GE Digital Energy EnerVista DGCR Setup Multilin DGCR Recloser Instruction Manual Multilin DGCR Recloser Firmware Revision: 1.40 GE Publication Code: 1601-9207-B3 (GEK-119532B) *1601-9207-B3* Copyright © 2014 GE Multilin Inc. All rights reserved. The Multilin DGCR Recloser™ Instruction Manual for revision 1.40. Multilin DGCR Recloser, EnerVista™, EnerVista Launchpad™, and EnerVista DGCR Setup™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of GE Multilin Inc. The contents of this manual are the property of GE Multilin Inc. This documentation is furnished on license and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of GE Multilin Inc. This manual is for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. Part number: 1601-9207-B3 (January 2014) FCC/Industry Canada This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC and Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation. L’appareil conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisé aux deux conditions suivantes: 1. L'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage 2. L'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. BATTERY DISPOSAL EN Battery Disposal This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: CS Nakládání s bateriemi Tento produkt obsahuje baterie, které nemohou být zneškodněny v Evropské unii jako netříděný komunální odpadu. Viz dokumentace k produktu pro informace pro konkrétní baterie. Baterie je označena tímto symbolem, který může zahrnovat i uvedena písmena, kadmium (Cd), olovo (Pb), nebo rtuť (Hg). Pro správnou recyklaci baterií vraťte svémudodavateli nebo na určeném sběrném místě. Pro více informací viz: DA Batteri affald Dette produkt indeholder et batteri som ikke kan bortskaffes sammen med almindeligt husholdningsaffald i Europa. Se produktinformation for specifikke informationer om batteriet. Batteriet er forsynet med indgraveret symboler for hvad batteriet indeholder: kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb) og kviksølv (Hg). Europæiske brugere af elektrisk udstyr skal aflevere kasserede produkter til genbrug eller til leverandøren. Yderligere oplysninger findes på webstedet DE Entsorgung von Batterien Dieses Produkt beinhaltet eine Batterie, die nicht als unsortierter städtischer Abfall in der europäischen Union entsorgt werden darf. Beachten Sie die spezifischen Batterie-informationen in der Produktdokumentation. Die Batterie ist mit diesem Symbol gekennzeichnet, welches auch Hinweise auf möglicherweise enthaltene Stoffe wie Kadmium (Cd), Blei (Pb) oder Quecksilber (Hektogramm) darstellt. Für die korrekte Wiederverwertung bringen Sie diese Batterie zu Ihrem lokalen Lieferanten zurück oder entsorgen Sie das Produkt an den gekennzeichneten Sammelstellen. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie auf der folgenden Website: EL Απόρριψη μπαταριών Αυτό το προϊόν περιέχει μια μπαταρία που δεν πρέπει να απορρίπτεται σε δημόσια συστήματα απόρριψης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Κοινότητα. ∆είτε την τεκμηρίωση του προϊόντος για συγκεκριμένες πληροφορίες που αφορούν τη μπαταρία. Η μπαταρία είναι φέρει σήμανση με αυτό το σύμβολο, το οποίο μπορεί να περιλαμβάνει γράμματα για να δηλώσουν το κάδμιο (Cd), τον μόλυβδο (Pb), ή τον υδράργυρο (Hg). Για την κατάλληλη ανακύκλωση επιστρέψτε την μπαταρία στον προμηθευτή σας ή σε καθορισμένο σημείο συλλογής. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες δείτε: ES Eliminacion de baterias Este producto contiene una batería que no se pueda eliminar como basura normal sin clasificar en la Unión Europea. Examine la documentación del producto para la información específica de la batería. La batería se marca con este símbolo, que puede incluir siglas para indicar el cadmio (Cd), el plomo (Pb), o el mercurio (Hg ). Para el reciclaje apropiado, devuelva este producto a su distribuidor ó deshágase de él en los puntos de reciclaje designados. Para mas información: ET Patareide kõrvaldamine Käesolev toode sisaldab patareisid, mida Euroopa Liidus ei tohi kõrvaldada sorteerimata olmejäätmetena. Andmeid patareide kohta vaadake toote dokumentatsioonist. Patareid on märgistatud käesoleva sümboliga, millel võib olla kaadmiumi (Cd), pliid (Pb) või elavhõbedat (Hg) tähistavad tähed. Nõuetekohaseks ringlusse võtmiseks tagastage patarei tarnijale või kindlaksmääratud vastuvõtupunkti. Lisainformatsiooni saab Internetist aadressil: FI Paristoje ja akkujen hävittäminen Tuote sisältää pariston, jota ei saa hävittää Euroopan Unionin alueella talousjätteen mukana. Tarkista tuoteselosteesta tuotteen tiedot. Paristo on merkitty tällä symbolilla ja saattaa sisältää cadmiumia (Cd), lyijyä (Pb) tai elohopeaa (Hg). Oikean kierrätystavan varmistamiseksi palauta tuote paikalliselle jälleenmyyjälle tai palauta se paristojen keräyspisteeseen. Lisätietoja sivuilla FR Élimination des piles Ce produit contient une batterie qui ne peuvent être éliminés comme déchets municipaux non triés dans l'Union européenne. Voir la documentation du produit au niveau des renseignements sur la pile. La batterie est marqué de ce symbole, qui comprennent les indications cadmium (Cd), plomb (Pb), ou mercure (Hg). Pour le recyclage, retourner la batterie à votre fournisseur ou à un point de collecte. Pour plus d'informations, voir: HU Akkumulátor hulladék kezelése Ezen termék akkumulátort tartalmaz, amely az Európai Unión belül csak a kijelölt módon és helyen dobható ki. A terméken illetve a mellékelt ismertetőn olvasható a kadmium (Cd), ólom (Pb) vagy higany (Hg) tartalomra utaló betűjelzés. A hulladék akkumulátor leadható a termék forgalmazójánál új akkumulátor vásárlásakor, vagy a kijelölt elektronikai hulladékudvarokban. További információ a oldalon. IT Smaltimento batterie Questo prodotto contiene una batteria che non può essere smaltita nei comuni contenitori per lo smaltimento rifiuti, nell' Unione Europea. Controllate la documentazione del prodotto per le informazioni specifiche sulla batteria. La batteria è contrassegnata con questo simbolo e può includere alcuni caratteri ad indicare la presenza di cadmio (Cd), piombo (Pb) oppure mercurio (Hg). Per il corretto smaltimento, potete restituirli al vostro fornitore locale, oppure rivolgervi e consegnarli presso i centri di raccolta preposti. Per maggiori informazioni vedere: LT Baterijų šalinimas RU Утилизация батарей Šios įrangos sudėtyje yra baterijų, kurias draudžiama šalinti Europos Sąjungos viešose nerūšiuotų atliekų šalinimo sistemose. Informaciją apie baterijas galite rasti įrangos techninėje dokumentacijoje. Baterijos žymimos šiuo simboliu, papildomai gali būti nurodoma kad baterijų sudėtyje yra kadmio (Cd), švino (Pb) ar gyvsidabrio (Hg). Eksploatavimui nebetinkamas baterijas pristatykite į tam skirtas surinkimo vietas arba grąžinkite jas tiesioginiam tiekėjui, kad jos būtų tinkamai utilizuotos. Daugiau informacijos rasite šioje interneto svetainėje: Согласно европейской директиве об отходах электрического и электронного оборудования, продукты, содержащие батареи, нельзя утилизировать как обычные отходы на территории ЕС. Более подробную информацию вы найдете в документации к продукту. На этом символе могут присутствовать буквы, которые означают, что батарея собержит кадмий (Cd), свинец (Pb) или ртуть (Hg). Для надлежащей утилизации по окончании срока эксплуатации пользователь должен возвратить батареи локальному поставщику или сдать в специальный пункт приема. Подробности можно найти на веб-сайте: LV Bateriju likvidēšana Šis produkts satur bateriju vai akumulatoru, kuru nedrīkst izmest Eiropas Savienībā esošajās sadzīves atkritumu sistēmās. Sk. produkta dokumentācijā, kur ir norādīta konkrēta informācija par bateriju vai akumulatoru. Baterijas vai akumulatora marķējumā ir šis simbols, kas var ietvert burtus, kuri norāda kadmiju (Cd), svinu (Pb) vai dzīvsudrabu (Hg). Pēc ekspluatācijas laika beigām baterijas vai akumulatori jānodod piegādātājam vai specializētā bateriju savākšanas vietā. Sīkāku informāciju var iegūt vietnē: NL Verwijderen van baterijen Dit product bevat een batterij welke niet kan verwijdert worden via de gemeentelijke huisvuilscheiding in de Europese Gemeenschap. Gelieve de product documentatie te controleren voor specifieke batterij informatie. De batterijen met deze label kunnen volgende indictaies bevatten cadium (Cd), lood (Pb) of kwik (Hg). Voor correcte vorm van kringloop, geef je de producten terug aan jou locale leverancier of geef het af aan een gespecialiseerde verzamelpunt. Meer informatie vindt u op de volgende website: SK Zaobchádzanie s batériami Tento produkt obsahuje batériu, s ktorou sa v Európskej únii nesmie nakladať ako s netriedeným komunálnym odpadom. Dokumentácia k produktu obsahuje špecifické informácie o batérii. Batéria je označená týmto symbolom, ktorý môže obsahovať písmená na označenie kadmia (Cd), olova (Pb), alebo ortuti (Hg). Na správnu recykláciu vráťte batériu vášmu lokálnemu dodávateľovi alebo na určené zberné miesto. Pre viac informácii pozrite: SL Odlaganje baterij Ta izdelek vsebuje baterijo, ki je v Evropski uniji ni dovoljeno odstranjevati kot nesortiran komunalni odpadek. Za posebne informacije o bateriji glejte dokumentacijo izdelka. Baterija je označena s tem simbolom, ki lahko vključuje napise, ki označujejo kadmij (Cd), svinec (Pb) ali živo srebro (Hg). Za ustrezno recikliranje baterijo vrnite dobavitelju ali jo odstranite na določenem zbirališču. Za več informacij obiščite spletno stran: NO Retur av batteri SV Kassering av batteri Dette produkt inneholder et batteri som ikke kan kastes med usortert kommunalt søppel i den Europeiske Unionen. Se produktdokumentasjonen for spesifikk batteriinformasjon. Batteriet er merket med dette symbolet som kan inkludere symboler for å indikere at kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb), eller kvikksølv (Hg) forekommer. Returner batteriet til leverandøren din eller til et dedikert oppsamlingspunkt for korrekt gjenvinning. For mer informasjon se: Denna produkt innehåller ett batteri som inte får kastas i allmänna sophanteringssytem inom den europeiska unionen. Se produktdokumentationen för specifik batteriinformation. Batteriet är märkt med denna symbol, vilket kan innebära att det innehåller kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb) eller kvicksilver (Hg). För korrekt återvinning skall batteriet returneras till leverantören eller till en därför avsedd deponering. För mer information, se: TR Pil Geri Dönüşümü Bu ürün Avrupa Birliği genel atık sistemlerine atılmaması gereken pil içermektedir. Daha detaylı pil bilgisi için ürünün kataloğunu inceleyiniz. Bu sembolle işaretlenmiş piller Kadmiyum(Cd), Kurşun(Pb) ya da Civa(Hg) içerebilir. Doğru geri dönüşüm için ürünü yerel tedarikçinize geri veriniz ya da özel işaretlenmiş toplama noktlarına atınız. Daha fazla bilgi için: PL Pozbywanie się zużytych baterii Ten produkt zawiera baterie, które w Unii Europejskiej mogą być usuwane tylko jako posegregowane odpady komunalne. Dokładne informacje dotyczące użytych baterii znajdują się w dokumentacji produktu. Baterie oznaczone tym symbolem mogą zawierać dodatkowe oznaczenia literowe wskazujące na zawartość kadmu (Cd), ołowiu (Pb) lub rtęci (Hg). Dla zapewnienia właściwej utylizacji, należy zwrócić baterie do dostawcy albo do wyznaczonego punktu zbiórki. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej PT Eliminação de Baterias Este produto contêm uma bateria que não pode ser considerado lixo municipal na União Europeia. Consulte a documentação do produto para obter informação específica da bateria. A bateria é identificada por meio de este símbolo, que pode incluir a rotulação para indicar o cádmio (Cd), chumbo (Pb), ou o mercúrio (hg). Para uma reciclagem apropriada envie a bateria para o seu fornecedor ou para um ponto de recolha designado. Para mais informação veja: TR Pil Geri Dönüşümü Bu ürün Avrupa Birliği genel atık sistemlerine atılmaması gereken pil içermektedir. Daha detaylı pil bilgisi için ürünün kataloğunu inceleyiniz. Bu sembolle işaretlenmiş piller Kadmiyum(Cd), Kurşun(Pb) ya da Civa(Hg) içerebilir. Doğru geri dönüşüm için ürünü yerel tedarikçinize geri veriniz ya da özel işaretlenmiş toplama noktlarına atınız. Daha fazla bilgi için: Global Contacts North America 905-294-6222 Latin America +55 11 3614 1700 Europe, Middle East, Africa +(34) 94 485 88 00 Asia +86-21-2401-3208 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1 - 1 Description of the DGCR Controllers.................................................................................... 1 - 1 DGCR Order Codes....................................................................................................................... 1 - 7 Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 1 - 7 Inputs ..........................................................................................................................................................1 - 7 Outputs.......................................................................................................................................................1 - 8 Configuration...........................................................................................................................................1 - 8 Power supply ........................................................................................................................................ 1 - 10 Fuses......................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 10 Battery ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 10 Communications................................................................................................................................. 1 - 10 Testing and Certification ................................................................................................................. 1 - 10 Environmental...................................................................................................................................... 1 - 11 Accuracy................................................................................................................................................. 1 - 12 Cautions and Warnings...........................................................................................................1 - 12 Safety words and definitions ........................................................................................................ 1 - 12 General Cautions and Warnings ................................................................................................. 1 - 12 For Further Assistance .............................................................................................................1 - 14 2. INSTALLATION Mechanical installation.............................................................................................................. 2 - 2 Electrical installation ................................................................................................................... 2 - 4 3. INTERFACES Front Control Panel Interface.................................................................................................. 3 - 1 Working with the Keypad ..................................................................................................................3 - 4 LED Status Indicators...........................................................................................................................3 - 5 Software Setup .............................................................................................................................. 3 - 7 EnerVista DGCR Setup Software.....................................................................................................3 - 7 Connecting EnerVista DGCR Setup to the Device ............................................................... 3 - 10 Working with Settings and Settings Files ................................................................................ 3 - 13 Upgrading DGCR firmware ............................................................................................................ 3 - 20 Advanced EnerVista DGCR Setup features............................................................................. 3 - 21 4. ACTUAL VALUES A1 Status........................................................................................................................................... 4 - 3 Contact inputs.........................................................................................................................................4 - 3 Clock ............................................................................................................................................................4 - 4 Output relays ...........................................................................................................................................4 - 4 Virtual inputs............................................................................................................................................4 - 4 Virtual outputs ........................................................................................................................................4 - 4 Contact inputs summary ...................................................................................................................4 - 5 Output relays summary......................................................................................................................4 - 5 Flexlogic summary................................................................................................................................4 - 5 RTDs .............................................................................................................................................................4 - 5 A2 Metering ..................................................................................................................................... 4 - 6 Current........................................................................................................................................................4 - 8 Voltage .......................................................................................................................................................4 - 8 Sequences.................................................................................................................................................4 - 8 Power ..........................................................................................................................................................4 - 9 Energy .........................................................................................................................................................4 - 9 Frequency .................................................................................................................................................4 - 9 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER CONTROLLER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL TOC–I Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)..................................................................................................... 4 - 9 Harmonics ..............................................................................................................................................4 - 10 Default screens ....................................................................................................................................4 - 12 Power calculation ...............................................................................................................................4 - 13 A3 Records .................................................................................................................................... 4 - 14 Event records ........................................................................................................................................4 - 14 Data logger ............................................................................................................................................4 - 15 A4 Messages................................................................................................................................. 4 - 16 Target Messages .................................................................................................................................4 - 16 Self-Test Errors .....................................................................................................................................4 - 16 Flash Messages....................................................................................................................................4 - 17 5. SETPOINTS S1 Product Setup...........................................................................................................................5 - 1 Clock............................................................................................................................................................ 5 - 3 Password security................................................................................................................................. 5 - 4 Communications ................................................................................................................................... 5 - 5 Event recorder ........................................................................................................................................ 5 - 7 Datalogger ............................................................................................................................................... 5 - 9 Front panel ............................................................................................................................................... 5 - 9 Installation..............................................................................................................................................5 - 10 S2 System setup ......................................................................................................................... 5 - 11 Current sensing....................................................................................................................................5 - 13 Voltage sensing....................................................................................................................................5 - 14 Power system........................................................................................................................................5 - 16 Open/Close Setup ...............................................................................................................................5 - 16 Battery backup.....................................................................................................................................5 - 19 S3 Configuration......................................................................................................................... 5 - 27 Phase IOC................................................................................................................................................5 - 28 Phase TOC...............................................................................................................................................5 - 30 Neutral overcurrent ...........................................................................................................................5 - 41 Phase overvoltage..............................................................................................................................5 - 44 Phase undervoltage...........................................................................................................................5 - 46 Voltage unbalance .............................................................................................................................5 - 49 Power loss...............................................................................................................................................5 - 52 RCR Wearing monitor........................................................................................................................5 - 54 S4 Controls .................................................................................................................................... 5 - 58 Remote control.....................................................................................................................................5 - 59 Open/Close control ............................................................................................................................5 - 59 Change settings group .....................................................................................................................5 - 64 Virtual inputs .........................................................................................................................................5 - 65 Cold load pickup ..................................................................................................................................5 - 66 Autorecloser .........................................................................................................................................5 - 69 FlexLogic™ .............................................................................................................................................5 - 74 S5 Inputs/Outputs...................................................................................................................... 5 - 79 Contact inputs ......................................................................................................................................5 - 79 Output relays.........................................................................................................................................5 - 80 Virtual inputs .........................................................................................................................................5 - 81 TOC–II MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER CONTROLLER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6. TROUBLESHOOTING 7. COMMANDS 8. MAINTENANCE M1 Product information ............................................................................................................ 8 - 2 M2 Product maintenance ......................................................................................................... 8 - 2 M3 Statistics.................................................................................................................................... 8 - 3 Counters ....................................................................................................................................................8 - 3 Reset counters ........................................................................................................................................8 - 3 Preset counters ......................................................................................................................................8 - 3 9. APPENDIX A Warranty........................................................................................................................................... 9 - 1 Revision History ............................................................................................................................. 9 - 1 Change Notes..........................................................................................................................................9 - 1 Changes to the DGCR Manual.........................................................................................................9 - 1 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER CONTROLLER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL TOC–III TOC–IV MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER CONTROLLER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction Overview The DGCR is a microprocessor-based unit that belongs to the Distribution Grid Controller family, and it is designed as a Recloser Controller controller. This device is intended to control and monitor different types of medium voltage DGC Recloser Controllers. Description of the DGCR Controllers The distribution feeders are equipped with feeder DGC Recloser Controllers (pole-top, padmount) that are typically installed at the source end of the feeder. Distribution circuits called “laterals” are connected between two consecutive feeder switches. They are protected by over-current fuses and they are not automated. A typical distribution feeder layout is depicted in Figure below. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–1 DESCRIPTION OF THE DGCR CONTROLLERS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Figure 1-1: Typical distribution feeders layout As mentioned before, the DGC Recloser Controller is intended to control reclosers. The DGC Recloser Controllers are usually located on the trunk of the distribution feeder or in the substation. The controller is equipped with 6 voltage and 3 current inputs that can be connected to voltage and current transformers respectively, or to any other voltage and current sensors with AC outputs within the specified voltage and current ranges. The controller uses two auxiliary contacts (52a and 52b) to detect open/close Recloser Controller position, and produce an alarm flag in case of the contacts discrepancy. This is implemented in a hardcoded logic producing output flags that can be used to build user defined logic. The DGCR is equipped with a set of standard function elements available for the user through inputting related setting values. Additional functions that are not part of the standard DGCR element set can be easily configured and implemented using FlexLogic™ functionality. The controller is equipped with MDS radio that securely transmits data to the subscribed distribution automation devices, relays, SCADA, etc. The transmission uses DNP 3.0 protocol. The figure below depicts the section of a distribution feeder, where a DGC Recloser Controller controller is used: Figure 1-2: DGCR used as a feeder Recloser Controller controller The controller is equipped with the following AC inputs: • 6 PT inputs (Ph-Ph / Ph-N configurations) • 3 CT inputs (Phase currents) The important function of the DGC Recloser Controller is to provide voltage and power measurements, voltage- and current-based computations, as well as several other digital parameters at the local point. All this information can be transmitted to the remote user. 1–2 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION OF THE DGCR CONTROLLERS Main Functions of the Controller The DGCR provides two modes of operation: • Remote mode • Local mode The mode can be selected only by using the faceplate pushbutton. When in Remote mode, the DGCR accepts remote commands to operate the DGC Recloser Controller. When in Local mode, remote commands are blocked and only local commands can be executed. The local commands are available only at the DGCR faceplate (pushbuttons, keypad and LED). The DGCR provides two types of the open/close command execution: • Manual • Auto In Manual, the user is directly issuing an open or a close command to the controller, however all the enabled protection elements are active. In Auto, the commands are executed by programmable function elements that are running on the controller. Both (open and close) commands are interlocked with various detection and block functions. The DGC Recloser Controller controller is capable of measuring three phase voltages and currents from the electric distribution line. Based on the measured quantities, it can perform the following: Protection Functions • Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent • Phase Timed Overcurrent • Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent • Phase Overvoltage • Phase Undervoltage • Phase Voltage Unbalance AC Parameters Level Detections • Power Loss Automatic Logic Functions • Auto Reclosing • CLP (Cold Load Pickup) PROTECTION FUNCTIONS Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent:: The controller provides a technique of specifying the instantaneous overcurrent condition for the DGC Recloser Controller, and generates a flag during overload conditions. The flag may produce Alarm, Latched Alarm or Trip condition. The flags are generated and reported to the master host via the radio communications. Phase Timed Overcurrent: The controller provides a technique of specifying the timed overcurrent condition for the DGC Recloser Controller. The user can select different overload curves as a part of the setup procedure for the actual application. During the overload condition the controller generates a flag. The flag may produce Alarm, Latched Alarm or Trip condition. The flags are generated and reported to the master host via the radio communications. Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent: The controller provides a technique of specifying the maximum allowed neutral current level above which the controller generates a flag to indicate abnormal ground fault condition. The flag may produce Alarm, Latched Alarm or Trip condition. Phase overvoltage: The controller provides a technique of setting the maximum phase voltage level, above which the controller generates a flag to indicate abnormal overvoltage condition. The flag may produce Alarm, Latched Alarm or Trip condition. