ACO DRAIN Technical Handbook and Product Catalog Technical Section Design assistance & information Surface Drainage 6 8 10 16 22 24 ACO Drain offer a comprehensice 128 page catalog covering everything you need to know about about trench drainage and the products and services available. Surface drainage options Product selection Trench drain hydraulics Loadings Material data End user requirements Standard Products 26 40 52 54 56 70 To ease electronic transmission of data the catalog has been divided into sections - for a hard copy or other sections call (800) 543-4764 or go to KlassikDrain - K100S, KS100S PowerDrain - S100K, S300K Polymer concrete catch basins Accessories FlowDrain - FG100, FG200 FastForm - FF300, FF600 Problem Solving Products 78 84 SlabDrain - H80, H100, H80K, H100K, H100SK ChemDrain - C100, CK100S, CS100K, CH80, CH100, CH80K, CH100K, 100 102 104 Brickslot Membrane Drain MiniKlassik 106 Cross Sidewalk Drain (CSD) CH100SK Technical Support and Other Information 110 111 112 114 115 116 120 122 Trench hydraulics service Grate hydraulics service Layout & scheduling service Ponding analysis Chemical resistance Construction and installation Installation diagrams Volumetric channel capacities 123 Glossary & part number listing This PDF relates to this section only PDF PAGE ONLY Technical Support Complimentary services to aid selection, design and installation ACO has an established Technical Services Department with many years experience advising on surface drainage. This free service is offered with no obligation and is supported with extensive, high quality information, brochures and technical documentation. Trench hydraulics SERVICE 1 2 Grate performance hydraulics SERVICE Run layout & scheduling SERVICE Ponding analysis SERVICE 4 Materials SERVICE 5 3 108 ACO DRAIN ACO’s Technical Services Department will provide assistance in the design of the most hydraulically efficient and cost effective drainage layout. Using ‘Hydro’, a purpose written computer software program, ACO will provide solutions with all rainfall and catchment design variables considered. ACO can supply: • Hydraulic plots and calculations for individual trench runs Page 110 ACO’s ‘GIC’ (Grate Intake Calculator) computer software program is based on calculations and empirical data derived from full scale experimentation. The ‘GIC’ plot provides information on grate performance relative to project catchment contours. ACO can supply: • Project specific grate performance plot Page 111 For large catchment areas where complex surface drainage layouts are required, ACO can recommend a trench drain solution to satisfy project cost and design requirements. Run layouts can be designed to take full advantage of the existing and proposed site grades and utilize existing services where possible. Temporary ponding can be tolerated during an intense storm in applications where the impact is low, e.g., away from buildings, parking lots, etc. An assessment is made of the behavior of the ponding pattern when a smaller, more economical, trench is used. ACO can supply: • Plan layouts of trench runs (AutoCAD) • Section layouts of trench runs showing modular sequence of channel units • Parts schedules fully itemizing parts and pieces Page 112 ACO can supply: • Map of temporary ponding • Approximate duration of any temporary ponding Page 114 There are a variety of materials available for trench drain systems. Each material behaves differently in various environments and situations. Following extensive testing, ACO can provide advice on chemical and corrosion resistance for most common trench drain materials. ACO can supply: • Material coupons for on site testing Page 115 109 Technical Support 1. Trench hydraulic service ‘Hydro’ is a purpose written, hydraulic design program modeled on differential calculus for non-uniform flow in open channels, (See page 10). The program was created from empirical data, following a series of experiments modeling lateral intake into trenches. Analysis of the effect of slope, run length, and trench cross sectional profiles were incorporated into the program. To generate results from the ‘Hydro’ program, the following information is required: • • • • • • • • Complex scenarios such as the effects of water inflow from down spouts or inlets along the length of the trench can also be modeled by the ‘Hydro’ program. ACO can use ‘Hydro’ to recommend optimum outlet positions along trench runs. Length of trench run (feet or meters) Length and width of catchment area (feet or meters) - see page 12 Surrounding pavement/surface type, e.g., concrete, asphalt, etc. Rainfall intensity (in/hr or mm/hr) Ground fall along trench (%) Perpendicular approach slopes to trench (%) Preferred position of outlets along trench and any outlet size restrictions Any slab depth restrictions Results are provided either electronically and/or in printout format, in metric or imperial units. ‘Hydro’ plot shows: 1 Position and size of minimum ‘freeboard’ (gap between underside of grate and top of liquid in trench) ( Based o n t he d iffer ent ial eq u at io n fo r st ead y, no n- unif 3 Flow velocity 2 The hydraulic o r m , fl o w in o p en channels) 1 363 135 377 158 0 391 177 100 405 193 200 300 418 208 22 m 1% 432 220 utilization of trench (%) is given. If over 100% flooding occurs. (47.68% from example below) New parking lot ACO Polymer Products, In c 12080 Ravenn a Road, Char don, OH 4402 72’ 4 106-001H 446 231 460 238 400 474 238 2 (mm) 5 Hydraulic discharge capacity of the channel run. (1,395 GPM - 88 l/s from example below) Project: Client: Address: Run: DS#: 110 C le ar H eig h t (m Flow Depth (m m) 350 m) 106 4 Maximum and flow rate at all points along the trench profile of the liquid 488 156 0 100 200 300 400 (m/s) 2.5 (l/s) 100 2 80 1.5 60 1 40 0.5 20 0 0 (mm) (l/s) 100 80 3 0 L iq uid : K in em at ic visc o sit y ( cm 2 / s) : A C O D RA IN ® Sys Ro u gh n ess co e t em : f f ici e n t : O u t l e t t y p e: 2 Wat er 0 .0 1 S3 0 0 K 95 4 6 40 8 10 12 14 20 16 18 20 Flo w velo cit y ( m / s) O ut flo w ( l/ s) 4 D isch ar ge ( M in im u m f r eeb lit r es/ sec) : 8 8 .0 0 o ar d C h an n el cap ac ( m m ) : 2 1 0 .6 8 , X = 1 0 .7 0 it y ( % ): 4 7 .6 m 8 60 Ver t ical scale H o r izo nt al sca 1: le 1 : 5 T h e calculat io n assu m es t h at fl o w w it hi n t he r est r ict ed b y o ch an nel is no t u t let . 1 0 0 % ca p acit y r elat es t t he un d er sid e o w at er t o uchi o f t he gr at in g a ng t an y p o int alo n g t h e r u n. Plo t n um b er : 106-001H ACO Polymer Prod 12080 Ravenna ucts, Inc. Road, P.O. Box 245 Chardon, Ohio 440 Tel: (440) 285-700 24 Fax: (440) 285-8510 7 0 22 m Datum ACO DRAIN 2. Grate Hydraulics ACO has independently measured, by experimentation, the hydraulic intake capacities of ACO Drain grates. Tests were carried out under varying flow rates and catchment approach slopes. To determine the hydraulic utilization, each grate was tested until bypass occurred (point at which liquids would pass across grate). To generate results from the ‘GIC’ program the following information is required: • • • • • • • The Grating Intake Calculator (GIC) provides information on the intake efficiency of the chosen grate. If the required liquid intake is greater than the grate’s performance, the extent of bypass (or failure) will be calculated. See page 15. Length of trench run (feet or meters) Length and width of catchment area (feet or meters) - see page 12 Position of trench in catchment area Surrounding pavement/surface type, e.g., concrete, asphalt, etc. Rainfall intensity (in/hr or mm/hr) Perpendicular approach slopes to trench (%) Preferred grate type Results are provided either electronically and/or in printout format. ‘GIC’ plot shows: geometry and hydraulics 3 Additional notes 2 Head of water relating to grate performance approaching grate on ke Calculati Grating Inatladata from experimentation 4 Recommended 6 Hydraulic area per foot of trench run utilization of grate (100% means all grate intake capacity is used) 0 (440) 285-700 Tel: 5 (440) 285-700 m Fax: co info@acousa. Email: lot New parking PROJECT: Contact: ducts, Inc O Polymer Pro Company: AC piric Based on em will discharge ctile Iron grate n. The 461 Du e head of tio Th ca . pli ted ap ipa is tic is an ble for th rio. No bypass aulically suita e ACO Drain na dr th hy sce to is off er ate ref run gr The opted data. Please ws from the ad m the design the requred flo calculated fro notes. matical value for a full list of t ee Sh n tio water is amath enda age Recomm Surface Drain Notes Design Data 1 ga l/ mi n 3 te run Length of gra 4.85" g a l /m i n /ft Asphalt ss rface roughne Catchment su grate r approaching Head of wate t n e m e v a fro m p t o s t a t i c he a d I nl e t fl o w r ate hannel ACO DRAIN c rmation General Info 1 9 .6 8 " ft 19.68 47.55 l i nf l ow D esi gn l ate ra rface type Catchment su 4 1.97" a te Design flow r ff in from catchment area) (Liquid run o 3 s a and result d grate dat e d n e m m o c Re % 5 ope ) Catchment sl dicular to run (Slope perpen 0 .4 2 " 0.013 2 0.075 84.01 K100S 5 i n ch e s g a l /m i n type Type: Material: Part No: d Class E Type 461 slotte Ductile iron 96752 Ref. No: pacity. e hydraulic ca O Office. t has adequat C our nearest A a channel tha y n t i c d a t e s n u o c e e b s t a d mus els ple recommende izing of chann 0% g s n i t 10 t c a s e r r r g ed o e c ce h e T ex h : t Note formation on aulic efficiency For Further in when the hydr hibited. ssing the grate ion strictly pro Water is bypa ized reproduct sed. Date: 5 Total intake grate information 1.73" 1 Catchment : ACO Contact hor ation u cts, Inc. unaut ting the inform Polymer Produ ng and calcula Copyright ACO ken in compili re has been ta e area: Grating intak ation: Hydraulic utiliz 20.13 20 6 2 i n /ft % Inc. r Products, ACO Polyme na Road 12080 Raven PO Box 245 44024 Chardon, OH -7000 Tel: (440) 285 5-8517 Fax: (440) 28 ) 543-4764 Toll free: (800 Email: info@a com www.acousa. 