Th e Global Fund for Children Making Connections 2005 – 2006

The Global Fund for Children
Making Connections
PHONE : 202.331.9003 FAX : 202.331.9004
South Africa
Making Connections with Children and Youth around the World
Children should epitomise all that is good,
pure and hopeful about our world. The sad
reality is that for millions, today’s world is
a harsh, uncompromising and frightening
place.…Children in need cross all cultural,
racial, religious and international divides
but…there are no barriers to helping
fellow human beings. Humankind is
one and we need each other to survive.”
Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu
The Global Fund for Children
Letter from the Chair
Letter from the President
Grantmaking Overview
Schools and Scholarships
Preventing Hazardous Child Labor
Distinctive Needs of Vulnerable Boys
Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children
General Grants
Responding to Crisis
Sustainability Awards
Johnson & Johnson Health and Well-Being Grants
Enhancing the Work of Our Grantee Partners
Global Media Ventures
Our Donors
Selecting Our Grantee Partners
Grantee Partners
Financial Highlights
Directors and Staff
Index and Credits
Our Vision, Our Mission
At The Global Fund for Children, we envision
a world where all children grow up to be
productive, caring citizens of a global society.
To this end, we work to advance the dignity
of children and youth worldwide.
We Pursue Our Mission By:
• Making small grants to innovative
community-based organizations working
with many of the world’s most vulnerable
young people
• Harnessing the power of children’s books,
films, and documentary photography to
promote global understanding
Letter from the Chair
The all-encompassing objective of The Global Fund for
Children is to help children achieve a sense of self-worth and
dignity. In large part, this is accomplished through grants
to community-based organizations that are located and
managed where the need exists. Of daily inspiration to all of
us at The Global Fund for Children is our connection to the
women and men of goodwill who organize and direct these
projects. They know the local culture and customs, operate
with astonishing financial efficiency, and forge innovative
programs, often at great personal sacrifice.
This fiscal year, we were able to make grants to 157 of these
organizations. In addition to providing financing, we assist
with the management and growth of these groups by offering
the expertise of our own staff and local affiliates. We connect
our grantees with other sources of support so they may
become self-sufficient without further grants from us.
Our small staff is able to have a wide and deep global reach
through a series of connections in many arenas: advocating
for disadvantaged children; educating the general public
through presentations and through our award-winning
books, films, and photographs; evaluating and monitoring
community-based projects all over the world; and providing
financing for those with high potential.
The generous contributions from donors to The Global Fund
for Children provided $4.9 million in revenue this fiscal year,
enabling us to make grants to organizations in all parts of the
world. The Global Fund for Children organized a regional
conference this year in Africa where grantees were able to
share experiences and ideas and ways of addressing common
challenges. Another eight organizations were “graduated” with
a final Sustainability Award, since with our help they had
developed other sources of funding to finance their growth.
The very effective president of The Global Fund for Children,
Maya Ajmera, has not only been the leader of this organization’s
operations and expansion, but has also become a recognized
public voice, advocating for the needs of children through
frequent appearances at conferences and through meetings
with individuals and foundations. Her knowledge, dedication,
and passion are powerful forces for increasing awareness of
the plight of children.
diversity of children. A new book, My Family, was published
this year. In May, the unique quality of these books was
honored on national television by Oprah Winfrey with a
substantial cash award to be used to distribute these titles.
In addition to creating books, we support documentary
photography and films under our Global Media Ventures
program. Communicating through a greater variety of sources
enables us to reach a wider audience with innovative materials
and important messages.
Management of the organization has been strengthened
by the addition of regional specialists for Africa, Latin
America, and Asia. Each has had extensive experience in
the region, speaks one or more of the local languages,
and understands the principal customs of the region.
A new communications officer has already proved effective
in increasing public awareness of the needs of children
and The Global Fund for Children’s programs.
Three new members joined the hardworking board of directors
this year. Peter Briger is a principal of Fortress Investment
Group in New York. Mark McGoldrick is a managing director
of Goldman Sachs in London. Raj Singh is CEO and cofounder of Telcom Ventures in Alexandria, Virginia. All of
them bring knowledge of the world, an entrepreneurial spirit,
and a demonstrated understanding of, and commitment to,
the mission of The Global Fund for Children.
With increasing support coming from outside the United
States, we were very pleased with the formation of the UK
Advisory Board, the first step in launching a subsidiary trust
of The Global Fund for Children in the United Kingdom.
Mark McGoldrick organized this board and serves as its chair.
The other members of the board are John Hepburn,
Dirk Ormoneit, and James Sheridan, all distinguished
members of the financial community in London.
Every day brings new images of the horrors that beset children
around the world. At The Global Fund for Children, we are
grateful to our supporters for their contributions, which enable
us to do more each year to connect with inspiring organizations
that bring hope and help to these vulnerable innocents.
With our deepest thanks,
The Global Fund for Children was founded in 1994, and in
1997 we published our first book, Children from Australia to
Zimbabwe. Global Fund for Children Books now has 20 titles
in publication, each of them describing and celebrating the
Robert D. Stillman
Letter from the President
Celebrating Our Similarities
Children everywhere are curious, adventurous, and playful.
They seek the security of family and communities, and they
build friendships with other children. They seek to explore,
and even when there are no schools to accommodate them,
they seek to learn and to connect with the world around
them, hoping for a positive and meaningful future.
In The Global Fund for Children’s 12 years of operation,
we have learned that, regardless of cultural differences or
economic circumstances, children are far more similar than
they are different. A shared continuum of learning, play,
discovery, and wonder connects children everywhere. Our
mission, indeed our obligation, is to help create a world in
which all young people can celebrate these connections.
distributing nearly 17,000 books to our grantee partners
and other organizations in war-torn regions to facilitate
understanding and tolerance.
As our work expands, so does the team of exceptional
professionals enabling that work. In 2005–2006, we added
eight new members to our team. We also welcomed
our first senior communications officer, Adlai Amor,
whose background in journalism and years of nonprofit
communications experience will enhance our ability to tell
our stories to wider audiences.
At the same time, we expanded our already strong board of
directors to incorporate broader vision, energy, and wisdom in
shaping our work. We are delighted to welcome Peter Briger,
Our grantee partners throughout the world are connected
Mark McGoldrick, and Raj Singh as new board members.
through their efforts to turn this mission into reality. This fiscal They come to us with a shared commitment to advancing our
year, 157 community-based organizations in 56 countries
work, and valuable experience to help apply that commitment
received our support, totaling $1,819,500. These groups include strategically and dynamically.
38 new partners. Their spirit of innovation makes them very
attractive to us. One such partner is Karm Marg in India,
Under the leadership of Mark McGoldrick, who has assumed
which involved former street children in designing the
the chair of our UK Advisory Board, The Global Fund for
building in which they now live, work, and study so it would
Children is seeking to expand abroad. The other members of
be a reflection of their ideal home. In keeping with the
the UK Advisory Board are John Hepburn, Dirk Ormoneit,
organization’s focus on environmental awareness, young people and James Sheridan. This is a significant development in our
learn to produce and market goods from recycled materials.
evolution as a genuinely global organization.
Karm Marg and similar entrepreneurial organizations constitute
a body of grassroots groups around the world singular in their
approaches to complex issues and in the passion that drives
them. We are honored to work with them.
While we celebrate the commonality that all children share,
we also seek to retain a spirit of connection with everyone
who comes into contact with The Global Fund for Children.
We value our relationships with friends and supporters
around the world; we value our partnerships with the bold,
innovative groups in which we invest; and we value our role
in bringing the stories of young people forward to trumpet
their joys, their successes, and their hopes for the future.
Complementing our grantmaking is our new Global Media
Ventures, which consolidates our excellent children’s book
program with initiatives promoting documentary photography
and films dealing with issues relevant to vulnerable young people.
Global Media Ventures has had many successes this fiscal year:
We could not be successful without the friendship, counsel,
and support of countless individuals. To all who have been
• We published My Family, the newest title in our children’s part of The Global Fund for Children’s success, this year and
book collection, highlighting families in cultures and countries in previous years, we offer our deepest thanks and respect.
around the globe.
You have helped shape a different world for children who
• We supported the development of Going to School in India, might otherwise have had lives devoid of the hope that young
a successful documentary film based on the book we
people everywhere have a right to share.
released last year.
• Jessica Dimmock, our second GFC/ICP fellow, traveled
With my very best wishes,
to South Africa and Zambia to capture impressions of
the communities and daily lives of children served by our
grantee partners.
• Through a special grant from Oprah’s Angel Network,
Maya Ajmera
funded by Oprah Winfrey, our Books for Kids project is
Reaching Children around the World
Grantmaking Overview
Our grantmaking spans the globe—from Peru to the Philippines,
Mexico to Malawi, India to Indonesia, and Burkina Faso to Bulgaria.
This fiscal year, we were active in 56 of the world’s 193 countries.
Our total grants and grantee partners continue to increase. Since last fiscal year, we have grown by:
• 21 percent in the value of grants, for a total of $1,819,500
• 23 percent in the number of active grantee partners, for a total of 157
• 17 percent in the number of grants, for a total of 310
Since our first grants in 1997, we have given 969 grants, valued at nearly $5 million, to 205 grantee
partners in 61 countries. More than 1 million children have benefited from our grants.
We gave the following grants this fiscal year in these areas:
• Schools and Scholarships: $552,000 to 51 grassroots groups
• Preventing Hazardous Child Labor: $250,500 to 24 grassroots groups
• Distinctive Needs of Vulnerable Boys: $199,500 to 20 grassroots groups
• Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children: $208,000 to 21 grassroots groups
• General Grants: $171,000 to 20 grassroots groups
• Responding to Crisis: $169,000 to 16 grantee partners
• Sustainability Awards: $200,000 to 8 grantee partners
• Johnson & Johnson Health and Well-Being Grants: $128,000 to 128 grantee partners,
incorporated in various portfolios
• Tracking grants: $11,000 to 11 grantee partners
• Organizational development awards: $50,000 to 8 grantee partners
We also support our grantee partners in other ways. We provide value-added services like assistance in
leveraging additional funding, and knowledge management initiatives that distill and disseminate our
experiences in grassroots grantmaking.
The following pages illustrate the power and impact of our grants in helping grassroots organizations
make a difference in their communities.
Since 1997,
more than 1 million children
have benefited from our grants.
(in millions)
2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 2005–2006
2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 2005–2006
2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 2005–2006
2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 2005–2006
Eastern Europe & Central Asia
North America
The Middle East & North Africa
Latin America & the Caribbean
All Grants:
(49 grants)
Countries: 21
(46 grantee
Benin (1)
Burkina Faso (3)
Republic of
the Congo (1)
Ethiopia (2)
Kenya (3)
Liberia (1)
Malawi (2)
Mali (2)
Mauritius (1)
Nigeria (2)
Rwanda (1)
Senegal (3)
Sierra Leone (2)
Somalia (1)
South Africa (6)
Sudan (1)
Tanzania (3)
Togo (1)
Uganda (6)
Zambia (2)
Zimbabwe (2)
East Asia
& the Pacific
All Grants:
(19 grants)
Countries: 7
(19 grantee
South Asia
Cambodia (2)
China (3)
Indonesia (3)
Mongolia (3)
Philippines (2)
Thailand (5)
Vietnam (1)
Bangladesh (2)
India (20)
Nepal (3)
Pakistan (3)
Sri Lanka (4)
All Grants:
(44 grants)
Countries: 5
(32 grantee
Eastern Europe
& Central Asia
All Grants:
(8 grants)
Countries: 4
(8 grantee
Latin America
& the Caribbean
All Grants:
(49 grants)
Countries: 16
(44 grantee
The Middle East
& North Africa
All Grants:
(2 grants)
Countries: 2
(2 grantee
North America
Bulgaria (1)
Georgia (3)
Romania (3)
Ukraine (1)
Bolivia (3)
Brazil (6)
Colombia (2)
Republic (2)
Ecuador (1)
El Salvador (1)
Guatemala (5)
Haiti (1)
Honduras (3)
Jamaica (1)
Mexico (7)
Nicaragua (4)
Paraguay (2)
Peru (4)
Trinidad (1)
Suriname (1)
Egypt (1)
Lebanon (1)
United States (6)
All Grants:
(6 grants)
Countries: 1
(6 grantee
Victorias City
East Asia & the Pacific
Mexico City
South Asia
2005–2006 Regional
Distribution by
Grant Amount
2005–2006 Regional
Distribution by
Number of Grants
The Middle East
& North Africa
The Middle East
& North Africa
North America
North America
Latin America
& the Caribbean
Latin America
& the Caribbean
Eastern Europe
& Central Asia
East Asia
& the Pacific
East Asia
& the Pacific
South Asia
South Asia
Eastern Europe
& Central Asia
Schools and Scholarships
We believe that education is every child’s right. A curious mind looks
at the surrounding world with wonder, insistent upon discovering the
mysteries that lie just beyond reach. Learning and education lead to
creativity, to ambition, and to dreams. They are also keys to creating a
healthier, more caring, and more productive global society.
Access to education has a positive impact on a host of social problems afflicting marginalized children.
Improving education—starting with providing a teacher and a place to study or a piece of chalk and a
board on which to write—is widely considered one of the most effective ways of bringing children out
of harmful or exploitative situations.
Although education is not a panacea, children who are in school are generally less likely to engage in
self-destructive behavior. They also learn key skills, from the three Rs to how to stay healthy. Moreover,
children who attend school are more likely to develop a positive self-image and higher self-esteem and
to set goals for the future.
Out-of-school children have proved especially difficult to reach. They are among the least likely to have
access to educational opportunities and are often members of vulnerable populations—the desperately poor;
those living in remote, conflict-torn, or marginalized communities; ethnic minorities; and the disabled.
While the task of providing schooling to each child may seem daunting, many small, indigenous
organizations have found creative and successful ways to bring education to their communities.
Each group approaches the challenge of educating children in a distinct manner, one reflective of
the specific character of the area in which the group works.
In Kigali, Rwanda, through Benishyaka Association, we are helping 50 orphans from the recent civil war
attend secondary school. In a new town called Abu-Adam, some 16 miles from Khartoum, Sudan, we
are supporting the expansion of the Community Development Center’s school to serve 120 children.
In Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, China, we are helping 475 students attend school by
providing them with warm clothing and school supplies through The Jinpa Project. In the village of
Lhomond, three hours from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 200 children now regularly attend school through
our support of Light for All.
In these countries and elsewhere in the world, holistic and locally relevant approaches to learning provide
empowering alternatives for millions of children who lack access to traditional schooling. Some of the most
innovative programs offer nonformal education that supplements formal government-sponsored systems,
that adapts to the circumstances in which children live, and that brings to the children opportunities that
are normally out of reach.
In 2005–2006, we gave a total of $552,000 in grants to 51 organizations in the Schools and Scholarships portfolio.
“Our goal now is to get every single child in Romania in school by 2020 by
introducing our methodology to other communities throughout the country.”
“We deal not only with the whole
child but also the whole environment.
And that includes working with the local
administration to make school a more
positive place for children who have
Asociatia Ovidiu Rom
traditionally been scorned by the system.”
From the 14th to the mid-19th
most Roma (commonly referred
Bacau, Romania
to as Gypsies) in Romania were slaves.
Today, 90 percent are unemployed and
face intense discrimination. Despite
Romania’s impending accession to
You know you are not in an ordinary
the European Union in January 2007,
Romanian classroom when the children its literacy rate is going down. Roma
around you are dancing and giggling.
children have the highest illiteracy rates
And when the tables and chairs are not and the vast majority do not advance
arranged in tidy rows and the walls are
beyond eighth grade. This makes it
brightly painted and decorated with the virtually impossible for them to hold a
children’s own artwork. And when the
legal job, and many Roma children end
children are fed a hot lunch and taught up begging on the streets.
how to make a PowerPoint presentation
It was one such child, Alexandru,
in the after-school program.
who motivated Hawke, a Peace Corps
“We do whatever it takes to get these
volunteer, to get involved during the
kids into school at an early age,” said
summer of 2000. She thought Alex was
Leslie Hawke, co-founder of Asociatia
a homeless orphan, so she took him to a
Ovidiu Rom, an organization that gets
children’s center for a free meal and a bath.
children off the streets and into school by It turned out that he was not an orphan
providing a variety of support services to but was one of many Roma children who
both the children and their families.
beg in order to support their families.
Off the Streets and
into the Schools
In 2001, together with a like-minded
Romanian teacher named Maria
Gheorghiu, she started an innovative
program for poor women and children
called Gata, Dispus si Capabil (Ready,
Willing and Able). “Our model has
been extremely effective at getting
severely disadvantaged children into
school and helping them to succeed
there,” said Hawke. Some 600 children
and mothers, mostly of Roma descent,
have benefited from Ovidiu Rom’s
constellation of programs.
Funding from The Global Fund
for Children enabled Ovidiu Rom to
expand the program in Bacau and the
town of Buhusi, serving 200 children
in all. It also enabled Hawke and
Gheorghiu to expand to a poor area
in the Romanian capital, Bucharest,
180 miles away. Success in Bucharest
has led to an ambitious long-term
initiative called Fiecare Copil in Scoala
(Every Child in School).
“Our goal now is to get every single
child in Romania in school by 2020,”
said Hawke, “by introducing our
methodology to other communities
throughout the country.”
Preventing Hazardous Child Labor
Children work in a wide variety of jobs. They work as maids, miners,
goatherds, fishermen, and street vendors. They work in small factories,
at home, and in the fields. They work for their families, for other
employers, and for themselves.
Around the world, 246 million children—one in every six children aged 5 to 17—work either part-time
or full-time. Of these children, more than half work in the hazardous and harmful jobs classified as the
worst forms of child labor.
While we oppose hazardous, excessive, and exploitative child labor as a violation of a child’s basic rights,
we also recognize that entry into the workplace at a relatively early age is in many cases an economic
necessity. In poor communities around the world, many children and youth contribute significantly to
the family income, earning money that neither they nor their families can afford to forgo.
Yet economic necessity should never rob children of their ability to learn, nor should it place them in
harmful, exploitative, or demeaning circumstances. The risk is too high, especially for children under the
age of 16 in developing economies, who often end up in debt bondage, oppressive or restrictive factory
work, street labor, and other hazardous situations.
Many countries have attempted to legislate against this type of exploitation. But laws are not always
universally accepted, or effective. Laws and standards, while necessary, are increasingly recognized as only one
part of the answer to the complex problems that lead children into harmful, hazardous, and exploitative work.
It is within this framework that we support groups that seek to remove young people from the immediate
threat of harmful labor. They use education and learning opportunities as tools to empower young people
to direct their own futures.
In the silk-producing region of Kanchipuram, India, we are supporting the Rural Institute for Development
Education’s work in eradicating child labor through its innovative Bridge School Centers and its Child
Labor Prevention and Information Centers. In the gold-producing region of Tambacounda, Senegal, we
are helping Association La Lumière (The Light Association) support nearly 100 children so they can go
to school instead of working in the local mines.
In Tela, a city on the north coast of Honduras, we are helping Centro San Juan Bosco (San Juan Bosco
Center) provide a wide range of services to 87 children so they can reduce the number of hours they
work as street vendors, porters, and domestic workers and go to school. In Bamako, Mali, our support to
Association Jeunesse Actions Mali (Youth Action Association of Mali) has enabled it to train 80 child
and youth apprentices and nearly 600 employers on the rights of children.
In 2005–2006, we gave a total of $250,500 in grants to 24 organizations in the Preventing Hazardous
Child Labor portfolio.
“No single intervention is a perfect solution to end child labor. However, nobody
can contest the effectiveness of educating people as the best way of addressing
Educating Children
out of Poverty
Laura Vicuña Foundation
Victorias City, Philippines
Home to Asia’s largest sugar mill,
Victorias City is surrounded by towns
with 14 other mills. This is the largest
concentration of sugar mills in Asia,
a testament to the area’s fertile plains
and the source of its wealth.
Supporting this wealth are thousands
of seasonal farm workers, called sacadas,
who plant and harvest the sugarcane.
These men, women, and children toil
under feudal conditions, earning 500
to 1,000 pesos ($10 to $20) a month,
depending on their volume of work.
“Poverty is the root of child labor,”
said Sister Maria Victoria P. Santa Ana,
a nun who is also executive director of
the Laura Vicuña Foundation (LVF), a
group working to end child labor in the
Philippines. “Children are expected to
be additional farmhands, and parents
set aside their education in order for the
family to survive.”
The government estimates that
among the country’s 77 million people,
there are 4 million children who work.
About 70 percent of these working
children, who range in age from 5 to 17,
are in rural areas, like the children who
toil on the sugar plantations of Victorias
and other towns in the province of
Negros Occidental.
Sister Maria Victoria and her
colleagues focus on education as their
main means of eradicating child labor in
the sugar plantations. LVF was started
in 1990 by the Daughters of Mary Help
of Christians (the Salesian Sisters)
and lay professionals. LVF helps about
2,000 street children annually in the
Philippine capital of Manila. In 1998,
it opened a new training center in a
sugar plantation in Victorias, about a
one-hour plane ride south of Manila.
“No single intervention is a perfect
solution to end child labor,” said Sister
Maria Victoria. “However, nobody can
contest the effectiveness of educating
people as the best way of addressing
child labor.”
From 2004 to 2006, with funds from
The Global Fund for Children and other
supporters, LVF helped educate 588
children in Victorias and the surrounding
towns. An additional 705 children and
their parents were given an introduction
to the UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child, with 205 given further
training as child rights advocates.
LVF provides scholarships to send
children to primary school and vocational
training for out-of-school youth. Those
who want to finish high school are
enrolled in the government’s Alternative
Learning System (ALS). This system
enables such youth as Emily to work and
to study for their high school diploma at
the same time. As a child, Emily had to
give up her dream of becoming a teacher
because she was needed to nurse her ailing
mother and mind her three siblings while
her father worked in the sugarcane fields.
While employed as a domestic
worker, Emily was recommended for
the ALS program. Her parents, fearing
the loss of her income, did not allow
her to enroll at first. Eventually, they
relented. Emily is now waiting for the
results of her exams—and then planning
to study further to become a teacher.
Distinctive Needs
of Vulnerable Boys
We are one of the few organizations in the world that invest in
alleviating the crisis faced by the world’s vulnerable boys and young
men. The figures are disturbing: boys are the majority of the estimated
100 million children and youth who live at least part-time on the
streets, and there are more boys than girls among working children.
The crisis they face has very real current and future ramifications for economic advancement, global
security, and social progress. Where negative influences on boys outweigh positive alternatives, societies
experience greater street violence, domestic abuse, and crime.
The most dramatic example of the crisis boys face is conscription as foot soldiers for the world’s conflicts.
According to some estimates, about 300,000 children and youth younger than 18 take part in hostilities
around the world. When these conflicts end, the child ex-combatants face difficulties in reintegrating
into their families and villages.
In many developing countries, however, the more pervasive image of this crisis is the boys and young
men who live on the streets of major cities. Collectively, their numbers run into the millions. Commonly
referred to as street children, they are exposed to such threats as crime, sexual abuse, and drugs.
Although our grantee partners use a variety of innovative strategies to alleviate the crisis faced by boys
and young men, we believe that education is a key component. The educational opportunities offered by
our grantee partners include not only academics but also life skills training so that boys and young men
can become self-sufficient and can participate meaningfully in their communities.
In Monrovia, Liberia, we are helping our grantee partner Prisoners Assistance Program to expand its
services for child prisoners and detainees, 95 percent of whom are boys. In a country still recovering
from civil war, this group is helping to reform the penal system by providing child prisoners with life
skills through sports and peer support.
In Fortaleza, Brazil, we are funding Associação Barraca da Amizade (Shelter of Friendship Association).
This group’s educators use street performances to build a relationship with street boys and encourage
them to enter the organization’s life-changing program.
In the Philippines, we are enabling the Children’s Legal Rights and Development Center (CLRD) to
expand its outreach to over 250 children annually. It provides legal services, training and education, and
counseling to children in detention centers, most of whom are boys. CLRD also trains detention center
staff on how to interact with children.
In 2005–2006, we gave a total of $199,500 in grants to 20 organizations in the Distinctive Needs
of Vulnerable Boys portfolio.
“We do not want people to buy them out of pity. We want people to buy them
because they are delicious and of high quality. Through projects like this, we
want to eliminate the stigma faced by callejeros.” JUAN MARTÍN PÉREZ GARCÍA, PRESIDENT
quality,” said Juan Martín Pérez García,
president of El Caracol, Mexico’s
pioneer organization in improving
the lives of street children and youth.
“Through projects like this, we want to
El Caracol
eliminate the stigma faced by callejeros.”
Vanidosas were first sold in August
in select outlets in Mexico City.
Mexico City, Mexico
Sales have been strong, and El Caracol
now wants to market them throughout
Mexico, Europe, and the United States.
Vanidosas, which means “conceited,”
But Vanidosas are more than cookies.
might seem like an odd name for a
They are actually the latest of many
brand of handmade cookies. But after
tools that El Caracol is using to help
seeing the stylish women drinking
callejeros leave the streets and become
coffee and nibbling pastries in the
productive citizens. Since 1994, the
sidewalk cafés of Mexico City, the staff
group has successfully reintegrated 275
of El Caracol decided it was the perfect street children into Mexican society.
name for cookies that have been fussed
About a third of Mexico’s 106 million
over down to the last detail—just like
people are children under the age of
the polished women in the cafés.