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–3 DESCRIPTION OF THE DGCR CONTROLLERS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Phase undervoltage: The controller provides a technique of setting the minimum phase voltage level, below which the controller generates a flag to indicate loss of potential condition. The flag may produce Alarm, Latched Alarm or Trip condition. Phase Voltage unbalance and phase loss: The controller provides a technique of setting the maximum negative sequence voltage level, above which the controller generates a flag to indicate voltage unbalance condition. Another (higher) maximum negative sequence voltage level can be set above which a phase loss flag will be generated. The flag may produce Alarm, Latched Alarm or Trip condition. AC PARAMETERS LEVEL DETECTIONS Power Loss: The controller provides a technique of specifying minimum load current (xCT) threshold and minimum voltage (xVT) threshold. When both quantities are below the threshold (pickup) level, the DGCRwill generate a flag representing power loss. AUTOMATIC LOGIC FUNCTIONS Auto Reclosing: The Auto reclosing element provides a good mechanism to eliminate temporary fault conditions. The DGCRcan be programmed to create up to four reclosing shots upon the fault detection. If after the final programmed shot the fault condition still exists, the recloser will go into the lockout state.This DGC Recloser Controllerfeature can be used to sectionalize faulty segments of the feeder by opening the feeder switches. In that case, actions of the feeder switches have to be synchronized with the recloser sequence. CLP Cold load pickup: The CLP function is used to avoid fault detections and tripping under energizing or inrush conditions. When CLP operates, this can produce two effects: raising of the PH TOC PKP level and blocking of the IOC, UV and OV protection elements. The Cold Load pickup provides two different working ways: - Time Block - Multiplier factor When CLP is programmed, the energizing process is detected by the transition from a ‘no voltage & no current’ state to a ‘voltage and current present’ condition. Time Block selected: After a CLP condition is detected, the time overcurrent functions are blocked during the period of time programmed in CLP function. Multiplier factor selected: Each Overcurrent element is provided by a setpoint to indicate the factor at which the pickup threshold of the function shall be increased under inrush conditions. If the current magnitude measured is higher than this setpoint, the element will operate. COMMUNICATION CAPABILITIES The DGC Recloser Controller can measure/compute electrical quantities, detect the status of the grid equipment and produce various alarms and events. This information can be sent to the distribution center by means of the Distributed Network Protocol (DNP) communications. In addition, the DGCR can receive different status information and commands through the DNP. MEASUREMENTS The measurements provided by DGCR are as follow: 1–4 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION OF THE DGCR CONTROLLERS On the Source side UNITS -Ph-N and Ph-Ph Voltages. -Phase Currents -Neutral Current -Positive Sequence Voltage -Negative Sequence Voltage -Zero Sequence Voltage -Positive Sequence Current -Negative Sequence Current -Zero Sequence Current -3Ph Active Power -3Ph Reactive Power -3Ph Apparent Power -Power Factor -Frequency -THD Currents (up to 8th harmonic) -THD Voltage (up to 8th harmonic) [V or kV]. (Secondary or primary) [A] [A] [V] [V] [V] [A] [A] [A] [kW] [kVAr] [kVA] On the Load side UNITS -Ph-N and Ph-Ph Voltages. -Positive Sequence Voltage -Negative Sequence Voltage -Zero Sequence Voltage -THD Voltages (up to 8th harmonic) % [V or kV]. (Secondary or primary) -[V] -[V] -[V] -% [Hz] % % The DGCR calculates the 3ph power based on currents from Wye connected CTs, and either voltage inputs from Wye connected PTs, or Delta connected PTs. In addition, two PTs or either only one PT can be used. The controller has to be configured for different PT connections in order to compute the 3ph power properly. The DGC Recloser Controller provides DFT and RMS measurements. The internal metering process is executed at the internal frequency rate of 1 /4 of a full cycle. MONITORING AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS The DGC Recloser Controller is able to monitor the recloser state based on auxiliary input 52a /52b provided by the feeder recloser. The recloser can also be configured for several external inputs for monitoring possible errors provied by the recloser: - Low charge limit switch (LCL) - Spring Charge limit (SCL) - Disconnect Closed & Latched (DCL) - Open visual disconnect contact These inputs can be used to inhibit any possible local and remote closing and opening commands to the recloser. The controller is able to monitor other external states as low battery conditions, high and low ambient temperature (if the order code included an RTD input card), etc. Maintenance Elements The maintenance elements provide alarms to the system based on: • Maximum number of closing/opening executed commands per period of time • I2t measurements per feeder. Data Logger The DGCR provides data logger capabilities. The data logger stores the current and voltage measurements of three phases per feeder at every minute (the interval is configurable). It can also store the 3 Ph active and reactive power. A minimum of 72 hours should be stored for statistical features. There are two more buffers containing information over the largest current values reached. • The largest value per hour is also stored in the ‘peak hourly register’. A minimum of 72 values should be stored for statistical features. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–5 DESCRIPTION OF THE DGCR CONTROLLERS • CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION The largest value per 72 hour is also stored in the ‘peak 72 hour register’ buffer. Event Recorder The DGCR can store up to 256 consecutive events. Operate and dropout events of fault detection functions can be enabled or disabled by settings. A snapshot of the phase voltage/current and power metering can also be included and stored at each Event. Some of events and alarms include the following: • Remote mode • Local mode • Remote/Manual Close command • Remote/Manual Open Command • Recloser opened/ closed / failed • Overload events • Overvoltage events • Loss of voltage events • Loss of current events • High neutral current events • Max number of closing reached. • External control power loss • Communications loss • Internal error Statistics and Counters 1–6 • Max / Min Values of current & voltage per hour. • Max / Min Values of current & voltage per 72 hour. • Daily Close/Open operation • Total Close/Open operation • Shot counter MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION DGCR ORDER CODES DGCR Order Codes Figure 1-3: Order Codes DGC- R Application R Language Power Supply Communication Options 1 2 3 4 5 6 E L S S A * * E * * I I I I I I I I I I I Recloser Controller E I I I I I I I I I I English (Standard) I I I I I I I I I Low (20 to 60 V DC) S I I I I I I I I RS485 Modbus RTU / DNP3.0 (Standard) L S I/O * X X X Description I I I I I I I Standard A I I I I I I 1 A/5 A Current Input Card (Standard) B B I I I I Voltage Input Card (110 to 300 VAC) J J I I I I E E E E I D D I G G I X I Sensor Input Card (12 V) Two (2) 10 A Form-A relays and six (6) 20 to 60V DC digital Inputs (2xIO_E standard, 3xIO_E max) Four (4) 10A form-C relays (Optional, Max 1 IO_D) 3 RTD (Only one used for DGC application (optional, Max 1 IO_G) None 1 Controller 2 Controller and Front Display Panel (for G&W) Controller Packaging X Specifications Inputs PHASE CURRENT INPUTS Range: ...................................................................... 0.05 to 40 A primary Frequency:.............................................................. 50 or 60 Hz Accuracy: ................................................................ ±1.5% of reading or ±1.5% rated current (whichever is greater) Input Type:.............................................................. Combined 1A/5A Ratio:......................................................................... 1 to 2000 in steps of 1 Resolution:.............................................................. 0.1 A PHASE VOLTAGE INPUTS Input Range:.......................................................... 60 to 440 V (IO_B card) Input Range:.......................................................... 2 to 12 V (IO_J card) Nominal Frequency: .......................................... 50 or 60 Hz Accuracy (IO_B card):........................................ ±1% of reading or ±1V (whichever is greater) Accuracy (IO_J card):......................................... ±1% of reading or ±0.2V (whichever is greater) Ratio:......................................................................... 1 to 10000 in steps of 1 PHASE OC, OV, AND UV TIME DELAYS Range: ...................................................................... 0.0 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.1 s Accuracy: ................................................................ up to ±0.3% MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–7 SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION REVERSE POWER DELAY Range:...................................................................... 0.0 to 3600.0 s in steps of 0.1 s Accuracy:................................................................ up to ±0.2% DIGITAL INPUTS (IO_E MODULE) Fixed Pickup: ......................................................... 20 V DC Recognition Time:............................................... 2 cycles Current Draw @ Rated Voltage:................... 7 mA @ 24 V DC 14 mA @ 48 V DC Input Impedance: ............................................... 1.23 kOhms Type: ......................................................................... opto-isolated inputs External Switch:................................................... wet contact Outputs OUTPUT RELAYS Configuration: ...................................................... Contact Material: ................................................ Operate Time: ...................................................... Minimum Contact Load:.................................. Continuous Current: .......................................... Make and Carry for 0.2 s:................................ Mechanical Life: .................................................. electromechanical form A (IO_E) and form C (IO_D) silver alloy 10 ms 10 mA @ 5 V DC 10 A 30 A per ANSI C37.90 10 000 000 operations FORM C OUTPUT CONTACTS AC Resistive, 120 V AC: ..................................... AC Resistive, 240 V AC: ..................................... AC Inductive, PF = 0.4 pilot duty: ................. DC Resistive, 30 V DC:....................................... 10 A normally open, 5 A normally closed 10 A normally open, 8 A normally closed 2.5 A 10 A Configuration PHASE INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT Current:.................................................................... Pickup Level: ......................................................... Dropout Level:...................................................... Time Delay:............................................................ Operate Time: ...................................................... Level Accuracy:.................................................... Timing Accuracy:................................................ Fundamental 0.05 - 8.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT 95 to 98% of Pickup or ±0.02 x CT (whichever is greater) 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 <25 ms.@ (I > 1.5 x Pickup level) ±1% at rated current±3% for current higher than 0.1x CT ±3% of trip time or ±20ms (whichever is greater) PHASE TIMED OVERCURRENT Current:.................................................................... Pickup Level: ......................................................... Dropout Level:...................................................... Time Delay:............................................................ Operate Time: ...................................................... Level Accuracy:.................................................... Timing Accuracy:................................................ Fundamental 0.05 to 8.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT 95 to 98% of Pickup or ±0.02 x CT (whichever is greater) 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 <25 ms.@ (I > 1.5 x Pickup level) ±1% at rated current±3% for current higher than 0.1x CT ±3% of trip time or ±20ms (whichever is greater) NEUTRAL OVERCURRENT Neutral Current:................................................... Pickup Level: ......................................................... Dropout Level:...................................................... Time Delay:............................................................ Operate Time: ...................................................... Level Accuracy:.................................................... Timing Accuracy:................................................ 1–8 Fundamental 0.05 - 8.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT (phase CT) 95 to 98% of Pickup or ±0.02 x CT (whichever is greater) 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 <25 ms.@ (I > 1.5 x Pickup level, no time delay) ±1% at rated current±3% for current higher than 0.1x CT +0.25cycle (0 s time delay)±3% of trip time or 0.25cycle whichever is greater (intentional delay) MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS PHASE OVERVOLTAGE Pickup Level:.......................................................... 0.05 to 1.25 x VT in steps of 0.01 Dropout Level: ...................................................... 95% to 99% of pickup (V > 0.1 x VT)85% to 99% of pickup (V < 0.1 x VT) Time Delay: ............................................................ 0.0 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.1 Operate Time:....................................................... time delay + up to 35 ms.@ 60Hz (V > 1.1 x PKP)time delay + up to 40 ms.@ 50Hz (V > 1.1 x PKP) Level Accuracy:.................................................... per voltage input PHASE UNDERVOLTAGE Minimum Voltage:............................................... programmable from 0.00 to 1.25 x VT in steps of 0.01 Pickup Level:.......................................................... 0.05 to 1.25 x VT in steps of 0.01 Dropout Level: ...................................................... 101% to 104% of pickup (V > 0.1 x VT)101% to 115% of pickup (V < 0.1 x VT) OperateTime:........................................................ Time Delay ± 30 ms @ 60Hz (V < 0.85 x PKP) Time Delay: ............................................................ ± 40 ms @50Hz (V < 0.85 x PKP) Time Delay Accuracy: ....................................... ±3% of expected inverse time or 1 cycle, whichever is greater Level Accuracy:.................................................... per voltage input VOLTAGE UNBALANCE Unbalance:............................................................. V2 u100% V1 Pickup Level:.......................................................... 4 to 40% in steps of 1% Time Delay: ............................................................ 1.00 to 60.00 s in steps of 0.01 s Dropout Level: ...................................................... (pickup – 0.5 to 2 units)% Pickup Accuracy:................................................. ±2% Timing Accuracy: ................................................ ±0.5 s or ± 0.5% of total time POWER LOSS Operate Time:....................................................... time delay + up to 35 ms @ 60Hz (V > 1.1 x PKP)time delay + up to 40 ms @ 50Hz (V > 1.1 x PKP) Time Delay Accuracy: ....................................... 0 to 1 cycle Level Accuracy:.................................................... per voltage input Voltage:.................................................................... Fundamental Pickup Level:.......................................................... 0.05 to 0.40 x VT in steps of 0.01 Dropout Level: ...................................................... 101% to 104% of pickup (V > 0.1 x VT)101% to 115% of pickup (V < 0.1 x VT) Current:.................................................................... Fundamental Pickup Level:.......................................................... 0.0 to 0.40 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT Dropout Level: ...................................................... 102 to 105% of Pickup or ±0.02xCT (whichever is greater) AUTORECLOSING Number of Shots: ................................................ 1 to 4 Timing Accuracy: ................................................ ± 100 ms Elements: ................................................................ Inputs, Outputs, and Recloser Status (52 Status) WEARING MONITOR Open Counter Limit:........................................... 0 to 9999 in steps of 1 Close Counter Limit:........................................... 0 to 9999 in steps of 1 KI2t Maximum Limit:.......................................... 0 to 9999.99 (KA)2s in steps of 0.01 (KA)2s KI2t Integral Time:.............................................. 0.03 to 0.25 s in steps of 0.01 s MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–9 SPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Power supply POWER SUPPLY Nominal:.................................................................. 120 to 240 V AC 125 to 250 V DC Range:...................................................................... 60 to 300 V AC (50 and 60 Hz) 84 to 250 V DC Ride Through: ....................................................... 35 ms Overvoltage Withstand: .................................. 2 x highest nominal voltage for 10 ms Power Consumption:......................................... 16 W typical, 45 W maximum Fuses FUSES USED Internal Voltage Source:.................................. FUSE 3A/250V 1/4" X 1-1/4" CARTRIDGE GE P/N: 0901-0015, COPPER BUSHMANN P/N: AGC-3 Switch Mechanism:............................................ FUSE FAST ACTING 6.3MMX32.0MM 250V 6A GE P/N: 0901-0086, COPPER BUSHMANN P/N: AGC-6-R Battery BATTERY Manufacturer: ...................................................... Odyssey Manufacturer’s P/N: .......................................... PC310 Description: ........................................................... BATTERY DRY CELL 101X86X138MM 12V 8AH HIGH_TEMP M4_RECEPTACLE BATTERY BACKUP Voltage: ................................................................... Capacity:................................................................. Charging: ................................................................ Alarms:..................................................................... Battery Test: .......................................................... CAUTION: 24 VDC (two 12 V batteries) 8 hours Constantly connected to a smart charging unit LED and alarm messages Programmable through system setup menu Replace battery with the same model and type . When replacing ensure the metal cover is reused to harness the batteries. Ensure that the rubber battery terminal covers are reused to prevent accidental short circuits. Communications COMMUNICATIONS Data Transfer Rate: ........................................... 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 bits per second Communication Protocols:............................. DNP 3, Modbus Testing and Certification APPROVALS Applicable Council Directive CE compliance ISO 1–10 According to Low voltage directive EN60255-5 / EN60255-27 EMC Directive EN61000-6-2 / 6-4 / 6-5 (AREA G) Manufactured under a registered quality program ISO9001 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS TYPE TESTS Test Reference Standard Dielectric Voltage Withstand EN60255-5 Test Level 2.3KV Impulse Voltage Withstand EN60255-5 5KV Insulation Resistance Test EN60255-5 500 VDC Damped Oscillatory IEC61000-4-18IEC60255-22-1 2.5KV CM, 1KV DM Electrostatic Discharge EN61000-4-2/IEC60255-22-2 Level 4 RF Immunity EN61000-4-3/IEC60255-22-3 Level 3 Fast Transient Disturbance EN61000-4-4/IEC60255-22-4 Class A and B Surge Immunity EN61000-4-5/IEC60255-22-5 Level 3 & 4 Conducted RF Immunity EN61000-4-6/IEC60255-22-6 Level 3 Radiated & Conducted Emissions CISPR11 /CISPR22/ IEC60255-25 Class A Sinusoidal Vibration IEC60255-21-1 Class 1 Shock & Bump IEC60255-21-2 Class 1 Siesmic IEC60255-21-3 Class 2 Power Magnetic Immunity IEC61000-4-8 Level 5 Voltage Dip & interruption IEC61000-4-11 0, 40, 70, 80% dips, 250/300 cycle interrupts Environmental (Cold) IEC60068-2-1 -20C 16 hrs Environmental (Cold Storage) IEC60068-2-1 -40C 16 hrs Environmental (Dry heat) IEC60068-2-2 85C 16hrs Relative Humidity Cyclic IEC60068-2-30 6day variant 2 RF Immunity IEEE/ANSIC37.90.2 20V/m 80-1Ghz Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Ambient temperatures: Storage/shipping: - 40oC to 90oC * Operating: -40oC to 60oC * * Internal temperature cannot exceed 60oC. This product is capable of operating in a maximum ambient of 40oC including solar loading. Humidity: Operating up to 95% (non condensing) @ 55oC (As per IEC60068-2-30 Variant 2, 6days) Altitude: 2000m (max) Insulation Category: I Overvoltage Category: II Ingress Protection: IP54 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–11 CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Environmental rating: 60oC surrounding air Pollution Degree: II Type 1 (panel mount versions only) Accuracy METERING ACCURACY Voltages: ................................................................. 0.5% (60 to 300 V) Load Current:........................................................ 0.5% (0.2 to 1.5 x CT) Harmonics: ............................................................ up to 8th Cautions and Warnings Before attempting to install or use the device, review all safety indicators in this document to help prevent injury, equipment damage, or downtime. Safety words and definitions The following symbols used in this document indicate the following conditions DANGER: IMPORTANT: CAUTION: FASTPATH: Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates practices not related to personal injury. General Cautions and Warnings The following general safety precautions and warnings apply. CAUTION: Ensure that all connections to the product are correct so as to avoid accidental risk of shock and/or fire, for example such as can arise from high voltage connected to low voltage terminals. Thoroughly and carefully read this instruction sheet and the product manual before programming, operating, or maintaining the DGC Controller. Familiarize yourself with “SAFETY INFORMATION” on this page. The equipment covered by this publication must be installed, operated, and maintained by qualified personal who are knowledgeable in the installation, operation, and maintenance of overhead electric power distribution equipment along with the associated hazards. 1–12 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS The user shall be responsible for ensuring the integrity of any Protective conductor connections before carrying out other actions. It is the responsibility of the user to check the equipment ratings and operating Instructions / installation Instructions prior to commissioning, service. Prior to servicing / commissioning ensure the Protective earth (PE) conductor is connected to Earth Ground prior to conducting any work. This product requires an external disconnect to isolate the mains voltage supply. Ensure that the protective earth (PE) terminal is suited with a recommended wire size of 14 awg minimum. The (PE) terminal lug must be fastened with a #8 stud with a required torque of 18-20 in/lb. Prior to commencing work on CTs’ ccts these shall be short circuited. Ensure to contact the remote user prior to approaching the DGCS to conduct local work. Use a lift system with side rails/bucket to reduce a fall hazard as opposed to other means when installing or servicing. Do not disconnect power connectors on the DGCS when the system is on LIVE. Ensure the DGCS outer cabinet is re-locked after local service is completed. This product is rated to Class A emissions levels and is to be used exclusively in Utility or Substation environments. Not to be used near electronic devices rated for Class B levels. Integrating an untested radio into the OEM module may result in functional performance deterioration due to unknown RF immunity effects. At a minimum the Radio must comply with the R&TTE directive and FCC and Industry Canada registered respecting the local RF regulations For Europe and North America. The radios maximum primary rating cannot exceed 13.8 Vdc 12W continuous operation and @2A max transmitting current. The antenna provided must not be replaced with a different type. Attaching a different antenna will void the FCC and IC approval and the FCC /IC ID can no longer be considered. When Equipped with a Radio rated for North America: For MDS iNETII, radio contains transmitter with FCC ID: E5MDS-INETII/CAN 3738A-INETII.For MDS TransNet, radio contains transmitter with FCC ID: E5MDS-EL805/IC: 3738A 12122.For MDS SD4, radio contains transmitter with FCC ID: E5MDS-SD4/IC: 101D-SD4. CAUTION: BATTERY: The onboard battery can be replaced only by the same model type. Any other batteries used may not provide the safety nor performance required. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1–13 FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION For Further Assistance For product support, contact the information and call center as follows: GE Digital Energy 650 Markland Street Markham, Ontario Canada L6C 0M1 Worldwide telephone: +1 905 927 7070 Europe/Middle East/Africa telephone: +34 94 485 88 54 North America toll-free: 1 800 547 8629 Fax: +1 905 927 5098 Worldwide e-mail: Europe e-mail: Website: 1–14 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 2: Installation Installation Mechanical installation Figure 2-1: DGCR dimensions LEGEND INCHES [mm] Option 1 shows the connection available for the S & C switch. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 2–2 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION Figure 2-2: Bottom view for S & C switch OPTION 1 Option 2 shows the connections available for the G & W switch. Figure 2-3: Bottom view for G & W switch OPTION 2 2–3 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL SOURCE SIDE 891750.cdr USB Step-down transformer FRONTPORT RJ45 FACEPLATE PHASE C PHASE B PHASE A FUSE 3A RJ45 120V, 60Hz G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 WYE CTs C3 OPTIONAL RJ45 C2 FRONTPORT IO_G (optional) C1 C5 C7 - RS485 C6 + C8 MDS INETII RADIO + + - - + D1 D2 D5 IO_J IO_B or D4 D6 - L N G AC INPUT 24V AC/DC CONVERTER DC/DC converter D7 D8 RECLOSER (RCL) DGC - Recloser D3 + RS232 - RS232 RS485 CONVERTER COM IO_A C4 WYE PTs POWER E2 E7 IO_E 1 E8 F2 F1 + - POWER SUPPLY GND RCL 52b contact F14 F13 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 RCL 52a contact F6 RCL input OPEN RCL input CLOSE RECLOSER CONTROLS F5 F4 E6 F3 E5 IO_J (optional) E4 IO_B (optional) or E3 Battery Backup System IO_E 2 E1 WYE PTs LOAD SIDE CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Electrical installation Figure 2-4: DGC Recloser wiring diagram - 3 CT Wye / 3 PTs Wye 2–4 2–5 SOURCE SIDE RTD USB FUSE 3A RJ45 120V, 60Hz G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 WYE CTs C3 OPTIONAL RJ45 C2 FRONTPORT IO_G (optional) C1 C5 C7 - RS485 C6 + C8 RS232 + MDS INETII RADIO COM RS232 RS485 CONVERTER COM IO_A C4 + - OpDelta PTs - + D1 D2 D5 IO_B or IO_J D4 D6 - L N G AC INPUT 24V AC/DC CONVERTER DC/DC converter D7 D8 E2 IO_E 2 E1 E4 E5 IO_B (optional) or IO_J (optional) E3 OpDelta PTs Battery Backup System RECLOSER (RCL) DGC - Recloser D3 + Step-down transformer 891751.cdr FRONTPORT RJ45 FACEPLATE PHASE C PHASE B PHASE A POWER E7 IO_E 1 E8 GND + - POWER SUPPLY E6 RCL 52b contact F6 F14 F13 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 RCL 52a contact RCL input OPEN RCL input CLOSE F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 RECLOSER CONTROLS LOAD SIDE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION Figure 2-5: DGC Recloser wiring diagram - 3 CT Wye / 2 PTs OpDelta MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 3: Interfaces Interfaces Front Control Panel Interface The DGC Recloser Controller front panel provides easy navigation using full keypad pushbuttons, conveniently located open/close control pushbuttons, quick access to settings, regulation transparency using LED indicators, and a 4 x 20 character Liquid Crystal Display. The front panel includes the following components: MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–1 FRONT CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES Figure 3-1: DGCR Front Panel IN SERVICE ALARM COMMS OK COMMANDS HOT LINE TAG STATUS BLOCK OPEN BLOCK CLOSE TRIP RECLOSER OPEN PHASE OVERCURRENT RECLOSER CLOSED OVERVOLTAGE RECLOSER ALARM UNDERVOLTAGE AR IN PROGRESS BATTERY ALARM AR LOCKOUT AR LOCKOUT RESET MAINTENANCE AUTO REMOTE MANUAL LOCAL AUTO OFF OPEN MANUAL LED TEST BATTERY TEST REMOTE LOCAL CLOSE RECLOSER CONTROL ON HOT LINE TAG OFF MENU ENTER MESSAGE ESCAPE RESET g 3–2 Multilin DGCR Recloser Controller MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES FRONT CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE DGCR STATUS LEDs: Three LEDs indicating the DGCR status: “In-Service”, “Alarm”, and (communications) “Comms OK” are placed in the upper left corner of the DGCR front panel. IN SERVICE: The DGCR is operational and functioning properly when the “In-Service” LED shows green. The LED turns off upon detection of an internal firmware or hardware error. The product is not programmed when shipped, and the “In-Service” LED will not light upon power up. The LED will turn on green upon selecting the “Ready” setting under the S1 INSTALLATION/PRODUCT STATUS menu. ALARM: The “Alarm” LED turns orange upon detection of either an internal firmware error, a hardware error, or upon ALARM conditions driven by the control of the configuration elements such as “phase IOC” or “phase TOC”. COMMS OK: The communications LED, is a bi-color LED, meaning that it will show green when the transmit/receive channels are set and the DGCR is communicating with another smart device or SCADA. This LED will turn orange if the communication channels – communication card failure, or communication channels - are not working properly. 4 X 20 CHARACTER LCD The DGCR has an LCD with 4 lines of 20 characters, that allows visibility under varied lighting conditions. When the keypad and the display are not being used, system information is displayed after a user-defined period of inactivity. Pressing the keypad when the screen shows the default display returns the display to the last available message before the default screen activated. Any DGCR control actions, as well as element operations, are displayed automatically, overriding any target message displayed at that time. The display and the navigation keypad are conveniently located to provide the user easy access to any settings, actual values, status, monitoring tools, or statistics. NOTE: NOTE Pressing any of the Quick Settings pushbuttons, invokes only the settings programmed in the active Settings Group. Accessing and editing of settings from the other Settings Groups can be done using the navigation keypad pushbuttons. RECLOSER CONTROL PANEL The Recloser control panel includes the following pushbuttons: Figure 3-2: Recloser Control Panel MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–3 FRONT CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES Working with the Keypad The display messages are organized into a Main Menu, pages, and sub-pages. There are four main menus labeled Actual Values, Quick Setup, Settings, and Maintenance. Pressing the MENU key followed by the MESSAGE key scrolls through the four Main Menu headers, which appear in sequence as follows: Figure 3-3: The four Main Menu headers █ ACTUAL VALUES QUICK SETUP SETPOINTS MAINTENANCE Pressing the MESSAGE ► key or the ENTER key from these Main Menu pages will display the corresponding menu Page. Use the MESSAGE ▲ and MESSAGE ▼ keys to scroll through the Page headers. Figure 3-4: Typical paging operation from Main Menu selection △ Back ▶ ACTUAL VALUES █ A1 STATUS A2 METERING A3 RECORDS ▶ ▽ 1 click A1 STATUS █ CLOCK CONTACT INPUTS OUTPUT RELAYS Back ▼ ◁ ▷ ▼ 2 clicks A1 STATUS CLOCK CONTACT INPUTS █ OUTPUT RELAYS Back ▼ ◁ ▷ ▼ Click to end A1 STATUS .. . █ ACTIVE GROUP When the display shows SETTINGS, pressing the MESSAGE ► key or the ENTER key will display the page headers of programmable parameters (referred to as settings in the manual). When the display shows ACTUAL VALUES, pressing the MESSAGE ► key or the ENTER key displays the page headers of measured parameters (referred to as actual values in the manual). 