Exhibitor and sponsorship manual 13th EFORT Congress 2012 Berlin, Germany

13th EFORT
Congress 2012
Major sponsorship deadline
15 January 2012
Early registration deadline
30 January 2012
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Berlin, Germany
23 – 25 May 2012
EFORT Head Office
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41 (44) 448 4400
Fax +41 (44) 448 4411
E-mail event@efort.org
MCI Schweiz AG
MCI-Zurich Office
Flughofstrasse 54
8152 Zurich-Glattbrugg, Switzerland
Phone +41 (44) 809 4242
Fax +41 (44) 809 4240
E-mail EFORTinfo@mci-group.com
Welcome from EFORT
The Congress at a glance
Congress venue
Exhibitor and sponsor profiles
Categories of sponsorship
Exhibition ⁄ Sponsorship
Industry symposia
Sponsorship catalogue
11 - 14
General information
Registration and fees
15 - 16
Hotel information
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Welcome from EFORT
Prof. Dr. Miklós Szendröi
Prof. Dr. Karsten Dreinhöfer
Prof. Dr. Dieter Christian Wirtz
Dear Industry Partner,
On behalf of the Executive Committee and the Local Organising Committee, we are delighted to invite you to participate in the 13th EFORT Congress in
Berlin in 2012.
Following the success of the previous meetings, the scientific programme will be focused mainly on symposia and instructional lectures given by distinguished speakers, as well as free paper submissions from all over Europe. Highlights of the Congress include the aging spine, navigation and soft tissue
balancing in total knee arthroplasty, orthopaedic responsibility in pain treatment, arthroscopy in hand surgery, treatment options in difficult cases, and
an evaluation of stem cell therapy, to mention only a few.
In view of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020), we will focus in particular on trauma topics, such as patients with multiple injuries.
In collaboration with our Speciality Societies we are organising special sessions such as Experts meet Experts (ExMEx), and the Controversial Case
Discussions (CCD), which have been highly rated in the past – as has the one-day Comprehensive Review Course (CRC) aimed at the younger colleagues
and residents. Cross-fire sessions will guarantee interesting discussions, while as the Mike Freeman and Erwin Morscher Honorary Lectures will offer the
views of two of our most experienced surgeons. Industry symposia, workshops and technical exhibits will also be a major part in our Congress.
However, the Congress would be incomplete without your participation. We would be delighted to welcome you to Berlin for a great industry exhibition.
The Local Organising Committee and the EFORT Scientific Committee are certain to make this EFORT Congress a most valuable educational event.
We look forward to meeting you in the vibrant city of Berlin for the 13th EFORT Congress in 2012.
Prof. Dr. Miklós Szendröi
EFORT President 2010⁄2011
Prof. Dr. Karsten Dreinhöfer
Chairman LOC 2012
Prof. Dr. Dieter Christian Wirtz
Chairman LOC 2012
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
The Congress at
a glance
Important dates to remember
Abstract submission
Confirmation of abstract acceptance
Early registration
Preliminary programme available
15 September 2011
02 January 2012
30 January 2012
01 March 2012
04 May 2012
21 May
22 May
23 May
24 May
25 May
26 May
Building up
08.00 - 18.00
Building up
18.30 - 20.00
Opening Ceremony
& Welcome
ICC Berlin
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Friday, 25 May 2012
08.30 – 17.30
08.00 – 17.30
08.00 – 17.30
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
20.00 – 23.00
Berlin Night
12.30 - 14.00
Industry symposia
ExMEx session (1)
12.30 - 14.00
Industry symposia
Exhibition 08.00 - 17.30
Exhibition 08.00 - 17.30
ExMEx session (1)
Exhibition 08.30 - 17.30
12.30 - 14.00
Industry symposia
ExMEx sessions (2)
Congress venue
Few cities have seen as many changes over recent
years as Berlin. The two separate entities that
existed before the wall came down have become
one again. There‘s hardly a trace left of the former
East-West division. The new architecture on Potsdamer Platz and in the government quarter forms
a fascinating contrast to the late 19th century
buildings of Charlottenburg. One minute you‘re
on an elegant boulevard, the next you’re in one of
the city‘s more alternative neighbourhoods. But
the city is not only renowned for its architectural monuments; it also has museums, green oases
and nightlife galore.
The International Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC
Berlin) ranks among the biggest, most advanced
and most successful congress venues in the world.
