Engineering tools Engineer/ PLC Designer 13464873 Ä.OQjä Application Samples Inverter 8400/9400 _ _ _ Software Manual EN L Contents ________________________________________________________________ 1 About this documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.1 Document history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2 Conventions used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.3 Notes used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3 Preconditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.1 System requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2 What is the PLC Designer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3 Where can I receive a full version of the PLC Designer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 15 4 The Controller-based Automation system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.1 General system structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.2 Wiring the hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.2.1 Setting up communication to the Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5.2.2 Compiling the project data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5.2.3 Starting the sample project - Logging on to the control with the »PLC Designer«20 5.2.4 Downloading and starting the PLC program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6 2 Which Lenze application samples (AppSamples) exist? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6.1 Controller-based Automation: Application samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6.2 Where do I find the sample projects? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6.3 How are the application samples called? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6.4 Structure of the sample projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Contents ________________________________________________________________ 7 8 9 Working with the sample projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7.1 Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.1 Components to be used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.2 Short overview of the functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.3 Commissioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.4 Open the »Engineer« project & go online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.5 Program structure in the »PLC Designer«. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Control configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program organisation units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.6 Operation via the visualisations in the »PLC Designer« . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information/start page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manual mode ("Manual jog") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 26 26 27 29 29 30 33 33 34 34 36 37 7.2 Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 Components to be used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Short overview of the functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.3 Commissioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.4 Open the »Engineer« project & go online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.5 Program structure in the »PLC Designer«. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Control configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program organisation units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.6 Operation via the visualisations in the »PLC Designer« . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information/start page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manual mode ("Manual jog") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 38 39 39 40 42 42 42 45 45 46 47 48 49 50 Extending sample projects - adding devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 8.1 Creating a control configuration - EtherCAT bus system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 8.2 Create control configuration - bus system CAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 8.3 Setting of CAN parameters and PDO mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Overview of device descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 9.1 Inverter Drives 8400 BaseLine C - Actuator Speed ("speed actuating drive") . . . . . . . . . 9.1.1 Overview of indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 63 9.2 Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine C - speed actuating drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.1 Overview of indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 65 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 3 Contents ________________________________________________________________ 10 11 4 9.3 Inverter Drives 8400 HighLine C - table positioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.1 Overview of indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 66 9.4 Inverter Drives 8400 TopLine C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4.1 Overview of indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 69 9.5 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C speed actuating drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5.1 Overview of indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 70 9.6 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - table positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 9.7 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - torque actuating drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 9.8 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - electronic gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 9.9 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - synchronism with mark synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . 75 9.10 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - positioning sequence control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 9.11 9400 regenerative power supply module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 9.12 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - "empty application" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 9.13 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 9.14 Lenze generic drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.14.1 Overview of indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 80 Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 10.1 Overview - function libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 10.2 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 10.3 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 10.4 The L_DAC_DataConversion library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 The L_DAC_DataConversion library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 11.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 11.2 L_DAC_GetBitOfByte - conversion block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 11.3 L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord - conversion block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 11.4 L_DAC_GetBitOfWord - conversion block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 11.5 L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte - conversion block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 11.6 L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord - conversion block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 11.7 L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord - conversion block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 11.8 L_DAC_SetBitOfByte - bit operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 11.9 L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord - bit operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 11.10 L_DAC_SetBitOfWord - bit operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 11.11 L_DAC_BitsToByte - bit multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 11.12 L_DAC_BitsToDWord - bit multiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 11.13 L_DAC_BitsToWord - bit multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Contents ________________________________________________________________ 12 13 11.14 L_DAC_ByteToBits - bit demultiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 11.15 L_DAC_DWordToBits - bit demultiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 11.16 L_DAC_WordToBits - bit demultiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 11.17 L_DAC_2BytesToWord - type converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 11.18 L_DAC_2WordsToDWord - type converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 11.19 L_DAC_4BytesToDWord - type converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 11.20 L_DAC_DWordTo2Words - type converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 11.21 L_DAC_DWordTo4Bytes - type converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 11.22 L_DAC_WordTo2Bytes - type converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 12.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 12.2 Enums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.1 L_DCO_CommState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2.2 L_DCO_Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 101 101 12.3 Function blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.1 L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.2 L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.3 L_DCO_ReadDriveParameterString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.4 L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.5 L_DCO_TransferData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3.6 L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 104 105 106 107 109 110 12.4 Structures (Structs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.1 L_DCO_SDOData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4.2 L_DCO_TransferData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 111 112 12.5 Unions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5.1 L_DCO_ConvertData. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 112 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 13.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 13.2 L_LCB_Error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 13.3 L_LCB_AXIS_REF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 13.4 L_LCB_AXIS_REF_CAN (internal use) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 13.5 L_LCB_AXIS_REF_ETC (internal use) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 13.6 L_LCB_8400Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 13.7 L_LCB_9400Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 13.8 L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.1 Assignment - input ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8.2 Assignment - output ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 122 123 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 5 Contents ________________________________________________________________ 14 6 13.9 L_LCB_TablePositioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9.1 Assignment - input ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.9.2 Assignment - output ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 128 129 13.10 L_LCB_GenericDrive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 13.11 L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n - signal converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 13.12 L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a - signal converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 13.13 L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s - signal converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.13.1 LCB_Axis_logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 133 13.14 L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r - signal converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 13.15 L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n - signal converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 13.16 L_LCB_Speed_sToNorm_n - signal converter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 13.17 L_LCB_Speed_sToSpeed_v - signal converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 13.18 L_LCB_Speed_vToSpeed_s - signal converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 13.19 L_LCB_TaskCycle - read in task time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 13.20 L_LCB_GetAxisData - read out machine parameters from axis data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 13.21 L_LCB_GetPosition - conversion block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 13.22 L_LCB_GetSpeed - conversion block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 13.23 L_LCB_SetAxisData - machine parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 13.24 L_LCB_SetPosition - position value conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 13.25 L_LCB_SetSpeed - speed value conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 13.26 L_LCB_AccToUnit - acceleration value conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 13.27 L_LCB_PosToUnit - position value conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 13.28 L_LCB_SpeedToUnit - speed value conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 13.29 L_LCB_UnitToAcc - acceleration value conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 13.30 L_LCB_UnitToPos - position value conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 13.31 L_LCB_UnitToSpeed - speed value conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 13.32 L_LCB_AXISMODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 13.33 L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Automatically generated functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 14.1 GetBooleanProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 14.2 GetCompany (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 14.3 GetNumberProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 14.4 GetTextProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 14.5 GetTitle (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 14.6 GetVersion (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Contents ________________________________________________________________ 14.7 GetVersionProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 155 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Your opinion is important to us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 158 7 About this documentation ________________________________________________________________ 1 About this documentation This documentation describes the first commissioning steps of a Lenze automation system on the basis of predefined sample projects. The automation system used consists of a PLC for the control technology and drive components connected (via a bus system). Read the mounting instructions accompanying the controller first before you start working! Note! The mounting instructions include safety instructions which must be observed! This documentation supplements the software manuals of the »PLC Designer« and »Engineer«. Tip! Current information and tools regarding the Lenze products can be found in the download area at: This manual is part of the "Controller-based Automation" manual collection. The manual collection consists of the documents: 8 Type of documentation Subject System manuals System overview/example topologies • Controller-based Automation • Visualisation Communication manuals Bus systems • Controller-based Automation EtherCAT® • Controller-based Automation CANopen® • Controller-based Automation PROFIBUS® • Controller-based Automation PROFINET® Online helps/ software manuals Lenze Engineering tools • »PLC Designer«: Programming • »Engineer«: Configuration of drives • »VisiWinNET® Smart«: Visualisation • »Backup & Restore«: Backing up/restoring data Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 About this documentation ________________________________________________________________ Further technical documentation on Lenze products Further information on Lenze products which can be used in connection with Controller-based Automation can be found in the following documentation: Further information on Lenze products which can be used in connection with Controller-based Automation can be found in the following documentation: Mounting & wiring Mounting instructions • Controller • Communication cards (MC-xxx) • I/O system 1000 (EPM-Sxxx) • Inverter • Communication modules Icons Printed documentation Online help in the Lenze Engineering tool/ software manuals and communication manuals are provided as PDF files in the download area of the Lenze website. Using sample application/application template Online help/software manuals • i700 Application Sample • Application samples Inverter Drives 8400/Servo Drives 9400 • ApplicationTemplate • ApplicationTemplate PackML Parameterisation, configuration, commissioning Online help/software manuals • Controller • i700 servo inverter • Servo Drives 9400 HighLine/PLC/ regenerative power supply module • Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine/HighLine/TopLine • 1000 I/O system (EPM-Sxxx) Online help/communication manuals • Bus systems • Communication modules Target group This documentation addresses to all persons who plan, commission, and program a Lenze automation system on the basis of the Lenze "ApplicationTemplate PackML" as part of the "Controller-based Automation". Screenshots/application examples All screenshots in this documentation are application samples. Depending on the firmware version of the Lenze devices and the software version of the engineering tools installed (here: »PLC Designer«), the screenshots may differ from the real screen display. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 9 About this documentation Document history ________________________________________________________________ Information regarding the validity The information in this documentation is valid for the following Lenze software: 1.1 Software From software version »PLC Designer« 3.1.x »Engineer« 2.13 Document history Version 10 Description 1.0 04/2011 TD11 First edition 1.1 05/2011 TD11 Updated version • Device descriptions supplemented. • L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library extended. 1.2 06/2012 TD11 Updated version • Amended library L_LCB_LogicControlBasic: Amended by notes on the use of the L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed, L_LCB_TablePositioning FBs. 1.3 06/2014 TD11 Updated version • Completed version of the available Application Samples. • Updated representation of the FBs. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 About this documentation Conventions used ________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Conventions used This documentation uses the following conventions to distinguish between different types of information: Type of information Writing Examples/notes Spelling of numbers Decimal separator Point The decimal point is always used. For example: 1234.56 Text Version information Program name Window Blue text colour »« italics Variable names Control element »PLC Designer«... The Message window... / the Options dialog box... By setting bEnable to TRUE... bold Sequence of menu commands Shortcut All information that applies to from a certain software version of the drive onwards are marked accordingly in this documentation. Example: This function extension is available from software version V3.0! <bold> The OK... button / The Copy... command / The Properties... tab / The Name ... input field If the execution of a function requires several commands in a row, the individual commands are separated by an arrow: Select FileOpen to... Use <F1> to open the online help. If a key combination is required for a command, a "+" is placed between the key identifiers: With <Shift>+<ESC>... Hyperlink Underlined Reference to further information: Hyperlink to further information. Icons Page reference Step-by-step instructions Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 ( 11) Reference to further information: Page number in PDF file. Step-by-step instructions are indicated by a pictograph. 11 About this documentation Notes used ________________________________________________________________ 1.3 Notes used The following signal words and symbols are used in this documentation to indicate dangers and important information: Safety instructions Layout of the safety instructions: Pictograph and signal word! (characterise the type and severity of danger) Note (describes the danger and gives information about how to prevent dangerous situations) Pictograph Signal word Meaning Danger! Danger of personal injury through dangerous electrical voltage Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal injury if the corresponding measures are not taken. Danger! Danger of personal injury through a general source of danger Reference to an imminent danger that may result in death or serious personal injury if the corresponding measures are not taken. Stop! Danger of property damage Reference to a possible danger that may result in property damage if the corresponding measures are not taken. Application notes Pictograph 12 Signal word Meaning Note! Important note to ensure trouble-free operation Tip! Useful tip for easy handling Reference to another document Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Safety instructions ________________________________________________________________ 2 Safety instructions Please observe the following safety instructions when you want to commission a controller or system using the »Engineer«. Read the documentation supplied with the controller or the individual components of the system carefully before you start commissioning the devices with the »Engineer«! Danger! The device documentation contains safety instructions which must be observed! According to today's scientific knowledge it is not possible to ensure absolute freedom from defects of a software product. If necessary, systems with built-in controllers must be provided with additional monitoring and protective equipment complying with the relevant safety regulations (e.g. law on technical equipment, regulations for the prevention of accidents) in each case, so that an impermissible operating status does not endanger persons or facilities. During commissioning persons must keep a safe distance from the motor or the machine parts driven by the motor. Otherwise there is a risk of injury by the moving machine parts. Stop! If you change parameters in the »Engineer« while the controller is connected online, the changes will be directly accepted by the controller! A wrong parameter setting can cause unpredictable motor movements. By an unintended direction of rotation, a too high speed, or jerky operation, the driven machine parts may be damaged! Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 13 Preconditions System requirements ________________________________________________________________ 3 Preconditions 3.1 System requirements [3-1] Illustration example: System structure with a Controller 3200 C Engineering PC Controller Hardware PC/notebook PLC (Logic) from firmware V3.1 Operating system Windows XP Windows CE Required Lenze software »PLC Designer« V3.1 Logic Further requirements 3.2 Depending on the respective sample application: • CAN or EtherCAT bus system • CAN or EtherCAT node What is the PLC Designer? The »PLC Designer« is a Lenze engineering tool for programming the PLC of Lenze Controllers. The Controller is the central control component of the Lenze Controller-based Automation system. Product features • Five different editors for the programming languages standardised in the IEC 61131-3 and a very efficient CFC Editor are available. They can be used to create your own programs or to address the functions of the Logic & Motion runtime software. • By means of the integrated visualisation the processes are shown, in order to obtain all important pieces of information at a glance during commissioning. 