3–4 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES FRONT CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE Each page is broken down further into logical sub-pages of messages. The MESSAGE ▲ and MESSAGE ▼ keys are used to navigate through the sub-pages. A summary of the settings and actual values pages can be found in the Chapters : Settings and Actual Values, respectively. The ENTER key is dual purpose. It is used to enter the sub-pages and to store altered setting values into memory to complete the change. The MESSAGE ► key can also be used to enter sub-pages but not to store altered settings. The ESCAPE key is also dual purpose. It is used to exit the sub-pages and to cancel a setting change. The MESSAGE ◄ key can also be used to exit sub-pages and to cancel setting changes. The VALUE keys are used to scroll through the possible choices of an enumerated setting. They also decrement and increment numerical settings. The RESET key resets any latched conditions that are not currently active. This includes resetting latched output relays, latched Trip LEDs, breaker operation failure, and trip / close coil failures. The Autoreclose Scheme is also reset with the shot counter being returned to zero and the lockout condition being cleared. The MESSAGE ▲ and MESSAGE ▼ keys scroll through any active conditions in the relay. Diagnostic messages are displayed indicating the state of protection and monitoring elements that are picked up, operating, or latched. LED Status Indicators The DGC Recloser Controller faceplate provides easy navigation through a set of keypad pushbuttons, conveniently located recloser control pushbuttons, regulation transparency through LED indicators, and a 4 by 20 character Liquid Crystal Display. The faceplate includes the following LED components: • IN SERVICE: Green The DGCR is operational and functions properly when the “In Service” LED is lit green. The LED turns off upon detection of an internal firmware or hardware error. The product is not programmed when shipped, and the “In-Service” LED will not light upon power-up. The LED will turn green upon selecting the setting “Ready” under the S1 INSTALLATION > PRODUCT STATUS menu. • ALARM: Orange The “Alarm” LED turns orange upon detection of either an internal firmware error, a hardware error, or upon alarm conditions driven by configuration elements such as “Phase IOC” or “Phase TOC”. • COMMS OK: Green/Orange The communications LED is a bi-color LED; it will light green when the transmit/ receive channels are set and the DGCR is communicating with another smart device or SCADA. The LED will turn red if the communication channels – because of communication card failure or communication channels not working properly – are no longer functioning. • BLOCK OPEN: Orange This LED is not labeled, but it is located next to the “Block Open” pushbutton. It is lit when the OPEN RECLOSER command is blocked. • BLOCK CLOSE: Orange This LED is not labeled, but it is located next to the “Block Close” pushbutton. It is lit when the CLOSE RECLOSER command is blocked. • HOT LINE TAG: Red This LED is on when the HOT LINE TAG switch is in the ON position. • TRIP: Orange MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–5 FRONT CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES This LED is ON when any trip condition is active. • PHASE OVERCURRENT: Orange The “Phase Overcurrent” LED operation is connected with the Phase Time Overcurrent and Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent elements. The LED is lit when either or both of these elements are operating. • OVERVOLTAGE: Orange The “Overvoltage” LED is lit when the Overvoltage element is operating. • UNDERVOLTAGE: Orange The “Undervoltage” LED is lit when the Undervoltage element is operating. • BATTERY ALARM: Orange This LED is lit steadily if the battery fuse is blown or the battery needs to be replaced. It flashes while the battery test is in progress. • RECLOSER OPEN: Green/Red/Orange The “Recloser Open” LED is lit when the controlled recloser is open. The color of the LED is configurable and can be set to Green, Red or Orange. Factory default is Red. • RECLOSER CLOSED: Green/Red/Orange The “Recloser Closed” LED is lit when the controlled recloser is closed. The color of the LED is configurable and can be set to Green, Red or Orange. Factory default is Green. • RECLOSER ALARM: Orange This LED lights up orange when any of the following three events occur: The recloser is not detected closed after the expected time, the recloser is not detected open after the expected time, or the system cannot determine the state of the recloser. • AR IN PROGRESS: Orange This LED turns ON when the Autoreclosing sequence is in progress. • AR LOCKOUT: Red This LED turns ON when the Autoreclosing element is in the lockout state. • AUTO: Green The DGCR is in Auto mode when the “Auto” LED is lit green. The outputs are controlled by automatic functions running on the controller. The LED blinks while the Auto mode is blocked by a remote (SCADA) user. • MANUAL: Green The DGCR is in Manual mode when the “Manual” LED is lit green. The DGCR outputs are controlled by MANUAL commands. • REMOTE: Green The DGCR is in Remote mode when the “Remote” LED is lit green. The DGCR is then being controlled from a remote location. • LOCAL: Red The DGCR is in Local mode when the “Local” LED is lit red. The DGCR can then only be controlled by a user who has access to the faceplate commands. 3–6 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE SETUP Software Setup EnerVista DGCR Setup Software Although settings can be entered manually using the control panel keys, a PC can be used to download settings through the communications port. The software is available from GE Digital Energy to make this as convenient as possible. With running, it is possible to: • Program and modify settings • Load and save setting files to and from a disk • Read actual values • Monitor status • Read pre-trip data and event records • Get help on any topic • Upgrade the firmware The software allows immediate access to all features with easy to use pull down menus in the familiar Windows environment. This section provides the necessary information to install , upgrade the relay firmware, and write and edit setting files. The software can run even if the DGCR is not connected to the computer. In this case, settings may be saved to a file for future use. If the DGCR is connected to a PC and communications are enabled, the DGCR can be programmed from the setting screens. In addition, measured values, status and trip messages can be displayed on the actual value screens. Hardware and Software Requirements The following requirements must be met for the software. • Microsoft Windows™ 7 / XP is installed and running properly. • At least 100 MB of hard disk space is available. • At least 256 MB of RAM is available. The software can be installed from either the GE EnerVista CD or the GE Digital Energy website at Installing the EnerVista DGCR Setup Software After ensuring the minimum requirements indicated earlier, use the following procedure to install the EnerVista DGCR Setup software from the enclosed GE EnerVista CD. 1. Insert the GE EnerVista CD into your CD-ROM drive. 2. Click the Install Now button and follow the installation instructions to install the nocharge EnerVista software on the local PC. 3. When installation is complete, start the EnerVista Launchpad application. 4. Click the IED Setup section of the LaunchPad toolbar. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–7 SOFTWARE SETUP 3–8 CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES 5. In the EnerVista Launchpad window, click the Add Product button and select the DGC Recloser Controller as shown below. Select the Web option to ensure the most recent software release, or select CD if you do not have a web connection, then click the Add Now button to list software items for the DGCR. 6. EnerVista Launchpad will obtain the latest installation software from the Web or CD and automatically start the installation process. A status window with a progress bar will be shown during the downloading process. 7. Select the complete path, including the new directory name, where the EnerVista DGCR Setup software will be installed. 8. Click on Next to begin the installation. The files will be installed in the directory indicated, the USB driver will be loaded into the computer, and the installation program will automatically create icons and add EnerVista DGCR Setup software to the Windows start menu. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE SETUP 9. The DGCR device (DA Setup) will be added to the list of installed IEDs in the EnerVista Launchpad window, as shown below. If you are going to communicate from your computer to the Relay using the USB port: 10. Plug the USB cable into the USB port on the Relay then into the USB port on your computer. 11. Launch Enervista DA Setup from LaunchPad by double-clicking the DA Setup icon. 12. In EnerVista > Device Setup: MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–9 SOFTWARE SETUP CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES 13. Select USB as the Interface type. 14. Select DGCR as the USB device. Connecting EnerVista DGCR Setup to the Device Configuring Serial Communications 3–10 Before starting, verify that the cable is properly connected to either the USB port on the front panel of the device (for USB communications) or to the RS485 terminals on the back of the device (for RS485 communications). This example demonstrates a USB connection. For RS485 communications, the Multilin F485 converter will be required. Refer to the F485 manual for additional details. 1. Install and start the latest version of the software (available from the GE Digital Energy web site). See the previous section for the installation procedure. 2. Click on the Device Setup button to open the Device Setup window and click the Add Site button to define a new site. 3. Enter the desired site name in the "Site Name" field. If desired, a short description of the site can also be entered. In this example, we will use “Substation 1” as the site name. 4. The new site will appear in the upper-left list in the window. 5. Click the Add Device button to define the new device. 6. Enter the desired name in the "Device Name" field and a description (optional) of the device. 7. Select “Serial” from the Interface drop-down list. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE SETUP 8. Click the Read Order Code button to connect to the device and upload the order code. 9. Click OK when the relay order code has been received. The new device will be added to the Site List window (or Online window) located in the top left corner of the main window. The Site Device has now been configured for USB communications. Proceed to Connecting to the DGCR below, to begin communications. Using the Quick Connect Feature The Quick Connect button can be used to establish a fast connection through the front panel USB port of a DGC device. The following window will appear when the QuickConnect button is pressed: As indicated by the window, the "Quick Connect" feature can quickly connect the software to a front port if a USB is selected in the interface drop-down list. Select a device and press the Connect button. When connected, a new Site called “Quick Connect” will appear in the Site List window. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–11 SOFTWARE SETUP CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES The DGC Device has now been configured via the Quick Connect feature for USB communications. Proceed to Connecting to the DGCR, below, to begin communications. Connecting to the DGCR 3–12 Now that the communications parameters have been properly configured, the user can easily communicate with the device. 1. Expand the Site list by double clicking on the site name or clicking on the «+» box to list the available devices for the given site. 2. Desired device trees can be expanded by clicking the «+» box. The following list of headers is shown for each device: Device Definition Actual Values Quick Setup Settings Maintenance. 3. Expand the SETTINGS > PRODUCT SETUP list item and double click on Front Panel to open the "Front Panel" settings window as shown below: MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE SETUP 4. The "Front Panel" settings window will open with a corresponding status indicator on the lower left of the EnerVista DGCR Setup window. 5. If the status indicator is red, verify that the serial or USB cable is properly connected to the relay, and that the device has been properly configured for communications (steps described earlier). The "Front Panel" settings can now be edited, printed, or changed. Other settings and command windows can be displayed and edited in a similar manner. "Actual Values" windows are also available for display. These windows can be arranged, and resized at will. Working with Settings and Settings Files Engaging a Device Entering Settings The EnerVista DGCR Setup software may be used in on-line mode (relay connected) to directly communicate with a DGC device. Communicating devices are organized and grouped by communication interfaces and into sites. Sites may contain any number of devices selected from the product series. The System Setup page will be used as an example to illustrate the entering of settings. In this example, we will be changing the voltage sensing settings. 1. Establish communications with the DGC device. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–13 SOFTWARE SETUP 3–14 CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES 2. Select the Settings > System Setup > Source Side VTs menu item. 3. Select the Settings > System Setup > Load Side VTs menu item. 4. Select the Source or Load VT Ratio or Secondary settings by clicking anywhere in the parameter box. This will display three arrows: two to increment/decrement the value and another to launch the numerical keypad. 5. Clicking the arrow at the end of the box displays a numerical keypad interface that allows the user to enter a value within the setting range displayed near the top of the keypad: Click = to exit from the keypad and keep the new value. Click on X to exit from the keypad and retain the old value. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES File Support Using Settings Files SOFTWARE SETUP 6. For settings requiring non-numerical pre-set values (e.g. Load VT Connection below), clicking anywhere within the Load VT parameter box displays a drop-down selection menu arrow. Select the desired value from this list. 7. For settings requiring an alphanumeric text string (e.g. "product name"), the value may be entered directly within the settings Parameter box. 8. In the above Settings > System Setup > Load Side VTs dialog box, click on Save to save the values into the relay. Click YES to accept any changes and exit the window. Click Restore to retain previous values. Click Default to restore Default values. Opening any file will automatically launch the application or provide focus to the already opened application. If the file is a settings file (has a ‘DGC’ extension) which had been removed from the Settings List tree menu, it will be added back to the Settings List tree. New files will be automatically added to the tree. The software interface supports three ways of handling changes to DGCR settings: • In off-line mode (DGC disconnected) to create or edit DGC settings files for later download to communicating DGC devices. • Directly modifying DGC settings while connected to a communicating DGC device, then saving the settings when complete. • Creating/editing settings files while connected to a communicating DGC device, then saving them to the device when complete. Settings files are organized on the basis of file names assigned by the user. A settings file contains data pertaining to the following types of DGC settings: • Device Definition • DGC Setup • System Setup • Control • Inputs/Outputs Factory default values are supplied and can be restored after any changes. The displays DGC settings with the same hierarchy as the front panel display. Downloading and Saving Settings Files Settings must be saved to a file on the local PC before performing any firmware upgrades. Saving settings is also highly recommended before making any settings changes or creating new settings files. The settings files in the window are accessed in the Files Window. Use the following procedure to download and save settings files to a local PC. 1. Ensure that the site and corresponding device(s) have been properly defined and configured as shown in Connecting to the DGCR, above. 2. Select the desired device from the site list. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–15 SOFTWARE SETUP Adding Settings Files to the Environment Creating a New Settings File 3–16 CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES 3. Select the Online > Read Device Settings from Device menu item, or right-click on the device and select Read Device Settings to obtain settings information from the device. 4. After a few seconds of data retrieval, the software will request the name and destination path of the settings file. The corresponding file extension will be automatically assigned. Press Receive to complete the process. A new entry will be added to the tree, in the File pane, showing path and file name for the setting file. The software provides the capability to review and manage a large group of settings files. Use the following procedure to add an existing file to the list. 1. In the files pane, right-click on Files and select the Add Existing Setting File item as shown: 2. The Open dialog box will appear, prompting the user to select a previously saved settings file. As for any other MS Windows® application, browse for the file to be added then click Open. The new file and complete path will be added to the file list. The software allows the user to create new settings files independent of a connected device. These can be uploaded to a device at a later date. The following procedure illustrates how to create new settings files. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES Upgrading Settings Files to a New Revision SOFTWARE SETUP 1. In the File pane, right click on File and select the New Settings File item. The following box will appear, allowing for the configuration of the settings file for the correct firmware version. It is important to define the correct firmware version to ensure that settings not available in a particular version are not downloaded into the device. 2. Select the Firmware Version, and Order Code options for the new settings file. 3. For future reference, enter some useful information in the Description box to facilitate the identification of the device and the purpose of the file. 4. To select a file name and path for the new file, click the button beside the File Name box. 5. Select the file name and path to store the file, or select any displayed file name to replace an existing file. All settings files should have the extension ‘DGC’ (for example, ‘feeder1.DGC’). 6. Click OK to complete the process. Once this step is completed, the new file, with a complete path, will be added to the EnerVista DGCR Setup software environment. It is often necessary to upgrade the revision for a previously saved settings file after the firmware has been upgraded. This is illustrated in the following procedure: 1. Establish communications with the relay. 2. Select the Maintenance > M1 Relay Info menu item and record the Firmware Revision. 3. Load the settings file to be upgraded into the EnerVista DGCR Setup environment as described in the section, Adding Settings Files to the Environment. 4. In the File pane, select the saved settings file. 5. From the main window menu bar, select the Offline > Edit Settings File Properties menu item and note the File Version of the settings file. If this version is different from the Firmware Revision noted in step 2, select a New File Version that matches the Firmware Revision from the pull-down menu. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–17 SOFTWARE SETUP CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES 6. Printing Settings and Actual Values 3–18 For example, if the firmware revision is 1.20) and the current settings file revision is 1.10, change the settings file revision to “1.2x”. 7. Enter any special comments about the settings file in the "Description" field. 8. Select the desired firmware version from the "New File Version" field. 9. When complete, click OK to convert the settings file to the desired revision. See Loading Settings from a File below, for instructions on loading this settings file into the DGCR device. The EnerVista DGCR Setup software allows the user to print partial or complete lists of settings and Actual Values. Use the following procedure to print a list of settings: 1. Select a previously saved settings file in the File pane or establish communications with a device. 2. From the main window, select the Offline > Export Settings File menu item. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES Printing Actual Values from a Connected Device SOFTWARE SETUP 3. The Print/Export Options dialog box will appear. Select Settings in the upper section and select either Include All Features (for a complete list) or Include Only Enabled Features (for a list of only those features which are currently used) in the filtering section and click OK. 4. The process for Offline > Print Preview Settings File is identical to the steps above. 5. Settings lists can be printed in the same manner by right clicking on the desired file (in the file list) or device (in the device list) and selecting the Print Device Information or Print Settings File options. A complete list of actual values can also be printed from a connected device with the following procedure: 1. Establish communications with the desired device. 2. From the main window, select the Online > Print Device Information menu item 3. The Print/Export Options dialog box will appear. Select Actual Values in the upper section and select either Include All Features (for a complete list) or Include Only Enabled Features (for a list of only those features which are currently used) in the filtering section and click OK. Actual Values lists can be printed in the same manner by right clicking on the desired device (in the device list) and selecting the Print Device Information option. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–19 SOFTWARE SETUP CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES Loading Settings from a File The following procedure illustrates how to load settings from a file. Before loading a settings file, it must first be added to the environment as described in the section, Adding Settings Files to the Environment. FASTPATH: 1. Select the previously saved settings file from the File pane of the EnerVista DGCR Setup software main window. 2. Select the Offline > Edit Settings File Properties menu item and verify that the corresponding file is fully compatible with the hardware and firmware version of the target device. If the versions are not identical, see Upgrading Settings Files to a New Revision for details on changing the settings file version. 3. Right-click on the selected file and select the Write Settings File to Device item. 4. Select the target device from the list of devices shown and click Send. If there is an incompatibility, an "Incompatible device..." error message will be shown. An error message will occur when attempting to download a settings file with a revision number that does not match the relay firmware. If the firmware has been upgraded since saving the settings file, see for instructions on changing the revision number of a settings file. If there are no incompatibilities between the target device and the settings file, the data will be transferred to the device. An indication of the percentage completed will be shown in the bottom of the main window. Upgrading DGCR firmware To upgrade the DGCR firmware, follow the procedures listed in this section. Upon successful completion of this procedure, the device will have new firmware installed with the factory default settings.The latest firmware files are available from the GE Digital Energy website at EnerVista DGCR Setup software prevents incompatible firmware from being loaded into a DGC device. NOTE: NOTE Before upgrading firmware, it is very important to save the current DGCR settings to a file on your PC. After the firmware has been upgraded, it will be necessary to load this file back into the device. Refer to Downloading and Saving Settings Files for details on saving settings to a file. FASTPATH: Loading new DGC firmware Loading new firmware into the flash memory is accomplished as follows: 1. Connect the device to the local PC and save the settings to a file as shown in Downloading and Saving Settings Files. 2. Select the Maintenance > Update Firmware menu item. 3. The software will request the new firmware file. Locate the folder that contains the firmware files to load into the relay. The firmware filename has the following format: MJ M03 M A 100 . 000 Modification Number (000 = none) Firmware Rev # Board Assembly Rev # Code Type in Memory Device PCB Code Number Product Reference Code (MJ = DGC) 3–20 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE SETUP 4. EnerVista DGCR Setup software now prepares the to receive the new firmware file. The front panel will momentarily display "DGC BOOT PROGRAM Waiting for Message,” indicating that it is in upload mode. 5. While the file is being loaded into the device, a status box appears showing how much of the new firmware file has been transferred, and the upgrade status. The entire transfer process takes approximately 10 minutes. 6. The software will notify the user when the EnerVista DGCR Setup program has finished loading the file. Carefully read any displayed messages and click OK to return the main screen. Cycling power to the relay is recommended after a firmware upgrade. After successfully updating the firmware, the device will not be in service and will require settings programming. To communicate with the relay, the communication settings may have to be manually reprogrammed. When communications are established, the saved settings must be reloaded back into the device. See Loading Settings from a File for details. Modbus addresses assigned to firmware modules, features, settings, and corresponding data items (i.e. default values, min/max values, data type, and item size) may change slightly from version to version of the firmware. Addresses are rearranged when new features are added or existing features are enhanced or modified. Advanced EnerVista DGCR Setup features Event records The EnerVista DGCR Setup software can be used to capture events from the device at the instance of a pickup, trip, alarm, or other condition. • With EnerVista DGCR Setup software running and communications established, select the Actual Values > A3 Records > Event Records menu item to open the Event Records Viewer window. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–21 SOFTWARE SETUP CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES • Data logger The data logger feature is used to sample and record up to ten actual values at a selectable interval. The datalogger can be run with Continuous mode Enabled, which will continuously record samples until stopped by the user; or with Continuous mode Disabled, which will trigger the datalog once without overwriting previous data. Viewing and saving of the Datalogger is performed as follows: 1. 3–22 Click on the Save Events button to save the selected events to the local PC. With running and communications established, select the A3 Records > Data Logger menu item to open the datalog setup window: MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE SETUP 2. If Continuous mode is enabled, click on Stop to stop the datalog 3. Click on the Save to File button to save the datalog to the local PC. A new window will appear requesting for file name and path. 4. One file is saved as a COMTRADE file, with the extension ‘CFG’. The other file is a DAT file, required by the COMTRADE file for proper display of data. 5. To view a previously saved COMTRADE file, click the Open button and select the corresponding COMTRADE file. 6. To view the datalog, click the Launch Viewer button. A detailed Datalog window will appear as shown below. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–23 SOFTWARE SETUP CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES TRIGGER TIME & DATE Display the time & date of the Trigger Display graph values at the corresponding cursor line. Cursor lines are identified by their colors. 7. Password security FILE NAME Indicates the file name and complete path (if saved) CURSOR LINE POSITION Indicate the cursor line position in time with respect to the trigger time DELTA Indicates time difference between the two cursor lines CURSOR LINES To move lines locate the mouse pointer over the cursor line then click and drag the cursor to the new location. TRIGGER LINE Indicates the point in time for the trigger The datalog can be set to capture another buffer by clicking on Run (when Continuous mode is enabled), or by clicking on Release (when Continuous mode is disabled). Password security is an optional feature of the DGCR which can be setup using the EnerVista DGCR Setup software. The password system has been designed to facilitate a hierarchy for centralized management. This is accomplished through a Master level access password which can be used for resetting lower level access passwords and higher level privileged operations. In cases where operational security is required as well as a central administrative authority then the use of the password system is highly encouraged. The feature robustness of this system requires it to be managed exclusively through the EnerVista setup software. This section describes how to perform the initial setup. For more details on the password security feature, refer to Chapter 6 - Password Security. 1. 3–24 VECTOR DISPLAY SELECT Click here to open a new graph to display vectors DGCR devices shipped from the factory are initially set with security disabled. If the password security feature is to be used, the user must first change the Master Reset Password from the initial Null setting. This can be done only over communications, not from the front panel keypad. The new Master Reset Password must be 8 to 10 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE SETUP characters in length, and must have minimum 2 letters and 2 numbers. The letters are case sensitive. After entering a valid Master Reset Password, enter the new Master Reset Password again to confirm, then select Change Password. 2. Now that the Master Reset Password has been programmed, enter it again to log in to the Master Access level. The Master Level permits setup of the Remote and Local Passwords. If the Master Reset Password has been lost, record the Encrypted Key and contact the factory to have it decrypted. 3. With Master Level access, the user may disable password security altogether, or change the Master Reset Password. 4. The Master Access level allows programming of the Remote Settings and Remote Control passwords. These passwords are initially set to a Null value, and can only be set or changed from a remote user over RS485 communications. Remote Passwords must be 3 to 10 characters in length. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–25 SOFTWARE SETUP 3–26 CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES 5. Initial setup of the Local Settings and Local Control passwords requires the Master Access level. If Overwrite Local Passwords is set to YES, Local passwords can be changed remotely only (over RS485). If Overwrite Local Passwords is set to NO, Local Passwords can be changed locally only (over USB or keypad). If changing Local Passwords is permitted locally, the keypad user can only change the Local Passwords if they have been changed from the initial NULL value to a valid one. Local Passwords must be 3 to 10 characters in length. 6. If any Remote Password has never been set, that level will not be attainable except when logged in as the Master Level. The same logic applies to the Local Passwords. 7. When passwords have been set, the user will be prompted to enter the appropriate password depending on the interface being used (remote or local), and the nature of the change being made (settings or control). If the correct password is entered, the user is now logged into that access level over that interface only. The access level turns off after a period of 5 minutes of inactivity, if control power is cycled, or if the user enters an incorrect password. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 4: Actual values Actual values MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–1 CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES ACTUAL VALUES A1 STATUS A1 STATUS A2 METERING CLOCK A3 RECORDS CONTACT INPUTS A4 TARGET MESSAGES OUTPUT RELAYS ▼ VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUTS C. INPUTS SUMMARY OUT RELAYS SUMMARY FLEXLOGIC SUMMARY RTDs A2 METERING CURRENT CURRENT SEQUENCE VOLTAGE SOURCE ▼ VOLTAGE LOAD VOLTAGE SRC SEQ POWER FREQUENCY THD HARMONICS ENERGY A3 RECORDS EVENT RECORDS DATA LOGGER CLEAR EVENT REC ▼ CLEAR DATA LOGGER A4 TARGET MESSAGES ▼ PhIOC Operate State: BLOCK ▼ PHASE A,B,C Command 891786.cdr 4–2 State: Open MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A1 STATUS A1 Status The main Status Menu is shown below: Figure 4-1: Status menu A1 STATUS CLOCK A1 CLOCK CONTACT INPUTS CURRENT DATE ▼ OUTPUT RELAYS ▼ CURRENT TIME VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUTS A1 CONTACT INPUTS C. INPUTS SUMMARY CONTACT INPUT 1 OUT RELAYS SUMMARY ▼ FLEXLOGIC SUMMARY CONTACT INPUT 2 NOTE: # of inputs depends on ordercode Contact Inputs Summary RTDs CI 1 OFF CI 5 OFF CI 2 OFF CI 6 OFF CI 3 OFF CI 7 OFF CI 4 OFF CI 8 OFF ... CONTACT INPUT n A1 OUTPUT RELAYS OUTPUT RELAY 1 ▼ OUTPUT RELAY 2 OUTPUT RELAY 3 ... NOTE: # of outputs depends on ordercode Output Relays Summary RLY 1 OFF RLY 5 OFF RLY 2 OFF RLY 6 OFF OUTPUT RELAY 6 A1 VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL INPUT 1 ▼ VIRTUAL INPUT 2 RLY 3 OFF ... RLY 4 OFF VIRTUAL INPUT 32 A1 FLEXLOGIC SUMMARY A1 VIRTUAL OUTPUTS FLEXLOGIC STATUS VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 ▼ ▼ FLEX LINES USED VIRTUAL OUTPUT 2 ... VIRTUAL OUTPUT 32 A1 RTDs 891863.cdr RTD#1 RTD#2 RTD#3 NOTE: these values are shown only if an IO_G card is installed Contact inputs PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > CONTACT INPUTS CONTACT INPUT 1 to 12 OFF Range: Off, On Message displays the state of the contact input. The message “ON” indicates that the contact input is energized, and message “OFF” indicates a de-energized contact. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–3 A1 STATUS CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES Clock PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > CLOCK CURRENT DATE Feb 12 2009 Range: Date in format shown Indicates today’s date. CURRENT TIME 09:17:12 Range: Time in format shown Indicates the current time of day. Output relays PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > OUTPUT RELAYS RLY 1 OPEN (Output Relay #1) OFF Range: Off, On The “ON” state of Output Relay #1 (OPEN) shows that an OPEN command has been sent to the breaker. RLY 2 CLOSE (Output Relay #2) OFF Range: Off, On The “ON” state of Output Relay #2 (CLOSE) shows that a close command has been sent to the breaker. OUTPUT RELAY 3 to X (Auxiliary Output Relays) OFF Range: Off, On Virtual inputs The state of all active virtual inputs is displayed here. PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL INPUTS 1 to 32 OFF Range: Off, On Virtual outputs The state of all active virtual outputs is displayed here. PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > VIRTUAL OUTPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUTS 1 to 32 OFF Range: Off, On 4–4 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A1 STATUS Contact inputs summary PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > C. INPUTS SUMMARY CI#1 OFF CI#7 OFF CI#2 OFF CI#8 OFF CI#3 OFF CI#9 OFF CI#4 OFF CI#10 OFF CI#5 OFF CI#11 OFF CI#6 OFF CI#12 OFF The display shows a summary of the states of all contact inputs. Output relays summary PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > OUT RELAYS SUMMARY RLY#1 OFF RLY#5 OFF RLY#2 OFF RLY#6 OFF RLY#3 OFF RLY#7 OFF RLY#4 OFF RLY#8 OFF This display shows a summary of the states of all output relays. Output Relays #1 and #2 are the Open and Close relays respectively. NOTE: NOTE Flexlogic summary PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > FLEXLOGIC SUMMARY FLEXLOGIC STATUS FLEX LINES USED RTDs PATH: ACTUAL VALUES > A1 STATUS > RTDs RTDs This status display is available only if an optional IO_G card is used. NOTE: NOTE MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–5 A2 METERING CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A2 Metering Line currents and line voltages are filtered values used for the control algorithm. The integration is based on an IIR filter over the last 10 measurements. For abrupt changes in metering, higher than twice of the pickup value, a quick update over these registers are made. Displayed metered quantities are updated approximately three (3) times a second for readability. The DGC Recloser Controller measures and computes the following electrical quantities: Source Side AC inputs configuration Load Side AC inputs configuration Voltage Inputs: 3Φ V Current Inputs: 3Φ I Voltage Inputs: 3Φ V Wye VTs: Ph-n and ph-ph voltages (V) Ph A, B, C currents (A) Delta VTs: ph-ph voltages (V) Neutral current (A) Wye VTs: Ph-n and ph-ph voltages (V) Delta VTs: ph-ph voltages (V) Frequency Negative sequence voltage Negative sequence (V) current (A) Positive sequence voltage (V) Positive sequence current (A) Zero sequence voltage (V) Zero sequence current (A) Voltage 2nd to 8th harmonic (%) Current 2nd to 8th harmonic (%) Voltage THD (%) Current THD (%) 3Φ Real power (kVA) 3Φ Reactive power (kVAr) 3Φ Apparent power (kVA) Power factor (lag or lead) 3Φ Positive real energy (kWh) 3Φ Negative real energy (kWh) 3Φ Positive reactive energy (kVAr*h) 3Φ Negative reactive energy (kVAr*h) 4–6 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A2 METERING Figure 4-2: Metering menu A2 CURRENT PH A CURRENT ▼ PH B CURRENT PH C CURRENT NTRL CURRENT A2 CURRENT SEQUENCE POS SEQ CURRENT ▼ A2 METERING NEG SEQ CURRENT CURRENT ZERO SEQ CURRENT A2 VOLTAGE SOURCE PH A VOLTAGE ▼ PH B VOLTAGE PH C VOLTAGE CURRENT SEQUENCE VOLTAGE SOURCE ▼ A2 VOLTAGE LOAD VOLTAGE LOAD PH A VOLTAGE VOLTAGE SRC SEQ POWER ▼ A2 POWER FREQUENCY THD HARMONICS 3 ph ACTIVE POWER PH B VOLTAGE PH C VOLTAGE ▼ 3 ph REACTIVE POWER ENERGY 3 ph APPARENT POWER POWER FACTOR A2 VOLTAGE SRC SEQ POS SEQ VOLTAGE ▼ NEG SEQ VOLTAGE A2 FREQUENCY Frequency ZERO SEQ VOLTAGE VOLTAGE UNBALANCE A2 THD THD PH A CURRENT ▼ THD PH B CURRENT THD PH C CURRENT THD PH A VOLTAGE THD PH B VOLTAGE THD PH C VOLTAGE A2 HARMONICS 2ND HARM PH A CRNT ▼ 2ND HARM PH B CRNT 2ND HARM PH C CRNT 2ND HARM PH A VOLT 2ND HARM PH B VOLT 2ND HARM PH C VOLT A2 ENERGY ... 