LAB MANUAL FOR ASTRONOMY 102 PCC EAST, FALL 2014 Welcome! 2 Assignments 2 Developing your observing skills 4 Materials 6 Observatory Procedures 6 Assessment 7 Lab Instructions 9 NE1: Nightly Motion of Sky 9 NE2: The Moon 10 NE3: Star Counts 12 NE4: Sunset Location 15 NE5: ISS Transit 17 T1: Visual Observing (Sep 15 - Oct 26) 19 T2: Solar Observing (Oct 16-Oct 29) 19 T3: Astrophotography (Nov 12-Nov 25) 19 E1:Total Lunar Eclipse Oct 8th ~3am 19 E2: Partial Solar Eclipse Oct 23rd 2pm 19 E3: Geminid Shower Dec 13th 19 D1: Jupiter’s Moons 19 D2: Solar Rotation 19 D3: Hubble’s Law 19 SP1: Lunar Eclipse Lecture Oct 7th 19 SP2: Solar Eclipse Lecture Oct 23rd 19 SP3: Exoplanets Lecture date TBD 19 SP4: Galaxy Collisions Lecture date TBD 19 Appendix A - Substitute Assignments 20 Appendix B - Grading Rubric 22 Appendix C - Useful Links 22 Appendix D - SkyCharts 23 Appendix E - Calendars 29 Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 1/32 1. Welcome! Welcome to Astronomy Lab. We’re excited you’re here! This course is designed to get you out at night, looking at the sky, and perhaps noticing things you hadn’t paid much attention to before. You will be developing your observational skills - learning how to look at something and pay attention, noticing details and subtle changes, and keeping faithful records of the things you observe. Observation is at the heart of all the sciences - if your scientific theory doesn’t match what you observe, that’s a big problem! You will be using these observations to make some real estimates about how our planet moves, how fast satellites orbit, as well as the sizes of exploding stars, and the shape of our very own Milky Way. The course consists of 12 assignments, which averages to less than one assignment per week. It is a 1 credit lab course, which for a traditional course means you would be spending 3hours/week in lab + 2 hours of homework, so count on spending about 5 hours/week on average. You may find that you need more time for some assignments, and less for others, but the main thing is to start every assignment as early as possible, so that when life (or clouds) interfere, you have time to reschedule. 2. Assignments You will be performing 12 separate assignments for this course: 5 NAKED EYE OBSERVATIONS: NE1: nightly motion of the sky (10pts) NE2: moon (30pts) ** NE3: star counts - VERY DARK SKY, NO MOON (10pts) NE4: sunset location (40pts) NE5: ISS transit (specific dates after sunset, anywhere) (10pts) Total: 100 pts 3 TELESCOPE PROJECTS @ the PCC OBSERVATORY: T1: visual observing w/ telescope, twinkling plus color (35 pts) T2: solar observing (30 pts) T3: astrophotography (35 pts) Total: 100 pts 2 ASTRONOMICAL EVENT VIEWINGS: ** E1: total lunar eclipse (Oct 8th ~3am, anywhere) ** E2: partial solar eclipse Oct 23rd (thursday, 2pm, anywhere) ** E3: Geminid meteor shower Dec 13th (dark site after midnight) Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 2/32 Total: 40 pts (pick 2 out of 3, 20 pts each) 1 DATA ANALYSIS PROJECT: D1: Jupiter’s moons (online or handout) D2: Solar rotation (online) D3: Hubble’s Law (online) Total: 30 pts (pick 1 out of 3, 30pts each) 1 COMMUNITY LECTURE and STAR PARTY: ** Attend one of the astronomy public lectures on campus this fall. Bring your family and friends and share the knowledge you’ve gained with your community! Total 40pts (pick 1 out of 4 events, dates TBD) NE1-5: The first five assignments are naked eye observations, i.e. observations you can make without the aid of a telescope or binoculars. These you will make on your own from home. The point of these assignments is to get you out and looking at the night sky, and starting to become more familiar with its motions. These assignments are closely tied into the material you’ll be covering in the lecture, and for that reason, it’s important that you do them at the right time. To encourage you to do this, your instructor will be doing journal checks regularly to help you keep on track. See section 3 for more details. T1-3: We will then do 3 telescope observations at the observatory on campus, which will give you the chance to use a telescope and see much farther and fainter objects. You will sign up for a particular timeslot a few weeks in advance, and on that day, you’ll come to the observatory to do your assignment with the help of your instructor or the observatory support staff. E1-3: There will be 3 big astronomical events this semester: a total lunar eclipse, a partial solar eclipse, and a meteor shower. You must observe at least 2 of them for this course. D1-3: Later on in the semester, you’ll be doing a data analysis project, which will involve looking at astronomical data and studying it to understand a particular physical phenomenon. There are 3 different options - you only need to do one. SP1-4: Finally, you need to attend at least one of the star parties/lectures on campus this semester. For this assignment, all you need to do is show up! Bring your friends and family, and share with them all you’ve learnt! Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 3/32 A note on SUBSTITUTIONS: Assignments with ** require specific conditions/times, which may or may not conflict with your schedule. If you can’t make these times or locations, you can substitute these with one of the alternative assignments discussed in appendix A. After you attend the event, you must write a 2 page report on the experience. You can include photographs, drawings, and whatever else you think is relevant. You should discuss the content of the lecture/tour/star party, as well as what you thought of it - along with a couple of questions you still have about the subject. This report is due at the same time as the original assignment, so plan ahead. If you choose to substitute an assignment for which there is a journal check (NE3), you need to tell me your plan for substitution on journal check day to get the check points, i.e. you need to tell me where and when you are going. You can go to more than one lecture and use this substitution multiple times, all others can be used only once. Note: if you are going to a lecture as a substitute assignment, you need to write and submit a report. Only the lecture you go to to fulfill your star party assignment is report free! Oh, and no doubling up! If you go to a lecture on campus as a substitute assignment it won’t count as your star party assignment - you’ll have to attend another one to get that credit. A note on WEATHER: Even though Tucson is one of the best places in the US to observe the sky, we do have occasional cloudy day spells. If clouds start interfering with the class’s ability to do the assignments on time, extra time may be given at the discretion of the instructor. Note however that a couple of cloudy nights in the middle of an otherwise clear week do not constitute enough reason for an extension. It’s your responsibility to keep track of the weather forecast (using e.g. the links in appendix C) and to schedule your time accordingly. 