Team Manual FC ELK GROVE 2013-2014

Team Manual
Administration ........................................................................................................................ 3
Thank You .............................................................................................................................. 3
About the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League ........................................................................... 3
EGYSL Mission Statement..................................................................................................... 4
Core Values............................................................................................................................. 4
Goals ....................................................................................................................................... 4
League and Competitive Program Structure........................................................................... 4
League Website....................................................................................................................... 5
Basic Responsibilities of a Team Manager............................................................................. 5
Team Binders .......................................................................................................................... 6
Manager’s Team Bag.............................................................................................................. 6
Registration ............................................................................................................................. 7
Player Registration.................................................................................................................. 7
US CLUB................................................................................................................................ 8
Team Roster Size .................................................................................................................... 8
Official Player Passes (CYSA and US CLUB)....................................................................... 8
Player Movement .................................................................................................................. 10
A. New Registration (ADD) ................................................................................................. 10
B. Player Release .................................................................................................................. 10
C. Team to Team Transfer .................................................................................................... 11
Team Finances ...................................................................................................................... 13
Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................... 16
Player Safety ......................................................................................................................... 17
Team Practices and Scrimmages .......................................................................................... 20
Practice Fields....................................................................................................................... 20
Game Time............................................................................................................................ 20
Seasonal Team Guidelines.................................................................................................... 25
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 28
Thank You
A great big thank you for taking on the task as Team Manager for your soccer team. A good
Team Manager is very important to the success of a team. You will need to be a good
communicator with the Coach and the Assistant Coach (if applicable) and with the parents of
your players. You will need to set aside the time to attend an FC Elk Grove Managers’ meeting
each month and also have the time to be available to do the tasks associated with being a Team
Manager. This manual should help you understand those tasks. Don’t hesitate to ask any
questions if you don’t understand how to do something. FC Elk Grove and EGYSL staff and
leadership are here to help you succeed. Thank you.
About the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League
The Elk Grove Youth Soccer League (EGYSL) was incorporated in 1983 with a handful of
players and teams. Today, the League has grown to over 5,500 registered youth soccer players
and 415 teams. EGYSL's territory of play encompasses South to the Sacramento/San Joaquin
county line, to the North of Gerber Road, and Northeast on the Sacramento/El Dorado County
Line, and to the West bordered by Interstate 5.
The organization oversees 11 separate affiliated local clubs that offer Recreation, Select, and
Competitive programs. In 2008, EGYSL added Top Soccer, a soccer program designed for
players ages 5-18 with physical and/or mental disabilities who would like to play soccer,
including those with physical supports and wheelchairs. In 2010, EGYSL reorganized its
competitive and select clubs, forming one cooperative program for players in Elk Grove.
EGYSL has a cadre of 400 paid licensed soccer referees, who are responsible for officiating over
200 games in Elk Grove each week during the soccer season. EGYSL maintains a strong
working relationship with all elementary, middle, and high schools in Elk Grove as well as the
Cosumnes Service District, Northgate Park District, and City and County officials responsible
for soccer fields within the League boundaries.
A 25 member Board of Directors governs the organization.
FC Elk Grove is the competitive year round and seasonal (select) program of EGYSL.
EGYSL Mission Statement
To be recognized as the best soccer league in the country in terms of its players, its coaches, its
referees, its fans, its leadership, and its community. We will invest in the quality of our
children’s memorable experiences by creating a soccer environment that enhances fun,
camaraderie, knowledge of the game, and affords the opportunity for each child to improve
his/her skills at the highest level possible based upon the player’s commitment and desire.
Core Values
To make decisions as a League based on the best interest of the players.
 To create a cohesive inclusive League environment.
 To deliver quality education for all coaches.
 To clearly and effectively communicate to all League constituents.
 To promote the growth, as well as the development of the game of soccer in the
Build the Membership – We will seek to expand youth soccer in Elk Grove to share the sport
with as many people as possible so that all children in the area have an opportunity to experience
the sport.
Promote the Sport – We are proud of our sport and the joy, camaraderie, and memorable
experiences shared by everyone involved, and we will communicate this with the community at
Achieve Competitive Success – We will seek to create a tradition of competitive success. When
our elite athletes are successful in fulfilling their dream to play soccer in high school or college,
or even professionally, our youth players benefit from the inspiration these athletes give to them.
League and Competitive Program Structure
The EGYSL Board of Directors is responsible for all aspects of the League organization,
including the competitive program of which you are a part. The Board ensures that the League’s
mission is adhered to and that the League is operating in a financially responsible manner. The
Board selects and supports a staff Director of Coaching and ensures that programs are developed
to enhance and grow the League and support the families and players who elect to play soccer
here in Elk Grove. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Director of Coaching, the
Coaches, Team Managers, the teams and the players abide by all League rules and regulations.
More specifically, the Board is responsible for ensuring cooperation, honesty, growth,
commitment, organization, vision, sportsmanship, and all participants within the League adhere
to its ethics.
The FC Elk Grove Competitive Council administers the League’s Competitive program. Any
disputes or disagreements among competitive teams, players, parents, or coaches must be
brought to the Competitive Council in writing for review, consideration, and settlement.
League Website
The EGYSL website is The League has also developed a website
that is specific to the competitive program. It can be found at Both sites
are good sources of information for the competitive program and the League overall.
Basic Responsibilities of a Team Manager
Team Managers’ responsibilities may vary from team to team. The typical responsibilities
Preparation of the Team Master Roster (Golden Rod and US CLUB if applicable)
Player registration
Administrator registration
Team communication
Attendance at monthly FC Elk Grove meetings
Compliance with EGYSL and CYSA North rules and regulations
Game roster preparation and score reporting (League specific, please read the rules on
the league that your team will participate in)
 Tournament entry and paperwork completion
 Collection of coaching and tournament fees and maintenance of team checking
account - Can be delegated to the team treasurer.
The Internet is another valuable tool to be used in doing your job as a team manager. The
Internet can be used to register your team for tournaments as well as to locate additional
information from the California Youth Soccer Association (CYSA), Norcal Premier League
Team Binders
Each Team Manager must have on hand a team binder at all team functions. The paperwork
included in a team binder carried by teams within the California Youth Soccer Association
(CYSA) must contain the following:
Team officials (coaches and team manager) and player passes;
CYSA form 1601 for each rostered player with original wet ink signature;
US CLUB Medical Release forms (if applicable)
CYSA Passes and US CLUB (if applicable)
Approved CYSA (Golden Rod) roster and if your team has US CLUB Cards a US CLUB
In the interest of protecting all players and coaches and as part of risk management, the team
binder must NOT contain any other identifying documents, including, but not limited to, the
CYSA Form 1650 (Team Official Registration & Risk Management Disclosure Form) or any
player birth documents.