Since its opening, this highly versatile communications complex – 320 metres long, 80 metres
wide and 40 metres high – has been one of the
most outstanding landmarks of post-war German
architecture and the model for many new congress centres all over the world.
With its 80 halls and rooms, superb technical
installations and comprehensive range of services,
ICC Berlin is the perfect choice for any convention. The complex is designed and equipped to cater
for several events simultaneously. Spacious lobbies (5.500 m2) offer space for exhibitions, poster
sessions and company presentations to accompany conventions.
The official congress language is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.
EFORT has appointed MCI Group as the professional congress organiser (PCO) for the 13th EFORT
Congress in Berlin. MCI will also be in charge of all sponsorship and exhibition logistics in cooperation with the ICC in Berlin.
MCI Schweiz AG
Flughofstrasse 54
8152 Glattbrugg
Contact Mr. Joachim Reffert
Phone +41 448 094 242
+41 448 094 240
E-mail EFORTexhibition@mci-group.com
Messe Berlin GmbH
Internationales Congress Centrum ICC Berlin
Main entrance: Neue Kantstrasse⁄corner of
14057 Berlin
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Exhibitor and
sponsor profiles
EFORT is pleased to have acquired companies in the following fields as valued exhibitors and⁄or sponsors:
„ Arthroscopic devices
„ Biomaterials
„ Burn therapy supplies
„ Chemical implant and operating materials
„ Computer-assisted operating and navigation systems
„ Computerised systems for diagnosis and patient care
„ Consumer goods
„ Diagnostic equipment
„ Diagnostic radiological instruments and equipment
„ Disposables
„ Drugs (anti-inflammatory, pain relief, antibiotics…)
„ Electric and magnetic stimulating devices
„ Ergonomic tools and devices
„ External fixation and traction devices
„ General hospital instruments
„ Internal fixation devices for the skeletal system
„ Joint implants
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
„ Nuclear medical equipment
„ Occupational therapy equipment and supplies
„ Operating instruments
„ Operating microscopes and magnification devices
„ Operating room, surgical equipment and supplies
„ Orthotic and protective devices
„ Prosthetic and corrective devices
„ Radiological monitoring equipment
„ Rehabilitation and exercise products
„ Spinal instrumentation
„ Splint and cast products and materials
„ Sports equipment and sportswear
„ Testing and evaluation equipment
„ Upper extremity exercise equipment
„ Upper extremity nursing and wound care products
„ Work evaluation⁄hardening equipment
„ Wound care products
Categories of
Major sponsorship deadline:
15 January 2012
Companies are invited to take up a range of sponsorship opportunities, enabling them to promote their brands and scientific endeavours. Sponsors are free
to make their selection from the list of sponsorship options given below. They will be featured in all upcoming announcements, on the website and in the
final programme.
Major Sponsor
Minimum payment
EUR 180.000 + VAT
NO minimum payment see options and prices below
15 January 2012
Major sponsors will be given preference1) until the above deadline has been reached and will be treated on a first come, first served basis.
Major sponsors will enjoy the following
additional benefits:
„ 100 sqm exhibition space
„ 1 satellite symposium (prime choice)
„ Marketing options package within the
congress app
„ 1 ad in the final programme (inside,
4 colours, full page)
„ Company logo on advertising materials
„ Preferential handling of hotel bookings
„ 25 badges for industry representatives
„ 1 free insert in the Congress bag (A4)
No ancillary events will be permitted during congress days either inside or outside the congress venue,
except for the official and approved industry symposia. Any activity that may involve congress participants is subject to the approval of the organising committee. Such activities are not allowed during
the following times: Wednesday to Friday, 8.00 - 18.30.
Requests are to be submitted in writing and will be decided on after consultation with the organisor.
EFORT does not endorse exhibitor functions, and does not consider them a part of the official programme outside the congress venue.
reserves its right to favour companies that
have consistently supported EFORT Congresses.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Exhibition / Sponsorship
Companies are invited to take up a range of exhibition and sponsorship opportunities to promote brands and scientific endeavours.
See benefits listed on previous page.
EUR 600 per sqm
EUR 670 per sqm
1) Rates are subject to 19% local VAT
The smallest available exhibition space is 3x3
metres (9 sqm). The above prices include bare
floor space only. Exhibition space can only be
booked by returning the sponsorship intent form
(on paper and signed).
The rates do not include construction crews or
electrical connections.
