EXHIBITORS MANUAL 7th – 10th October 2014 Hall 2 THE BT CONVENTION CENTRE, ACC LIVERPOOL Contents Exhibition Timetable Exhibition Contacts General Information Accommodation Admission to Exhibition Audio – Visual Services Car Parking -Heavy Goods Vehicle Parking Catering (General) Catering (Stands & Exhibition) Cleaning Delivery Procedure Electrical Services Employment of Labour Emergency Procedures Exhibition Proforma Exhibitor Badges Floor Covering Food Safety Freight Forwarding Furniture Hire Insurance Internet Access Music & Sound On-site Handling Piped Services, Water and Waste Services Public Address System Removal of Exhibits Rigging Security Shell Scheme and Stand Specification Smoking Policy Telephone Services Travel Information Venue Appendices Appendix 1 – EuroLabFocus 2014 Exhibitors Proforma Appendix 2 – EuroLabFocus 2014 Conference Celebration Ticket Order Form Appendix 3 – EuroLabFocus 2014 Programme Entry Form Appendix 4 – GES Ltd Logistics Order Form Appendix 5 – GES Ltd Shell Scheme Nameboard Order Form Appendix 6 – GES Ltd Electrical Order & Grid Plan Form Appendix 7 – GES Ltd Furniture and Floor Covering Order Form Appendix 8 – GES Ltd Payment & Credit Card Charge Authorisation* * (To be completed and returned with any GES Orders) Appendix 9 – ACC Liverpool IT & Telephone Order Form Appendix 10 – ACC Liverpool AV Order Form Appendix 11 – ACC Liverpool Live Feed Order Form Appendix 12 – ACC Liverpool Waste and Water Order Form Appendix 13 – ACC Liverpool Stand Catering Order Form Appendix 14 – ACC Liverpool Emergency Procedure Guidelines Appendix 15 – ACC Liverpool Car Parking Appendix 16 – Exhibition Floor Plan Appendix 17 – Exhibitor Loading Procedures 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 9 Page 9 Page 9 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 19 Page 19 Page 19 EXHIBITION TIMETABLE Build Up th Tuesday 7 October 2014 0800 - 2000 Exhibition Build – Space only 1300 - 2000 Shell Scheme and Stand Dressing th All stand dressing must be complete by 2000 hours on Tuesday 7 October 2014. Open Times th Wednesday 8 October 2014 0930 – 1900 hours th 0930 – 1700 hours Friday 10 October 2014 0930 – 1400 hours Thursday 9 October 2014 th The hall will be open from 0830 - 0930 hours for exhibitors and/or contractors, to carry out maintenance work to stands. All work must be complete prior to the exhibition opening. Breakdown th Friday 10 October 2014 1415 – 1700 hours Breakdown of stands prior to the exhibition closing is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Power will be switched off immediately after the close of the exhibition. 3 Exhibition Contacts Conference Secretariat Meeting Makers Ltd Contact: Sharleen Geddes Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow G20 0SP Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: eurolabfocus@meetingmakers.co.uk Catering Centerplate UK Contact: Lisa Hughes 16 Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 239 6013 Email: lhughes@centerplate.co.uk Website: www.centerplate.co.uk Electrical Services GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd Electrics, Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA T: +44 (0) 2476 380 362 F: +44 (0) 2476 380 409 E: electrics@ges.com Furniture GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd ServiCentre, Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA T: +44 (0) 844 879 3226 F: +44 (0) 2476 380 221 E: customerservice@ges.com Freight Forwarding / On Site Handling GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd Unit 27-29, Exhibition Way NEC Birmingham B40 1PJ Tel. +44 (0) 121 782 4433 Fax. +44 (0) 121 782 4545 Email: event.logistics@ges.com 4 Piped Services, Water and Waste Freeman UK Contact: Paul Yates Bedlam House Oldfield Road Manchester M5 3SR Tel: 0161 874 5100 Fax: 0161 874 5102 Email: paul.yates@freemanuk.com Shell Scheme GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd ServiCentre, Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA T: +44 (0) 844 879 3226 F: +44 (0) 2476 380 221 E: customerservice@ges.com Nameboards GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd Contact: Andrew Waters-Peach Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA T: +44 (0) 2476 380 064 F: +44 (0) 2476 380 427 E: awaterspeach@ges.com Stand Cleaning ACC Liverpool Cleaning Contact: Nicola White Arena & Convention Centre Liverpool Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 703 7255 Email: nicola.white@accliverpool.com Telephone Lines BT Convention Centre Liverpool Business Centre Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 239 6001 Fax: 0151 708 7063 Email: businesscentre@accliverpool.com Venue BT Convention Centre Liverpool Contact: Nicola White Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 703 7255 Fax: 0151 708 7063 Email: nicola.white@accliverpool.com 5 General Information ACCOMMODATION Accommodation can be booked through the online accommodation booking system on the conference website. Please visit: http://www.eurolabfocus2014.org/accommodation.asp For any queries, please contact Natalie McManus of Meeting Makers by email natalie@meetingmakers.co.uk or by telephone on 0141 945 6880. ADMISSION TO THE EXHIBITION For general admission times for exhibitors, see timetable. Exhibitors requiring access outside these times must obtain the permission of the organisers. Contractor passes are required at all times including build-up and breakdown, which will be provided by the ACC Liverpool. Exhibitors and visitors will be required to wear badges during open periods. Exhibitor badges will be distributed from the Exhibitor Registration desk in the registration area. AUDIO-VISUAL SERVICES The ACC Liverpool has an in-house audio-visual department, which can supply a wide range of audio-visual equipment. To hire audio-visual equipment please contact