Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Supplier Quality Manual Version 2014 Página 1 de 25 Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 2 de 25 14/10/2013 Mission Our mission is to achieve customer satisfaction through quality and durable products with the confidence of always delivering on time. Providing personal and professional security to our HILEX Mexicana Family, generate suppliers and shareholders with a mutual satisfaction of goods and services. Vision Keep the preference of our customers, exceeding their expectations to generate more utilities, keeping our costs together with the participation of all providers and our Hi Lex Mexicana family. Quality and environmental policy HI-LEX Mexicana manufacture control cables and window regulators for the automotive industry, we are committed to prevention of pollution, to reduce potential environmental impacts and compliance with legal requirements, volunteers and our customers. Through continuous improvement activities we engage in quality, cost and delivery of all our products. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 3 de 25 14/10/2013 INDIXE Topic * Mission, vision, quality and environmental policy. * Topic * Objectives of Supplier 2012 – 2013 * Quality Credo * Objective Purpose and Scope. Requerimientos de HI-LEX Mexicana. Supporting Documents. * I.- Requirements for the approval of potential suppliers Initial contact with shopping development of suppliers. Initial supplier potential assessment. Process of potential suppliers. * II.- Advanced product quality planning. * III.- Approval of parts of production process. Special Characteristics. * IV.- Supplier evaluation system and/or production QAV2 process Auditing the quality system and/or production QAV2 process. * V.- Requirements specific to HI-LEX Mexicana S.A. de C.V. Quality Certificate. Update drawings. Invoicing. Control statistical summary. Engineering deviation request. Identification of packing and shipping. * VI.- Continuous Improvement. Requisition of change of engineering. Initiation of proposals for reduction of costs of the supplier. * VII. - Discrepant Material reports. Corrective action report. Relapse and containment levels Of the supplier quality management systems development * VIII.- Supplier Reliability. 1. - Delivery on time. 2. - Number of issued DMN. 3. - Parts Per Million (PPM). 4. - Response to problems (quality, commercial or development) Score analysis. Classification of the reliability. * IX-Assessment tool owned by HI-LEX Mexicana * Glossary. * Appendices. Page 02 04 05 06 07 08 08 12 13 15 15 16 17 17 17 20 21 22 Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 4 de 25 14/10/2013 October, 2013 Dear Supplier: I want to thank the support of our company during the period October 2012 to September 2013 in total performance that in terms of quality and delivery are concerned there was an improvement significant compared to the previous period. I also take to share the objectives of the period October 2013 to September 2014 in which we basically line up our supplier base with the requirements of our customers listed below I share. OBJECTIVES EXPECTED OF OUR SUPPLIERS IN THE PERIOD OCTOBER 2012 TO SEPTEMBER 2014. 1.- DELIVERIES: 100 % . 2.- QUALITY (SQA) a.-PPM´s. less or equal to 15 PPM b.- Audits to the product prior to shipping (Dock Audit.). These audits are just after packing the product, tag it and be waiting for boarding, at that time a random sample is taken and it audits, the request is to take it just and document it. c.-PPAP (PSW). Complete and in time according to the planning of the program. Previously revised and sent to the titular buyer to start process review, evaluation and approval with the ASQA Hilex Mexicana. PPAP samples are delivered together with the package of information according to the required level. d.- Creed of quality of Hi-Lex Mexicana and its suppliers. Signing of the creed of quality of Hi - Lex Mexicana and its suppliers. e.- Audits of sub-suppliers: have a plan of audits its suppliers and/or evidence is displayed where the sub-supplier mailed material in accordance with the specification of HLM. 3.- PRICES. a.-Price reduction 3 %. to be implemented from 01 Oct 2013. b.- Contribution of ideas to reduce costs. Submit to our analysis via our buyers during the first quarter of this period (Oct-Dec-12) at least 3 ideas to cut costs (associated with the material, design and logistics), 100% of the savings obtained by implemented idea 50% will be shared with the supplier. 4.- TERMS. Be updated and sent by our buyers. 5.- PAYMENT. According to HLM calendar 6. ISO TS 16949 & ISO 9001 Certificate. All suppliers must send to the SQA their certificate updated every time they renew it. 7. ISO 14000 Certificate. Every supplier must have the ISO 14000 and promote with their sub supplier with the ISO 14000 certificate These points will be measured, evaluated and taken into account for their: 1-revisions to the business. 2.-negotiations. 3-allocation of new business and 4.-participation in the annual award to the best suppliers of the 2014. For any doubt or clarification of the present please contact with our buyers. Cordially Eng.Carlos García S. Purchasing Manager Hi-Lex Mexicana S.A de C.V. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 5 de 25 14/10/2013 HI-LEX MEXICANA AND ITS SUPPLIERS QUALITY CREED. Hi - Lex Mexicana and its suppliers have a high commitment to the quality of their products which is why we declare our commitment to comply with the following basic principles: 1.- We do not make changes to materials, designs, processes, lay-out and suppliers without the permission of our customer, if necessary seek officially through an ECR (Engineering Change Request). 2.- Ensure that the materials used in the manufacture of my products is my responsibility, by which we audit, monitor and support our suppliers to ensure the improvement continues of our supply chain. 3.- We follow procedures declared in our quality manual and we stick to the Standard which we have registered. 4.