14 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Preconditions Where can I receive a full version of the PLC Designer? ________________________________________________________________ 3.3 Where can I receive a full version of the PLC Designer? The »PLC Designer« is provided for download in the Lenze Application Knowledge Base (AKB) . • The AKB is a product- and application-oriented collection of information provided by Lenze. • Alternatively you can install the »PLC Designer« from the CD supplied with the Controller. 3.3.1 Installation How to install the »PLC Designer«: 1. Select »PLC Designer« to save the full version as a packed ZIP file on your PC (Engineering PC). • Unpack the ZIP file on your PC. • The ZIP file contains an installation file. or Start the PLCDesigner_V3.x.exe installation file from the DC supplied with the Controller. 2. Start the EXE file and follow the installation instructions. 3. After the installation the »PLC Designer« can be started. Further information and basics regarding the »PLC Designer« can be found in the following documentation: PLC Designer software manual The manual is available on the CD supplied or on the Internet. If the »PLC Designer« is already installed, carry out an update of the version available or install the full version parallel to the version available. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 15 The Controller-based Automation system ________________________________________________________________ 4 The Controller-based Automation system Central control technology becomes more and more important in the field of automation technology. Due to their scaling options and various combinations of visualisation and control on one device, Industrial PCs provide clear advantages for many applications. The Controllers are available with the following software programs: • Controllers as control system • Controllers as visualisation system (depending on the model, an additional panel may be required) • Controllers as component, optionally with operating system, without any further software The Controller-based Automation system enables the central control of Logic and Motion systems. 16 Further information on parameter setting and configuration of the individual bus systems can be found in the following bus system-specific communication manuals: Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The Controller-based Automation system ________________________________________________________________ Lenze supply specially matched system components: • Controller as control and visualisation system • The Controller is the central component in Controller-based Automation which uses the runtime software to control the Logic and Motion functionalities. • The controller communicates with the field devices via the fieldbus. • Engineering tools for the Engineering PC • The Engineering PC uses the Ethernet to communicate with the Controller. • Use the various Engineering tools to configure and parameterise the system. • Fieldbuses • Field devices Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 17 Commissioning General system structure ________________________________________________________________ 5 Commissioning This chapter describes the commissioning of a sample project by means of examples. The following requirements have to be met, so that the respective sample project can be used. 5.1 General system structure The Lenze project examples are based on the following system structure. • The Controller is the central control component of the system configuration. • The sample projects are available for the following bus systems: CAN/EtherCAT. [5-1] 5.2 System structure with a Controller (Logic) Wiring the hardware Before you can work with the project, the hardware has to be connected to each other. The sample projects are configured so that the motors rotate if a controller is used as fieldbus node. • Connect the desired Controller with the fieldbus nodes. • Connect the devices (controllers, motors) with the corresponding voltage supply Further information on the electrical connections can be found in the documentation supplied. Please read the mounting instructions supplied with the controller first before you start working! The mounting instructions include safety instructions which must be observed! • Connect the components with a suitable fieldbus cable. 18 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Commissioning Wiring the hardware ________________________________________________________________ 5.2.1 Setting up communication to the Controller • Connect the Engineering PC with the controller via a network cable, as the »PLC Designer« accesses the controller via Ethernet. • Make the IP settings with the »PLC Designer«. How to check the communication settings: 1. Go to the Device view and double-click the desired L-force Controller. 2. Make the desired settings on the Communication settings tab. • Click the Add gateway button to insert a gateway. • Enter the desired IP address of the L-force Controller. [5-2] Example: Entering the IP address of the L-force Controller 3. Click OK to add the controller as gateway. 4. By double-clicking the desired channel (or clicking the Set active path button) set the channel selected in the device tree below the gateway as active path for control. • Thus, all communication actions directly refer to this channel. • The currently active path is represented in bold in the list and "(active)" is attached: 5. A device represented in italics is set as momentarily active path but has not been found by the last network scan. Note! • During initial commissioning, observe the following predefined IP addresses: • Engineering PC: • Controller: Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 19 Commissioning Wiring the hardware ________________________________________________________________ 5.2.2 Further information can be found in the following documentation: • Controller - Parameter setting & configuration Compiling the project data To compile the project data, select the BuildCompile menu command or press the <F11> function key. • If errors have occurred during the compilation process, you can locate and eliminate them by means of the »PLC Designer«error messages. Then compile the project data again. • If no errors have occurred during the compilation process, save the »PLC Designer«project in the project folder. 5.2.3 Starting the sample project - Logging on to the control with the »PLC Designer« First transmit the sample project to the PLC device and start it then. To log the »PLC Designer« on to the control system, select the OnlineLogin menu command. • For this, the PLC program must be error-free. • With login, the PLC program is loaded in the control system. 5.2.4 Downloading and starting the PLC program • If the PLC program has not been loaded yet onto the Controller, select the OnlineLoad menu command. • Select the OnlineRun menu command to start the PLC program. Tip! Install the PLC program as "boot project" in order to load it automatically after a device is restarted. How to install the project as boot project: 1. Open the Online menu in the menu bar 2. Select the Create boot project for L-force Controller command. 20 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Which Lenze application samples (AppSamples) exist? Controller-based Automation: Application samples ________________________________________________________________ 6 Which Lenze application samples (AppSamples) exist? The ready-configured sample projects are to facilitate the work with the Lenze products for you. They include established system configurations representing typical application cases. The objective is to obtain an executable Lenze automation system by using low effort. Depending on the application case, the sample projects can be optionally extended, and thus they have to be adapted to the requirements in each case. 6.1 Controller-based Automation: Application samples Product/device application Project name Available for bus system Lenze Engineering tool »PLC Designer« »Engineer« V3.x V2.x CAN CAN EtherCAT CAN EtherCAT Inverter Drives 8400 Baseline Actuating drive LAS_40_INTF_Can_84BL_Speed_0100 speed Stateline Actuating drive LAS_40_INTF_Can_84SL_Speed_0200 speed LAS_40_INTF_ETC_84SL_Speed_0100 HighLine Table LAS_40_INTF_Can_84HL_TabPos_0200 positioning LAS_40_INTF_ETC_84HL_TabPos_0100 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine Actuating drive LAS_40_INTF_Can_94HL_Speed_0200 speed LAS_40_INTF_ETC_94HL_Speed_0100 Table LAS_40_INTF_Can_94HL_TabPos_0200 positioning LAS_40_INTF_ETC_94HL_TabPos_0100 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 CAN EtherCAT CAN EtherCAT 21 Which Lenze application samples (AppSamples) exist? Where do I find the sample projects? ________________________________________________________________ 6.2 Where do I find the sample projects? After a successful »PLC Designer« installation, the sample projects can be found under: (All) ProgramsLenzeAppSamples 6.3 How are the application samples called? LAS_<Sortierschlüssel>_<Kategorie>_<Bussystem>_<Antriebsregler>_<Version> Example: LAS_40_INTF_Can_84SL_Speed_xxx Sort key/category Sort key Category Description 40 INTF Application samples with interface function (interface connection) for connecting Lenze controllers. Differentiation of the bus systems The sample projects are preconfigured for different bus systems. Bus system Description CAN CAN projects contain the "_Can" code in the file name. EtherCAT EtherCAT projects contain the "_ETC" code in the file name. Tip! The »Engineer« sample projects are archived in ZIP format to allow you to send them for instance by e-mail. The »Engineer« supports project saving (FileSave archive) and project opening (FileOpen archive) in ZIP format. 6.4 Structure of the sample projects Each sample project consists of: – Ready-made projects in the »Engineer« – program code and visualisation in the »PLC Designer«. The following modes are possible: automatic, manual (manual jog), service, homing (optional). 22 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects ________________________________________________________________ 7 Working with the sample projects The ready-configured sample projects are to facilitate the work with the Lenze components for you. They include established system configurations representing typical application cases. The objective is to obtain an executable Lenze automation system by using low effort. Depending on the application case, the sample projects can be optionally extended, and thus they have to be adapted to the requirements in each case. Where do I find the sample projects? After a successful installation of the Lenze sample projects they can be found under: ProgramsLenzeAppSamples The sample projects are preconfigured for different bus systems. • CAN projects contain the "_Can" code in the file name • EtherCAT projects contain the "_ETC" code in the file name From »PLC Designer« V3.3 the Application Samples are available as predefined »PLC Designer« projects (*.project, ) when a new project is created. How to proceed: 1. Creating a new project: • File New project • Select category Lenze Application Samples. • Open the desired Application Sample. Tip! The »Engineer« sample projects are archived in ZIP format to allow you to send them for instance by e-mail. The »Engineer« supports project saving (FileSave archive) and project opening (FileOpen archive) in ZIP format. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 23 Working with the sample projects ________________________________________________________________ Structure of the sample projects • Each sample project consists of: • ready-made project data in the »Engineer« • program code and visualisation in the »PLC Designer«. The following modes are possible: automatic, manual (manual jog), service, homing (optional). 24 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ 7.1 Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed Further information on the device-independent function libraries can be found in the following section: The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library ( 113) The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library ( 100) General procedure How to commission the controller: 1. Commission the controller. Commissioning ( 26) 2. Load the desired project (depending on the desired bus system) to the controller using the »Engineer«. Open the »Engineer« project & go online ( 27) 3. Open the desired sample project in the »PLC Designer«. Program structure in the »PLC Designer« ( 29) 4. Load the project to the Controller and go online. 7.1.1 Components to be used [7-1] System configuration with L-force Controller CAN master (ID=0, connection to CAN1) and Lenze 8400 (CAN node ID=5) Control supported field devices (bus system) Hardware L-force Controller 8400 BaseLine (CAN) 8400 StateLine (CAN, EtherCAT) 9400 HighLine (CAN, EtherCAT) Operating system From version Logic 3.1.x Firmware version is devicedependent Required Lenze software »PLC Designer« from version 3.1 »Engineer« from version 2.12 - Further requirements Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 • CAN master ID = 127 • Connection to interface CAN 1 • Logic CAN 500kB • CAN node ID = 5 • EtherCAT station ID = 1001 25 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ 7.1.2 7.1.3 Short overview of the functions Mode Description Automatic In the automatic mode a sequence runs over an infinite loop. Selection: • Travel for three seconds at speed1, • then for five seconds at speed2, • Start with speed1 again. Manual In manual mode, the controller can be actuated manually by setting the individual control bits (Jog1, Jog2, QSP, ErrorReset...). Like this, the controller can be controlled manually, e.g. for cleaning or changing the tools. Service The service mode serves to adjust the controller. Selection: • Travel positive for one second, • Stop for one second, • Travel negative for one second. Commissioning Read the mounting instructions accompanying the controller first before you start working! The mounting instructions contain safety instructions that must be observed! 1. Wire the power connections • Use the mounting instructions supplied with the controller to correctly use the power connections according to the requirements of your device. 2. Wire the control terminals 3. Connect USB diagnostic adapter. 4. Switch on the voltage supply of the controller. • Connect mains voltage. When the green LED "DRV-RDY" is blinking and the red LED "DRV-ERR" is off, the controller is ready to start and you can continue with the commissioning. 26 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ 7.1.4 Open the »Engineer« project & go online Detailed information on the general handling of the »Engineer« can be found in the online help for the »Engineer«, which you can call with [F1]. How to open the sample project in the »Engineer«: 1. Start »Engineer«. 2. Open the desired sample project using the FileOpen archive command. 3. Insert the desired motor in the configuration: • Highlight controller, select the desired motor with the command Insert a component on the Motors tab • By clicking Complete, insert the selection in the »Engineer« project. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 27 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ 4. Update the project by clicking : • Select the option Rebuild all • Click the Build button to update the project. 5. Going online • After a connection to the controller has been established successfully, the following status is displayed in the Status line: 6. Download parameter set • This command has the effect that the application and the parameter settings of the »Engineer« project overwrite the parameter settings in the controller. 7. Optional: Adapt desired communication settings (for instance network address, baud rate). 8. Store parameter set 9. Mains switching to accept the communication settings to the device. 28 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ 7.1.5 Program structure in the »PLC Designer« How to proceed: 1. Open the desired sample project (CAN or EtherCAT) in the »PLC Designer«. 2. Load the project to the Controller and Go online. Control configuration CAN • The CAN master (ID = 127) is the control section of the system configuration • The controller (CAN node ID = 5) is attached below the CAN master. • Below the controller, the axis data are available in the form of an additional node. • One PDO for CAN-Input and one PDO for CAN-Output is used, respectively. • The transmission mode is sync-controlled (10 ms) You can find further details on the extension of the control configuration with CAN and EtherCAT in the following section: Extending sample projects - adding devices ( 51) EtherCAT • The EtherCAT master is the control section of the system configuration • The controller (station ID = 1001) is attached below the EtherCAT master. • Below the controller, the axis data are available in the form of an additional node. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 29 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ Program organisation units "Main" program • The "Main (PRG)" program is the basic program for processing the program sequences: initialisation of the controller and selection of the different modes. [7-2] 30 Main (PRG) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ "Drive" program • The "Drive (PRG)" program actuates the controller using the function block L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed. • The connection of the AXIS_REF-instance(LC_Drive) provides a connection to the control configuration. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 31 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ "PLC_PRG" program • The "PLC_PRG (PRG)" program contains all program calls. 32 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ 7.1.6 Operation via the visualisations in the »PLC Designer« Information/start page [7-3] Visualisation start page of the sample project Lenze 8400 HighLine - Actuator Speed Select mode Parameter selection Information/start page Version identifier Status Status • Via the buttons in area , the mode (automatic, manual, service) can be selected. • In area , SDO services (read/write parameters) for the controller can be selected. • The button in area refers to the start page which displays the version identifier of the project and the libraries in area . • Dialog box shows the status of the machine. • Control field shows the bus communication status. Note! If a bus communication error occurs, the control and drive controller are to be restarted, since the sample application does not support an automatic reset of bus communication. • Control field Error indicates the error message status. • Error in the application • Error in the controller • The Error Reset button resets the error messages. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 33 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ Automatic mode Select mode Start button Stop button Status Actual speed Status Status • Button selects the automatic mode. • Button starts the motion profile. • Button inhibits the motion profile. • Display field indicates the status of the mode. • Display field shows the current speed (Speed Value variable). • Dialog box indicates the machine status. • Control field shows the bus communication status. Note! If a bus communication error occurs, the control and drive controller are to be restarted, since the sample application does not support an automatic reset of bus communication. • Control field Error indicates the error message status. • Error in the application • Error in the controller • The Error Reset button resets the error messages. Manual mode ("Manual jog") The controller can be actuated manually via the visualisation of the L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed block. 34 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ Select mode Control panel Activate control via visualisation • Button selects the manual (manual jog) mode. • In the control and status panel the FB for actuating the controller is visualised. Note: Activate button to be able to operate the controller via the visualisation. • Enable the controller via the xDriveEnable FB input to be able to define setpoints manually. Note: Click the xDriveSetQsp button to activate quick stop. For more information on the FB, please see the following section:L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed ( 120) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 35 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ Service mode Select mode Start button Stop button Activate clockwise rotation (CW) Status of the service mode Actual speed Setpoint speed • Button selects the service mode. • Button starts the motion profile. • Button inhibits the motion profile. • Button sets clockwise rotation (clockwise rotating direction of the motor). • Display field indicates the status of the mode. • Display field indicates the current speed (variable Actual Value). • Display field shows the currently set speed setpoint. • Possible setpoint data for the motion profile: 0 ... 100%. • Dialog box shows the status of the machine. • Control field shows the bus communication status. Note! If a bus communication error occurs, the control and drive controller are to be restarted, since the sample application does not support an automatic reset of bus communication. • Control field Error indicates the error message status. • Error in the application • Error in the controller • The Error Reset button resets the error messages. 36 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ________________________________________________________________ Parameter The Parameter button selects the visualisation of the parameter FBs. • The mode selected last remains active. • You can use the FBs to... • read individual parameters • write individual parameters Read parameters Write parameters • Area shows the FB for reading parameters. For more information on the FB, please see the following section: L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter ( 105) • Area shows the FB for writing a parameter table. Further information on the FB can be found in the following section: L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter ( 110) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 37 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 7.2 Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning Further information on the function libraries used in this project can be found in the following section: The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library ( 100) L_LCB_TablePositioning ( 124) General procedure How to commission the controller: 1. Commission the controller. Commissioning ( 39) 2. Load the desired project (depending on the desired bus system) to the controller using the »Engineer. Open the »Engineer« project & go online ( 40) 3. Open the desired sample project in the »PLC Designer« Program structure in the »PLC Designer« ( 42) 4. Load the project to the Controller and go online. 7.2.1 Components to be used [7-4] System configuration with Controller (ID=0, connection to CAN1) and 8400 HighLine (CAN node ID=5) Control supported field devices (bus system) Hardware L-force Controller 8400 HighLine CAN (CAN, EtherCAT) 9400 HighLine CAN (CAN, EtherCAT) Operating system From version Logic 3.1.x Firmware version is devicedependent Required Lenze software »PLC Designer« from version 3 »Engineer« from version 2.12 - Further requirements 38 • CAN master ID = 127 • Connection to interface CAN 1 • Logic CAN 500kB • CAN node ID = 5 • EtherCAT station ID = 1001 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 7.2.2 7.2.3 Short overview of the functions Mode Description Automatic In the automatic mode a sequence runs over an infinite loop. Selection: When the drive has been referenced... 