EXHIBITOR MANUAL Virginia - 2015 February 14 & 15, 2015 IMPORTANT! Please read this Exhibitor Manual thoroughly. It includes important information essential to a smoothly run and successful show. Thank you for your cooperation. World of Pets Expo – 2015 EXHIBITOR INFORMATION SHOW MANAGEMENT: Premier Events, Inc. P.O. Box 926 Westminster, MD 21158 Telephone:800-882-9894 Telephone:410-374-5964 Fax: 410-871-3486 SALES, ATTRACTIONS & SEMINARS, OPERATIONS, BILLING & FINANCE: Jeanne M. Emge P.O. Box 926 800-882-9894 Westminster, MD 21158 410-374-5964 SHOW LOCATION: Hampton Roads Convention Center 1610 Coliseum Drive Hampton, VA 23666 EXHIBITOR'S MOVE IN SCHEDULE: Friday February 13, 2015 10 am – 8pm Drive in available Saturday February 14, 2015 8am – 10am No drive in on Saturday SHOW DAYS AND HOURS: Exhibitors may enter the show at 9:00 am on Saturday & Sunday Saturday February 14, 2015 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday February 15, 2015 10:00 am - 6:00 pm EXHIBITOR'S MOVE OUT SCHEDULE: Sunday February 15, 2015 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Exhibitors must be mov ed out completely on Sunday ev ening. SHOW OFFICE: Show management will have an office in the Exhibition Hall, location to be announced. SECURITY: HRCC provides continuous security at this facility. LIABILITY: The Exhibitor is responsible for the booth area assigned and agrees to pay for any damage caused to the floor, walls, doors, etc. during the time he has contracted for the space (move in and move out included). All curtains, draperies, streamers, surface coverings, etc. used as booth decoration MUST BE FLAME PROOF. Exhibitors are advised to see that their regular company insurance includes an extension of coverage for off premises, and that they have their own theft, public liability and property damage insurance. Premier Events, Inc. General Liability Insurance policy does not prov ide this cov erage for exhibitors. Insurance certificate needs to be provided by January 15, 2015 naming Premier Events Inc as a addl’ insured for the datesof the show unless a waiver is given by PE. If you need coverage www.dhcins.com has reasonable rates. BOOTH COURTESY: Included in this Exhibitor's Information Package is a page titled "Be A Good Neighbor" which contains important guidelines for the operation of all booths. Please review this material to ensure that your booth is in compliance. All exhibitor activ ities and products must be confined to the assigned spaces. BOOTH EQUIPMENT: Display booths (except for bulk space) are 10 feet x 10 feet and consist of an 8 feet high back drape, 3 feet high side wall drapes and a 7" x 44" sign with the Exhibitor's company name. Tables, chairs, and carpet are NOT included w ith any booth, but may be supplied by the exhibitor or ordered from the decorating company; an order form is on our w ebsite. Exhibitor Information – Hampton, VA 2 World of Pets Expo – 2015 BULK EXHIBIT SPACE SPECIFICATIONS: Bulk exhibit areas include floor space only with access to electricity. No space dividers or backdrop drapes are provided. Bulk space does include a 7" x 44" sign with the exhibitor's company name. ELECTRIC: Electric must be ordered, please let us know if you need electric. We provide standard service for plug in of lights only. Please bring an extension cord as your electrical outlet may be up to 40 feet from your booth. All pre-wired exhibits must conform to local and State code. Exhibitors requiring additional power for other than basic lighting must contact show management at least 10 day prior to set-up day of the show. We will then email you forms to contract electric from HRCC. SHOW MANAGEMENT DOES NOT FURNISH EXTENSION CORDS. EXHIBITOR PASSES: All Exhibitors must have and wear an Exhibitor name badge to enter the Cow Palace, including move in and move out. Exhibitor badges will not be mailed. You must pick up your badges at the show office when you set up your exhibit. Badges are NOT transferable, and are honored only for the person in whose name it is issued. Show management will issue up to three (3) Exhibitor name badgesper 10' x 10' booth or each 500 square feet of bulk space. Additional badges are available (for booth employees only) at a cost of $5.00 each. Additional badges are limited to a maximum of three (3) per 10' X 10' booth. If you are a rescue or shelter please email us for details about sign and name forms. Please fill out the enclosed Exhibitor Sign and Badge Form and mail to: Premier Events, Inc. P.O. Box 926 Westminster, MD 21158 IN ORDER FOR US TO HAVE YOUR EXHIBITOR NAME BADGES AND SHOW SIGN PREPARED PRIOR TO YOUR ARRIVAL, IT IS MANDATORY THAT EXHIBITOR SIGN AND BADGE FORMS BE RETURNED TO OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN JANUARY 25, 2014. It is recommended that you arrive early and avoid lines that form for badges immediately prior to the show opening. Also, please remember that Exhibitor Name Badges are for the use of persons working the booth and are not to be used by customers, friends and relatives for gaining admission to the show. FORMS FOR ADDITIONAL DECORATING (OPTIONAL): If you require services beyond that included with your booth (extra tables, chairs, carpet), forms for ordering these items from our decorating department are available on line. LOADING/UNLOADING: Premier Events, Inc. does