- We handle through the code of ethics and conduct of Hi-Lex Mexicana and the 7 principles of automotive industry: Professional conduct. Zero discrimination. Zero social harassment. Zero Alcohol and drugs. Confidentiality of personal data. Confidentiality of data and documents of the company. Safeguard data and documents of the company. Being a responsible company with the environment. Compliance with standards and practices. Zero work forced. Zero work of minors. Salaries and benefits according to the law of the entity or country. Safe working conditions. Working days according to the law of the entity or country. Eng. Oscar Rivera Martínez Supplier Quality Assurance (SQA) Eng. Carlos García Sánchez Purchasing Manager Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 6 de 25 14/10/2013 Target HI-LEX Mexicana providers should develop and maintain its quality system to provide continuous improvement, emphasizing the prevention of defects and the reduction of variation of their processes and waste in the customer-supplier chain. Purpose. Communicate the requirements of HI-LEX Mexicana, S.A. de C.V., for the fulfillment of the quality system of companies that supply materials to our plant. Scope. To all domestic suppliers of HI-LEX Mexicana of component parts for our assemblies of control cables and window lifts (direct to production) with possible application to suppliers of USA and Japan (TSK). HI-LEX Mexicana requirements HI - LEX Mexicana adopted the system of quality ISO/TS16949: 2009 for your organization and requirement for all suppliers of direct production components have the certification of his SAC en ISO 9001: 2008 as a minimum. These requirements support and are an extension of the purchase order. Supporting Documents Appendix A lists the support documents referenced in this Manual, as well as their sources. It is responsibility of all HI-LEX suppliers current and prospects, obtaining and maintaining the current edition of these documents. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 7 de 25 14/10/2013 I.- Requirements for the approval of potential suppliers Initial contact with purchasing and development suppliers area. Potential suppliers, the purchasing and supplier development deparment agree mutual business opportunities, as well as the prospects of its facilities and quality systems evaluations. Initial Evaluation of Potential Supplier The Purchase Area Development HI-LEX suppliers delivers the questionnaire "Opening Data Supplier" (Appendix B, HFM-C.005 format) for the new supplier, which should fill in it and return it to the attention of Procurement Supplier Development. This questionnaire provides a preliminary overview and facilities, skills, quality system operation and organization of the supplier under study. For supplier approval, the Quality Manager, Finance, Vice President and president signed consent. Process of potential suppliers. An audit process (QAV2) is required for potential and/or approved suppliers according to the program audit suppliers (HFM-C.09 format), for the current year. If the checklist for the type of process (RHCS) is not available, the auditor must follow the control plan a part number that covers the majority of the process from entries to the exit. In the case of audits of our quality system, this requirement may be omitted for those suppliers who submit a copy of their certification under the requirements of the standard ISO/TS16949: 2009. The certification of a supplier under the norm ISO 9001: 2008 is accepted. In the event that the potential supplier is implementing its quality system based on the norm ISO/TS16949: 2009 or ISO-9001: 2008 will be required to present a preview of its certification program which determined an evaluation (first part). The second part assessments not made by HI-LEX Mexicana S. a. de C. V. will be reviewed for acceptance. After receiving these documents, it will proceed to approve the potential supplier including it in the list of approved providers of HI-LEX Mexicana. Those potential suppliers who do not have developed its quality system under ISO/TS16949: 2009 or ISO-9001: 2008 will be conditioned and/or rejected as suppliers of HI-LEX according to the results reflected in the opening of supplier (HFM-1.002 format) tab. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 8 de 25 14/10/2013 II.- Advanced Product Quality Planning. (APQP) Purpose. Ensure the realization of all necessary activities prior to the manufacture of a product to achieve zero defects and avoid delays. Designated characteristics must comply with 100% of the requirements. As part of the APQP process, revision of feasibility of the provider is to ensure that the product can be produced according to the specifications of the drawing, the process and required capacity skills. Your review should be carried out prior to the acceptance of a contract The APQP process for suppliers should be according to the reference the A.I.A.G. APQP Manual The supplier must appoint a Coordinator (main contact) for each program. The Coordinator and the representative of quality/purchases of HI-LEX will review each step must be confirmed and verified. The supplier shall declare the responsibility and implementation of: THE STAGES OF THE APQP 1.- Planning and definition of the program. 2.- Design and product development. 3.- Design and development of the process. 4.- Product and process validation. 5.- Continuous improvement. Dates of fulfillment of the events of the supplier should be tagged and penalized in the event of arrears to the program, tooling poor, design, manufacture of samples, etc. III.- Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Submission of the PPAP will be mandatory occurs when any of the situations set out in table I.3.1 of the latest edition of the manual of PPAP. PPAP reporting levels are: Level 3- For those suppliers certified under ISO/TS16949: 2009. Level 3- For uncertified suppliers and new components; unless another agreement with the engineer of quality of the product of HI-LEX. For those parts which are aimed at our client FORD is compulsory requirement arise to level 3 (Ref.) (Table I.4.1 levels of presentation of the PPAP Manual). Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: Página 9 de 25 14/10/2013 Likewise for our Honda customer is required to comply with the IPP (Initial Production Parts) system, which it is basically to identify the first shipment of byproduct of any changes referred to in section II of the manual of PPAP (Appendix C) and / or as requested by the ASQA. Supplier must sent to the area of shopping - suppliers development both samples (which must be 6 pieces minimum, identified as indicated by the "pre-production label scheme" stuck in visible place and dialing by piece of the area which was considered the point of support in the measurement carried out and that they were taken from a run of normal production totalice a minimum of 300 pieces or which specifically otherwise agreed in writing between the supplier and HI-LEX Mexicana S. a. de C. v.) as well as the documentation required by the PPAP Manual (latest edition). By the number indicate you that the design PRE-PRODUCTION LABEL SCHEME (filling instructions) Supplier name __________ Parte_____ Component Description ____ Engeering Level ___ Quantity pieces ____ Program type _________ Supplier: Please fill all requested fields Número de (Supplier reference indicates an X which corresponds) PROTOTIPE SAMPLES PPAP SAMPLE Deliver the Program Manager Receipt Deliver Quality (For filling of HI-LEX) Supplier: If you have doubts consult your buyer or ASQA STEP FORWARD Dimensional internal and/or tests External test Analysis of results Hi-lex There is also the option that these samples are revised in the facilities of the previous agreement with the same supplier. In case that the part be adopted know will include in the Baan system. If the part is rejected, the supplier shall correct discrepancies and again the parties. The supplier must submit an annual validation of PPAP with PSW level 2 or 4 for updating process conditions and parts: - PSW Drawing Dimensional report Result test Certificates of raw material REQUIREMENTS mandatory in documents PPAP (before sending to Hi-lex should run in its entirety and check that the leader of the document) and with advice from ASQA. Don't send material to have the approved by the PSW Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 10 de 25 * We begin to review documentation PPAP sure that these in time make modifications, if you have questions ask them in time and manner the ASQA assigned in the project, documents should reflect the results of the work done in the product and process to meet the expectations of Hi - Lex Mexicana "Living document" 1.- The folder of the PPAP for new projects or engineering changes must occur in leaves letter size with a readable font size, is not acceptable to make combinations of characters that alter the seriousness of the document example (italic letters with Gothic, flashing colors) is likewise prohibited to deliver Hi-Lex corrections to documents with deletions, corrector, or markings of any kind, if he were to be made must be made on the original document in electronic. The delivery must be carried out in time quoted by the ASQA or buyer in a folder properly identified, with tabs for each of the points contained with a full cover index don’t accept folders with missing documents or information pending. 2.- If documentation comes from the outside of the country or from a distant location, the mode of shipping must be carried out through messaging with document closed and protected from damage. 3.- If the document where the information is obsolete translates review it with the manuals of the AIAG or your consultant of the your quality system. SHEET of PSW this sheet must be filled in the spaces where to apply otherwise add N/A, if you have doubts consult the ASQA before filling. This sheet should reflect the name and number complete the requested component, actual weight, date of completion, complete provider company's data, the level to which this request, and buyer, the delivered results, the full rate for 8 continuous hours of production (will be evaluated by visit Hi-lex), comply with the process and report the number of IMDS until the approval in HLM, name and signature of responsible for attaching contact. SAMPLES: The minimum requested samples included in the package of documentation are 6 pieces and / or determined by the ASQA, identified by cavities and packed with the number of part and supplier label (see label scheme pre-production) These should be sent at the same time with PPAP otherwise part approval process would be invalid. DIMENSIONAL REPORT: Must show reads real to the process with levels or Ok item in its entirety as indicated it the design example (on both sides, assembled, without Assembly, closed, open, covered, etc.) shall comply with all notes and see reflected in the report as well as the rules which makes reference to testing marked in design and/or are when requested by product-ASQA engineer in writing prior to the shipment of parts. Reports should express the measures of tolerance design and measurement systems applied in the latter cases explain the equivalence. You must identify and renumbered the critical features required from design and/or ASQA/SUPPLIER. CERTIFICATE OF WARRANTY (product): Reports should express tolerance measures implemented by design, and the requested measure system. It is valid to make equivalences, provided the origin of measuring instruments do allow. The certificate of warranty (product) must append and identify from the PPAP; except in cases extraordinary where an electronic system does not allow to the first shipment, this should be clarified in writing. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 11 de 25 CERTIFICATE OF RAW MATERIAL: Certificates of raw material of the sub-suppliers must refer in more explicit, to the type of material required in the design. Besides the support and traceability to applicable standard. Example: (copy of the standard, comparative in specification and results of mechanical tests, chemical etc.) Reports should express the measures of tolerance design and requested measurement system is valid do equivalences; likewise should be adding for each requested PPAP independent if carry you other similar component by the applicable receipt inspection characteristics declared by the supplier. "The certificates must not contain more than 1 year dates of the feedstock to the requested component" FLOWCHART: Should indicate all operations with sequence applied to the process, material resources and methods used in the realization of the product, this must be focused in the same way in the sequence and the AMEF realization and control plan. You must identify and renumbered the critical features required from design and/or ASQA/SUPPLIER CONTROL PLAN: Must meet the required points in to the APQP, no unfilled spaces. With a sequence from the AMEF as control point to the process or the product according to apply. You must identify and renumbered the critical features required from design and/or ASQA/SUPPLIER, likewise statistical controls as a method of control. Required minimum statistical controls are: graphical X-R, study of capability (CPK > 1.67), test of normality (P > 0.005) this latter applies for Ford. FLAWLESS LAUNCH CONTRACT: Must be filled by the characteristics that are identified in the processes before starting negotiations with Hi-lex and are well = G wrong = R, requires improvements = Y and delivered to the PPAP purchases TEAM FESIBILITY COMMITMENT: Document which must be filled and delivered with the PPAP study of feasibility for the fulfillment of the requirements quality-cost- deliveries and capacity. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTIC Supplier will be notified on the key features of Control or other designations of customer, supplier development engineer. Incorporate these features into schemes of control and a related document of assorted HI-LEX products is the responsibility of the provider. In case of not granting them quality Eng. Hi-lex should be made by the ASQA, the number of these features can be from 1 to 3 as required. Suppliers are required to their processes under statistical control consistent with the guides of the manuals of SPC (statistical process Control) of the AIAG for features. When the moulds exceed 8 cavities the head of inspection receipt and/or responsible for development of suppliers, determine the number of samples to deliver. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 12 de 25 IN CASE OF DEVIATION: Failure to achieve the extent specified in the design the supplier shall make efforts before requesting deviation, demonstrating technical efforts undertaken in two stages previously documented and presented to Hi-lex shopping, the first directed by the supplier, the second by Hi-lex with Provider in areas of: I PHASE II PHASE a) b) c) d) e) f) Adjustments to machines (pressures, loads, time machines etc)) Changes of lots of material, new features to the sub-SUPPLER Changes in working methods (Visual process, help sheets, sheet of testing etc) Analysis of environment (heat, noise, moisture, transportation, packaging etc) Use of alternative equipment (gauges, escantillones, testing alternate etc) Minor to the tooling adjustments ((bolts, lainas, punches, feeder sensor etc) g) Changes in dimensional tolerances must meet and demonstrate compliance with phase I before the test run at the customer plant, must translate into two sections document the proposal and analysis (see example) h) Greater than the tooling changes must be accompanied by two quotes at least for analysis of Hi-lex. Non-compliance with programs of pre-production by faults in the prevention of the provider in areas of deliveries of physical pieces required by the buyer, as well as documentation of erroneous PPAP or missing revised by the ASQA as well as NO practice of robust manufacturing which endanger the quality, integrity, physical persons, as well as the lack of service and attention to the client will cause d and penalties by Hi-Lex Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. IV.- Supplier evaluation system and process of production QAV2 Is requirement of HI-LEX Mexicana that all suppliers of direct materials are able to demonstrate that its quality system is informed in accordance with the requirements detailed in ISO/TS16949 and/or ISO 9000 in your case something that guarantees that are in the certification process. Continuing with our environmental policy, we recommend our suppliers implement the environmental guidelines applicable to the product under the ISO-14001 standard being thus also applied to the care of our environment, where to the dessert can be included as a mandatory requirement (notice of HI-LEX). Suppliers certified in ISO/TS16949: 2009 and ISO 9001: 2008 must submit objective evidence that its certifying organism has conducted those audits of monitoring and/or revalidation. Likewise they must provide copy of his certificate of accreditation and keep this copy in the shopping Area of HLM. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 13 de 25 Auditing the quality system and/or production QAV2 process HI - LEX Mexicana reserves the right to audit their suppliers (even those already certified) When any of the following situations occurs: a) Prior to the placement of a significant new business, b) Depending on the reliability of the supplier quality, c) Recurring quality problems from a supplier (DMN's), d) When required by customers of HLM. The audit process (QAV2) is conducted by purchasing and quality of HI-LEX Mexicana. The followup to the observations of the audit will be defined internally by the responsible auditor, in an equitable manner to balance workloads delays for more than 30 days reply in corrective actions generate a reduction of 5 points on the monthly rating provider. In order to know the performance and application of the quality system of each supplier, at beginning of year you must send your buyer of HLM or the SQA copy of its annual program of internal audits as well as evidence of the outcome of these audits; in the event that the supplier has scheduled an audit by HLM this information will be considered within this for review. V.