1. travel to position 1, 2. travel to position 2, 3. restart at (1.). Manual In manual mode, the controller can be manually actuated by setting the single control bits (xManualPos, xManualNeg, xDriveSetQsp, xResetError). Like this, the controller can be controlled manually, e.g. for cleaning or changing the tools. Service The service mode serves to adjust the controller. Selection: • Travel positive for one second, • Stop for one second, • Travel negative for one second. Homing In homing mode, the drive is referenced. • Either the home position is set directly, or a homing is started. Commissioning Read the mounting instructions accompanying the controller first before you start working! The mounting instructions contain safety instructions that must be observed! 1. Wire the power connections • Use the mounting instructions supplied with the controller to correctly use the power connections according to the requirements of your device. 2. Wire the control terminals 3. Connect USB diagnostic adapter. 4. Switch on the voltage supply of the controller. • Connect mains voltage. When the green LED "DRV-RDY" is blinking and the red LED "DRV-ERR" is off, the controller is ready to start and you can continue with the commissioning. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 39 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 7.2.4 Open the »Engineer« project & go online Detailed information on the general handling of the »Engineer« can be found in the online help for the »Engineer«, which you can call with [F1]. How to open the sample project in the »Engineer«: 1. Start »Engineer«. 2. Open the desired project (CAN or EtherCAT) using the FileOpen archive command. 3. Insert the desired motor in the configuration: • Highlight controller, select the desired motor with the command Insert a component on the Motors tab • By clicking Complete, insert the selection in the »Engineer« project. 40 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 4. Update the project by clicking : • Select the option Rebuild all • Click the Build button to update the project. 5. Going online • After a connection to the controller has been established successfully, the following status is displayed in the Status line: 6. Download parameter set • This command has the effect that the application and the parameter settings of the »Engineer« project overwrite the parameter settings in the controller. 7. Optional: Adapt desired communication settings (for instance network address, baud rate). 8. Store parameter set 9. Mains switching to accept the communication settings to the device. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 41 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 7.2.5 Program structure in the »PLC Designer« How to proceed: 1. Open the desired sample project (CAN or EtherCAT) in the »PLC Designer«. 2. Load the project to the Controller and Go online. Control configuration CAN • The CAN master (ID = 127) is the control section of the system configuration • The controller (CAN node ID = 5) is attached below the CAN master. • Below the controller, the axis data are available in the form of an additional node. • Two PDOs for CAN-Input and CAN-Output are used, respectively. • The transmission mode is sync-controlled (10 ms). You can find further details on the extension of the control configuration with CAN and EtherCAT in the following section: Extending sample projects - adding devices ( 51) EtherCAT • The EtherCAT master is the control section of the system configuration • The controller (station ID = 1001) is attached below the EtherCAT master. • Below the controller, the axis data are available in the form of an additional node. Program organisation units "Main" program • The "Main (PRG)" program is the basic program for processing the program sequences: initialisation of the controller and selection of the different modes. [7-5] 42 Example: Main (PRG) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ "Drive" program • The "DRIVE (PRG)" program actuates the controller using the function block L_LCB_TablePositioning an. • The machine constants are provided in a conditioned manner by means of the L_LCB_SetAxisData block. • The connection of the AXIS_REF-instance(LC_Drive) provides a connection to the control configuration. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 43 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ "PLC_PRG" program • The "PLC_PRG (PRG)" program contains all program calls. 44 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 7.2.6 Operation via the visualisations in the »PLC Designer« Information/start page [7-6] Example: Visualisation start page of the sample project Lenze 8400 HighLine - TablePositioning Select mode Parameter selection Manufacturer information Information/home page Status Status • Via the buttons in area , the mode (automatic, manual, service, homing) can be selected. • In area , SDO services (read/write parameters) for the controller can be selected. • The button in area refers to the start page which displays the version identifier of the project and the libraries in area . • Dialog box shows the status of the machine. • Control field shows the bus communication status. Note! If a bus communication error occurs, the control and drive controller are to be restarted, since the sample application does not support an automatic reset of bus communication. • Control field Error indicates the error message status. • Error in the application • Error in the controller • The Error Reset button resets the error messages. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 45 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ Automatic mode Select mode Stop button Current profile number Start button Mode status Set position • Button selects the automatic mode. • Button starts the motion profile. • Button inhibits the motion profile. • Display field indicates the status of the mode. • Display field indicates the current profile number. • Display field indicates the set position. 46 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ Manual mode ("Manual jog") The controller can be actuated manually via the visualisation of the L_LCB_TablePositioning block. Select mode Control/status panel Activate control via visualisation • Button selects the manual (manual jog) mode. • The control and status panel contains the FB for actuating the controller. • The controller can be actuated manually via the visualisation of the L_LCB_TablePositioning block. Note: Activate button to be able to operate the controller via the visualisation. • Enable the controller via the xDriveEnable FB input to be able to define setpoints manually. Note: Click the xDriveSetQsp button to activate quick stop. Further information on the FB can be found in the following section: L_LCB_TablePositioning ( 120) • Area visualises the FB for reading out the errors from the controller. Further information on the FB can be found in the following section: L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter ( 105) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 47 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ Service mode Select mode Start button Stop button Activate clockwise rotation Status of the service mode Actual speed • Button selects the service mode. • Button starts the motion profile. • Button inhibits the motion profile. • Button selects clockwise rotation (clockwise rotating direction of the motor). • Display field indicates the status of the mode. • Display field indicates the current speed (variable Speed Value). • Dialog box shows the status of the machine. • Control field shows the bus communication status. Note! If a bus communication error occurs, the control and drive controller are to be restarted, since the sample application does not support an automatic reset of bus communication. • Control field Error indicates the error message status. • Error in the application • Error in the controller • The Error Reset button resets the error messages. 48 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ Homing mode Select mode Start button Stop button Activate clockwise rotation Status of the service mode Actual speed • Button selects the homing mode. • The active standard setting in the controller is homing mode 12 (travel to negative limit switch / digital input 3) • Button starts the homing. • Button stops homing. • Button sets the home position. • Button resets the home position. • Set reference / Pos Act = 0 unit • Dialog box shows the homing status. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 49 Working with the sample projects Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ Parameter The Parameter button selects the visualisation of the parameter FBs. • The mode selected last remains active. • You can use the FBs to... • read individual parameters (L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter) • write individual parameters (L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter) Read parameters Write parameters • Area shows the FB for reading parameters. L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter ( 105) • Area shows the FB for writing a parameter table. L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter ( 110) 50 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Extending sample projects - adding devices Creating a control configuration - EtherCAT bus system ________________________________________________________________ 8 Extending sample projects - adding devices This chapter informs you on how to extend the control configuration manually. • Lenze provide ready-made sample projects in which the control configuration has already been created. More information can be found in the following section: Working with the sample projects ( 23) • Proceed as described below to extend an existing sample project individually. Please note that the communication settings have to be adapted for each individual node. 8.1 Creating a control configuration - EtherCAT bus system Note! Before creating an EtherCAT configuration in »PLC Designer«, ensure that the following conditions have been met: • The sequence of EtherCAT slaves in the device tree must correspond to the physical arrangement of the EtherCAT topology. • In order that the system works properly, end terminals must not be used when setting up the system configuration in the device tree. • Select the cycle times according to the technical data, from 1 ... 10 ms. How to create the control configuration in the »PLC Designer«: 1. Open the context menu of the target system and execute the command in order to extend the control configuration with Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Append device "EtherCAT Master". 51 Extending sample projects - adding devices Creating a control configuration - EtherCAT bus system ________________________________________________________________ 2. Add an EtherCAT slave below the EtherCAT master. • Manually using the master Add Device command in the context menu of the CANopen Select a field device from the selection list. You can only select devices the CANopen device description files of which have been imported in the »PLC Designer«. The »PLC Designer« provides a "fieldbus scan" during which the devices connected to the fieldbus are automatically detected. • More information can be found in the section "Lenze specificationsEtherCAT control technology" of the online help for the »PLC Designer« and in the EtherCAT communication manual (KHB)- Commissioning & configuration. Repeat the Add Device command until all slaves connected to the fieldbus are included in the control configuration. 52 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Extending sample projects - adding devices Create control configuration - bus system CAN ________________________________________________________________ 3. Give the inserted slaves suitable names (e.g. "Drive_vertical"). The names must … • only contain the characters "A ... Z", "a ... z", "0 ... 9" or "_"; • must not begin with a digit. You can enter a name by clicking the element. Example: • Below the selected slave, the axis data are available in the form of an additional node. L_LCB_AXIS_REF ( 115) Connect a function block to the LC_Drive instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are written automatically to the axis data. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 8.2 Note! During runtime the parameters can only be changed by means of the corresponding function blocks. Afterwards, a manual adjustment with the controller is required! Create control configuration - bus system CAN Note! An L-force Controller in the CANopen network must be configured in the »PLC Designer« since the complete configuration is written to the connected slaves when the Controller is started. During this process, previous settings in slaves are overwritten. How to create the control configuration in the »PLC Designer«: 1. Go to the context menu of the target system and use the extend the control configuration Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Add Device command to with "CANbus". 53 Extending sample projects - adding devices Create control configuration - bus system CAN ________________________________________________________________ 54 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Extending sample projects - adding devices Create control configuration - bus system CAN ________________________________________________________________ 2. Use the CANbus tab to set the baud rate. Note! The baud rate set in the »PLC Designer« overwrites the baud rate set for the field devices via »WebConfig«/»Engineer«. In a CANopen network, set the same baud rate for all nodes. 3. Use the Add Device command to extend the control configuration by Manager". Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 "CANopen 55 Extending sample projects - adding devices Create control configuration - bus system CAN ________________________________________________________________ 4. Use the CANopen_Manager tab to set the parameters for Sync generation. The sync producing is required if ... • at least one PDO with sync-controlled processing is used on the bus; • the applications are to run in synchronism in several field devices; • motion devices are to be connected to the bus. If you want to use CAN synchronisation, tick the input field Set the 56 Enable Sync Producing. Cycle period in the input field. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Extending sample projects - adding devices Create control configuration - bus system CAN ________________________________________________________________ 5. Use the command (master). Add Device to add a Logic device (slave) to the CANopen_Manager Select the desired CAN node from the selection list. Tip! For the implementation of other controllers, a general device description is provided: Lenze Generic Drive. Further information on the function block of the general device control can be found in the following section: L_LCB_GenericDrive ( 130) Repeat the Add Device command until all slaves connected to the bus are implemented in the control configuration. Optionally, you can Copy and Paste a node already inserted into the context menu of the device. The communication settings (node ID and baud rate as well as further parameters) must be adapted manually. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 57 Extending sample projects - adding devices Create control configuration - bus system CAN ________________________________________________________________ 6. Give the inserted slaves suitable names (e.g. "Drive_vertical"). The names must … • only contain the characters "A ... Z", "a ... z", "0 ... 9" or "_"; • must not begin with a digit. You can enter a name by clicking the element. Example: • Below the selected slave, the axis data are available in the form of an additional node. L_LCB_AXIS_REF ( 115) Connect a function block to the LC_Drive instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are written automatically to the axis data. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 58 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Extending sample projects - adding devices Setting of CAN parameters and PDO mapping ________________________________________________________________ 8.3 Setting of CAN parameters and PDO mapping Set the CAN parameters and the PDO mapping for each Logic device connected to the bus. How to set CAN parameters and CAN mapping: 1. Go to the CANopen Remote Device tab of the respective slave. Use the input field field devices: Node ID to set the node address corresponding to the settings in the The following possible settings are only displayed if the is ticked: • "Node Guarding" • "Emergency" • "Heartbeat" • "Checks at Startup" Enable Expert Settings option Make the settings required for your application here. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 59 Extending sample projects - adding devices Setting of CAN parameters and PDO mapping ________________________________________________________________ 2. Go to the PDO Mapping tab. By default, the PDO mapping is optimised for the corresponding application. It is possible to change this mapping (set checkmark). Due to the limited bandwidth of the CAN bus, this is only sensible in special cases. The PDO properties are pre-assigned sensibly as well and should not be changed. By double-clicking a single PDO, you can see its transmission properties. • The Transmission Type "cyclic - synchronous (type 1-240)" and which sync the PDOs are to be sent, must not be changed. • The settings for the Inhibit Time and the • Confirm the settings with OK. the setting, at Event Time are not evaluated. On the CANopen I/O Mapping tab, PLC variables can be assigned to the process image. 60 Note! Bus operation without CAN synchronisation • The control system always transmits asynchronous PDOs from an unsolicited task in an event-controlled way. To achieve a time-controlled transmission of asynchronous PDOs by the control system, you must assign the CAN master to a cyclic task. • The control does not support any monitoring times for asynchronous receive-PDOs. This is only possible with field devices. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Extending sample projects - adding devices Setting of CAN parameters and PDO mapping ________________________________________________________________ 3. The selection of a special bus cycle task on the CANopen I/O image of the CANopen manager is not mandatory. The standard setting automatically uses the task with the shortest cycle time that accesses the devices of the CAN master as bus cycle task: Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 61 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 BaseLine C - Actuator Speed ("speed actuating drive") ________________________________________________________________ 9 Overview of device descriptions This chapter gives an overview of the device descriptions provided for the »PLC Designer« V3 and the corresponding application examples. Further information on the function blocks can be found under: The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library ( 100) The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library ( 113) 9.1 Inverter Drives 8400 BaseLine C - Actuator Speed ("speed actuating drive") • This device is available for CANopen. • For controlling the Inverter Drives 8400 BaseLine with the "speed actuating drive" application, an application sample is available. Where do I find the suitable application example? ProgramsLenzeAppSamples<Version> LAS_40_INTF_Can_84BL_Speed Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • When the sample device application is used, the L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed function block from the L_LCB_LenzeLogicDrives library can be sued for activating the 8400 BaseLine. • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 62 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 BaseLine C - Actuator Speed ("speed actuating drive") ________________________________________________________________ 9.1.1 Overview of indices The process data received are copied to the awReceiveData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • The process data to be transmitted are copied from the awTransmitData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • The table provides an overview which index can be found where. Application variable Name CAN Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT awTransmitData[1] Control word 0x5E66/01 - - awTransmitData[2] LP_CanIn1_wIn2 0x5E66/02 - - awTransmitData[3] LP_CanIn1_wIn3 0x5E66/03 - - awTransmitData[4] LP_CanIn1_wIn4 0x5E66/04 - - awTransmitData[5] LP_CanIn2_wIn1 0x5E66/05 - - awTransmitData[6] LP_CanIn2_wIn2 0x5E66/06 - - awTransmitData[7] LP_CanIn2_wIn3 0x5E66/07 - - awTransmitData[8] LP_CanIn2_wIn4 0x5E66/08 - - awTransmitData[9] - - - - awTransmitData[10] - - - - awTransmitData[11] - - - - awTransmitData[12] - - - - awTransmitData[13] - - - - awTransmitData[14] - - - - awTransmitData[15] - - - - awTransmitData[16] - - - - awReceiveData[1] Status word 0x5C9B/01 - - awReceiveData[2] LP_CanOut1 _wOut2 0x5C9B/02 - - awReceiveData[3] LP_CanOut1 _wOut3 0x5C9B/03 - - awReceiveData[4] LP_CanOut1 _wOut4 0x5C9B/04 - - awReceiveData[5] LP_CanOut2 _wOut1 0x5C9B/05 - - awReceiveData[6] LP_CanOut2 _wOut2 0x5C9B/06 - - awReceiveData[7] LP_CanOut2 _wOut3 0x5C9B/07 - - awReceiveData[8] LP_CanOut2 _wOut4 0x5C9B/08 - - awReceiveData[9] - - - awReceiveData[10] - - awReceiveData[11] - - awReceiveData[12] - - awReceiveData[13] - - awReceiveData[14] - - awReceiveData[15] - - awReceiveData[16] - - Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 63 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine C - speed actuating drive ________________________________________________________________ 9.2 Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine C - speed actuating drive • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For controlling the Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine with the "speed actuating drive" application, an application sample is available. Where do I find the suitable application example? ProgramsLenzeAppSamples<Version> LAS_40_INTF_<Bus system>_84SL_Speed • CAN projects contain the "_Can" code in the file name • EtherCAT projects contain the "_ETC" code in the file name Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • When the sample device application is used, the L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed function block from the L_LCB_LenzeLogicDrives library can be used for activating the 8400 StateLine. • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 64 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine C - speed actuating drive ________________________________________________________________ 9.2.1 Overview of indices The received process data are copied to the awReceiveData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The process data to be sent are copied from the awTransmitData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The table provides an overview which index can be found where. Application variable Name CAN Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT awTransmitData[1] Control word 0x5E66/01 Control word 0x5C93/01 awTransmitData[2] LP_CanIn1_wIn2 0x5E66/02 MciIn_wIn2 0x5C93/02 awTransmitData[3] LP_CanIn1_wIn3 0x5E66/03 MciIn_wIn3 0x5C93/03 awTransmitData[4] LP_CanIn1_wIn4 0x5E66/04 MciIn_wIn4 0x5C93/04 awTransmitData[5] LP_CanIn2_wIn1 0x5E66/05 MciIn_wIn5 0x5C93/05 awTransmitData[6] LP_CanIn2_wIn2 0x5E66/06 MciIn_wIn6 0x5C93/06 awTransmitData[7] LP_CanIn2_wIn3 0x5E66/07 MciIn_wIn7 0x5C93/07 awTransmitData[8] LP_CanIn2_wIn4 0x5E66/08 MciIn_wIn8 0x5C93/08 awTransmitData[9] LP_CanIn3_wIn1 0x5E66/09 MciIn_wIn9 0x5C93/09 awTransmitData[10] LP_CanIn3_wIn2 0x5E66/0A MciIn_wIn10 0x5C93/0A awTransmitData[11] LP_CanIn3_wIn3 0x5E66/0B MciIn_wIn11 0x5C93/0B awTransmitData[12] LP_CanIn3_wIn4 