MEASURE Y The Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act of 2004 Violence Prevention Programs GRANTEE MANUAL Revised for FY 2012-13 This manual was developed and is maintained by the City of Oakland, Department of Human Services for grantees funded by Measure Y. This manual is updated at the beginning of every fiscal year (July 1) and updates or changes may be sent to the grantee during the fiscal year if necessary. Visit for a downloadable copy of this manual and updates. FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction and Background on Measure Y………………………… 3 Key Dates 5 ……………………………………………………………. Roles and Responsibilities…………………………………………………. 6 Funding Process…………………………………………………………….. 8 Fiscal/Lead Agency Responsibilities……………………………………. 9 Process for Developing a Grant Agreement………………………….. 10 Reporting and Invoicing…………………………………………………… 13 Allowable Uses of Funds…………………………………………………… 19 Site Visits and File Review…………………………………………………… 22 Grant Agreement Modifications and Non Compliance……………… 25 Matching Funds Requirements……………………………………………. 27 Measure Y Grantee Operations Standards ……………………………… 29 Outside Evaluation…………………………………………………………… 33 Measure Y Grantee Coordination ………………………………….. 34 Media and Publication …………………………………………………. 35 Measure Y Grantee Contact and Website Information………………. 36 Drug and Alcohol Policy for Measure Y Funded Staff………………….. 37 Hiring Policy for Staff Funded by Specific Measure Y Program Strategies 38 Guidelines on Client Grievance Procedures …………………………….. 39 Attachments (electronic forms can be found online at • • • • • • • • • • Attachment A – Grantees and Program Officers Contact Information Attachment B – Example of Desk Audit and Site Visit Tool (Sample) Attachment C – Consent/Release of Information Form (Sample) Attachment D – Voluntary Consent: Evaluation Research for Reentry Programs Attachment E – Consent Administration Protocol Attachment F – Budget Modification Form (Sample) Attachment G – Match Documentation Form (Sample) Attachment H – Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) Meeting Assignments Attachment I – Guidelines for Preparing for and Attending NCPC meetings Attachment J – Grantee Contact Information Sheet 2 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ON MEASURE Y The Measure Y Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act was passed by Oakland voters in November of 2004. It legally went into effect on January 1, 2005 and will sunset on December 31, 2015 unless it is re-enacted by the voters of Oakland. Measure Y raises about $20 million each year, of which about $5 million is for prevention programming. The Oakland Police Department receives approximately $9 million annually to support 57 Problem Solving Officers, as well as additional officers for truancy enforcement, domestic violence, and special victims units. Five million dollars annually eliminates Fire Department rotating station closures so that all fires stations are open 24 hours, 7 days a week. For a full description of all the Measure Y programs (including Police and Fire), please view the website at The exact language of the Measure Y violence prevention programming language passed by voters is: “Violence Prevention Services With an Emphasis on Youth and Children: Expand preventive social services provided by the City of Oakland, or by adding capacity to community-based nonprofit programs with demonstrated past success for the following objectives: a. b. c. d. Youth outreach counselors: hire and train personnel who will reach out, counsel and mentor at-risk adolescents and the young adults by providing services and presenting employment opportunities; After and in school programs for Youth and children: expand existing City programs and City supported programs that provide recreational, academic tutoring and mentoring opportunities for atrisk adolescents and children during after school hours; expand truancy enforcement programs to keep kids in school. Domestic violence and child abuse counselors: make available counselors who will team with police and the criminal justice system to assist victims of domestic violence or child prostitution and to find services that help to avoid repeat abuse situations; expand early childhood intervention programs for children exposed to violence in the home at an early age. Offender/parolee employment training: provide parolee prerelease employment skills training and provide employers with wage incentives to hire and train young offenders or parolees“ The full text of the legislation can be found at: City of Oakland Measure BB, a revision of Oakland’s 2004 Measure Y, was passed by Oakland voters on November 2, 2010. Measure BB revised Measure Y by suspending the requirement that the City maintain at least 739 police officers in order collect funds from Measure Y. 3 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mission Measure Y creates a safe Oakland by dramatically reducing violence among youth and young adults. The Measure Y network weaves together social services, nonprofits, police, employment, schools, criminal justice, faith-based agencies and community members at the neighborhood level to address the symptoms and the root causes of violence. Administration of Violence Prevention Funds The City of Oakland, Department of Human Services (DHS) administers the Measure Y violence prevention programs that are based on best practices that range from domestic violence case management, violence prevention curriculum in the public schools to re-entry programs and job training for parolees. See Attachment A for a current list of Measure Y programs. Most of these programs are on a three (3) year grant cycle1. These years are (tentatively): ► Fiscal Year 2006-07 through Fiscal Year 2008-09 – Cycle 1 ► Fiscal Year 2010-11 through Fiscal Year 2011-12 – Cycle 2 ► Fiscal Year 2012-13 through Fiscal Year 2014-2015 – Cycle 3 Targeting Resources In order to determine the varying needs of each community and to allocate the funding according to that need, fifty-seven (57) community police beats were evaluated based on eleven data indicators, referred to as “stressors.” The stressors identified include: • Crime Factors: Juvenile and young adult arrests, domestic violence and child abuse, violent offenses and total crime. • Economic Factors: Census data for unemployment, percent of residents living under the poverty level and percent of residents receiving public assistance. • Education Factors: violence. Number of chronic truants and suspensions due to The Stressors Report is updated prior to the release of each three year grant cycle. The data is received from the Oakland Police Department for the crime factors, education data is from the Oakland Unified School District and Census 1 Some programs were implemented outside of the RFP process but with Council approval or in a separate and later RFP using funds in the Measure Y reserve account. 4 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ data is not updated unless a new Census has been performed and data is released in time for the Stressors report update. In addition to the Stressors report, the Department of Human Services also regularly uses GIS mapping of violent crimes to better target the activities of the Oakland Street Outreach teams and to inform the Measure Y providers about street climate. Measure Y Key Dates for Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 o Mandatory Quarterly Grantee Meetings for Measure Y will be announced by DHS staff via email. We typically hold meetings in June/July, October, January, and April. In addition a Measure Y Celebration of Peace is typically held in January. o Measure Y grantees are required to attend Measure Y Provider Coordinator meetings on a quarterly basis. o Quarterly Reports and Invoices via the CitySpan database are due: October 5, 2012 (for program activities from July 1 – September 30, 2012) January 4, 2013(for program activities from October 1 – December 31, 2012) April 5, 2013 (for program activities from January 1 – March 31, 2013) July 31, 2013 (for program activities from April 1 – June 30, 2013 and year end program completion updates) o Matching funds documentation (see page 27 of Grantee Manual for more information) is due with the third quarterly report on April 5, 2013. o Budget modifications will be accepted no later than April 5, 2013. See page 25 of the Grantee Manual for more information on how to complete a budget modification request. Helpful Tip: Are you a new staff person, Program Manager or Executive Director and need more information on what is required of your organization as a Measure Y grantee? Contact the grantee Program Officer to set up an appointment to go over the grant agreement and database. See Attachment A for a list of grantees and their Program Officers. 5 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • City of Oakland, Department of Human Services The City of Oakland, Department of Human Services (DHS) administers the violence prevention funds from Measure Y. Each grantee has a Program Officer assigned to their organization to complete a grant agreement and monitor the grantee’s progress each fiscal year. The Program Officers report to the Policy and Planning Manager at DHS and the Policy and Planning Manager reports to the Director of the Department of Human Services. The Violence Prevention Program Coordinator manages the implementation of the Street Outreach program. Measure Y staff also includes a Program Analyst who manages the administration of grant agreements, quarterly reports and quarterly meetings. For a list with contact information for the current DHS Measure Y staff, please see Attachment A. • Measure Y Grantees The City of Oakland enters into grant agreements with non-profit organizations and public agencies to implement the Measure Y programs. The grantees are required to provide specific services to the target populations outlined in their Scope of Work within the confines of the budget. The grantee is required to participate in mandatory meetings, complete mandatory reports, participate in the outside evaluation of their Measure Y program and agree to site visits and/or file reviews. Measure Y grantees should also communicate issues and challenges related to the Measure Y program outside that of the quarterly reports to their Program Officers in an effort to resolve issues before they become more complicated and risk the withholding of quarterly payments. • Measure Y Oversight Committee The Measure Y Violence Prevention and Public Safety Oversight Committee reviews the annual financial audit, supervises and guides the evaluation and makes policy recommendations and regular reports to the Mayor and City Council. The committee meets regularly at Oakland City Hall. Visit to find the agendas and meeting minutes and the meeting announcements. From the Measure Y legislation: “To ensure proper administration of the revenue collection and spending, and the implementation of the programs mandated by this ordinance, the Mayor shall appoint three members of a "Violence Prevention and Public Safety Oversight Committee" and each councilmember shall appoint one member. The committee shall review the annual audit, evaluate, inquire and review the administration, coordination and evaluations of the programs and make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council for any new regulations, resolutions or ordinances for the administration of the programs to comply with the requirements and intent of this Ordinance.” 6 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • City Councilmembers and their Staff City Councilmembers are responsible for approving the final funding decisions and providing direction to DHS regarding violence prevention funding. Each Councilmember also appoints one member to the Oversight Committee. City Councilmembers are also consulted with prior to the RFP process via informational City Council reports from DHS to ensure the plan meets their expectations. • The City Administrator’s Office The City Administrator is responsible for coordinating the implementation and evaluation of all three aspects of Measure Y (Fire, Police and Violence Prevention). One staff person in the City Administrator’s Office staffs the Oversight Committee and coordinates the Measure Y staff in the OPD, DHS and Fire Departments. • The Mayor’s Office and Staff The Mayor’s office is consulted with prior to the RFP process to ensure the Mayor agrees with the overall plan of the Measure Y Violence Prevention programs. The Mayor’s input is sought and included in the recommendations to City Council. • The Measure Y Outside Evaluator Measure Y legislation requires a professional evaluation of how well policing and violence prevention services are implemented. Three percent (3%) of the Measure Y funds dedicated to violence prevention and police services are budgeted for evaluation. The Oakland City Administrator’s Office oversees the grant agreement administration of the Measure Y evaluation. Helpful Tip: If you would like to learn more about Measure Y, consider attending one of the Measure Y Oversight Committee meetings. They are held are held at City Hall on the third Monday of every month. Check the website for more information: 7 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ FUNDING PROCESS During the last fiscal year of each three year funding cycle, DHS makes recommendations to City Council after working with the Mayor’s office to develop priorities for funding. These priorities are also presented to the Measure Y Oversight Committee prior to presentation to City Council. City Council provides direction to the DHS Measure Y staff regarding how Measure Y Violence Prevention funds are allocated. The process is to recommend the priorities to the Public Safety Committee of City Council and then, after they approve, to the full City Council. All funds are released through a competitive process with a release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) unless Council approves funds to an organization or public agency in special or unique circumstances. DHS staff request direction from City Council and the Mayor’s Office prior to the release of a Request for Proposals. An independent review panel for each program strategy reads and scores each complete proposal. They then make funding recommendations. Once the RFP process is complete, City Council must approve the recommendations for funding from DHS and a resolution allocating the funding to the recommended organizations or public agencies must be passed in order to enter into a grant agreement with those organizations. DHS provides updates to City Council on the progress of the grantees annually. Helpful Tip: Sign up to receive funding notifications from Measure Y at under “Grantmaking.” 