hic exhibition manual melbourne

australia’s premier & largest
e-health conference
11 - 14 august
HIC australia’s premier e-health conference
It’s great to have you on board!
The information contained in this document has been compiled for exhibitors attending HIC
In this document you will find:
• Key contacts
• Bump in/ bump out information
• Information to assist with exhibition displays
• General information related to your participation at HIC 2014
It is each exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure all documentation is read, recommended actions
are completed and deadlines are met.
Please read this HIC 2014 Exhibition Manual carefully.
If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document or about the
event in general, please contact Katrina at katrina@hisa.org.au or call 03 9326 3311.
Alternatively, please contact the relevant person listed in ‘Key Contacts’ overleaf.
We are here to assist you in any way we can.
We look forward to your participation in HIC 2014.
Health Informatics Society of Australia Ltd
ABN: 80 097 598 742 | ACN: 097 598 742
National office: 1A/21 Vale Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051, Australia
t: +61 3 9326 3311 | f: +61 3 8610 0006 | e: hic2014@hisa.org.au | w: www.hisa.org.au/hic2014
HIC australia’s premier e-health conference
exhibitor general information
access/bump in ...................................................................................................... 3
admission policy ..................................................................................................... 3
audio-visual requirements ..................................................................................... 3
cleaning .................................................................................................................. 3
contractors ............................................................................................................. 4
custom stand booths.............................................................................................. 4
dates to remember ................................................................................................ 4
deliveries................................................................................................................ 5
dismantling/bump out ........................................................................................... 5
electrical/lighting requirements ............................................................................. 5
exhibition opening hours ....................................................................................... 6
fire regulations ....................................................................................................... 6
food and beverage ................................................................................................. 6
forklift/portering .................................................................................................... 6
furniture and plants ............................................................................................... 6
insurance ............................................................................................................... 6
internet connections .............................................................................................. 7
key contacts ........................................................................................................... 7
name board details (fascia) .................................................................................... 9
parking ................................................................................................................... 9
registration desk .................................................................................................... 9
registration and inclusions ..................................................................................... 9
regulations ........................................................................................................... 10
security ................................................................................................................ 10
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access/bump in
Exhibitors will have access to the Exhibition Hall (Melbourne Room) from 3:00pm on Monday
11 August 2014 and 7:00am - 10:00am on Tuesday 12 August 2014 to equip/set up their trade
display. Rental furniture and equipment pre-ordered will arrive during these times. Please
note there is no arranged catering during the bump in. No children under 15 years of age are
permitted during bump in and out.
Safety Vests - Approved high visibility safety vests and closed toed shoes must be worn at all
times during the exhibition build. Access to the exhibition floor will not be permitted unless
safety vests are worn. Please bring your own hi visibility safety vest or purchase from the
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) reception.
For information regarding delivery of goods please read the delivery section in this document.
For information regarding the storage of pallets/boxes please read the storage section in this
Please note: All exhibition booth set up must be completed no later than 10:00am on Tuesday
12 August ready for the Morning Tea and Exhibition Opening at 10:30am.
Exhibition Shell Scheme Build
Exhibitor Contractors Build
Exhibitors Bump In
Exhibitors Bump In
Monday 11 August, 06:00am - 3:00pm
Monday 11 August, 10:00am onwards
Monday 11 August, 3:00pm
Tuesday 12 August, 07:00am -10:00am
admission policy
The conference exhibition is open to all registered delegates and trade expo visitors only by
registration and appropriate exhibition pass badging. All attendees must have a conference
badge visible at all times. Personnel found within the conference areas (meeting rooms or
exhibition) without appropriate recognition will be requested to leave.
audio-visual requirements
Please contact Warren Walsh, Event Technology for your audio-visual needs on 0419 351 654
or by email warren@eventtechnology.com.au
Cleaning of the exhibition area is included in the exhibition space charge. Exhibitors requiring
individual stand cleaning additional to what is already carried out should complete the Standing
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HIC australia’s premier e-health conference
Cleaning Order Form (Form 2.10) in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition (MCEC) Exhibitor
Services Kit.
The conference organisers will not accept liability for contracts between the Exhibiting
Company and other Contractors or for the negligence or default of any such persons, servants
or agents.
custom stand booths
MCEC have restrictions on what can be attached to the floor due to the carpet in the
Melbourne Room. All custom style build stands must only be of an upgrade system format
(your build contractor can assist with details). Final approval is provided by the MCEC
Operations Manager.