the technical team on the details below, alternatively an Order Form is attached. BT Convention Centre Liverpool Contact: Justine Gilbert Audio-Visual Services Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 703 7288 Fax: 0151 708 7063 Email: justine.gilbert@accliverpool.com CAR PARKING Pay and display parking for visitors and exhibitors is available at the ACC Liverpool multi-storey car park where there are 1,600 car parking spaces. Alternatively, parking can be found in the Liverpool One complex which has 3 car parks with over 3000 spaces. Car parking charges: ACC Liverpool Car Park Up to 1 Hour £2.00 Up to 2 Hours £4.00 Up to 5 Hours £6.00 Up to 9 Hours £9.00 Over 9 Hours £12.00 Q – Park John Lewis (Liver Street) £1.00 per 25 minutes up to a 24 Hour maximum of £14.00 Liverpool One Car Park (Strand) £1.00 per 60 minutes up to a 24 Hour maximum of £14.00 HEAVY GOODS VEHICLE PARKING The Vehicle Access Procedure & Directions to ACCL are attached. HGV Parking is available at the exhibition/ production holding area for £15.00 per day. Please contact the ACCL on 0151 475 8888 or email on info@accliverpool.com for more information. Exhibitor Loading Procedure document is attached. 6 CATERING – GENERAL There will be catering points set up in the exhibition hall, serving tea and coffee. CATERING – STANDS & EXHIBITION STAFF Stand catering can be ordered from the ACC Liverpool in-house caterers by contacting Lisa Hughes. Exhibitors may pre-order a wide range of food and beverages either for stand staff or for entertaining clients. The caterers can also supply staff to serve the food and beverages if necessary. Please note that all orders must be placed in advance of the exhibition and the in-house caterers have the sole right to supply all food and beverage consumed on site. If exhibitiors wish to provide their own food and beverage then there will be a facilty fee due to the catering company please contact Lisa for details. Centerplate UK Contact: Lisa Hughes 16 Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 239 6013 Email: lhughes@centerplate.co.uk Website: www.centerplate.co.uk Please refer to the information about the Food Safety Act 1990 on page 11 of this document. CLEANING The venue will provide general cleaning of the exhibition area on a daily basis during open days, including cleaning and hoovering gangways and removal of general rubbish from gangways. The cleaning of the stand and exhibits remains the responsibility of the exhibitor. Stand and exhibit cleaning can be arranged with Nicola White at the ACC Liverpool on 0151 703 7255. Please separate waste into general and recycled in clear sacks and place in gangways at night for cleaners to remove and recycle. Please place all paper, cardboard, all plastics, aluminium, cans and wood, in the recycle sacks. For the removal of batteries, bulbs, glass and any other products not listed or too large for sacks please contact a member of the stewarding team. DELIVERY PROCEDURES th Deliveries are not permitted before Monday 6 October 2014. Delivery during build-up and breakdown Please read this section carefully and ensure that your transportation department and/or shippers are aware of the procedures. On entering the Queens Wharf continue forward to the first roundabout. Take the first exit on the roundabout and enter the parking area to the left. This is the exhibition and production holding area, where details of your vehicle and site requirements will be facilitated. You will be given a pass at the holding area which will allow you access to Keel Wharf and to Loading Bay 2. Please remain in this area until you are given instructions to move to the appropriate ACCL loading bay to load / unload. Please note the loading bay speed limit is strictly 5mph. Please be aware that pedestrians may be moving within these areas and that all reversing will be strictly supervised by a security steward. Loading and unloading is operated on a fair first come first served basis. To avoid congestion and unnecessary delays, immediately after the unloading, vehicles should be removed from the loading/unloading area. 7 All deliveries should be labeled: EuroLabFocus 2014 Conference Hall 2 Arena & Convention Centre Liverpool th th (7 - 10 October 2014) Stand Name / Number BT Convention Centre Liverpool Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Arrangements must be made for a representative to be available on the stand to accept deliveries and drivers delivering exhibits must be supplied with full information about which stand and to which hall the delivery is to be made. Please ensure that all materials are appropriately labeled with your company name, the event name, date of the event, hall and stand number. If this is not arranged, deliveries may be turned away. Exhibitors are reminded to ensure they provide sufficient staff and trolleys, etc., to transport goods from their vehicles to their stands as the ACC Liverpool does not have any trolleys for exhibitor use. Unfortunately there are no storage facilities available on-site and packing materials MUST NOT be stored within the exhibition areas. Exhibits and stand materials can only be delivered and unpacked at times when the public are not admitted to the hall. Vehicle passes will be issued by the ACC Liverpool at the exhibition holding area allowing access to the loading bays. All vehicles must report the exhibition holding area to get access to the Loading Bays in order to load/unload. GES Ltd should be contacted by exhibitors who require storage facilities during the meeting. Delivery during exhibition open days During the exhibition open period, parking will be restricted to the ACC Liverpool car park and exhibition holding area, payable at normal rates, but deliveries may be made before the exhibition opens, between 0830 and 0900 hours. Vehicles