Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn

Strandhamns kile,
Marinarkeologisk förundersökning
Tossene 983, Tossene socken, Sotenäs kommun
Delia Ní Chíobháin
Bohusläns museum Rapport 2010:54
Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn
Marinarkeologisk förundersökning
Tossene 983, Tossene socken, Sotenäs kommun
Bohusläns museum Rapport 2010:54
ISSN 1650-3368
Författare Delia Ní Chíobháin
Grafisk form Gabriella Kalmar
Layout och teknisk redigering Lisa K Larsson
Omslagsbild Foto taget av Staffan von Arbin. Fotot visar undersökningsområdet mot väst.
Illustration Författaren om inget annat anges
Tryck Bording AB, Borås 2010
Kartor ur allmänt kartmaterial, © Lantmäteriverket medgivande 90.8012
Kartor godkända från sekretessynpunkt för spridning Lantmäteriet 2010-07-02. Dnr 601-2010/1841
Bohusläns museum
Museigatan 1
Box 403
451 19 Uddevalla
tel 0522-65 65 00, fax 0522-126 73,
Svensk sammanfattning........................................................................................................... 5
Background..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Landscape........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Natural and cultural landscape............................................................................................ 8
Ancient monument environment and...........................................................................
previous investigations.................................................................................................................... 9
Method................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Results. ...................................................................................................................................................................11
Tossene 983. ...............................................................................................................................................11
Dendrochronological analysis. ...................................................................................................11
Tossene 1013. ...........................................................................................................................................11
Discussion....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion and recommendations.................................................................. 12
References...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Literature........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Unpublished sources...................................................................................................................... 13
Technical and administrative data...................................................................... 14
Appendices................................................................................................................................................... 15
Bohusläns museum 2010:54
Figure 1.Section of GSD-Property map with the location of the investigation area marked.
Figur 1. Utsnitt ur GSD-Röda kartan/Fastighetskartan med platsen för undersökningen markerad.
Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn
Svensk sammanfattning
På uppdrag av Munkebogatans Samfällighetsförening och Länsstyrelsen
i Västra Götalands län utförde Bohusläns museum i juni 2010 en marinarkeologisk förundersökning av fornlämningen Tossene 983, belägen inom vattenområdet Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn, Sotenäs
kommun. Förundersökningen föranleddes av föreningens planer på att
anlägga en brygga i området. Tossene 983 utgörs av en fartygslämning
vilken av traditionen utpekas som ett av den holländske köpmannen
och redaren David Slamans fartyg. Förundersökningen resulterade i
positionsbestämning och preliminär avgräsning av skeppskonstruktionen. En dendrokronologisk analys antyder att fartyget kan härröra från
mitten av 1500-talet, vilket gör den påstådda kopplingen till Slaman
osäker. Vid provgropsgrävningen framkom dessutom ett hamnkulturlager (Tossene 1013) vilket utifrån fyndmaterialet grovt kan dateras till
perioden 1600-1900-tal. Den planerade bryggan kommer inte i direkt
konflikt med fartygslämningen, men för att förhindra propellermuddringseffekter anser Bohusläns museum att de tre yttersta båtplatserna på
bryggans södra sida bör utgå. Dessutom föreslås permanent utmärkning
med bojar samt informationsskyltar på land. Vad gäller kulturlagret så
bedöms inte detta ha sådan dignitet och omfattning att det inverkar på
placeringen och utformningen av bryggan.
In June of 2010 Bohusläns museum, in cooperation with Vänermuseet,
carried out a preliminary underwater archaeological investigation (förundersökning) in Strandhamnskile, Ulebergshamn, Tossene socken,
Sotenäs kommun (figures 1–5). The investigation was undertaken by
request of the client Munkebogatans Samfällighetsförening and Länsstyrelsen of Västra Götalands län following an application for permission to construct a jetty at the site. Based on the known ancient site in
the area, the shipwreck Tossene 983 which is also known as “Slaman II”,
it was decided that an archaeological investigation would be required.
The purpose of the preliminary investigation was to determine the presence and extent of submerged archaeological remains in the area and
to limit potential damage to sites by the development.