Manager’s Team Bag
A Team Manager should carry a team bag that contains all the items that will typically be needed
by the team, including
 Team binder
 First Aid Kit
 Pens, laminating sheets, scissors, a hole punch, sunscreen
Player Registration
A Team Manager is responsible for collecting the following information:
 A completed CYSA Membership Form (Form 1601). The Release of Liability and the
Medical Consent sections of the form must be signed by the parent/legal guardian or the
player if the player is age eighteen (18) or older. The signed CYSA Membership Form
(Form 1601 with the ORIGINAL WET INK SIGNATURE must be carried by a team
official at all team functions (practices, games, tournaments) for each player on the roster.
 Proof of age must be presented at time of registration if the birth certificate of the player
has not previously been verified in the CYSA approved registration system. Proof of
age shall consist of a birth certificate; a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege
Card (DD Form 1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth
registration issued by an appropriate government agency; board of health records; a
passport; an alien registration card issued by the United States Government; a certificate
issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age; a current driver's
license, an unexpired federal, state, or local government identification card, or a
certification of a United States citizen born abroad issued by the appropriate government
agency. Hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates, or immunization records will not be
accepted. Proof of age in foreign languages must have a Foreign Document Translation
form attached to the original document. Translations shall be provided by anyone
recognized as a translator by the US Youth Soccer's National State Association (CYSA)
governing that player. No parent or other family member can translate for any member of
their son's or daughter's team unless they are certified and/or accredited to teach the
specific language, i.e. high school teacher, professor of languages at a university or
college, court translator, or anyone recognized as an official translator by the respective
District Commissioner. All translations will be dated and include the signature, address
and telephone number of the translator.
 Appropriate Registration Fee for each player.
Please remember that it takes approximately 2 weeks to receive your player/coaching passes
after you have requested them.
The fee is all-inclusive, and includes secondary medical and liability insurance.
 Coaches/Managers need to go to the US CLUB site and register with a Background check
form (We are listed under Clubs as FC ELK GROVE)
 Registration/Medical Release Forms must be filled out by each parent. (Can be found on
the US Club Website)
 Copy of each players Birth Certificate
 1x1 photo of each player/coach/manager preferably electronic
 The cost is $18 per player, for each player U-12 and above, and $14 younger than U-12.
 The cost per coach/manager is $15.
 When everything is together please drop in the top drawer of the white chest at front door
at the address below and send to confirming information has been
 Existing players (last year) that have US CLUB cards do not need a new one until the
 In place of dropping physical copies, items can be scanned and emailed, documents must
be provided in pdf or jpeg form.
Drop Off Address is:
8181 Drais Way
Elk Grove 95624
Team Roster Size
For U15 and younger teams, the roster may not be more than eighteen (18) registered players at
any given time during the seasonal year. For U16 – U19 teams, the roster may have up to
twenty-two (22) registered players at any given time during the seasonal year. Only 18 players
can dress for a tournament or game.
Minimum roster: No team shall have less than (7) registered players at any given time.
Official Player Passes (CYSA and US CLUB)
Official player passes are used to identify the players on a team during all tournament games and
regular season league games. Once a team’s roster is finalized, the Registrar will print all of the
passes for each player and official on the team. These cards are very important and a Team
Manager must always keep them safe. These cards are given to referees prior to each game and
utilized by the referee to identify the players on the team. The Team Manager must ensure return
of the cards from the referee after each game. A referee will retain any player pass for a player
or team official who receives a red card or who is sent off during the game.
If any cards are lost, contact the Registrar immediately to obtain a new pass.
Player Movement
New Registration (ADD)
1. A player shall be deemed "registered" effective the date the completed CYSA
Membership Form (Form 1601) and fees are received by the League Registrar or designee. If the
form and fee are mailed, then the "date of registration" shall be the postmark shown on the
envelope. A player is eligible to play on the date of roster approval by the District Registrar.
2. If a player release is required in order to add a player to a team and the release is
received AFTER the add request, then the effective date for the add shall be the effective date of
the release.
B. Player Release
1. When a player decides to leave a team, the player movement is considered to be a
"release". Once a player has been released from a team, the player is no longer eligible to play
soccer for the remainder of the seasonal year.
2. Any player who is released from a team and subsequently decides to play soccer again
within the same seasonal year must be transferred back on to the team from which the player was
originally released.
3. If the player wishes to play for a different team and the original team roster is not full,
the player must first transfer back on to the team from which the player was originally released
before being transferred to the new team.
4. If the original team roster is full or the player wishes to transfer to another team, the
player may transfer to a new team with the approval of the District Commissioner or District
5. A player shall be deemed "released" effective the date the completed paperwork with
valid reason for release and membership pass are received by the District
Commissioner/Registrar. If the paperwork and pass are mailed, then the effective "date of
release" shall be the postmark shown on the envelope.
C. Team to Team Transfer
1. A transfer means the movement of a currently or previously rostered US Youth Soccer player
onto another roster, or a player who returns to the same roster, within the same seasonal year.
2. “Previously rostered player” means a player whose team has finished the season or whose
team has been disbanded.
3. A player shall be deemed “transferred” effective the date the completed paperwork, member
pass and appropriate fees are received by the District Commissioner/Registrar. For teams playing
in games involving more than one league (State/District playing leagues, tournaments, Cups,
Olympic Development and international competition), the player is eligible to play on the eighth
(8th) day after receipt of the paperwork and member pass by the District Commissioner/Registrar.
4. In the event of player movement between Districts, the effective date will commence upon
receipt of the paperwork, membership pass and appropriate fees by the accepting District
5. If the paperwork is mailed, then the effective date shall be the postmark shown on the
envelope. The player is eligible to play on the eighth (8th) day after the postmarked date.
6. If a player release is required to transfer a player onto a team, and the release is received
AFTER the transfer request, then the effective date for the transfer shall be the effective date of
the release.
7. A player may transfer to any team that is in the player’s age group as determined by the
player’s birth date.