not provide labor, handcarts or other equipment for exhibitor's use in loading and unloading. LODGING: Exhibitors can stay at Red Roof Inn and enjoy special rates for World of Pets Expo. Newly Renovated Red Roof Hampton Coliseum & Conv ention Center - #108 1925 COLISEUM DRIVE HAMPTON, VA 23666 Phone: 757-838-1870 $43.99 Standard - $48.99 for Superior King or Double Deluxe Please use this special number when making reservation Use VP+® Promo Code 611949 PARKING BY EXHIBITORS: Parking is not permitted directly in front of the HRCC OR in other fire lanes or areas designated NO PARKING. In the past the local Fire Marshal has temporarily closed shows where vehicleswere parked in fire lanes. We also ask that exhibitors not park in the main parking lots which will be used by show patrons. There are ample parking areas in the rear of the building for exhibitors Exhibitor Information – Hampton, VA 3 World of Pets Expo – 2015 GAS TANKS AND BATTERIES: Vendors displaying any vehicles using gasoline and/or batteries are required to empty all gastanks, tape closed all gas fill caps and disconnect all batteries. Vehicles will be inspected prior to the opening of the show for compliance. SHIPPING INFORMATION: Exhibits, Inc. (show decorator) is the official drayage & material handling company for the World of Pets Expo. Please read the drayage & material handling information in the exhibitor services kit for complete details & instructions on shipping in for the show. All items shipped, either advance to Exhibits, Inc. or direct to show site, should contain a shipping label that has also been provided in the serviceskit. Please note, advance shipments may be received at the Exhibits, Inc. warehouse up to 30 daysprior to the Expo and direct shipments will ONLY be received on the dates/times of exhibitor set-up. Itemsarriving direct to the Hampton Roads Convention Center prior to the exhibitor set-up dates/times will be refused. Please make all shipping arrangements accordingly. If you have any questions regarding shipping, please contact Angie Stubblefield with Exhibits, Inc. at 804/788-4400. VA STATE SALES TAX All Exhibitors must register with the State and be responsible to pay state sales tax. This information is provided by the VA Department of Taxation on their website at www.tax.virginia.gov or 804-367-8037. ADVERTISING: Beginning as soon as possible, please make plans to include the World of Pets Expo in your television, radio, newspaper, newsletter and magazine advertising. Cooperative advertising is extremely beneficial and helps everyone. Don’t hesitate to ask us for press releases, etc. See Be A Good Neighbor below on page 5 Exhibitor Information – Hampton, VA 4 World of Pets Expo – 2015 BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR IMPORTANT SHOW GUIDELINES SOLICITATION/SALES LITERATURE – NO SALES SOLICITATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE OUTSIDE OF YOUR BOOTH SPACE. DISPLAYS — Displays placed along the side drapes that are over 4' high should not extend into the booth more than 5' from the back. This will insure not obstructing the view of neighboring booths. Anyone who’s booth will vary from this policy may be asked to rearrange their booth to adhere to this policy Aisles must not be obstructed at any time. SOUND — Police your own booth so the noise level from any demonstrations or sound system is kept to a minimum and does not interfere with others. Remember the use of sound systems or equipment producing sound is an exception to the rule, not a right. Show Management reserves the right to determine at what point sound constitutes interference with other exhibits and must be discontinued. DEMONSTRATIONS — When sampling, demonstrating and/or entertaining the attendees, booths must be arranged so that attendees coming into your exhibit do not block aisles or overlap into neighboring exhibits. GADGETS AND GIMMICKS - The use of photographers, musicians, entertainers, loud speakers, sound system equipment and noisemaking devises are restricted to within the booth. Balloons, horns, odors and congestion are subject to the individual exposition’s rules. Show Management reserves the right to determine when such items become objectionable. If you expect many attendees to congregate in one area at one time, you must leave space within your own exhibit area to absorb the majority of the crowd. The exposition is an amalgamation of many diverse selling and promotional activities. To be fair to all exhibitors, the use of sound, gadgets and gimmicks where permitted by exposition rules must not interfere with other exhibitors. The aisles are the property of all exhibitors; therefore, each exhibitor has the responsibility to assure proper flow of traffic through the entire ex-position. When large crowds gather to watch a demonstration or entertainment and interfere with the flow of traffic down aisles, or create excessive crowds in neighboring booths, this is an infringement on the other exhibitors' rights. Right Exhibitor Information – Hampton, VA NO HELIUM BALLOONS, LIT CANDLES OR OPEN FLAMES OF ANY SORT ARE PERMITTED BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHALL. Air filled balloons are allowed. At no time will any vendor place any product or display in any travel aisle. Wrong 5 World of Pets Expo – 2015 EXHIBITOR BADGE FORM - WORLD OF PETS EXPO If you are a shelter or rescue w ith v olunteers please do not use this form. Please email us for instructions for your names. 1. THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN JANUARY 25, 2015. Please fill out this form and return to: Premier Events, Inc. P.O. Box 926 Westminster, MD 21158 or fax to 410-871-3486 Exhibitor or Firm name: NAME: ________________________________________________________________ 2. Please list the names of individuals manning your exhibit at the show. BADGES must be shown in order to be admitted to the show during move in, show hours and move out. BADGES are valid only for the person in whose name it is issued. BADGES will be issued up to three (3) per 10' x 10' booth. Additional badges are available (for booth employees only) at a cost of $5.00 each. Please make payment for extra badges when you return thisform. EXTRA BADGES WILL NOT BE MADE IF PAYMENT DOES NOT ACCOMPANY THIS FORM. BADGES may be picked up at the Show Office during move in. Badges not picked up during move in will be available daily at the show entrance. Please arrive early to avoid long lines that form for badges immediately prior to the show opening. NO BADGES WILL BE MAILED. PLEASE RETURN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY) USE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAGE IF MORE BADGES ARE NEEDED 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________ 7. ______________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: Tables, chairs, carpeting, etc. are NOT prov ided w ith your booth; please bring your ow n or rent them from our decorating company. Order forms are in the Decorator Package on our w ebsite w w w .w orldofpets.org. Basic electricity to plug in a light is included w ith your booth. If you need more electricity in your booth please fill out the electrical form in the Decorator Info package on our w ebsite. Exhibitor Information – Hampton, VA 6 Application for Booth Space World of Pets Expo - 2015 Our company would like to participate in the indicated events. Please send a contract confirming our booth location. 14 th Annual World of Pets Expo Timonium, MD - Jan 23-25, 2015 3 rd Annual World of Pets Expo Hampton, VA - Feb 14 & 15, 2015 Company Name: Name of Contact Person: Company Address: City/State/Zip: Company Telephone Number: Company E-mail Address: MD Show Floorplan on line: www.worldofpets.org VA Show Booth Preference: (1st Choice)Booth # Write “same” if you would like the same location (2nd Choice)Booth # (3rd Choice) Booth # Circle one: Yes No I need a standard electric receptacle for lights, etc. (If you need heavier electric for equipment, etc request an electrical form.) Maryland - 10 x 10 = $525 Virginia- 10 x 10 = $495 addl $50 for corners if available. $50 disc on multi booths including multi shows. Over 10 x 20 call for pricing. Rescues, shelters, commercial booths please call for pricing as well. Product and/or service to be exhibited, be specific. We expect this list to accurately reflect what we will see in your booth, attach an addl sheet if necessary: Booth Deposits / Payment MD 25% if before Sept 1, 50% if after Sept 1, balance due Dec 1. VA 25% if before Sept 15, 50% if after Sept 15, balance due Jan 1. Payment in the amount of $___________ is enclosed as a deposit for booth rental MD Payment in the amount of $___________ is enclosed as a deposit for booth rental VA If paying by check please make payable to Premier Events Inc and mail to the address at the bottom. If paying by credit card, please deduct $ from our MasterCard or Visa (please circle card type). Card number_________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date CID __________Please remember to do the Customer ID! We understand that refunds of booth deposits and booth rental payments will be made as follows: full refund if requested by October 15, 2014; refund of 50% if requested after October 15, 2014, and before November 15, 2014. No refundswill be made if requested after November 15, 2014. All refund requests must be made in writing to Premier Events, Inc., P. O. Box 926, Westminster, Maryland 21158. We also understand that, by signing this Application for Booth Space, we are bound by this refund policy. ____Initial here if you w ould like all future payments for the 2015 show charged to the card number on this application automatically on the due dates. Insurance: Insurance certificate needs to be provided by Jan. 1, 2015 naming Premier Events Inc as a addl’ insured for the dates of the show(s) unless a waiver is given by PE. See the Exhibitor Setup Manual for helpful info. The person signing this Application for Booth Space expressly represents and warrants to Premier Events, Inc. that he/she is authorized by the exhibitor to bind it to the terms and conditions of this Application. The signer of this Application understands and agrees that he/she is personally bound and liable pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof in the event that such authority to bind the exhibitor does not exist. Signature Title Date Send completed Application for Booth Space payable to: Premier Events, Inc. P.O. Box 926 Westminster, Maryland 21158 Toll Free (800) 882-9894 Local (410) 374-5964 Fax: (410) 871-3486 Email: info@worldofpets.org
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