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING BONDS BONDS IN SEK PA RESOURCES AB 13.5 % 03.03.2016 II. INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK CARNEGIE SVERIGEFOND 14,758 23,424,185.04 4.36 CATELLA SVERIGE PASSIVE -B- (INSTIT) 32,164 40,156,492.34 7.48 DANSKE INVEST - EUROPE FOCUS-A 343,777 48,500,001.66 9.03 DANSKE INVEST GLOBAL INDEX 112,448 98,144,463.41 18.28 DANSKE INV-GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS DIDNER AND GERGE SMABOLAGSFOND 18,687 9,148,731.33 1.70 6,098 2,307,826.47 0.43 DIDNER&GERGE AKTIEFOND 16,292 27,613,476.51 5.14 NORDEA SMABOLAGSFOND SVERIGE 81,505 11,583,485.91 2.16 ROBUR INDEXFOND EUROPA 309,329 27,737,502.77 5.16 SHB MSCI EMERG IND A 263,977 25,354,982.66 4.72 SHB MSCI USA INDEX 438,461 69,732,761.13 12.98 1.61 SHB SVER OMXSB INDEX 56,623 8,621,401.78 SPP AKTIEFOND GLOBAL 433,521 30,102,209.87 5.60 SPP AKTIEFOND JAPAN 383,855 19,212,801.77 3.58 SWEDBANK ROBUR INDEXFOND USA 125,598 16,042,687.96 2.99 457,683,010.61 85.22 68,423,485.81 12.74 68,423,485.81 12.74 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 526,106,496.42 97.96 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 536,000,246.42 99.80 3,041,415.19 0.57 -1,975,685.46 -0.37 537,065,976.15 100.00 INVESTMENT FUNDS IN USD SCHRODER ISF QEP GLOBAL CORE 453,107 CASH OTHER NET LIABILITIES TOTAL NET ASSETS The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 35 SEF, SICAV ASCENSUS TREND Statement of Investments and other net assets at December 31, 2013 (in SEK) Description Number of shares or nominal value Market Value (in SEK) % of NAV I. TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING BONDS BONDS IN SEK KUNGSLEDEN FRN 16 2,000,000 2,005,030.00 1.69 PA RESOURCES AB 13.5 % 03.03.2016 2,000,000 1,978,750.00 1.67 SPARBANKEN ORESUND FRN 25.10.2023 1,000,000 1,012,160.00 0.85 4,995,940.00 4.21 TOTAL BONDS 4,995,940.00 4.21 TOTAL TRANSFERABLE SECURITIES ADMITTED TO AN OFFICIAL EXCHANGE LISTING 4,995,940.00 4.21 16,145 6,048,289.38 5.09 7,501 8,947,124.01 7.53 15,572 801,334.49 0.67 II. INVESTMENT FUNDS INVESTMENT FUNDS IN SEK CARNEGIE CORP BOND -ACARNEGIE LIKVIDITETSFONDS CARNEGIE RYSSLANDFOND CARNEGIE SVERIGEFOND 1,543 2,448,537.68 2.06 CATELLA HEDGE FUND 6,906 1,038,812.13 0.87 CATELLA SVERIGE PASSIVE -B- (INSTIT) 2,689 3,357,452.52 2.83 DANSKE INVEST - EUROPE FOCUS-A 44,604 6,292,778.68 5.30 DANSKE INVEST GLOBAL INDEX 13,187 11,509,462.52 9.69 DANSKE INV-GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS 1,537 752,647.98 0.63 DIDNER AND GERGE SMABOLAGSFOND 6,647 2,515,664.25 2.12 DIDNER&GERGE AKTIEFOND 2,912 4,936,147.95 4.15 72,436 7,505,070.50 6.32 0.89 DNB FRN FOND NORDEA SMABOLAGSFOND SVERIGE 7,410 1,053,044.17 89,203 9,603,542.85 8.08 8,516 818,001.39 0.69 SHB MSCI USA INDEX 49,069 7,803,973.92 6.57 SPP AKTIEFOND GLOBAL 47,796 3,318,795.83 2.79 SPP AKTIEFOND JAPAN 33,077 1,655,582.80 1.39 SPP FÖRETAGSOBLIGATION 63,750 6,681,049.19 5.62 SPP OBLIGATIONSFOND 60,609 7,896,309.40 6.65 94,983,621.64 79.94 OHMANS FORETAGSOBLIGATIONEN SHB MSCI EMERG IND A INVESTMENT FUNDS IN USD DANSKE INV-GREATER CHINA-A SCHRODER ISF QEP GLOBAL CORE 3,959 1,456,416.46 1.23 77,996 11,778,173.72 9.90 13,234,590.18 11.13 TOTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS 108,218,211.82 91.07 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 113,214,151.82 95.28 CASH 3,990,893.21 3.36 OTHER NET ASSETS 1,619,758.64 1.36 TOTAL NET ASSETS 118,824,803.67 100.00 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 36 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A. Presentation of the financial statements The financial statements of the SICAV are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Luxembourg applicable to UCITS and other UCIs. B. Valuation policy Liquid assets are valued at their nominal value plus accrued interest. Investments in investment funds are taken at their latest Net Asset Values reported by the administrator of the relevant investment fund. Securities and money market instruments admitted to official listing on a stock exchange or which are traded on another regulated market are valued on the basis of the last known sales price. If the same security or money market instruments are quoted on different markets, the quotation of the main market for this security is used. If there is no relevant quotation or if the quotations are not representative of the fair value, the valuation is made in good faith by the Board of Directors or its delegate with a view to establishing the probable sale price for such securities. Non-listed securities