These and other optional items need to be ordered
separately from MCI by using the technical exhibitor manual and related forms that will be made
available to confirmed exhibitors in due course.
without shell scheme (9 sqm +) these prices include include floor space only
with shell scheme (9 sqm +)
Each exhibiting company will be entitled to a number of free registrations, which give access to the
exhibition. All company representatives will wear badges differing from those of the participants. These will feature the name of the company. It is forbidden to use exhibitor badges for accompanying persons or medical doctors. Failure to abide by this regulation will result in exclusion from the Congress.
9 sqm
18 sqm
27 sqm
36 sqm
45–72 sqm
72-100 sqm
above 100 sqm
No. of exhibitor badges
After the official confirmation of exhibition space
has been received, any request for a location
change will be considered as a cancellation and Free registrations for exhibitor representatives include:
new booking, and therefore subject to a penal- „ Access to technical exhibition, poster area and scientific sessions (except sessions where an additional
ty charge according to the contract cancellation
fee applies)
„ Admission to the Opening / Award Ceremony and Welcome Reception on Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Any additional exhibitor representative will need to register and must pay the registration fee
for participants. See page 17.
If you are interested in reserving two-storey exhibition space, please contact the organising secretariat by 30 September 2011 at the latest to check feasibility and the selected exhibition areas for this
special type of exhibition opportunity.
A separate exhibition desk will be available during the set-up and dismantling periods, as well as
during the opening hours of the exhibition. Last-minute items for the stands can be ordered through
the exhibition desk, subject to availability.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Exhibition / Sponsorship
Detailed technical exhibitor guidelines, including forms for set-up and dismantling, equipment and materials, cleaning, flowers, telephone lines, etc., will
be available in the download section of the Congress website. Individual passwords will be mailed to all registered exhibitors and sponsors to give them
access to this page.
Your company name will be listed under “Exhibitors” in the final printed programme.
Furthermore, your company representative will receive special access to a restricted area of the congress page to post company news for the general information of the congress participants. Included in this online tool are company information, product news and information about the company’s individual
congress programme. The online tool will be accessible to supporting companies by spring 2012.
We would like to offer you an opportunity to optimise customer contact at your exhibition booth.
This facility is aimed at participants who have already registered and require support with one of the devices you produce, who are struggling with the
operation of one of your products, or would like more details etc., and would like to discuss this issue with the appropriate person in charge on site at
your exhibition booth.
This service enables your customers to contact you before the Congress and request a meeting!
Your company contact person will receive a login code to access this platform in spring 2012.
Hospitality suites are only available to companies that exhibit at the 13th EFORT Congress.
A limited number of private rooms are available at the congress venue to be used by sponsors for private meetings or as offices. Companies interested in
renting hospitality suites are requested to contact MCI. For more details, see page 13 > EFORTexhibition@mci-group.com
„ The exhibition area is directly linked to
conference rooms and poster areas.
„ All access to poster areas and catering facilities
is through the exhibition area.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Industry symposia
Submission deadline:
Preliminary programme for approval: 27 February 2012
Final programme: 15 March 20121)
Rates include
„ Rental of the meeting room
„ Standard amplification equipment
„ PC projector (= beamer)
„ Audio-visual technician ⁄ hall attendant
„ Notice of symposium in preliminary online
programme (as of March 2012)
„ Announcement of the sponsored symposium in
The organisation of technical symposia and workshops is subject to approval by the Organising and
the final programme
Scientific Committee of the 13th EFORT Congress. A draft programme for each symposium, indicating
title, speakers and titles of presentations, should be submitted to the Scientific Committee for appro- Please note that all audio-visual equipment and
val through MCI by 27 February 2012.
catering services must be booked through MCI.
Otherwise, you are free to rent extra equipment
Approved industry symposia programmes will be published in the final programme. Industry symposia and decorative materials and hire personnel to set
are held on the responsibility of the sponsoring company.
up the meeting room.
Companies are offered the opportunity to organise commercially sponsored industry symposia or
workshops within the framework of the 13th EFORT Congress. All symposia and workshops will be held
at the congress venue in the meeting rooms used for the Congress. The seating will be theatre-style.
The organisers reserve the right to assign a bigger room if all other options are fully booked. Room
allocations will be made on a first come, first served basis. Industry symposia can be booked by returning the sponsorship intent form.
The congress registration fee, travel and accommodation for the satellite symposium speakers and any ANNOUNCEMENT
other expenses must be paid by the company.
