NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 2014 Commonwealth Games Hospital Manual July 2014 Version 1.0 (Web Version) Document Control Version 1.0 July 2014 1 Not Protectively Marked Title: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde -2014 Commonwealth Games Hospital Manual Version Date Purpose/Change Authorised 1.0 (Web Version) 14h July 2014 Document owner(s): Civil Contingencies Planning Unit, Public Health Protection Amendments: Authorised by: Anne Harkness, Director ECMS Version 1.0 July 2014 2 Contents 1. Background ........................................................................................ Page 4 2. Entitlement ......................................................................................... Page 4 3. Training Camps ................................................................................... Page 5 4. Athletes and Games Family Accommodation ...................................... Page 5 5. Process for AGF requiring hospital care .............................................. Page 5 6. Identifying and Authenticating members of the AGF ........................... Page 6 7. Accredited member: Self-referral or ambulance .................................. Page 6 8. Team Doctors ...................................................................................... Page 6 9. Interpreting Services............................................................................ Page 7 10. Discharge/Transfer process ................................................................ Page 7 11. Consent ............................................................................................... Page 7 12. Information Governance ...................................................................... Page 7 13. Reporting ............................................................................................. Page 7 14. Security ............................................................................................... Page 8 15. VIP ..................................................................................................... Page 8 16. Doping ................................................................................................. Page 8 17. Communication and Media .................................................................. Page 8 18. Major Incident ...................................................................................... Page 8 19. Mental Health ...................................................................................... Page 9 20. Other visitors to Glasgow .................................................................... Page 9 Appendix 1 - Transfer of Athlete or AGF member to NHS GGC Hospital................Page 11 Appendix 2 - G2014 Games Accreditation Example ..............................................Page 12 Appendix 3 - G2014 Identity and Accreditation Categories .....................................Page 13 Appendix 4 – NHSGGC GLO Notification Form......................................................Page 15 Appendix 5 - NHS GGC Immediate and Final Discharge Letter Templates ............Page 16 Appendix 5a - Completing an IDL/letter Patient’s GP is Unknown on TrakCare......Page 19 Appendix 6 - Consent to share information G2014 to provide .................................Page20 Appendix 7 – NHSGGC High Profile Patient Plan - GRI .........................................Page 21 Appendix 8 – Mental Health Pathway and contact numbers ..................................Page 25 Appendix 9 – Further Information ...........................................................................Page 26 Version 1.0 July 2014 3 1) Background The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games will take place between 23rd July 2014 and 3rd August 2014. It will be the largest multi-sport event ever held in Scotland with 17 sports including 5 integrated para-sporting events. The Games will operate in three site clusters in the city – East End, the West End and the South Side. The Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village will be in the East End. East End – Celtic Park, Athletes’ Village, Emirate Arena and Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, Tollcross International Swimming Centre and Glasgow Green Hockey Centre. South Side – Ibrox Stadium, Cathkin Braes Mountain Bike Trails, Hampden Park West End – Kelvingrove Lawn Bowls Centre, SECC Precinct, Scotstoun Sports Campus Three competition venues at satellite locations outside Glasgow will be used: • • • Barry Buddon Shooting Centre near Carnoustie Royal Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh Strathclyde Country Park. There are three road races that will be unticketed with public spectator access along the route. These are: • • • 2) Marathon – Sunday 27th July Cycle Time Trials Road Race – Thursday 31st July Cycle Road Race – Sunday 3rd August Entitlement The Scottish Government has issued a Chief Executive’s letter outlining the entitlement that