Tossene 983 is associated with a local tradition that a Dutch merchant
who lived in the area in the 1600s was said to have scuttled some of his
ships in the harbour. This tradition was one of the motivations for surveys conducted by the Göteborgs Amatördykarklubb between 1949 and
1966. Other registered monuments in the vicinity include Tossene 976
and 979 which consist of ballast mounds. Tossene 976 is located at the
entrance to Strandhamns kile and Tossene 979 is located in the centre
of Strandhamns kile.
Bohusläns museum 2010:54
Figure 2. Section of GSD-Property map with the location of the investigation area marked. Scale 1:20 000. Permission for
distribution approved by the Security Officer. Lantmäteriet 2010-07-02. Dnr 601-2010/1841.
Figur 2. Utsnitt ur GSD-Fastighetskartan med platsen för undersökningen markerad. Skala 1:20 000. Godkänd ur sekretessynpunkt för spridning. Lantmäteriet 2010-07-02. Dnr 601-2010/1841.
Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn
Figure 3. Section of GSD-Property map, sheets 8A 8h, 8A 7h, with the investigation area and nearby ancient remains
marked. Scale 1:10 000. Permission for distribution approved by the Security Officer. Lantmäteriet 2010-07-02. Dnr
Figur 3. Utsnitt ur GSD-Fastighetskartan, blad 8A 8h, 8A 7h, med översikt över undersökningsområdet samt närliggande
fornlämningar markerade. Skala 1:10 000. Godkänd ur sekretessynpunkt för spridning. Lantmäteriet 2010-07-02. Dnr
Bohusläns museum 2010:54
Natural and cultural landscape
Ulebergshamn is situated to the south east of Strandhamns kile, a sheltered natural haven with its entrance to the south west and runs to land
between the Vindeklätten and Krasseberget hills. It is sheltered to the
north by the Tvillingeberget and Pigeberget hills and has a maximum
water depth of 3–4 meters. Further out to the west is the Ösöfjorden,
leading into the Soten and Skagerrak.
Ulebergshamn is first mentioned as a port in the year 1594. It is unclear when settlements were first established at the site, but it is likely that
permanent residents were there toward the late 1500s. It has been stated
that Ulebergshamn functioned as a shipping port for timber. According
to local tradition, a merchant and shipowner named David Slaman, who
lived and worked in Ulebergshamn during the 1600s, scuttled five of his
ships in the harbour. The scuttling is alleged to have occurred shortly
after the Peace of Roskilde in 1658, after which the Swedish crown, for
some reason, demanded control of his vessels.
Figure 4. View of the investigation area, facing northwest. Photo Staffan von
Arbin. Bohusläns museum.
Figur 4. Vy över undersökningsområdet, mot nordväst. Foto Staffan von Arbin.
Bohusläns museum.
Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn
Ancient monument environment and
previous investigations
A number of surveys were conducted between the 1940s and 1960s in
reaction to this local tradition by the Göteborgs Amatördykarklubb. The
seasonal investigations were in cooperation with the Sjöfartsmuseet in
Göteborg. Two wrecks were located, which were assumed to be remains
of the Slaman vessels. The first discovered wreck, called “Slaman I”, was
located on the east side of Knivsholmen, by Knivholmsbogen, while
“Slaman II” was located inside Ulebergshamn, in shallow water along
the southern shoreline and close to the investigation area.
A smaller study in 1966 on “Slaman II” resulted in a master plan of
the site and the recovery of some finds (Bergstrand 2006a, Notini 1967).
The remains of “Slaman II” at the sediment level measured 15,5 meters
in length, 5,45 meters in width and lie in NE–SW orientation. During
the study the wreck site was dredged and the deck planking removed.
It was noted that the ship´s bottom was missing (Johansson 1992:11).
This activity was evident during this investigation as deck planking was
discovered outside the wreck, on the northwestern extent.