must be removed from the loading bay immediately or may be towed away. Regulations do not permit the change of exhibits (including raw materials and disposal of scrap) during the open hours of the exhibition. Any exhibitor wishing to bring in, or remove, equipment during the run of the exhibition must apply to the organisers for permission to do so, in order that appropriate arrangements can be made. Please ensure that a representative from your stand is available to receive any goods delivered. For security reasons, the organisers are unable to accept deliveries on behalf of exhibitors. All goods and packages should be clearly labelled as instructed on page 8. The on-site Handling Company can receive deliveries on your behalf and will charge accordingly. Please refer to the section on Freight Forwarding. Breakdown Procedures th Breakdown time is from 1415 – 1700 hours on Friday 10 October 2014. Breakdown of stands prior to the exhibition closing is strictly prohibited. Power will be switched off immediately after the close of the exhibition unless otherwise requested prior to the event. This applies to equipment that may require shut down time. In order to ensure everybody leaves the building quickly and safely, please follow the procedures below. NB: No vehicles allowed into the Loading Bay to collect stands until the stand is completely broken down. Refer to the Exhibitor Loading Procedure. 1. 2. To avoid congestion and unnecessary delays, immediately after loading, vehicles should be removed from the loading area. Exhibitors must make arrangements for the removal of portable or easily removable items of value from the stand as soon as possible, but on no account may exhibitors start to dismantle or remove exhibits from their stand before the close of the Exhibition. 8 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Please note that Shell Scheme Fees have an inclusive electrical package based on one socket per 9 sqm. The officially appointed electrical contractor approved by the organiser must install all the electrical work. If you require additional electrical services and lighting then please complete the attached Electrical Order & Grid Plan Form. GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd Electrics, Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA T: +44 (0) 2476 380 362 F: +44 (0) 2476 380 409 E: electrics@ges.com The current options are available for electrical installations: Single Phase 240V:50 cycles per second AC supply, earthed neutral between 2 and 100 amps any one supply. Three Phase 415V:50 cycles per second AC supply, earthed neutral between 5 and 600 amps any one supply. All additional electrical requirements should be ordered through the official electrical contractor. A surcharge of 20% will be imposed on orders received after 5 September 2014. All electrical lighting installations must conform to venue regulations for stand electrical installations. It is the responsibility of all exhibitors and their contractors to be aware of The ACC Liverpool Regulations for stand electrical installations. Copies are available from either the Organisers or the venue. No flashing lights or signs will be permitted, but sequence-lit displays may be used subject to the approval of the Organisers. The Organisers reserve the right to disconnect the electrical supply to any installation, which in the opinion of the Electrical Engineers is dangerous or likely to cause annoyance to visitors or exhibitors. Please note all electrical supplies will be switched off after the close of the exhibition each day. If you require 24-hour supply, please book this in advance. EMPLOYMENT OF LABOUR The Organiser is not able to supply labour for the handling of goods and other items. Exhibitors should arrange with the lifting contractor, shipping and forwarding agent or stand fitting contractor for this service and should not employ any casual labour offered in the hall. The exhibitor should not make payments to labour staff to secure preferential treatment and is asked to report immediately to the Organiser any employee soliciting money for services rendered. In the interest of the Exhibition as a whole, which must be the primary concern at all times, the Organiser’s decision on any dispute concerning labour being employed must be taken as final. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES In the event of an emergency, the following message will be broadcast: “Your attention please, there has been an incident within the building, please make your way to the nearest exit. Thank you.” In the event of an evacuation of the Arena and Convention Centre, all delegates, exhibitors’ and the event organiser staff are requested to muster on the piazza outside the restaurant near Jury’s Inn. This is necessary so that the venue staff can readily contact everyone to return to the building when the emergency is over. 9 Medical Emergencies In the event of urgent medical assistance being required, contact a member of the ACC Liverpool team. The two First Aid Rooms are located within the arena side of the building and any of the team will escort you if required. Alternatively a First-Aider will be informed and will be sent to the scene with medical equipment. Lost Property Any lost property found at the ACC Liverpool is taken to the Security Control Office. If you have any lost property please contact the Security Control Office on 0151 703 7299. EXHIBITION PROFORMA An Exhibition Proforma is enclosed, which should be completed and returned to the conference Secretariat no later than 19 September 2014. The proforma will allow exhibitors to provide the names of staff working on the stands for their th th admission badges. Exhibitor badges can be collected from Tuesday 7 October 1500 - 1800 or Wednesday 8 October 0800 – 1700 from the exhibition