8TH HARM PH A CRNT 8TH HARM PH B CRNT 3 ph POS REAL ENERGY ▼ 8TH HARM PH C CRNT 3 ph NEG REAL ENERGY 8TH HARM PH A VOLT 3 ph POS REACT ENERGY 8TH HARM PH B VOLT 3 ph NEG REACT ENERGY 8TH HARM PH C VOLT By scrolling the Up/Down keys, the unit shows one-by-one, all metered values as follows: MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–7 A2 METERING CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES Current PH A CURRENT 0.0 A 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 10 000.0 A, 0 to 359° lag PH B CURRENT 0.0 A 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 10 000.0 A, 0 to 359° lag PH C CURRENT 0.0 A 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 10 000.0 A, 0 to 359° lag NTRL CURRENT 0.0 A 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 10 000.0 A, 0 to 359° lag Voltage PH A VOLTAGE 0.0 V 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 70 000.0 V PH B VOLTAGE 0.0 V 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 70 000.0 V PH C VOLTAGE 0.0 V 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 70 000.0 V Sequences POS. SEQ. CURRENT 0.0 A 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 10 000.0 A, 0 to 359° lag NEG. SEQ. CURRENT 0.0 A 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 10 000.0 A, 0 to 359° lag ZERO SEQ. CURRENT 0.0 A 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 10 000.0 A, 0 to 359° lag POS. SEQ. VOLTAGE 0.0 V 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 70 000.0 V NEG. SEQ. VOLTAGE 0.0 V 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 70 000.0 V ZERO SEQ. VOLTAGE 0.0 V 0° lag Range: 0.0 to 70 000.0 V 4–8 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A2 METERING Power 3-PH ACTIVE POWER 0.0 kW Range: -50000.0 to 50000.0 kW 3-PH REACTIVE POWER 0.0 kVAR Range: -50000.0 to 50000.0 kVAR 3-PH APPARENT POWER 0.0 kVA Range: -50000.0 to 50000.0 kVA POWER FACTOR 0.00 Range: -0.99 to 1.00 Energy 3-PH POSITIVE REAL ENERGY 0.0 kWh Range: 0 to 999999.999 kWh 3-PH NEGATIVE REAL ENERGY 0.0 kWh Range: 0 to 999999.999 kWh 3-PH POSITIVE REACTIVE ENERGY 0.0 kVAr*h Range: 0 to 999999.999 kVAr*h 3-PH NEGATIVE REACTIVE ENERGY 0.0 kVAr*h Range: 0 to 999999.999 kVAr*h Frequency FREQUENCY 0.00 Hz Range: 40.00 to 70.00 Hz Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) THD CURRENTS THD PH A CURRENT 0.0% Range: 0.20% to 100% THD PH B CURRENT 0.0% Range: 0.20% to 100% THD PH C CURRENT 0.0% Range: 0.20% to 100% MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–9 A2 METERING CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES THD VOLTAGES THD PH A VOLTAGE 0.0% Range: 0.20% to 100% THD PH B VOLTAGE 0.0% Range: 0.20% to 100% THD PH C VOLTAGE 0.0% Range: 0.20% to 100% Harmonics CURRENTS 2nd HARM PH A CRNT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 2nd HARM PH B CRNT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 2nd HARM PH C CRNT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% . . 8th HARM PH A CRNT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 8th HARM PH B CRNT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 8th HARM PH C CRNT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% VOLTAGES 2nd HARM PH A VOLT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 2nd HARM PH B VOLT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 2nd HARM PH C VOLT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% . . 4–10 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A2 METERING 8th HARM PH A VOLT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 8th HARM PH B VOLT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% 8th HARM PH C VOLT 0.00% Range: 0.20 to 100.00% MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–11 A2 METERING CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES Default screens The measurements and metered values can also be viewed by scrolling Up or Down through the default screens as shown below: 4–12 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A2 METERING Power calculation The DGCR is calculating real, reactive and apparent power (labeled P, Q and S respectively) using measured currents and voltages on the source side of the recloser. When VTs are connected in Wye, the following formulae are used: When VTs are connected in Open Delta, the following formulae are used: MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–13 A3 RECORDS CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A3 Records Figure 4-3: Records menu ACTUAL VALUES A1 STATUS A2 METERING A3 RECORDS A3 RECORDS A4 TARGET MESSAGES A3 EVENT REC T421 EVENT RECORDS DATA LOGGER CLEAR EVENT REC ▼ CLEAR DATA LOGGER A3 DATA LOGGER TOTAL TRIGGERS ▼ E421, Date “Event Record” Time TRIGGER CAUSE ... DATA LOG STATUS A3 CLEAR EVENT REC CLEAR 891970.cdr A3 CLEAR DATA LOGGER CLEAR Event records Event Records include events generated by operation of the following functions: • Control functions • Open and Close commands • Alarms, Blocks • Change of inputs. The events are stored in memory, which can store up to 256 events. Each event is stored with an event number, date, time, and analog data of interest. The following list shows the analog data viewable for each recorded event Cause Time Date Phase A Current Phase B Current Phase C Current Neutral Current Van Voltage Source (Wye,Va,Vb,Vc VT input)* Vbn Voltage Source (Wye,Va,Vb,Vc VT input)* Vcn Voltage Source (Wye,Va,Vb,Vc VT input)* Vab Voltage Source (Delta,Vab,Vbc,Vca VT input)* Vbc Voltage Source (Delta,Vab,Vbc,Vca VT input)* Vca Voltage Source (Delta,Vab,Vbc,Vca VT input)* Van Voltage Load (Wye,Va,Vb,Vc VT input)* Vbn Voltage Load (Wye,Va,Vb,Vc VT input)* Vcn Voltage Load (Wye,Va,Vb,Vc VT input)* Vab Voltage Load (Delta,Vab,Vbc,Vca VT input)* Vbc Voltage Load (Delta,Vab,Vbc,Vca VT input)* Vca Voltage Load (Delta,Vab,Vbc,Vca VT input)* Voltage Unbalance 4–14 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A3 RECORDS Power Factor 3Ph Real Power 3Ph Reactive Power 3Ph Apparent Power Frequency THD Current Phase A THD Current Phase B THD Current Phase C THD Voltage Phase A THD Voltage Phase B THD Voltage Phase C *Dependent on VT Input selection. Data logger The data logger is used to sample and record actual values at a selectable time interval. The stored actual values are chosen according to the user’s criteria. For a list of available settings, refer to Chapter 5: Settings / S1 Product Setup / Data Logger. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–15 A4 MESSAGES CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES A4 Messages Target Messages Target messages are automatically displayed for any active condition on the relay such as pickups, trips, or alarms. The relay displays the most recent event first, and after 5 seconds will start rolling up the other target messages until the conditions clear and/or the RESET command is initiated. The Target Messages can be reviewed by pressing either the MESSAGE UP or MESSAGE DOWN key. If a RESET command is not performed but any of the other faceplate pushbuttons is pressed, the display will not show the target messages unless the user navigates to ACTUAL VALUES > A4 TARGET MESSAGES, where they can be reviewed. If the target messages have not been cleared before the user presses a pushbutton different from “RESET”, they will reappear on the screen after the time specified under the SETPOINTS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > S1 FRONT PANEL > MESSAGE TIMEOUT setting, that will start timing out from the last pressed pushbutton. The following shows the format of a typical Target Message: Figure 4-4: Typical target message A4 TARGET MESSAGES Cause <function> State: Operate ▼ Phase: Example of a Phase IOC1 operation - phase A: Phase IOC1 function: Trip A4 TARGET MESSAGES Ph IOC1 Trip State: Operate ▼ Phase:A Cause <Function> The first line contains information of the cause of operation (the name of the operated element), and the element function. State: Operate This line from the display shows the state of the element: Pickup, Operated, Alarm. Phase: A The last line from the display shows the phase that picked up or operated. Self-Test Errors The relay performs self diagnostics at initialization (after power up), and continuously as a background task to ensure that the hardware and software are functioning correctly. There are two types of self-test warnings indicating either a minor or major problem. Minor problems indicate a problem with the relay that does not compromise protection of the power system. Major errors indicate a problem with the relay which takes it out of service. 4–16 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES CAUTION: A4 MESSAGES Self-Test Warnings may indicate a serious problem with the relay hardware! Upon detection of a minor problem, the relay will: • Display the error on the relay display. • Record the minor self-test error in the Event Recorder. Upon detection of a major problem, the relay will: • De-energize auxiliary relays programmed for “Failsafe” operation. • Inhibit operation of all other output relays. • Turn off the "IN SERVICE" LED. • Flash the "ALARM" LED. • Display the cause of major self-test failure. • Record the major self-test failure in the Event Recorder. Figure 4-5: Typical Self-test warning A4 TARGET MESSAGES UNIT FAILURE: Contact Factory: Error code:1 Flash Messages Flash messages are warning, error, or general information messages displayed in response to pressing certain keys. The factory default flash message time is 4 seconds. Figure 4-6: Typical Flash message SETPOINT STORED This flash message is displayed in response to the ENTER key while on any setpoint message (see example above). The edited value was stored as entered. COMMAND EXECUTED This flash message is displayed in response to executing a command: ON, OFF, YES, NO, etc. INVALID PASSWORD This flash message appears upon an attempt to enter an incorrect password, as part of password security. AR IN PROGRESS This flash message appears when the Autoreclosure is in progress performing the configured sequence. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–17 A4 MESSAGES 4–18 CHAPTER 4: ACTUAL VALUES MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 5: Setpoints Setpoints Figure 5-1: Main Settings menu SET32IN7S S1 PRODUCT SETUP S2 SYSTEM SETUP S3 CONFIGURATION ▼ S4 CONTROLS S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS 89180.cdr S1 Product Setup The main Product Setup menu is shown below: MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–1 S1 PRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-2: Product setup menu S1 PRODUCT SETUP CLOCK SETUP PASSWORD SECURITY COMMUNICATIONS ▼ S1 CLOCK SETUP DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) ▼ S1 RS485 RS485 BAUD RATE TIME (HH:MM:SS) ▼ EVENT RECORDER DLS ENABLE PARITY DATA LOGGER DLS START MONTH REAR RS485 PORT FRONT PANEL DLS START WEEK COMM FAIL ALARM INSTALLATION DLS START WEEKDAY DLS END MONTH DLS END WEEK DLS END WEEKDAY S1 MODBUS S1 DNP GENERAL DNP ADDRESS MODBUS SLAVE ADR ▼ TIME SYNC IN PER S1 PASSWORD SECURITY LOC SETPOINTS PSWD LOC CONTROLS PSWD DNP GENERAL DEFAULT VARIATION S1 COMMUNICATIONS RS485 MODBUS DNP S1 EVENT RECORDER PICKUP EVENTS ▼ DROPOUT EVENTS TRIP EVENTS ALARM EVENTS CONTROL EVENTS CONTACT INPUTS DNP MSG FRAG SIZE S1 DNP DNP POINTS LIST S1 DEFAULT VARIATION DNP OBJECT 1 ▼ DNP OBJECT 2 DNP OBJECT 20 DNP OBJECT 21 DNP OBJECT 22 DNP OBJECT 23 DNP OBJECT 30 DNP OBJECT 32 S1 DNP POINTS LIST BINARY INPUTS BINARY OUTPUTS ANALOG INPUTS VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUTS SETTING DATE/TIME S1 BINARY INPUTS S1 DATA LOGGER SAMPLE RATE ▼ CONTINUOUS MODE POINT 0 ▼ ... POINT 63 POSITION TRIGGER DATA LOG TRGR SRC CHANNEL 1 ... CHANNEL 10 S1 FRONT PANEL FLASH MESSAGE TIME ▼ MESSAGE TIMEOUT SCREEN SAVER LED OPEN COLOR LED CLSD COLOR 891964.cdr S1 INSTALLATION PRODUCT NAME ▼ PRODUCT STATUS 5–2 S1 BINARY OUTPUTS POINT 0 ON ▼ POINT 0 OFF ... POINT 15 ON POINT 15 OFF S1 BINARY OUTPUTS POINT 0 ENTRY ▼ POINT 0 SCALE FCTR POINT 0 DEADBAND ... POINT 31 ENTRY POINT 31 SCALE FCTR POINT 31 DEADBAND MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S1 PRODUCT SETUP Clock The DGCR has an internal real time clock that performs time stamping for various features such as the event and transient recorders. Time synchronization priority uses Modbus or DNP commands as follows: Synchronization commands are all eventually translated into a MODBUS function, and as such are blocked from the MODBUS layer as required. There is no prioritization amongst synchronization commands. A synchronization command issued from DNP for example, can be directly followed by another from MODBUS, for example. PATH: SETTINGS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > CLOCK DATE: (MM/DD/YYYY) Range: Month: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec Day: 1 to 31 Year: 2009 to 2099 Default: Jan 15 2009 This setting sets the date in the specified format. TIME: (HH:MM:SS) Range: 0 to 23: 0 to 59: 0 to59 Default: 03:15:50 This setting sets the time in the specified format. DLS ENABLE Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled With DLS Enabled, the main CPU has to maintain the information regarding AV.m_DaylightSavingsActive, because it is necessary in the communications CPU to translate from local time to UTC in 61850 protocol. In addition, if SNTP is enabled, the main CPU will receive UTC time from the communications CPU and it needs to apply this in order to pass it to local time. Without any other synchronization, DLS correction is applied only at 0200 hours on daylight saving months. PATH: SETTINGS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > CLOCK > DLS ENABLE [ENABLED] DLS START MONTH: Range: Not Set, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Default: Not Set This setting sets the month for the DLS start time. DLS START WEEK: Range: Not Set, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Last Default: Not Set This setting sets the week of the month for the DLS start time. DLS START WEEKDAY: Range: Not Set, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun Default: Not Set This setting sets the weekday for the DLS start time. DLS END MONTH: Range: Not Set, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Default: Not Set This setting sets the month for the end of the DLS time. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–3 S1 PRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS DLS END WEEK: Range: Not Set, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Last Default: Not Set This setting sets the week of the month for the end of the DLS time. DLS END WEEKDAY: Range: Not Set, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun Default: Not Set This setting sets the weekday for the end of the DLS time. Password security Password security features are designed into the relay to provide protection against unauthorized setting changes and control. The relay has programmable passwords for both Local and Remote access, which can be used to allow settings changes and command execution from both the front panel and the communications ports. These passwords consist of 3 to 10 alphanumeric characters. The Local and the Remote passwords are initially set after entering in a Master Reset Password (MRP). The Master Reset Password (MRP) is set to “NULL” when the relay is shipped from the factory. When the MRP is programmed to “NULL” all password security is disabled.. The remote user may choose to allow the local user to change the local passwords. Each interface (RS485, USB, and front panel keypad) is independent of one another, meaning that enabling settings access on one interface does not enable access for any of the other interfaces (i.e., the password must be explicitly entered via the interface from which access is desired). The EnerVista DGCR Setup software incorporates a facility for programming the relay’s passwords as well as enabling/disabling settings access. For example, when an attempt is made to modify a settings but access is restricted, the program will prompt the user to enter the password and send it to the relay before the settings can actually be written to the relay. If a SCADA system is used for relay programming, it is up to the programmer to incorporate appropriate security for the application. Aside from being logged out of security, which allows the user to read settings and actual values only, three levels of security access are provided: settings Level, Control Level, and Master Level. The settings and Control Levels can be attained either locally using the Local passwords (USB port and keypad), or remotely using the Remote passwords (RS485 port). The user can have either settings or Control Level active, but not both simultaneously from the same interface. The Master Level is used for setting and resetting of passwords, and includes all settings and Control Level access rights. The Master Level cannot be attained from the keypad. The Master Reset Password must be 8 to 10 characters in length, and must contain at least 2 letters and 2 numbers. The Master Level can define whether the local user is permitted to change Local Passwords without having to enter the Master Level. The Master Reset Password is encrypted, and is not viewable from the keypad. If the Master Reset Password is lost, the user should contact the factory to decrypt the Master Reset Password. After password entry, the access level is maintained until a period of 5 minutes of inactivity has elapsed, after which the password must be re-entered. A power-loss or entering in the wrong password will log the user out of security. Further definition of the access levels is described as follows: SETTINGS LEVEL 5–4 • Changing settings under QUICK SETUP menu • Changing settings under the SETTINGS menu except the features requiring control access listed below MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S1 PRODUCT SETUP • Changing any setting under MAINTENANCE such as trip and close coil monitoring and breaker maintenance settings, except the features requiring control access listed below • Changing the Local or Remote settings Password, depending on the interface being accessed CONTROL LEVEL • Reset command • Open and Close Breaker commands • Virtual Input commands • Clearing of event records, transient records, and other data • Uploading new firmware • Changing the Local or Remote Control Password, depending on the interface being accessed MASTER LEVEL • Setting and changing of all passwords including the Master Reset Password • Disabling password security • All settings and Control Level access rights For details on Password Security setup and handling using the EnerVista DGCR Setup software, refer to Chapter 3. Communications Figure 5-3: Main Communications menu S1 COMMUNICATIONS RS485 MODBUS S1 RS485 RS485 BAUD RATE ▼ DNP PARITY REAR 485 PORT COMM FAIL ALARM S1 DNP GENERAL DNP ADDRESS ▼ TIME SYNC IIN PER DNP MSG FRAG SIZE ... S1 DEFAULT VARIATION DNP OBJECT 1 ▼ S1 DNP POINT 0 ▼ POINT 63 S1 MODBUS PROTOCOL MODBUS SLAVE ADR S1 BINARY INPUTS DNP OBJECT 2 S1 BINARY OUTPUTS POINT 0 ON: ▼ DNP GENERAL DNP OBJECT 20 DEFAULT VARIATION DNP OBJECT 21 ... DNP POINTS LIST DNP OBJECT 22 POINT 15 ON: DNP OBJECT 23 POINT 15 OFF: POINT 0 OFF: DNP OBJECT 30 DNP OBJECT 32 S1 ANALOG INPUTS S1 DNP POINTS LIST BINARY INPUTS BINARY OUTPUTS ANALOG INPUTS POINT 0 ENTRY ▼ POINT 0 SCALE FCTR POINT 0 DEADBAND ... POINT 31 ENTRY 891846.cdr POINT 31 SCALE FCTR POINT 31 DEADBAND MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–5 S1 PRODUCT SETUP RS485 interface CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS The DGCR is equipped with one serial RS485 communication port. The RS485 port has settings for baud rate and parity. It is important that these parameters agree with the settings used on the computer or other equipment that is connected to these ports. This port may be connected to a computer running the EnerVista DGCR Setup software. This software can download and upload setting files, view measured parameters, and upgrade the device firmware. A maximum of 32 -series devices can be daisy-chained and connected to a DCS, PLC, or PC using the RS485 port. Select the Settings > Communications > Serial Ports menu item in the program, or the SETTINGS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > COMMUNICATIONS > RS485 path on the display, to configure the serial port. Figure 5-4: Serial port configuration settings The following settings are available to configure the RS485 port. BAUD RATE Range: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 Default: 115200 This setting specifies the baud rate (bits per second) for the RS485 port. PARITY Range: None, Odd, Even Default: None This setting specifies the parity for the RS485 port. Modbus The Modicon Modbus protocol is supported by the DGCR. Modbus is available via the RS485 serial link (Modbus RTU). The DGCR always acts as a slave device, meaning that it never initiates communications; it only listens and responds to requests issued by a master device. A subset of the Modbus protocol format is supported that allows extensive monitoring, programming, and control functions using read and write register commands. Refer to the DGCR Communications Guide for additional details on the Modbus protocol and the Modbus memory map. The Modbus server can simultaneously support two clients over serial RS485. The server is capable of reporting any indication or measurement and operating any output present in the device. A user-configurable input and output map is also implemented. The DGCR operates as a Modbus slave device only Select the Settings > Communications > Modbus > Protocol menu item in software, or the SETTINGS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > COMMUNICATIONS > MODBUS PROTOCOL path to set up the modbus protocol as shown below. Figure 5-5: Modbus protocol configuration settings The following Modbus settings are available: 5–6 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S1 PRODUCT SETUP MODBUS SLAVE ADDRESS Range: 1 to 254 in steps of 1 Default: 254 This setting specifies the Modbus slave address . Each device must have a unique address from 1 to 254. Address 0 is the broadcast address to which all Modbus slave devices listen. Addresses do not have to be sequential, but no two devices can have the same address or conflicts resulting in errors will occur. Generally, each device added to the link should use the next higher address starting at 1. Please refer to the DGCR Communications Guide for details on how to set up the Modbus communications protocol. DNP communication The menu structure for the DNP (distributed network protocol) is shown below. PATH: SETTINGS > PRODUCT SETUP > COMMUNICATIONS > DNP Figure 5-6: DNP communication settings menu S1 DNP DNP GENERAL DEFAULT VARIATION DNP POINTS LIST S1 DNP GENERAL DNP ADDRESS ▼ TME SYNC IIN PER. DNP MSG FRAG SIZE POINT 0 POINT 1 ▼ POINT 2 ... POINT 63 POINT 0 ON DEFAULT VARIATION DNP OBJECT 1 DNP OBJECT 2 DNP OBJECT 20 DNP OBJECT 21 DNP OBJECT 22 DNP OBJECT 23 POINT 0 OFF ▼ POINT 1 ON POINT 1 OFF ... POINT 15 ON POINT 15 OFF DNP OBJECT 30 DNP OBJECT 32 POINT 0 ENTRY POINT 0 SCALE FCTR ▼ POINT 0 DEADBAND S1 DNP POINTS LIST BINARY INPUTS BINARY OUTPUT 891743.cdr ANALOG INPUTS ... POINT 31 ENTRY POINT 31 SCALE FCTR POINT 31 DEADBAND Please refer to the DGCR Communications Guide for more details on communications. Event recorder The Event Recorder runs continuously, capturing and storing the last 50 events. All events are stored in non-volatile memory on power-down, where the information is maintained for up to 3 days in case of lost DGCR control power. NOTE: NOTE The relay requires a minimum time of 15 seconds from power-on in order to be able to save the 50 events on power-down. If power is lost before the first 15 seconds have elapsed, the controller will not be able to save the events. PATH: SETTINGS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > EVENT RECORDER MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–7 S1 PRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS PICKUP EVENTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled When set to “Enabled”, the event recorder records the events that occur when a monitoring element picks up. DROPOUT EVENTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled When set to “Enabled” the event recorder records the dropout state of a monitoring element. TRIP EVENTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Enabled When set to “Enabled”, the event recorder records trip events. ALARM EVENTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Enabled These events include the elements programmed as an “ALARM” or “LATCHED ALARM” function. CONTROL EVENTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Enabled If set to “Enabled”, the event recorder records events caused by the performance of the programmed control elements. CONTACT INPUTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Enabled When set to “Enabled”, the event recorder will record the event when a contact input changes its state. VIRTUAL INPUTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Enabled When set to “Enabled”, the event recorder records the events which occur upon state changes of any virtual input. VIRTUAL OUTPUTS Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Enabled When set to “Enabled”, the event recorder records the events which occur upon state changes of any virtual outputs. SETTING DATE/TIME Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Enabled When set to “Enabled”, the event recorder records the events which occur upon changes to Date/Time. 5–8 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S1 PRODUCT SETUP Datalogger The following settings are available: SAMPLE RATE Range: 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, Disable Default: 1 min Determines how often data is stored in the data log. CONTINUOUS MODE Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled Determines whether or not the trigger data is overwritten with new data. Enabled will overwrite the previous trigger data with new trigger data. When Disabled, the data log will run until filled with 256 samples. Continuous Mode should be used when the data is stored externally by a polling system. The sample rate should be chosen to match the poll rate of the external program. TRIGGER POSITION Range: 0 to 100% steps of 1% Default: 25% Percentage of the sample buffer used for pretrigger samples. DATA LOG TRGR SRC Range: Command, VO1 to VO32, Any Trip Pickup, Any Trip, Any Trip Dropout, Any Alarm Pickup, Any Alarm, Any Alarm Dropout Default: Command Selects a trigger source. Command is always active. Logic Elements can be used to create combinations of trigger sources. CHANNEL 1 Disabled, Ph A Current, Ph B Current, Ph C Current, System Frequency, Power Factor, 3ph Real Power, 3ph Reactive Power, 3ph Apperent Power, External Temp, THD Curr PhA, THD Curr PhB, THD Curr PhC, 2nd….8th Harm Curr PhA, 2nd….8th Harm Curr PhB, 2nd….8th Harm Curr PhC, THD Volt PhA, THD Volt PhB, THD Volt PhC, THD Volt PhA, THD Volt PhB, THD Volt PhC, 2nd….8th Harm Volt PhA, 2nd….8th Harm Volt PhB, 2nd….8th Harm Volt PhC, THD Line Volt, THD Line Curr, 2nd….8th Harm Curr, 2nd….8th Harm Volt, (Van, Vbn, Vcn, Vab, Vbc, Vca - Source and Load), Positive Seq Curr, Negative Seq Curr, Zero Seq Curr, Positive Seq Volt, Negative Seq Volt, Zero Seq Volt, Open Count, Close Count, Shot Count, KI2t Cnt PhaseA, KI2t Cnt PhaseB, KI2t Cnt PhaseC Refer to DGCR Communications guide for the complete list of analog variables available for data logger channel selection. NOTE: NOTE Default: Disabled Sources and Defaults for Channels 2 to 10 are the same as those for Channel 1. NOTE: NOTE Front panel The user can send a message to the display, that will override any normal message by sending text through Modbus. PATH: SETTINGS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > FRONT PANEL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–9 S1 PRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS FLASH MESSAGE TIME Range: 1 s to 65535 s Default: 5 s Flash messages are status, warning, error, or information messages displayed for several seconds in response to certain key presses during setting programming. These messages override any normal messages. The duration of a flash message on the display can be changed to accommodate different reading rates. MESSAGE TIMEOUT Range: 1 s to 65535 s Default: 30 s If the keypad is inactive for a period of time, the relay automatically reverts to a default message. The inactivity time is modified via this setting to ensure messages remain on the screen long enough during programming or reading of actual values. SCREEN SAVER Range: Off, 1 min to 10000 min Default: Off The life of the LCD backlight can be prolonged by enabling the Screen Saver mode. If the keypad is inactive for the selected period of time, the DGCR automatically shuts off the LCD screen. Any activity (keypress, alarm, trip, or target message) will restore screen messages. LED OPEN COLOR Range: Red, Green, Orange Default: Red This setting defines the color of the LED “RECLOSER OPEN”. LED CLOSE COLOR Range: Red, Green, Orange Default: Green This setting defines the color of the LED “RECLOSER CLOSED”. Installation PATH: SETTINGS > S1 PRODUCT SETUP > INSTALLATION PRODUCT NAME Range: Name, Alpha-numeric (20 characters) Default: DA Name The PRODUCT NAME setting allows the user to uniquely identify a DGCR unit. This name will appear on generated reports. This name is also used to identify specific devices which are engaged in automatically sending/receiving data over the communications channel. PRODUCT STATUS Range: Not Ready, Ready Default: Not Ready Allows the user to activate/deactivate the DGCR. The DGCR is not operational when set to "Not Ready." 5–10 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP S2 System setup One three-phase current input and two three-phase voltage inputs are available on the DGCR for connection to the external measuring transformers. These are programmable through the Current and Voltage Sensing menus. During normal loading conditions the three-phase currents and voltages are well balanced. The controller uses currents and voltages measured on the source side of the recloser to compute the electrical power (apparent, active, and reactive). The table in the main ACTUAL VALUES/A2 METERING section shows all electrical quantities measured and calculated by the controller. The DGCR displays the electrical quantities shown in the ACTUAL VALUES/A2 METERING subsections, for the Source and Load sides separately. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–11 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-7: System setup menu S2 SYSTEM SETUP CURRENT SENSING SOURCE SIDE VTs LOAD SIDE VTs S2 CURRENT SENSING CT PRIMARY ▼ CT SECONDARY ▼ VT CORRECTIONS POWER SYSTEM OPEN/CLOSE SETUP CIRC BRK SETUP BATTERY BACKUP S2 SOURCE SIDE VTs SOURCE VT INPUTS ▼ SOURCE VT RATIO SRC VT SECONDARY S2 LOAD SIDE VTs LOAD VT INPUTS ▼ LOAD VT RATIO LOAD VT SECONDARY S2 VT CORRECTIONS SRC VOLTAGES LOAD VOLTAGES S2 SRC VOLTAGES VT1 MAGNITUDE ▼ VT1 PHASE SHIFT S2 POWER SYSTEM SYSTEM ROTATION ▼ VT2 MAGNITUDE VT2 PHASE SHIFT VT3 MAGNITUDE NOMINAL FREQUENCY S2 OPEN/CLOSE SETUP 52a CONTACT 52b CONTACT VT3 PHASE SHIFT S2 LOAD VOLTAGES VT1 MAGNITUDE ▼ VT1 PHASE SHIFT S2 CIRC BRK SETUP VT2 MAGNITUDE CB STATE INFO VT2 PHASE SHIFT ▼ VT3 MAGNITUDE CB TYPE VT3 PHASE SHIFT CB (3 pole) CLOSED CB a CLOSED CB b CLOSED CB c CLOSED S2 BATTERY BACKUP 891797.cdr BATT TEST CYC TIME ▼ BATT TEST DURATION BATT TEST LIMIT 5–12 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP Current sensing PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > S2 CURRENT SENSING SENSOR TYPE* Range: User Sensor, Lindsey Sensor, Fisher Pierce 1301, LSC-XXX-122 Default: User Sensor This setting defines the type of current sensor connected to the DGC. The DGC provides ways to connect different types of sensors by applying suitable correction factors. These kinds of current sensors translate the primary current flowing across the distribution line into an induced voltage of few volts. The voltage induced in the coil of the sensor is directly proportional to the alternating current in the primary conductor. CONDUCTOR DIAMETER* Range: 0.5 to 1.25 inches in steps of 0.25 inches Default: 0.53 inches “CONDUCTOR DIAMETER” is not available with “sensor type” programmed to “Lindsey Sensor”. NOTE: NOTE This setting is used to include the outside diameter of the distributed line conductor in inches. This setting is needed due to the relationship between the primary current of the line and the output voltage of the current sensor is directly proportional to the diameter of the conductor of the line. See, Sensor Gain (below) for more information. For “Sensor Type” selected to “Fisher Pierce 1301” or “LSC-XXX-122”, the gain, offset and phase shift parameters have been internally hardcoded. Only the conductor diameter setting is required to be changed by the user. SENSOR GAIN* Range: 0.00 to 600.00 in steps of 0.01 Default: 17.52 “SENSOR GAIN” is available when “sensor type” is programmed to “User Sensor” OR “Lindsey Sensor”. NOTE: NOTE This setting provides the magnitude correction factor between the primary current and secondary output voltage of the sensor. In current sensors, the relationship between the current and voltage is usually in the form: Ip = K . Esi Where: Ip - Primary Current in amperes K - Conductor Diameter formula Esi - Secondary Output Voltage For Lindsey sensors: The K parameter is the value programmed under the ‘SENSOR GAIN’ setpoint. The ratio between the primary current in amperes and the secondary value in volts is included under this setting. For User sensors: The K value is parameterized in the form: K = (Diameter x Gain) + Offset Diameter – Primary conductor outside diameter in inches. Gain – Factor between the primary current and secondary voltage. This value is programmed into the SENSOR GAIN setting Offset – This value is programmed into the SENSOR OFFSET Setting. