Savings Estimation Technical Reference Manual for the California Municipal Utilities Association ers energy & resource solutions Corporate Headquarters: 120 Water St., Suite 350 North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 California Office: 152 N. 3rd Street, Suite 520 San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 217-6460 May 5, 2014 ers Contents 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................1-1 2. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 2-1 Background ........................................................................................................................................ 2-1 Approach ............................................................................................................................................ 2-1 Manual Organization .......................................................................................................................... 2-2 Manual Update Process ..................................................................................................................... 2-3 Applicable State and Federal Codes ................................................................................................. 2-4 3. DEFINITIONS .........................................................................................................................3-1 4. COMMON DEFAULT FACTORS ............................................................................................4-1 5. HVAC MEASURES – NONRESIDENTIAL .............................................................................5-1 5.1 Commercial Air Conditioning Units and Heat Pumps ........................................................................ 5-1 5.1.1 Unit Efficiency Ratings – 5 Tons and Smaller ............................................................................. 5-2 5.1.2 Unit Efficiency Ratings ‒ Greater Than 5 Tons ........................................................................... 5-3 5.2 Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps ......................................................................... 5-4 5.2.1 Unit Efficiency Ratings ................................................................................................................. 5-5 5.2.2 Federal Code Efficiency Standards ............................................................................................. 5-5 5.2.3 Measure Cost .............................................................................................................................. 5-6 6. LIGHTING MEASURES – NONRESIDENTIAL .......................................................................6-1 6.1 Semi-Custom Lighting and Lighting Control Measures ..................................................................... 6-1 6.1.1 Lighting Control Default Savings Factor Table ............................................................................ 6-2 6.2 Reduced Wattage Lamp and Ballast ................................................................................................. 6-3 6.2.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 6-4 6.3 De-Lamp Fluorescent Fixture ............................................................................................................ 6-5 6.4 LED Lighting ....................................................................................................................................... 6-6 6.5 LED Refrigerated Display Case Lighting ........................................................................................... 6-7 6.5.1 Energy Savings and Cost Table ‒ LED Display Case Lighting ................................................... 6-8 6.5.2 Energy Savings and Cost Table ‒ LED Display Case Lighting with Occupancy Sensor ............ 6-9 6.6 Bi-Level Lighting Fixture – Stairwells, Hallways, and Garages ......................................................... 6-10 7. REFRIGERATION MEASURES – NONRESIDENTIAL ..........................................................7-1 7.1 Commercial Ice Machines .................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.2 Commercial Solid Door & Glass Door Refrigerators .......................................................................... 7-2 7.2.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 7-3 7.2.2 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 7-3 7.3 EC Motor for Cold Storage Evaporator Fans ..................................................................................... 7-4 7.4 Refrigerated Display Case EC Motor Retrofit .................................................................................... 7-5 7.5 EC Motor with Fan Cycling Controls for Cold Storage Evaporator Fans ........................................... 7-6 7.5.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 7-7 7.6 Strip Curtain Infiltration Barrier for Refrigerated Space ..................................................................... 7-7 Savings Estimation TRM ers i Contents 7.6.1 Energy Savings Table – Restaurant ............................................................................................ 7-8 7.6.2 Energy Savings Table – Grocery ................................................................................................ 7-8 7.7 Refrigerated Display Case with Doors ............................................................................................... 7-9 7.7.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 7-10 7.8 Auto-Closers for Main Cooler or Freezer Doors ................................................................................ 7-11 7.8.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 7-12 7.9 Anti-Sweat Heater Controls ............................................................................................................... 7-12 7.9.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 7-13 8. ALL OTHER NONRESIDENTIAL MEASURES ......................................................................8-1 8.1 Pump and Fan Variable Frequency Drive Control ............................................................................. 8-1 8.1.1 Performance Curve Charts .......................................................................................................... 8-3 8.2 Vending Machine Controller ............................................................................................................... 8-4 8.3 Vending Machine Controller ‒ Non-Refrigerated ............................................................................... 8-5 8.4 Insulated Holding Cabinets ................................................................................................................ 8-6 8.5 Commercial Combination Oven ......................................................................................................... 8-7 8.6 Commercial Electric Steam Cooker ................................................................................................... 8-8 8.7 Commercial Electric Convection Oven .............................................................................................. 8-9 8.8 Commercial Electric Fryer .................................................................................................................. 8-10 8.9 Commercial Electric Griddle............................................................................................................... 8-11 8.10 Commercial Dishwasher .................................................................................................................... 8-12 8.10.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 8-12 8.10.2 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 8-14 8.11 High Efficiency Clothes Washers in Multifamily Properties ............................................................... 8-14 8.12 ENERGY STAR Uninterrupted Power Supply ................................................................................... 8-15 8.13 Plug-Load Occupancy Sensor ........................................................................................................... 8-16 8.14 Smart Power Strip – Commercial Use ............................................................................................... 8-17 8.15 Kitchen Exhaust Hood Demand Ventilation Control System ............................................................. 8-18 9. HVAC MEASURES – RESIDENTIAL .....................................................................................9-1 9.1 Residential Air Conditioners ............................................................................................................... 9-1 9.1.1 Code Baseline Efficiency Table ................................................................................................... 9-3 9.2 ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner .............................................................................................. 9-3 9.2.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 9-4 9.3 Whole-House Ventilation Fan ............................................................................................................ 9-5 9.3.1 Savings and Cost Table .............................................................................................................. 9-5 9.4 Duct Sealing ....................................................................................................................................... 9-7 9.4.1 Energy Savings Table – at 20% Duct Leakage Reduction ......................................................... 9-8 10. LIGHTING MEASURES – RESIDENTIAL ..............................................................................10-1 10.1 LED Lights .......................................................................................................................................... 10-1 10.2 LED Holiday Lights ............................................................................................................................. 10-2 10.3 ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fan .............................................................................................................. 10-3 11. APPLIANCES – RESIDENTIAL..............................................................................................11-1 11.1 ENERGY STAR Refrigerator ............................................................................................................. 11-1 11.1.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 11-2 11.2 Refrigerator and Freezer Recycling ................................................................................................... 11-2 11.3 Heat Pump Water Heater ................................................................................................................... 11-3 11.3.1 Energy Savings Tables ................................................................................................................ 11-4 11.4 Energy Star Dishwasher, Compact and Standard Size ..................................................................... 11-5 11.5 High Efficiency Residential Clothes Washer ...................................................................................... 11-6 11.5.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 11-7 ii ers Savings Estimation TRM Contents 12. BUILDING ENVELOPE – RESIDENTIAL ...............................................................................12-1 12.1 Ceiling Insulation ................................................................................................................................ 12-1 12.1.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 12-2 12.2 Wall Insulation .................................................................................................................................... 12-3 12.2.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 12-4 12.2.2 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 12-4 12.3 Solar Attic Fan .................................................................................................................................... 12-4 12.3.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 12-5 12.4 Reflective Window Film ...................................................................................................................... 12-6 12.4.1 Savings Table .............................................................................................................................. 12-6 12.5 Solar Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 12-7 12.5.1 Savings Table .............................................................................................................................. 12-8 12.6 Reduced Building Leakage ................................................................................................................ 12-8 12.6.1 Savings Table .............................................................................................................................. 12-9 13. ALL OTHER – RESIDENTIAL ................................................................................................13-1 13.1 Smart Power Strip .............................................................................................................................. 13-1 13.2 Variable Speed Residential Pool Pump ............................................................................................. 13-2 13.3 Electric Domestic Hot Water Storage Heater..................................................................................... 13-3 14. GAS MEASURES - NONRESIDENTIAL .................................................................................14-1 14.1 Tank Insulation ................................................................................................................................... 14-1 14.1.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 14-2 14.1.2 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 14-2 14.2 Hot Water and Steam Pipe Insulation ................................................................................................ 14-2 14.2.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 14-3 14.2.2 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 14-4 14.3 High Efficiency Commercial Gas Hot Water Heaters ........................................................................ 14-5 14.3.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 14-6 14.3.2 Unit Efficiency Ratings ................................................................................................................. 14-6 14.3.3 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 14-7 14.4 Ozone Laundry................................................................................................................................... 14-8 14.5 Steam Traps ....................................................................................................................................... 14-9 15. GAS MEASURES – RESIDENTIAL ........................................................................................15-1 15.1 High Efficiency Residential Furnace & Boiler .................................................................................... 15-1 15.1.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 15-2 15.1.2 Unit Efficiency Ratings ................................................................................................................. 15-2 15.1.3 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 15-3 15.2 Domestic Hot Water Piping Insulation – Multifamily Recirculating System ....................................... 15-3 15.3 Domestic Hot Water Heater Meeting CEE Efficiency Requirements ................................................. 15-4 15.3.1 Energy Savings Table ................................................................................................................. 15-5 15.3.2 Unit Efficiency Ratings ................................................................................................................. 15-5 15.3.3 Measure Cost Table .................................................................................................................... 15-5 15.4 Low-Flow Showerheads ..................................................................................................................... 15-6 15.5 Faucet Aerators .................................................................................................................................. 15-7 16. CUSTOM MEASURE PROTOCOL .........................................................................................16-1 16.1 Baseline Use in Estimating Energy Savings ...................................................................................... 16-1 16.1.1 Baseline Examples ...................................................................................................................... 16-2 16.1.2 Dual Baseline............................................................................................................................... 16-3 16.2 Energy Savings Estimate Approach .................................................................................................. 16-4 16.3 Measure Description .......................................................................................................................... 16-4 16.4 Savings Calculation Methods ............................................................................................................. 16-5 Savings Estimation TRM ers iii Contents 16.4.1 Engineering Model ....................................................................................................................... 16-5 16.4.2 Model Transparency .................................................................................................................... 16-6 16.4.3 Measurement and Verification ..................................................................................................... 16-6 16.5 Quality Assurance and Savings Validation ........................................................................................ 16-7 16.6 Documentation ................................................................................................................................... 16-7 17. REFERENCES........................................................................................................................17-1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL (TRM) SPREADSHEETS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. iv TRM100_NONRES AC AND HP UNITS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM101_NONRES PTAC_2 18 2014.XLSX TRM102_REDUCED WATTAGE LAMP AND BALLAST_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM103_DELAMP FLUORESCENT LAMP_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM104_LED LIGHTING_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM105_LED REFRIGERATED CASE LIGHTING_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM106_FOOD SERVICE_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM107_EC MOTOR FOR WI COOLERS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM108_EC MOTOR WITH CONTROLLER FOR WI COOLER_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM109_DISPLAY CASE EC MOTOR_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM110_STRIP CURTAINS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM111_REFRIGERATED DISPLAY CASE WITH DOORS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM112_AUTO DOOR CLOSERS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM113_ASH CONTROLS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM114_VENDING MACHINE CONTROLLER_NONREFRIGERATED_V2 182014.XLSX TRM115_ENERGY STAR UPS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM116_COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER_V4 28 2014.XLSX TRM200_RESIDENTIAL AC_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM201_ROOM AC_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM202_WHOLE HOUSE FAN_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM203_REDUCED BUILDING LEAKAGE_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM204_RESIDENTIAL LED_V4 23 2014.XLSX TRM205_LED HOLIDAY LIGHTS_V2 18 2014.XLS TRM206_RESIDENTIAL CEILING FANS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM207_REFRIGERATOR RECYCLING_V4 23 2014.XLSX TRM208_ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATORS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM209_RES HOT WATER HEATER_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM210_RES ENERGY STAR DISHWASHER_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM211_ RESIDENTIAL CEILING INSULATION_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM212_WALL INSULATION_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM213_RESIDENTIAL SOLAR ATTIC FAN_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM214_VARIABLE SPEED RESIDENTIAL POOL PUMPS_V2 182014.XLSX TRM215_ELECTRIC STORAGE WATER HEATER_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM216_CLOTHES WASHER_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM217_MF CLOTHES WASHER_2 18 2014.XLSX TRM218_RESIDENTIAL WINDOW FILM_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM219_RESIDENTIAL SOLAR SCREEN_V2 18 2014.XLSX ers Savings Estimation TRM Contents 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. TRM300_PIPE INSULATION_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM301_MF DHW PIPE INSULATION_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM302_OZONE LAUNDRY_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM303_TANK INSULATION_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM304_COMMERCIAL DHW_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM305_RESIDENTIAL FURNACE_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM306_LOW FLOW SHOWERHEADS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM307_HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM308_FAUCET AERATORS_V2 18 2014.XLSX TRM400_ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATOR_NONRES LIGHTING_V4 29 2014.XLSX TRM401_ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATOR_PUMP AND FAN VFD_V4 1 2014.XLSX TRM402_ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATOR_STEAM TRAPS_V4 2 2014.XLSX TRM403_ENERGY SAVINGS CALCULATOR_DUCT SEALING_V2 18 2014.XLSX Savings Estimation TRM ers v 1 Executive Summary 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The savings estimation technical reference manual describes – for program administrators, regulatory agencies, program evaluators, utility customers, and other interested stakeholders – how California publicly owned utilities 1 consistently, reliably, and transparently calculate energy savings for their energy efficiency programs. The reference manual provides the methods, formulas, and default assumptions used for estimating energy savings and peak demand impacts from energy efficiency measures and projects. The energy savings estimates are used to report program accomplishments and measure progress towards program goals. Energy efficiency measures are documented and classified as either unit energy savings measures, semi-custom measures, or custom measures. The manual presents both nonresidential and residential measures. Each measure type is presented in separate sections and grouped by technology type. Measure information is presented in a consistent tabular format. The reference manual also includes spreadsheets that provide detailed and transparent measure calculations and, for certain semi-custom measures, energy savings calculators for estimating energy savings for project-specific measures. The measure spreadsheet includes summary tables for transferring measure savings data into the program’s regulatory compliance reporting tool. Utilities sponsoring the TRM include: Silicon Valley Power, City of Palo Alto Utilities, Alameda Municipal Power, Biggs, Gridley, Healdsburg, Lodi Electric Utility, Lompoc, Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative, Port of Oakland, Redding Electric Utility, Roseville Electric, Truckee Donner Public Utility District, Ukiah Public Utility, Anaheim Public Utilities, Azusa Light & Water, Banning Electric Utility, Burbank Water & Power, Cerritos, Colton Electric Utility, Glendale Water & Power, Imperial Irrigation District, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Pasadena Water & Power, Riverside Public Utilities, Vernon Light & Power, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Victorville, Trinity Public Utility District, Corona Department of Water & Power, Lassen Municipal Utility District, Moreno Valley Utility, Merced Irrigation District, Modesto Irrigation District, Needles, Island Energy, Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Utility, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and Turlock Irrigation District. 1 Savings Estimation TRM ers 1-1 2 Introduction 2. INTRODUCTION The savings estimation technical reference manual describes – for program administrators, regulatory agencies, program evaluators, utility customers, and other interested stakeholders – how publicly owned utilities consistently, reliably, and transparently calculate energy savings for their energy efficiency programs. 2.1 Purpose The reference manual provides the methods, formulas, and default assumptions used for estimating energy savings and peak demand impacts from energy efficiency measures and projects. The energy savings estimates are used to report program accomplishments and measure progress towards program goals. 2.2 Background California publicly owned utilities annually report their program accomplishments to the California Energy Commission. As mandated by California state law (SB1037, AB2021, Section 9505 of the Public Utilities Code), each utility reports its program energy savings on an annual basis. Since 2006, California publicly owned utilities have collaborated to develop tools and resources for consistently and reliably reporting program energy savings. The first source of energy savings estimates used to report program savings was published in 2006 and subsequently updated in 2008 and 2009. This reference manual supersedes these previous sources and has been developed specifically for the sponsoring utility programs. 2.3 Approach The reference manual documents and classifies energy efficiency measures in three ways: unit energy savings (UES) measures, semi-custom measures, and custom measures. Not included in the current version of this manual —although they may be added in future versions — are provisional unit energy savings measures (UES-provisional). UES measures, previously defined as deemed savings measures, are normalized savings estimates that represent the most typical savings expected from a range of similar measures. These savings estimates are used for reporting savings at the program or at a regional level. The UES measures provided in this manual are based on credible and reliable sources of energy savings estimates and savings estimate parameters, generally those that have been documented and vetted through either peer engineering review or a regulatory process Savings Estimation TRM ers 2-1 Section 2 Introduction governing efficiency programs. As such, the UES savings estimates are based on the most current and best available resources. Semi-custom measures are measures for which the savings estimates can vary significantly depending on how or where the measure is used. Savings estimates are calculated using standard methodologies based on project-specific parameters. For semi-custom measures, the manual documents the savings methodology and may also provide a standardized savings calculator for use in estimating energy savings. Custom measures are project-specific actions, equipment changes, or system improvements that reduce energy consumption. This manual outlines a protocol for program administrators to use that will consistently and reliably estimate and document energy savings estimates for custom measures. Provisional unit energy savings measures are measures that do not yet meet the reliability standard of a UES measure. The most typical are emerging technology or newly-adopted program measures that exhibit significant energy saving potential. Provisional savings estimates provide an interim solution for reporting measure savings while testing, evaluation, or demonstration efforts are under way to validate energy savings estimates. 2.4 Manual Organization The reference manual consists of both this document and its supporting spreadsheets. The manual presents both nonresidential and residential measures. Each measure type is presented in separate sections and grouped by technology type. Measure information is presented in a consistent tabular format consisting of the following sections: Measure summary information – Provides a brief description of the measure, its applicability, savings type (UES, semi-custom), energy savings, incremental measure cost, and effective useful life (EUL) Baseline and efficient case conditions – Defines the baseline type (see Section 3 – Definitions) and provides a brief description of the baseline and efficient case conditions. Savings calculation – Documents the savings methodology and algorithms used to estimate savings Key parameters – Lists key operating parameters that have the most influence on energy savings estimates Quality assurance, design, installation, commissioning, and operation – Provides key quality assurance checks to help ensure that the estimated savings are realized Important notes – Provide further explanation, clarifications, or relevant supporting information All references and data resources are identified in the table footnotes. 2-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Introduction Section 2 As needed, each section also contains supplementary tables and charts to provide additional measure details. Measures with multiple savings values (savings by size, building use, varying levels of efficiency, etc.) will have savings and cost data listed in a supplementary table. If the number of measures is too large to include in a supplementary table, they are listed in the supporting spreadsheet summary table. The spreadsheet summary table allows measures to be filtered by climate zone and, if applicable, by building type. The last section of the manual provides the custom measure protocol, which outlines a process for estimating and documenting custom measure savings. The reference manual spreadsheets provide the detailed measure calculations. For UES measures, the spreadsheet consists of a summary table, a calculation narrative, measure savings calculations, and reference data. The summary table is constructed to provide easy transfer of measure data into the program’s regulatory compliance reporting tool. Energy savings calculators are also provided as part of the reference manual. The calculators are Excel spreadsheet-based engineering models for estimating semi-custom measures per the described methodology. They provide a simple and transparent approach for estimating project-specific energy savings. 