111 Technical Support 3. Run layout service and part scheduling AutoCAD Design Service ACO can provide a cost-effective surface drainage solution to satisfy a project’s design requirements. Trench drain layouts will be designed to take full advantage of existing and proposed site grades, utilizing existing services where possible. In order to produce a plan layout, the following information is required: • • • • • Plan of site showing elevations Existence of any depth restrictions Position and type of any plumbing fixtures/outlets Position of any permanent structures Liquid flow pattern and type of traffic (including traffic flow) Results provided are: • • AutoCAD printout provides: 1 Plan view of 2 Liquid flow 3 Position and 4 Trench and type of outlet directions trench run layout with inverts Plan layouts (AutoCAD) showing the trench drain positions relative to site structures Installation drawings and specifications grate type Download details for all products, loadings and pavements at www. PROJECT NAME: DS#: 106-001C Garage Drainage PROJECT LOCA TION: Chardon, O H 112 1 3 2 PRODUCT TYPE : KlassikDrain K10 0S GRATE TYPE: 461 Q Ductile Iron REV. DESCRIPTION A Added Additional Leg of Trench 4 DATE: 10/19/05 SCALE: N.T.S. DRAWN BY: TS DRAWING LEGE ND CHECKED BY: TF OC - Oulet/Closing Cap DATE: 4-BO - 4” Bottom BY: Out let 6-BO - 6” Bottom Outlet HP INV. - High P ACO Polymer Produc ts, 12080 Ravenna Road, Inc. P.O. Box 245 Chardon, Ohio 44024 Tel: (440) 285-7000 Fa ACO DRAIN ACO Scheduler ACO has written a proprietary software program, ‘Scheduler’, that shows trench drain runs in profile. The program automatically plots each run showing positions of accessories, outlets, junctions, etc. It automatically calculates a ‘Bill of Materials’ for each run and totals multiple runs to ensure the correct amount of parts and pieces are ordered. ‘Scheduler’ plots are particularly useful for installers. Results provided are: Sectioned profile of trench runs Parts schedule fully itemizing parts and pieces • • PARTS SCHEDULE Client: Project Name: Design File #: ACO Polymer Products, Inc. Garage Drain 106-001S 4 Part No. Description Quantity 2 2 ‘Scheduler’ plot provides: 1 Profile view of 3 Positions and 2 Trench run direction change - e.g., 90° corner or junction trench run 4 Detailed Bill of Materials to ensure all parts are correctly ordered type of outlets 106-001S 04042 K2 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04043 K3 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04044 K4 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04045 K5 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04046 K6 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04047 K7 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04048 K8 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04049 K9 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04050 K10 Pre-sloped Channel 2 04051 K11 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04052 K12 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04053 K13 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04054 K14 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04055 K15 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04056 K16 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04057 K17 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04058 K18 Pre-sloped Channel 1 04059 K19 Pre-sloped Channel 04060 K20 Pre-sloped Channel 1 1 96804 K900 in-line catch basin 1 96752 Type 461Q Class E ductile slot - 19.69" (0.5m) grating 61 02899 Locking Part for Type 461Q Class E ductile slot - 19.69" (0.5m) grating 61 ACO Polymer Products Design Servic Prepared By: ACO-SS 2.07 Page 1 of 1 , 16-Mar-04 113 2 RUN BEND 90º 1 END CAP K3 K1 K2 K4 K6 K19 K9 K7 K5 K8 K10 3 K20 K17 K18 K15 K16 K900 in-line catch basin K13 K14 K11 K12 K9 K10 K7 K8 K5 K6 K3 K4 K1 K2 END CAP Technical Support 4. Ponding analysis Temporary ponding is a short lived flood situation, which, in some circumstances, can be tolerated allowing an intentionally undersized trench drain system. It allows a more economical system to be used that will work effectively under most weather conditions, but will be slightly under designed for heavy storms. Ponding analysis should only be considered where buildings and property are not in close proximity to the drainage system to minimize risk of damage. It is an ideal option for the outer areas of large parking lots, distribution yards, etc., (Risk Analysis). In order to produce a ponding analysis, the following information is required: • • • Full information required to run the ‘Hydro’ plot - see page 110 Plan of site showing elevations Existence of any buildings Results provided are: • • Plot showing extent of ponding Average duration of ponding The ponding analysis map shows the size and duration of the flood. Ponding analysis shows: 1 Design 2 Trench drain discharge ACO DRAIN 114 Runoff Scena rio 2 KS030 Constant Channel s 3 Run-off scenario 4 Width of size and type 5 Visual map of PONDING AN ALYSIS Project: Client: Address: DS#: 3 6 Project notes worst ponding scenario temporary ponding New parking lot ACO Polymer Products, Inc 12080 Ravenn a Road, Chard on, OH 4402 106-001H 4 Catchment G eometry (Cro Constant L ater al Runof f , q = 1.256 l /s/m ss-Section) 4 Ponding Width Catchment Fl ow, Q = 62.8 l /s Run L ength to Outl et, L (m) @ S = 0.5% 1 130mm L ongi tudi nal G roundsl ope KS030 Channels Ponding Map Maximum wid th of ponding 3.3 m 2.5% (1 in 40) Crossfall 16.7% (1 in 6) Crossfall Ponding Depth Cross-Section of Temporary Po nding 5 Average width of ponding 0.8 m Extent of pond ing Flow direction Outlet end Length of pond ing - 5.2m Notes: 6 6m run length to outlet 0.06% Dr awi ngs Not t o Scal e groundslope 1. The hydrau lics of the AC O Drain Syste Scenario abov m were calcu e. lated based on 2. The extent the assumed of ponding, de Runoff pt h and width, we (Cross-Sectio re determined n) with 16.7% from the Catch (1 in 6) crossfa 3. For a summ ment Geomet ll. ary of the exte ry nt of ponding , please refer to the Pond ing Analysis Sh eet. Plo t n um b er : 106-001H ACO Polymer Prod 12080 Ravenna ucts, Inc. Road, P.O. Box 245 Chardon, Ohio 440 Tel: (440) 285-700 24 Fax: (440) 285-8510 7 Email: info@ ACO DRAIN 5. Chemical resistance ACO Drain channel bodies are highly resistant to chemical attack and, with the appropriate grate, can be used in most environments where acids and dilute alkalis are encountered. Refer to chemical chart below for resistance of Polyester and Vinyl ester polymer concrete. FlowDrain products use the same polyester resin - refer to Polyester details for chemical resistance. Chemical Medium Max. Short time Long time conc.. exposure exposure 72 hours 42 days Polyester Max. Short time Long time conc.. exposure exposure 72 hours 42 days Vinyl ester Acetic Acid Acetone Ammonia Aniline Aniline in Ethyl Alcohol Benzene Boric Acid Butyric Acid Butyl Alcohol Calcium Chloride Calcium Hydroxide Caster Oil Chloric Acid Chromic Acid Citric Acid Diesel Fuel Ethanol Ethlendiamine Ethyl Acetate Ferrous Sulfate Fluorallic Acid Formaldehyde Formic Acid Fuel Oil Gasoline n-Heptane n-Hexane Hydraulic Oil Hydrochloric Acid Hydrofluoric Acid JP4 JP8 Lactic Acid Methanol Methyl Amine Methyl Ethyl Ketone Mineral Oil SAE5W50 Monochlor Benzene Monochloroacetic Acid Nitric Acid n-Nonane Iso-Octane Oxalic Acid Phenol Phosphoric Acid Potassium Hydroxide Sodium Acetate Sodium Carbonate Sodium Chloride Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Hypochloric Sulfuric Acid Tetrafluoroborsaure Toluene Trichloroethylene Triethylamine Xylene 30% 10% 10% 100% 10% 100% 100% 25% 100% 100% 100% 100% 5% 5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 30% 10% 35% 10% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 10% 5% 100% 100% 10% 5% 100% 100% 100% 0.05% 10% 10% 100% 100% 100% 100% 10% 10% 100% 20% 100% 15% 5% 40% 20% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 10% 10% 100% 10% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 5% 20% 100% 100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 10% 100% 10% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 37% 20% 100% 100% 100% 5% 100% 100% 100% 0.05% 10% 20% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 10% 100% 35% 100% 25% 5% 70% 20% 100% 100% 100% 100% D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D U D D D U D D D D D D D U D D D D D D D D U D D U U U U D U D D D D U D U D D D U D U D D D U D D D D D D U D D D U U U D U D U D U D U D U U D D U D D U U U D U D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D U D D Note: Maximum operating temperature of 180°F (82°C) D U U U D U D D D D D D D D D D D D U D D D D D D D D D D D D D D U U U D D D D D U D U D D D D D D D D D U U D U When greater chemical resistance is required, Vinyl ester polymer concrete channels should be specified. These recommendations are for guidance only. Customers are advised to test a coupon of polymer concrete to ensure suitability. Test coupons are available free of charge from ACO. Polymer concrete is not affected by road de-icing salts, and conforms to ASTM - B117 Salt Spray Test. Important considerations for chemical environments When reviewing potential applications of trench drains in chemical environments, the following issues should be considered; 1. 2. 3. 4. Type(s) & mixture of chemical(s). Concentration percentages. Contact time with trench system. Temperatures of chemicals flowing into the trench drain. 180°F (82°C) max. 5. Flushing system employed to clear chemicals from the system. 