Example: An U-16 player initially was registered to an U-19 team. The player could transfer to
an U-16 team, if a spot is open. The movement of a registered player from one team to another is
considered a transfer.
8. U14 through U19 teams participating in competitions involving teams from more than one
league of registration may have up to five (5) transferred players. All other teams participating
in competitions involving teams from more than one league of registration may have up to three
(3) transferred players. Each movement of a player from one team to another is considered a
transfer and shall be counted against the team receiving the player. There is no limit to the
number of times a player may transfer.
9. If the releasing coach fails to sign the transfer request, the designated league official or the
District Commissioner/Registrar may sign in the coach's place. If the releasing league fails to
sign the transfer request, the District Commissioner/Registrar may sign in the league's place.
10. A player that is registered in one district and wishes to play in another district may do so
upon the approval of the Transfer by the releasing and accepting leagues and the releasing
and accepting District Commissioners/Registrars.
11. The League and the District may charge a processing fee for transfers.
Team Finances
Your team will need money throughout the year for many things. The most regular expense for a
team is its monthly coaching fees or trainer fees (if a trainer is utilized by the team). The team
will also need money to pay for tournament registration fees. Other expenses for a team might
include the purchase of a team flag, team balls, and a team first aid kit, for example. In addition
to a Team Manager, some teams elect to appoint a Team Treasurer to maintain the finances.
Whether a Team Manager or Team Treasurer, it is critical that one of these individuals keeps
track of all the payments into and out of the Team’s account to ensure that there is always
enough money to pay the team’s bills.
Team Checking Account
FC Elk Grove and EGYSL require that each team establish a checking account. EGYSL is a nonprofit organization, and a bank does not usually charge fees for setting up and maintaining a
team checking account. In addition to selecting a team manager and treasurer, if a new bank
account is needed, EGYSL requires that the team establish the account at Premier West Bank in
Elk Grove. Along with trainer checks all sponsor/donations check must be made payable to
EGYSL and submitted to the EGYSL Treasurer. The EGYSL Treasurer will then issue a check
back to the team at the monthly meetings. You will use your team account for tournament
registration fees, and team purchases such as balls, etc. You can also use the team account to
reimburse for coaches expenses outlined below.
Team Budget
• All teams shall prepare and submit a budget estimating the season’s expenses and income
to the Competitive Council Financial Committee (and/or League Treasurer) for
review/approval prior to a practice field/time being assigned. All submitted initial
budgets will be in a form prescribed by the league or program treasurer (Spreadsheet
At the end of the season, all teams will submit a final budget, summarizing the season’s
expenses to the Competitive Council. All submitted final budgets will be in a form
prescribed by the program Financial Committee (and/or program Treasurer).
All teams are encouraged to zero out the team account at the end of each season by
reconciling payments by families and issuing refunds as appropriate. Returning teams
may carry a balance of no more than $200 into the following season. Adequate team
records must be kept in order to allow for the proper disbursement of remaining funds to
individual families.
The League is NOT responsible for any misappropriation of funds. The league
expects its members to maintain a high standard of ethics while in season and thus does
not hire treasures to manage team accounts. The manager and the treasurer act in a
“checks and balances” system to hopefully assure fiscal responsibility.
The Team Treasure is responsible for delivering (either electronic or paper form) detailed
invoices to each player family participating for the season. The invoice should include
any credits to the individual or team, detail on coaches per diem amounts, hotel fees,
tournament costs, and mileage paid if any.
Coaches are not allowed to waive per diem monies; the team MUST pay their coaches
per diem, no exceptions!
Authorized Signers on Team Checking Account
Each team should have 2 signers for their account. Having more than one signer on the account
is important in the event that the Team Treasurer or Team Manager is unavailable.
Player Accounts and Player Payments
A Team Manager or Team Treasurer must establish monthly player accounting statements to
provide to each family. This allows families to know the status of their account and the
payments that are due. Professional coaches are employees of the League, and the League is
responsible to pay them each month and account for their state and federal taxes. The League
also pays trainers. Teams that utilize professional trainers must make payments to the League to
cover their training fees. The League in turn pays the trainers and ensures all state and federal
tax reporting is completed. It is also a good idea to purchase a small receipt book so that as a
parent or player turns in money to you, you can write them a receipt and have a record of that
payment yourself. You will collect all payments and deposit them in your team banking account.
Player accounts that are delinquent more than 60 days are subject to suspension of their player
pass until payment arrangements have been made through the League. The League will bill all
coaching fees (Year Around Players) through an electronic collection system.
Reconciling Your Team Checking Account
Each month, when you receive the statement from the Bank for your team checking account, be
sure and reconcile the account. As a Team Manager or Treasurer, you must keep a good
accounting of all checks and cash coming in and going out and ensure that the team account is
balanced. At any time the League Treasurer can ask to perform an audit of any team’s account.
Team Fundraising
Teams are encouraged to think of creative ways to raise funds to help reduce the cost to players
for team expenses. Some ideas for fundraisers that have been done by teams in the past are yard
sales, car washes, and bowling. The monies collected from a team fundraiser should be
distributed to the families that assisted the fundraising activity, unless the team decides otherwise
before the event.
EGYSL Financial Policy
Scholarship Program - Each season, FC Elk Grove/EGYSL shall identify and allocate a specific
amount of funds for a Scholarship Program to assist players with their soccer development and
participation. Any registered player of EGYSL is eligible for a scholarship to assist in covering
registration, in-house team trainer, and tournament expenses. Scholarship amounts shall not be
utilized items that are considered personal in nature such as uniform, warm-ups, bag/backpacks,
and the like.
Participation Scholarship – EGYSL allocates funds to help players whose families lack the
financial resources to pay registration fees. FC Elk Grove shall validate the financial need of the
player’s family, ensure that the continued soccer development is in the best interest of the player,
and validate that without the financial assistance, the player would be unable to continue
participating at the appropriate level. The competitive and select programs may budget one $250
scholarship equal to each registered team. The coach/manager shall complete and submit the
Participation Scholarship Request Form to the EGYSL Treasurer. The form can be found on the
FC Elk Grove website under the forms section.
Fundraising Policy
Purpose – EGYSL desires to keep its registration fees affordable to families. As a result, it may
be necessary and desirable from time to time for the EGYSL and FC Elk Grove Clubs to employ
specific fundraising programs in order to accomplish stated goals and programs.
