SEATTLE SYMPHONY VOLUNTEER MANUAL REVISED March 21, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Seattle Symphony Volunteers (SSV) Standards Page 1 SSV Dues Page 1 Volunteer Opportunities Page 2 Artist Aides Page 3 Education/Soundbridge Page 4 Ushers Page 5 Fund-Raising Page 6 SSV Rules and Regulations Page 6 SSV Member Benefits Page 7 Complimentary Ticket Policy & Procedure Page 8-9 Seattle Symphony / Benaroya Hall Fact Sheet Page 10 Contact List Page 11 Emergency Procedures Page 12 Available Concert List Back cover SEATTLE SYMPHONY VOLUNTEER STANDARDS All members of the Seattle Symphony Volunteers are expected to understand and support the purpose, structure & policies of the Seattle Symphony (SSO), Benaroya Hall, and the Seattle Symphony Volunteers (SSV). All members will: ● Conduct self in accordance with the core values of the SSO and the SSV standards of conduct. Work cooperatively with the SSO staff in a manner that adds value to the Seattle Symphony Organization. ● Endeavor to represent the Symphony as community ambassadors who are members of a professional volunteer organization. ● Complete any interview or training required for each volunteer job. ● Perform assignments and responsibilities willingly and courteously. ● Comply with time and dress requirements of the SSO and Benaroya Hall. ● Obey all security and safety rules of the SSO and Benaroya Hall. ● Respect confidentiality of sensitive and proprietary information. VOLUNTEER DUES Volunteer Dues are set by the SSV Board of Directors in conjunction with the SSO management. Dues are collected annually for the SSO year beginning in September. The dues during the year 2013-2014 are as follows: Standard Annual Dues: $30 / year Seniors (62) or Students: $15 / year Contributing Member: $50 / year 1 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Artist Aides: Provide transportation to guest artists to/from the airport and from hotel to rehearsals and concerts. Recommendation from SSO staff or SSV member is required. Must have good driving history and clean vehicle in excellent condition. Must meet minimum insurance requirements and be able to lift a guest’s luggage. Interviews are conducted for these volunteer positions by the SSO Operations staff. Docents: Serve as Benaroya Hall tour guide for public tours. Requires one year SSV experience and a recommendation by an SSV member Education & Outreach: Assist with children and student programs like the Tiny Tots (newborn to age 5), Discover Music (ages 6-12), Soundbridge Presents Series (ages 3–6) , and Link Up (grades 3-5). September-June; Saturdays and a few weekdays. Friday Matinee Bus Greeters: Volunteers warmly greet and assist seniors arriving on buses from various senior communities. Friday Senior Matinees are held periodically throughout the season. Leadership Positions: Lead and/or assist with implementation of volunteer programs. Begin preparations for serving on the SSV Board of Directors. Weekly time commitment and dedication to SSO & SSV are necessary. Office Support: Provide essential office support to SSO and SSV staff during the workday; organize and maintain files; assist with mailings; input computer data; and help with other clerical functions. Weekdays. Special Events/Fund-Raising: Various projects require help from volunteers to address invitations, wrap gifs, decorate, pick up and deliver donated and purchased items at auctions and sales, etc. Symphonica: The Symphony Store. Actively promote sales, assist customers, work the register and tidy the shop. Training is required and provided. Evening and Weekend hours are available to volunteers. Ushers: Provide ushering service to supplement the paid usher staff for the Symphony and designated events at Benaroya Hall. Training is required and provided 2 ARTIST AIDES The Symphony’s Artist Aide program is a group of drivers who shuttle the guest soloists and conductors around. In existence since 1996, an Artist Aide (AA) is often the first person from the Symphony a soloist sees upon arrival in Seattle. Most of the drives are to and from the airport, although there is also some transport needed from downtown hotels. As incentive, each driver gets two comp tickets to concerts on the week of the drive, regardless of how many times during that week a volunteer drives. Also, volunteers get to meet and interact with soloists in person. Basic requirements are: • According to Washington State law, all passengers must wear seatbelts. • In accordance with the terms of the Symphony’s insurance covering AA’s, no guests of an AA (including spouses) are allowed in the car when driving artists. There are no exceptions. • Current personal vehicle insurance and a current Washington State driver’s license. • All AA’s must be able to carry and assist with luggage. • AA’s must maintain a good driving record without any serious violations. • Please respect Artist confidentiality. • Please refrain from using perfume or cologne. • Smoking is not allowed at any time an Artist is in the vehicle. • The AA should let the Artist set the tone in terms of conversation. Some Artists prefer to rest rather than talk. • Please dress in business or business casual attire, and maintain an orderly and clean vehicle interior. • Any drives outside of the Symphony’s rehearsal and/or performance schedule must be cleared with the