2.5 Manual Update Process In order to maintain the most current and best available estimates of energy savings, the reference manual should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Measures should be reviewed to determine if newly adopted code changes will affect the energy savings estimates. Measure savings estimates may need to be updated based on new sources of information, such as market research studies, technology studies, or program impact evaluation reports. In addition, assumptions used in the measure baseline definitions may over time become obsolete or otherwise no longer applicable. Manual review and updates to incorporate code changes should occur on an annual basis, or at the time when code updates go into effect. Updates for measures which represent a significant amount of program energy savings should occur on an annual basis. Manual updates to incorporate the most current and best available information for all measures should occur every 2 to 3 years. Savings Estimation TRM ers 2-3 Section 2 2.6 Introduction Applicable State and Federal Codes Within each measure description, the measure savings estimate baseline is described. Where the appropriate baseline is determined to be code, the applicable state or federal code is identified. The codes used in determining savings estimate baselines include: California 2012 Appliance Efficiency Regulations (California Code of Regulations, Title 20, sections 1601‒1608) California 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings (California Code of Regulations, Title 24, part 6 and associated administrative regulations, part 1) Department of Energy Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, 2012‒ 2013 Editions 2-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM 3 Definitions 3. DEFINITIONS In this manual, the following definitions apply: custom measure – Any measure not defined by this manual as either a unit energy savings measure or a semi-custom measure. In more general terms, a custom measure is defined as an energy-related project, action, equipment change, or system improvement that reduces energy consumption. effective useful life (EUL) – An estimate of the median number of years (from a statistically representative sample) that an installed measure is expected to be operable and capable of performing its intended function. The primary source of EUL is the California Public Utilities Commission’s Database for Energy Efficient Resources (DEER). efficient case – Describes the affected equipment or system condition after an energy efficiency measure has been implemented or installed. Also referred to as the post-retrofit condition. energy use baseline – Energy use that is compared to the efficient case energy use for the purposes of estimating future annual energy savings. The baseline is identified as being one of the four following types: natural replacement – code – Describes an energy use baseline that is based on current minimum energy efficiency code requirements as established by the applicable local, state, or federal jurisdiction. natural replacement – current practice – Describes an energy use baseline that is based on standard industry practice or market availability. natural replacement – preexisting conditions – Describes the projected energy use baseline that is based on the energy performance of the existing systems or equipment that was in place before a measure was implemented. This baseline is applicable if retaining the preexisting conditions over the entire effective useful life of the measure is a realistic option. dual baseline – early retirement – Describes the use of two energy use baselines to determine energy savings where equipment with remaining useful life (RUL) is replaced. In general, the first baseline is based on preexisting conditions and the second baseline is one of the three types of natural replacement. See Section 16.1 for a description of how a dual baseline is used in estimating measure cost-effectiveness. measure cost – The incremental cost of implementing the energy savings measure. For measures with an adjusted baseline, it is the incremental cost of the more-efficient measure Savings Estimation TRM ers 3-1 Section 3 Definitions compared to the cost of a code-compliant or current practice measure. For a preexisting baseline, it is the full implementation cost of the measure. Installation costs not directly associated with the energy savings measure are not included. peak demand – The California grid-level average hourly peak demand occurring during a 3hour time period (2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.) on a summer weekday from June to September. It also can be defined for weather-sensitive measures as the maximum hourly peak demand occurring between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. during 3 consecutive weekdays containing the weekday with the hottest temperature of the year. semi-custom measure – An energy savings measure for which the savings estimates varies significantly depending on how or where the measure is used (project-specific parameters). Semi-custom measure savings are calculated using standard methodologies or standardized saving estimate models (e.g., spreadsheet models). UES measure – A unit energy savings measure that has unitized savings estimates (e.g., savings per motor, savings per hp) that represent an average or weighted average of similar savings measures. UES measures were previously known as deemed savings measures. The UES measures provided in this manual are based on credible and reliable sources of energy savings estimates and savings estimate parameters, generally those that have been documented and vetted through either peer engineering review or a regulatory process governing efficiency programs. 3-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Common Default Factors 4 4. COMMON DEFAULT FACTORS This section provides the default values used in estimating energy savings for UES and semicustom lighting measures. Three default values are used: HVAC interactive effect, operating hours, and peak demand factors. Energy efficient lighting measures reduce the internal heat gain of air-conditioned spaces. This reduction in heat gain reduces the cooling energy consumption and increases heating energy consumption. Default interactive effect factors have been developed as part of the DEER resources 2 to account for these interactions in typical building end-use types. These default interactive effects are used in the savings estimates for UES and semi-custom measures provided in this manual. Tables 4-1 through 4-4 provide the air-conditioning cooling interactive effect factors (HVAC IE factors) used for lighting measures. 2 DEER, Lighting HVAC Interactive Effects_9 Sept 2013.xls Savings Estimation TRM ers 4-1 Section 4 Common Default Factors Table 4-1 HVAC IE Factors for Climate Zones 2, 3, 4, and 5 CZ02 Building Type CZ03 CZ04 CZ05 Energy Demand Energy Demand Energy Demand Energy Demand Assembly 1.03 1.18 1.02 1.18 1.05 1.18 1.03 1.17 Primary school 1.06 1.00 1.07 1.00 1.08 1.62 1.06 1.23 Secondary school 1.04 1.00 1.04 1.00 1.07 1.32 1.04 1.22 Community college 1.09 1.20 1.08 1.12 1.11 1.36 1.08 1.22 University 1.10 1.20 1.10 1.14 1.12 1.27 1.10 1.23 Relocatable classroom 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.22 1.02 1.26 Grocery 0.91 1.19 0.87 1.18 0.94 1.24 0.87 1.17 Hospital 1.10 1.19 1.11 1.16 1.11 1.22 1.09 1.19 Nursing home 1.03 1.19 1.02 1.13 1.05 1.24 1.01 1.14 Hotel 0.97 1.23 0.98 1.20 1.01 1.24 0.97 1.21 Motel 1.02 1.21 1.03 1.19 1.05 1.22 1.02 1.20 Bio/tech mfg. 1.11 1.19 1.12 1.14 1.12 1.15 1.11 1.18 Light industrial mfg. 1.04 1.17 1.04 1.11 1.05 1.15 1.03 1.17 Large office 1.11 1.26 1.11 1.16 1.12 1.28 1.10 1.23 Small office 1.05 1.20 1.05 1.13 1.07 1.24 1.06 1.19 Sit-down restaurant 1.01 1.21 1.00 1.18 1.04 1.20 1.00 1.19 Fast-food restaurant 1.03 1.17 1.02 1.14 1.05 1.18 1.02 1.15 Department store 1.07 1.19 1.08 1.19 1.09 1.20 1.08 1.18 Big box retail 1.06 1.19 1.06 1.19 1.08 1.20 1.06 1.19 Small retail 1.06 1.18 1.06 1.17 1.08 1.19 1.06 1.17 Conditioned storage 0.95 1.21 0.92 1.01 0.98 1.26 0.91 1.15 Unconditioned storage 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Refrig. warehouse 1.59 1.32 1.63 1.29 1.62 1.32 1.58 1.26 Exterior 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Common Default Factors Section 4 Table 4-2 HVAC IE Factors for Climate Zones 8, 9, 10, and 11 CZ08 CZ09 CZ10 CZ11 Building Type Assembly Energy 1.13 Demand 1.23 Energy 1.12 Demand 1.26 Energy 1.09 Demand 1.22 Energy 1.05 Demand 1.18 Primary school 1.18 1.34 1.16 1.86 1.13 1.88 1.06 1.00 Secondary school 1.16 1.31 1.15 1.84 1.12 1.77 1.07 1.00 Community college 1.17 1.28 1.16 1.31 1.15 1.29 1.12 1.44 University 1.17 1.27 1.16 1.27 1.15 1.26 1.12 1.34 Relocatable classroom 1.11 1.29 1.11 1.29 1.11 1.31 1.04 1.00 Grocery 1.05 1.25 1.06 1.27 1.05 1.28 0.99 1.28 Hospital 1.17 1.26 1.17 1.28 1.14 1.27 1.11 1.23 Nursing home 1.10 1.29 1.10 1.31 1.09 1.32 1.06 1.25 Hotel 1.11 1.28 1.10 1.29 1.07 1.29 1.02 1.25 Motel 1.15 1.27 1.14 1.30 1.12 1.30 1.05 1.23 Bio/tech mfg. 1.18 1.26 1.18 1.26 1.14 1.26 1.12 1.34 Light industrial mfg. 1.11 1.20 1.11 1.22 1.08 1.21 1.04 1.15 Large office 1.18 1.33 1.17 1.33 1.17 1.32 1.13 1.29 Small office 1.16 1.28 1.15 1.32 1.13 1.29 1.07 1.28 Sit-down restaurant 1.12 1.24 1.11 1.26 1.09 1.23 1.04 1.19 Fast-food restaurant 1.11 1.22 1.11 1.24 1.09 1.22 1.05 1.18 Department store 1.17 1.22 1.15 1.25 1.13 1.23 1.07 1.19 Big box retail 1.15 1.24 1.14 1.27 1.12 1.25 1.06 1.20 Small retail 1.15 1.23 1.14 1.26 1.12 1.24 1.06 1.19 Conditioned storage 1.05 1.32 1.04 1.34 1.04 1.31 0.98 1.21 Unconditioned storage 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Refrig. warehouse 1.60 1.25 1.59 1.26 1.58 1.26 1.55 1.25 Exterior 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Savings Estimation TRM ers 4-3 Section 4 Common Default Factors Table 4-3 HVAC IE Factors for Climate Zones 12, 14, 15, and 16 CZ12 Building Type CZ14 CZ15 CZ16 Energy Demand Energy Demand Energy Demand Energy Demand Assembly 1.04 1.18 1.07 1.14 1.19 1.20 0.99 1.19 Primary school 1.07 1.00 1.09 1.40 1.21 1.34 0.97 1.00 Secondary school 1.06 1.00 1.09 1.47 1.21 1.30 0.98 1.00 Community college 1.11 1.28 1.12 1.33 1.24 1.34 1.04 1.24 University 1.12 1.22 1.13 1.28 1.20 1.28 1.06 1.23 Relocatable classroom 1.04 1.00 1.09 1.33 1.19 1.31 1.00 1.00 Grocery 0.96 1.28 1.05 1.32 1.13 1.30 0.96 1.25 Hospital 1.11 1.23 1.13 1.28 1.19 1.29 1.06 1.23 Nursing home 1.05 1.25 1.08 1.32 1.16 1.33 0.99 1.27 Hotel 1.00 1.25 1.03 1.30 1.16 1.29 0.90 1.27 Motel 1.04 1.23 1.08 1.32 1.20 1.32 0.96 1.25 Bio/tech mfg. 1.11 1.20 1.14 1.23 1.19 1.26 1.07 1.21 Light industrial mfg. 1.04 1.18 1.06 1.20 1.15 1.29 0.99 1.19 Large office 1.12 1.31 1.16 1.31 1.23 1.32 1.08 1.29 Small office 1.07 1.23 1.11 1.30 1.21 1.30 1.01 1.27 Sit-down restaurant 1.03 1.18 1.07 1.16 1.17 1.26 0.99 1.21 Fast-food restaurant 1.05 1.18 1.07 1.23 1.15 1.23 1.00 1.20 Department store 1.07 1.21 1.09 1.21 1.17 1.24 0.99 1.21 Big box retail 1.06 1.20 1.09 1.26 1.17 1.26 0.98 1.21 Small retail 1.06 1.20 1.09 1.20 1.17 1.24 0.99 1.21 Conditioned storage 0.98 1.25 1.01 1.29 1.11 1.30 0.91 1.27 Unconditioned storage 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Refrig. warehouse 1.57 1.32 1.52 1.32 1.63 1.26 1.38 1.27 Exterior 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM Common Default Factors Section 4 Table 4-4 HVAC IE Factors – California Average CA Average Building Type Assembly Primary school Secondary school Community college University Relocatable classroom Grocery Hospital Nursing home Hotel Motel Bio/tech mfg. Light industrial mfg. Large office Small office Sit-down restaurant Fast-food restaurant Department store Big box retail Small retail Conditioned storage Unconditioned storage Refrig. warehouse Exterior Energy Demand 1.08 1.11 1.10 1.13 1.13 1.07 0.99 1.14 1.07 1.04 1.09 1.15 1.07 1.14 1.11 1.07 1.07 1.12 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.59 1.00 1.21 1.33 1.28 1.28 1.26 1.20 1.25 1.23 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.23 1.18 1.27 1.25 1.22 1.20 1.21 1.23 1.21 1.24 1.00 1.29 1.00 Lighting UES measure energy savings are based on lighting run times (operating hours) for the same typical end-use space types. Table 4-5 provides the default factors. Table 4-5 Default Lighting Operating Hours Building Type Assembly Primary school Secondary school Community college University Re-locatable classroom Grocery Hospital Nursing home Hotel Motel Bio/tech mfg. Savings Estimation TRM Operating Hours 2,610 Building Type Light industrial mfg. Large office Small office Sit-down restaurant Fast-food restaurant Department store Big box retail Small retail Conditioned storage Unconditioned storage Refrigerated warehouse 2,140 2,280 2,420 2,350 2,480 4,910 5,260 4,160 1,950 1,550 3,530 ers Operating Hours 3,220 2,640 2,590 4,830 4,840 3,380 4,270 3,380 3,420 3,420 4,770 4-5 Section 4 Common Default Factors To determine the peak demand reduction associated with lighting measures, the lighting measure reduction in lighting power is multiplied by a default peak coincident demand factor (CDF). Tables 4-6 and 4-7 provide the factors for twelve climate zones and Table 4-8 provides the statewide average factors. Table 4-6 Peak Coincident Demand Factors (CDF) 4-6 Building Type CZ02 CZ03 CZ04 CZ05 CZ08 CZ09 Assembly 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 Primary school 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.62 0.62 0.02 Secondary school 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.71 0.71 0.02 Community college 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.81 0.81 0.49 University 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.72 0.72 0.44 Relocatable classroom 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.70 0.70 0.02 Grocery 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 Hospital 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Nursing home 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 Hotel 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 Motel 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 Bio/tech mfg. 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Light industrial mfg. 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Large office 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 Small office 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 Sit-down restaurant 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Fast-food restaurant 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 Department store 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 Big box retail 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Small retail 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Conditioned storage 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Unconditioned storage 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Refrig. warehouse 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 Exterior 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ers Savings Estimation TRM Common Default Factors Section 4 Table 4-7 Peak Coincident Demand Factors (CDF) Building Type CZ10 CZ11 CZ12 CZ14 CZ15 CZ16 Assembly 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 Primary school 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Secondary school 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Community college 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 University 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 Relocatable classroom 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Grocery 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 Hospital 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 Nursing home 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 Hotel 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 Motel 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 Bio/tech mfg. 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Light industrial mfg. 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Large office 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 Small office 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 Sit-down restaurant 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Fast-food restaurant 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 Department store 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 Big box retail 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Small retail 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 Conditioned storage 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Unconditioned storage 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Refrig. warehouse 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 Exterior 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Savings Estimation TRM ers 4-7 Section 4 Common Default Factors Table 4-8 Peak Coincident Demand Factors (CDF) CA Average Building Type 4-8 Assembly 0.53 Primary school 0.12 Secondary school 0.14 Community college 0.53 University 0.48 Relocatable classroom 0.14 Grocery 0.69 Hospital 0.83 Nursing home 0.68 Hotel 0.24 Motel 0.17 Bio/tech mfg. 0.85 Light industrial mfg. 0.92 Large office 0.71 Small office 0.69 Sit-down restaurant 0.80 Fast-food restaurant 0.81 Department store 0.76 Big box retail 0.85 Small retail 0.88 Conditioned storage 0.70 Unconditioned storage 0.70 Refrig. warehouse 0.56 Exterior 0.00 ers Savings Estimation TRM HVAC Measures – Nonresidential 5 5. HVAC MEASURES – NONRESIDENTIAL 5.1 Commercial Air Conditioning Units and Heat Pumps Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of new high efficiency air conditioning (AC) units, including single unitary package units and split system units. Both AC and heat pump units are included. End use HVAC Project eligibility Applicable to both retrofit and new construction Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. See TRM100 spreadsheet summary table. Savings vary based on unit size, building type, and climate zone. With thirty-two unit types, twenty-two building types, and twelve climate zones, savings for more than 8,000 measure savings estimates are provided. 2. All savings are listed per ton of cooling. Incremental measure cost 1. See TRM100 spreadsheet summary table 1 2. All costs are listed per ton of cooling 2 EUL 15 years Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types 1. Natural replacement – code 2. Dual baseline – early retirement Baseline description 1. For natural replacement, the baseline is the minimum unit efficiency allowed by code. 2. For the remaining useful life (RUL) time period, the baseline is the preexisting unit vintage efficiency weighted by building vintage. 3 Efficient case description New units with efficiency levels consistent with CEE Tier I and Tier II efficiency levels. Unit efficiency ratings are provided in the Unit Efficiency Ratings Table. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings Savings for AC and heat pumps are obtained from the DEER 2014 database formula (EQUEST parametric modeling simulations), which includes updates based on the 2013 Title 24 code requirements. For SEER 15 measures (units 5 tons or less) not provided in DEER, DEER data was extrapolated to estimate savings (7.2 percent savings increase over SEER 14). Peak demand reduction See above Definitions Vintage = Year that the building type was built EER = Energy efficiency ratio = 12 × kW/ton cooling IEER = Integrated energy efficiency ratio – Weighted average of part-load efficiencies of an HVAC unit for a specified set of loads and outdoor air temperatures (OATs) SEER = Seasonal energy efficiency ratio – Weighted average of part-load efficiencies of an HVAC unit for a specified set of loads and OATs Key Parameters Building type Determines the average hours of operation and internal building loads HVAC unit size Savings Estimation TRM Measure name includes unit cooling capacity in both units of tons and kBtu/h. Tons are representative of the nominal cooling capacity of equipment sizes available from most equipment manufacturers. kBtu/h savings are useful for comparison to code requirements and CEE unit size categories. ers 5-1 Section 5 HVAC Measures – Nonresidential Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. Determine if new unit will be replacing a functional unit or a failed unit. 2. If new unit is replacing existing functional unit and RUL savings will be applied, record age, make, model, size, and type of unit to be replaced. 3. Verify that new unit meets minimum efficiency requirements. 4. Verify that new unit is properly installed and commissioned. Important Notes N/A 1 Measure cost data was derived from the following sources: a.PG&E work paper, PGECOHVC126, “Unitary Air-Cooled Commercial Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps <65kBtu/h Revision #3,” 6/20/2012 b. PG&E work paper, PGECOHVC128, “Unitary Air-Cooled Commercial Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps >= 65 kBtu/h,” Revision # 3, 6/20/2012 2DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 3Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) Commercial Unitary AC and HP Specification, Effective January, 6, 2012. 5.1.1 Unit Efficiency Ratings – 5 Tons and Smaller This table lists peak (EER) and seasonal (SEER) efficiency ratings for both AC and heat pump units that are 5 tons or less in capacity. It also indicates the applicable CEE tier level. For all units 5 tons and smaller, the minimum efficiency rating allowed by code (2012 Appliance Standards) is 13 SEER and 7.7 HSPF (heat pumps only). Measure Name AC split unit – < 5 tons (55 kBtu/h)-14 SEER AC split unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-14 SEER EER Rating SEER Rating HSPF Rating CEE Tier I 12 14 X CEE Tier II 12 14 X AC pkg unit – < 5 tons (55kBtu/h)-14 SEER 11.6 14 X AC pkg unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-14 SEER 11.6 14 X AC split unit – < 5 tons (55 kBtu/h)-15 SEER 12.5 15 X AC split unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-15 SEER 12.5 15 X AC pkg unit – < 5 tons (55kBtu/h)-15 SEER 12 15 X AC pkg unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-15 SEER 12 15 X HP split unit – < 5 tons (55 kBtu/h)-14 SEER 8.5 HSPF 12 14 8.5 X HP split unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-14 SEER 8.5 HSPF 12 14 8.5 X HP pkg unit – < 5 tons (55 kBtu/h)-14 SEER 8.0 HSPF 11.6 14 8.0 X HP pkg unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-14 SEER 8.0 HSPF 11.6 14 8.0 X HP split unit – < 5 tons (55 kBtu/h)-15 SEER 9 HSPF 12.5 15 9.0 X HP split unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-15 SEER 9 HSPF 12.5 15 9.0 X HP pkg unit – < 5 tons (55 kBtu/h)-15 SEER 8.5 HSPF 12 15 8.5 X HP pkg unit – 5 tons (55-64 kBtu/h)-15 SEER 8.5 HSPF 12 15 8.5 X 5-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM HVAC Measures – Nonresidential 5.1.2 Section 5 Unit Efficiency Ratings ‒ Greater Than 5 Tons This table lists peak load (EER) efficiency ratings for both air conditioner and heat pump units larger than 5 tons in capacity. It also indicates the applicable CEE Tier level and unit size minimum full load and part-load efficiency ratings required by code (2013 Title 24). EER Rating HSPF Rating T24 Min 1 Eff Rating CEE Tier I AC unit – 6 to 8.5 tons (65–109 kBtu/h) -11.5 EER 11.5 N/A 11.0 EER 11.2 IEER X AC unit – 10 tons (110–134 kBtu/h) -11.5 EER 11.5 N/A 11.0 EER 11.2 IEER X AC unit – 12 to 17 tons (135–239 kBtu/h) -11.5 EER 11.5 N/A 10.8 EER 11.0 IEER X AC unit – 20 to 60 tons (240–759 kBtu/h) -10.5 EER 10.5 N/A 9.8 EER 9.9 IEER X Measure Name CEE Tier II AC unit – 6 to 8.5 tons (65–109 kBtu/h) -12 EER 12 N/A 11.0 EER 11.2 IEER X AC unit – 10 tons (110–134 kBtu/h) -12 EER 12 N/A 11.0 EER 11.2 IEER X AC unit – 12 to 17 tons (135–239 kBtu/h) -12 EER 12 N/A 10.8 EER 11.0 IEER X AC unit – 20 to 60 tons (240–759 kBtu/h) -10.8 EER 10.8 N/A 9.8 EER 9.9 IEER X AC unit – >60 tons (760 kBtu/h) -10.2 EER 10.2 N/A 9.5 EER 9.6 IEER X HP unit – 6 to 8.5 tons (65–109 kBtu/h) -11.5 EER 3.4 COP 11.5 3.4 10.8 EER 11.0 IEER X 12 3.4 10.8 EER 11.0 IEER X 11.5 3.4 10.8 EER 11.0 IEER X 12 3.4 10.8 EER 11.0 IEER X 11.5 3.2 10.4 EER 10.5 IEER X 12 3.2 10.4 EER 10.5 IEER X 10.8 3.2 9.3 EER 9.4 IEER X HP unit – 6 to 8.5 tons (65–109 kBtu/h) -12 EER 3.4 COP HP unit – 10 tons (110–134 kBtu/h) -11.5 EER 3.4 COP HP unit – 10 tons (110–134 kBtu/h) -12 EER 3.4 COP HP unit – 12 to 17 tons (135–239 kBtu/h) -11.5 EER 3.2 COP HP unit – 12 to 17 tons (135–239 kBtu/h) -12 EER 3.2 COP HP unit – 20 tons (240 kBtu/h) -10.8 EER 3.2 COP 1 For units with electric resistance heat, add 0.2 to both EER and IEER to determine minimum rating requirements Savings Estimation TRM ers 5-3 Section 5 5.2 HVAC Measures – Nonresidential Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency packaged terminal AC units (PTAC) or heat pumps (PTHP) in hotel or motel facility. End use HVAC Project eligibility 1. For retrofits, the units meet the regulatory definition of replacement units: non-standard sized units (less than 16 inches high or less than 42 inches wide with a cross-section area less than 670 square inches) specially manufactured for replacement applications. The units are designed to fit into the sleeve of the replaced unit. For new construction, the units exceed the new construction (standard size) code efficiency requirements ‒ see the Unit Efficiency Ratings Table. New construction measures are limited to units with a capacity of less than 7,000 Btu/h. 2. 3. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. 4. Measure savings are found in the TRM101 spreadsheet. With twelve climate zones, sixteen unit types, and two building types, savings for 384 measures are provided. Each replacement unit measure has both natural replacement-code and dual baselineearly retirement savings values. All savings are listed per ton of cooling. 1. $144 per ton for replacement units 2. $34 per ton for new construction unit costs 3. Incremental measure cost EUL 1 2 15 years 3 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types 1. Natural replacement – code Baseline description 1. 2. Efficient case description 1. 2. For retrofit units, the baseline efficiencies are based on non-standard, replacement 2 units as defined in Federal Code of Regulations . The federal code requirements can also be found in the 2013 Title 24 code requirements. For new construction units, the baseline efficiencies are based on standard units as defined in the Federal Code of Regulations.. For retrofit units, the minimum unit efficiency rating meets the requirements listed in the Unit Efficiency Ratings Table. For new construction units, the minimum unit efficiency rating meets the requirements listed in the Unit Efficiency Ratings Table. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. Peak demand reduction Savings for this measure were derived from figures contained within the 2011 DEER database. The DEER database contains savings for code and weighted by vintage preexisting unit baselines. For new construction units, savings are extrapolated from DEER savings values by comparing the new construction net efficiency improvements to the DEER net efficiency improvements. See TRM101 Savings spreadsheet for savings calculations. See above. Definitions EER = Energy efficiency ratio = 12 × kW/ton cooling Key Parameters Building type Used in DEER to determine the average hours of operation and internal building loads. HVAC unit size Total full-load cooling capacity in tons; unit savings assume units are properly sized. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Determine if unit meets the definition of retrofit (replacement) or new construction unit. Verify that new unit meets minimum efficiency requirements. Verify that new unit is properly installed and commissioned. 5-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM HVAC Measures – Nonresidential Section 5 Important Notes Due to the recent federal code changes, there are currently (as of March 2013) no ENERGY STAR-qualified PTAC or PTHP units. Most new construction units available (per AHRI directory) do not exceed code efficiency requirements by enough to provide sufficient savings to be a cost-effective measure. Therefore, the only size category included in the new construction savings estimates is for PTHP and PTAC units with a capacity of less than 7,000 Btu/h. 4 Based on a 2011 market survey conducted by U.S. EPA , there are a limited number of replacement units available at the efficiency ranges assumed by DEER (nearly 20% greater than code). 1PG&E work paper, PGECOHVC114 PTAC and PTHP Revision 3, June 21, 2012. 2 Federal Code of Regulations, 10 CFR part 431. 3DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls. 4 ENERGY STAR Market & Industry Scoping Report, Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps, December 2011. 5.2.1 Unit Efficiency Ratings This table shows the unit efficiencies used to estimate savings. Retrofit Installed Unit Efficiency (EER) New Construction Baseline Efficiency (EER) New Construction Installed Unit Efficiency (EER) 9.31 11.17 11.9 12.2 PTHP – 7,000 to 15,000 Btu/h 8.46 10.15 10.7 N/A PTHP – >15,000 Btu/h 7.61 9.13 9.5 N/A PTAC – <7,000 Btu/h 9.41 11.29 11.7 13.2 PTAC – 7,000 to 15,000 Btu/h 8.56 10.27 10.5 N/A PTAC – >15,000 Btu/h 7.71 9.29 9.3 N/A Retrofit Baseline Efficiency (EER) PTHP – <7,000 Btu/h Unit Size and Type PTHP Units PTAC Units The efficiency rating for PTAC retrofit units in the 7,000 to 15,000 Btu/h size range is based on a unit size of 11,000 Btu/h. To determine the efficiency rating for all unit sizes within this range that provide the same level of energy savings, the following formula is used: EER = 13 - (0.25 × Cap/1000), where Cap is the unit-rated cooling capacity in Btu/h. For PTHP retrofit units, the formula is: EER = 13 - (0.255 × Cap/1000). 5.2.2 Federal Code Efficiency Standards The following table shows the minimum unit efficiency rating as required by code. Savings Estimation TRM ers 5-5 Section 5 HVAC Measures – Nonresidential Equipment Category PTHP Standard size Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) <7,000 EER = 11.9 COP = 3.3 7,000 to 15,000 Non-standard size Standard size EER = 9.5 COP = 2.9 <7,000 EER = 9.3 COP = 2.7 EER = 7.6 COP = 2.5 <7,000 EER = 11.7 EER = 13.8 - (0.30 x Cap /1000) > 15,000 EER = 9.3 <7,000 EER = 9.4 7,000 to 15,000 > 15,000 5.2.3 EER = 10.8 - (0.213 x Cap/1000) COP = 2.9 - (0.026 x Cap/1000) > 15,000 7,000 to 15,000 Non-standard size EER = 14.0 - (0.30 x Cap /1000) COP = 3.7 - (0.052 x Cap/1000) > 15,000 7,000 to 15,000 PTAC Minimum Efficiency Rating EER = 10.9 - (0.213 x Cap/1000) EER = 7.7 Measure Cost The incremental measure cost for all retrofit units is $144 per ton of cooling capacity. For all new construction units, the incremental measure cost is $34 per ton of cooling. 5-6 ers Savings Estimation TRM Lighting Measures – Nonresidential 6 6. LIGHTING MEASURES – NONRESIDENTIAL 6.1 Semi-Custom Lighting and Lighting Control Measures Measure Summary Information Measure description Lighting retrofits, lighting controls, lighting fixture replacements, and new lighting fixtures End use Lighting Project eligibility Covers measures not specified as a UES lighting measure; however, UES measures with project-specific parameters are eligible under this measure Savings type Semi-custom Unit energy savings Project-specific savings are calculated using the TRM400 energy savings calculator. The calculator can also be used to develop program-specific unit energy savings estimates for common lighting measure retrofits Measure cost Project-specific costs are used to determine cost-effectiveness EUL 1. 2. Rated lamp life divided by default annual operating hours for each building type 1 8 years for lighting controls Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types 1. 2. Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Natural replacement – code Baseline description Either the code minimum lighting power density requirement or preexisting light fixture power Efficient case description Retrofitted fixtures, replacement fixtures, newly installed fixtures, or newly installed lighting controls Savings Calculation Annual energy savings Savings can be estimated using the lighting savings calculator, an Excel 2010 spreadsheet model for estimating energy savings. The TRM400 energy savings calculator for nonresidential lighting is intended for use by utility program administrators and covers all lighting measure types. Savings calculation formulas and methodologies are fully documented in the calculator. The calculator can be converted into a lighting rebate calculator for use by program participants by adding the applicable lighting incentive rates. Peak demand reduction Default CDF factors are used to estimate peak demand reduction. Key Parameters The TRM savings calculator allows the use of either default operating hours by building type or manual input of operating hours based on building operator interviews or field-measured data. 2 1. Lighting control savings factors are primarily based on studies with measured field data. However, given the large variability in control savings, project-specific measured data may be preferred over the default values. In addition, 2013 Title 24 requires controls for many end-use space types. Where applicable, the lighting calculator includes code-required controls in the measure baseline. 