EFORT offers a mailout to announce industry symposia during April and May 2012 to all particiSponsors are invited to choose from the following time slots:
pants who have registered so far. For more details,
please contact MCI.
Time slots for industry symposia*
Wednesday, 23 May
12.30 – 14.00 (lunch)
The congress venue has an official caterer who
Thursday, 24 May
12.30 – 14.00 (lunch)
will plan your meeting with regard to food and
Friday, 25 May
12.30 – 14.00 (lunch)
beverage requirements. Please apply to MCI for
*the indicated slots include set-up, time for catering service and dismantling
quotations and booking.
It is generally not allowed to serve food inside the
Rates and room capacities
meeting rooms.
Room capacity
23 May 2012
Room seating up to 300
Room seating over 300
EUR 14.000 + VAT
EUR 18.000 + VAT
15 March 2012: Submission of final programme to the Con-
gress Scientific Committee for inclusion in the final printed
Room capacity
24 May 2012
Room seating up to 300
Room seating over 300
EUR 16.000 + VAT
EUR 21.000 + VAT
Room capacity
25 May 2012
Room seating up to 300
Room seating over 300
EUR 14.000 + VAT
EUR 18.000 + VAT
Congress programme. Failure to submit your final programme by
15 March 2012 will result in the exclusion of your programme
details from the final printed Congress programme that will be
handed out on site. EFORT will not grant any extension. In this
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
case only the company logo will be published.
Sponsorship catalogue
Ask us about more sponsorship opportunities:
The following sponsorship rates are based on the estimate that 7.000 participants will attend the Congress in Berlin.1)
Abstract CD of accepted
free papers and posters
Price in EUR
(VAT to be added)
In order to save resources, no abstract book will be printed. The company may include
a voucher in the congress bags to collect the abstract CD at its booth. The sponsor may
also include a company presentation (Flash, max. 50 MB) that will be burned onto the
CD. The CD branding will include the logo of the sponsor. Deadline for presentation and
logo delivery: 5 March 2012.
EUR 30.000
Major sponsor – EUR 180.000
Depending on size and set-up
Sponsor with exhibition area
(minimum rental space is 9 sqm – 3x3 metres):
EUR 600 per sqm (without shell scheme)
EUR 670 per sqm (including shell scheme)
For all further details, please see the “Exhibition” section on page 8.
EFORT badge lanyards and pocket holders with the company logo for all participants,
accompanying persons and speakers. Badge and pocket holders are produced for longterm use and will carry the company message beyond this congress! (Picture samples
available from the congress secretariat MCI). The EFORT logo will also be printed on this
Exclusive sponsorship of congress bags.
The company name will be displayed on each bag and a promotional insert may be
EUR 9.000
Congress bag tags
Ensure that each delegate’s congress bag remains with its rightful owner by sponsoring the congress bag tags. All congress bags will have their own individual tag for the
delegate to insert their business card.
On request
Insert in congress bags
Insert (1 piece, A4 max.) produced by the sponsor will be included in each congress bag.
EUR 5.000
Notepads (A4) and pens
Items to be supplied by the sponsor and to be included in the congress bags. First priority for this item is given to the company sponsoring the congress bags.
On request
Company banners or
Companies wishing to advertise within the congress centre (e.g. stairs or hallways)
please contact the congress secretariat (MCI) for individual offers and quotations.
On request
Full branding of signage
Company logo to be placed on all directional signs within the congress venue.
EUR 10.000
Congress badges incl.
pocket holders
Congress bags
EUR 10.000
7.000 is an indication based on previous experience. EFORT bears no liability if the actual number of participants is less than the estimate shown.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Sponsorship catalogue
Ask us about more sponsorship opportunities:
Price in EUR
(VAT to be added)
To enhance the overall programme for our participants and to offer an activity that
combines socialising and wellbeing, EFORT will be conducting its 4th charity run⁄walk.
From EUR 5.000 to
EUR 12.000
Possible sponsorship packages:
„ Gold: EUR 12.000 (maximum one sponsor)
„ Silver: EUR 8.000
„ Bronze: EUR 5.000
Please contact MCI for more details.
Mailout to announce the programme of the industry symposia during the months of
April and May to all participants registered so far.
