Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Haazinu ,n z xz P Erev Shabbat Schedule 7:05 PM 6:56 PM Shabbat Schedule Hashkama Minyan 7:30 AM Main Minyan 9:00 AM Rabbi Bixon’s Class 6:00 PM Mincha: 6:40 PM Maariv 7:40 PM Shabbat Ends 7:47 PM Mincha Candle Lighting Shacharit Sun Sept. 27th 7:00 & 8:00 AM See Sukkot Schedule in the Shabbat email or on our website HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Becky Leuchter, Jack Burstein, Abbey Berkowitz, Jack Miller, AlB Galbut, Barbara Eisenberg, Heather Oppen, Shoshana Traube, Sandy Spolter, Lili Estrin, Eitan Gavriel Newfield Book Review “Catch the Jew!” Written by Tuvia Tenenbom Sunday October 18th (New Date) at 8:00 pm The book is available for purchase on Saturday Night October 31st 8:30 pm Return of the Beth Israel Panoply Challenge Make your teams now and get ready to compete! Howard Abrahams – President September 26th 2015 13 Tishri 5776 Upcoming Scholars in Residence Youth Program Announcements Monday Night Oct. 26th PRE - GROUPS BEGIN 9:15am Col. Bentzi Gruber Regular groups 9:45am 8:00 pm Ethics in the Field; an Inside Look at the IDF ____________________________________________ Shabbat November 21st Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom ________________________________________________ Shabbat January 9th Dr. David Pelcovitz Sponsored by Gale and Dr. Lanny Grobman Beth Israel Congregation's 5th Annual World Famous Simchat Torah Catered Kiddush Extravaganza Don't miss out on the chance to help make this year's Kiddush, another extraordinary one! Have your name added to the list of participants: Minimum Suggested Donation $50 Contact the shul office 305.538.1251 Joel Kruger Ari Newman Meat Kiddush Catered by: David Weiss Beth Israel Grand Chol Hamoed Sukkot Trip - October 1 @ 1:00pm Bikur Cholim Day - Nursing home visitation - Share the simcha of the Chag - October 2 @ 10:00am World Renowned Hakafot For Kids October 5th @ 5pm What an amazing experience! Thank you to the Ciment children for the cards, and goody bags. Thank you to Fancy and Jimmy Saka for opening your home for refreshments after the hospital visit. Thank you to #TEAMBIKURCHOLIM on a job well done! DVAR TORAH BY: DR. ARI CIMENT A THREE PRONGED ROPE DOES NOT EASILY UNTIE ( חוט )המשולש לא במהרה ינתקLZECHER NISHMAS YECHIEL SHMUEL BEN TZVI YITZCHAK יִ היוּ עו ְֹס ִקים,וכל העו ְֹס ִקים עִ ם הַ ִצבּוּר שֶ זְ כוּת אָבוֹתָ ם,עִ מַ הֶ ם לְ שֵ ם שָ מַ יִ ם מסַ יְ יעַ תַ ן וְ ִצ ְד ָקתַ ם עוֹמֶ ֶדת לָעַ דְ Those who work for the community should do so for the sake of Heaven; for then merit of their ancestors shall aid them, and their righteousness shall endure forever. (AVOS 2:2) Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Haazinu Question #1: What does doing something for others “for the sake of heaven” have to do with having the “merit of thier ancestors aiding them”. Why not just say, “do good for other for the sake of Heaven” and you will be rewarded!!!??? why does the tanna go out of his way to invoke the ensuing connection to the ancestors when one does good deeds for the community? The answer may be hidden in our very parsha: { }ס: עַ מּ ֹו,כִּ י חֵ לֶק יְ קוָ ק חֶ בֶ ל נַחֲ לָת ֹו, ַי ֲעקֹבFor the portion of the LORD is His people, Jacob the lot of His inheritance Question #2: Simply read, this pasuk means: we are a portion of G-d’s vast Existence, and as descendants of Yakov Avinu, we are the steadfast rope of His inheritance.. Ok, I see the parallel structure and likely repetition for emphasis, but the pasuk does seem rather unusually wordy?! And whats with this rope imagery? One added question #3: for extra credit: In Taanit 5b, it says “ " ַי ֲעקֹב אַבִ ינוּ �א מֵ ת- Jacob never died! It seems ludicrous to think that there is a 3500 yr old Yaakov lurking around!? ANSWER: { }ס: עַ מּ ֹו,כִּ י חֵ לֶק יְ קוָ ק חֶ בֶ ל נַחֲ לָת ֹו, ַי ֲעקֹבFor the portion of the LORD is His people, Jacob the lot of His inheritance...Rashi explains the allusion to a ROPE: Yakov was “endowed with a threefold [parcel] of merits: The merit of his grandfather, the merit of his father, and his own merit-thus, totaling three, like a rope ()חֶ בֶ ל composed of three strands [twined together for added strength (Sifrei 32:9)].” Howard Abrahams – President September 26th 2015 13 Tishri 5776 Using Rashi’s beautiful explanation of חֶ בֶ לhere, it may not be farfetched to read this pasuk perhaps homileticaly: עַ מּ ֹו,כִּ י חֵ לֶק יְ קוָ ק- our nation of Israel has part יְ קוָ קin that the name יְ קוָ קrepresents the past, present and future ( יִ היֶה, הֹוֶ ה,)הַ יָה and Yakov represents the rope of the inheritance ( חֶ בֶ ל נַחֲ לָת ֹו, ) ַי ֲעקֹבbecause he has the ability like a rope to connect with the generations that preceded him which make him even stronger(Jacob is a “part of יְ קוָ קin that he has ropelike features in connecting to past”) G-d may be saying that we are a great nation that dwells in the past, plays in the present and fantasizes about the future but our connection to the past generations ( חֶ בֶ ל נַחֲ לָת ֹו, ) ַי ֲעקֹבis what foremost guides us in our present to our future!! Similarly, when the gemara says that ַי ֲעקֹב אַבִ ינוּ �א ֵמת, it may be again relating to the concept that Jacob never died in the sense that unlike his fathers before him, he could connect with at least 2 holy generations before him- Jacob’s spirituality was not only more widespread but more deeply rooted by having that connection to two holy generations that preceded him (this concept is similar to a Maharsha on that gemara in taanis) And now we can understand the mishna in Avos homiletically perhaps as well: Although לְ ֵשם ָשמַ יִ םusually means “do something in pure fashion”, here it may mean “for you name in heaven”! Do good for the community “for the name that you have in Shamayim”, i.e.: for your relatives/generations that died before you. If you do good, then you will interconnect with the generations and their merits come to life ()שזְ כוּת אָבוֹתָ ם ְמ ַסיְ יעַ ַתן וְ ִצ ְד ָקתַ ם עוֹמֶ ֶדת לָעַ ד ֶ and you actually thus eternalize your very ancestors in that way!!! Just as Jacob is the Rope that connects himself to Isaac and Abraham thus eternalizing their names and purpose, we have that very same injunction when we give back to others...Now it has all come together!!! Takeaway messages: When we do communal good deeds, we should do it לְ ֵשם שמַ יִ ם, ָ perhaps not in the usual sense of “sake of Heaven” but rather for our “namesakes in Heaven” i.e our ancestors and relatives that brought us here. This connects our deceased ancestors’ good deeds with ours and ensures that like Yakov who was the steadfast Rope solidified by the 2 holy generations before him חֶ בֶ ל,) ַי ֲעקֹב (נַחֲ לָת ֹו, we can also merit not dying ( ַי ֲעקֹב )אַבִ ינוּ �א ֵמתin the sense of perpetuating the good deeds of zaydes/bobbies/daddies and mommies- !חוט המשולש לא במהרה ינתקMay we all merit !!!! ִצ ְד ָקתַ ם עוֹמֶ ֶדת ָלעַ ד COMMUNITY NEWS Save The Date RASG Hebrew Academy 12-10-15 5th night of Chanukah LIGHT THE PATH GALA For more info and reservations call 305-532-6421 ext110 or Upcoming RASG Hebrew Academy Open House for all Grades Call for more information 305-532-6421 ext 113
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