8 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ FISCAL/LEAD AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES The fiscal or lead agency is the entity signing the grant agreement. This is the agency the City holds legally liable for all aspects of the grant agreement including project implementation, fiscal management, and communication with Measure Y staff regarding the grant. The following responsibilities apply to fiscal /lead agencies in which 20% or more of the Measure Y budget is allocated to a subgrantee(s) or if a significant amount of the program deliverables are allocated to a subgrantee(s): Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or letter of agreement with each subgrantee that reflects the requirements in the Measure Y grantee agreement signed by the fiscal/lead agency. If a letter or MOU is developed prior to funding as part of the Request for Proposals process, be sure to update it after funding is awarded. This MOU should include the Measure Y deliverables allocated to each subgrantee and a payment schedule. • Communicate with City of Oakland, Department of Human Services Measure Y staff regarding the grant and also with subgrantees about required Measure Y meetings and activities. • Develop and prepare the required Measure Y quarterly reports, invoices, and Scope of Work/Budget modification with input and information from subgrantees and submit them in a timely manner to Measure Y staff. • Require sub-grantees to invoice the fiscal/lead agency on quarterly basis. • Conduct site and program visits of the subgrantee programs once annually. The site visit should include the following checks of fiscal and management controls: Review accounting system (charts of accounts and general ledger at a minimum) Review accounting procedures (bank statements, Measure Y program budget reports and vendor invoices) Review staffing of program to ensure it is adequate to provide services Staff retention issues Organization of Board (board minutes) File Review Program observation • Arrange for annual site visits and program observations conducted by City of Oakland, Department of Human Services Measure Y staff. • Distribute Measure Y funds in a timely (within 2 weeks of receiving funds) and appropriately to sub-grantees after an invoice is received. • Terminate or modify MOUs or Letters of Agreements with subgrantees with the approval of Measure Y staff. • 9 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING A GRANT AGREEMENT The following outlines the process for developing and approving a grant agreement after the RFP process is complete and DHS has made recommendations to City Council for funding. ● Grant Agreement Negotiations for New Measure Y Grantees A new grantee is assigned a Program Officer who then begins grant agreement negotiations. If the grants are on a fiscal year cycle, this should begin in May as it take 6-8 weeks for the grant agreement to be finalized within the City government process. The Program Officer is responsible for negotiating the scope of work and budget with the grantee. The Measure Y Program Analyst is responsible for receiving the signed grant agreement, City business forms, insurance documents, match documentation and grantee contact information sheet. In an effort to ensure that grantees have a new grant agreement as early in the new fiscal year as possible, negotiations may take place prior to City Council approval. Please note that funding is not finalized until the City Council process is complete. To begin the negotiations, the Program Officer will set up a meeting with the funded organization to discuss the scope of work and budget for Measure Y funded programs. The grantee agency will receive the following documents prior to this grant agreement negotiation meeting via email: Instructions on Grant agreement development process Scope of Work Form Budget form (with correct funding amount) Budget narrative guidelines Grantee Contact Information Sheet Proposed Match Form City of Oakland Business Forms Required Insurance guidelines Other required City attachments Helpful Tip: Do you need more information about the City of Oakland Business Forms or schedules? Check out the City of Oakland’s contract compliance website for the forms and more information on how to complete them: chedules/index.htm 10 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • Grant Agreement Negotiations Meeting and Processing The grantee Program Officer will work with the grantee on choosing program deliverables for the grantee Measure Y funded program that correspond to the standardized deliverables used for the Cityspan database. In addition, if there were concerns about level of service, the budget, or any other issue that the review panel or the Program Officer believes need to be addressed, they will be proposed during the Grant agreement negotiations meeting. The Program Analyst will also attend this meeting to go over the Business Forms and other attachments. After the meeting, the grantee will make the agreed upon changes necessary to the scope of work and/or budget. Once the grantee scope of work and budget forms are completed, the Policy and Planning Manager will approve them and the Grantee Agreement will be routed to the following for approval and signatures: Grantee Agency/Executive Director Risk Management Grant agreement (Contract) Compliance City Attorney City Administrator DHS Director City Clerk The final Grant agreement will be kept on file at DHS and a copy will be sent to the grantee organization. Advanced Payment and Scheduled Payments Once the Grant Agreement is signed and finalized, an advanced payment is issued to the grantee. The standard is 20% of the total Grant agreement funding amount but it may vary and a grantee should check the Scope of Work document for the correct amount. In most cases, the scheduled payment is 20% per each of the four quarters. Payment inquires should be directed to Program Analyst at: (510) 238-3718. 11 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • Training of Grantees and Staff in Database When the grant agreement is complete, the Program Officer will enter the scope of work and the budget into the CitySpan database. The Database Liaison will provide all grantees with training and instruction, according to each grantee’s needs. Each grantee will receive a custom data entry direction sheet tailored to each program’s deliverables and a user manual on how to enter data correctly. The Database Liaison meets with each grantee to provide instruction on the database usage according to the grantee program needs. The Database Liaison provides the grantee with a “road map” or detailed instructions on how to enter their data correctly. The Database Liaison provides regular technical assistance sessions for grantees. Contact Dyanna Christie at or 510-238-6875 for more information. Helpful Tip: For technical issues with the database, the Cityspan help desk is available to take phone calls questions Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. The toll free number is 1-866-469-6884. 12 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ GRANTEE REPORTS AND INVOICING Measure Y Violence Prevention grantees are required to complete three quarterly reports and one final report (for a total of four reports) as part of their grant agreement with the City of Oakland. This process is to be conducted via the CitySpan database set up specifically for use by Measure Y grantees. All appropriate staff of funded organizations will be trained in the use of the database and in how to complete the quarterly and final reports on the database. • Purpose of Monitoring The purpose of monitoring Measure Y grantees is to: o Assess programmatic and basic fiscal compliance with grant requirements; o To identify areas of noncompliance and needed improvement; o Identify areas of strengths through monitoring; o Provide technical assistance for individual grantees as needed, as well as trainings that would benefit grantees across all program strategies. • SubGrantees When there is a subgrantee in the contract, it is the legal obligation of the lead agency to monitor the subgrantee’s progress and to ensure accountability. However, Measure Y Staff has the right to conduct file reviews of subgrantee agencies and program observations of the subgrantee. Please see page 9 for more information about the monitoring required of subgrantees by Measure Y fiscal/lead agencies. • Quarterly Reports Review and Payment Process There are three quarterly reports and one final report due according to the Scope of Work in the Measure Y grant agreement for each grantee. The due dates for the FY 2012-13 grant agreement year are: Friday, October 5, 2012 Friday, January 4, 2013 Friday, April 5, 2013 Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Preparation of Quarterly and Final Report o Narrative Section The successes and challenges section should be detailed (more than a few sentences). A case study of one participant is required for the success section at the end of the third quarter. Please be sure to remove all identifying information regarding 13 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ this participant while describing their story. This case study may be used in the Measure Y newsletter or in reports to City Council. o Deliverables Section The Scope of Work for each grantee, including benchmarks for each quarter, is uploaded into the database, in the Contract Documents Section. The deliverables section automatically populates the reporting numbers in the database. In some cases, the grantee must type in the reporting numbers if the deliverable is not standard. In either case, the staff preparing the report should review the deliverables numbers and be sure it they are correct. This can be done by comparing the deliverables section to the Stats section. The narrative of the quarterly report should be consistent with the deliverables section of the report and the invoice. For example, if the grantee is not meeting the number of service hours set out in the deliverables or reaching the number of participants in the deliverables for that quarter there should be an explanation why this is occurring and what actions are being taken to rectify it. o Stats Report A review of the “Stats Report” should also be made to ensure the grantee is serving the correct population as stipulated in the grant agreement. The “Stats Report” is automatically generated. This can be monitored by reviewing the demographic data in the Stats report. The number of consent forms on file should also be reviewed to ensure a good number of consents are being collected. If there is missing demographic data, data revealing participants from outside Oakland or other issues related to the program participants not matching the deliverables, an explanation in the quarterly report should be given. o Invoice The invoice page includes the approved line item budget, current expenses, and a year-to-date total column. Grantees should report actual expenditures for the quarter in the invoice. Note that the advance payment can be spent in any of the four quarters. The scheduled payment is listed at the top of the page, and the requested amount should be entered, with an explanation if the two numbers are different. The bottom of the 14 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ invoice page indicates how much money has been paid to date, not including the current quarter. The invoice should reflect the same line items as in the budget negotiated in the grant agreement or subsequent modification. If it does not, the grantee should explain why this is the case and request a modification if a line item is 10% above or below the amount originally approved. Budget modifications cannot be made after April 5, 2013 or the end of the third quarter of the grant year. Please see page 25 for how to complete a budget modification request. o Corrective Actions Grantees must provide updates on action taken to address corrective actions in the appropriate section of the quarterly reports on the database. Failure to meet the due dates of corrective actions may result in a withholding of payment for that quarter. o Sign Off The appropriate person designated as the signatory for grantee organization must sign off on the report in order for register as submitted in the database. To find out who assigned person is at your organization, please contact CitySpan database hotline at 1-866-469-6884. the it to this the o Report and Invoice Approval Process The Program Officer will review all parts of the report once submitted. ► If there are problems or issues with parts of the report, the Program Officer will contact the grantee and provide: 1. Specific issues or problems with the report 2. Advice on how to rectify them 3. Due date for when the issues should be resolved 15 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The payment schedule for each quarter from the Scope of Work attachment of the grant agreement is reflected in the Contract Documents section of the database. In some cases, the Program Officer with the approval of the Policy and Planning Manager reserves the right to not provide the full payment amount to the grantee if deliverables are not met or if corrective actions are not addressed. The process for denying the full amount scheduled is as follows: ► The reduction is determined by a percentage decrease of the deliverables not met. Success in reaching the deliverables in other areas will be taken into consideration, as well as their overall record of meeting deliverables in the past. Changes in circumstances regarding program delivery may also be taken into account (i.e. a school where a case manager was working closed). ► Permissible reasons for withholding funds include: 1. Not achieving deliverable benchmarks 2. Unfilled direct services personnel positions 3. A Stats report showing missing data 4. Not attending a required Measure Y meeting 5. Other required services specified in the grant agreement that are not completed or met. ► Grantee may be able to receive payment for making up deliverables in subsequent quarters (within the same fiscal or grant agreement year). Deliverables are cumulative and therefore take into account the past deficiencies if they are not made up. ► Once an amount is determined, grantee is contacted in a written format (letter or email) to let them know how much less they will receive and the reason (i.e. not meeting deliverables as agreed upon in grant agreement). 