- Requirements specific to HI-LEX Mexicana S.A. de C.V. Quality certificate / receipt of materials at HI-LEX receipt. All the received materials are sent directly to our warehouse, this is for convenience of HI-LEX the inspection itself to its products is them being done by in the area of inspection receipt but the quality of them is direct responsibility and fully of the supplier, which is why HI-LEX requires that each batch of material is accompanied with a certificate of conformance. This certificate must contain the results of its inspection and/or release for this batch as they are: dimensional results, physical and/or chemical tests and/or special physical evidence indicated at the part drawing. This document shall include the corresponding level of engineering of the party with which the batch being validated. Dimensional characteristics which should be verified will be previously negotiated between the HILEX ASQA quality area and the supplier, and shall contain at least those indicated in the instruction sheet and inspection of inspection receipt HI-LEX (HFM-Q-041). 1.- M.P llegada 2 Invoice referral CantidadCalidad YES OK Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 3.Inspection Fecha aprobación: Página 14/10/2013 14 de 25 WAREHOUSE 4.-SEND Talmacén STOP IN QP AREA Update drawings. HI-LEX supplier development engineer is responsible for updating and deliver the levels at the last level of the components to our suppliers. Likewise any specification referred to in the plane of the part must be obtained from the developer responsible. Invoicing. All materials to be delivered to the store of HI-LEX must be properly billed and supported by a purchase order; If only remission will be not received; deliveries of materials must arrive at the plant in the schedules established by the warehouse of components of HI-LEX Mexicana. Control statistical summary. The supplier must keep records of statistical process control of critical characteristics, which should be available at any time be requested by HLM, in case that the provider does not have these records, requested that you check all inventory in HLM ensuring this quality. Those features that do not meet a Cpk > = 1.33 shall be included in a program of corrective actions to achieve this real ability in a short time, which should be sent to the assigned SQA. Suppliers are required to their processes under statistical control consistent with the SPC of AIAG and related manuals Guide. Engineering deviation request The provider is responsible for knowing the level of quality of the material prior to its shipment. If the provider is not as material, you can request the diversion of the product before being sent to HI-LEX. This information must be presented to the ASQA and/or SQA in formats application of deviation internal (own deviation internal format), and must be accompanied by a report of corrective and preventive actions (8 D's) for analysis. Note: This does not exempt the provider to meet your delivery requirements. The application does not imply the request should be accepted Identification of packing and shipment. Products must be packaged in a way to provide adequate protection against the subsequent degradation of the product. All material supplied to HI-LEX Mexicana must have its packaging standard previously approved by the HI-LEX ASQA, in addition to its manufacturing traceability code, the packaging must be own geometry and weight of the piece, otherwise it will be considered as a product NG. Containers refundable shall be used only for parts which are approved by HLM and damage suffered by mismanagement will be deducted to the supplier prior to the shipment. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 15 de 25 Each container must be clearly identified with at least the following information: * Part number HI-LEX, including the level of engineering. * Quantity * Part lot. * Bar code. * Number of deviation from quality/engineering HI-LEX (if applicable). * Supplier name. * Identification of contention (If applicable, include the default) VI.- Continuous improvement. Requisition of change of engineering If the supplier has slope or a suggestion that can only be resolved by the help of HI-LEX product engineering, a complete and documented description must be presented to the buyer proper through the format of application of deviation. HI-LEX hopes that its suppliers submit suggestions to improve the product quality or safety reduce costs and be of mutual benefit. The results of the review of engineering will be communicated to the supplier by the purchaser. Initiation of supplier cost reduction proposals. Through efforts to improve productivity and consolidate the purchase, expected that suppliers submit annual cost reductions to the buyer of HI-LEX Mexicana. VII.- Discrepant Material reports. When material does not conform at the premises of our customers or in HI-LEX is detected, the supplier is informed via telephone and/or through the notification of Material Defective Notice (DMN “HFM-Q.047”). The disposition of the material does not comply must be confirmed by the supplier in this document within one period no longer than 12 hours. (12 X 12 program), If you exceed this time, HI-LEX determine the disposition of the material, which must be respected by the supplier which might be rework or return. If the problem occurs on the premises of our customers and is attributable to the supplier, HI-LEX will give immediate assistance to our customer, requiring the service supplier if necessary. All costs incurred by the transfer and travelling expenses of personnel of HI-LEX will be charged to the supplier through a charge or credit note, as well as the costs incurred by stoppage of line of the customer apply in his case because of the problem more an application fee. (Format HFMQ.017) Once informed of the existence of does not conform materials through media which already indicated, the supplier must give timely service and provision of the dissenting material (containment of the problem) according to the area where locate its plant: It is important to note that if you require is rework or select pieces urgent, HI-LEX started this activity with the costs mentioned below or failing this activity will be outsourced with a external company: Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 16 de 25 TABLE 2. CHARGES PER RECOVERY AND SELECTION (USD / TIME-MAN) CONCEPT DOMESTIC INTERNATIONAL ASIA-HI-LEX SELECTIO 20 40 20 INSPECTION PG 20 40 20 RE-WORK 30 50 30 SCRAP