15. An estimated 130,000 children and
However, Vanidosas have a uniqueness youth live on the streets, one-third of
that their bakers prefer to keep secret:
them in Mexico City. Street children,
the cookies are created by callejeros,
most of whom are boys, are especially
youth living on the streets of Mexico
susceptible to alcohol and drug abuse,
City. The glossy packaging does not give prostitution, and crime.
the slightest hint of this.
El Caracol is a recognized leader
“We do not want people to buy them in working with this population, and
out of pity. We want people to buy them many of its methods have been adopted
because they are delicious and of high
by other organizations in Mexico,
The “Conceited” Cookies
of the Callejeros
Guatemala, and Honduras. Through
the National Autonomous University
of Mexico (UNAM), El Caracol offers
a degree program for those who want
to work with street children. So far,
65 have graduated, with 25 currently
enrolled. “We need more professionals
to work with street children,” said El
Caracol’s president, Juan Martín.
El Caracol operates a bakery, a
cafeteria, a day center where callejeros
can shower, rest, and do their laundry,
and a residential center, where about 20
residents participate in an 18-month
program to reintegrate them into
society. The Vanidosas project, funded
by The Global Fund for Children, is
part of the 18-month program and is an
outgrowth of El Caracol’s bakery.
Martín, one of the callejeros baking
Vanidosas, does not aspire to be a
master baker. “I prefer computers,” he
said, “but the Vanidosas program is
teaching me how to work.” El Caracol’s
president adds that by learning to work
in a team, callejeros
can have stable
jobs and a better
future—off the
streets of Mexico.
Preventing Sexual Exploitation
of Children
Exploitation affects children, especially poor children, more than any
other segment of the population. Children consigned to live on the
streets are easy targets for violence and abuse. And in poor rural areas,
parents lured by promises of reliable income “sell” their children to
traffickers promising jobs that would yield remittances home.
Exploitation takes many forms: prostitution, trafficking, sexual abuse and harassment, and the practice
of child marriage. Children are vulnerable to exploitation for many reasons. In underdeveloped areas,
trafficking is largely driven by the pull of wealth in other countries. Other causes of exploitation include
domestic abuse in families with children, armed conflict that separates children from parents, limited
access to education, rising numbers of street children and AIDS orphans, harmful traditions and
customs, and the rise of consumerism.
We believe that children’s futures can be secure only when the children are protected from such risks, insulated
from exploitation, violence, abuse, and neglect. A safe environment provides children with the opportunity to
participate fully in their communities, to exercise their skills and talents, and to pursue their dreams.
We work closely with our grantee partners to intercede on behalf of children already caught in vulnerable
circumstances, and to create safe environments for children at risk.
In Dhaka, Bangladesh, we work with Phulki (Spark), a group that raises awareness about sexual abuse
and exploitation in rural areas by training 40 child leaders who then train 10 more leaders each.
In Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India, we help the Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee to provide
scholarships that enable the children of sex workers to attend school.
Child trafficking remains a serious problem in Bulgaria, which is both a transit point and a source in
eastern Europe. In Sofia, Bulgaria, we are working with the Gender Education, Research and Technologies
Foundation to train peer educators on how to combat child trafficking. Fifty girls and boys from five
different state orphanages have been trained as peer educators since this project started two years ago.
In the squatter communities of Cairo, Egypt, the Association for the Development and Enhancement of
Women started the Girls’ Dreams project to provide a safe haven for adolescent girls, many of whom are
victims of domestic violence or other forms of abuse. With our support, Girls’ Dreams offers counseling and
nonformal education, and six out of every ten girls who complete the program return to formal schooling.
The number of children who are exploited is so staggering that it threatens to completely overwhelm the
human dimension of this problem. The elimination of all forms of exploitation of children around the world
is a daunting task, but we are committed to saving children from these conditions, one child at a time.
In 2005–2006, we gave a total of $208,000 in grants to 21 organizations in the Preventing Sexual
Exploitation of Children portfolio.
Un abus sexuel ne s’oublie
jamais, mais le traumatisme
peut etre atténue.
Si vous avez besoin d’assistance contactez l’Observatoire pour la
Protection des Enfants contre les Abus. Tel: 957.57.58/957.57.59”
Sexual abuse can never be forgotten, but the trauma can be reduced. If you need assistance,
contact The Center for the Protection of Children against Abuse. Tel: 957.57.58/957.57.59
“Moussa Sow and his colleagues at Avenir are breaking the silence of child abuse.”
Stopping Child Abuse
with T-Shirts
Avenir de l’Enfant
Rufisque, Senegal
The idea is simple. Wear T-shirts
emblazoned with messages against
sexual exploitation of children and
provide a telephone number that victims
can call. As T-shirted students, teachers,
and workers roam the beaches or browse
the shops of the beach resorts of Mbour
and Saly in the Petite Côte region,
people will surely not miss the message.
This practical and effective tool
is being used by Avenir de l’Enfant
(Future of the Child) to raise public
awareness of the growing commercial
sexual exploitation of children in
Senegal, a problem brought about
largely by tourism. Senegal is a major
tourist destination in West Africa, with
some 500,000 tourists visiting annually.
Most end up in Western-style beach
resorts in the Petite Côte region, south
of the Senegalese capital of Dakar.
Local leaders such as Moussa Sow,
director and founder of Avenir, see
increasing evidence of an organized sex
tourism industry, with unofficial guides
and historians playing an intermediary
role in setting up illicit encounters
between children and youth and the
tourists. The sex tourism problem
has grown to such an extent that the
influential French daily Le Figaro
recently compared the Petite Côte
region to Bangkok, Thailand.
When Sow founded Avenir in
1990 in Rufisque, a city in the Petite
Côte region, it was mainly aimed at
safeguarding street children. Avenir’s
programs for street children include
education campaigns about the dangers
and risks of street life; providing street
children with shelter and support; and
facilitating their return to and reunion
with their families.
“Moussa Sow and his colleagues
at Avenir are breaking the silence of
child abuse,” said Gary Engelberg,
a development consultant living in
Senegal. In fact, the US Department of
State recently cited Sow, a child abuse
victim himself, as a hero working to end
modern-day slavery.
With the growth in tourism, Sow
started a program in 2002 to combat the
growing sexual abuse of children. Last
year, Avenir won a high-profile case in
France that led to the imprisonment of
a French priest and doctor who was also
a campaigner against child prostitution.
The priest was convicted and jailed
for sexually abusing six African boys a
decade ago in Senegal.
On a daily basis, however, Avenir’s
program relies on more low-key
methods to prevent sexual abuse of
children. The T-shirts, complemented by
local media coverage, help to spread the
word, and Avenir works directly with
teachers, students, hotel managers, and
others to educate children and youth
about the dangers of sexual abuse and
how to recognize and leave potentially
dangerous situations.
General Grants
The spirit of innovation knows few boundaries when it is applied to
the lives of marginalized children and youth. Communities have
distinctive problems, reflective of their own social, economic, and
cultural nuances, and programs that arise in response must creatively
address these issues within each community’s unique context.
Similarly, many of the strongest programs defy categorization. This is, in one sense, the purest spirit
of entrepreneurship—to apply new approaches outside existing frameworks to create something
innovative, effective, and often exciting.
Our General Grants portfolio allows us to invest in exceptional groups that do not fit easily into our other
portfolios, yet are pursuing essential work to serve children and youth. In many cases, the approaches
employed by these groups incorporate new avenues of thought concerning the most effective ways to meet
the needs of vulnerable children.
In Kwamalasamutu, Suriname, we are working with the Amazon Conservation Team to train children
to keep alive traditional medicinal knowledge. Thirty-two young students in two villages currently attend
classes taught by shamans. Our additional funding has enabled the project to expand to a third village.
In Mexico’s coffee-rich region of Veracruz, we are helping children to strengthen their own savings
associations. There are now 14 such groups run by children and organized with the help of our grantee
partner Desarrollo Autogestionario (Self-Managed Development). To date, these children have saved
225,000 Mexican pesos ($20,525), or an average of 450 pesos ($41) per child.
Global Goods Partners, based in New York City, has created a socially responsible market for highquality handicrafts made by women and youth at 16 community-based organizations, 7 of which are
our former or current grantee partners. Through Global Goods Partners, we are further leveraging the
investments we have made in these grassroots groups by supporting their business enterprises.
On the shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya, we are helping Integrated Community Health Services
(INCHES) relay critical health messages through entertainment media such as theater, soap operas, and
stories. By combining education and entertainment, INCHES is able to reach out to vulnerable children
and youth on such issues as HIV/AIDS, gender, nutrition, and adolescent sexuality.
Our continued funding of Going to School is enabling the group to continue a multimedia campaign
in India aimed at helping girls in five states realize the importance of going to school. Going to School
uses pop art, animation, and Bollywood-style films to highlight the successes of women and girls.
By providing such varied programs, our grantee partners instill valuable life skills, help develop leadership,
and bring young people new perspectives on what the future might hold for them.
In 2005–2006, we gave a total of $171,000 in grants to 20 organizations in the General Grants portfolio.
“Queen Helina and her fellow donkeys are at the forefront of bringing books and the
love of reading to Ethiopia’s rural areas. We have successfully connected the children
with books and given them a sense of empowerment.” YOHANNES GEBREGEORGIS, FOUNDER
four donkeys, enough to share the daily
burden of carrying more than 2,000
books. The Donkey Mobile Library
sets up shop in poor neighborhoods of
Awassa, and children check out books
for the day or just sprawl on the bare
ground to read.
This mobile library is EBCEF’s latest
to reduce illiteracy and promote
Awassa, Ethiopia
reading in Ethiopia. The government
estimates that 58 percent of Ethiopians
Queen Helina stepped confidently into aged 15 and older cannot read. A World
the street, resplendent in her red cape
Bank study revealed that only 76 percent
and red crown. A retainer with a red
of boys and 52 percent of girls enroll in
umbrella separated the reigning donkey primary school. A third of them leave
from two other donkeys pulling a cart
before reaching second grade.
of books. Behind them, some 3,000
Gebregeorgis grew up without access
children shouted, “Queen Helina, we
to a library and did not read his first
want books!” as they marched in the
nonfiction book until he was 19. As a
inaugural parade of Ethiopia’s first
political refugee in the United States,
Donkey Mobile Library in Awassa, a
Gebregeorgis studied to be a librarian.
town 166 miles south of Addis Ababa.
He then worked as a children’s librarian at
“Queen Helina and her fellow donkeys the San Francisco Public Library. Despite
are at the forefront of bringing books
the large Ethiopian community in the
and the love of reading to Ethiopia’s rural area, he found few books in Amharic.
areas,” said Yohannes Gebregeorgis,
In 1998, together with children’s
founder of the Ethiopian Books for
book author Jane Kurtz, he organized
Children and Educational Foundation
EBCEF. Their first project was to
(EBCEF). Since the parade last year,
publish a book, Silly Mammo, based on
Queen Helina’s team has increased to
an Ethiopian tale. Book sales, personal
Queen Helina and
the Donkey Mobile
Library of Awassa
donations, and various grants support
EBCEF’s work. Funds from The Global
Fund for Children help maintain
EBCEF’s library in Addis Ababa and
are enabling it to expand to Awassa.
Gebregeorgis returned to live in
Addis Ababa in 2002, bringing with
him 15,000 books. In 2003, he opened
the Shola Children’s Library—the first
such library in Ethiopia—on the ground
floor of his house. It is so popular that
two tents have been pitched outside to
accommodate more children.
About 8,000 children use it, making
as many as 60,000 visits annually. An
8-year-old boy, Robel, who used to
hold books upside down because he
didn’t know how to read, is now the
library’s star reader, reading aloud to
other children every Saturday. “We have
successfully connected the children
with books and given them a sense of
empowerment,” said Gebregeorgis.
His passion for reading and the need
to raise literacy rates led Gebregeorgis
to start a reading center and the first
mobile library in his home region of
Awassa. Here Queen Helina reigns as
a beloved symbol for reading.
Responding to Crisis
Following a crisis, community-based recovery and renewal are, by
definition, a collective effort. As the fractured community heals,
natural rhythms and routines are reestablished that are essential to
ensuring the comfort and safety of children destabilized by the trauma.
Community-based groups are particularly well placed to take on this role of creating a safety net for
children and youth affected by crisis. We offer two kinds of grants to grassroots groups affected by
natural disasters, public health crises, and violent conflict. Rapid Response Grants are given to groups
facing immediate crises; and Recovery and Renewal Grants to groups in areas where the “crisis” has
been declared over but reconstruction is either ongoing or has failed.
In 2005–2006, our grantee partners coped with three new natural disasters, the lingering effects of
the 2004 tsunami, as well as a public health emergency in the Indian Ocean.
South Asia Earthquake: The devastating South Asia earthquake of October 8, 2005, led to the deaths
of more than 73,000, at least 17,000 of them children. We disbursed $5,000 in grants to two grantee
partners in Pakistan.
Hurricane Stan: Hurricane Stan, which hit Central America in early October 2005, killed over 1,100
people. Guatemala was the hardest-hit country, with entire villages destroyed by landslides and floods
and about 100,000 people living in emergency shelters. We disbursed grants totaling $7,500 to three
grantee partners in Central America.
Chikungunya Epidemic: In early 2006, a mosquito-borne fever called chikungunya began affecting Mauritius
and other islands in the Indian Ocean. One death and 1,268 cases have been recorded in Mauritius.
In 2005–2006, we awarded a public health emergency grant of $1,500 to one grantee partner in Mauritius.
Java Earthquake: Some 5,700 people were killed during the May 27, 2006, earthquake that hit central
Java. We disbursed $5,000 to two grantee partners in Indonesia.
The 2004 Tsunami: The tsunami of December 26, 2004, affected millions of people throughout South
and Southeast Asia. As the flow of international funding for relief and reconstruction efforts waned,
we dedicated over half of our Tsunami Relief and Reconstruction Fund to the long-term needs of the
devastated communities. These needs include scholarships and counseling for traumatized children.
In 2005–2006, we awarded ten grants totaling $150,000 to locally based organizations in Indonesia,
Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India that are addressing the long-term needs of tsunami-affected children.
In 2005–2006, we gave a total of $169,000 in grants to 16 organizations in the Responding to Crisis portfolio.
“The unique therapeutic power of drama and theater is helping them to recover
from the tsunami. Music, dancing, and performing is helping them get rid of
Sunera Foundation was established in
2000 by Sunethra Bandaranaike, currently
the chair, and was the first organization
in the country to use the performing
Sunera Foundation
arts to meet the needs of physically and
mentally disadvantaged Sri Lankans. It
later expanded to reach victims of ethnic
Matara, Sri Lanka
conflict and, after the tsunami hit on
December 26, 2004, children and youth
affected by the tsunami.
“The TTOP workshops were devised
The dances, the movements, and the
as a direct response to the need within
topics have changed. At first, the children displaced communities to express their
focused on the floods that inundated
trauma and give people an alternative,
their homes and killed their families and creative, interactive forum to do so,” said
friends. Then they acted out rescues and
Rohana Deva, creative director of Sunera.
the relief and rehabilitation efforts of the
The workshops, which run for three
aid agencies. Now the children dance and hours after school, start with simple
enact their daily lives and problems.
movements, dances, and songs. With the
“The unique therapeutic power of
help of trained directors, the participants
drama and theater is helping them
create their own short plays, which are
to recover from the tsunami,” said
grouped together and performed publicly.
Nandanie de Silva, project manager of
The workshops in Matara, 100 miles
the Tsunami Theatre Outreach Project
south of Colombo, are funded by The
(TTOP) of Sunera Foundation. “Music, Global Fund for Children.
dancing, and performing is helping
In this southernmost city of Sri
them get rid of their trauma.”
Lanka, 1,342 people died because of
Theater of the Tsunami
the 2004 tsunami. An additional 9,491
people were displaced, and 10,122 of the
city’s children were affected. Thousands
of tsunami victims flooded relief camps,
sought shelter in the streets, or moved
into relatives’ homes.
There are seven TTOP workshops in
Matara, with 230 children and youth
participating regularly. In the six most
heavily affected districts, there are a total
of 45 workshops. Over 1,700 children
participate in these workshops each week.
One of these children is 12-year-old
Ravindu. He was left in Matara with his
grandmother when his mother went to
the Middle East to work as a maid. When
the tsunami hit, they lost everything.
When he first joined one of the
workshops, Ravindu was very withdrawn
and did not want to play with the other
children. Gradually, he emerged from his
shell. He is now a happy, self-confident
child with a lot of friends, and he often
takes the lead role in the workshop’s plays.
“The workshops are group therapies
using the performing arts,” said de Silva.
Sustainability Awards
Through our Sustainability Awards, we seek to draw international
attention to organizations that have developed grassroots solutions
to global problems.
We choose grantee partners that not only have succeeded in greatly improving the lives of vulnerable
children, but also are at a stage in their development where they are now able to sustain new levels of
financial and program growth. Eight of our most successful grantee partners received the $25,000 award
this year, bringing to 16 the total number of recipients since the award was first presented last year.
The Sustainability Awards are an integral part of our grantmaking approach and constitute our final
investment in the work of selected grantee partners. However, these grassroots organizations remain in
our network as learning partners. They are eligible to receive tracking grants, and we continue to help
them leverage funds from other sources, thereby enhancing their future security.
We present Sustainability Awards to select organizations that:
• Have received our funding for a minimum of two years
• Are representative of organizations that we support due to their innovations and effectiveness
• Have arrived at a critical stage in their organizational development
• Can demonstrate organizational development in budget growth, program expansion, and/or
diversification of funding sources over the course of their relationship with us
• Have increased their public profile and ability to leverage additional funds through prizes or awards,
government recognition, and/or increased financial support
• Affect broader issues related to children, education, and/or development through advocacy, training,
and/or replication
• Have proved their management capacity to administer this large, strategic grant
• Maintain strong communication links with our program staff, management, and representatives
“ProJOVEN’s process has been highly labor intensive, but we believe the time
and effort we have put into training local staff is what gives our projects their
stability and staying power.” MAUREEN HERMAN, FOUNDER
skipped class. At 17, she was put in charge
of ProJOVEN’s toughest literacy class.
Under Sonia’s guidance, her students
advanced faster than the other students.
When her estranged father reneged
on his promise to send her to college,
ProJOVEN gave Sonia an additional
job as a bookkeeper and helped her
Asunción, Paraguay
secure a college scholarship. With her
earnings, Sonia, now 19, is able to help
her mother feed and clothe the family
Among the 70 slums of this city, Bañado and at the same time is able to pursue
Tacumbu holds the distinction of
her dream of becoming an accountant.
being home to over half of all juvenile
“ProJOVEN’s process has been
delinquents in Paraguay’s criminal justice highly labor intensive, but we believe
system. Not only are the basic needs of
the time and effort we have put into
its 7,500 residents not being met, but the training local staff is what gives our
area is rife with poverty, unemployment, projects their stability and staying
and dysfunctional families.
power,” said Maureen Herman, founder
With the help of a unique group
of the organization.
ProJOVEN’s 37 staff and volunteers,
called ProJOVEN (For Youth), residents
all considered role models, come from
are slowly changing Bañado Tacumbu,
Bañado Tacumbu and the surrounding
one youth at a time. One such resident
communities. “They are people who
is Sonia Morinigo. She volunteered at
fought to educate themselves and want
ProJOVEN when she was 15 so she
to see more youth in their community
could look out for her younger sister,
do the same,” she said.
Andrea, who ran away from home but
Herman, a former Peace Corps
liked to visit the center.
volunteer, founded the organization
Sonia proved to be more mature than
in 1999 after noticing the lack of local
her years. She was hired as a promotora
groups helping troubled youth in the
(promoter) for the Literacy and Life
slums of Asunción. With the help of
Skills program to ensure that no one
Changing a Slum,
One Youth at a Time
The Global Fund for Children, Herman
instituted the eight-month Literacy and
Life Skills program so youth could read,
write, and acquire other skills—and not
end up as juvenile delinquents.
From an initial class of 35 students
meeting informally, ProJOVEN is
now helping more than 150 students
annually through this program. About
530 youth in all benefit annually from
the organization’s programs.
This year, The Global Fund
for Children gave ProJOVEN a
Sustainability Award for its innovative
approach to helping troubled youth
and local communities. ProJOVEN’s
work has also been recognized by
Paraguay’s Supreme Court of Justice,
the World Bank, and various Latin
American organizations.
The Sustainability Award will help
the group purchase their own building,
expand their communications and
fundraising capacity, and transition to
all-local leadership. Already, many of
the decisions in running ProJOVEN
are being made by young Paraguayans.
Herman eventually wants to become
just an adviser and to place the
organization completely into the hands
of responsible youth from the slums
like Sonia Morinigo.
Asociación Solas y Unidas
Christ School
Executive director: Sonia Borja Velazco
GFC grantee partner since 2002
Total support from GFC: $61,000
Executive director: Kevin Bartkovich
GFC grantee partner since 1999
Total support from GFC: $72,000
Solas y Unidas was founded and is operated by HIV-positive
women. The organization works to reduce the stigma and
address the discrimination that HIV-positive children and
children of HIV-positive parents face in the community, at
school, and at social service agencies. Solas y Unidas offers
these children a comprehensive program that includes a
day school, recreational activities, and nutrition and health
workshops. Since 2002, we have supported the day school
program. With an expanding budget, program replication,
and a model children’s program, Solas y Unidas will use its
Sustainability Award to buy a building so that it can bolster
its organizational sustainability through a permanent structure
and long-term investment asset.
Christ School is located in one of the poorest and most
isolated regions of Uganda. It offers secondary education to
over 250 students; tutoring and leadership camps in math
and science; and teacher training. Its approach has produced
impressive results in a low-achieving district; last year, 13 of
the school’s 15 college-bound students were accepted into
university with government scholarships. We have supported
Christ School’s leadership and academic development camps,
which prepare primary-school students for secondary-school
entrance exams, improving the pass rate and facilitating
their transition to secondary school. In this rural area of few
resources, Christ School will use its Sustainability Award to
develop a farm on its 12 hectares of land. This will allow the
school to be more self-sufficient, ultimately producing onethird of the food needed for school meals.
Conquest for Life
Salaam Baalak Trust
Executive director: Glen Steyn
GFC grantee partner since 2001
Total support from GFC: $79,000
Director: Heenu Singh
GFC grantee partner since 2003
Total support from GFC: $45,000
Run and managed by young people, Conquest for Life aims
to empower youth to become proactive agents of change in
their communities by developing their identities and self-worth
and by creating a sense of community. Since 2001, we have
funded the Youth Enrichment Project, an after-school program
that focuses on academic tutoring, conflict resolution, and
vocational skills, and the Just for Kids peace games program.
Conquest for Life has enjoyed impressive growth over the past
five years; it now serves over 40,000 children in 70 schools
and has a budget of $1 million. Conquest for Life will use its
Sustainability Award to expand its programs by hiring a fulltime fundraiser and creating publicity materials.
Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT) works in and around the New
Delhi railway stations, bus stops, and congested business areas
and slums, targeting runaway children who have no family or
support system within the city. SBT’s drop-in shelter for boys
offers food, shelter, tutoring, and skills training, without the risk
of harassment by police, drug dealers, and sexual predators.
With our support over the past four years, these boys have been
given the opportunity to pursue healthy and productive lives,
with many continuing their education. The Sustainability Award
will be added to SBT’s existing endowment. The income will pay
for the operating and administrative costs of the organization so
it can continue its programs.
Ubuntu Education Fund
Executive director: Maureen Herman
GFC grantee partner since 2002
Total support from GFC: $76,000
Co-presidents: Jacob Lief and Banks Gwaxula
GFC grantee partner since 2002
Total support from GFC: $60,000
Working in the poor communities of Asunción, ProJOVEN
empowers at-risk youth to make positive decisions for the
future by providing education and counseling, by training
local educators and volunteers as mentors, and by promoting
community awareness and action. It also offers rehabilitation
services to youth in conflict with the law, as an alternative to
Paraguay’s overcrowded criminal justice system. Since 2002, we
have supported ProJOVEN’s Literacy and Life Skills program
for at-risk youth. The program teaches reading and writing to
adolescents at risk of delinquency in a neighborhood that is
home to over half of the juvenile delinquents in the country’s
criminal justice system. ProJOVEN will use its Sustainability
Award to bolster its long-term organizational stability, hire
a development director, plan for leadership succession, and
create communications and marketing materials.
Working aggressively to stem the spread of AIDS, Ubuntu
Education Fund works through local schools to bring
much-needed educational and health resources to the
underserved townships of Port Elizabeth. For four years, we
have supported Ubuntu’s counseling, referral, and advocacy
program. The organization has demonstrated impressive
growth since its founding in 1999; it currently reaches 40,000
residents and has a budget of $1 million. Ubuntu plans to use
its Sustainability Award for staff development and well-being,
including a new staff wellness program that will offer health
insurance, wellness workshops, exercise clubs, and counseling.