6. Cleaning agents should be checked for compatibility with trench materials. 7. ACO coupons can be used for final determination of chemical resistance. 8. Grate, locking mechanism, edge rail, outlet and trash bucket materials should be checked for chemical resistance. 9. Check sealant for compatibility. Note: If ACO Drain standard products are unable to provide adequate chemical resistance, contact Aquaduct (800) 662-2377 for a custom product solution. 115 Installation Trench drain construction methods Method of construction is determined by location, size, cost and performance requirement. Wooden formwork Trench drains can be constructed by either: 1. Cast-in-place Formwork used to create trench in surrounding concrete • Used mainly in concrete pavements • Costly, complex formwork to construct on site • Care required to ensure frame and grate are fully supported by surrounding concrete - good vibration essential during concrete pour • Difficulties in achieving level grate seating • Hydraulic performance poor due to rough internal finish. Trenches susceptible to biological growth • Difficulties creating a hydraulically efficient ‘U’ or ‘V’ shape bottom (cast-inplace usually has square base detail, which has poor hydraulic characteristics) • Difficulties in achieving sloped system - formwork becomes even more complex adding to installation time and labor • Quality of finish can vary greatly, depending on contractor 116 Trench forming systems, such as ACO FastForm, are designed to alleviate many of these issues. Step 1 Excavate trench Step 2 Create formwork for trench base Step 3 Pour trench base Step 4 Create formwork for trench walls Step 5 Position and support frames Step 6 Pour trench walls Step 7 Remove formwork Step 8 Patch walls and grout base if slope required FastForm formers Step 1 Excavate trench See page 70 for details on FastForm. Step 2 Assemble and position former in trench and level Step 3 Pour concrete surround Step 4 Strip formers 2. Modular systems Factory produced channel units that connect together to create trench drain • Some products can be used in a variety of pavement types • Neat aesthetic appearance • Quick to install • Hydraulically efficient due to smooth surface and profiled bottom • Easier to secure grates • Consistent quality due to factory controlled production of channels • Cost effective when labor and material costs taken into account • Easier to estimate costs • Less maintenance required Modular systems Step 1 Excavate trench Step 2 Create concrete support patty or position installation devices Step 3 Position and level channels Step 4 Pour concrete surround ACO DRAIN Site work ACO provides separate installation details for each product with comprehensive on-site advice, when appropriate. Ground conditions Specific ground conditions or contaminated ground may call for a deeper/wider concrete surround or larger haunch than minimum recommendations. If in doubt, seek engineering advice. Temporary installation Thermal movement Longitudinal expansion joints, (which occasionally may be doweled horizontally and de-bonded), will isolate the trench and the concrete haunch from thermal movement of large concrete slabs. If transverse joints in the concrete slab are required, the joints should be positioned to coincide with channel-to-channel joints. Alternatively the channel may be cut to suit the expansion joint and resealed with a suitable flexible sealant. 3 feet 3 feet Joint sealing Where channels are installed in suspended slabs, it is important that the complete installation is watertight. All channel-tochannel and channel-to-fitting joints should be sealed with appropriate sealant. Sealant should be resistant to the same chemicals as the trench material and be flexible to allow for any movement from the slab and from temperature changes. Surfaces should be correctly prepared prior to applying sealant to ensure good adhesion. Contact ACO Technical Department, or go to for Technical Bulletin. Longitudinal expansion joint Certain ACO channels are supplied with an ‘SF Sealant Groove’ as standard (SlabDrain - Page 78 and ChemDrain - Page 84). This provides a groove that can be filled with an appropriate flexible sealant to create a watertight joint. This is of particular importance with elevated slabs and where liquids may contain chemicals or oils. During site work and after the trench run is laid, the top of the trench can be vulnerable to damage. Site traffic should be routed away from the trench. If temporary crossings are required, a base course of minimum width 3 feet should be installed either side of the trench for protection. Loose boards or plates are inadequate. Transverse expansion joint Engineering advice should be sought for designing expansion joints. Site work accessories Description Part No Weight lbs Seals and patch materials ACO Seal flexible joint sealant - 10oz ACO Bond - polymer concrete repair kit - 1 gallon ACO Bond - polymer concrete repair kit - 5 gallons ACO Bond VE - Vinyl ester repair kit - 1 gallon ACO Fiberglass repair kit - 1 gallon 91120 06519 06516 06515 08203 1.0 11.0 55.0 11.0 11.0 Accessories Shovel head for 4” channels 01315 2.0 Sealant applied with caulk gun 117 Installation Installation Channel units are installed in a continuous trench, and are fully encased with concrete. Full installation instructions are available in the Site Installation Manual, call for copies or go to 1. Excavation Excavate trench to accommodate trench drain system. Excavation should be made around the center line. Excavation must be sufficient enough to accommodate each of the following: • Channel/catch basin width and depth dimensions. • Concrete surround dimensions - a minimum of 4” (Load Class A) of concrete on all sides, allow 6” for FlowDrain products to accommodate installation brackets. Specific loading and ground conditions will increase the excavation size. See page 120 for further guidelines. • For sloped systems, excavate base to roughly follow fall of trench drain run. 3. Trench drain installation Channel units need to be supported at correct height and held securely in place to avoid movement during concrete pour. 2. Layout and outlet installation All installations should start from the outlet point. For sloped trench systems, polymer concrete catch basin drill-outs match every 5th channel unit. • Determine type of outlet required and its position • Install the outlet channel/catch basin and set haunch • Select numbered sloping channels in order from deepest (highest channel number) to shallowest • Install channels working away from outlet a. Polymer concrete products For new construction use either patty supports or installation devices. For retrofit into an existing slab, channels can be hung Patty supports Care should be taken that concrete is not trapped in joint between channels. Concrete patties at intervals, away from joints around frost keys Ensure all loose material is removed and base is compacted. 118 There are a number of options available to support channel units. Installation devices - see page 55 Run string line and laser level at finished surface level along full length of excavation to ensure trench is installed at correct grade. String line Channel clamp holds channel joints, and rebar allows height adjustment & leveling Hanging method - see page 55 2 x 4 slides through pocket at top of bracket Install from outlet Bracket fits into locking bar recess b. Fiberglass and FastForm products Products have installation devices attached to frames to allow trench to be held in position by No. 4 or 5 rebar. FlowDrain can also be hung from grate locking. Outlet ACO DRAIN 4. Channel bracing To prevent channel walls and joints being distorted by pressure of concrete, grates (or plywood cut to a snug fit) should be installed in channel. Wood 6. Pavement finishing Top of adjacent pavement must be above grating level by approximately 1/8” (3 mm). Brick pavers should be set approx. 1/8” (3mm) above trench edge. First brick course should be set on mortar/concrete. Shims/Washers Care should be taken with asphalt rolling machines to avoid damage to trench edge. Approx. 45o Finish concrete to have slight slope down to trench 1 /8” (3mm) Maintenance Regular inspections of the trench drain are recommended. Frequency will depend on local conditions and environment, but should be at least annually. Grate Inspections should cover: • Grates and locking devices • Catch basins and trash buckets • Concrete surround and adjacent paving Grates should be suitably wrapped to protect from concrete splash. Shims or washers placed along each side allow easy removal of the grating. All items should be inspected for damage, blockage or movement. Compare with site drawings if necessary. 5. Concrete pour Concrete should have compressive strength of minimum 3,000 psi. Maintenance guidelines: 1. Remove grates 2. Remove debris from channel - a 4” shovel head is available (Part # 01315) 3. Flush channels with water or high pressure washer (do not use boiling water or aggressive cleaning agents) 4. Repair damaged surfaces where necessary with an appropriate ACO repair kit - see page 117 5. Renew joint seals as required 6. Empty trash buckets and clean out pipe connections 7. Re-install trash bucket 8. Re-install grates, ensuring they are locked back in place 119 Concrete should be poured evenly (both sides of channel) and carefully to avoid dislodging channels. A wand type vibrator should be used to ensure concrete distributes evenly underneath and around channels. 