APPLY THE PRICE OF THE PART DUE + 50 usd. TABLE NOTE 2: The recovery of HI-LEX staff can only be performed when resources are available. TABLE 3. ONLINE CHARGES STOP PRODUCTION (USD / MINUTE) LINE Up to the Up to the. Up to the Up to the Change model for lack min. 15 16 al 30 31 al 60 61 al 120 of materials CHANGUE SET-UP 59 INNER-OUTER CABLE ASSEMBLY 46 LINE BOOSTER ASSEMBLY 65 LINE 62 65 72 59 49 52 59 65 72 78 85 65 If Hi-Lex Mexicana receives no material available within 30 calendar days after notification, Hi-Lex Mexicana has the right to take any decision that suits their interests. All administrative charges arising from re-works authorized by the supplier (DMN) will be shopping direct responsibility to notify the accounting area of the application of such charges. Corrective action report (8 D’s). Every problem in quality disrupts the production cycle or jeopardize delivery to our clients must be answered with a report of corrective and preventive actions carrying out monitoring of the same until its conclusion in preventing relapse, 10 days is the average for the delivery and closure of them, depending on the complexity of the description of the problem The supplier must respond in writing of the DMN for disposal of the material, attaching the corrective actions, the final decision must be made within 12 days. If a supplier requires additional time to respond, a written request should be directed to the SQA and must include the plan of action, requiring additional time with a timeline for implementation. When it is notified, the supplier may be required also to complete a corrective actions report for chronic problems or non-conformities critical following the format of corrective and preventive actions. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 17 de 25 Penalties: The supplier incurred not as material will become creditor to an administrative charge, likewise the provision, non-response and closure of the DMN, according to the following table of sanctions: Issuace of DMN No provision of material US$200 US$100 No reply from the Non-closure of the DMN DMN US$100 US$100 Relapse and containment levels (Control Shipping, CS1, CS2, Busines Hall) Every problem in quality or variety of modes of failure in one or several part numbers supplied, that is chronic or recidivism; with previous document of corrective action implemented by the supplier, content must be properly. The SQA is responsible for defining and notify the offending supplier through the letters of corresponding containment levels. The supplier must follow the guidelines required in writing; documentation, exit criteria, as well as the costs incurred for each contingency level. Hi - Lex Mexicana reserves the right to enforce contingency levels making use of resources and means for internal and external. A final level provides involve the commercial aspect called room of business and/or Business Hall. Of the supplier quality management systems development Hi - Lex Mexicana promotes the development of the system of management of quality of supplier, through to make the annual self-audit that are sent, with their respective evidence. VIII.- Reliability supplier. HI-LEX holds monthly records of the reliability of its suppliers in order to assess them, and use them to decide which will be considered for continuation, expansion or termination of business. In order to evaluate the performance of our HI-LEX Mexicana suppliers account with the new rating system based on 4 items for measuring the effort deployed in sales collateralized, to achieve the reliability of the supplier to HLM called "Green Preferid Supplier Criteria" reliable supplier under criterion in green, which this described below the new format called "Monthly rating items" The a mathematical calculation that is used as a measure of the performance of the supplier. It is the estimated amount of material doesn’t comply either within the process of Hi-lex or rejection of the client between the total amount of material received multiplied by one million, where is the estimated amount of material doesn’t conform equal to the amount not as between the amount verified by the total quantity of suspect material. Applies the following table to determine the rating of the supplier in this factor: PPM = Nonconforming material estimated Total received material X 1’000,000 Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 18 de 25 Estimated material does not comply = Amount of material does not comply X Quantity of suspect material Number of verified material Note: These settings will be reviewed annually as part of the continuous improvement. Example: The supplier "A" : green status for the fulfillment of the 5 items The supplier "B": status in yellow by default in characteristic 1 or 2 items The supplier "C" : status in red for breach of 3 or more RESPONSE TO ISSUES In turn, the non-compliance to the "timing" and/or graphics of Gant in the development of new products, provide PPAP (prototype, mass production samples) any level concerning poor quality in the product, lack of personnel in the follow-up, lack of delivery of documents in time fails - lack of evidence. ** The use of methodology of GP12 in initial samples during the first batches with a minimum period of 40 days for the prevention of defects and maturation of the processes and tests ensuring total quality as the initial part of the project is mandatory and respective label is liberation GP 12. (See steps GP12 anexes) Business issues (example: guarantees, security and hygiene), attention to the customer and/or any other source reported by the developer. The following table applies: ANALYSIS OF RATING The total rating of the supplier will be obtained by summing ratings monthly deployment of the effort in the sale of the provider as described below: Classification of the reliability The results of the evaluation of the supplier are classified in 5 categories(SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE STATUS) of a "sales collateralized" towards HLM which score of below for reliability of supplier Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 19 de 25 EXCELLENT. (99.5 – 100 %) Provider that meets the