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–13 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS SENSOR OFFSET* Range: 0.00 to 600.00 in steps of 0.01 Default: 77.81 “SENSOR OFFSET” is available only when “sensor type” is programmed to “User Sensor”. NOTE: NOTE This setting provides the offset between the primary current and induced voltage in the sensor. Usually, sensor manufacturers provide calibration factor curves in the form: Primary_Current = K x Secondary_Current Where: K = (Diameter x Gain) + Offset See SENSOR GAIN setting for more information on this setting. SENSOR PHASE SHIFT* Range: 0 to 360 in steps of 1 Default: 0 “SENSOR PHASE SHIFT” is available only when “sensor type” is programmed to “User Sensor”. NOTE: NOTE This setting provides the lagging phase shift between the output voltage of the sensor and the primary current of the line. NOMINAL SECONDARY V* Range: 1.0 to 30.0 V in steps of 0.1 V Default: 10.0 V This setting provides the nominal current of the distribution line in the secondary voltage value. This value is used as a unit reference for the detection functions.For example: A Lindsey Sensor of 600 A / 10V located in a distributed line with a primary nominal current of 450 A.The secondary voltage at this nominal current will be: V nominal = 10 * 450 A / 600 A = 7.5 VThis value has to be programmed under this setting. PHASE CT PRIMARY** Range: 1 to 6000 A in steps of 1 A Default: 1 A This setting defines the rated primary current of the connected current transformer. PHASE CT SECONDARY** Range: 1 A, 5 A Default: 5 A This setting defines the rated secondary current of the connected current transformer. * The group of settings: “SENSOR TYPE,” “CONDUCTOR DIAMETER,” “SENSOR GAIN,” “SENSOR OFFSET,” “SENSOR PHASE SHIFT,” and “NOMINAL SECONDARY V” is available only if the IO_J Order Code was chosen for slot C. ** The group of settings: “PHASE CT PRIMARY,” and “PHASE CT SECONDARY” is available only if the IO_A Order Code was chosen for slot C. Voltage sensing PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > S2 SOURCE SIDE VTs SOURCE VT INPUTS Range: Wye, Delta Default: Wye This setting defines the type of VT connection wired to the source side terminals of the controller (labeled ‘D’). 5–14 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP SOURCE VT RATIO Range: 1:1 to 1:10000 in steps of 1 Default: 1:1 This setting specifies the voltage sensing ratio between the primary and the secondary voltage transformer sides. It applies to the source side VT terminals of the controller (labeled ‘D’). SRC VT SECONDARY Range (IO_B card): 60.0 to 440.0 V in steps of 0.1 V Default: 120.0 V Range (IO_J card): 0.5 to 10.0 V in steps of 0.1 V Default: 10.0 V This setting specifies the nominal voltage of the secondary of the voltage transformer connected to the source side VT terminals of the controller (labeled ‘D’). PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > S2 LOAD SIDE VTs LOAD VT INPUTS Range: Wye, Delta Default: Wye This setting defines the type of VT connection wired to the source side terminals of the controller (labeled ‘E’). LOAD VT RATIO Range: 1:1 to 1:10000 in steps of 1 Default: 1:1 This setting specifies the voltage sensing ratio between the primary and the secondary voltage transformer sides. It applies to the source side VT terminals of the controller (labeled ‘E’). LOAD VT SECONDARY Range (IO-B card): 60.0 to 440.0 V in steps of 0.1 V Default: 120.0 V Range (IO-J card): 0.5 to 10.0 V in steps of 0.1 V Default: 10.0 V This setting specifies the nominal voltage of the secondary of the voltage transformer connected to the source side VT terminals of the controller (labeled ‘E’). VT CORRECTIONS PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > S2 VT CORRECTIONS > S2 SRC VOLTAGES VT1/2/3 MAGNITUDE Range: 0.700 to 1.12 in steps of 0.001 Default: 1.000 The DGC uses magnitude and phase correction factors to correct for manufacturing tolerances in the line-sensing equipment.This setting specifies the correction magnitude that must be applied for the measurement taken from VT1/2/3 input. The magnitude correction factor equals:Calculated VT1/2/3 Voltage = VT1/2/3 Magnitude x Measured VT1/2/3 Voltage VT1/2/3 PHASE SHIFT Range: 0.0 to 359.9 in steps of 0.1º Default: 0.0º Lag This setting provides the leading phase shift correction that should be applied to the phasor calculations to compensate the angle error provided by the VT sensor.These settings shall be shown for models provided with VTs sensor in the Load side. Models with IO_J card in the slot E. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–15 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > S2 VT CORRECTIONS > S2 LOAD VOLTAGES VT1/2/3 MAGNITUDE Range: 0.700 to 1.12 in steps of 0.001 Default: 1.000 The DGC uses magnitude and phase correction factors to correct for manufacturing tolerances in the line-sensing equipment.This setting specifies the correction magnitude that must be applied for the measurement taken from VT1/2/3 input. The magnitude correction factor equals: Calculated VT1/2/3 Voltage = VT1/2/3 Magnitude x Measured VT1/2/3 Voltage VT1/2/3 PHASE SHIFT Range: 0.0 to 359.9 in steps of 0.1º Default: 0.0º Lag This setting provides the leading phase shift correction that should be applied to the phasor calculations to compensate the angle error provided by the VT sensor. Power system PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > POWER SYSTEM NOMINAL FREQUENCY Range: 50 Hz, 60 Hz Default: 60 Hz This setting defines the frequency of the power system. SYSTEM ROTATION Range: ABC, ACB Default: ABC This setting defines the phase rotation of the power system. Open/Close Setup The Recloser Control feature has a programmable menu where the user can set the criteria for open and close commands. The DGCR has one dedicated output relay for the “Open” command and another one for the “Close” command. Depending on ordered controller, the DGCR may have a number of other auxiliary output relays that can be programmed to close/open logic as well. The logic diagrams below show how the open and close commands are individually generated. Recloser control outputs will energize when the respective close/open request is generated, unless any blocking condition exists. De-energizing of the outputs is controlled by the state of the recloser as monitored by its 52a and/or 52b contact and delayed by a settable period of time. Details are shown in the table below, “Recloser Auxiliary Contacts and Recloser Operation”. 5–16 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP Table 5-1: Recloser Auxiliary Contacts and Recloser Operation 52a Contact Configured 52b Contact Configured Recloser Operation Yes Yes The Open output relay remains operating until both the 52a and the 52b recloser contacts read open and close respectively. These aux. contacts state define opened recloser. The Close output relay remains operating until both the 52a, and the 52b contacts read close and open respectively. These aux. contacts state define closed recloser. Yes No The Open output relay remains operating until 52a contact changes its state from closed to open. This indicates open recloser. The Close output relay remains operating until 52a contact changes its state from open to close. This indicates closed recloser. No Yes The Open output relay remains operating until 52b contact changes its state from open to closed. This indicates open recloser. The Close output relay remains operating until 52b contact changes its state from closed to open. This indicates closed recloser. No No The recloser state is not monitored. If the controller fails to detect the recloser operational state, an alarm will be generated. Details about the alarm function are shown in the table below, “recloser monitoring logic with both 52a and 52b contacts configured”. Table 5-2: Recloser Monitoring logic with both 52a and 52b contacts configured Auxiliary Contact 52a Auxiliary Contact 52b Recloser Position Alarm On Off CLOSED No Off On OPEN No Off Off On On Recloser State Failed After Time Delay until acknowledged The duration of the output energized state depends on different conditions but it is limited to the adjustable time. More details are available in the Recloser Control logic diagram below. MODES OF OPERATION Remote/Local Mode The REMOTE/LOCAL pushbutton toggles between REMOTE and LOCAL mode of operation. Each of the two modes is associated with a LED to show the selection. This selection has absolute priority and it can be made only by operating the REMOTE/LOCAL pushbutton. Automatic, Manual Mode The AUTO/MANUAL pushbutton toggles between either AUTO or MANUAL mode of operation. The Auto and Manual modes are associated with a corresponding LED, which turns on upon mode selection. The controller mode can be selected from the faceplate pushbuttons or from the remote location. Similarly, the operator can issue an Open/Close command using the faceplate pushbuttons or from the remote location. The SCADA user has Read only access at all times, regardless of the mode selected. However, issuing commands and selecting AUTO/ MANUAL modes via SCADA is restricted and it depends on the selection as shown in the “Controller Modes” table below. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–17 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Table 5-3: Controller Modes Pushbutton Auto Manual Remote Control Enabled - Automatic Operation enabled - SCADA Remote Open/ Close recloser control and Auto override enabled - Remote Inputs Open/Close recloser control and Auto override enabled - Manual (faceplate) pushbutton Open/Close recloser control disabled - Automatic Operation disabled - SCADA Remote Open/Close recloser control enabled - Remote Inputs Open/Close recloser control enabled - Manual (faceplate) pushbutton Open/Close recloser control disabled Local Control Enabled - Automatic Operation enabled - SCADA Remote Open/ Close recloser control disabled - Remote Inputs Open/Close recloser control disabled - Manual (faceplate) pushbutton Open/Close recloser control disabled - Automatic Operation disabled - SCADA Remote Open/Close recloser control disabled - Remote Inputs Open/Close recloser control disabled - Manual (faceplate) pushbutton Open/Close recloser control enabled In Manual mode, the DGCR controls the recloser by responding to manually performed commands from the faceplate pushbuttons OPEN and CLOSE. In Automatic mode, the decision to send a Recloser Open command will made by Control elements, if it is enabled. In both modes the DGCR controller sends either Open or Close command to the recloser using two digital outputs: RLY 1 OPEN and RLY 2 CLOSE. With Remote mode selected when in AUTO mode, the recloser can be also controlled by either the OPEN/CLOSE commands sent via communications, or via asserting inputs configured in the Remote Inputs menu: REMOTE OPEN CMND and REMOTE CLOSE CMND. The remote control overrides the automatic control. After the remote regulation is performed, the controller will revert back to automatic mode. Block Auto mode from Communications (COMM BLOCK AUTO) The Auto mode can be blocked remotely by asserting the command COMM BLOCK AUTO via communications. This can be done only by using the EnerVista DGCR Setup program while in Remote control. In this case the recloser can be controlled only remotely. This command is not visible on the HMI. Save Block Auto from Communications (SAVE COMM BLK AUTO) While in Remote mode, the user can select to keep the Auto mode blocked during loss of communication or loss of power to the DGCR, by setting the command SAVE COMM BLK AUTO, to “Enabled”. This will keep the Auto mode blocked after the communication or the power to the DGCR has been restored. Unblock Auto mode from Communications (COMM UNBLOCK AUTO) Both the COMM BLOCK AUTO and the SAVE COMM BLK AUTO selections will reset upon issuing COMM UNBLOCK AUTO command. This command is not visible on the HMI. The recloser setup settings for DGCR are as follows: PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > OPEN/CLOSE SETUP 52a CONTACT Range: Enabled, Disabled Default: Enabled Select ‘Enable’ if Contact Input 1 (terminal F5) is connected to the recloser state Aux contact (52a). The contact is ON (energized) when the recloser is closed and it is OFF (deenergized) when the recloser is opened. 5–18 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP 52b CONTACT Range: Enabled, Disabled Default: Enabled Select ‘Enable’ if Contact Input 2 (terminal F6) is connected to the recloser reversed state Aux contact (52b). The contact is ON (energized) when the recloser is opened and it is OFF (de-energized) when the recloser is closed. Battery backup The DGCR is capable of controlling the recloser in different conditions including power loss. The power loss can occur if the feeder circuit breaker opens up or there is a distribution grid blackout. During all power loss conditions, the DGCR is supplied from a backup battery. It is sized to keep the DGCR running for 8 hours. During normal running conditions, the battery is connected to the charger. Switching to different modes of operation is controlled by a standard IO-E module. This module is inserted in the second slot of the two DGCR racks, reserved for IO-E modules. The hardware described above is referred to as DGCR Battery Backup System (BBS). The battery is a Sealed Valve Regulated Lead Acid (SVRLA) battery. A slow “3 step charging cycle” is recommended for optimal charging of SVRLA batteries. Improper charging is among the most common problems of premature failure of Lead Acid batteries. The preferred three step charging procedure is common for SVRLA batteries and consists of a constant current step followed by two steps of constant voltage. In the first step, BULK step, a constant current is applied to the battery until the battery voltage reaches a level of 80% State of Charge (SOC). The next step of charging is referred to as the TOP OFF or ABSORPTION step, and holds the 80% SOC voltage constant until the battery is not accepting any more charge (or until a pre-set timer in the controller has expired). At this point, the voltage is dropped to a new level and held constant in what is called the FLOAT step, so that the battery remains fully charged. This profile is optimal for most lead acid batteries. For 24 V battery systems, the voltage (at 25°C) should be within the range of 28.4 to 30 V. The battery backup is not like a traditional standard battery and charger. The system implemented is in fact simpler as it splits the charger into two parts: a power supply and a charger controller. The main reason a traditional method cannot be implemented is because no off the shelf charger exists that meets the wide temperature range of –40° to 60° and can withstand GE type test requirements. It is also important to capture the minimum and maximum voltages that the load can withstand. The minimum turn ON voltage for the load Recloser Controller is 20VDC. The battery should therefore supply power down to 20VDC and then cut the load off to prevent deep discharge. A Battery Management System (BMS) board is implemented to the BBS to optimize battery life and provide useful feedback to the DGC. The BMS board will output the following to the DGC: 1. Battery Low warning (19.6 V) 2. Battery fuse blown. Main function The connections of the BBS components are shown in the BBS wiring diagram shown below (Figure 8). Under normal running conditions, the main power supply feeds the DGCR and the battery charger. When a power loss condition occurs, the battery supplies power to the DGCR. Occasionally, the system checks the battery condition. The main functions are presented in Figure 9: Battery Backup logic diagram. MODES OF OPERATION Run MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–19 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS In normal running condition, the power is fed from the unit labeled ‘POWER SUPPLY’, contact output 1 is closed, and contact output 2 is open. So, the battery is connected to the charger (unit labeled ‘CHARGER’) and its capacity is constantly being maintained at optimum level. In addition, the DGCR CPU power input is constantly energized. Once the unit is completely shut-off it cannot be powered by Battery only. An AC source must be applied to turn the unit on. Backup The BBS switches to this mode, when the power is down. In Backup mode, terminals labeled ‘BATTERY’ connect to terminals ‘DC LOAD’ inside the charger (unit labeled ‘ROGUE’) allowing the battery to feed the DGCR. Contact output 1 is closed, and contact output 2 is open. Test Battery test In test mode, the battery is disconnected from the charger and connected to an 8 ohm resistor for a certain time period that can be programmed in the BBS menu. During the test, Contact output 1 is open and Contact output 2 is closed. The duration of the test can be programmed. If the voltage stays above the contact input threshold (19.4 V) during the test, the battery will be considered healthy. Otherwise, the test aborts and an alarm flag is be set. The sequence is initiated periodically. The time between two tests can be set. In addition, pushing the button labeled ‘BATTERY TEST’ on the front panel, initiates the testing sequence. NOTE: NOTE If a power loss occurs during battery test, the DGCR power is supplied from the battery through the diode D3. In addition, after the power loss (detected by low “AC power OK” input), the battery test will abort within the output relay operate time. Fuse test The Battery fuse test is performed simultaneously with the battery test by checking the state of Contact inputs 1 and 2. If both are detected high, the fuse is considered healthy. If Contact input 2 is high but Contact input 1 is low, the fuse blown alarm will be set. Battery alarm LED This is a red LED located on the front panel. The LED light is off during normal operation. The LED turns on in three cases as follows. • The battery test fails for a programmable number of times. Test failures have to be consecutive in order to turn the LED on. (Steady) • The battery fuse test fails. (Steady) • The battery test is in progress (Flashing). Reset A manual or system reset command clears all battery related alarms and LED signals if the alarm condition does not exist anymore. 5–20 • The battery test mode is not affected by the reset command. • An additional reset command is provided. The path is: COMMANDS/BAT TEST CONT RST. It has to be executed after the DEFECTIVE battery has been replaced with a new one. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP Figure 5-8: Battery Backup System wiring diagram IO_E 24V DC + + POWER SUPPLY - - D1 SURGE ~14 ~13 VT INPUT ~12 - + INPUT D2 DC LOAD CHARGER COMMON ~11 CONTACT INPUT 6 + ~10 CONTACT INPUT 5 + ~9 CONTACT INPUT 4 + ~8 CONTACT INPUT 3 + ~7 CONTACT INPUT 2 + ~6 CONTACT INPUT 1 + ~5 ~4 BATTERY TESTING + ~3 - ~2 BATTERY CHARGING Load for battery status check ~1 BATTERY - D3 FUSE + + - 12V BATTERY + - 12V BATTERY 891873.cdr PATH: SETPOINTS > S2 SYSTEM SETUP > BATTERY BACKUP BATT TEST CYC TIME Range: 48 to 9000 hrs in steps of 1 hr Default: 168 hrs This setting defines the battery test cycle time, which is how often the battery test will be performed. The initial value of 168 hours is equal to one week. BATT TEST DURATION Range: 1 to 30 min in steps of 1 min Default: 15 min This setting defines the battery test duration time. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–21 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS BATT TEST LIMIT Range: 1 to 20 in steps of 1 Default: 2 This setting defines the limit of the number of battery tests. When the number of consecutive unsuccessful battery tests reaches this limit, the BATTERY TO REPLACE alarm is raised. 5–22 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Message: Message: BATTERY BATTERY TO FUSE REPLACE BLOWN Charger controller • MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL BATTERY TEST Battery test passed AC Power OK IO_E MODULE IN 6 AND PUSH BUTTON 168 hr Battery test passed 891753.cdr 0 INCREMENT RESET BATT TEST COUNTER BATT TEST COUNT COUNTER RESET RESET BATT TEST COUNT >= 1 BATT TEST LIMIT SETTING RESET BATT TEST COUNT >= BATT TEST LIMIT BATT TEST LIMIT SETTING R LATCH S Battery test passed Battery test in progress 15 min R LATCH S R LATCH S Flashing Message: BATTERY TEST IN PROGRESS Event recorder Message: CHECK BATTERY Event recorder Message: BATTERY TO REPLACE LED:: BATTERY ALARM Message:: BATTERY FUSE BLOWN Event recorder Batt Testing IO_E MODULE OUT 2 Batt Charging IO_E MODULE OUT 1 Steady YES = 1 SETTING BATT TEST DURATION AND BATT TEST CONT RST NO = 0 Battery Plus IO_E MODULE IN 2 Battery Fuse IO_E MODULE IN 1 RESET DOMINANT R LATCH S Steady COMMANDS IN SERVICE 0 OR RELAY STATUS SETTING BATT TEST CYC TIME One shot CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP Figure 5-9: Battery Backup logic diagram AND OR OR The Charger Controller has the following features: 10 Amp Capacity: The charger can facilitate a total of 10 amps to charge the battery and power the load. 5–23 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS • Temperature Compensation: The charger has an internal temperature sensor and varies charging voltages accordingly. • 3-stage Operation: The charger uses a 3 stage system to optimize lead acid battery charging. (Refer to graph for typical charging pattern). • Low Voltage Disconnect: Optionally, you may connect the battery's load (up to 10 amps) to the charger. If the voltage drops to 20V, the load will be disconnected from the battery after approximately one minute. The LVALERT signal (open drain) may be used to gracefully shut down equipment during the one minute. The load is reconnected when the battery is charged to approximately 24V, or when the recessed reset button is pressed. The controller terminals are listed below: Charger controller operation • -BATTERY - Negative Battery terminal • +BATTERY - Positive Battery terminal • +LOAD - Positive Load terminal • -LOAD - Negative Load terminal • LVALERT - Low Voltage Disconnect Signal, Active Low • -SOLAR - Negative Input terminal • +SOLAR - Positive Input terminal A microcontroller reads the battery and power input voltages, along with a set of internal timers and other logic, and determines what the state of the switches (FETs) should be. The two switches are controlled and activated independently, such that either one, both, or neither switch can be activated at any given time. Figure 5-10: BMS Charge Graph The graph above shows an ideal charging cycle typically found after a lead acid battery has discharged overnight. The red line (upper) indicates the battery terminal voltage and the green line (lower) indicates the charging current supplied to the battery. 5–24 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S2 SYSTEM SETUP When the charger is first connected, or when the battery voltage drops below approximately 2.15V per cell, the charger enters bulk (fast) mode, where it attempts to bring the voltage to approximately 2.45V per cell. At this point, top-off mode is entered. When the charger senses that the battery is no longer taking a charge, float mode is entered where the voltage is lowered and maintained at approximately 2.3V per cell. The current for the load will come from the solar/power input when available, and the battery in that case will provide power filtering and smoothing to the load, while at the same time maintaining a float/trickle charge from the power source. The battery effectively acts as a large capacitor when connected in this manner Battery safety information To prevent fire or chemical burns: • Do not attempt to recharge batteries after removal from the unit. • Do not disassemble, crush, or puncture the batteries. • Do not short the external contacts of the batteries. • Do not immerse the batteries in water. • Do not expose to temperatures higher than 80°C (176°F). • The batteries are recyclable. They contain lead and pose a hazard to the environment and human health if not disposed of properly. Return the battery to a factory authorized service center or refer to local codes for proper disposal requirements. • Do not open or mutilate batteries. They contain an electrolyte which is toxic and harmful to the skin and eyes. • Replace batteries with the same number and type of batteries as originally installed. To prevent personal injury from hazardous energy: • Remove watches, rings, or other metal objects. • Use tools with insulated handles. • Do not place tools or metal parts on top of batteries. • When removing and installing the new batteries, extreme care must be used not to short metal chassis parts across the battery terminals and not to short the batteries to each other. A battery can present a risk of electrical shock and high short circuit current. To prevent personal injury, prepare the area and observe all materials-handling procedures when transporting a battery module. Battery modules weigh 5.7 kg (12.6 lb) each. CAUTION: Replacement procedure for batteries Replace all battery modules at the same time. NOTE: NOTE 1. Servicing of batteries should be performed or supervised by Qualified Service Technician and the required precautions. Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries. 2. Remove the battery fuse (if present) prior to replacement. 3. Disconnect the negative cable (wire label BATT- ROG-B) from the right battery black terminal. 4. Disconnect the positive cable from the right battery red terminal. 5. Disconnect the negative cable from the left battery black terminal. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–25 S2 SYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS 6. Disconnect the positive cable (wire label BATT+ BATT-FS) from the left battery red terminal. 7. Remove the battery securing strap. 8. Remove both batteries. 9. Secure two new same type of batteries back to back. 10. Reconnect the positive cable (wire label BATT+ BATT-FS) to the left battery red terminal. 11. Reconnect the negative cable to the left battery black terminal. 12. Reconnect the positive cable to the right battery red terminal. 13. Reconnect the negative cable (wire label BATT- ROG-B) to the right battery black terminal. 14. Secure the battery securing strap. 15. Replace the battery fuse. 5–26 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION S3 Configuration Figure 5-11: Configuration menu S3 CONFIGURATION S3 SETPOINT GROUP 1,2,3 SETPOINT GROUP 1 PHASE IOC SETPOINT GROUP 2 PHASE TOC SETPOINT GROUP 3 NTRL OVERCURRENT ▼ WEARING MONITOR S3 PHASE IOC PH IOC FUNCTION ▼ PH IOC PKP OVERVOLTAGE PH IOC DELAY UNDERVOLTAGE PH IOC BLOCK VOLTAGE UNBALANCE POWER LOSS S3 PHASE OVERCURRENT PH TOC FUNCTION ▼ PH TOC PKP PH TOC CURVE PH TOC TDM PH TOC RESET TIME PH TOC BLOCK S3 NTRL OVERCURRENT NTRL IOC FUNCTION ▼ NTRL IOC PKP NTRL IOC DELAY NTRL IOC BLOCK S3 OVERVOLTAGE PH OV FUNCTION ▼ PH OV PKP S3 WEARING MONITOR ACT CNTR FUNCT OPEN CNTER LIMIT PH OV DELAY PH OV PHASES PH OV BLOCK CLOSE CNTER LIMIT ▼ ARC CURRENT FUNCT ARC CURRENT BL0CK S3 UNDERVOLTAGE PH UV FUNCTION ▼ KI2t MAXIMUM LIMIT PH UV PKP KI2t INTEGRAL TIME PH UV CURVE PH UV DELAY PH UV PHASES PH UV MIN VOLTAGE PH UV BLOCK S3 VOLTAGE UNBALANCE VOLTAGE UNBAL FUNC ▼ VOLTAGE UNBAL PKP VOLTAGE UNBL DELAY VOLTAGE UNBL BLOCK S3 POWER LOSS MIN PH CURR PICKUP 891790.cdr ▼ MIN PH VOLT PICKUP POWER LOSS DELAY MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–27 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Phase IOC The relay has one Instantaneous Overcurrent protection function Phase IOC. It consists of three separate Instantaneous Overcurrent blocks; one per phase, with identical settings. PATH: SETPOINTS > S3 CONFIGURATION > S3 SETPOINT GROUP 1/2/3 > PHASE IOC PH IOC FUNCTION Range: Disabled, Alarm, Latched Alarm, Trip Default: Disabled The selection of the Alarm, Latched Alarm, or Trip setting enables the Phase IOC function. The output relay #1 operates when the Trip function is selected, and the Phase IOC operates, providing no block command is active. The “ALARM” LED will not turn on if the IOC operates when PH IOC FUNCTION is set to Trip. The “ALARM” LED flashes upon phase IOC operation, and with the IOC function selected as Alarm, it will self-reset when the operation clears. If Latched Alarm is selected, the “ALARM” LED flashes during IOC operation, and stays “ON” after the operation clears, until the Reset command is initiated. The output relay #1 will not operate if the Latched Alarm or Alarm function is selected. PH IOC PKP Range: 0.05 to 8.00 in steps of 0.01 x CT Default: 1.00 x CT This setting sets the Instantaneous Overcurrent pickup level in per times CT. For example, a PKP setting of 0.9 x CT with 300:5 CT translates into 270A primary current. PH IOC PKP DELAY Range: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 s Default: 0.00 s This setting provides a selection for the time delay used to delay the operation of the protection function. PH IOC BLOCK Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 8, Virtual Input Default: Off There is one blocking input provided in the Phase IOC menu. The selection of the block can include Contact inputs, Virtual Inputs and Virtual Outputs. 5–28 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Disabled = 0 Cold Load PKP Block Inputs Phase Currents 891754.cdr Phase C current (IC) Phase B current (IB) Phase A current (IA) OR Autoreclose (per shot settings) Off = 0 RUN RUN RUN IC > PICKUP IB > PICKUP IA > PICKUP SETPOINT tPKP tPKP tPKP PH IOC PKP DELAY: 0 0 0 OR Phase IOC C PKP Phase IOC B PKP Phase IOC A PKP Phase IOC PKP FlexLogic Operands Event Recorder RESET Command Phase IOC OP Phase IOC C OP Phase IOC B OP Phase IOC A OP LED: ALARM Phase IOC trip FlexLogic Operand Event Recorder LED: PHASE OVERCURRENT FlexLogic Operands R LATCH S OR BLOCK SETPOINT PH IOC PKP: AND SETPOINT Latched Alarm Alarm AND Trip AND PH IOC FUNCTION:: SETPOINT LED:: TRIP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Figure 5-12: PH IOC - logic diagram OR AND OR 5–29 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Phase TOC The relay has one Phase Time Overcurrent protection element per protection group. The settings of this function are applied to each of the three phases to produce trip or pickup per phase. The TOC pickup flag is asserted when the current on any phase is above the PKP value. The TOC trip flag is asserted if the element stays picked up for the time defined by the selected inverse curve and the magnitude of the current. The element drops from pickup without operation, if the measured current drops below 97-98% of the pickup value, before the time for operation is reached. The selection of Definite Time as a base time delay of 0.1 s, multiplied by the selected TD multiplier. For example the operating time for TOC set to Definite Time and a TDM set to 5 will result in 5*0.1 = 0.5 s. SETTINGS PATH: SETSETPOINTS > S3 PROTECTION > SETPOINT GROUP 1 > PHASE TOC PH TOC FUNCTION Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled The selection of the Alarm, Latched Alarm, or Trip setting enables the Phase TOC function. The output relay #1 operates when the Trip setting is selected, and the Phase TOC operates providing no block command is active. The “ALARM” LED will not turn on if the TOC operates when PH TOC FUNCTION is set to Trip. The “ALARM” LED flashes upon phase TOC operation, with the TOC function selected as Alarm, and will self-reset, when the operation clears. If TOC function is selected as a Latched Alarm, the “ALARM” LED flashes during TOC operation, and stays “ON” after the operation clears until the reset command is initiated. The output relay #1 will not operate if the Latched Alarm or Alarm setting is selected. PH TOC PKP Range: 0.05 to 8.00 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT Default: 1.00 x CT This setting sets the Time Overcurrent pickup level. For example, a PKP setting of 0.9 x CT with 300:5 CT translates into a 270 A primary current. PH TOC CURVE Range: ANSI Extremely/Very/Moderately/Normally Inverse, Definite Time, IEC Curve A/B/C and Short Inverse, IAC Extremely/Very/Inverse/Short, User Curve, FlexCurve A, FlexCurve B Default: Extremely Inverse This setting sets the shape of the selected TOC inverse curve. If none of the standard curve shapes is appropriate, a custom User curve, or FlexCurve can be created. Refer to the User curve and the FlexCurve setup for more detail on their configurations and usages. PH TOC TDM Range: 0.05 to 20.00 in steps of 0.01 Default: 1.00 This setting provides a selection for the Time Dial Multiplier by which the times from the inverse curve are modified. For example if an ANSI Extremely Inverse curve is selected with TDM = 2, and the fault current was 5 times greater than the PKP level, the operation of the element will not occur before an elapsed time from pickup, of 495 ms. PH TOC RESET TIME Range: Instantaneous, Linear Default: Instantaneous The “instantaneous” reset method is intended for applications with other relays, such as most static relays, which set the energy capacity directly to zero when the current falls below the Reset threshold. The “linear” reset method can be used where the relay must coordinate with electromechanical relays. 