16 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ► The Program Officer will fill out the Grant Payment Authorization form indicating any amounts withheld, as well as comments about the quarterly report. ► Once the Program Officer has completed processing the report, a Grant Payment Authorization PDF form will be generated. This form will indicate the amount approved this quarter, along with the scheduled payments to date, amount withheld to date, and the total paid to date. Late Reports ► If a grantee is unable to submit a report on time, it is imperative that they contact their Program Officer to request an extension. ► If 5 business days pass after a quarterly report due date without submission by a grantee and there is no extension agreed upon, the Agency Director/Executive Director will be emailed informing them of the late report with Policy and Planning Manager cc’d. ► If the report is not submitted within 5 business days from the email sent to the Agency Director/Executive Director or by a new due date agreed upon with the Program Officer, an email will be sent to the governing board of the grantee. In the case of City of Oakland grantees an email will be sent to the City Administrator informing him or her of the lateness of the report. Payment Disbursement ► Grantee will be informed by the Program Analyst when check is available for pick-up or to be mailed. ► Grantees must present a valid ID and sign and date both bottom of payment memo and photo copied check when picking up a check. The person representing the grantee must be listed on the Grantee’s Contact Information Sheet (in file) as authorized to pick up checks for that organization. 17 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Final Report ► A Final Report is due annually by the last day of July that falls during a work week. The final report is due on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 for the FY 2012-13 grant agreement year. ► The review and payment process is the same as the quarterly review process (see page 16). ► Every final payment will be sent with a letter confirming that the grant agreement has concluded. If funding was withheld in previous quarters because deliverables were not met or a corrective action was not closed, and the deliverables were still unmet or corrective action still not addressed by June 30th (or the end of the grant agreement for those not on a fiscal year cycle), a reminder about this withheld funding will be in this letter. ► If funding is withheld permanently the same quarterly withholding process is applied. ► The grant agreement is then formally closed. ► The withheld funds are moved to reserve fund – unless otherwise authorized by City Council. Helpful Tip: Are you missing electronic versions of forms such as the evaluation Consent/Release of Information form or a budget modification form? Check out for a list of commonly used Measure Y grantee forms. 18 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ALLOWABLE USES OF FUNDS The Request for Proposal currently outlines the allowable and unallowable uses of Measure Y funds. This grantee manual further elaborates on the allowable uses of Measure Y funds for those organizations approved for funding. Direct Costs Personnel All personnel costs should be directly related to program delivery. The budget will specify the full time yearly salary, the full time equivalent (FTE) spent on the project and the amount of funds covered by Measure Y and the amount of funds covered by other sources. All personnel must be paid the City of Oakland living wage. The living wage effective July, 2012 is $11.70 per hour with benefits and $13.45 per hour without benefits. Fringe and Benefits Fringe benefits include health insurance, dental and vision coverage as well as mandatory employment costs such as FICA, Social Security, SDI, and unemployment taxes. The budget and budget narrative should indicate the specific benefits provided and how the amount was calculated. Equipment Measure Y permits purchase of equipment and capital items for use by program participants. However, any single item costing $500 or more is considered a capital expenditure and the City retains title of all such items and reserves the right to exercise its ownership. Such items will be approved as part of the grantee agreement negotiations process. Grantees will be required to provide the Program Officer with a list and description of any and all items costing $500 or more that are purchased by Measure Y funds by the end of the quarter during which they are purchased. See to download form. The budget narrative will itemize the equipment requested and include a statement outlining the ways in which the equipment will be used by Measure Y clients to fulfill project goals. The grantee should explore the option of purchasing vs. leasing/rental, and explain the grantee choice. Generally, Measure Y will support only a portion of high-cost equipment line items. Therefore, the grantee should explore whether other sources of funds can be obtained for equipment. Office/Facility/Classroom Rental These are the pro-rated costs of space rental, utilities, building maintenance and other occupancy costs that are directly used to provide the services for this project. 19 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ General Office Supplies/Software These are the costs of office supplies, copying and software associated with the proposed project. Program Materials & Supplies This category should include all items that the grantee program requires in order to operate, such as curriculum costs or training materials. Telephone/Internet/Communications Allowable uses of funds include the cost of office telephone, mobile phone, and internet services associated with the grantee proposed project. Non allowable uses of funds are home telephone, personal mobile phone and internet services. Travel/Transportation/Meeting Costs Local travel for personnel working on the Measure funded project is allowed. The basis for the calculation should be provided in the budget narrative. Local travel estimates should be based on the grantee organization’s current policies, for example, a fuel allowance of 36.5 cents per mile. It may not exceed 55 cents per mile. Any non - local travel must be carefully itemized, justified and approved by the grantee’s Program Officer during the grantee agreement negotiation process. Non-local travel may not occur on a regular basis (nonlocal is beyond the San Francisco Bay Area2) with exceptions given for Re-Entry programs that may work with incarcerated individuals. Travel to these institutions on a regular basis must be approved by the Program Officer. Incentives Incentives offered to clients/participants for attendance or for completing milestones are permitted. The type of incentive (stipends, gift certificate, etc.) and the number of participants/clients the grantee anticipate will receive incentives should be outlined in the budget and budget narrative. Indirect Costs Indirect costs are intended to cover costs necessary to conduct the grant, but which are not readily identified as direct program expenses (e.g. reporting costs, payroll processing, fund development, insurance, evaluation costs, other administrative costs, etc.) They may not exceed 10% of the total grant award. If the grantee grant is audited by the City of Oakland the grantee must be able to document and justify indirect costs charged to this grant. 2 San Francisco Bay Area includes the following counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma 20 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Consultants/Contractors Consultants related to providing direct services to the Measure Y funded project are allowable with approval from a Program Officer as part of the grantee agreement negotiations process. General List of Unallowable Costs: Alcoholic beverages Illegal substances Legal or illegal gaming and/or gambling Purchase of items or services for personal use Travel and accommodation expenses related to trainings and/or conferences outside of the San Francisco Bay Area and/or unrelated to the funded project Costs (including fundraising) of organizing fund-raising, including financial campaigns, solicitation of gifts and bequests, and similar expenses incurred to raise capital or to obtain contributions Cost of certain influencing activities associated with obtaining grants, grant agreements, cooperative agreements or loans Cost of membership in organizations substantially engaged in lobbying Advertising costs are allowable only when incurred for the recruitment of personnel for the funded project or to recruit participants for the funded program. Public relations costs are allowable on a limited basis when incurred to communicate with the public and press pertaining to the specific activities of the funded project. 21 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SITE VISITS AND FILE REVIEW Every grantee shall have a formal Site Visit conducted by at least two DHS Measure Y Staff at least twice during the three-year cycle. This is typically done in the middle of the fiscal year in January or February. Setting Up a Site Visit Grantee will be provided with the Date of Site Visit by email to the Executive Director/Agency Director that informs them of: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The date and time of the site visit. The identified staff members and representatives for the agency (i.e. outside bookkeeper and accountant) who need to be present and the amount of time they will be required to meet with DHS staff. The need to complete a Grantee’s Desk Audit form one week prior to the site visit by appropriate staff person and returned to Measure Y Staff. See Attachment B for example of the form. A Program Observation time and date that will also be set up at the time of site visit appointment. (DHS Measure Y staff will observe the funded program in action – if confidential and not able to be observed, other arrangements will be made). A copy of the Site Visit Questionnaire Tool and guidance will be sent to the grantee agency prior to the Site Visit so that agency will know what to expect. Please see Attachment B for an example of the tool. The need to review page 30 of this manual for more details on the expected operating standards of a Measure Y grantee. Day of Site Visit The site visit will last up to 4 hours (including a Program Observation and file review). The following is an approximate schedule: One hour with the Agency Director/Executive Director, One hour with the fiscal manager or book-keeper, One hour with the program manager of the Measure Y funded project, 30 minutes conducting file review, 30 minutes program observation. The Measure Y staff will follow the Site Visit Questionnaire tool. 22 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Program Observation Measure Y staff will also observe the Measure Y funded program to be sure attendance and the correct target population is served. In addition, that the curriculum (if applicable) is being followed. This applies generally to group and event activities but may also include staff meetings or other observations when practical. See the Program Observation section of the Site Visit Questionnaire tool (Attachment B) for more information on what aspects of the program is being evaluated. It is important to note that the Measure Y staff will conduct a Program Observation as part of a site visit. Measure Y also reserves the right to attend and observe a program unannounced on other occasions as well. Measure Y staff will conduct a program observation (either planned or unplanned) twice each year and the observation will be documented in the grantee’s file at DHS. File Review Once each year during the three-year grant cycle, Program Officers will conduct a file review of Measure Y participants for each grantee