3. Developing your observing skills Observing is a skill. William Herschel noted that “You must not expect to see at sight... Seeing is in some respects an art which must be learned. Many a night have I been practicing to see, and it would be strange if one did not acquire a certain dexterity by such constant practice." You’ll need lots of patience, lots of practice and good record keeping! Measuring angles on the sky: To determine the angular size or distance between objects on the sky, you can use the so-called “fist and finger method”, where you literally use your fists and fingers to measure angles. The thing to remember is to keep your arm outstretched. Then, if you hold up your pinky, that’s roughly 1 degree across, 3 fingers are 5 degrees, 4 knuckles 10 degrees and your whole hand from thumb to outstretched pinky is 20 degrees. We’ll practice this in class. Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 4/32 Location on the Sky: Coordinate Systems: The coordinate system we’ll be using in this class is called the altitude-azimuth system. This is the system you would probably use to point out a star to your friend, since it is tied to both the time and place where you make the observation, i.e. the alt/az coordinates of an object change with time, and also depend on where you’re observing from. Two people looking at the same star at the same time from Tucson and Los Angeles will measure different alt/az values. Two people looking at the same star from the same spot in Tucson, but 2 hours apart will also measure different alt/az values. On the other hand, If you specify your location, your time, and the alt/az coordinates of an object, the location of that object is uniquely specified, which is why it is always crucial that you include the time and date in any observation you make. Alt/AZ definitions: The altitude of a star is how many degrees above the horizon it is (anywhere from 0 to 90 degrees, where 0 is on the horizon, and 90 is zenith, the point directly above your head.). Altitude is always measured perpendicular to the horizon, i.e. it’s always the shortest distance between the object and the horizon. The azimuth of a star is how many degrees along the horizon it is and corresponds to the compass direction: 0 (and 360) degrees in North, 90 degrees is East, 180 degrees is South, and 270 degrees is West. The azimuth is measured along the horizon, so for an object on the sky, you first draw a line from the object directly to the horizon, and then measure the azimuth at that point on the horizon. We’ll practice this in class. There are 360 degrees in a circle, so the separation between each of the main cardinal points, NESW, is 90 degrees, and N and S are 180 degrees apart. You’ll always need to know where North is, since you’ll calculate azimuth relative to North. You can find North with a compass (most smartphones have these as well) or by finding the north star, Polaris, on the sky. We can help you do this at the observatory during one of the regular sessions or the help session in the second week of class. Practice at home by randomly picking coordinates, e.g. 45degrees altitude, 60 degrees azimuth, and making sure you know where that is on the sky. Note: As you can probably already tell, measuring angles in this way is not very precise - for all the assignments in this lab, I will only hold you to +- 10 degree accuracy, so don’t fret about making it perfect, but do make the measurements as carefully as possible, so that you get meaningful data. Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 5/32 4. Materials Planisphere: You will need a planisphere (a kind of celestial map) for this course. I recommend this one: 11inch Guide to the Stars by David H Levy ( 1928771033/skymaps, also available at the Pima bookstore) but if you already have one, you don’t need to buy a new one. You will learn how to use it during lecture. This is also a good resource: Observing journal: This should be a large notebook or sketchbook with blank white unruled pages. Ideally it should be spiral bound so you can lay it flat. You will be using this journal to record and make sketches of your observations. Every assignment you do for this lab, including the questions, should be done in the notebook. The one exception is your data analysis project which should be typed up and handed in separately. Your name and course information (AST102 LAB) should go on the front cover. Flashlight: You’ll need a flashlight when you go out at night. I will be providing you with red cellophane material in class which you can use to cover up your flashlight to reduce glare. Compass: You’ll need a magnetic compass to determine the cardinal points, especially for your sunset observation. If you don’t have one at home, you can borrow one from your instructor and return it at the end of the semester. Solar Viewers: You’ll also need solar viewers to be able to look at the sun safely during sunset and during the solar eclipse. These will be handed out in class, and are yours to keep! 5. Observatory Procedures Labs T1-T3 require you to use the observatory telescopes on Campus. You will have a window of about 2 weeks in which to do each of the telescope observations. During this time, you must sign up for one of the days/nights in advance by going to the following links: T1: 9/15-9/26 sign up for a 1.5 hour timeslot between 7-10pm at T2: 10/16-10/29 sign up for a 1hr timeslot between 10am-2pm at T3: 11/12-11/25 sign up for a 1.5 hour timeslot between 10am-2pm at The observatory can only accommodate 3 students at a time, so once a timeslot is filled it’ll no longer be selectable. The earlier you sign up the better! Let me know if you have any issues with scheduling. The observatory will also be open for a special help session on the evening of 9/3 from 7.30-9.00. If you are having any trouble completing your assignments, using your planisphere, orienting yourself on the sky, using your compass or measuring distances using the fist and finger method, come on by and I’ll be happy to help. If you need help but can’t make it to the observatory at that time, just let me know and we’ll try to find a different time for you. Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 6/32 6. Assessment Every lab assignment should be done in your observing journal, including all sketches and the answers to the questions. I will collect your journals for grading three times over the course of the semester, on the following dates. First collection: 10/2 Second collection: 11/3 Third collection: 12/16 T1, NE1-3 T2, E1, E2, NE5 T3,E3, D, NE4 (all 4 sunsets) The 3rd column shows the assignments that will be graded during that collection. Journals should be handed in that day during AST102 lecture, or to my office (02-211). If I’m not in my office, please leave your journal with Linda at the front desk in the O2 building and sign the sheet saying you’ve handed it in. A note on LATE submissions: Except for weather extensions as discussed above, there are no permitted excuses for late submissions of journals, so please start as early as possible. Every day your assignment is late, you will lose 25% of the total points available. If you are late, or if you can’t make it to class on a day when an assignment is due, journals can be dropped off at my office. Again, if you are 4 days late with your journals and a weather extension has not been pre-approved, you will lose all your points - and this applies to all the assignments that were to be graded then, which can be more than a third of your total grade, so please make every effort to get your journals to me on time. Journal checks: In addition to the journal collections described above, in the first month of class there will also be weekly journal checks for assignments NE1-4. These serve multiple purposes. They are mostly there to encourage you to do the assignments at the time when they will be most useful to you in terms of understanding the lecture material. They also give me the chance to give you feedback early on, so that if you are having any trouble doing the assignments you can get help before too many of them have passed. Each journal check you complete is an additional 15 pts so that all checks combined are worth 4x15=60pts which is 20% of your total lab grade - so you should really try too do the assignments before the checks. If you’ve done the observation and answered the questions by journal check day, you will get the full 15 points, even if the assignment is not done correctly. If that’s the case, you will be encouraged to redo the assignment before the journals are collected for grading, so you can improve your grade. Never discard old observations, just re-do them and note on your journal which you’d like me to grade. I may reschedule journal checks if weather is interfering with the class’s ability to do the assignments on time. I will communicate these changes to you during class and also by email. If you are not coming to lecture on a journal check day, you may email me a picture of your assignment by 6pm. I will not accept late journal checks after that time. This does NOT apply to journal collections, which cannot be done electronically. Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 7/32 Final Grades: The number of points each assignment is worth is detailed in the previous section - they add up to a total of 300 pts. You’ll get 60 extra points if you complete all 4 journal checks, for a total of 360pts available. Your grade will be calculated as follows: 300-360 pts A 250-300 pts B 200-250 pts C 150-200 pts D <150 pts F I may lower these cutoffs but I will not raise them. In appendix B, you will find a rubric for your observing assignments, detailing how they will be assessed. The data analysis handout comes with its own rubric, and for the star party, all you have to do is show up and participate! Any questions you have about assessment and assignments should be brought up before journal collections. Remember, the semester goes by fast, and it is your responsibility to make sure that you know and do what is required of you, by the deadline. Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 8/32 7. Lab Instructions NE1: Nightly Motion of Sky ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Track the motion of a constellation over the course of an evening Duration: Once per hour for 3 hours. Materials: Compass Journal Check: 9/2 Journal Collection: 10/2 Number of points: 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: 1. Find your eastern horizon: you can use a compass or just approximate directions for this assignment. for reference, Speedway goes approximately E-W, and you want to look in the opposite direction from where the sun just set. 2. Sketch your view (buildings, trees, etc.) along the bottom of a blank page in your journal. The top of the page should represent the point directly over your head (the “zenith”) - label this. 3. Choose a group of stars (doesn’t have to be a “recognized” constellation) that are distinct enough that you will be able to find again and that is low on the eastern horizon at the time you begin. 4. Sketch the group of stars and its location and orientation relative to objects on the horizon. 5. Come back in one hour and sketch again. Repeat each hour, for a total of three hours (4 observations total). Note that you should not make a new sketch each time. You can simply sketch the horizon once, and redraw the group of stars each time (hint: they will move!). 