has been agreed for the Accredited Games Family (AGF) between Monday 7th July 2014 and Friday 7th August 2014 (inclusive) as set out in CEL 08 (2014) THE COMMONWEALTH GAMES 2014 - PROVISION OF NECESSARY TREATMENT FOR THE ACCREDITED COMMONWEALTH GAMES FAMILY The AGF is defined as including athletes and their supporting teams, technical officials, certain members of the press and broadcasters, the Commonwealth Games Federation, security etc. In summary, the AGF will be entitled to treatment for any condition which occurred after arrival in the UK, including pre-existing conditions which acutely exacerbate whilst here, but not for pre-planned, elective treatment or routine monitoring of chronic conditions. While the intention is that the majority of healthcare required by the athletes and other accredited Game Family will be provided via the polyclinic at the athlete’s village, NHS Greater Glasgow and Version 1.0 July 2014 4 Clyde will have a role to play in the provision of medical care in emergency situations and certain non-acute specialist services as agreed. The designated hospital for referrals, unless otherwise indicated by the condition or treatment required, is Glasgow Royal Infirmary. If a member of the games family requires urgent treatment e.g. stroke, cardiac arrest for which an ambulance care pathway already exists the existing pathway is to be followed. This could result in a G2014 patient being treated in a hospital other than the GRI. The AGF are entitled to be seen within 24 hours of a referral for a planned appointment/investigation – subject to usual working patterns 3) Training Camps As well as the AGF competing and attending events in Glasgow at least one team from Zambia will have a training camp for approximately 20 individuals, at t Strathclyde University/Glasgow School of Sport from the 7 – 13 July 2014. Additional training camps will be held in other health board areas. As some training camp facilities are still being negotiated with Sport Scotland there is a possibility that other camps in NHSGGC will be confirmed at a later stage. 4) Athletes and Games Family Accommodation The athletes will be housed in the custom built Athletes Village in the East End, close to the Emirates Arena. The Polyclinic is also situated in the Athletes Village. The majority of Accredited Games Family will be staying at the Hilton Hotel, William Street Glasgow. In addition, Technical Officials will be resident at four other city centre locations: • • • • Jury’s Inn, Jamaica Street Holiday Inn Express, Theatreland Strathclyde University halls of Residence Queen Margaret Halls of Residence, Glasgow University The accredited media personnel have accommodation at the Crowne Plaza close to the media centre at the BBC Scotland Plaza. 5) Process for AGF requiring hospital care In order to cause the minimum disruption to normal services whilst ensuring the safety and security of members of the GF, a process will be in place during the above-mentioned period as follows: If an athlete or other accredited GF member requires referral to hospital, the G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) will liaise with Anne Harkness, NHSGGC Games Liaison Officer (GLO) The GLO will facilitate appropriate referral and arrange attendance or admission to the correct service, inform the relevant NHS staff members and ensure protocols are followed for informing others as necessary. See Appendix 1 – Transfer of Athlete or AGF member to NHS GGC Hospital Version 1.0 July 2014 5 In the event of an athlete or other AGF member being admitted to hospital between the hours of 20:00 - 08.00 the GLO (or nominated deputy) should inform Scottish Government NHS Resilience on-call via the out of hours Emergency contact pager. 6) Identifying and Authenticating members of the AGF To assure confidentiality and security, accredited members of the GF will be in possession of Games Accreditation that includes a recent photograph and their unique accreditation code (Appendices 2 and 3 Games Accrediation Example and G2014 Identity and Accreditation Categories). It is the responsibility of NHS Healthcare providers to establish whether or not overseas visitors are entitled to receive free NHS healthcare, or if charges should be applied. In doing so, they can ask to see reasonable proof of identity. Many of the large teams may have a number of non-accredited support staff who are not entitled to free care under the bid commitments. Guidance is available at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Health/OverseasVisitors When identifying a member of the Games Family you should: – Confirm their Games Family accreditation category – Ask for their accreditation and confirm their eligibility If the Games Family member does not have their accreditation contact the GLO who will contact, the G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals). 