FC Elk Grove teams may sponsor car washes, rummage sales, entertainment book sales, snackbars, and other similar sponsorships. Proceeds shall remain with the team with the purpose of
offsetting team expenses of equipment and tournament fees and player expenses of uniforms,
warm-ups, and other team required items. The team can decide to restrict sharing funds to only
fundraising participants at the actual events; this must be stated before the event and
communicated to the whole team. FC Elk Groves logo shall not be used without permission
from EGYSL Executive Committee.
Registration Fees & Refund Policy
You must stress to your families that player passes for the new season will not be issued if the
League registration has not been paid in full. A player will not be able to play in any tournaments
or league games without a player pass. EGYSL is one of the most affordable soccer Leagues in
the Sacramento area. EGYSL is able to maintain its affordable fees only if all registration fees
are fully paid. If a family is having a financial hardship and cannot make the payments on time,
they can contact the League Treasurer to set up a payment plan. There are also a limited amount
of scholarships available. The scholarship information and application are included on the
League and FC Elk Grove website.
Team Administration
As a Team Manager you will have access to confidential information about the players on your
team and in some cases about their family. Remember to keep this information in confidence and
respect the privacy of the players and parent/guardians on your team. Managers are not to
discuss playing time, coaches’ game decisions or field coaching questions with anyone.
Those type of questions should be directed to the coach only.
Player Safety
One of the most important concerns of EGYSL is the safety of its players. There are several
components to ensuring that a player and the team he/she is playing on are safe. These
components include the playing environment; the physical and mental well being of the player,
and making sure that the player is safe from any strangers/child predators. As a Team Manager,
you need to be aware of the factors that will keep the players safe.
The Player’s Physical and Mental Well-being
Managers should always make sure that they or the Coach have a first aid kit on hand for any
minor injuries during practices or games. It’s also a good idea to have ice that you can use; bring
a little extra in your portable cooler. Remember the acronym RICE for any athletic injuries, R is
rest, I is ice, C is compression and E is elevation. A manager should also maintain an up-to-date
phone list of the parents of the players in case of an emergency. The player registration/ medical
release form doesn’t always have the most recent information. If there is any question of whether
an injury is serious or not, don’t hesitate to call 911.
It is very important that the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Team Manager always have a
copy of the player registration/medical release form on hand at all times during any team event.
Fingerprinting Requirements
All adults who participate on the playing field with players are required to be registered by
EGYSL and fingerprinted prior to the beginning of the season. This includes, but is not limited
to, head coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, and managers
Accident Reporting and Insurance
CYSA Accident Insurance Program General Information
A. Who is covered? All registered members, teams, and leagues of the California Youth Soccer
Association, Inc. This includes registered team members, employees, coaches, officials,
managers, referees and volunteers of the teams, leagues or of the association.
B. When are they covered? The above participants are covered during sponsored and
supervised activities of CYSA, such as games, practices, and tournaments and other sponsored
activities. In addition, excess accident insurance is provided for injuries sustained while traveling
as a team directly to and from a CYSA sanctioned activity and traveling under the direct and
immediate supervision of a team official.
Important note: CYSA's liability policy provides Hired and Non-Owned auto liability coverage,
but only for travel on official business of CYSA.
In the event of an injury requiring medical treatment, you should:
A. Obtain a CYSA Case Report from the CYSA State Office or your League. You can also
obtain it from our website under Insurance, or in the back of the
CYSA Team Manual. Have your Coach, Asst. Coach, or Team Manager complete the form, and
submit it to the CYSA State Office.
B. CYSA will then send out a claim form (proof of loss) to the parent or guardian of the injured
C. Parent or guardian will need to complete the Claim Form and include copies of all itemized
bills. The portion marked "To be completed by policyholder/administrator" must be completed
by CYSA State Office.
D. If you have no insurance coverage, you will need to have your employer verify by letterhead
that you have no coverage through them.
2010/2011 California Youth Soccer Association Team Manual page 19
E. NOTE: This is an excess policy. If you are covered by any other Health Care Plan or
insurance plan, you must submit your bills to your other insurance carrier first. After your other
carrier has paid their share of the claim, you may then submit any remaining balances due under
this plan. Be sure to send copies of all invoices and the Explanation of Benefits forms form your
other Health Care Provider with this claim form.
F. Send the claim form and all relevant materials to:
California Youth Soccer Association, Inc.
ATTN: Insurance Claims
1040 Serpentine Lane, Suite 201
Pleasanton, CA 94566-4754
(925) 426-5437
CYSA will verify the information and forward the claims onto the insurance provider, for
processing and payment.
Team Pictures
Teams do not have to separately arrange for team and individual pictures. EGYSL schedules the
picture day and coordinator with the photographers so your team doesn’t have to. Generally, the
“picture days” for the year-around and seasonal teams are coordinated and jointly scheduled
sometime during August or September. You will receive all relevant details a month or so in
FC Elk Grove Brand Policy
The policy is intended to enhance and protect the program’s brand and present FC Elk Grove as
unified program at league play and tournaments.
Team names
• Year-round competitive teams will be named by the age-group year, for example, “FC
Elk Grove 01 Girls” or “FC Elk Grove 99 Boys.”
• In competitive, year-round age groups with two teams, the first team formed will be
called “Navy,” the second “Orange.” For example, “FC Elk Grove 00 Girls Navy.”
• Seasonal teams will be named individually, as FC Elk Grove (team name). Team names
must be approved by the competitive council. The use of “United” is not allowed in
order to avoid confusion with other Elk Grove programs.
League, tournament, and cup paperwork and applications
Applications for leagues, tournaments and Cups must be submitted with the full team
name, FC Elk Grove (team name). The use of just “Elk Grove (team name)” or just the
team name is not allowed.
Spirit wear, flags and banners
FC Elk Grove teams will wear consistent-looking spirit wear. The front of any team
sprit wear will be uniform and will contain the “FC Elk Grove” text logo and/or the crest
per the approved program templates. Approved designs will be available from selected
sprit wear vendors and on the FC Elk Grove website.
Teams may customize sprit wear to include player numbers, names, team names.
Flags and banners for FC Elk Grove teams may only include the program crest and “FC
Elk Grove” in approved colors of navy, orange and white. FC Elk Grove will work with
a vendor to make team banners and flags available at reduced costs.
Teams shall only use FC Elk Grove approved vendors for printing.
· With the exception of Halloween tournaments or other unique circumstances specifically
approved by the Competitive Council, teams will wear only approved Adidas FC Elk
Grove uniforms in league and tournament play.