6. Make sure to note on your drawing, next to each hourly observation: (a) the time of the observation (b) your estimate for the altitude of the stars, using the fist and finger technique. (c) your estimate for the azimuth of the stars, using the compass, if you have one. Questions: At the end of your observation, answer the following questions in your journal: (1) Which direction did the stars you chose move over the course of your observation? Did they move up away from the horizon or down toward it? Did they move straight up or down, or did they also move towards the left or right? Be as specific as possible, and indicate this motion in your sketch by connecting the observations with a dashed line. (2) Based on your altitude and azimuth measurements, roughly how many degrees did the stars move over the course of your observation? Is this consistent with how much you would expect them to move over the course of one full day? Why or why not? Be quantitative. (3) Based on how your stars moved with time, why were you asked to choose a constellation on the Eastern Horizon and not the Western horizon? In what way did this observation either follow or differ from your expectations? (4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 9/32 NE2: The Moon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Observe the motion of the moon over the course of ~1 weeks. Duration: ~10-30min 3 times in one week. Materials: Planisphere Journal Check: 9/9 Journal Collection: 10/2 Number of points: 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Apart from the fact that the moon must be visible when you make your observations, and that the observations have to be done at night, you are free to do them at whatever time you choose. Note that they should be done Date Moon Rise Moon Set around the same time each night (within about 15 min), so make sure the moon will be visible at the 9/2 1:22PM 12:08 AM time you pick throughout the whole week in which 9/3 2:20PM 1:06AM you’ll do your observations. Each observation should be separated by about 3 days. See the table 9/4 3:14PM 2:09AM on the right for rise and set times for the moon for the week of 9/2 to 9/9, which is the recommended 9/5 4:06PM 3:15AM week to do this observation. For this week, as long as you’re making your observations before 9/6 4:55PM 4:24AM midnight, the moon will always be up. Moonrise 9/7 5:41PM 5:33AM and set times for other weeks in September are shown in appendix C, but doing it later in 9/8 6:24PM 6:42AM September will require you to be up at odder hours, so plan ahead. Instructions: 1. Make at least three observations of the moon over the course of a week. Each observation should be separated by at least 2-3 days, and they should all be done at the same time of night (within about 15min). 2. Each time you make an observation, sketch the moon’s location, shape and orientation relative to the horizon. All the observations should be on the same sketch. To facilitate this, make sure that your first sketch includes the entire southern horizon all the way from east to west along the bottom of the page. The top of your paper should represent the point directly over your head (the zenith). Label zenith and the cardinal directions. 3. For each observation, use your planisphere to figure out which constellation the moon is in, and then mark the moon’s position relative to the stars in the skychart in Appendix D. Cut out the starchart and attach it to your journal. Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 10/32 4. Make a table in your journal that lists, for each observation: - the exact date and time - the altitude and azimuth of the moon measured using your compass and the fist and finger method - the phase of the moon - the constellation that the moon is in Questions: At the end of your observation, answer the following questions in your journal: (1) Look at your sketch again. Did the position of the moon relative to the horizon change over the course of your three observations? Did the moon phase change? Do you think the two are related? How? (2) Now connect the Xs on your skychart so that you trace out the path of the moon over your observing time period. How would you describe the motion of the moon relative to the stars? Does it move or not? If so, which direction did the moon move in? Did you know the position of the moon moves relative to the stars? Why do you think that is? (3) Look again at the path the moon took across the skychart. Does it coincide with any important feature in the skychart? How do you interpret this? (hint: what is it saying about the orbit of the moon?) (4) What fraction of the sky did the moon cross during your observing period? (Remember: the skychart is only showing you the half of the sky above the horizon. If the moon had moved across the whole chart, it would’ve only moved across half of the entire sky.) What fraction did you expect it to cover, given that the moon completes one orbit around the earth every 4 weeks? Do the two numbers agree? If not, why not? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 11/32 NE3: Star Counts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Test how your eyes adjust to darkness with time, and measure light pollution levels Duration: ~30min Materials: White flashlight, watch or timer, assistant or red flashlight, planisphere Journal Check: 9/18 Journal Collection: 10/2 Number of points: 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: A dark site, with no bright streetlamps or car headlights, and a clear night with no moon (check appendix C for moon rise and set times). At the earliest, you can begin one hour after sunset - the sky should be completely dark. If at all possible, bring an assistant with you - it will be easier and safer. Or, do this assignment with another student and take turns recording each other’s observations. Instructions: 1. Once you arrive at your observing site, locate the summer triangle: it is a triangle made from the three brightest stars in the sky: Vega, Deneb and Altair. Use your planisphere if you need it. Make sure you and your assistant memorize where it is in the sky, so that you can find it quickly later. 