providing clinical and non-clinical case management, mental health, intensive outreach and group activities. This file review may coincide with the grantee site visit. The purpose of the file review is to confirm that the programs are serving the correct population, ensure quality control of files (documentation and completeness), and confirm that data are being properly inputted into the CitySpan database. o The Program Director and Case Manager will generate a list of participants from the CitySpan database and then the Program Officer will randomly select at least ten participants from the list during the visit. If there are issues with the ten selected, an additional sample may be requested by the Program Officer. o The Program Director and Case Manager locate the files and, if they chose, remove or block out the names of participants before allowing the Program Officer to view the files. o Files are expected to have the documentation listed in the Scope of Work attachment to the grant agreement and listed on page 30 and 31 of this manual. o The files will be checked to ensure the eligibility documents required are kept. Every grantee agreement outlines the specific eligibility 23 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ documents required by Measure Y in the Scope of Work attachment. Those documents may include: Letter from Court, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation or Probation Department confirming participant’s probation or parole status. Official documentation of suspension from school. For employment programs, copies of work permits (for the grantee under the age of 16), For employment programs paying the grantee, copies of social security cards and photo identification will be on file. SIGNED (either by parent for those under 183 or by participants for those over 18) Consent/Release of Information Form on file for those participants who are listed as consenting to be in the evaluation in the database. The Program Officer will compare the times and dates of participants (receiving individual level services) activity in paper file with those entered into the CitySpan database (once again, the Case Manager or Program Director can print out the entries from the database and block out the names if they would like). For those file reviews that are not a part of a Site Visit, the Program Officer will write a Summary of Case File Review which will be approved by the Policy and Planning Manager. During this review, the Policy and Planning Manager will also review the site visit tools with the notes and background material that is part of the site visit process. Once approved, the Program Officer will email the document to the Executive Director. If there are corrective actions, dates for completion will be given. An additional file review will be scheduled to ensure the corrective actions were addressed. Site Visit Report A Grantee Site Visit Report will be prepared by the Program Officer. It is reviewed and signed by the Policy and Planning Manager prior to being mailed to grantee’s Agency Director/Executive Director. Report may have corrective actions with completion due date. Compliance with the corrective actions will be part of the Program Officers review of future quarterly reports. Due dates are included in the quarterly report section of the CitySpan database. Not responding or reporting on corrective actions by the due dates listed in the Site Visit report can be a reason to withhold a portion of quarterly payments. 3 For participants under the age of 18 in group homes or who are wards of the court, the United States Department of Health and Human Services code for consent is implemented. Please see Attachment E for more information. 24 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ GRANT AGREEMENT MODIFICATIONS AND NON COMPLIANCE Budget or Deliverables Changes The grantee should do their best to implement the program as originally proposed in the grant agreement. However, there are times when the deliverables and/or the budget need to be adjusted to reflect the actualities of implementing a program with a high-risk target population. This is particularly true for grantees who are implementing an entirely new program. It is preferable to make deliverable or budget changes during negotiations prior to the beginning of a new grant agreement year. Budget Modifications – Budget modifications are only necessary if there is a 10% difference in a line item from what was approved. See Attachment F for an example. o Grantees must submit a budget modification request form to their Program Officer. This form can be found at o The budget modification form is approved by the Program Officer and by the Policy and Planning Manager. o If approved, Program Officer informs the grantee via email. o The grantee’s budget modification form is put in the grantee agreement file at DHS. o CitySpan database is edited to reflect the change by Program Officer. Deliverable Modifications – In rare cases, the Program Officer may agree to alter deliverables during the grant agreement year. o For grantees beyond their first year of implementation, deliverable modifications are made only when there are extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the grantee that will affect their ability to meet the originally agreed upon deliverables. o For grantees in their first year of implementation of an entirely new program, it is possible to modify deliverables if the program design has changed during the first year to better meet the needs of participants. o The grantee must discuss the change with the Program Officer. Then the change must be approved by the Policy and Planning Manager. o Documentation of this deliverable change will be made in the grantee agreement file at DHS. o The Program Officer will edit the CitySpan database to reflect the change. No changes in deliverables or budget are permitted after April 5, 2013. 25 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Process for Dealing with Failing Grantees In the case of grantees that have routinely not met their deliverables, DHS Measure Y staff will follow these guidelines in making efforts to improve the outcomes of the grantee’s work. ○ Notify grantees of their deficiencies and ask them to explain the cause; define solutions; and state what steps have been taken so far. ○ Keep in contact with the grantee and provide support as needed. o Perform site visits as necessary. Identify resources to assist grantee. ○ If problems persist, arrange a face-to-face meeting of the grantee and partners (for example: the Probation Department). The goal of the meeting is to clarify roles, responsibilities, improve communications, devise solutions, and to develop a plan of action to address ongoing problems. ○ Follow-up with grantees to provide support as needed. Check in with grantee on their implementation of the action plan. ○ If problems persist, a possible plan of action may include a reduction in funding or Grant agreement termination. ○ The Measure Y grant agreement includes a clause where either party (the City or the grantee) can terminate the Grant agreement within 30 days of notifying the other party. ○ In the case of Grant agreement termination, a letter to the grantee’s governing board (Board of Directors, City Council, or Board of Supervisors) may be written detailing the issues and the date of termination. It will include an option for the governing board to negotiate a plan of action if they so desire. 26 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MEASURE Y MATCHING FUND REQUIREMENTS Measure Y funded organization are held accountable for raising and documenting the remaining 20% or more of the proposed program’s cost. This minimum 20% match may be contributions of cash and/or in-kind services and must support the cost of the proposed program. Example: An entity with an annual budget of $350,000 is funded by Measure Y to run a case management program that costs $100,000 per year. This entity would be able to request a maximum of 80% of the program cost, or $80,000, from Measure Y. The organization is accountable for raising a minimum of $20,000 to run the program. • • The Match Documentation form (see Attachment G) is due annually with the third quarterly report. This is April 5, 2013 for this fiscal year. • Grantees may NOT use one Measure Y grant as a match for another. For example, if a grantee has a $150,000 grant from Measure Y directly and subgrant agreements on another Measure Y grant for $15,000, the subgrant agreement dollars may not be used as a match for the direct grant. Further, a collaborative may not use a Measure Y grant received by one of its partners or subgrant agreements as a match. • Grantees will provide match cover sheet and match documentation to their Program Officer by the end of the third quarter of each fiscal year (see Scope of Work for date). The match documentation is detailed below: Philanthropic Grants o Copies of award letters from foundations or private donors on donor’s organizational letterhead o Copies of checks, bank statements or payment schedules with grant identified Grant agreements/Service Agreement o Copies of Grant agreements or Services agreements o Copies of checks, bank statements or payment schedules with the grant agreement/service agreement identified Corporate Donations o Copy of letter documenting the donation on donor’s organizational letterhead o Copies of accompanying checks, bank statements or payment schedules Individual/Private Donations o Submit a separate list of individual donations 27 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ o Proof of deposit per each donation. This could include a copy of check, bank deposit slip or bank statement. In-Kind Donations o Definition - donations of space, services or supplies provided by another organization at no cost to the grantee project. The inkind donor cannot be the same as the grantee organization. o A copy of letter on donor’s organizational letterhead documenting the monetary value of the in-kind donation must be submitted. Volunteer In-Kind Support o Standard rate of match for volunteers is: $11.35 per hour. If the volunteer services provided are professional in nature, (such as mental health counseling, legal assistance or health care) a higher cost per hour can be used with approval from the grantee Measure Y Program Officer. o Volunteers cannot be a consultant or employed by the grantee organization. o Documentation – a copy of the volunteer sign-in sheets with the volunteer’s name and the hours served must be submitted. 28 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MEASURE Y GRANTEE OPERATIONS STANDARDS A. Fiscal Operating Standards Measure Y expects its grantees to provide services while meeting fiscal standards. During a site visit, Measure Y staff will examine the following documents to ensure fiscal controls are in place at the funded organizations: • A current accounting procedure manual is in place. • An electronic funding source- based accounting system is in place. • A chart of accounts is kept and regularly updated. • General Ledger is kept and updated. • Accounts Payable (A/P) and Accounts Receivable (A/R) Subsidiary are accurate and kept up to date. • Internal balance sheet is updated and correct. • Bank statements & reconciliation report are up to date and a filing system is in place to keep them on record. • Measure Y funds are kept in separate accounts. • Measure Y Program Budget Report summarizing allocated costs to date and balance remaining is kept updated. • Vendor invoices and allocation forms are kept on file -- complete and up to date. • Payroll taxes are regularly filed and copies of submitted payroll taxes are on file at the organization. This includes the Quarterly Federal Form 941— Federal Tax Return. • There is proof that employee payroll is on time. • There are two authorized signatories for checks and payments to ensure financial security. B. Board of Directors Operating Standards • Current Board of Directors roster is updated and vacancies are noted. 