Among the finds recovered during the 1966 survey include a
Bartmann jug dated to the late 1500s or the early 1600s and an engraved slate with the depiction of a ship (appendix 3). The image is of a
three–masted vessel with a quarterdeck and what could be interpreted as
gun ports or guns, possibly contemporary with the jug. The large timber
dimensions along with the Bartmann–jug led the Göteborgs Amatördykarklubb to the conclusion that the wreck was either a merchantman or
a man–of–war from the late 1500s or early 1600s (Lundell 1950). The
two articles in which the diving club reported their studies (Lundell
1950, Notini 1967) mention no further discovery.
Two separate archaeological investigations in Ulebergshamn during
2006 revealed two sites of similar composition. Tossene 976 was first
detected during a sonar survey and subsequently identified on an archaeological diving survey as a ballast mound (Bergstrand 2006a).
Tossene 979 was located during an investigation within Strandhamns
kile and also consists of a ballast mound of gravel and flint. Flint as ballast for ships has been found associated with ship remains from the 1500s
and modern times in western Sweden (Bergstrand 2006b).
The water in Ulebergshamn measures 3–4 meters and the bottom is of
soft sediment. Diving archaeologists performed a visual survey while
probing the bottom for evidence of archaeological remains. Dredging
consisted of a total of nine test trenches, seven within the survey area
and two along the extent of the survey area, in close proximity to the
Figure 5. Diving operations in Ulebergshamn.
Photo Delia Ní Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
Figur 5. Dykarbete i Ulebergshamn. Foto
Delia Ní Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
Bohusläns museum 2010:54
Figure 6. Section of GSD-Property map showing investigation area, test trenches, samples for dendrochronological analysis
and Tossene 983 and 1013. Scale 1: 500. Permission for distribution approved by the Security Officer. Lantmäteriet 201007-02. Dnr 601-2010/1841.
Figur 6. Utsnitt ur GSD-Fastighetskartan som visar utredningsområde, provgropar, prov för dendrokronologisk analys och
Tossene 983 och 1013. Skala 1: 500. Godkänd ur sekretessynpunkt för spridning. Lantmäteriet 2010-07-02. Dnr 6012010/1841.
Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn
shipwreck site Tossene 983 (figure 6). The dredged remains of each test
trench were sieved for evidence of cultural layers and archaeological remains. The extent of Tossesene 983 was determined by probing and
three timber samples from the wreck were taken for dendrochronological analysis. Analysis was performed by dendrochronologist Thomas
Bartholin (appendix 1). All diving was carried out with tethered surfacesupplied diving and diver-surface communications in accordance with
the Work Environment Authority´s (Arbetsmiljöverkets) regulations of
commercial diving (AFS 1993:57) and the diving standards of Bohuslän museum. Archaeological remains, trenches and sampling locations
were positioned by means of DGPS.
Tossene 983
The location and preliminary extent of the Tossene 983 site could be
established by the visual and probing survey. The wreck, which lies in
a northeast–southwest direction, is located to the west of the proposed
jetty site and to the east of a jetty currently in use (figure 6). The extent
of the wreck was measured at 15 meters long and 6 meters wide and is
level with the marina bottom.
Figure 7. Ship timbers from which dendrochronological samples were taken. Photo
Delia Ní Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
Figur 7. Skeppstimmer från vilka prover för
dendrokronologisk analys togs. Foto Delia Ní
Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
Dendrochronological analysis
Dendrochronological and wood provenance analysis was performed
on three samples taken from the wreck (appendix 1). The three samples were taken from a radially split deck plank, a semi-tangential strake and a tangential deck plank (figure 7). All samples were of oak and
while they lacked any sapwood, a felling date after 1517 was given. All
samples shared the same provenance of northern Germany with the best
correlation from Lower Saxony. The analysis indicates that the ship was
built some time in the mid to late 1500s. It is thus possible that the
wreck represents another and slightly older vessel than those of Slaman.
Tossene 1013
The dredging of test trenches revealed evidence of cultural layers, Tossene
1013, within the survey area and adjacent to the shipwreck site (figure
6). The items recovered from the trenches include wooden chips, animal
bones and teeth (figure 8), tile and brick fragments, fragments of flint
(figure 9), ceramic shards (figure 10), hazelnut shells (figure 11) and
leather fragments (appendix 2). The cultural layers are likely to date to
the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century. They most likely derive
from land and from ships anchoring in the harbour.