0x5E66/0C MciIn_wIn12 0x5C93/0C awTransmitData[13] - - MciIn_wIn13 0x5C93/0D awTransmitData[14] - - MciIn_wIn14 0x5C93/0E awTransmitData[15] - - MciIn_wIn15 0x5C93/0F awTransmitData[16] - - MciIn_wIn16 0x5C93/10 awReceiveData[1] Status word 0x5C9B/01 Status word 0x5C92/01 awReceiveData[2] LP_CanOut1 _wOut2 0x5C9B/02 MciOut_wOut2 0x5C92/02 awReceiveData[3] LP_CanOut1 _wOut3 0x5C9B/03 MciOut_wOut3 0x5C92/03 awReceiveData[4] LP_CanOut1 _wOut4 0x5C9B/04 MciOut_wOut4 0x5C92/04 awReceiveData[5] LP_CanOut2 _wOut1 0x5C9B/05 MciOut_wOut5 0x5C92/05 awReceiveData[6] LP_CanOut2 _wOut2 0x5C9B/06 MciOut_wOut6 0x5C92/06 awReceiveData[7] LP_CanOut2 _wOut3 0x5C9B/07 MciOut_wOut7 0x5C92/07 awReceiveData[8] LP_CanOut2 _wOut4 0x5C9B/08 MciOut_wOut8 0x5C92/08 awReceiveData[9] LP_CanOut3 _wOut1 0x5C9B/09 MciOut_wOut9 0x5C92/09 awReceiveData[10] LP_CanOut3 _wOut2 0x5C9B/0A MciOut_wOut10 0x5C92/0A awReceiveData[11] LP_CanOut3 _wOut3 0x5C9B/0B MciOut_wOut11 0x5C92/0B awReceiveData[12] LP_CanOut3 _wOut4 0x5C9B/0C MciOut_wOut12 0x5C92/0C awReceiveData[13] - - MciOut_wOut13 0x5C92/0D awReceiveData[14] - - MciOut_wOut14 0x5C92/0E awReceiveData[15] - - MciOut_wOut15 0x5C92/0F awReceiveData[16] - - MciOut_wOut16 0x5C92/10 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 65 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 HighLine C - table positioning ________________________________________________________________ 9.3 Inverter Drives 8400 HighLine C - table positioning • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For controlling the Inverter Drives 8400 StateLine with the "table positioning" application, an application sample is available. Where do I find the suitable application example? ProgramsLenzeAppSamples<Version> LAS_40_INTF_<Bus system>_84HL_TabPos • CAN projects contain the "_Can" code in the file name • EtherCAT projects contain the "_ETC" code in the file name Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • • When the sample device application is used, the L_LCB_TablePositioning function block from the L_LCB_LenzeLogicDrives library can be used for activating the 8400 HighLine. • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 9.3.1 Overview of indices The received process data are copied to the awReceiveData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The process data to be sent are copied from the awTransmitData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The table provides an overview which index can be found where. Application variable 66 Name CAN Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT awTransmitData[1] Control word 0x5E66/01 Control word 0x5C93/01 awTransmitData[2] LP_CanIn1_wIn2 0x5E66/02 MciIn_wIn2 0x5C93/02 awTransmitData[3] LP_CanIn1_wIn3 0x5E66/03 MciIn_wIn3 0x5C93/03 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 HighLine C - table positioning ________________________________________________________________ Application variable Name CAN awTransmitData[4] LP_CanIn1_wIn4 0x5E66/04 MciIn_wIn4 0x5C93/04 awTransmitData[5] LP_CanIn2_wIn1 0x5E66/05 MciIn_wIn5 0x5C93/05 awTransmitData[6] LP_CanIn2_wIn2 0x5E66/06 MciIn_wIn6 0x5C93/06 awTransmitData[7] LP_CanIn2_wIn3 0x5E66/07 MciIn_wIn7 0x5C93/07 awTransmitData[8] LP_CanIn2_wIn4 0x5E66/08 MciIn_wIn8 0x5C93/08 awTransmitData[9] LP_CanIn3_wIn1 0x5E66/09 MciIn_wIn9 0x5C93/09 awTransmitData[10] LP_CanIn3_wIn2 0x5E66/0A MciIn_wIn10 0x5C93/0A awTransmitData[11] LP_CanIn3_wIn3 0x5E66/0B MciIn_wIn11 0x5C93/0B awTransmitData[12] LP_CanIn3_wIn4 0x5E66/0C MciIn_wIn12 0x5C93/0C awTransmitData[13] - - MciIn_wIn13 0x5C93/0D awTransmitData[14] - - MciIn_wIn14 0x5C93/0E awTransmitData[15] - - MciIn_wIn15 0x5C93/0F awTransmitData[16] - - MciIn_wIn16 0x5C93/10 awReceiveData[1] Status word 0x5C9B/01 Status word 0x5C92/01 awReceiveData[2] LP_CanOut1 _wOut2 0x5C9B/02 Actual speed 0x5C92/02 awReceiveData[3] LP_CanOut1 _wOut3 0x5C9B/03 MciOut_wOut3 0x5C92/03 awReceiveData[4] LP_CanOut1 _wOut4 0x5C9B/04 MciOut_wOut4 0x5C92/04 awReceiveData[5] LP_CanOut2 _wOut1 0x5C9B/05 MciOut_wOut5 0x5C92/05 awReceiveData[6] LP_CanOut2 _wOut2 0x5C9B/06 MciOut_wOut6 0x5C92/06 awReceiveData[7] LP_CanOut2 _wOut3 0x5C9B/07 MciOut_wOut7 0x5C92/07 awReceiveData[8] LP_CanOut2 _wOut4 0x5C9B/08 MciOut_wOut8 0x5C92/08 awReceiveData[9] LP_CanOut3 _wOut1 0x5C9B/09 MciOut_wOut9 0x5C92/09 awReceiveData[10] P_CanOut3 _wOut2 0x5C9B/0A MciOut_wOut10 0x5C92/0A awReceiveData[11] P_CanOut3 _wOut3 0x5C9B/0B MciOut_wOut11 0x5C92/0B awReceiveData[12] P_CanOut3 _wOut4 0x5C9B/0C MciOut_wOut12 0x5C92/0C awReceiveData[13] - - MciOut_wOut13 0x5C92/0D awReceiveData[14] - - MciOut_wOut14 0x5C92/0E awReceiveData[15] - - MciOut_wOut15 0x5C92/0F awReceiveData[16] - - MciOut_wOut16 0x5C92/10 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT 67 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 TopLine C ________________________________________________________________ 9.4 Inverter Drives 8400 TopLine C • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 68 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Inverter Drives 8400 TopLine C ________________________________________________________________ 9.4.1 Overview of indices • The process data received are copied to the awReceiveData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • The process data to be transmitted are copied from the awTransmitData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The table provides an overview which index can be found where. Application variable Name CAN awTransmitData[1] LP_CanIn1_wIn1 Index CAN 0x5E66/01 Name EtherCAT MciIn_wIn1 Index EtherCAT 0x5C93/01 awTransmitData[2] LP_CanIn1_wIn2 0x5E66/02 MciIn_wIn2 0x5C93/02 awTransmitData[3] LP_CanIn1_wIn3 0x5E66/03 MciIn_wIn3 0x5C93/03 awTransmitData[4] LP_CanIn1_wIn4 0x5E66/04 MciIn_wIn4 0x5C93/04 awTransmitData[5] LP_CanIn2_wIn1 0x5E66/05 MciIn_wIn5 0x5C93/05 awTransmitData[6] LP_CanIn2_wIn2 0x5E66/06 MciIn_wIn6 0x5C93/06 awTransmitData[7] LP_CanIn2_wIn3 0x5E66/07 MciIn_wIn7 0x5C93/07 awTransmitData[8] LP_CanIn2_wIn4 0x5E66/08 MciIn_wIn8 0x5C93/08 awTransmitData[9] LP_CanIn3_wIn1 0x5E66/09 MciIn_wIn9 0x5C93/09 awTransmitData[10] LP_CanIn3_wIn2 0x5E66/0A MciIn_wIn10 0x5C93/0A awTransmitData[11] LP_CanIn3_wIn3 0x5E66/0B MciIn_wIn11 0x5C93/0B awTransmitData[12] LP_CanIn3_wIn4 0x5E66/0C MciIn_wIn12 0x5C93/0C awTransmitData[13] - - MciIn_wIn13 0x5C93/0D awTransmitData[14] - - MciIn_wIn14 0x5C93/0E awTransmitData[15] - - MciIn_wIn15 0x5C93/0F awTransmitData[16] - - MciIn_wIn16 0x5C93/10 awReceiveData[1] LP_CanOut1 _wOut1 0x5C9B/01 MciOut_wOut1 0x5C92/01 awReceiveData[2] LP_CanOut1 _wOut2 0x5C9B/02 MciOut_wOut2 0x5C92/02 awReceiveData[3] LP_CanOut1 _wOut3 0x5C9B/03 MciOut_wOut3 0x5C92/03 awReceiveData[4] LP_CanOut1 _wOut4 0x5C9B/04 MciOut_wOut4 0x5C92/04 awReceiveData[5] LP_CanOut2 _wOut1 0x5C9B/05 MciOut_wOut5 0x5C92/05 awReceiveData[6] LP_CanOut2 _wOut2 0x5C9B/06 MciOut_wOut6 0x5C92/06 awReceiveData[7] LP_CanOut2 _wOut3 0x5C9B/07 MciOut_wOut7 0x5C92/07 awReceiveData[8] LP_CanOut2 _wOut4 0x5C9B/08 MciOut_wOut8 0x5C92/08 awReceiveData[9] LP_CanOut3 _wOut1 0x5C9B/09 MciOut_wOut9 0x5C92/09 awReceiveData[10] P_CanOut3 _wOut2 0x5C9B/0A MciOut_wOut10 0x5C92/0A awReceiveData[11] P_CanOut3 _wOut3 0x5C9B/0B MciOut_wOut11 0x5C92/0B awReceiveData[12] P_CanOut3 _wOut4 0x5C9B/0C MciOut_wOut12 0x5C92/0C awReceiveData[13] - - MciOut_wOut13 0x5C92/0D awReceiveData[14] - - MciOut_wOut14 0x5C92/0E Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 69 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C speed actuating drive ________________________________________________________________ Application variable 9.5 Name CAN Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT awReceiveData[15] - - MciOut_wOut15 0x5C92/0F awReceiveData[16] - - MciOut_wOut16 0x5C92/10 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C speed actuating drive • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For controlling the Servo Drives 9400 HighLine with the "speed actuating drive" application from the application version 4.0.0. An application sample is available. Where do I find the suitable application example? ProgramsLenzeAppSamples<Version> LAS_40_INTF_<Bus system>_94HL_Speed • CAN projects contain the "_Can" code in the file name • EtherCAT projects contain the "_ETC" code in the file name Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • When the sample device application is used, the L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed function block from the L_LCB_LenzeLogicDrives library can be used for activating the 9400 HighLine. • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 9.5.1 Overview of indices The received process data are copied to the awReceiveData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The process data to be sent are copied from the awTransmitData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. 70 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C speed actuating drive ________________________________________________________________ The table provides an overview which index can be found where. Application variable awTransmitData[1] Name CAN Control word Index CAN 0xA580/01 Name EtherCAT Control word Index EtherCAT 0xA580/01 awTransmitData[2] nIn1 0xA540/01 nIn1 0xA540/01 awTransmitData[3] SpeedSetpoint 0xA640/01 SpeedSetpoint 0xA640/01 awTransmitData[5] LPortControl1 0xA580/02 LPortControl1 0xA580/02 awTransmitData[6] LPortControl2 0xA580/03 LPortControl2 0xA580/03 awTransmitData[7] LPort32In1 0xA640/02 LPort32In1 0xA640/02 LPort32In2 0xA640/03 LPort32In2 0xA640/03 LPort32In3 0xA640/04 LPort32In3 0xA640/04 awTransmitData[13] LPort16In1 0xA540/02 LPort16In1 0xA540/02 awTransmitData[14] LPort16In2 0xA540/03 LPort16In2 0xA540/03 awTransmitData[15] LPort16In3 0xA540/04 LPort16In3 0xA540/04 awTransmitData[16] - - - - Status word 0xA100/01 Status word 0xA100/01 awTransmitData[4] awTransmitData[8] awTransmitData[9] awTransmitData[10] awTransmitData[11] awTransmitData[12] awReceiveData[1] awReceiveData[2] nOut1 0xA0C0/01 nOut1 0xA0C0/01 awReceiveData[3] Actual speed 0xA1C0/01 Actual speed 0xA1C0/01 awReceiveData[5] LPortStatus1 0xA100/02 LPortStatus1 0xA100/02 awReceiveData[6] LPortStatus2 0xA100/03 LPortStatus2 0xA100/03 awReceiveData[7] LPort32Out1 0xA1C0/02 LPort32Out1 0xA1C0/02 LPort32Out2 0xA1C0/03 LPort32Out2 0xA1C0/03 LPort32Out3 0xA1C0/04 LPort32Out3 0xA1C0/04 awReceiveData[13] LPort16Out1 0xA0C0/02 LPort16Out1 0xA0C0/02 awReceiveData[14] LPort16Out2 0xA0C0/03 LPort16Out2 0xA0C0/03 awReceiveData[15] LPort16Out3 0xA0C0/04 LPort16Out3 0xA0C0/04 awReceiveData[16] - - - - awReceiveData[4] awReceiveData[8] awReceiveData[9] awReceiveData[10] awReceiveData[11] awReceiveData[12] Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 71 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - table positioning ________________________________________________________________ 9.6 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - table positioning • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For controlling the Servo Drives 9400 HighLine with the "table positioning" application from the application version 5.0.0. An application sample is available. Where do I find the suitable application example? ProgramsLenzeAppSamples<Version> LAS_40_INTF_<Bus system>_94HL_TabPos • CAN projects contain the "_Can" code in the file name • EtherCAT projects contain the "_ETC" code in the file name Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • When the sample device application is used, the L_LCB_TablePositioning function block from the L_LCB_LenzeLogicDrives library can be used for activating the 9400 HighLine. • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. • Table with an overview of indices: 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices ( 79) 72 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - torque actuating drive ________________________________________________________________ 9.7 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - torque actuating drive • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For controlling Servo Drives 9400 HighLine with the "torque actuating drive" application from application version 4.0.0. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. • Table with an overview of indices: 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices ( 79) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 73 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - electronic gearbox ________________________________________________________________ 9.8 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - electronic gearbox • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For controlling Servo Drives 9400 HighLine with the "electronic gearbox" application from application version 5.0.0. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. • Table with an overview of indices: 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices ( 79) 74 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - synchronism with mark synchronisation ________________________________________________________________ 9.9 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - synchronism with mark synchronisation • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For controlling Servo Drives 9400 HighLine with the "synchronism with mark synchronisation" application from application version 5.0.0. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. • Table with an overview of indices: 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices ( 79) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 75 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - positioning sequence control ________________________________________________________________ 9.10 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - positioning sequence control • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For activation of the 9400 HighLine controller with the "Synchronism with mark synchronisation" application from application version 5.0.0. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. • Table with an overview of indices: 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices ( 79) 76 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions 9400 regenerative power supply module ________________________________________________________________ 9.11 9400 regenerative power supply module • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For activation of the 9400 regenerative power supply module. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. • Table with an overview of indices: 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 77 Overview of device descriptions Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - "empty application" ________________________________________________________________ 9.12 Servo Drives 9400 HighLine C - "empty application" • This device is available for CANopen and EtherCAT. • For activation of the 9400 HighLine controller with the "empty application" application from application version 1.0.1. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. • Table with an overview of indices: 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices ( 79) 78 Note! After creation of the »Engineer« application, the indices are to be configured manually in the »PLC Designer«, since no predefined port variables (indices) are defined in the "Empty application" TA. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices ________________________________________________________________ 9.13 9400 HighLine C - Overview of indices • The process data received are copied to the awReceiveData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • The process data to be transmitted are copied from the awTransmitData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The table provides an overview which index can be found where. Application variable Name CAN Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT awTransmitData[1] LPortAxisIn1 _wControl 0xA580/01 LPortAxisIn1 _wControl 0xA580/01 awTransmitData[2] LPortAxisIn1 _nIn1 0xA540/01 LPortAxisIn1 _nIn1 0xA540/01 awTransmitData[3] LPortAxisIn1 _dnIn2 0xA640/01 LPortAxisIn1 _dnIn2 0xA640/01 awTransmitData[5] LPortControl1 0xA580/02 LPortControl1 0xA580/02 awTransmitData[6] LPortControl2 0xA580/03 LPortControl2 0xA580/03 awTransmitData[7] LPort32In1 0xA640/02 LPort32In1 0xA640/02 LPort32In2 0xA640/03 LPort32In2 0xA640/03 LPort32In3 0xA640/04 LPort32In3 0xA640/04 awTransmitData[13] LPort16In1 0xA540/02 LPort16In1 0xA540/02 awTransmitData[14] LPort16In2 0xA540/03 LPort16In2 0xA540/03 awTransmitData[15] LPort16In3 0xA540/04 LPort16In3 0xA540/04 awTransmitData[4] awTransmitData[8] awTransmitData[9] awTransmitData[10] awTransmitData[11] awTransmitData[12] awTransmitData[16] - - - - awReceiveData[1] LPortAxisOut1 _wStatus 0xA100/01 LPortAxisOut1 _wStatus 0xA100/01 awReceiveData[2] LPortAxisOut1 _nOut1 0xA0C0/01 LPortAxisOut1 _nOut1 0xA0C0/01 awReceiveData[3] LPortAxisOut1 _dnOut2 0xA1C0/01 LPortAxisOut1 _dnOut2 0xA1C0/01 awReceiveData[5] LPortStatus1 0xA100/02 LPortStatus1 0xA100/02 awReceiveData[6] LPortStatus2 0xA100/03 LPortStatus2 0xA100/03 awReceiveData[7] LPort32Out1 0xA1C0/02 LPort32Out1 0xA1C0/02 LPort32Out2 0xA1C0/03 LPort32Out2 0xA1C0/03 LPort32Out3 0xA1C0/04 LPort32Out3 0xA1C0/04 awReceiveData[13] LPort16Out1 0xA0C0/02 LPort16Out1 0xA0C0/02 awReceiveData[14] LPort16Out2 0xA0C0/03 LPort16Out2 0xA0C0/03 awReceiveData[15] LPort16Out3 0xA0C0/04 LPort16Out3 0xA0C0/04 awReceiveData[16] - - - - awReceiveData[4] awReceiveData[8] awReceiveData[9] awReceiveData[10] awReceiveData[11] awReceiveData[12] Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 79 Overview of device descriptions Lenze generic drive ________________________________________________________________ 9.14 Lenze generic drive • This device is available for CANopen. • Activation of any Lenze controller at the bus system with any drive interface. • The process data must be mapped in the controller. The device description of the Lenze Generic Drive serves to define wildcards (e.g. CAN IN1 W1) in which the transmitted process data will be copied. Description By inserting this device into the »PLC Designer«, a subordinated node is inserted automatically with an L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. • Connect a function block with the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance to establish a connection to the slave. Transmitted process data are automatically written to the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. Hence, no manual assignment of the process data to the application is required. Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters ( 82) • The L_LCB_GenericDrive function block in the L_LCB_LenzeLogicDrives library serves to activate the respective controller. • The function blocks for parameter accesses are contained in the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • In order to be able to link the process data manually (instead of the automatic link to the L_LCB_Axis_REF instance), the Manual I/O mapping option has to be activated. 9.14.1 Overview of indices The received process data are copied to the awReceiveData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The process data to be sent are copied from the awTransmitData element of the L_LCB_AXIS_REF instance. The table provides an overview which index can be found where. Application variable 80 Name CAN Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT awTransmitData[1] CAN IN1 W1 0x5CA7/01 - - awTransmitData[2] CAN IN1 W2 0x5CA7/02 - - awTransmitData[3] CAN IN1 W3 0x5CA7/03 - - awTransmitData[4] CAN IN1 W4 0x5CA7/04 - - awTransmitData[5] CAN IN2 W1 0x5CA8/01 - - awTransmitData[6] CAN IN2 W2 0x5CA8/02 - - awTransmitData[7] CAN IN2 W3 0x5CA8/03 - - awTransmitData[8] CAN IN2 W4 0x5CA8/04 - - Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview of device descriptions Lenze generic drive ________________________________________________________________ Application variable Name CAN Index CAN Name EtherCAT Index EtherCAT awTransmitData[9] CAN IN3 W1 0x5CB0/01 - - awTransmitData[10] CAN IN3 W2 0x5CB0/02 - - awTransmitData[11] CAN IN3 W3 0x5CB0/03 - - awTransmitData[12] CAN IN3 W4 0x5CB0/04 - - awTransmitData[13] - - - - awTransmitData[14] - - - - awTransmitData[15] - - - - awTransmitData[16] - - - - awReceiveData[1] CAN OUT1 W1 0x5CAD/01 - - awReceiveData[2] CAN OUT1 W2 0x5CAD/02 - - awReceiveData[3] CAN OUT1 W3 0x5CAD/03 - - awReceiveData[4] CAN OUT1 W4 0x5CAD/04 - - awReceiveData[5] CAN OUT2 W1 0x5CAE/01 - - awReceiveData[6] CAN OUT2 W2 0x5CAE/02 - - awReceiveData[7] CAN OUT2 W3 0x5CAE/03 - - awReceiveData[8] CAN OUT2 W4 0x5CAE/04 - - awReceiveData[9] CAN OUT3 W1 0x5CAF/01 - - awReceiveData[10] CAN OUT3 W2 0x5CAF/02 - - awReceiveData[11] CAN OUT3 W3 0x5CAF/30 - - awReceiveData[12] CAN OUT3 W4 0x5CAF/04 - - awReceiveData[13] - - - - awReceiveData[14] - - - - awReceiveData[15] - - - - awReceiveData[16] - - - - Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 81 Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters Overview - function libraries ________________________________________________________________ 10 Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters 10.1 Overview - function libraries The table shows the function libraries with the respective function used for a bus-independent implementation of controllers. 10.2 Library/function block Description The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library Functions for device-independent activation of controllers at the logic bus: • Axis data structure • Interface blocks • Scaling FB for converting machine units The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library General functions for communicating with a controller: • SDO functions The L_DAC_DataConversion library Functions for data conversion The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library In order to be able to activate the implemented controllers at the fieldbus in the PLC application, the L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library provides interface blocks. Function block Description L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed Activation of a device with the "Actuator speed" application example Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ( 25) L_LCB_TablePositioning Activation of a device with the "Table positioning" application example Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ( 38) L_LCB_GenericDrive Activation of a device with any application L_LCB_8400Drive Activation of a 8400 controller L_LCB_9400Drive Activation of a 9400 controller • The interface blocks are device-independent and optimised for the corresponding application. • The interface blocks are independent of the bus system used. In order to connect a function block to a controller, the axis data instance from the control configuration has to be connected to the FB. 82 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Overview: The libraries for controlling the inverters The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library ________________________________________________________________ [10-1] Example: Interconnection of the axis data structure of a 9400 HighLine with an interface FB for table positioning 10.3 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library provides FBs for bus-independent parameter communication. For interconnection, connect the corresponding axis data structure to the FB. [10-2] Example: Interconnection of the axis data structure of a 9400 HighLine with an FB for reading the drive parameters 10.4 The L_DAC_DataConversion library The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_DataConversion library ( 84) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 provides functions for data conversion. The 83 The L_DAC_DataConversion library Overview of the functions and function blocks ________________________________________________________________ 11 The L_DAC_DataConversion library This library contains the function blocks required for converting data and executing data accesses. 11.