Rural Institute for Development Education
Wilderness Foundation
Executive director: Andrew Muir
GFC partner since 2004
Total support from GFC: $55,000
Director: S. Jeyaraj
GFC grantee partner since 2001
Total support from GFC: $54,500
The Rural Institute for Development Education (RIDE)
works to eradicate child labor in the silk looms in Tamil Nadu
by providing education and alternative methods of income
generation for the children and their families. We began
providing general support to RIDE’s Bridge School Centers
and child labor intervention centers in 2001. The centers offer
educational, social, and emotional assistance to children as they
transition from silk loom work to formal schools. Following
the December 2004 tsunami, we also provided emergency
funding to distribute clothing, blankets, and medicines to
victims in the refugee camp in Kanchipuram. RIDE will use its
Sustainability Award as a revolving fund to support an existing
microcredit program, the income of which will fund ongoing,
village-based child labor prevention activities.
Since its inception in 1972, Wilderness Foundation has
successfully brought together disadvantaged youth on trails
to experience nature, often for the first time. Over the years,
its programs have evolved, blending conservation and social
action in response to the pressing needs of South African
society. We have supported the Umzi Wethu Training Centers
for Displaced Children, which provide AIDS orphans with
training in the growing hospitality and ecotourism sectors.
Since our initial support in 2004, Wilderness Foundation has
grown dramatically and currently has a budget of $2 million.
It will use its Sustainability Award to implement its
development plan, which includes hiring a development
consultant based in the US and cultivating individual donors.
Johnson & Johnson Health
and Well-Being Grants
Truly healthy children are not merely free from illness. Healthy children
live better lives because they receive adequate emotional support, they
breathe clean air, and they drink potable water. Children deprived of
these things are rarely ready to learn, play, or explore.
Our grantee partners regularly witness the impacts of childhood morbidity and mortality on a community.
They know how ill health thwarts children’s ability to thrive, learn, and take advantage of life’s opportunities.
Recognizing this, we offer qualified grantee partners a $1,000 supplemental health grant, underwritten
solely by Johnson & Johnson. In 2005–2006, we provided Johnson & Johnson Health and Well-Being
Grants to 128 of our 157 grantee partners.
Our grantee partners use their grants to address the most pressing health needs of the children they
serve. Some of these uses are:
• Transporting HIV-positive youth to nearby towns for free anti-retroviral treatments
(Children in the Wilderness, Malawi)
• Providing mental health counseling to children and their families (TYHF, Georgia)
• Providing de-worming medication and dental checkups for children (FFSC, Vietnam)
• Purchasing mosquito netting for students and a water purification system for the center (AFA, Tanzania)
• Funding visits by a doctor and providing medicines for children at a Roma summer camp (Chiricli, Ukraine)
• Training peer educators and buying more supplies for the health center (FDNC, Uganda)
• Paying for visits to doctors at a local hospital (Fundación La Paz, Bolivia)
• Growing a vegetable garden to improve children’s diets (PODA, Pakistan)
• Training village health volunteers and building sanitary toilets (RIDE, India)
• Completing the school’s toilet facilities and offering voluntary HIV testing (Nyaka School, Uganda)
• Providing medical exams, physical therapy, and medicines for disabled children (Tanadgoma, Georgia)
• Purchasing anti-parasite medicines and vitamins (ADEVI, Peru)
• Conducting lessons in reproductive health (BASE, Nepal)
• Offering nutritional counseling and a supplemental food basket for participants (JUCONI, Ecuador)
• Supplying toiletries for new residents in transitional housing (GEMS, United States)
• Establishing an emergency fund for prescription medicines for poor children (Nehemiah, Zimbabwe)
• Purchasing toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, and toothpaste for children (The Jinpa Project, China)
• Paying a registered nurse to run health education sessions (Homies, El Salvador)
• Providing basic medical care and treatment in crisis situations (AUGE, Mexico)
• Purchasing sanitary kits for children in Aceh Province (HIMPSI, Indonesia)
Through such simple health interventions, the Johnson & Johnson Health and Well-Being Grants help
our grantee partners make a greater impact on the children they serve by ensuring a holistic and more
integrated approach to the children’s well-being.
“We should not forget that HIV/AIDS is a serious post-conflict issue. We do not
have many resources, but we will try and help these infected children as much
home?” Very early the following day, they
released him in exchange for his sandals.
There are an estimated 30,000 child
soldiers in the DRC, children from 8 to
15 years old who were conscripted by
rebel armies in conflicts that have raged
since 1996. The Uvira district, in eastern
DRC, is at the epicenter of the conflict.
Uvira, Democratic
Beck was a student in the region’s main
Republic of the
town of Bukavu when his relatives wrote
Congo (DRC)
to him, asking him to find 22 children
To this day, Bukeni Tete Waruzi Beck
who were forced to become soldiers.
does not know why he keeps helping
He found that 11 of them were still
child soldiers after they arrested him and alive. Beck and his friends then visited
beat him twice. His voice quivers as he
4 of Uvira’s 22 villages and gathered
recalls the most painful of the beatings,
112 more names. In 1998, they
which took place five years ago.
organized Association des Jeunes pour
Beck was returning home after
le Développement Intégré–Kakundu
documenting child soldiers when he was (AJEDI–Ka or Youth Association
arrested by other rebels. They saw his
for Integrated Development–Kakundu)
camera and accused him of being a spy.
to deal with the problem.
He was ordered to stare at the sun for one
At first, they focused on advocating for
hour, and when he faltered, for two hours. these children, pleading with the rebels
Unable to comply, he was beaten by four
to release them. With the help of a New
child soldiers with rifles and belts.
York–based group, Witness, they made
“Fifty times,” Beck said. It was at that
videos about the children’s plight. AJEDI–
point that he nearly quit his advocacy
Ka was instrumental in convincing the
work on behalf of the child soldiers of
International Criminal Court, based in
the DRC. But he said to himself, “If I
the Netherlands, to list the conscription of
stop helping them, who will take them
child soldiers as a war crime.
Children of War,
Children of Hope
Early on, Beck and his friends
realized that they had to be more
than advocates. Through AJEDI–Ka’s
Projet Enfants Soldats (Child Soldiers
Project), they established a center where
child soldiers can stay as they receive
vocational training and are reintegrated
into their families. Each village now
has a five-person committee to monitor
and assist the returnees. More than
300 former child soldiers have been
demobilized by AJEDI–Ka. Three from
the original list of 22 child soldiers are
now in secondary school.
Last year, using a Johnson & Johnson
Health and Well-Being Grant from The
Global Fund for Children, AJEDI–Ka
began giving checkups to 35 child
soldiers who were getting vocational
training. Eleven of them, including
one girl, tested positive for HIV. Beck
and his friends are exploring ways to
help these HIV-positive returnees. “We
should not forget that HIV/AIDS is a
serious post-conflict issue,” said Beck.
“We do not have many resources but
will try and help these infected children
as much as we can.”
Enhancing the Work
of Our Grantee Partners
The value-added services we provide to our grantee partners help to strengthen their organizations
and make them more sustainable in the long term, as well as help them optimize the use of our grants.
These services come in the form of expert assistance on organizational development, legal services
referrals, support for network development and training, and facilitation of additional funding.
We gave eight of our grantee partners in South Asia organizational development support through
our regional collaborator, Dasra. The total value of these support awards was $50,000. Of the eight
recipients, five were in India, two in Pakistan, and one in Bangladesh.
Dasra, based in Mumbai, India, specializes in building sustainable nonprofit organizations. It provides
technical assistance to improve an organization’s capacity to perform and gives managerial support to
ensure a solid foundation for lasting social impact.
We have been working with Dasra since 2003, and eight of our grantee partners have previously
benefited from Dasra’s expertise. The model that we have developed merges on-site visits with workshops
and other training and is unique in the area of organizational development assistance.
Over the course of one year of intense assessment, consultation, and assistance, our regional consultants
provide guidance in areas such as strategic planning, financial and management information systems,
evaluation, fundraising, and advocacy.
Some of the 2005–2006 recipients of these organizational development awards were:
De Laas Gul Welfare Programme in Peshawar, Pakistan, for the development of a strategic plan
Jeeva Jyothi in Chennai, India, for the improvement of evaluation and assessment methods
Phulki in Dhaka, Bangladesh, for management training and the improvement of accounting methods
Backward Society Education in Chakhaura, Dang, Nepal, for the improvement of board governance
and human resource development
We continue to work with our grantee partners to identify and pursue opportunities for additional
funding from other sources as a means of promoting our partners’ sustainability and growth.
Our leveraging initiative encompasses a broad range of activities. On the most basic level, grantee partners
report that simply referencing The Global Fund for Children’s support adds to their credibility with other
international and institutional donors. We also help leverage government and multilateral support in
grantee partners’ home countries by facilitating introductions, assisting in the navigation of bureaucratic
processes, and advocating for greater support for the types of work that our grantee partners are doing.
Cumulatively, we had leveraged more than $2.4 million in
additional funds for our grantee partners by the end of this
fiscal year. Some of the grantee partners that successfully
raised additional funds with our help are Association des
Jeunes pour le Développement Intégré–Kakundu in Uvira,
Democratic Republic of the Congo; Potohar Organization
for Development Advocacy in Nara Mughlan, Pakistan; and
Shilpa Children’s Trust in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Through our collaboration with the Lex Mundi Pro Bono
Foundation, our grantee partners can avail themselves of
top-tier independent law firms in their home countries for pro
bono legal services and counsel. We facilitate the relationship
between our grantee partners and the foundation. The offered
legal support varies in scope and complexity and includes
assistance with such things as lease agreements, labor disputes,
and the finer legal points of advocacy and policy changes.
Together with our grantee partners, we have accumulated
substantial knowledge and experience in the power of
community-based organizations and grassroots grantmaking.
Our knowledge management initiative gathers and distills
our experiences and our lessons learned and disseminates
them to our grantee partners as well as to the wider
development and philanthropic communities.
In May 2006, we held a Knowledge Exchange workshop
in Nairobi, Kenya, for our grantee partners in eastern
and southern Africa. It was attended by 25 participants
from 21 organizations based in 12 countries. The countries
represented were Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius,
Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda,
Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The theme of the workshop was “Knowledge, Networks, and
Advocacy.” Participants served as resident experts sharing their
experience and critical insights on serving vulnerable children
in their communities. The workshop included sessions on:
The value of community-based approaches
The widespread effects of HIV/AIDS
What small NGOs need in order to be more effective
How community-based organizations can advise
world leaders
By thinking in original ways, participants found new
solutions to old problems. They also discussed innovative
ways in which they have worked toward becoming more
sustainable and self-sufficient.
For most participants, the workshop was their first visit to
Kenya; for many, it was their first plane ride; and for others,
it was their first opportunity to participate in a workshop
outside their community organizations. Several cited the
workshop as personally and professionally transformative.
We offer a $1,000 tracking grant to each of our former grantee
partners every two years in return for the submission of basic
information on the organization’s growth and evolution during
that period. This information allows us to track the organization’s
long-term trajectory and experiences and to evaluate our own
record in making “good bets” on emerging organizations.
In 2005–2006, we gave tracking grants to 11 grassroots
groups. Some of them reported an increasing role not only
in providing services but also in helping to shape policies
that affect children and youth:
• South Africa’s Molo Songololo played a key role in
organizing the Southern African Network against
Trafficking and Abuse of Children. As part of its ongoing
public awareness campaign, Molo Songololo organized a
march to the parliament in December 2005 to press for
the passage of two laws that have major provisions on the
trafficking of children.
Several of our grantee partners also reported budget increases:
• In Puebla, Mexico, Instituto Poblano de Readaptación
(IPODERAC) continues to raise much of its own funding
through its innovative income-generating activities.
The production and sale of goat cheese and soap, both
made by street boys, helped boost its annual budget from
$200,000 in 1999 to $750,000 today. IPODERAC recently
completed a ten-year strategic plan that includes producing
organic cheese to meet a growing demand.
• Mexico City’s Ayuda y Solidaridad con las Niñas de la
Calle, which provides shelter and emotional support to
street girls, was recently given a house out of which to
operate. An increase in the number of donors—including
a notable number of American university students—has
resulted in a current budget of $660,000. This has enabled
the organization to hire a psychologist to provide new
services to help Mexico City’s street girls.
The second recipient of the William Ascher Summer
Fellowship was Tammy Phan, a senior at Stanford University.
During her fellowship, Phan worked on a knowledge
initiative that examined best practices of The Global Fund
for Children and other grantmaking organizations in
deciding when and how to end support to grantee partners.
She also documented our institutional memory through
analyzing tracking grants and follow-up interviews with
over 30 former grantee partners.
The William Ascher Summer Fellowship was created in
honor of our founding chair. William Ascher is the Donald
C. McKenna Professor of Government and Economics at
Claremont McKenna College.
Telling Compelling Stories
Global Media Ventures
This year, we combined our well-established children’s book
publishing program with our emerging work in documentary
photography and our preliminary investments in film to create
the Global Media Ventures program.
The stories of our grantee partners’ work across the globe—and the dignity, optimism, and promise of
the vulnerable children and youth that our grantee partners reach—are both compelling and numerous.
We are in a fortunate and unique position to share these stories with the world through words, through
images, and through film. Our books, photographs, and films complement the goals of our grantmaking
and together present a resounding statement on behalf of children and youth everywhere.
We received several important awards this year. Our book Be My Neighbor was selected by the National
Council for the Social Studies as a Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People. Going to
School in India was chosen by the United States Board on Books for Young People and the Children’s
Book Council as a 2006 Outstanding International Book and also received an Honor Award from the
preeminent multicultural magazine, Skipping Stones. Since our first book was published in 1997, our
books have collectively received 27 honors and awards.
The Council on Foundations gave a Silver Award to our photo-essay Aspire during the 2006 Wilmer
Shields Rich Awards for Excellence in Communications. Aspire showcases photographs of our grantee
partners taken by Andrea Camuto, the first recipient of the GFC/ICP Fellowship.
In May 2006, we received an Oprah’s Book Club Award given by Oprah’s Angel Network in honor of
Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel. The $50,000 award, announced over network television during The Oprah
Winfrey Show, allows us to distribute 17,000 of our books free to children and youth in war-torn
countries and areas where poverty or violence remains a daily reality.
In a similar spirit, the Credit Suisse Foundation made a special gift to The Global Fund for Children
that further supports our book donation project, Books for Kids.
The core of this new program remains the vibrant photoillustrated books that not only present positive images
of children but also celebrate cultural diversity, global
understanding, and hope as seen through young eyes.
Through our Books for Kids project, we donate our books
and resource guides to community-based literacy groups
worldwide. We target local groups that focus on children’s
literacy and that demonstrate a pressing need for educational
materials. The goal is to assist these groups in expanding their
To reinforce our identity, we completed the rebranding of Global educational resources as well as facilitating dialogue about
Fund for Children Books (formerly Shakti for Children). Our
diversity and tolerance. We have donated more than 55,000
new book logo now appears on all of our books. We also have a
Global Fund for Children books through this project.
new online bookstore at
Before the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, more than
Today, more than 300,000 copies of Global Fund for
20 percent of the children in Louisiana, Mississippi, and
Children books are in circulation. They reach an estimated
Alabama lived below the poverty line. In 2005–2006, we
1 million readers. Our books play a key role in promoting the donated 2,350 of our books to community groups and
cultural dimensions of international development by making libraries in these states and to groups working with Katrinait possible for children all over the world to learn from one
affected children resettled in cities as far away as New York.
another, and to be inspired by one another.
The Books for Kids project brings hope to children who have
lost their homes and communities. We gave the La Capitale
At the same time, we are expanding our reach by telling
Chapter of The Links, Inc., over $10,000 worth of books for
stories using other media. This expansion has increased our
the displaced children of New Orleans now living in Baton
synergy with the grantmaking program. A good example is
Rouge. The director wrote: “New Orleans feels to . . . [the
our investment in the production of a feature documentary
children of Baton Rouge] like another country separated by
produced by one of our grantee partners. When we published customs and language. . . . Understanding and celebrating the
our first book, Children from Australia to Zimbabwe, a portion diversity of cultures elsewhere will allow our youth to perhaps
of the royalties went to fund our grantmaking. This practice
reexamine their relationships with our new neighbors.”
continues today.
The book donations were made possible by a grant from
CIBC World Markets.
Global Fund for Children Books
(1997–2006 )
• 20 titles
• 30 revenue streams (hardcovers, paperbacks,
board books, and resource guides)
• Over $1.46 million in revenue (sales, royalties,
and sales of rights to 11 publishers)
• 27 book awards and honors
• 300,000 books in circulation
• 1 million estimated readers
An important addition to our book collection is My Family,
published in spring 2006. This book celebrates how families
in 31 countries live, learn, work, play together, and strive to
make the world a better home for all. It is authored by Sheila
Kincade, illustrated with photographs by Elaine Little, and
introduced with a foreword by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.
Dimmock is the second recipient of the fellowship. She
documented the work of three Sustainability Award recipients
in Zambia (Children’s Town) and South Africa (Ubuntu
Education Fund and Wilderness Foundation). Several of the
photographs illustrating this annual report, including those in
black and white, were taken during her fellowship.
In addition, we currently have several books in development
with our partner, Charlesbridge Publishing. We have been
partners with Charlesbridge, a for-profit children’s book
company in Watertown, Massachusetts, since 1997.
Two years ago, we partnered with the New York–based
International Center of Photography (ICP) to create
a fellowship for young photographers. The GFC/ICP
Fellowship uses the power of photography to highlight the
hope and opportunity cultivated by our grantee partners in
the children they serve. It is also designed to inspire a new
generation of photographers to use photography to document
social changes all over the world.
This year’s recipient of the GFC/ICP Fellowship is Jessica
Dimmock. A former teacher and social worker in Brooklyn,
New York, Dimmock has a master’s degree in education and
is also a graduate of the International Center of Photography.
Her work has appeared in Newsweek, Fortune, The New York
Times Magazine, and Time.
By highlighting and supporting films and filmmakers that
portray children from different countries in a positive light,
we raise awareness of issues facing vulnerable children
around the world. We also connect viewers and filmmakers
to grassroots organizations confronting the challenges
portrayed in these films.
In 2005, we invested in our first film, Going to School in India. The
film was produced by our grantee partner Going to School and
is based on a Global Fund for Children book of the same title.
It celebrates Indian schoolchildren and follows them as they
attend school in the desert, on mountaintops, in buses, on train
platforms, at night, and in the middle of an island in Kashmir.
Going to School in India has reached over 22 million viewers in
India. It has also been featured in the Kids First! Festival and
at other film festivals across the United States and abroad.
Growing to Serve More Children
The Global Fund for Children could not function without the support
and investment of friends around the world. This past year brought us
more donors than ever before, more dollars used directly to improve
the lives of children, and more strategic partnerships that broaden the
venues in which people can learn about and support our work.
The growth in our programs has been spurred by the commensurate growth in our revenue. Since we
do not accept government funding, all our support comes from private sources. Through the networking
and outreach that has been the backbone of our development and fundraising, we secured nearly
$5 million in 2005–2006, with commitments of additional revenue to be realized over the next year.
Nearly 70 percent of our revenue comes from individuals and family foundations, with the remainder
coming from diverse sources such as corporations, book revenue, and school groups. This, we believe,
is a healthy mix that insulates The Global Fund for Children against economic downturns.
We are now beginning to develop our sources of revenue from across the seas. As a first step in this
process, we have established the UK Advisory Board, which is charged with creating a Global Fund
for Children trust in the United Kingdom. This new trust will increase our visibility throughout the
United Kingdom and continental Europe, and will secure new investors that believe in our work.
Young people around the world have found innovative ways to support The Global Fund for Children.
Many of these efforts have generated several thousand dollars, sent directly to partners designated by
the students and schools. For example, children at the Mirman School in Los Angeles have hosted
a readathon for seven consecutive years and have raised over $66,000 to support the Train Platform
Schools, run by the Ruchika Social Service Organisation in India.
This year, Ian Glasner of the Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School in Palo Alto, California, raised over
$1,600 for The Global Fund for Children in honor of his bar mitzvah. Additionally, students from the
Clearwater Bay School in Hong Kong, the Greater Gatineau School in Quebec, the Katherine Delmar
Burke School in San Francisco, and other schools around the world all worked to raise vital resources
for our partners as part of our Young Philanthropists Program.
We are pleased to start working with Youth Philanthropy Worldwide, which aims to inspire young
people in the United States to contribute to the global community.
In 2005–2006, we entered into major partnerships that provide
new avenues for sharing our work and engaging support:
The Global Fund for Children has formed a partnership
with Tea Collection, a manufacturer and distributor of
high-quality children’s clothing. Tea Collection has created a
special line of children’s T-shirts and bodysuits emblazoned
with “For Little Citizens of the World.” All proceeds from
the sales of this special line go directly to The Global Fund
for Children. Tea Collection’s Global Fund for Children line
can be found in retail stores from coast to coast, or online
In 2005, The Global Fund for Children became a donations
recipient of Working Assets. This unique company donates
a portion of the revenue from its long-distance, wireless, and
credit card services to nonprofit groups working to build
a world that is more just, humane, and environmentally
sustainable. Since 1985, Working Assets has generated
over $50 million for nonprofit groups.
These partnerships allow us to introduce our work in new
ways to new communities while strengthening our distinctive
identity. In the process, we share our name and reputation
with organizations and enterprises that aspire to the same
ideals. We are also able to raise awareness of The Global
Fund for Children, our work, and the young people we
reach through our grantee partners.
Our Donors
Anonymous (36)
Jenna and Joseph Abouzeid
Pat Abrams and Sally Pedley
Sharon Ackley
Maya Ajmera and David Hollander Jr.