2. Space end-use types are used to determine default operating hours. Where code baseline requirements will be applied, the space end-use type also determines the lighting power allowance used in determining the space baseline lighting power. Savings Estimation TRM ers 6-1 Section 6 Lighting Measures – Nonresidential Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Confirm that the existing fixture quantity, fixture type, location/end-use type, and control type are correctly entered into the calculator. The retrofit and replacement fixture type selected in the calculator should be verified as an appropriate replacement for the existing fixture. Lighting operating hours should be verified through operator interviews or field measurement. New lighting controls installed should be verified to be applicable to the space where they are applied. New lighting controls installed should be commissioned to ensure they are properly functioning. Important Notes 2013 Title 24 requirements (effective July 1, 2014) are more complex and stringent than current code. The calculator is capable of assisting with determining code applicability to fixture replacement baseline conditions 1DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 2LBNL– 6.1.1 A Meta-Analysis of Energy Savings from Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings, 2011 Lighting Control Default Savings Factor Table The savings calculator is capable of estimating savings from the installation of lighting controls. Users may input savings factors based on project-specific measured data, or select the appropriate default savings factor. Controls savings are determined by multiplying the lighting operating hours by the default control savings factor. Occupancy Sensor, Wall- or Ceiling1 Mounted Daylight Sensor Combined Occupancy & 1 Daylight Sensors Assembly 36% 36% 40% Break room 20% 20% 40% Classroom 18% 29% 34% Computer room 35% N/A 34% Conference room 35% 18% 40% Dining 35% 18% 40% Gymnasium 35% 35% 40% Hallway 15% 15% N/A Hospital room 45% N/A N/A Industrial 45% N/A N/A Kitchen 30% N/A N/A Library 15% 18% 34% Lobby 25% 18% 40% Lodging (guest rooms) 45% N/A 40% Open office 22% 27% 40% Parking garage 15% 18% 40% Private office 22% 27% 40% Process 45% N/A 40% Public assembly 36% 36% 40% Space Type 6-2 ers 1 Savings Estimation TRM Lighting Measures – Nonresidential Section 6 Occupancy Sensor, Wall- or Ceiling1 Mounted Daylight Sensor Combined Occupancy & 1 Daylight Sensors Restroom 40% N/A 40% Retail 15% 29% 34% Stairs 25% N/A N/A Storage 45% N/A 40% Technical area 35% 18% 40% Warehouses 31% 28% 40% Other 7% 18% 34% Space Type 1 1 Data sources for lighting savings factors: a. b. c. LBNL – A Meta-Analysis of Energy Savings from Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings, 2011 CA IOU SPC Manual Efficiency Maine TRM After July 1, 2014, the 2013 Title 24 code (when applicable) requires occupancy sensor controls for several space end-use types. In these circumstances, the occupancy control savings factor is included in the baseline energy use calculation. Daylight controls may also be applicable to a space if the lighting power exceeds a certain threshold. However, actual application of daylight controls is determined through space daylight zone analysis. If this analysis indicates that fixture daylight control is required, the daylight sensor savings factor should be applied to the preexisting (baseline) conditions. 6.2 Reduced Wattage Lamp and Ballast Measure Summary Information Measure description Install 4-foot reduced wattage T8 lamp & ballast system in existing fluorescent fixture End use Lighting Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table for average savings by climate zone. See TRM102 spreadsheet for energy savings by each building type in each climate zone Measure cost $21.13 per installed lamp, based on weighted average cost for various fixture configurations EUL See Energy Savings Table. The full range of EUL values (5–15 years) can be found in the TRM spreadsheet. EUL is the rated lamp life divided by default annual operating hours for each building type) For replacement of T12 or first generation T8 lamps and ballasts Not applicable for a lamp-only retrofit Savings are applicable for retrofits exempt from 2013 Title 24 requirements 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions, code Baseline description First-generation, 4-foot T8 lamps with normal light output ballasts Efficient case description 1. 2. Savings Estimation TRM 2 CEE reduced wattage system, consisting of a 4-foot, 25 W, or 28 W reduced wattage T8 lamp with high efficiency ballast. 32 W high performance T8 lamp with high efficiency ballast that achieves the same or greater levels of efficiency than a reduced wattage lamp and ballast system ers 6-3 Section 6 Lighting Measures – Nonresidential Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction Definitions kW avg = hrs = IE = IEd = CDF= 𝑘𝑊ℎ = 𝑘𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑔 (ℎ𝑟𝑠)(𝐼𝐸) 𝑘𝑊𝑝 = 𝑘𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑔 (𝐶𝐷𝐹)(𝐼𝐸𝑑 ) Weighted average demand reduction for a range of fixtures 3 Default operating hours by building type 3 HVAC interactive effects, energy 3 HVAC interactive effects, demand 3 Coincident demand factor Key Parameters Operating hours 3 Default operating hours by building type are used in the savings estimates . Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. Verify that new lamp and ballast is listed on CEE qualified products list. Verify that ballast efficacy factor (BEF) for new lighting system meets CEE specifications for ballast performance characteristics. Important Notes 1. 2. Savings for interior fixtures by building type include climate-specific HVAC interactive effects. Savings do not include the project-specific effects associated with the 2013 Title 24 requirements. If code requirements apply, the lighting savings calculator can be used to estimate savings for reduced wattage lamp and ballast retrofits. 1 Variety of sources were used to derive costs – See TRM reduced wattage lamp and ballast spreadsheet 2 Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) High Performance and Reduced Wattage T8 Specifications 3 Operating hours, peak coincident demand factors, and HVAC interactive effects from DEER 2011 6.2.1 Energy Savings Table The following table provides the average annual energy savings per lamp and measure life values for all building types. Refer to the TRM102 reduced wattage lamp and ballast spreadsheet for savings, demand reduction, and measure life values for each building type. The TRM spreadsheet provides building type values based on the specific climate zone selected. 6-4 Climate Zone Energy Savings (kWh/yr) EUL (Years) 2 3 4 16 16 16 8 8 8 5 16 8 8 17 8 9 17 8 10 17 8 11 16 8 12 16 8 14 17 8 15 16 18 15 8 8 ers Savings Estimation TRM Lighting Measures – Nonresidential 6.3 Section 6 De-Lamp Fluorescent Fixture Measure Summary Information Measure description Permanent removal of fluorescent lamp and lamp holder in existing fluorescent fixture End use Lighting Project eligibility Applicable for removal of T12 or first generation T8 lamps Savings type UES Unit energy savings See TRM103 spreadsheet. Savings vary depending on lamp length, building type, and climate zone. Measure cost $9.56 per removed lamp for all lamp lengths EUL Range of 10–15 years (rated ballast life divided by annual operating hours for each building type) 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions, code Baseline description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Efficient case description Lamp and lamp holder permanently removed or disabled, resulting in fixture with fewer lamps than preexisting conditions. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction Definitions kW = hrs = IE = IEd = CDF= Key Parameters Operating hours First generation T8 lamp with normal output ballast 4-foot lamp: T8, nominal wattage 32 W lamp (actual wattage 28 W) 2-foot lamp: T8, nominal wattage 17 W lamp (actual wattage 16 W) 3-foot lamp: T8, nominal wattage 25 W lamp (actual wattage 22 W) 8-foot lamp: T8, nominal wattage 59 W lamp (actual wattage 55 W) 𝑘𝑊ℎ = 𝑘𝑊(ℎ𝑟𝑠)(𝐼𝐸) 𝑘𝑊𝑝 = 𝑘𝑊(𝐶𝐷𝐹)(𝐼𝐸𝑑 ) Removed lamp wattage 2 Default operating hours by building type 2 HVAC interactive effects(varies by climate zone), energy HVAC interactive effects (varies by climate zone), demand 2 Coincident demand factor, varies by climate zone 2 Default operating hours by building type are used in the savings analysis 2 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that lamps and lamp holders are permanently removed or otherwise permanently disabled. Important Notes Savings account for HVAC interactive effects 1 Based on time required to remove a lamp and lamp holder from fixture as part of a fixture lamp and ballast retrofit. Derived from U.S. DOE and lighting contractor interviews. 2 Operating hours, peak coincident demand factors, and HVAC interactive effects from DEER 2013 Savings Estimation TRM ers 6-5 Section 6 6.4 Lighting Measures – Nonresidential LED Lighting Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency LED lamps and fixtures End use Lighting Project eligibility 1. 2. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See savings summary table in the TRM104 spreadsheet. Savings are available for fifteen retrofit measures: 1. LED parking lot fixture (existing W<250) 2. LED parking lot fixture (existing W≥250) 3. LED wall pack (existing W<250) 4. LED wall pack (existing W≥250) 5. LED parking garage fixture (existing W<250) 6. LED parking garage fixture (existing W≥250) 7. LED fuel pump canopy fixture (existing W<250) 8. LED fuel pump canopy fixture (existing W≥250) 9. LED outdoor pole decorative fixture (existing W<250) 10. LED outdoor pole decorative fixture (existing W≥250) 11. LED down light fixture, 9–15 W, interior, replacing incandescent 12. LED down light fixture, 9–15 W, interior, replacing (2) 26 W CFL 13. LED down light, screw-in lamp, 1–3 W, interior 14. LED down light, screw-in lamp, 4–20 W, interior 15. LED MR16, pin-based lamp, interior Savings vary by fixture or lamp size, building type, and climate zone. With 125 measures available for each climate zone, there are more than 1,500 savings estimates provided. Measure cost See TRM104 spreadsheet EUL Range of 5–15 years (rated fixture or lamp life divided by annual operating hours for each building type) ENERGY STAR and DesignLights Consortium qualified LED lamps and fixtures For fixture replacements, savings are applicable for retrofits exempt from 2013 Title 24 requirements. For screw-based lamp replacements, 2013 Title 24 requirements do not apply. Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description The baselines are based on typical existing fixtures and lamps. Efficient case description ENERGY STAR and DesignLights Consortium qualified LED lamps and fixtures 1 2 Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 𝑘𝑊ℎ = 𝑘𝑊𝐴𝑣𝑔 (ℎ𝑟𝑠)(𝐼𝐸) 𝑘𝑊𝑝 = 𝑘𝑊𝐴𝑣𝑔 (𝐶𝐷𝐹)(𝐼𝐸𝑑 ) No peak demand reduction for exterior fixtures Definitions 𝑘𝑊𝐴𝑣𝑔 = hrs = IE = IEd = CDF= 6-6 Average kW reduction of typical retrofits Default operating hours by building type 3 3 HVAC interactive effects (varies by climate zone), energy HVAC interactive effects(varies by climate zone), demand Coincident demand factor, varies by climate zone ers 3 3 Savings Estimation TRM Lighting Measures – Nonresidential Section 6 Key Parameters 3 Operating hours Default hours by building type used in savings estimate Assumed wattage reduction Based on typical LED replacement wattages for existing fixtures and lamps Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that new fixture or lamp is listed on ENERGY STAR or DesignLights Consortium qualified products list. Important Notes 1. 2. Savings for interior fixtures includes HVAC interactive effects. Savings do not include the project-specific effects associated with the 2013 Title 24 requirements. If code requirements apply, the TRM lighting savings calculator can be used to estimate savings. 1 ENERGY STAR lists qualified LED fixtures and qualified screw-in LED lamps: DesignLights Consortium Qualified Products List: 2 3 Operating hours, peak coincident demand factors, and HVAC interactive effects from DEER 2013 6.5 LED Refrigerated Display Case Lighting Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of an existing fluorescent lighting with LED lighting in refrigerated display cases. End use Lighting Project eligibility Refrigerated display lighting retrofit. Also applicable to display lighting in walk-in coolers. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 299‒1,364 kWh per fixture. See Energy Savings and Cost Table. Measure cost $144‒$195 . See Energy Savings and Cost Table. Effective useful life (EUL) 16 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description 1. 2. 3. Efficient case description LED lighting and LED lighting with occupancy sensor Savings Estimation TRM For 5-foot fixtures, T8HO lamp For 6-foot fixtures, T12HO lamp For all other lengths, T8HO lamp ers 6-7 Section 6 Lighting Measures – Nonresidential Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction Definitions kW = hrs = IE = IEd = CDF= OS = %P = 𝑘𝑊ℎ = 𝑘𝑊(ℎ𝑟𝑠)(𝐼𝐸)(𝑂𝑆)(%𝑃). See TRM105 LED refrigerated case lighting spreadsheet for full calculation details. 𝑘𝑊𝑝 = 𝑘𝑊(𝐶𝐷𝐹)(𝐼𝐸𝑑 ) Baseline fixture wattage (kW) – Installed fixture wattage (kW) Default grocery store operating hours (4,910) 2 Refrigeration interactive effects, energy (1.59) 2 Refrigeration interactive effects, demand (1.29) Coincident demand factor (0.56) 2 2 3 Occupancy sensor operating hour reduction factor (35%) LED lighting power in occupied (100%) and unoccupied (0%, 20%, & 40%) mode Key Parameters Length of light fixture, vertical or horizontal orientation, occupancy sensor control, existing fixture number of lamps, and occupancy sensor control strategy Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Verify existing lamp type, length, and location. Manufacturer specifications sheets should be obtained for verification of fixture power and efficacy. Occupancy sensors should be commissioned to ensure proper operation. Important Notes For accurate project-specific savings estimates, use the TRM400 lighting savings calculator. 1PG&E work paper, LED Refrigeration Case Lighting with Occupancy Sensors, June 2012. 2Operating hours, peak coincident demand factors, and HVAC interactive effects from DEER 2013 3Occupancy sensor operating hour reduction factor based on PNNL study (Demonstration Assessment of LED Freezer Case Lighting, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, October 2009) 6.5.1 Energy Savings and Cost Table ‒ LED Display Case Lighting This table provides the cost and savings data for LED display case lighting. Cost Units LED refrigerator display case lighting, 5 ft, center & end mount, replacing single lamp fixture $144 Fixture 0.044 299 LED refrigerator display case lighting, 5 ft, center & end mount, replacing multi-lamp lamp fixture $144 Fixture 0.089 649 LED refrigerator display case lighting, 6 ft, center & end mount, replacing single lamp fixture $173 Fixture 0.100 720 LED refrigerator display case lighting, 6 ft, center & end mount, replacing multi-lamp lamp fixture $173 Fixture 0.175 1,304 LED refrigerator display case lighting, all other lengths, horizontal and vertical mount, replacing single and multi-lamp fixture $29 Linear feet of fixture 0.011 73.9 6-8 ers Peak kW Annual kWh Measure Name Savings Estimation TRM Lighting Measures – Nonresidential 6.5.2 Section 6 Energy Savings and Cost Table ‒ LED Display Case Lighting with Occupancy Sensor This table provides the cost and savings values for LED display case lighting controlled by occupancy sensors. Cost Units LED refrigerator display case lighting, 5 ft, center & end mount, replacing single-lamp fixture ‒ with occupancy sensor $162 Fixture 0.044 340 LED refrigerator display case lighting, 5 ft, center & end mount, replacing multi-lamp lamp fixture ‒ with occupancy sensor $162 Fixture 0.089 690 LED refrigerator display case lighting, 6 ft, center & end mount, replacing single-lamp fixture ‒ with occupancy sensor $195 Fixture 0.100 780 LED refrigerator display case lighting, 6 ft, center & end mount, replacing multi-lamp lamp fixture ‒ with occupancy sensor $195 Fixture 0.176 1,364 LED refrigerator display case lighting, all other lengths, horizontal and vertical mount, replacing single- and multi-lamp fixtures ‒ with occupancy sensor $32 Linear feet of fixture 0.011 78.2 Savings Estimation TRM ers Peak kW Annual kWh Measure Name 6-9 Section 6 6.6 Lighting Measures – Nonresidential Bi-Level Lighting Fixture – Stairwells, Hallways, and Garages Measure Summary Information Measure description Automated bi-level lighting fixture with integrated motion sensors installed in a stairwell, garage, or hallway. The fixture provides lower levels of lighting during unoccupied periods. Fixtures have fail-safe operation with minimum 15-minute timer duration. End use Lighting Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. 4. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 248 kWh per fixture Measure cost $229 per fixture EUL 8 years Fixtures with integrated occupancy sensors with fail-safe feature. Fixtures operate at low light levels during unoccupied periods. Low light fixture power is a maximum of 35% of full fixture power. Low lighting levels must meet life safety code requirements. 1 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Two-lamp, T8 fixture with no occupancy sensor Efficient case description Two-lamp T8 bi-level fixtures with integrated sensor, 62 W at full fixture power, 18 W at low fixture power Savings Calculation 1 Annual energy savings formula IOU work paper savings analysis assumes the fixture operates 8,760 hours and 69% of the time at low fixture power. Peak demand reduction 0.002 kW Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Low fixture power lighting levels should meet life safety code requirements. Important Notes Savings for this measure are limited to applications where the 2013 Title 24 code requirements do not apply. 1PG&E 6-10 work paper, PGECOLT101, Revision 3, 6/18/2012 ers Savings Estimation TRM Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential 7 7. REFRIGERATION MEASURES – NONRESIDENTIAL 7.1 Commercial Ice Machines Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency ice machine generating small ice cubes (2 oz or smaller). End use Refrigeration Project eligibility 1. Applicable to air-cooled batch machines (self-contained, icemaker heads, or remote condensing). 2. Equipment is listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List or listed as ENERGY STAR-qualified. 3. Machines make ice cubes (2 oz or smaller) flaked, crushed, or fragmented ice. 4. Machine performance is tested using ARI Standard 810. 5. Remote machines are used with qualifying remote condenser or remote condenser/compressor unit. Savings type UES Unit energy savings (Ice harvest rate) – (savings) 101–300 lbs/day – 805 kWh/yr 301–500 lbs/day – 1,117 kWh/yr 501–1000 lbs/day – 1,807 kWh/yr 1001–1500 lbs/day – 2,601 kWh/yr 1 >1500 lbs/day – 3,641 kWh/yr 1 1 Measure cost EUL 101–300 lbs/day – $306 301–500 lbs/day – $266 501–1000 lbs/day – $249 1001–1500 lbs/day – $589 >1500 lbs/day – $939 10 years 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Natural replacement – code Applicable baseline types Baseline description Efficient case description Minimum efficiency units compliant with California Appliance Standards (Title 20) ENERGY STAR or FSTC qualified high-efficiency units Savings Estimation TRM ers 7-1 Section 7 Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 1. 2. 3. Unit capacity is assumed to be the midpoint of the capacity bin. Annual ice production (Prod) = .75 × Rated daily capacity × 365 days 3 Baseline efficiency (BE) = Title 20 minimum efficiency 4. 5. Installed efficiency (IE) = Value from PG&E work paper Annual savings (kWh/yr) = [Prod (lbs/yr)/BE(kWh/lbs)] – [Prod (lbs/yr)/IE (kWh/lbs)] 1 ARI Standard 810 provides the assumed standard operating conditions of the machines during the demand period. A coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per DEER methodology. 101–300 lbs/day – 0.092 kW 301–500 lbs/day – 0.115 kW 501–1000 lbs/day – 0.186 kW 1001–1500 lbs/day – 0.267 kW >1500 lbs/day – 0.374 kW Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List and/or meet ENERGY 4 STAR Version 2.0 (2013) requirements . Important Notes The ENERGY STAR calculator may also be used to develop custom measure savings estimates for ice machines.. 1 PG&E work paper PGECOFST108, “Commercial Ice Machines,” Revision 3, 5/30/2012 2 DEER 2011 Version 2011.4.01 3 2007 California Energy Commission (CEC) Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, CEC 400-2007-016, p. 112 4 ENERGY STAR Commercial Ice Makers Specification V2.0, in effect on February 1, 2013 7.2 Commercial Solid Door & Glass Door Refrigerators Measure Summary Information Measure description Self-contained energy efficient commercial reach-in solid and glass door refrigerators and freezers. End use Refrigeration Project eligibility 1. 2. For self-contained refrigeration units ‒ not applicable to refrigerators with remote condensing units Equipment is listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List ‒ all units listed meet the ENERGY STAR 2.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Program requirements Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table – Varies based on unit type and size. Measure cost See Cost Table – Varies based on unit type and size. EUL 12 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description Minimum efficiency units compliant with California Appliance Efficiency Standards 2 (Title 20) Efficient case description High efficiency units listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List and meeting ENERGY STAR 2.0 Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Program requirements Savings Calculation 7-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Section 7 Annual energy savings formula California 2012 Appliance Standards and ENERGY STAR 2.0 standards have a series of formulas that define the maximum daily rated energy use of a refrigerators and freezers with solid and glass doors. These formulas are used to find the daily energy usage of the baseline and proposed units. Units are assumed to operate 3 8,760 hours per year. Peak demand reduction Savings are assumed to be constant throughout any 24-hour period. As such, the annual savings figure is divided by 8,760 and a coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per the DEER methodology. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Important Notes N/A 1 DEER 2011 Version 2011.4.01 2 3 2012 California Appliance Standards (Title 20) PG&E work paper, PGECOFST123, “Reach-In Refrigerators and Freezers – Commercial,” Revision 0, 6/8/2012 7.2.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the ranges of savings values for each refrigerator & freezer type for a variety of sizes and door styles. Unit Volume (Cu ft) Refrigerator savings (kWh/yr) Freezer savings (kWh/yr) 7.2.2 Door Type < 15 15–29 29–49 >49 Solid door 270 493 854 1,279 Glass door 723 661 773 934 Solid door 595 869 2,074 4,552 Glass door 1,693 2,010 4,599 8,103 Measure Cost Table This table provides the incremental measure cost. Unit Volume (Cu ft) Refrigerator incremental cost ($) Freezer incremental cost ($) Savings Estimation TRM Door Type Solid door < 15 $961 15–29 $1,241 29–49 $1,732 >49 $2,396 Glass door $91 $760 $947 $1,363 Solid door $227 $1,200 $1,370 $1,732 Glass door $22 $109 $189 $791 ers 7-3 Section 7 7.3 Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential EC Motor for Cold Storage Evaporator Fans Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of an existing standard efficiency shaded-pole evaporator fan motor with an electronically commutated motor (EC motor) of the same size for evaporator fans in walk-in coolers and freezers End use Refrigeration – all climate zones Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. This measure is valid only as a retrofit; EC motors are required by the California 2012 Appliance Standards for all new installations. Applicable for replacing a shaded-pole motor. Not applicable for replacement of a permanent split capacitor (PSC) motor. Savings are approximately 50% less if a PSC motor is replaced. Savings type UES Unit energy savings Savings are based on motor size and are per motor 1. 16 W ‒ 408 kWh 2. 1/15 hp and 1/20 hp ‒ 1,064 kWh 3. 1/5 hp ‒ 1,409 kWh 4. 1/3 hp ‒ 1,994 kWh 5. 1/2 hp ‒ 2,558 kWh 6. 3/4 hp ‒ 2,782 kWh Measure cost $231 per motor EUL 15 years 1 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Shaded-pole evaporator fan motor in walk-in cooler or freezer Efficient case description High efficiency EC motor; electrical motor efficiency of at least 66% Savings Calculation Annual energy savings 1 Savings obtained from IOU work paper and are based on the following data and assumptions: 1. Motor wattages: baseline and replacement motors SHP Motor Wattage 92 EC Motor Wattage 48 1/15 or 1/20 hp 186 72 1/5 hp 361 210 1/3 hp 563 349 1/2 hp 799 524 3/4 hp 1,087 788 Motor Specification 16 W Peak demand reduction 7-4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 16 W ‒ 0.047kW 1/15 hp and 1/20 hp ‒ 0.0121 kW 1/5 hp ‒ 0.161 kW 1/3 hp ‒ 0.228 kW 1/2 hp ‒ 0.292 kW 3/4 hp ‒ 0.318 kW ers Savings Estimation TRM Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Section 7 Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify EC motor size and efficiency and verify that motor being replaced is shaded pole and not permanent-split capacitor. Important Notes The original analysis indicates that additional research is needed regarding refrigeration load energy savings associated with this measure. 1PG&E 7.4 work paper PGE3PREF123,“ECM for Walk-In Evaporator Fan”, 6/20/2012 Refrigerated Display Case EC Motor Retrofit Measure Summary Information Measure description End use Project eligibility Savings type Unit energy savings Replacement of an existing standard efficiency shaded-pole evaporator fan motor with an EC motor in a refrigerated display case. Refrigeration ‒ all climate zones For replacement of shaded-pole motors only. Does not apply to replacement of permanent split capacitor fan motors. UES 1 705 kWh per motor 1 Incremental measure cost $169 EUL 15 years 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Shaded-pole display case evaporator fan motor with no controls. EC display case motors are not governed by state or federal standards. High efficiency EC motor with a minimum efficiency of 66%. Efficient case description Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1 See TRM109 spreadsheet. Savings analysis is from IOU work paper. Savings values are the average of all available climate zones. Savings differ slightly by climate zone and building vintage. However, the difference is negligible. Assumptions for display case motor distribution: a. b. c. 9% 9 W motors 49% 19.5 W motors 42% 37 W motors Assumptions for direct energy savings: a. b. c. Baseline shaded-pole motor efficiency of 26% Installed EC motor efficiency of 66% Baseline on evaporator fan motors operating 8,760 hours per year Assumptions for indirect refrigeration savings: a. Refrigeration equivalent full load hours (EFLH) were determined using DOE 2.2R models Refrigeration system efficiency (EER) = 9.36 b. Peak demand reduction Definitions Savings Estimation TRM 0.073 kW N/A 1 ers 7-5 Section 7 Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that EC motor efficiency is 66% or greater and verify that motor being replaced is shaded pole and not part permanent-split capacitor. Important Notes N/A 1 PG&E work paper, PGE3PREF124-R1, “Display Case ECM Motor Retrofit,” June 14, 2012 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 7.5 EC Motor with Fan Cycling Controls for Cold Storage Evaporator Fans Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of an existing shaded-pole evaporator fan motor with an EC motor with fan cycling controls for a walk-in cooler. End use Refrigeration-all climate zones Project eligibility Minimum EC motor efficiency of 66% with a fan cycling controller Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Savings Table. All savings are per motor. Incremental measure cost $468 per motor EUL 15 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Efficient case description Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction Definitions Shaded-pole evaporator fan motor, 8,760 hour operation High efficiency EC motor with controller integrated into the compressor controller, which reduces fan speed when refrigerant is not flowing to the evaporator coils. 2 See TRM108 spreadsheet. Savings analysis is from IOU work paper. Savings values are the average of all available climate zones. Savings differ slightly by climate zone. However, the difference is negligible. Assumptions for direct energy savings: a. Baseline shaded-pole motor efficiency of 26% b. Installed EC motor efficiency of 66% c. 8,760 hours – baseline operation d. Installed EC motors reduced to 75% speed when compressors cycle off e. Compressors assumed cycle off 4,380 hours Assumptions for indirect refrigeration savings: a. Refrigeration EFLH from custom DOE 2.2R model. b. Refrigeration system efficiency (EER) = 6.29 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. N/A 16 W motor & controller – 0.071 kW 1/15 hp or 1/20 hp motor & controller – 0.157 kW 1/5 hp motor & controller – 0.266 kW 1/3 hp motor & controller – 0.402 kW 1/2 hp motor & controller – 0.553 kW 3/4 hp motor & controller – 0.711 kW Key Parameters N/A 7-6 ers Savings Estimation TRM Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Section 7 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. Verify that EC motor efficiency is 66% or greater 2. Verify that motor being replaced is shaded pole and not part permanent-split capacitor. 3. Confirm the fan speed is reduced when refrigerant compressor cycles off. Important Notes 3 EC motors are required by code for new walk-in coolers or new fan coil installations. Therefore, the savings related to the installation of an EC motor are not applicable for new construction or major renovation projects. 1 Work Paper PGE3PREF126, “ECM for Walk-In Evaporator with Fan Controller,” June 20,2012 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 3 2012 California Appliance Efficiency Standards (Title 20) 7.5.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the energy savings for each motor size and the percent savings attributable to the fan controller. Demand Reduction (kW) Energy Savings (kWh) Controller Savings ECM for walk-in evaporator fan with controller – 16 W 0.071 620 34.2% ECM for walk-in evaporator fan with controller – 1/15 hp + 1/20 hp 0.157 1,379 22.9% ECM for walk-in evaporator fan with controller – 1/5 hp 0.266 2,329 39.5% ECM for walk-in evaporator fan with controller – 1/3 hp 0.402 3,518 43.3% Measure Description ECM for walk-in evaporator fan with controller – 1/2 hp 0.553 4,841 47.2% ECM for walk-in evaporator fan with controller – 3/4 hp 0.711 6,226 55.3% 7.6 Strip Curtain Infiltration Barrier for Refrigerated Space Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of new strip curtains in doorways of walk-in coolers & freezers End use Refrigeration Project eligibility Installation of new strip curtains in existing doorways without an infiltration barrier or replacement of a failed strip curtain older than 4 years. Not applicable for newly constructed cold storage. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See energy savings table . Savings provided by end-use type (restaurant and grocery store). Units are kWh per sq ft of door opening Measure cost $10.22 per sq ft of door opening EUL 4 years 1 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement ‒ preexisting conditions Baseline description 1. 2. Efficient case description Savings Estimation TRM Existing doorway between refrigerated and non-refrigerated spaces without an infiltration barrier. Code baseline applies to newly constructed cold storage areas. Since current code requires an infiltration barrier be installed, measure savings are not 2 applicable to new construction . New strip curtains ers 7-7 Section 7 Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Savings Calculation 1 Annual energy savings IOU work paper . Savings are based on grocery and restaurant installations; however, savings may be used for strip curtain installations in refrigerated doorways in any end-use space. Peak demand savings See energy savings table Key Parameters Strip curtain effectiveness Install ratio Doorway usage = Average preexisting infiltration effectiveness: 40%. post-retrofit: 92% = 80% installed in refrigerated doorways and 20% in freezer doorways = Assumes 108 doorway openings per day Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Ensure that strip curtains are properly installed. Important Notes N/A 1 PG&E work paper, PGECOREF 103, “Strip Curtains, Revision 4,” May 25, 2012 2 2012 Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Standards provide requirements for walk-in cold storage areas less than 3,000 sq ft, 2013 Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards provide mandatory requirements for cold storage equal to or greater than 3,000 sq ft. 7.6.1 Energy Savings Table – Restaurant The following table provides energy savings and demand reduction for strip curtains per square foot of door opening. By Storage Type Walk-In Coolers Climate Zone Demand Reduction Energy Savings 2 0.009455 118 3 0.008138 4 Weighted Savings Walk-In Freezers Demand Reduction 80% Cooler, 20% Freezer Energy Savings Demand Reduction kW Energy Savings kWh 0.027327 336 0.013 162 106 0.023354 302 0.011 145 0.007967 107 0.022823 304 0.011 146 5 0.007171 97 0.020319 273 0.010 132 8 0.008138 111 0.023354 315 0.011 152 9 0.009056 119 0.026149 341 0.012 163 10 0.010313 131 0.029774 374 0.014 180 11 0.011259 136 0.032315 386 0.015 186 12 0.010313 128 0.029774 366 0.014 176 14 0.012302 150 0.03491 426 0.017 205 15 0.013153 175 0.036853 495 0.018 239 16 0.008138 99 0.023354 282 0.011 136 7.6.2 Energy Savings Table – Grocery The following table provides energy savings and demand reduction for strip curtains per square foot of door opening. 7-8 ers Savings Estimation TRM Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Section 7 By Storage Type Walk-in Coolers 7.7 Weighted Savings Walk-in Freezers 80% Cooler, 20% Freezer Climate Zone Demand Reduction Energy Savings Demand Reduction Energy Savings Demand Reduction kW Energy Savings kWh 2 0.002899 91 0.018733 307 0.006 134 3 0.004114 82 0.015448 273 0.006 120 4 0.004014 82 0.015021 274 0.006 120 5 0.003552 74 0.013044 244 0.005 108 8 0.004114 85 0.015448 285 0.006 125 9 0.004659 92 0.017742 310 0.007 136 10 0.005421 102 0.020834 344 0.009 150 11 0.006004 106 0.023086 358 0.009 156 12 0.005421 100 0.020834 337 0.009 147 14 0.006657 118 0.025468 397 0.010 174 15 0.007197 138 0.027323 464 0.011 203 16 0.004114 76 0.015448 255 0.006 112 Refrigerated Display Case with Doors Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of vertical low-temperature (LT) and medium-temperature (MT) refrigerated display cases without doors with new display cases with doors. End use Refrigeration Project eligibility 1. 2. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table Measure cost MT: $575 per linear foot of case LT: $493 per linear foot of case EUL 12 years New units replace multi-deck display cases without doors. New display case consists of standard glass doors, EC evaporative fan motors, and T8 lamps. 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement ‒ preexisting conditions Baseline description Existing refrigerated display case with no doors Efficient case description New refrigerated display case with doors, EC evaporative fan motors, and T8 lamps with electronic ballast Savings Calculation 2 Annual energy savings IOU work paper . Savings are based on grocery store building energy simulations. Peak demand reduction MT: 0.004 – 0.094 kW LT: 0.075 – 0.149 kW Key Parameters Refrigeration systems Building type Savings Estimation TRM = Multiplex-compressors = Grocery store with space cooling and natural gas heating ers 7-9 Section 7 Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation N/A Important Notes N/A 1DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 2PG&E 7.7.1 work paper, “New Display Cases with Doors,” Revision 4, May 11, 2012 Energy Savings Table The following table provides energy savings and demand reduction for medium and low temperature display cases with doors. Medium Temperature 7-10 Low Temperature Climate Zone Demand Reduction (kW) Energy Savings (kWh) Therm Savings Demand Reduction (kW) Energy Savings (kWh) Therm Savings 2 0.049 143 26 0.075 993 42 3 0.024 143 30 0.075 978 50 4 0.089 135 24 0.080 942 42 5 0.020 136 29 0.121 965 49 8 0.012 103 18 0.089 928 39 9 0.094 110 18 0.079 939 38 10 0.073 118 18 0.085 922 35 11 0.046 170 22 0.090 1,031 37 12 0.065 140 23 0.083 968 39 14 0.047 210 20 0.123 1,040 34 15 0.004 76 12 0.149 1,123 24 16 0.019 169 27 0.096 936 43 ers Savings Estimation TRM Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential 7.8 Section 7 Auto-Closers for Main Cooler or Freezer Doors Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a door auto-closer on the main door of a walk-in cooler or freezer. End use Refrigeration Project eligibility Only applicable as a retrofit for walk-ins built before 2006 without door auto-closers. Not applicable for a replacement for a failed auto-closer. Not applicable for reach-in doors. Savings type UES Unit energy savings Auto-closer for walk-in cooler ‒ 979 kWh average for all climate zones. See Energy Savings Table for values by climate zone Auto-closer for walk-in freezer ‒ 2,421 kWh average Measure cost $157 per auto-closer EUL 8 years Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement ‒ preexisting conditions For walk-ins built after 2006, the baseline is natural replacement ‒ code. California Appliance Efficiency Standards (Title 20) require auto-closers after 2006. Baseline description Main walk-in door of walk-in cooler or freezer without an existing auto-closer. Efficient case description Auto-closer installed on walk-in door. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings DEER 2005, IOU work paper Peak demand reduction 0 kW 1 Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation N/A Important Notes N/A 1PG&E work paper, PGECOREF110, “Auto-Closers for Main Doors,” Revision 3, May 2012 Savings Estimation TRM ers 7-11 Section 7 7.8.1 Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Energy Savings Table This table provides the energy savings and peak demand reduction for each climate zone. Cooler Door 7.9 Freezer Door Climate Zone Demand Reduction Energy Savings Demand Reduction Energy Savings 2 0.162 980 0.452 2,450 3 0.127 958 0.296 2,394 4 0.143 981 0.363 2,365 5 0.165 961 0.192 2,378 8 0.108 998 0.280 2,394 9 0.181 1,005 0.422 2,432 10 0.190 1,022 0.326 2,442 11 0.159 1,014 0.363 2,457 12 0.149 998 0.400 2,453 14 0.225 1,000 0.141 2,495 15 0.060 892 0.141 2,409 16 0.149 943 0.326 2,386 Average 0.152 979 0.309 2,421 Anti-Sweat Heater Controls Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of anti-sweat heater (ASH) controller on a low- or medium-temperature display case with doors. The ASH controller senses the relative humidity of the air surrounding the display case and reduces or turns off the anti-sweat heaters of the glass door and/or door frame during periods of low humidity. End use Refrigeration Project eligibility Applicable to existing refrigerated (cooler and freezer) display cases with continuously operating anti-sweat heaters where the anti-sweat heater power is: • More than 7 watts per square foot of freezer door opening, or • More than 3 watts per square foot of cooler door opening Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Savings Table Measure cost $48 per linear foot of display case EUL 12 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement ‒ preexisting conditions. Baseline description Refrigerated display case with anti-sweat heaters always on with no controller Efficient case description Anti-sweat heater controller that cycles off door frame heaters based on the relative humidity of the surrounding air or the amount of condensation in the inner glass. Control logic reduces power when relative humidity is 55% or lower and continues to decrease power as the relative humidity decreases. 7-12 ers Savings Estimation TRM Refrigeration Measures – Nonresidential Section 7 Savings Calculation 1 Annual energy savings IOU work paper Peak demand reduction See Energy Savings Table Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation N/A Important Notes N/A 1SCE work paper SCE13RN009, “Anti-Sweat Heat (ASH) Controls,” May 2012 7.9.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the energy savings and peak demand reduction for each climate zone. Savings are normalized per linear foot of refrigerated display case. Savings are provided for both low temperature and medium temperature display cases. Low Temperature Medium Temperature Climate Zone Demand Reduction (kW/lf) Energy Savings (kWh/lf) Demand Reduction (kW/lf) Energy Savings (kWh/lf) 2 0.047 673 0.046 374 3 0.017 546 0.049 371 4 0.001 556 0.044 374 5 0.073 552 0.048 372 8 0.034 551 0.043 376 9 0.002 584 0.052 379 10 0.034 631 0.048 376 11 0.050 767 0.049 376 12 0.058 651 0.048 376 14 0.092 936 0.052 376 15 0.014 827 0.044 375 16 0.049 694 0.046 365 Savings Estimation TRM ers 7-13 All Other Nonresidential Measures 8 8. ALL OTHER NONRESIDENTIAL MEASURES 8.1 Pump and Fan Variable Frequency Drive Control Measure Summary Information Measure description Retrofit of a pump or fan system by installing a variable frequency drive (VFD) for variable load or fixed constant load control. End use HVAC, process Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Constant-flow pump or fan serving a variable load. Oversized constant volume pump or fan serving a constant load. Variable flow pump or fan controlled inefficiently, such as a poorly functioning inlet guide vane or a throttling devise (discharge damper, balancing valve). Not applicable for cooling tower fan control. Not applicable for systems with high static head. For example: a. Open-system irrigation water pumps. b. Water pump lift stations. c. Poorly designed VAV supply air fan systems with incorrectly positioned static pressure control sensor. d. Poorly designed water or air distribution systems with undersized branches or circuits. These types of systems are often operated with a high static pressure setting to overcome design deficiencies. Savings type Semi-custom Unit energy savings Project-specific savings are calculated using the TRM401 energy savings calculator. Measure cost Project-specific costs are used to determine cost-effectiveness. EUL 15 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description 1. 2. Efficient case description 1. 2. 3. Savings Estimation TRM Fans – savings calculator selection choices: a. Constant volume b. Inlet guide vane, forward curved (FC) fans c. Inlet guide vane, backward inclined (BI), & airfoil fans d. Inlet damper box e. Eddy current drives f. Outlet damper, FC fans g. Outlet damper, BI, & airfoil fans Pumps – calculator selection choices: h. Mechanical flow control i. Recirculation j. Throttle valve VFDs installed on either a fan or pump system Variable flow system with pump or fan speed control VFD replacing a throttling valve to provide constant flow with reduced system pressure ers 8-1 Section 8 All Other Nonresidential Measures Savings Calculation Annual energy savings 1. 2. 3. Peak demand reduction Savings are project-specific and can be estimated using the TRM401 pump and fan VFD calculator, an Excel 2010 spreadsheet model for estimating energy savings. Fan and pump performance curves used to estimate savings are generic curves 2 developed by BPA and are based on manufacturer performance data. The VFD calculator allows for either standard load profiles or custom load profiles developed by the user based on actual operating conditions. In general, there is no peak demand reduction for this measure. It is possible, depending upon operating conditions, that there is a 2%–5% demand penalty due to the efficiency losses associated with the addition of a VFD controller operating at 100% flow. Key Parameters Performance curves and load profiles For improved accuracy, generic performance curves can be replaced with performance curves developed using actual manufacturer data. Load profile accuracy can be improved by trending post-installation fan performance. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. Determine design and control mechanism for preexisting fan or pump system. Determine if load being served is constant or variable. Determine if the application of VFD control is appropriate (e.g., no high static head or operational performance issues). Ensure that the VFD is installed correctly and that pump or fan speed is controlled appropriately. Important Notes 1. 2. 3. Installation of VFDs is considered industry standard practice for a majority of applications and is required by code for a variety of HVAC applications. Savings are applicable only if a VFD would not have been installed otherwise. Using measured trend data to estimate and validate energy saving is the most accurate method for estimating energy savings for fan and pump VFD retrofits. When measured data is unavailable, the VFD calculator will provide a reasonable estimate of potential energy savings given the project meets the eligibility criteria previously stated. The calculator includes a default load profile for a garage fan being controlled by a CO2 sensor, based on measured field data. 1 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls (VSD Supply Fan Motors, Variable Flow Water Loop – VSD Pump, Variable Air Volume Box, VSD Fan) 2 Bonneville Power Administration BPA ASD Calculator for Fan & Pump Applications – Summary of information provided in "Flow Control,” a Westinghouse publication, Bulletin B-851, F/86/Rev–CMS 8121. 8-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures 8.1.1 Section 8 Performance Curve Charts These charts illustrate the power curves used by the VFD calculator to estimate energy savings. Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-3 Section 8 8.2 All Other Nonresidential Measures Vending Machine Controller Measure Summary Information Measure description Occupancy sensor controller installed on refrigerated vending machines for nonperishable bottled and canned beverages. End use Refrigeration, lighting Project eligibility 1. 2. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1,612 kWh/yr Measure cost $215 per unit EUL 5 years 3. For controlling refrigerated vending machines The controller includes a passive infrared occupancy sensor that turns off the lights and compressor when the area is unoccupied for 15 minutes or longer. The control logic should periodically power up the machine at 2-hour intervals. 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Vending machine with no controls Efficient case description Vending machine with control system installed which completely powers the unit down when the area is unoccupied for 15 minutes. Savings Calculation 1 Annual energy savings formula Energy savings are achieved by reducing the operating hours of the vending machine by shutting off the compressor and lighting during hours when the surrounding area of the unit is not occupied. DEER lists a single savings value for all commercial building types and vintages. Peak demand reduction No peak demand reduction is associated with this measure. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units have occupancy sensors correctly installed and calibrated. Important Notes N/A 1 2 PG&E work paper, PGECOREF111, “Vending Machine Controller,” Revision 3, 6/8/2012 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 8-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures 8.3 Section 8 Vending Machine Controller ‒ Non-Refrigerated Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of an occupancy sensor controller on a nonperishable snack dispensing vending machine End use Lighting, appliance Project eligibility Retrofit ‒ vending machine has a lighted front and/or internal lighting Savings type UES Unit energy savings 410 kWh Incremental measure cost $144 EUL 5 years 1 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions. There are no applicable federal or state code requirements. Baseline description Existing vending machine with no lighting occupancy sensor control Efficient case description Installation of a passive infrared occupancy sensor that turns off the vending machine lights when the area is unoccupied Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Work paper adjusts DEER 2005 value to account for HVAC interactive effects Peak demand reduction No demand savings are associated with this measure. Definitions N/A Key Parameters Hours of operation 8,760 hours before installation of controller Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. Verify that existing lighting is not controlled. 2. Verify that occupancy sensor is located properly, 3. Verify that sensor control is tested and commissioned to function as intended. Important Notes N/A 1PG&E work paper, PGE3PLTG168 Vending Machine Controller – Uncooled R0, June 2012 Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-5 Section 8 8.4 All Other Nonresidential Measures Insulated Holding Cabinets Measure Summary Information Measure description High efficiency ENERGY STAR-compliant half-size and full-size insulated hot food cabinets ranging in size from 0.3kw to 0.8kW End use Appliance - food preparation Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. 4. Savings type UES Unit energy savings Half-size – 1,807 kWh/yr Full-size – 3,942 kWh/yr Measure cost Incremental cost 1 Half-size – $2,336 Full-size – $381 EUL 12 years Electric hot-food holding cabinets. Cabinet is fully insulated with solid doors. Maximum of 20 W per cubic foot per ASTM Standard F2140 Equipment is listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description California Appliance Efficiency Standards (Title 20), which require all new commercial hot- food holding cabinets to have a maximum normalized idle energy rate of 40 W/ft³ based on ASTM F2140. Efficient case description The measure case data was drawn from the CEC Appliance database that met the specified idle energy rate of 20 W/ft³ or less. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 3 Annual hours of operation = 15 hours/day × 365 days/yr Typical setpoint temperature = 150ºF Half-size unit Size = 10 cu ft Baseline efficiency = 40 W/ft³ Installed efficiency = 5.7 W/ft³ Full-size unit Size = 25 cu ft Baseline efficiency = 40 W/ft³ Installed efficiency = 11.3 W/ft³ Annual savings = (Annual hours) × [(Size) × (Baseline eff) – (Installed eff)]/1000 Savings are assumed to be constant throughout the 15 hours/day of operation. The 15 hours of operation are all assumed to occur during peak periods. As such, the annual savings figure is divided by 5475 and a coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per the DEER methodology. 1 Half-size – 0.30 kW 1 Full-size – 0.65 kW Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Important Notes N/A 1 PG&E work paper, PGECOFST105, “Insulated Holding Cabinet – Electric,” Revision 3, 6/8/2012 2 2011 3 DEER database shows an EUL of 12 years for all cooking appliance measures PG&E Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) – Qualified Insulated Holding Cabinets 8-6 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures 8.5 Section 8 Commercial Combination Oven Measure Summary Information Measure description Energy-efficient commercial combination oven capable of cooking food in either convection or steam mode End use Appliance – food preparation Project eligibility 1. 2. Equipment has a tested steam mode cooking energy efficiency of ≥50% and convection mode cooking energy efficiency of ≥70% utilizing American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard F2861. Equipment is listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. 3. <15 pan capacity – 11,497 kWh/yr 15 – 28 pan capacity – 15,074 kWh/yr >28 pan capacity – 22,009 kWh/yr Measure cost 1. 2. 3. <15 pan capacity – $1,568 15 – 28 pan capacity – $1,584 >28 pan capacity – $7,048 EUL 12 years 1 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – current practice Baseline description There are no applicable Title 20 or Title 24 minimum efficiency standards for combination ovens. Baseline for this measure was established by the Food Service Technology Center. Convection cooking energy efficiency – 65% Steam cooking energy efficiency – 40% Efficient case description Installed energy efficiency minimum efficiency requirements for this measure were established by the Food Service Technology Center. Convection cooking energy efficiency – 70% Steam cooking energy efficiency – 50% Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula See TRM106 spreadsheet for assumptions and calculations. Peak demand reduction Savings are assumed to be constant throughout the 12 hours/day of operation. The 12 hours of operation are assumed to all occur during peak periods. As such, the annual savings figure is divided by 4,380 and a coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per the DEER methodology. The original analysis (work paper) did not take into account the 0.9 coincidence factor. 1 <15 pan capacity – 2.36 kW 15 – 28 pan capacity – 3.10 kW >28 pan capacity – 4.53 kW Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Important Notes N/A 1 2 3 PG&E work paper, PGECOFST100, “Commercial Combination Oven,” Revision 4, 5/31/2012 2011 DEER database shows an EUL of 12 years for all cooking appliance measures PG&E Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-7 Section 8 8.6 All Other Nonresidential Measures Commercial Electric Steam Cooker Measure Summary Information Measure description Energy efficient electric steamer End use Appliance ‒ food preparation Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. Electric self-contained unit. The commercial steam cooker must meet ENERGY STAR specifications for energy efficiency or must have a tested heavy-load potato cooking energy efficiency of 50% utilizing ASTM Standard F1484. Equipment must be listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Savings type UES Unit energy savings All units – 5,431 kWh/yr Measure cost All units – $2,132 EUL 12 years 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – current practice Baseline description There are no applicable Title 20 or Title 24 minimum efficiency standards for commercial steamers. Baseline for this measure was established by the Food Service Technology Center. The measure case data was drawn from the list of commercial steamers that have been tested by IOU testing laboratories as of April 20, 2012. Steam cooking energy efficiency is 38%. Efficient case description Installed steamers must meet ENERGY STAR specifications or must have a tested heavy-load potato cooking energy efficiency of 50% utilizing ASTM Standard F1484. Steam cooking energy efficiency is 68%. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula See the TRM106 spreadsheet for assumptions and calculations. Peak demand reduction Savings are assumed to be constant throughout the 12 hours/day of operation. The 12 hours of operation are all assumed to occur during peak periods. As such, the annual savings figure is divided by 4380 and a coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per the DEER methodology. The original analysis ( work paper) did not take into account the 0.9 coincidence factor. 1 All units – 1.12 kW Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Important Notes Baseline energy use used in this savings estimate is lower than what is indicated in the reference work paper (work paper overestimates annual usage). 1 2 PG&E work paper,PGECOFST100, “Commercial Combination Oven,” Revision 4, 5/31/2012 2011 DEER database shows an EUL of 12 years for all cooking appliance measures 3 PG&E Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) 8-8 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures 8.7 Section 8 Commercial Electric Convection Oven Measure Summary Information Measure description Energy efficient electric convection oven End use Appliance ‒ food preparation Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. 3. Half-size – 2,518 kWh/yr Full-size – 2,774 kWh/yr Large full-size – 3613 kWh/yr Measure cost 1. 2. 3. Half-size – $793 Full-size – $1,007 Large full-size – $649 EUL 12 years Electric self-contained unit. Energy efficiency ≥ 70% per ASTM Standard F1496. Equipment must be listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. 1 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – current practice Baseline description 1. 2. Efficient case description There are no applicable California Title 20 or Title 24 minimum efficiency standards for combination ovens. Baseline for this measure was established by the Food Service Technology Center. The measure case data was drawn from the list of commercial steamers that have been tested by IOU testing laboratories as of April 20, 2012. Performance characteristics for the baseline equipment are listed below in the savings calculation section. Installed steamers must meet ENERGY STAR specifications or must meet the following minimum efficiency requirements: 1. Half-size – ≥70% cooking energy efficiency – ≤1.0 kW idle rate 2. Full-size – ≥70% cooking energy efficiency – ≤1.6 kW idle rate 3. Large full-size – ≥73% cooking energy efficiency – ≤1.9 kW idle rate Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula See TRM106 for assumptions and calculations. Peak demand reduction Savings are assumed to be constant throughout the 12 hours/day of operation. The 12 hours of operation are assumed all to occur during peak periods. As such, the annual savings figure is divided by 4,380 and a coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per the DEER methodology. 1 1. Half-size – 0.52 kW 2. Full-size – 0.57 kW 3. Large full-size – 0.75 kW 1 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Important Notes N/A 1 2 PG&E work paper, PGECOFST101, “Commercial Convection Oven,” Revision 4, 6/5/2012 2011 DEER database shows an EUL of 12 years for all cooking appliance measures 3 PG&E Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-9 Section 8 8.8 All Other Nonresidential Measures Commercial Electric Fryer Measure Summary Information Measure description Energy efficient electric fryer End use Appliance ‒ food preparation Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. Savings type UES Unit energy savings All units – 3,061 kWh/yr Measure cost All units – $769 EUL 12 years Fryer is an electric self-contained unit. Energy efficiency ≥ 80% per ASTM Standard F1361 Equipment is be listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – current practice Baseline description There are no applicable California Title 20 or Title 24 minimum efficiency standards for fryers. Baseline for this measure was established by the Food Service Technology Center. The measure case data was drawn from the list of commercial steamers that have been tested by IOU testing laboratories as of April 20, 2012. All units 1. Idle energy rate – 1,200 W 2. Cooking energy efficiency – 75% Efficient case description Installed fryers must meet the following minimum efficiency requirements: All units 1. Idle energy rate – 860 W/sq ft/hr 2. Cooking energy efficiency – 85% Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula See TRM106 spreadsheet for assumptions and calculations. Peak demand reduction Savings are assumed to be constant throughout the 12 hours/day of operation. The 12 hours of operation are assumed all to occur during peak periods. As such, the annual savings figure is divided by 4380 and a coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per the DEER methodology. Original analysis (work paper) did not take into account the 0.9 coincidence factor. All units – 0.54 kW Installed energy use used in these savings estimates is different than that used in source work paper. 1 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List. Important Notes N/A 1 2 PG&E work paper,PGECOFST103, “Commercial Fryer – Electric and Gas,” Revision 4, 6/13/2012 2011 DEER database shows an EUL of 12 years for all cooking appliance measures. 3 PG&E Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) 8-10 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures 8.9 Section 8 Commercial Electric Griddle Measure Summary Information Measure description Energy efficient electric griddle End use Appliance ‒ food preparation Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. Electric self-contained unit Meet ENERGY STAR specifications or energy efficiency ≥ 70% per ASTM Standard F1275 Equipment is listed on Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List Savings type UES Unit energy savings All units – 2,663 kWh/yr Measure cost All units – $774 EUL 12 years 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – current practice Baseline description There are no applicable California Title 20 or Title 24 minimum efficiency standards for griddles. Baseline for this measure was established by the Food Service Technology Center. The measure case data was drawn from the list of commercial steamers that have been tested by IOU testing laboratories as of April 20, 2012. Efficient case description All units Cooking energy efficiency – 60% (ASTM F1275 test) Installed griddles meets ENERGY STAR specifications or must meet the following minimum efficiency requirements All units Cooking energy efficiency – 75% (ASTM F1275 test) Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula See TRM106 spreadsheet for assumptions and calculations. Peak demand reduction Savings are assumed to be constant throughout the 12 hours/day of operation. The 12 hours of operation are assumed to all occur during peak periods. As such the annual savings figure is divided by 4,380 and a coincidence factor of 0.9 is applied as per the DEER methodology. The original analysis (work paper) did not take into account the 0.9 coincidence factor. 1 All units – 0.49 kW Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that units are listed on the Food Service Technology Center's Qualifying Appliance List Important Notes N/A 1 2 3 PG&E work paper, PGECOFST103, “Commercial Griddle,” Revision 4, 5/2/2012 2011 DEER database shows an EUL of 12 years for all cooking appliance measures. PG&E Food Service Technology Center (FSTC) Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-11 Section 8 All Other Nonresidential Measures 8.10 Commercial Dishwasher Measure Summary Information Measure description ENERGY STAR-qualified commercial dishwasher End use Appliance ‒ food preparation Project eligibility Installation of an ENERGY STAR (specification version 2.0) qualified commercial dishwasher of the following types: under counter, door-type, single-tank conveyor and multi-tank conveyor Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table. Savings varies by type of dishwasher, water temperature and energy source of hot water. Incremental measure cost See Cost Table. Incremental cost varies by the type of dishwasher EUL 10 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement ‒ code Baseline description Standard efficiency unit Efficient case description ENERGY STAR 2.0-qualified unit Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. 3. 