Technologies for Linear Drainage Technical Manual Distributed by Everhard Industries TECHNICAL & INSTALLATION INFORMATION 1. Technical System of Technodrain 2. Advantages over Traditional Systems • • The channel represents the technology of Technodrain from Asoplast, demonstrating decades of experience by their designers in the field of drainage. All solutions techniques and construction details were marked to provide an end –user product that is light, safe and easy to install. Technodrain wins the challenge compared to traditional systems, thanks to its versatility and affordability of installation, strength and durability of its structure. The HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) makes it light weight and immune to chemical attack. • Light weight compared to size, cost of transport and installation. Robust,unbreakabletobumpsandfalls. Technodraincanbeusedinthefieldtemperaturefrom-60°Cto+100°Cwithout damage. Chemicallyresistsawiderangeofacids,saltsandhydrocarbons.Technodraincan also be used in special environments such as chemical plants, workshops and service stations and is particularly suitable for roads with use of intensive salt anti-freeze,destructivetomosttraditionalsystems. SurfaceresistancetomoldandmicroorganismsmeansTechnodraincanbeusedin all structures that require high hygiene such as flooring in kitchens, food processing industries, hospitals, etc. Coefficientofpeakflows,thesurfaceareaoftheTechnodraindoesnotcreate barriers to water flow and minimizes the storage of aggregates. Thesystemisveryversatileasthesamechannelcanbeinstalledwithdifferent grateoptionsfromClassAtoClassD. Preformeddischargeoutletslocatedonthebottomandsidepanelsofthechannel, allow quick and simple connection to storm water discharge pipes. Thepossibilityofmountinggrooveswiththefixedgrate,makesitextremelyfastto install. You can transport the pipeline system (channel and grate) already packaged for quick use. • • • • • • 3. ResistancetoChemicals Listed below are some of the substances that do not affect the behaviour of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) •Hydrochloricacid •Mineraloils •Sulfuricacid •Sodiumchloride •Aceticacid •Sodiumphosphate •Ethlyalcohol •Causticsoda •Ammoniasalts •Petrol •Diesel •Soap solutions and industrial cleaning products. National Customer Service Number: 13 1926 ADVICE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TECHNODRAIN DRAINAGE SYSTEM Step1.LoadClassRequest The first step in designing a drainage system is the choice of grate.These choices are based on the characteristics of load resistance the channel grate must endure, the architectural finish preferred, and the surface water capture characteristics in relation to thesizeofthegrate.TheloadclassesforthegrateoptionsarespecifiedinAS:3996. The Specifier should also pay attention to potential future changes of use of an area which may be subject to heavy or construction loads (e.g.: Semi Trailers or earthmoving equipment) which may necessitate selecting grates suitable for higher load class rating. ClassLoadingsasperAS:3996arelistedbelow Class A 15kN Peferred Usage of drainage system Pedestrian areas and cycle paths B80kN Areas including footways, accessible to light vehicles. C150kN D210kN E400kN F600kN Mallsandareasopentoslowandmovingcommercialvehicles. Carriagewaysofroadsandareasopentocommercialvehicles. General docks, carriageway roads, aircraft pavements. Docks and aircraft pavements subject to high wheel loads. G900kN Docks and aircraft pavements subject to very high wheel loads. Step 2. Design of drainage system The collection and drainage system should be sized according to the rainfall and meteorological characteristics of the site concerned, size, shape and slope of the catchment area, type of surface used (asphalt, concrete, paving, lawn, etc.), and the properties of the runoff liquid being captured. Attention should also be paid to access roads or roofs that may concentrate water into the catchment area being considered as the total flow to disposal will be the summation of all these components. National Customer Service Number: 13 1926 Step 3. Laying The Technodrain channel and grate system requires a base of concrete thick enough to spreadtheverticalandhorizontalthrustloadsinaccordancewiththeClassratingofthe grate selected. A. Preparing the ground for installation: The excavation for the installation of the