If you would like to create a custom stand booth, Exhibit Systems can help you design and
make your ideas come to life from something simply as custom printed wall panels or a
complete upgrade.
dates to remember
Exhibitor Action Item
Company Profile (200 words) and Contact
Exhibitor Accommodation
Exhibitor Staff Catering
Exhibitor Registration
Indemnity Form
Fascia Name Board Details
(Shell Scheme Exhibitors Only)
Furniture, Lighting, Walling, and Shelving
Freight Forwarding
How to Action
Email to hic@hisa.org.au
Complete Registration and
Accommodation Form
Complete Registration and
Accommodation Form
Complete Registration and
Accommodation Form
Complete and sign Indemnity
Complete Exhibit Systems
Complete Exhibit Systems
Complete DB Schenker Form
HISA: Improving Australian healthcare through the use of technology and information
2 weeks after
16 June 2014
16June 2014
16 June 2014
16 June 2014
11 July 2014
11 July 2014
11 July 2014
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Freight - We recommend you use a freight forwarder for all items delivered to MCEC. The
MCEC will not sign possession of goods from couriers on behalf of exhibitors or clients. To
avoid issues with the delivery of your goods always ensure that a representative is onsite to
take possession of these goods or alternatively use a freight forwarder. Goods must not be
sent to the Loading Dock before the scheduled times for the move-in of your event (Monday 11
August 3.00-6.00pm and Tuesday 12 August 7.00-10.00am). All goods must be collected by the
end of the official move-out time.
Storage – There is no storage available for exhibitors. If you have crates to store you need to
arrange storage with a freight forwarder if you want to keep the pallets. You are also
responsible for clearing boxes and liaising with the freight forwarder to store these if you
require them for pack up. If they are left in the exhibition area after set up they will be
Loading Dock Access – All vehicles entering the Melbourne Convention Centre Loading Dock
will be issued a 30-minute unloading permit. Parking infringements will be issued by
authorised officers of the City of Melbourne for those vehicles exceeding the 30 minute
unloading rule.
Freight Forwarder – HISA recommends using DB Schenker to deliver your goods. Please refer
to the DB Schenker Service Booking Form for full details.
dismantling/bump out
Exhibitors may commence dismantling of all equipment and materials on Thursday 14 August
2014 once delegates have completed their lunch between 1:15pm and 3:00pm. Contractor
dismantling of the booths will commence at 3:00pm on Thursday 14 August 2014.
electrical/lighting requirements
Shell Scheme booths are supplied with two spotlights on continuous track (attached to fascia
board) and one power point. Space only does not have any power or lighting so this will need
to be ordered at an additional cost through Exhibit Systems.
Exhibitors requiring additional lighting and electrics should complete the Power & Lighting
Order Form (3) enclosed in the Exhibit Systems Exhibitor Information Pack. Payment is
required with the Order Form. Cash or cheque will be accepted on-site to settle accounts for
electrical services provided during the exhibition.
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All electrical equipment must comply with Occupational Health & Safety Act and Australian
Standards. The outward sign of the latter is a test tag AS3760. Power cords, leads, power
boards are all subject to inspection by the venue technical staff. Any unsafe items will be
removed from the venue.
exhibition opening hours
The exhibition will be open during the following times:
Tuesday 12 August 2014
Wednesday 13 August 2014
Thursday 14 August 2014
11:00am - 7:00pm
8:30am – 4:40pm
10:15am – 1:15pm
fire regulations
Designated fire exits must be kept clear at all times. Storage of flammable liquids or fuels is not
permitted within the exhibition. Hall floor plans denote all fire exits. Please refer to the MCEC
Exhibitor Services Kit for full details.
food and beverage
No exhibitor or person shall distribute, sell or give away any item of food or drink within the
MCEC without prior written approval by the MCEC. Please refer to the MCEC Exhibitor Services
Kit for full details on the serving of food and beverage from exhibitor stands.
The MCEC does not provide any portering equipment. HISA recommends DB Schenker to
deliver your goods. If you require trolleys or a forklift please liaise with DB Schenker otherwise
we cannot guarantee their availability. Exhibitors are permitted to bring only hand held items
through the main doors.
furniture and plants
Please contact Exhibit Systems for all your furniture needs. Please refer to the furniture
catalogue and complete an order form.
The organisation (HISA) will have in place public liability insurance for conference attendees
ONLY. The organisers or venue take no responsibility for exhibitor equipment/staff/products or
goods. Insurance to cover the transportation, storage, movements and placement of exhibit
equipment, products and goods are at the responsibility of the Exhibiting Company and should
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take effect from the day of transport to the exhibition, build-up to breakdown and removal.
Exhibitors are required to take out adequate insurance cover against such risks that may incur;
in particular All Risks on Property & Valuables, Public Liability, Employer's liability and Personal
Accident to Staff. In addition, insurance for losses and wasted expenditure in the event of the
Exhibition being abandoned or curtailed may be considered.
Please extend your public liability to cover your display and fax the front cover of your Policy or
a signed copy of the Indemnity Form to HISA on (03) 8610 0006 or email to hic@hisa.org.au by
Monday 16 2014. We must have evidence of your public liability or a signed copy of the
indemnity form before we can allow you to set up your display.
internet connections
Basic internet access (browsing and emailing not downloading) for exhibitors will be available.
If you require high speed internet you will need to purchase a dedicated broadband line from
MCEC. Please complete the Broadband Internet Access Form (Form 2.2.4) in the MCEC
Exhibitor Services Kit. We will be in touch over the next month to confirm your exact internet
requirements. We may be asking that you do not bring Wi Fi routers/devices into the exhibition
hall as this reduces the overall internet capacity.