requirements of ISO/TS16949: 2009 and the specifics of HI-LEX Mexicana and/or average reliability. If you keep it a minimum of 12 months will be creditors to the recognition of HI-LEX as a distinguished provider to demonstrate a consistency of quality, delivery and cost you can be considered for new short-term contracts GOOD (95 – 99.4 %) Supplier that has demonstrated that quality system is working in compliance with the requirements of HI-LEX. The provider can continue to maintain existing contracts with HI-LEX and he can be considered for new contracts in the medium term. RELIABLE (85 – 94 %) Provider who has had problems in maintaining the level of quality in its products, If you maintain this level of performance for 3 consecutive months, a plan of corrective actions in the medium term is required. This provider has conditioned their current contracts with HI-LEX and depend on those of the result obtained in the evaluation of the next period, failing to get a better rating, HI-LEX restricted the right to terminate the relationship at the end of the contract, the service provider cannot be held for future contracts. NOT RELIABLE (0 – 84 %) Supplier that has demonstrated minimum ability for the fulfilment of the requirements of HI-LEX. A corrective action plan must be submitted within a period of thirty day safter being notified, it will condition their current contracts with HI-LEX, you will not be considered for future contracts; direct purchases Department should develop an emergency plan to develop a new alternate source. Within a period of three months must exceed this level of performance not HI-LEX restricted the right to terminate the contract relationship. Where every month will be issued the table of positions of evaluation of our suppliers on the basis of the classification of reliability IX. Evaluation of tooling owned by HI-LEX Mexicana. The Development Area suppliers requested annually study program, tooling for those suppliers having dies, injection moulds, or devices in commodatum property of HI-LEX Mexicana. Once prepared the program shall be notified to the supplier concerned by means of a copy of this report. The supplier according to program should start preparing the tooling for evaluation. Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 20 de 25 The Development Area to suppliers, according to the program, will be presented on the premises of the supplier to evaluate the tooling, which is must get pictures as well as the development report of "Report of physical condition of the tooling", Appendix F. Upon completion the verification will be updated tooling study program. Also, the original to the shopping area of the report on physical condition of the tooling for its control and a copy will be delivered to the supplier. The supplier has technical responsibility in re-evaluation of PPAP (SQA) or transfer (ASQA). Make a valuation report before starting project, and make knowledge through detailed report to the SQA and/or ASQA (depending on the case), and to the buyer that the tool cannot comply with specified in design. If you omit this information caused costs will be accounted to the supplier. Each level in the piece the provider change must be considered in the records of the mold, turn in transfer of molds must be a mark of identification, in relation the previous provider to be able to determine responsibilities and better tracking to the final product. The supplier is responsible for the care and good use of the tool property of HI-LEX Mexicana, must also maintain a record of the amount of produced parts and maintenance given to each one of them, notifying the area of direct purchases his life remaining for their timely replacement. The tooling HI - LEX Mexicana property must be identified with a "property of HI-LEX" legend. GLOSSARY SAC.- Quality Management System QAV.- Quality Audit Visit A.I.A.G.- Automotive Industry Action Group ASQA.- Advanced Supplier Quality Assurance IMDS.- International Material Data System CPK.-Real skill of a process DMN (Defective Material Notice) for its acronym in English. Notification of defective Material. Purchase order.-Is the legal document of bargaining in the short term and is issued by the Department of direct purchases HI-LEX, reflecting on it all the requirements of the product as well as the terms and conditions of delivery of the product that is. Potential suppliers.-Are the new providers who are starting negotiations with HI-LEX Mexicana (to the Baan system of HLM (Inventory Control, are providers that are not yet assigned any Massproduction project but may be developing new components)) Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 21 de 25 PPAP.-(Production Part Approval Process) production parts approval process. PPM . - Parts per million. TIMING (program). - For the purposes of the present time scheduled for the implementation of the project, from its entrance to exit by 2 or more people to achieve previously analyzed. Direct to production.-They are the components that are assembled directly in our products (control cables or window elevators), such as clamp, niple, bracket, joint, resins, packaging, Rails, etc. SQA (Supplier quality assurance) responsible for continuous production in quality, ASQA (Advance Supplier quality assurance) responsible for new projects and quality of boot. Quality assurance in the purchase : Is the sum of technical efforts, commercial and human of the provider in a coordinated and systemic, whose objective is to demonstrate compliance with the requirements expected customer, of a good or service was designed and developed in a time way and form, previously agreed between the client and the supplier. CS1 acronym in English refers to a level of contingency level 1. CS2 acronym in English refers to a level of contingency level 2. Room business (business hall) final level derived from the CS1 and CS2 Appendix A These documents are requirements of ISO/TS16849: 2009 and contain information referenced in this manual: ** Advanced quality and Control plans Manual planning APQP. (ADVANCED PRODUCT QUALITY PLANNING AND CONTROL PLAN) ** Production parts approval process PPAP. (PRODUCTION PART APPROVAL PROCESS) ** Manual analysis of the mode and effect of the fault PFMEA. (POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS) ** Manual of statistical process Control SPC. (STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL) ** System analysis measurement manual MSA. (MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS ANALYSIS) These documents are available in (AIAG) Automotive Industry Action Group and can be purchased from: Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 22 de 25 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ACTION GROUP 26200 Lahser Road, Suite 200 Southfield, Michigan 48034 Phone: (810) 358-3570 Fax: (810) 358-3253 Internet: http//www.aiag.org Appendix B.