7. Completing trench installation • Remove grates and remove protective wrapping. • Remove debris from trench drain and make sure outlet pipes are clear. • Install trash buckets in catch basins, if required. • Flush trench run to check for pipe work blockages, unblock if necessary. • Empty trash buckets and clean out pipe connections, if necessary. Re-install trash buckets. • Re-install grates in proper position ensuring they are securely locked down. The trench drain is now ready for use. Installation Sections Installation sections BLOCK PAVERS - DIN 19580 Class B An installed ACO Drain System should incorporate the following: • Correct grate type • Correct channel type and size • Minimum grade 3,000psi compressive strength cement concrete surround. B Paving blocks Paving sand or mortar Bedding layer Soil It is recommended that the cement concrete surround must be durable and conform to minimum strength requirements, shown in the illustrations. Poor site conditions and low load bearing pavement will require an increase in these dimensions to meet both vertical and lateral loads. 4“ (100mm) 4“ (100mm) 4“ (100mm) These illustrations are a guide for average ground conditions only. Installation drawings are available at drawings_drain.htm. Note: 1. Grate should be 1/8” (3 mm) below pavement surface If in doubt, seek engineering advice. ASPHALT - DIN 19580 Class C C Asphalt wearing course CONCRETE - DIN 19580 Class C C Cement concrete slab 120 Expansion joint to engineers details Base course Road course Bedding layer Sub base Soil 4“ (100mm) 4“ (100mm) 4“ (100mm) 4“ (100mm) 4“ (100mm) 4“ (100mm) Note: 1. Grate should be 1/8” (3 mm) below pavement surface Note: 1. Grate should be 1/8” (3 mm) below pavement surface 2. To allow for installation brackets on FlowDrain products, a minimum 8” (200mm) surround will be required ACO DRAIN BLOCK PAVERS - DIN 19580 Class C C ASPHALT - DIN 19580 Class E E Asphalt wearing course Paving blocks Concrete surround Concrete surround Paving sand or mortar Base course Road course Bedding layer Sub base Soil 4“ (100mm) 6“ (150mm) 4“ (100mm) 6“ (150mm) 4“ (100mm) 6“ (150mm) Note: 1. Grate should be 1/8” (3 mm) below pavement surface 2. To allow for installation brackets on FlowDrain products, a minimum 8” (200mm) surround will be required Note: 1. Grate should be 1/8” (3 mm) below pavement surface 2. To allow for installation brackets on FlowDrain products, a minimum 10” (250mm) surround will be required CONCRETE - DIN 19580 Class E CONCRETE - DIN 19580 Class F E F Cement concrete slab Cement concrete slab Expansion joint to engineers details Expansion joint to engineers details 121 Bedding layer Bedding layer Soil Soil 6“ (150mm) 8“ (200mm) 6“ (150mm) 8“ (200mm) 6“ (150mm) 8“ (200mm) Note: 1. Grate should be 1/8” (3 mm) below pavement surface 2. To allow for installation brackets on FlowDrain products, a minimum 10” (250mm) surround will be required Note: 1. Grate should be 1/8” (3 mm) below pavement surface Volumetric Channel Capacities For projects where trenches are used to hold liquid, such as sustainable drainage projects or chemical containment, channel volumes are required to calculate holding capacity. The following tables provide volumetric capacities for each channel and catch basin. Volumes are calculated up to grate seat only. Add together total of channels used. Product Type Product Type Channel # 122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 K100S/ S100K 2.22 2.38 2.54 2.70 2.86 3.02 3.18 3.34 3.50 3.66 3.82 3.98 4.14 4.30 4.46 4.62 4.78 4.94 5.10 5.26 5.42 5.58 5.74 5.90 6.06 6.22 6.37 6.54 6.70 6.86 S300K Channel # FG100 Gallons 2.22 2.38 2.54 2.70 2.86 3.02 3.18 3.34 3.50 3.66 3.82 3.98 4.14 4.30 4.46 4.62 4.78 4.94 5.10 5.26 5.42 5.58 5.74 5.90 6.06 6.22 6.37 6.54 6.70 6.86 20.74 21.21 21.69 22.16 22.63 23.10 23.57 24.04 24.51 24.98 25.45 25.92 26.39 26.86 27.33 27.80 28.27 28.74 29.21 29.68 30.15 30.62 31.09 31.56 32.03 32.50 32.97 33.44 33.91 34.38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gallons 10.81 18.37 12.93 22.58 15.06 26.79 17.18 31.00 19.30 35.21 21.42 39.42 23.54 43.63 25.66 47.84 27.78 52.05 29.90 56.26 60.47 64.68 Neutrals 01 0013 02 010 0103 020 0203 030 0303 2.12 1.06 3.68 1.84 5.30 2.65 6.88 3.44 2.29 3.55 1.77 5.14 2.57 6.72 3.36 20.5 25.24 30.00 34.70 17.35 6.50 20.50 31.00 9.50 6.50 20.50 31.00 9.50 24.00 34.50 9.50 FG200 Neutrals 404N 404N-1 407N 407N-1 410N 410N-1 803N 803N-3 806N 806N-3 809N 809N-3 812N 812N-3 18.20 6.06 24.60 8.20 30.98 10.32 - 28.80 9.60 41.50 13.83 54.10 18.00 66.76 22.25 F900 F660 F880 9.00 27.00 55.00 27.00 55.00 Product Type Channel # 80 depth 100 depth Channel # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H100 1.16 1.70 H100K H100SK Gallons 1.16 1.70 Product Type Channel # MiniKlassik MiniKlassik Gallons 0.64 1.18 FF300 FF600 Gallons 21.19 82.20 26.19 92.20 31.19 102.20 36.19 112.20 41.19 122.20 46.19 132.20 51.19 142.20 56.19 152.20 61.19 162.20 66.19 172.20 71.19 182.20 76.19 192.20 81.19 202.20 86.19 212.20 91.19 222.20 96.19 232.20 101.19 242.20 106.19 252.20 111.19 262.20 116.19 272.20 Neutrals 05 010 015 020 43.60 68.57 93.50 118.44 127.20 177.04 226.90 276.77 42.00 100.00 100.00 Catch Basins 12" x 24" 24" x 24" Catch Basins Catch Basins 900 In-line SK3 - short SK3 - deep 620 ass. 630 ass. 611 riser Product Type C100 Notes: 1. To calculate cubic inches, multiply by 231 2. Use K100S/S100K figures for KS100S, CK100S and CS100K 3. Use H80/H100/H80K/H100K and H100SK figures for CH80/CH100/CH80K/CH100K and CH100SK 4. SK3 - short is SK3-900 top with short base 5. SK3 - deep is SK3-900 top with deep base ACO DRAIN Glossary AASHTO - American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials. Female - has recessed details to interconnect with a male piece to enable a good fit. ADA - Americans with Disability Act - see page 24. Formers - box like shapes to create a recess in the concrete slab that act as a trench system. Anti-shunt lugs - protrusions on edge rail that fit into recesses in grate to prevent lateral movement - see PowerDrain page 42. AS3996 - Australian Trench Drain Standard detailing Bicycle Safe grate specifications - see page 25. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials. Foul air trap - shaped pipe section to prevent odors traveling up from underground waste water system. Free area - area for water flow. Determined by clear opening (width) and invert depth - see page 12. Manning’s equation - (steady uniform flow) common method for calculating flow in pipes or culverts. Does not allow for lateral intake of liquids - see page 11. Manning’s roughness coefficient measure of roughness of a material’s surface - see page 22. Non-uniform flow - irregular flow in trench due to continuous lateral intake - see page 11. Open swale - dish in paved area with little depth and no grate. FRP - fiber reinforced plastic. ‘GIC’ - ACO’s proprietary software program to calculate grate intake hydraulics - see page 111. Bell end - flared end of pipe to accept a certain pipe size inside - similar to coupler. GPM - Gallons per Minute - measure of flow. Bicycle safe - grate with slots that reduce ‘tram-lining’ of tires - see page 25. Grade - angle of slope on pavement - see page 13. Bolt sizes - figures provide diameter - pitch per inch x length (from seat of head to base). Gray iron - pig iron melted in a furnace and poured into molds. Catchment area - paved area that will collect liquids - see page 12. Grate hydraulics - performance of liquid entering through grate openings - see page 15. Overall depth - depth from top of grate to underside of channel. Pavement - paved area surrounding trench. Plain end - section of pipe, will require coupler connection. PowerLok - ACO’s patented boltless locking system consisting of a sliding clip that locks onto the edge rail - see page 43. psi - pounds per square inch. Cast-in-place - trench that is produced during concrete pour by removable forms. Catch basin - large basin to collect liquid into underground pipe work. CFS - cubic foot per second - measure of flow. Channel - individual modular unit. Chemical resistance - ability to withstand specified chemicals. Corrosion resistance - ability to withstand weathering. DIN 19580 - Deutsches Industrielle Norm - load standard specifically written for trench drains, superseded by EN 1433 - see page 17. Drill-outs - shaped recesses cast in polymer concrete to enable easy removal of material for pipe/channel connection. Ductile iron - pig iron with magnesium added to provide added flexibility and strength. Often referred to as spheroidal graphite (SG) iron. Edge protection - metal edge rail to prevent impact or general damage to trench body - see page 23. EN 1433 - international load standard supersedes DIN 19580 - see page 17. Ground slope - percentage of slope along length of trench. 'Heelsafe' - maximum grate hole size in least dimension of 0.31”, deemed safe for high-heeled shoes - see page 25. ‘Hydro’ - ACO’s proprietary software program to accurately calculate trench hydraulics - see page 110. Hydrological cycle - cycle of water from oceans to rainfall and back to the ocean. In-line catch basin - similar width basin connected to trench which acts as exit point to underground pipe work. Invert depth - depth from top of grate to inside base of channel - see page 12. kN - kilonewton - measurement of force, 1kN = 224.8lbs (102kg) of force. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) - promotes a whole building approach to sustainability - see page 7. Lateral intake - liquid entering the trench from surrounding paved area. Male - has protruding details to interconnect with a female piece to enable a good fit. FAA-AC - Federal Aviation Administration - Advisory Circular. QuickLok - ACO’s patented boltless locking system consisting of shaped stud and spring clip - see page 36. ‘Scheduler’ - ACO’s proprietary software program to illustrate/profile trench layouts - see page 113. SF groove - void at channel joint to allow application of a sealant - see SlabDrain page 78 and ChemDrain - page 84. 