Figure 8. Animal bones and teeth from
test trenches. Photo Delia Ní Chíobháin.
Bohusläns museum.
Figur 8. Djurben och tänder påträffade i provgropar. Foto Delia Ní Chíobháin.
Bohusläns museum.
Bohusläns museum 2010:54
The dendrochronological analysis performed on the three samples from
Tossene 983 revealed that the site is possibly an earlier wreck than was
previously thought, thus making the link to the Slaman tradition uncertain. Even though the wreck may not confirm the local tradition of
Slaman, it is to be considered an important find for the area. The presence of cultural layers in the vicinity of the site is also very interesting
and offers, together with the vessel remains, some insight to the use of
Ulebergshamn and its settlement during the early modern period.
Conclusion and recommendations
Figure 9. Flint from test trenches. Photo Delia
Ní Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
Figur 9. Flinta från provgropar. Foto Delia
Ní Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
According to the preliminary investigation, the proposed jetty will not
directly affect the wreck site Tossene 983. Due to the shallow water on
the location, the site is at risk of being damaged by propeller wash of
boats currently using the harbour. It is likely that further boat traffic
resulting from the new jetty will increase this risk. In order to prevent
this, Bohusläns museum suggests that the three outermost moorings on
Figure 10. Ceramic shards from test trenches. Photo Delia Ní Chíobháin.
Bohusläns museum.
Figur 10. Keramikskärvor från provgropar. Foto: Delia Ní Chíobháin.
Bohusläns museum.
Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn
the southern side of the jetty are withdrawn. Protective measures, in the
form of marker/warning buoys placed around the site extent to limit the
amount of traffic passing over it, should also be considered.
It is also recommended that information pertaining to the wreck, its
history and significance be displayed near its location on shore to create
an awareness of the area’s cultural environment. In regards to the cultural layers revealed within the area, Bohusläns museum considers them
to be of less dignity. Thus, their presence will not affect the proposal.
Bergstrand, T. 2006a. Vattenområdet Hunnebostrand–Ulebergshamn.
Arkeologisk utredning. Tossene socken, Sotenäs kommun. Bohusläns museum Rapport 2006:18. Uddevalla.
Bergstrand, T. 2006b. Vattenområde vid Strandhamns kile. Arkeologisk
utredning. Tossene socken, Sotenäs kommun. Bohusläns museum Rapport
2006:56. Uddevalla.
Dykeriarbete. AFS 1993:57. Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen. Stockholm.
Johansson, U. 1992. Skeppsbrott i Västerhavet. Göteborg.
Lundell, J. 1950. Dykning och sjöhistoriskt fältarbete. Redogörelse över
försöksdykningar i Ulebergshamn. Unda Maris 1949, 39–48. Sjöfartsmuseet. Göteborg.
Notini, S. 1967. Slamanskeppen i Ulebergshamn. Unda Maris 1965–
1966, 145–150. Sjöfartsmuseet. Göteborg.
Unpublished sources
FMIS, Digitala fornminnesregistret, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Stockholm.
Figure 11. Hazelnut shells from test trenches.
Photo Delia Ní Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
Figur 11. Hasselnötsskal från provgropar.
Foto: Delia Ní Chíobháin. Bohusläns museum.