desk. EXHIBITOR BADGES All exhibitors, contractors, staff and visitors will require a badge to access the exhibition hall, during build-up, breakdown and open days. Each exhibiting company will be given staff name badges for stand staff to be used during the meeting. th Badges can be collected from the registration desk from Tuesday 7 October 2014. Please use the Exhibitors’ Proforma attached to provide the names of staff attending. Contractors and staff involved in setup will be issued with badges for build up and breakdown, contractors can provide names directly to the Conference Secretariat if necessary. FLOOR COVERING The flooring of the exhibition hall consists of grey carpet tiles the shell scheme stands are built directly on to the carpet. Additional floor covering will not be required. FOOD SAFETY ACT 1990 The following explains the main requirements of the Legislation for exhibitors who may be offering food, for sale or by way of hospitality to people visiting their stand. The Food Safety Act 1990 regulations aim to ensure that all food offered to the public is safe to eat. Part of the Environmental Health Officer’s role is to carry out checks on food safety and hygiene to ensure compliance with the Legislation. The Food Safety Act 1990 requires that food shall comply with safety requirements in that: a. It should not be injurious to health. b. It should be fit for human consumption c. It must not be contaminated with harmful bacteria or foreign matter. Food Safety If the Client or subcontractors, catering providers (including crew catering), exhibitors intend to provide food either for corporate hospitality or as samples the Client it required to request a permission form from ACC Liverpool in writing 12 weeks prior to the start of tenancy. Permission must be given by the venue caterer – Centerplate UK for these provisions as they have exclusivity on the catering rights of ACC Liverpool. If you require water and waste facilities to adhere to the relevant legislation, the Client must apply in writing 12 weeks prior to the start of tenancy, detailing location and requirements. If permission is granted the Client must provide the following details 4 weeks prior to the start of tenancy. Floor plan identifying the locations of corporate hospitality and sampling Floor plan identifying locations of water and waste Details of production and storage areas Food hygiene certificate Details of food production – i.e. cooking methods Risk Assessment Fire Risk Assessment, if producing 10 Food Safety Advice for ACC Liverpool Clients, Stall Holders and Exhibitors The European Communities Act 1972, the Food Safety Act 1990 and Regulations made under them aim to ensure that all food offered to the public is safe to eat. Part of the Environmental Health Officer’s role is to carry out checks of food safety and hygiene standards to ensure compliance with the legislation. The information in this section explains the main requirements of the legislation for Clients, subcontractors, catering providers (including crew catering), exhibitors who may be offering food for sale or by way of hospitality, to people visiting their stand. The General Food Regulations 2004 This legislation requires that food shall comply with food safety requirements in that: It should not be injurious to health It should be fit for human consumption It must not be contaminated with harmful bacteria or foreign matter Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 These Regulations apply to all food premises including moveable and temporary premises such as stands at event centres and markets. The purpose of these Regulations is to reduce the risk of contamination and to provide adequate facilities for the maintenance of hygiene, food safety and quality. General The proprietor of the food business must identify any step in the food business, which is critical to food safety and ensure that adequate safety procedures are identified, implemented, maintained and reviewed. These procedures must be written down and available for officers to check when they visit your stand. Every stand or any other area must be kept clean and in such good order, repair and condition as to enable it to be effectively cleaned. Every stand or any other area must be designed and constructed so as to avoid the risk of contaminating foodstuffs and harboring pests. Waste Provision must be made for the enclosed storage of waste. Personal Hygiene All persons engaged in the handling of open food must wear clean, washable over-clothing. Food handlers must keep themselves clean and cover any cuts with a suitable waterproof dressing. Training It is a requirement that all food handlers are trained or supervised and instructed in food hygiene matters commensurate with their work activity. If ACC Liverpool’s crew kitchen is in use, training on the provided equipments has to be carried out for the catering providers Cleaning All equipment with which food comes into contact must be kept clean and in such good order and repair as to enable it to be effectively cleaned. An adequate supply of hot and cold water or water at a suitably controlled temperature must be available. This water must be clean and wholesome. Appropriate facilities must be available to maintain adequate personal hygiene i.e. wash hand basin with soap and hygienic means of hand drying. Adequate provision must be made for the cleaning and where necessary disinfecting of work utensils and equipment. Food Adequate provision must be made for the cleaning of foodstuffs. Food must be protected from the risk of contamination. All raw food must be prepared, handled and stored separately from ready to eat food so as to avoid any risk of cross contamination. There must be adequate provision for the maintaining and monitoring of suitable food temperature conditions. Hand