Richa and Ravi Ajmera
Roopa and Ramesh Ajmera
Dana Akers
Dr. Deborah Alexander
Arlyn Alonzo and Carlos Cuevas
Ruth Ames
Parth and Pinal Amin
Adlai J. Amor
Soh Qi An
Maya Anbinder
Sundar Jayasree Anirudh
Antonella Antonini and Alan Stein
Barbara and William Ascher
Pedro Azevedo
Debi and Richard Baer
Jocelyn Balaban-Lutzky and
David Lutzky
Rick Ball
Marion Ballard
Thomas Barry
Peggy and Arthur Bender
Anu and Pradeep Bhardwaj
Jewelle and Nathaniel Bickford
Charlene Bihari
Kevin Bird
Catherine Bishop
Roberta Denning Bowman and
Steven Denning
Angela and Amir Bozorgmir
Timothy Brady
Devon and Peter Briger
Camille and Craig Broderick
Richard Bronks
Alice Averell Brown
Anne and Wren Brown
Jeanine Brown
Myles Brown
Teddie and Tony Brown
Bob Bryan
Martha and Henry Bryans
Michael Burkes
Jonah A. Cantelmi
Amy and Charles Carter
Christine Caulfield
Rand Cayer
Susie and Stephen Cha
Walid Chammah
Emily Chang and Robert Sherman
Katherine Alice Chang and
Thomas Einstein
Yuchiao Chang
Prajakta Chaudhari
Randy Chauss
Victoria A. Cho Choi and
Seung-Ho Choi
Sharon Cicero and Miguel Wimer
Annette Clear and Michael Begert
Nora D. Cohen
Steven Cohen
The Compains
Midori Connolly
James C. Coon
Jamie Cooper-Hohn and
Christopher Hohn
Candee Corliss
Katelena Hernandez Cowles and
James Cowles
Peter Cutting
Anita Dahiya
Sandra Salinas Daniels and
Howard Daniels
Darsha Davidoff and
Donald Drumright
Terry and Laura Davies
Bridget and C. Cullom Davis
Linda G. Davis
Mei-Lin Kimberly Davis
Sebastian and Benjamin Davis
Abbie Dean
Jodi Ecker Detjen and
Michael Detjen
Reena Devani
Suzette B. Dilzer
Cheryl and James Dodwell
Cheryl Dorsey
Connie and Toney Driver
Lauren Dunbar
Victoria Dunning, Lazaro Mtunguja,
and Grace Dunning Mtunguja
Suzanne Duryea and
Timothy Waidmann
Ritwik Dutta
Margaret Elofson
David Epstein
Sarah Epstein
Sean Erickson
Elsa Fan
Marilyn Fanthome
Brent Farmer
Suzanne Farver
Kate and Henry Faulkner
Dr. Julie Fecht
Evelina Feinberg
Lynn and Greg Fields
Jeanne Donovan Fisher
Pegge Lee Forrest
Kara Forston
Masumi and Scott Frastaci
Kevin Fukagawa
Nella and Paul Fulton
Julia and Adam Janovic
The Janton Family
Audra Jenike
Christine and M. Andrew Johnston
Kathleen and Stephen Gardner
Denise and Tina-Marie Gauthier
Paola Gianturco
Tom Giesler
Eleanor Hewlett Gimon
Juliette Gimon
Franklyn Gomez
Mike Gomez
Gonçalo, Luís Miguel, Hugo, and
Cleveland Goolsby
Jill and Michael Goran
Linda Gottlieb
Rachel and Sarah Graup
Judy and Michael Gross
Alex Kalinovsky
Raveesh Kanaujia
Suhel Kanuga
Megan and Sandy Kaplan
Namrita Kapur
Evelyn and George Kausch
Janet and Marvin Kay
David Keller
Gilbert Kelly
June and William Kelso
Scott Kennedy
Charles Kercheval
Neelam and Sanjiv Khattri
Tovah Klein and Kenneth Boockvar
Barbara Kohnen and James Adriance
Deborah Komatsu
Judy Kramer
Taylor Edgeworth Kuehn
Navdeep Kumar
Nancy W. Kurema
Janet Kwuon and Stefan Lee
Jana Haimsohn
Katherine Hall-Hertel
Sandra and Ben Hamburg
Yuko Harmegnies
Susan Carter Harrington and
Tom Harrington
Fiona Harrison and Richard Sander
Shoma and Ken Harrison
Alicia and Matthew Hawk
Lezley Hawley and Jay Reagan
Ruth Heckard
John Hepburn
Esther Hewlett
Mary Hewlett
Sally and William Hewlett
Elissa Higgins
Deirdre Hill
Melissa and Kaylin Hobson
Shirley Hollander
Arnona and R. E. Horowitz
H. C. Hovanessian and
Vache Mahseredjian
Jackie, Stewart, and Wyatt Hudson
Madeline Hudson
Keith Huizinga
Jamie Hunter
Zahera and Syed Hussain
Erin Hustings
Wende and Tom Hutton
Dave Ingleman
Farieda and Behram Irani
Lori and Gregg Ireland
James Behrens Irwin
Jeanet and John Irwin
Maxine Isaacs
Dr. Gareth Lacey
Levi Laddon
Jill Lafrenz
Christine Lakey
Millicent and Robert LaLanne
Guy E. Lawrence
Jason D. Lawrence
John Lawson
Rochelle and George Lazarus
Paula LeFebvre
Savannah Kase Lengsfelder
Joni and Frederick Lerner
Darla and Scott Lesh
Belinda and Pascal Levensohn
Paula and James Liang
Lisa Litzinger
Louise and Worth Loomis
Ruth Loomis and Josh Silver
Katy Love
Laura and Mike Luger
Laura Kiyomi Lumsden and
Doc Sasaki
Ann Kew Lupardi and
Vincent Lupardi
Darlene Maalouf
Ellen and Richard Mackenzie
Prajna Parasher and Haresh Malkani
CJ Malley
Shawn Malone
Debra and Robert Markovic
Abigail Marks
Jimena Martinez and
Michael Hirschhorn
Byrne A. Matthews
Margaret and Joseph Mazzella
W. R. McEachern
Debbie and Mark McGoldrick
Andrea McGrath-Allen
Gina McKay
Bryan McMullen
Mary Patterson McPherson
Suzanne and Marcellus McRae
The Meagher Family
Benjamin Meigs
Andrea Menzies
Seth Mersky
Megan Mickley
Burton Miller
Rachel Miller and Alan Epstein
Kimberly Mills
Christy and Steve Mineau
Karen and Daniel Miron
Margarita and Manuel Montanez
Norma Montanez
Eliseo Montenegro
Jean Montgomery
Anne Firth Murray
Magda Nakassis
The Nall Family
Kathy and Mark Neumann
Maggie and Caroline Nielsen
Larry Nittler
Robert E. and Robert J. Novak
Jenny Nunn
Adria O’Donnell
Oliveros Families and Friends
Ingrid Olsen-Young
David Oshima
The Palizzi Family
Elizabeth and Anthony Palizzi
Teressa Palizzi
Suman Pandiri
Marina Pappas
Yatin Patel
G. Paul
Elaine Pearlman
Rena Pederson
Nancy Peretsman and Robert Scully
Blake R. Peterson
C. K. Phelan and George Bartzokis
Carol Phethean and Peter Yawitz
Jill Pierce
Anne and LeRoy Pingho
Marilyn and Thomas Pinnavaia
Sandra Pinnavaia and
Guy Moszkowski
Beatrice Plasse
Cynthia Pon
Harmony Pyper and Daniel Costello
Betty Queen
Amanda and Adam Quinton
Farida and Tawfiq Rangwala
Adele Richardson Ray
Debra and Jeff rey Resnick
Patricia Reynolds
Victoria Rich
Juliann and David Riley
Blythe Roberts
Jon Rochester
Angela Rojas
J. D. Rolf
Lisa Rose
Patricia Rosenfield
Nadine and Edward Rosenthal
Andrew Roth
Phyllis Cole Rowen
The Rozek Family
Elizabeth Ruethling
Miffy Ruggiero
Donna Ruiz
Betsy Safine
Melissa Cleveland Salameh and
Roy Salameh
Laura Schare
Sonja Schmidt
Emily Schneider
Gabriel Schwartz
Drew Scott
Tanya Scott
Joan Shifrin and Michael Faber
Matthew Shipley
Claire Short
Rona Silkiss and Neil Jacobstein
Mary and Job Simon
Jeremy Singer-Vine
Chitra Singh and
Hari Singh Lunayach
Keith Singh
Neera and Raj Singh
Mona and Ravi Sinha
Ryan Smrekar
Carol and Gary Sobelson
Mark Staz
Mark F. Steen
Victor Stepanians
Lisa and Thomas Stern
Roxane Stern
Isabel Carter Stewart and
Donald Stewart
Brian Stolz
Lee Streett
Sarah Strunk and Kent Lewis
Giselle Swanepoel
Steve Tak
Katherine Talbert
Margaret and Brian Taylor
Patricia Thompson
John Tirman
Jenny Tolan
Kelly and Mark Turner
Jon A. Uebelhack
Bhuvana Venkataraman
Mary Anne Hamilton Wagner
and Jeff Hains
Michelle A. Werner
Kristiana Weseloh
Lisa and Lance West
Alison Whalen and Steven Marenberg
Cindy and Michael Wharton
Frederick B. Whittemore
Elisha Wiesel
Kathleen Williams
Savannah Williams and
Wayne Patterson
Spencer Wilson
Cynthia Winika
Matthew R. Wise
Rebekah Wolman and Michael Bade
Joe Wood
Lee and Sam Wood
Beverley Wright
Hilah Francke Wurzelbacher
Kana Yamanouchi
Se Kheng Yeo
Niloufar and Jack Zakariaie
Julie and Alex Zaks
Alessandra Zecchetto
Brian Zeger
Amy Glenn Photographic Styling
Billingsley Company
Charlesbridge Publishing
CIBC World Markets
Colwell Ranches
Communication Trends, Inc.
Contact 1, Inc.
Credit Suisse Foundation
CRESA Partners, LLC
Danya International, Inc.
Douglas Gould & Co., Inc.
Dynetek Industries Ltd.
First Step Montessori, Inc.
GMAC Financial Services
IBM Employee Services Center
J.E. Robert Companies
Johnson & Johnson Family
of Companies
McDonagh Real Estate &
Development, Ltd.
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
ML Acquisition 2005 LLC
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Nations Giving Tree
Nike Foundation
Quattro Internet Solutions Ltd.
R&M Enterprise, Inc.
Showtime Video
Tea Collection
Telcom Ventures, L.L.C.
Working Assets
Zurich Assurance Ltd
Apex Foundation
The Bertuzzi Family Foundation
BetterWorld Together Foundation
The Arthur M. Blank Family
Blue Moon Fund
Bridgemill Foundation
The Virginia Wellington Cabot
Catto Charitable Foundation
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
Crystal Springs Foundation
The Donnelley Foundation
The Flora Family Foundation
Frankel Family Foundation
The Frank and Brenda Gallagher
Family Foundation
Claire Gianinni Fund
Grandchildren’s Family Foundation/
Green Family
Chintu Gudiya Foundation
The Helen Hotze Haas Foundation
Dr. Daniel C. Hartnett Family
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Keare/Hodge Family Foundation
The Libra Foundation
Christy and John Mack Foundation
Mariposa Foundation
Oberoi Family Foundation
Oprah’s Angel Network
The Overbrook Foundation
Perot Foundation
The Q Foundation
The Grace Jones Richardson Trust
Smith Richardson Foundation
The Kim & Ralph Rosenberg
The San Francisco Foundation
James and Chantal Sheridan
Stanley S. Shuman Family Foundation
Robert K. Steel Family Foundation
Stillman Foundation
Three Little Pigs Foundation
The Whitehead Foundation
Ashish and Leslie Bhutani
Charitable Gift Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Elizabeth Roberts Boyle Fund
of the Community
Foundation of Greater Memphis
Cohen Family Fund of the Community
Foundation for Southeastern
The Mr. and Mrs. David J. Field Fund
of the Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
The globalislocal Fund
Hodgson Fund of The New York
Community Trust
Hurlbut-Johnson Fund of the
Peninsula Community Foundation
The G. Thompson and Wende Hutton
Fund of the Peninsula Community
Laura and Gary Lauder Philanthropic
Fund of the Jewish Community
Endowment Fund
Gib and Susan Myers Fund of the
Peninsula Community Foundation
The Srinija Srinivasan Fund of the
Peninsula Community Foundation
The Shaugn and Polly Stanley Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Stillman Charitable Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Unger Family Fund of the Community
Foundation Silicon Valley
The Volpi-Cupal Family Fund of
the Community Foundation
Silicon Valley
The Working Assets Fund of the
Tides Foundation
The Yahoo! Employee Fund of the
Peninsula Community Foundation
Anya from
the Sunflower Fund of Liberty
Hill Foundation
Sadhna Shunker Bagade from
Angie Thrivikraman
Jefferson Bailey and Richard Steen from
Miriam Newcomer
Mark E. Bamberger from
Enid D. Bamberger
Janis Bjordhal from
Brenna Mae
Ms. Rosalyn Brinson from
Debra Felman
Robert Brown from
Thomas Brown
Cillian Burns from
Stephen Burns
Robbie Butler and Jim Casanova from
Robin Gibbs
Ann and Fenner Castner from
Louisa Castner
Edie Chong from
Adria Brown
William Clark from
Mildred Payne
Natashia and Branden Cohen from
Hue and Daniel Alderfer
Robyn and Mark Coden
Kerry and Sid Friedman
Patricia Overton
Hayley Crown from
Mary and Charles Gofen
Nancy and Rob Doyle from
Allison Liles
The East Family from
Betty and James East
Desiree and Brendon East
Suzette Gam
Brenda Fiala and Phil Shaw from
Anonymous (3)
Hedy and Mark Blinderman
Tobe and Arnold Dresner
Ethel and Harry Fischman
Cynthia and Laurence Frank
Jodi and Harris Frank
Lorraine Howard Frank
Brenda and David Gell
Paula Norris
Vermen and Glendon Rowell
Helene and Leno Scarcia
Gladys Williams
Wei Wei Yao
Ann Fitzcharles from
Andrew Fitzcharles
Sandy Fontana from
Jo Christie
Crystal Forthomme from
Pamela Chaloult
Ian Glasner from
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
Maithreya Chandrashekar Gowda from
Jyotsna and Bipin Agarwal
Molly Alexander-Murtaza and
Mirza Murtaza
Gita and Mukul Banerjee
Praphulla and Narayana Bhat
Shashikala and Kolari Bhat
Shashi and Vedavyaf Biliyar
Dr. and Mrs. K. P. Channabasappa
Lily Chaterjee
Surama and Amit Choksi
Lalitha and N. Rao Chunduru
Monica Cooley
Laxmi, Ram, Sonali, and
Arjun Dasari
Kovashalia and Suresh Dayal
Ratna and Ranendra De
Kailas and Subhash Desai
Satinderpaul Singh Devgan and
Rajinder Devgan
Anitha and Shashi Dhar
Shanta and Vikramjit Dogra
Anjali and Asim Dutt
Kalpana Gowda and Lingaiah
Leela and H. R. Mallappa Gowda
Saraswathi and Hiranya Gowda
Prathibha and Vijay Kumar Holla
Poonam and Suresh Idnani
Neeru and Anil Jain
Rani and Yugesh Jain
Rashmi and Prakash Jaju
Satyasri and Krishna Kanumury
Vijaya and Jagdish Kasat
Padmaja and Sunil Kaza
Sudha and Mipal Khurana
Vatsala and M. Krishnamani
Kumon of North Murfreesboro
Sudesh and Vishvinder Madan
Veena and Shyam Malhotra
Vanaja and Ravinder Manda
Usha and Venk Mani
Vibha and Ashok Mehrotra
Archana and Ashok Mehta
Mina Menon
Sharda and Shri Mishra
Lakshmi and Madhusudhan
Inam and Ashok Munjal
Nalini Nagappa
Lakshmi and Prabhakar Pallapothu
Betty and Vasant Pandit
Jyotsna Paruchuri
A. Krishna and Krishan Paul
Manik Paul
Shipra and Bhabendra Putatunda
Kamala Raghunathan
Kalpana and Bhupendra Rajpura
Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Ramayya
Aramandla Ramesh
Mittur Ramprasad
Bhargavi and Karra Reddy
Pranahitha and Chandrasekhar
Radha Babu Reddy
Tanuja Reddy
The Samudrala Family
Sudha and Suresh Saraswat
Narinder Sawhney
Keerti and Rishi Saxena
Tilak and Shawn Shanmugan
Rani and Ramesh Sharma
Gita and Surendra Singh
Satya and Jugbir Singh
Karuna and Sushil Soni
Suma and Naveen Srinivas
Nalini and Chaitram Talele
Tennessee Family Doctors
Elisa and Ajeya Upadhyaya
Mangala and S. Venkat
Dr. and Mrs. Dharapuram
Jayshree and P. Vora
Ann and Bill Walia
Geeta and Pramod Wasudev
Radhika Yogesha
Teresa Guerra from
Victoria Lovetro
Ben Harris from
Peter Harris
Joshua Hertel from
Katherine Hall-Hertel
The International Relevance Team
of YST from
Zhaohui Zheng
Kathy Rose Justice from
Charles Justice
Justin Kelley from
the Roetgermans
Jackson Ki Lagata from
Cathy and David Krinsky
Stella Vonne Lampert from
Angie Thrivikraman
Olia Lantier from
Kelly Stone
Elissa and David Leif from
Mary and Alfred Liepold
Leslie and Hernan from
Andrew Fitzcharles
Kellie C. Letts from
Heather R. Simmons
Eli Aaron Jobrack Lundy from
Jennifer Jobrack and David Lundy
Jay Miller and Bruce Walden from
Clair and Lois Miller
Mom and Dave from
Whitney Poulsen
Grace Dunning Mtunguja from
Sandra and Shane Atherholt
Carl and Suzanne Cross
Sharmishta Mukherjee and
Rohan Sahu from
IABC Staff
Manuel and Mario Munoz from
JD Doliner and Steve Kaufman
Josh and Erika Musser from
Katherine Marsh
The Rafferty and Noonan Family from
Peter Rafferty and Jill Ness
Ilana Richardson from
Douglas Crawford
Bruno Rubess from
Gunilla Gustavs
Michele Safine from
William Nickman
Darby Saxbe and Dan Long from
Julie Grube
Jacqueline Scott from
Carla Bernardes and Kenneth Scott
Kensley Shaw from
Angie Thrivikraman
Tennyson Shultz from
Brandy N. Williams
Sander and Sey Stein and
Maia and Gabi Swanny from
Mary Ann Stein
The Teachers of Baltimore City
College from
The Teachers and Staff at
Wilbraham Middle School from
Ellen and William Garbasz
The Welna and Station Families from
Betsy Station and Chris Welna
Elizabeth Whittall from
the Burke Family Foundation
Sebastian Indigo Wiedemann from
Keith Wiedemann
Guillermo Yingling from
Victorine Shepard
Elizabeth Zavodsky and
Jeremy Mohr from
Jason and Risa Alfred from
Amanda Bell
Barbara Ann Bruce from
Natascha Carroll
Patricia Caldwell from
Leah Caldwell
Blanche Conway from
Albuquerque Market Association II
Art Wearables, Inc.
Denver Market Association
Sonja Leonard Leonard
Elyse and Gene Shofner
Knox Duncan II from
Francine and Robert Martin
Jack Kayser from
Anonymous (4)
Paul J. Korshin from
William and Nina Albert Foundation
William and Judy Courshon
Joan Pataky Kosove
The Jacqueline & Howard H.
Levine Philanthropic Fund
of the Jewish Community
Foundation of MetroWest
Edna Mae Miller from
Adam and Maja Smith
Michael Nascimento from
Minnie Orendorff from
Rita Dibert
John Price from
Kathleen McAuley
Sagar Shrestha from
Sanjay Shrestha
Dorothy Sutton from
Victoria Wyke
George Tyler from
Jagdish and Guriqbal Basi
Lucy Billingsley and Family
Elizabeth Wallace Ellers
GoogleGrants Program
Kathy and Edward McKinley
AMD Matching Gift Program
The Flora Family Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
General Atlantic Partners
Google Matching Gifts Program
The William & Flora Hewlett
Lehman Brothers Inc.
Mutual of America
Raritan Computer, Inc.
Rothschild North America
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Yahoo! Employee Charitable Giving
Program/Global Impact
Katherine Delmar Burke School
(San Francisco, California)
The English School Foundation—
Clearwater Bay School
(Hong Kong)
The Twelfth-Grade Class of Columbia
Grammar and Preparatory School
(New York, New York)
The Third-Grade Class of the
Greater Gatineau School
(Quebec, Canada)
The Eleventh-Grade Language Arts
Students of Lewiston High School
(Lewiston, Indiana)
The Mirman School
(Los Angeles, California)
Students of Palo Alto High School
(Palo Alto, California)
Students of Communication 103,
Section 80, at San Diego State
(San Diego, California)
Baker & McKenzie LLP
Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice
Charity Gift Certificates
I Do Foundation
JustGive.Org/Hallmark Partnership
JustGive.Org/Yahoo! Points
Selecting Our Grantee Partners
Through an extensive network of resources and contacts around the
world, we actively seek prospective grantee partners that are working
at the community level. We base our selection of grantee partners on
the following criteria.
Our grantee partners tackle old problems in new ways,
demonstrating creativity and innovation in their program
strategies and approaches.
Our grantee partners provide services to underserved or
marginalized populations of young people—those who are
economically or socially beyond the reach of mainstream
services and support, including street children, child laborers,
AIDS orphans, sex workers, remote rural populations, and
other vulnerable or marginalized groups.
Our grantee partners have a strategy for ensuring the
long-term sustainability of their programs through donor
diversification, mobilization of government support, incomegenerating activities, and other creative measures.
Our grantee partners are rooted in the community and
embrace the community as an integral part of their success,
operating with community input, involvement, and investment.
As a grassroots grantmaker, we seek grantee partners whose
small size and lack of access to funding create the potential for
our support to be decisive in their organizational development.
Our grantee partners work directly with children and youth
and treat them as active participants in their own growth and
development. In many cases, young people have significant
responsibility for program planning and implementation.
Our grantee partners are recognized in their communities as
trusted and reliable sources of services and support.
Our grantee partners demonstrate sustained, meaningful
improvement in the lives of the children and youth they serve. Our grantee partners’ programs generate models, methodologies,
Their programs are clearly linked to identifiable results.
and practices that can be adapted and applied to similar issues
and challenges in other communities.
Our grantee partners have committed, respected, and
dynamic leadership with a vision for change.
Our grantee partners have systems and policies that ensure
responsible management of resources. At a minimum, our
partners must demonstrate sound accounting and reporting
systems and basic communications capability.
In most cases, our grantee partners must have legal status
as nongovernmental organizations registered with the
appropriate government body in the country in which they
are operating. Exceptions are made when local political
constraints make formal registration difficult or impossible.
The Global Fund for Children does not accept unsolicited
proposals. Those interested in applying may inquire online at our
Grantee Partners
Schools and Scholarships
In fiscal year 2005–2006, we gave grants valued at $552,000
to 51 grantee partners in this portfolio.
Achlal (Caring Kindness):
Child Development Center
Ark Foundation of Africa (AFA)
$15,000/17,100,000 Tanzania shillings
$10,000/11,930,000 Mongolia tugriks
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Director: Davaanyamyn Azzayaa
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Executive director: Rhoi Wangila
Achlal provides community-based support for
poor and disabled children and their families
living in Bayankhoshuu, one of the poorest slums
of Ulaanbaatar. Our grant supports Achlal’s
school for dropout children, which provides four
grades of education to students aged 9 to 20 who
were never enrolled in school or were forced to
drop out due to disability or family poverty.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2004
AFA is dedicated to enhancing the well-being
of children and families in East Africa whose
lives have been devastated by war, poverty, and
HIV/AIDS. Our grant supports the programs
of AFA’s One Stop Center, which provides
cost-free secondary schooling to impoverished
children who wish to continue their education
but have been forced to drop out due to poverty.
Previous funding: $28,000 since 2002
Asociación Civil pro Niño Íntimo:
Escuelas Deporte y Vida
(Pro-Child Civil Association:
Sports and Life Schools)
$15,000/50,400 Peru nuevos soles
Lima, Peru
Executive director: José Luis Quiroga Becerra
Deporte y Vida provides the rare opportunity
for young people living in the slum of Villa El
Salvador to play soccer, volleyball, and other
sports in order to promote their participation
and success in the organization’s educational
and life skills training programs. Our grant
supports Deporte y Vida’s school located in the
neighborhood of Jardines de Pachamac.
Previous funding: $27,000 since 2002
Asociación de Promotores de
Educación Inicial Bilingüe Maya
Ixil (APEDIBIMI) (Maya Ixil
Association of Promoters of
Bilingual Early Education)
$11,000/83,380 Guatemala quetzales
Nebaj, Guatemala
Executive director: Benito Terraza Cedillo
APEDIBIMI provides bilingual early
childhood education in the Ixil and Spanish
languages to more than 1,300 indigenous Ixil
Maya children in 14 remote villages. Our grant
provides general support for APEDIBIMI’s
early childhood education centers.
Previous funding: $25,000 since 2003
Asociación Mujer y Comunidad
(Women and Community Association)
Asociación Poder Joven
(Youth Power Association)
$11,500/194,925 Nicaragua córdobas
$8,000/18,296,000 Colombia pesos
San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua
Executive director: Zoraida Sosa
Medellín, Colombia
Executive director:
Clared Patricia Jaramillo Duque
Mujer y Comunidad promotes the health,
education, and safety of women and girls in
rural Nicaragua and is the only organization
in San Francisco Libre providing scholarships
for children to attend formal schools. Our
grant supports primary- and secondary-school
scholarships for girls, as well as the purchase of
schoolbooks and supplies for scholarship students.
Previous funding: $16,000 since 2003
Poder Joven offers educational opportunities
that promote life skills, critical thinking,
and personal responsibility, with the aim of
preventing children living in the impoverished,
violent, and crime-ridden neighborhood of
Guayaquil from abandoning their homes for
the streets. Our grant supports Poder Joven’s
Seeds of the Future project, which provides
school-going children with courses on tolerance,
avoiding drug use, and sexuality, as well
as intensive academic support.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
Asociación Solas y Unidas
(Alone and United Association)
$9,000/29,790 Peru nuevos soles
Lima, Peru
Executive director: Sonia Borja Velazco
Solas y Unidas improves the quality of life for
HIV-positive women and their children through
programs in leadership, enterprise, human rights,
counseling, medical care, and nutrition.
Our grant supports the Solas y Unidas day
school for children of HIV-positive mothers.
Previous funding: $52,000 since 2002
Centro Cultural Batahola Norte
(CCBN) (Cultural Center of
Batahola Norte)
Christ School
$8,000/135,600 Nicaragua córdobas
Bundibugyo, Uganda
Executive director: Kevin Bartkovich
Managua, Nicaragua
Director: Jennifer F. Marshall
CCBN offers 20 courses in basic education and
domestic and technical skills to more than 500
women and children annually. Our grant supports
60 CCBN student scholarships as well as a library
project, which includes tutoring, study circles, and
health workshops for over 200 students.
Asociatia Ovidiu Rom:
Gata, Dispus si Capabil (GDC)
(Ready, Willing and Able)
Children in the Wilderness
$14,000/41,580 Romania lei
Lilongwe, Malawi
Executive director: Amanda Joynt
Bacau, Romania
Director: Maria Gheorghiu
GDC provides work for impoverished Roma
women and access to education for their
children, and works closely with the Romanian
government to provide critical social services.
Our grant supports GDC’s Primele Sanse
program, which uses an adapted national
curriculum to support Roma children enrolled
in regular classes and to prepare these children,
along with children not currently attending
school, for success in mainstream schools.
Previous funding: $17,000 since 2003
Benishyaka Association
$16,000/35,744,000 Uganda shillings
Christ School, a residential school, provides
secondary education for children living in and
around Bundibugyo, one of the poorest regions in
Uganda, whose residents live under constant threat
of violence from rebel groups of the neighboring
Democratic Republic of the Congo. Our grant
supports the school’s LEAD (leadership and
academic development) camps, which focus on
science and mathematics for promising students
seeking secondary-school acceptance.
Previous funding: $56,000 since 1999
$8,000/1,082,800 Malawi kwachas
Through a unique partnership with a private
safari company, Children in the Wilderness offers
life skills, education, and opportunities to orphans
and vulnerable children through experiential
learning camps at the safari sites during the
commercial off-season. Our grant supports
secondary-school scholarships, uniforms, and
school supplies for selected camp participants.