Bohusläns museum 2010:54
Technical and administrative data
Lst dnr:
Västarvet dnr:
Västarvet pnr:
NOK 472-2010
Tossene 983
Västra Götalands län
Vattenområde i Strandhamnskile
Ek. karta:
Vattendjup: 8A 8h, 8A 7h
X: 6490015, Y: 1237080
RT 90 2,5 gon V
-0,5 till -4 m
Munkebogatans Samfällighetsförening
Ansvarig institution:
Bohusläns museum
Staffan von Arbin
Staffan von Arbin
Delia Ní Chióbháin
Roland Peterson (Vänermuseet)
Thomas Bartholin
Undersökt yta:
17 juni 2010
1 650 m2
Bohusläns museums arkiv
Inga fynd omhändertogs
Strandhamns kile, Ulebergshamn
Appendix 1. Report on dendrochronological analysis of “Slaman II”. Consultant Thomas Bartholin
Rapport över dendrokronologisk analys av ”Slaman II”. Konsult Thomas
Appendix 2. Test trenches with descriptions and finds
Provgropar med beskrivning och fynd
Appendix 3. Find list from the 1966 investigation of “Slaman II”
Fyndlistan från 1966 års undersökning av ”Slaman II” (Notini 1967)
Appendix 1. Report on dendrochronological analysis of “Slaman II”. Consultant Thomas Bartholin
Rapport över dendrokronologisk analys av ”Slaman II”. Konsult Thomas Bartholin
Appendix 1. Report on dendrochronological analysis of “Slaman II”. Consultant: Thomas Bartholin.
Rapport över dendrokronologisk analys av ”Slaman II”. Konsult: Thomas Bartholin.
Staffan von Arbin
Bohusläns museum/Västarvet
Museigatan 1
Box 403
451 19 Uddevalla
Dendrokronologiske og vedanatomiske analyser af ”Slaman II” vrag fra Bohus län.
Slaman II:
Prov 1, 0115017, ek, radial däksplanke, 7x45 cm, 107 årringe, ingen splint. Yderste årringe er fra
Prov 2, 0115018, ek, halvtangential bordplanke, del, 6x26 cm, 98 årringe, ingen splint. Yderste
årringe er fra 1497.
Prov 3, 0115019, ek, tangential däksplanke, del, 6x20 cm, 33 årringe, ingen splint. Yderste årring
fra 1461.
Alle pröver passer fint sammen og har antagelig vokset i samme bestand. Träerne kan have vokset i
Nordtyskland, bedst er ligheden mod Niedersachsen. Det tidligste fäldningstidspunkt er 1497 plus
manglende splint på ca 20 år: 1517, hertil skal lägges et ukendt antal kernevedsårringe.
Et större antal pröver vil kunne bidrage til at präcisere skibenes bygningsår og tömmerets herkomst.
Pröverne opbevares på Nationalmuseet i Köbenhavn.
Wentorf, den 26. september 2010.
Med venlig hilsen og tak for uppdraget.
Thomas Bartholin,
Am Haidberg 18
D 21 465 Wentorf.
0049 40 720 1821
(115017.21.vrak. Sendt pr. mail dd)
Appendix 2. Test trenches with descriptions and finds
Provgropar med beskrivning och fynd
PG 1
Provgrop ID
50 × 50 cm stor, 90 cm djup
Små träfragment
Del av lädersula
Djurben och djurtand
PG 2
40 × 40 cm stor, 120 cm djup
PG 3
40 × 40 cm stor, 120 cm djup
Djurben och djurtand
Keramik (glaserat yngre rödgods)
PG 4
50 ×50 cm stor, 50 cm djup
PG 5
50 × 50 cm stor, 50 cm djup
PG 6
50 × 50 cm stor, 80 cm djup
PG 7
50 ×50 cm stor, 50 cm djup
Keramik (yngre rödgods)
PG 8
50×50 cm stor, 50 cm djup
PG 9
50 × 50 cm stor, 70 cm djup
Keramik (glaserat yngre rödgods)
Lösfynd inom
Vattendjup / meter
Djurben (griskäke)
Keramik (yngre rödgods)
Appendix 3. Find list from the 1966 investigation of “Slaman II”
Fyndlistan från 1966 års undersökning av ”Slaman II” (Notini 1967)
Glaserade tegel
Tegel med ornamentmönster
Bartmann-krus, med ornament
Platta med hål (trasig)
Skifferplatta med tecken av ett fartyg
Pollare av trä
Del av mastkrage
Träklamp med tränagel
Delar av bordläggningen
Större knapar
Mindre knape
Strandhamns kile,
Marinarkeologisk förundersökning
Tossene 983, Tossene socken, Sotenäs kommun
Delia Ní Chíobháin
Bohusläns museum Rapport 2010:54