5–30 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION PH TOC BLOCK Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 10[8], Virtual Input 1 to 32, Remote Input 1 to 32, Logic Elements 1 to 16 Default: Off One blocking input is provided in the Phase TOC menu. When the selected blocking input - Contact input, Virtual Input, Remote Input, or Logic Element - turns on, the Phase TOC function will be blocked. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–31 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-13: Phase Time Overcurrent logic diagram 5–32 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Phase Currents 891755.cdr Cold Load PKP Adjust Phase TOC PKP Phase C current(IC) Phase B current(IB) IA > PICKUP IB > PICKUP IC > PICKUP Adjust PKP RUN Adjust PKP RUN Adjust PKP RUN OR Phase A current (IA) OR Autoreclose (per shot settings) Off = 0 PH TOC RESET TIME: PH TOC TDM:: PH TOC CURVE:: LED:: PHASE OVERCURRENT PH TOC PH C PKP PH TOC PH B PKP PH TOC PH A PKP PH TOC PKP PH TOC OP PH TOC PH C OP PH TOC PH B OP Message : PH TOC PH A OP Event Recorder RESET Command AND PH TOC BLOCK: SETPOINTS PH TOC PICKUP:: AND SETPOINTS Latched Alarm AND Alarm Trip Disabled = 0 PH TOC FUNCTION: SETPOINT R LATCH S LED: TRIP Event Recorder LED: ALARM Phase TOC trip FlexLogic Operand CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION OR OR AND OR 5–33 S3 CONFIGURATION TOC curves CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS DESCRIPTION The relay has a total of two phase, two neutral, and two ground/sensitive ground time overcurrent elements. The programming of the time-current characteristics of these elements is identical in all cases and will only be covered in this section. The required curve is established by programming a Pickup Current, Curve Shape, Curve Multiplier, and Reset Time. The Curve Shape can be either a standard shape or a user-defined shape programmed with the FlexCurve™ feature. Accurate coordination may require changing the time overcurrent characteristics of particular elements under different conditions. For picking up a cold load, a different timecurrent characteristic can be produced by increasing the pickup current value. The following setpoints are used to program the time-current characteristics. • <Element_Name> PICKUP: The pickup current is the threshold current at which the time overcurrent element starts timing. There is no intentional ‘dead band’ when the current is above the pickup level. However, accuracy is only guaranteed above a 1.5 per unit pickup level. The dropout threshold is 98% of the pickup threshold. Enter the pickup current corresponding to 1 per unit on the time overcurrent curves as a multiple of the source CT. For example, if 100: 5 CTs are used and a pickup of 90 amps is required for the time overcurrent element, enter “0.9 x CT”. • <Element_Name> CURVE: Select the desired curve shape. If none of the standard curve shapes is appropriate, a custom FlexCurve™ can be created by entering the trip times at 80 different current values; see S2 SYSTEM SETUP > FLEXCURVE A. Curve formulas are given for use with computer based coordination programs. Calculated trip time values are only valid for I / Ipu > 1. Select the appropriate curve shape and multiplier, thus matching the appropriate curve with the protection requirements. The available curves are shown in the table below. ANSI GE TYPE IAC IEC OTHER Extremely Inverse Extremely Inverse Curve A (BS142) Definite Time Very Inverse Very Inverse Curve B (BS142) Flexcurve ATM Normally Inverse Inverse Curve C (BS142) Flexcurve BTM Moderately Inverse Short Inverse IEC Short Inverse User Curve • <Element_Name> MULTIPLIER: A multiplier setpoint allows shifting of the selected base curve in the vertical time direction. Unlike the electromechanical time dial equivalent, trip times are directly proportional to the value of the time multiplier setpoint. For example, all trip times for a multiplier of 10 are 10 times the multiplier 1 or base curve values. When Timed Over-Current is programmed with Definite time, the operating time is obtained after multiplication of the selected Multiplier (TDM) by a 0.1 s base line. For example, selection of TDM = 5 would lead to a 0.5 s operating time. • 5–34 <Element_Name> RESET: Time overcurrent tripping time calculations are made with an internal ‘energy capacity’ memory variable. When this variable indicates that the energy capacity has reached 100%, a time overcurrent trip is generated. If less than 100% is accumulated in this variable and the current falls below the dropout threshold of 97 to 99% of the pickup value, the variable must be reduced. Two methods of this resetting operation are available, Instantaneous and Linear. The Instantaneous selection is intended for applications with other relays, such as most static units, which set the energy capacity directly to zero when the current falls below the reset threshold. The Linear selection can be used where the relay must coordinate with electromechanical units. With this setpoint, the energy capacity variable is decremented according to the following equation. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION where: TRESET = reset time in seconds; E = energy capacity reached (per unit); M = curve multiplier; CR = characteristic constant (5 for ANSI, IAC, Definite Time, and FlexCurves™; 8 for IEC) TOC CURVE CHARACTERISTICS ANSI Curves The ANSI time overcurrent curve shapes conform to industry standards and the ANSI C37.90 curve classifications for extremely, very, normally, and moderately inverse. The ANSI curves are derived from the following formula: where:T = trip time (seconds); M = multiplier value; I = input current; Ipu = pickup current setpoint; A, B, C, D, E = constants Table 5-4: ANSI Curve Constants ANSI Curve Shape A B C D ANSI Extremely Inverse 0.0399 0.2294 0.5000 3.0094 E 0.7222 ANSI Very Inverse 0.0615 0.7989 0.3400 –0.2840 4.0505 ANSI Normally Inverse 0.0274 2.2614 0.3000 –4.1899 9.1272 ANSI Moderately Inverse 0.1735 0.6791 0.8000 –0.0800 0.1271 Table 5-5: ANSI Curve Trip Times (in seconds) Multiplier (TDM) Current (I/Ipickup) 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 ANSI Extremely Inverse 0.5 2.000 0.872 0.330 0.184 0.124 0.093 0.075 0.063 0.055 0.049 1.0 4.001 1.744 0.659 0.368 0.247 0.185 0.149 0.126 0.110 0.098 2.0 8.002 3.489 1.319 0.736 0.495 0.371 0.298 0.251 0.219 0.196 4.0 16.004 6.977 2.638 1.472 0.990 0.742 0.596 0.503 0.439 0.393 6.0 24.005 10.466 3.956 2.208 1.484 1.113 0.894 0.754 0.658 0.589 8.0 32.007 13.955 5.275 2.944 1.979 1.483 1.192 1.006 0.878 0.786 10.0 40.009 17.443 6.594 3.680 2.474 1.854 1.491 1.257 1.097 0.982 0.5 1.567 0.663 0.268 0.171 0.130 0.108 0.094 0.085 0.078 0.073 1.0 3.134 1.325 0.537 0.341 0.260 0.216 0.189 0.170 0.156 0.146 2.0 6.268 2.650 1.074 0.682 0.520 0.432 0.378 0.340 0.312 0.291 4.0 12.537 5.301 2.148 1.365 1.040 0.864 0.755 0.680 0.625 0.583 6.0 18.805 7.951 3.221 2.047 1.559 1.297 1.133 1.020 0.937 0.874 8.0 25.073 10.602 4.295 2.730 2.079 1.729 1.510 1.360 1.250 1.165 10.0 31.341 13.252 5.369 3.412 2.599 2.161 1.888 1.700 1.562 1.457 ANSI Very Inverse ANSI Normally Inverse 0.5 2.142 0.883 0.377 0.256 0.203 0.172 0.151 0.135 0.123 0.113 1.0 4.284 1.766 0.754 0.513 0.407 0.344 0.302 0.270 0.246 0.226 2.0 8.568 3.531 1.508 1.025 0.814 0.689 0.604 0.541 0.492 0.452 4.0 17.137 7.062 3.016 2.051 1.627 1.378 1.208 1.082 0.983 0.904 6.0 25.705 10.594 4.524 3.076 2.441 2.067 1.812 1.622 1.475 1.356 8.0 34.274 14.125 6.031 4.102 3.254 2.756 2.415 2.163 1.967 1.808 10.0 42.842 17.656 7.539 5.127 4.068 3.445 3.019 2.704 2.458 2.260 ANSI Moderately Inverse MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–35 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Multiplier (TDM) Current (I/Ipickup) 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.5 0.675 0.379 0.239 0.191 0.166 0.151 0.141 0.133 0.128 0.123 1.0 1.351 0.757 0.478 0.382 0.332 0.302 0.281 0.267 0.255 0.247 2.0 2.702 1.515 0.955 0.764 0.665 0.604 0.563 0.533 0.511 0.493 4.0 5.404 3.030 1.910 1.527 1.329 1.208 1.126 1.066 1.021 0.986 6.0 8.106 4.544 2.866 2.291 1.994 1.812 1.689 1.600 1.532 1.479 8.0 10.807 6.059 3.821 3.054 2.659 2.416 2.252 2.133 2.043 1.972 10.0 13.509 7.574 4.776 3.818 3.324 3.020 2.815 2.666 2.554 2.465 IEC Curves For European applications, the relay offers the four standard curves defined in IEC 255-4 and British standard BS142. These are defined as IEC Curve A, IEC Curve B, IEC Curve C, and Short Inverse. The formulae for these curves are: where: T = trip time (seconds), M = multiplier setpoint, I = input current, Ipu = pickup current setpoint, K, E = constants. Table 5-6: IEC (BS) Inverse Time Curve Constants IEC (BS) Curve Shape K E IEC Curve A (BS142) 0.140 0.020 IEC Curve B (BS142) 13.500 1.000 IEC Curve C (BS142) 80.000 2.000 IEC Short Inverse 0.050 0.040 Table 5-7: IEC Curve Trip Times (in seconds) Multiplier (TDM) Current (I/Ipickup) 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.05 0.860 0.501 0.315 0.249 0.214 0.192 0.176 0.165 0.156 0.149 0.10 1.719 1.003 0.630 0.498 0.428 0.384 0.353 0.330 0.312 0.297 0.20 3.439 2.006 1.260 0.996 0.856 0.767 0.706 0.659 0.623 0.594 0.40 6.878 4.012 2.521 1.992 1.712 1.535 1.411 1.319 1.247 1.188 0.60 10.317 6.017 3.781 2.988 2.568 2.302 2.117 1.978 1.870 1.782 0.80 13.755 8.023 5.042 3.984 3.424 3.070 2.822 2.637 2.493 2.376 1.00 17.194 10.029 6.302 4.980 4.280 3.837 3.528 3.297 3.116 2.971 0.05 1.350 0.675 0.338 0.225 0.169 0.135 0.113 0.096 0.084 0.075 0.10 2.700 1.350 0.675 0.450 0.338 0.270 0.225 0.193 0.169 0.150 0.20 5.400 2.700 1.350 0.900 0.675 0.540 0.450 0.386 0.338 0.300 0.40 10.800 5.400 2.700 1.800 1.350 1.080 0.900 0.771 0.675 0.600 0.60 16.200 8.100 4.050 2.700 2.025 1.620 1.350 1.157 1.013 0.900 0.80 21.600 10.800 5.400 3.600 2.700 2.160 1.800 1.543 1.350 1.200 1.00 27.000 13.500 6.750 4.500 3.375 2.700 2.250 1.929 1.688 1.500 0.05 3.200 1.333 0.500 0.267 0.167 0.114 0.083 0.063 0.050 0.040 0.10 6.400 2.667 1.000 0.533 0.333 0.229 0.167 0.127 0.100 0.081 IEC Curve A IEC Curve B IEC Curve C 5–36 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Multiplier (TDM) Current (I/Ipickup) 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 2.000 1.067 0.667 0.457 0.333 0.254 0.200 0.162 0.40 25.600 10.667 4.000 2.133 1.333 0.914 0.667 0.508 0.400 0.323 0.60 38.400 16.000 6.000 3.200 2.000 1.371 1.000 0.762 0.600 0.485 0.80 51.200 21.333 8.000 4.267 2.667 1.829 1.333 1.016 0.800 0.646 1.00 64.000 26.667 10.000 5.333 3.333 2.286 1.667 1.270 1.000 0.808 0.05 0.153 0.089 0.056 0.044 0.038 0.034 0.031 0.029 0.027 0.026 0.10 0.306 0.178 0.111 0.088 0.075 0.067 0.062 0.058 0.054 0.052 0.20 0.612 0.356 0.223 0.175 0.150 0.135 0.124 0.115 0.109 0.104 0.40 1.223 0.711 0.445 0.351 0.301 0.269 0.247 0.231 0.218 0.207 0.60 1.835 1.067 0.668 0.526 0.451 0.404 0.371 0.346 0.327 0.311 0.80 2.446 1.423 0.890 0.702 0.602 0.538 0.494 0.461 0.435 0.415 1.00 3.058 1.778 1.113 0.877 0.752 0.673 0.618 0.576 0.544 0.518 0.20 12.800 5.333 IEC Short Time IAC Curves The curves for the General Electric type IAC relay family are derived from the formulae: where: T = trip time (seconds), M = multiplier setpoint, I = input current, Ipu = pickup current setpoint, A to E = constants. Table 5-8: GE Type IAC Inverse Curve Constants IAC Curve Shape A B C D E IAC Extreme Inverse 0.0040 0.6379 0.6200 1.7872 0.2461 IAC Very Inverse 0.0900 0.7955 0.1000 –1.2885 7.9586 IAC Inverse 0.2078 0.8630 0.8000 –0.4180 0.1947 IAC Short Inverse 0.0428 0.0609 0.6200 –0.0010 0.0221 Table 5-9: IAC Curve Trip Times Multiplier (TDM) 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 IAC Extremely Inverse 0.5 1.699 0.749 0.303 0.178 0.123 0.093 0.074 0.062 0.053 0.046 1.0 3.398 1.498 0.606 0.356 0.246 0.186 0.149 0.124 0.106 0.093 2.0 6.796 2.997 1.212 0.711 0.491 0.372 0.298 0.248 0.212 0.185 4.0 13.591 5.993 2.423 1.422 0.983 0.744 0.595 0.495 0.424 0.370 6.0 20.387 8.990 3.635 2.133 1.474 1.115 0.893 0.743 0.636 0.556 8.0 27.183 11.987 4.846 2.844 1.966 1.487 1.191 0.991 0.848 0.741 10.0 33.979 14.983 6.058 3.555 2.457 1.859 1.488 1.239 1.060 0.926 0.5 1.451 0.656 0.269 0.172 0.133 0.113 0.101 0.093 0.087 0.083 1.0 2.901 1.312 0.537 0.343 0.266 0.227 0.202 0.186 0.174 0.165 2.0 5.802 2.624 1.075 0.687 0.533 0.453 0.405 0.372 0.349 0.331 4.0 11.605 5.248 2.150 1.374 1.065 0.906 0.810 0.745 0.698 0.662 6.0 17.407 7.872 3.225 2.061 1.598 1.359 1.215 1.117 1.046 0.992 8.0 23.209 10.497 4.299 2.747 2.131 1.813 1.620 1.490 1.395 1.323 IAC Very Inverse MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–37 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Multiplier (TDM) 1.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 29.012 13.121 5.374 3.434 2.663 2.266 2.025 1.862 1.744 1.654 0.5 0.578 0.375 0.266 0.221 0.196 0.180 0.168 0.160 0.154 0.148 1.0 1.155 0.749 0.532 0.443 0.392 0.360 0.337 0.320 0.307 0.297 2.0 2.310 1.499 1.064 0.885 0.784 0.719 0.674 0.640 0.614 0.594 4.0 4.621 2.997 2.128 1.770 1.569 1.439 1.348 1.280 1.229 1.188 6.0 6.931 4.496 3.192 2.656 2.353 2.158 2.022 1.921 1.843 1.781 8.0 9.242 5.995 4.256 3.541 3.138 2.878 2.695 2.561 2.457 2.375 10.0 11.552 7.494 5.320 4.426 3.922 3.597 3.369 3.201 3.072 2.969 0.5 0.072 0.047 0.035 0.031 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.025 1.0 0.143 0.095 0.070 0.061 0.057 0.054 0.052 0.051 0.050 0.049 2.0 0.286 0.190 0.140 0.123 0.114 0.108 0.105 0.102 0.100 0.099 4.0 0.573 0.379 0.279 0.245 0.228 0.217 0.210 0.204 0.200 0.197 6.0 0.859 0.569 0.419 0.368 0.341 0.325 0.314 0.307 0.301 0.296 8.0 1.145 0.759 0.559 0.490 0.455 0.434 0.419 0.409 0.401 0.394 10.0 1.431 0.948 0.699 0.613 0.569 0.542 0.524 0.511 0.501 0.493 10.0 2.0 3.0 IAC Inverse IAC Short Inverse USER Curves The relay provides a selection of user definable curve shapes used by the time overcurrent protection. The User curve is programmed by selecting the proper parameters in the formula: A, P, Q, B, K - selectable curve parameters within the ranges from the table: D is the Time Dial Multiplier. User Curve can be used on multiple elements only if the time dial multiplier is the same for each element. V = I/IPICKUP (TOC setting) is the ratio between the measured current and the pickup setting. The maximum trip time for the User Curve is limited to 65.535 seconds. The User Curve can be used for one protection situation only. NOTE: NOTE 5–38 Parameters A B P Q K Range 0 to 125 0 to 3 0 to 3 0 to 2 0 to 1.999 Step 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 Unit sec sec NA NA sec Default Value 0.05 0 0.04 1.0 0 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Figure 5-14: USER curve configuration settings Flexcurves Prospective FlexCurves™ can be configured from a selection of standard curves to provide the best approximate fit, then specific data points can be edited afterwards. Click the Initialize button to populate the pickup values with the points from the curve specified by the "Select Curve" setting and the "Multiply" value. These values can then be edited to create a custom curve. Click on the Clear FlexCurve Data button to reset all pickup values to zero. Curve data can be imported from CSV (comma-separated values) files by clicking on the Open button. Likewise, curve data can be saved in CSV format by clicking the Save button. CSV is a delimited data format with fields separated by the comma character and records separated by new lines. Refer to IETF RFC 4180 for additional details. The curve shapes for the two FlexCurves are derived from the following equations. In the above equations, Toperate represents the operate time in seconds, TDM represents the multiplier setting, I represents the input current, Ipickup represents the value of the pickup current setting, Tflex represents the FlexCurve™ time in seconds. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–39 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-15: Flexcurve™ configuration settings The following settings are available for each custom Flexcurve™. Select Curve Range: ANSI Moderately Inverse, ANSI Very Inverse, ANSI Extremely Inverse, IEEE Normally Inverse, IEC Curve A, IEC Curve B, IEC Curve C, IEC Short Inverse, IAC Extreme Inv, IAC Very Inverse, IAC Inverse, IAC Short Inverse, User Curve, FlexCurve B (Note: For FlexCurve A, you can select FlexCurve B as the setpoint, and vice versa for FlexCurve B.) Default: Extremely Inverse This setting specifies a curve to use as a base for a custom FlexCurve™. Must be used before Initialization is implemented (see Initialization below). Multiply Range: 0.01 to 30.00 in steps of 0.01 Default: 1.00 This setting provides selection for Time Dial Multiplier by which the times from the inverse curve are modified. For example if an ANSI Extremely Inverse curve is selected with TDM = 2, and the fault current was 5 times bigger than the PKP level, the operation of the element will not occur before a time elapse of 495 ms from pickup. Initialization Used after specifying a curve to use as a base for a custom FlexCurve™ (see Select Curve and Multiply above). When the Initialize FlexCurve button is clicked, the pickup settings will be populated with values specified by the curve selected in this setting. 5–40 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION 1.03 × Pickup, ..., 20.00 × Pickup Range: 0 to 65535 ms in steps of 1 Default: 0 ms These settings specify the time to operate at the following pickup levels 1.03 to 20.00. This data is converted into a continuous curve by linear interpolation between data points. To enter a custom FlexCurve™, enter the operate time for each selected pickup point. NOTE: NOTE Each FlexCurve can be configured to provide inverse time characteristic to more than one Time Overcurrent Element. However, for computation of the curve operating times, one must take into account the setting of the Time Delay Multiplier from the FlexCurve menu, and the Time Delay Multiplier setting from TOC menu. The true TDM applied to the TOC element when FlexCurve is selected is the result from the multiplication of both TDM settings. For example, for FlexCurve Multiplier = 5, and Phase TOC Multiplier = 2, the total Time Dial Multiplier will be equal to 10. To avoid confusion, it is suggested to keep the multiplier from the TOC menu equal to 1, and change only the multiplier from the selected FlexCurve. This way, one can see from the FlexCurve setup, the curve operating times as related to the multiples of pickup. Neutral overcurrent The relay has one Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent protection function. The settings of this function are applied to the calculated neutral current for pickup and trip flags. The Neutral IOC pickup flag is asserted when the neutral current is above the PKP value. The Neutral IOC operate flag is asserted if the element stays picked up for the time defined by the Neutral IOC Delay setting. If the pickup time delay is set to 0.00 seconds, the pickup and operate flags will be asserted at the same time. The element drops from pickup without operation, if the neutral current drops below 97-98% of the pickup value. PATH: SETPOINTS > S3 CONFIGURATION > S3 SETPOINT GROUP 1/2/3 > NTRL OVERCURRENT NTRL IOC FUNCTION Range: Disabled, Alarm, Latched Alarm, Trip Default: Disabled The output relay #1 will operate if the Neutral IOC function is selected as Trip, and the neutral current calculated by the relay satisfies the operating condition set by the settings providing no block commands are active. The “ALARM” LED will not turn on if the Neutral IOC operates when the function is set to Trip. The “ALARM” LED will flash upon Neutral IOC operation with the IOC function selected as Alarm and will self-reset when this operation clears. If Latched Alarm is selected as an IOC function, the “ALARM” LED flashes during IOC operation and will stay “ON” after the operating condition clears, until the reset command is initiated. The output relay #1 will not operate if the Latched Alarm or Alarm setting is selected. NTRL IOC PKP Range: 0.05 to 8 x CT in steps of 0.01 x CT Default: 1.00 x CT This setting sets the Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent pickup level specified per times CT. NTRL IOC DELAY Range: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 Default: 0.00 s This setting provides a selection for pickup time delay used to delay the operation of this function. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–41 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS NTRL IOC BLOCK Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 10, Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off There is one blocking input provided in the Neutral IOC menu. The selection of the block can include Contact Input, Virtual Input, and Virtual Output. 5–42 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Disabled = 0 Off = 0 Computed by the relay OR Neutral current (IN) Autoreclose (per shot settings) Cold Load PKP Block Inputs AND 891792.cdr SETPOINT RUN IN > PICKUP NTRL IOC PKP: SETPOINT NTRL IOC OP NTRL IOC PKP tPKP 0 NTRL IOC PKP DELAY: Message Message RESET Command AND NTRL IOC BLOCK: SETPOINT Latched Alarm Alarm AND Trip AND NTRL IOC FUNCTION: SETPOINT R LATCH S LED: TRIP Event Recorder LED: ALARM Neutral IOC trip FlexLogic Operand CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Figure 5-16: Neutral IOC - logic diagram OR OR 5–43 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Phase overvoltage The phase OV protection can be used to protect voltage sensitive feeder loads and circuits against sustained overvoltage conditions. The protection element can be used to either cause a trip, or generate an alarm when the voltage exceeds the selected voltage level for the specified time delay. PATH: SETPOINTS > S3 CONFIGURATION > S3 SETPOINT GROUP 1/2/3 > OVERVOLTAGE PH OV FUNCTION Range: Disabled, Alarm, Latched Alarm, Trip Default: Disabled The output relay #1 will operate if the PH OV function is selected as Trip, and the neutral current calculated by the relay satisfies the operating condition set by the settings providing no block commands are active. The “ALARM” LED will not turn on if the PH OV function operates when function is set to Trip. The “ALARM” LED will flash upon PH OV function operation with the function selected as Alarm and will self-reset when this operation clears. If Latched Alarm is selected, the “ALARM” LED will flash during PH OV operation and will stay “ON” after the operating condition clears, until the reset command is initiated. The output relay #1 will not operate if the Latched Alarm or Alarm setting is selected. PH OV PKP Range: 0.05 to 1.25 x VT in steps of 0.01 Default: 1.25 x VT This setting defines the phase OV pickup level, and is usually set to a level above which some voltage sensitive loads and feeder components may experience over-excitation and dangerous overheating conditions. PH OV DELAY Range: 0.0 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.1 Default: 1.0 s This setting specifies the time delay before OV operation. PH OV PHASES Range: Any One, Any Two, All Three Default: Any One This setting selects the combination of overvoltage conditions with respect to the number of the phase voltages to the overvoltage pickup setting. PH OV BLOCK Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 10, Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off There is one blocking input provided in the Phase Overvoltage menu. The selection of the block can include Contact Inputs, Virtual Inputs, and Virtual Outputs. 5–44 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Cold Load PKP Delta Vab Vbc Vca Van Vbn Vcn SETPOINTS RUN RUN RUN Vc > PICKUP Vb > PICKUP Va > PICKUP PH OV PKP: SETPOINT Operate for programmed combination All Three Any Two Any One PH OV PHASES: SETPOINT OV PKP Event Recorder tPKP PHASE OV DELAY: RESET Command LED: ALARM Phase OV trip FlexLogic Operand Messages Phase Overvoltage OV OP/ DPO Event Recorder 891793.cdr R LATCH S OR Wye None Phase Voltage Inputs (associated setpoints) Off = 0 AND PH OV BLOCK: AND SETPOINTS Latched Alarm Alarm Trip AND Disabled = 0 PH OV FUNCTION: SETPOINT LED: TRIP CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Figure 5-17: Phase Overvoltage logic diagram OR AND OR 5–45 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Phase undervoltage For voltage sensitive loads, such as induction motors, a drop in voltage will result in an increase in the drawn current, which may cause dangerous overheating in the motor. The undervoltage protection feature can be used to either cause a trip or generate an alarm when the voltage drops below a specified voltage setting for a specified time delay. PATH: SETPOINTS > S3 CONFIGURATION > S3 SETPOINT GROUP 1/2/3 > UNDERVOLTAGE PH UV FUNCTION Range: Disabled, Alarm, Latched Alarm, Trip Default: Disabled The selection of the Latched Alarm, Alarm, or Trip setting enables the Phase UV function if there is no active block command. The output relay #1 will operate if the function is selected as a Trip, and the phase voltages from the selected “PH UV PHASES” combination are below the PH UV PKP setting for a time greater than the selected PHASE UV DELAY time. The “ALARM” LED will not turn on if the phase UV function is set to Trip. The “ALARM” LED flashes upon the UV operating condition, with the phase UV selected as Alarm, and will self-reset, when this operating condition clears. If Latched Alarm is selected as a phase UV function, the “ALARM” LED will flash during the UV condition and will stay “ON” after the condition clears, until the reset command is initiated. The output relay #1 will not operate if the Latched Alarm or Alarm setting is selected. PH UV PKP Range: 0.05 to 1.25 x VT in steps of 0.01 Default: 0.75 x VT This setting defines the phase UV pickup level, and it is usually set to a level, below which the drawn current from voltage sensitive loads, such as induction motors may cause dangerous motor overheating conditions. PH UV CURVE Range: Definite Time, Inverse Time Default: Inverse Time This setting selects the type of inverse time curve, to define the time of undervoltage operation based on selected UV time delay, and the actual undervoltage condition with respect to selected UV pickup. PH UV DELAY Range: 0.0 to 600.0 s in steps of 0.1 Default: 1.0 s This setting specifies a time delay, used by the selected PHASE UV CURVE type of timing to calculate time before UV operation. PH UV PHASES Range: Any One, Any Two, All Three Default: Any One This setting selects the combination of undervoltage conditions with respect to the number of phase voltages under the undervoltage pickup setting. Selection of the “Any Two”, or “All Three” setting would effectively rule out the case of a single VT fuse failure. PH UV MIN VOLTAGE Range: 0.00 to 1.25 x VT in steps of 0.01 Default: 0.30 X VT The minimum operating voltage level is programmable to prevent undesired UV operation before voltage becomes available. 5–46 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION PH UV BLOCK Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 8, Virtual Input1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off There is one blocking input provided in the Phase OverVoltage menu. The selection of the block can include Contact Input, Virtual Input and Virtual Outputs. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–47 5–48 Cold Load PKP Delta Vab Vbc Vca Van Vbn Vcn None Wye AND AND Vcn or Vca > Minimum AND Vbn or Vbc > Minimum RUN AND Van or Vab > Minimum RUN UV PKP Event Recorder SETPOINT Operate for programmed combination All Three Any Two Any One PH UV PHASES: RESET Command LED: ALARM Phase UV trip FlexLogic Operand Messages Phase Undervoltage UV OP/ DPO Event Recorder 891794.cdr R LATCH S OR PH UV MIN VOLTAGE : SETPOINT RUN PH UV DELAY: PH UV CURVE: AND Phase Voltage Inputs (associated setpoints) Off = 0 PH UV BLOCK: SETPOINTS PH UV PICKUP: AND SETPOINTS Latched Alarm Alarm AND Trip Disabled = 0 PH UV FUNCTION: SETPOINT LED: TRIP S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-18: Phase Undervoltage - logic diagram OR OR MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Phase undervoltage curves The undervoltage elements can be programmed to have an inverse time delay characteristic. The undervoltage delay setpoint defines a family of curves as shown below. The operating time is given by: T= D 1- V/Vpu Eq. 1 Where: T = Operating Time D = Undervoltage Delay setpoint V = Voltage as a fraction of the nominal VT Secondary Voltage Vpu = Pickup Level At 0% of pickup, the operating time equals the Undervoltage Delay setpoint. NOTE: NOTE Figure 5-19: Inverse time undervoltage curves D=5.0 20.0 2.0 1.0 18.0 Time (seconds) 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 % of V pickup The following path is available using the keypad. For instructions on how to use the keypad, please refer to Chapter 3 - Working with the Keypad. Voltage unbalance For the DGC, unbalance is defined as the ratio of negative-sequence to positive-sequence voltage, (V2/V1) X 100%. If enabled, an alarm occurs once the unbalance level equals and exceeds the set pickup for the set period of time. PATH: SETPOINTS > S3 CONFIGURATION > S3 SETPOINT GROUP 1/2/3 > VOLTAGE UNBALANCE VOLTAGE UNBAL FUNC Range: Disabled, Alarm, Latched Alarm, Trip Default: Disabled The selection of the Latched Alarm, Alarm, or Trip setting enables the Voltage Unbalance function if the block is not active. The output relay #1 will operate, if the function is selected as a Trip and the negative sequence voltage computed by the relay is above the VOLTAGE UNBL PKP setting for a time greater than the selected VOLTAGE UNBL DELAY time. The “ALARM” LED will not turn on, if the Voltage Unbalance function is set to Trip. The “ALARM” LED will flash upon the element operating condition with the Voltage Unbalance function selected as Alarm, and will self-reset, when the operating condition MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–49 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS clears. If the function is selected as a Latched Alarm, the “ALARM” LED will flash during the operate condition, and will stay “ON” after the condition clears, until the reset command is initiated. The output relay #1 “will not operate if the Latched Alarm or Alarm setting is selected. VOLTAGE UNBAL PKP Range: 4% to 40% in steps of 1% Default: 15% This setting specifies a pickup threshold for the Voltage Unbalance condition. VOLTAGE UNBL DELAY Range: 1.00 to 60.00 s in steps of 0.01 s Default: 1.00 s This setting specifies a time delay for the Voltage Unbalance condition. VOLTAGE UNBL BLOCK Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 10, Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off There is one blocking input provided for the Voltage Unbalance feature. When the selected blocking input is ON, the Voltage Unbalance function is blocked. 5–50 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Disabled = 0 V V x 2 100 % 1 AND ACTUAL VALUE Source side negative sequence voltage (V2) Source side positive sequence voltage (V1) Off = 0 VOLTAGE UNBL BLOCK : SETPOINTS UNBAL >= PICKUP RUN VOLTAGE UNBL PKP: tPKP VOLTAGE UNBL DELAY: SETPOINT 891795.cdr R LATCH S Event Recorder Message Voltage Unbalance RESET Command AND SETPOINTS Latched Alarm Alarm AND Trip AND VOLTAGE UNBAL FUNC: SETPOINT LED: TRIP LED: ALARM Phase UNBL trip FlexLogic Operand CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Figure 5-20: Voltage Unbalance - logic diagram OR OR 5–51 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Power loss The Power Loss protection function is used to detect a power loss condition in each phase of the power distribution line. After opening the upstream breaker, the DGC has to confirm that the voltage and current level of the line are below a minimum threshold on the source side. If the recloser is supplied from the load side, the same logic applies but the voltages are read from the load side VTs. The power loss flags generated by this element are used by the Battery Backup System and they can also be transferred to a higher level control system e.g. SCADA. PATH: SETPOINTS > S3 CONFIGURATION > S3 SETPOINT GROUP 1/2/3 > POWER LOSS MIN PH CURR PICKUP Range: 0.01 to 0.40xCT in steps of 0.01xCT, OFF Default: 0.03 This setting is used to detect the circuit breaker open condition. When a phase current falls below this threshold and at the same time the voltage of the same phase falls below its minimum value, the power loss condition of this phase is declared after the power loss delay expires. MIN PH VOLT PICKUP Range: 0.05 to 0.40xVT in steps of 0.01xVT, OFF Default: 0.05 This setting is used to detect the circuit breaker open condition. When a phase voltage falls below this threshold and at the same time the current of the same phase falls below its minimum value, the power loss condition of this phase is declared after the power loss delay expires. POWER LOSS DELAY Range: 0.00 to 10.00 s in steps of 0.01 s Default: 0.05 s This setting specifies the time delay before a power loss condition. 