123 Socket - recess to accept a certain pipe size inside - similar to a coupler, see also ‘Bell end’. Spigot - section of pipe, will require a coupler connection, see also ‘Plain end’. Stainless steel - mild steel with a minimum of 11% chromium added to provide enhanced corrosion resistance. There are a wide number of stainless steels available, each with differing properties. ACO grates are Grade 304 austenitic stainless steel. Steady uniform flow - constant level of flow in trench/pipe. See Manning’s Equation. Sustainable Drainage (SUDS) - collection, treatment and reuse of rainwater - see page 7. Trench - complete drain system in paved area. USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) promotes buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work - see page 7. Part Index Part # Description 124 00549 00985 01315 01318 01498 01614 02899 03314 04035 04040 04041 04042 04043 04044 04045 04046 04047 04048 04049 04050 04051 04052 04053 04054 04055 04056 04057 04058 04059 04060 04061 04062 04063 04064 04065 04066 04067 04068 04069 04070 04071 04780 05511 05512 05513 05514 05515 05516 05517 05518 05519 05520 05521 05522 05523 05524 05525 05526 05527 05528 05529 05530 05531 05532 H100 Neutral channel - 39.37" H80 Neutral channel - 39.37" Shovel head for 4” channels QuickLok/PowerLok grate tool Series 900 plastic trash bucket Type 612 catch basin base - short QuickLok locking bar Type 478Q - ductile iron ADA grate K0013 Neutral channel - 19.69" K01 Neutral channel - 39.37" K1 Sloped channel - 39.37" K2 Sloped channel - 39.37" K3 Sloped channel - 39.37" K4 Sloped channel - 39.37" K5 Sloped channel - 39.37" K6 Sloped channel - 39.37" K7 Sloped channel - 39.37" K8 Sloped channel - 39.37" K9 Sloped channel - 39.37" K10 Sloped channel - 39.37" K11 Sloped channel - 39.37" K12 Sloped channel - 39.37" K13 Sloped channel - 39.37" K14 Sloped channel - 39.37" K15 Sloped channel - 39.37" K16 Sloped channel - 39.37" K17 Sloped channel - 39.37" K18 Sloped channel - 39.37" K19 Sloped channel - 39.37" K20 Sloped channel - 39.37" K21 Sloped channel - 39.37" K22 Sloped channel - 39.37" K23 Sloped channel - 39.37" K24 Sloped channel - 39.37" K25 Sloped channel - 39.37" K26 Sloped channel - 39.37" K27 Sloped channel - 39.37" K28 Sloped channel - 39.37" K29 Sloped channel - 39.37" K30 Sloped channel - 39.37" MiniKlassik channel galvanized rail Type 492Q - resin composite grate C1 Sloped channel - 39.37" C2 Sloped channel - 39.37" C3 Sloped channel - 39.37" C4 Sloped channel - 39.37" C5 Sloped channel - 39.37" C6 Sloped channel - 39.37" C7 Sloped channel - 39.37" C8 Sloped channel - 39.37" C9 Sloped channel - 39.37" C10 Sloped channel - 39.37" C11 Sloped channel - 39.37" C12 Sloped channel - 39.37" C13 Sloped channel - 39.37" C14 Sloped channel - 39.37" C15 Sloped channel - 39.37" C16 Sloped channel - 39.37" C17 Sloped channel - 39.37" C18 Sloped channel - 39.37" C19 Sloped channel - 39.37" C20 Sloped channel - 39.37" C21 Sloped channel - 39.37" C22 Sloped channel - 39.37" Page 83 83 117 33 33 53 33 39 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 105 37 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 Part # Description 05533 05534 05535 05536 05537 05538 05539 05540 05542 05543 05544 05545 05546 05547 05548 05606 05607 05608 05609 05641 05654 05655 05656 05935 05939 05960 05961 05962 05963 05969 06515 06516 06519 06553 06667 06676 06681 06682 06683 06684 06685 06686 06687 06688 06689 06690 06691 06692 06693 06694 06695 06696 06697 06698 06699 06700 06701 06702 06703 06704 06705 06706 06707 06708 Page C23 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C24 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C25 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C26 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C27 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C28 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C29 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C30 Sloped channel - 39.37" 91 C02 Neutral channel - 39.37" 91 C010 Neutral channel - 39.37" 91 C020 Neutral channel - 39.37" 91 C030 Neutral channel - 39.37" 91 C0103 Neutral channel - 19.69" 91 C0203 Neutral channel - 19.69" 91 C0303 Neutral channel - 19.69" 91 C306 Closing cap 91 C108-4 4" Outlet cap 91 C208-4 4" Outlet cap 91 C308-4 4" Outlet cap 91 Type 614 catch basin base - deep 53 C104-4 4" Inlet cap 91 C204-4 4" Inlet cap 91 C304-4 4" Inlet cap 91 H80 Closing cap 83 H100 Closing cap 83 CH80 Neutral channel - 39.37" 97 CH100 Neutral channel - 39.37" 97 CH80 Closing cap 97 CH100 Closing cap 97 Type C614 catch basin base - deep 53 ACO Bond Vinyl ester repair kit 117 ACO Bond polymer repair kit 117 ACO Bond polymer repair kit 117 C900 In-line catch basin - 19.69" 91 Channel clamp 54 CK01 Neutral channel - 39.37" 93 CK1 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK2 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK3 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK4 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK5 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK6 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK7 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK8 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK9 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK10 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK11 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK12 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK13 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK14 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK15 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK16 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK17 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK18 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK19 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK20 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK21 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK22 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK23 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK24 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK25 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK26 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK27 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK28 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 Part # Description 06709 06710 06722 06738 06740 06750 06751 06752 06753 06754 06755 06756 06757 06758 06759 06760 06761 06762 06763 06764 06765 06766 06767 06768 06769 06770 06771 06772 06773 06774 06775 06776 06777 06778 06779 06780 06790 08203 31530 31531 31540 31541 31550 31551 31630 31631 31640 31641 31650 31651 90003 90015 90027 90032 90044 90056 90069 90078 90080 90091 90106 90112 90128 90139 Page CK29 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK30 Sloped channel - 39.37" 93 CK0013 Neutral channel - 19.69" 93 Type C612 catch basin base - short 53 KS01 Neutral channel - 39.37" 35 MiniKlassik channel stainless rail 105 KS1 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS2 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS3 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS4 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS5 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS6 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS7 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS8 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS9 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS10 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS11 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS12 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS13 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS14 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS15 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS16 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS17 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS18 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS19 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS20 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS21 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS22 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS23 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS24 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS25 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS26 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS27 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS28 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS29 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS30 Sloped channel - 39.37" 35 KS0013 Neutral channel - 19.69" 35 ACO Fiberglass repair kit - 1 gallon 117 Type 420Q - galvanized steel grate 37 Type 421Q - galvanized steel grate 37 Type 425Q - galvanized steel grate 38 Type 426Q - galvanized steel grate 38 Type 435Q - galvanized steel grate 39 Type 436Q - galvanized steel grate 39 Type 450Q - stainless steel grate 37 Type 452Q - stainless steel grate 37 Type 455Q - stainless steel grate 38 Type 457Q - stainless steel grate 38 Type 490Q - stainless steel grate 39 Type 493Q - stainless steel grate 39 SK01 Neutral channel - 39.37" 47 SK1 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK2 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK3 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK4 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK5 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK6 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK7 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK8 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK9 