Washing Facilities Any Client, subcontractor, exhibitor or caterer who is handling any unwrapped food must ensure that hand wash facilities are made available to the stand, catering unit or stall. The only exceptions to this requirement are if: 11 Only teas, coffees and soft drinks are served. Only snacks such as crisps and peanuts are provided. If sandwiches or similar are provided pre-prepared and do not require any handling or preparation. Temperature Control Food which is likely to support the growth of pathogenic micro-organisms or the formation of toxins must be stored at below 8°C. Alternatively, where such foods are to be served hot, they must be kept at or above 63°C. Cold food may, however, be displayed for a maximum period of 4 hours above 8°C, and hot food may be displayed for a maximum period of 2 hours below 63°C, but only if you can demonstrate that these time periods are adhered to. Prior to service or display, hot foods must always be heated to a core temperature of at least 75°C. Clients, subcontractors, catering providers (including crew catering), exhibitors must use a suitable thermometer to enable the temperature to be checked. IMPORTANT: The information given in this guidance note is intended as a guide and is not in itself a legal document or substitute for specific Acts of Parliament or Regulations. Further information may be obtained from: Food Safety Unit, Environment Health Department Municipal Offices Dale Street Liverpool L69 2DH Telephone: 0151 233 3000 Email: environmental.health@liverpool.gov.uk FREIGHT FORWARDING The following company can provide a freight forwarding service to and from the Exhibition. Please complete the attached GES Logistics Order Form. GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd Unit 27-29, Exhibition Way NEC Birmingham B40 1PJ Tel +44 (0) 121 782 4433 Fax +44 (0) 121 782 4545 Email: event.logistics@ges.com International Freight Forwarding Overseas exhibitors, or their UK Representatives, are advised to make an early contact with GES Ltd to co-ordinate their shipping arrangements at the above address. By road, all exhibits should be consigned carriage paid to the Exhibitor at their stand in the Exhibition Hall. The destination of each item should be clearly indicated with the company name and stand number and exhibition name. It is important that the Exhibitor’s name and stand number be painted or stencilled on all sides of packing cases. Exhibitors must ensure that a member of staff is available to accept delivery, as the Organisers and the Venue cannot make any payment in respect of carriage on their behalf. Customs Exhibitors requiring up to date Customs information and assistance with temporary importation formalities should contact GES Ltd. Handling and Unpacking Exhibitors are reminded that cartage vehicles will bring their goods to the venue and Exhibitors must make arrangements with the lifting contractor (see On-site Handling) for unloading and depositing of exhibits on the stand. 12 NO EXCESS STOCK AND LITERATURE, OR PACKING CASES MAY BE STORED ON, AROUND OR BEHIND STANDS. FURNITURE HIRE The following company has been appointed the official furniture hire contractor, and will supply stand furniture if required. Prices quoted are inclusive of delivery to and removal from Exhibitor’s Stands. To order via the GES Ltd Dashboard please visit the website www.gesdashboard.co.uk The full brochure visit furniture.globalexperiencespecialists.co.uk GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd ServiCentre, Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA T: +44 (0) 844 879 3226 F: +44 (0) 2476 380 221 E: customerservice@ges.com INSURANCE Whilst every reasonable precaution is taken, the Organisers expressly decline responsibility for any loss or damage which may befall the person or property of the Exhibitor or his agent from any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors are required to take out appropriate insurance, especially third party liability. It remains the Exhibitors’ full responsibility to insure themselves appropriately. Insurance can be provided by the following company, please contact them direct for a quotation: Hiscox Event Insurance Hiscox House Sheepen Place Middlesborough Colchester Essex CO3 3XL Tel: 0845 213 8448 Fax: 0207 448 6963 Email: eventinsurance@hiscox.com Website: www.hiscox.co.uk/events INTERNET ACCESS Please contact the business centre to obtain internet access for stands. Please complete the attached order form. BT Convention Centre Liverpool Business Centre Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 239 6001 Fax: 0151 708 7063 Email: businesscentre@accliverpool.com 13 MUSIC & SOUND PRS Licenses All exhibitors who wish to play music on their stand including the use of any mechanical or electronic devices for playing music (record, CD, tape, video) and live performances of music please contact the Conference Secretariat who can arrange a licence. Conference Secretariat Contact: Sharleen Geddes Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow G20 0SP Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk PPL Licenses The Phonographic Rights Society requires exhibitors who propose to use audio or visual equipment (TV, videos, CDs, cassettes or other electronic means) for the purpose of playing sound recordings or showing films or other forms of visual image, to acquire a PPL License. Please contact PPL direct if you have any specific queries: PHONOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE LTD 1 Upper James Street London W1F 9DE Tel 020 7534 1070 Fax: 020 7534 1111 Email: ppmb@ppluk.com Music Videos – if you are intending to play a music video on your stand, you will require an additional license from Video Performance Ltd. ON-SITE HANDLING The following company has been appointed as the sole on-site handling contractor to the Exhibition. Based on information supplied by the Exhibitors, GES Ltd will produce a time schedule for the installation of heavy exhibits and will advise exhibitors on all matters relating to shipping, transportation, and entry gate to be used. You are reminded that only the appointed lifting contractor is permitted to operate forklift trucks and other lifting equipment on ACC Liverpool property. GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd Unit 27-29, Exhibition Way NEC Birmingham B40 1PJ Tel. +44 (0) 121 782 4433 Fax. +44 (0) 121 782 4545 Email: event.logistics@ges.com Please ensure the GES Ltd Logistics Order Form is completed prior to the deadline date stated. Any work not booked or advised to GES Ltd will be subject to a surcharge of 50%. 