5–52 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Delta Vab Vbc Vca Wye Van Vbn Vcn Source [ Load ] Voltage Wye = 0 Delta = 1 VT INPUT SETTING Phase A Current (Ic) Phase A Current (Ib) Phase A Current (Ia) In Service RELAY STATUS MAX MAX MAX SETTINGS RUN RUN RUN SETTINGS RUN 2 Vin > Vab > 1.5 Vin 2 Vin > Vca > 1.5 Vin RUN RUN 2 Vin > Vbc > 1.5 Vin V < Pickup V < Pickup V < Pickup MIN PH VOLT : PICKUP Ic < PICKUP Ib < PICKUP Ia < PICKUP MIN PH CURR : PICKUP OR OR OR AND AND AND AND AND AND AND OR OR OR SETPOINT SETPOINT 891796.cdr tPKP POWER LOSS DELAY : tPKP POWER LOSS DELAY : tPKP POWER LOSS DELAY : SETPOINT AND FlexLogic Operands& Event recorder PWR LOSS SRC [LOAD ] LED: ALARM PWR LOSS SRC [LOAD ] PH C PWR LOSS SRC [LOAD] PH B PWR LOSS SRC [LOAD] PH A FlexLogic Operands& Event recorder CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Figure 5-21: Power Loss - logic diagram 5–53 S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS RCR Wearing monitor The DGCR provides counters for counting the recloser OPEN and CLOSE actions. Every new OPEN action increments the content of the Flexlogic variable RECLOSER OPEN COUNT. Equally, every new CLOSE action increments the content of the Flexlogic variable RECLOSER CLOSE COUNT. Both variables are located in MAINTENANCE / M3 COUNTERS. The user can select the limit for each action separately. When a limit has been reached, a corresponding message is produced. The logic diagram of the Recloser Action Counter is depicted in the figure below. The DGCR is provided with an Arcing Current Counter that calculates the energy of the arc created for every recloser open action. The calculation is performed for each phase and it is based on the instantaneous value of the KI2t being integrated for the duration of the recloser open action. Furthermore, the controller adds up the arc energy of every new recloser open action, creating an accumulated count of this quantity for a long period of time. The accumulated arcing energy of phase A is saved in the Flexlogic variable KI2t RCR COUNT PH A, as is the accumulated arcing energy of phases B and C. The controller provides for setting the limit for arcing energy and if any of the phases’ arcing energy value exceeds this limit, the alarm message is triggered. Usually, the recloser manufacturer provides the maximum KI2t value and when this value is reached, the recloser has to be repaired. This makes the Arcing Current function a very useful maintenance tool. The logic diagram of the Arcing Current Counter is depicted in the figure below. PATH: SETPOINTS > S3 CONFIGURATION > WEARING MONITOR ACT CNTR FUNCT Default: Disabled Range: Enabled, Disabled This setting enables the functionality of the Recloser Action Counter. It has two separate parts: one for counting open actions, and another for counting close actions of the recloser. When enabled, every open or close action of the recloser results in incrementing of the open or close count respectively. OPEN CNTER LIMIT Default: 9999 Range: 1 to 9999 Steps 1 This is the maximum number of openings allowed for the controlled recloser. When this value is exceeded, the message OP CNT LIM REACHED appears to signal this issue. Once the message is activated, it can be removed by resetting the open counter. The path of the reset command is: MAINTENANCE / M3 RESET COUNTERS / RESET OPEN COUNT. When the limit of 9999 is reached the Open Counter starts from zero. CLOSE CNTER LIMIT Default: 9999 Range: 1 to 9999 Steps 1 This is the maximum number of closings allowed for the controlled recloser. When this value is exceeded, the message CL CNT LIM REACHED appears to signal this issue. Once the message is activated, it can be removed by resetting the open counter. The path to the reset command is: MAINTENANCE / M3 RESET COUNTERS / RESET CLOSE COUNT. When the limit of 9999 is reached the Close Counter starts from zero. ARC CURRENT FUNCT Default: Disabled Range: Enabled, Disabled This setting enables the functionality of the Arcing Current Counter. 5–54 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION ARC CURRENT BLOCK Default: Disabled Range: Off, Contact Inputs 1 to x, Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 This setting blocks the functionality of the Arcing Current Counter. KI2t MAXIMUM LIMIT Default: 9999.99 Range: 0 to 9999.99 Steps: 0.01(KA)2 s This setting is programmed with the maximum I2t accumulated value. If the KI2t counter of one phase exceeds this level, a message KI2T LIMIT REACHED will appear to signal this issue. Once the message is activated, it can be removed by resetting the KI2t counter. The path to the reset command is: MAINTENANCE / M3 RESET COUNTERS / RESET RCR KI2t COUNT. KI2t INTEGRAL TIME Default: 0.03 s Range: 0.03 to 0.25s Steps: 0.01 s. This is the integration time taken as the base (fixed opening time) for the calculation of KI2t. It should be set to the estimated duration of the arcing event. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–55 5–56 Yes No = 0 (M3 STATISTICS/ RESET COUNTERS) RESET CLOSE COUNT RECLOSER CLOSED FLEXLOGIC OPERAND (M3 STATISTICS/ PRESET COUNTERS) INI CLOSE COUNT Yes No = 0 RESET OPEN COUNT (M3 STATISTICS/ RESET COUNTERS) RECLOSER OPENED FLEXLOGIC OPERAND (M3 STATISTICS/ PRESET COUNTERS) INI OPEN COUNT Enabled = 1 ACT CNTR FUNCT SETPOINT ACTUAL VALUES Counter = Initial count + new count Counter = Initial count + new count 891749.cdr Set to Zero Increment Counter Initial Count RCR CLOSE COUNT ACTUAL VALUES Set to Zero Increment Counter Initial Count RCR OPEN COUNT SETPOINT LIMIT SETPOINT TOTAL RUN TOTAL LIMIT CLOSE CNTER LIMIT RUN OPEN CNTER LIMIT Event Recorder CL CNT LIM REACHED Message Event Recorder OP CNT LIM REACHED Message S3 CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-22: Recloser Action Counter logic diagram (1 of 3) MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL SETTING Yes = 1 RESET KI2t COUNT: (M3 STATISTICS/ RESET COUNTERS) Phase A Current (Ic) Phase A Current (Ib) Phase A Current (Ia) RECLOSER OPEN FLEXLOGIC Disabled = 0 ARC CURRENT BLOCK: SETTING Enabled = 1 Disabled = 0 ARC CURRENT FUNCT: 891748.cdr Freeze currents Ph C Ph B Ph A LATCH LATCH AND AND OR SETTING ↑ T,sec KI2t INTEGRAL TIME : AND AND AND ↑ RUN RUN RUN 100 ms KI2t Integrate KI2t Integrate KI2t Integrate Set All To Zero IC2t IB2t IA2t Add to Accumulator COUNTERS KI2t RCR CNT PH C KI2t RCR CNT PH B KI2t RCR CNT PH A 2 Σ(KA) t > Limit LATCH KI2t MAX LIMIT FlexLogic Operands & Event recorder KI2t LIMIT REACHED LED: ALARM CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S3 CONFIGURATION Figure 5-23: Arcing Current Counter logic diagram 5–57 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 Controls Figure 5-24: Controls menu S4 CONTROLS REMOTE CONTROL S4 REMOTE CONTROL OPEN/CLOSE CONTROL CHANGE SETP GROUP REMOTE OPEN ▼ ▼ REMOTE CLOSE Accessible by DGC PC program VIRTUAL INPUTS REMOTE RESET only. Hidden on HMI COLD LOAD PICKUP COMM BLOCK AUTO AUTORECLOSURE COMM UNBLOCK AUTO S4 AR SETUP NUMBER OF SHOTS 1 SAVE BLOCK AUTO ▼ S4 OPEN/CLOSE CONTROL DEAD TIME SHOT 1 DEAD TIME SHOT 2 OPEN RESET TIME DEAD TIME SHOT 3 ▼ BLOCK OPEN CMND DEAD TIME SHOT 4 CLOSE RESET TIME RESET LOCKOUT TIME BLOCK CLOSE CMND INCOMP SEQ TIME ALARM FUNCTION AR RESET TIME ALARM DELAY BLOCK AR AR EXT INITIATE S4 CHANGE SETP GROUP SET GROUP 2 ACTIVE AR AUTO LO RESET AR MANUAL LO RESET PH IOC INITIATE ▼ SET GROUP 3 ACTIVE BLK GROUP CHANGE NTRL IOC INITIATE PH TOC INITIATE SELECT SETP GROUP S4 VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL INPUT 1 S4 AR SHOT 1 ▼ BLOCK PH IOC VIRTUAL INPUT 2 ▼ ... BLOCK NEUTRAL IOC VIRTUAL INPUT 32 BLOCK PH TOC S4 COLD LOAD PICKUP CLP FUNCTION S4 AR SHOT 2 BLOCK PH IOC ▼ ▼ OUTAGE TIME CLP BLOCKING TIME CLP EXT INITIATE BLOCK NEUTRAL IOC BLOCK PH TOC BLOCK PH IOC S4 AR SHOT 3 BLOCK NIOC BLOCK PH IOC BLOCK OV ▼ BLOCK UV SELECT SETP GROUP BLOCK NEUTRAL IOC RAISE PH TOC PKP BLOCK PH TOC S4 AUTORECLOSURE AR SETUP AR SHOT 1 AR SHOT 2 S4 AR SHOT 4 BLOCK PH IOC ▼ BLOCK NEUTRAL IOC BLOCK PH TOC ▼ AR SHOT 3 891787.cdr 5–58 AR SHOT 4 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS Remote control PATH: S4 SETPOINTS > CONTROLS > REMOTE CONTROL REMOTE OPEN Range: Off, Contact Input, Virtual Input, Virtual Output Default: Off This setting defines the input to trigger the open command to the recloser. This input can be selected from the list of inputs including contact inputs, virtual inputs, protection or control operand, as well as input flags received from SCADA, or IEDs. REMOTE CLOSE Range: Off, Contact Input, Virtual Input, Virtual Output Default: Disabled This setting defines the input to trigger the close command to the recloser. This input can be selected from the list of inputs including contact inputs, virtual inputs, protection or control operand, as well as input flags received from SCADA, or IEDs. REMOTE RESET Range: Off, Contact Input, Virtual Input, Virtual Output Default: Off This setting is used to reset the LEDs, alarms and target messages generated during some abnormal condition of the recloser. The setting provides the selection of an input from a list of inputs that performs the reset action upon activation. COMM BLOCK AUTO Range: No, Yes Default: No The Auto mode can be blocked remotely by asserting the command COMM BLOCK AUTO via communications. This can be done only by using the DGC PC program while in Remote control. In this case the recloser can be controlled only remotely. This command is not visible on the HMI. SAVE COMM BLK AUTO Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled While in Remote mode, the user can select to keep the Auto mode blocked during loss of communication or loss of power to the DGC-R, by setting the command SAVE COMM BLK AUTO, to “Enabled”. This will keep the Auto mode blocked after the communication or the power to the DGC-R has been restored. COMM UNBLOCK AUTO Range: No, Yes Default: Yes Both the COMM BLOCK AUTO and the SAVE COMM BLK AUTO selections will reset upon issuing COMM UNBLOCK AUTO command. This command is not visible on the HMI. Open/Close control PATH: SETPOINTS > S4 CONTROLS > S4 OPEN/CLOSE CONTROL OPEN RESET TIME Range: 0.00 to 600.00s in steps of 0.01 Default: 3.00 s Upon issuing an OPEN command, the output relay “RLY 1 OPEN” will energize. Then, after a period of time that depends on the recloser design (recloser open reaction time), the recloser will open. When the recloser is detected opened, a timer will start running and MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–59 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS after the time set in S4 / RLY 1 CONTROL / SEAL-IN TIME is elapsed, the output relay “RLY 1 OPEN” will de-energize. However, “RLY 1 RCR OPEN” will de-energize after the time set in OPEN RESET TIME, if this time is shorter than the total of open reaction time + SEAL-IN TIME. BLOCK OPEN CMD Range: Off, Any input from the list of inputs Default: Off This setting defines a block to the open recloser command. When the selected input is asserted, the output relay “RLY 1 OPEN” will be blocked. CLOSE RESET TIME Range: 0.00 to 600.00s in steps of 0.01 Default: 3.00 s Upon issuing a CLOSE command, the output relay “RLY 2 CLOSE” will energize. Then, after a period of time that depends on the recloser design (recloser close reaction time), the recloser will close. When the recloser is detected closed, a timer will start running and after the time set in S4 / RLY 2 CONTROL / SEAL-IN TIME is elapsed, the output relay “RLY 2 CLOSE” will de-energize. However, “RLY 2 CLOSE” will de-energize after the time set in CLOSE RESET TIME, if this time is shorter than the total of close reaction time + SEAL-IN TIME. BLOCK CLOSE CMD Range: Off, Any input from the list of inputs Default: Off This setting defines a block to the Close Recloser command. When the selected input is asserted, the output relay “CLOSE” will be blocked. ALARM FUNCTION Range: Enabled, Disabled Default: Disabled This setting enables the Recloser Alarm function. It will allow triggering of the alarm ‘Recloser state failed’ according to the ‘Close Recloser’ and ‘Recloser Monitoring Logic’ table. ALARM DELAY Range: 0.00 to 600.00s in steps of 0.01 Default: 4.00 s Delays ‘Recloser State Failed’ alarm. Output relay 1 has been fixed and is not programmable to operate when the OPEN RECLOSER output command is true. NOTE: NOTE 5–60 Output relay 2 has been fixed and is not programmable to operate when the CLOSE RECLOSER output command is true. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Close Open SCADA Commands Remote Close Remote Open Remote Inputs (S4) Remote Control Close Open MENU Commands Faceplate Pushbuttons or Auto Manual Remote Commands From SCADA Remote Local Auto PushButton PB / USB Commands Manual CLR SET CLR SET Q Q Q Q OR OR LED: REMOTE R S R S LED: LOCAL Local AND AND To Sheets 2 & 3 AND AND OR OR POWER LOSS COMM FAIL ALARM State Enabled = 1 SAVE COMM BLK Settings (S4 Remote Control) COMM UNBLOCK AUTO COMM BLK AUTO Remote Commands PC program and SCADA R S R S SET CLR SET CLR OR Q Q Q Q AND AND OR Auto Remote Set Auto LED in blinking mode LED: AUTO Manual Mode STATUS LED: MANUAL AND AND AND AND AND AND AR Close AND OR OR OR R S RST SET STATUS Auto Mode FLEXLOGIC OPERAND from Auto Reclosing element AR Open Phase UV trip Phase OV trip Neutral IOC trip Phase TOC trip Phase IOC trip FLEXLOGIC OPERANDS Q Q COMM BLK AUTO STATE State (EEPROM) AND AND OR OR Close recloser request Open recloser request CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS Figure 5-25: Recloser Control Logic - Sheet 1 of 3 5–61 5–62 SETPOINT (Selected Input, ON = 1) AND Disabled = 0 BLOCK OPEN CMND SETPOINT Enabled = 1 Disabled = 0 BLOCK OPEN PUSHBUTTON AND Local OR From sheet 1 LED: BLOCK OPEN OR Cmd: Open recloser To sheet 3 RCR Open POSITIVE EDGE DETECTOR FLEXLOGIC OPERAND RECLOSER OPEN LED: RECLOSER OPEN 0.5 s SEAL-IN TIME SETPOINT (S5 RLY 1 CONTROL) 3.0 s SETPOINT AND Open Recloser request At least one switch contact enabled AND From sheet 1 Contact input 1 (F5) state AND Enabled 52a CONTACT SETPOINT Contact input 2 (F6) state Enabled 52b CONTACT RCR Open Failed OPEN RCR Open RCR Flag Operate Form C Output (RLY 1 RCR OPEN) S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-26: Recloser Control Logic - Sheet 2 of 3 OR AND AND OR AND MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL SETPOINT MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL SETPOINT FAULT (AR lockout) (Selected Input, ON = 1) AND Disbaled = 0 Cmd: Close Recloser AND BLOCK CLOSE CMND Enabled = 1 RCR ALARM FUNCTION SETPOINT POSITIVE EDGE DETECTOR SETPOINT FACEPLATE SWITCH HOT LINE TAG NOTE: This switch has two contact elements. One (A) is shown here and the other (B) is wired directly to the recloser CLOSE coil. In OFF position contact A is open and contact B is closed. In ON position, A is closed and B is open. 0.5 s SEAL-IN TIME 3.0 s CLOSE RCR RST TIME LED: HOT LINE TAG OR Enabled = 1 Disbaled = 0 XOR BLOCK CLOSE AND LED: BLOCK CLOSE 4s AND PUSHBUTTON From sheet 1 Local Close Recloser request AND RCR ALARM DELAY SETPOINT OR From sheet 2 Recloser Closed At least one recloser contact enabled LED: RECLOSER CLOSED AND From sheet 1 Contact input 2 (F6) state AND Enabled 52b CONTACT SETPOINT Contact input 1 (F5) state Enabled 52a CONTACT R LATCH S From Sheet 2 RCR Open Failed MESSAGE: Hot Line Tag RCR State Failed LED: RECLOSER ALARM Recloser Close Failed CLOSE RCR Close RCR Flag Operate Form C Output (RLY 2 RCR CLOSE) CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS Figure 5-27: Recloser Control Logic - Sheet 3 of 3 AND OR AND 5–63 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Change settings group The DGCR has three identical settings groups - Groups 1, 2 , and 3 - for all DGCR monitoring elements. Switching between these three groups is available either automatically by assigning an input (contact, virtual, remote, flexlogic element), or manually through communications. Group 1 is the default setting group. The device can automatically switch from Group 1 DGCR elements to the other group elements, and vice versa, by setting up the switching conditions under “Change Settings Group”. Under some application conditions, it may be undesirable to change settings groups. In such cases, the user can set a condition under “BLK GROUP CHANGE”, where if asserted, the active settings group will stay active, even if the input configured to switch to the other settings group is asserted. For example if the active group was group 1 at any given time, and the input configured under “BLK GROUP CHANGE” is asserted, the relay will maintain settings group 1, even if the input “SET GROUP 2 (3) ACTIVE” is asserted. Visa versa, if the “BLK GROUP CHANGE” input is asserted, the relay will not switch from group 2/3 to group 1, even if the input under “SET GROUP 2 (3) ACTIVE” is de-asserted. The device will default to settings group 1, if both the input “SET GROUP 2 (3) ACTIVE” and the blocking input “BLK GROUP CHANGE” are de-asserted. Table group 3 of settings has a higher priority than the rest of settings groups. That means, if both “SET GROUP 2 ACTIVE” and “SET GROUP 3 ACTIVE” signals are maintained asserted at the same time, the DGCR will change to the table 3 of settings. The logic functionality takes into account this feature. PATH: S4 CONTROLS > CHANGE SETP GROUP SET GROUP 2 ACTIVE Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 12 (Order Code dependent), Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off This setting selects an input, used to change to Settings Group 2, when asserted. If no group change supervision is selected, the Settings Group 2 will stay active as long as the “SET GROUP 2 ACTIVE” input is asserted, and will revert to group 1 when this input is deasserted. SET GROUP 3 ACTIVE Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 12 (Order Code dependent), Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off This setting selects an input, used to change to Settings Group 3, when asserted. If no group change supervision is selected, the Settings Group 3 will stay active as long as the “SET GROUP 3 ACTIVE” input is asserted, and will revert to the default group, when this input is de-asserted. BLK GROUP CHANGE Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 12 (Order Code dependent), Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off This setting defines an input that can be used to block changing settings groups. When the assigned input is asserted, changing from one settings group to the other one is blocked. 5–64 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS 891991.cdr Use Setpoint Group 2 (Default Group) Use Setpoint Group 1 Use Setpoint Group 3 Figure 5-28: Changing Settings groups - logic diagram OR OR OR AND AND AND Off SETPOINT SET GROUP 3 ACTIVE Off SETPOINT BLK GROUP CHANGE Off SETPOINT SET GROUP 2 ACTIVE AND Virtual inputs There are 32 Virtual Inputs that can be individually programmed to respond to Input commands entered via the relay keypad, or by using communication protocols. SETTINGS > S4 CONTROLS > VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL INPUT 1 to 32 Range: Off, On Default: Off MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–65 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS The state of each virtual input can be controlled under SETTINGS > S4 CONTROL > VIRTUAL INPUTS menu. Entering OFF or On in the selected menu window will change the input’s state. See also the Virtual inputs section under S5 Inputs/Outputs. NOTE: NOTE Cold load pickup The DGCR can be programmed to block the instantaneous over-current elements, and raise the pickup level of the time over-current elements, when a cold load condition is detected. The cold load condition is detected during closing of the breaker on a feeder that has been de-energized for a long time. The feeder inrush current and the motor accelerating current during breaker closing may be above some over-current protection settings. The diagram shows the slow decaying of the cold load current starting at about 500% of the nominal current at the time of breaker closing, decaying down to 300% after 1 second, 200% after 2 seconds, and 150% after 3 seconds. Figure 5-29: Cold load pickup Current (% of nominal) 500 400 300 NORMAL TRIP SETTING 200 X PICKUP PICKUP 100 OUTAGE 0 -1 0 1 LOAD ENERGIZED 2 3 4 5 6 Time (seconds) 898750.CDR The relay detects Cold Load condition (Cold Load Pickup armed), if the currents on all three phases drop below 3% of the CT nominal rating for the period of time greater, than the Outage Time Before Cold Load setting. The Cold Load condition can be immediately initiated (Outage Time Before Cold Load timer bypassed), by asserting a contact input selected for External CLP Initiate. The second timer Cold Load Pickup Block is used to specify the time of blocking the instantaneous over-current elements, and the time of raised pickup levels of the time overcurrent elements, after breaker closing. The timer starts when at least one of the three phase currents is above 10% of CT nominal. Upon timer expiration, the settings return to normal. The following path is available using the keypad. For instructions on how to use the keypad, please refer to Chapter 3 - Working with the Keypad. PATH: SETPOINTS > S4 CONTROLS > COLD LOAD PICKUP 5–66 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS CLP FUNCTION Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled This setting enables the Cold Load Pickup function. OUTAGE TIME Range: 1 to 1000 min in steps of 1 min Default: 20 min This timer starts when the feeder is de-energized (currents drop below 3% of CT nominal). The Cold Load Pickup is armed after the time expires. CLP BLOCKING TIME Range: 1 to 1000 s in steps of 1 s Default: 5 s This setting sets the blocking time for the selected Instantaneous Overcurrent elements, and the raised pickup level time for the Time Overcurrent elements. This timer starts when currents greater than 10% of CT nominal are detected. CLP EXT INITIATE Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 8, Virtual Input 1 to 32, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Default: Off This setting allows the user to select Contact Input, Virtual Input/Output and force the CLP element into the Cold Load Pickup armed state, bypassing the timer Outage Time. BLOCK PH IOC/BLOCK NTRL IOC/BLOCK OV/BLOCK UV Range: No, Yes Default: No Each element on the list can be selected for block or not, upon a Cold Load Pickup condition. SELECT SP GROUP Range: Active Group, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 Default: Active Group The CLP blocking function will block the IOC and adjust the TOC pickup levels for the Overcurrent elements from whichever Setting Group is active, if the Active Group for that setting is selected. RAISE PH TOC PKP Range: 0 to 100% in steps of 1% Default: 0% The pickup level of the TOC element can be raised by 0 to 100% upon a Cold Load Pickup condition. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–67 5–68 Ia < 3% CT Enabled Disabled CLP FUNCTION: SETTING RUN SELECTED PERCENTAGE RESET Cold Load Pickup armed SETPOINT SETTING Block Block AND AND AND AND To Phase Time Overcurrent Element Yes = 1, No = 0 BLOCK UV SETTING Yes = 1, No = 0 Block 891832.cdr Raise by Percent RAISE PH TOC PKP SETTING Group No. Select Setp Group SETTING Cold Load PKP Message Record Event Operate output relays upon selection Select Group Select Group AND BLOCK OV Block LED: ALARM AND SETTING Yes = 1, No = 0 BLOCK NTRL IOC SETTING Yes = 1, No = 0 BLOCK PH IOC SETTING RUN ENABLE CLP BLOCKING TIME AND RAISE PH TOC PKP Ic < 10% CT Ib < 10% CT Ia < 10% CT RUN ENABLE OR SETTING CLP INITIATE SETTING (External Input) Ic < 3% CT Ib < 3% CT SETTING OUTAGE TIME S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Figure 5-30: Cold Load Pickup - logic diagram OR AND AND MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS Autorecloser The automatic 3-pole recloser is intended for use on three-pole recloser applications. Up to four reclosing “shots” can be programmed with independent set of protection elements for initiation, and individual dead time prior to each subsequent shot. A typical example would be to select instantaneous overcurrent protections for the AR initiation, and selection of time overcurrent protections to permit (no blocking) operation after the first reclose. This would provide longer time before the recloser opens, and allow the fuses to burn off, if the fault is still present. PATH: SETPOINTS > S4 CONTROLS > AUTORECLOSURE > AR SETUP NUMBER OF SHOTS Range: 1..4 in steps of 1 Default: 1 The aximum number of reclosers that are attempted before a lockout. DEAD TIME SHOT 1/2/3/4 Range: 0.1..0.600.0 s in steps of 0.01 s Default: 1/2/3/4 This setting specifies the dead time delay before each reclosure. There are four time delay settings to be configured and used to time out before the first, second, third or fourth reclosure. RESET LOCKOUT TIME Range: 0.1..0.600.0 s in steps of 0.01 s Default: 10 s This setting specifies the reset lockout time. Upon recloser close and if autoreclosing automatic lockout reset (AR AUTO LO RESET) is set ON, the timer times out and resets the “AR LOCKOUT” state. INCOMP SEQ TIME Range: 0.1..0.600.0 s in steps of 0.01 s Default: 5 s This timer is used to set the maximum time interval allowed for a single reclosure shot. The timer starts timing out for both situations: upon AR initiates to open the recloser, where the recloser doesn’t open, or whenever a recloser reclose command is issued, where the recloser doesn’t close. Upon incomplete sequence time expiry, the AR goes into lockout mode. AR RESET TIME Range: 0.1..0.600.0 s in steps of 0.01 s Default: 5 s This time is used to reset the AR into AR ready mode after successful reclosure. If no recloser tripping occurs within the reset time, the AR shot counter is reset. BLOCK AR Range: Off, Contact Input 1-30, Virtual Output 1-32, Virtual Input 1-32, Remote Input 1-x Default: Off This setting provides selection for contact input, virtual output, virtual input, remote input, or logic element to block of the AR scheme. AR EXT INITIATE Range: Off, Contact Input 1-30, Virtual Output 1-32, Virtual Input 1-32, Remote Input 1-x Default: Disabled This setting provides selection of contact input, virtual input, remote input, or logic element used to initiate autoreclosure externally. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–69 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS AR AUTO LO RESET Range: Off/ On Default: Off This setting enables or disables the time delayed automatic reset of recloser lockout if the recloser is closed. AR REMOTE LO RESET Range: Disabled, Contact Input 1-30, Virtual Output 1-32, Virtual Input 1-32, Remote Input 1-x Default: Disabled This setting provides selection for contact input, virtual input, and remote input to manually reset lockout of the AR scheme. AR INITIATE by Overcurrent elements. Select from the list of elements below: There is no setting with this name, but it is shown on the logic diagram as a separate item to indicate the connection to a long list of settings. The choice of elements is shown below. The last item on the list is SELECT SETP GROUP. PH IOC INITIATE Range: Off/ On Default: Off When set to “Yes”, the operation of this element initiates the AR sequence. NTRL IOC INITIATE Range: Off/ On Default: Off When set to “Yes”, the operation of this element initiates the AR sequence. PH TOC INITIATE Range: Off/ On Default: Off If set to “Yes”, the operation of this element will initiate the AR sequence. SELECT SETP GROUP Range: Active Group, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 Default: Active Group The Autoreclose function will be executed, in the setpoint group selected as a setting in “SELECT SETP GROUP”, or in the active setpoint group, if the setting “Active Group” is selected. For example, if the setpoint group 2 is selected in the AR menu, and active group is group 1 at the time of recloser operation, the AR will force the relay and switch to group 2, where the set of protection elements per each shot are modified. PATH: SETPOINTS > S4 CONTROLS > AUTORECLOSURE > AR SHOT 1/2/3/4 BLOCK PH IOC Range: Off/ On Default: Off If set to “On” for the selected shot or shots, the operation of the PH IOC 1/2 protection element will be blocked after the corresponding recloser reclosing shot. BLOCK NTRL IOC Range: Off/ On Default: Off If set to “On” for the selected shot or shots, the operation of the NTRL IOC 1/2 protection element will be blocked after the corresponding recloser reclosing shot. 5–70 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Autoreclosure Logic Diagram S4 CONTROLS The Automatic Reclosure function is designed to perform up to four recloser autoreclosings, with a configurable dead time before each of the reclosing shot. Upon AR function enabled selecting Auto mode, and recloser status “closed”, the AR is set into “AR Ready” state. If an intermittent feeder fault occurs such as overhead conductor touching tree branch, one or more of the overcurrent protections enabled under AR initiate menu, will operate and issue recloser trip command. If the recloser opens, the dead time configured under the first AR shot will start timing out. After this time expires, the AR scheme will produce the first recloser reclosing shot. Upon recloser close and no fault conditions, the overcurrent elements permitted to operate on the first AR shot will not operate, and the reclosing is declared successful. The remaining part of the configured AR sequence will not be executed. The AR Reset time will start timing out, where upon time expiry resets the AR counter. The AR sequence is reset with AR function into “AR Ready” state. Now, if the fault is permanent, the configured AR sequence will be executed in full, where the recloser opens after the last reclosing shot and the AR function goes into lockout. The reclosure scheme passes through the following states during operation: AR NOT READY LOCKOUT: When in this state, the AR is blocked. The AR LOCKOUT occurs if any of the following conditions is present: •The maximum shot number was reached and new Reclose Initiation (RI) event occurs. •The incomplete sequence AR INCOM SEQ TIME timer times out while waiting for the Recloser to close. •The Reclose Initiation (RI) event occurs and recloser status is CLOSED and AR INCOM SEQ TIME timer times out. •The Reclose Initiation (RI) event occurs and AR INITIATE (external or by overcurrent element) input stays on (or new RI occurs) and AR INCOM SEQ TIME timer times out. •If any AR DEAD TIME SHOT timer starts to time out and the recloser status changes to CLOSED. •If any AR DEAD TIME SHOT timer starts to time out and reclose Initiation (RI) input occurs. If the recloser status changes to OPEN and new reclose Initiation (IR) happens.The recloser is latched in LOCKOUT state until: •The recloser is closed and the variable “autoreclosing automatic lockout reset” (AR AUTO LO RESET) is set ON and the reset lockout time expires. •The autoreclosing remote lockout reset command is received by contact input, virtual input, virtual output or remote input (remote mode). •Faceplate pushbutton AS LOCKOUT RESET is pushed (local mode). AR READY: To reach this state the RST LO TIME timer times out from LOCKOUT state if AR AUTO LO RESET is enabled, or autoreclosing LOCKOUT state is manually reset or the AR RESET TIME timer times out from WAIT RST TIME state. In this state the autorecloser is waiting for reclose Initiation (RI) event to start the reclosure process. AR IN PROGRESS: To reach this state the autoreclosing has to be in AR READY state and reclose Initiation (RI) event starts the reclosure process until the AR RST TIME timer times out (or the AR BLOCK INPUT is set) and the autorecloser goes into AR READY state waiting for a new AR execution. WAIT FOR 52 OPEN: Once a reclose Initiation (RI) event occurs the autorecloser is waiting for recloser status OPEN or otherwise the AR INCOM SEQ TIME timer will time out. If the AR INCOM SEQ TIME expires, the autorecloser will go into LOCKOUT state. However if the recloser opens, the AR scheme will start the configured DEAD TIME timer, and will be into WAIT DEAD TIME state. WAIT DEAD TIME: In this state the autorecloser is waiting for the relevant AR DEAD TIME SHOT timer to time out. If during this time out the recloser status changes to CLOSE, a reclose Initiation (RI) occurs the autorecloser process ends in a LOCKOUT state. If not, the WAIT FOR 52 CLOSE state is reached. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–71 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS WAIT FOR 52 CLOSE: In this state upon reclosing command, the autorecloser is waiting for the recloser to CLOSE. If the AR INCOM SEQ TIME timer times out or a new reclose Initiation (RI) occurs and it’s the last shot then the autorecloser ends in a LOCKOUT state. If a new reclose Initiation (RI) occurs and it is not the last from the programmed sequence, the autorecloser goes into the WAIT FOR 52 OPEN status. WAIT RESET TIME: In this state, when the AR RST TIME timer times out the number of shots is reset and the autorecloser goes into AR READY state waiting for a new AR execution. If a new reclose (RI) different from the last shot occurs the autorecloser goes into the WAIT FOR 52 OPEN status for the next shot. Reclose Initiation (RI) is produced by a trip with the relevant permission enabled or by AR EXT INITIATE input. 