2. Then, shine a bright white flashlight on a white page in your journal and stare at it for ~5 minutes before you begin. This is a good time to set up a table with three columns. The first column should be labeled time, the second column should be labeled number of stars, and the third is for other observations. You should draw in 15 empty rows. 3. When you are ready to observe, turn off the white flashlight, and immediately start your timer. Look in the direction of the summer triangle again, and find one of the three bright stars. Once you’ve located one of the stars in the triangle, make a “finger box” (see diagram above) held out at arm’s length, with the bright star at the center, then count the number of stars you can see in that box. Have your assistant record the time on the timer, and the star count in your table. Then, at one minute intervals for 15 minutes total, keep counting the number of stars that you see in the “finger box” around the star, and shout them out to your assistant, who should also tell you when each minute is up. Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 12/32 4. In the intervals between counting stars, scan the sky, paying particular attention to the colors of stars you see. Each time you see a new color, record it in the “other observations” column. Record the time that you first see the Milky Way as well. 5. When 15 min are up, while your eyes are still adjusted to the dark, remove your finger box and look at the summer triangle again. Find Deneb and its constellation, Cygnus, and compare what you see to the magnitude charts on the next page, using your red flashlight. You may need to turn the paper around to match the orientation of the stars on the sky. Choose the best match in terms of numbers of visible stars, and record it in your journal. This is a measure of the level of light pollution at your site. 6. Important notes: make sure that you don’t look at any sources of light while doing this experiment (except for the stars!). If your assistant needs light to record values in the table, ask them to use the dim red flashlight and to point it carefully away from you. 7. If you can’t get an assistant, just set a timer for 1 minute, record your number using red light only and then start the timer again and turn off the flashlight as soon as you’re finished recording. Red cellophane can be obtained from your instructor, which you can use to cover an ordinary white flashlight. Questions: At the end of your observation, answer the following questions in your journal: (1) Create a graph with time along the x-axis and number of stars seen along the y-axis. Make sure to label your axes and add a title to the graph. (2) Can you draw a straight line through your data, or do you need a curve? Does it “flatten” (stop increasing and stay constant) at some point? What does this tell you about how your eyes adjust to darkness with time? (3) What’s physically happening to your eye as the numbers of stars you see goes up? (4) What do you think would happen if you kept going for another 15min. Continue your xaxis out to 30min and draw your prediction as a dashed line. (5) Did the number of different star colors you see increase or decrease with time? Do a little Internet research about the cells that make up your eye (called “rods” and “cones”). Which are more sensitive to light? Which are more sensitive to color? How do they perform in the dark? Use what you’ve learnt about the physiology of the eye to explain your observations. (6) Optional: If you do your observation between 9/15 and 9/24, you can go to http:// and report the level of light pollution you measured. You’ll be part of an important global initiative to protect our dark skies! Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 13/32 CYGNUS MAGNITUDE CHARTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEGA DENEB ALTAIR Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 14/32 NE4: Sunset Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Mark the location of sunset on the horizon and observe any changes in this location throughout the semester. Journal Check: 9/25 (first sunset) Duration: ~10-30min once a month Number of points: 40 Journal Collection: 12/16 Materials: Solar observing glasses, watch, compass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Observations must be done at sunset and from the same exact location each time. Each observation must be separated by at least 3 weeks. You will be able to borrow solar observing glasses from your instructor. Instructions: DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN without solar observing glasses, which you will be provided with by your instructor. 1. Find a relatively unobscured view of the Western horizon. Choose your spot carefully so that it is free of big foreground obstacles (tall buildings, etc.) but has a recognizable background against which you’ll be able to distinguish the location of sunset. A completely flat, featureless horizon won’t work, while a mountain ridgeline is ideal. Choose the location where you stand carefully so that you can come back to the exact same spot when you complete further observations later in the semester. You will need to be in the same spot to within about 1 foot, so pick a landmark on the ground where you can put your feet and make a note of it in your journal so you’ll remember. 2. For the first observation: Head out at least 30minutes before sunset and make a careful sketch of the horizon for at least 45 degrees on either side of where the sun is located (from SW to NW). This will be a wide landscape, so rotate your journal so you’re using the widest dimension so it’ll fit. You will mark the location of sunset several times over the course of the semester on this sketch, so take the time to draw the horizon carefully this time. Use your compass (or a smartphone - most have this feature) to determine the exact location of West along your horizon and label it. Mark along the bottom of your drawing a scale with the number of degrees from W, using your compass. The edges of your sketch should be at +-45 degrees. 