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK10 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK010 Neutral channel - 39.37" 47 SK0103 Neutral channel - 19.69" 47 SK11 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 ACO DRAIN Part # Description 90141 90154 90166 90173 90181 90198 90209 90210 90221 90235 90249 90255 90263 90274 90282 90291 90306 90318 90321 90337 90340 90392 90401 90404 90405 90417 90418 90426 90427 90431 90432 90448 90449 90455 90456 90463 90464 90472 90473 90481 90482 90497 90498 90506 90507 90514 90515 90522 90523 90539 90540 90541 90542 90555 90556 90563 90564 90577 90578 90581 90582 90598 90599 90600 Page SK12 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK13 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK14 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK15 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK16 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK17 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK18 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK19 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK020 Neutral channel - 39.37" SK20 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK21 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK22 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK23 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK24 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK25 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK26 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK27 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK28 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK29 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK30 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK030 Neutral channel - 39.37" SK900 In-line catch basin - 19.69" PowerLok hanger CSK01 Neutral channel - 39.37" CSK01-ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" CSK1 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK1-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK2 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK2-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK3 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK3-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK4 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK4-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK5 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK5-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK6 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK6-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK7 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK7-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK8 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK8-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK9 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK9-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK10 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK10-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK010 Neutral channel - 39.37" CSK010-ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" CSK0103 Neutral channel - 19.69" CSK0103-ADA Neutral channel - 19.69" CSK11 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK12 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK11-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK12-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK13 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK13-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK14 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK14-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK15 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK15-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK16 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK16-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK17 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK17-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK18 Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 54 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 97 95 95 95 95 95 97 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 Part # Description 90601 90619 90620 90626 90627 90634 90635 90642 90643 90654 90655 90666 90667 90678 90679 90683 90684 90691 90692 90707 90708 90715 90716 90729 90730 90731 90732 90743 90744 90792 90793 90815 90826 90839 90840 90847 90848 90852 90853 90854 90855 90857 91082 91083 91085 91087 91110 91113 91120 91393 91397 91404 91405 91412 91418 91423 91427 91435 91436 91437 91439 91442 91448 91450 Page CSK18-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK19 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK19-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK20 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK20-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK020 Neutral channel - 39.37" CSK020-ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK21 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK21-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK22 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK22-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK23 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK23-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK24 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK24-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK25 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK25-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK26 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK26-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK27 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK27-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK28 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK28-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK29 Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 CSK30 Sloped channel - 39.37" CSK29-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 CSK30-ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 95 95 CSK030 Neutral channel - 39.37" CSK030-ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" 95 CSK900 In-line catch basin - 19.69" 95 95 CSK900-ADA In-line catch basin SK0203 Neutral channel - 19.69" 47 SK0303 Neutral channel - 19.69" 47 CSK0203 Neutral channel - 19.69" 95 CSK0203-ADA Neutral channel - 19.69" 95 CSK0303 Neutral channel - 19.69" 95 CSK0303-ADA Neutral channel - 19.69" 95 CSK204-6 6" inlet cap 95 CSK308-6 6" outlet cap 95 Foul air trap 54 CSK304-6 6" inlet cap 95 CSK208-6 6" outlet cap 95 C308-6 6" Outlet cap 91 C204-6 6" Inlet cap 91 C304-6 6" Inlet cap 91 C208-6 6" Outlet cap 91 Type 611 catch basin riser section 53 Type C611 catch basin riser section 53 ACO Seal flexible joint sealant 117 FF3/1 Sloped former - 8' 75 FF3/1 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail 75 FF3/2 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail 75 FF3/2 Sloped former - 8' 75 FF3/3 Sloped former - 8' 75 FF3/3 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail 75 FF3/4 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail 75 FF3/4 Sloped former - 8' 75 FF3/5 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail 75 FF3/5 Sloped former - 8' 75 FF3/05 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail 75 FF3/05 Neutral former - 8' 75 FF3/6 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail 75 FF3/6 Sloped former - 8' 75 FF3/7 Sloped former - 8' 75 Part # Description 91455 91463 91464 91473 91477 91481 91486 91492 91499 91504 91505 91513 91518 91521 91527 91536 91539 91541 91547 91552 91554 91563 91568 91572 91578 91584 91585 91591 91596 91603 91608 91614 91617 91695 91697 93190 93209 93217 93225 93233 93241 93250 93268 93276 93284 93292 93301 93313 93325 93337 93349 93408 93411 93441 93452 93488 93495 93496 93502 93503 93511 93512 93523 93524 Page FF3/7 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/8 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/8 Sloped former - 8' FF3/9 Sloped former - 8' FF3/9 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/10 Sloped former - 8' FF3/10 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/010 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail FF3/010 Neutral former - 8' FF3/11 Sloped former - 8' FF3/11 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/12 Sloped former - 8' FF3/12 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/13 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/13 Sloped former - 8' FF3/14 Sloped former - 8' FF3/14 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/15 Sloped former - 8' FF3/15 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/015 Neutral former - 8' FF3/015 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail FF3/16 Sloped former - 8' FF3/16 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/17 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/17 Sloped former - 8' FF3/18 Sloped former - 8' FF3/18 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/19 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/19 Sloped former - 8' FF3/20 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF3/20 Sloped former - 8' FF3/020 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail FF3/020 Neutral former - 8' FF3/900 catch basin - 12" x 24" galv rail FF3/900 catch basin - 12" x 24" F401 Sloped channel - 118" F402 Sloped channel - 118" F403 Sloped channel - 118" F404 Sloped channel - 118" F404N Neutral channel - 118" F4045N Neutral channel - 39.37" F405 Sloped channel - 118" F406 Sloped channel - 118" F407 Sloped channel - 118" F407N Neutral channel - 118" F4075N Neutral channel - 39.37" F408 Sloped channel - 118" F409 Sloped channel - 118" F410 Sloped channel - 118" F410N