drainage system Technodrain must be dimensioned taking into account the channel selected and thickness of concrete required fortheabutmentandthesubstrateasgivenintable1.Inadditiontothesethicknesses(R and S) the excavation should allow for the possible passage of pipes to the final drain connection. The natural ground the drain is being laid in must have a bearing capacity sufficienttosupporttheloadclassesselected.Itmaybenecessarytoincreasethe bearing capacity by tamping down the foundation or providing some form of ground or soil reinforcement. In particularly soft sub grades may be necessary to make the concrete foundation wider to provide a greater support area. Table1.Recommendedthicknessforsubgrade and concrete abutments according to load classes ClassLoading Thickness A B D R 100 100 150 S 100 100 150 Figure 1: B.Concretebase The bedding must be prepared to provide for a concrete base thickness of S. The oncrete to be used for the base of Technodrain must have flow properties conducive to the filling of all cavities formed by the ribs external reinforcement channel for the same reason the size of aggregatesinconcretecontentshouldnotexceedthediameterof15-18mm. Image 1: The minimum strength class of concrete for the foundation and abutment must be between 25 to 30MPaforgrateloadclasses(A10,B80,D210)and38to40MPafortheheavierloadclasses(E400, F600,G900).Thereareanumberofpremixedmortarsinthemarketthatmaybeusedsuchas MapegroutSVSikagrout312EmacoUltraRapidorsimilar.Forinstallationsincoldtemperatures, Emaco Fast or similar can be used. These mortars also provide a low volume shrinkage of concrete and reduce the time for transitability line drainage for road works with instant you can use premixed mortartypeSikaPatch-4orsimilar. National Customer Service Number: 13 1926 C.Installationofchannel For the proper installation of the Technodrain channel, begin the installation from the point of discharge (well), connecting the outlet to the stormwater system. For a perfect seal of the male-femalejointontheTechnodrainchannelyoucanuseathixotropicbituminoustypesealantorSikaflex221 Adhesive. The channel should be installed with Technodrain grates already in place, it is therefore recommendedtoperformthisoperationbeforelocatingthedrainintheexcavation.Careshouldbetakenin ensuring the correct placement and orientation of grates on the channel before tightening the fixing screws. To connect storm water pipes to the Technodrain channel, drill out the required size hole in the bottom, side or end cap located on the channel using the appropriate sized hole saw to suit the size of the discharging storm water pipe.Removeanyroughedgeslocatedaroundtheinside ofthechannel.InserttherequiredsizePVCpipefitting onto the connection outlet of the channel and seal with Sikaflex 221 adhesive or similar around the fitting and channel.ConnectthestormwaterpipetothePVCpipe fittingusinganapprovedPVCsolventcement. It is extremely important to avoid distortion at the edge of the channel and subsequent difficultieslocatingorremovingthegrate,orissuesgettingthewatertodraincorrectlytothegrateabutment.It isrecommendedtoinstallacompressionorexpansionstripapprox40mmx8mmalongbothoutsideedgesof the channel between the concrete and the Technodrain to allow for any expansion movement in either the concrete or channel. During installation, avoid any damage to the grates and or the edge of the channel. Pro200HChannel&Grate:Ensure that the galvanized clamps are embedded into the ubstrate or foundation of the concrete envelope around the channel. MagnumCity300Channel&Grate:For better anchorage of the channel, the insertion of steel rods of 8 to 12mm in diameter into the connections located on the outside of the channel and embedded into the substrate or foundation of the concrete envelope around the channel. D. Final concreting TheTechnodrainchannelabutmentsshouldthenbefilledwithconcretetoathicknessofR(Table1)asrequired providing for the selected class load. It is also necessary to allow for any floor finishes such as tiles paving etc as it isimportantthatthefinishedfloorremains3-5mmabovethefloordrainagegrate. ForallloadclassesandespeciallytheD210kNclassandabove,theconcretefinishshallprotectthefinished surface side of the support edge of the channel. It is important that the concrete is completely cured before subjecting the channel to loads. Table 2 1 A10 Concrete Final Coating