7) Accredited member: Self-referral or ambulance In the event of a member of the Accredited Games Family presenting at A&E without the hospital having been contacted in advance, please undertake the following procedure: • • • 8) If an emergency, treat the patient first Follow the process for recognising a Games Family member and determining their entitlement to care Inform the GLO of their presentation (Appendix 1) as soon as possible providing details required in Appendix 4 - NHS GGC GLO Notification Form Team Doctors All referrals will be made by the G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) from the Polyclinic, not a team doctor. If a patient consents, the team doctor will be able to attend the assessment. If a patient consents, their discharge details can also be shared with the team doctor. Version 1.0 July 2014 6 9) Interpreting Services The Commonwealth Games is an English speaking games and therefore there should be limited need for interpreting services. However, in the event that services are required, the assessment of the patient should begin as normal using existing interpretation services and normal protocols. http://www.staffnet.ggc.scot.nhs.uk/Info%20Centre/InterpretingServices/Page s/InterpretingServices.aspx (Language Line’s Direct Number 0800 028 0073). 10) Discharge/Transfer process When a member of GF who has been admitted is ready for discharge or transfer, contact should be made with the GLO who will make all arrangements for discharge in consultation with the G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals). The G2014 medical clinical manager is responsible for organising transport back to their residence. Appendix 5 details the Immediate and Final Discharge Letters (IDL and FDL) that are used in NHS GGC. The IDL will be given to the AGF patient and where appropriate cc’d to the Polyclinic medical staff, following the process in Appendix 5a. 11) Consent Clinical information will not be shared with G2014 or Team Doctors routinely. Team doctors attending with patients have no rights of consent and will only help in the consultation process with the permission of the patient. The admitting medical team takes primacy in all care of any patient admitted to their hospital. If a patient wishes to share information with their team medics, or anyone else, the consent to share information form attached at Appendix 6 should be completed. 12) Information Governance To ensure patients receive seamless healthcare as they move between the NHS and G2014 there is a need to facilitate easy and appropriate access to patient information. It is therefore essential that healthcare professionals are able to communicate and share information in order to provide the best possible care for patients. A Service Level Agreement between NHS GG&C and G2014 in in place and we have given our commitment to provide care in accordance with all applicable laws, including data protection legislation. Information sharing decisions will be made by the responsible clinician at G2014 and the responsible clinician at Glasgow Royal Infirmary or other NHSGGC facility. Access to the information must be restricted so that it is shared on a need to know basis. 13) Reporting The GLO will be frequently liaising with G2014 and will report on any AGF members who have been admitted to hospital on a daily basis. A form is provided for this in Appendix 4. This should be completed for every patient attending the hospital from the GF. Version 1.0 July 2014 7 14) Security All staff should ensure that they carry their NHS identification with them at all times. As some athletes may attract significant attention the GLO will ensure that where security staff are present, they are made aware of the athlete attending. 15) VIP G2014 will advise the GLO if any patient is to be treated as a VIP. In addition to AGF there are likely to be other non-AGF VIPs who might require hospital treatment. These VIPs may be accompanied by Police Protection Officers. The protocol associated with treatment of VIPS at GRI is attached at Appendix 7. Other hospitals have similar protocols 16) Doping Many medicines that are prescribed to treat injury or illness for athletes may result in an Adverse Analytical Finding (a positive test). As a result an athlete could receive an Anti-Doping Rule Violation leading to a sanction and lengthy ban from their sport as defined by the World Anti-Doping Code. These medicines (“prohibited substances”) are listed on the Prohibited List (http://www.wada-ama.org/) issued on an annual basis by World Anti-Doping Agency. If there is a medical requirement for a prescription, the treating physician may be asked to sign a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) form which may allow the athlete to take a prohibited substance for medical reasons. It is the athlete’s responsibility to alert clinical staff about any drug restrictions in their sport but hospital staff must be aware of the need for care in this area. In a medical emergency or if the patient is unconscious, clinical staff should take whatever measures are needed to care for the patient as the health of the athlete takes priority. In this case the athlete may apply for a TUE retroactively. The following link provides further information on prohibited substances from the Global Drug Reference Online http://www.globaldro.com/uk-en/. If using Global DRO please note that athletes competing in the Commonwealth Games are considered ‘In-Competition’ from the 13 July 2014 to 3 August. Advice will be available from the Glasgow 2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals). 