14 PIPED SERVICES, WATER AND WASTE SERVICES For these services please contact Freeman UK, they will give you a quote based on the type of service you need. Freeman UK Contact: Paul Yates Bedlam House Oldfield Road Manchester M5 3SR Tel: 0161 874 5100 Fax: 0161 874 5102 Email: paul.yates@freemanuk.com PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM During the open period the Public Address System is for use by the Organisers for official announcements only. Any announcement requests should be directed to the EuroLabFocus 2014 Secretariat at the registration desk. Announcements will not be made when presentations are taking place in the hall. REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS th Exhibitors must arrange for the removal of exhibits after 1415 hours on Friday 10 October 2014. Details of dismantling arrangements and the removal of personal effects and light portable (by hand) exhibits will be circulated to all stands during the course of the exhibition. Any exhibitor who is unable to remove personal effects should contact the Conference Secretariat. RIGGING All rigging must be requested through the conference secretariat Meeting Makers Ltd who will contact the ACC Liverpool on your behalf. Exhibitors will then be advised of any additional cost implications. Conference Secretariat Contact: Sharleen Geddes Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow G20 0SP Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk SECURITY A security service will operate within the venue throughout the tenancy, but neither the organisers nor the ACC Liverpool can be held responsible for any loss or damage to exhibitor’s property. As well as taking out adequate insurance, exhibitors should instruct their personnel not to leave their stands with exhibits unattended at any time when the exhibition is open, whether during the installation, open or dismantling periods. Briefcases, laptops and mobile telephones are particularly vulnerable – safeguard them at all times. Portable items should be secured overnight and removed immediately after the exhibition closes when the risk of loss or damage is at its greatest. Please note laptops are particularly vulnerable and should not be left unsecured overnight. In the event of loss or damage, exhibitors should report immediately to the organiser with details of the loss or damage sustained with timings and a description of articles etc. 15 SHELL SCHEME STANDS SHELL SCHEME STAND SPECIFICATION GES Ltd has been appointed official shell scheme contractor to the exhibition. Please direct any queries relative to the shell scheme to GES Ltd. GES (Global Experience Specialists) Ltd ServiCentre, Silverstone Drive Gallagher Business Park Coventry, West Midlands CV6 6PA T: +44 (0) 844 879 3226 F: +44 (0) 2476 380 221 E: customerservice@ges.com Corner stands will be built with 2 open sides and adjoining stands will be built with a central wall unless otherwise specified to the stand contractor. All shell scheme enquiries should be directed to GES Ltd. Edge Shell Scheme System PLEASE NOTE THAT BLACK SHELL SCHEME WILL BE PROVIDED Basic Shell Scheme constructed from the Edge system, consisting of aluminium metalwork, black foamex infill panels, ceiling beams, with one 1200x250mm name board on all open sides detailing company name and stand number. Partitions Black wall panels 2500mm high (including top and bottom aluminium rails). Aluminium posts at 992mm centre (946mm x 2340 to inside of poles). Where sizes of stand are built of part metres, extra posts would occur. Floor Covering The hall is carpeted with Grey carpet tiles. Fascia The fascia will be black with white lettering stating the Company Name and Stand Number to each open side. Please complete the Shell Scheme Nameboard Order Form and fax or send back to GES Ltd. Electrical Package The shell scheme package includes one socket per 9 sqm booked. 16 SHELL SCHEME STAND REGULATIONS All interior stand fittings must be contained within the shell stand structure and not exceed 2.5m in height. If you are building in between the shell scheme please contact the organisers for accurate dimensions. Commencement of shell th scheme interiors will take place from 1300 hours on Tuesday 7 October 2014. When planning the interior of the stand, the exhibitors should take into account the following stand building regulations: 1. 2. 