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks The functions and function blocks of the L_DAC_DataConversion library are divided into different groups. 84 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library Overview of the functions and function blocks ________________________________________________________________ GetBooleanProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 151) GetCompany (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 152) GetNumberProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 152) GetTextProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 153) GetTitle (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 154) GetVersion (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 154) GetVersionProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 155) Bit operations L_DAC_GetBitOfByte - conversion block ( 86) L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord - conversion block ( 87) L_DAC_GetBitOfWord - conversion block ( 88) L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte - conversion block ( 89) L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord - conversion block ( 90) L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord - conversion block ( 91) L_DAC_SetBitOfByte - bit operation ( 91) L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord - bit operation ( 92) L_DAC_SetBitOfWord - bit operation ( 92) Bit splitter L_DAC_BitsToByte - bit multiplexer ( 93) L_DAC_BitsToDWord - bit multiplexer ( 93) L_DAC_BitsToWord - bit multiplexer ( 94) L_DAC_ByteToBits - bit demultiplexer ( 94) L_DAC_DWordToBits - bit demultiplexer ( 95) L_DAC_WordToBits - bit demultiplexer ( 95) Type converter L_DAC_2BytesToWord - type converter ( 96) L_DAC_2WordsToDWord - type converter ( 96) L_DAC_4BytesToDWord - type converter ( 97) L_DAC_DWordTo2Words - type converter ( 97) L_DAC_DWordTo4Bytes - type converter ( 98) L_DAC_WordTo2Bytes - type converter ( 99) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 85 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_GetBitOfByte - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 11.2 L_DAC_GetBitOfByte - conversion block Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function returns the state of an individual bit value as a "BYTE" value. L_DAC_GetBitOfByte BYTE ⎯ byInput L_DAC_GetBitOfByte ⎯ BYTE BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type byInput byBitNr Information/possible settings BYTE BYTE Input signal Number (0 ... 7) of the bit of byInput, the status of which is to be determined. Output signal L_DAC_GetBitOfByte: New value of the "BYTE" type, which results from the respective input signal. 86 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 11.3 L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord - conversion block Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function returns the status of an individual bit value within a "DWORD" value. L_DAC_GetBitofDWord DWORD ⎯ dwInput L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord ⎯ BOOL BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type dwInput byBitNr Information/possible settings DWORD BYTE Input signal Number (0 ... 31) of the bit of dwInput, the status of which is to be determined. Output Identifier/data type Information/possible settings L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord Output signal BOOL • TRUE if the respective bit of dwInput is TRUE. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 87 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_GetBitOfWord - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 11.4 L_DAC_GetBitOfWord - conversion block Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function returns the status of an individual bit within a "WORD" value. L_DAC_GetBitOfWord WORD ⎯ wInput L_DAC_GetBitOfWord ⎯ BOOL BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type wInput byBitNr Information/possible settings WORD BYTE Input signal Number (0 ... 15) of the bit of dwInput, the status of which is to be determined. Output Identifier/data type L_DAC_GetBitOfWord 88 Information/possible settings BOOL Output signal • TRUE if the respective bit of wInput is TRUE. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 11.5 L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte - conversion block Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function sets an individual bit to "0" within a value of the "BYTE" type. L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte BYTE ⎯ byInput L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte ⎯ BYTE BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type byInput byBitNr Information/possible settings BYTE BYTE Input signal Number (0 ... 7) of the bit that is to be set. Output Identifier/data type L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte Information/possible settings BYTE Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Output signal • Value results from the deleted bit. 89 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 11.6 L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord - conversion block Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function sets an individual bit to "0" within a value of the "DWORD" type. L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord DWORD ⎯ dwInput L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord ⎯ DWORD BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type dwInput byBitNr Information/possible settings DWORD BYTE Input signal Number (0 ... 31) of the bit that is to be set. Output Identifier/data type Information/possible settings L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord Output signal DWORD • Value results from the deleted bit. 90 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 11.7 L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord - conversion block Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function sets an individual bit to "0" within a value of the "WORD" type. L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord WORD ⎯ wInput L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord ⎯ WORD BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type wInput byBitNr Information/possible settings WORD BYTE Input signal Number (0 ... 15) of the bit that is to be set. Output Identifier/data type Information/possible settings L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord Output signal WORD • The value results from the deleted bit. 11.8 L_DAC_SetBitOfByte - bit operation Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function sets an individual bit to "1" within a value of the "BYTE" type. L_DAC_SetBitOfByte BYTE ⎯ byInput L_DAC_SetBitOfByte ⎯ BYTE BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type byInput byBitNr Information/possible settings BYTE BYTE Input signal No. (0 ... 7) of the bit that is to be set. Output signal L_DAC_SetBitOfByte - value of the "BYTE" type , which results by the bit set. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 91 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord - bit operation ________________________________________________________________ 11.9 L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord - bit operation Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function sets an individual bit to "1" within a value of the "DWORD" type. L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord DWORD ⎯ dwInput L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord ⎯ BOOL BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type dwInput Information/possible settings DWORD byBitNr BYTE Input signal No. (0 ... 31) of the bit that is to be set. Output signal L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord - value of the "DOUBLE WORD" type, which results by the bit set. 11.10 L_DAC_SetBitOfWord - bit operation Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function sets an individual bit to "1" within a value of the "WORD" type. L_DAC_SetBitOfWord WORD ⎯ wInput L_DAC_SetBitOfWord ⎯ WORD BYTE ⎯ byBitNr Inputs Identifier/data type wInput byBitNr Information/possible settings WORD BYTE Input signal No. (0 ... 15) of the bit that is to be set. Output signal L_DAC_SetBitOfWord - value of the "WORD" type, which results by the bit set. 92 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_BitsToByte - bit multiplexer ________________________________________________________________ 11.11 L_DAC_BitsToByte - bit multiplexer Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts eight input bits into a value of the "BYTE" type. L_DAC_BitsToByte BOOL ⎯ xBit0...xBit7 byOutput ⎯ BYTE Inputs Identifier/data type xBit0...xBit7 Information/possible settings BOOL Input signal 1...8 Outputs Identifier/data type byOutput 11.12 Information/possible settings BYTE Value of the "BYTE" type, which results by the bit set. L_DAC_BitsToDWord - bit multiplexer Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts 32 input bits into a value of the "DWORD" type. L_DAC_BitsToDWord BOOL ⎯ xBit0...xBit31 dwOutput ⎯ DWORD Inputs Identifier/data type xBit0...xBit31 Information/possible settings BOOL Input signal 1...input signal 32 Outputs Identifier/data type dwOutput Information/possible settings DWORD Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Value of the "DOUBLE WORD" type, which results by the bit set. 93 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_BitsToWord - bit multiplexer ________________________________________________________________ 11.13 L_DAC_BitsToWord - bit multiplexer Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts 16 input bits into a value of the "WORD" type. L_DAC_BitsToWord BOOL ⎯ xBit...xBit15 wOutput ⎯ WORD Inputs Identifier/data type xBit0...xBit15 Information/possible settings BOOL Input signal 1..input signal 16 Outputs Identifier/data type wOutput 11.14 Information/possible settings WORD Value of the "WORD" type, which results by the bit set. L_DAC_ByteToBits - bit demultiplexer Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB outputs the 8 corresponding bit values for an input value of the "BYTE" type. L_DAC_ByteToBits BYTE ⎯ byInput xBit0...xBit7 ⎯ BOOL Inputs Identifier/data type byInput Information/possible settings BYTE Input signal Outputs 94 Identifier/data type Information/possible settings xBit0..xBit7 Output of bit 0..Bit 7 of byInput (valency: 20..27) BOOL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_DWordToBits - bit demultiplexer ________________________________________________________________ 11.15 L_DAC_DWordToBits - bit demultiplexer Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB outputs the 32 corresponding bit values for an input value of the "DWORD" type. L_DAC_DWordToBits DWORD ⎯ dwInput xBit0...xBit31 ⎯ BOOL Inputs Identifier/data type dwInput Information/possible settings DWORD Input signal Outputs 11.16 Identifier/data type Information/possible settings xBit0..xBit31 Output of bit 0..bit 31 of dwInput (valency: 20..231) BOOL L_DAC_WordToBits - bit demultiplexer Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB outputs the 16 corresponding bit values for an input value of the "WORD" type. L_DAC_WordToBits WORD ⎯ wInput xBit0...xBit15 ⎯ BOOL Inputs Identifier/data type wInput Information/possible settings WORD Input signal Outputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings xBit0 .. xBit15 Output of bit 0 .. bit 15 of wInput (valency: 20..215) BOOL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 95 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_2BytesToWord - type converter ________________________________________________________________ 11.17 L_DAC_2BytesToWord - type converter Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function converts two input values of the "BYTE" type to an output value of the "WORD" type. L_DAC_2BytesToWord BYTE ⎯ byInput1 L_DAC_2BytesToWord ⎯ WORD BYTE ⎯ byInput2 Inputs Identifier/data type byInput1 Information/possible settings BYTE byInput2 BYTE Input value 1 ≡ bit 0 ... bit 7 of L_DAC_2BytesToWord Input value 2 ≡ bit 8 ... bit 15 of L_DAC_2BytesToWord Output signal L_DAC_2BytesToWord - value of the "WORD" type according to the input values transferred 11.18 L_DAC_2WordsToDWord - type converter Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function converts two input values of the "WORD" type to an output value of the "DWORD" type. L_DAC_2WordsToDWord WORD ⎯ wInput1 L_DAC_2WordsTo ⎯ DWORD DWORD WORD ⎯ wInput2 Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings wInput1 Input value 1 ≡ bit 0 ... bit 15 of L_DAC_2WordsToDWord wInput2 WORD WORD Input value 2 ≡ bit 16 ... bit 31 of L_DAC_2WordsToDWord Output signal L_DAC_2WordsToDWord - value of the "DOUBLE WORD" type according to the input values transferred 96 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_4BytesToDWord - type converter ________________________________________________________________ 11.19 L_DAC_4BytesToDWord - type converter Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function converts four input values of the "BYTE" type to an output value of the "DWORD" type. L_DAC_4BytesToDWord BYTE ⎯ byInput[1...4] L_DAC_4BytesToDWord ⎯ DWORD Inputs Identifier/data type byInput1..4 Information/possible settings BYTE Input value 1..4 1 Bit 0 ... bit 7 of L_DAC_4BytesToDWord 2 Bit 8 ... bit 15 of dwOut L_DAC_4BytesToDWord 3 Bit 16 ... bit 23 of dwOut L_DAC_4BytesToDWord 4 Bit 24 ... bit 31 of dwOut L_DAC_4BytesToDWord Output signal L_DAC_4BytesToDWord - value of the "DOUBLE WORD" type according to the input values transferred 11.20 L_DAC_DWordTo2Words - type converter Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts an input value of the "DWORD" type to two output values of the "WORD" type. L_DAC_DWordTo2Words DWORD ⎯ dwInput wOutput[1...2] ⎯ WORD Inputs Identifier/data type dwInput Information/possible settings DWORD Input value Outputs Identifier/data type wOutput1 wOutput2 Information/possible settings WORD WORD Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Output value 1 ≡ bit 0 ... bit 15 of dwInput Output value 2 ≡ bit 16 ... bit 31 of dwInput 97 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_DWordTo4Bytes - type converter ________________________________________________________________ 11.21 L_DAC_DWordTo4Bytes - type converter Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts an input value of the "DWORD" type into four output values of the "BYTE" type. L_DAC_DWordTo4Bytes DWORD ⎯ dwInput byOutput[0...3] ⎯ BYTE Inputs Identifier/data type dwInput Information/possible settings DWORD Input value Outputs Identifier/data type byOutput0 byOutput1 byOutput2 byOutput3 98 Information/possible settings BYTE BYTE BYTE BYTE Output value 1 ≡ bit 0 ... bit 7 of dwInput Output value 2 ≡ bit 8 ... bit 15 of dwInput Output value 3 ≡ bit 16 ... bit 23 of dwInput Output value 4 ≡ bit 24 ... bit 31 of dwInput Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DAC_DataConversion library L_DAC_WordTo2Bytes - type converter ________________________________________________________________ 11.22 L_DAC_WordTo2Bytes - type converter Function library: L_DAC_DataConversion Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts an input value of the "WORD" type into two output values of the "BYTE" type. L_DAC_WordTo2Bytes WORD ⎯ wInput byOutput[1..2] ⎯ BYTE Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings wInput Input value WORD Outputs Identifier/data type byOutput1 byOutput2 Information/possible settings BYTE BYTE Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Output value 1: Bit 0 ... bit 7 of wInput Output value 2: Bit 8 ... bit 15 of wInput 99 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Overview of the functions and function blocks ________________________________________________________________ 12 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library This library contains function blocks for parameter processing. 12.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks The functions and function blocks of the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library are divided into different groups. Note! The functions/function blocks contained in this library can be used with the following devices: Overview of device descriptions ( 62) GetBooleanProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 151) ( 152) ( 152) GetTextProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 153) GetTitle (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 154) GetVersion (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 154) GetVersionProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 155) GetCompany (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) GetNumberProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) Enums L_DCO_CommState ( 101) L_DCO_Error ( 101) Function Blocks DriveInterface L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE ( 104) SDO Communication L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter ( 105) L_DCO_ReadDriveParameterString ( 106) L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter ( 107) L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter ( 110) Structs L_DCO_SDOData ( 111) L_DCO_TransferData ( 112) Unions L_DCO_ConvertData ( 112) 100 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Enums ________________________________________________________________ 12.2 Enums 12.2.1 L_DCO_CommState The L_DCO_CommState type describes possible states that can be adopted by the bus system masters and slaves. • The communication status is available via an instance of the L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE function block and its extensions. • The respective function block instance is provided in the device editor. Identifier 12.2.2 Initialisation Description L_DCO_STATE_BOOT 0 "Boot process" state L_DCO_STATE_INIT 10 "Initialisation" state L_DCO_STATE_RESET_COMM 20 "Communication reset" state L_DCO_STATE_RESET_APP 30 "Reset" state L_DCO_STATE_PREOPERATIONAL 40 "Preoperational" state L_DCO_STATE_STOPPED 50 "Stopped" state L_DCO_STATE_OPERATIONAL 70 "Operational" state L_DCO_STATE_UNKNOWN 80 "Unknown" state L_DCO_STATE_NOT_AVAIL 90 "Not available" state L_DCO_Error The L_DCO_Error type describes possible error messages that can be generated at the eError output of the function block of the L_DCO_DriveCommunication library. • All error messages are of the L_DCO_ERROR data type Identifier L_DCO_No_Error Error number (dec) 0 Description No error reported L_DCO_OTHERERROR 20001 General fault L_DCO_INVALIDINDEX 20002 Invalid SDO index L_DCO_INVALIDOFFSET 20003 Invalid offset value during access to process data image L_DCO_INVALIDSIZE 20004 Invalid length value... • ... during access to process data image • ... during saving of data in a data area L_DCO_INVALIDDATA 20005 Invalid data L_DCO_NOTREADY 20006 Internal software error • Cause not reported L_DCO_BUSY 20007 The master is busy at the moment and cannot process the API function. • Repeat the function at a later time. L_DCO_NOMEMORY 20008 Not enough application memory available. L_DCO_INVALIDPARM 20009 Incorrect call of a API function by invalid parameters. L_DCO_INVALIDSTATE 20010 Invalid state L_DCO_TIMEOUT 20011 Time-out Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 101 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Enums ________________________________________________________________ Identifier 102 Error number (dec) Description L_DCO_INVALID_SLAVE_STATE 20012 Impermissible mailbox commands with current slave state. L_DCO_LINK_DISCONNECTED 20013 EtherCAT cable is not connected to control. L_DCO_ALL_CANNELS_BUSY 20015 All channels for processing parameter request are busy. L_DCO_DATA_REQUEST_ERROR 20016 General error reported at request L_DCO_BUS_OFF 20017 Bus not initialised L_DCO_SLAVE_ERROR 20018 Slave not addressable L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE_TOGGLE 20020 Unchanged state of the toggle bit • Abort code 0x05030000 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _TIMEOUT 20021 Time-out of the SDO protocol • Abort code 0x05040000 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _CCS_SCS 20022 Invalid or unknown specification symbol for the client/ server command • Abort Code 0x05040001 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE_BLK_SIZE 20023 Invalid block size (only on "Block mode") • Abort code 0x05040002 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE_SEQNO 20024 Invalid sequence number (only in "Block mode") • Abort Code 0x05040003 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE_CRC 20025 CRC error (only in "Block mode") • Abort Code 0x05040004 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _MEMORY 20026 To little memory location free in the main memory • Abort code 0x05040005 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE_ACCESS 20027 Access to an object denied • Abort Code 0x06010000 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _WRITEONLY 20028 Read access to a write-protected object • Abort code 0x06010001 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _READONLY 20029 Write access to a write-protected object • Abort Code 0x06010002 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE_INDEX 20030 Object not found in the object directory. • Abort Code 0x06020000 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _PDO_MAP 20031 An object cannot be mapped into the PDO • Abort code 0x06040041 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _PDO_LEN 20032 Number/length of the mapped objects exceeds the PDO length. • Abort Code 0x06040042 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _P_INCOMP 20033 General message for parameter incompatibility • Abort code 0x06040043 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _I_INCOMP 20034 General message for parameter incompatibility • Abort code 0x06040043 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _HARDWARE 20035 Failed access by hardware error • Abort Code 0x06060000 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _DATA_SIZE 20036 Data type or parameter length differ • Abort code 0x06070010 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _DATA_SIZE1 20037 Incorrect data type (The parameter length is too large) • Abort Code 0x06070012 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _DATA_SIZE2 20038 Incorrect data type (The parameter length is too small) • Abort code 0x06070013 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _OFFSET 20039 Missing subindex • Abort Code 0x06090011 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Enums ________________________________________________________________ Identifier Error number (dec) Description L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _DATA_RANGE 20040 The value range for parameters is too great (only for write access) • Abort Code 0x06090030 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _DATA_RANGE1 20041 The parameter value is too high • Abort code 0x06090031 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _DATA_RANGE2 20042 The parameter value is too low • Abort Code 0x06090032 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE_MINMAX 20043 The maximum value is lower than the minimum value • Abort code 0x06090036 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _GENERAL 20044 General fault • Abort code 0x08000000 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _TRANSFER 20045 Error when saving/transmitting the data in the application • Abort Code 0x08000020 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _TRANSFER1 20046 Error when saving/transmitting the data in the application (caused by local control) • Abort code 0x08000021 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _TRANSFER2 20047 Error when saving/transmitting the data in the application (caused by current device state) • Abort Code 0x08000022 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _DICTIONARY 20048 Dynamic object directory generation has failed or no object directory available • Abort code 0x08000023 L_DCO_SDO_ABORTCODE _UNKNOWN 20049 Internal slave error (cause unknown) L_DCO_TRANSFERTABLE_INVALID 20060 Invalid structure L_DCO_TransferData transferred to FB L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 103 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Function blocks ________________________________________________________________ 12.3 Function blocks 12.3.1 L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE Function library: L_DCO_DriveCommunication Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB provides the basic communication information of the Logic axis. • Every Logic axis implemented in the control configuration is an extended instance of L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE. A manual instancing of this function block is not required. • The function block L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE has routines that serve as drivers. L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE UDINT ⎯ udiTimeOut uiDeviceID ⎯ UINT USINT ⎯ usiChannel uiNetID ⎯ UINT ARRAY[1.. 