17) Communication and Media All Commonwealth Games related enquiries will be managed by the Games Media Messaging Group (GMMG). No information will be released to the media by NHS GGC. It is essential that ALL enquires about athletes, AGF or other VIPS, are referred to the Corporate Communications Team on 0141 201 4429 (24 hour number) who will liaise with the GMMG. 18) Major Incident During a declared major incident the Accredited Games Family members (including athletes) will be treated in the same pathway as all other casualties. However, if AGF members are suspected to have been involved in the incident efforts should be made to identify if any AGF have arrived at all receiving hospitals and their details passed to the GLO. Version 1.0 July 2014 8 19) Military Personnel There will be military personnel in Glasgow performing safety and security duties during the Commonwealth Games. If a member of the military is admitted to an NHS GGC hospital, under either emergency or planned conditions, the MOD SMO must be informed of the admission. Military personnel are treated the same was as all other patients, however the information generated during their stay – discharge, case notes etc are subject to specific processes. 20) Mental Health Any request for an urgent Mental Health assessment for an Accredited Games Family member, will be through the GLO. The responding mental health services to cover 24/7 for the AGF will be the North East Area Crisis Team and the OOH Mental Health Team. If the Crisis/OOH team need to admit the AGF member to a Mental Health Hospital they will follow the agreed pathway (Appendix 8) and admit to Struan Ward, MacKinnon House, Stobhill Hospital where an identified Consultant Psychiatrist will assume medical responsibility for the individual’s care. 21) Other Visitors to Glasgow The 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow will result in an increased number of overseas and other UK visitors in Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board area over the summer. UK visitors are entitled to the same treatment as any UK resident. Appendix 5a details the process to complete an IDL or letter where the patient’s GP is unknown on TrakCare Firstly all visitors regardless of status and country of origin are entitled to treatment in an emergency. There are two types of overseas visitors to the Commonwealth Games, members of the Accredited Games Family (detailed above), and those simply visiting, some of whom will be from the Commonwealth. It is the responsibility of NHS Healthcare providers to establish whether or not overseas visitors are entitled to receive free NHS healthcare, or if charges should be applied. In doing so, they can ask to see reasonable proof of identity. All other visitors will have their eligibility assessed in terms of the Visitors from Overseas Guidance. They may come to the UK as early as July 6th. There are two main factors in determining eligibility for NHS treatment; the country the visitor comes from, and a small number of other factors. Country of ordinary residence Version 1.0 July 2014 9 The country that the overseas visitor comes from is a major factor in determining their entitlement. The term used in the guidance is their “Country of Ordinary Residence”. Broadly, there are two groups of countries that are entitled to treatment, there are some additional requirements for eligibility, and some restrictions based on nationality. Any visitor who is not from one of these countries will not be eligible on the grounds of nationality. There are two main groups of countries whose residents are entitled, under certain conditions, and with certain restrictions to NHS Treatment. EEA Countries Nationals of ALL EEA countries and Switzerland are entitled to any necessary NHS treatment while visiting the UK, for a visit of up to 90 days, on the same basis as residents, upon production of an EHIC. This covers everything, including existing conditions so long as the patient’s visit to the UK is not expressly for the purpose of receiving treatment. For Oxygen Therapy or Renal Treatment contact must be made prior to treatment. All members of a family from the EEA would be expected to have their own EHIC; there is no provision for dependents in the guidance. The EEA countries are: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Denmark Greece Estonia Hungary Finland Iceland Latvia The Netherlands Slovakia Liechtenstein Norway Lithuania Poland France Republic of Ireland Luxembourg Portugal