29 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • Board of Director’s should have at least five or more members and, with the exception of the Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer, none of the members should be paid staff or relatives of paid staff. • Minutes of board meetings are kept up to date and are on file. • Board development should occur on a regular basis. Program Operating Standards • Grantee maintains regular business hours and is easily reachable via phone and email by participants, the community and by funders. • Staff providing direct services are given proper supervision and oversight. • Street Outreach - a log that includes the time, date, location, number of staff and number of people served at each street outreach event is kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. • General Outreach – a log that includes the time, date, location, number of staff and number of people served for each general outreach event is kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. • Trainings – a sign-in sheet with the time and date of the event and signatures of each participant kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. • Group services – a sign in sheet for each group session held must include the time, date, location and the names with signatures for each client/participant served is kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. Eligibility and consent forms for each participant must also be maintained for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. • It is imperative that files on participants receiving individual level of services (clinical and non-clinical case management, mental health, intensive outreach and groups) have a file that is kept for at least five years containing at least the following: Evaluation Consent/Release Form for those complying with the evaluation. Intensive Outreach – a file for each participant/client that includes an intake form, a log of intensive outreach services with the date 30 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ and time of each contact, eligibility documentation (see Scope of Work of grantee agreement for documentation forms) and a Measure Y consent form kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. Employment services – job retention verification, incentive/stipend logs, eligibility and consent forms for each participant must also be maintained for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. Case management and mental health sessions – a file for each participant/client that includes an intake form, eligibility documentation (see Scope of Work of grant agreement), a case plan and a Measure Y consent form kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. Every contact that is inputted into CitySpan database should have a case note that is kept in the participant/client file. Case notes should include the date of the contact, the length of the contact, items discussed, progress made in reaching the goals of their case plan and the staff member involved. Case notes should be concise, legible, use acceptable grammar; abbreviations should be used carefully. • The following must also be maintained by grantees for at least five years: Street Outreach - a log that includes the time, date, location, number of staff and number of people served at each street outreach event is kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. General Outreach – a log that includes the time, date, location, number of staff and number of people served for each general outreach event is kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement Trainings – a sign-in sheet with the time and date of the event and signatures of each participant kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. Group services – a sign in sheet for each group session held must include the time, date, location and the names with signatures for each client/participant served is kept on file for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. Eligibility and consent forms for each participant must also be maintained for at least five years after the end date of this grant agreement. 31 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • All services provided by Measure Y funded staff needs to be accounted for in the Measure Y database and accurately reflect the sign in sheets and participant file logs. • It is imperative that the program design is adhered to by the grantee’s direct service staff. During a site visit and program observation, the Measure Y staff will be evaluating if the program design is being followed. • If the program is operating a group or training for its participants, a proven curriculum should be used and available for Measure Y staff to review. • It is important that City of Oakland residents who pay for Measure Y know what organizations are funded. Therefore, a Measure Y poster is distributed to each organization every fiscal year and should be displayed prominently at the funded organization. MediCal Administrative Activities Grant agreements for Measure Y includes language that grantees providing individual level of service such as case management agree, if requested, to have all staff paid for by the Measure Y grant to conduct an annual MediCal time study. DHS has not, to date, requested grantees conduct a time study but reserves the right to do so in the future. The time study includes documenting tasks as required by the MediCal leveraging process during the grant agreement year for the purposes of leveraging MediCal-related funding. This will require all grant agreement paid staff to attend a one hour training and to track their hours for one month and to categorize those hours by type of work done as it relates to the MediCal population and to submit that documentation to the City of Oakland, Department of Human Services. For more information about this process, contact the Policy and Planning Manager. 32 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ OUTSIDE EVALUATION Measure Y legislation mandates that all programs be evaluated by an external evaluation firm. The Measure Y evaluation grant agreement is managed by the City Administrator’s Office. Every grantee will work with the Measure Y external evaluator to follow evaluation data collection requirements as follows: Grantee program staff will input client demographic and program services data electronically into the Measure Y database on a regular basis; Grantee program staff will submit automated invoices and progress reports electronically via the Measure Y database, including up-to-date status reports on services provided; Grantees will participate in all evaluation activities prescribed by the Measure Y outside evaluator, including but not limited to site visits, preand post tests for certain participants, assessments, and interviews; Grantees will send an appropriate representative to working group meetings conducted by the outside evaluator; Grantees will communicate in a timely fashion with the Measure Y outside evaluator concerning any evaluation data collection issues that arise and resolve issues expeditiously; Grantee will collect Consent/Release of Information forms signed by every enrolled client (and their parent, guardian or other legally authorized representative if a minor) giving consent to being evaluated by the City and the designated evaluation consultant, including sharing information with and from Oakland Unified School District, Alameda County Probation, and the Calif. Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The grantee must keep the signed forms on file with the other eligibility documentation required by Measure Y, which is specified in the grantee’s Scope of Work. The form is developed by the outside Measure Y evaluator. Please see Attachment C for a copy of the most recent Consent/Release of Information form, visit the CitySpan database or for electronic copies. While services cannot be withheld if a participant chooses not to participate in the evaluation by signing a consent form, it is to the advantage of the grantee and the participant to participate to ensure Measure Y services are effective. For participants under the age of 18 who are wards of the court or living in a group home, see Attachment C for more information on who is able to sign the Consent/Release of Information form on their behalf. 33 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MEASURE Y COORDINATION Meetings and Responsibilities Grantee agrees to attend all required meetings with the City of Oakland’s Department of Human Services (DHS) in accordance with Measure Y Staff request (email, correspondence, fax, and/or telephone). Meetings include but are not limited to Annual Measure Y Celebration, Grantee Meetings, and Measure Y Provider Coordination Meetings. It will be the grantee’s responsibility to reply in a timely manner to Measure Y staff regarding attendance and confirmation. Grantees will be accountable for sending an appropriate agency representative to all required meetings. Professional Development and Trainings Measure Y will provide a series of Professional Development and Trainings throughout the fiscal year, free of charge to grantees. Grantees should make full use of training series and make suggestions for additional topics. Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council meetings Grantees will attend and present ata minimum of four Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) meeting in the neighborhoods they serve each year. The purpose of attending NCPC meetings is to inform Oakland residents about their program. Grantees will contact the Neighborhood Services Division of the City of Oakland’s City Administrator’s Office to find out the time and location of the NCPC meetings in the neighborhoods they serve. The Grantee will contact the Neighborhood Services Coordinators in charge of coordinating those meetings about making a presentation to the NCPCs. See Attachment H for a list of assigned NCPC meetings and contacts for each grantee. See Attachment I for guidelines for presenting at NCPC meetings. • Measure Y Provider Coordination Meetings Grantees will attend quarterly coordination meetings with DHS staff and Measure Y providers. Meetings will feature regular discussions about Oakland hotspots and services available in the community, providing an opportunity for grantees to connect, collaborate and make referrals with other service providers. Meeting dates and locations are to be determined. 34 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDIA AND PUBLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • Any publicity generated by the grantee for the project funded by Measure Y, during grant agreement and for one year thereafter, will make reference to the contribution of the City of Oakland in making the project possible. Any and all editorial stories that relate directly to the project funded pursuant to this Agreement must include the following statement: “Our violence prevention program is made possible through a grant from the City of Oakland’s Measure Y Initiative.” Further, if said editorial placement includes your organization’s logo, it must also include the City of Oakland’s Measure Y’s logo. Any and all on-air interviews that speak to the project funded by this Agreement, during the interview Grantee must acknowledge and state that the organization’s program is funded by the City of Oakland’s Measure Y Initiative. The words “City of Oakland, Measure Y” will be explicitly stated and the Measure Y logo included in all pieces of publicity, including but not limited to flyers, press releases, posters, brochures, public service announcements, interviews and newspaper articles. A Measure Y poster, provided by the City of Oakland, will be displayed at locations where services made possible by Measure Y funds are provided. City staff are available whenever possible to assist the grantee in generating publicity for Measure Y-funded projects. Grantees will cooperate with authorized City officials and staff in any Citygenerated publicity or promotional activities undertaken with respect to this project. Measure Y and the City of Oakland maintain all copyrights for production in which it has a 100% financial investment. For production in which Measure Y and the City have 50% financial interest, Measure Y is listed as a co-copyright holder. If a program or series is totally underwritten by an entity other than Measure Y and the City of Oakland, the funding entity owns the copyright and Measure Y retains the right to air the production. Measure Y may enter into co-production agreements with approved underwriters. The grantees may request an electronic version of the Measure Y logo (see below) from their Program Officer. Contact Priya Jagannathan, at 510-238-2360 for assistance with press and media relations. 35 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ GRANTEE CONTACT INFORMATION The Grantee must provide an updated contact information sheet each fiscal year and update any relevant changes during the year as needed. If the agency is acting as Fiscal Agency the grantee must complete both the Lead and Sub-Grantee Contact Information Form. See Attachment J for a sample of the form. Grantee must list the persons authorized to pick-up reimbursement payment(s) on the Contact Information Form. Any changes in regard to person to pick up grantee payment(s) must contact the Program Analyst at: (510) 238-3718 with the name and title of the person that will be coming to pick up grant payment. Any person being authorized to pick up grant payment must present a Valid California identification or drivers license to take possession of grant payment. WEBSITE Visit to: • Find out news and information about Measure Y and to sign up for the Measure Y newsletter; • Download forms listed in this manual. Check under “Grantmaking” and then “Current Grantees” for a list of forms. (If you do not see one listed, contact your Program Officer.); • Sign up to be notified of future funding opportunities; • To post Job Listings and events please email: 36 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY FOR MEASURE Y FUNDED STAFF The City of Oakland, Department of Human Services, Measure Y program has a strong commitment to ensure funded organizations provide a safe work place for their employees and for the participants of funded programs. The City of Oakland, Department of Human Services has developed this policy regarding alcohol and drug use to reinforce this commitment and to comply with Federal law, specifically, the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. Alcohol and/or non-medically authorized drug or alcohol use is likely to adversely affect an employee’s job performance or jeopardize the safety of the employee, other employees, program participants or the general public. • Upon discovery of the above, the City of Oakland, Department of Human Services may request the funded agency develop a plan to address the treatment needs of Measure Y funded personnel found to be in need of drug or alcohol treatment. This may include terms and length of leave of absence, modified work schedule upon return from treatment and/or termination of employee. • Discovery of the above may result in the withholding of Measure Y funds to support said employee’s salary, benefits or stipend. Depending on the employee’s job description and the employee’s adherence to a treatment plan, funding for this employee’s salary, benefits and/or stipend may be withheld during their treatment and for up to six (6) months upon their return from drug and alcohol treatment and/or counseling. • Use, possession, sale, manufacture, or transfer (including distribution and dispensation) of illegal drugs or alcohol by staff or program participants during program hours is prohibited and such conduct may result in the withholding of Measure Y funds by the City of Oakland, Department of Human Services or the termination of the Measure Y grantee agreement. • Any funded organization employing someone with Measure Y funds whose on-duty conduct leads to a conviction of any criminal drug statute must notify the City of Oakland, Department of Human Services as soon as possible after such a conviction. 