· In order to facilitate the reuse of uniforms, guest play and movement between levels,
names are not allowed on the back of FC Elk Grove uniforms.
· Head coaches will wear the approved, clothing provided by Adidas and FC Elk Grove.
Team Practices and Scrimmages
Practice Fields
The Director of Coaching and the League Field Coordinator will assign each team a practice
field and practice time. Teams are not allowed to practice on a different field unless it has been
approved through the Field Coordinator. A team may also be sharing a practice field with other
teams and must be reasonable about the amount of space used during a practice.
It is important to keep the practice fields in good condition. Make sure your players don’t leave
trash on the field after practices or games.
Coaches will often arrange scrimmages for the weekend in addition to the practices during the
week. Again, please be sure that your players leave the scrimmage fields in good condition
before leaving.
If your team elects to utilize a team trainer, your coach must coordinate with the FC Elk Grove
Director of Coaching to arrange for a trainer. The Executive Board and the League Director of
Coaching approve all trainers. NO trainer or consultant can be used without approval by
EGYSL. A team does not pay its trainer directly. The team pays the trainer fee to EGYSL
Treasurer, and the EGYSL Treasure will pay the trainer and account for all taxes and state and
federal reporting requirements.
Game Time
Playing Time Discussion Protocol
Players and parents have the right to ask their coach about concerns regarding playing time and
coaches have the responsibility to answer these players and parents with clear and concise
direction as to what the player needs to focus on in order to gain more playing time.
It is not appropriate for a player or parent to approach the coach before, during, or immediately
after a game regarding playing time concerns. An appropriate venue to discuss a player’s playing
time is for the parent to make an appointment (after 48 hours) with the coach to discuss concerns
via a phone call or a face-to-face meeting at a later date.
If a coach is approached by a parent during any of these times surrounding the game, the coach
should ask the parent to make an appointment at a later date to discuss the issue.
If a coach refuses to meet with the parent to discuss playing time, the parent should bring this
issue to the attention of the assigned age group Technical Director of their playing group.
As a general rule, this protocol can also be applied in many instances when a parent or
player has questions or concerns regarding other issues such as:
Unfair treatment of a player by coaches with a negative training environment
The development of a player as indicated by the League curriculum
Logistics, tournaments, and all other day-to-day playing options of the team
Parents need to understand that their coach makes the team decisions about the following
team functions. It is not in a parents’ purview to demand changes to the following:
Team lineups
Substitution rotations for players
Discussion of which players should play what positions
Number of practices per week (two or three practices a week is the established guideline
for coaches)
When and where the team conducts practice
Year-Round Player Playing Time Requirements
FC Elk Grove’s year-round coaches have discretion on all playing time decisions. FC Elk Grove
recommends that year-around players who have attended all practice sessions during a week
prior to a game play in at least 33% of each game (U9-U11).
During Tournaments and State Cup play, coaches may use their discretion with regards to the
player playing time percentages to afford the team the best opportunity to win based on their
understanding of their team’s dynamics.
Seasonal Player Playing Time Requirements
League games: 50% minimum each game for players attending practices in the week
leading up to games, unless the player is ill, injured or being disciplined.
Tournaments: 50% minimum of total tournament minutes, but not less than 33% of any
single tournament game unless the player missed practices, is ill, injured or being
For U15 – U19 players: 33 percent minimum playing time for games and tournaments.
Any player may elect to play less than the minimum playing times outlined.
With regard to a disciplinary or injury basis for playing a child less than half a game, coaches are
generally allowed to apply the rule using his/her own judgment. Excused absences from practice
sessions would not normally constitute a reason to reduce playing time. Regardless, before
reducing any individual player’s time in a game, the head coach should discuss the plan with the
player and his/her parents in advance of the game in question.
Applying to Tournaments – Year-round teams
After the coach, in conjunction with the Director of Coaching, has decided on the tournaments
that the team will play, the Manager is responsible for applying to each of the tournaments. Each
tournament has a website that with the information needed to apply, and in most cases, these
websites allow teams to apply to the tournament online.
Applying to Tournaments – Seasonal teams
Seasonal teams may choose and play in CYSA and US Club tournaments. No seasonal team
shall play tournaments in southern California (south of Fresno) or outside of California (with the
exception of northern Nevada as stated) without the approval of the Director of Coaching and the
FC Competitive Council. No Seasonal team shall play in a college showcase tournament without
the approval of the Director of Coaching.
The Team Manager, team Tournament Coordinator or coach, may manage tournament
In addition to individual tournament websites, CYSA and US Club maintain lists of their
sanctioned tournaments. You can find those lists here:
California Youth Soccer Association
US Club Soccer
The Manager needs to collect the money for each tournament from the families. For Year
Around teams, if the tournament is greater than 25 miles (ONE WAY) from the Leagues Home
Field, a team is responsible for payment of mileage for the Coach and in some cases payment of
a hotel room for the coach. If this is the case, it will be necessary to collect more than what is
necessary for just the tournament fees.
Mileage for the coaches is reimbursed at the rate of $0.50 per mile for attendance at and travel to
tournaments, games, practice sessions and mandatory team functions played more than 25 miles from
EGYSL’s home field (Bartholomew Sports Complex, CA).
A. Lodging – Competitive coaches are only to be reimbursed for the actual cost of the room and all
applicable taxes. You must choose the lowest available room rate. The team is not required to reimburse a
coach for any other costs associated with lodging, including incidental charges, room service, phone calls,
movies, valet service or if the coach decides to upgrade the room or chose a different hotel.
B. Meals
Coaches are reimbursed for meals on a per diem allowance.
The daily per diem for meals is $40.00. On any partial day
of travel at the beginning or end of a trip, the per diem rate
will be calculated as follows: Departure Day:
After 12:00 noon
Return Day:
After 12:00 noon
Before 12:00 noon
Before: 12:00noon
$40.00 per diem
$30.00 per diem
$30.00 per diem
$40.00 per diem
Occasionally a team may want to attend more tournaments than originally planned. If a team
wants to attend a tournament that is NOT pre-selected the following must be followed:
1. Majority of the Team Must approve the tournament participation.
2. The Coach must approve the Tournament
3. The Director of Coaching must approve the Tournament
If approved, only the players attending the tournament will be liable for costs incurred, and no
player will be punished (minutes reduced, shunned) or retaliated against for not attending.