Artistic Coordinator. The Human Resource Department requires these up-to-date documents for all AAs: 1) Copy of valid driver’s license 2) A consent form from the AA allowing HR to obtain a Motor Vehicle Record 3) Copy of proof of auto insurance coverage at a level of coverage of $100k per person/$300k per accident/$100k property, as displayed on the annual auto policy’s declaration page 4) Information on the model and year of the car to be used 3 VOLUNTEERING IN SOUNDBRIDGE Education/Soundbridge Volunteer Opportunities: The Education Department and its music lab, the Soundbridge, provide many opportunities for children and young adults to explore music and expand their music skills and knowledge. Volunteers provide staff and student support in a variety of ways. For the three concert series listed below, volunteers help with preconcert activities in the Grand Lobby; these usually include art projects, simple percussion instrument exploration, and books. More complex orchestral instruments are demonstrated by staff. Tiny Tots Music Series (birth to 4 years of age) featuring Let Your Music Shine with Lisa and Linda. Volunteers earn a ticket and have $4 discounted parking. Soundbridge Presents Series (ages 3–6) is designed as a first-time concert experience. Volunteers earn a ticket and have $4 discounted parking. Discover Music Concert Series (ages 6–12) brings musical concepts to life with the orchestra and guests. Volunteers earn a ticket and have $4 discounted parking. Soundbridge Open Houses are held every couple of months, and volunteers are needed to help host, help with instruments, and distribute information about classes. Volunteers earn hours toward a ticket. Soundbridge First Concert Series (presented in the Soundbridge) uses volunteers to welcome guests, assist with activities and answer questions. Volunteers earn hours toward a ticket. Symphony Open Rehearsals invite school groups to experience the conductor at work with the musicians. Volunteers escort groups to their seats, help maintain quiet, and assist with questions and supplies such as pencils and paper. Volunteers earn hours toward a ticket. Link Up Seattle Symphony is a new program started in 2013 that invites students in grades 3–5 to join the orchestra in a highly interactive and engaging program developed by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute. Students learn to sing and play the recorder, and perform the Link Up repertoire along with the Seattle Symphony, from their seats. Volunteers earn hours toward a ticket. Education Department Friday Matinee Support. Volunteers meet classes and accompany them to the preconcert lecture, often lunch, and the full concert, then help them back to the buses. Volunteers hear the full symphony concert. Volunteers also earn hours toward a ticket. 4 VOLUNTEER USHERS Volunteer Ushers assist the professional SSO usher staff during Seattle Symphony performances and other events at Benaroya Hall. Usher training is required and provided. The SSO Ushers welcome the volunteers’ assistance and Volunteer Ushers are assigned to work along with the paid usher staff. Volunteer Ushers supporting a Symphony performance at Benaroya Hall are expected to arrive on time (1½ hours prior to the scheduled performance) to attend and participate in the “Ushers Huddle.” Volunteers also stay following the program to help clean up the concert hall and participate in the ending “Ushers Huddle.” Volunteer Ushers must comply with a dress code that ensures the audience can identify an Usher from a distance, and can distinguish an Usher from another guest. The issue of attire will be discussed during training. ● Volunteer Ushers represent the Symphony in the same manner as paid Ushers. ● Volunteer Ushers work alongside paid ushers. ● They wear an usher badge and maintain a professional image at all times. ● They welcome the audience with a smile and treat them with respect and appreciation for attending the concert. ● They respond to questions when asked, and assist patrons answering questions. Benefits for Volunteer Ushers: • Parking in the garage is discounted to $4 during the shift. • One comp ticket for a future Symphony performance is awarded. • Volunteer Ushers are able to attend one-half of the performance in most instances, depending upon the program/duty assigned. SSV SPECIAL FUND-RAISING PROJECTS A VARIETY OF FUND-RAISING PROJECTS ARE SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTEERS TO RAISE MONEY FOR THE MUSICIANS, PLUS OTHER OCCASIONAL NEEDS DESIGNATED BY THE SYMPHONY STAFF. Some previous projects have included marketing specific items, for example, delivering poinsettia plants, which are sold in December. SSV volunteers made the deliveries using their own vehicles. 