The text and layout to be created by the company in consultation with MCI. The mailout will be done by the organiser, available on a first-come, first-served basis, max. 3
The company can design a voucher with a PIN code to access the WLAN within the
WLAN connection
congress venue. Only with this code will participants be able to access the WLAN at
(exclusive sponsorship in
the congress venue. This voucher can only be picked up at the company’s booth. The
connection with Congress
sponsor will be mentioned in the final programme.
app only)
E-wall paper on congress
Advertisement online on
preliminary programme
(Available from March –
May 2012)
You can brand one selected section of the congress page as “background wallpaper” in
a light „watermark style“ layout. A section of this wallpaper can be linked to another
Service available for a period of either 2 or 3 months (spring 2012).
Please contact MCI for details and instructions.
Companies may place a banner advertisement displaying the key message of your
programme on-site (e.g. announcement of your industry symposium, or one of your
products.) For example, you could feature your symposium on the hip on Friday, 25 May.
If this selection – or at least one of the options – has been chosen by the user, your ad
will appear automatically. Furthermore, if the user enters a keyword (e.g. THR, as above)
and this keyword is found in the title of your session, your personalised banner will also
appear. The banner can be linked to a corresponding page that you choose.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
1 (single): EUR 2.500
2 (double): EUR 4.000
EUR 23.000 (incl. app for
mobile devices; Gold ) or
EUR 10.000 (WLAN only)
from EUR 5.500 – EUR 7.000
(depending on duration)
EUR 2.500 + set up fee
(banner production not
Sponsorship catalogue
Ask us about more sponsorship opportunities:
This unique sponsorship opportunity allows EFORT delegates to download the congress
programme to their mobile devices (such as smartphones, BlackBerries, iPhones and
tablet PCs) from the EFORT 2012 website, mobile. The programme includes all abstracts,
the programme day by day, the exhibition floor plan, and all information published in
the final programme.
„ Gold: EUR 15.000
„ Silver: EUR 8.000
„ Bronze: EUR 2.000 (logo only)
Please contact MCI for specifications.
Cyber café
This large area on the exhibition floor provides you with multiple branding opportunities. A service attracting attendees who want to stay connected with their colleagues,
check their email or simply catch up on the latest headlines.
Final programme
Various advertising options, with half and single to double-spread pages subject to
Distribution with congress bags to each participant:
„ ½ page back cover EUR 10.000
„ Inside cover EUR 8.000
„ Any other inside page EUR 5.000
Please contact MCI for further details.
Congress programme for
mobile devices
(Congress app)
Pocket programme
(daily programme overview)
Industry symposia
Hospitality suites
Price in EUR
(VAT to be added)
from EUR 2.000 to 15.000
On request
from EUR 5.000 to
EUR 10.000
Distribution with congress bags and inserted in each congress badge⁄pocket holder.
Available to all participants. It is also possible to co-sponsor this item with another
EUR 10.000
All industry symposia are a component part of the congress scientific programme. This
will ensure a high level of attendance by participants. See more on the sponsorship
intent form on page 19.
from EUR 14.000 to
EUR 21.000
(max. 90 min) depending on
room size ⁄ time slot
Hospitality suites can be rented at the congress venue for private discussions led by the
industry. The rooms will be assigned for the whole congress period (23 -25 May).
Hospitality suites can be reserved subject to availability by returning the sponsorship
intent form.
from EUR 9.000 depending
on room ⁄ size
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Sponsorship catalogue
Ask us about more sponsorship opportunities:
Price in EUR
(VAT to be added)
The company may design a voucher that is handed out upon registration to collect the
transport pass at its booth. The company logo will also be printed on each transport
pass (approx. 7.000). Delivery time of voucher: 5 March 2012. A prominent way to
remind each participant of the company’s support when using local transport to come
to the congress centre.
EUR 15.000
Message centre
Sponsoring the message centre is a unique branding opportunity. With several message
centres scattered around the conference venue your company’s name will be prominently displayed. The message centre allows delegates to leave notes or find a particular conference attendee. A unique communication tool for all conference attendees.
EUR 3.000
Orthopaedic library
This library will feature the latest orthopaedic medical journalism that is available
around Europe, and is available to all congress participants. A unique opportunity to
support this corner that is sure to attack the attention of participants!
EUR 8.000 or
EUR 10.000 (in connection
with message centre)
Coffee breaks
No need for the delegate to go far for refreshment. Capture a highly targeted audience
by hosting your own coffee break. Coffee breaks are the perfect networking opportunity
for EFORT participants.
Provide attendees with refreshments in between conference sessions and have your
company name and logo prominently displayed in the dedicated coffee break area.