or money market instruments are valued on the basis of their probable sales price as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors or its delegate. Unexpired forward foreign exchange rate contracts are valued at the forward exchange rates applicable on the valuation date or on the closing date and unrealized result resulting from them is recorded in the statement of net assets. Total return swaps are valued at fair value under procedures approved by the Board of Directors of the Fund. As these swaps are not exchange-traded, but are private contracts into which the Fund and a swap counterparty enter as principals, the data inputs for valuation models are usually established by reference to active markets. However it is possible that such market data will not be available for total return swaps near the Valuation Day. Where such markets inputs are not available, quoted market data for similar instruments (e.g. a different underlying instrument for the same or a similar reference entity) will be used provided that appropriate adjustments are made to reflect any differences between the total return swaps being valued and the similar financial instrument for which a price is available. Market input data and prices may be sourced from exchanges, a broker, an external pricing agency or a counterparty. Assets or liabilities denominated in a currency other than that in which the relevant Net Asset Value is expressed, are converted at the relevant foreign currency spot rate on the relevant Valuation Day. If such quotations are not available, the rate of exchange is determined in good faith by or under procedures established by the Board of Directors of the Fund. In that context account are taken of hedging instruments used to cover foreign exchange risks. All other securities, instruments and other assets are valued at fair value, as determined in good faith pursuant to procedures established by the Board of Directors of the Fund. Realized gains and losses on sales of investments or financial instruments are determined on the basis of the average cost of investments or financial instruments sold. C. Income recognition policy Interest is accrued on a daily basis and calculated in accordance with the settlement day valuation method. Interest income on bank deposits is based on interest rates arranged between the depositary bank and the Fund’s management and may differ from prevailing market rates of interest. 37 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) C. Income recognition policy (continued) Dividends are recognized as income on the date securities are first quoted ex-dividend. D. NAV calculation policy The Net Asset Value of each sub-fund is expressed in Swedish Krona (SEK), as a per share figure and is determined on any valuation date, by dividing the value of the net assets of the sub-fund, being the value of the assets of that sub-fund less its liabilities, on the valuation date, by the number of shares then outstanding. E. Combined financial statements The combined statement of net assets and combined statement of operations and changes in net assets represent the total of the statements of net assets and statements of operations and changes in net assets of the individual Sub-Funds, converted in SEK at the exchange rates applicable at year-end. F. Formation expenses Formation expenses are amortised on a straight line basis over the first five years. NOTE 2 FEES PAID TO AUTHORITIES Fees paid to authorities are mainly composed of the subscription tax. Under the prevailing laws and regulations, the SICAV is subject to a tax called "taxe d’abonnement", payable quarterly and calculated at the annual rate of 0.05% based on the aggregate Net Asset Value at the end of each quarter, except for Class I which will be subject to the reduced subscription tax of 0.01% per annum as its shares are reserved for Institutional Investors. Pursuant to Article 129 (3) of the amended Law of December 17, 2010 the net assets invested in undertakings for collective investment already subject to the "taxe d’abonnement" are exempt from this tax. NOTE 3 CURRENCY TRANSLATION POLICIES Rates used are as at December 31, 2013. EUR = USD = NOTE 4 8.876800 6.425945 SEK SEK COMMISSIONS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS, REDEMPTIONS AND CONVERSIONS There are no commissions on subscription, redemptions and conversions. 