3. For all four observations: When the sun is close to setting, use your solar glasses to observe the solar disk as it dips below the horizon. As you perform your observations: a. Mark carefully the location on your sketch where the sun first touched the horizon and label it with the date and the distance from W in degrees (using your compass). b. In a table with the date in the first column, record the exact time (to the second) that the sun first touches the horizon in the second column, and the time that the last bit of the sun disappears behind the horizon in the third column. In other words, record the start and end Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 15/32 time of the sunset for each date. In a fourth column, write down any other notes about the observation (weather conditions, color of sunset, etc.). Questions: After you’ve performed all 4 of your observations, answer the following questions in your journal: (1) Did the sun ever set due West? On what day was it closest to due West and why? (2) How much (in degrees) did the sun move along the horizon over the course of the semester? In what direction was it moving? If you kept tracking it into the next semester would it keep moving in the same way? If not, how would it change? (3) Did the time it takes the sun to set (so the time between it touching the horizon and disappearing completely behind it) change over the course of the semester? Why or why not? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 16/32 NE5: ISS Transit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: View and sketch the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) as it passes overhead. Journal Collection: 11/3 Number of points: 10 Duration: ~15min, at one of the exact time and dates in the table below Materials: Skychart (Appendix D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: The ISS will be making very visible passes over Tucson during this semester. Check below for the exact time and dates, and plan your observations accordingly. The exact timings do sometimes change, so I will send out confirmation of times closer to these dates. If you are an early riser, you can catch it just before sunrise in September. If you prefer to see it after sunset, you’ll have to wait until October to do this observation. Try to pick one of the earlier dates, so that you have a chance to re-do the assignment on a subsequent night if something goes wrong (weather, timing, etc). Make sure you understand which direction you should look for it based on the Altitude/Azimuth coordinates given below. Each passage will only last ~5 minutes, so it’s very important to plan ahead and be on time. DATE Highest point Start Time Alt Az Time Alt Az Sep 12 04:59:05 32° WSW 05:00:22 56° Sep 29 05:36:55 10° NW 05:40:09 49° Oct 2 04:48:30 78° NNW 04:48:40 86° NE Oct 5 18:55:35 10° SSW 18:58:44 43° SE Oct 7 18:53:05 10° WSW 18:56:19 49° NW Oct 25 18:33:42 10° NNW 18:36:26 23° NE Oct 26 19:19:58 10° NW 19:22:57 50° WSW Oct 27 18:29:59 10° NW 18:33:16 71° NE Oct 29 18:26:51 10° WNW 18:29:49 31° SW Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST NW 17/32 1. On the date/time you pick, go out 15 minutes early so that your eyes have time to adjust to the darkness, and so that you have time to pick out a few familiar constellations in the sky (with the help of your planisphere). 2. Observe where the ISS first appears, and try to track its motion against the background constellations. Sketch its orbital path on the relevant chart in the Appendix, carefully labeling the position and time where you first saw it appear, where it seemed to be brightest, and where it disappeared from view. 3. The ISS should be very bright. Try to estimate its brightness by comparing it to some of the brighter stars in the sky (like Vega, Fomalhaut, Altair, etc) or a planet (Jupiter will be up before dawn). Record your observations - at its peak brightness, was it as bright/less bright/brighter than Vega, Jupiter? Questions: After you’ve performed your observation, cut out the skychart and attach it to your journal. Then answer the following questions: (1) All ISS passages are seen either right before dawn or just after sunset. Can you think of a reason why? Hint: what makes the ISS shine? (2) How did the passage end? Did the ISS dip below the horizon (i.e. did it set?), or did it disappear in the middle of the sky? Can you think of a reason for this behaviour? A diagram might help. (3) Based on your timing of the passage and the fraction of sky travelled, can you estimate the orbital period for the ISS? i.e. how long it takes to complete one full orbit around the Earth? Show your work. (4) If the ISS is orbiting about 200 miles above the earth’s surface, how fast is it going in miles per hour? Hint: First calculate the circumference of the circular orbit it is in (remember, circumference = 2!R, where R is the radius of the circle) then divide that by the period you calculated in question 3 to obtain the speed in miles per hour. You’ll need to know the radius of the Earth, which is approximately 4000 miles. Is this speed faster than you expected? Maybe this gives you a better appreciation of how hard it is to launch a shuttle from the Earth and dock it gently to the ISS to deliver astronauts & supplies! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 18/32 All of the assignments below will be handed out to you or emailed at a later date. Once you receive them, please add them to the manual. TELESCOPE OBSERVATIONS @ PIMA OBSERVATORY T1: Visual Observing (Sep 15 - Oct 26) T2: Solar Observing (Oct 16-Oct 29) T3: Astrophotography (Nov 12-Nov 25) ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS THIS SEMESTER E1:Total Lunar Eclipse Oct 8th ~3am E2: Partial Solar Eclipse Oct 23rd 2pm E3: Geminid Shower Dec 13th DATA ANALYSIS PROJECTS D1: Jupiter’s Moons D2: Solar Rotation D3: Hubble’s Law ASTRONOMY LECTURES @ PIMA EAST OBSERVATORY SP1: Lunar Eclipse Lecture Oct 7th SP2: Solar Eclipse Lecture Oct 23rd SP3: Exoplanets Lecture date TBD SP4: Galaxy Collisions Lecture date TBD Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 19/32 Appendix A - Substitute Assignments (1) Attend a Lecture Outside of Class Steward Observatory Public Evening Series Monday evenings 7:30-8:30 pm DATE Sep 15 Sep 29 Oct 13 Oct 27 Nov 10 SPEAKER TOPIC Dr. Don McCarthy Alien Images of Earth and our Place in Space Dr. Edward Olszewski The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and Their Interaction with the Milky Way Megan Reiter Growing Pains: the Tumultuous Youth of Stars Dr. Kaitlin Kratter Exploring the Architecture of Planetary Systems at Home and Abroad This is Not Your Parents' Planetarium Show:! 