5 SSV RULES AND REGULATIONS Personal Appearance Standards: Attire and personal grooming affect the image volunteers present to patrons and visitors. Volunteers are expected to have a clean and neat appearance and to dress accordingly for the project they are assigned. Jeans, Tshirts, and clothing with large logos or slogans are not considered appropriate. Ushers must adhere to a specified dress code. Docents, speakers, education volunteers, and volunteers staffing Symphonica must wear more business-like attire suitable for interacting with Symphony guests. Commitment: Volunteers should have a sense of commitment to their work and view their responsibilities in much the same way as they would a paid position. Punctuality is extremely important! If a volunteer is unable to come in at the scheduled times, it is critical to contact the Scheduling Coordinator who assigned the position ASAP to possibly find a replacement. Emergency Contact Numbers: Each volunteer should provide the Symphony Office with the telephone number of a friend or relative to be contacted in case of emergency. Entrance to the Building: ● All volunteers must enter the building through the Artists’ Entrance on Second Avenue just south of Union Street (past the parking garage entrance) and check in at the Security Desk. They report to their Team Leader at a pre-arranged location, sign-in for duty, and pick up their name badge. At the end of the shift they sign-out, record the total hours worked, and return the name badge. ● Volunteers working in the Administration Office on the 5th floor, or the SSV office on the 4th floor, must go to the SSV office first, to sign in and pick up a badge, after entering through the Artists’ Entrance on Second Avenue. When leaving, they sign out, record total number of hours, and return badge at the 4th floor SSV office, before exiting through the Artists’ Entrance. NOTICE Volunteers must wear volunteer badges when assigned for any volunteer program. Volunteer badges must be returned at the end of the scheduled shift. 6 SSV MEMBER BENEFITS In addition to the symphonic experience and enrichment, SSV members also enjoy the following benefits: ● Annual Recognition Event: The Seattle Symphony Orchestra hosts a recognition event honoring the outstanding work the volunteers have done throughout the year. A limited number of tickets are provided to a concert at Benaroya Hall, with a reception following the concert. Other: Recognition processes with regards to cumulative hours contributed and specific volunteer successes are currently under review and revision. ● Newsletter: The SSV newsletter, Overture, is delivered four times a year via email and posted on Sharepoint to keep volunteers up-to-date about upcoming events and SSV news. ● Complimentary Tickets: One comp ticket is given for each 6 hours of volunteer time recorded for specific assignments. The hours that are counted vary dependent upon the assignment. Details about comp hours for specific activities will be provided to volunteers for those activities. See the Comp Ticket policy section for details. ● Travel Time of 1 hour is credited to volunteer work at Benaroya Hall for any 24hour period. This is automatically calculated by the hour recorder, who tracks hours at the end of each month. ● Wine and Wisdom Event: These occasional SSV member-only events are an opportunity for volunteers to meet with each other in a party atmosphere. An educational speaker or musician gives a short program for volunteer enrichment, and wine and food are served buffet style. Locations vary to complement the program. ● 15% discount on individual Symphony tickets when presenting the SSV Membership card to the Ticket Office agent at time of purchase. ● 15% discount at Symphonica when presenting the SSV Membership card. ● Opportunities to work behind-the-scenes, engaging with musicians and staff. ● Invitations to attend special SSV member-only events. 7 COMPLIMENTARY TICKET POLICY AND PROCEDURES SSV members may request comp tickets for certain concerts as designated by the Symphony. A list of these concerts is distributed to volunteers at the beginning of each season. A maximum of 15 tickets are available for volunteer seats per concert. Each volunteer may request a maximum of 4 tickets per concert. Generally, a comp ticket is awarded for every 6 hours of volunteer duty, unless an activity itself (for example, ushering) qualifies for a comp ticket regardless of the number of hours required. Comp hours and tickets accumulated between September 1 and March 31 of any symphony season are valid through August 31 of that season. Comp hours and tickets accumulated between April 1 and August 31 of any symphony season are valid through August 31 of the following season. All volunteer hours are recorded, and are of significant value to the symphony in support in its applications for grants. All volunteer hours are greatly appreciated and applied towards recognition awards. Procedure to request a comp ticket: Request the comp tickets from the SSV office: ● E-mail the volunteer office at no more than 30 days and no less than 14 days prior to the concert date. All requests should be submitted by email. This allows both parties to have the information in case the request is lost. ● The SSV office will secure the tickets (if available) through the Ticket Office. ● The SSV office will send confirmation via e-mail to the requesting volunteer. ● Should a concert subsequently sell out, comp tickets might have to be rescinded. ● Tickets will be picked up at the Ticket Office Will Call window. ● If a volunteer is unable to attend the concert, they should contact the Ticket Office at 206.215-4747 or SSV Office at 206.215.4867 to cancel. ● If further information is needed, volunteers may contact the SSV office at 206.215.4867. Volunteers supporting a SSO/BH concert may attend the concert under the following circumstances: ● SYMPHONICA store volunteers may attend the concert if they are working before the concert, during intermission, and after the concert. ● Volunteer Ushers may attend half of the concert as assigned by the Head Usher. ● Other volunteer positions may be offered seating during the concert, provided there is seating available If so, a ticket is required and will be provided by the Coordinator or Head Usher. 