37 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ HIRING POLICY FOR STAFF FUNDED BY SPECIFIC MEASURE Y PROGRAM STRATEGIES The City of Oakland, Department of Human Services values funded programs that employ staff that can best connect with the youth and young adults served by Measure Y. However, in an effort to ensure the safety of program participants, other employees and the integrity of Measure Y programs, the following policies must be followed: • All Measure Y staff and volunteers working directly with youth under the age of 18 must submit to a background check prior to placement or employment. Please refer to FY 2012-13 Grant Agreement for more details. Job applicants for case managers funded by the Measure Y Juvenile Justice Wraparound strategy must agree to a criminal background check by the Alameda County Probation Department if they are going to be providing services in the Juvenile Justice Center. Therefore, hiring of case managers who will be working in the Juvenile Justice Center for the Juvenile Justice Wrap around strategy is contingent upon the results of a this background check. • Job applicants for Street Outreach Workers or Case Managers in the Oakland Street Outreach Program Strategy must: o be approved by the Violence Prevention Coordinator (Kevin Grant) prior to employment; o be asked about substance abuse history during interview process; o If applicant was in a substance abuse treatment program or admits to having a substance abuse problem less than two (2) years prior to employment, they must commit to developing a plan with the organization employing them to ensure they do not begin abusing controlled substances while employed. This may include working with a mentor on a regular basis and/or providing evidence on an agreed upon basis (for example: quarterly) that they are attending groups/meetings that help them stay substance abuse free; o Not currently be on probation or parole and must be free from any interaction with the criminal justice system (outstanding warrants, arrests, etc.) for at least one (1) year prior to employment. This must be verified by disclosure from job applicant and by background check such as finger printing or LiveScan. This policy may be waived for specific applicants if approved by the DHS Policy and Planning Manager. • Once employed, staff of the Street Outreach program must agree to: o Submit to random drug tests; o Inform their employer if they are arrested or convicted for any crime and this information must be made known to the City of Oakland, Department of Human Services as soon as possible. 38 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ GUIDELINES ON CLIENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES FOR MEASURE Y FUNDED PROGRAMS The City of Oakland, Department of Human Services, Measure Y programs requires that funded organizations have a procedure in place to respond to client grievances in a responsive and impartial manner. All Measure Y funded programs are required to provide all clients with information on the client grievance procedure for their agency. At a minimum, the procedure must be posted in a visible area. Ideally, each participant will receive a copy of the procedure, and proof of this will be retained in the client file. Below are some guidelines for information to be included in the client grievance procedure. As with all organizational policies that impact client and staff, a legal or human resources expert should be contacted to ensure that organizational policies adhere to federal, state and local laws. These guidelines are suggestions and were not reviewed by a lawyer or human resources expert. 1. Client Rights and Responsibilities: Explaining client rights’ and responsibilities’ helps create clear expectations for staff and clients. An example of a client right could include: o The right to receive services regardless of race, religion, color, ethnic origin, national origin, county of origin, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, spoken language, disability or age; o The right to make their own decisions, eg. “I have the right to accept or reject staff recommendations or services.” o The right to participate in the development of their service plan, eg.“I have the right to be informed of staff’s ideas and plans for assisting me and/or my children. I have the right to be informed of how the program may be beneficial for me and/or my children.” An example of a client responsibility could be: o The responsibility to respect the Program as a non-violent, safe location, eg.”I will take part in services in a non-violent manner. I will not use physical discipline while at the Program.” o The responsibility to work toward the mutually agreed upon goals, eg. “I will work with the Program to establish in my service plan.” 2. Define a grievance – this will help staff and clients understand what constitutes a grievance and ensure the grievance process is used appropriately. 3. Define who can file a grievance – specify if client, applicants, staff or other stakeholders can use this process. Define who other stakeholders may be. 39 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Inform clients of grievance policy – specify how clients will be informed of the grievance procedure in an understandable manner. This could be a part of the admissions process. Include written documentation of receiving the procedure in client files, and/or the post the procedures in a highly visible location. 5. Create a grievance procedure – A clear grievance procedure will ensure any problems are resolved quickly, efficiently and respectfully. It should detail, in clear and understandable writing: a. How a client can initiate the procedure including any forms that should be filled out; b. Who will manage the grievance process and by what timeline; c. How the organization will involve the person(s) against whom the grievance/complaint is made; d. The first step in reconciling the process (verbal or written; formal or informal); e. A second step (written, formal) in reconciling the process if the first step is not acceptable to the client, based on the program’s organizational structure; f. An additional step (written, formal) if the second step is not acceptable to the client; based on the program’s organizational structure; g. The review and documentation process for grievances (organizational grievance log, regular report to ED or board, etc); h. How long grievance information will be kept and how will the information be kept confidential. 6. Create a grievance complaint form – This can include space to report the nature of the event, who it involved, when it occurred, any evidence of the event, and the kind of remedy the client would like to resolve the issue. Resources used to create this document: Council of Accreditation. “COA Policy and Procedure Development Tools: Grievances – v1.0” The Henry & Rilla White Foundation, inc. “Client Grievance Process.” Illinois Domestic Violence Against Domestic Violence And Illinois Department of Human Services. “Illinois Domestic Violence Services Guidelines Manual” Penrith Chamber of Commerce. “Maximising Youth Employment Project Sample Grievance Policy” State of Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addition Services. “Grievance Procedure.” 40 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS 41 ATTACHMENT A MEASURE Y GRANTEE AND PROGRAM OFFICER CONTACT INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 Focused Youth Services Service Area Measure Y Program Strategy Grantee Restorative Justice Measure Y Grantee Contact Person Measure Y Grantee Contact Telephone Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth Fania Davis (510) 931-7569 The Mentoring Center Celsa Snead (510) 891-0427 East Bay Asian Youth Center Gianna Tran (510) 533-1092 x 27 Youth ALIVE! John Torres (510) 594-2588 Youth Uprising Jason Williams (510) 777-9909 OUSD Alternative Education/ California Youth Outreach Monica Vaughan (510) 597-4294 OUSD JJC Manager Hattie Tate (510)667-7488 MISSSEY Nola Brantley (510) 251-2070 Youth Employment Youth Radio Youth Employment Partnership Martina Tran (510)251-1101 Michele Clark (510) 533-3447 X309 Youth Employment Youth Uprising Lisa Haynes (510) 777-9909 Juvenile Justice/OUSD Wraparou nd Measure Y Grantee Contact Email Measure Y DHS Program Officer Measure Y Program Officer Contact Information Mark Henderson (510)238-7205 mhenderson@ Priya Jagannathan Dyanna Christie Mark Henderson Mark Henderson (510)238-2360 pjagannathan@ (510)238-6875 dchristie@oakl (510)238-7205 mhenderson@ (510)238-7205 mhenderson@ FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Young Adult Reentry Services Family Violence Intervention Focused Youth Services MEASURE Y GRANTEE AND PROGRAM OFFICER CONTACT INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 Youth Employment The Unity Council Sofia Navarro (510) 535-7170 Gang Prevention OUSD- Alternative Education Monica Vaughan (510) 597-4294 OUR KIDS Middle School Alameda County Health Care Services Agency Alison Mackenzie (510)667-3176 Alison Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAYWAR) Marcia Blackstock (510) 430-1298 MISSSEY Nola Brantley (510) 251-2070 The Link to the Children Hyon-Chin Lee (510)428-2028 Mika Clark (510) 238-3449 Family Violence Law Center Erin Scott (510) 208-0220 Volunteers of America, Bay Area Jacqueline Kidd (510) 663-4546 The Mentoring Center Celsa Snead (510) 891-0427 Outreach to Sexually Exploited Minors (CSEC) Mental Health Services for Ages 0 to 5 Family Violence Intervention Services Safe Passages Priya Jagannathan Dyanna Christie (510)238-2360 pjagannathan@ (510)238-6875 dchristie@oakl Priya Jagannathan (510)238-2360 pjagannathan@ Project Choice Reentry Employment Civicorps Schools Michele Moore (510) 992-7855 ex. 32 Men of Valor Academy Douglas Butler (510) 567-1308 Dan Simmons 510-238-4976 dsimmons@oa 2 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Young Adult Reentry Services MEASURE Y GRANTEE AND PROGRAM OFFICER CONTACT INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 Reentry Employment Volunteers of America, Bay Area Jacqueline Kidd (510) 473-0500 X 101 Oakland Private Industry Council, Inc Melbra Watts (510)768-4454 Youth Employment Partnership Michele Clark (510) 533-3447 X309 Youth Uprising Carol DorhamKelly (510) 777-9909 DHS Call in Case Manager Emilio Mena (510)238-2371 (510) 444-9655 raymond.lankford@healthycommunit (510)746-6308 California Youth Outreach Raymond Lankford Geoffrey Godfrey CalPEP Gloria Lockett DHS Violence Prevention Coordinator Kevin Grant (510)238-6393 Catholic Charities of the East Bay Cindy Hill-Ford (510) 768-3112 Incident and Crisis Response Healthy Oakland, Inc. Oakland Street Outreach Crisis Response and Support Network Highland Hospital Intervention Youth ALIVE! John Torres (510)874-7850 (510) 594-0667 Dan Simmons Page Tomblin (510)238-4976 dsimmons@oa (510)238-2350 ptomblin@oakl 3 ATTACHMENT B – Example of Desk Audit and Site Visit Form The following are a list of areas of interest for the Measure Y Program Monitoring Site Visit. Items will be requested from the grantee for review. DESK AUDIT ITEMS (SENT IN ADVANCE OF VISIT) Current Organizational Chart for Agency, designating vacant positions Current agency composite budget showing all programs, administration, and funding sources Current Board roster with vacancies noted Most recent minutes from meeting of Board of Directors Written fiscal operating procedures Most recent audit report Program Budget and Current Expenditures FISCAL MANAGEMENT (Interview Accountant or Bookkeeper) Is the accounting system appropriate for the grant and agency? Computer- and funding source- based accounting system Chart of accounts (add specifics for grant) General Ledger A/P & A/R Subsidiary Does the agency utilize effective accounting procedures, and accomplish routine tasks in a timely fashion? Bank statements & Reconciliation Reports up to date, filing system Measure Y Program Budget Report summarizing allocated costs to date and balance remaining vendor invoices, allocation forms Does the agency manage payroll efficiently, and pay payroll taxes regularly and on time? Quarterly Federal Form 941—Federal Tax Return Quarterly State DE 6—Wage & Withholding Report FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (Interview Executive Director) Does the agency fiscal and organizational health provide a stable environment for the Measure Y program? Internal balance sheet Is staffing adequate to provide quality services? Does the agency retain personnel to support stable program operations and development? What reasons for turnover have been identified? (i.e. Low pay, Hiring process, Poor fit, Personality, Workload, Work environment) Are collaborations effectively managed and utilized to meet program goals? Is the agency effectively governed by its Board of Directors? Board Minutes on file and up to date Measure Y Poster prominently displayed on site. PROGRAM DELIVERY & DOCUMENTATION (Interview Program Director, Program Staff) Is the agency delivering quality services of the kind and intensity specified by the grant agreement? curriculum used Client files for intensive outreach and groups - contain consent forms and Measure Y eligibility? Is the program having a positive impact on Measure Y targeted participants? 