Slovenia Spain Sweden Czech Republic Germany Italy Malta Romania UK Reciprocal Health Agreements Residents of countries on the lists below are entitled to treatment on the NHS for conditions that have arisen since they arrived in the UK. Anguilla, Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Channel Islands, Falkland Islands, Isle of Man, Montserrat, New Zealand, Russian Federation, St Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands, Former Soviet Union States, • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Former Yugoslavia, • Serbia and Montenegro and successor states Bosnia, Macedonia and Croatia. Version 1.0 July 2014 10 Appendix1 – Transfer of Athlete or AGF member to NHS GGC Hospital Athlete/AGF member requires transfer to hospital/diagnostics/outpatients PLANNED EMERGENCY (BLUE LIGHT) G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) informs NHSGGC GLO of patient and reason for referral NHSGGC GLO liaises with NHS service and G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) to arrange treatment and care G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) organises Patient transfer to agreed hospital/clinic Patient taken from Venue, Polyclinic/Athlete’s Village/GF Hotel to: • ED at GRI • Nearest ED • Other definitive care centre G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) OR ED team at receiving hospital informs NHSGGC GLO of in-coming patient Assessment and appropriate treatment and care delivered by NHS team(s). Transfer between specialities arranged on basis of clinical need. NHS speciality to complete GLO Notification form and email to Anne Harkness (GLO) NHSGG GLO liaises with G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) on patient status and care plan Discharge/Transfer arranged via NHSGGC GLO and G2014 Medical Clinical Manager (NHS Referrals) Version 1.0 July 2014 11 Appendix 2 - G2014 Games Accreditation Example Version 1.0 July 2014 12 Appendix 3- G2014 Identity and Accreditation Categories COMPETITION VENUE CODES CODE BBS CAV CBM GNH GRC HPP ISR KLB RPD SCP SSC SXG SXW SXZ TIS DESCRIPTION BARRY BUDDON SHOOTING EMIRATES ARENA VELODROME CATHKIN BRAES MTN BIKE GLASGOW NATIONAL HOCKEY GLASGOW GREEN PRECINCT HAMPDEN PARK PRECINCT IBROX STADIUM KELVINGROVE LAWN BOWLS ROYAL COMMONWEALTH POOL STRATHCLYDE COUNTRY PARK SCOTSTOUN SPORTS CAMPUS THE SSE HYDRO CLYDE AUDITORIUM SECC COMPETITION HALLS TOLLCROSS SWIMMING NON-COMPETITION VENUE CODES CODE CDM CGV CPO DDV GHQ IBC MPC SVB TRV DESCRIPTION SECC COMMON DOMAIN (INCL. HOTEL) COMMONWEALTH GAMES VILL CELTIC PARK DIVING VILLAGE GAMES HEADQUARTERS INT BROADCAST CENTRE MAIN PRESS CENTRE SATELLITE SHOOTING VIL TRAINING VENUES CLUSTER VENUE CODES REV SXC INF ROAD EVENTS (CBM/GRC/SCP) SECC PRECINCT (SXG/SXW/SXW - DOES NOT INCLUDE IBC/MPC) ALL COMPETITION AND TRAINING VENUES Version 1.0 July 2014 13 ZONE KEY ZONE BLUE CODE NAME Field of Play / Athlete Preparation Areas RED Operational Areas Yellow ZONE OWNER SPACE, OFFICES & SERVICES - Warm-up and training areas Sport - Athlete change rooms, lockers rooms - Athlete equipment and service areas - Athlete medical service - Doping control station - Athlete lounge - Sport information desk - Field of play, competition areas - Mixed zone (Athletes area) - Timing & Scoring (on Field of play) Venue - Competition management Management - IF offices, Technical Delegate’s office - Officials change rooms - Jury and Draw rooms - Results room - Timing & Scoring - Technology rooms - Print distribution - Security areas - Sport production - Victory ceremonies - Venue communication centre - Workforce areas - Venue operations centre - Generic offices and storage - Logistics compounds and warehouses - Catering, cleaning and waste areas N/A 1 1 2 2 General Circulation Areas Games Family Hospitality Areas Press Areas 3 3 Broadcast Areas Broadcast R R Residential Zone of the Athlete's Village Management Version 1.0 July 2014 Protocol Press Operations - Guests lounge - Guests stands - Venue media centre - Press and photo work rooms - Media conference or interview room - Photo positions - Press stands - Mixed zone (Press area) - Press lounge - Games News Service - Broadcast compound - Camera positions and platforms - Commentary positions - Observer seats - Mixed zone (Broadcast area) - Retail Village - Athlete's accomodation & services 14 Appendix 4 – NHS GGC GLO Notification Form • • • G2014 Medical Manager to complete sections 1-9, if planned admission Receiving unit to compete if an emergency admission Department treating the patient to complete sections 10-12 Email completed forms to Anne Harkness (GLO) at: • anne.harkness@ggc.scot.nhs.uk To be Completed for Accredited Member of the Games Family 1. 2. 3. 4. Hospital name: Date: Time: Contact at the Hospital (include email and telephone details) 5. 6. 