-Tab opening provider (HFM-1.002) Appendix C.-IPP flow diagram Appendix E.-Application of deviation internal (HFM-Q.007) Appendix F-Fitness report of the tooling Current editions of these documents and any other document referenced must be available at all appropriate locations for manufacturing. This manual is the property of HI - LEX Mexicana, partial or total reproduction is forbidden, only the purchasing manager and the SQA of HLM can authorize the same. HI-LEX documents are for use of HI-LEX Mexicana S. a. de C. V. and affiliated plants. Providers based on them to provide products any benefit of HI-LEX should make sure that they are in possession of the latest version. The distribution of documents to parties outside suppliers of HI-LEX Mexicana S. a. de C. V., either with or without consent are for information only and HI-LEX Mexicana S. a. de C. V. was not responsible for the results attributable to the implementation or compliance with such documents. Those who receive and decide to use the documents, also are in agreement in assume responsibility for compliance with patent, as well as the possible violation of the same. This Manual was reviewed by: Team Hi - Lex Mexicana: Eng. Carlos García, Ing.Oscar Rivera Edited by: eng. Oscar Rivera SQA-HLM Change control Change It read: 8.1.1 No mention of the change history. 8.1.2 Quality Policy, Environmental Policy (separate policy), Vision Rev. 0, Mission Rev. 3. I. - Requirements for Approval of Potential Suppliers. 8.1.4 No point mentioning development of quality He says: 8.1.1 change history is added. 8.1.2 is updated business philosophy Quality and Environmental Policy, Vision Rev 1 Mission Rev. 4. 8.1.3 Checked providers target in the period Oct. 2007-Sep. 2008 Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 23 de 25 management systems of suppliers ISO / TS 16949:2002 ISO 9001:2000 2.C, instead of saying "approval process" I. - Requirements for Approval of Potential Suppliers. Said. Providers counter. October 1, 2008 Discrepant Material Reports VII is added: * Recidivism and contingency levels to CREDO QUALITY HI-LEX AND ITS MEXICAN: suppliers, mark 3 points * Objectives period October 2008 September 2009 III. - Part Approval Process Production: 8.1.4 perform self audits is added to the Level 2. - For those providers certified under system of quality management of suppliers ISO/TS16949: 2009. p. 17 Engineering Deviation Request: HFM-Q.007 format Table of charges for material selection ISO / TS 16949:2009 ISO 9001:2008 2.C Review approval process, evaluation and CREDO QUALITY HI-LEX AND ITS MEXICAN: point 4 annexed code of ethics and conduct. III. - Part Approval Process Production: Level 3. - For those providers certified under ISO/TS16949: 2009.:2009. VII. - Discrepant Material Reports It did not indicate anything about the penalties Engineering Deviation Request: Format own internal bypass VII. - Discrepant Material Reports HFM-Q.017 format Penalties: Classification Reliability Indicated nothing of the standings providers A supplier incurs nonconforming material is entitled to an administrative fee, In addition to the provision of non-response and closing the DMN, according to the table Classification Reliability Update dates to 2012 targets It updates the format code sheet said HFM-1002 Where every month will be issued the Opening standings evaluation of our suppliers based on reliability rating Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 24 de 25 * Provider Objectives 2011 - 2012 It updates the format code says Opening Sheet HFM-C.005) Table is updated internal lottery costs It adds -For purposes of provider approval, the Quality Manager, Finance, Vice President and President signed consent. He adds: -Quality: Attached sweepstakes ban from suppliers here in Hi- Mr. Rafael Reynoso Lex Mexicana: Hi-Lex Mexicana is prohibited inspections and re work by suppliers and third-party proceedings, if required re working or select parts urgently, HI-LEX begin this activity with your internal team Update dates to 2013 targets Update glossary Attached definition: SAC. - Quality Management System According to the area where you locate your plant: It is important to note that if required re working or select parts urgently HI-LEX begin this activity with the costs mentioned below or else this activity will be contracted with a company sorter QAV. - Quality Audit Visit * Provider Objectives 2012 - 2013 A.I.A.G. - Automotive Industry Action Group Attached definition: ASQA. - Advanced Supplier Quality Assurance IMDS.- International Material Data System SAC. - Quality Management System QAV. - Quality Audit Visit Classification Reliability EXCELLENT (25 POINTS) RELIABLE (24-21 POINTS) RELIABLE LITTLE (20-18) POINTS) NOT RELIABLE (17 to zero POINTS) A.I.A.G. - Automotive Industry Action Group ASQA. - Advanced Supplier Quality Assurance IMDS.- International Material Data System Classification Reliability EXCELENT (99.5 – 100 %) Código de Manual Núm. de Rev.: MCP-74.12 16 Fecha aprobación: 14/10/2013 Página 25 de 25 GOOD (95 – 99.4 %) RELIABLE (85 – 94 %) NOT RELIABLE (0 – 84 %) Annual revision Deleted 2013 objetives Added 2014 objetives (oct-2013, sep-2014) Approval Owner of the document: Responsible for the development or updating of the document. SUPPLIER QUALITY ASSURANCE (SQA) Position Responsible for approval: Head of Document Owner. ENG. OSCAR RIVERA Name and sing PURCHASING MANAGER ENG. CARLOS GARCÍA Name and sing
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