3. The organiser will be responsible for the official identification and numbering of the stand, please see Shell Scheme Nameboard Order Form at the back of this manual. Under no circumstances must the wall panels be punctured. Should this occur, the contractor will invoke an extra charge. Fixing may be double sided tabs, Velcro hook and loop or similar. For heavy exhibits, hanging chains are available. Optional Extras – Details of additional stand fitting’s designed to be integral with the stand structure, are enclosed together with order forms to assist you in planning your stand. Complete the online order form and return to GES Ltd by the deadline date. No painting is allowed within the shell scheme. SPACE ONLY STANDFITTING REGULATIONS Space only exhibitors are advised that no walls or stand fittings are provided. They should make their own arrangements for stand building and decoration. The hall is carpeted in grey carpet tiles. Exhibitors with floor space only sites are requested to ensure that their stand is clearly identified with the company name and stand number placed in a prominent position. Note: Height restriction for space only stands is 4m, including the floor. Rigging can be installed above stands. General Building Regulations Exhibitors are responsible for the stand design and construction of stand walls as follows: OPEN FRONTAGE ONLY 2 OPEN SIDES 3 OPEN SIDES - Must have a back wall, 2 side walls and carpet / floor covering. - Must have a back wall, a side wall and carpet / floor covering. - Must have a back wall and carpet / floor covering. N.B. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitors who have taken ‘SPACE ONLY’ sites to supply erect and decorate free standing single clad partitioning to the periphery of their sites when they adjoin an adjacent stand. The minimum height of the partitioning must be 2.5 metres with a maximum height of 4 metres of which the area above 2.5 metres must be of double-sided cladding and decorated in plain colours only. Exhibitors are at liberty to employ a stand contractor of their choice to carry out the construction and erection of their stand. Please not the following regulations and comply by providing the correct information by the deadline dates. 1. All work must be carried out in conformity with the requirements of the Rules and Regulations of the BT Convention Centre 2. All stand structures, signs, notices, etc, must be confined within the area allocated and may not project into or over the gangways. 3. Exhibitors and their Agents or Contractors should satisfy themselves on the first morning of construction that the site marked out on the floor conforms to the dimensions as detailed on their booking confirmation. 17 4. Areas incorporating parts of the permanent building structure must be checked for location and measurements. Traps, services openings in floors, fire prevention outlets, etc., must be left accessible at all times. Exit signs must not be masked or obstructed. 5. The cutting of channels in floors and the like is strictly prohibited. 6. Contractors should note that they will be held responsible for the complete removal from the hall by the specified time of all goods, equipment and material used by them, together with all rubbish. The Organisers reserve the right to treat any goods, equipment, materials or rubbish not so removed as they consider fit and at the expense of the contractor concerned, also stand fitting contractors agree to use only the appropriate labour and observe the regulations of the Exhibition Management. 7. Platforms a. Platforms are not essential even with floor electrical or plumbing services. The general height may not exceed 11mm (4”) but areas may be super-elevated for display purposes. Details of super platforms, above the height of 600mm (24”) to which persons have access must be submitted to the Organiser for the approval of the Authorities. b. The flooring must not be less than a normal 32mm thick. Flooring must, in any case be laid with close joints. Platforms must be of a strength and stability to carry and distribute the weight of the stand fitting, stand personnel and visitors and exhibits having regard to the loading limits of the floors. c. Disable Ramps. All stands built on a platform should have a ramp incorporated into the design to meeting the requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act. Ramp edges must be clearly defined with a contrasting colour or material, preferably highly visible. 8. Partitions Partitions separating stands may be erected up to 3m high, but where a wall abuts an adjoining stand and projects above the partition, it must be clad and decorated. All building work to be complete by 2000 hours on Tuesday 7th October 2014. PLANS: Fully dimensional drawings showing details of all interior stand fittings and positions/dimensions of machinery/exhibits must be submitted for approval as follows: Meeting Makers Ltd Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow G20 0SP Contact: Sharleen Geddes Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk SOLID WALLS: Solid runs of walls along gangways edges are forbidden, unless permission is granted by the Organisers. If your stand design included walls that run the whole length of your stand and faces a gangway, it must include either natural breaks or vision panels at regular intervals to ensure no more than a 6 metre continuous run of solid walling. Permission is needed from the Organisers to build any length of solid wall exceeding 6 metres along the perimeter of a stand. The plan elevations sent for approval must show the wall breaks clearly. Deadline for submission is 1st September 2014 SMOKING POLICY There is a no smoking policy within BT Convention Centre Liverpool. 18 TELEPHONE SERVICES All telephone lines must be ordered via the BT Convention Centre Liverpool. Exhibitors can order them by completing the attached order form and returning it too: BT Convention Centre Liverpool Business Centre Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 239 6001 Fax: 0151 708 7063 Email: businesscentre@accliverpool.com TRAVEL INFORMATION The venue address is: Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool, Monarchs Quay, Liverpool, L3 4FP. For Sat Nav, please try the postcode L3 4BX. By Train - From the South - Virgin Rail operate hourly direct services to Liverpool Lime Street (London to Liverpool approx. 