7. Accreditation Category Accreditation number or registration number Name: 8. Nationality: 9. Gender: 10. Diagnosis, treatment and outcome (not more than 500 words) 11. Media Interest (not more than 500 words) 12. Any other relevant comments: Version 1.0 July 2014 15 Appendix 5 – NHS GGC Immediate and Final Discharge Letter Templates Version 1.0 July 2014 16 Version 1.0 July 2014 17 Appendix 5a – Completing an IDL or letter where the Patient’s GP is Unknown on TrakCare As the Commonwealth Games approach we are anticipating a higher number of visitors to Glasgow who may attend or be admitted to hospital and not have a GP listed in TrakCare. Please note the following advice when completing letters that are usually sent to the GP: IDL or EDL where GP is unknown on TrakCare 1. Complete the letter to the unknown GP 2. Authorise the letter to print, this will send it to the print queue which will then generate the hyperlink 3. Click the hyperlink to open the letter 4. Print the letter and give it to the patient / post to the patient, as required. 5. The patient can take the letter to their GP if they have one. Other letters where GP is unknown on TrakCare 1. Use the Clinical Letter – Other template 2. Enter the address of the GP / Physician or if GP / physician address not known enter name / address of the patient (you need to put something in the field) 3. Complete the letter 4. Letter will auto-print and can be put in an envelope and given to the patient, or posted to the patient, as required. 5. The patient can take the letter to their GP if they have one. Version 1.0 July 2014 18 Appendix 6 - Consent to share information G2014 to provide Version 1.0 July 2014 19 Appendix 7 – NHSGGC High Profile Patient Plan – GRI High Profile Patient Plan Glasgow Royal Infirmary February 2014 Application Patients with high or potentially high security risk Patients with high public and media profile May be used as a basis for responding to incidents involving terrorism Pre-hospital diversion If the patient has tertiary care requirements e.g. head injury, burns, paediatrics or requires decontamination an attempt should be made to have the ambulance service transfer them from scene directly to a definitive care centre. Implementation The decision to implement lies with Emergency Medical/Specialist Consultant, Emergency Medical/Specialist Department Nurse in charge or the duty site/ bed manager. Actions The telephone switchboard should be requested to contact those on the “High profile patient” contact list and ask them to report to the Emergency Department. Brief Emergency Department staff. Designate an appropriate area within the Emergency Department for patient assessment and management. Ordinarily this will be the Resuscitation Room. Use porters/security team to exclude public and press from the department, up to 3 porters/security team depending on activity. Principles of management should be to limit patient movement and staff contacts in the hospital by bringing consultant specialists to the patient. Use near patient investigations and consultant assessments where possible. If the patient requires admission, the designated admission bed would be within a single room in the appropriate specialised care ward. Version 1.0 July 2014 20 Department closure The reception of a high profile patient may constitute a Level 2 emergency or Level 3 incident: Level 2 Major Emergency - A major emergency is defined as a situation, either arising or threatened, which requires the special mobilisation and/or redeployment of staff or other resources with consequent interruption to routine activities. Major emergencies are any events which may cause significant disruption in the delivery of health care to patients. Level 3 Major Incident - This is a widely accepted term used by the emergency services to describe any emergency that requires (and triggers) the implementation of special arrangements by one or more of the emergency services, the NHS or the local authority. For the NHS, Major incidents are events involving the reception of significant numbers of casualties or limited numbers of casualties whose injuries place special demands on the NHS. If the Emergency Department or other areas of the hospital require closure please use the Business Continuity Plan. Media As per hospital major incident plan. Plan Background Patients with high public and media profiles or security risks may attend Glasgow Royal Infirmary. This plan advises hospital staff regarding the management of such patients with the aims of optimising privacy, safety and security and facilitating effective co-operation with the police and the media. Where possible the plan attempts to minimise disruption to the normal working of the hospitals. In the event of terrorism this plan may form the basis of response but will be augmented following discussions with Police Scotland. Application This plan applies to all patients who are actual or potential significant security risks such as senior politicians, dignitaries and prisoners. The plan also applies to patients who are likely to attract significant media presence in and around the hospital. This may include victims associated with high profile criminal