National Customer Service Number: 13 1926 Concrete Final Coating SPECIFICATIONS TechnodrainPro200HHDPEChannel&DuctileIronGrate SupplyandinstallationofdrainagechannelforlineartypeTechnodrainPro200H,madefrom HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) resistant to salts and acids solution. Structure of external stiffening rib means integral with the body channel and the bottom of curvilinear structure. Frame for mounting racks galvanized steel with a height not less than 25mm, thickness 4mm and equipped with side clamps, bay system chassis to channel such that the monolithic final fixing between channel frame and grate. Seat for the housing of the fastening fingers tight, slots for the passage of screws closed to open only when necessary. Preformed outlets on thebottomandsideswithdiametersupto160mm. Dimensions (mm): Length1000mm,Internalwidth200mm,InternalDepth150mm. ProductCode:81380 Product Description: TechnodrainPro200HHDPEChannel&DuctileIronGrate (ClassD)x1m. Weight: 22kg DIMENSIONS L 250 H 210 LN 200 Hi 150 DIAMETER 3xØ110 OUTLET 1xØ160 All dimensions are in mm. National Customer Service Number: 13 1926 SPECIFICATIONS TechnodrainEvomax150HChannel&GalvanisedGrate SupplyandinstallationofdrainagechannelforlineartypeTechnodrainEvoMax150H,madefromHDPE (High Density Polyethylene) resistant to salts and acid solutions. Structure of external stiffness rib means integral with the body channel and bottom of curvilinear structure. Frame for mounting racks galvanized steel with a height of not less than 25mm, thickness 2mm to provide support for channel edge. Galvanised grates are to be locked down using galvanized tie down bars within the channel structure. Preformed out letsonthebottomandsideswithdiametersupto160mm. Dimensions(mm):Length1000mm,Internalwidth150mm,InternalDepth150mm ProductCode:81471 ProductDescription:TechnodrainEvoMax150HHDPEChannel&GalvanisedGrate(ClassB)x1m Weight: 9.9kg DIMENSIONS L H LN 200 209 150 Hi 150 DIAMETER OUTLET Ø110 Ø160 All dimensions are in mm. National Customer Service Number: 13 1926 Technobox200HHDPESumpDrain&DuctileIronGrate SupplyandinstallationoftheTechnobox200HSumpDrainmadefromHDPE (High Density Polyethylene) resistant to salts and acids in solution. Structure by external stiffening ribs to the body well. Frame for mounting racks made ofgalvanized steel with the height not less than 25mm, thickness of 4mm and equipped with side clamps, system housing of the chassis the channel that makes the monolithic attachment final between the channel frame and grate. Internal surfaces of flow path without right angles to preventaccumulationofmudandinert.Thebuilt-trapsmustbecompletelyremovedto allow full access to sump for cleaning. Possibility of staying permanently made of basket performed sheet steel or galvanized steel for the collection of leaves or aggregates with a diametergreaterthan10mm.Slotsforthepassageofscrewsclosedbeopenonlyif necessary.Preformedoutletsonbothsideswithdiametersupto200mm. Dimensions (mm): Length500mm,ClearOpeningWidth200mm,InternalDepth427mm. ProductCode:81381 Product Description: Technobox200HHDPESumpDrain&DuctileIronGrate (ClassD)x500mm. Weight: 13.1kg OutletDiameters:2x100,160,200. National Customer Service Number: 13 1926 TechnodrainMagnumCity300HDPEChannel&DuctileIronGrate SupplyandinstallationofdrainagechannelforlineartypeTechnodrainMagnum City,madefromHDPE(HighDensityPolyethylene)resistanttosaltandacids solution. Structure by external stiffening rib to the body channel. Applicable flat baseforeasyinstallation.Systemofmale-femalecouplingbetweenchannelsthat allowtheassemblygratesandcoversthepreviouslyestablishedchannel.7mm HDPEedgefortheinclusionofembeddedgratesisatleast40mm.Locations outside the channel for the insertion of steel rods diameter 8 to 12mm for a better anchorage to the concrete. Preformed outlet on the bottom with a diameter upto250mm. Dimensions (mm):Length500mm,ClearOpeningWidth302mm,InternalDepth 320mm. ProductCode: 81391 Product Description: TechnodrainMagnumCity300HDPEChannel&DuctileIron Grate(ClassD)WithoutOutletx500mm. Weight: 23kg ProductCode:81390 Product Description: TechnodrainMagnumCity300HDPEChannel&DuctileIron Grate(ClassD)WithOutletx500mm Weight: 23kg DIMENSIONS L 390 H 410 LN 302 Hi 320 DIAMETER Ø200 OUTLET Ø250 All dimensions are in mm. National Customer Service Number: 13 1926
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