Playing in Tournaments
Tournaments can be a lot of fun for the players and the parents but they require some planning
on the part of the Manager in order to make sure that everything goes smoothly.
Check-in: A Manager will usually have to travel to the tournament on Friday night to check-in
the team before the tournament. This means you go to the Tournament check-in site where your
cards, medical releases and birth certificates will be checked and you will turn in a roster if it
was not done online. This is where you also get any last minute information, tournament pins,
and programs.
Lodging: You may need to book a group of hotel rooms for your team if the tournament is a long
distance away. Most tournament websites have hotel accommodation links that will direct you to
affordable hotel rooms in the tournament area. Be sure to book the rooms well in advance when
you know you will need them and make sure they have a good cancellation policy.
Remember the team is NOT responsible for year-round coach’s finances; the coach is
reimbursed through the League. At no time should a team or parent pay for a coaches expenses
directly. If you have any questions please ask the League Treasurer.
Game Schedule & Directions: It is very frustrating to a Coach when their players are not on time
before a tournament and frustrating to a parent when they cannot find the tournament fields. Be
sure to give a copy of the game schedule and directions to the fields to all of the players/parents
several days before the tournament. Schedules are usually available about a week before the
tournament on the tournament website. You will also find directions to fields on the tournament
After all the planning, the fun begins. The players get to play in at least three games over the
weekend, the parents get to watch their players and get to know the other parents on the team,
and sometimes a team will win a tournament and bring home medals and a trophy. Tournament
acceptance is strictly up to the individual tournament and is NOT clearly defined by any
governing body. If your team is denied entrance into a tournament, do NOT consider it to be a
reflection of your teams’ performance.
Seasonal Team Guidelines
Specific guidelines (some have previously been covered in the Manual) include:
Season Dates
• FC Elk Grove Seasonal teams may start training May 1, the season will end with
participation in the selected Cup (District, Association, Presidents or State) play, unless
approved to play Spring League. Due to the availability of fields per EGYSL’s contracts,
outdoor practices and/or informal training or conditioning sessions are not allowed prior
to May 1.
• Seasonal teams are encouraged to practice regularly twice a week. In weeks leading up
to Cup play, Seasonal Teams may decide to add an additional practice day, if fields are
available. Teams may also participate in multi-day camps. Participation in shooting,
keeper, and other clinics are allowed in addition to the regular practices.
League Play
• Seasonal teams may play in CYSA/CCSL Spring, Fall and Winter leagues, with the Fall
season being the primary league for most teams (U15 and above boys teams may
consider Winter league to avoid conflicts with high school play).
Tournament Play
• Seasonal teams may choose and play in CYSA and US Club tournaments.
Seasonal teams should consider the total number of games they play and provide time for
family and player breaks in determining tournament participation.
No seasonal team shall play tournaments in southern California (south of Fresno) or
outside of California (with the exception of northern Nevada as stated) without the
approval of the Director of Coaching and the FC Competitive Council. No Seasonal
team shall play in a college showcase tournament without the approval of the Director of
Playing Time Requirements
Seasonal Player Playing Time:
League games: 50 percent minimum each game for players attending practices in the
week leading up to games, unless the player is ill, injured or being disciplined.
Tournaments: 50 percent minimum of total tournament minutes, but not less than 33
percent of any single tournament game unless the player missed practices, is ill, injured
or being disciplined.
For U15 – U19 players: 33 percent minimum playing time for games and tournaments.
Any player may elect to play less than the minimum playing times outlined.
Use of Trainers
• Seasonal teams are strongly encouraged to regularly use FC Elk Grove professional
trainers for practice sessions to help with the technical development of the players.
Seasonal teams using trainers may only use FC Elk Grove-approved trainers. Trainers
must be under contract and paid through EGYSL. The Competitive Council financial
committee can provide assistance with contracting.
Coaching Meetings
• FC Elk Grove will hold periodic, coaches meetings for seasonal and year-round coaches
for the purpose of discussing and receiving instruction on technical development, tactical
play, and the teaching of the FC Elk Grove curriculum. Seasonal head coaches must
attend these scheduled meetings to assist in their continued development as coaches.
Seasonal assistant coaches are strongly encouraged to attend.
FC Elk Grove Competitive Council Meetings
• FC Elk Grove will hold monthly periodic meetings on the second Monday of each month.
Team managers (or representatives) from seasonal and year-round teams are required to
attend; individual team coaches are invited, but may assign team managers to attend.
Team Budget
• Seasonal teams shall prepare and submit a budget estimating the season’s expenses and
income to the Competitive Council Financial Committee (and/or Treasurer) for
review/approval prior to a practice field/time being assigned. All submitted initial
budgets will be in a form prescribed by the league or program treasurer.
At the end of the season, Seasonal teams will submit a final budget, summarizing the
season’s expenses to the Competitive Council. All submitted final budgets will be in a
form prescribed by the program Financial Committee (and/or program Treasurer).
Seasonal teams are encouraged to zero out the team account at the end of each season by
reconciling payments by families and issuing refunds as appropriate. Returning teams
may carry a balance of no more than $200 into the following season. Adequate team
records must be kept in order to allow for the proper disbursement of remaining funds to
individual families.
Team Names
• Seasonal teams will be named individually, as FC Elk Grove (team name). New team
names must be approved by the Competitive Council. The use of “United” is not allowed
to avoid confusion with other Elk Grove programs.
League, Tournament and Cup Play Documentation
• Applications for all leagues, tournaments and Cup Play must be submitted with the full
team name, FC Elk Grove (team name). The use of just “Elk Grove (team name)” or just
the team name is NOT allowed.
Spirit Wear, Flags and Banners
• FC Elk Grove Seasonal teams will wear consistent-looking spirit wear. The front of any
team spirit wear will be uniform and will contain the “FC Elk Grove” text logo and/or the
crest per the approved program templates. Approved designs will be available from
selected spirit wear vendors and on the FC Elk Grove website.
• Flags and banners for FC Elk Grove team may only include a Competitive Councilapproved design, which will include the program crest and “FC Elk Grove” in approved
colors of blue, orange and white. FC Elk Grove will work with a vendor to provided
approved team banners and flags available at reduced costs.
• With the exception of Halloween tournaments or other unique circumstances specifically
approved by the Competitive Council, teams will wear only approved Adidas FC Elk
Grove uniforms in league and tournament play.