Neutral channel - 118" F4105N Neutral channel - 39.37" H100SK Neutral channel - 39.37" H100SK ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" CH100SK Neutral channel - 39.37" CH100SK ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" Strainer for 4" bottom outlets SK3-01 Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-01 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-1 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-1 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-2 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-2 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-3 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-3 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 83 83 97 97 54 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 125 Part Index Part # Description 126 93534 93535 93546 93547 93552 93553 93563 93564 93578 93579 93585 93586 93597 93598 93601 93602 93610 93611 93629 93630 93633 93634 93644 93645 93657 93658 93668 93669 93670 93671 93681 93682 93693 93694 93706 93707 93718 93719 93725 93726 93734 93735 93741 93742 93750 93751 93766 93767 93779 93780 93782 93783 93793 93794 93805 93806 93814 93815 93820 93821 93837 93838 93881 93883 Page SK3-4 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-4 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-5 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-5 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-6 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-6 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-7 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-7 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-8 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-8 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-9 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-9 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-10 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-10 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-010 Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-010 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-11 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-11 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-12 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-12 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-13 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-13 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-14 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-14 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-15 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-15 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-16 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-16 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-17 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-17 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-18 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-18 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-19 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-19 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-20 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-20 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-020 Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-020 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-21 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-21 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-22 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-22 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-23 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-23 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-24 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-24 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-25 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-25 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-26 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-26 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-27 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-27 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-28 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-28 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-29 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-29 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-30 Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-30 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" SK3-030 Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-030 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" SK3-0303 Neutral channel - 19.69" SK3-0303 ADA Neutral channel - 19.69" SK3-900 Catch basin top - 19.69" SK3-900 ADA Catch basin top - 19.69" 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 Part # Description 93891 93893 93896 93899 93903 93905 94022 94039 94048 94057 94065 94076 94081 94096 94102 94114 94123 94130 94145 94156 94169 94178 94184 94191 94206 94210 94222 94237 94245 94259 94263 94271 94287 94296 94304 94318 94322 94330 94349 94351 94362 94376 94381 94388 94563 94568 94625 94626 94637 94638 94641 94643 94658 94660 94663 94666 94674 94676 94699 95063 95140 95165 95228 95232 Page FG200 Stainless steel bar grate - 36" 67 FG200 Ductile iron ADA grate - 18" 67 FG200 Ductile iron slotted grate - 18" 67 FG200 Galv. steel bar grate - 36" 67 SK204-6 6" Inlet cap 47 SK304-6 6" Inlet cap 47 SK01 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" 47 SK1 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK2 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK3 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK4 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK5 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK6 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK7 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK8 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK9 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK10 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK010 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" 47 SK0103 ADA Neutral channel - 19.69" 47 SK11 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK12 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK13 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK14 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK15 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK16 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK17 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK18 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK19 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK20 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK020 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" 47 SK0203 ADA Neutral channel - 19.69" 47 SK21 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK22 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK23 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK24 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK25 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK26 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK27 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK28 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK29 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK30 ADA Sloped channel - 39.37" 47 SK030 ADA Neutral channel - 39.37" 47 SK900 ADA In-line catch basin - 19.69" 47 SK0303 ADA Neutral channel - 19.69" 47 FF600 Galv steel end frame 75 FF600 Black coated steel end frame 75 Type 620 catch basin assembly (short) 53 Type 620ADA catch basin assembly (short) 53 Type 630 catch basin assembly (deep) 53 Type 630ADA catch basin assembly (deep) 53 Type C620 catch basin assembly (short) 53 Type C620ADA catch basin assembly (short) 53 Type C630 catch basin assembly (deep) 53 Type C630ADA catch basin assembly (deep) 53 Type 610 top section with ADA grate 53 Type 610 top section with slotted grate 53 Type C610 top section with slotted grate 53 Type C610 top section with ADA grate 53 Galvanized steel perforated grate 105 Universal closing/4" inlet/outlet cap 47 Type 824 6" Sch. 40 oval-to-round outlet 54 Stainless steel perforated grate 105 Black coated steel frame - 39.37" 63 Galvanized steel frame - 39.37" 63 Part # Description 95243 95360 95365 95373 95374 95375 95379 95395 95403 95460 95537 95545 95553 96484 96495 96504 96739 96740 96752 96764 96788 96825 96877 96882 96903 96905 96913 96918 96924 96926 96928 96932 96931 96933 96935 96937 97048 97052 97066 97079 97087 97116 97126 97139 97148 97153 97162 97174 97188 97197 97203 97212 97229 97231 97334 97385 97393 97425 97438 97442 97443 97443 97444 97449 Page Stainless steel frame - 39.37" 63 H100K Neutral channel - 39.37" 83 H80K Neutral channel - 39.37" 83 H80KS Neutral channel - 39.37" 83 CH100K Neutral channel - 39.37" 97 CH80K Neutral channel - 39.37" 97 H100KS Neutral channel - 39.37" 83 MiniKlassik galv. steel closing cap 105 MiniKlassik stainless closing cap 105 Assembly tape - roll 75 Galv steel slotted grate 39.37" 105 Stainless steel slotted grate 39.37" 105 Ductile slotted grate 19.69" 105 CK900 In-line catch basin - 19.69" 93 KS900 In-line catch basin - 19.69" 35 K900 In-line catch basin - 19.69" 33 H100K Galvanized steel closing cap 83 H100KS Stainless steel closing cap 83 Type 461Q - ductile iron slotted grate 39 Type 445Q - stainless steel ADA grate 36 Plastic mosaic grate 19.69" 105 Universal closing/4" inlet/outlet cap 33 Brickslot access unit - 19.69" 98 Type 446Q - stainless ADA grate 36 Membrane subframe - galv rail 103 Membrane clamping device galv steel 103 Membrane clamping device stainless 103 Membrane subframe - stainless rail 103 Curb outlet - Type 6 107 Roll curb outlet - ADA grate 107 