In order to access the wireless network your machine will need built in wireless capability or a
wireless card. You will also need to have Administrator access to your computer.
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance will be provided should you have any difficulties regarding the wireless
The network has been designed and allocated with enough resources for basic individual user
access. This includes basic internet browsing and email. Specific usage for high download /
upload will not be permitted and alternative arrangements with MCEC will need to be made at
your own cost.
For video presentations and individual IP connection, a broadband service must be ordered
from the MCEC. Please refer to the MCEC Exhibitor Services Kit.
key contacts
HIC 2014 Conference and Exhibition Office
1A/21 Vale Street
North Melbourne VIC 3051
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Contact: Nicola Gardiner and Katrina Barbuto
T: +61 3 9326 3311
F: +61 3 8610 0006
E: hic@hisa.org.au
W: www.hisa.org.au/hic2014
Exhibition Contractor
Exhibit Systems
PO Box 709
Brookvale NSW 2100
Contact: Paul Hicks
T: +61 2 9982 5511
F: +61 2 9982 9899
E: paul@exhibitsystems.com.au
W: www.exhibitsystems.com.au
Audio Visual
Event Technology
Contact: Warren Walsh, Audio Visual Technical Director
T: +61 3 9645 2558
M: +61 419 351 654
E: warren@eventtechnology.com.au
Freight Forwarder
DB Schenker
Contact: Sebastian Pfab
T: + 61 3 9344 9657
F: +61 3 9310 4203
W: www.dbschenker.com.a
E: sebastian.pfab@dbschenker.com
Conference and Exhibition Venue
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC)
1 Convention Centre Place
South Wharf VIC 3006
Contact: Rosa Siderelis
T: +61 3 9235 8000
F: +61 3 9235 8001
W: www.mcec.com.au
E: rsiderelis@mcec.com.au
MCEC Exhibitor Services
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F: + 3 9235 8121
E: exservices@mcec.com.au
name board details (fascia)
The Exhibitor's Company Name and booth number are produced in a standard format on each
shell scheme fascia (space only do not receive a fascia). Please indicate on the Fascia Signage
Form (2) provided in the Exhibit Systems Exhibitor Information Pack the name you wish to
appear on the name board. Type clearly using upper and lower case letters.
All exhibitors are encouraged to park in the Melbourne Exhibition Centre Basement Car Park
which has an entrance on Normanby Road. Parking is charged on a per hour basis up to a
maximum of four (4) hour. There is also an early bird rate. Please refer to the MCEC Exhibitor
Services Kit for further information on rates and other parking locations.
registration desk
The Registration Desk will be open during the following hours:
Monday 11 August 2014
Tuesday 12 August 2014
Wednesday 13 August 2014
Thursday 14 August 2014
07:30am - 5:00pm
07:30am - 5:30pm
07:20am - 5:00pm
07:30am - 2:45pm
registration and inclusions
All staff must be registered to gain entry into the exhibition hall. It is essential that all
personnel wear the official conference badge for security purposes.
Please ensure you complete the registration spread sheet for your complimentary exhibitor
registration/s, and catered stand personnel entitlements.
Access All Areas (AAA) registrations give you access to the conference sessions, networking
reception and gala dinner but doesn’t include attendance to the associated events on Monday.
Exhibition only registrations give you access to the exhibition hall only and the networking
reception, but doesn’t include attendance to the conference sessions or the gala dinner.
Additional exhibition only registrations
If you require any exhibition only registrations you can purchase these for $340 for 3 days or
$115 per day. Please note these prices exclude the gala awards diner but include the
networking reception.
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HIC australia’s premier e-health conference
Social events – Networking Reception
Additional tickets to the Networking Reception and Exhibition Opening are available at $70.00
per person.
Social events – Gala Awards Dinner
Additional tickets to the Gala Awards Dinner are available at $170.00 per person.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be supplied within the exhibition area from Tuesday
12 August 2014 to pre-registered exhibitor personnel half an hour prior to delegate session
Trade Passes
We have listened to your feedback from previous HICs and are working on ways to increase the
volume and quality of delegates moving through the exhibition. As the exhibition is an event in
its own right, trade passes will be available to the public for $100 for HISA members and $150
for non-members. Each attendee will need to register online via
(https://events.hisa.org.au/ei/getdemo.ei?id=216&s=_82W0UM55W). Please forward the link
to your clients. Registration will give attendees access to the exhibition for one day and
Exhibitors are requested to comply with all MCEC regulations, policies and guidelines at all
Security will operate at all times during the exhibition opening hours. The main doors to the
exhibition will be securely locked at the end of each day and no vendor will be permitted entry
until the re-opening to vendors at 10:00am the next day. Whilst every reasonable precaution is
taken, the Organisers and the MCEC accept no responsibility for any loss or damage, which may
occur to persons or property at the HIC 2014 Conference and Exhibition, from any cause
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