• In order to facilitate the reuse of uniforms, guest play and movement between levels,
player names are not allowed on the back of FC Elk Grove uniforms.
• Head coaches will wear the approved, clothing provided by Adidas and FC Elk Grove.
Teams will provide any assistant coaches matching Adidas clothing to be worn at all
• Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their teams, players, and parents as well as
creating a positive and enjoyable learning environment for the players.
• Coaches are expected to represent their teams and the FC Elk Grove Competitive
Program with professionalism and exceptional sportsmanship at all times. Coaches will
be required to sign and adhere to Coaches Conduct Agreements or other such agreements
as determined by the Competitive Council.
• Coaches will be provided feedback on their coaching and team management by players,
families and FC Elk Grove and provided opportunities to develop their teaching and team
management skills as desired.
• EGYSL’s Director of Coaching recommends the selection of seasonal and year-round
coaches to the Competitive Council and is responsible for their training and development.
• Coaching positions at all levels are reviewed annually by the EGYSL’s DOC and the
Competitive Council.
FC Elk Grove is managed by the Competitive Council under the jurisdiction of the Elk
Grove Youth Soccer League (EGYSL) Board Executive Committee.
Other Issues
• Issues not covered specifically in these guidelines may be covered in the FC Elk Grove
program policies or brought to the attention of the Competitive Council.
• Parents of FC Elk Grove players must abide by the league’s Parent/Caretaker Sideline
Behavior Agreement.
• The FC Elk Grove policies shall take precedent over this team manual.
All information contained in this packet is superseded by the up to date information found on the
website. At the time that this material was printed changes could have been made to the
information-contained herein with. Please visit the program website for all your information and
current forms and packets.
Dear [Sponsor Name]:
The FC Elk Grove [team name] is an Elk Grove Soccer team consisting of [16] enthusiastic and
talented young [ladies/men]. Our team will represent Elk Grove while competing year-round in
games and tournaments throughout Northern California. Our team was very successful last year.
[Provide team successes where applicable].
Sponsor donations will help purchase uniforms and equipment as well as offset fees associated
with various tournaments that the team will compete in. Would you please support us with a
donation? Any amount is greatly appreciated. The Elk Grove Youth Soccer League (EGYSL) is
a 501(C3), non-profit, tax-exempt organization (ID# 68-0029860.) Your donation will be fully
tax deductible.
In appreciation of your generosity, all sponsorships will be recognized [on our team web-site and
donations of $250 or larger will receive a plaque (w/team photo]. After your check is forwarded
to the League Treasurer, a donation receipt will be mailed to you later in the year. Checks must
be made payable to: EGYSL (Elk Grove Youth Soccer League) and can be sent to our team’s
[Treasurer’s Name and address]
We thank you in advance for your support. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Managing Expectations
Players, Parents, and the FC Elk Grove Year Round Soccer Program
If your child is serious about soccer, there is a culture and a set of expectations that you and your child must understand
before venturing into competitive, year-round soccer with FC Elk Grove. This is not recreational soccer; instead it
provides high level training with matching competition. Parents must help their children understand what is expected of
them throughout the playing season. Players and parents who plan to make this commitment must be prepared and
willing to commit themselves to rigorous training requirements and travel. Parents and players who maintain realistic
expectations and promote the success of their team as a whole and the success of all players individually will be best
positioned to provide support to their child through the process. In return, FC Elk Grove’s objective is to develop a
complete player, one who understands, appreciates, and enjoys the game of soccer for a lifetime.
What you Need to Know
Player Development - FC Elk Grove hires coaches to develop a player’s technical abilities, to build a player’s confidence
on the ball, and to help a player make decisions and solve problems on the field. It is up to players to work hard to refine
their skills. Game results are not the only way to gauge the value of a coach. Our professional coaches focus on the
details that create advanced development in a player. Our coaches will emphasize patience, skillful possession of the ball,
as well as creativity and smart runs on the field. Our curriculum aims to develop all the fundamentals of the game at the
highest of levels so that our players can attain maximum enjoyment from the game of soccer and their competitive playing
No Guaranteed Playing Time - In the Year Round FC Elk Grove program, there are no guarantees that competitive
players will play a certain percentage of time on game day. While playing time is not guaranteed, it is extremely
uncommon for players to receive no playing time on game day. FC Elk Grove does consider its U9 through U11 teams as
“developmental” and recommends that coaches provide at least 33 percent playing time for each player at all games, so
long as the player has met all weekly training obligations set for the team. Prepare your child for this. Your child will be
held accountable by coaches to demonstrate on game day the skills they have been taught during the week. If a player
cannot perform on game day, a coach has the ultimate discretion to replace that player during the game with another
player. Of course, it doesn’t mean that a player on the bench today will be a player on the bench tomorrow. You must join
with the coach to encourage your child to work hard to correct any deficiencies. It is okay for a player or a parent to ask
the coach what he or she can do to improve and how to gain more playing time.
Training - Players are expected to attend trainings each week and to work hard to improve their skills. A player’s game
time is generally impacted by his or her performance on the field (mental and/or physical); a player’s performance during
practice and at prior games; attendance at practices and games; and a player’s conditioning and skill development. A
player is expected to promote the team’s success, be a good sport, and work well with other teammates.
Monthly Fee Installments - Your monthly fee installments are applied towards the team and individual weekly skill
training that your child receives from the FC Elk Grove professional staff, including FC Elk Grove Individual and Small
Group Trainings (ISG’s), Goalie Training and Clinics, and other training opportunities. Any expectation that your fees
guarantee a minimum percentage of game time is unrealistic.
Coaching Authority - The coach is responsible to keep an open line of communication between the players and parents.
However, the coach, in applying the FC Elk Grove program of play, makes the final decision regarding coaching style and
philosophy. Coaches have the ultimate authority to make decisions about player positions on the field, game rosters, and
playing time. Parents may never insert themselves into this decision-making process.
FC Elk Grove, a program of the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League
January 2012
Cooling Off Period - FC Elk Grove mandates a 48 hour “cooling off” period after game days for parents or players who
may have concerns about game day events and/or decisions. On game day, parents specifically must never approach a
referee, a coach, or an assistant coach about concerns they may have. A Match Report can be utilized to express
concerns that any person has about game officiating. See EGYSL’s Zero Tolerance – Player and Sideline Conduct at
EGYSL’s website at If necessary, make an appointment with your head coach after the initial
cooling off period to talk through any concerns you may have. In addition, it is never acceptable to talk negatively on the
sidelines about the opposing team, your team, the coach, or the program.