Chiricli (Bird): Roma Women
Charitable Fund
$11,000/55,770 Ukraine hryvnia
Kiev, Ukraine
President: Yuliya Kondur
Community Development Center
$12,000/2,846,280 Sudan dinars
Khartoum, Sudan
Director: Michael James Wanh
CDC’s Abu-Adam Remedial Education
Project conducts a one-year academic term
reaching more than 150 children, including
school dropouts, students of nontraditional
age, children excluded from government-run
schooling because of ethnicity or religion, and
other vulnerable children. Our grant is for
general support of the Abu-Adam Remedial
Education Project.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
Conquest for Life
$14,000/91,280 South Africa rand
$11,000/5,943,300 Rwanda francs
Kigali, Rwanda
National coordinator: Betty Gahima
Benishyaka works for the development and
empowerment of widows, orphans, and other
vulnerable families that were affected by
Rwanda’s civil war and 1994 genocide.
Our grant provides scholarships for 50
secondary-school students.
Previous funding: $9,000 since 2005
Chiricli provides assistance to Ukraine’s
vulnerable Roma population, with an emphasis
on increasing and improving educational
opportunities and school attendance among
Roma children and youth. Our grant supports
Chiricli’s national Network of Roma Education
and six of the organization’s Roma Education
Centers, which prepare preschool-age children for
primary school; work with young people, parents,
and teachers to facilitate the integration of Roma
children into mainstream schools; and encourage
volunteerism among Roma young people.
Previous funding: $16,000 since 2003
Johannesburg, South Africa
Executive director: Glen Steyn
Conquest for Life is an organization run by
young people for young people that empowers
youth through its day camps, after-school
programs, computer training center, vocational
training program, victim-offender mediation,
and HIV/AIDS counseling. Our grant
provides support for Conquest for Life’s Youth
Enrichment Project, an after-school program
focusing on positive self-image, conflict
resolution, skills development, and social activities.
Previous funding: $79,000 since 2001
Foundation for Development of
Needy Communities (FDNC)
George Bird Grinnell American
Indian Fund
Hope for Children Organization
$14,000/26,110,000 Uganda shillings
$9,000/78,480 Ethiopia birr
Mbale, Uganda
Executive director: Samuel W. Watulatsu
Potomac, MD, United States
Executive director: Paula Mintzies
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Director: Yewoinshet Masresha
FDNC provides youth development programs,
counseling for street children, girl advancement
programs, farming programs, and very uniquely,
a brass band to encourage children to develop
their creative talents. Our grant supports the
vocational skills training program, which
includes computer skills, tailoring, carpentry,
and masonry, with special attention to the
participation and retention of girls.
Previous funding: $38,000 since 2001
The Grinnell Fund empowers Native Americans
within the US to create positive differences
in their communities and to focus on higher
education as a means to improve their future
opportunities. Our grant supports the Grinnell
Fund’s college scholarship program for Native
youth. This grant is funded in part by royalties
from the book Children of Native America Today.
Previous funding: $5,000 since 2005
HFC offers community-based care and
support for the growing number of orphans
and other vulnerable children in Addis Ababa,
providing psychosocial support, livelihood
promotion, community resource mobilization,
health education, life skills training, and
support to children for clothing, food, and
school fees and materials. Our grant supports
HFC’s kindergarten and early childhood
development center.
Friends for Street Children (FFSC)
$11,000/183,185,200 Vietnam dong
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Director: Marie Le Thi Thao
FFSC supports street children’s efforts to build
productive lives through its seven development
centers, offering services such as nonformal
education, vocational training, shelter, and
healthcare, as well as additional training in life
skills, child rights awareness, and HIV/AIDS.
Our grant supports the nonformal education
programs for primary-school students and
scholarships for secondary-school students at
the Binh Trieu Development Center.
Previous funding: $43,500 since 2000
Gramin Mahila Sikshan Sansthan
(GMSS) (Sikar Girls Education
Horn of Africa Relief and
Development Organization
$11,000/485,650 India rupees
$14,000/29,260,000 Somalia shillings
Sikar, India
Executive director: Chain Singh Arya
Sanaag region, Somalia
Executive director: Fatima Jibrell
GMSS provides quality education for girls
in rural Rajasthan who would otherwise be
unable to attend school, enabling them to lead
meaningful and prosperous lives and to make
significant contributions to the well-being
of their families and society. Our grant is for
general support of GMSS’s senior high school
and dormitories for girls.
Previous funding: $32,000 since 2001
Halley Movement
$11,000/332,750 Mauritius rupees
Fundación La Paz: Centro de
Capacitación Técnica Sarenteñani
(La Paz Foundation: Sarenteñani
Technical Training Center)
$14,500/116,870 Bolivia bolivianos
La Paz, Bolivia
Executive director: Jorge Domic Ruiz
The Sarenteñani Technical Training Center
provides quality, certified training in leather
production, auto mechanics, carpentry,
computer operation, metalworking, and textile
design to underprivileged youth. Our grant is
for general support.
Previous funding: $26,000 since 2002
Batimarais, Mauritius
Secretary-general: Mahendranath Busgopaul
Halley Movement offers a variety of
educational, counseling, and supportive
services to help the children of Mauritius
stay in or return to the formal school system
and keep pace with the demands of a rapidly
industrializing society. Our grant supports
Halley Movement’s Basic Education to
Adolescents program, which offers youth
who have failed the primary-school graduation
exam a career-focused nonformal education
curriculum that includes interpersonal
communications, applied mathematics,
resource management, and vocational training.
Previous funding: $16,500 since 2003
Horn Relief is working to build an indigenous
movement for peace and sustainable
development through educating and training
young people in leadership skills that value
democratic governance, human rights, social
justice, and protection of the environment.
Our grant supports Horn Relief ’s Pastoral
Youth Leadership Outreach Program, which
focuses on responsible community leadership,
social peace and justice, holistic naturalresource management, veterinary science, and
health and well-being.
Previous funding: $29,000 since 2002
Instituto para la Superación de la
Miseria Urbana (ISMU) (Institute
for Overcoming Urban Poverty)
$13,500/104,625 Guatemala quetzales
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Executive director: María Elvira Sánchez Toscano
ISMU is a coalition of community-based
organizations united to address the dismal
conditions in 22 of Guatemala City’s worst
slums. Our grant supports eight ISMU
Learning Corners, which are community-based
childcare centers for poor working families, run
by community members trained to promote
physical and mental stimulation, socialization,
and psychomotor skills for children aged 1 to 7.
Previous funding: $17,000 since 2003
Jifunze (Learning) Project:
Community Education
Resource Centre
Kampuchean Action for
Primary Education (KAPE)
The Jifunze Project aims to remedy the
problem of education for the children of
Tanzania’s impoverished and isolated Kiteto
district by working alongside community
members to help them create a sustainable
education system. Our grant provides general
support for the Jifunze Project’s academic
services for kindergarten, primary-school, and
secondary-school students.
Previous funding: $25,000 since 2002
Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia
Director: Sao Vanna
KAPE works with 190 schools serving 90,000
children to promote its mission to provide
every Cambodian child with a quality basic
education. Our grant funds scholarships and
tutoring costs for 166 girls participating in
KAPE’s Lower Secondary School Scholarship
Program, as well as capacity building for Local
Scholarship Management Committees.
Previous funding: $30,500 since 2003
$10,000/710,200 Kenya shillings
Jinpa Project
Nanchen County, China
Director: Tashi Tsering
The Jinpa Project works in the most remote areas
of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to
relieve the poverty of nomadic and semi-nomadic
communities by creating physical infrastructure
and increasing access to education and healthcare.
Our grant pays for books, school supplies, and
winter clothes for students at three remote village
schools supported by the Jinpa Project.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2005
Kampala, Uganda
Executive director: Sserwanga M. Stephen
Kitemu Integrated School is dedicated to
providing quality education and enhanced life
opportunities to children with special needs,
orphans, and low-income students living in
the shantytowns on the outskirts of Kampala.
Our grant supports Kitemu’s programs
targeting children with disabilities.
Previous funding: $29,000 since 2001
Light for All (LiFA )
$8,000/327,200 Haiti gourdes
Kamulu Rehabilitation Centre (KRC)
$9,000/72,180 China yuan
$13,000/24,245,000 Uganda shillings
$13,500/56,196,450 Cambodia riel
$13,000/16,494,400 Tanzania shillings
Kibaya, Tanzania
Executive director: Yahaya Ndee
Kitemu Integrated School
Kamulu, Kenya
Director: Richard K. Kariuki
KRC operates a combined day and boarding
primary school that provides education,
nutrition, and training in sustainable agriculture
to HIV-affected, orphaned, and other vulnerable
children living in the underdeveloped Machakos
district. Our grant is for general support of
KRC’s Kamulu Education Centre, where more
than 100 boys and girls both live and study.
Previous funding: $15,000 since 2004
Kids in Need of Direction (KIND)
$8,000/50,320 Trinidad and Tobago dollars
Lhomond, Haiti
President: Gerry Delaquis
LiFA supports rural Haitian community
efforts to strengthen schools through a school
sponsorship program that covers basic costs,
provides administrative and financial training
for school administrators, educates parents
on the need for education, and provides seed
funding and guidance to the community for the
eventual establishment of self-sufficient local
schools. Our grant provides general support for
LiFA’s sponsorship of the Toussaint Louverture
Education Center in the village of Lhomond.
Previous funding: $20,000 since 2004
Nepal Bhotia Education Center
$4,000/298,040 Nepal rupees
Kamitei Foundation
$13,000/14,820,000 Tanzania shillings
Esilalei, Kilimatembo, and Gongali
communities, Tanzania
Director: Jeroen Harderwijk
The Kamitei Foundation’s Community
Education Improvement Program works
closely with small rural communities in
western Tanzania to improve education by
investing in facilities and teaching materials
at the primary level and by providing
scholarships for selected students to pursue
postprimary vocational education. Our grant
is for general support of this program.
Previous funding: $15,000 since 2003
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Director: Karina Jardine-Scott
Sankhuwasabha district, Nepal
Director: Chhongduk Bhotia
KIND provides assistance to disadvantaged
children and youth throughout Trinidad and
Tobago in the areas of literacy, nutrition,
healthcare, computer technology, vocational
training, counseling, art, drama, sports, and
family reintegration. Our grant supports
KIND’s integrated literacy program, which
integrates children who have dropped out of
school back into the public school system.
Previous funding: $25,000 since 2003
NBEC is a development organization based
in the Sankhuwasabha district that provides
integrated education programs inclusive of
communities and schools to increase the
quality and accessibility of formal schooling.
Our grant supports the Residential Schooling
Program, which provides for girls to attend
school and train as teachers, then places them
within their communities to improve the
accessibility and quality of education.
Network of Entrepreneurship and
Economic Development (NEED)
Our Children
ProJOVEN (For Youth)
$11,000/2,832,000 Sierra Leone leones
$13,000/73,780,850 Paraguay guaranies
Freetown, Sierra Leone
President: Nasserie Carew
Asunción, Paraguay
Executive director: Maureen Herman
$9,000/406,710 India rupees
Lucknow, India
Director: Anil K. Singh
NEED facilitates the grassroots-level growth
of self-help groups in order to create civil
institutions that can respond to the needs of
undereducated women and children in rural
India. Our grant supports three nonformal
education centers providing basic education,
healthcare, and awareness training, and one
school offering remedial classes for girls in
English and science.
Previous funding: $25,000 since 2003
Our Children provides an accelerated
learning program and academic tutoring for
disadvantaged children, and school supplies
for children living in displacement camps in
and around Freetown. Our grant supports Our
Children’s Windows on the World Computer
and Learning Center at the community primary
school in the Kissy neighborhood of Freetown.
Previous funding: $27,500 since 2002
Potohar Organization for
Development Advocacy (PODA)
$14,000/838,460 Pakistan rupees
New Horizons Ministries (NHM)
$9,000/28,395,000 Zambia kwacha
Lusaka, Zambia
Executive director: Juliet Chilengi
NHM focuses on girls who are orphaned,
impoverished, or living with HIV/AIDS and
promotes their positive involvement in the
community and their participation in activities
that will reduce their vulnerability to sexual and
other forms of exploitation. Our grant provides
educational support for primary-, secondary-,
and community-school students who are
orphaned or do not receive any assistance
from their families.
Previous funding: $8,000 since 2005
Nara Mughlan, Pakistan
Director: Anbreen Ajaib
ProJOVEN’s restorative justice model empowers
youth in conflict with the law and other at-risk
youth to make positive decisions about their
future by providing education and counseling,
training local educators and volunteers as
mentors and counselors, and promoting
community awareness and action. Our grant
supports ProJOVEN’s Literacy and Life Skills
for Youth in Danger project, which teaches the
basics of reading and writing, as well as life skills
such as critical thinking, communication, and
decision making, to adolescents aged 12 to 18
who are in danger of delinquency.
Previous funding: $63,000 since 2002
Sam-Kam Institute (SKI)
$13,000/30,615 Sierra Leone leones
PODA offers advocacy training, mentoring,
and life skills education in order to build the
capacity of rural communities to promote
education, women’s rights, diversity, and
democracy. Our grant supports PODA’s LifeSkills Education and Arts Program, which
provides literacy classes, vocational skills
training, and life skills education classes to girls
who have graduated from primary school but
are unable to further their formal education.
Previous funding: $15,800 since 2004
Prayas (To Wish)
Kalaba Town, Sierra Leone
President: Peter Samura
SKI, one of the few indigenous nongovernmental
groups in Sierra Leone, offers war victims
and ex-combatants skills training courses to
provide career alternatives. Our grant supports
SKI’s People Developing Vocational Skills
program, which teaches students aged 11 to 21
marketable skills in welding, carpentry, sewing,
auto mechanics, and computer technology.
Previous funding: $17,000 since 2003
$13,000/573,950 India rupees
Nyaka School
$7,000/13,055,000 Uganda shillings
Nyakagyeza, Uganda
Director: Twesigye “Jackson” Kaguri
Nyaka School was founded in 2001 to provide
free, high-quality education and extracurricular
activities, both formal and informal, to children
who have been orphaned due to AIDS, as a
means to combat pervasive hunger, poverty,
and systemic deprivation. Our grant supports
the nutrition and community gardens program,
which ensures that students get a hot meal
daily from produce harvested in the school
gardens, which are tended by students and
community members, and that local families
receive seeds for sustainable gardening.
Jaipur, India
Executive director: Jatinder Arora
Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha
(Village Self-Reliance)
Prayas pioneered and operates one of the
first integrated nonformal schools in India
for special-needs, low-income, and neglected
children. Our grant is for general support.
Previous funding: $32,000 since 2001
Pabna district, Bangladesh
Executive director: A. H. M. Rezwan
$16,000/1,051,680 Bangladesh taka
Shidhulai is focused on the improvement of
remote villages in Bangladesh, with an emphasis
on bringing environmental training, human
rights awareness, and basic education to children,
especially girls, who would otherwise be unable
to attend school. Our grant supports Shidhulai’s
mobile boat school program, which uses a
solar-powered boat to provide basic academics,
Internet access, health awareness, human and
gender rights training, and library services.
Previous funding: $18,000 since 2003
Shilpa Children’s Trust (SCT)
Society Biliki
$6,000/609,900 Sri Lanka rupees
$14,000/23,660 Georgia lari
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Executive director: Nita Gunesekera
Gori, Georgia
Executive director: Mari Mgebrishvili
SCT, inspired by the Montessori method, runs
a quality preschool and provides extracurricular
activities for internally displaced and underserved
children living in Narahenpita, one of Colombo’s
poorest slums, who cannot attend formal
schools due to poverty, the need to work, or
unsatisfactory preschool options. Our grant is
for general support of SCT’s free preschool.
Previous funding: $45,500 since 2002
Biliki assists underprivileged, special-needs, and
internally displaced children from the conflict
zones of Abkhazia and South Ossetia through
its Day Center, which offers educational and
creative programs, psychological services, a
mothers-and-children club, and referrals to
other community social services. Our grant
provides general support for Biliki’s Day Center.
Previous funding: $30,000 since 2003
Snowland Service Group (SSG)
Tanadgoma (Assistance): Library
and Cultural Center for People with
Vikramshila Education
Resource Society
$13,000/573,950 India rupees
$6,000/48,120 China yuan
Yushu County, China
Director: Rinchen Dawa
SSG empowers Tibetan communities to shape
their own development through sustainable
community development projects such as
education, school construction, renewable
energy, and infrastructure. Our grant provides
support for junior and senior high school
students to continue their education in order to
increase their future opportunities.
Sociedad Dominico-Haitiana de
Apoyo Integral para el Desarrollo
y la Salud (SODHAIDESA)
(Dominican-Haitian Society of
Integrated Assistance for Health
and Development)
$8,000/14,400 Georgia lari
Vikramshila establishes model education
programs and trains government teachers in
its effort to make quality education accessible
to marginalized sectors of Indian society, and
thus lessen the gap in educational standards
between the wealthy and the poor. Our grant
supports the community education model
program in the rural village of Bigha.
Previous funding: $26,500 since 2002
Women’s Education for Advancement
and Empowerment (WEAVE)
$9,000/369,270 Thailand baht
Tbilisi, Georgia
Chairman: Nana Alexidze
Tanadgoma promotes integrative and inclusive
education for children with disabilities by
providing them with basic educational and
extracurricular activity programs; facilitating
their transition into the mainstream school
system; and training teachers, parents, and
government officials on issues like inclusive
education, proper care for those with
disabilities, and legal and policy matters related
to disability. Our grant supports educational
programs and workplace training for disabled
youth aged 14 to 17.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2004
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Director: Maria Mitos Urgel
WEAVE works to ensure that displaced
Burmese women and children living in
Thailand possess sufficient education for
them to participate fully in and influence the
future development of their communities.
Our grant is for general support of WEAVE’s
child development project, which facilitates
community-based preschools that assist children
aged 2 to 6 in building proper school habits.
Young Playwrights’ Theater (YPT)
$6,000/190,500 Dominican Republic pesos
Tbilisi Youth House Foundation
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Executive director: Franz Compere
$11,000/19,800 Georgia lari
SODHAIDESA works to improve the living
conditions for immigrant Haitians and their
descendants living in the Dominican Republic
by focusing on the community’s health and
educational needs, especially those of children.
Our grant supports the Right to a Name and
Nationality program, which is SODHAIDESA’s
campaign for the legal recognition of the
Dominican nationality of Dominican-born
Haitian children, recognition that will allow
these children to attend school.
Bigha, India
Executive director: Shubhra Chatterji
Tbilisi, Georgia
Director: Nana Doliashvili
TYHF provides a variety of programs that help
internally displaced children stay in or return to
school, attend nonformal classes, and practice
volunteerism. Our grant supports the Dropout
Prevention Program, which offers a five-monthlong academic tutorial, ongoing counseling, and
extracurricular activities to children who are at
increased risk of dropping out of school.
Previous funding: $15,000 since 2003
Washington, DC, United States
Director: David Andrew Snider
YPT fosters literacy, initiates dialogue on
tolerance and respect, and teaches arts education
and conflict resolution to youth in low-income
schools. Our grant supports the In-School
Playwriting Program, which improves students’
speaking and listening skills, vocabulary,
grammar, and self-expression and which
culminates in having the students write their
own plays, many of which are professionally
produced by YPT.
Currencies were calculated on October 5, 2005,
for grants awarded in fall 2005 and on April 18,
2006, for grants awarded in spring 2006.
Grantee Partners
Preventing Hazardous Child Labor
In fiscal year 2005–2006, we gave grants valued at $250,500
to 24 grantee partners in this portfolio.
Action pour la Promotion des
Droits de l’Enfant au Burkina
Faso (APRODEB) (Action for the
Promotion of the Rights of the
Burkinabe Child)
Asociación Promoción y Desarrollo
de la Mujer Nicaragüense Acahualt
(Acahualt Association for the
Promotion and Development
of Nicaraguan Women)
Association Jeunesse Actions
Mali (AJA Mali) (Youth Action
Association of Mali)
$11,000/6,037,350 CFA francs
$10,000/173,900 Nicaragua córdobas
Dori, Burkina Faso
Executive director: Goamwaoga Kabore
Managua, Nicaragua
Executive director: Norma Villalta Arellano
Bamako, Mali
Executive director: Souleymane Sarr
APRODEB provides working children and
their families with skills training, literacy
programs, and healthcare initiatives and assists
young people in developing their own strategies
to promote and protect children’s rights. Our
grant supports APRODEB’s child-to-child
program, which trains school-going youth to
reach younger or out-of-school children with
peer education on the importance of education,
nutrition, and vaccination.
Previous funding: $8,000 since 2004
Acahualt uses education and community
capacity building to prevent children of
impoverished families living in Acahualinca,
a neighborhood of Managua, from having to
scavenge in the city dump for items to sell or
eat. Our grant supports Acahualt’s community
preschool program, which provides an
educational foundation for vulnerable children
and thus enhances their continued school
enrollment and academic success.
Previous funding: $17,000 since 2004
Asociación de Defensa de la
Vida (ADEVI) (Association for
the Defense of Life)
Association for Community
Development Services (ACDS)
ADEVI works to eradicate child labor in the
brick-making kilns of Huachipa by providing
nonformal schooling, health education, skills
training, microenterprise development, and
Andean cultural awareness programs. Our
grant supports ADEVI’s community school
program, which provides basic education to
child laborers with the aim of reintegrating
them into formal schools.
Previous funding: $28,000 since 2002
AJA Mali provides basic education and life
skills training to out-of-school and working
youth, many of whom are serving long-term
apprenticeships in carpentry, masonry,
plumbing, metalworking, and mechanics,
during which they must support themselves.
Our grant supports AJA Mali’s Educational
Accompaniment for Apprentices program,
which educates young apprentices in the same
subjects taught to their school-going peers,
provides recreational opportunities, and monitors
apprentices’ relationships with their teachers,
advocating for their rights when necessary.
Previous funding: $16,000 since 2003
$13,000/573,950 India rupees
Association La Lumière
(The Light Association)
Kanchipuram, India
Director: D. Devanbu
$11,000/5,860,690 CFA francs
$13,000/43,680 Peru nuevos soles
Huachipa, Peru
Executive director: Ezequiel Robles Hurtado
$11,000/5,860,690 CFA francs
ACDS seeks to end child labor in the stone
quarries of the Kanchipuram district and to
give the children of quarry workers access to
free, high-quality education and healthcare.
Our grant supports ACDS’s comprehensive
education program, which includes quarry-based
resource centers, preschools and daycare centers,
mobile classrooms for working children, and
bridge schools to reintegrate dropout children
into formal schools.
Previous funding: $45,000 since 2003
Tambacounda, Senegal
Executive secretary: Ibrahima Sory Diallo
La Lumière works to promote the well-being of
street children, female domestic workers, migrant
families, and other marginalized populations
living in rural, underdeveloped areas. Our
grant supports La Lumière’s efforts to improve
school enrollment among children currently
working in the gold mines near Tambacounda.
Previous funding: $8,000 since 2005
Backward Society Education (BASE)
$8,000/573,520 Nepal rupees
Kailali district, Nepal
Director: Dilli Bahadur Chaudhary
BASE provides education, healthcare, income
generation assistance, legal rights awareness,
and other services to former bonded laborers
in Nepal, particularly to members of the ethnic
Tharu community and to women. Our grant
supports the expansion of educational and child
labor eradication programs to 60 additional
working children in the isolated Kailali district.
Centro de Apoyo al Niño de
la Calle de Oaxaca (CANICA)
(Center for the Support of
Street Children in Oaxaca)
Centro de Estudios y Apoyo
para el Desarrollo Local (CEADEL)
(Center for Study and Support
for Local Development)
$9,000/98,460 Mexico pesos
$11,000/85,250 Guatemala quetzales
Oaxaca, Mexico
Executive director: Marlene Santiago Ramirez
Chimaltenango, Guatemala
Executive director: José Gabriel Zelada Ortiz
CANICA works with children living and
working on the streets of Oaxaca, primarily
from migrant indigenous families, to promote
school enrollment, skills development, health
and nutrition, and affective/emotional wellbeing, and ultimately to transition the children
away from the streets. Our grant provides
general support for CANICA’s education
program for children working in the market.
Previous funding: $9,000 since 2005
CEADEL seeks to eliminate the use of child
laborers and to improve conditions for young
people who work in Guatemala’s floriculture
industry. Our grant supports CEADEL’s
Primary and Secondary School Scholarship
Program, which pays for school fees, uniforms,
and school supplies for girls who are already
working in or at risk of entering the floriculture
industry and provides workshops on labor
rights, reproductive health, and gender issues for
participants, their parents, and the community.