5] OF ⎯ aSDOReadData L_DCO_SdoData xCommunicationOK ⎯ BOOL ARRAY[1.. 5] OF ⎯ aSDOWriteData L_DCO_SdoData eCommunicationState ⎯ L_DCO_CommState AxisName ⎯ STRING Input variables Identifier Data type Initialisation Information/possible settings udiTimeOut UDINT 10000 usiChannel USINT 1 SDO channel to be used aSdoReadData ARRAY[1.. 5] OF L_DCO_SdoData 0 Exchange for SDO communication (internal use) aSdoWriteData ARRAY[1..5] OF L_DCO_SdoData 0 Timeout period for SDO communication Outputs Identifier Data type Initial value Information/possible settings uiDeviceId UINT 0 Station/node address at the used bus system uiNetId UINT 0 Network/master instance number of the used bus system. xCommunicationOK BOOL FALSE Status of bus communication FALSE No bus communication active TRUE Bus communication available eCommunicationState AxisName 104 L_DCO_Com mState 0 Bus state STRING - Instance name Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Function blocks ________________________________________________________________ 12.3.2 L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter Function library: L_DCO_DriveCommunication Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB reads the parameters out of a Lenze controller (logic axis) and provides them to the application. • Parameter values of max. 32 bits can be read. • The parameter to be read can be defined as index or code number. • The FB is independent of the used bus system. L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE ⎯ Axis xDone ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xExecute xBusy ⎯ BOOL WORD ⎯ wIndex xError ⎯ BOOL BYTE ⎯ bySubIndex BOOL ⎯ xUseIndexAsParam eError ⎯ L_DCO_Error dwData ⎯ DWORD byNrOfByte ⎯ BYTE Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings Axis Connection of the axis data of the controller (Logic nodes) L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE xExecute BOOL Activation of the "Read parameters" function FALSETRUE Transmitting a parameter read request FALSE Outputs are reset • If the execution of the FB has not been completed yet: • Outputs are reset after request has been completed • Status signals are at least set for one cycle. wIndex bySubIndex xUseIndexAsParam WORD BYTE BOOL Index of the parameter to be read • If xUseIndexAsParam = TRUE: Indication of the parameter/code number Subindex of the parameter to be read FALSE Selection indices according to CANopen TRUE Selection indices according to Lenze parameters. • The value given at wIndex is interpreted as parameter/code number. Outputs Identifier/data type xDone xBusy Information/possible settings BOOL BOOL TRUE: Read request completed Status output "Read request sent" TRUE The read request has been transmitted to the system. The FB waits for the response of the request. FALSE No read request active Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 105 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Function blocks ________________________________________________________________ Identifier/data type xError Information/possible settings BOOL Error status output TRUE During the processing an error has occurred FALSE No error eError L_DCO_Error dwData DWORD byNrOfByte 12.3.3 BYTE Error number Read parameter value Length of the read value L_DCO_ReadDriveParameterString Function library: L_DCO_DriveCommunication Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB reads a parameter of "String" data type of a Lenze inverter ("logic" axis") which is connected to the Controller via a bus system and provides this to the application. L_DCO_ReadDriveParameterString L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE ⎯ Axis xDone ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xExecute xBusy ⎯ BOOL WORD ⎯ wIndex xError ⎯ BOOL BYTE ⎯ bySubIndex eError ⎯ L_DCO_Error BOOL ⎯ xUseIndexAsParam sValue ⎯ STRING byNrOfByte ⎯ BYTE Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings Axis Connection of the axis data of the controller (Logic nodes) L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE xExecute BOOL Activation of the "Read parameters" function FALSETRUE Transmitting a parameter read request FALSE Outputs are reset • If the execution of the FB has not been completed yet: • Outputs are reset after request has been completed • Status signals are at least set for one cycle. wIndex bySubIndex xUseIndexAsParam 106 WORD BYTE BOOL Index of the parameter to be read • If xUseIndexAsParam = TRUE: Indication of the parameter/code number Subindex of the parameter to be read FALSE Selection indices according to CANopen TRUE Selection indices according to Lenze parameters. • The value given at wIndex is interpreted as parameter/code number. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Function blocks ________________________________________________________________ Outputs Identifier/data type xDone Information/possible settings BOOL xBusy BOOL TRUE: Read request completed Status output "Read request sent" TRUE The read request has been transmitted to the system. The FB waits for the response of the request. FALSE No read request active xError BOOL Error status output TRUE During the processing an error has occurred FALSE No error eError L_DCO_Error sValue STRING byNrOfByte 12.3.4 BYTE Error number Read parameter value Length of the read value L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter Function library: L_DCO_DriveCommunication Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB reads and write the parameters of a Lenze inverter (logic axis) that is connected to the Controller via a bus system. The parameters are defined via an array structure. L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE ⎯ Axis xDone ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xExecute POINTER TO ⎯ pscParameterData L_DCO_TransferData DWORD ⎯ dwSizeParameterData BOOL ⎯ xUseIndexAsParam xBusy ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_DCO_Error dwData ⎯ WORD wIndexCounter ⎯ WORD Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings Axis Connection of the axis data of the controller ("Logic" nodes) L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE xExecute BOOL Activation of the "Read/write parameters" function FALSETRUE Transmitting a parameter read request FALSE Outputs are reset • If the execution of the FB has not been completed yet: • Outputs are reset after request has been completed • Status signals are at least set for one cycle. pscParameterData Here, the address of the array structure of the L_DCO_TranferData type must be POINTER TO transmitted L_DCO_TransferData Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 107 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Function blocks ________________________________________________________________ Identifier/data type Information/possible settings dwSizeParameter-Data Size of the array structure to be read containing the codes DWORD xUseIndexAsParam FALSE Selection indices according to CANopen BOOL TRUE Selection indices according to Lenze parameters. • The value given at wIndex is interpreted as parameter/code number. Outputs Identifier/data type xDone Information/possible settings BOOL xBusy BOOL TRUE: Read request completed Status output "Read request sent" TRUE The read request has been transmitted to the system. The FB waits for the response of the request. FALSE No read request active xError BOOL Error status output TRUE During the processing an error has occurred FALSE No error eError L_DCO_Error dwData wIndexCounter DWORD Error number Read parameter value After the read and write requests have been processed, the number of requests is WORD indicated here. • In the event of an error, the number of the request that has caused the write or read error is indicated here. PROGRAM Demo VAR L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter1 : L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter; scTransferData : ARRAY[1..5] OF L_DCO_TranferData := [ (wIndex := 11, xWriteAccess:= (wIndex := 11, xWriteAccess:= (wIndex := 11, xWriteAccess:= (wIndex := 11, xWriteAccess:= (wIndex := 11, xWriteAccess:= bySubIndex FALSE ), bySubIndex FALSE ), bySubIndex FALSE ), bySubIndex FALSE ), bySubIndex FALSE ) ]; := 0, dwData := 0, byNrOfByte := 4, xEnable := TRUE, := 0, dwData := 0, byNrOfByte := 4, xEnable := TRUE, := 0, dwData := 0, byNrOfByte := 4, xEnable := TRUE, := 0, dwData := 0, byNrOfByte := 4, xEnable := TRUE, := 0, dwData := 0, byNrOfByte := 4, xEnable := TRUE, END_VAR ... // Instance call L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter1.pscParameterData := ADR(scTransferData); L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter1.dwSizeParameterData := SIZEOF(scTransferData); L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter1(Axis:=LC_Drive_94HL); [12-1] Program sample for using the L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter FB 108 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Function blocks ________________________________________________________________ 12.3.5 L_DCO_TransferData Variables of the L_DCO_TransferData structure Identifier/data type wIndex bySubIndex dwData byNrOfByte xEnable Information/possible settings WORD BYTE DWORD BYTE BOOL Index number of the parameter to be processed Subindex of the parameter to be processed Transmitted/read data Number of the transmitted/read bytes Activation of the parameter request FALSE Parameter request is processed TRUE Parameter request is ignored xWriteAccess BOOL Write/or read access FALSE Read access TRUE Write access Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 109 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Function blocks ________________________________________________________________ 12.3.6 L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter Function library: L_DCO_DriveCommunication Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB writes a parameter of a Lenze inverter (logic axis) that is connected to the Controller via a bus system. • Parameter values of max. 32 bits can be read. • The parameter to be read can be defined as index or code number. • The FB is independent of the used bus system. L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE ⎯ Axis xDone ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xExecute xBusy ⎯ BOOL WORD ⎯ wIndex xError ⎯ BOOL BYTE ⎯ bySubIndex eError ⎯ L_DCO_Error BOOL ⎯ xUseIndexAsParam DWORD ⎯ dwData BYTE ⎯ byNrOfByte Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings Axis Connection of the axis data of the controller (Logic nodes) L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE xExecute BOOL Activation of the "Write parameters" function FALSETRUE Transmitting a parameter write request FALSE Outputs are reset • If the execution of the FB has not been completed yet: • Outputs are reset after request has been completed • Status signals are at least set for one cycle. wIndex bySubIndex xUseIndexAsParam dwData byNrOfByte 110 WORD BYTE BOOL DWORD BYTE Index of the parameter to be written Subindex of the parameter to be written FALSE Selection indices according to CANopen TRUE Selection indices according to Lenze parameters. • The value given at wIndex is interpreted as parameter/code number. Parameter value to be written Number of the bytes to be written Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Structures (Structs) ________________________________________________________________ Outputs Identifier/data type xDone Information/possible settings BOOL xBusy BOOL TRUE: Write request completed Status output "Write request sent" TRUE The read request has been transmitted to the system. The FB waits for the response of the request. FALSE No read request active xError BOOL Error status output TRUE During the processing an error has occurred FALSE No error eError L_DCO_Error 12.4 Structures (Structs) 12.4.1 L_DCO_SDOData Error number Note! This structure is for internal use only! Structure for exchanging parameter write requests and parameter read requests. Identifier/data type Initialisation Description wParam WORD 0 Index number of the parameter to be processed bySubIndex BYTE 0 Subindex of the parameter to be processed wState WORD 0 Status of the parameter request dwOwner DWORD 0 Identification of the orderer dwData DWORD 0 Transmitted/read data psData POINTER OF BYTE 0 Pointer to a byte into which the read data is to be written. uDataLength UNIT 0 Data length of the parameter wError WORD 0 Error number Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 111 The L_DCO_DriveCommunication library Unions ________________________________________________________________ 12.4.2 L_DCO_TransferData The L_DCO_TransferData structure describes a request for reading/writing a parameter. • An array [1..x] OF L_DCO_TransferData can be used to read or write several parameters of a drive by means of the L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter function block . Component Data type wIndex WORD bySubIndex xWriteAccess Initialisation Description 0 Index number of the parameter to be processed BYTE 0 Subindex of the parameter to be processed BOOL FALSE Write/or read access FALSE Read access TRUE Write access xEnable BOOL 0 Activation of the parameter request FALSE Parameter request is processed TRUE Parameter request is ignored byNrOfByte BYTE 0 Number of the transmitted/read bytes dwData DWORD 0 Transmitted/read data 12.5 Unions 12.5.1 L_DCO_ConvertData Union for different access possibilities to a 32-bit memory area. 112 Component Data type Initialisation Description abData ARRAY OF BYTE Transmitted/read data awData ARRAY OF WORD Transmitted/read data dwData DWORD Transmitted/read data Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library Overview of the functions and function blocks ________________________________________________________________ 13 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library This library contains the function blocks for activation of inverters at the logic bus. 13.1 Overview of the functions and function blocks The functions and function blocks of the L_LBC_LogicControlBasic library are divided into different groups. GetBooleanProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 151) GetCompany (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 152) GetNumberProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 152) GetTextProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 153) GetTitle (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 154) GetVersion (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 154) GetVersionProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ( 155) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 113 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library Overview of the functions and function blocks ________________________________________________________________ Enums L_LCB_AXISMODE ( 149) L_LCB_Error ( 115) L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE ( 150) Function Blocks DriveInterface L_LCB_AXIS_REF ( 115) L_LCB_AXIS_REF_CAN (internal use) ( 116) L_LCB_AXIS_REF_ETC (internal use) ( 116) LogicDrives L_LCB_8400Drive ( 117) L_LCB_9400Drive ( 118) L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed ( 120) L_LCB_GenericDrive ( 130) L_LCB_TablePositioning ( 124) Scaling Data converter L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n - signal converter ( 131) L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a - signal converter ( 131) L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s - signal converter ( 132) L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r - signal converter ( 134) L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n - signal converter ( 134) L_LCB_Speed_sToNorm_n - signal converter ( 135) L_LCB_Speed_sToSpeed_v - signal converter ( 136) L_LCB_Speed_vToSpeed_s - signal converter ( 136) Data sinks and sources L_LCB_GetAxisData - read out machine parameters from axis data ( 138) L_LCB_GetPosition - conversion block ( 139) L_LCB_GetSpeed - conversion block ( 140) L_LCB_SetAxisData - machine parameters ( 141) L_LCB_SetPosition - position value conversion ( 142) L_LCB_SetSpeed - speed value conversion ( 143) Signal conversion L_LCB_AccToUnit - acceleration value conversion ( 144) L_LCB_PosToUnit - position value conversion ( 145) L_LCB_SpeedToUnit - speed value conversion ( 146) L_LCB_UnitToAcc - acceleration value conversion ( 147) L_LCB_UnitToPos - position value conversion ( 148) L_LCB_UnitToSpeed - speed value conversion ( 149) TaskInfo L_LCB_TaskCycle - read in task time ( 137) 114 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_Error ________________________________________________________________ 13.2 L_LCB_Error The L_DCO_Error type describes possible error messages that can be generated at the eError output of the function block of the L_DCO_DriveControl Basic library. • All error messages are of the L_LCB_ERROR data type Identifier Error number (dec) L_LCB_NO_ERROR 13.3 0 Description No error L_LCB_AXIS_IS_NO_AXIS_REF 20101 Connected Axis_REF instance is invalid L_LCB_CON_DRIVE_INVALID 20102 Invalid drive identification of L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE type L_LCB_AXISDATA_INVALID 20110 The connected machine parameters are invalid. L_LCB_AXIS_REF This function block instance is a logic drive in the application. • Every Logic axis implemented in the control configuration is an extended instance of L_LCB_AXIS_REF. A manual instancing of this function block is not required. • Via this FB, the application is provided with the process data of the connected logic axis. • L_LCB_AXIS_REF is an extension of the FB L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE. L_LCB_AXIS_REF UDINT ⎯ udiTimeOut uiDeviceID ⎯ UINT USINT ⎯ usiChannel uiNetID ⎯ UINT ARRAY[1.. 5] OF ⎯ aSDOReadData L_DCO_SdoData xCommunicationOK ⎯ BOOL ARRAY[1..5] OF ⎯ aSDOWriteData L_DCO_SdoData eCommunicationState ⎯ L_DCO_CommState ARRAY[1.. 16] OF WORD ⎯ awReceiveData AxisName ⎯ STRING ARRAY[1.. 16] OF WORD ⎯ awTransmitData L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE ⎯ eLogicDevice L_LCB_AxisData ⎯ AxisDataDrive Inputs Identifier Data type udiTimeOut UDINT 10000 usiChannel USINT 1 SDO channel to be used aSdoReadData ARRAY[1.. 5] OF L_DCO_SdoData 0 Exchange for SDO communication (internal use) aSdoWriteData ARRAY[1..5] OF L_DCO_SdoData 0 Exchange for SDO communication (internal use) awReceiveData ARRAY[1.. 16] OF WORD 0 Interface for the process data received by the controller. awTransmitData ARRAY[1.. 16] OF WORD 0 Interface for the process data transmitted to the controller. Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Initialisation Information/possible settings Timeout period for SDO communication 115 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_AXIS_REF_CAN (internal use) ________________________________________________________________ Identifier Data type Initialisation Information/possible settings eLogicDrive L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE 0 Type of the connected controller AxisDataDrive L_LCB_AxisData - Machine parameters of the connected controller for converting machine units to internal units. Outputs Identifier Data type Initialisation Information/possible settings uiDeviceId UINT 0 Station/node address at the used bus system uiNetId UINT 0 Network/master instance number of the used bus system. xCommunication OK BOOL FALSE Status of bus communication FALSE No bus communication active TRUE Bus communication available eCommunication State AxisName 13.4 L_DCO_CommSt ate 0 Busstatus STRING - Axis name L_LCB_AXIS_REF_CAN (internal use) • Bus system-specific extension of the FB L_LCB_AXIS_REF for the CAN bus system. 13.5 L_LCB_AXIS_REF_ETC (internal use) • Bus system-specific extension of the FB L_LCB_AXIS_REF for the EtherCAT bus system. 