2 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Is agency documenting participant information and the services provided? CitySpan database Client files contain appropriate records such as documentation of incarceration history, eligibility information, and a release of information form signed by the participant (and their parent/guardian if a minor) Check the intake forms for intensive outreach and outreach logs and compare to database entries for same dates Interview What are the successes of the grantee program? What have the grantee learned about the reality of carrying out the program design in the grantee proposal and grant agreement? How have the grantee modified the grantee program to respond to the environment the grantee work in? What challenges or problems have the grantee encountered implementing the grantee Grant agreement? Describe how staff and clients have been affected. Are the problems resolved? If not, what are the plans to resolve them? Do the grantee have any questions, comments, or suggestions for improving the monitoring process? GRANTEE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS/REQUESTS Board development Partnerships/linkages/collaboration Fund development Disability/access issues Strategic planning Space (new/more space, renovations) Marketing/communications Emergency operation plans Personnel—human resources (employee handbook, benefits, hiring, policies, etc. CitySpan database Employee performance reviews Technology (program data collection, internal communications, external communications) Fiscal management Program development Measure Y grant agreement compliance Other Outreach and recruitment 3 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT C – Consent/Release of Information Form The Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act Of 2004 (Measure Y) Voluntary Consent to Participate in Evaluation Research {PROGRAM NAME} is funded through the City of Oakland’s Measure Y (Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act), which was approved by the voters of Oakland in 2004. Measure Y funds programs designed to help at-risk youth and young adults. Measure Y also funds an evaluation to see if its programs are making a difference and how they can be improved. The evaluation study will run from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2015 and will include approximately 5,000 Measure Y participants. Individual client information will be collected through June 30, 2015. By signing this form, you are agreeing to let CitySpan and the City’s contracted professional evaluation firm(s) access identifying information about you (name, date of birth, age and gender) and your participation in the Measure Y program, such as the number of months you participated, the services you received, and whether you successfully completed the program. You are also authorizing the evaluation firm to collect information from Oakland Unified School District (such as information about your grades, attendance and suspension record), Alameda County Probation Department and/or The California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (parole) (such as your arrest and violation history and risk assessment results). CitySpan Technologies, a database firm, collects Measure Y participant information and store it in a secure, password-protected database designed to protect individual client information. The database firm provides individual client information to Resource Development Associates, a professional evaluation company, and may provide the information to additional professional evaluation firms that the City enters into an evaluation contract with. We will take great care to protect the confidentiality of all the information we collect about you. Evaluation firms will password-protect any files that contain your personal information. Any reports produced will NEVER disclose any personal information. No participant’s’ name, address, or identifying information will be published. For example, the report will say something like “70% of participants complied with the terms of their probation.” There are no immediate benefits to participating in the evaluation, though future evaluations can help programs improve their services. There are some risks, such as the loss of confidentiality (disclosure of your personal information), despite safeguards to protect against it. There are no immediate benefits to you to participating in the evaluation study, though results may help to improve programming in the future. Questions about the evaluation can be directed to: Patricia Marrone Bennett, PhD, Lead Evaluator at or (510) 488-4344. Questions about the participants’ rights can be directed to the IRB: Tom Foster, Center for Applied Local (C.A.L.) Research at or (510) 558-7930. 5 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signing this form is completely voluntary. If you do not sign it, we will not use your information. Your decision does not affect your ability to join {PROGRAM} or any other programs or activities. You can always change your mind and ask that your information no longer be shared or that it be erased. To change your consent, please call the City’s Department of Human Services at (510) 238-3121 or {PROGRAM CONTACT NAME AND NUMBER} and notify the Department of Human Services in writing at: Department of Human Services, Attn: Measure Y Evaluation, 4th Floor, 150 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612. If you are currently under the age of 18, your assent will end when you become a legal adult at age 18. Within 90 days following your 18th birthday, we will ask you to sign this form again. If you are currently over the age of 18, your consent will end on June 30, 2015 or five years from the date you sign this form, whichever is earlier. Signing this form is completely voluntary. I have read this form and I agree to everything written here. _____________________________________ Print Name of Participant _____________________________________________________________ Signature of Participant DATE If the participant is younger than 18 years old, a parent or guardian MUST sign below. I have read this form and on behalf of _________________________(Name of Participant), I agree to everything written here. _______________________________________ Print Name of Parent or Guardian ________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian DATE The Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act Of 2004 (Measure Y) 6 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT D- Voluntary Consent to Participate in Evaluation Research for Reentry Programs {PROGRAM NAME} is funded through the City of Oakland’s Measure Y (Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act) which was approved by the voters of Oakland in 2004. Measure Y funds programs designed to help at-risk youth and young adults. Measure Y also funds an evaluation to see if its programs are making a difference and how they can be improved. The evaluation study will run from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2015 and will include approximately 5,000 Measure Y participants. Individual client information will be collected through June 30, 2015. By signing this form, you are agreeing to let CitySpan and the City’s contracted professional evaluation firm(s) access identifying information about you (name, date of birth, age and gender) and your participation in the Measure Y program, such as the number of months you participated, the services you received, and whether you successfully completed the program. You are also authorizing the evaluation firm to collect information from Oakland Unified School District (such as information about your grades, attendance and suspension record), Alameda County Probation Department and/or The California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (parole) (such as your arrest and violation history and risk assessment results). CitySpan Technologies, a database firm, collects Measure Y participant information and store it in a secure, password-protected database designed to protect individual client information. The database firm provides individual client information to Resource Development Associates, a professional evaluation company, and may provide the information to additional professional evaluation firms that the City enters into an evaluation contract with. We will take great care to protect the confidentiality of all the information we collect about you. Evaluation firms will password-protect any files that contain your personal information. Any reports produced will NEVER disclose any personal information. No participant’s’ name, address, or identifying information will be published. For example, the report will say something like “70% of participants complied with the terms of their probation.” There are no immediate benefits to participating in the evaluation, though future evaluations can help programs improve their services. There are some risks, such as the loss of confidentiality (disclosure of your personal information), despite safeguards to protect against it. There are no immediate benefits to you to participating in the evaluation study, though results may help to improve programming in the future. Questions about the evaluation can be directed to: Patricia Marrone Bennett, PhD, Lead Evaluator at or (510) 488-4344. Questions about the participants’ rights can be directed to the IRB: Tom Foster, Center for Applied Local (C.A.L.) Research at or (510) 558-7930. 7 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signing this form is completely voluntary. If you do not sign it, we will not use your information. Your decision does not affect your ability to join {PROGRAM} or any other programs or activities. You can always change your mind and ask that your information no longer be shared or that it be erased. To change your consent, please call the City’s Department of Human Services at (510) 238-3121 or {PROGRAM CONTACT NAME AND NUMBER} and notify the Department of Human Services in writing at: Department of Human Services, Attn: Measure Y Evaluation, 4th Floor, 150 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612. If you are currently under the age of 18, your assent will end when you become a legal adult at age 18. Within 90 days following your 18th birthday, we will ask you to sign this form again. If you are currently over the age of 18, your consent will end on June 30, 2015 or five years from the date you sign this form, whichever is earlier. Signing this form is completely voluntary. I have read this form and I agree to everything written here. _______________________________________ Print Name of Participant _______________________________________ Signature of Participant DATE If the participant is younger than 18 years old, a parent or guardian MUST sign below. I have read this form and on behalf of _________________________(Name of Participant), I agree to everything written here. _______________________________________ Print Name of Parent or Guardian ___________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian DATE 8 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT E - Consent Administration Protocol: Measure Y Violence Prevention Programs Overview Measure Y funds an evaluation to see if its programs are making a difference and how they can be improved. As part of the evaluation, Violence Prevention Programs are responsible for securing a consent-to-participate in evaluation activities from clients they enroll in Measure Y funded programs. Administration Each Violence Prevention Program is responsible for assigning an individual to administer evaluation consent at client intake. The administrator will be informed that consent to participate is voluntary and that each client’s decision is confidential. The administrator will provide the form in English or the client’s primary language for limited English-proficient clients. Consent will be conducted in private to preserve the confidentiality of the client’s decision. The administrator will be responsible for communicating and explaining the following points orally to ensure that clients understanding how their personal information may be used. Signed consent forms will be stored securely by DHS. An evaluation-consent releases client information to information management and evaluation firms contracted with the City of Oakland. • By signing the evaluation consent, the client agrees to let CitySpan and the City’s contracted professional evaluation firm(s) access identifying client information. Client records from Oakland Unified School District and criminal justice agencies such as probation and parole may be reviewed. • Data is stored in a password protected database and anonymized before being analyzed. A client name or other identifying information will never be published in a report or other publicly available document. • Signing this form is completely voluntary. If a client declines to sign it, his/her information will not be used. A client’s decision does not affect his/her ability to participate in programming. • A client can change his or her mind about providing consent by contacting the Dept. of Human Services. • If a client is currently under the age of 18, approval will end when he/she becomes a legal adult at age 18. Within 90 days of your 18th birthday, he/she will be asked to sign this form again. • For adults over the age of 18, approval will end on June 30, 2015 or five years from the date he/she signs this form, whichever is earlier. Documenting Consent Status Consent status for each client should be updated on the CitySpan information management system upon intake. 