(Company logo on voucher)
EUR 15.000
EFORT 2013 Istanbul preliminary programme (Call
for Abstracts)
Get into the delegates‘ minds a whole year in advance by sponsoring the preliminary
programme for EFORT 2013 in Istanbul. This programme will be distributed to all 2012
attendees, as well as being used as official marketing material at other related events.
EUR 12.000
(inside cover page)
Berlin local transport
The use of the EFORT logo is permitted only in exceptional cases, such as on the official abstract CD or on the invitations to the industry symposia. These
rules apply to material before, during and after the congress. Any such intended use is subject to the prior written consent of EFORT.
Want to raise your profile? Last-minute product news you want to communicate? Ask us about more sponsorship opportunities:
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
General information
General information and general terms and conditions
Liability of MCI Schweiz AG
MCI Schweiz AG, referred to below as MCI, has
secured liability insurance for the event which
covers damage to property and personal injury. The exhibition area, including presentation
rooms, is guarded or locked at night. However,
this security measure excludes the surveillance of
individual stands and presentation materials. The
night patrols⁄general lock-up at night that are⁄is
carried out by MCI does not extend liability for
all damage to property or personal injury. MCI is
liable only for damage or loss resulting from malintent or gross negligence. A separate fire protection watch will be deployed, if required under
local provisions.
Claims must be submitted to MCI Schweiz AG
immediately. A claim becomes invalid if not recognised by MCI and the exhibiting or presenting
company does not pursue the matter before
the courts within six months. MCI Schweiz AG
accepts no liability whatsoever for loss or damages resulting from disruptions caused by fluctuations in services rendered or force majeure, or for
services being suspended on the instructions of
the local public utilities or the local power supply company. MCI cannot be held responsible for
natural disasters (see paragraph 8 of the General
Terms and Conditions).
MCI is not liable, whether during the event or
during transportation, for loss, theft or damage in
respect of exhibition and⁄or presentation items or
personal belongings brought in. No further claims,
such as for lost earnings, damages for consequential losses and similar, will be accepted.
the availability of exhibition space and locations. Special requests will be given due consideration in
line with these criteria, but it cannot be guaranteed that they will be accommodated.
Prices in the above sponsorship catalogue are calculated on the basis of single costs and an estimated
7.000 participants. Should participation exceed 7.000, MCI will exercise its right to adjust sponsorship
rates accordingly. The application is legally binding on the sponsor, pending its acceptance in writing
by the organiser.
Written confirmation and subsequent invoicing by MCI Schweiz AG constitutes the sole document of
acceptance and admittance to the exhibition, and is issued exclusively to the applicant, under the specific
terms stated herein.
A first down payment invoice (50%) will be sent to the sponsor when sponsorship is confirmed. The
invoice is to be settled upon receipt, otherwise the sponsorship opportunity passes to the next potential sponsor in line.
The remaining balance is to be paid by 25 February 2012. Should assigned exhibition space, a satellite symposium or another service not be paid by that date, it may be reassigned or resold without
notification or refund of any payments. No company will be allowed to exhibit or exploit any sponsorship opportunities unless full payment is received.
Companies that have applied for exhibition space or presentation rooms and received confirmation
of these from MCI Schweiz AG cannot be released from their contract. If the applicant must insist
on release, and MCI grants an exceptional release, the following cancellation fees will apply and are
payable to MCI without delay, to cover any damages arising from the cancellation:
„ 10% of invoice amount – for cancellations up to 16 weeks prior to the event
„ 25% of invoice amount – for cancellations thereafter and up to 13 weeks prior to the event
„ 50% of invoice amount – for cancellation thereafter and up to 10 weeks prior to the event
„ 100% of invoice amount - for cancellations thereafter
All cancellation fees will be invoiced plus VAT at the current rate of 19%.
Stand positions cannot be chosen by the exhibitor. MCI Schweiz AG allocates space as well as
presentation locations primarily by the date the
application form was received, the subject and
intent of the event concerned and according to
The obligation to pay cancellation fees exists unless the company registered for exhibition space and⁄
or other forms of presentation furnishes proof that MCI Deutschland GmbH has not sustained any loss,
or has sustained a loss that is less than the flat-rate cancellation fee.