116 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_8400Drive ________________________________________________________________ 13.6 L_LCB_8400Drive Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB serves to activate a controller of the 8400 device series. Communication with the devices is possible via the CAN or EtherCAT bus systems. L_LCB_8400Drive L_LCB_AXIS_REF ⎯ LogicAxis xError ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xEnableInternalControl WORD ⎯ wOffsetIn eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error xInternalControlActive ⎯ BOOL WORD ⎯ wOffsetOut xCommunicationOK ⎯ BOOL WORD ⎯ wCtrl wState ⎯ WORD INT ⎯ iIn[2...4] iOut[2...4] ⎯ INT Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings LogicAxis Structural data for drive control L_LCB_AXIS_REF xEnableInternalControl xOffsetIn xOffsetOut wCtrl TRUE: The internal control of the controller can be activated via the "Internal BOOL Control" button. WORD Offset of the access to process data for inputs by wOffsetIn * 8 bytes • For instance "0" for CanIn PDO 1 or "1" for CanIn PDO 2 WORD Offset of the access to process data for outputs by wOffsetOut * 8 bytes • For instance "0" for CanOut PDO 1 or "1" for CanOut PDO 2 WORD iIn[2...4] INT Interface of the controller (8400 device series) Interfaces of the inverter (8400 device series) Outputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings xError BOOL "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error xInternalControlActive xCommunicationOK Error number, error code TRUE: The output signals that the xEnableInternalControl input and the Internal BOOL Control button of the visualisation have been activated. • The control via visualisation is activated. BOOL Status of bus communication FALSE No bus communication active TRUE Bus communication available wState iOut[2...4] WORD INT Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Interface of the controller (8400 device series) Interfaces of the inverter (8400 device series) 117 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_9400Drive ________________________________________________________________ 13.7 L_LCB_9400Drive Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB serves to control Lenze Servo Drives 9400 with any application. Note! For a trouble-free function of the FB, the port configuration of the application on the controller must be maintained! No ports must be deleted or shifted. Communication with the devices is possible via the CAN or EtherCAT bus systems. L_LCB_9400Drive L_LCB_AXIS_REF ⎯ LogicAxis xError ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xEnableInternalControl UINT ⎯ uiLPortAxisIn1_wControl eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error xInternalControlActive ⎯ BOOL INT ⎯ iLPortAxisIn1_nIn1 DINT ⎯ diLPortAxisIn1_dnIn2 UINT ⎯ uiLPortControl[1...2] DINT ⎯ diLPort32In[1...3] xCommunicationOK ⎯ BOOL uiLPortAxisOut1_wStatus ⎯ UINT iLPortAxisOut1_nOut1 ⎯ INT diLPortAxisOut1_dnOut2 ⎯ DINT INT ⎯ ilPort16In[1...3] diLPort32Out[1...3] ⎯ DINT iLPort16Out[1...3] ⎯ INT Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings LogicAxis Structural data for drive control L_LCB_AXIS_REF xEnableInternalControl TRUE: The internal control of the controller can be activated via the "Internal BOOL Control" button. uiLPortAxisIn1_wControl LPortAxisIn1.wControl interface of the 9400 controller UINT iLPortAxisIn1_nIn1 diLPortAxisIn1_dnIn2 uiLPortControl1 uiLPortControl2 diLPort32In1 diLPort32In2 diLPort32In3 iLPort16In1 118 INT DINT UINT UINT DINT DINT DINT INT LPortAxisIn1.nIn1 interface of the 9400 controller LPortAxisIn1.dnIn2 interface of the 9400 controller LPortControl1 interface of the 9400 controller LPortControl2 interface of the 9400 controller LPort32In1 interface of the 9400 controller LPort32In2 interface of the 9400 controller LPort32In3 interface of the 9400 controller LPort16In1 interface of the 9400 controller Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_9400Drive ________________________________________________________________ Identifier/data type Information/possible settings iLPort16In2 INT iLPort16In3 INT LPort16In2 interface of the 9400 controller LPort16In3 interface of the 9400 controller Outputs Identifier/data type xError Information/possible settings BOOL "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error xInternalControlActive xCommunicationOk Error number, error code TRUE: The output signals that the xEnableInternalControl input and the Internal BOOL Control button of the visualisation have been activated. • The control via visualisation is activated. BOOL Status of bus communication FALSE No bus communication active TRUE Bus communication available uiLPortAxisOut1_wStatus LPortAxisOut1.wStatus interface of the 9400 controller UINT diLPortAxisOut1_dnOut1 INT LPortAxisOut1.nOut1 interface of the 9400 controller diLPortAxisOut1_dnOut2 LPortAxisOut1.dnOut2 interface of the 9400 controller DINT uiLPortStatus1 uiLPortStatus2 diLPort32Out1 diLPort32Out2 diLPort32Out3 iLPort16Out1 iLPort16Out2 iLPort16Out3 UINT UINT DINT DINT DINT INT INT INT Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 LPortStatus1 interface of the 9400 controller LPortStatus2 interface of the 9400 controller LPort32Out1 interface of the 9400 controller LPort32Out2 interface of the 9400 controller LPort32Out3 interface of the 9400 controller LPort16Out1 interface of the 9400 controller LPort16Out2 interface of the 9400 controller LPort16Out3 interface of the 9400 controller 119 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed ________________________________________________________________ 13.8 L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB serves to control Lenze Servo Drives 9400 Highline, Inverter Drives 8400 Stateline/8400 Baseline in the speed control mode. Note! The FB only works in combination with the following example project: Sample project with the "Actuator speed" application - Actuator Speed ( 25) • To create your own function block interconnections, you must use the following blocks: • L_LCB_8400Drive ( 117) • L_LCB_9400Drive ( 118) • L_LCB_GenericDrive ( 130) Communication with the devices is possible via the CAN or EtherCAT bus systems. For a correct function of the FB, the appropriate device application must be active on the controller. Appropriate applications are marked with the "_Speed" code. Further information on the device applications can be found in the following section: Working with the sample projects ( 23) L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed L_LCB_AXIS_REF ⎯ LogicAxis xError ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xEnableInternalControl BOOL ⎯ xDriveEnable eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error xInternalControlActive ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xDriveSetQsp BOOL ⎯ xResetError BOOL ⎯ xEnableSpeedSetPoint xDriveError ⎯ WORD xDriveWarning ⎯ AXIS_REF xDriveReady ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xJog1Set xDriveEnabled ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xJog2Set xDriveQspActive ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xInverterDirectionSet REAL ⎯ rSpeedSetpoint xSpeedEqZero ⎯ BOOL xDirectionCCW ⎯ BOOL xHW_Input[1...4] ⎯ BOOL rSpeedActual ⎯ REAL Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings LogicAxis Structural data for drive control L_LCB_AXIS_REF xEnableInternalControl xDriveEnable 120 TRUE: The internal control of the controller can be activated via the "Internal BOOL Control" button. BOOL TRUE: Deactivate controller inhibit (inverted) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed ________________________________________________________________ Identifier/data type xDriveSetQSP Information/possible settings BOOL xResetError BOOL xEnableSpeedSetpoint xJog1Set xJog2Set xInvertDirectionSet rSpeedSetpoint BOOL TRUE: Activate quick stop TRUE: Reset error message (acknowledged) TRUE: Speed control activated • The inputs xJogSet1, xJogSet2 and rSpeedSetPoint are evaluated. BOOL TRUE: Jog 1 activated • Speed setpoint 1 requested • Active if xEnableSpeedSetpoint = TRUE BOOL TRUE: Jog 2 activated • Speed setpoint 2 requested • Active if xEnableSpeedSetpoint = TRUE TRUE: Inversion of the direction of rotation of the motor (clockwise rotation/ BOOL counter-clockwise rotation) REAL Setpoint selection for the speed in [%] • Active if... • xEnableSpeedSetpoint = TRUE and xJog1Set = FALSE and xJog2Set = FALSE Outputs Identifier/data type xError Information/possible settings BOOL "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error xCommunicationOk BOOL Error number, error code Status of bus communication FALSE No bus communication active TRUE Bus communication available xInternalControlActive xDriveError xDriveWarning xDriveReady xDriveEnabled xDriveQSPActive xSpeedEqZero xDirectionCCW xHW_Input1 xHW_Input2 TRUE: The output signals that the xEnableInternalControl input and the Internal BOOL Control button of the visualisation have been activated. • The control via visualisation is activated. BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL Status signal "Error in controller" TRUE: Controller is in "Warning" device state Status signal "Controller is ready for operation" TRUE: Controller has been enabled TRUE: Quick stop active TRUE: Speed is zero Display of the direction of rotation of the motor BOOL TRUE:CCW rotation is active BOOL BOOL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Digital input 1 is active Digital input 2 is active 121 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed ________________________________________________________________ Identifier/data type xHW_Input3 xHW_Input4 rSpeedActual 13.8.1 Information/possible settings BOOL BOOL REAL Digital input 3 is active Digital input 4 is active Current speed of the motor shaft in [%] -199.99 ... 199.99 % Assignment - input ports Identifier/data type xDriveEnable xDriveSetQSP xResetError xEnableSpeedSetpoint xJog1Set xJog2Set xInvertDirectionSet 122 BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL 9400 HighLine 8400 HighLine WORD NOTbit 00 Bit 0 and 03 Bit 01 Bit 02 Bit 10 Bit 07 Bit 02 - Bit 3 Bit 12 and xEnableSpeedSetpoi nt Bit 4 Bit 13 and xEnableSpeedSetpoin Bit 5 Bit 15 xCtrl06 xCtrl01 xCtrl07 xCtrl04 xCtrl08 xCtrl05 xCtrl09 xCtrl06 - xCtrl08 xCtrl11/xSetErrorSet xCtrl09 xCtrl12 xCtrl10 xCtrl13/ xEnableManual xCtrl11 xCtrl14/ xManualPositive xCtrl14/ xSetError xCtrl15/ xManualNegative free free rSpeedSetpoint WORD 1 rSpeedSetpoint free WORD 2 free WORD 3 WORD 0 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed ________________________________________________________________ 13.8.2 Assignment - output ports Identifier/data type xDriveError xDriveWarning xDriveReady xDriveEnabled xDriveQSPActive xSpeedEqZero xDirectionCCW xHW_Input1 xHW_Input2 xHW_Input3 xHW_Input4 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL 9400 HighLine 8400 HighLine WORD Bit 00 Bit 00 Bit 12 Bit 12 Bit 02 Bit 02 NOT bit 07 Bit 07 Bit 03 Bit 03 Bit 06 Bit 06 - - Bit 04 Bit 04 /Digital_In1 Bit 05 Bit 05 /Digital_In2 Bit 14 Bit 14 /Digital_In3 Bit 15 Bit 15 /Digital_In4 xStat8/SF_active xStat8/ StatusCodeBit1 xStat9 xStat9/ StatusCodeBit1 xStat10 xStat10/ StatusCodeBit1 xStat11 xStat11/ StatusCodeBit1 xStat13 xStat13/Message free rSpeedActual WORD 1 rSpeedActual free WORD 2 WORD 0 123 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 13.9 L_LCB_TablePositioning Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB serves to activate the inverters 9400 Highline and 8400 HighLine in the table positioning mode. Note! The FB only works in combination with the following example project: Sample project with "Table positioning" application - TablePositioning ( 38) • To create your own function block interconnections, you must use the following blocks: • L_LCB_8400Drive ( 117) • L_LCB_9400Drive ( 118) • L_LCB_GenericDrive ( 130) Communication with the devices is possible via the CAN or EtherCAT bus systems. For a correct function of the FB, the appropriate device application must be active on the controller. Appropriate applications are marked with the "_TabPos" code. Further information on the device applications can be found in the following section: Working with the sample projects ( 23) Activating "position override" In order to execute the positioning successfully, the controller has to be enabled with the xDriveEnable input and homing has to be executed (e.g. with xHomingSet). How to activate a "position override": 1. Set xEnablePositionOverride input to "TRUE". 2. Set the desired setpoint position at the rPositionSet input. 3. Set the number for the possible profile set at the wProfileNumberSet input. 4. Start positioning process by setting the positive edge of xProfileStart. • The position is written to the code/parameter of the selected profile set. • Positioning is then carried out with the speed and acceleration of the selected profile set. L_LCB_TablePositioning L_LCB_AXIS_REF ⎯ LogicAxis xError ⎯ BOOL L_LCB_AxisData ⎯ scAxisData eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error BOOL ⎯ xEnableInternalControl xCommunicationOK ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xDriveSetQsp xDriveWarning ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xResetError BOOL ⎯ xManualPos 124 xInternalControlActive ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xDriveEnable xDriveError ⎯ BOOL xDriveWarning ⎯ BOOL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ L_LCB_TablePositioning BOOL ⎯ xManualNeg xDriveReady ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xHomingSet xDriveEnabled ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xHomingStart xDriveQSPActive ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xHomingReset xSpeedEqZero ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xProfileStart xHomingActive ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xProfileRestart xHomingDone ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xProfileReset xHomePosAvailable ⎯ BOOL WORD ⎯ wProfileNumberSet xManualActive ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xEnableSpeedOverrideSet xProfileActive ⎯ BOOL REAL ⎯ rSpeedOverrideSet xProfileDone ⎯ BOOL BOOL ⎯ xEnablePositionOverride REAL ⎯ rPositionSet xProfileInTarget ⎯ BOOL xHW_LimitSwitchPos ⎯ BOOL xHW_LimitSwitchNeg ⎯ BOOL rSpeedActual ⎯ REAL rPosActual ⎯ REAL Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings LogicAxis Structural data for drive control L_LCB_AXIS_REF Machine parameters of the controller to be activated. scAxisData L_LCB_SetAxisData - • Connect this input to the output of the same name of an FB instance of the machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData type. xEnableInternalControl xDriveEnable xDriveSetQSP xResetError xManualPos xManualNeg xHomingSet xHomingStart xHomingReset TRUE: The internal control of the controller can be activated via the "Internal BOOL Control" button. BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 TRUE: Deactivate controller inhibit (inverted) TRUE: Activate quick stop TRUE: Reset error message (acknowledged) Manual jog in positive direction (CW rotation) Manual jog in negative direction (CCW rotation) Set home position Start homing Reset home position 125 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ Identifier/data type Information/possible settings xProfileStart Start/stop positioning BOOL TRUE Start/restart positioning process • The profile has to be selected at the wProfileNumberSet input. • Note: During an active positioning process, another profile can already be defined via wProfileNumberSet which will be executed after the restart (renewed state change "0" to "1"). • A positioning process previously aborted will be continued. FALSE xProfileRestart BOOL xProfileReset BOOL wProfileNumberSet WORD xEnableSpeedOverride rSpeedOverrideSet BOOL REAL • Abort the active positioning process. FALSETRUE Update of the profile data of a currently active profile considering the distance already covered. FALSETRUE A profile previously aborted cannot be continued anymore • When xProfileStart = TRUE: Restart of a profile. Profile number of the profile to be executed of the profile data management • 9400 (1 .... 75) • 8400 (3 ... 15), TRUE: Switch on speed override Value for speed override in [%] • 0 ... 199.99 % xEnablePositionOverride NOTE: The second receive PDO (RPDO) has to be activated in the »PLC Designer« for BOOL the CAN bus system for a position override to work (tab PDO Mapping). This setting is not required for the EtherCAT bus system. TRUE rPositionSet REAL Switch on position override Position selection in [Units] Outputs Identifier/data type xError Information/possible settings BOOL "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error xCommunicationOk BOOL Error number, error code Status of bus communication FALSE No bus communication active TRUE Bus communication available xInternalControlActive xDriveError xDriveWarning xDriveReady xDriveEnabled xDriveQSPActive xSpeedEqZero 126 TRUE: The output signals that the xEnableInternalControl input and the Internal BOOL Control button of the visualisation have been activated. Hence, all selections are made via visualisation. BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL Status signal "Error active in the controller - acknowledgement required" TRUE: Controller is in "Warning" device state Status signal "Controller is ready for operation" TRUE: Controller has been enabled Status signal "Quick stop through application active" Status signal "Standstill reached" (observe speed value in code 19!) Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ Identifier/data type xHomingActive xHomingDone xHomePosAvailable xManualActive xProfileActive xProfileDone xProfileInTarget xHW_LimitSwitchPos xHW_LimitSwitchNeg rSpeedActual rPositionActual Information/possible settings BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL REAL REAL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Status signal "Homing activated Status signal "Homing completed" Status signal "Home position is known" Status signal "Manual jog active" Status signal " Positioning active" Status signal " Positioning completed" Status signal "Target position reached" Positive hardware limit switch Negative hardware limit switch Current speed in [%] Current position in [Units] 127 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 13.9.1 Assignment - input ports Identifier/data type xDriveEnable xDriveSetQSP xResetError xManualPos xManualNeg xHomingSet xHomingStart xHomingReset xProfileStart xProfileRestart xProfileReset xEnableSpeedOverride xEnablePositionOverride BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL REAL 9400 HighLine 8400 HighLine NOTbit 00 Bit 03 Bit 01 Bit 15 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 14 Bit 12 Bit 15 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 10 Bit 03 Bit 08 Bit 04 Bit 14 Bit 05 Bit 00 Bot 06 Bit 01 - Bit 08 Bit 07 Bit 00 - Bit 01 - Bit 08 Bit 08 Bit 00 - Bit 01 - Bit 08 Bit 09 Bit 09 Bit 02 Bit 02 WORD WORD 0 wProfileNumberSet. 0 Bit 04 wProfileNumberSet. 0 Bit 05 wProfileNumberSet. 0 Bit 06 wProfileNumberSet. 0 Bit 07 128 rSpeedOverrideSet rSpeedOverrideSet WORD 1 wProfileNumberSet rPositionSet WORD 2 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_TablePositioning ________________________________________________________________ 13.9.2 Assignment - output ports Identifier/data type xDriveError xDriveWarning xDriveReady xDriveEnabled xDriveQSPActive xSpeedEqZero xHomingActive xHomingDone xHomePosAvailable xManualActive xProfileActive xProfileDone xProfileInTarget xHW_LimitSwitchPos xHW_LimitSwitchNeg rSpeedActual rPositionActual Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL REAL REAL 9400 HighLine 8400 HighLine Bit 00 Bit 00 Bit 09 Bit 15 Bit 02 Bit 04 NOT bit 01 NOT bit 03 Bit 03 Bit 14 Bit 04 Bit 11 Bit 05 Bit 09 Bit 06 Bit 06 Bit 07 Bit 10 Bit 08 Bit 09 Bit 10 Bit 09 Bit 11 Bit 07 Bit 12 Bit 08 Bit 14 Bit 12 Bit 15 Bit 13 WORD WORD 0 WORD 1 WORD 2 129 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_GenericDrive ________________________________________________________________ 13.10 L_LCB_GenericDrive Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB serves to control any Lenze controller you like. • Communication with the device is possible via CAN. L_LCB_GenericDrive L_LCB_AXIS_REF ⎯ LogicAxis xError ⎯ BOOL ARRAY[1..4] OF WORD ⎯ awTxData BOOL ⎯ xEnableInternalControl eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error xInternalControlActive ⎯ BOOL xCommunicationOK ⎯ BOOL awRxData ⎯ ARRAY[1..4] OF WORD Input Identifier/data type Information/possible settings LogicAxis Structural data for drive control L_LCB_AXIS_REF awTxData Process data to be transmitted to the controller ARRAY[1..4] OF WORD xEnableInternalControl TRUE: The internal control of the controller can be activated via the "Internal BOOL Control" button. Outputs Identifier/data type xError eError Information/possible settings BOOL L_LCB_Error xInternalControlActive xCommunicationOk TRUE: Error of POU active Error number, error code TRUE: The output signals that the xEnableInternalControl input and the Internal BOOL Control button of the visualisation have been activated. Hence, all selections are made via visualisation. BOOL Status of bus communication FALSE No bus communication active TRUE Bus communication available awRxData Process data to be received by the controller ARRAY[1..4] OF WORD 130 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n - signal converter ________________________________________________________________ 13.11 L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function converts a 16 bit input signal into a 32 bit output signal. L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n INT ⎯ iIn_a L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n ⎯ Input Identifier/data type Information/possible settings iIn_a 100 % ≡ 230 = 1073741824 INT Note! • If the input information has a value of "-32768", the FB internally limits the value to "32767" and copies it into the HighWord of the dnOut_n output. • Therefore, this FB cannot be used to combine values of the "LowWord" and "HighWord" data type in order to form a value of "DOUBLE WORD" type. Output signal L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n 100 % ≡ 230 = 1073741824 13.12 L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function converts a 32 bit input signal into a 16 bit output signal. L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a DINT ⎯ diIn_n L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a ⎯ Input Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diIn_n Input signal 100 % ≡ 230 = 1073741824 DINT Output signal L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a 100 % ≡ 214 = 16384 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 131 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s - signal converter ________________________________________________________________ 13.13 L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts the 32 bit input signal into a 32 bit speed signal. L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s DINT ⎯ diIn_n diOut_s ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Input Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diIn_n Input signal 100 % ≡ 230 = 1073741824 DINT scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diOut_s Output signal in [rpm] 15000 rpm ≡ 226 = 67108864 xError DINT BOOL "Error" status signal at the function block FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError 132 L_LCB_Error Error number, error code Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s - signal converter ________________________________________________________________ 13.13.1 LCB_Axis_logic Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 Identifier/data type dwAxisID rFeedConstant REAL rInvFeedConstant REAL rCycleLength REAL DWORD dwGearDenominator rMaxSpeed sAxisName eMode MPC 3x00 Axis assignment Feed constant Inverse feed constant Cycle length (only Modulo operation) Gearbox factor (numerator) Gearbox factor (denominator) REAL diReferenceSpeed_s MPC 2xx0 Information/possible settings DWORD dwGearNumerator MPC 1x00 DINT STRING SSC_Mode Maximum speed Reference speed Axis name Operating mode 0 Modulo 1 Limited 2 Unlimited dwResolution rEncoderGear rInvEncoderGear diCycleLength_p rUnitsToPos rPosToUnits rUnitsToSpeed rSpeedToUnits rTimeUnit xValid DWORD REAL REAL DINT REAL REAL REAL REAL REAL BOOL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Encoder resolution Resolution of one encoder revolution Inverted resolution of one encoder revolution Cycle Internal calculation value Internal calculation value Internal calculation value Internal calculation value Internal calculation value FALSE: Invalid axis data structure 133 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r - signal converter ________________________________________________________________ 13.14 L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function converts a 32 bit input signal into a 32 bit percentage signal. L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r DINT ⎯ diIn_n L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r ⎯ Input Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diIn_n Input signal in [%] 100 % ≡ 230 = 1073741824 DINT Output signal L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r REAL 0- 100.0 % 13.15 L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function converts the input signal transferred to a 32 bit signal of the REAL data type. L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n REAL ⎯ rIn_r L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n ⎯ Input Identifier/data type rIn_r Information/possible settings REAL Input signal 0-100.0 % Output signal L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n 134 0 -230 = 1073741824 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_Speed_sToNorm_n - signal converter ________________________________________________________________ 13.16 L_LCB_Speed_sToNorm_n - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a 32 bit speed signal to a scaled 32 bit signal on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted. L_LCB_Speed_sToNorm_n DINT ⎯ diIn_s diOut_n ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diIn_s Input signal in [rpm] DINT 15000 rpm ≡ 226 = 67108864 scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diOut_n Output signal in [%] 100 % ≡ 230 = 1073741824 xError DINT BOOL "Error" status signal at the function block FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Error number, error code 135 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_Speed_sToSpeed_v - signal converter ________________________________________________________________ 13.17 L_LCB_Speed_sToSpeed_v - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a 3 bit speed signal into a 16 bit speed signal. L_LCB_Speed_sToSpeed_v DINT ⎯ diIn_s iOut_v ⎯ INT Input Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diIn_s Input signal in [rpm] DINT 15000 rpm ≡ 226 = 67108864 Output Identifier/data type iOut_v 13.18 Value/meaning INT Output signal in [rpm] L_LCB_Speed_vToSpeed_s - signal converter Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a 16 bit speed signal into a 32 bit speed signal. L_LCB_Speed_vToSpeed_s BOOL ⎯ iIn_v diOut_s ⎯ DINT Input Identifier/data type iIn_v Information/possible settings INT Input signal