4. Peak demand reduction The energy savings were determined using the ENERGY STAR commercial 1 kitchen equipment calculator . The calculator defaults to 365 days/year operation for all dishwasher types and assumes an average daily cycle value for each dishwasher type. o For low-temperature dishwashers, a 40 F change in temperature is assumed. o The change in temperature for a high-temperature dishwasher is 70 F. The calculator determines the annual water consumption by multiplying the water used per cycle by the assumed number of cycles per year and multiplying that product by the amount of energy needed to heat that amount of water to the required temperature. N/A ‒ peak savings demand reduction estimate is not available Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that the dishwasher meets the ENERGY STAR specifications. Important Notes N/A 1 ENERGY STAR commercial kitchen equipment calculator (Nov-2013). Available at: 8.10.1 Energy Savings Table The table below provides the ranges of savings values for the four types of dishwashers (under counter, door-type, single-tank conveyor, and multi-tank conveyor) used in buildings with either gas or electric water heating. The dishwashers with booster heating are also separated by either gas or electric heating. 8-12 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures Section 8 Annual kWh Annual Therms Water (Gallons) Low temp. undercounter, gas heat N/A 106 14,783 Low temp. undercounter, elec. heat 2,540 N/A 14,783 High temp. undercounter, gas heat, gas booster 1,471 71 6,296 High temp. undercounter, gas heat, electric booster 2,089 45 6,296 High temp. undercounter, electric heat, gas booster 2,553 26 6,296 High temp. undercounter, electric heat, electric booster 3,171 N/A 6,296 N/A 675 94,024 16,153 N/A 94,024 827 461 40,880 High temp. door-type, gas heat, electric booster 4,840 294 40,880 High temp. door-type, electric heat, gas booster 7,850 168 40,880 High temp. door-type, electric heat, electric booster 11,863 N/A 40,880 584 545 75,920 Low temp. single-tank conveyor, electric heat 13,626 N/A 75,920 High temp. single-tank conveyor, gas heat, gas booster 2,511 280 24,820 High temp. single-tank conveyor, gas heat, electric booster 4,948 178 24,820 High temp. single-tank conveyor, electric heat, gas booster 6,775 102 24,820 High temp. single-tank conveyor, electric heat, electric booster 9,212 N/A 24,820 N/A 786 109,500 Low temp. multi-tank conveyor, electric heat 18,811 N/A 109,500 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, gas heat, gas booster 1,986 1,063 94,170 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, gas heat, electric booster 11,230 676 94,170 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, electric heat, gas booster 18,163 386 94,170 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, electric heat, electric booster 27,408 N/A 94,170 Dishwasher & Fuel Type Low temp. door-type, gas heat Low temp. door-type, electric heat High temp. door-type, gas heat, gas booster Low temp. single-tank conveyor, gas heat Low temp. multi-tank conveyor, gas heat Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-13 Section 8 All Other Nonresidential Measures 8.10.2 Measure Cost Table The cost data below is from the ENERGY STAR calculator. Measure Name Cost Low temp. undercounter, gas heat $50 Low temp. undercounter, electric heat $50 High temp. undercounter, gas heat, gas booster $120 High temp. undercounter, gas heat, electric booster $120 High temp. undercounter, electric heat, gas booster $120 High temp. undercounter, electric heat, electric booster $120 Low temp. door-type, gas heat $0 Low temp. door-type, electric heat $0 High temp. door-type, gas heat, gas booster $770 High temp. door-type, gas heat, electric booster $770 High temp. door-type, electric heat, gas booster $770 High temp. door-type, electric heat, electric booster $770 Low temp. single-tank conveyor, gas heat $0 Low temp. single-tank conveyor, electric heat $0 High temp. single-tank conveyor, gas heat, gas booster $2,050 High temp. single-tank conveyor, gas heat, electric booster $2,050 High temp. single-tank conveyor, electric heat, gas booster $2,050 High temp. single-tank conveyor, electric heat, electric booster $2,050 Low temp. multi-tank conveyor, gas heat $970 Low temp. multi-tank conveyor, electric heat $970 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, gas heat, gas booster $970 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, gas heat, electric booster $970 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, electric heat, gas booster $970 High temp. multi-tank conveyor, electric heat, electric booster $970 8.11 High Efficiency Clothes Washers in Multifamily Properties Measure Summary Information Measure description New high efficiency front-loading or top-loading clothes washer installed in a multifamily property End use Appliance ‒ residential Project eligibility Installation of a CEE Tier 3 clothes washer in a multifamily residence. Clothes washer can be installed in the residential unit (in-unit) or be a coin operated washer installed in a common area. Washer meets or exceeds CEE Tier 3 performance specifications (dated Jan -2011): 1. Modified energy factor (MEF) = 2.40 or greater 2. Water factor = 4.0 or less Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. In-unit clothes washer – 144 kWh/yr, 0.082 kW, 9.6 therms/yr 2. Coin operated clothes washer – 645 kWh/yr, 0.076 kW, 51.8 therms/yr 1 Incremental measure cost $284 EUL 8-14 11 years 1 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures Section 8 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement ‒ code Baseline description Title 20 compliant clothes washer, MEF = 1.26. Efficient case description CEE Tier 3-qualified clothes washer Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula IOU work paper 1 Energy savings are achieved by a reduction in heated water use and a reduction in dryer energy use (efficient water spin cycles remove more water from clothes). Savings values are based on various assumptions regarding clothes washer market shares, weighted average efficiencies of standard and efficient washers, and RASSbased populations of gas and electric dryers and hot water heaters. Peak demand reduction The residential energy/peak factor of 0.417 from DEER 2005 was used to calculate the peak demand. Definitions N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that clothes washers meet CEE Tier 3 specifications - see CEE list of qualifying products. Important Notes N/A 1 PG&E work paper PGECOAPP120 R3 Clothes Washers MF, June 2012 8.12 ENERGY STAR Uninterrupted Power Supply Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of an ENERGY STAR-qualified uninterrupted power supply (UPS) End use Process ‒ electronic equipment Project eligibility ENERGY STAR products in the following category are eligible: 1. Commercial UPS intended to protect small business and branch office information and communication technology equipment such as servers, network switches and routers, and small storage arrays 2. Data center UPS intended to protect large installations of information and communication technology equipment such as enterprise servers, networking equipment, and large storage arrays 3. Telecommunications DC-output UPS/Rectifier intended to protect telecommunication network systems located within a central office or at a remote wireless/cellular site The following products are not eligible: 4. Consumer UPS intended to protect desktop computers and related peripherals, and/or home entertainment devices 5. Products that are internal to a computer or another end-use load 6. Industrial UPS specifically designed to protect critical control, manufacturing, or production processes Savings type UES Unit energy savings 204 kWh per rated kVA Incremental measure cost $59 per rated kVA EUL 10 years Savings Estimation TRM 1 2 ers 8-15 Section 8 All Other Nonresidential Measures Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – current practice Baseline description Non-ENERGY STAR-qualified UPS Efficient case description ENERGY STAR-qualified UPS Savings Calculation Energy savings Based on average efficiency gains of an ENERGY STAR UPS (3%–5%). Savings are calculated for the three DOE test sizes based on typical UPS loading and efficiency gains, then averaged together to arrive at a single savings estimate. For calculation details, see TRM115 ENERGY STAR UPS spreadsheet. Peak demand reduction No peak demand reduction is estimated for this measure. Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation UPS Power and Performance Data Sheet (PPDS) should be checked to verify that it indicates that the UPS equipment meets ENERGY STAR requirements. Important Notes Little to no cost data on ENERGY STAR units is currently available; cost data should be collected to help verify incremental measure costs. 1 Incremental measure cost based on average UPS costs for a range of sizes, assuming a 30% premium for an ENERGY STAR UPS. 2 Useful life for UPS can exceed 10 years (per manufacturer literature) and possibly be as high as 20 years. However, some UPS internal components may fail earlier. Ten years is used as a conservative estimate for EUL. 8.13 Plug-Load Occupancy Sensor Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of standard electric power strips with occupancy sensor-controlled strips in commercial office space End use Plug load ‒ consumer electronics Project eligibility 1. 2. Power strip must control electricity-using equipment in offices or cubicles, including shared copiers and/or printers. Power strip must be controlled by either passive infrared and/or ultrasonic detectors. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 64 kWh per smart strip installed Measure cost $37.29 per smart strip EUL 8 years 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Preexisting standard power strips without any control mechanism and which are controlled with a single manual switch. Efficient case description Occupancy sensor-controlled power strips that use an ultrasonic or infrared sensor and automatically turn off ancillary plug loads connected to the power strip when an area is unoccupied. Plug loads are devices that plug into a building’s electrical system; they include task lights, appliances, entertainment equipment, vending machines, and office equipment: fax machines, computers, printers, and copiers. 8-16 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures Section 8 Savings Calculation 1 Annual energy savings Calculations are based on the IOU work paper . 1. Power strip is assumed to control both a tack light as well as a computer monitor. 2. Total controlled wattage is calculated to be 23.9 W and includes a weighted average of computer monitors (95% LCD 5% CRT) and a weighting on monitors that are capable of going into sleep mode (75%) as well as a 10 W task light. 3. Occupancy sensor is assumed to reduce annual operating hours of the monitor and task light by 2,450 hours per year. Peak demand reduction Demand savings for this measure are calculated by multiplying the total occupancy sensor-controlled wattage by both the demand period HVAC interactive effects and a demand coincidence factor as defined in DEER 2011 Total controlled wattage – 23.9 W Demand interactive effects – 1.285 Coincidence factor – 0.65 3 3 Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. Ensure that the occupancy sensor is correctly calibrated. Ensure that all appropriate ancillary electronic devices are connected to outlets controlled by the occupancy sensor . Important Notes N/A 1 PG&E work Paper PGECOALL101, Revision 3, 6/22/2012 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls. Assumed equivalent to occupancy sensor control. 3 Peak coincident demand factors, and HVAC interactive effects from DEER 2013 8.14 Smart Power Strip – Commercial Use Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of electric power strips that turn off office equipment based on the power strip control outlet’s sensor reading End use Plug load ‒ consumer electronics Project eligibility Applicable to smart power strips installed in nonresidential buildings Savings type UES Unit energy savings 100 kWh per smart strip Measure cost $37 per smart strip EUL 8 years 1 2 3 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Preexisting standard power strips without any control mechanism and which are controlled with a single manual switch Efficient case description Smart power strip with the capability to sense the drop in current that occurs when the control device enters a low-power mode. A current-sensing transformer attached to an outlet on the plug strip monitors the current draw of the designated device. When the current draw of this device drops below a certain threshold, power is disconnected from the controlled outlets on the plug strip. Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-17 Section 8 All Other Nonresidential Measures Savings Calculation Annual energy savings Savings are based on the results of RTF study and analysis. Peak demand reduction No peak demand reduction Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Ensure that the master electronic device is connected to the appropriate master outlet on the power strip. Important Notes N/A 1 RTF study and analysis, SmartPlugPowerStrips_v2_0.xlsm 2 Work Paper SCE13CS002, Revised May 8, 2012 3 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls, assumed equivalent to occupancy sensor control. 8.15 Kitchen Exhaust Hood Demand Ventilation Control System Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of VFD on kitchen exhaust fans for type I (smoke- and grease-producing cooking) exhaust hoods in conjunction with a control system that adjusts fan speed based on cooking demand. Make-up air fan speed, if part of the kitchen ventilation system, is also controlled by the new control system. End use HVAC ‒ kitchen ventilation Project eligibility Applicable for both new systems and system retrofits. Not applicable for Type II exhaust hoods (non-grease rated). Savings type UES Unit energy savings 4,197 kWh per exhaust fan hp 105 therms per exhaust fan hp ‒ no savings if make-up air is not heated. Therm savings are the average savings for all climate zones. Measure cost $1,991 per exhaust fan hp EUL 15 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – current practice Baseline description Kitchen type I exhaust hood with manual or automatic on/off control and constant volume exhaust fans. Make-up air may be through make-up air fans or by transfer air from conditioned spaces. Make-up air may be unconditioned, heated, or heated and cooled. Efficient case description 1. 2. VFD control of exhaust hood fans and, as applicable, make-up air fans. New exhaust hood control system that controls fan speed based on control inputs (e.g., optic and/or temperature sensors that determine the presence and volume of heat or smoke) Savings Calculation 1 Annual energy savings IOU work paper savings are based on the following data and assumptions: 1. Savings are based on average fan speed and power reduction achieved in the PG&E, FSTC, and SCE field-monitored case studies. 2. Savings are normalized to rated exhaust fan horsepower 3. Coincidental HVAC cooling savings are not included in savings estimate 4. Natural gas savings are based on heated make-up air sized for 80% of total exhaust airflow and 65°F setpoint. Overall fan speed reduction is assumed to be 26%. Peak demand reduction 0.542 kW per exhaust fan hp Key Parameters 8-18 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other Nonresidential Measures Section 8 N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Ventilation system controls must be properly installed and commissioned to ensure optimal performance and prevent control system override by end user. Important Notes For simplicity, the savings have been normalized to the rated horsepower of the exhaust hood fans. However, exhaust fan hp is not a good indicator of overall system cost and this may not accurately reflect the savings potential for all system types and sizes. For more accurate project-specific savings estimates, custom energy savings estimates are recommended. 1 PG&E work paper, Commercial Kitchen Demand Ventilation Controls, June 18, 2012 Savings Estimation TRM ers 8-19 HVAC Measures – Residential 9 9. HVAC MEASURES – RESIDENTIAL 9.1 Residential Air Conditioners Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency split-system air conditioner, split-system air source heat pump, or ductless mini-split system End use HVAC Project eligibility 1. 2. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See TRM200 spreadsheet. There are 19 measures for each climate zone, with each measure consisting of two savings estimates (code and early retirement baselines). In total, there are 456 measure savings values provided. Incremental measure cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EUL 15 years Unit meets the applicable efficiency level. For mini-split systems, the measure savings are limited to applications where it is a viable option to install a standard split system (condensing unit and ducted fan coil unit). 1 15 SEER unit: $153 16 SEER unit: $169 17 SEER and larger: $211 2 Evaporative-cooled split system air conditioner: $750 3 15-16 SEER ductless mini-split: $252 17-19 SEER ductless mini-split: $452 20-21 SEER ductless mini-split: $748 4 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types 1. Natural replacement – code 2. Dual baseline – early retirement Baseline description 1. 2. Efficient case description Savings Estimation TRM See Code Baseline Efficiency Table for code requirements used in natural replacement baseline. For dual baseline/ early retirement measures, the efficiency level is an average of typical unit efficiency levels for various building vintages (DEER methodology). Unit meets or exceeds the applicable efficiency level: 1. Heat pump, 15 SEER, 8.4 HSPF 2. Heat pump, 16 SEER, 8.4 HSPF 3. Split-system air conditioner, 15 SEER, 12.5 EER 4. Split-system air conditioner, 16 SEER, 13 EER 5. Split-system air conditioner, 17 SEER, 13 EER 6. Split-system air conditioner, 18 SEER, 13 EER 7. Split-system air conditioner, 19 SEER, 14 EER 8. Split-system air conditioner, 20 SEER, 14 EER 9. Split-system air conditioner, 21 SEER, 15 EER ers 9-1 Section 9 HVAC Measures – Residential 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Evap-cooled split-system air conditioner, 15 EER Ductless mini-split heat pump, 15 SEER Ductless mini-split heat pump, 16 SEER Ductless mini-split air conditioner, 15 SEER Ductless mini-split air conditioner, 16 SEER Ductless mini-split air conditioner, 17 SEER Ductless mini-split air conditioner, 18 SEER Ductless mini-split air conditioner, 19 SEER Ductless mini-split air conditioner, 20 SEER Ductless mini-split air conditioner, 21 SEER Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Peak demand reduction Definitions See TRM200 spreadsheet. Savings derived from DEER 2014 data Savings for 16 SEER unit is estimated as the average savings value for a 15 SEER and 17 SEER unit. Savings for 20 SEER unit is estimated as the average savings value for a 19 SEER and 21 SEER unit. Ductless mini-split savings based on IOU work paper adjustment factors (1.14 for energy, 1.25 for demand) for adding supply air fan savings associated with a ductless system. See TRM200 spreadsheet Vintage = Building age as indicated in DEER savings database EER = Energy efficiency ratio = 12 × kW/ton cooling SEER = Seasonal energy efficiency ratio – Weighted average of part load efficiencies of an HVAC unit for a specified set of loads and outdoor air temperatures HSPF = Heating seasonal performance factor ‒ air source heat pumps Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. Determine if new unit will be replacing a functional unit or a failed unit. If new unit is replacing existing functional unit and RUL savings will be applied, record age, make, model, size, and type of unit to be replaced. Verify that new unit meets the minimum efficiency requirements. Verify that new unit is properly installed and commissioned. Important Notes N/A 1 Base cost data from internet research 2 DOE/EERE Report, Measure Guideline: Evaporative Condensers, March 2012 3 IOU work paper, SCE13HC033 4 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 9-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM HVAC Measures – Residential 9.1.1 Section 9 Code Baseline Efficiency Table This table lists both the current and 2015 state and federal code requirements for residential air conditioners (ACs) and heat pumps (HPs). The TRM200 spreadsheet provides natural replacement savings estimates based on each code baseline. Current Unit Type Effective January 1,2015 1 SEER EER HSPF SEER EER HSPF Split system HP 13 11.07 7.7 14 11.07 8.2 Single package HP 13 11.07 7.7 14 11.07 8 Split system AC, < 45 kBtu/h 13 11.09 N/A 14 12.2 N/A Split system AC, > 45 kBtu/h 13 11.09 N/A 14 11.7 N/A Single package AC 13 11.09 N/A 14 11.09 N/A 1 Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 432) 9.2 ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioner Measure Summary Information Measure description New ENERGY STAR-qualified room air conditioner End use HVAC Project eligibility Unit meets ENERGY STAR qualifications Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table. Savings vary based on unit capacity and climate zone Measure cost $50 per AC unit EUL 9 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description Through-the-window (with louvers) standard efficiency unit with minimum efficiency rating 2 as established by federal standards in effect, June 1, 2014 Efficient case description ENERGY STAR-qualified unit Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction Definitions Btu/havg= EERstan= kW stan= EEReff= kW eff= EFLH= ENERGY STAR calculator used to estimate savings 𝑘𝑊ℎ = (𝑘𝑊𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛 − 𝑘𝑊𝐸𝑓𝑓 )(𝐸𝐹𝐿𝐻) 𝐵𝑡𝑢/ℎ𝐴𝑣𝑔 𝑘𝑊 = ( )/1000 𝐸𝐸𝑅 Average cooling capacity of a room AC unit Energy efficiency ratio for a standard unit with side louvers in kW/ton Demand for a standard efficiency AC unit Energy efficiency ratio for an ENERGY STAR unit with side louvers in kW/ton Demand for an ENERGY STAR unit Effective full load hours, varies by climate zone, 224–2,092 hours Savings Estimation TRM ers 9-3 Section 9 HVAC Measures – Residential Key Parameters EER and EFLH ENERGY STAR criteria are used for baseline, efficient case, and EFLH. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that the new room air conditioner is ENERGY STAR qualified. Important Notes 1. 2. Savings for all California climate zones are not available through the ENERGY STAR calculator. The missing climate zones were assigned as follows: climate zones 4 and 5 assigned to climate zone 3, climate zones 11 and 14 assigned to 12, and climate zone 16 assigned to 15. Savings are estimated based on through the window installations (units with side louvers). Through-the-wall units (without louvers) have lower efficiency ratings, but the differential between code and ENERGY STAR ratings is similar to the window units. As such, the savings estimates provided can be used for both window and through-the-wall units. 1 ENERGY STAR calculator, 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Ch. II, Section 430.32 9.2.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides energy savings for each capacity range for each climate zone. Unit Capacity Range (Btu/h) 9-4 Climate Zone Energy Savings (kWh) 6,000 – 7,999 3,4,5 3 8,000 – 13,999 3,4,5 8 14,000 – 19,999 3,4,5 16 20,000 – 27,999 3,4,5 23 6,000 – 7,999 8 13 8,000 – 13,999 8 42 14,000 – 19,999 8 83 20,000 – 27,999 8 122 6,000 – 7,999 9 17 8,000 – 13,999 9 55 14,000 – 19,999 9 109 20,000 – 27,999 9 159 6,000 – 7,999 10 15 8,000 – 13,999 10 48 14,000 – 19,999 10 96 20,000 – 27,999 10 140 6,000 – 7,999 11,12,14 13 8,000 – 13,999 11,12,14 41 14,000 – 19,999 11,12,14 82 20,000 – 27,999 11,12,14 121 6,000 – 7,999 15,16 24 8,000 – 13,999 15,16 75 14,000 – 19,999 15,16 148 20,000 – 27,999 15,16 218 ers Savings Estimation TRM HVAC Measures – Residential 9.3 Section 9 Whole-House Ventilation Fan Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a whole-house ventilation fan. Whole-house fans exhaust air out of a home’s living area into the home’s attic space. Air enters through open windows or doors and is exhausted through the attic’s gable or soffit vents. End use HVAC Project eligibility Home is air-conditioned and has attic ventilation openings sufficient for exhausting fan’s rated airflow. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Savings and Cost Table. Measure cost See Savings and Cost Table. EUL 20 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description 1. 2. 3. Efficient case description Whole-house fan permanently installed in the upper-floor ceiling. Air-conditioned home No central whole-house fan No other automated source of fresh air (i.e., economizer) Savings Calculation 2 Annual energy savings formula CEC CASE study savings estimates were determined through building simulation models based on a prototypical 2,700 square foot house. Peak demand reduction See Savings and Cost Table. Key Parameters User operation 1. 2. 3. Whole-house fan operation and energy use is highly dependent upon the user. Manual or twist-timer is the typical type of control. Outside-air intake is through manually opened windows and doors. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that the fan is installed, operational, and has insulated backdraft dampers. Important Notes Whole-house fans are a prescriptive requirement in 2013 Title 24 building energy efficiency standards. This measure is for retrofits that do not invoke code requirements. 1 DEER Summary of EUL-RUL Analysis, 2008 CEC CASE study: “Night Ventilation Cooling Compliance Option” September 2011 2 9.3.1 Savings and Cost Table This table provides the energy savings and installation cost for each climate zone. Costs vary due to assumptions regarding regional labor rates. Note that the negative savings for climate zones 2 and 4 represent the use of the whole-house fan for ventilation purposes in mild climates where little space cooling is replaced. Savings are listed per fan, with a fan airflow of 2,000 cfm. Savings correlate to fan airflow; therefore, the savings can be normalized per cfm and extrapolated to estimate savings for different fan sizes. Savings Estimation TRM ers 9-5 Section 9 HVAC Measures – Residential Climate Zone Energy Savings 1 (kWh) Cost 2 55 $721 3 -142 $861 4 161 $821 5 -63 $652 8 388 $691 9 451 $728 10 522 $672 11 496 $711 12 567 $706 14 353 $647 15 174 $685 16 171 $712 2 1 Per fan (2,000 cfm) 2 9-6 CEC CASE study ers Savings Estimation TRM HVAC Measures – Residential 9.4 Section 9 Duct Sealing Measure Summary Information Measure description Test and sealing of existing AC duct systems that reduce the overall leakage rate of conditioned air into unconditioned spaces. End use HVAC Project eligibility Sealing of duct systems when not required by code. 2013 Title 24 code requirements are in effect when any of the following are true: 1. The HVAC system is new (T24,§150.2(b)1C) 2. Any of the major system components (evaporator coil, condensing unit, furnace) are replaced (T24,§150.2(b)1E) 3. Duct system is added or extended, where more than 40 feet of duct is in unconditioned space (T24,§150.2(b)1D) 4. Duct system is modified, where more than 75% of the duct is new (T24,§150.2(b)1D) Savings type Semi-custom Unit energy savings The savings per duct system are determined using the TRM403 residential duct sealing savings calculator. Entering the building type (single-family or multifamily) and duct leakage reduction in percent will provide energy savings and peak demand reduction estimates for each climate zone. Measure cost Varies depending upon the work required to seal the system. Typical cost range is $285– 1 $580 per duct system EUL 10 years Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Existing duct system with excessive leakage of conditioned air into unconditioned space Efficient case description Sealed and repaired duct system 1 Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula See TRM403 savings calculator. 1. Savings data for two reduction rates obtained from DEER 2014. Savings estimates between 12% and 25% are interpolated. Savings estimates outside of this range are extrapolated and may be less precise estimates. 2. Savings are for homes with electric cooling and gas heating. Heat pump savings data is not available. Peak demand reduction See TRM403 savings calculator Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Obtain both pre- and post-sealing test results to verify the duct system overall reduction in air leakage to unconditioned space. Important Notes N/A 1 DEER Summary of EUL-RUL Analysis, 2008 Savings Estimation TRM ers 9-7 Section 9 9.4.1 HVAC Measures – Residential Energy Savings Table – at 20% Duct Leakage Reduction This table provides the calculator annual energy savings results for a duct leakage reduction of 20% at a single-family home. Other leakage rates can be estimated using the calculator. Climate Zone 9-8 kWh KW Therms CZ02 62 0.159 27.3 CZ03 32 0.051 24.2 CZ04 73 0.173 19.9 CZ05 29 0.067 27.0 CZ08 123 0.247 12.6 CZ09 172 0.274 15.3 CZ10 164 0.449 18.4 CZ11 198 0.283 24.8 CZ12 124 0.307 23.6 CZ14 375 0.588 27.6 CZ15 488 0.463 9.9 CZ16 118 0.278 56.9 ers Savings Estimation TRM Lighting Measures – Residential 10 10.LIGHTING MEASURES – RESIDENTIAL 10.1 LED Lights Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency LED lamps & fixtures in single-family, multifamily, & mobile homes. End use Lighting Project eligibility Fixture replacements, lamp replacements, and fixture retrofits. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See TRM204 spreadsheet. With thirty measures for each climate zone, a total of 360 measure savings estimates are provided. Measure cost See TRM204 spreadsheet EUL 15 years, rated fixture/lamp life divided by annual operating hours for each building type Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions and code Baseline description Baseline wattages indicated in measure name 1 Efficient case description ENERGY STAR -qualified LED lamps and fixtures for both interior and exterior applications. The measure list includes: 1. LED 7 – 9 W replacing 35 W halogen downlight 2. LED 10 – 13 W replacing 50 W halogen downlight 3. LED 14 – 18 W replacing 75 W halogen downlight 4. LED 19 – 21 W replacing 90 W halogen downlight 5. LED 6 – 9 W replacing 29 W halogen (40 W equivalent) 6. LED 10 – 13 W replacing 43 W halogen (60 W equivalent) 7. LED 15 – 21 W replacing 53 W halogen (75 W equivalent) 8. LED 22 W replacing 72 W halogen (100 W equivalent) 9. LED 6 – 9 W replacing 9 – 13 W CFL 10. LED 10 – 13 W replacing 13 – 15 W CFL 11. LED 22 W replacing 23 W – 30 W CFL 12. LED 4 W replacing 20 W MR16 13.LED 6 W replacing 20 W replacing 35 W MR16 14. LED 7 W replacing 50 W MR16 Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 𝑘𝑊ℎ = 𝑘𝑊𝐴𝑣𝑔 (𝐻𝑟𝑠)(𝐼𝐸) Definitions 𝑘𝑊𝐴𝑣𝑔 = hrs = IE = IEd = CDF= 𝑘𝑊𝑝 = 𝑘𝑊𝐴𝑣𝑔 (𝐶𝐷𝐹)(𝐼𝐸𝑑 ) Average kW reduction of typical retrofits 2 Default operating hours by building type 3 HVAC interactive effects, energy 3 HVAC interactive effects, demand 3 Coincident demand factor Savings Estimation TRM ers 10-1 Section 10 Lighting Measures – Residential Key Parameters Operating hours 541 annual hours for interior lights, 1,249 annual hours for exterior lights 3 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify new fixture or lamp is listed on ENERGY STAR-qualified products list. Important Notes Measures are not applicable when 2013 Title 24 high-efficacy lighting requirements apply (primarily new construction and major renovation) 1 ENERGY STAR list of qualified LED fixtures and qualified screw-in LED lamps 2 DEER 2011 Update, Appendix A-1, May 2012 3 DEER 2013 10.2 LED Holiday Lights Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of incandescent decorative lights –mini, C7 and C9 lamps – with LED lights. End use Exterior lighting Project eligibility Existing decorative lights, usually traded in as part of a utility-sponsored program, must be functional. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 6.9 kWh per string Measure cost $13 EUL 5 years 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – existing conditions Baseline description A string of incandescent holiday lights with mini lamps, C7 lamps or C9 lamps Efficient case description A string of LED holiday lights, 24 ft long and containing 70 LED lamps Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mini light strings were assumed to be 23 ft long and contain 50 lamps. C7 and C9 light strings were assumed to be 25 ft long and contain 25 lamps. For baseline strings, lamp wattages were multiplied by the number of lamps per string to determine the string wattage. LED wattage from manufacturer. Savings is a weighted value, based on the majority of lamps being replaced being mini-lamps (based on utility trade-in program observations). 210 operating hours. See TRM205 LED holiday lights spreadsheet for savings calculation. Peak demand reduction 0.033 kW per string Key Parameters N/A 10-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Lighting Measures – Residential Section 10 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that existing incandescent strings are functional. Important Notes N/A 1 Utility program purchase price in 2012 2 Although rated lamp life indicates a longer useful life, the lights are not permanently installed, and due to potential damage from repeated removal and installation, the useful life is estimated to be 5 years. 3 DEER Measure Database Updates, Appendix A-1,May 2012 10.3 ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fan Measure Summary Information Measure description ENERGY STAR-qualified ceiling fan End use HVAC Project eligibility ENERGY STAR qualified Savings type UES Unit energy savings 178 kWh per year Incremental measure cost $86 per ceiling fan EUL 10 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description Standard efficiency unit Efficient case description ENERGY STAR-qualified unit Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. 3. Peak demand reduction The energy savings were determined using the ENERGY STAR savings calculator. Calculator assumes demand wattages for low, medium, and high fan speeds for standard and efficient units. It also gives lighting wattages for standard and efficient units. ENERGY STAR assumes average daily operating hours for the fan and lighting in different regions of the country and gives a percentage of time at each speed setting. The Pacific region was used to determine operating hours. The demand savings were calculated by multiplying the demand savings at each fan speed by a weighting factor that corresponds to the percentage of the total operating hours the fan spends at that speed. These three numbers were summed and then added to the demand savings of the lighting to determine the total demand savings of 0.123 kW. Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that fan is ENERGY STAR qualified. Important Notes Lighting accounts for 98% of the total measure savings. 1ENERGY STAR Savings Calculator, . Savings Estimation TRM ers 10-3 Appliances – Residential 11 11.APPLIANCES – RESIDENTIAL 11.1 ENERGY STAR Refrigerator Measure Summary Information Measure description Purchase of an energy efficient refrigerator End use Refrigeration Project eligibility 1. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table – varies based on size, freezer location and presence of an ice maker. Measure cost $40 EUL 14 years 2. Refrigerators 7.75 cu ft and larger (mid- and full-size) meet or exceed the CEE Tier I (ENERGY STAR), Tier II, or Tier III efficiency requirements. Refrigerators smaller than 7.75 cu ft (compact) are ENERGY STAR qualified. 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description Refrigerator meeting California Appliance Standards (Title 20) and Federal DOE regulations (National Appliance Energy Conservation Act/NAECA) Efficient case description 1. 2. 3. ENERGY STAR (20% more efficient than code) CEE Tier II (25% more efficient than code) CEE Tier III (30% more efficient than code) Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula See TRM208 spreadsheet 1. Refrigerator energy use was estimated using the ENERGY STAR savings calculator 2. Average refrigerator volumes used in estimates were determined from CEE list 3 of refrigerators Peak demand reduction Not available Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. Determine size, freezer location, and whether the unit has an ice maker. Verify the refrigerator meets the applicable ENERGY STAR or CEE efficiency levels Important Notes N/A 1 ENERGY STAR Savings Calculator, 2 DEER 2011 3 CEE - December 2013 List of Residential Refrigerators Savings Estimation TRM ers 11-1 Section 11 Appliances – Residential 11.1.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the energy savings by refrigerator type, size, and efficiency level. Energy Savings (kWh) Refrigerator Type and Size ENERGY STAR CEE Tier II CEE Tier III Bottom freezer without ice>=16.5 cu ft 131 164 196 Bottom freezer with ice >=16.5 cu ft 116 145 173 Bottom freezer without ice <16.5 cu ft 158 198 238 Side freezer without ice >=23 cu ft 150 187 225 Side freezer with ice >=23 cu ft 171 215 257 Side freezer without ice <23 cu ft 130 161 194 Side freezer with ice <23 cu ft 128 159 191 Top freezer without ice >20 cu ft 121 152 182 Top freezer without ice 15-20 cu ft 106 133 159 Top freezer without ice <15 cu ft 90 112 135 Compact refrigerator, <7.75 cu ft 92 N/A N/A Average savings, excluding compact refrigerator 130 162 195 11.2 Refrigerator and Freezer Recycling Measure Summary Information Measure description Permanent removal and recycling of refrigerators and freezers End use Refrigeration Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. Measure cost $100 per unit recycled EUL Refrigerators – 5 years; freezers – 4 years Units must be permanently disabled. Units may be located in either conditioned or unconditioned space. Applies to all refrigerator/freezer combination types (e.g., side by side, top-mount). Applies to refrigerator and freezer sizes from 10 cu ft up to 31 cu ft. Applies to a unit replaced by a new unit. Applies to a unit not replaced by a new unit (e.g., removal of a secondary refrig.). 616 kWh per refrigerator recycled 643 kWh per freezer recycled 1 2 3 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Customer continues to use unit or does not recycle unit. Efficient case description Unit dismantled and recycled. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Energy savings are taken directly from the DEER database. Unit savings are weighted values based on a combination of different unit sizes and types, whether the unit was removed from conditioned or unconditioned space, and whether the unit was replaced/recycled or removed/recycled. Peak demand reduction Refrigerator – 0.124 kW; freezer – 0.129 kW 11-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Appliances – Residential Section 11 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Record age, make, model, size, and type of unit recycled. Verify that units are operational at time of disposal. Verify that units are properly recycled and no longer functional. Important Notes Unit energy savings for a new ENERGY STAR refrigerator/freezer are not included in the measure savings. 1 DEER 2011 unit energy savings for refrigerators and freezers 2 Customer measure costs range from zero (free pickup) up to $150. Since free pickup does not guarantee the units are recycled and taken out of the secondary market, only the cost for recycling was considered. Based on secondary research and recycling vendor costs associated with utility programs, the cost range was determined to be $50–$150. The average ($100) is used for measure cost. 3 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 11.3 Heat Pump Water Heater Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of standard electric domestic hot water (DHW) heater with an ENERGY STAR heat pump water heater End use DHW Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. Qualifying units are listed on ENERGY STAR Qualifying Product List for heat pump water heaters. Units have an energy factor (EF) equal to or greater than 2.2. Current available unit sizes: 40–80 gallons. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 308–1,628 kWh per water heater. See Energy Savings Table. Measure cost $905– $1,279 per water heater EUL 10 years 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description Electric resistance hot water heater, EF = 0.89 Efficient case description ENERGY STAR-qualified heat pump water heater, EF = 2.35 Savings Calculation Annual energy savings Peak demand reduction Savings were derived from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) study 3 and analysis on hot water heat pumps (HWHPs). Energy modeling software (TRNSYS) was used to estimate savings for a prototypical home. For HWHP installed in the conditioned space of the home, the additional heating load for home’s HVAC system is included in the savings results. NREL’s analysis concluded that a HWHP’s overall operating performance is less efficient than indicated by standard test procedures used to develop unit energy factor (EF) ratings. NA – based on typical energy use profiles, a DHW heater does not contribute to peak demand Key Parameters Average daily use EF Gallons per day Energy factor – efficiency rating Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. Verify that the unit is ENERGY STAR qualified. 2. If HPWP has an exhaust duct, verify that the duct is adequately sized. Savings Estimation TRM ers 11-3 Section 11 Appliances – Residential Important Notes 1. HPWHs use the surrounding air as a heat source. If the HWHP is installed within the home, it imposes a heating load on the home’s air conditioning system. 2. Unit efficiency decreases as the ambient temperature falls below 68°F. If ambient space temperature falls below 45°F, the unit’s electrical resistance heaters are enabled, significantly lowering the heater’s energy performance. 1 2 3 RTF hot water heat pump analysis, internet research (Dec-2013) Equal to average tank warranty of an ENERGY STAR unit NREL Technical Report # NREL/TP-5500-58594, July 2013 11.3.1 Energy Savings Tables The tables present the energy savings for a two typical HWHP sizes. Savings are dependent upon the location of the HPWP and its interactive effects with the home’s AC system. California climate zones are mapped to the more general climate zone types used in the NREL analysis. The analysis site-to-source energy conversation factor (3.365) was used to convert source results into estimated savings per installed heater. Energy Savings (kWh) 1,266 Energy Savings (Therms) 0 Climate Zone 2,3,4,5 Measure Name ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – heat pump 2,3,4,5 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – gas 1,725 -72.2 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – elec ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., located in garage/basement ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – heat pump 343 1,504 1,504 0 0 0 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – gas ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – elec 1,964 308 -90.6 0 2,3,4,5 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., located in garage/basement 1,628 0 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – heat pump 1,339 0 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – gas ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – elec ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., located in garage/basement 1,582 800 1,175 - 39.5 0 0 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – heat pump 1,464 0 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – gas 1,707 -48.8 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – elec 785 0 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., located in garage/basement 1,330 0 16 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – heat pump 1,279 0 16 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – gas 1,816 -60.3 16 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., space heating – elec 668 0 16 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 50 gal., located in garage/basement 839 0 16 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – heat pump 1,603 0 16 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – gas 2,139 -80.8 16 16 ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., space heating – elec ENERGY STAR HPWH, 80 gal., located in garage/basement 758 1,278 0 0 11-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM Appliances – Residential Section 11 11.4 ENERGY STAR Dishwasher, Compact and Standard Size Measure Summary Information Measure description ENERGY STAR-qualified dishwasher, both standard and compact size End use Appliance Project eligibility Installation of an ENERGY STAR-qualified dishwasher. A standard size dishwasher holds eight or more place settings; compact size holds fewer than eight. Meets CEE Tier efficiency standards: Standard size unit minimum Energy Factor (EF) = 0.75 Compact size unit minimum Energy Factor (EF) = 1.0 Savings type UES Unit energy savings Water source: natural gas water heater: Standard size unit: 26 kWh/yr, 1.5 therms/yr, 468 gallons/yr Compact size unit: 16 kWh/yr, 0.9 therms/yr, 208 gallons/yr Water source: electric water heater: Standard size unit: 58 kWh/yr, 468 gallons/yr Compact size unit: 129 kWh/yr, 208 gallons/yr Incremental measure cost $10 EUL 10 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description Standard efficiency unit Efficient case description ENERGY STAR-qualified unit Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. 3. 4. Peak demand reduction The energy savings were determined using the ENERGY STAR appliance calculator. Calculation assumes the annual energy use of a standard efficiency and an efficient standard size dishwasher. The standard efficiency dishwasher is assumed to use 355 kWh per year, which is the maximum allowed by federal code. The efficient dishwasher is assumed to use 295 kWh per year, which is the maximum allowed by ENERGY STAR. Calculation assumes the annual energy use of a standard efficiency compact dishwasher is 260 kWh per year, which is the maximum allowed by federal code. The efficient compact unit is assumed to use 222 kWh per year, which is the maximum allowed by ENERGY STAR. Calculation assumes 215 loads per year for both the standard size and compact dishwashers. 0 kW – assumes dishwasher is not running during peak demand time period Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that the dishwasher is ENERGY STAR qualified and meets CEE Tier 1 efficiency specifications. Important Notes Therm savings are due to reduced water consumption 1 ENERGY STAR appliance calculator. Current 2012 version can be found in TRM spreadsheet. Also available at: Savings Estimation TRM ers 11-5 Section 11 Appliances – Residential 11.5 High Efficiency Residential Clothes Washer Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a high efficiency clothes washer in a residential application End use Appliance Project eligibility ENERGY STAR clothes washer meeting applicable CEE efficiency levels Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table Incremental measure cost Incremental cost 1. ENERGY STAR, CEE Tier 1: $165 2. CEE Tier 2, $195 3. CEE Tier 3, $277 EUL 11 years 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description Federal standard: MEF = 1.26 WF = 9.5 Efficient case description Clothes washer meeting applicable efficiency level: ENERGY STAR (CEE Tier 1): MEF 2.0; WF 6.0 CEE Tier 2: MEF 2.2; WF 4.5 CEE Tier 3: MEF 2.4; WF 4.0 Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula ENERGY STAR calculator used to estimate savings . Peak demand reduction N/A 3 Definitions MEF= WF= Modified energy factor – takes into account the amount of dryer energy used to remove the remaining moisture content in washed items, in addition to the machine energy and water heating energy of the washer. Water factor ‒ The number of gallons per cycle per cubic foot that the clothes washer uses. The lower the water factor, the more efficient the washer. Key Parameters Washer load 312 washer cycles per year Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that clothes washer meets applicable efficiency requirements. Important Notes N/A 1 PG&E work paper, PGECOAPP114 Clothes Washers Residential Revision 3 – August 24, 2012 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 3 Savings Calculator for ENERGY STAR Qualified Appliances 11-6 ers Savings Estimation TRM Appliances – Residential Section 11 11.5.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the energy savings based on the energy source types for the hot water supply and clothes dryer. Clothes dryer savings (less dry time) are included. Energy Source Savings by Efficiency Level Hot Water Electric Dryer Electric CEE Tier I (kWh) 284 CEE Tier I (Therms) 0.0 CEE Tier II (kWh) 328 CEE Tier II (Therms) 0.0 CEE Tier III (kWh) 365 CEE Tier III (Therms) 0.0 Electric Gas 184 3.4 184 4.9 184 6.2 Gas Electric 137 6.7 181 6.7 218 6.7 Gas Gas 37 10.1 37 11.6 37 12.9 Savings Estimation TRM ers 11-7 Building Envelope – Residential 12 12.BUILDING ENVELOPE – RESIDENTIAL 12.1 Ceiling Insulation Measure Summary Information Measure description 1. End use Project eligibility Savings type Unit energy savings Measure cost Increasing ceiling insulation levels to R-30 or R-38 by adding additional insulation to the ceiling (in attics or crawl spaces) or to the roof (non-vented attics). 2. Add R-11 insulation in residential dwellings in attics or crawl spaces with limited space availability (R-30 cannot be achieved). 3. Add R-19 insulation to the ceiling (in attic or crawl spaces) or to the roof (nonvented attics). HVAC 1. Applicable to air conditioned or heated residential single and multifamily dwellings. 2. Not eligible if increase in insulation is required by code. UES See Energy Savings Table 1 Costs are per sq ft of insulation installed: 1. Ceiling insulation, increase to R-30: $0.54 2. Ceiling insulation, increase to R-38: $0.54 3. Ceiling insulation, R-11 addition: $0.42 4. Ceiling insulation, R-19 addition: $0.54 5. Ceiling insulation, R-30 addition: $0.86 2 EUL 20 years Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description 1. For all measures: preexisting ceiling insulation, or no ceiling insulation. 2. For R-30 measures, the preexisting insulation resistance value is R-19 or less. 3. For R-38 measures, the preexisting insulation resistance value is R-25 or less. Efficient case description 1. The insulation R-value for preexisting and additional insulation equals or exceeds R-19, R-30, or R-38. 2. For restricted spaces, additional insulation of at least R-11 is added. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings Peak demand reduction Measure savings values from DEER 2014 are weighted by building vintage and by HVAC system type. See Energy Savings Table Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. Determine preexisting insulation levels. 2. Determine if dwelling has mechanical cooling and/or natural gas, heat pump, or electrical resistance heating. Important Notes N/A 1Measure cost data was derived from retail market research. 2DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls Savings Estimation TRM ers 12-1 Section 12 Building Envelope – Residential 12.1.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the energy savings and peak demand reduction for each climate zone. Savings data is per square foot of installed insulation. Savings are applicable to both singlefamily and multifamily homes. CZ02 CZ03 CZ04 Measure Name Ceiling insulation, increase to R-30 kW 0.000 kWh 0.541 Therms 0.198 kW 0.000 kWh 0.518 Therms 0.197 kW 0.000 kWh 0.505 Therms 0.161 Ceiling insulation, increase to R-38 0.000 0.554 0.203 0.000 0.531 0.203 0.000 0.517 0.166 Ceiling insulation, R-11 addition 0.000 0.024 0.009 0.000 0.019 0.009 0.000 0.018 0.007 Ceiling insulation, R-19 addition 0.000 0.034 0.013 0.000 0.028 0.012 0.000 0.026 0.010 Ceiling insulation, R-30 addition 0.000 0.043 0.016 0.000 0.036 0.016 0.000 0.033 0.013 CZ05 Measure Name CZ08 CZ09 kW kWh Therms kW kWh Therms kW kWh Therms Ceiling insulation, increase to R-30 0.000 0.489 0.222 0.000 0.510 0.123 0.001 0.785 0.154 Ceiling insulation, increase to R-38 0.000 0.502 0.228 0.000 0.522 0.126 0.001 0.803 0.158 Ceiling insulation, R-11 addition 0.000 0.019 0.009 0.000 0.037 0.010 0.000 0.033 0.007 Ceiling insulation, R-19 addition 0.000 0.028 0.013 0.000 0.049 0.014 0.000 0.046 0.011 Ceiling insulation, R-30 addition 0.000 0.035 0.017 0.000 0.060 0.017 0.000 0.059 0.013 CZ10 Measure Name CZ11 CZ12 kW kWh Therms kW kWh Therms kW kWh Therms Ceiling insulation, increase to R-30 0.001 0.860 0.163 0.001 0.953 0.180 0.001 0.874 0.199 Ceiling insulation, increase to R-38 0.001 0.883 0.167 0.001 0.977 0.185 0.001 0.895 0.204 Ceiling insulation, R-11 addition 0.000 0.033 0.007 0.000 0.042 0.008 0.000 0.028 0.007 Ceiling insulation, R-19 addition 0.000 0.047 0.010 0.000 0.061 0.011 0.000 0.041 0.010 Ceiling insulation, R-30 addition 0.000 0.058 0.013 0.000 0.078 0.014 0.000 0.053 0.013 CZ14 Measure Name CZ15 CZ16 kW kWh Therms kW kWh Therms kW kWh Therms Ceiling insulation, increase to R-30 0.001 1.520 0.203 0.001 1.640 0.106 0.000 0.660 0.222 Ceiling insulation, increase to R-38 0.001 1.560 0.207 0.001 1.680 0.109 0.000 0.678 0.228 Ceiling insulation, R-11 addition 0.000 0.047 0.007 0.000 0.093 0.007 0.000 0.035 0.014 Ceiling insulation, R-19 addition 0.000 0.068 0.010 0.000 0.129 0.009 0.000 0.050 0.020 Ceiling insulation, R-30 addition 0.000 0.088 0.013 0.000 0.161 0.012 0.000 0.063 0.024 12-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Building Envelope – Residential Section 12 12.2 Wall Insulation Measure Summary Information Measure description Adding insulation of a minimum of R-13 to previously uninsulated walls separating conditioned and unconditioned spaces. End use HVAC Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. 4. Applicable to air-conditioned or heated residential single-family and multifamily dwellings. Installed as a retrofit to an existing uninsulated wall connecting conditioned and unconditioned living areas. Measure covers a minimum of 75% of the living area. Measure is not applicable if installed as part of a retrofit that requires the building envelope be upgraded to meet Title 24 code requirements. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. See Energy Savings Table. Savings unit values are per square foot of insulation installed. Incremental measure cost 1. $0.94 per square foot of insulation installed EUL 20 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description No insulation Efficient case description Insulation of R-13 or greater Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Saving values obtained from DEER are weighted based on building vintage and HVAC type. Peak demand reduction Not applicable. Insulation saves energy by reducing the duty cycle of HVAC equipment, resulting in no appreciable demand reduction. Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. Ensure that installed insulation meets minimum requirements. Ensure that preexisting walls have no insulation. Verify that installation of insulation is not required to meet Title 24 code requirements. Verify that wall has conditioned space on one side and unconditioned space on the other side. Important Notes N/A 1DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls Savings Estimation TRM ers 12-3 Section 12 Building Envelope – Residential 12.2.1 Energy Savings Table The following table provides the energy savings for single-family and multifamily dwellings. Savings are per square feet of installed insulation. Climate Zone Single-Family Savings (kWh) Single-Family Savings (Therms) Multifamily Savings (kWh) Multifamily Savings (Therms) CZ02 0.241 0.139 0.223 0.076 CZ03 0.197 0.153 0.245 0.087 CZ04 0.210 0.126 0.193 0.071 CZ05 0.216 0.162 0.192 0.089 CZ08 0.224 0.099 0.140 0.057 CZ09 0.297 0.106 0.145 0.054 CZ10 0.326 0.111 0.164 0.056 CZ11 0.331 0.133 0.225 0.074 CZ12 0.273 0.133 0.228 0.790 CZ14 0.493 0.131 0.230 0.065 CZ15 0.574 0.074 0.232 0.036 CZ16 0.403 0.226 0.319 0.105 12.2.2 Measure Cost Table The table provides insulation material costs1. Labor costs are not included. Unit Size and Type Wall insulation – R-13 – single family Wall insulation – R-13 – multifamily 1SCE Measure Cost, per sq ft $0.32 $0.32 work paper, SCE13BS010, Revision, 0, June 1, 2012 12.3 Solar Attic Fan Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a solar attic fan to replace an electric-powered attic fan End use HVAC Project eligibility All sizes of solar-powered attic fans Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table Measure cost $300 per 1,000 cfm fan or $0.30 per cfm EUL 10 years 12-4 ers 1 Savings Estimation TRM Building Envelope – Residential Section 12 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – existing conditions Baseline description Electric-powered fan with equivalent annual cooling capacity as solar-powered fan Efficient case description Solar attic fan Savings Calculation Annual energy savings 1. 2. 3. Savings based on eliminating the use of electric-powered attic fan. Assumes a 1,000 cfm solar fan has the same annual cooling effect as a 600 cfm electric-powered fan. Solar fan cannot always meet ventilation demands (i.e., after sunset or when PV panel is shaded). Annual operating hours of the fan vary by climate zone. TMY weather data was used to determine the operating hours for each climate zone. See TRM213 residential solar attic fan spreadsheet for savings calculations. Peak demand reduction 0.0004 kW per cfm Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that the fan’s solar panel is optimally positioned to maximize its power output. Important Notes N/A 1 Grainger retail pricing 12.3.1 Energy Savings Table The following table provides the energy savings values for solar attic fan by climate zone. Savings are presented in per cfm and per 1,000 cfm. Energy Savings per cfm (kWh) Energy Savings per 1,000 cfm (kWh) CZ02 0.156 156 CZ03 0.019 19 CZ04 0.085 85 CZ05 0.022 22 CZ08 0.130 130 CZ09 0.217 217 CZ10 0.295 295 CZ11 0.295 295 CZ12 0.220 220 CZ14 0.365 365 CZ15 0.766 766 CZ16 0.105 105 Climate Zone Savings Estimation TRM ers 12-5 Section 12 Building Envelope – Residential 12.4 Reflective Window Film Measure Summary Information Measure description Retrofit of existing single-pane clear glass windows with reflective window film End use HVAC Project eligibility Applicable to existing air-conditioned or heated residential single-family and multifamily dwellings. North-facing windows are excluded. Savings type UES Unit energy savings Energy savings varies by climate zone - See Energy Savings Table Incremental measure cost $3.32 per sq ft of window glass covered EUL 10 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Single-pane clear-glass windows with an assumed SHGC of 0.82 Efficient case description Single-pane tinted glass windows with an assumed SHGC of 0.39 Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 2 Savings data is from IOU work paper . Based on multifamily updated savings values from DEER 2005 See Savings Table Definitions SHGC = Solar heat gain coefficient Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. Verify performance rating of window film. 2. Verify that dwelling space is conditioned. Important Notes N/A 1DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 2PG&E work Paper PGECOBLD108, “Reflective Window Film,” Revision 3, June 1, 2012 12.4.1 Savings Table This table provides the energy savings and peak demand reduction for reflective window film by climate zone. Savings are per square feet of window glass covered. 12-6 Climate Zone Energy Savings (kWh per sf) Demand Reduction (kW per sf) 2 1.16 0.001 3 0.43 0.005 4 1.07 0.003 5 0.63 0.004 8 1.48 0.002 ers Savings Estimation TRM Building Envelope – Residential Section 12 Climate Zone 9 Energy Savings (kWh per sf) 1.56 Demand Reduction (kW per sf) 0.001 10 1.32 0.001 11 1.17 0.001 12 1.16 0.001 14 1.50 0.001 15 2.07 0.001 16 0.72 0.003 12.5 Solar Screen Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of an exterior window solar screen End use HVAC – residential Project eligibility Applicable to existing air-conditioned or heated residential single-family and multifamily dwellings. North-facing windows are excluded. Savings type UES Unit energy savings Energy savings varies by climate zone – See Energy Savings Table Incremental measure cost $3 per sq ft of installed screen EUL 10 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Single or dual-pane window with bug screen Efficient case description Dark colored solar screen with ≤ 5% openness factor Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction See TRM219 spreadsheet. The savings analysis is based on the CEC solar heat gain 2 coefficient worksheet . To estimate savings, the solar screen SHGC reduction is compared to the SHGC reduction for the reflective window film measure (81.2%). An adjustment factor (86.5%) is also applied to account for the difference in total installed screen area compared to the total window glass area. The solar screen savings is the product of the overall adjustment factor (70.2%) multiplied by the reflective window film savings. See Savings Table. Definitions SHGC Openness factor = Solar heat gain coefficient = Measure of the tightness of the solar screen weave Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that space is conditioned. Important Notes N/A 1 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 2 CEC CF10WKS-03-E SHGC Savings Estimation TRM ers 12-7 Section 12 Building Envelope – Residential 12.5.1 Savings Table This table provides the energy savings and peak demand reduction for solar screens by climate zone. Savings are per square feet of installed screen. Climate Zone Energy Savings (kWh per sf) Demand Reduction (kW per sf) 2 0.81 0.001 3 0.30 0.003 4 0.75 0.002 5 0.44 0.003 8 1.04 0.001 9 1.10 0.001 10 0.93 0.001 11 0.82 0.001 12 0.81 0.001 14 1.05 0.001 15 1.45 0.001 16 0.51 0.002 12.6 Reduced Building Leakage Measure Summary Information Measure description Blower door test and seal of building envelope air leaks, resulting in either a 15% or 30% reduction in building leakage. End use HVAC – residential Project eligibility Existing single-family home with an infiltration rate of 0.350 air changes per hour (ACH) or higher. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table. Savings estimates are per home. 1 Incremental measure cost $350 for a 15% reduction and $500 for a 30% reduction EUL 11 years 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Air conditioned single-family home, with an infiltration rate of 0.350 ACH Efficient case description Building air gaps sealed with an overall building leakage reduction of either 15% or 30% Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 1 Savings estimates from IOU work paper are based on building energy simulation models of existing single-family homes (vintages 1978 – 2001). The home prototype is developed from CEC Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (RASS) data. The AC is an electric cooling/gas heating system. See Savings Table Definitions Blower door test 12-8 A blower door is a diagnostic tool for determining the airtightness of a whole building. The blower door is mounted to the frame of an exterior door. The house is de-pressurized and the infiltration rate is measured with an airflow manometer. ers Savings Estimation TRM Building Envelope – Residential Section 12 Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that the pre- and post-air sealing test results indicate the building air leakage was effectively reduced. Important Notes N/A 1 SCE13MI005, March 2013 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 12.6.1 Savings Table This table provides the energy savings and peak demand reduction per home for each climate zone. Savings estimates are provided for a 15% and 30% building leakage reduction in both a single story and two-story home. Single-Story, 15% Reduction Climate Zone Single-Story, 30% Reduction Two -Story, 15% Reduction Two-Story, 30% Reduction kWh Savings Therm Savings kWh Savings Therm Savings kWh Savings Therm Savings kWh Savings Therm Savings CZ02 7.2 13.5 14.6 27.0 10.4 26.5 21.3 52.9 CZ03 7.2 15.1 14.5 30.3 10.5 29.2 20.4 58.1 CZ04 7.5 13.1 15.1 26.2 8.2 25.4 17.6 50.7 CZ05 7.5 16.3 15.3 32.8 11.5 30.6 21.2 61.7 CZ08 5.4 8.8 11.4 17.3 3.2 17.7 5.9 35.3 CZ09 7.7 9.5 15.7 18.9 8.3 20.1 17.1 40.3 CZ10 9.2 10.0 17.3 19.8 10.3 20.7 20.2 41.5 CZ11 13.9 12.7 27.5 25.4 19.6 25.9 39.1 52.0 CZ12 10.8 13.3 21.2 26.5 14.0 27.2 30.4 54.4 CZ14 23.6 14.7 47.6 29.4 31.7 28.6 60.6 57.4 CZ15 33.9 8.0 68.6 16.0 65.5 15.9 131.8 31.8 CZ16 10.8 18.0 20.8 36.0 13.6 33.7 29.2 67.6 Savings Estimation TRM ers 12-9 13 All Other – Residential 13.ALL OTHER – RESIDENTIAL 13.1 Smart Power Strip Measure Summary Information Measure description Replacement of standard electric power strips with smart strips in home offices and home entertainment centers Smart power strips have one outlet that controls the power supplied to a number of other related devices attached to the same power strip. Smart power strips can automatically eliminate the electrical load of peripheral devices (computer printer, scanner, DVD player, etc.) when an electronic control device (personal computer or television) is in standby or off mode. End use Plug load – consumer electronics Project eligibility Applicable to smart power strips installed in both single-family and multifamily residential buildings Savings type UES Unit energy savings 24 kWh per smart strip installed Measure cost $37.29 per smart strip EUL 8 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Preexisting standard power strips without any control mechanism and which are controlled with a single manual switch Efficient case description A smart power strip with the capability to sense the drop in current that occurs when the control device enters a low-power mode. A current-sensing transformer attached to an outlet on the plug strip monitors the current draw of the designated device. When the current draw of this device drops below a certain threshold, power is disconnected from the controlled outlets on the plug strip. Savings Calculation 2 Annual energy savings 1. 2. Peak demand reduction No peak demand reduction for this measure. Calculations are based on the SCE smart power strip work paper Calculation methodology is based on a 2008 California home electronics 3 survey which provides installation percentage of a variety of common home theatre equipment. This information was combined with data from a 4 NYSERDA study that detailed total standby loads of these various pieces of equipment as well as average standby time percentages. Key Parameters N/A Savings Estimation TRM ers 13-1 Section 13 All Other – Residential Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Ensure that the master electronic device, TV, or computer, is connected to the appropriate master outlet on the power strip. Important Notes N/A 1 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls, assumed equivalent to occupancy sensor control. 2 SCE work paper SCE13CS002, Revised May 8, 2012 3 California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research Program Technical Brief. “Energy Use of Household Electronics: Taming the Wild Growth,” September 2008. 4 New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA). Advanced Power Strip Research Report. August 2011 13.2 Variable Speed Residential Pool Pump Measure Summary Information Measure description Replace existing pool pump with a variable speed pool pump and variable speed pump control. End use Other – residential pool pump. Project eligibility Single-family residential pool pumps greater or equal to 1 hp. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 674 kWh ‒ Natural replacement 1,711 kWh ‒ Early retirement period Measure cost $455 per VSD pump EUL 10 years RUL: 3.3 years or EUL minus preexisting pump age 1 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types 1. 2. Natural replacement – code Dual baseline ‒ early retirement Baseline description 1. Natural replacement: two speed pump, as required by Title 20 Appliance Standards for pumps 1 hp and larger Early retirement: single speed pump 2. Efficient case description VSD pump with programmable VSD control Savings Calculation Annual energy savings See TRM214 variable speed residential pool pump spreadsheet. Peak demand reduction No peak demand reduction for this measure Key Parameters Average pump size Energy factors Average pool size % time at low speed 1.73 kW 2.06 – 4.68 gallons/watt-hour 20,000 gallons 83% Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Pool pump should be properly sized and VSD controls should be programmed for: default operation at lowest optimal speed (less than 50% of full speed), pump speed ramp up as filter pressure increases, and minimal use at high speed pump operation. Important Notes N/A 1 SCE work paper, SCE13WP001, Revision 1, Aug. 2012 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 13-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM All Other – Residential Section 13 13.3 Electric Domestic Hot Water Storage Heater Savings for this measure are included with gas domestic hot water (DHW) heaters. See Section 15.3. Savings Estimation TRM ers 13-3 Gas Measures ‒Nonresidential 14 14.GAS MEASURES - NONRESIDENTIAL 14.1 Tank Insulation Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of insulation of either 1” thick or 2” thick on an existing tank containing hot liquid between 120°F – 170°F or 170°F – 200°F. End use Heating – hot fluid for process uses Project eligibility Existing tanks that heat or store hot liquid. Tanks that must be insulated to meet building codes or occupancy safety codes are not eligible. Tanks with existing insulation are also not eligible. Cellular glass insulation or foam insulation are allowed. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table. Range of savings is 13.4 – 25.2 therms per sq ft per year, depending on the liquid temperature and insulation thickness. Incremental measure cost See Measure Cost Table. Materials and labor for 1” thick insulation is $8 per sq ft and 2” thick insulation is $9 per sq ft. EUL 15 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Hot liquid heating or storage tanks with no insulation Efficient case description Installation of insulation of either 1” or 2” thick Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 𝐺𝑎𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 (𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟) = NA 𝑡 × (𝑄𝑝 − 𝑄𝑖 ) 100,000 × 𝐸𝑏 Definitions t= Qp= Qi= Eb = 100,000= Annual operating hours assumed to be 8,760 hours per year Heat loss from uninsulated pipe in Btu/h per sq ft of tank surface area Heat loss from insulated pipe in Btu/h per sq ft of tank surface area Efficiency of the boiler, assumed to be 82.5% Number of Btu per therm Key Parameters Liquid temperature For liquids between 120°F – 170°F, 145°F is used for the liquid temperature. For liquids between 170°F – 200°F, 185°F is used for the liquid temperature. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation N/A Important Notes N/A 1 PGECOPRO103 R4 Tank Insulation, June 2012 Savings Estimation TRM ers 14-1 Section 14 Gas Measures – Nonresidential 14.1.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the ranges of savings values for1” and 2” insulation for tanks that are heating or storing liquid at temperatures between 120°F – 170°F and 170°F – 200°F. 1 Measure Name ° ° 1" tank insulation, 120 F – 170 F liquid Gas Savings (Therms per sq ft of insulation) 13.4 ° ° 23.9 ° ° 14.2 ° ° 25.2 1" tank insulation, 170 F – 200 F liquid 2" tank insulation, 120 F – 120 F liquid 2" tank insulation, 170 F – 200 F liquid 1 PGECOPRO103 R4 Tank Insulation, June 2012 14.1.2 Measure Cost Table This table provides the incremental measure cost. Measure Name Cost ° ° $8 ° ° $8 ° ° $9 ° ° $9 1" tank insulation, 120 F – 170 F liquid 1" tank insulation, 170 F – 200 F liquid 2" tank insulation, 120 F – 120 F liquid 2" tank insulation, 170 F – 200 F liquid 1 1 PGECOPRO103 R4 Tank Insulation, June 2012 14.2 Hot Water and Steam Pipe Insulation Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of insulation at least 1” thick on existing hot water or low pressure (<15 psig) steam pipe. End use Heating – steam and hot water for process, HVAC, and domestic uses. Project eligibility Existing hot water or steam piping is uninsulated. Piping that must be insulated to meet building codes or occupancy safety codes are not eligible. For hot water systems, rigid polyurethane, rigid polystyrene, and rigid foam rubber insulation are allowed. For low pressure steam systems, mineral fiber, cellular glass, and calcium silicate are allowed. Savings type UES Unit energy savings See Energy Savings Table. Range of savings is 1 to 15 therms per linear foot per year depending on boiler type, pipe diameter, and building type. Incremental measure cost See Measure Cost Table. Range of savings is $6 to $13 per linear foot based on boiler type. EUL 15 years 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Hot water or steam piping system with no insulation Efficient case description Installation of insulation of at least 1” thick 14-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Gas Measures – Nonresidential Section 14 Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula From PG&E work paper: Peak demand reduction NA 𝐺𝑎𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 (𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟) = 𝑡 × (𝑄𝑝 − 𝑄𝑖 ) 100,000 × 𝐸𝑏 Definitions t= Qp= Qi= Eb = 100,000= Annual operating hours Heat loss from uninsulated pipe in Btu/h per foot of pipe Heat loss from insulated pipe in Btu/h per foot of pipe Efficiency of the boiler, assumed to be 83% Number of Btu per therm Key Parameters Annual operating hours Annual operating hours were modeled for three building types; small commercial, large commercial and industrial. Small commercial facilities operate 7.5 to 9 hours per day, 6 days per week year-round for an average of 2,425 hours per year. This number is based on a survey of dry cleaners performed in southern California. Large commercial facilities such as hotels, schools, office buildings are assumed to operate 4,380 hours per year. Industrial facilities are assumed to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for 46 weeks per year for a total of 7,752 hours per year. Pipe parameters Hot water and steam pipes were assumed to be Schedule 40 steel. For pipes with an inside diameter (I.D.) of ≤1”, an I.D. of 0.75” was used. For pipes with an I.D. >1”, an I.D. of 1.7” was used. Fluid temperature Hot water is assumed to be 150°F. Low pressure steam is assumed to be 241°F. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation N/A Important Notes N/A 1 PG&E work paper PGECOHVC104 Pipe Insulation R5, June 2012 14.2.1 Energy Savings Table The following table provides the ranges of savings values for how water and low-pressure steam in pipes with diameter of ≤1” and >1” in small commercial, large commercial, and industrial facilities. Savings Estimation TRM ers 14-3 Section 14 Gas Measures – Nonresidential 1 Building Type Gas Savings (Therms per linear foot of pipe) Hot water pipe insulation, ≤1" diameter pipe Small retail 1.2 Hot water pipe insulation, ≤1" diameter pipe Large office 2.2 Hot water pipe insulation, ≤1" diameter pipe Light industrial mfg. 3.7 Hot water pipe insulation, >1" diameter pipe Small retail 2.2 Hot water pipe insulation, >1" diameter pipe Large office 4.0 Hot water pipe insulation, >1" diameter pipe Light industrial mfg. 7.2 Low pressure steam pipe insulation, ≤1" diameter pipe Small retail 2.6 Low pressure steam pipe insulation, ≤1" diameter pipe Large office 4.7 Low pressure steam pipe insulation, ≤1" diameter pipe Light industrial mfg. 8.2 Low pressure steam pipe insulation, >1" diameter pipe Small retail 4.7 Low pressure steam pipe insulation, >1" diameter pipe Large office 8.6 Low pressure steam pipe insulation, >1" diameter pipe Light industrial mfg. 15.1 Measure Name 1 PG&E work paper PGECOHVC104 Pipe Insulation R5, June 2012 14.2.2 Measure Cost Table This table provides the incremental measure cost for hot water and steam pipes with an inside diameter of ≤1” and >1”. The cost is listed in dollars per linear foot of pipe. Measure Name Cost Hot water ≤1" pipe $6 Hot water >1" pipe $9 Low pressure steam ≤1" pipe $11 Low pressure steam >1" pipe $13 1 1 PG&E work paper PGECOHVC104 Pipe Insulation R5, June 2012 14-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM Gas Measures – Nonresidential Section 14 14.3 High Efficiency Commercial Gas Hot Water Heaters Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency hot water heater in a commercial application End use Domestic hot water Project eligibility Applicable to both retrofit and new construction. See Unit Efficiency Ratings Table for minimum efficiency requirements. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. See Energy Savings Table – varies based on unit type and size. All savings are listed as therms per MBtu/h of capacity. Incremental measure cost 1. 2. See Energy Savings Table – varies based on unit type and size. All costs are listed as total costs. EUL 1. Instantaneous water heaters – 20 years 2. Storage tank water heaters – 15 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types 1. 2. Natural replacement – code Dual baseline – early retirement Baseline description The baselines are the same as those listed in the DEER database. Baseline efficiency is determined by new 2013/2014 Title 24 standards which are 0.62 energy factor (EF) for instantaneous water heaters and 0.53 to 0.61 EF for storage water heaters, depending on size. For 2015 DEER standards will be raised to 0.82 EF for instantaneous water heaters and 0.60 to 0.74 EF for storage water heaters. Efficient case description 1. 2. Instantaneous water heaters with EF of 0.80, 0.82 and 0.85 Gas storage water heaters ranging in size from 30 to 75 gallons with EF of 0.65 and 0.70 1. 2. See TRM304 DHW Spreadsheet Savings for this measure were derived from figures contained within the 2011 DEER database. The DEER database contains savings for six building vintage categories (ranges of buildings by age) for every measure and building use type. For RUL values, the TRM spreadsheet combines the building vintage weights by 2 total installed square footage (California building stock data ) to produce a single weighted savings value for each water heater type. Savings are not split out by individual building type. RUL savings are calculated in the same manner as EUL savings using the DEER 2011 savings figures for the RUL period. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 3. Peak demand reduction N/A for gas measures Definitions Vintage = EF = Building age as indicated in DEER savings database. Energy factor – total annual energy efficiency of a unit including recovery efficiency, standby losses and cycling losses. Key Parameters Building type Determines the average hours of operation and internal building loads. Hot water heater unit size Total full-load heating capacity in MBtu/hr. Units are assumed to be properly sized with regards to capacity. Savings Estimation TRM ers 14-5 Section 14 Gas Measures – Nonresidential Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Determine if new unit will be replacing a functional unit or a failed unit. Verify that new unit meets minimum efficiency requirements. Verify that new unit is properly installed and commissioned. Important Notes New federal appliance standards raise the required hot water heater efficiency rating in April of 2015. Once the standards are in effect, the measure savings estimates are no longer applicable 1 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 2 Measure Quantification Methodology Statewide Savings and Cost, KEMA, December 6, 2009 14.3.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the ranges of savings values for each furnace type. Unit Size and Type Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.80 EF Natural Replacement Therms/MBtu/h 0.44 Dual Baseline – Early Retirement Therms/MBtu/h 2.42 Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.82 EF 0.89 2.88 Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.85 EF 1.57 3.55 Hot water heater, 30-gallon storage, 0.65 EF 1.19 1.57 Hot water heater, 30-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 1.55 1.93 Hot water heater, 40-gallon storage, 0.67 EF 1.42 1.58 Hot water heater, 40-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 1.57 1.73 Hot water heater, 50-gallon storage, 0.67 EF 1.37 1.40 Hot water heater, 50-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 1.50 1.52 Hot water heater, 60-gallon storage, 0.66 EF 1.43 1.43 Hot water heater, 60-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 1.57 1.57 Hot water heater, 75-gallon storage, 0.66 EF 1.48 1.71 Hot water heater, 75-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 1.59 1.82 14.3.2 Unit Efficiency Ratings The following table shows the efficiency ratings1 used in the DEER analysis, the minimum federal baseline efficiencies, and measure furnace efficiencies. New federal appliance standards, which go into effect on April 16, 2015, are also listed in the table. 14-6 ers Savings Estimation TRM Gas Measures – Nonresidential Section 14 Current Federal Stds (EF) Minimum Replacement Unit Efficiency (EF) 2015 Federal Stds (EF) Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.80 EF 0.62 EF 0.80 EF 0.82 EF Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.82 EF 0.62 EF 0.85 EF 0.82 EF Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.85 EF 0.62 EF 0.90 EF 0.82 EF Hot water heater, 30-gallon storage, 0.65 EF 0.61 EF 0.65 EF 0.63 EF Hot water heater, 30-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 0.61 EF 0.70 EF 0.63 EF Hot water heater, 40-gallon storage, 0.67 EF 0.59 EF 0.67 EF 0.62 EF Hot water heater, 40-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 0.59 EF 0.70 EF 0.62 EF Hot water heater, 50-gallon storage, 0.67 EF 0.58 EF 0.67 EF 0.60 EF Hot water heater, 50-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 0.58 EF 0.70 EF 0.60 EF Hot water heater, 60-gallon storage, 0.66 EF 0.56 EF 0.66 EF 0.59 EF Hot water heater, 60-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 0.56 EF 0.70 EF 0.59 EF Hot water heater, 75-gallon storage, 0.66 EF 0.53 EF 0.66 EF 0.56 EF Hot water heater, 75-gallon storage, 0.70 EF 0.53 EF 0.70 EF 0.56 EF Unit Size and Type 14.3.3 Measure Cost Table This table provides the incremental measure cost3. Unit Size and Type Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.80 EF Incremental Cost ($/MBtu/h) $77 Full Replacement Costs ($/MBtu/h) $122 Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.82 EF $77 $122 Hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.85 EF $77 $122 Hot water heater, 30-gallon storage, 0.65 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 30-gallon storage, 0.70 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 40-gallon storage, 0.67 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 40-gallon storage, 0.70 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 50-gallon storage, 0.67 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 50-gallon storage, 0.70 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 60-gallon storage, 0.66 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 60-gallon storage, 0.70 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 75-gallon storage, 0.66 EF $209 $330 Hot water heater, 75-gallon storage, 0.70 EF $209 $330 Savings Estimation TRM ers 14-7 Section 14 Gas Measures – Nonresidential 14.4 Ozone Laundry Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of an ozone generator on an existing or new nonresidential laundry facility. The addition of the ozone generator eliminates the need for bleach or detergents that require hot water during the washing process. The reduction in hot water usage results in less thermal load on the site’s boiler and reduces total site gas consumption. End use Heating – commercial laundry Project eligibility Applicable to both retrofit and new construction in the following facility types 1. Hotels with less than 250 rooms 2. Fitness or recreational sports centers Savings type UES Unit energy savings 39.3 therms per lbs of laundry capacity Incremental measure cost $75 per lbs of laundry capacity EUL 10 years 1 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Commercial laundry systems based on bleach and detergent cleaning requiring hot water supplied by a natural gas boiler. Natural gas boiler is assumed to operate at 80% efficiency. Laundry is assumed to be washed using hot water. Efficient case description Ozone generator which removes the need for the majority of hot water in the washing process. Hot water usage is assumed to be reduced by 86%. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Peak demand reduction 1 Savings estimates from IOU work paper based on the following inputs: 1. City water temperature = 60ºF 2. Hot water washing temperature = 135ºF 3. Boiler efficiency = 80% 4. Hot water reduction due to ozone system = 86% 5. Water heating energy = 0.00781 therms/gallon 6. Washer utilization factor = 4380 lbs laundry/unit 7. Hot water usage factor = 1.34 gallons N/A 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 = [(𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦) × (𝑊𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟) × (𝐻𝑜𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒)] × [1 − (𝐻𝑜𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛] Key Parameters Washer utilization factor Average total lbs of laundry cleaned per unit (based on survey results) Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. Verify that existing hot water is supplied by a natural gas boiler. 2. Ozone laundry system must transfer ozone into the water through venture injection or bubble diffusion. Important Notes N/A 1 PGE work paper PGECOAPP123 Ozone Laundry Nonresidential Revision #3 – 6/21/12 14-8 ers Savings Estimation TRM Gas Measures – Nonresidential Section 14 14.5 Steam Traps Measure Summary Information Measure description Replace a failed steam trap with a new steam trap. End use Heating – steam boiler, steam distribution system. Project eligibility Existing system retrofit. Applies to steam traps of any size. Savings type UES, semi-custom measure. Unit energy savings 119 therms per trap, or custom-calculated using the TRM402 steam trap savings calculator. Incremental measure cost $233 per trap EUL 6 years 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Efficient case description A new or rebuilt (new steam capsule) steam trap. The new steam trap can be thermostatic, mechanical, thermodynamic, or fixed orifice. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1 Savings estimates obtained from SCG work paper , and is based on the following assumptions: 1. 25% of the steam traps are line pressure traps and 75% are load (reduced pressure) traps. 2. Traps leak steam less often than system operates. 3. A number of traps will fail in the closed position (therefore no energy loss). 4. An 81% factor is used to account for traps failed in the closed position. 5. Heat exchanger load factor reduces stream trap losses. 6. The combined load factor/pressure factor is 21.4%. The TRM402 steam trap savings calculator can be used to determine more accurate, project-specific savings estimates. The calculator is designed to estimate savings for both replacement and repair of steam straps. Calculations are based on site steam system characteristics and steam trap size and type. Peak demand reduction N/A Definitions N/A Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Obtain a copy of any ultrasonic testing and mapping of failed steam traps, including information on steam trap pressure, steam trap type, location, and load/end use served. Verify the quantity of steam traps failed in the closed position. Verify quantity and type of new steam traps installed. Important Notes N/A 1 SCG work paper SCWP100310A, Revision 9, Deemed Program for Commercial Steam Traps, Aug. 2012 Savings Estimation TRM ers 14-9 Gas Measures ‒Residential 15 15.GAS MEASURES – RESIDENTIAL 15.1 High Efficiency Residential Furnace & Boiler Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency furnaces or boilers (85 – 96 AFUE) in either single- or multifamily homes. Not applicable for central boilers serving a multifamily dwelling. End use HVAC – CZ04 Project eligibility Furnaces must meet either CEE Tier 2 (92 AFUE) or Tier 3 (94 AFUE) requirements. Hot water boilers must meet ENERGY STAR requirements (85 AFUE). Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. Incremental measure cost 1. 2. EUL See Energy Savings Table – varies based on unit type and size as well as 1. building type All savings are listed as therms per kBtu/h of heating capacity (kBtu/h output). See Energy Savings Table – varies based on unit type and size as well as building type. 2 All costs are per kBtu/h of heating capacity. 20 years 3 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description 1. 2. 3. Efficient case description Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. Peak demand reduction The baselines are adjusted from those listed in the DEER database. Baseline furnace efficiency is determined by federal standards of 80% AFUE for units of less than 225,000 Btu/h. Baseline efficiency for boilers is 82% AFUE, per federal regulations. A summary of the baseline unit efficiency assumptions has been listed in the Savings Adjustment Table. Furnaces with AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) between 92% to 96% Boiler AFUE efficiency of at least 85% See TRM305 residential furnace spreadsheet. Savings for this measure were derived from figures contained within the 2011 DEER database. The DEER database contains savings for six building vintage categories (ranges of buildings by age) for every measure and building use type. Only multifamily and single-family types were used in the analysis. For RUL values, the TRM spreadsheet combines the building vintage weights by total installed square 2 footage (California building stock data from IOU work paper ) to produce a single weighted savings value. Specific DEER savings figures were not available for the boiler measure. The savings calculations assume that the heating load for the furnace and the boiler are the same for this measure. Savings are determined using heating loads and efficiency improvements from baseline to efficient case conditions. N/A for gas measures Definitions Vintage = AFUE = Savings Estimation TRM Building age as indicated in DEER savings database Annual fuel utilization efficiency ers 15-1 Section 15 Gas Measures – Residential Key Parameters Building type Determines the average hours of operation and internal building loads. HVAC unit size Total full-load heating capacity in kBtu/h. Units are assumed to be properly sized. Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Determine if new unit will be replacing a functional unit or a failed unit. Verify that new unit meets minimum efficiency requirements. Verify that new unit is properly installed and commissioned. Important Notes Unit savings are for CZ04. 1 PGECOHVC145 R0 execsumm.xls, PGE, June 16, 2012 2 PGECOHVC145 R0 execsumm.xls, PGE, November 15, 2012; Boiler pricing based on Internet research. Crown Boiler, 82% and 85% AFUE, 91,000 Btu/h 3 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 15.1.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the ranges of savings values for each furnace type. Energy Savings Therms per kBtu/h Output Unit Size and Type Residential furnace – 90% AFUE – single family 0.386 Residential furnace – 90% AFUE – multifamily 0.329 Residential furnace – 92% AFUE – single family 0.477 Residential furnace – 92% AFUE – multifamily 0.406 Residential furnace – 94% AFUE – single family 0.568 Residential furnace – 94% AFUE – multifamily 0.483 Residential furnace – 96% AFUE – single family 0.658 Residential furnace – 96% AFUE – multifamily 0.560 Residential hot water boiler – 85% AFUE – single family 0.069 Residential hot water boiler – 85% AFUE – multifamily 0.059 15.1.2 Unit Efficiency Ratings This table shows the efficiency ratings used in the DEER analysis, the minimum federal baseline efficiencies, and measure furnace efficiencies. Unit Size and Type DEER Baseline ‒ Federal Baseline – (AFUE) (AFUE) TRM Replacement Unit Efficiency (AFUE) Residential furnace – 92% AFUE 78 80 92 Residential furnace – 94% AFUE 78 80 94 Residential furnace – 96% AFUE 78 80 96 Residential hot water boiler – 80% AFUE N/A 82 85 15-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Gas Measures – Residential Section 15 15.1.3 Measure Cost Table This table provides the incremental measure cost. Measure Cost (per kBtu/h output) Unit Size and Type Residential furnace – 90% AFUE – single family $3.44 Residential furnace – 90% AFUE – multifamily $3.44 Residential furnace – 92% AFUE – single family $5.11 Residential furnace – 92% AFUE – multifamily $5.11 Residential furnace – 94% AFUE – single family $6.91 Residential furnace – 94% AFUE – multifamily $6.91 Residential furnace – 96% AFUE – single family $8.85 Residential furnace – 96% AFUE – multifamily $8.85 Residential hot water boiler – 85% AFUE – single family $6.59 Residential hot water boiler – 85% AFUE – multifamily $6.59 15.2 Domestic Hot Water Piping Insulation – Multifamily Recirculating System Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of insulation at least of ½ – ¾ inches thick on existing hot water pipes End use DHW Project eligibility Existing hot water pipes are uninsulated in multifamily central hot water systems with recirculation pumps. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 0.54 therms per year per linear foot of pipe Incremental measure cost $1 per linear foot EUL 11 years 1 1 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description Hot water pipe with no insulation Efficient case description Installation of insulation of ½ – ¾ inches thick Savings Calculation 1 Annual energy savings formula IOU work paper . The energy savings were calculated using the NAIMA’s 3E Plus V4.0 software. Peak demand reduction N/A Key Parameters Annual EFLH 2,641 hours per year Pipe parameters The pipe is assumed to be copper with a 1-inch pipe diameter Fluid temperature Hot water is assumed to be 120°F Insulation parameters Polyethylene foam insulation of ½ inch thickness or greater Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation N/A Important Notes N/A 1 SDG&E work paper WPSDGEREWH1203 Rev0 MF Multi-Family Pipe Wrap Central Recirculation Systems, June 2012 Savings Estimation TRM ers 15-3 Section 15 Gas Measures – Residential 15.3 Domestic Hot Water Heater Meeting CEE Efficiency Requirements Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a new high efficiency domestic hot water (DHW) heater in a residential application End use DHW – CZ04 Project eligibility 1. 2. 3. 4. Applicable for new construction or EUL replacement. Tank storage water heaters must be greater than 30 gallons in capacity. Gas storage and tankless water heaters must meet CEE Tier 1 or Tier 2 specifications and be ENERGY STAR certified. Electric storage water heaters must be greater than 30 gallons and have an EF of 0.93 or greater. Savings type UES Unit energy savings 1. 2. Incremental measure cost See Energy Savings Table – varies based on unit type and size. Total measure cost as well as incremental cost is listed. EUL 15 years See Energy Savings Table – varies based on unit type and size. All savings are listed as therms or kWh per year. 1 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – code Baseline description 1. 