If parts of the services that have been registered for are cancelled, the cancellation fees mentioned
above will be invoiced.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
General information
Important deadlines to remember
Acts of god ⁄ force majeure
It is mutually agreed that, in the event of the total
or partial cancellation of the Congress owing to
fire, strike, natural disaster (either threatened or
actual), government regulations or incidents not
caused by MCI, which would prevent its scheduled
opening or continuance, this agreement may be
partially postponed or terminated as a whole. In
this case, exhibitors and⁄or presenters are not
entitled in any circumstances to claim refunds of
a portion of the exhibition costs, unless exhibitors
have civil liability insurance. This obligation also
is imposed by the majority of venues. Exhibitors
must therefore provide proof of such insurance.
In the case of cancellation, a scheduling change
or changes in the duration of the event, the registration retains its validity. However, in this case
cancellations may be made with the prior written
consent of MCI.
25% of the amount of each exhibit and service
booked will be due as general compensation for
costs occurred, payable by the applicant to MCI.
After official confirmation of the exhibition space has been received, any request for a location change will be considered as a cancellation and new booking, and therefore subject to a penalty charge
according to the contract cancellation policy.
If the Congress has to be cancelled owing to force majeure, exhibitors and sponsors will only be reimbursed amounts they have already paid.
Abstract submission
15 September 2011
Deadline for reduced participant registration fee
30 January 2012
Satellite symposia confirmation with speaker names and titles
27 February 2012
Balance due for confirmed sponsorship items and exhibition space
27 February 2012
Advertisements and industry programme (final) submissions
for the final programme
15 March 2012
Deadline for booking exhibition space and other sponsorship items
4 May 2012
Subject to availability
Each company must comply with the German laws related to participation in congresses and the
advertising and promotion of pharmaceutical products. MCI bears no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any failure to comply with these rules and regulations.
Proof of the non-occurrence of damages, or of „ ABHI Code of Conduct for the Medical Device Industry on the Processing of Personal Data:
lower losses than the cancellation fee, remains
Please consult the congress page under “Exhibition and Sponsorship”
the sole responsibility of the applicant (e.g. alter- „ Eucomed Code of Ethical Business Practice: http:⁄⁄www.eucomed.org⁄key-themes⁄ethics
native short-term let).
„ Pharmaceutical industry: Please consult the congress page under “Exhibition and Sponsorship”
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Registration and fees
Online registration: www.efort.org⁄berlin2012⁄registration
Group bookings: EFORTregistration@mci-group.com
Online registration at www.efort.org⁄berlin2012 is preferable. Participants and accompanying persons are requested to register in advance using the
online portal on the congress website www.efort.org⁄berlin2012. All fees are indicated in EUR, incl. VAT. In order to avoid double charges, please submit
your registration ONCE.
The late registration fee will apply for any forms received after 30 January 2012. Registrations received after 4 May 2012 will be processed as on site
When appropriate payment has been received, a confirmation⁄invoice will be sent to participants. This confirmation should be presented at the registration desk, pre-registration counter on site.
Registration fees (incl. 19% VAT)
Residents in training*
Nurses and allied providers
Nurse sessions only
ExMEx sessions
- Acetabular fractures 23 May
- Revision in cruciate ligament reconstruction
23 May
- Periprosthetic fractures around the hip and knee
24 May
- Osteoporosis and operative treatment of
fragility fractures 25 May
The Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review Course (CRC)
25 May
Accompanying person
One-day registration - on site only
up to 30 January 2012
after 4 May 2012
EUR 361
EUR 190
EUR 130
EUR 130
EUR 48
31 January 2012 to
3 May 2012
EUR 431
EUR 271
EUR 150
EUR 150
EUR 48
EUR 51
EUR 58
EUR 58
EUR 51
EUR 58
EUR 58
EUR 51
EUR 58
EUR 58
EUR 51
EUR 58
EUR 58
EUR 115
EUR 62
EUR 143
EUR 91
EUR 143
EUR 105
EUR 211
EUR 481
EUR 341
EUR 160
EUR 160
EUR 57
* I certify that I am entitled to the reduced registration fee. Proof of status must be attached to this registration form, otherwise the regular fee will be applied.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
Hotel information
How to book hotel accommodation
In order to make a hotel reservation, please:
„ Acces the congress website at ww.efort.org⁄berlin2012⁄hotel to make your preliminary choice
„ Access the registration platform and choose your hotel accommodation
Advance hotel bookings are handled by:
MCI Deutschland GmbH
E-mail: EFORThotels@mci-group.com
Rates per room and night including breakfast and local VAT.