Previous funding: $14,000 since 2003
Centro Interdisciplinario para
el Desarrollo Social (CIDES)
(Interdisciplinary Center for
Social Development)
Chintan Environmental
Research and Action Group
Espacio Cultural Creativo
(Cultural Creative Space)
$6,000/271,140 India rupees
$10,500/84,420 Bolivia bolivianos
$9,000/96,390 Mexico pesos
New Delhi, India
Director: Bharati Chaturvedi
La Paz, Bolivia
Executive director: Maria Carmen Shulze
Mexico City, Mexico
Executive director: Carlos Avila Romero
CIDES strives to improve the quality of life for
indigenous children in Mexico City through
community mobilization and social-intervention
programs. Our grant supports CIDES’s project
on domestic violence, which runs discussion
groups for children and youth, trains adolescents
to become educators, works to strengthen school
attendance, and offers skills training.
Centro para el Desarrollo
Regional (CDR) (Center for
Regional Development)
Chintan works toward social and environmental
justice for waste-picker communities, particularly
for women and children, to help them gain
access to better education and livelihoods and
a more dignified existence. Our grant supports
Chintan’s accessible and flexible education
program for waste-picking children, which offers
convenient evening classes to gradually remove
the children from working in this sector.
Espacio Cultural Creativo engages shoeshine
boys, market-working children, and street
children through theatrical skits, music,
storytelling, and other creative activities held
in open spaces such as parks, and ultimately
strives to channel participants into basic
literacy programs. Our grant funds 28 of these
interactive workshops.
Previous funding: $19,000 since 2002
De Laas Gul (Hand-Embroidered
Flower) Welfare Programme (DLG)
Fundación Junto con los
Niños (JUCONI) (Together
with Children Foundation)
$9,000/539,010 Pakistan rupees
Peshawar, Pakistan
Director: Meraj Humayun Khan
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Executive director: Sylvia Reyes
$7,500/52,000 Bolivia bolivianos
Potosí, Bolivia
Executive director: Wilhelm Piérola Iturralde
CDR promotes local development, economic
opportunity, and improved quality of life for
vulnerable women and children in the mining
region around Potosí. Our grant supports
CDR’s Child Miners project, which focuses on
preventing and reducing child labor in the mines
by providing viable economic and educational
alternatives through scholarships, tutoring
support, vocational training, and youth enterprise,
including youth-run greenhouses producing
fruits and vegetables for the local market.
DLG provides education and skills training for
children working in the market and at home,
economic and social empowerment programs
for women, and advocacy for the human,
political, and economic rights of underserved or
exploited individuals. Our grant provides general
support for girls-only literacy and skills training
classes at DLG’s child labor rehabilitation center
in the semi-urban area of Tehkal.
Previous funding: $15,000 since 2004
Door Step School
JUCONI serves children who work on the
city streets from as young as 4 years old and
often for very long hours. Our grant is for
JUCONI’s education program, which aims to
reintegrate child laborers into formal schools
by helping them reduce their daily working
time, by providing them with a basic education
and analytical thinking skills, and by assisting
teachers in creating the school conditions
necessary to maintain the enrollment of
working children.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2004
$10,500/474,495 India rupees
Centro San Juan Bosco (CSJB)
(San Juan Bosco Center)
$9,000/170,100 Honduras lempiras
Tela, Honduras
Executive director: Dylcia de Ochoa
CSJB helps child workers and their families
improve their quality of life and future
prospects through scholarships, nonformal
education, microenterprise development, legal
aid, and community mobilization. Our grant
supports CSJB’s technical and vocational
training program, which aims to reduce the
number of hours children work in the street
markets and to provide dignified and betterpaying alternative livelihoods.
Previous funding: $26,000 since 2003
Mumbai, India
Director: Bina Sheth Lashkari
Door Step serves working, slum-dwelling,
and street children within their communities
through preschools, study classes for both
school-going and out-of-school children, and
mobile libraries and literacy classes. Our grant
supports five community-based nonformal
education classes serving 140 children who
work at the fishing docks and at the market.
Previous funding: $17,500 since 2004
Jeeva Jyothi (Everlasting Light)
$14,000/632,660 India rupees
Thiruvallur district, India
Director: V. Susai Raj
Jeeva Jyothi treats both the symptoms and
underlying causes of child labor in rice mills
near Chennai through programs that include
workplace-based nonformal education for
children, adult literacy classes, and income
generation training. Our grant provides general
support for Jeeva Jyothi’s rice-mill-based
education and advocacy project, which integrates
working children into formal schools, and its
Child Rights Protection Committee, which
monitors child labor activities.
Previous funding: $41,500 since 2002
La Conscience
$14,000/7,549,060 CFA francs
Tsévié, Togo
Executive director: Kodjo Djissenou
La Conscience’s education project to combat
child trafficking works to prevent the
exploitation of Togo’s impoverished children,
who are easily lured to neighboring countries
to work in corn, banana, manioc, coffee,
and cocoa plantations. Our grant provides
educational support to vulnerable children
who are at risk of being trafficked due to their
family, economic, or social situation.
Previous funding: $29,000 since 2003
Laura Vicuña Foundation, Inc. (LVF)
$10,000/514,700 Philippines pesos
Victorias City, Philippines
Director: Maria Victoria P. Santa Ana
LVF works to build the capacities of children
through education and development, offering
drop-in centers, vocational and employment
training, and a residential program for sexually
abused and exploited girls. Our grant supports
the Community Organizing and Mobilizing
towards Education (COME) project, which
reduces the vulnerability of children to child
labor and other forms of abuse by providing
educational opportunities and community
empowerment initiatives.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2004
Rural Institute for Development
Education (RIDE)
Sociedad Amigos de los Niños (SAN)
(Friends of Children Society)
$13,000/573,950 India rupees
$11,500/216,890 Honduras lempiras
Kanchipuram, India
Executive director: S. Jeyaraj
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Director: Sister Maria Rosa Leggol
RIDE, one of the leading advocates for the
eradication of child labor in the state of Tamil
Nadu’s silk looms, educates entire communities
about the dangers of child labor, alternative ways
to earn family income, and the far-reaching
benefits of an educated, healthy, and empowered
population of children and young people. Our
grant supports RIDE’s village-based Child
Labor Prevention and Intervention Centers and
its Bridge School Centers, which ease children’s
educational, social, and emotional transition
from the workplace to public schools.
Previous funding: $41,500 since 2001
SAN is the only indigenous organization working
to protect the rights of young domestic workers
in Honduras and to provide these girls and young
women with other skills and alternative means
of supporting themselves. Our grant supports
SAN’s Reyes Irene Valenzuela Support Center,
which provides technical training, literacy classes,
labor and gender rights awareness, and nonformal
elementary education to female domestic workers.
Previous funding: $14,000 since 2003
Society for Education and Action
$9,000/406,710 India rupees
$11,000/5,860,690 CFA francs
Cotonou, Benin
Director: Sètchémè Jérônime Mongbo
SIN-DO promotes health and hygiene
awareness, supports quality education, and
provides training in civic participation, economic
development, and HIV/AIDS prevention for
women and children living in marginalized
communities in and around Cotonou. Our
grant supports SIN-DO’s youth-run initiative
to prevent the practice of vidomegon, in which
children from poor families are sent to work in
distant relatives’ or acquaintances’ homes, where
they frequently experience abuse and neglect.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2005
Mamallapuram, India
Director: S. Desingu
Locally founded, directed, and supported,
SEA works to ensure the enrollment and
retention of all school-age children within
impoverished fishing communities south of
Chennai, preventing their initial or continued
work on fishing boats or docks. Our grant
provides general support for SEA’s motivation
and recreation centers, which help school-going
children succeed academically and which
ease the transition to school for dropouts and
children who have never attended school.
Previous funding: $39,000 since 2004
Currencies were calculated on October 5, 2005,
for grants awarded in fall 2005 and on April 18,
2006, for grants awarded in spring 2006.
Grantee Partners
Distinctive Needs of Vulnerable Boys
In fiscal year 2005–2006, we gave grants valued at $199,500
to 20 grantee partners in this portfolio.
Aangan Trust
$13,500/610,065 India rupees
Associação Barraca da Amizade
(Shelter of Friendship Association)
$6,000/12,780 Brazil reais
Mumbai, India
Director: Suparna Gupta
Aangan institutes psychological rehabilitation
in state-run juvenile detention centers to
address the emotional and behavioral problems
of juveniles and to create sustainable change in
their lives. Our grant provides general support
for the rehabilitation of boys in two centers
and for the replication of this model in a new
center to reach out to more children.
Previous funding: $18,500 since 2002
Asociación para la Atención
Integral de Niños de la Calle
(AIDENICA) (Association for the
Intensive Care of Street Boys)
$13,000/43,030 Peru nuevos soles
Lima, Peru
Executive director: Edgar Cordero Alvarado
AIDENICA operates a specialized program
that focuses on the rehabilitation of Peruvian
street boys, mostly former substance
abusers, through prevention and protection
interventions, including a semi-open home
that provides boys with a stable, healthy
environment in which to live. Our grant
provides general support for AIDENICA’s
values promotion and employment preparation
program for former street boys.
Previous funding: $30,000 since 2003
Association du Foyer de l’Enfant
Libanais (AFEL) (Lebanese Child
Home Association)
$8,000/12,032,000 Lebanon pounds
Fortaleza, Brazil
Executive director: Brigitte Louchez
Barraca da Amizade provides transitional
housing, psychosocial counseling, academic
tutoring, and vocational training to boys who
are living on the streets and are often engaged
in high-risk behaviors such as gang activity,
substance abuse, and petty crime. Our grant
supports Barraca da Amizade’s team of street
educators, who meet the children in their own
space and on their own terms, gradually build
trust, discuss positive alternatives to life on the
streets, and eventually bring the boys into the
Barraca da Amizade program.
Beirut, Lebanon
President: Simone Warde
AFEL serves orphaned children and broken
families through a combination of literacy
classes, youth clubs, summer camps, workshops,
and a public-education program aimed at
strengthening family ties. Our grant supports
AFEL’s Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Program, which targets children—more
than half of whom are boys—who are at risk
of resorting to criminal activities or being
exploited on the streets, and helps them learn
the skills necessary to resume formal schooling
and stabilize their personal lives.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
Association des Jeunes pour le
Développement Intégré–Kakundu
(AJEDI–Ka) (Youth Association for
Integrated Development–Kakundu)
Calabar Institute for Research,
Information and Documentation
$7,000/3,230,500 DRC francs
$8,000/1,028,080 Nigeria nairas
Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Director: Bukeni Tete Waruzi Beck
Calabar, Nigeria
Executive director: Edwin Madunagu
Since its creation, AJEDI–Ka has demobilized
more than 300 child soldiers, reintegrated 52
former child soldiers into school, and produced
two videos on child soldiers in the DRC for
national and international advocacy. Our grant
supports the Child Soldiers Project, which
includes a 30-day transitional shelter for
demobilized child soldiers as they prepare to
reenter civil society and subsequent social and
material support once they are reintegrated
into the community.
The Calabar Institute’s Conscientizing
Male Adolescents (CMA) project works
with adolescent boys to develop critical
consciousness, reject discriminatory and sexist
prejudices and practices, and protect their
sexual and reproductive rights and health and
those of their partners. Our grant is for general
support of the CMA project.
Previous funding: $8,000 since 2004
Centro Transitorio de Capacitación
y Educación Recreativa “El Caracol”
(El Caracol Transitional Center for
Training and Recreational Education)
$10,000/109,400 Mexico pesos
Mexico City, Mexico
President: Juan Martín Pérez García
El Caracol helps street children and youth
acquire the skills, attitudes, and assets to
leave the streets and transform their lives, by
providing a combination of street outreach,
education, transitional housing, life skills
workshops, computer training, enterprise and
vocational training, a youth-run bakery and
restaurant, a youth-led radio program, and
graphic design and print media initiatives.
Our grant supports the Produciendo Juntos
enterprise training program, which helps young
people develop the skills and values needed to
become entrepreneurs.
Previous funding: $9,000 since 2005
Children’s Legal Rights and
Development Center (CLRD)
$7,000/360,290 Philippines pesos
Quezon City, Philippines
Director: Rowena Legaspi
Working in collaboration with other NGOs
and government agencies, CLRD provides
legal assistance to juvenile offenders, legal
documentation for advocacy purposes, a welfare
and rehabilitation program for released detainees,
and training and education. Our grant supports
CLRD’s program for children in detention
centers, most of whom are boys, by providing
training, education, and counseling through the
child-to-child approach for peer interaction.
Previous funding: $9,500 since 2004
Homies Unidos (Homies United)
$8,000/9,544,000 Mongolia tugriks
San Salvador, El Salvador
Director: Silvia Beltran
Homies, founded by former gang members,
reaches out to disaffected gang members
and at-risk youth to help them construct
positive, peaceful futures. Our grant funds a
comprehensive, ten-week program on violence
prevention and intervention that includes
social and personal awareness, health risks,
and personal coping skills.
Ikamva Labantu
(The Future of Our Nation)
Washington, DC, United States
Director: Betsy Pursell
Empower aims to help youth create safe
schools and communities by providing
prevention strategies to address bullying,
harassment, victimization, and other forms of
peer aggression. Our grant funds a ten-week
violence prevention program for boys at H. D.
Woodson High School in Washington, DC,
using Empower’s curriculum, Owning Up,
to interactively teach boys to develop healthy
decision-making and conflict resolution skills.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Executive director: Ken Howard
LET is a residential home that provides
remedial education, academic tutoring, practical
skills training, personal hygiene awareness, and
recreation for orphaned and abandoned children.
Our grant supports LET’s Education, Skills
Training, and Athletics for Boys program, which
offers boys educational support, English classes,
and vocational skills training in carpentry,
tailoring, and shoemaking, and which seeks to
increase their self-esteem by teaching them the
national sport of wrestling.
Previous funding: $15,000 since 2003
$14,000/91,280 South Africa rand
Cape Town, South Africa
Managing director: Sipho Puwani
Ikamva Labantu works in partnership with
local residents to improve the quality of life
in their communities by addressing a range
of issues, including education, economic
empowerment, and home-based care. Our
grant supports the Boys/Men Kindness Project,
a unique effort in which a team of researchers,
educators, and specialists works with young
boys and fathers to create positive male role
models, engage men and boys in community
development activities, and build strong bonds
between boys and male mentors.
Previous funding: $25,000 since 2003
Prisoners Assistance Program (PAP)
$6,000/294,000 Liberia dollars
Monrovia, Liberia
Executive director: R. Jarwlee Tweh Geegbe
PAP is a Liberian-based nongovernmental
organization that advocates against torture
and for human rights and prison reform. Our
grant supports the Youth Diversion Program,
which works with judicial and law enforcement
systems to divert first-time offenders from
prison and to prepare juveniles in prison
for adult male life by educating them about
personal responsibility and decision making
through sports, guided role plays, and peer and
mentor support.
Men on the Side of the Road (MSR)
$15,000/89,850 South Africa rand
Rozan: Youth Helpline (YHL)
$7,000/419,230 Pakistan rupees
Woodstock, South Africa
Director: Charles Maisel
Empower Program
Oram (Hope): Amgalan Labor
and Education Center (LET)
MSR provides employment and educational
services to some of the estimated 200,000 men
who spend their days waiting for short-term
employment opportunities along the shoulders of
major roadways in the Western Cape region. Our
grant pays for continuing education and training
activities for boys and young men aged 15 to 20
who dropped out of school in order to find work
to support themselves and their families.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2005
Islamabad, Pakistan
Managing director: Zehra Kamal
YHL provides a safe avenue for young people to
learn about emotional, sexual, and reproductive
health issues, enabling them to make informed
and healthy decisions in their lives. Our grant
supports a pilot initiative addressing the sexual
and reproductive needs of young boys, helping
them to understand themselves and their roles
in society through group workshops.
Previous funding: $17,000 since 2004
Rural Family Support Organization
Sanghamitra Service Society
$12,000/529,800 India rupees
$9,000/562,770 Jamaica dollars
Women Development Association
$11,000/45,789,700 Cambodia riel
May Pen, Jamaica
Executive director: Utealia Burrel
Vijayawada, India
Director: Sivaji
RuFamSO offers guidance, educational
support, life skills training, and education in
nutrition and personal health to adolescents
in Jamaica’s rural communities. Our grant
supports RuFamSO’s Male Adolescent
Programme, which provides courses to boys
aged 10 to 18 in reproductive health, sexual
responsibility, critical decision-making skills,
drug abuse prevention, and conflict resolution
skills as a means to reduce teenage pregnancies
and ultimately build stronger, more responsible
men, families, and communities.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
Sanghamitra works in more than 100 rural
villages to help the most marginalized
members of Indian society, generally members
of the lowest caste and women, improve
their well-being through increased skills and
greater social awareness. Our grant supports
Sanghamitra’s Education and Awareness for
Adolescents program, which offers counseling,
skills training, and scholarships to underserved
adolescents and addresses social problems that
disproportionately affect low-caste boys, such
as HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, and petty crime.
Previous funding: $47,000 since 2003
Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT)
Synapse Network Center
$13,000/587,470 India rupees
$16,000/8,524,640 CFA francs
New Delhi, India
Executive director: Heenu Singh
Dakar, Senegal
Executive director: Ciré Kane
SBT works in and around the New Delhi railway
stations, bus stops, and congested business areas
and slums, targeting runaway children who have
no family or support system within the city. Our
grant supports SBT’s drop-in shelter, which
provides boys with a safe environment in which
to sleep, eat, and receive counseling, tutoring, and
skills training away from the police, drug dealers,
and sexual predators.
Previous funding: $57,000 since 2003
The Synapse Network Center aims to unleash
the entrepreneurial leadership potential of
youth by encouraging young people to take the
lead, to start and grow their own initiatives, and
through their work to take greater responsibility
in their communities. Our grant provides
general support and capacity building for the
Education to Fight Exclusion Project, which
promotes community investment in the fight
against the marginalization of street children.
Previous funding: $35,500 since 2002
Saang district, Cambodia
Director: Soreach Sereithida
Founded in 1994 to address the development
needs of women living in poverty, WDA has
since expanded its programs to children and
youth, working with communities to achieve
long-term sustainable development through
capacity building. Our grant is for general
support of WDA’s Peace Building for Youths
project, which addresses the problems of boys
participating in criminal or violent activities
through peer education, life and skills training,
conflict resolution, and counseling.
Previous funding: $17,000 since 2004
Currencies were calculated on October 5, 2005,
for grants awarded in fall 2005 and on April 18,
2006, for grants awarded in spring 2006.
Grantee Partners
Preventing Sexual Exploitation of Children
In fiscal year 2005–2006, we gave grants valued at $208,000
to 21 grantee partners in this portfolio.
Asociación para los Derechos
de la Niñez “Monseñor Oscar
Romero” (Los Romeritos)
(Monsignor Oscar Romero
Association for Children’s Rights)
Associação de Apoio às Meninas e
Meninos da Região Sé (AA Criança)
(Association for Support of Boys
and Girls of the Sé Region)
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Executive director: Elisa Marroquín
São Paulo, Brazil
Executive director: Everaldo Santos Oliveira
Los Romeritos works with the children of sex
workers, street vendors, and underemployed
single mothers to prevent second-generation
prostitution by providing basic academic and
health education, life skills training, arts and
recreation programs, and other supportive
services. Our grant supports the Educational
Opportunities Program, which supplements
the formal education of these children, aids
their social integration, and serves as a
preventive measure to keep them in school.
Previous funding: $15,000 since 2003
AA Criança defends the rights of the poorest
and most marginalized children and youth of
central São Paulo by providing a broad range
of legal, educational, psychological, social, and
health-related services. Our grant supports
AA Criança’s Ser Mulher program, which
provides nonformal education and counseling
on health, sexuality, gender, human rights, child
development, and citizenship to adolescent
mothers suffering from domestic violence,
sexual abuse, or prostitution.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2005
$11,000/5,860,690 CFA francs
$8,000/17,040 Brazil reais
$8,000/62,880 Guatemala quetzales
Association d’Appui et d’Eveil
Pugsada (ADEP) (Association
of Support and Coming of Age)
Yatenga Province, Burkina Faso
President: Marie Léa Gama Zongo
ADEP’s activities focus on fighting violence
against girls; educating them about AIDS
and reproductive health; and helping society
better understand the effects on girls of early
and forced marriage, the dangers of female
circumcision, and the importance of girls’
education. Our grant supports ADEP’s
community- and school-based activities to break
the silence that surrounds the common practice
of sexual harassment and abuse in schools.
Previous funding: $7,000 since 2005
Association for the Development
and Enhancement of Women:
Girls’ Dreams
$13,000/74,880 Egypt pounds
Cairo, Egypt
Director: Iman Bibars
Girls’ Dreams provides a safe haven for
adolescent girls in Cairo’s squatter communities
to openly discuss their problems, fears, and
questions regarding women’s and children’s
rights, marriage, reproductive health, and
domestic violence. Our grant is for general
support of the Girls’ Dreams program, offering
basic nonformal education, training in the arts,
health and hygiene training, and psychological
counseling to underprivileged and abused girls.
Previous funding: $8,000 since 2004
Avenir de l’Enfant (ADE)
(Future of the Child)
Centro de Documentacão e
Informacão “Coisa de Mulher”
(CEDOICOM) (Center for Research
and Information “Woman Thing”)
Gender Education, Research and
Technologies Foundation (GERT)
$8,000/18,160 Brazil reais
Sofia, Bulgaria
Executive director: Jivka Marinova
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Executive director: Neusa das Dores Periera
CEDOICOM provides programs on
reproductive health, prevention of commercial
sexual exploitation of girls and women, problems
associated with child labor, and HIV/AIDS
prevention for those who habitually face social
discrimination because of their gender, race,
or low economic status. Our grant supports
CEDOICOM’s Girls Thinking the Future
project, which offers basic education, courses in
theater and dance, leadership-building activities,
and an introduction to community volunteerism
and activism to girls at risk of becoming
involved in prostitution.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
$7,000/3,729,530 CFA francs
Rufisque, Senegal
Executive director: Moussa Sow
Children on the Edge–Romania
ADE works in the secondary city of Rufisque
to safeguard street children and protect children
from sexual abuse and exploitation. Our grant
supports ADE’s education campaign against
sex tourism in two beach communities, as well
as its direct-support and referral center for
sexually exploited children.
Iasi, Romania
Manager: Iulian Mocanu
COTE offers social assistance, counseling, and
support to children and teenagers who are in
or who have recently left state-run orphanages
in the impoverished region of Moldavia. Our
grant supports the Graduate Program, which
provides young graduates from orphanages
with supportive housing and comprehensive
training in personal, communication, and
vocational skills.
Center for the Protection of
Children’s Rights Foundation
$10,000/16,000 Bulgaria leva
GERT raises public awareness on issues linked
to gender stereotypes, teaches young people
about reproductive rights and HIV/AIDS, and
improves gender relations among youth in order
to reduce gender-based violence and sexual
exploitation. Our grant provides general support
for GERT’s peer education program to combat
the trafficking of orphans and abandoned
children living in state-run institutions.
Previous funding: $15,000 since 2004
Girls Educational and Mentoring
Services (GEMS)
New York, NY, United States
Executive director: Rachel Lloyd
$6,000/17,100 Romania lei
GEMS is the only direct-service agency in
New York City working specifically to provide
educational, transitional, vocational, and
counseling services to sexually exploited young
women in order to empower them to exit
unsafe or abusive lifestyles. Our grant is for
general support of GEMS’s educational and
youth development activities.
Previous funding: $14,500 since 2004
Jabala Action Research Organisation
$8,000/353,200 India rupees
$13,000/533,390 Thailand baht
Bangkok, Thailand
Director: Sanphasit Koomphraphant
Durbar Mahila Samanwaya
Committee (DMSC)
CPCR works to prevent and confront the
physical abuse, sexual exploitation, and neglect
of children throughout Southeast Asia and
to reintegrate affected children into society.
Our grant supports CPCR’s Baan Raek Rub
Assessment Center and other rehabilitation
programs, which provide 24-hour emergency
care and counseling to children and families who
have been referred by organizations that monitor
and investigate child sexual abuse cases.
Previous funding: $14,000 since 2003
Kolkata, India
Director: Bharati Dey
$7,000/316,330 India rupees
DMSC, a forum of 65,000 sex workers and
their children, works in red-light districts
throughout India and the world in order to
demand full civil and human rights for its
members. Our grant supports the education
program for children of sex workers, which
offers basic education, vocational training, and
cultural workshops through dance and theater.
Previous funding: $5,000 since 2005
Kolkata, India
Director: Baitali Ganguly
Jabala helps children in the red-light districts
of Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) and surrounding
areas better integrate into mainstream society
by providing education and rights awareness
programs that facilitate formal-school
enrollment and retention and offer creative
activities to help children cope with situations
of abuse and resist sexual exploitation and
trafficking. Our grant supports education and
rights awareness programs in the Bowbazar
and Barrackpur slums.
Luna Nueva (New Moon)
Nehemiah AIDS Relief Project
$14,000/85,300,000 Paraguay guaranies
$6,000/150,006,000 Zimbabwe dollars
Asunción, Paraguay
Executive director: Laia Concernau
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Director: David Green
Luna Nueva, the only organization in Paraguay
that is working against the commercial sexual
exploitation of children, aims to eradicate
violence against women and children by
providing programs in education, healthcare,
confidence building, human rights awareness,
and violence prevention. Our grant supports
Luna Nueva’s outreach and education
programs, which reach 250 girls annually living
in exploitative situations on the streets.
