Tomorrow's Energy gy Solutions for Sustainable Development! ETC Presentation 2014 ETC Location ETC Presentation 2014 This is ETC Nonprofit Foundation (Est.1989) and Professional service firm Provides both Research work and Consultancy services Focus area: Thermo-chemical Thermo chemical conversion of biomass Service S i categories: t i ▪ Tailor-made T il d E Experiments i t ▪ Advanced Computations ▪ In-depth Investigations Customers/Partners: Academia Public agencies & Industry Academia, ETC Presentation 2014 ETC Board Erik Persson (Piteå Kommun) Gunnar Plym Forshell (Lst. BD) Ann-Britt Ann Britt Edfast (Sveaskog) Johan Sterte (Luleå Univ. of Tech.) Bo Johansson (Smurfit Kappa) Magnus Berg (Vattenfall) Managing Director Magnus Marklund Marklund* Marketing Manager Act. R&D Ol Öhrman* Olov Öh * (Sr. Researcher) H Henrik ik Wii Wiinikka* ikk * (Sr. Researcher) Manager ETC STAB Admin Coordinator Ingela Lindberg* (Administrator) Lab Coordinator Henry Hedman (Sr. Development Eng.) ETC STAFF Marcus Gullberg G (Research Eng.) A-C Johansson (Research Eng.) Ulla Jonsson (Sr. Administrator) Mattias Lundgren (Technician) Roger Molinder (Research Eng.) Daniel Svensson (Experimental Ass.) Esbjörn Pettersson (Research Eng.) Jonas Wennebro (Development Eng.) Linda Sandström (Researcher) Calle Ylipää (Technician) Alexey Sepman (Sr. Researcher) Yngve Ögren (Research Eng.) Fredrik Weiland ((Research Eng.) g) ETC Presentation 2014 * Part in management team General Capabilities Pre-treatment Pre treatment & feeding Sampling & Diagnostics Spray formation Combustion/Gasification Fuel Characterisation Process modelling Bio-oil production Syngas upgrading ETC Presentation 2014 Bio Refinery Concept Bio-Refinery RAW MATERIALS Forest Agriculture Marine Wastes By-products CONVERSION PROCESSES Mechanical Thermal Chemical Biological END PRODUCTS Energy Chemicals Fuels Materials Other ETC Focus Area ETC Presentation 2014 Bio refinery Pathways Examples Bio-refinery Intermediate products currently in ETC focus ETC Presentation 2014 Biofuel R&D Initiatives at ETC site ETC C Co Combustion bust o Laboratory abo ato y (Combustion furnaces, pyrolysis oil) Solander Clean Tech (Business development) LTU Green Fuels ETC Gasification Centre (Fuel synthesis plant) (Pilot gasifiers) ETC Presentation 2014 Overview: Site Infrastructure Biomass g gasification Spray tests Pyrolysis y y oil Analyses/ Characterisation VIPP Catalysts y Combustion BLG MeOH/DME ETC Presentation 2014 TO END SLIDES Site Infrastructure: PEBG pilot PEBG = Pressurised Entrained flow Biomass Gasification Owner: ETC Op. manager: Henry Hedman, ETC Research and process development activities Solid/liquid biomass => raw syngas 0.5 MWth @ 5 bar Oxygen/steam/CO2 blown Daily operation ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW PEBG Process ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW PEBG Progress IP-owner: BioGreen AB On-going research on process characterisation Performed trials on virgin wood, torrefied wood, bark, pyrolysis oil, lignin Reference paper: Weiland et al. Energy & Fuels 27 (2013) 932–941 Possible custom-made PEBG trails via BRISK (see c o edge e ts to PEBG G Co Consortium so t u a and d funders: u de s Acknowledgements ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: POC pilot POC = Pyrolysis Oil Cyclone Owner: ETC Op. manager: Henrik Wiinikka, ETC Research and process development activities + production Solid biomass => Pyrolysis oil/Char 0.2 MWth Nitrogen blown Daily operation ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Pyrolysis Oil Cyclone (POC) ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Aim with pyrolysis oil Feedstock variety Applications POC Pyrolysis oil Proper production of pyrolysis oil from biomass is a renewable fuel that can be utilized in a wide range of different applications. ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: CTR setup CTR = Catalyst Test Rig Owner: LTU-ETC Op. manager: Olov Öhrman, ETC Research activities Biosyngas to MeOH Space velocity: 1000 – 5000 Ndm3/(kg catalyst h), ≈ 1 dm3 liquid MeOH per 50 h Daily and continuous operation Reference paper: Häggström et al. Fuel Processing Technology 94 (2012) 10-15 ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: VAFF VAFF = Vertical Atmospheric Flexi-fuel Furnace Owner: ETC Op. O manager: Per P Carlsson, C l ETC Research and process development activities Solid/liquid biomass Two stage combustion chamber 0.2 MWth Air blown Daily operation ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: HICK HICK = Horizontal Industrialized Combustion Kiln Owner: ETC Site manager: Henry Hedman Hedman, ETC Process development activities Solid/liquid feedstock 0.2 MWth Air blown Daily operation Reference paper: Eriksson et al. Bioresource Technology 104 (2012) 729736. 736 CAD: Adjustable burnerhood ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: HICK Combustion characteristics of fuel blends Back end snap shot of powder flame with preheated air supply One part of the twin powder feed unit ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: PSTR PSTR = Pressurised Spray Test Rig Owner: ETC Site manager: Magnus Marklund, ETC Research and process development activities Vessel inner diameter: 500 mm Pressures P up tto15 15 barg b 4 optical access ports Flexible nozzle connection 3 nitrogen streams available (40 bar) High speed photography Spray characterization by PDA Reference paper: Gullberg, et al. Atomization and Sprays 22 (2012) 897919 919. ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: Analysis Owner: ETC GC for analysis of syngas/producer gas with TCDs and PFPD GC for analysis of hydrocarbons, tars and oxygenates with FID GC-MS for tars and pyrolysis oil Micro-GC with TCD T t l sulfur Total lf analysis l i iinstrument t t for f liquids li id and d gases b based d on UV UVFluorescence (ppb-ppm level) FTIR for analysis y of syngas/producer y g p g gas Karl Fischer titrator for analysis of water in liquids or gases Particulate matter: DLPI and ELPI Conventional flue gas instruments: THC, NO, NOx, CO, CO2, SO2, O2 ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: Characterisation Owner: ETC DTF (Drop Tube Furnace): Fundamental studies of powder/liquids SPRT (Single Particle Reactor Test oven): Gross conversion aspects ETC-DTF ETC-SPRT L Lowering i device d i Oven Inspection window ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: VIPP pilot VIPP = Vortex Intensive Power Production Owner: MEVA Energy AB Op. manager: Henry Hedman, ETC Process development activities Solid biomass => > fuel gas Gasification cyclone concept 0.5 MWth Air blown Daily operation Reference p paper: p Risberg g et al. -2BV.2.7 ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: DP DP-1 1 BLG plant DP-1 BLG = Development Plant no.1 for Black Liquor Gasification Owner: LTU Green Fuels Site manager: Birgitta Marke, LTU Research and process development activities BL or liquid mixes => raw syngas 3 MWth @ 30 bar Oxygen /steam blown Continuous operation possible Reference paper: Carlsson et al. Fuel 89 (2010) 4025-4034. ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Site Infrastructure: BioDME plant Owner: LTU Green Fuels Site manager: Birgitta Marke, LTU Research and process development activities Raw syngas => Methanol => DME Nominal capacity: p y 4 ton DME/day y Continuous operation possible ETC Presentation 2014 BACK TO OVERVIEW Partner Networks LTU Biosyngas Program ETC Presentation 2014 Recent Publications 1(3) (See further Wiinikka, H., Weiland, F., Pettersson, E., Öhrman, O., Carlsson, P., Stjernberg, J. Characterisation of submicron particles produced during oxygen blown entrained flow gasification of biomass. Accepted for publication in Combustion and Flame (2014). g, M.,, Öhrman,, O.G.W.,, Gebart,, B.R.,, Nilsson,, P.T.,, Gudmundsson,, A.,, Sanati,, M. Influence Risberg, from fuel type on the performance of an air-blown cyclone gasifier. Fuel 116 (2014) 751-759. Olwa, J., Öhman, M., Pettersson, E., Boström ,D., Okure, M., Kjellström, B. Potassium retention in updraft gasification of wood. Energy & Fuels 27 (2013) 6718-6724. Jonsson, C.Y.C., Stjernberg, J., Wiinikka, H., Lindblom, B., Boström, D., Öhman, M. Deposit formation in a grate-kiln plant for iron-ore pellet production. Part 1: Characterization of process gas particles. Energy & Fuels 27 (2013) 6159-6170. Stjernberg, J., Jonsson, C.Y.C., Wiinikka, H., Lindblom, B., Boström, D., Öhman, M. Deposit formation i a grate-kiln in t kil plant l t ffor iron-ore i pellet ll t production: d ti 2 Characterization 2. Ch t i ti off deposits. d it Energy E & Fuels F l 27 (2013) 6171-6184. ETC Presentation 2014 Recent Publications 2(3) (See further Weiland, F., Hedman, H., Marklund, M., Wiinikka, H., Öhrman, O., Gebart, R. Pressurized oxygen blown entrained-flow gasification of wood powder. Energy & Fuels 27 (2013) 932-941. Wiinikka, H., Grönberg, C., Boman, C. Emissions of heavy metals during fixed-bed combustion of six gy & Fuels 27 ((2013)) 1073-1080. biomass fuels. Energy Nordgren, D., Hedman, H., Padban, N., Boström, D., Öhman, M. Ash transformations in pulverised fuel co-combustion of straw and woody biomass. Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 52-58. Carlsson, P., Lycksam, H., Gren, P., Gebart, R., Wiinikka, H., Iisa, K. High-speed imaging of biomass particles heated with a laser. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 103 (2013) 278-286. Öhrman, Ö a , O.G.W., OG , Weiland, e a d, F.,, Johansson, Jo a sso , A.J., J , Pettersson, ette sso , E.,, Hedman, ed a , H.,, Leijenhorst, e je o st, E.J., J , Assink, ss , A., van de Beld, L. Pressurized Oxygen Blown Entrained Flow Gasification of Pyrolysis Oil. Proceedings 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, June 3-7, 2013. Johansson, A.C., Öhrman, Ö O.G.W., Pettersson, E., Sweeney, D. Tar and trace element measurements in synthesis gas from a pressurized black liquor gasifier. Proceedings 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, June 3-7, 2013. ETC Presentation 2014 Recent Publications 3(3) (See further Gullberg, M., Marklund, M. Spray characterization of twin fluid external mix atomization of pyrolysis oil. Atomization and Sprays 22 (2012) 897-919. Öhrman, O., Häggström, C., Wiinikka, H., Hedlund, J. and Gebart, R. Analysis of trace components in y g gas g generated by y black liquor q g gasification. Fuel 102 ((2012)) 173-179. synthesis Eriksson, D., Weiland, F., Hedman, H., Stenberg, M., Öhrman, O., Lestander, T.A., Bergsten, U. and Öhman, M. Characterization of Scots pine stump-root biomass as feed-stock for gasification. Bioresource Technology 104 (2012) 729-736. Häggström, C., Öhrman, O., Rownaghi, A., Hedlund, J. and Gebart, R. Catalytic methanol synthesis via black liquor gasification. Fuel Processing Technology 94 (2012) 10-15. Lycksam, H., Sjödahl, M., Gren, P., Öhman, M., Gebart, R. High-speed interferometric measurement and visualization of the conversion of a black liquor droplet during laser heating. Optics in Lasers and dE Engineering i i 50 (2012) 1654 1654-1661. 1661 ETC Presentation 2014
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