Single occupancy
min⁄max in EUR
245 ⁄ 379
Double occupancy
min⁄max in EUR
265 ⁄ 395
132 ⁄ 320
98 ⁄ 169
99 ⁄ 135
152 ⁄ 350
118 ⁄ 179
129 ⁄ 155
The hotels have limited capacities. It is recommended that you make your hotel booking as early
as possible. If the first-choice hotel⁄category has
already been sold out, MCI Deutschland GmbH
reserves the right to arrange accommodation in
another hotel⁄category. All changes and cancellations are to be made in writing and addressed
exclusively to MCI Deutschland GmbH. In case of
partial or total cancellation of the hotel reservation by 22 November 2011, a EUR 40 handling fee
per person will be charged. Thereafter and up to
22 December 2011, the cancellation of one night‘s
accommodation will be charged at the full rate.
If two or more nights‘ accommodation is wholly
or partially cancelled, 50% of the cancelled hotel
nights will be charged. In cases of cancellation
or no-show without prior notice after 22 February 2012, the full cost of the accommodation will
be charged. In case of no-shows the right to the
booked hotel room expires the following day at
9.00 local time.
Exhibitor and sponsorship manual
A fee of EUR 30 per person will be charged for
changes in hotel reservations. The hotel is liable
to pay damages if the reserved room is not made
available. To secure adequate overnight capacities, hotel rooms for the Congress have had to be
contracted a long time in advance. Hotels occasionally publish online or last-minute promotion
rates for a limited number of rooms which may
vary from the prices contracted for the Congress.
For GROUP BOOKINGS please contact:
MCI Deutschland GmbH
Markgrafenstrasse 56
10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 (0)30 20 45 90
+49 (0)30 20 45 950
E-mail: EFORThotels@mci-group.com
When the appropriate payments have been processed, a confirmation⁄invoice will be sent to parHOTEL RESERVATION
The details of all Congress hotels will be available ticipants. This confirmation will include all details
for the hotel reservation.
www.efort.org⁄berlin2012 as of July 2011.
The deadline for reservations is 23 March 2012.
There are only limited numbers of hotel rooms
available. Please book your desired hotel as early
as possible.
Please return this form to the Congress Secretariat :
MCI Schweiz AG, Flughofstrasse 54, CH-8152 Glattbrugg, Switzerland
Phone +41 44 809 4242 / Fax +41 44 809 4240
e-mail EFORTexhibition@mci-group.com, www.efort.org
Zip Code
VAT Number
Person in charge
Herewith we confirm our participation in the 13th EFFORT Congress – Berlin 2012by booking the following:
Major Sponsor – minimum payment € 180.000
please check the benefits included in the Exhibitor and Sponsorship Manual
Sponsor with exhibition area (minimum exhibition area 9 sqm – 3x3 m)
EUR 600 per m² without shell scheme, price includes floor space only
-_____ sqm in total
EUR 670 per m² with shell scheme booth
-_____ sqm in total
Organiser of Industry Symposia
Select your preferred time slot (including set-up, time for catering service and dismantling)
Room capacity
23 May 2012, 12.30 – 14.00
room seating over 300
EUR 18.000
Room capacity
room seating up to 300
24 May 2012, 12.30 – 14.00
EUR 16.000
room seating over 300
EUR 21.000
Room capacity
room seating up to 300
25 May 2012, 12.30 – 14.00
EUR 14.000
room seating over 300
EUR 18.000
*Meeting room rates Rates include rental fee, standard amplification equipment, laptop, projector, audio- visual technician / hall attendant,
notice of symposium in preliminary online programme (as of February 2012), Announcement of the sponsored symposium in the final programme. For
any additional audio-visual requirements please contact MCI. The above rates do not include VAT.
Additional Sponsorship items: Please see Exhibitor and Sponsorship manual for details. Please indicate your preferred
items, to be re-confirmed by MCI, subject to availability on a first-come – first served basis.
1)________________________________ 2)_______________________________ 3)__________________________
□ We have read an accepted the payment and cancellation policies as indicated in the Exhibitor and Sponsorship manual.
We herewith confirm the booking, legally signed and with company stamp.
EFORT Congresses
14th EFORT Congress
Istanbul, 5-8 June 2013
15th EFORT Congress
London, 4-7 June 2014
16th EFORT Congress
Prague, 27-30 May 2015
EFORT Head Office
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41 (44) 448 4400
Fax +41 (44) 448 4411