Previous funding: $29,000 since 2002
Nehemiah is a faith-based nongovernmental
organization that facilitates the church and
community response to HIV/AIDS, providing
a variety of educational, material, and social
support services to 200 child beneficiaries
annually. Our grant will help Nehemiah to
establish a night-care center for children of
sex workers and to provide outreach to sex
workers, including support, counseling, and
assistance in leaving the sex trade for less
exploitative livelihoods.
Mongolian Youth Development
Foundation (MYDF)
Phulki (Spark)
Protecting Environment and
Children Everywhere (PEACE)
$11,000/1,127,610 Sri Lanka rupees
Facilitated by and for Mongolian youth,
MYDF promotes youth participation in civil
society, treatment of alcohol and drug abuse
among young people, prevention of sexual
exploitation of children, and rehabilitation of
former prostitutes. Our grant provides general
support for literacy classes, skills training
through vocational programs, and counseling
services to girls at risk of prostitution.
Previous funding: $16,000 since 2004
Ruili Women and Children
Development Center
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Director: Suraiya Haque
$7,000/56,630 China yuan
Phulki’s child-to-child program trains child
leaders to spread information to other children
about sexual abuse and exploitation, child
trafficking for labor and sexual purposes, child
rights, gender equality, health and hygiene, and
social values. Our grant provides general support
for Phulki’s child-to-child program activities in
the impoverished Mirpur community.
Previous funding: $40,000 since 2002
Prerana (Inspiration)
$15,000/662,250 India rupees
Movimiento para el Auto-Desarrollo
Internacional de la Solidaridad
(MAIS) (Movement for International
Self-Development and Solidarity)
$9,000/290,070 Dominican Republic pesos
PEACE aims to prevent children from
entering the commercial sex trade and to
create community awareness of the scope and
social ramifications of child abuse and sexually
transmitted diseases. Our grant supports
PEACE’s nonformal-education and skills
training programs, which provide classes in
drama, music, literature, leadership, math, English,
human rights, and HIV/AIDS prevention.
Previous funding: $73,000 since 2000
$13,000/930,150 Bangladesh taka
$9,000/10,083,330 Mongolia tugriks
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Director: Esunmunkh Myagmar
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Director: Maureen Seneviratne
Mumbai, India
Executive director: Priti Pravin Patkar
Ruili County, China
Director: Chen Guilan
The Ruili Center works to improve the overall
well-being of neglected or sexually exploited
women and children living in Ruili County, with
a particular focus on raising awareness about
HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases. Our grant is for the Ruili Center’s
Engaging Local Youth project, which raises
community awareness about HIV/AIDS and
promotes leadership and positive behavior
among youth who are not in school and are
at risk of working in the sex industry.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
Tasintha (Deeper Transformation)
$13,000/41,015,000 Zambia kwacha
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Executive director: María Josefina Paulino
MAIS works to keep the girls and young
women of Puerto Plata out of the sex tourism
industry by promoting school enrollment;
providing academic support, vocational training,
and psychosocial services; and strengthening
family and community support structures. Our
grant supports MAIS’s supplementary academic
support program, which provides instruction
in core curriculum subjects, vocational training,
and workshops in human and children’s rights
to youth aged 9 to 16 who are at high risk of
dropping out of school.
Previous funding: $26,500 since 2001
Prerana operates a range of educational
activities, anti-trafficking initiatives, and support
programs in order to protect the human rights
of sexually exploited women and their children.
Our grant supports Prerana’s educational
services for the children of prostitutes, including
a night-care center that provides them with
basic education, nourishment, baths, recreation,
regular medical checkups, counseling, and a safe
place to sleep from 5:30 p.m. until 9:30 a.m.,
thus sparing them the harmful realities of the
red-light district and discouraging them from
becoming second-generation prostitutes.
Previous funding: $44,500 since 2001
Lusaka, Zambia
Director: Clotilda Phiri
Tasintha works to prevent women and
children from entering the sex trade by giving
them alternative income-generating skills
and raising community awareness about the
issue of prostitution, among other activities.
Our grant supports Tasintha’s Child Survival
Project, which focuses on the children of sex
workers and on street-dwelling children in
order to protect them from initial or continued
exposure to sexual exploitation.
Previous funding: $29,000 since 2003
Currencies were calculated on October 5, 2005,
for grants awarded in fall 2005 and on April 18,
2006, for grants awarded in spring 2006.
Grantee Partners
General Grants
In fiscal year 2005–2006, we gave grants valued at $171,000
to 20 grantee partners in this portfolio.
Agastya International Foundation
$10,000/441,500 India rupees
Chittoor district, India
Chairman: Rama P. Raghavan
Agastya makes formal education creative,
practical, and responsive to students’ needs by
operating mobile labs, science fairs, teacher
training, and communications and information
technology programs. Our grant supports the
development of new teaching materials as well
as one Agastya mobile lab, which carries over
150 low-cost science experiments, specially
designed by experts and scientists, that provide
children and teachers with opportunities to
learn in an interactive hands-on environment.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
Asociación de Comunidades
Eclesiales de Base (CEB)
(Association of Grassroots
Christian Communities)
$6,000/104,340 Nicaragua córdobas
Managua, Nicaragua
Executive director: Jenny Mayorga
CEB helps working children in the slums of
Managua reach their full potential by providing
scholarships, tutoring, vocational training,
and workshops on leadership, initiative,
responsibility, and community service. Our grant
supports CEB’s youth enterprise project, which
provides young people with hands-on experience
in managing a small enterprise focused on the
production and sale of ice cream, jams, fruit
juices, teas, and other natural products.
Carolina for Kibera
$8,000/568,160 Kenya shillings
Nairobi, Kenya
Director: Salim Mohammed
Carolina for Kibera promotes youth leadership
and ethnic and gender cooperation through
sports, young women’s empowerment, and
community development in the densely
populated and severely impoverished Kibera
urban slum. Our grant supports the Binti
Pamoja program, a reproductive health and
women’s rights program for girls aged 13 to 18.
Centro de Apoyo a Niñas
Callejeras (ANICA) (Support
Center for Street Girls)
$8,000/87,520 Mexico pesos
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT)
$10,000/27,400 Suriname dollars
Kwamalasamutu, Suriname
Executive director: Neville Gunther
ACT works in partnership with the isolated
indigenous peoples of Suriname’s interior to
gain land rights, produce natural-resource
management plans for these territories,
improve health through traditional medicinal
practices, and revitalize elements of indigenous
culture. Our grant supports ACT’s Shamans
and Apprentices Program, which provides
children with the means to learn traditional
medicinal knowledge from village shamans.
Previous funding: $10,000 since 2004
Association des Artistes et
Artisans contre le VIH/SIDA et
les Stupifiants (AARCOSIS)
(Association of Artists and Artisans
against HIV/AIDS and Drugs)
$3,500/1,864,765 CFA francs
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Executive director: Pyanne Djire
AARCOSIS engages musicians, artists, and
artisans in the battle against HIV/AIDS
and drug abuse by helping them integrate
anti-AIDS and anti-drug messages into their
creative works for both popular and traditional
media. Our grant supports local community
concerts and fairs to prevent mother-to-child
transmission of HIV and to provide direct
support to infants and children with HIVpositive parents.
Mexico City, Mexico
Executive director: Alma Rosa Colín
ANICA helps girls and young women living on
the streets of Mexico City prevent or confront
problems concerning violence, rape, sexually
transmitted disease, drug abuse, unplanned
pregnancy, and parenthood. Our grant supports
ANICA’s sexual and reproductive health and
responsibility program, which teaches girls and
young women to take charge of their lives in
general and their sexuality in particular.
Previous funding: $22,000 since 2002
Centro de Estudos e Ação em
Atenção à Infância e as Drogas
“Excola” (Excola Center for
Research and Action on Childhood
and Drug Use)
$6,000/12,780 Brazil reais
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Executive director: Márcia Florêncio de Souza
Excola works with children living on the streets
of Rio de Janeiro to change their course in life
through basic education, technical and vocational
training, counseling, transitional housing, and
operation of a youth-run community radio
program. Our grant supports Excola’s Young
Mothers project, which helps adolescent
mothers to care for their health and that of their
children, to gain income generation skills, to
prevent further pregnancies, and to return to the
support structures of family and community.
Desarrollo Autogestionario (AUGE)
(Self-Managed Development)
Education as a Vaccine against
AIDS, Inc. (EVA)
$6,000/65,640 Mexico pesos
$15,000/1,927,650 Nigeria nairas
Veracruz, Mexico
Executive director: Gloria Agueda García
Abuja, Nigeria
Executive director: Fadekemi Akinfaderin
AUGE promotes women’s economic
empowerment and income generation by
facilitating the creation and operation of
self-managed savings groups, providing
technical training and leadership workshops,
and broadcasting a weekly community
radio program. Our grant supports AUGE’s
Children’s Solidarity Savings program, which
works with more than 500 working children to
promote asset building, financial literacy, and life
planning, and facilitates discussion of a variety of
other issues, including family relations, domestic
violence, drug addiction, gender, sexuality, the
environment, and human rights.
EVA works to empower Nigerian youth living
with HIV/AIDS and to raise awareness and
foster positive habits among those who are
uninfected. Our grant provides support for
EVA’s Window of Hope project, an HIV
prevention program focusing on orphans and
street-working children aged 8 to 13, a typically
hard-to-reach population that has one of the
fastest-growing HIV infection rates in Nigeria.
Previous funding: $27,000 since 2003
Ethiopian Books for Children and
Educational Foundation (EBCEF)
Fundación de Niños Artistas
(Fotokids) (Child Artist Foundation)
$10,000/87,200 Ethiopia birr
$7,000/132,300 Honduras lempiras
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Director: Yohannes Gebregeorgis
Las Mangas, Honduras
Executive director: Luis Sierra Hernández
EBCEF aims to improve the reading skills of
Ethiopia’s undereducated youth by establishing
libraries in low-income neighborhoods, donating
high-quality children’s books to community
organizations, coordinating public-awareness
campaigns surrounding the importance of
reading, and maintaining a mobile tent library.
Our grant supports EBCEF’s free children’s
library and reading center, which offers 15,000
children’s and young-adult books in the English,
Amharic, Tigrinya, and Oromifa languages
and organizes activities such as traditional
storytelling and art classes.
Previous funding: $6,000 since 2004
Fotokids uses photography, digital imaging,
graphic design, website design, creative writing,
and media technology to help children develop
marketable skills and to provide a medium
for self-expression, creativity, critical thinking,
leadership, and reflection on their lives. Our
grant supports the Technology and Environment
Program, which combines Fotokids’ media
technology training with new elements of
environmental conservation, ecotourism, and
medicinal biology for children living in the
endangered Rio Cangregal watershed.
$6,000/45,480 Guatemala quetzales
Chimaltenango, Guatemala
Executive director: Miguel Cap Patal
FESIRGUA works with poor indigenous
communities in the remote rural highlands of
Guatemala to improve health, education, and
overall quality of life through HIV prevention,
testing, and counseling; reproductive health
education and service referrals; prenatal and
infant health and nutrition education; and
midwife training. Our grant supports the
Empowerment of Indigenous Girls program,
which helps indigenous girls transition to
adulthood through training, mentoring, and
internships in literacy and numeracy as well as
in life skills such as leadership, entrepreneurship,
financial literacy, negotiation, communication,
decision making, teamwork, self-esteem, and
formation of life goals and plans.
$10,000/441,500 India rupees
New Delhi, India
Director: Lisa Heydlauff
GTS is a multimedia project for children that
celebrates every child’s right to go to school
and participate in an inspiring education
that is relevant to his or her life. Our grant
supports GTS’s Girl Stars project, which
promotes school enrollment among girls
in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, as well as the
submission to film festivals of GTS’s film
about going to school in India.
Previous funding: $23,500 since 2004
Instituto Fazer Acontecer (IFA)
(Make It Happen Institute)
$7,500/15,975 Brazil reais
Fundatia Noi Orizonturi
(New Horizons Foundation)
Frente de Salud Infantil y
Reproductiva de Guatemala
(FESIRGUA) (Guatemalan Front
for Child and Reproductive Health)
Going to School (GTS)
$6,000/17,100 Romania lei
Lupeni, Romania
Executive director: Dana Bates
Noi Orizonturi provides youth with adventure
education and service learning to address
the lack of interpersonal trust and the deep
culture of corruption in Romania. Our grant
supports six IMPACT Clubs, which empower
youth to become agents of change by creating
service learning projects that engage with local
government and build confidence and trust.
Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Executive director: Renato Paes de Andrade
IFA works with youth in poor areas of Salvador
through a combination of sports and citizenship
training to promote teamwork, discipline, and
physical well-being, as well as awareness of
the rights and responsibilities of citizens as
protagonists in their communities. Our grant
supports the creation of a new program for
30 students in the underserved community of
Valéria, on the outskirts of Salvador.
Integrated Community Health
Services (INCHES)
Global Goods Partners (GGP)
$6,000/426,120 Kenya shillings
New York, NY, United States
Directors: Joan Shifrin and Catherine Shimony
GGP provides improved distribution outlets for
local artisan goods to fairly benefit communitybased organizations and artisans, engages youth
in global citizenship activities, and offers US
companies socially responsible corporate gift
items. Our grant supports the opening of market
channels for fair-trade artisan products of
community-based organizations, seven of which
are our current or former grantee partners.
Kisumu, Kenya
Executive director: Kitche Magak
INCHES provides quality integrated health
services—through research, training, and
communication—to vulnerable children and
youth living on the mainland shores and remote
islands of Lake Victoria. Our grant supports
edutainment created and produced by youth
to transmit critical health messages through
theater, soap operas, radio dramas, and stories.
Karm Marg (Progress
through Work)
Ubuntu Education Fund
Wilderness Foundation
$14,000/91,280 South Africa rand
$16,000/95,840 South Africa rand
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Co-presidents: Banks Gwaxula and Jacob Leif
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Executive director: Andrew Muir
Ubuntu is a community-run organization
dedicated to improving literacy, health, and
technology in impoverished neighborhoods
in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. Our
grant supports Ubuntu’s Mpilo-Lwazi health
initiative, which offers health education in
schools and community gathering spots, and
its counseling, referral, and advocacy program,
which helps children and young people cope
with the dual crisis of HIV/AIDS and violence
in their communities.
Previous funding: $46,000 since 2002
Working in South Africa since 1984,
Wilderness Foundation is a pioneer in using
nature-based educational programs as a positive
force for social change by bringing historically
disadvantaged youth onto nature trails in
order to further their understanding of and
cooperation with the conservation of wild
habitats. Our grant supports the Umzi Wethu
(Homestead) project to provide AIDS orphans
with training in the growing hospitality and
ecotourism sectors.
Previous funding: $39,000 since 2004
$6,000/264,900 India rupees
Faridabad, India
Director: Veena Lal
Karm Marg facilitates a home for former street
children—with unique architectural adaptations
that make it a model for child-friendly
institutions—where 55 boys and girls live and
learn to cook, work or study, play, and take
responsibility for their own daily lives. Our grant
supports vocational training activities at the
children’s home and in the surrounding village.
Currencies were calculated on October 5, 2005,
for grants awarded in fall 2005 and on April 18,
2006, for grants awarded in spring 2006.
Grantee Partners
Responding to Crisis
In fiscal year 2005–2006, we gave grants valued at $169,000
to 16 grantee partners in this portfolio.
Hurricane Stan
Chikungunya Epidemic
South Asia Earthquake
Asociación Promoción y Desarrollo
de la Mujer Nicaragüense Acahualt
(Acahualt Association for the
Promotion and Development of
Nicaraguan Women)
Halley Movement
Peshawar, Pakistan
$2,500/42,438 Nicaragua córdobas
To help pay for blankets, food, candles, and
funeral provisions for 1,000 people in the
earthquake-affected Mansehra district.
Managua, Nicaragua
To purchase mosquito nets and repellents to
help prevent the spread of chikungunya fever
in Mauritius.
De Laas Gul Welfare Programme
$2,500/149,375 Pakistan rupees
To purchase food, clothing, and water for
families living in San Francisco Libre who were
affected by Hurricane Stan.
Potohar Organization for
Development Advocacy
$2,500/149,375 Pakistan rupees
Nara Muglan, Pakistan
Batimarais, Mauritius
Java Earthquake
Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah
$2,500/24,053,750 Indonesia rupiahs
Centro de Estudios y Apoyo para el
Desarrollo Local (Center for Study
and Support for Local Development)
$2,500/19,188 Guatemala quetzales
To support families in Nara Mughlan village
in hosting refugees from earthquake-affected
Muzaffarabad, including the purchase of food,
blankets, and tents.
$1,500/45,375 Mauritius rupees
Chimaltenango, Guatemala
To pay for coordinated flood-relief efforts in
Chimaltenango, including the distribution of
food, medicines, and clothing.
Jakarta, Indonesia
To support Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah’s
children’s center in the earthquake-affected area
of Yogyakarta, including the provision of health
checkups and counseling and the distribution
of food, clothing, and water to children.
Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia
$2,500/24,053,750 Indonesia rupiahs
Instituto para la Superación de
la Miseria Urbana (Institute for
Overcoming Urban Poverty)
$2,500/19,188 Guatemala quetzales
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Jakarta, Indonesia
To set up 12 psychological service centers in the
two earthquake-affected provinces of Central
Java and Yogyakarta to provide counseling and
psychosocial support to affected communities.
To pay for clothing, blankets, milk, medicines,
and toys for families affected by the flooding
caused by Hurricane Stan.
Kinniya Vision (KV)
Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah
$16,000/1,612,600 Sri Lanka rupees
$14,000/125,335,700 Indonesia rupiahs
Kinniya, Sri Lanka
Executive director: A. R. M. Saifullah
Aceh Province, Indonesia
Director: Siti Chamamah Soeratno’aisyiyah
KV promotes education, advocates for
human rights, and works to reduce gender
imbalances and to conserve the environment
in the Trincomalee district of northeastern
Sri Lanka, an area heavily affected by both
the country’s decades-long civil war and the
December 2004 tsunami. Our grant supports
KV’s educational and vocational training
programs for children and youth.
As the women’s branch of the national
organization Muhammadiyah, ’Aisyiyah has
been implementing relief and rehabilitation
programs for children affected by the tsunami,
offering nutritional supplements, clothes,
health services, and counseling through
its children’s centers. Our grant supports
educational opportunities for young children
through kindergarten and playgroups, and
scholarships to allow 12- to 18-year-old youth
who are orphans or from single-parent families
to continue their education in school.
The 2004 Tsunami
Fatayat NU NAD
$13,000/116,383,150 Indonesia rupiahs
Aceh Province, Indonesia
Director: Abriati Yusuf
As the Aceh chapter of Fatayat Nahdlatul
Ulama, a national women’s organization
in Indonesia, Fatayat NU NAD provided
immediate relief following the tsunami by
working in orphanages to distribute supplies
and materials such as clothes and food to
children, and later provided scholarships
to place separated and orphaned children
in boarding schools. Our grant supports
educational toys and play to enhance the
cognitive and emotional development
of children affected by the tsunami, and
counseling for the children by a psychologist.
Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia
$14,000/125,335,700 Indonesia rupiahs
Aceh Province, Indonesia
Director: Rahmat Ismail
HIMPSI, a professional organization of
psychologists that encourages the psychological
sciences in Indonesia, set up a “tsunami team”
of member psychologists to offer psychosocial
services to people in tsunami-affected areas.
Our grant supports counseling services for
children in Durueng village and play therapy
and behavior modification for parents, teachers,
and caregivers to help them address the
psychosocial needs of the children.
Life Home Project Foundation (LHP)
$10,000/380,351 Thailand baht
Phuket, Thailand
Director: Jose Luis Gay Cano
LHP offers services and support to women and
children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS,
providing warm shelters, daycare, vocational
skills training for HIV-positive women,
and educational scholarships, and raises
awareness in local schools against stigma and
discrimination. Our grant supports full-time
daycare for children in the shelters and the
provision of nutritional supplements for infants
and younger children.
Mirror Foundation:
Tsunami Volunteer Center (TVC)
$15,000/615,450 Thailand baht
Bangkok, Thailand
Director: Sombat Boonngamanong
TVC was launched in January 2005 as a
means of channeling the volunteer services
and resources assembled after the tsunami to
directly help affected communities rebuild
their lives. Our grant funds Village Children’s
Clubs in the hard-hit Takua Pa district of
Phang Nga Province, helping young people
living in refugee camps and devastated villages
to interact in positive ways through activities
such as neighborhood cleanups, sports, and
programs that build skills for adjusting to their
new living environments.
Sanghamitra Service Society
$12,000/542,280 India rupees
Andhra Pradesh, India
Executive director: Sivaji
Sanghamitra Service Society has been working
for over a decade with fishing communities,
many of which were devastated by the tsunami,
and it developed the Tsunami Rehabilitation
Program to build livelihood opportunities,
initiate community savings plans, and assist
individuals applying for ration cards, housing
sites, and pensions. Our grant supports the
provision of health and education services to
the Yanadi tribal communities, including books,
materials, and clothes for children, health
checkups and education, and support
for attending schools.
Shilpa Children’s Trust (SCT)
Sunera Foundation
$25,000/2,562,750 Sri Lanka rupees
$15,000/1,520,250 Sri Lanka rupees
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Executive director: Nita Gunesekera
Matara, Sri Lanka
Chairperson: Sunethra Bandaranaike
With over 20 years of experience serving
unprotected and vulnerable children, Shilpa
Children’s Trust began a sponsorship program as
part of its tsunami rehabilitation efforts, placing
children orphaned by the tsunami into foster
homes; offering counseling, education, savings
plans, and support; and giving these children
the opportunity to lead productive lives. Our
grant supports 50 children in the sponsorship
program, which ensures proper care through
health services, weekly visits, after-school
tutoring, life skills training, and counseling as
part of the long-term rehabilitation of children
affected by the tsunami.
Sunera Foundation facilitates the development
of the performing arts among differently abled
people in Sri Lanka, training this marginalized
population to harness their creative energies
and demonstrate to society that they are
capable of contributing to the well-being of
their communities. Our grant funds Sunera
Foundation’s Tsunami Theatre Outreach
Project, which uses drama and performance-art
therapy to address post-tsunami trauma and
emotional-health issues among children and
young people living in relief camps.
Women Lawyers’ Association
of Thailand (WLAT)
$16,000/656,480 Thailand baht
Bangkok, Thailand
Director: Suthinee Meteeprapa
WLAT works for the passage of legislation
that will improve the status of Thai women
and children and for the legal protection of
women on an equal basis with men. Our grant
supports WLAT’s efforts to protect the rights
of tsunami victims, addressing legal issues such
as adoption, property rights for orphans, and
commercial sex trafficking.
Due to the nature of these grants, currencies
were calculated at the prevailing rates when
the grants were disbursed.
Financial Highlights
2005–2006 Fiscal Year
In fiscal year 2005–2006, The Global Fund for Children continued to
grow at a remarkable rate, with a 65 percent increase in net assets.
This growth occurred in both restricted and unrestricted net assets. It reflects our successful program
work, which continues to attract new donors who view The Global Fund for Children as an exciting
and proven investment in the future of children.
Our operating budget of $3.7 million was a 30 percent increase over the previous year’s. The majority
of this increase was in our grantmaking program, both in direct grants and in program infrastructure.
As we continue to expand our grantmaking to new levels, this investment in infrastructure is critical
for sustaining the quality of our work.
The Global Fund for Children was awarded Charity Navigator’s highest rating of four stars for the
second consecutive year. Charity Navigator cited our organization’s “ability to efficiently manage and
grow its finances.” Less than 12 percent of the charities Charity Navigator evaluates get four-star
ratings in two consecutive years. This “exceptional” rating indicates that The Global Fund for Children
“outperforms most charities in America in its efforts to operate in the most fiscally responsible way
possible . . . and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust.” In an era of increased regulation
and scrutiny of international charities, this recognition is particularly gratifying.
Our growing reputation, combined with our ongoing focus on outcomes, resulted in more than a doubling
of pledges, or promises to give, which contributed to our receipt of a record $4.9 million in revenue for
2005–2006. The largest component of this support continued to be from individuals. We also met our goal
of diversifying our funding sources, in large measure through significant growth in support from corporate
donors. At the same time, we have preserved our close relationships with existing supporters.
In 2005–2006, we maintained our budgetary ratio of 84 percent directed to program services and
16 percent to fundraising and general administration, well below the average of 25 percent for such
expenses. In addition, our reserve fund is now at $600,000.
This continuing increase in our resources will enable us to support more community-based organizations
and serve more children and youth throughout the world.