4K Fulldome Comes to Tucson! Dr. Thomas Fleming Nov 24 Dr. Karin Sandstrom Our Dusty Universe Dec 8 Dr David Levy A Nightwatchman’s Journey See for schedule and directions. I’ve highlighted the talks that I think will be particularly good/relevant to our course. Sonora Astronomical Society Second Tuesday of the month 7-9pm with observing on 14” telescope afterwards La Posada recreation center (2)Attend a “Star Party” The University of Arizona Astronomy Club Sporadically throughout the year Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 20/32 See for a schedule Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association Most TAAA star parties are “private”, but some are public See their calendar for more details – look for entries that have an “SP” for star party but don’t say (Private) after them or e-mail them about attending or setting one up yourself (3)Take a Tour Kitt Peak National Observatory Open daily 9am -4pm except holidays Admission to visitor center and self-guided tour of the mountain are free Guided tours daily at 10am, 11:30am and 1:30pm $7.75 More info at Steward Observatory Mirror Lab Tuesday-Friday weekly at 1:00pm and 3:00pm Reservation required $8 for students (5)Attend a Nightly Observing Program Kitt Peak National Observatory Nightly Observing Program Reservation required $44 for students ($48 otherwise, includes dinner) more info at Mt. Lemmon Sky Center “Sky Nights” Reservation required $48 (includes dinner) more info at Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 21/32 Appendix B - Grading Rubric Appendix C - Useful Links WEATHER RESOURCES: OTHER OBSERVING RESOURCES: Make skycharts: Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 22/32 Appendix D - SkyCharts September,October ~early evening THE EVENING SKY FOR SEPTEMBER, 2014 NORTH Early September — 10 p.m. Mid September — 9 p.m. Late September — 8 p.m. LYNX UR SA MAJ OR Ca RIG AU A pell Po int er s a M81 VE A M A ES CO NIC RE E B C LIS W RDA CAMELOPA Y _ M82 Dip pe r K Big I L A NA NES TI CI M ¡ c 01 URSA MINOR M1 S TE Polaris _ CEPH Ö BO Litt le D ipper EUS le ub r Do luste C 0 M1 3 a A M Y M2 M30 MICROSCOPIUM GRU M55 TA SAGIT 2 Tea p RIUS 1 M2 25 ot 8 M2 M6 / i ` 23 M 9 M R SE CAU 80 W 3 3 j M1 16 M 17 M 18 M 4 M2 UM UT 20 M 36 M8 M 9 M6 M7 A ON S CORTRALI AUS S M1 9 Y SC O SC IL W R TI An S tar CO es RP IU S M K 25 729 CAPRICO R NU S 07 OP L 6 M2 PE DA NS I M1 IUS AU PISCI ST S RIN US M5 0 M1 M1 4 1 M LA AQUI LIB RA M1 HIU 2 CH US _ t j b _ I.4 6 33 66 Altair 70 AS TX 65 gle n Tria L VU Neptune au WEST M13 HERCULES SERP EN S CAPUT ` A mer 7 VIRGO 2 M9 l LYRA eo Sum PE CU L CY M5 6 r Vega ble ou le-D Doub c ¡ 6871 29 M57 9 Deneb 61 M ne Ke ysto 00 70 r M2 TA SAGIT M2 Moon Phases A CORON IS BOREAL + M3 43 G PE M15 i Alb c alh Arctur + i 2 M5 b 72 LA CE RTA US a a Fo m us 16 d 3 9 10 M32 M1 ANDR OMEDA PISCES c DEL PHINUS EQUULEUS AQ UA R ¡ 654 A DR ,17 CO 77 8 CA S 1 SIO PE IA M3 M33 a R SC UL PT OR M3 g 45 7 752 S S CETU TO M 4 M3 ` TR IAN GU LUM ARIE _ k Mira GN US Uranus UA 51 Y Alg ol PE RS EU S Ple M45 iad es C TI ts) L I P plane EC un & of S Path a EAST EQ RP IO N 62 S IU 00 20 INDUS Star magnitudes –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 FIRST Sept. 2 SOUTH How To Use This Chart FULL Sept. 9 LAST Sept. 16 NEW Sept. 24 This chart depicts the evening sky for the times indicated above. The edge represents the horizon; the chart’s center is the point overhead. Hold a printout of the chart out in front of you so the horizon marked with the direction you’re facing is down. Then match the stars on the map with the real stars in the sky. The chart shows the sky as seen from 40° north latitude. When viewing from a lower latitude, stars in the southern sky will appear higher above the horizon while those in the northern sky will be lower. When viewing from a latitude higher than 40°, the opposite will be true. Double star Variable star Open cluster Globular cluster Diffuse nebula Planetary nebula Galaxy 3KY HAPPENINGS s !STRONOMY INFORMATION s &ULL PRODUCT LINE Copyright ©-2000 Orion Telescopes & Binoculars Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 23/32 intentionally left blank Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 24/32 September,October ~early evening THE EVENING SKY FOR SEPTEMBER, 2014 NORTH Early September — 10 p.m. Mid September — 9 p.m. Late September — 8 p.m. LYNX UR SA MAJ OR Ca RIG AU A pell er s Po int a M81 VE A M A ES CO NIC RE E B C LIS W RDA CAMELOPA Y _ M82 Dip pe r K Big I L A NA NES TI CI M ¡ c 01 URSA MINOR M1 S TE Polaris _ CEPH Ö BO Litt le D ipper EUS le ub r Do luste C 0 M1 3 a _ A M Y MICROSCOPIUM M55 TA SAGIT 2 Tea p RIUS j M1 ot 8 M2 M6 i ` 23 M 9 M R SE CAU 80 W 3 M2 M30 1 M2 25 20 M 9 16 M 17 M 18 M 4 M2 UM UT 36 M8 M 9 M6 M7 A ON S CORTRALI AUS S M1 Y SC O SC IL W R TI An S tar CO es RP IU S M K 25 3 CAPRICO R NU S 07 OP L 6 M2 PE DA NS I M1 729 GRU / 0 M1 M1 4 1 M LA AQUI LIB RA I.4 M1 HIU 2 CH US IUS AU PISCI ST S RIN US M5 5 66 33 66 70 AS TX Altair _ t j b SERP EN S CAPUT A ` PE CU L gle n Tria L VU Neptune au WEST M13 HERCULES eo mer Sum 7 VIRGO 2 M9 l LYRA M5 6 r Vega ble ou le-D Doub c ¡ 6871 29 M57 9 Deneb M ne Ke ysto 61 CY r M2 TA SAGIT M2 Moon Phases A CORON IS BOREAL + M3 00 70 G PE M15 i Alb c alh Arctur + i 2 M5 b 72 43 LA CE RTA US a a Fo m us 16 d 3 89 M32 M1 10 IOP EIA 1 ANDR OMEDA DEL PHINUS EQUULEUS AQ UA R ¡ 654 A DR ,17 CO 77 CA SS M3 M33 PISCES c R SC UL PT OR M3 g 7 45 752 a S CETU TO M M3 4 ` TR IAN GU LUM ARIE S _ k Mira GN US Uranus UA 51 Y Alg ol PE RS EU S Ple M45 iad es C TI ts) L I P plane EC