2.5 hours). From the North - Virgin Rail to Wigan North Western, local train to Liverpool Lime Street. ACC Liverpool is a 15 minute walk from Lime Street, a short taxi ride; or take a Merseyrail train to James Street or catch the Route S1 bus directly to ACC Liverpool. By Bus - The City Centre Circular Route S1 links Lime Street railway station with Queen Square Bus Station, the Albert Dock, ACC Liverpool and other central tourist attractions. Route S1 operates at 10 minutes intervals. By Plane - Flying to John Lennon Airport - taxi to the City Centre will take approximately 20 minutes, or a bus will take approximately 40 minutes. By Car - From the North - take M6 to junction 26 and follow signs M58 Liverpool. Follow to end of M58 and follow signs for A59 Liverpool. Continue to follow A59 City Centre until picking up signs for the Albert Dock. This leads off the A59 onto the A5053 heading for the Albert Dock. Follow the Yellow AA Signs marked Echo Arena. The nearest car park to ACCL is on site: turn off at Queens Wharf to find a 1,600 space multi-storey car park. From the South - M6 to junction 21A, take M62 to Liverpool, follow signs for City Centre, until picking up signs for the Albert Dock. This will take you via the A59 onto the A5053 heading for the Albert Dock. Follow the Yellow AA Signs marked Echo Arena. The nearest car park to ACCL is on site: turn off at Queens Wharf to find a 1,600 space multistorey car park. New car parks have opened in the Liverpool One complex also - please visit their website for more details. For full details of all local bus, rail and ferry services call Traveline on 0871 200 22 33 or click on the Mersey Travel link under related stuff. VENUE BT Convention Centre Liverpool Monarchs Quay Liverpool L3 4FP Tel: 0151 703 7255 Fax: 0151 708 7063 Email: nicola.white@accliverpool.com 19 APPENDICES EuroLabFocus 2014 Exhibitors Proforma to be returned by Friday 19th September 2014 EuroLabFocus 2014 Conference Celebration Ticket Order Form to be returned by Friday 19th September 2014 EuroLabFocus 2014 Programme Entry Form to be returned by Monday 1st August 2014 GES Ltd Logistics Order Form to be returned by Friday 6th September 2014 GES Ltd Shell Scheme Nameboard Order Form to be returned by Friday 5th September 2014 GES Ltd Electrical Order & Grid Plan Form to be returned by Friday 5th September 2014 GES Ltd Furniture and Floor Covering Order Form to be returned by Friday 5th September 2014 GES Ltd Payment & Credit Card Charge Authorisation* to be returned by Friday 6th September 2014 * (To be completed and returned with any GES Orders) ACC Liverpool IT & Telephone Order Form to be returned by Tuesday 16th September 2014 ACC Liverpool AV Order Form to be returned by Thursday 25th September 2014 ACCC Liverpool Live Feed Order Form to be returned by Thursday 25th September 2014 ACC Waste and Water Order Form to be returned by Tuesday 16th September 2014 ACC Stand Catering Order Form to be returned by Tuesday 16th September 2014 ACC Liverpool Emergency Procedure Guidelines ACC Liverpool Car Parking Exhibition Floor Plan Exhibitor Loading Procedure Guidelines 20 EXHIBITORS’ PROFORMA Company Name Contact Name Address Telephone Email th Please complete and return to the address below by Friday 19 September 2014. One Free Registration included per 9 sqm* *The main contact will be sent a registration link in order to register staff or guests for these complimentary places via the conference website. Exhibition Staff Please name all stand staff to be present during the exhibition. Please email any additional names and details to the conference Secretariat. 1. ______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ 8. _______________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________ 10. ___________________________________________ 11. __________________________________________ 12. ___________________________________________ Please return to: Sharleen Geddes Conference Secretariat C/o Meeting Makers Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow, G20 0SP Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk 21 CONFERENCE CELEBRATION TICKET ORDER FORM Company Name Contact Name* Address Telephone Fax Email Number of tickets _________ at £30.00(Inc vat) per ticket Total Cost: £ _________ (Inc vat) □ If you wish to pay by credit card please tick the box and you will be sent a link to enter your credit card details into the on-line system. □ Cheques should be made payable to the ACB, please tick if applicable □ Please Invoice Signature: Date: * The Conference Celebration tickets will be issued to the contact person named above. If the named contact is not attending, please confirm below the company representative that tickets should be issued to. Please advise us of any dietary requirements: th Please return this form by Friday 19 September 2014 to: Sharleen Geddes Conference Secretariat C/o Meeting Makers Block 4, Unit 4 Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road Glasgow, G20 0SP Tel: +44 (0) 141 945 6880 Fax: +44 (0) 141 945 6899 Email: sharleen@meetingmakers.co.uk 22 PROGRAMME ENTRY Detailed below are the specifications for the EuroLabFocus 2014 Conference Programme entries. Please note the appropriate word length and guidelines below. The Programme Editor will edit any submissions that exceed the specified word length. FINAL Submission deadline: 1st August 2014* *Text will be published on the conference website as soon as it is supplied to the conference secretariat. The date above is the final submission date. EXHIBITORS COMPANY NAME: COPY LENGTH: 100 WORDS CONTACT NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: WEB ADDRESS: SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: N.B. Commercial Partners receive an entry of 100 words which is in addition to their exhibition entry. Commercial Partners receive a 200 word entry. 23
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