38 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 5 DEPOSITARY FEES, ADMINISTRATOR FEES AND RISK MANAGEMENT FEES SWEDBANK AB (Publ) Luxembourg Branch has been appointed to act as depositary bank, domiciliary, paying agent and central administrator. The Depositary Bank, Administrator, Registrar and Transfer, Domiciliary, Paying Agent and Risk Manager (SWEDBANK AB) are entitled to receive out of the assets of each sub-fund a fee of up to 0.30% per annum of the average quarterly Net Asset Value thereof during the relevant quarter and payable quarterly in arrears, subject to a minimum of EUR 80,000 per annum for SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE I and SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE II. The Depositary Bank, Administrator, Registrar and Transfer, Domiciliary, Paying Agent and Risk Manager (SWEDBANK AB) is entitled to receive out of the assets of each Compartment a fee of up to 0.50 % per annum of the average quarterly net asset value thereof during the relevant quarter and payable monthly in arrears, subject to a minimum of EUR 50,000 per annum for SEF – PLACERUM BALANSERAD, SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK, SEF – PLACERUM OPTIMERA, SEF – AVIATUM TREND, SEF – AVIATUM STABIL, SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD and SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV. The Depositary Bank, Administrator, Registrar and Transfer, Domiciliary, Paying Agent and Risk Manager (SWEDBANK AB) is entitled to receive out of the assets of each Compartment a fee of up to 0.50 % per annum of the average quarterly net asset value thereof during the relevant quarter and payable monthly in arrears for SEF – ASCENSUS TREND. For year ended December 31, 2013, administration fee rates were: SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE I SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II SEF – PLACERUM BALANSERAD SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK SEF – PLACERUM OPTIMERA SEF – AVIATUM TREND SEF – AVIATUM STABIL SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV SEF – ASCENSUS TREND 0.060% 0.020% 0.075% 0.075% 0.075% 0.105% 0.105% 0.090% 0.090% 0.110% For year ended December 31, 2013, depositary fee rates were: SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE I SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II 0.030% 0.010% SEF – PLACERUM BALANSERAD, SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK and SEF – PLACERUM OPTIMERA Range between 0.035% and 0.200% of the Net Asset Value depending on the type and the geographical origin of the securities SEF – AVIATUM TREND and SEF – AVIATUM STABIL Range between 0.035% and 0.060% of the Net Asset Value depending on the type and the geographical origin of the securities SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD, SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV and SEF – ASCENSUS TREND Range between 0.035% and 0.040% of the Net Asset Value depending on the type and the geographical origin of the securities 39 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 5 DEPOSITARY FEES, ADMINISTRATOR FEES AND RISK MANAGEMENT FEES (CONTINUED) For year ended December 31, 2013, risk management fee rates were: SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE I SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE II SEF – PLACERUM BALANSERAD SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK SEF – PLACERUM OPTIMERA SEF – AVIATUM TREND SEF – AVIATUM STABIL SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV SEF – ASCENSUS TREND NOTE 6 0.060% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% MANAGEMENT FEES The Management Fees are normally payable by the Fund on a quarterly basis to the Investment Managers. For year ended December 31, 2013, annual management fee rates were: SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE I SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE II SEF – PLACERUM BALANSERAD – CLASS A SEF – PLACERUM BALANSERAD – CLASS I SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK – CLASS A SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK – CLASS I SEF – PLACERUM OPTIMERA – CLASS A SEF – PLACERUM OPTIMERA – CLASS I SEF – AVIATUM TREND SEF – AVIATUM STABIL SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD – CLASS A SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD – CLASS I SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV – CLASS A SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV – CLASS I SEF – ASCENSUS TREND – CLASS A SEF – ASCENSUS TREND – CLASS I 2.75% 2.75% 1.50% 1.75% 1.80% 2.25% 1.20% 1.40% 2.50% 2.25% 1.95% 2.20% 1.95% 2.20% 1.95% 2.20% As from December 31, 2013, annual management fee rates are: - SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE I 1.95% - SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE II 2.50% Investment Management fees of other UCIs or UCITS (excluding any performance fees) may be in total up to: - 0.40% for - 0.50% for - 1.50% for - 0.90% for NOTE 7 SEF Indecap Fondguide I and SEF Indecap Fondguide II SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD, SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK and SEF – PLACERUM OPTIMERA SEF – AVIATUM TREND and SEF – AVIATUM STABIL SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD, SEF – ASCENSUS TREND and SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV. PROMOTER FEES Swedbank AB (publ) may act as a promoter, distributor of the Fund, or business introducer or such other denomination as may be the case. Swedbank AB (publ) and/or its affiliates may directly or indirectly receive a fee from the investors in relation to their investment in the Fund. 40 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 8 ACCRUED EXPENSES At December 31, 2013, accrued expenses consist of: Administrator fees (Note 5) Audit and legal fees Depositary fees (Note 5) Fees paid to authorities (Note 2) Kickback fees (Note 14) Management fees Promoter fees Risk management fees (Note 5) Total SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I (SEK) 141,018.83 57,644.16 70,509.40 26,083.22 -741,962.75 6,581,546.75 0.00 0.00 6,134,839.61 SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II (SEK) 361,316.00 57,644.16 180,658.26 94,513.48 -5,208,430.65 29,309,501.10 0.00 0.00 24,795,202.35 SEF - PLACERUM BALANSERAD (SEK) 46,880.86 56,534.56 19,739.42 2,737.17 -107,927.55 266,284.51 9,868.95 14,804.54 308,922.46 Administrator fees (Note 5) Audit and legal fees Depositary fees (Note 5) Fees paid to authorities (Note 2) Kickback fees (Note 14) Management fees Promoter fees Risk management fees (Note 5) Total SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK (SEK) 74,434.09 56,534.56 31,340.69 25,216.86 -213,396.37 499,798.86 15,670.21 23,505.14 513,104.04 SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA (SEK) 54,040.71 56,534.56 22,754.07 18,855.21 -74,264.18 203,864.97 11,377.30 17,064.93 310,227.57 SEF - AVIATUM TREND (SEK) 44,697.88 56,534.56 17,027.83 17,501.50 -3,292.41 302,991.25 8,514.00 12,770.87 456,745.48 Administrator fees (Note 5) Audit and legal fees Depositary fees (Note 5) Fees paid to authorities (Note 2) Kickback fees (Note 14) Management fees Promoter fees Risk management fees (Note 5) Total SEF - AVIATUM STABIL (SEK) 19,092.13 56,534.56 7,273.29 5,710.98 -9,614.85 95,345.84 3,636.46 5,454.88 183,433.29 SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD (SEK) 103,055.56 56,534.56 30,058.17 7,987.87 -178,169.67 652,690.62 17,175.98 25,764.02 715,097.11 SEF - ASCENSUS OFFENSIV (SEK) 158,777.63 56,534.56 46,310.26 11,470.33 -314,995.36 993,424.48 26,462.98 39,694.38 1,017,679.26 Administrator fees (Note 5) Audit and legal fees Depositary fees (Note 5) Fees paid to authorities (Note 2) Kickback fees (Note 14) Management fees Promoter fees Risk management fees (Note 5) Total SEF - ASCENSUS TREND (SEK) 31,706.77 56,534.56 9,247.93 2,697.03 -62,661.74 211,764.80 5,284.18 7,926.44 262,499.97 41 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 9 CHANGES IN THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Changes in the investment portfolio during the reporting year are available to the shareholders at the address of the depositary bank and domiciliary agent. NOTE 10 TRANSACTION FEES As at year-end, the transaction fees are composed of fees on purchases and sales on portfolio. NOTE 11 FORWARD FOREIGN EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS - OPEN POSITIONS At December 31, 2013, the following forward foreign exchange transactions were opened: SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA Currency Buy Currency Sell Maturity SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK SEK 239,329.75 241,623.25 243,540.00 4,701,976.75 4,066,618.95 108,702.00 108,566.70 108,429.75 108,294.45 108,159.15 108,022.20 107,883.60 107,748.30 107,611.35 EUR EUR EUR EUR USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD -27,500.00 -27,500.00 -27,500.00 -527,500.00 -616,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 -16,500.00 15/09/2014 15/09/2015 15/09/2016 15/09/2017 26/09/2018 26/03/2018 26/09/2017 27/03/2017 26/09/2016 29/03/2016 28/09/2015 26/03/2015 26/09/2014 26/03/2014 Unrealized Result (SEK) -5,924.00 -6,036.91 -7,252.55 -174,944.85 21,949.87 346.81 212.67 163.30 