un & of S Path a EAST EQ RP IO N 62 S IU 00 20 INDUS Star magnitudes –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 FIRST Sept. 2 SOUTH How To Use This Chart FULL Sept. 9 LAST Sept. 16 NEW Sept. 24 This chart depicts the evening sky for the times indicated above. The edge represents the horizon; the chart’s center is the point overhead. Hold a printout of the chart out in front of you so the horizon marked with the direction you’re facing is down. Then match the stars on the map with the real stars in the sky. The chart shows the sky as seen from 40° north latitude. When viewing from a lower latitude, stars in the southern sky will appear higher above the horizon while those in the northern sky will be lower. When viewing from a latitude higher than 40°, the opposite will be true. Double star Variable star Open cluster Globular cluster Diffuse nebula Planetary nebula Galaxy 3KY HAPPENINGS s !STRONOMY INFORMATION s &ULL PRODUCT LINE Copyright ©-2000 Orion Telescopes & Binoculars Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 25/32 intentionally left blank Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 26/32 September,October ~before dawn Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 27/32 intentionally left blank Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 28/32 Appendix E - Calendars 6HSWHPEHU 3KRHQL[$UL]RQD 6XQGD\ 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\ :HGQHVGD\ 7KXUVGD\ )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHWQRQH )LUVW4WUDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP )XOO0RRQ SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW SP /DVW4WUSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHQRQH 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 1HZ0RRQ SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW SP 6WDQGDUG:LQWHU7LPHIRUHQWLUHPRQWK &RXUWHV\RIZZZ6XQULVH6XQVHWFRP &RS\ULJKW6WHYH(GZDUGV$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 29/32 2FWREHU 3KRHQL[$UL]RQD 6XQGD\ 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\ :HGQHVGD\ 7KXUVGD\ )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWQRQH )LUVW4WUSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP )XOO0RRQ DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHQRQH 0RRQVHWSP /DVW4WUSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 1HZ0RRQ SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH 0RRQULVH SP SP 0RRQVHW 0RRQVHWQRQH DP )LUVW4WUSP 6WDQGDUG:LQWHU7LPHIRUHQWLUHPRQWK &RXUWHV\RIZZZ6XQULVH6XQVHWFRP &RS\ULJKW6WHYH(GZDUGV$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 30/32 1RYHPEHU 3KRHQL[$UL]RQD 6XQGD\ 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\ :HGQHVGD\ 7KXUVGD\ )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP )XOO0RRQ SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHQRQH 0RRQVHW SP /DVW4WUDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 1HZ0RRQ DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHWQRQH 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP )LUVW4WUDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6WDQGDUG:LQWHU7LPHIRUHQWLUHPRQWK &RXUWHV\RIZZZ6XQULVH6XQVHWFRP &RS\ULJKW6WHYH(GZDUGV$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 31/32 'HFHPEHU 3KRHQL[$UL]RQD 6XQGD\ 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\ :HGQHVGD\ 7KXUVGD\ )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP )XOO0RRQ DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHQRQH 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP /DVW4WUDP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 1HZ0RRQ SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHDP 0RRQVHWSP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHW SP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH DP 0RRQVHWQRQH 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP )LUVW4WU DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVH SP 0RRQVHW DP 6XQULVHDP 6XQVHWSP 0RRQULVHSP 0RRQVHWDP 6WDQGDUG:LQWHU7LPHIRUHQWLUHPRQWK &RXUWHV\RIZZZ6XQULVH6XQVHWFRP &RS\ULJKW6WHYH(GZDUGV$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG END OF MANUAL Lab Manual for Astronomy 102, Fall 2014, PCC EAST 32/32 3 separate nights in a week any (any 4) ~ once a month during the semester see sheet 9/15-9/26 10/16-10/29 11/12-11/25 Oct 8 Oct 23 Dec 13 any TBD NE2: Moon NE3: Star Counts NE4: Sunset/ sunrise Location NE5: ISS Transit T1: Visual Observing T2: Solar Observing T3: Astrophotograp hy E1: Total Lunar Eclipse E2: Total Solar Eclipse E3: Geminid Shower D: Data Analysis Project SP: Community Star Party Total = 360 pts any DATES NE1: Nightly Motion ASSIGNMENTS TBD any after midnight 1-3pm 1am-5am 7-10pm (1.5hr slot) 10am-2pm (1hr slot) 7-10pm (1.5hr slot) see sheet sunset/sunrise at least 1.5 hours after sunset/before sunrise same time each night nighttime TIMES 300 30 30 40 (pick 2, 20 pts each) 35 30 35 10 40 (4x10) 10 30 (3x10) 10 PTS OBSERVATORY attend one of the 4 star parties on campus this semester computer and internet access for two of the projects the darker the sky, the more meteors you will see somewhere DARK HOME, ONLINE solar viewing glasses At least 2 hours of observing - sketches every 20min none none none anywhere, but I will be at the OBSERVATORY if you want to join me. anywhere OBSERVATORY OBSERVATORY OBSERVATORY anywhere Transit happens fast - an accurate watch, planisphere 60 pts -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 9/25 (15pts) compass, solar viewers, watch (with seconds) 4 observations separated by at least 3 weeks, from the exact same point, first observation around sep 23 A good view of WESTERN/ EASTERN HORIZON 9/18 (15pts) a very dark sky: moon must not be up, and sky must be fully dark. no light pollution. red flashlight, an assistant, planisphere no no no yes 10/2 11/3 12/16 11/3 yes no yes 12/16 12/16 12/16 (deadline) yes yes 11/3 11/3 no yes no no substitution allowed? 12/16 10/2 10/2 9/9 (15pts) somewhere DARK 10/2 COLLECTION 9/2 (15pts) CHECK 3 observations separated by at least 2 days spanning no more than a week. planisphere, compass None REQUIREMENTS anywhere anywhere LOCATION
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