5–72 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL SETPOINT/INPUT BLOCKAR MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL AR LOCKOUT RESET FACEPLATE PUSHBUTTON LOCAL FLEXLOGIC OPERNAD Disabled = 0 SELECTED INPUT:ON=1 AR REMOTE LO RESET SETPOINT Enabled = ON Disabled=OFF AR AUTO LO RESET SETPOINT CLOSED= 1 RECLOSERCLOSED FLEXLOGIC OPERAND INITIATED = 1 AR INITIATEby Overcurrent elements SETPOINTS Selected input: ON = 1 Disabled=0 AR EXTINITIATE SETPOINT Off=0 BLOCKED = 1 OR AND AR OPEN AND AND AND t, sec 0 RESET LOCKOUT TIME SETPOINT LED: AR IN PROGRESS AND AND AND OR OR AR OPEN R S CLR SET Q Q OR AR OUT OF SERVICE AR BLOCK AR IN PROGRESS AR READY AND AND AND AND t, sec AND AND 0 INCOMP SEQ TIME : SETPOINT SHOT COUNTER= 3 SHOT COUNTER= 2 SHOT COUNTER= 1 FROM SHOT COUNTER = MAX AND AND FLEX LOGIC OPERAND ARIN PROGRESS FLEX LOGIC OPERAND AR READY FLEX LOGIC OPERAND ms 0 Task Time (5-10 ms) AND AND AND OR t, sec 0 0 0 0 AND AND FROM INCOMPLETE SEQUENCE TIME AR DEAD TIME4 SETPOINT t, sec AR DEAD TIME3 SETPOINT t, sec AR DEAD TIME2 AR BLOCK SHOT COUNTER= 0 AR DEAD TIME1 t, sec SETPOINT AND SETPOINT FLEX LOGIC OPERAND AR OUT OF SERVICE AND FLEX LOGIC OPERAND Auto PB/USB COMMANDS Manual OR OR AR CLOSE SETPOINT AND t, sec 891799.cdr LED: AR LOCKOUT AR LOCKOUT OR 0 INCOMP SEQ TIME: FLEX LOGIC OPERAND AND AND FLEX LOGIC OPERAND AR CLOSE t, sec AR RESET TIME SETTING SHOT COUNTER= 0 SHOT COUNTER ++ SHOT COUNTER 1..4 NUMBER OF SHOTS SETPOINT 0 TO INCOMPLETE SEQUENCE TIME AND >= TO SHOT COUNTER = MAX CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS Figure 5-31: Autorecloser logic diagram 5–73 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS FlexLogic™ The DGCR FlexLogic™ system, defines operators, and lists of operands. In essence, all the necessary information for custom built logic. The FlexLogic tool is accessible from the EnerVista DGCR Setup program under the SETTINGS/ FLEXLOGIC menu All DGCR digital signal states are represented by FlexLogic™ operands. Each operand is in one of two states: on (asserted, logic 1, or set), or off (de-asserted, logic 0, or reset). There is a FlexLogic™ operand for each contact input, contact output, communications command, control panel command, element trip, and element alarm, as well as many others. A list of FlexLogic™ operands and operators are sequentially processed once every 4.17 ms or 5 ms, depending on the power system frequency (60 Hz or 50 Hz). When list processing encounters an operand, the value of that operand is placed in a first in - first out stack. When list processing encounters a calculation operator, the number of values required for the calculation are removed from the stack, and the result of the operation is placed back on the stack. The operators are logic gates (for example, AND, OR, NOT), timers, latches, one-shots, and assignments. Assignment operators assign the value calculated by the preceding operators to a special class of operands called virtual outputs. Like any other operand, a virtual output can be used as an input to any operator – feedback to achieve seal-in is allowed. When list processing encounters an end operator, processing is stopped until the next processing cycle, at which time it restarts at the top of the list. Each contact output has a setting to specify the operand that drives the output. Any operand may be selected – selection of a virtual output is the means by which FlexLogic™ directly controls external equipment such as the motor contactors. The operators used in FlexLogic™ conform to the following rules: • 512 lines for bulding logic are available in the FlexLogic tool. All lines are executed every 1 / 4 power system cycle (4.17 ms. or 5 ms). • A virtual output may only be assigned once within the FlexLogic environment. An unassigned virtual output will have a value of off. • A maximum of thirty (32) general purpose timers (timers 1 through 32) are available for configuration. Each timer may only be used once within the FlexLogic environment. • A maximum of thirty (30) one-shots is allowed. • A maximum of 16 latches is supported. The operators available in FlexLogic™ are shown below: 5–74 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS FlexLogic™ operands S4 CONTROLS Operator Inputs Description <operand> none The output value is the value of the named <operand>. NOT 1 The output value is “on” if and only if any of the input values are “off”. OR 2 to 16 The output value is “on” if and only if any of the input values are “on”. AND 2 to 16 The output value is “on” if and only if all of the input values are “on”. NOR 2 to 16 The output value is “on” if and only if all of the input values are “off”. NAND 2 to 16 The output value is “on” if and only if any of the input values are “off”. XOR 2 The output value is “on” if and only if one input value is “on” and the other input value is “off”. TIMER 1 The output value is “on” if the input value has been “on” for the set pickup time. Once the output value is “on”, it remains “on” until the input value has been “off” for the set dropout time. LATCH 2 The output value is the state of a reset-dominant volatile bi-stable latch, where the first input value is the set input, and the second input value is the reset input. Positive-one-shot 1 The output value is “on” for one processing cycle following an off-toon transition of the input value. Negative-one-shot 1 The output value is “on” for one processing cycle following an on-tooff transition of the input value. Dual-one-shot The output value is “on” for one processing cycle following either an on-to-off or off-to-on transition of the input value. 1 ASSIGN <operand> 1 The input value is assigned to the named operand. There is otherwise no output value. END The first END encountered terminates the current processing cycle. none The FlexLogic™ operands available in the DGCR are listed below. Control operands: Group 1 Active OP......................................Activates when Setting Group 1 is applied. Group 1 Active DPO ..................................Activates when the DGCR is switched to a Setting Group different from Group 1. Group 2 Active OP......................................Activates when Setting Group 2 is applied. Group 2 Active DPO ..................................Activates when the DGCR is switched to a Setting Group different from Group 2. Group 3 Active OP......................................Activates when Setting Group 3 is applied. Group 3 Active DPO ..................................Activates when the DGCR is switched to a Setting Group different from Group 3. Auto Ctrl .........................................................Activates when the DGCR is switched to Auto control mode. Remote Ctrl...................................................Activates when the DGCR is switched to Remote control mode. Manual Ctrl ...................................................Activates when the DGCR is switched to Manual control mode. Local Ctrl........................................................Activates when the DGCR is switched to Local control mode. Auto Recloser Open..................................Activates when the Recloser Open command operates in Auto mode. Manual Recloser Open............................Activates when the Recloser Open command operates in Manual mode. Auto Recloser Close..................................Activates when the Recloser Close command operates in Auto mode. Manual Recloser Close............................Activates when the Recloser Close command operates in Manual mode. Reverse Power OP .....................................Activates when the Reverse Power element operates. Reverse Power DPO..................................Activates when the Reverse Power level drops below the pickup level. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–75 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Reset Open Count .....................................Activates when an Open Count Reset is issued. Reset Close Count .....................................Activates when an Close Count Reset is issued. Reset I2t .........................................................Activates when an Close Count Reset is issued. AR Block .........................................................Activates when AR is in Blocked state. AR Disabled ..................................................Activates when AR is in Disabled state. AR In Progress .............................................Activates when AR is in Progress state. AR Close .........................................................Activates when AR recloser close command operates. AR Open .........................................................Activates when AR recloser open command operates. AR Lockout....................................................Activates when AR is in Lockout state. AR Ready........................................................Activates when AR is in Ready state. Input/Output Operands: Contact Input 1 (2 to X) On....................Asserted when the respective Contact Input is activated. Contact Input 1 (2 to X) Off....................Asserted when the respective Contact Input is deactivated. Contact Output 1 (2 to X) On ................Asserted when the respective Contact Output is activated. Contact Output 1 (2 to X) Off................Asserted when the respective Contact Output is deactivated. VI1 (VI1 to VO32) On .................................Asserted when the respective Virtual Input is activated. VI1 (VI2 to VI32) Off ...................................Asserted when the respective Virtual Input is deactivated. VO1 (VO2 to VO32) On .............................Asserted when the respective Virtual Output is activated. VO1Off to VO32 Off...................................Asserted when the respective Virtual Output is deactivated. Alarm Operands: Any Trip OP ...................................................Activates when any Trip Operand is asserted (logic 1). Any Alarm OP...............................................Activates when any Alarm Operand is asserted (logic 1). Not Configured...........................................Activates when the DGC status is “Not Configured” under INSTALLATION/PRODUCT STATUS. Self-test Alarm OP.....................................Activates when the CB detects a Self-Test error. Comm Fail Alarm OP................................Activates when the communication channel fails. Ph IOC Alarm OP.........................................Activates when Phase IOC operates and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph IOC Alarm DPO .....................................Activates when Phase IOC drops out and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph IOC Trip OP .............................................Activates when Phase IOC operates and function set to Trip. Ph IOC Trip DPO..........................................Activates when Phase IOC drops out and function set to Trip. Ph TOC Alarm OP .......................................Activates when Phase TOC operates and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph TOC Alarm DPO....................................Activates when Phase TOC drops out and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph TOC Trip OP ............................................Activates when Phase TOC operates and function set to Trip. Ph TOC Trip DPO.........................................Activates when Phase TOC drops out and function set to Trip. NTRL IOC Alarm OP...................................Activates when NTRL IOC operates and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. NTRL IOC Alarm DPO................................Activates when NTRL IOC drops out and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. NTRL IOC Trip OP........................................Activates when NTRL IOC operates and function set to Trip. NTRL IOC Trip DPO ....................................Activates when NTRL IOC drops out and function set to Trip. Ph OV Alarm OP..........................................Activates when Phase OV operates and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph OV Alarm DPO.......................................Activates when Phase OV drops out and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph OV Trip OP...............................................Activates when Phase OV operates and function set to Trip. 5–76 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S4 CONTROLS Ph OV Trip DPO ...........................................Activates when Phase OV drops out and function set to Trip. Ph UV Alarm OP ..........................................Activates when Phase UV operates and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph UV Alarm DPO.......................................Activates when Phase UV drops out and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Ph UV Trip OP...............................................Activates when Phase UV operates and function set to Trip. Ph UV Trip DPO............................................Activates when Phase UV drops out and function set to Trip. Volt UNBAL Alarm OP...............................Activates when Voltage UNBAL operates and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Volt UNBAL Alarm DPO ...........................Activates when Voltage UNBAL drops out and function set to Alarm or Latched Alarm. Volt UNBAL Trip OP....................................Activates when Voltage UNBAL operates and function set to Trip. Volt UNBAL Trip DPO................................Activates when Voltage UNBAL drops out and function set to Trip. CLP Alarm PKP.............................................Activates when CLP picks up. CLP Alarm OP...............................................Activates when CLP operates. CLP Alarm DPO............................................Activates when CLP drops out. Pwr Loss Src A, B, C OP............................Activates when Power Loss on phase A, B, C of source voltage side operates. Pwr Loss Src A, B, C DPO ........................Activates when Power Loss on phase A, B, C of source voltage side drops out. Pwr Loss Load A, B, C OP........................Activates when Power Loss on phase A, B, C of load voltage side operates. Pwr Loss Load A, B, C DPO ....................Activates when Power Loss on phase A, B, C of load voltage side drops out. Recloser Open .............................................Activates when Recloser is in Open state. Recloser Closed ..........................................Activates when Recloser is in Closed state. Recloser Open Failed OP ........................Activates when Recloser Open Failed operates. Recloser Close Failed OP........................Activates when Recloser Close Failed operates. Recloser State Failed OP.........................Activates when Recloser State Failed operates. OP Cnt Lim Reached OP..........................Activates when the total open operations limit has been reached. CL Cnt Lim Reached OP ..........................Activates when the total close operations limit has been reached. KI2t Limit Reached OP.............................Activates when the total KI2t value limit has been reached.. Block and Inhibit Operands: Group Change Block OP .........................Activates when the input programmed to block group change is energized. Group Change Block DPO......................Activates when the input programmed to block group change is de-energized. CLP PhIOC1 Blk OP ....................................Activated when the CLP Ph IOC block operates. CLP PhIOC1 Blk DPO.................................Activated when the CLP Ph IOC block drops out. CLP NeIOC1 Blk OP....................................Activated when the CLP Neutral IOC block operates. CLP NeIOC1 Blk DPO.................................Activated when the CLP Neutral IOC block drops out. CLP OV Blk OP..............................................Activated when the CLP OV block operates. CLP OV Blk DPO...........................................Activated when the CLP OV block drops out. CLP UV Blk OP..............................................Activated when the CLP UV block operates. CLP UV Blk DPO...........................................Activated when the CLP UV block drops out. Ph IOC Block OP..........................................Activated when the Phase IOC block operates. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–77 S4 CONTROLS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Ph IOC Block DPO ......................................Activated when the Phase IOC block drops out. Ph TOC Block OP.........................................Activated when the Phase TOC block operates. Ph TOC Block DPO .....................................Activated when the Phase TOC block drops out. Ntrl IOC Block OP .......................................Activated when the Neutral IOC block operates. Ntrl IOC Block DPO....................................Activated when the Neutral IOC block drops out. Arc Curr Block OP.......................................Activated when the Arcing Current function is blocked. Arc Curr Block DPO ...................................Activated when the Arcing Current function drops out. Ph OV Block OP...........................................Activated when the Phase OV block operates. Ph OV Block DPO........................................Activated when the Phase OV block drops out. Ph UV Block OP ...........................................Activated when the Phase UV block operates. Ph UV Block DPO........................................Activated when the Phase UV block drops out. Volt UNBAL Blk OP.....................................Activated when the Voltage Unbalance block operates. Volt UNBAL Blk DPO..................................Activated when the Voltage Unbalance block drops out. Block Open OP ............................................Activated when the DGCR Block Open Recloser operates. Block Open DPO.........................................Activated when the DGCR Open Recloser drops out. Block Close OP ............................................Activated when the DGCR Block Close Recloser operates. Block Close DPO.........................................Activated when the DGCR Block Close Recloser drops out. 5–78 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS S5 Inputs/Outputs Figure 5-32: Inputs/Outputs menu S5 RLY 1 CONTROL S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS NAME CONTACT INPUTS S5 CONTACT INPUTS OUTPUT RELAYS CONTACT INPUT 1 VIRTUAL INPUTS ▼ RLY 1 OPEN ▼ SEAL-IN TIME CONTACT INPUT 2 ... CONTACT INPUT x S5 RLY 2 CONTROL NAME RLY 2 CLOSE S5 OUTPUT RELAYS RLY 1 CONTROL ▼ SEAL-IN TIME RLY 2 CONTROL RLY 3 AUXILIARY ▼ RLY 4 AUXILIARY S5 RLY 3 AUXILIARY NAME ▼ RLY 5 AUXILIARY FUNCTION ... OUTPUT TYPE RLY x AUXILIARY OPERATION S4 VIRTUAL INPUTS VIRTUAL INPUT 1 VIRTUAL INPUT 2 VIRTUAL INPUT 3 ▼ VIRTUAL INPUT 4 S5 VIRTUAL INPUT 1 VI 1 NAME ▼ VI 1 FUNCTION VI 1 TYPE ... VIRTUAL INPUT 32 S5 VIRTUAL INPUT 32 VI 32 NAME ▼ 891747.cdr VI 32 FUNCTION VI 32 TYPE Contact inputs The relay is equipped with six (6) contact inputs, which can be used to provide a variety of functions such as for circuit breaker control, external trips, blocking of protection elements, etc. A further twelve (12) contact inputs can be added with the purchase of another IO_C board (see the Order Codes section). All contact inputs are wet type contacts (refer to the typical wiring diagram) that require an external voltage source. PATH: SETPOINTS > S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS > CONTACT INPUTS CONTACT INPUT 1 Range: Fourteen Characters Default: 52a Contact CONTACT INPUT 2 Range: Fourteen Characters Default: 52b Contact CONTACT INPUT X [3 to 18] Range: Fourteen Characters Default: Input X (Exceptions: 7=Battery Fuse, 8=Battery Plus) MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–79 S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS Each of the contact inputs can be named to reflect the function it represents within the application. Up to 14 alpha-numeric characters are available for names. Output relays The DGCR is equipped with fourteen electromechanical output relays: 2 form A control relays (Relay 1 — Open, and Relay 2 — Close), and up to 12 Auxiliary relays depending on the ordered configuration (see the Order Codes section). PATH: SETPOINTS > S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS > OUTPUT RELAYS RLY 1 CONTROL NAME Range: Any alpha-numeric combination, 14 characters long Default: RLY 1 OPEN This relay is dedicated to the recloser open output function and that cannot be changed. SEAL-IN TIME Range: 0.00 to 9.99 s, Step 0.01 s Default: 0.5 s Refer to the “open/close control” section and Figure 29. RLY 2 CONTROL NAME Range: Any alpha-numeric combination, 14 characters long Default: RLY 2 CLOSE This relay is dedicated to the recloser close output function and that cannot be changed. SEAL-IN TIME Range: 0.00 to 9.99 s, Step 0.01 s Default: 0.5 s Refer to the “open/close control” section and Figure 30. RLY 3 AUXILIARY NAME Range: Any alpha-numeric combination, 14 characters long Default: BATT CHARGING This relay is dedicated to the battery charging output function and that cannot be changed. Refer to the “Battery backup” section and Figure 9. RLY 4 AUXILIARY NAME Range: Any alpha-numeric combination, 14 characters long Default: BATT TESTING This relay is dedicated to the battery testing output function and that cannot be changed. Refer to the “Battery backup” section and Figure 9. RLY 5 to 14 AUXILIARY NAME Range: Any alpha-numeric combination, 14 characters long Default: Relay 5 (to 14) FUNCTION Range: Off, Contact Input 1 to 12 On, Contact Input 1 to 12 Off, Contact Output 1 to 8 On, Contact Output 1 to 8 Off, Virtual Input 1 to 32 On, Virtual Input 1 to 32 Off, Virtual Output 1 to 32 On, Virtual Output 1 to 32 Off, Any Alarm OP, Any monitoring function output OP or DPO, Any power loss condition OP or DPO, Any counter limit reached, Any block command OP or DPO, Any recloser and breaker state, Any Mode selected, Any group active. 5–80 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS Refer to DGCR Communications guide for the complete list of functions available for selection. NOTE: NOTE Default: Off The auxiliary relay state is equal to the value of the selected function variable. OUTPUT TYPE Range: Self-Reset, Latched Default: Self-Reset Each auxiliary relay can be selected as either Self-Reset, or Latched. If the Self-Reset type is selected, the output relay is energized as long as the element is in operating mode and will reset when the element drops out. If the Latched type is selected, the output relay stays energized, after the element dropout, and will be de-energized upon the reset command. If an auxiliary output is only required while the activating condition is present, select Self-Reset. Once an activating condition disappears, the auxiliary relay returns to the non-active state and the associated message automatically clears. To ensure all auxiliary function conditions are acknowledged, select Latched. OPERATION Range: Failsafe, Non-Failsafe Default: Non-Failsafe The auxiliary relay state is equal to the value of the selected function variable.When Failsafe operation is selected, the auxiliary relay is energized or de-energized (state change) depending on the following conditions: 1. The auxiliary relay is de-energized, if the relay is not IN SERVICE or the control power is not applied to the relay. 2. The auxiliary relay is energized when the control power is applied to the relay and the relay is IN SERVICE mode. 3. The auxiliary relay stays de-energized, when the control power is applied, upon major self-test failure during relay boot up. 4. The auxiliary relay changes state from energized to de-energized if the DGCR experiences any major self-test failure. Virtual inputs There are 32 Virtual Inputs that can be individually programmed to respond to Input commands entered via the relay keypad, or by using communication protocols. Virtual Input programming begins with enabling the Virtual Input function and selecting the Virtual Input Type - Self-Reset or Latched - under SETTINGS > S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS. Next, under SETTINGS > S4 CONTROLS > S4 VIRTUAL INPUTS, the user assigns either an On or an Off command to the Virtual Input enabled earlier. Referring to the Virtual Inputs logic diagram below, a Virtual Input type can be selected to be either Self-Reset, or Latched. When Self-Reset is selected, and the command On is executed, the virtual input is evaluated as a pulse at rate of one protection pass. When the Latched type is selected, the On state of the Virtual Input will be latched. SETTINGS > S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS > VIRTUAL INPUTS VI x NAME Range: 18 Characters Default: Virtual IN x This setting defines a programmable name for the Virtual Input. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–81 S5 INPUTS/OUTPUTS CHAPTER 5: SETPOINTS VI x FUNCTION Range: Disabled/Enabled Default: Disabled The Virtual Input is enabled and ready to be triggered when set to Enabled. VI x TYPE Range: Self-Reset, Latched Default: Self-reset When the Self-Reset type is selected, the Virtual Input will be evaluated for one protection pass only, upon “On” initiation and it will reset. When the Latched type is selected, the virtual input will keep the state “On” until reset command “Off” is initiated. See also the Virtual Inputs section under S4 CONTROLS, on how to trigger a virtual input signal state. NOTE: NOTE Figure 5-33: Virtual Inputs Scheme - logic diagram SETTING V INPUT FUNCTION Disabled = 0 Enabled = 1 AND “Virtual Input 1 to ON = 1” S SETTING V INPUT1 NAME: (Operand) LATCH “Virtual Input 1 to OFF = 1” AND R OR V Input1 Status SETTING V INPUT1 TYPE Latched Self-Reset 5–82 AND > 891924A1.cdr MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Troubleshooting SELF-TEST WARNINGS The DGC Controller performs self diagnostics at initialization (after power up), and continuously as a background task to ensure that every testable unit of the hardware and software is alive and functioning correctly. FASTPATH: Self-Test Warnings indicate a serious problem with the relay hardware may exist! Follow the table below which contains recommended remedies for fixing errors. If errors persist call the factory. ERROR CODE ERROR CODE MEANING ERROR DESCRIPTION Error code 1 Ordercode error This warning occurs Verify all modules on the unit when the DGC Controller are screwed in properly. If fails to match the issue persists call factory installed modules to the ordercode set from factory. Error code 2 Clock error This warning occurs Program the DGC when the controller’s Controller’s clock. clock is not programmed. Error code 4 Calibration error This warning occurs when the relay has not been factory calibrated. Send the unit back to the factory for repair. Error code 8 EEPROM error EEPROM Hardware failure. Send the unit back to the factory for repair. Error code 16 Sys. Health error Error code 32 IO Comms Fail error This warning occurs when CPU fails to read serial numbers from installed modules. Verify all modules on the unit are screwed in properly. If issue still persist call factory. Error code 128 Frequency error This warning occurs This is normally caused from when the controller external signals, If issue still measures high frequency persist call factory. fluctuations. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL POSSIBLE REMEDY 6–1 CHAPTER 6: TROUBLESHOOTING 6–2 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 7: Commands Commands The DGCR OPEN/CLOSE commands can be used in three different ways: • OPEN and CLOSE commands from the DGC faceplate pushbuttons or the DGC menu. This method of control is active in Local / Manual mode, providing that the DGCR control is not set to OFF and no other blocks or switching inhibits are applied. • Remote OPEN and CLOSE control upon energizing of assigned inputs under SETTINGS/ CONTROLS/REMOTE CONTROL. This method of control will be active, in Remote / Manual and Remote / Auto mode, providing the DGC–R control is not set to OFF and no other blocks or switching inhibits are applied. • OPEN and CLOSE commands over DNP addresses using radio and the EnerVista DGCR Setup menu. This method of control will be active in Remote / Auto mode, providing the DGCR control is not set to OFF and no other blocks or switching inhibits are applied. The DGCR RESET command is available on the faceplate keypad button, shown below, and in the Commands menu. Figure 7-1: DGC faceplate OPEN/CLOSE commands PATH: MAIN MENU > COMMANDS MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7–1 CHAPTER 7: COMMANDS OPEN Range: No, Yes Default: No This setting is used to open the Recloser from the DGC menu. Selecting “Yes” and pressing the ENTER pushbutton from the keypad initiates an OPEN pulse command. The “Yes” command pulse is set to 50ms. CLOSE Range: No, Yes Default: No This setting is used to close the Recloser from the DGC menu. Selecting “Yes” and pressing the ENTER pushbutton from the keypad initiates a CLOSE pulse command. The “Yes” command pulse is set to 50ms. RESET Range: No, Yes Default: Disabled This setting is used to reset activated LEDs and any alarms or target messages. Selecting “Yes” and pressing the ENTER pushbutton from the keypad initiates a RESET command. The “Yes” command pulse is set to 50ms. BATT TEST CONT RST Range: No, Yes Default: Disabled It is necessary to execute this command after a defective battery has been replaced with a new one. Selecting ‘Yes’ will set the value of the BATT TEST COUNT to zero. Remote OPEN and CLOSE (upon energizing of inputs selected under SETTINGS/ CONTROLS/REMOTE CONTROL) OPEN and CLOSE commands received via the selected inputs, are executed if the DGCR control is enabled and the selected control mode is Remote (the Remote LED is lit). The remote OPEN and CLOSE commands are blocked if the “Local” control mode is selected (the “Local” LED is lit) or the corresponding BLOCK command is active. The Remote Reset command can be executed by asserting the selected input when the controller is in Remote mode. PATH: S4 SETPOINTS > CONTROLS > REMOTE CONTROL REMOTE OPEN Range: Off, Contact Input, Virtual Input, Virtual Output Default: Off This setting defines the Input to trigger the OPEN command to the recloser. This Input can be selected from the list of Inputs including Contact Inputs, Virtual Inputs, Protection or Control Operand, as well as Input Flags received from SCADA, or IEDs. REMOTE CLOSE Range: Off, Contact Input, Virtual Input, Virtual Output Default: Disabled This setting defines the Input to trigger the CLOSE command to the recloser. This Input can be selected from the list of Inputs including Contact Inputs, Virtual Inputs, Protection or Control Operand, as well as Input Flags received from SCADA, or IEDs. REMOTE RESET Range: No, Off, Contact Input, Virtual Input, Virtual Output Default: Off This setting is used to reset the LEDs, alarms, and target messages generated during some abnormal Recloser condition. The setting provides for the selection of an Input from a list of Inputs, that performs the RESET action upon activation. 7–2 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 7: COMMANDS OPEN and CLOSE commands over DNP addressing, using radio The OPEN or CLOSE command can be initiated from a SCADA or an IED using radio communication. The controlling device maps an OPEN or CLOSE command to its binary outputs and transmits them via radio communication to the controller. Upon receipt the DGCR controller executes the appropriate action. The DGCR controller executes the received commands, if the controller is not in OFF mode and the selected control mode is set to “Remote” (the Remote LED is lit). The remote OPEN and CLOSE commands via radio, are blocked if the “Local” control mode is selected (the “Local” LED is lit). MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 7–3 CHAPTER 7: COMMANDS 7–4 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL GE Digital Energy Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 8: Maintenance Maintenance The DGCR allows you to monitor the device for detailed product informations, it’s operating temperature, and collected operational data. Figure 8-1: Maintenance Menu MAINTENANCE M1 PRODUCT INFO M2 PRODUCT MAINT M3 STATISTICS M1 PRODUCT INFO PRODUCT NAME ▼ ▼ ORDER CODE M4 FACTORY SERVICE MAIN FIRMWARE REV MAIN BUILD DATE MAIN BUILD TIME MAIN BOOT REVISION MAIN BOOT DATE MAIN BOOT TIME SERIAL NUMBER M3 COUNTERS SHOT COUNT ▼ M2 PRODUCT MAINT OPEN COUNT INTERNAL TEMP CLOSE COUNT KI2t COUNT PH A KI2t COUNT PH B Ki2t COUNT PH C BATTERY TEST COUNT M3 STATISTICS COUNTERS RESET COUNTERS PRESET COUNTERS M3 RESET COUNTERS RESET OPEN COUNT ▼ RESET CLOSE COUNT M4 FACTORY SERVICE ENTER FACT: PSWD RESET KI2t COUNT CLEAR ENERGY RST POS REAL ENRGY RST NEG REAL ENRGY RST POS REAC ENRGY RST NEG REAC ENRGY M3 PRESET COUNTERS INI OPEN COUNT 891798.cdr ▼ INI CLOSE COUNT MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 8–1 M1 PRODUCT INFORMATION CHAPTER 8: MAINTENANCE M1 Product information The product information table provides information such as the DGCR name, order code, firmware revision, boot code, serial number, etc. This is the place where one verifies whether updates have been performed correctly on the device. PATH: MAINTENANCE > M1 RELAY INFO PRODUCT NAME Range: alpha-numeric name of up to 18 characters Default: Motor Name ORDER CODE DGC-VEHSSABCDG This screen shows a DGCR Order Code. MAIN FIRMWARE REVISION 1.10 This screen shows the relay Main Firmware Revision. MAIN BUILD DATE Aug 16 2010 This screen shows the relay Main Firmware Build Date. MAIN BUILD TIME 16:32:38 This screen shows the relay Main Firmware Build Time. MAIN BOOT REVISION 1.20 This screen shows the relay Main Boot Code Revision. MAIN BOOT DATE Dec 11 2009 This screen shows the relay Main Boot Code Build Date. MAIN BOOT TIME 10:44:54 This screen shows the relay Main Boot Code Build Time. SERIAL NUMBER ML0A08M00133 Each relay has a unique serial number. M2 Product maintenance PATH: MAINTENANCE > M2 PRODUCT MAINTENANCE INTERNAL TEMP 57.0°C 134.6°F This screen displays the actual temperature inside the DGCR. 8–2 MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL CHAPTER 8: MAINTENANCE M3 STATISTICS M3 Statistics Counters PATH: M3 MAINTENENCE > STATISTICS > COUNTERS SHOT COUNT Displays the actual trip count from the Autorecloser element. OPEN COUNT Displays the actual count of Recloser open actions. CLOSE COUNT Displays the KI2t value for phase A. KI2t COUNT PH A Displays the KI2t value for phase A. KI2t COUNT PH B Displays the KI2t value for phase B. KI2t COUNT PH C Displays the KI2t value for phase C. BATTERY TEST COUNT: Displays the count of unsuccessful battery tests. Reset counters PATH: M3 MAINTENANCE > STATISTICS > RESET COUNTERS Entering “Yes” into the selected counter menu resets the actual count value. Preset counters PATH: M3 MAINTENANCE > STATISTICS > PRESET COUNTERS INI OPEN COUNT Default: 9999 Range: 1 to 9999 Steps 1 This setting is the initial count for the Open Counter. The actual count is added to this number to get the total count. When the SAVE command is sent to the relay, the value is updated into the internal OPEN COUNTER. After power-up the relay keeps the previous counter value, saved in EEPROM, regardless of the stored value of this setting. After a command reset, the counter clears regardless of the value stored in the INI OPEN COUNT. INI CLOSE COUNT Default: 9999 Range: 1 to 9999 Steps 1 This setting is the initial count for the Close Counter. The actual count is added to this number to get the total count. When the SAVE command is sent to the relay, the value is updated into the internal CLOSE COUNTER. After power-up the relay keeps the previous counter value, saved in EEPROM, regardless of the stored value of this setting. After a command reset, the counter will be cleared regardless of the value stored in the INI CLOSE COUNT. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 8–3 M3 STATISTICS 8–4 CHAPTER 8: MAINTENANCE MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Multilin DGCR Recloser Chapter 9: Appendix A Appendix A Appendix A includes the warranty and revision history. Warranty For products shipped as of 1 October 2013, GE Digital Energy warrants most of its GE manufactured products for 10 years. For warranty details including any limitations and disclaimers, see the GE Digital Energy Terms and Conditions at https:// For products shipped before 1 October 2013, the standard 24-month warranty applies. Revision History Change Notes Table 1: Revision History Manual P/N Revision Release Date 1601-9207-B1 1.4x February 2013 1601-9207-B2 1.4x September 2013 1601-9207-B3 1.4x January 2013 Changes to the DGCR Manual Table 2: B2 Updates for the DGCR Manual Section/Page Description Chapter 5, Battery Backup Battery test resistor value corrected to 8 ohm. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 9–1 REVISION HISTORY CHAPTER 9: APPENDIX A Table 3: B3 Updates for the DGCR Manual 9–2 Section/Page Description Chapter 5, Battery Backup/Operating Modes/Run Added sentence indicating unit cannot be powered by battery only if unit is completely shut-off. MULTILIN DGCR RECLOSER – INSTRUCTION MANUAL
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