Positive Parent Support - Parents must avoid coaching from the sidelines. Parents must support the team no matter the
outcome of their games. They must never provide negative comments about any player, even their own son or daughter
on the sideline. Children are like sponges and their attitudes towards teammates can be influenced by parent comments.
Keep it positive. Use positive affirmations before the game. Parents must help their child develop good mental
preparation habits.
Guest Players - FC Elk Grove was created to encourage seasonal and year-round players to play games and
scrimmages together. It is the philosophy of this organization that players move with ease from team to team when
needed and where appropriate. From the requirement for the same uniform to the integration of “Friday Night
Functionals,” it is the FC Elk Grove philosophy that the organization will benefit as a whole from the cooperation between
players and coaches. Coaches are strongly encouraged to utilize guest players from the FC Elk Grove organization when
needed on game day. FC Elk Grove players are expected to play as a unit, and the success of the organization is
premised on our teams’ ability to integrate. Coaches are encouraged to utilize guest players up to their initial roster size
when their own players are unable to participate on game day. When guest players join a team for a game or tournament,
they should expect to be treated as if they are part of the team. Coaches have the ultimate authority to determine playing
time for guests based on the need of the team and circumstances of the event.
Coaches with Multiple Teams - Some coaches within FC Elk Grove are responsible for two teams. Your team manager
along with the coach are expected to work together to manage travel and games so that your coach can attend both
teams’ events. There will inevitably be a time, however, when a conflict occurs. Your coach along with FC Elk Grove
leadership will work diligently to provide an FC Elk Grove professional coach to assist your team on game day. As
parents and players, you must provide your utmost respect and support for the guest coach.
Communications – Parent and players should expect a coach to communicate about the status of the players’ soccer
development. Mid-year and year-end assessments are mandated under the FC Elk Grove program. You should expect
your team manager or your coach to communicate periodically regarding team planning issues, the progress of the team,
and tournaments.
Social Media – Never use social media tools to damage our soccer community. While social media forums like
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Texts, and general emails are extremely valuable in today’s society, they can destroy a
friendship, family relationships, and even a soccer team in a matter of minutes. Treat these words for what they are:
permanent records that can never be erased. College coaches and even employers today check Facebook posts to see if
the players they identified on the field also demonstrate character and smart choices off the field.
I have read and understand these Expectations and will work diligently to uphold them.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Player Signature
FC Elk Grove, a program of the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League
January 2012
FC Elk Grove Year-Round Financial Commitment Letter
Thank you for your commitment to the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League (EGYSL) and specifically FC Elk
Grove. With this letter, we wish to inform you that your child has been chosen to play with one of our FC
Elk Grove teams. FC Elk Grove is committed to develop your child’s soccer skills at the highest possible
level. We will provide that opportunity through quality coaching, training sessions, games, and
tournaments. Participating at this level requires substantial commitment by your family and your child.
With your acceptance of this offer and your signature below, you are committing your family and
specifically your child to be a part of the FC Elk Grove program.
Please acknowledge the following:
Commitment for the Entire Season - I understand that my acceptance to play for FC Elk Grove means
that I am committing my family and my child to be part of FC Elk Grove and to play for an FC Elk Grove
team for the entire season, which runs from the date of this Commitment Letter through and including any
State Cup Games (State Cup, President’s Cup, and the like in 2013).
Monthly Dues - I understand that I have a financial and ethical duty to pay EGYSL monthly membership
installments and my team dues for the entire season. These dues are paid in installments over a period
of 10 or 11 months, depending upon the age group of your team. I agree to pay those amounts timely
each month.
I understand that my inability or refusal to pay monthly membership installments hurts other players on
the team and may make my child ineligible to play until my membership dues are brought current.
I understand that the top FC Elk Grove teams will generally commit more time and money because of the
extra tournaments and travel that may be involved. The budget for each team can differ. I understand that
the costs for tournaments and any additional team costs are shared by the members of the individual
Time Off for Rest – FC Elk Grove will schedule down times for player to rest in the spring, summer, and
the winter. Membership dues are paid in installments over the season and the down time is part of the
consideration. Installment payments are still due and payable during the down time.
Player Absence - I understand that injury to my child or a family emergency or illness that requires my
child’s absence from the team are the primary reasons that my monthly installments may be waived or
placed on hold by EGYSL. A doctor’s note that substantiates my child’s inability to play beyond two
months is required in order for EGYSL to consider the waiver or temporary hold on my monthly
installments after two months.
Other than the listed exceptions above, I agree to pay my monthly installments to EGYSL and to pay the
separate team dues (that cover tournaments and other team events).
I understand that if I am not able to pay my monthly installments, I will contact the EGYSL Treasurer
immediately and work in good faith on a payment plan to bring my dues current.
FC Elk Grove, a program of the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League
January 2012
I understand that in the case of an emergency, illness, or conflict created by an important family or school
event, I will notify the team manager or coach in advance of the scheduled practice, game, tournament, or
team obligation. I understand that the team relies on our commitment to the team.
Volunteers - I acknowledge that FC Elk Grove is a volunteer run organization. I understand that FC Elk
Grove needs parent volunteers to help make its programs and events successful. I will commit to assist
FC Elk Grove when I am available and called upon.
Ethical Conduct - I understand that by signing this commitment letter, I agree to conduct myself with the
highest level of integrity, respect, honesty, and dignity both on and off the field during the season, as well
as during the off season. Any player or parent whose behavior on or off the field jeopardizes the
reputation of FC Elk Grove, or is deemed inappropriate by League officials, may be subject to immediate
suspension or dismissal.
Failure to Pay or Abide by Rules - I understand that failure to fulfill my financial obligations and any
other obligations outlined above may result in the suspension of my or my child’s participation in the FC
Elk Grove program.
Initial Registration Payment Upon Signing - With this letter agreement, I submit 50 percent my
Registration Fee – in the amount of $125 - payable to the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League, which fee is
nonrefundable. I understand that the remaining portion of my Registration Fee is due on or before
__________, 2012, as directed by EGYSL. This Registration Fee is in addition to my monthly
installments and my team fees that are due each month.
I hereby acknowledge that I understand and agree to the terms and obligations outlined in this
Commitment Letter.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Print Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Print Name
FC Elk Grove, a program of the Elk Grove Youth Soccer League
January 2012