248.28 443.09 686.28 982.28 1,240.26 1,429.11 -166,456.36 SEF - AVIATUM TREND Currency Buy Currency Sell Maturity SEK 158,714,500.00 EUR -17,500,000.00 19/02/2014 Unrealized Result (SEK) 3,245,480.00 3,245,480.00 SEF - AVIATUM STABIL Currency Buy Currency Sell Maturity SEK 31,742,900.00 EUR -3,500,000.00 19/02/2014 List of counterparty to forward foreign exchange transactions: Swedbank AB 42 Unrealized Result (SEK) 649,096.00 649,096.00 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 12 TOTAL RETURN SWAPS A Total Return Swap (TRS) is an agreement to exchange the total performance of a bond or other underlying asset (share, index, etc.) for a benchmark rate plus a spread. The total performance includes the interest coupons, dividends and profits and losses on the underlying asset over the life of the agreement, depending on the type of underlying concerned. The risk in this type of agreement is linked to the fact that the benefit for each counterparty will depend on how the underlying asset performs over time, which is unknown at the time at which the agreement is entered into. SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II Name Maturity Date Currency Quantity / Valuation as at Notional Value December 31, 2013 TRS VONTOBEL EM MKT 30/12/2014 SEK 200,000,000.00 -2,101,343.57 TRS SW ROB RYSSLAND 05/12/2014 SEK 300,000,000.00 5,754,111.64 TRS SHRODER EM MKT 29/12/2014 SEK 400,000,000.00 -3,027,553.79 The net unrealised gain on these Total Return Swap contracts as at December 31, 2013, was SEK 625,214.28 and is included in the statement of net assets. List of counterparties to SWAPS contracts: Swedbank AB (publ) Luxembourg Branch NOTE 13 RELATED - PARTIES TRANSACTIONS During the year, the sub-funds SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE I, SEF – INDECAP FONDGUIDE II, SEF – PLACERUM BALANSERAD, SEF – PLACERUM DYNAMISK, SEF – AVIATUM TREND, SEF – AVIATUM STABIL, SEF – ASCENSUS BALANSERAD and SEF – ASCENSUS OFFENSIV invested part of their assets into other collective investment undertakings promoted by Swedbank group. 43 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 14 OTHER INCOME At December 31, 2013, other income consists mainly of: Kickback fees Kickback fees Kickback fees SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE I (SEK) SEF - INDECAP FONDGUIDE II (SEK) SEF PLACERUM BALANSERAD (SEK) 2,802,940.16 18,095,684.57 390,393.03 SEF - PLACERUM DYNAMISK (SEK) SEF - PLACERUM OPTIMERA (SEK) SEF - AVIATUM TREND (SEK) 588,772.63 417,772.97 275,059.99 SEF - AVIATUM STABIL (SEK) SEF - ASCENSUS BALANSERAD (SEK) SEF ASCENSUS OFFENSIV (SEK) 92,579.68 602,579.02 1,138,290.68 SEF - ASCENSUS TREND (SEK) Kickback fees 186,100.41 These fees represent a rebate on management fees paid by underlying funds. NOTE 15 GLOBAL RISK EXPOSURE (UNAUDITED NOTE) In terms of risk management, the Board of Directors of SEF, SICAV selected the commitment approach in order to determine the global risk for all the sub-funds. NOTE 16 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS 1) The Board of Directors resolved to launch on March 4, 2014, the below sub-funds: - SEF - Intacta Dynamisk Balanserad (Class A and Class I) - SEF - Intacta TrendBox (Class A and Class I) Both sub-funds will be managed by Intacta Kapital AB. 2) The Board of Directors resolved to elect Ellinor Ortegren Johansson and Mrs Aet Ratsepp as directors of the Company for the period from January 20, 2014 until next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held in 2014 in replacement of Mrs Lars Friberg and Mrs Tiina Norberg. 3) The Board of Directors resolved on February 24, 2014: - to enter into a management company services agreement with Swedbank Management Company S.A. (launched on February 24, 2014) - to terminate existing agreements covering similar services between the Fund, Swedbank AB (publ) and Swedbank Robur Fonder AB, namely: 1. Global Distribution Agreement made on April 25, 2012 2. Central Administration Agreement made on April 25, 2012 3. Risk Management Agreement made on April 25, 2012 44 SEF, SICAV Notes to the financial statements at December 31, 2013 (continued) NOTE 16 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (CONTINUED) 4) The Board of Directors resolved on February 28, 2014 to terminate the General Infrastructure Contract with Crestbridge Management Company S.A. 5) Ludivine Nicolaï and Daniela Klasén-Martin from Crestbridge Management Company S.A. resigned from their function of Conducting Person on February 28, 2014. 45
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