2. 3. 4. 2012 California Appliance Efficiency Standards (Title 20) Gas storage – 40 gallon storage tank, 0.594 EF Electric storage – 0.86 to 0.92 EF depending on size Gas instantaneous – 0.62 EF Efficient case description 1. 2. 3. Instantaneous water heaters with EF of 0.82 Gas storage water heaters with EF of 0.67, 0.80 & 0.90 EF Electric storage water heaters with EF ≥ 0.93 Annual energy savings formula 1. 2. See TRM209 residential hot water heater spreadsheet. Savings for this measure were derived using median daily water usage statistics 2 from LBNL studies as well as the DOE test procedures. Peak demand reduction Electric storage tank demand savings calculated using the appropriate CEC peak 2 demand correction factor. Savings Calculation Definitions Vintage = EF = Building age as indicated in DEER savings database. Energy factor – total annual energy efficiency of a unit including recovery efficiency, standby losses, and cycling losses. Key Parameters Median daily water use Average hot water usage for single-family homes Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation Verify that new unit meets minimum efficiency requirements. Important Notes Unit savings are for CZ04. 1 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 2 Hot Water Draw Patterns in Single-Family Houses: Findings from Field Studies, LBNL, June 2012 15-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM Gas Measures – Residential Section 15 15.3.1 Energy Savings Table This table provides the savings values for each heater type. Energy Savings, Therms per Year Unit Size and Type Gas hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.82 EF 47 Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.67 EF 23 Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.80 EF 52 Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.90 EF 68 Electric hot water heater, storage tank, 0.93 EF 165 15.3.2 Unit Efficiency Ratings The following table provides the energy factor (EF) efficiency ratings used for code baseline and replacement units. Code Baseline (EF) Unit Size and Type Replacement Unit (EF) Gas hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.82 EF 0.62 EF 0.82 EF Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.67 EF 0.59 EF 0.67 EF Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.80 EF 0.59 EF 0.80 EF Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.90 EF 0.59 EF 0.90 EF Electric hot water heater, storage tank, 0.93 EF 0.89 EF 0.93 EF 15.3.3 Measure Cost Table This table provides the incremental measure costs1 by heater type and efficiency rating. Unit Size and Type Incremental Cost Full Replacement Costs $1,807 $2,235 Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.67 EF $93 $521 Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.80 EF $93 $521 Gas hot water heater, storage tank, 0.90 EF $93 $521 Electric hot water heater, storage tank, 0.93 EF $72 $323 Gas hot water heater, instantaneous, 0.82 EF 1PGECODHW104 Gas Storage Water Heater work paper, Revision #3, July 2012, provides the weighted average cost for high efficiency water heaters based on DEER 2008 data. Savings Estimation TRM ers 15-5 Section 15 Gas Measures – Residential 15.4 Low-Flow Showerheads Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a low-flow showerhead which reduces total water flow by introducing air into the stream. This reduction in flow reduces the load on a home’s hot water heating system. End use DHW Project eligibility 1. Savings type UES Unit energy savings Electric water heater savings Single-family homes 2.0 gpm showerhead – 124.5 kWh Multifamily homes 2.0 gpm showerhead – 64.4 kWh 2. This measure is applicable to all residential households’ showerheads with a flow of 2.5 gpm or higher. Low-flow showerheads must reduce flow to 2.0 gpm or below. Showerhead must be supplied with hot water. 1 1 Gas water heater savings Single-family homes 2.0 gpm showerhead – 7.6 therms Multifamily homes 2.0 gpm showerhead – 7.1 therms Incremental measure cost Total measure cost – $45.96 EUL DEER 2011 – 10 years 2 Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions. Baseline description The Federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 requires that showerheads must use no more than 2.5 gpm. Efficient case description 1. 2. Showerheads with a total flow of 2.0 gpm. Low-flow showerhead must pass test procedure ANSI/ASME A112.18.1-2000, Section 5.5. Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula DEER deemed savings values which are based on non-weather sensitive 3 engineering calculations performed by the DEER team . Savings were calculated for the reduction from 2.5 gpm to 2.0 gpm. Peak demand reduction Electric water heater savings Single-family homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 0.027 kW Multifamily homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 0.014 kW Definitions N/A 1 Key Parameters N/A 15-6 ers Savings Estimation TRM Gas Measures – Residential Section 15 Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Ensure that existing faucets do not have an aerator installed or that the baseline faucet has a flow rate of 2.2 gpm or higher. Verify that faucet is attached to a hot water supply. Determine if home has gas or electric hot water heater. Important Notes There are studies that have indicated that, due to health concerns, manufacturers are moving away from low-flow devices that introduce air into the stream. The viability of this measure should be vetted in future updates. 1 PGE3PDHW116 Faucet Aerators Revision 0 – August 29, 2012 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 3 Database for Energy Efficiency Resources: 2011 Update. Itron, November 8, 2011 15.5 Faucet Aerators Measure Summary Information Measure description Installation of a faucet flow aerator that reduces total water flow by introducing air into the stream. This reduction in flow reduces the load on a home’s hot water heating system. End use DHW Project eligibility 1. 2. This measure is applicable to all residential households who have faucets with a flow of 2.2 gpm or higher. Aerators must reduce flow to 1.5 gpm or below. Faucet must be supplied with hot water. Savings type UES Unit energy savings Electric water heater savings Single-family homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 93.4 kWh 1.0 gpm aerator – 65.9 kWh 1.5 gpm aerator – 38.5 kWh Multifamily homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 48.3 kWh 1.0 gpm aerator – 34.1 kWh 1.5 gpm aerator – 19.9 kWh 1 Gas water heater savings Single-family homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 5.7 therms 1.0 gpm aerator – 4.0 therms 1.5 gpm aerator – 2.3 therms Multifamily homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 5.4 therms 1.0 gpm aerator – 3.8 therms 1.5 gpm aerator – 2.2 therms Incremental measure cost Total measure cost – $13.24 EUL DEER 2011 – 10 years Savings Estimation TRM 1 2 ers 15-7 Section 15 Gas Measures – Residential Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Applicable baseline types Natural replacement – preexisting conditions Baseline description The Federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 requires that all faucet fixtures manufactured in the United States restrict maximum water flow at or below 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm) at 80 pounds per square inch (psi) of water pressure or 2.2 gpm at 60 psi. Efficient case description Faucet aerators reducing flow to 0.5 gpm to 1.5 gpm Savings Calculation Annual energy savings formula Savings figures are based upon DEER deemed savings values which were formulated 3 using non-weather sensitive engineering calculations performed by the DEER team . Savings were calculated for a reduction from 2.2 gpm to 0.5 gpm. A linear regression was used to determine the savings for the 1.0 and 1.5 gpm aerator measures. Peak demand reduction Electric water heater savings Single-family homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 0.0205 kW 1.0 gpm aerator – 0.0145 kW 1.5 gpm aerator – 0.0085 kW Multifamily homes 0.5 gpm aerator – 0.0106 kW 1.0 gpm aerator – 0.0075 kW 1.5 gpm aerator – 0.0044 kW Definitions N/A 1 Key Parameters N/A Quality Assurance: Design, Installation, Commissioning, and Operation 1. 2. 3. Verify that existing faucets do not have an aerator installed or that the baseline faucet has a flow rate of 2.2 gpm or higher. Verify that faucet is attached to a hot water supply. Determine if home has gas or electric hot water heater. Important Notes Applicable to all climate zones 1 PGE3PDHW116 Faucet Aerators Revision 0 – August 29, 2012 2 DEER_EUL_Summary_10-1-2008.xls 3 Database for Energy Efficiency Resources: 2011 Update. Itron, November 8, 2011 15-8 ers Savings Estimation TRM Custom Measure Protocol 16 16.CUSTOM MEASURE PROTOCOL This section describes how program administrators can reliably estimate and document energy savings for custom measures. A custom measure is any measure not defined by this manual as either a unit energy savings measure or a semi-custom measure. In more general terms, a custom measure is defined as an energy-related project, action, equipment change, or system improvements that reduce energy consumption. 16.1 Baseline Use in Estimating Energy Savings In order to estimate energy savings, energy usage must be determined for both a baseline and an efficient-case condition. The baseline condition is an estimate of the future energy use that would have occurred in the absence of the installed measure. It is constrained by the available alternatives to installing the measure. Alternatives are often project-specific and may include “do nothing” or be limited by minimum code requirements or product availability. In practice, the pre-retrofit energy use is adjusted 3 to account for the alternative constraints and normalized for comparison to the efficient-case condition. The efficient-case condition is the energy consumption after the measure has been implemented. Energy savings are the difference between the baseline and efficient-case energy use. Often referred to as the adjusted baseline. In the context presented in this manual, adjusted baseline and baseline have the same meaning. 3 Savings Estimation TRM ers 16-1 Section 16 Custom Measure Protocol Figure 16-1 Baseline and Efficient Case Energy Use 16.1.1 Baseline Examples The following are examples of how pre-retrofit conditions are adjusted to determine the baseline energy use: Energy code baseline adjustment – The lighting fixtures in a warehouse are to be completely replaced with new energy efficient high-bay fixtures. Energy code requires fixture replacements to meet current code lighting power densities. Therefore, the baseline energy use is based on the existing fixtures or on the energy code requirements, whichever uses less energy. Federal regulations baseline adjustment – Lighting fixtures with T12 lamps will be retrofitted with high performance T8 lamps and new ballasts. Recent federal regulations have ceased the manufacturing of standard T12 lamps, such as the ones in the fixtures to be retrofitted. If the existing stock of T12 replacement lamps has been depleted, then T12 lamps are not a viable option. Therefore, the baseline energy use is based on a fixture lamp that meets federal regulations. The lamp choices would be either first-generation T8 lamps or code-compliant T12 lamps (high-efficacy T12 lamps made with rare-earth elements that meet federal regulations). Production rate baseline adjustment – An electric boiler at a manufacturing plant will be replaced with a new, energy efficient boiler with heat recovery. The existing boiler energy use is driven by the amount of product produced at the plant, which varies based on market demand. The baseline energy use is based on the existing boiler energy use per unit of product produced, which allows the projected baseline energy use to be compared to the efficient-case energy use. Current practice baseline adjustment – A plant is expanding and needs to replace a heat exchanger to meet its new capacity requirements. The existing two-stage heat exchanger is considered obsolete. The least-efficient heat exchanger available for purchase is a four-stage 16-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM Custom Measure Protocol Section 16 heat exchanger. Therefore, the baseline energy use is based on the use of a four-stage heat exchanger to meet the expanded capacity requirements. 16.1.2 Dual Baseline A dual baseline is used to properly assess a measure’s cost-effectiveness when more than one baseline is applicable over the life of the measure. In this scenario, the baseline energy use for the first baseline time period may be the preexisting conditions and is limited to the remaining useful life (RUL) of the preexisting equipment. The second baseline energy use is based on code or current practice, and its time period starts after the RUL time period ends and continues up to the effective useful life (EUL) of the measure. The energy savings benefit of the measure (used in cost-effectiveness tests) is based on the sum of the annual savings over the life of the measure. Note that annual energy savings in this context is not the same as first-year savings, which may be used for tracking program energy savings goals. For example, consider that a packaged AC unit is replaced with a more energy-efficient unit. The existing AC unit is 8 years old at the time of replacement, and its EUL is 15 years. The first baseline energy use is based on the existing AC unit’s efficiency and the calculated annual energy savings for this baseline is appropriate for the first 7 years (EUL minus the age of the unit) of lifecycle energy savings. The second baseline energy use is based on the current energy code efficiency requirements, and the calculated energy savings for the second baseline is appropriate for the last 8 years of life cycle energy savings 4. Figure 16-2 Dual Baseline Example It should be noted that the current version of the POU compliance reporting tool uses these two streams of energy savings values to determine an equivalent uniform annual energy savings value for reporting annual energy savings and not the first-year savings. 4 Savings Estimation TRM ers 16-3 Section 16 Custom Measure Protocol 16.2 Energy Savings Estimate Approach Custom measure energy savings can be estimated by using one of the three following approaches: 1. Modified unit energy savings – The program administrator uses the analysis methodology provided for a UES (or semi-custom) measure and adjusts project-specific parameters that differ from those specified for the measure. This is often the simplest approach, because the savings estimate methodology, assumptions, and key operating parameters are already documented. Only the project-specific changes need to be documented. 2. Unit energy savings from other credible sources – Credible sources of reliable savings estimate are those documented and vetted through peer engineering review or regulatory process. Examples of credible sources include: California DEER database, CPUCapproved IOU work papers 5, Regional Technical Forum (RTF) approved and provisional savings estimates and protocols, Efficiency Maine Technical Reference Manual, and the New York Department of Public Service Technical Reference Manual. Use of savings values from other credible sources should be confirmed to be current and the bestavailable source of savings estimation. The underlying assumptions, conditions, or other factors on which the savings estimates are based on should be verified as applicable for its intended use. Note that weather-sensitive measures from other regions may need to be adjusted for local climatic conditions. 3. Project-specific savings calculations – The program administrator estimates energy savings using generally accepted engineering calculations and methodologies. Or, the program administrator sets guidelines for program participants to provide energy savings estimates. In either case, the energy savings estimates should be consistent with the approach described in this section of the manual and fully documented. 16.3 Measure Description The custom measure description should be described in terms of what systems or equipment is affected, how the measure will be implemented, and how energy will be saved. Key assumptions or operating parameters should also be described. The description is summary in nature, and it is written so it clearly conveys all key aspects of the measure. The level of detail is contingent upon the measure’s complexity or its uniqueness. What systems or equipment are affected – Identify the system or equipment that will reduce its energy consumption after the measure is implemented. For example, the building’s central cooling plant utilizes two 25 hp chilled water supply pumps to deliver a constant flow of chilled water to multiple air handlers. Another example: The open office area is illuminated by recessed 4-foot, four-lamp T12 lighting fixtures. The lights are controlled by time clocks. Note that older versions (pre-2012) of IOU work papers or DEER data (pre-2011) may be obsolete and not representative of the best available energy savings information. 5 16-4 ers Savings Estimation TRM Custom Measure Protocol Section 16 How the measure will be implemented – Describe what actions are taken, what equipment is removed or installed, or what changes are made to the affected system. For the previous two examples: VFDs will be installed to control the speed of the two chilled water pumps, the air handlers’ three-way valves will be replaced by two-way valves, and new control algorithms will be programmed into the existing building automation system to vary chilled water flow based on zone cooling load. Or, for the lighting system example, the existing fixture T12 lamps and ballasts will be retrofitted with high performance T8 lamps and premium electronic ballasts. Two T8 lamps will replace four T12 lamps in each fixture. Occupancy sensors will be installed in the private offices. How the measure saves energy – Explain how implementing the measure brings about a reduction in energy use. For the HVAC example: By converting the chilled water flow from constant to variable flow, the chiller water pump speed will vary and therefore use less energy. For the lighting example: The new lamps and ballast require less power while maintaining space lighting levels. The private office occupancy sensors will reduce the lighting on-time by turning off lights when the office is unoccupied. Key assumptions and operating parameters – Identify the key assumptions or operating parameters that significantly affect the estimated energy savings. Often, these parameters are the focus of post-project evaluation efforts to verify reported energy savings. For the HVAC example: System trend data indicates the cooling system operates most of the time at part load, with the majority of operating hours at or near 50% of full load. For the lighting example: The building is occupied for more than 16 hours per day, resulting in more than 3,000 annual lighting operating hours. Although the private office lights have manual switches, building staff reported that the lights are never turned off. Occupancy light loggers were deployed and they confirmed that the lights are operating for extended periods when the offices are unoccupied. Examples of operating parameters – Examples include: hours of operation, occupancy schedules, production rates, variable or constant loads, automated control sequences (i.e., the boilers are shut off when the outside temperature is above 60°F), conditioned or unconditioned space, human interaction and behavioral influences, interactive effects, and equipment efficiency at full and part load. 16.4 Savings Calculation Methods To estimate energy savings, the baseline and efficient case energy use are estimated. The difference between the two is the measure energy savings. Annual energy savings are estimated using an engineering model or estimated/validated through measurement and verification. 16.4.1 Engineering Model Engineering models are generally one of two types: a spreadsheet model or a computer software model. The engineering model can be as simple a single equation utilizing applicable input parameters (i.e., difference in pre- and post-equipment efficiency multiplied by equivalent full load hours) or a more complex analysis that accounts for dynamic operating parameters Savings Estimation TRM ers 16-5 Section 16 Custom Measure Protocol and system interactions that affect energy use. A spreadsheet HVAC bin analysis, for example, can be constructed to account for variable cooling and heating equipment loads that correlate to outside weather conditions, production schedules, occupancy schedules, and/or operating schedules. Computer software simulation models are effective at modeling complex and dynamic building, equipment, or system interactions that affect energy use. 16.4.2 Model Transparency Engineering models are subject to review. For models submitted by the program participant, the program administrator must be able to review the savings estimates to ensure its validity. Models used by a program administrator to estimate program or project-specific measure savings are often subject to third-party review for the purposes of validating energy savings. To assure an engineering model’s savings estimate is valid and reliable, the model should be transparent and accessible to the reviewer. The savings algorithms for all calculations should be completely described and sufficient enough so that the reviewer can reproduce the saving estimate results. Equations in spreadsheet cells should be summarized (for each applicable group or category) and each equation constant or variable defined. Any values derived from external references or sources should be described. For complex models, a narrative should accompany the model to guide the reviewer through the analysis. Spreadsheet mega-formulas should be sufficiently described so that any reviewer can follow and confirm the formula logic. A mega-formula is a complex formula created by combining multiple formulas into a single formula, and it is characterized by the use of multiple embedded functions. Mega-formulas are very difficult, if not impossible, to decipher, so it is essential that a step-by-step breakdown of the formula be fully explained. 16.4.3 Measurement and Verification Where savings estimates are highly variable or uncertain, post-project M&V can be used to either validate energy savings or be the source of reported energy savings. Measurement and verification (M&V), as defined by the IPMVP 6, is the process of using measurements to reliably determine actual savings. There are a variety of methods defined by IPMVP for using measured data to estimate savings. They generally involve using measured data as input for engineering models (the measured data calibrates the engineering model to site-specific conditions) or as the basis of statistical models, such as a whole-building utility bill analysis. Statistical models can be used to estimate energy savings based on measured data that is correlated to key parameters that affect energy use, such as weather or production. In addition to the IPMVP, there are a variety of available resources that provide guidance on statistical modeling techniques. 7 M&V costs can quickly escalate, so use of M&V to validate energy savings should be used sparingly. 6 International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol For example, BPA regression guidelines, CPUC evaluation protocols, ASHRAE Guideline 14, CEC commissioning guidelines. See Section 14 – References. 7 16-6 ers Savings Estimation TRM Custom Measure Protocol Section 16 And where used, M&V costs should be minimized through the use of statistical sampling techniques. 16.5 Quality Assurance and Savings Validation Whether or not a custom measure will realize its savings potential is dependent upon the measure being properly installed, commissioned, and operating as predicted (in the savings analysis). The following approaches are used to ensure the measure is achieving, or is capable of achieving, energy savings. Pre-Implementation Documentation review – The measure should be properly documented, as described in the following section. The documentation should be examined to ensure that it is complete and that it provides all essential information for verifying savings estimates. Site pre-inspection and interviews – Site inspections may be conducted to verify preexisting conditions, quantities of measures, key operating parameters, equipment performance, and baseline assumptions in the measure documentation. Measured data collection – To address uncertainties regarding the performance of the measure or to confirm the validity of assumptions used in the baseline analysis, spot measurements, data trending (via data loggers or building control systems), or other performance tests may be conducted before the measure is implemented. Preimplementation measured data is also collected if required as part of an M&V approach to estimating savings. Post-Implementation Documentation retention – All program-required documents should be reviewed to ensure they are accurate and complete. All energy savings-related documentation should be retained for future savings validation or evaluation efforts. Site post-inspection and interviews – Site inspections and interviews may be conducted to verify that the measure was installed, commissioned, and operating as intended. Measured data collection – Spot measurements or data trending may be conducted to verify measure key operating parameters, or to meet the requirements of an M&V plan. Third-party evaluation – The measure may be evaluated as part of a program evaluation to verify energy savings. 16.6 Documentation Proper documentation of custom measures is essential for demonstrating the reliability of reported measure energy savings. A fully documented measure helps to ensure the measure is installed and operating as intended. It will also help optimize program evaluation efforts by providing evaluators with the necessary information that is needed to verify savings estimates. Savings Estimation TRM ers 16-7 Section 16 Custom Measure Protocol A fully documented measure consists of a measure description, energy savings summary, baseline description, savings calculations, and a summary of quality assurance activities. Table 16-1 provides a template for guiding program administrators through the documentation process. Table 16-1 Custom Energy Savings Measure Template Custom Energy Savings Measure Description Measure name Provide brief, but descriptive name. What systems or equipment are affected? Identify the systems or equipment that will use less energy. How will the measure be implemented? Describe what actions are taken, what equipment is removed or installed, or what changes are made to the affected system. How does the measure save energy? Explain how implementing the measure brings about a reduction in energy use. List of key assumptions and operating parameters Identify factors that significantly affect energy saving estimates. Energy Savings Summary kWh/yr savings Estimated annual energy savings kW peak demand reduction Demand reduction at the time of utility or CA grid peak demand. Therms/yr savings Natural gas measures. Measure EUL Cite source of EUL. Incremental measure cost Report only costs associated with measure implementation, or additional costs of more efficient unit compared to baseline unit. Baseline and Efficient Case Conditions Baseline type Natural replacement – code, current practice or preexisting, or dual baseline – early retirement Baseline description Pre-retrofit condition or adjusted baseline condition Efficient case description Post-retrofit condition Savings Calculations Approach Modified UES, reference to other credible source, engineering model, measured data (M&V) Savings equation(s) Savings formulas used in model, including a description of each equation parameter Quality Assurance and Savings Validation Pre-implementation activities Document as needed. Post-implementation activities Document as needed. M&V plan If M&V is required, all reports, data, and supporting information should be considered part of the measure documentation. 16-8 ers Savings Estimation TRM 17 References 17.REFERENCES The following resources were used in the development of this technical reference manual. ACEE Emerging Hot Water Technologies and Practices for Energy Efficiency as of 2011, Feb 2012. A Meta-Analysis of Energy Savings from Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2011. Advanced Power Strip Research Report, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), August 2011. ASD Calculator for Fan & Pump Applications, BPA – summary of information provided in "Flow Control," a Westinghouse publication, Bulletin B-851, F/86/Rev-CMS 8121. ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002 – Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings. California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research Program Technical Brief, “Energy Use of Household Electronics: Taming the Wild Growth,” September 2008. California Energy Commission CASE study: “Night Ventilation Cooling Compliance Option” September 2011 California Public Utilities Commission evaluation policy, reports, and protocols, Consortium for Energy Efficiency, various specifications. Consortium for Energy Efficiency, High Efficiency Residential Gas Water Heating Initiative, Mar 2008. Consortium for Energy Efficiency, High Efficiency Residential Gas Heating Initiative, Feb 2010. CL&P and UI Program Savings Documentation for 2008 Program Year, Connecticut Light & Power Company, September 2007. Database for Energy Efficient Resources, DesignLights™ Consortium Qualified Products List, Efficiency Maine Commercial Technical Reference Manual, December 2011. ENERGY STAR lists qualified LED fixtures and qualified screw-in LED lamps: ENERGY STAR room air conditioner calculator, Savings Estimation TRM ers 17-1 Section 17 References ENERGY STAR Room Air Conditioners Key Product Criteria, November 2012. ENERGY STAR Automatic Commercial Ice Maker Specifications, Version 2, Feb 2013. ENERGY STAR commercial equipment kitchen calculator, July 2011. ENERGY STAR appliance calculator, April 2013. Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance of RTF Savings Estimation Methods, July 2012, Regional Technical Forum. Hot Water Draw Patterns in Single-Family Houses: Findings from Field Studies, LBNL, June 2012. International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol, January 2012, Efficiency Valuation Organization, Lighting Research Program Project 5.1 Bi-Level Stairwell Fixture Performance, California Energy Commission, 2011. Massachusetts Technical Reference Manual for Estimating Savings from Energy Efficiency Measures, Massachusetts Electric and Gas Energy, October 2010. Measure Quantification Methodology Statewide Savings and Cost, prepared for Northern California Power Agency and Southern California Public Power Authority, KEMA, December 2009. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Analysis of Hot Water Heat Pumps, Technical Report # NREL/TP-5500-58594, July 2013. New York Standard Approach for Estimating Energy Savings from Energy Efficiency Programs, New York Department of Public Service, December 2008. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). Advanced Power Strip Research Report. August 2011 Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Regional Technical Forum, PG&E Food Service Technology Center. Regression for M&V: Reference Guide, Version 1, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), September 2011. Uniform Methods Project for Determining Energy Efficiency Program Savings, Office of the Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE), U.S. Department of Energy, 17-2 ers Savings Estimation TRM
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