A full audited financial report prepared by Larson, Allen, Weishair & Co., LLP, can be found on our
Statements of Financial Position
June 30, 2006 and 2005
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
$ 1,142,964 $
Certificates of Deposit
Accounts Receivable:
Promises to Give
1,254,630 Other
Total Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Total Current Assets
3,030,551 Promises to Give, Net of Current Portion
Property and Equipment
Office Equipment
77,557 Leasehold Improvements
117,150 Less Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization
Total Property and Equipment
12,446 Total Assets
$ 3,223,169
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
71,319 $
Accrued Vacation
36,526 Total Current Liabilities
Commitments and Contingencies
Net Assets
1,529,171 Temporarily Restricted 1,536,153 Permanently Restricted 50,000 Total Net Assets
3,115,324 Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 3,223,169
1,114,451 -
34,417 8,157
53,416 15,644
866,803 1,021,394 1,888,197 1,957,257
Revenues 2005–2006
A Individual Donors
B Corporate Donors
C Foundation Donors
D Other
E Matching Gifts
F Book Royalties
Statements of Activities
June 30, 2006 and 2005
Gifts and Grants
Book Revenues and Royalties
Investment Income
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Total Revenue
Program Services:
Global Media Ventures
Total Program Services
Supporting Services:
Management and Administration
Total Supporting Services
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets - Beginning of Year
Net Assets - End of Year
Temporarily Permanently
$ 2,591,209 $ 2,156,169 $
$ 1,529,171 $ 1,536,153 $
50,000 $ 4,797,378 $
50,000 $ 3,115,324 $
1,476,466 $ 1,169,108 $ 2,645,574
866,803 $
1,021,394 $ 1,888,197
Expenditures 2005–2006
A Total Program Expenses
B Fundraising
C Total Management and
Statements of Cash Flows
June 30, 2006 and 2005
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Change in Net Assets
Adjustments to Reconcile Change in Net Assets
to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities:
Realized Loss on Sale of Marketable Securities
Depreciation and Amortization
Permanently Restricted Contributions
Insurance Proceeds from Theft of Office
Equipment, Net of Gain
Loss on Abandonment of Leasehold Improvements
Changes in Assets and Liabilities:
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Accrued Vacation
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities
Cash from Investing Activities
Investments in Certificates of Deposit
Sales/Redemptions of Marketable Securities
Purchases of Property and Equipment
Net Cash (Used) Provided by Investing Activities
Cash from Financing Activities
Proceeds from Permanently Restricted Contributions
Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Year
Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Year
$ 1,227,127
$ 1,142,964
$ 1,114,451
Notes to the Financial Statements
The Global Fund for Children (GFC) is an international nonprofit organization
that advances the education and dignity of young people around the world. GFC
pursues its mission by strengthening innovative community-based educational
organizations that serve some of the world’s most vulnerable children; developing
books that teach children to value global diversity; and inspiring global citizenship
and philanthropy through vibrant community education and outreach efforts.
Basis of Accounting
GFC prepares its financial statements on the accrual basis of accounting.
Consequently, revenue is recognized when earned, and expenses are recognized
when the obligations are incurred.
Basis of Presentation
Financial statement presentation follows the recommendations of the Financial
Accounting Standards Board in its Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
(SFAS) No. 117, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations. Under
SFAS No. 117, GFC is required to report information regarding its financial
position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net
assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets.
Income Tax Status
GFC is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code (IRC). The Internal Revenue Service has classified GFC as a publicly
supported foundation under section 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the IRC.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures.
Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates.
Cash Equivalents
For financial statement purposes, GFC considers its money market funds and its
certificates of deposit purchased with original maturities of three months or less
to be cash equivalents.
Promises to Give
Unconditional promises to give are recognized as revenues or gains in the period
received. Conditional promises to give are recognized only when the conditions on
which they depend are substantially met and the promises become unconditional.
There were no conditional promises to give at June 30, 2006 and 2005.
Marketable Securities
Investments in marketable equity securities with readily determinable fair values
are stated at fair market value.
Property and Equipment
Furniture and equipment are recorded at cost and are depreciated on the straightline basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets of five years. Leasehold
improvements are amortized over the life of the lease. GFC capitalizes all purchases
of long-lived assets in excess of $1,000, while maintenance and repairs that do not
improve or extend the useful lives of the respective assets are expensed currently.
Net Assets
Net assets are classified for accounting and reporting purposes according to their
nature and purpose and based upon the existence or absence of any restrictions
thereon. A description of each net asset group is as follows:
Unrestricted Net Assets—funds presently available for use by GFC at its
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets—unspent contributions and grants that
are restricted for use in certain GFC programs or by time
Permanently Restricted Net Assets—contributions that are to be held by
GFC in perpetuity
Intangible Assets
As of June 30, 2006 and 2005, GFC owned the intellectual property for eleven
hardcover books, eight paperback books, and four resource guides. These books
and curricula, which are authored and published under the brand Global Fund for
Children Books (formerly Shakti for Children™), represents intellectual property
which belongs to GFC, and upon which it earns copyright royalties.
Contributions and Grants
Contributions and grants are recorded as revenue in the year notification is
received from the donor. Support that is donor restricted, either by program or
by time, is reported as an increase in temporarily restricted net assets. When the
restriction expires—that is, when a time restriction ends or the purpose of the
restriction is accomplished—temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified as
unrestricted net assets or as net assets released from restrictions.
Contributed Services
Contributed services that meet the criteria of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards (SFAS) No. 116, Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions
Made, are recorded at their fair market value.
Allocation of Expenses
The costs of providing various programs and other activities have been summarized
on a functional basis in the Statements of Activities. Accordingly, certain costs
have been allocated among the programs and supporting services benefited.
Financial instruments that subject GFC to concentrations of credit risk consist
of deposits placed with financial institutions. Funds in excess of federal insurance
limits consist of the following at June 30:
On Deposit with Federally Chartered Banks
The promises to give as of June 30, 2006, are unconditional. A total of $1,259,352
is due in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, and $115,000 is due over the
following two years. Promises to give to be received after June 30, 2006, are
discounted at 5 percent. The unamortized discount on promises to give is $14,059
and $27,675 as of June 30, 2006 and 2005, respectively. Uncollectible promises
are expected to be insignificant.
At June 30, 2006 and 2005, net assets were temporarily restricted as follows:
Global Media Ventures
Future Years’ Support
$ 1,021,394
The following is a summary of net assets released from donor restrictions due
to satisfaction of the restricted purposes specified by the donors, and net assets
released due to the passage of time for the years ended June 30:
Global Media Ventures
Future Years’ Support
$ 1,603,515
$ 1,680,515
Program services are segregated by type of activity within the Statements of
Activities. The following indicates the specific activities that are included in
each program area:
The Global Fund for Children identifies and invests in community-based organizations
around the world that use nonformal education as a vehicle to protect and expand
the rights of vulnerable or disenfranchised children. GFC’s grants are allocated
into portfolios concentrating on the following specific issue areas: schools and
scholarships; hazardous child labor; commercial sexual exploitation of children;
the distinctive needs of vulnerable boys; and a general portfolio. Since 1997, GFC
has awarded nearly $5 million in grants to more than 200 grassroots groups doing
vital work with children around the world.
Global Media Ventures
This program integrates GFC’s book publishing (Global Fund for Children Books),
book outreach (Books for Kids project), films, and documentary photography.
Through its Global Media Ventures program, The Global Fund for Children
harnesses the power of books, films, photography, and online communications to
advance the dignity of children.
Global Fund for Children Books, formerly Shakti for Children™, is an innovative
book-publishing venture that highlights in a positive way the themes of diversity
and tolerance. Its 20 titles encourage readers to explore cultural differences while
presenting the many common experiences that children around the world share.
Through its Books for Kids project, GFC donates Global Fund for Children
books to grassroots literacy groups that need educational materials. This year,
GFC donated over 4,000 books and resource guides, with a retail value of
over $57,000, to community organizations in the United States and abroad.
The majority of these books went to groups serving children displaced or
affected by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast region. To date, the Books for
Kids project has donated close to 55,000 books, valued at more than $700,000,
to organizations and programs promoting children’s literacy.
The Global Fund for Children supports films about its grantee partners, its books,
and the children’s issues it covers. Support comes through direct investments,
editorial and research assistance, or promotion of the films. This year, GFC
invested in the film Going to School in India, based on a Global Fund for Children
book of the same title by Lisa Heydlauff. Like the book, this film has won awards,
and it has been screened in various film festivals.
Through its partnership with the International Center of Photography in New
York, The Global Fund for Children offers a fellowship to young photographers
to document its grantee partners in various parts of the world. This year, Jessica
Dimmock went to southern Africa and documented the work of Ubuntu Education
Fund (Port Elizabeth, South Africa), Wilderness Foundation (Port Elizabeth,
South Africa), and Children’s Town (Malambanyama, Zambia).
In addition to these core program activities, Global Fund for Children staff
members regularly speak at and participate in conferences that focus on
philanthropy, education, literacy, and specific global issues. GFC also creates
targeted campaigns to promote the contents and themes of Global Fund for
Children books. For example, GFC developed audience-specific communications
materials about Children of Native America Today for educators and leaders
in Native American communities, museum directors, and college educators.
Similarly, GFC reached out to the South Asian community in North America
through special communications materials and media coverage about the book
Going to School in India.
During 2006, GFC received services with an estimated fair value of $35,815, in
the form of pro bono legal services. These services were dedicated to education,
research, development, and general legal advice. In 2005, GFC received services
with an estimated fair market value of $29,664, in the form of pro bono legal
services and the use of a gallery to host a GFC special event. These services were
dedicated to education, research, the new office lease negotiation, and general legal
GFC rents office space for its headquarters under a noncancelable operating
lease that expires in September 2012. Rent expense amounted to $136,515 and
$110,525 for the years ended June 30, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Future minimum payments on the office lease are as follows:
Year Ending June 30
Minimum Lease Payment
$ 1,024,307
GFC maintains a contributory defined contribution plan under Section 403(b)
of the Internal Revenue Code for the benefit of its employees. All employees,
except for part-time employees who normally work less than 20 hours per
week, may participate in the plan. GFC may choose to make a discretionary
contribution to the plan. In order to be eligible to receive a discretionary
contribution, an eligible employee must complete two eligibility years of service.
Pension expense for the plan totaled $18,970 and $17,105 for the years ended
June 30, 2006 and 2005, respectively.
GFC receives a portion of its revenue from grants and contracts. The ultimate
determinations of amounts received under these programs often are based upon
allowable costs, reported to the donor. In some instances, the donor reserves the
right to audit the program costs. Until the final settlement is reached with each
donor, there exists a contingency to refund any amount received for costs deemed
unallowable in an audit conducted by a donor. Such settlements, if any, will be
recognized as revenue or expense in the period the amount is determined.
Directors and Staff
Robert D. Stillman, Chair
President, Milbridge Capital Management
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Sanjiv Khattri
Chief Financial Officer, GMAC
New York, New York
Roy Salameh
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
New York, New York
Maya Ajmera
President, The Global Fund for Children
Washington, DC
Mark McGoldrick*
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
London, United Kingdom
Robert Scully, Treasurer
Co-President, Morgan Stanley
New York, New York
Peter Briger*
Principal, Fortress Investment Group
New York, New York
Sandra Pinnavaia
Senior Vice President,
Business Talent Group, LLC
New York, New York
Raj Singh*
Co-Founder, Telcom Ventures
Alexandria, Virginia
Juliette Gimon, Vice Chair
Trustee, William and Flora Hewlett
New York, New York
Patricia Rosenfield
Chair, Carnegie Scholars Program
Carnegie Corporation of New York
New York, New York
Isabel Carter Stewart, Secretary
Chicago, Illinois
Directors Emeriti
William Ascher
Donald C. McKenna Professor of
Government and Economics
Claremont McKenna College
Claremont, California
Dena Blank
Trustee, Arthur M. Blank Family
New York, New York
Laura Luger
Attorney, Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice
Durham, North Carolina
Adele Richardson Ray
Trustee, Smith Richardson Foundation
Pittsboro, North Carolina
*Joined May 2006
John Hepburn
Advisory Vice Chairman, Morgan Stanley
London, United Kingdom
Dirk Ormoneit
Analyst, Bluecrest Capital
London, United Kingdom
James Sheridan
Co-Founder, Asia Absolute
Capital Partners
London, United Kingdom
Maya Ajmera
Founder and President
Jenny Tolan
Development Associate
Shawn Malone
Program Officer, Latin America
William Ascher Summer Fellow
Finance and Operations
Ellen Mackenzie
Director of Finance and Operations
Victoria Dunning
Director of Grantmaking
Elizabeth Ruethling
Senior Program Officer
Mark McGoldrick, Chair
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
London, United Kingdom
Summer Associate, Strategic Planning
Global Media Ventures
Melissa Hobson
Operations Manager
Elsa L. Fan
Program Officer, Asia
Adlai J. Amor
Senior Communications Officer
Solome Lemma
Assistant Program Officer, Africa
Magda Nakassis
Program Assistant, Global Fund for
Children Books
Greg Fields
Senior Adviser
Katherine Marsh
Development Officer
Katy Love
Program Associate
Tammy Phan
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Cynthia Pon
Director of Global Fund for
Children Books
Kate Greene
Yale School of Management
New Haven, Connecticut
Irene Hu
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Samir Singh
St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School
Alexandria, Virginia
Index and Credits
Aangan Trust, 57
Achlal: Child Development Center, 46
Action pour la Promotion des Droits de l’Enfant
au Burkina Faso (APRODEB) (Action for
the Promotion of the Rights of the Burkinabe
Child), 53
Agastya International Foundation, 63
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT), 24, 63
Ark Foundation of Africa (AFA), 32, 46
Asociación Civil pro Niño Íntimo: Escuelas
Deporte y Vida (Pro-Child Civil Association:
Sports and Life Schools), 46
Asociación de Comunidades Eclesiales de Base
(CEB) (Association of Grassroots Christian
Communities), 63
Asociación de Defensa de la Vida (ADEVI)
(Association for the Defense of Life), 32, 53
Asociación de Promotores de Educación Inicial
Bilingüe Maya Ixil (APEDI-BIMI) (Maya Ixil
Association of Promoters of Bilingual Early
Education), 47
Asociación Mujer y Comunidad (Women and
Community Association), 47
Asociación para la Atención Integral de Niños de
la Calle (AIDENICA) (Association for the
Intensive Care of Street Boys), 57
Asociación para los Derechos de la Niñez “Monseñor
Oscar Romero” (Los Romeritos) (Monsignor
Oscar Romero Association for Children’s Rights), 60
Asociación Poder Joven (Youth Power Association), 47
Asociación Promoción y Desarrollo de la Mujer
Nicaragüense Acahualt (Acahualt Association
for the Promotion and Development of Nicaraguan
Women), 53, 67
Asociación Solas y Unidas (Alone and United
Association), 30, 48
Asociatia Ovidiu Rom: Gata, Dispus si Capabil
(GDC) (Ready, Willing and Able), 17, 48
Associação Barraca da Amizade (Shelter of
Friendship Association), 20, 57
Associação de Apoio às Meninas e Meninos da
Região Sé (AA Criança) (Association for Support
of Boys and Girls of the Sé Region), 60
Association d’Appui et d’Eveil Pugsada (ADEP)
(Association of Support and Coming of Age), 60
Association des Artistes et Artisans contre le
VIH/SIDA et les Stupifiants (AARCOSIS)
(Association of Artists and Artisans against
HIV/AIDS and Drugs), 63
Association des Jeunes pour le Développement
Intégré–Kakundu (AJEDI–Ka)
(Youth Association for Integrated
Development–Kakundu), 33, 35, 57
Association du Foyer de l’Enfant Libanais (AFEL)
(Lebanese Child Home Association), 57
Association for Community Development Services
(ACDS), 53
Association for the Development and Enhancement
of Women: Girls’ Dreams, 22, 61
Association Jeunesse Actions Mali (AJA Mali)
(Youth Action Association of Mali), 18, 53
Association La Lumière (The Light Association), 18, 53
Avenir de l’Enfant (ADE) (Future of the Child), 23, 61
Ayuda y Solidaridad con las Niñas de la Calle
(Help and Solidarity with Street Girls), 35
Backward Society Education (BASE), 32, 34, 54
Benishyaka Association, 16, 48
Calabar Institute for Research, Information
and Documentation, 57
Carolina for Kibera, 63
Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights
Foundation (CPCR), 61
Centro Cultural Batahola Norte (CCBN)
(Cultural Center of Batahola Norte), 48
Centro de Apoyo al Niño de la Calle de Oaxaca
(CANICA) (Center for the Support of Street
Children in Oaxaca), 54
Centro de Apoyo a Niñas Callejeras (ANICA)
(Support Center for Street Girls), 63
Centro de Documentacão e Informacão “Coisa de
Mulher” (CEDOICOM) (Center for Research
and Information “Woman Thing”), 61
Centro de Estudios y Apoyo para el Desarrollo Local
(CEADEL) (Center for Study and Support
for Local Development), 54, 67
Centro de Estudos e Ação em Atenção à Infância e
as Drogas “Excola” (Excola Center for Research
and Action on Childhood and Drug Use), 64
Centro Interdisciplinario para el Desarrollo Social
(CIDES) (Interdisciplinary Center for Social
Development), 55
Centro para el Desarrollo Regional (CDR)
(Center for Regional Development), 55
Centro San Juan Bosco (CSJB) (San Juan
Bosco Center), 18, 55
Centro Transitorio de Capacitación y Educación
Recreativa “El Caracol” (El Caracol Transitional
Center for Training and Recreational Education),
21, 58
Charlesbridge Publishing, 38
Children in the Wilderness, 32, 48
Children on the Edge–Romania (COTE), 61
Children’s Legal Rights and Development
Center (CLRD), 20, 58
Children’s Town, 38
Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group, 55
Chiricli: Roma Women Charitable Fund, 32, 48
Christ School, 30, 48
Community Development Center (CDC), 16, 48
Conquest for Life, 31, 48
La Conscience, 56
Dasra, 34
De Laas Gul Welfare Programme (DLG), 34, 55, 67
Desarrollo Autogestionario (AUGE) (Self-Managed
Development), 24, 32, 64
Door Step School, 55
Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee (DMSC), 22, 61
Education as a Vaccine against AIDS, Inc. (EVA), 64
Empower Program, 58
Espacio Cultural Creativo (Cultural Creative Space), 55
Ethiopian Books for Children and Educational
Foundation (EBCEF), 25, 65
Fatayat NU NAD, 68
Foundation for Development of Needy Communities
(FDNC), 32, 49
Frente de Salud Infantil y Reproductiva de
Guatemala (FESIRGUA) (Guatemalan Front for
Child and Reproductive Health), 65
Friends for Street Children (FFSC), 32, 49
Fundación de Niños Artistas (Fotokids)
(Child Artist Foundation), 65
Fundación Junto con los Niños ( JUCONI)
(Together with Children Foundation), 32, 55
Fundación La Paz: Centro de Capacitación Técnica
Sarenteñani (La Paz Foundation: Sarenteñani
Technical Training Center), 32, 49
Fundatia Noi Orizonturi (New Horizons
Foundation), 65
Gender Education, Research and Technologies
Foundation (GERT), 22, 61
George Bird Grinnell American Indian Fund, 49
Girls Educational and Mentoring Services
(GEMS), 32, 61
Global Goods Partners (GGP), 24, 65
Going to School (GTS), 24, 65
Gramin Mahila Sikshan Sansthan (GMSS)
(Sikar Girls Education Initiative), 49
Halley Movement, 49, 67
Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI), 32, 67, 68
Homies Unidos (Homies United), 32, 58
Hope for Children Organization (HFC), 49
Horn of Africa Relief and Development
Organization, 49
Ikamva Labantu (The Future of Our Nation), 58
Instituto Fazer Acontecer (IFA) (Make It
Happen Institute), 65
Instituto para la Superación de la Miseria Urbana
(ISMU) (Institute for Overcoming Urban
Poverty), 49, 67
Instituto Poblano de Readaptación (IPODERAC), 35
Integrated Community Health Services
(INCHES), 24, 65
International Center of Photography (ICP), 38
Jabala Action Research Organisation, 61
Jeeva Jyothi (Everlasting Light), 34, 55
Jifunze Project: Community Education
Resource Centre, 50
Jinpa Project, 16, 32, 50
Kamitei Foundation, 50
Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE), 50
Kamulu Rehabilitation Centre (KRC), 50
Karm Marg (Progress through Work), 11, 66
Kids in Need of Direction (KIND), 50
Kinniya Vision (KV), 68
Kitemu Integrated School, 50
Laura Vicuña Foundation, Inc. (LVF), 19, 56
Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation, 35
Life Home Project Foundation (LHP), 68
Light for All (LiFA), 16, 50
Luna Nueva (New Moon), 62
Men on the Side of the Road (MSR), 58
Mirror Foundation: Tsunami Volunteer
Center (TVC), 68
Molo Songololo, 35
Mongolian Youth Development Foundation
(MYDF), 62
Movimiento para el Auto-Desarrollo Internacional
de la Solidaridad (MAIS) (Movement for
International Self-Development and Solidarity), 62
Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah, 67, 68
Nehemiah AIDS Relief Project, 32, 62
Nepal Bhotia Education Center (NBEC), 50
Network of Entrepreneurship and Economic
Development (NEED), 51
New Horizons Ministries (NHM), 51
Nyaka School, 32, 51
Oram: Amgalan Labor and Education Center
(LET), 58
Our Children, 51
Phulki (Spark), 22, 34, 62
Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy
(PODA), 32, 35, 51, 67
Prayas (To Wish), 51
Prerana (Inspiration), 62
Prisoners Assistance Program (PAP), 20, 58
ProJOVEN, 29, 31, 51
Protecting Environment and Children Everywhere
(PEACE), 62
Rozan: Youth Helpline (YHL), 58
Ruchika Social Service Organisation, 41
Ruili Women and Children Development Center, 62
Rural Family Support Organization (RuFamSO), 59
Rural Institute for Development Education
(RIDE), 18, 31, 32, 56
Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT), 31, 59
Sam-Kam Institute (SKI), 51
Sanghamitra Service Society, 59, 68
Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha
(Village Self-Reliance), 51
Shilpa Children’s Trust (SCT), 35, 52, 69
SIN-DO, 56
Snowland Service Group (SSG), 52
Sociedad Amigos de los Niños (SAN)
(Friends of Children Society), 56
Sociedad Dominico-Haitiana de Apoyo Integral
para el Desarrollo y la Salud (SODHAIDESA)
(Dominican-Haitian Society of Integrated
Assistance for Health and Development), 52
Society Biliki, 52
Society for Education and Action (SEA), 56
Sunera Foundation, 27, 69
Synapse Network Center, 59
Tanadgoma: Library and Cultural Center for
People with Disabilities, 32, 52
Tasintha Programme, 62
Tbilisi Youth House Foundation (TYHF), 32, 52
Tea Collection, 41
Ubuntu Education Fund, 31, 38, 66
Vikramshila Education Resource Society, 52
Wilderness Foundation, 31, 38, 66
Women Development Association (WDA), 59
Women Lawyers’ Association of Thailand (WLAT), 69
Women’s Education for Advancement and
Empowerment (WEAVE), 52
Working Assets, 41
Young Playwrights’ Theater (YPT), 52
Youth Philanthropy Worldwide, 40
Cover: © Patrick J. Endres/AlaskaPhotoGraphics
Inside front cover: © Jon Warren
Page 1: © Pascal Meunier
Page 2: © David M. Barron/oxygengroup
Page 3: © Shaen Adey/
Page 4: © John D. Ivanko
Page 5: © Pramod Mistry/Dinodia Photo Library
Page 6: Photo of children at the Afghan Institute of
Learning by © William Vázquez, 2006, courtesy of
the Abbott Fund, a program partner
Page 8: © Stacey Warner
Page 15 (top to bottom): © Asociata Ovidiu Rom,
© Jon Warren, © El Caracol, © Avenir de l ’Enfant,
© Stacey Warner, © John Beebe/,
© Ethan G. Salwen, © Robert J. Ross
Page 17: © Jay Sorensen
Page 19: © Jon Warren
Page 21: © El Caracol, © El Caracol
Page 25: © Stacey Warner
Page 27: © John Beebe/
Page 29: © Ethan G. Salwen
Page 30: © Malie Rich-Griffith/
Page 33: © Robert J. Ross
Page 39: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 41: Photography by Laurie Frankel © 2006,
postcard courtesy of Tea Collection
Page 47: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 54: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 56: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 59: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 64: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 66: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 69: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 71: © Jessica Dimmock
Page 79: © Jessica Dimmock
Inside back cover: © Robert Leon/
Adlai J. Amor (Managing Editor), Victoria Dunning,
Elsa Fan, Greg Fields, Josette Haddad (Copy Editor),
Solome Lemma, Katy Love, Ellen Mackenzie,
Shawn Malone, Katherine Marsh, Magda Nakassis
(Photo Editor), Cynthia Pon, Jenny Tolan,
Enid Zafran (Indexer).
Design Army
This annual report was funded by a portion of
the royalties from Global Fund for Children books.
© 2006, The Global Fund for Children.
Printed with 100 percent soy-based inks.
…to you young people: ‘I believe in you.
Please help me. Please help me so that we
can turn this world into a more compassionate
and caring world—a more gentle world.
I believe in you. Please help me so that we
have a world where children know that they
will grow up playing, enjoying being young…’ ”
Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu
The Global Fund for Children
Making Connections
PHONE : 202.331.9003 FAX : 202.331.9004