9 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT F – Budget Modification Form (SAMPLE) BUDGET MODIFICATION FORM for Measure Y For Fiscal Year 2012-13 Lead Organization Name: PLEASE FILL IN YELLOW CELLS ONLY I. DIRECT COSTS Measure Y Original Request A. PERSONNEL Lead Agency Positions Executive Director Program Manager Case Manager Subtotal Fringe Benefits & Rate SUBTOTAL B. OTHER DIRECT COSTS Equipment Office/Facility/Classroom Rent Revised Budget Annual Salary % FTE on project $65,000 $45,000 $35,000 10% 25% 100% $6,500.00 $11,250.00 $35,000.00 $6,500.00 $11,250.00 $35,000.00 rate: 14% $52,750.00 $7,385.00 $60,135.00 $52,750.00 $7,385.00 $60,135.00 2,000 0 General Office Supplies/Software/Copying -1000 1000 0 2,508 4,000 Program Materials and Supplies Telephone/Internet/Communications 2,000 2,000 3,000 $15,508 Travel/Transportation Staff Training SUBTOTAL C. SUPPORTIVE SERVICES FUNDS Client Incentives Budget Modification Amount # of clients $100.00 40 SUBTOTAL D. SUBGRANTEES $4,000.00 2508 4000 1000 3000 2,000 3,000 $15,508 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL $6,928.94 $6,929 $6,928.94 $6,929 GRAND TOTAL $86,572 $86,572 SUBTOTAL II. INDIRECT COSTS Lead Agency Indirect Rate: 8.70% 11 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT G – Match Documentation Form (SAMPLE) I. Agency Information Fiscal Agency Lead Agency Project Title Contact Name & Phone # Total Measure Y Award ( ) - $ II. Match Summary List below the different sources for the grantee match and the amounts. Be sure to list only the amount that is being used towards the Measure Y funded project for fiscal year 201215. TYPE SOURCE AMT TOWARDS PROJECT Philanthropic Grants: $ $ $ $ Grant agreements/Service Agreements $ $ $ $ Corporate Donations $ $ $ $ Individual/Private Donations $ $ $ $ In-Kind Donations $ $ $ $ Volunteer Support _______ hrs x $11.35 TOTAL MATCH $ $ 13 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT H – Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council Meeting Assignments Agency Catholic Charities NCPC Names/Beats# Address of Meeting 229 Harrison Street Beat 1X NCPC 1X Brookfield/Columbian Garden Sobrante Park 31Y/31Z Edith Guillen 238-7159 400 Capistrano PANIL 9X Patricia Rose, 110 4th Street, Skyroom 35Y South Hills NCPC Council 35Y 8x Jacqueline Long 238-7750 Hoang Banh 238-6566 Karen Harris 238-6927 3700 Dorisa Ave 540 23rd Street 35X NCPC 35X Coliseum Melrose 26X, 26Y Edith Guillen 238-7159 1021 81st Ave North Hills 13Y Patricia Rose, 1006 Amito Dr North Hills 13Y Patricia Rose, 1006 Amito Dr Bella Vista California Youth Outreach Laurel/ Redwood/Leona Heights Maxwell Park Golden Gate Civicorps Schools Contact Annie Sloan 238-2340 8X Neighborhood Council BAYWAR Beat 17Y 25X Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 Renee Sykes 238-7929 28X Araina Richards 777-8712 10X Renee Sykes 238-7929 Hoang Banh 238-6566 Renee Sykes 238-7929 Annie Sloan 238-2340 Adams Point Action Council 14X Neighborhood Coalition of Positive Change Lowell/Acorn & Five on the Westside 22X 2X/5X 2651 73rd Avenue 1027 E28th St 3883 Aliso 5328 Brann Street 1075 62nd Street 526 Bellevue Ave TBD 741 Filbert 2 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC) NCPC Names/Beats# Beat Contact Address of Meeting 916 54th Street Market Street 10Y Renee Sykes 238-7929 Grand Lake Neighbors 14Y/16X Hoang Banh 238-6566 3534 Lakeshore Ave Combined NCPC 17X, 18X,18Y,19 X Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 1500 East 15th Street, Saint Anthony's School Cafeteria Beat 1X NCPC 1X Annie Sloan 238-2340 229 Harrison Street Shattuck 11X Annie Sloan 238-2340 Children’s Hospital Library 59th Street and Martin Luther King Adams Point Action Council 14X Hoang Banh 238-6566 525 Bellevue Ave Glenview Neighborhood Association 16Y Hoang Banh 238-6566 TBD 8X Neighborhood Council 8x Hoang Banh 238-6566 540 23rd Street Family Law Center Greater Rockridge Lake Neighbors Healthy Oakland 12Y/13X 15X Beat 25Y Neighborhood Council 25Y Beat 6 Advocates 6X Greater Rockridge 12Y/13X Montclair Safety & Improvement Council 13Z Patricia Rose, Hoang Banh 238-6566 Jacqueline Long 238-7750 Annie Sloan 238-2340 Patricia Rose, 5366 College Ave TBD 4292 Keller Avenue 900 34th Street 5366 College Ave Men of Valor Patricia Rose, 5701 Thornhill Drive 3 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency Men of Valor NCPC Names/Beats# Rainbow Coliseum Business Alert Beat Contact Address of Meeting 27Y Karen Harris 238-6927 2651 73rd Avenue 31X Jacqueline Long 238-7750 Annie Sloan 238-2340 TBD Beat 7 NCPC 07X 3131 Union Street Montclair Safety & Improvement Council 13Z Patricia Rose, Uptown/Gold Coast NCPC 4X Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 Beat 6 Advocates 6X Annie Sloan 238-2340 Bret Harte/Joaquin Miller Neighborhood Action Council 22Y Renee Sykes 238-7929 32X NCPC 32X Karen Harris 238-6927 1410 100th Ave Prescott NCPC 2Y/5Y Annie Sloan 238-2340 935 Union Street MacArthur Corridor 32Y Araina Richards 777-8712 2651 73 Avenue Combined NCPC 17X, 18X,18Y, 19X Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 1500 East 15th Street, Saint Anthony's School Cafeteria Coliseum Melrose 26X, 26Y Edith Guillen 238-7159 1021 81st Ave Lowell/Acorn & Five on the Westside 2X/5X Annie Sloan 238-2340 741 Filbert MacArthur Corridor 32Y 5701 Thornhill Drive MISSSEY Oakland Private Industry Council Oakland Unified School District (Gang Prevention) Araina Richards 777-8712 City Hall: 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 900 34th Street TBD 2651 73 Avenue 4 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency Oakland Unified School District (Juvenile Justice) NCPC Names/Beats# Beat Contact Address of Meeting 917 54th Street Market Street 10Y Renee Sykes 238-7929 Lake Neighbors 15X Hoang Banh 238-6566 TBD Eastmont 30Y Karen Harris 238-6927 7711 Macarthur Blvd Asian Advisory Committee on Crime 3X Annie Sloan 238-2340 229 Harrison Street Neighborhood Coalition of Positive Change 22X Renee Sykes 238-7929 TBD Allendale Park Neighborhood Council 24Y Araina Richards 777-8712 3711 Sutter Street Old Oakland Neighbors 3Y Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 556 10th Street PANIL 9X Patricia Rose, 110 4th street, Skyroom Shattuck 11X Annie Sloan 238-2340 Children’s Hospital Library 59th Street and Martin Luther King Bret Harte/Joaquin Miller Neighborhood Action Council 22Y Renee Sykes 238-7929 TBD Melrose-High Hopes 27X Araina Richards 777-8712 Horace Mann School, 5222 Ygnacio Avenue 4X Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 City Hall: 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza Grand Lake Neighbors 14Y/16X Hoang Banh 238-6566 3534 Lakeshore Ave Community Action Coalition/Sausal Creek Left bank 21X, 21Y Restorative Justice Safe Passages Uptown/Gold Coast NCPC The Link to Children Ana Martinez 238-7683/5355689 2433 Coolidge Avenue 5 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency NCPC Names/Beats# Beat Contact Address of Meeting 555 10th Street Old Oakland Neighbors 3Y Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 Uptown Gold Coast 4x Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 City Hall: 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza Market Street 10Y Renee Sykes 238-7929 917 54th Street Laurel/ Redwood/Leona Heights 25X Renee Sykes 238-7929 3883 Aliso Coliseum Business Alert 31X Jacqueline Long 238-7750 TBD Old Oakland Neighbors 3Y Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 555 10th Street Bella Vista 17Y Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 1025 E28th St Fruitvale Unity 20X, 23X, 24X The Link to Children The Mentoring Center The Unity Council Maxwell Park 28X Ana Martinez 238-7683/5355689 Araina Richards 777-8712 66-82 30X Karen Harris 238-6927 Allendale Park Neighborhood Council 24Y Araina Richards 777-8712 Burbank Millsbrae 29X Araina Richards 777-8712 Prescott NCPC 2Y/5Y Uptown/ Gold Coast NCPC 4X Volunteers of America Bay Area Annie Sloan 238-2340 Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 3301 East 12th Street, #201 5328 Brann Street 2651 73rd Avenue 3711 Sutter Street 3200 62nd Ave 935 Union Street City Hall: 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 6 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Agency NCPC Names/Beats# Bella Vista Beat 25Y Neighborhood Council Youth ALIVE Youth Employment Partnership Beat 17Y 25Y Address of Meeting 1025 E28th St 4292 Keller Avenue 35Y South Hills NCPC 35 Y Asian Advisory Committee on Crime 3X Golden Gate 10X Fruitvale Unity 20X, 23X, 24X Eastmont 30Y Beat 33X/34X Neighborhood Improvement Council 33X/34X Edith Guillen 238-7159 2651 73rd Avenue Beat 7 NCPC 07X 3131 Union Street Community Action Coalition/Sausal Creek Left bank 21X, 21Y Annie Sloan 238-2340 Ana Martinez 238-7683/5355689 Karen Harris 238-6927 Youth Radio 32X NCPC Youth Uprising Contact Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 Jacqueline Long 238-7750 Jacqueline Long 238-7750 32X Uptown/Gold Coast NCPC 4X Glenview Neighborhood Association Brookfield/Columbian Garden Sobrante Park RAC/NCPC 16Y Beat 33X/34X Neighborhood Improvement Council 35X NCPC Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 Renee Sykes 238-7929 Ana Martinez 238-7683/5355689 Karen Harris 238-6927 3700 Dorisa Ave th 360 A 8 Street 1075 62nd Street 3301 East 12th Street, #201 7711 Macarthur Blvd 2433 Coolidge Avenue 1410 100th Ave Sun-Kwong Sze, 238-7957 Hoang Banh 238-6566 Edith Guillen 238-7159 City Hall: 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza 33X/34X Edith Guillen 238-7159 2651 73rd Avenue 35X Karen Harris 238-6927 2651 73rd Avenue 31Y/31Z TBD 400 Capistrano 7 ATTACHMENT I- GUIDELINES ON PREPARING FOR AND PRESENTING AT NCPC MEETINGS The Goal is to inform the NCPC members about your work and how Measure Y funding enhances the work you do in the community. Things to do before a Neighborhood Council (NCPC) meeting Meeting preparation • • • • • • • • • Call the Neighborhood Services Coordinator (NSC) at least 3 weeks in advance. Confirm the meeting date, time, & location. Ask to be on the agenda & time allocation. Confirm the target audience & beat boundaries. Ask if the NCPC has any special requests regarding your program. Request the NCPC priorities or get them verbally from the NSC. Request the average meeting attendance & language needs. Advise the NSC if you have special requests for your presentation (such as PowerPoint). Advise the NSC if you will distribute written documentation and how many to bring to the meeting. Things to do during a Neighborhood Council (NCPC) meeting. Meeting presentation • • • • • • • • Provide an overview of your agency including history, current programs, number of staff & location. What area you serve? i.e. North, East, Oakland. Who do you provide services to? adults, youth, etc. How do individuals qualify or participate in your program? What types of services are typically utilized? Distribute written information, Measure Y brochures, fact sheet & provide a contact name, phone number, and/or email. Request meeting attendees distribute your program information to their neighbors & other individuals within their community. If you are asked a question you are not able to answer take persons name and number and direct question to your Program Officer. Program Officer will contact the community member. Reminder : It is important for your agency to attend the NCPC meetings and inform the members of the great work you are doing in the community. Members are the voters and we only have three years before voters must vote again to fund Measure Y. FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT J – Grantee Contact Information Sheet Measure Y Violence Prevention Programs Contact Sheet 2012-2013 (Please Print or Type) Fiscal Agency: Lead Agency: Project Title: Strategy: Name of CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVE: This individual must be an employee of the contracting agency/fiscal agency that has the authority to negotiate scopes of work, budgets, and complete contracting documents. Title: Phone: Email: Fax: Mailing address: Zip: Name of PROGRAM CONTACT: This individual should be able to answer any program specific questions. Title: Phone: Email: Fax: Mailing address: Zip: ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: (OPTIONAL) These individuals also need to be notified regarding Measure Y updates and information. 1 Name: Title: Email: Phone: 2 Name: Title: Email: Phone: 3 Name: Title: Email: Phone: 3 FY 2012-13 Measure Y Grantee Manual _____________________________________________________________________________________________ If your agency or program undergoes any staff changes, please remember to RESUBMIT the contact sheet and fill in any information that has changed. Persons Authorized to pick-up reimbursement payments: These are the ONLY people authorized to pick up reimbursements. If these individuals are unavailable to pick up reimbursements, they must notify the program analyst via email with the name and title of the person who will pick up the reimbursement. 1. Name:_________________________ Title:___________________________ Email:_________________________ Phone:________________________ 2. Name:________________________ Title:__________________________ Email:_________________________ Phone:_________________________ 4
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