in [rpm] 15000 rpm ≡ 214 = 16384 Output 136 Identifier/data type Value/meaning diOut_s Output signal in [rpm] 15000 rpm≡ 226 = 67108864 DINT Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_TaskCycle - read in task time ________________________________________________________________ 13.19 L_LCB_TaskCycle - read in task time Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This function determines the cycle time of the task. L_LCB_TaskCycle L_LCB_TaskCycle ⎯ DWORD Output signal Identifier/data type L_LCB_TaskCycle Value/meaning DWORD Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Task time in [ms] 137 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_GetAxisData - read out machine parameters from axis data ________________________________________________________________ 13.20 L_LCB_GetAxisData - read out machine parameters from axis data Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB reads out selected machine parameters from the axis data transmitted and provides them to the following FBs, requiring these data for internal calculations. L_LCB_GetAxisData L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters diCycleLength_p ⎯ DINT rFeedConstant ⎯ REAL diReferenceSpeed_s ⎯ DWORD dwGearNumerator ⎯ DWORD ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ Input Identifier/data type Information/possible settings scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diCycleLength_p rFeedConstant diReferenceSpeed_s dwGearNumerator Information/possible settings DINT REAL DWORD DWORD Cycle in [increments] Cycle Reference speed as speed signal Gearbox factor (numerator) dwGearDenominator Gearbox factor (denominator) DWORD dwBitsPerRevolution dwIncrPerRevolution eFeedType 138 DWORD DWORD DWORD Resolution of an encoder revolution 10- 24 bit Resolution of one revolution in [increments] Traversing range • 0 unlimited • 1 limited • 2 modulo Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_GetPosition - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 13.21 L_LCB_GetPosition - conversion block Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts the input signal transmitted to a position signal. L_LCB_GetPosition DINT ⎯ diPosIn_p rPositionOutUnits ⎯ REAL L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type diPosIn_p Information/possible settings Position in [increments] DINT Scaling: 1 encoder revolution ≡ 216 increments (or according to scAxisData) scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type rPositionOutUnits xError Information/possible settings Position value REAL Display of the input signal dnPosIn_p in the real unit of the machine. BOOL "Error" status signal at the function block FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Error number, error code 139 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_GetSpeed - conversion block ________________________________________________________________ 13.22 L_LCB_GetSpeed - conversion block Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts the input speed transmitted to a speed value. L_LCB_GetSpeed DINT ⎯ diSpeedIn_s rSpeedOutUnits ⎯ REAL L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diSpeedIn_s Speed in [rpm] DINT Scaling: 15000 rpm ≡ 226 = 67108864 scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type rSpeedOutUnits xError Information/possible settings REAL BOOL Speed value "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError 140 L_LCB_Error Error number, error code Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_SetAxisData - machine parameters ________________________________________________________________ 13.23 L_LCB_SetAxisData - machine parameters Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 With this FB the machine parameters of a higher-level drive can be mapped. The FB conditions the machine parameters, which you specify in the physical units of the machine via parameters, for the internal representation. • The FB outputs a pointer to the data structure with the prepared machine parameters at the output scAxisData. • In order to pass the machine parameters to an FB which requires these data for internal calculations, the output scAxisData is to be connected to the input with the same name of the corresponding FB. L_LCB_SetAxisData REAL ⎯ rFeedConstant diCycleLength_p ⎯ DINT REAL ⎯ rCycleLength scAxisData ⎯ L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters DWORD ⎯ dwGearNumerator DWORD ⎯ dwGearDenominator REAL ⎯ rReferenceSpeed STRING ⎯ sAxisName L_LCB_AXISMODE ⎯ eMode DINT ⎯ dwResolution Inputs Identifier/data type rFeedConstant Information/possible settings REAL rCycleLength REAL dwGearNumerator DWORD Feed constant, initial value: 360.0 units. Cycle length, initial value: 360.0 units. Gearbox factor numerator, initial value: 1. dwGearDenominator Gearbox factor denominator, initial value: 1. DWORD rReferenceSpeed sAxisName eMode REAL STRING(16) L_LCB_AXISMODE dwResolution DINT Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Reference speed Axis name Traversing range • 0 Unlimited (Lenze setting) • 1 limited • 2 modulo Resolution of one revolution 141 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_SetPosition - position value conversion ________________________________________________________________ Outputs Identifier/data type diCycleLength_p Information/possible settings Cycle in [increments] DINT • The cycle in the real unit of the machine can be viewed in the corresponding code. scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData - • Pointer to the data structure which contains the machine parameters in the internal measuring system. machine parameters • Via this "interface" you can provide the machine parameters to other FBs, which require these data for internal calculations. 13.24 L_LCB_SetPosition - position value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a position to a position in [increments] on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted and provides them at the output dnPosOut_p for further processing within the function block interconnection. L_LCB_SetPosition REAL ⎯ rPositionInUnits diPosOut_p ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type rPositionInUnits Information/possible settings REAL Position value in units scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings diPosOut_p Position in [increments] xLimit xError DINT BOOL BOOL "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range ±214748.3647 "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError 142 L_LCB_Error Error number, error code Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_SetSpeed - speed value conversion ________________________________________________________________ 13.25 L_LCB_SetSpeed - speed value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a velocity to a speed on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted and provides them at the output dnSpeedOut_s for further processing within the function block interconnection. L_LCB_SetSpeed REAL ⎯ rSpeedInUnits diSpeedOut_s ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type rSpeedInUnits Information/possible settings REAL Speed value in units scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diSpeedOut_s xLimit xError Information/possible settings Output of the velocity as speed 26 DINT in [rpm] 15000 rpm ≡ 2 = 67108864 BOOL BOOL "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range ±214748.3647. "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Error number, error code 143 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_AccToUnit - acceleration value conversion ________________________________________________________________ 13.26 L_LCB_AccToUnit - acceleration value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts an acceleration value specified in the internal unit [rpm/s] to an acceleration value in the real unit of the machine on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted. L_LCB_AccToUnit DINT ⎯ diAccIn_x diAccOut_e4 ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type diAccIn_x Information/possible settings Acceleration as speed variation/time 22 DINT in [rpm/s] 15000 rpm/s ≡ 2 = 4194304 Machine parameters scAxisData L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diAccOut_e4 xLimit xError Information/possible settings DINT BOOL BOOL Acceleration in unit/s2] • Display in "e4" view (fixed point with four decimal positions) "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range ±214748.3647 "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError 144 L_LCB_Error Error number, error code Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_PosToUnit - position value conversion ________________________________________________________________ 13.27 L_LCB_PosToUnit - position value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a position value specified in the internal unit [increments] to a position value in the real unit of the machine on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted. L_LCB_AccToUnit DINT ⎯ diPosIn_p diAccOut_e4 ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type diPosIn_p Information/possible settings DINT Position in [increments] scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diPosOut_e4 xLimit xError Information/possible settings Position in [unit] DINT Display in "e4" view (fixed point with four decimal positions) BOOL BOOL "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range ±214748.3647 "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Error number, error code 145 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_SpeedToUnit - speed value conversion ________________________________________________________________ 13.28 L_LCB_SpeedToUnit - speed value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a speed value specified in the internal unit [rpm] into a speed value in the real unit of the machine on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted. L_LCB_SpeedToUnit DINT ⎯ diSpeedIn_s diSpeedOut_e4 ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type diSpeedIn_s Information/possible settings DINT Velocity as speed in [rpm] 15000 rpm ≡ 226 = 67108864 scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diSpeedOut_e4 xLimit xError Value/meaning DINT BOOL BOOL Speed in [unit/s] • Display in "e4" view (fixed point with four decimal positions) "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range ±214748.3647. "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError 146 L_LCB_Error Error number, error code Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_UnitToAcc - acceleration value conversion ________________________________________________________________ 13.29 L_LCB_UnitToAcc - acceleration value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts an acceleration value specified in the real unit of the machine to an internal acceleration value on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted. L_LCB_UnitToAcc DINT ⎯ diAccIn_e4 diAccOut_x ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type diAccIn_e4 Information/possible settings Acceleration in unit/s2] DINT Selection in "e4" view (fixed point with four decimal positions) scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diAccOut_x xLimit xError Information/possible settings Acceleration as speed variation/time in [rpm/s] DINT 15000000 rpm/s ≡ 222 = 4194304 BOOL BOOL "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range ±214748.3647. "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError L_LCB_Error Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Error number, error code 147 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_UnitToPos - position value conversion ________________________________________________________________ 13.30 L_LCB_UnitToPos - position value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts a position value specified in the real unit of the machine into an internal position value on the basis of the machine parameters transmitted. L_LCB_UnitToPos DINT ⎯ diPosIn_e4 diPosOut_p ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type diPosIn_e4 Information/possible settings Position in [unit] DINT Selection in "e4" view (fixed point with four decimal positions) scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diPosOut_p xLimit xError Information/possible settings DINT BOOL BOOL Position in [increments] "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range ±214748.3647. "Error" status signal FALSE Conversion carried out without errors TRUE Error during the conversion eError 148 L_LCB_Error Error number, error code Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_UnitToSpeed - speed value conversion ________________________________________________________________ 13.31 L_LCB_UnitToSpeed - speed value conversion Function library: L_LCB_LogicControlBasic Runtime software licence: LPC 1x00 MPC 1x00 MPC 2xx0 MPC 3x00 This FB converts the transferred speed parameters of the real machine into an internal speed value. L_LCB_UnitToSpeed DINT ⎯ diSpeedIn_e4 diSpeedOut_s ⎯ DINT L_LCB_SetAxisData - ⎯ scAxisData machine parameters xLimit ⎯ BOOL xError ⎯ BOOL eError ⎯ L_LCB_Error Inputs Identifier/data type diSpeedIn_e4 Information/possible settings Speed in [unit/s] DINT Selection in "e4" view (fixed point with four decimal positions) scAxisData Machine parameters L_LCB_SetAxisData machine parameters Outputs Identifier/data type diSpeedOut_s Information/possible settings DINT xLimit BOOL xError BOOL Velocity as speed in [rpm] 15000 rpm ≡ 226 = 67108864 "Output signal is limited" status • TRUE: The output signal is limited to the representable value range. "Error" status signal FALSE No error TRUE The conversion could not be carried out without errors. eError 13.32 L_LCB_Error Error number, error code L_LCB_AXISMODE The L_LCB_AXISMODE type describes the traversing range of the inverter in the machine parameters. All inputs are from the L_LCB_AXISMODE data type Identifier Initial value Description L_LCB_AM_UNLIMITED 0 Traversing range unlimited L_LCB_AM_LIMITED 1 Traversing range limited L_LCB_AM_MODULO 2 Traversing range modulo Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 149 The L_LCB_LogicControlBasic library L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE ________________________________________________________________ 13.33 L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE The L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE type describes the code of connected logic devices. Identifier L_LCB_DeviceDefault 150 Initial value 0 Description Unknown device L_LCB_Device84_BL 110 Identification number for a 8400 BaseLine L_LCB_Device84_SL 111 Identification number for a 8400 StateLine L_LCB_Device84_HL 112 Identification number for a 8400 L_LCB_Device94_HL 120 Identification number for a 9400 HighLine Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Automatically generated functions GetBooleanProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ________________________________________________________________ 14 Automatically generated functions This section contains detailed information on functions that are generated automatically by the »PLC Designer«. The output values can be found under: ProjectProject information 14.1 GetBooleanProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) The function provides boolean project information of the library. (Currently no boolean project information is used). Note! This function must always be used with the corresponding name area of the related library. (for instance L_DAC.GetNumberProperty(stKey)) GetBooleanProperty WSTRING ⎯ stKey GetBooleanProperty ⎯ BOOL Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings stKey Key of the project information WSTRING Outputs Identifier/data type GetBooleanProperty Information/possible settings BOOL Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Value of the project information 151 Automatically generated functions GetCompany (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ________________________________________________________________ 14.2 GetCompany (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) The function provides the name of the company that has created the library. Note! This function must always be used with the corresponding name area of the related library. (for instance L_DAC.GetCompany()) GetCompany GetCompany ⎯ WSTRING Outputs 14.3 Identifier/data type Information/possible settings GetCompany Name of the company that created the library. WSTRING GetNumberProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) The function provides numerical project information of the library. (Currently, no numerical project information is used). Note! This function must always be used with the corresponding name area of the related library. (for instance L_DAC.GetNumberProperty(stKey)) GetNumberProperty WSTRING ⎯ stKey GetNumberProperty ⎯ DINT Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings stKey Key of the project information WSTRING Outputs 152 Identifier/data type Information/possible settings GetNumberProperty Value of the project information DINT Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Automatically generated functions GetTextProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ________________________________________________________________ 14.4 GetTextProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) The function provides textual project information of the library. Note! This function must always be used with the corresponding name area of the related library. (for instance L_DAC.GetNumberProperty(stKey)) GetTextProperty WSTRING ⎯ stKey GetTextProperty ⎯ WSTRING Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings stKey Key of the project information • "Company" - name of the library provider • "Title" - name of the library • "DefaultNamespace" - name area of the library • "Project" - name of the library • "Description" - description of the library • "Author" - author of the library WSTRING Outputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings GetTextProperty Value of the project information WSTRING Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 153 Automatically generated functions GetTitle (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ________________________________________________________________ 14.5 GetTitle (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) The function provides the title of the library. Note! This function must always be used with the corresponding name area of the related library. (for instance L_DAC.GetTitle()) GetTitle GetTitle ⎯ WSTRING Outputs 14.6 Identifier/data type Information/possible settings GetTitle Name of the library WSTRING GetVersion (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) The function provides the version of the library. Note! This function must always be used with the corresponding name area of the related library. (for instance L_DAC.GetVersion()) GetVersion GetVersion ⎯ VERSION Outputs Identifier/data type GetVersion 154 Information/possible settings VERSION Version of the library Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Automatically generated functions GetVersionProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) ________________________________________________________________ 14.7 GetVersionProperty (automatically generated by »PLC Designer«) The function provides the version of the library. Note! This function must always be used with the corresponding name area of the related library. (for instance L_DAC.GetNumberProperty(stKey)) GetVersionProperty WSTRING ⎯ stKey GetVersionProperty ⎯ VERSION Inputs Identifier/data type Information/possible settings stKey Key of the project information • Extended versioning information of the library WSTRING Outputs Identifier/data type GetVersionProperty Information/possible settings VERSION Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Version of the library 155 Index ________________________________________________________________ 15 Index Symbole K _ 97 Kommunikation zum Controller einrichten 19 0-9 L 8400 BaseLine C 62 8400 HighLine C 66 8400 StateLine C 64 8400 TopLine C 68 9400 HighLine C - Actuator Speed 70 9400 HighLine C - Actuator Torque 73 9400 HighLine C - Electronic Gearbox 74 9400 HighLine C - No Application 78 9400 HighLine C - Positioning Sequence Control 76 9400 HighLine C - Synchronism with mark synchronisation 75 9400 HighLine C - Table Positioning 72 9400 Regenerative Power Supply Module 77 L_DAC_2BytesToWord 96 L_DAC_2WordsToDWord 96 L_DAC_BitsToByte 93 L_DAC_BitsToDWord 93 L_DAC_BitsToWord 94 L_DAC_DataConversion.lib 84 L_DAC_DWordTo2Words 97 L_DAC_DWordTo4Bytes 98 L_DAC_DWordToBits 95 L_DAC_GetBitOfByte 86 L_DAC_GetBitOfDWord 87 L_DAC_GetBitOfWord 88 L_DAC_ResetBitOfByte 89 L_DAC_ResetBitOfDWord 90 L_DAC_ResetBitOfWord 91 L_DAC_SetBitOfDWord 92 L_DAC_SetBitOfWord 92 L_DAC_WordTo2Bytes 99 L_DAC_WordToBits 95 L_DCO_AXIS_REF_BASE 104 L_DCO_CommState 101 L_DCO_ConvertData 112 L_DCO_DriveCommunication 100 L_DCO_Error 101 L_DCO_ReadDriveParameter 105 L_DCO_ReadDriveParameterString 106 L_DCO_SDOData 111 L_DCO_TransferData 109, 112 L_DCO_TransferDriveParameter 107 L_DCO_WriteDriveParameter 110 L_LCB_8400Drive 117 L_LCB_9400Drive 118 L_LCB_AccToUnit 144 L_LCB_ActuatorSpeed 120 Belegung der Ausgangsports 123 Belegung der Eingangsports 122 L_LCB_AXIS_REF 115 L_LCB_AXIS_REF_CAN 116 L_LCB_AXIS_REF_ETC 116 L_LCB_AXISMODE 149 L_LCB_Error 115 L_LCB_GenericDrive 130 L_LCB_GetAxisData 138 L_LCB_GetPosition 139 L_LCB_GetSpeed 140 L_LCB_LogicControlBasic 113 L_LCB_LOGICDEVICE 150 A ActuatorSpeed_Engineer-Projekt 27 Anwendungshinweise (Darstellung) 12 Applikationsbeispiel Stellantrieb-Drehzahl 25 Applikationsbeispiel Tabellenpositionierung 38 C CANbus 55 CANopen I/O Abbild 60 CANopen Manager 56 CANopen Remote Device 59 CAN-Parameter einstellen (Logic-Geräte) 59 D Dokumenthistorie 10 E Einloggen in die Steuerung 20 E-Mail an Lenze 158 F Feedback an Lenze 158 G GetBooleanProperty 151 GetCompany 152 GetNumberProperty 152 GetTextProperty 153 GetTitle 154 GetVersion 154 GetVersionProperty 155 Gültigkeit der Dokumentation 10 156 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 Index ________________________________________________________________ L_LCB_Norm_aToNorm_n 131 L_LCB_Norm_nToNorm_a 131 L_LCB_Norm_nToSpeed_s 132 L_LCB_PosToUnit 145 L_LCB_SetAxisData 141 L_LCB_SetPosition 142 L_LCB_SetSpeed 143 L_LCB_Speed_nToNorm_r 134 L_LCB_Speed_rToNorm_n 134 L_LCB_Speed_sToNorm_n 135 L_LCB_Speed_sToSpeed_v 136 L_LCB_Speed_vToSpeed_s 136 L_LCB_SpeedToUnit 146 L_LCB_TablePositioning 124 Belegung der Ausgangsports 129 Belegung der Eingangsports 128 L_LCB_TaskCycle 137 L_LCB_UnitToAcc 147 L_LCB_UnitToPos 148 L_LCB_UnitToSpeed 149 LCB_Axis_logic 133 Lenze Generic Drive 80 P PDO Mapping 60 PDO-Mapping einstellen (Logic-Geräte) 59 PLC-Programm laden und starten 20 Prinzipieller Systemaufbau 18 Projektdaten übersetzen 20 S Screenshots 9 Sicherheit 13 Sicherheitshinweise (Darstellung) 12 Steuerungskonfiguration erstellen - EtherCAT 51 Steuerungskonfiguration erstellen (Logic-Geräte) 53 Strukturen (Structs) 111 Sync-Erzeugung einstellen 56 U Unions 112 V Verwendete Hinweise 12 Verwendete Konventionen 11 Z Zielgruppe 9 Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 157 )(('%$&. ________________________________________________________________ 158 Your opinion is important to us These instructions were created to the best of our knowledge and belief to give you the best possible support for handling our product. If you have suggestions for improvement, please e-mail us to: Thank you for your support. Your Lenze documentation team Lenze · Commissioning of Lenze drives · 1.3 EN - 06/2014 © 06/2014 Lenze Automation GmbH Hans-Lenze-Str. 1 D-31855 Aerzen Germany Service Lenze Service GmbH Breslauer Straße 3 D-32699 Extertal Germany +49 (0)5154 – 82 -0 00 80 00/24 4 68 77 (24 h helpline) +49 (0)5154 – 82 - 2800 +49 (0)51 54/82-11 12 SHPPLCDREUSESW 13464873 EN 1.3 TD11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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