activity. Implementation The plan can be implemented by the emergency medicine/specialist consultant on duty, the nurse in charge of the emergency medical/specialist department or the site/bed manager on duty. The plan can be implemented on the arrival of the patient or prior to this if the hospital receives prior notification of the imminent arrival of a high profile patient from the emergency services or other sources. Version 1.0 July 2014 21 The plan is implemented by telephoning switchboard and requesting that the “High profile patient telephone list” be activated. Patient diversion If the patient is likely to require investigations or interventions not available at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the patient has not yet arrived at the hospital then attempts should be made to have the ambulance service transport the patient from the scene directly to a site of definitive care, unless the patient has a life threatening condition which requires stabilisation prior to transfer to another hospital for definitive treatment. Facilitating a single hospital attendance rather than two with a secondary inter-hospital transfer minimises risk and disruption to the operations of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and of the Scottish Ambulance Service and risk to the patient. Switchboard: High profile patient telephone list When requested to do so by the emergency medical/specialist consultant, or charge nurse, or the duty site manager would ask switchboard to telephone the following people and convey this message: “The hospital’s high profile patient plan has been activated, please report to the emergency/specialist receiving department. Emergency medical/specialist department nurse in charge Emergency medicine/specialist consultant – 1st on Site/bed manager on duty Senior manager on call to be contacted and updated. Portering/Security Manager Porter in charge of department Press officer on duty for the health board. Nurse in charge of emergency medical/specialist department Designate area appropriate for patient assessment and management: Brief Emergency Medical/Specialist Department staff on situation. Advise on: Information received Need for discretion Minimal staff contact with patient Potential or actual need to close department Area where patient will be managed in the department Potential risks Departmental porters/security staff will base themselves strategically in order to maintain security of the area to prevent inappropriate access within the Emergency Department and to limit access to those with appropriate Version 1.0 July 2014 22 identification until relieved by the police or further instructed by Senior Management. Principles of management should be to limit patient movement and staff contacts in the hospital. The patient should be assessed and treated by the emergency medicine/specialist consultant and consultants from the in-hospital specialities, in the Emergency Department. Use near patient investigations where possible. Emergency Medicine/Specialist consultant Working with a middle grade member of staff you will lead on patient assessment and management. Principles of management should be to limit patient movement and staff contacts in the hospital by bringing consultant specialists to the patient in the Emergency Department. Use near patient investigations where possible. A second Emergency Medical/Specialist Consultant should lead on police liaison and managing the rest of the department. Distribution of high profile patient plan Emergency medical/specialist department consultants and senior nurses Site manger folder Switchboard On call senior managers Clinical service mangers Lead nurses Intensive care unit – lead consultant and lead nurse Medical Director Civil Contingencies Planning Unit, NHS GG&C Media services An incident debriefing sessions will be held for all relevant staff as soon as possible following the end of the treatment cycle for the High Profile/VIP Patient April 2012 RC2124 Version 1.0 July 2014 23 Appendix 8 – Mental Health Pathway and contact numbers Admission Pathway for Urgent Mental Health Assessment Mental Health assessment requested from G2014 Games Medical Manager GLO contacts appropriate MH team and assessment is organised Monday –Friday 20:00-09:00 Saturday –Sunday 47:00-09:00 Contact Out of Hours Monday –Friday 09.00-20:00 Saturday –Sunday 09:00- 17:00 Contact NE Crisis Team Crisis Assessment Completed Admission Required? No Crisis/OOH Input Liaise with NHSGGC GLO Yes In hours – Crisis. Contact NE Bed Manager/RMO Out of Hours – mental health service. Contact nurse page holder MacKinnon house/Duty Doctor Facilities bed in Struan Ward Crisis – contact relevant authorities Version 1.0 July 2014 24 Appendix 9 –Further Information Websites G2014 www.glasgow2014.com Get Ready Glasgow www.getreadyglasgow.com NHSGGC portal http://www.nhsggc.org.uk/content/default.asp?page=home_cwg2014 Version 1.0 July 2014 25
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