8 COMP TICKET MATRIX COMP HOURS COUNT TOWARD FUTURE TICKET COMP TICKET AWARDED for FUTURE EVENT Artist Aide No 2 for only that series Discover Music No Yes Docent Yes No Fri. Matinee Bus Greeter Yes No Event attendance required Fri. Matinee Ed. Dept. Aide Yes No Event attendance required Linked Up Yes No Marketing Assistance Yes No Office Work Yes No Open Rehearsal Yes No SoundBridge In-House Support Yes No SoundBridge Presents No Yes Special Events (i.e., HMS) Yes No SSV Board Work Yes No Symphonica Yes No Concert if time allowed Tiny Tots No Yes Discounted Parking Usher (other event, i.e.,SAL) Yes No Event attendance required Volunteer Usher No Yes Discounted Parking & ½ concert EVENT 9 OTHER Loading Dock for concert drive Discounted Parking Discounted Parking Event attendance required Discounted Parking SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FACT SHEET The volunteers serving the Seattle Symphony Orchestra (SSO) and Benaroya Hall have many occasions to interact with the public, and we want everyone to be able to talk about our symphony and its home at Benaroya Hall. This fact sheet may be helpful. SSO Mission Statement: To present symphonic music of the highest quality in a distinctive way for the cultural enrichment, education, engagement and enjoyment of the people locally, nationally and internationally. Symphony Director: Simon Woods, Executive Director Music Director: Ludovic Morlot is Music Director of the Seattle Symphony. He became the Music Director at the start of the 2011-2012 season. He is assisted by: • Jeff Tyzik, Principal Pops Conductor • Stilian Kirov, Associate Conductor • Joseph Crnko, Associate Conductor for the Seattle Symphony Choral • Gerard Schwartz, Conductor Laureate Musicians: The SSO consists of 84 full-time musicians, and all are members of the Seattle Symphony and Opera Players’ Organization, a chapter of the International Guild of Symphony, Opera and Ballet Musicians. Benaroya Hall opened on September 12, 1998: • The S. Mark Taper Foundation Auditorium (capacity 2,500) • The Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall (capacity 536) Interesting facts: • The SSO performs more than 200 concerts each year: 315,000 attendees. • The SSO Annual budget is $24 million. • The SSO is one of the largest orchestras in the U.S. • The Watjen Concert Organ has 4,490 pipes and 83 stops. 10 CONTACT LIST Seattle Symphony Volunteers PO Box 21906 Seattle, WA 98111 SSV Office: 206. 215.4867 Board of Directors President: Carole Rush, Treasurer: Rich Andler, Secretary: Carmen Spofford, Immediate Past Co-Presidents: Rich Andler and Linda Stevens Past President: Isa Nelson, Past President: Marilyn Morgan, SSV Policies Coordinator: Gaile Gray, Membership: Rich Andler. Education, Soundbridge: Shirley Jenkins, Ushers: Bill Messecar, Member Events: Pat Danz, Friday Matinee: Carole Rush, Artist Aides: Carole Rush, Volunteer Office Managers: Frank Powers, & Raemarie Duclos, Library: Raemarie Duclos, Newsletter: Dolores Palomo, Docent Tours: Gaile Gray, Fundraising: Linda Stevens, Time Records: Ted Lundberg, Comp Tickets: Frank Powers, 11 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, DO THE FOLLOWING: • Always take care of yourself first ● Don’t worry about money or other people – staff is in place to deal with that ● Ushers in green jackets will also help ● Dial “9” to get an outside dial tone. Example: 9-911 ● Dial “0” for security from any internal phone (not pay phones) IF YOU HEAR THE BUILDING FIRE ALARM: ● Be alert, and evacuate the building via the designated fire exits • Do not attempt to use the elevators; use stairs only ● When “all clear” sounds, the fire hazard has subsided; resume normal activity. EARTHQUAKE: DURING AN EARTHQUAKE ● Drop, Cover and Hold: ● If indoors, stay indoors. Take cover under a desk or sturdy piece of furniture. ● Hold on until the shaking stops. ● Move away from windows, brace yourself. Protect your head and neck. ● Do not use elevators. AFTER AN EARTHQUAKE ● After shaking stops, all staff and patrons should seek refuge in the Taper Auditorium (the safest refuge in the building.) ● Check for injuries. Do not use telephones. Avoid unstable areas. ● Be prepared for aftershocks. Once again, drop, cover and hold. INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTING: ● Assault of staff or visitor – Contact both Security and Police immediately, and provide a clear description of the incident and suspect. ● Escort – Contact Security. Escorts are always available from Security ● Lost and Found Items – Check at Security Desk. ● Suspicious Behavior – Contact Security. Report suspicious behavior and be prepared to give a detailed description of the suspect. EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: BUILDING DIRECTOR 215-4802 THEATER OPERATIONS MGR 215-4803 SECURITY 215-4715 ENGINEERING 9-336-6620 9AM-6PM MON-FRI SEATTLE FIRE DEPARTMENT 9-911 12 24 HOURS/DAY 24 HOURS/DAY NOTES
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