Roll curb outlet - slotted grate 107 Pipe inlet 107 Roll curb outlet with pipe inlet - slotted 107 Roll curb outlet with pipe inlet - ADA 107 Type 440 - fiberglass grid grate 37 Type 441 - fiberglass grid grate 37 SK208-6 6" Outlet cap 47 SK308-6 6" Outlet cap 47 Black coated steel frame - 108" 67 Galvanized steel frame - 108" 67 Stainless steel frame - 108" 67 Type 479Q - ductile iron mosaic grate 38 K304-6 6" inlet cap 33 KS304-6 6" inlet cap 35 CK304-6 6" inlet cap 93 K204-6 6" inlet cap 33 KS204-6 6" inlet cap 35 CK204-6 6" inlet cap 93 K308-6 6" outlet cap 33 KS308-6 6" outlet cap 35 CK308-6 6" outlet cap 93 K208-6 6" outlet cap 33 KS208-6 6" outlet cap 35 CK208-6 6" outlet cap 93 H100SK Closing cap 83 Type 495Q - grey plastic ADA grate 37 Type 494Q - black plastic ADA grate 37 4" Pipe plain end adapter 69 6" Pipe plain end adapter 69 F660 Class C stainless bar grate 69 F660 Class C galv steel bar grate 69 FF300 Galvanized steel bar grate 75 8" Pipe plain end adapter 69 F660 Class E ductile iron grate 69 ACO DRAIN Part # Description 97449 97452 97452 97453 97453 97455 97464 97475 97995 98008 98013 98021 98034 98048 98059 98067 98069 98075 98103 98132 98163 98167 98171 98195 98254 98255 98282 98284 98361 98363 98365 98372 98373 98375 98381 98382 98386 98397 98403 98406 98407 98462 98471 98487 98524 98538 98545 98567 98572 98581 98593 98597 98603 98604 98605 98607 98653 98665 98683 98695 98707 98714 98717 98731 Page FF300 Ductile iron slotted grate 75 F880 Class C galv steel bar grate 69 FF600 Galvanized steel bar grate 77 F880 Class E ductile iron grate 69 FF600 Ductile iron slotted grate 77 F880 Class C stainless bar grate 69 FF300 Galvanized steel bar grate 75 Hanging bracket 54 F660 Black coated steel frame 69 F660 Galvanized steel frame 69 F660 Stainless steel frame 69 F880 Black coated steel frame 69 F880 Galvanized steel frame 69 F880 Stainless steel frame 69 F880 Plastic trash bucket 69 F660 Plastic trash bucket 69 F660 Catch basin - 24" x 12" 69 F880 Catch basin - 24" x 24" 69 FG200 Vertical outlet adapter 67 SK3-306 Closing/outlet end cap 51 F900 Channel/catch basin collar 63 FG100 Channel/catch basin adapter 69 FG200 Channel/catch basin adapter 69 Vertical outlet adapter 63 FastForm catch basin - 24"x24" galv rail 75 FastForm catch basin - 24" x 24" 77 FF600 Steel end frame 77 Black coated steel end frame 77 FG200 Outlet cap (M) black frame 67 FG200 Closing cap (M) black frame 67 FG200 Closing cap (F) black frame 67 FG200 Closing cap (M) stainless frame 67 FG200 Outlet cap (M) stainless frame 67 FG200 Closing cap (F) stainless frame 67 FG200 Outlet cap (M) galv steel frame 67 FG200 Closing cap (M) galv steel frame 67 FG200 Closing cap (F) galv steel end 67 F900 Black coated steel catch basin frame 63 F900 Stainless steel catch basin frame 63 F900 Galvanized steel catch basin frame 63 F900 In-line catch basin - 19.69" 63 H80K Galvanized steel closing cap 83 H80KS Stainless steel closing cap 83 Type 600 Filter bag 53 Black coated steel frame - 36" 67 Galvanized steel frame - 36" 67 Stainless steel frame - 36" 67 Black coated steel frame - 118" 63 Galvanized steel frame - 118" 63 Stainless steel frame - 118" 63 Closing cap with black end frame 63 Closing/outlet cap - black frame 63 Closing/outlet cap - galv steel frame 63 Closing cap - galv steel frame 63 Closing cap - stainless frame 63 Closing/outlet cap - stainless frame 63 600 Series plastic trash bucket - short 53 600 Series plastic trash bucket - deep 53 Type 430Q - stainless steel mesh grate 38 Type 431Q - stainless steel mesh grate 38 Type 405Q - galv steel mesh grate 38 Type 406Q - galv steel mesh grate 38 K900 QuickLok bar (removable) 33 FF6/4 Sloped former - 8' 77 Part # Description 98732 98733 98734 98735 98736 98737 98739 98741 98742 98743 98744 98745 98746 98747 98748 98751 98752 98753 98754 98756 98757 98758 98759 98761 98762 98763 98764 98765 98767 98768 98769 98771 98773 98774 98775 98776 98777 98778 98779 98782 98783 98784 98785 98786 98787 98788 98789 98854 98866 98879 98883 98892 98905 98918 98927 98934 98946 98951 98988 98999 99006 99013 99021 99034 Page FF6/1 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/2 Sloped former - 8' FF6/3 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/2 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/1 Sloped former - 8' FF6/3 Sloped former - 8' FF6/4 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/05 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail FF6/7 Sloped former - 8' FF6/5 Sloped former - 8' FF6/6 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/05 Neutral former - 8' FF6/5 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/7 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/6 Sloped former - 8' FF6/8 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/8 Sloped former - 8' FF6/10 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/10 Sloped former - 8' FF6/9 Sloped former - 8' FF6/010 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail FF6/9 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/010 Neutral former - 8' FF6/11 Sloped former - 8' FF6/13 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/11 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/13 Sloped former - 8' FF6/12 Sloped former - 8' FF6/14 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/14 Sloped former - 8' FF6/12 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/17 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/015 Neutral former - 8' FF6/16 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/15 Sloped former - 8' FF6/015 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail FF6/16 Sloped former - 8' FF6/15 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/17 Sloped former - 8' FF6/18 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/20 Sloped former - 8' FF6/19 Sloped former - 8' FF6/20 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/020 Neutral former - 8’ galv rail FF6/19 Sloped former - 8’ galv rail FF6/18 Sloped former - 8' FF6/020 Neutral former - 8' Type 477Q - ductile iron grid grate Type 410Q - galv. steel perforated grate Type 412Q - galv. steel perforated grate Type 451Q - stainless perforated grate Type 453Q - stainless perforated grate Type 411Q - galv. steel perforated grate Type 413Q - galv. steel perforated grate Type 465Q - stainless perforated grate Type 466Q - stainless perforated grate Type 485Q - brass perforated grate Type 486Q - brass perforated grate Brickslot - 19.69" Brickslot - 39.37" F801 Sloped channel - 108" F802 Sloped channel - 108" F803 Sloped channel - 108" F803N3 Neutral channel - 36" 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 39 36 36 36 36 38 38 38 38 38 38 98 98 67 67 67 67 Part # Description 99048 99055 99062 99071 99084 99095 99109 99116 99123 99132 99145 99156 99162 99175 99186 99192 99272 99281 99295 99304 99317 99328 99362 99374 99388 99399 99404 99415 99453 99462 99469 99478 99489 99503 F803N Neutral channel - 108" F804 Sloped channel - 108" F805 Sloped channel - 108" F806 Sloped channel - 108" F806N3 Neutral channel - 36" F806N Neutral channel - 108" F807 Sloped channel - 108" F808 Sloped channel - 108" F809 Sloped channel - 108" F809N3 Neutral channel - 36" F809N Neutral channel - 108" F810 Sloped channel - 108" F811 Sloped channel - 108" F812 Sloped channel - 108" F812N3 Neutral channel - 36" F812N Neutral channel - 108" K010 Neutral channel - 39.37" K0103 Neutral channel - 19.69" K020 Neutral channel - 39.37" K0203 Neutral channel - 19.69" K030 Neutral channel - 39.37" K0303 Neutral channel - 19.69" KS010 Neutral channel - 39.37" KS0103 Neutral channel - 19.69" KS020 Neutral channel - 39.37" KS0203 Neutral channel - 19.69" KS030 Neutral channel - 39.37" KS0303 Neutral channel - 19.69" CK010 Neutral channel - 39.37" CK0103 Neutral channel - 19.69" CK030 Neutral channel - 39.37" CK020 Neutral channel - 39.37" CK0203 Neutral channel - 19.69" CK0303 Neutral channel - 19.69" Page 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 33 33 33 33 33 33 35 35 35 35 35 35 93 93 93 93 93 93 127 Other ACO product lines ACO SPORT ACO Sport is a range of surface drainage and building accessories for track & field, used at Olympic sites since 1972. AQUADUCT Aquaduct custom designs and manufactures fiberglass trench drain systems to meet individual project requirements. ACO ROAD ACO Road is a range of surface drainage products engineered for the unique design and performance demands of highways, urban roads and bridges. ACO ENVIRONMENT ACO Environment is a range of separator and spill containment systems manufactured in corrosion resistant polymer concrete. ACO WILDLIFE ACO Wildlife is a tunnel and fence system designed to guide amphibians and other small creatures safely across roads. ACO HOME ACO Home is a complete range of simple plastic and polymer concrete trench units for use around the home, garden and office. 128 ACO Polymer Products, Inc. East Sales Office P.O. Box 245 Chardon, OH 44024 Tel: (440) 285-7000 Toll free: (800) 543-4764 Fax: (440) 285-7005 West Sales Office PO Box 12067 Casa Grande, AZ 85230 Tel: (520) 421-9988 Toll Free: (888) 490-9552 Fax: (520) 421-9899 Electronic Contact: © October 2008 PDF ACO Polymer Products, Inc. All reasonable care has been taken in compiling the information in this document. All recommendations and suggestions on the use of ACO products are made without guarantee since the conditions of use are beyond the control of the Company. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that each product is fit for its intended purpose and that the actual conditions of use are suitable. ACO Polymer Products, Inc. reserves the right to change products and specifications without notice. Re-order Part # DL099
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